–akis“nuk First Nation Page 1 Community Newsakisqnuk.org/home/newsletter/1278013070.pdfBoot camp...

July 5 to 16, 2010 Page 1 –akis“nuk First Nation Community News Coming events at the –akis“nuk First Nation Monday, July 5: Boot camp graduation, 2 p.m. at St. Eugene Mission. Steven Point, Lieutenant Governor of B.C. and for- mer Chief of the Skowkale First Nation will be on hand. Quentin Nicholas and his fellow graduates will get to shake Mr. Points hand. Congratulations to Ram- page and all the grads from Dusty. You guys rock. Wednesday, July 14 and Thursday July 15: KNC AGA at Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Summer Program: For children begins July 12 and goes Mondays and Thursdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. until August 27. Happy birthday: July 5 to Janice Alpine, July 7 to Lloyd Nicholas, July 8 to Milly Stevens, July 9 to Linda Michel, July 12 to Langdon Nicholas, John (Doc) Nicholas, and Wilbur Nicholas, July 19 to Pre- cious Nicholas. Staff absences: Dusty Dehart (Ktunaxa Child and Family) is away from July 5 to 13. The following were presented with awards at the –akis“nuk school year end celebration at the Band hall, June 23: Windermere Elementary Bobby, Justin, Lance, Tristan, Wolf- gang, and Langdongood attendance award. All of these students missed less than 10 days total last school year. Zyzaria was aca- demically and socially most improved, Dakota won for reading. Wolf- gang won for story writ- ing, Bobby won for math, Langdon won for science, Justin won for reading and spelling, Jordan won for math, Lance won for science, Tristan won for math, Quentin won for leader- ship and P.E., Fiona won for art. -See awards on page two Marie Skidmore, Band Administrator is away July 26 to August 6. Adrian Bergles, communi- cations coordinator, is away July 26 to 30. Morigeau Family reunion: On July 31st and August 1st we are holding a Morigeau Family Reunion at the Lion's clubhouse in Invermere. We are looking for relatives, pictures or stories and we are trying to find the cross that was erected by Father DeSmet in 1845. We are also look- ing for the Plains of the Na- tivity where it was put up, as Health Fair Councillor Beatrice Stevens was one of the many guests that attended the health fair at –akis“nuk on June 24. All kinds of exhibits were organized and guests could do things like get their blood sugar measured and their blood pressure checked. There was a lot of health information presented and everyone learned a lot. Thanks to the –akis“nuk health de- partment, the community nurses, and everyone who helped put on this suc- cessful event. we have found three different locations. Any information is helpful. I, Deb Morigeau, am Martin Morigeau's great-niece. There is more information on the Morigeau Family Reun- ion group on Facebook. Or I can be contacted at 250-497- 8617. Thank you. Golf passes: Golf passes to St. Eugene Mission are available. To get a set of two visit Adrian at the office and tell him the Ktunaxa word for July. Hint: its at the top of this page. Supply is limited. First come, first served. Kuku S“umu School yearend

Transcript of –akis“nuk First Nation Page 1 Community Newsakisqnuk.org/home/newsletter/1278013070.pdfBoot camp...

Page 1: –akis“nuk First Nation Page 1 Community Newsakisqnuk.org/home/newsletter/1278013070.pdfBoot camp graduation, 2 p.m. at St. Eugene Mission. Steven Point, Lieutenant Governor of

July 5 to 16, 2010

Page 1 –akis“nuk First Nation Community News

Coming events at the –akis“nuk First Nation Monday, July 5: Boot camp graduation, 2 p.m. at St. Eugene Mission. Steven Point, Lieutenant Governor of B.C. and for-mer Chief of the Skowkale First Nation will be on hand. Quentin Nicholas and his fellow graduates will get to shake Mr. Point’s hand. Congratulations to Ram-page and all the grads from Dusty. You guys rock. Wednesday, July 14 and Thursday July 15: KNC AGA at Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Summer Program:

For children begins July 12 and goes Mondays and Thursdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. until August 27. Happy birthday: July 5 to Janice Alpine, July 7 to Lloyd Nicholas, July 8 to Milly Stevens, July 9 to Linda Michel, July 12 to Langdon Nicholas, John (Doc) Nicholas, and Wilbur Nicholas, July 19 to Pre-cious Nicholas. Staff absences: Dusty Dehart (Ktunaxa Child and Family) is away from July 5 to 13.

The following were presented with awards at the –akis“nuk school year end celebration at the Band hall, June 23:

Windermere Elementary — Bobby, Justin,

Lance, Tristan, Wolf-gang, and Langdon—good attendance award. All of these students missed less than 10 days total last school year. Zyzaria was aca-demically and socially

most improved, Dakota won for reading. Wolf-gang won for story writ-ing, Bobby won for math, Langdon won for science, Justin won for reading and spelling, Jordan won for math,

Lance won for science, Tristan won for math, Quentin won for leader-ship and P.E., Fiona won for art.

-See awards on page two

Marie Skidmore, Band Administrator is away July 26 to August 6. Adrian Bergles, communi-cations coordinator, is away July 26 to 30. Morigeau Family reunion: On July 31st and August 1st we are holding a Morigeau Family Reunion at the Lion's clubhouse in Invermere. We are looking for relatives, pictures or stories and we are trying to find the cross that was erected by Father DeSmet in 1845. We are also look-ing for the Plains of the Na-tivity where it was put up, as

Health Fair

Councillor Beatrice Stevens was one of the many guests that attended the health fair at –akis“nuk on June 24.

All kinds of exhibits were organized and guests could do things like get their blood sugar measured and their blood pressure checked.

There was a lot of health information presented and everyone learned a lot. Thanks to the –akis“nuk health de-partment, the community nurses, and everyone who helped put on this suc-cessful event.

we have found three different locations. Any information is helpful. I, Deb Morigeau, am Martin Morigeau's great-niece. There is more information on the Morigeau Family Reun-ion group on Facebook. Or I can be contacted at 250-497-8617. Thank you. Golf passes: Golf passes to St. Eugene Mission are available. To get a set of two visit Adrian at the office and tell him the Ktunaxa word for July. Hint: it’s at the top of this page. Supply is limited. First come, first served.

Kuku S“umu

School yearend

Page 2: –akis“nuk First Nation Page 1 Community Newsakisqnuk.org/home/newsletter/1278013070.pdfBoot camp graduation, 2 p.m. at St. Eugene Mission. Steven Point, Lieutenant Governor of

Page 2 –akis“nuk First Nation Community News

–akis“nuk First Nation 3050 Highway 93/95,

Windermere, B.C. V0B 2L2

(250) 342-6301

This newsletter is pub-lished by Adrian Bergles,

Communications Coordinator,

–akis“nuk First Nation

Your thoughts are wel-come. If you have a story

you’d like to put in the newsletter or anything

for Adrian to add, email [email protected]

Get your newsletter

online at: www.akisqnuk.org

Support the Ktunaxa Economy!

Most Ktunaxa citizens make all their purchases outside their own com-munities because there aren’t Ktunaxa-owned businesses on their re-serve.

Money spent outside Ktunaxa communities contributes to the well-being of others and not to the Ktunaxa.

This feeds the cycle of dependency on other communities and other levels of government.

In order to build a Ktu-naxa economy it is vital to support community-based entrepreneurs and businesses.

To keep money in the community use Ktunaxa goods and services whenever you can!

D.T.S.S.: Skyla Sam won outstanding achievement in all sub-jects. Cheyenne Jimmy won for social studies, health and careers, P.E., and math. Felix Capilo won for English and Planning, and also re-ceived the highest mark in Ktunaxa 101. Tina Shovar is on the honour roll and is the first ever Ktunaxa to participate in the Rotary exchange pro-gram. Tina is going to France next school year. Alisha Jimmy won for outstanding art, textiles, math, B.C. First Nations 12, and got and A+ in Ktunaxa 101. Dorell Shovar got an A in Ktu-

naxa 101 and won for woodwork, P.E., and art. Faro Burgoyne won for snowboarding, English, law and was the only –akis“nuk grad this year. Faro graduated a year and a half ahead of schedule.

Adult basic education began on May 3 at –akis“nuk and 12 stu-dents have come through the door. The people that have come the most are Glynda Joseph, Carlee Joe, Elizabeth Nicholas, Peter Stevens, Linda Mi-chel, and Danny Pascal.

Also honoured were post secondary students Angela Semple, an Eng-

lish major and F.N. stud-ies minor at Simon Fraser university, Patricia Zerr, a bachelor of social work student with a specializa-tion in child welfare at Thompson Rivers Univer-sity, David Bach, A politi-cal science student at the University of Calgary who hopes to become a law-yer, Teresa Kains, who recently completed her graphic design diploma, and Melanie Sam, a graduate of the University of Lethbridge with a bachelor of management degree.

Congratulations for a successful year to all the students of the –akis“nuk First Nation.

Awards continued form page one

Clockwise from top centre:

This statue was unveiled at the Cranbrook airport on June 21, Na-tional Aboriginal Day as a symbol of reconciliation. It is a rendering of a Ktunaxa-style

Canoe carried by six fig-ures. Photo by Wilf Teneese.

Bottom right:

Children at the Little Badger Early Learning Centre on the –akis“nuk First Nation water the po-tato garden they planted back in May. Photo cour-tesy Maxine Hawes.

Bottom Left:

Children at the Little Badger Early Learning Centre dance around a newly-planted tree in the learning cen-tre playground. Photo courtesy Maxine Hawes.

Page 3: –akis“nuk First Nation Page 1 Community Newsakisqnuk.org/home/newsletter/1278013070.pdfBoot camp graduation, 2 p.m. at St. Eugene Mission. Steven Point, Lieutenant Governor of

Application For Recreation Funding Akisqnuk First Nation

Individual Funding ________ Group Funding ________ CONTACT INFORMATION:

Individual/Group Name: ___________________________________________ Address to be contacted at: __________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Telephone #: ___________________________________________

Supervisor/Driver: ___________________________________________ FUNDING REQUEST:

Cost Breakdown:

Meals ______________ Gas/mileage ______________

Accommodations ______________

Registration fees ______________

Other ______________

Total Cost: __________________________________________

Amount being requested: __________________________________________ Your Contribution: __________________________________________

Page 4: –akis“nuk First Nation Page 1 Community Newsakisqnuk.org/home/newsletter/1278013070.pdfBoot camp graduation, 2 p.m. at St. Eugene Mission. Steven Point, Lieutenant Governor of

-2- OTHER INFORMATION REQUIRED: Who are the funds for: (if a group please list participants) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Where the event will be held: ________________________________________________________________________ Dates the event will be held: ________________________________________________________________________ • Chief and Council will review all requests over $500.00 • Akisqnuk First Nation reserves the right to refuse, approve in part or in whole any application

Page 5: –akis“nuk First Nation Page 1 Community Newsakisqnuk.org/home/newsletter/1278013070.pdfBoot camp graduation, 2 p.m. at St. Eugene Mission. Steven Point, Lieutenant Governor of

–Akis“nuk First Nation Amended June 22, 2010 Recreation Policy Approved April 5, 2004


The purpose of this policy is to give all AFN members fair and equitable access to recreation funding, and to assist families where there is a need. It is part of the mission of the Akisqnuk First Nation to promote the well being of its members, therefore feel it is important to provide recreational opportunities, as an avenue to promote healthy choices and individual well being. This policy will guide all programs of the Band that offer recreational assistance, including Social Development.


This policy shall be in effect from August 1, 2002, as approved by Chief and Council, and as amended by Chief and Council from time to time.


These policies and procedures will be reviewed on an annual basis, by the Band Administrator. Any changes will be recommended for consideration and ratified by Chief and Council.


All applicants shall complete the attached application form, and submit it to the Band Administrator two weeks prior to activity.


• Only applicants committing to contribute a personal portion will be considered. • Specific amounts being requested do not necessarily mean the whole amount will


ASSISTANCE, OVER $ 500.00. • The Band Administrator will approve applications up to $500.00 • Requests made by an individual who owes money to the Band, and has not set up

a re-payment plan, will not be considered. • Application must include;

Name of applicant Who the cheque is to be made out to Where other funds are coming from Clearly indicate applicants contribution

Page 6: –akis“nuk First Nation Page 1 Community Newsakisqnuk.org/home/newsletter/1278013070.pdfBoot camp graduation, 2 p.m. at St. Eugene Mission. Steven Point, Lieutenant Governor of

–Akis“nuk First Nation Amended June 22, 2010 Recreation Policy Approved April 5, 2004

Donation: The Band determines to provide funding without an application/request being submitted. Contribution: The Band agrees to provide funding, in part or in whole, to an individual or group as per the application process.



• The Band’s Recreation program will pay for member under the age of 18, who is still attending school depending on funds available.

• Registration fees will be paid for one sport/activity per child per season. • Individuals requesting dollars will be eligible for a maximum of $750.00 per fiscal

year. • All rentals, equipment and uniforms are the responsibility of the parent and/or

guardian. • Parents and/or Guardians must make every effort to contribute to their child’s

activities. • Extra Curricular activities – activities taken part in after school such as

basketball, volleyball, etc. These activities will be reimbursed on a case by case basis. It is preferred that one application be completed, estimating the cost for the entire season. The Aboriginal Support Workers have their own application forms, which will be accepted by the Band.


• A contribution may be made to a team and/or individual after a request is made in writing stating why a contribution is necessary and will be based on funds available.

• Group or Individual must clearly identify their contribution when requesting funding.

In the event that applicants under this fund fails to complete their program, or does not attend their function, the Akisqnuk First Nation reserves the right to demand repayment for non-attendance. Non Repayment will restrict eligibility for future funding.


Approved Applicants will be contacted by telephone, upon the decision being made by either the Band Administrator or the Chief and Council. A cheque will be made in accordance with the Akisqnuk First Nation’s Cheque processing procedures.


Page 7: –akis“nuk First Nation Page 1 Community Newsakisqnuk.org/home/newsletter/1278013070.pdfBoot camp graduation, 2 p.m. at St. Eugene Mission. Steven Point, Lieutenant Governor of

–Akis“nuk First Nation Amended June 22, 2010 Recreation Policy Approved April 5, 2004

Non approved applicants will be notified in writing, stating the reasons for declination.

In the event that an individual or group feel that they were denied funds unjustly, they may submit their grievance in writing to the Band Administrator, within 14 days. The Band Administrator will be compelled to try and resolve it. In the event a resolution can not be reached, the grievance will be brought to the next regularly scheduled Council meeting. The Council’s decision is final and binding.


Page 8: –akis“nuk First Nation Page 1 Community Newsakisqnuk.org/home/newsletter/1278013070.pdfBoot camp graduation, 2 p.m. at St. Eugene Mission. Steven Point, Lieutenant Governor of

Thank Youto everyone who helped make

National Aboriginal Day Festival a success!

3046 HWY. 93/95, Windermere, BC • 250 342 4409

Akisqnuknik Development Corporation