AAA-Is Islam a Trojan horse or Fifth column'for Western societies

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence CdW Intelligence to Rent - C de Waart – Senior Strategic Intelligence Adviser Is Islam a 'Trojan horse' or 'Fifth column' for Western societies? Authors note: for years if not decades asking the question: Is Islam a 'Trojan horse' or 'Fifth column' for Western societies was equal to political suicide. Or reason for those asking had been brought to court. Today it seems triggered by the recent attacks, conducted in Paris, Nov 13, in Beirut, Nov 12 and many more places as a result the west brought the discussion is out in the open. And not only in Europe, but also the US, and even Muslims (some although) say: there’s a “genuine problem with Muslims in Europe.” For the Muslim community again as seen after the US 9/11 attacks: Good peaceful Muslims need to be loud and clear on their opposition to the thugs and the terrorists in their religion. So far, I am nearly deafened by the silence. In a misplaced and lack of vision reaction to the attacks, a number of European politicians have seized the opportunity to warn against accepting any more people fleeing from war and persecution in Muslim-majority countries. Addressing the question” Is Islam a 'Trojan horse' or 'Fifth column' for Western societies”, this paper is in no way intended to contribute to anti-refugee rhetoric discussion, the spread of hate against Muslims communities and especially not those Muslim refugees escaping terror at home entering Europe. Sadly Far- right politicians call for borders to be sealed in The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston Churchill CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 1 of 49 05/07/2022

Transcript of AAA-Is Islam a Trojan horse or Fifth column'for Western societies

Page 1: AAA-Is Islam a Trojan horse or Fifth column'for Western societies

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

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C de Waart – Senior Strategic Intelligence AdviserIs Islam a 'Trojan horse' or 'Fifth column' for Western societies?

Authors note: for years if not decades asking the question: Is Islam a 'Trojan horse' or 'Fifth column' for Western societies was equal to political suicide. Or reason for those asking had been brought to court. Today it seems triggered by the recent attacks, conducted in Paris, Nov 13, in Beirut, Nov 12 and many more places as a result the west brought the discussion is out in the open. And not only in Europe, but also the US, and even Muslims (some although) say: there’s a “genuine problem with Muslims in Europe.” For the Muslim community again as seen after the US 9/11 attacks: Good peaceful Muslims need to be loud and clear on their opposition to the thugs and the terrorists in their religion.  So far, I am nearly deafened by the silence. In a misplaced and lack of vision reaction to the attacks, a number of European politicians have seized the opportunity to warn against accepting any more people fleeing from war and persecution in Muslim-majority countries. Addressing the question” Is Islam a 'Trojan horse' or 'Fifth column' for Western societies”, this paper is in no way intended to contribute to anti-refugee rhetoric discussion, the spread of hate against Muslims communities and especially not those Muslim refugees escaping terror at home entering Europe. Sadly Far-right politicians call for borders to be sealed in wake of Paris assaults amid growing fears for refugees' plight, or far-right groups utilizing the western populations fear factor the conduct anti Muslim attacks, etc. Or to ignite arson attacks against refugee centres; as we have seen or other types of attacks against them: as they – not all – are victim of the Islamic Salafist Ideology and terror occurring in their countries of origin. The risk is already there that the fortress Europe will close borders, or harsh movement restrictions, or quota’s will be imposed hindering the movement of flow of refugees. Fear can and may not dictate our thought, so lets have a open mind to the question and discussion. The warnings have added to fears that the plight of refugees would worsen after reports that one of the Paris attackers was carrying a Syrian passport - a connection that has not yet been proven. Quickest to react to the events in Paris, in terms of attempting to stop the flow of refugees, was Poland.

While Lebanon and Turkey host the largest number of Syrian refugees, an estimated 500,000 refugees escaping the Syrian conflict - more than half of them women and children - have arrived in Europe this year, according to the International Organization for Migration.

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

“This is no longer just a ‘refugee crisis.’ This is a Hijrah.” Hijrah is the Islamic doctrine of migration, which is a form of stealth jihad. The "Islamic" duty to "struggle" for an "Islamic state." “Just wait,” “It’s our dream that there should be a caliphate not only in Syria but in all the world and we will have it soon, God willing.”

Dr. Mudar Zahran, a Jordanian Palestinian academic and a leader of the Jordanian Opposition Coalition who is currently living in the United Kingdom, where he sought political asylum. Describing himself as an “orthodox Muslim,” he nonetheless says there’s a “genuine problem with Muslims in Europe” and calls the current wave of migrants entering the continent “the soft Islamic conquest of the West.” Keep the Muslim “refugees” out of Europe.

Introduction. Is Islam a 'Trojan horse' or 'fifth column' for Western societies? Are Muslims actually (quietly) cheering for IS/DAESH and other extremists and hoping that one day they can conquer those societies? Surveys show large percentages of Muslims 'feeling sympathy' for jihadists, terror groups like Hamas, on social media you see a lot of Muslims cheering terrorist attacks against Western targets. Is the West too naive about Islam, and in believing that 'only a very small minority' is dangerous?

Good peaceful Muslims need to be loud and clear on their opposition to the thugs and the terrorists in their religion.  Sadly so far, I am nearly deafened by the silence.

As the distressing attacks in Paris were occurring Nov 13, some of Britain's most high profile and notorious Islamist extremists gathered just north of London, unimpeded, to tell hundreds of British Muslims to "struggle" for an "Islamic State." We should not ask if we need to catch up with the British," Dr. Haitham al-Haddad -1-., "We should be partners in defining what British is... in what the law of the land is." All seemed to agreed that "God's law" should always be "superior" to "man made law. - i –"

The Islamic State published a document entitled, “Libya: The Strategic Gateway for the Islamic State.” Gateway into Europe, that is: the document exhorted Muslims to go to Libya and cross from there as refugees into Europe. This document tells would-be jihadis that weapons from Gaddafi’s arsenal are plentiful and easy to obtain in Libya – and that the country “has a long coast and looks upon the southern Crusader states, which can be reached with ease by even a rudimentary boat.” It is time the West recognized this shift in Muslim populations for what it is, say American activists - iiwho have 1 Haitham al-Haddad sits on the UK's Islamic Sharia Council

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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been warning of a “fifth column” for years iii. “This is no longer just a ‘refugee crisis.’ This is a Hijrah.” Hijrah is the Islamic doctrine of migration, which is a form of stealth jihad. Hijrah, or jihad by emigration, is, according to Islamic tradition, the migration or journey of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib, later renamed by him to Medina, in the year 622 CE. It was after the Hijrah that Muhammad for the first time became not just a preacher of religious ideas, but a political and military leader. That was what occasioned his new “revelations” exhorting his followers to commit violence against unbelievers. Significantly, the Islamic calendar counts the Hijrah, not Muhammad’s birth or the occasion of his first “revelation,” as the beginning of Islam, implying that Islam is not fully itself without a political and military component. To emigrate in the cause of Allah – that is, to move to a new land in order to bring Islam there, is considered in Islam to be a highly meritorious act. “And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance,” says the Qur’an.

“To emigrate in the cause of Allah – that is, to move to a new land in order to bring Islam there, is considered in Islam to be a highly meritorious act,” Spencer wrote. He cited the following Quranic text: “And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance,” says the Quran. “And whoever leaves his home as an emigrant to Allah and His Messenger and then death overtakes him, his reward has already become incumbent upon Allah. And Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful” (Quran 4:100).

Evidence of that invasion came in February when an ISIS operative confirmed what many already suspected – the Islamic State is using the refugee crisis to form a fifth column of Muslim fighters inside Western nations.

So far (Nov 17, 2015) , 25 Republican governors and Democrat have pushed back against Obama's plan to import Syrians.  "Our first priority is protecting the safety of our residents," Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) said in a statement. "It’s also important to remember that these attacks are the efforts of extremists and do not reflect the peaceful ways of people of Middle Eastern descent here and around the world."

Sacred Strategy -iv-.Leading commentator Janet Daley's article -v- in Saturday's Nov 14 Telegraph, "The West is at War with a Death Cult," stands for everything that is woeful about European elites' response to Islamic jihad. It is a triumph of religious illiteracy. The jihadist enemy, she asserts, is utterly unintelligible, so

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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beyond encompassing in "coherent, systematic thought" that no vocabulary can describe it: "This is just insanity," she writes. Because the enemy is "hysterical," lacking "rational demands," "negotiable limits," or "intelligible objectives" Daley claims it is pointless to subject its actions to any form of historical, social or theological analysis, for no one should attempt to "impose logic on behaviour that is pathological."Despite this, Daley then ventures to offer analysis of and explanations for ISIS' actions, but in doing so she relies upon her own conceptual categories, not those of ISIS. Her explanations therefore fall wide of the mark.

Daley writes: "We face a violent and highly contagious madness that believes the killing of civilians is a moral act." Here she appeals to Western concepts of war, reflected, for example, in the Geneva Convention, which provides detailed principles for the "protection of civilian persons."

Yet the first step in understanding a cultural system alien to one's own is to describe it in its own terms. ISIS does not subscribe to the Geneva Convention. Its actions and strategies are based upon medieval Islamic laws of jihad, which make no use of the modern Western concept of "civilian." They do, however, refer to the category of disbelievers (mushrik or kafir).ISIS believes that killing disbelievers is a moral act, in accordance, for example, with Sura 9:5 of the Qur'an, which states, "Fight and kill the idolaters (mushrik) wherever you find them."

Daley writes: "The enemy has stated explicitly that it does not revere life at all" and "Civilians are not collateral damage in this campaign: their deaths are the whole point." She goes on to lament that the latest French attacks lack any purpose, but are "carried out for the sheer nihilistic thrill of it."

The claim that ISIS does not "revere life" seems to refer to any number of statements by Islamic radicals, including an ISIS militant who vowed to "fill the streets of Paris with dead bodies" and boasted that ISIS "loves death like you love life". This is a theological reference to a series of verses in the Qur'an in which Jews are criticised for desiring life (Sura 2:94-96, 62:6-8). According to the Qur'an, loving life is a characteristic of infidels (Sura 3:14; 14:3; 75:20; 76:27) because it causes them to disregard the importance of the next life. The taunt much used by jihadis, 'We love death like you love life', implies that jihadis are bound for paradise while their enemies are hell-bound. The point of these statements is that Muslims are willing to fight to the death, while their infidel enemies will turn back in battle. This is not about

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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reverence for life, but about who has the will to win. This has nothing to do with nihilism, which is a belief that there are no values, nothing to be loyal to, and no purpose in living. In fact ISIS fighters have strong and clear loyalties and values, alien though they may be to those of Europe.

Daley's claim that the deaths are 'the whole point' is also mistaken. While it is true that the jihadis consider killing infidels a meritorious act, potentially earning the killer a place in paradise (see here), and they consider being killed in battle against infidels a ticket to paradise, in fact the killings do serve a strategic purpose. This is to make infidels afraid, and thereby to weaken their will to resist Islamic dominance.

This strategy is commended by the Qur'an, for example in Sura 8:12 ("I shall cast dread into the hearts of those who disbelieve. So strike above (their) necks and strike (off) all their fingers!"), as well as by the successful example of Muhammad in fighting the Jews of Medina, referred to in Sura 33:26-27 ("He brought down from their fortifications those of the People of the Book who supported them, and cast dread into their hearts. You killed a group [of them], and took captive (another) group. And he caused you to inherit their land, their homes, and their wealth, and a land you had not set foot on."). A similar passage is Sura 59:2, which ISIS has in fact been quoting in its celebrations of the Paris carnage. It may seem to Daley that ISIS' often-stated intention of defeating the West is fanciful, but the point is to understand ISIS, and as far as it is concerned, these deadly attacks are instrumental in weakening the will of infidels and hastening eventual victory.

It is hardly a secret that the ultimate goal of ISIS is to bring non-Muslims everywhere to convert to Islam or live under an Islamic caliphate as dhimmis. Sharia law and the subjection of women are part and parcel of this.

It is odd that Daley laments having no reasonable basis for negotiating with the enemy. ISIS is not playing by a Western-style negotiating rule book. It is following Muhammad's instructions to his followers to offer three choices to infidels: conversion, surrender, or the sword. Bin Ladin has explained that the West's rejection of this framework is the whole reason for its conflict with what he calls "the authority of Islam": Our talks with the infidel West and our conflict with them ultimately revolve around one issue; one that demands our total support, with power and determination, with one voice, and it is: Does Islam, or does it not, force people by the power of the sword to submit to its authority corporeally if not spiritually? Yes. There are only three choices in Islam: [1] either willing submission [conversion]; or [2] payment of the jizya, through physical, though not

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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spiritual, submission to the authority of Islam; or [3] the sword, for it is not right to let him [an infidel] live. The matter is summed up for every person alive: Either submit, or live under the suzerainty of Islam, or die. (The Al Qaeda Reader)

It may seem unimaginable to European elites that ISIS is fighting for the goal of the surrender or conversion of Europe, but ISIS is thinking in time frames that extend to centuries, and its forebears conquered vast territories using such tactics. A final act of conquest can be preceded by decades, or even centuries, of military raids.

Daley claims it is pointless to argue with people who have no reasonable grievances, for "the French people did not deserve this, just as Americans did not deserve 9/11." However the important question is how ISIS sees its own motivations. Its ideology teaches Muslims that infidels deserve death, simply by virtue of their unbelief. This has nothing to do with France's history of colonialism or its treatment of Muslim minorities. ISIS needed no appeal to grievances to justify killing and enslaving Yazidis in Iraq and Syria, so why should it view the people of France any differently? Its objection to Europeans is that they are not Muslims, and their objection to European states is that they do not implement sharia law.It is irresponsible and dangerous to claim that a tenacious enemy is insane and incomprehensible. To refuse to acknowledge the ideology of ISIS, and to deny its relevance, is tantamount to a death wish. To combat this ideology it is necessary for Europe to prove ISIS wrong on all counts. It must show strength, not weakness. It must have confidence in its cultural and spiritual identity. It must be willing to fight for its survival. It must show that it believes in itself enough to fight for its future. It must defend its borders. It must act like someone who intends to win an interminably long war against an implacable foe.There is a great deal Europe could have done to avert this catastrophe. It could, long ago, have challenged the Islamic view of history that idolised jihad and its intended outcome, the dhimma.

One hope for Europe is that Islamic populations will get tired of the doctrine of jihad and all its bitter fruits. There are some signs that this is already happening, and many of the Muslims who are now seeking asylum in their hundreds of thousands will have come to this conclusion. However it seems likely that Muslim communities now established within Europe will be the last to reconsider their dogmas and their take on history, because they have not had to suffer first-hard the harsh realities of life under Islamic dystopias such as the ISIS "caliphate" or Iran's Islamic Revolution. A 2014 opinion poll found that among French 18-24 year olds, the Islamic State had an approval

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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rating of 27 percent, which must include the overwhelming majority of young French Muslim men. For Europe, the challenge from within will be more enduring and intractable than the challenge from without.

How large is the Islamist Fifth Column -vi-?

Nigel Farage may have been chastised for employing the term ‘fifth column’ in a recent Channel 4 News interview when referring to what he termed a ‘tiny minority’ of Muslims in the UK, but his usage of this term was correct: there is a fanatical and violent Islamist fifth column in this country. Moreover, it self-evidently exists in many other European countries, wherever in fact; there are significant Muslim populations, i.e. in every western European state.

Before proceeding further, this piece rests upon the premise that Islamists actively identify against their European host societies, as the latter are not, and do not wish to become, Islamic states under the rule of Shariah.

Islamists wish to establish the rule of Shariah and can be divided into two types: violent and non-violent. The former are willing to employ terror and revolutionary methods, whereas the latter may be content to use democratic mechanisms, relying upon gradual demographic change to gradually take control of the jurisdictions in which they reside. Both are a threat, with the first group demanding the immediate attention of our security services so as to contain and neutralise any imminent and nascent plots, whereas the second group can be dealt with via a combination of long-term surveillance, the choking off of financial support, and political measures that remove the ideological ‘respect’ accorded to Islam as a religion in this country and the other states of Europe.  

Not all Muslims are Islamists of course, but all Islamists believe in Islam. Hence, the higher the resident Muslim population, the greater the potential internal threat. So, how large is the Muslim population? What is the trajectory that it is set upon? 

The 2011 census recorded a total Muslim population of 2,706,066 in England and Wales, although this of course would not have included either those people who live here illegally, or those whose command of English is so limited as to have rendered them incapable of completing the census return. It is probably safe to assume that the actual number is above 3 million.  

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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The official statistics show that the Muslim population experienced phenomenal growth between the censuses of 2001 and 2011, for in the first of these years only 1.5 million people in England and Wales self-reported as Muslim. When we turn to the demographic composition of the resident Muslim population compared to people identifying themselves as Christian or as possessing no religion, the differences are pronounced, and suggest that the problems with Islamism that we encounter today are likely to grow and intensify in the future. Even if all immigration from Muslim countries were to cease now, the resident Muslim population would continue its rapid growth both in terms of absolute numbers and as a proportion of the overall population.  

It is worth considering that 53% of Muslims in the 2011 census had been born abroad, although that said, many second and third generation Muslims resident in the UK have turned to Jihadism. Islam therefore remains a physically, as well as a culturally, alien presence in England and Wales, and the sense of ‘grievance’ that is

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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so frequently voiced by its adherents, from whichever of its many different varieties, is intrinsically linked to the desire for power, both cultural and political, in a country in which their culture and values, which they believe to be innately ‘superior’, have to take a subordinate position – for now – to those of the host society.

How might a ‘fifth column’ be defined? What should we consider to be its composite elements, and which pose the greatest danger? At the heart of this fifth column lie violent Islamists. Their numbers are difficult to estimate, but as a starting point, one can take the number who have been involved in the conflict in Iraq and Syria on behalf of ISIS or other Islamist organisations such as Al-Nusra. Intelligence estimates place this at somewhere in the region of 600. A certain proportion of these are unlikely to return from the Middle East, but it is reckoned that several hundred have come back to the UK. These individuals, together with other violent Islamists working on their own domestic plots who have not travelled to Iraq or Syria, could therefore number in the high hundreds or low thousands.

The next element of the fifth column are the sympathizers of the violent Islamists who, although not willing to endanger their own lives, may be willing to aid and abet them in their deeds.

This group is likely to be considerably larger, numbering at least in the low thousands. This brings us to the third element, the political Islamists, who

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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could be divided into those who are active members of organisations and supporters of campaigns pursuing an Islamist agenda, and their passive supporters. The first group will contain many more individuals than those currently willing to pursue violent means, with the pool of potential passive supporters being massive, numbering at the very least in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions.

In October 2014, the Times reported that a Populus poll of 2,000 ‘British’ adults revealed that one in seven had “warm feelings” towards ISIS, with support being at its highest level amongst the under 25s. If one were to extrapolate from these figures to the general population, this would imply that circa 9.2 million adults in our country look upon the Islamist regime in question favourably. Quite clearly, one would correctly think that the majority of those who do so are Muslim. The pool of support for Islamism in the UK is therefore several million strong, including, in all likelihood, the majority of the practising doctrinaire Muslim population. This is the size of the potential fifth column.

In France, it would seem that things are even worse, with their fifth column being larger still. A poll carried out in France in August 2014 reported that 16% of the French population were favourably disposed towards ISIS. How can this be? Do French non-Muslims really have a favourable view of ISIS? If this poll is to believe, over 10 million French citizens possess such views, far higher than the generally accepted figure of 4.7 million for the number of Muslims in France.

I can appreciate that many readers will think that I and others who share my concerns regarding this issue will believe me to be unduly ‘alarmist’, even ‘paranoid’, but committed minorities can, and do, bend the societies in which they live to fit their agendas. Depressingly, the tipping point seems to set in once the committed minority reaches 10% of a given population as one piece of recent research would appear to demonstrate:

‘Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society.’

Autumn 2001 The first generation that arrived imagined making some money quickly

and, some time in the future, returning home. That future never arrived. In 1989 came the most significant divide in the multicultural history of

Britain: the Rushdie affair, which uncovered a multicultural fifth The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.

–Winston ChurchillCdW Intelligence to Rent Page 10 of 29 02/05/2023

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column, whose literary criticism entailed book burning and death threats.

Not one mullah—not one—raised a voice in support of the principle of freedom of creativity; no mullah ventured the opinion that the fatwa was wrong or against Islamic teaching.

Autumn 2001 Our Islamic Fifth Column -vii- Radical clerics are recruiting British Muslim kids as terrorists.FARRUKH DHONDY; arrived in Britain at 20, just when the Muslim migration there, principally from India and Pakistan, was under way. The first generation that arrived imagined making some money quickly and, some time in the future, returning home. That future never arrived. Their children and grandchildren have now grown up as Lancastrians and Yorkshiremen—Muslim Lancastrians and Yorkshiremen. These antiquated mills went out of business in the 1980s. The population—white, brown, and black—had no jobs. The general depression of the mill-and-mosque towns reflected itself in run-down, restless schools, without ambition or excellence. The activists and ambulance chasers of the Left demanded more multiculturalism in these schools—which gave cover to the ex-peasant community’s demands for the Islamization of the schools’ ethos and curriculum. They demanded—successfully, in some cases—that girls and boys be taught separately, that girl pupils cover their heads and limbs, that the schools serve halal meat, that Arabic and the Quran be taught, that British history classes depict Britain primarily as an exploitative, demonic nation. Principals who resisted these demands were branded racists.

In 1989 came the most significant divide in the multicultural history of Britain: the Rushdie affair, which uncovered a multicultural fifth column, whose literary criticism entailed book burning and death threats. The British Muslim community echoed the call of the Ayatollah Khomeini to hunt down and kill the writer. There were denunciations of Rushdie in every mosque by mullahs and crowds who had only handled a copy of the book to burn it. Not one mullah—not one—raised a voice in support of the principle of freedom of creativity; no mullah ventured the opinion that the fatwa was wrong or against Islamic teaching.

Before the fatwa and the Muslim solidarity it generated, the race industry that arrogates to itself the leadership of immigrant opinion had assumed that, with a few concessions, and with some exotic and welcome additions to British cuisine, the new immigrant communities would be assimilated into British life with hiccups but not convulsions. The fatwa affair—when the entire Islamic community united behind the condemnation—should have put an end

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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to the idea. This was one bridge that Muslim immigrants were not willing to cross. In fact, after the Rushdie affair, Muslim spokesmen and their supporters demanded that the law of blasphemy, which still existed in Britain, be extended to apply to Islam. But it does not bestow the freedom to call for the execution of anyone. The affair of the Verses demonstrated those successive generations of Muslim immigrants to Britain, despite their broad Midland accents and their (admittedly rather curtailed) education in the Western intellectual tradition, identified themselves primarily as Muslims. It was in the early eighties that this identity with a freshly militant universal Islam emerged as a politically distinct force in Britain. While the earlier generation of Muslim immigrants had gone their way without bothering to adopt Western dress, their children grew up wearing Air Jordan sneakers, baggy trousers, and Hilfiger tops, in imitation of American blacks. Some of these second- and third-generation Muslim Britons resolved this tension by adopting the politics, philosophy, and culture of fundamentalist Islam. On college campuses, some students began to dress in what they imagined was a fashion decreed by an Islamic identity. All these new zealots were brought up in a traditional Muslim way by parents whose religious views were generally orthodox but not extremist. But in the 1980s, a new Muslim leadership of mullahs inspired and paid for by various Islamic powers around the world was entering the country and setting up bases in Britain, thanks to an immigration-law loophole that allows religious personnel open-ended permission to stay. Iranian money, Saudi money from worldwide foundations for the promotion of Islam, was establishing mosques and setting up madrasas, schools that purvey primitive religious instruction and teach the Quran by rote.

Adolescents attracted to this new radical preaching, young people whose childhood religious observances had already set them apart from their British contemporaries, came under the domination of a stricter observance with the allure of an ideology. The new mullahs were offering a single-minded, luminously simple explanation of the cosmos and promising membership in an organization that would dominate the world. "We carry Islam as a political belief, a complete system," says Omar Bakri Muhammad, a poisonous cleric who runs a London Muslim organization. "We don’t carry Islam as a religion. It’s an ideology." If you prostrate yourself to an all-powerful and unfathomable being five times a day, if you are constantly told that you live in the world of Satan, if those around you are ignorant of and impervious to literature, art, historical debate, and all that nurtures the values of Western civilization, your mind becomes susceptible to fanaticism. Your mind rots. Worse, it can become the instrument of others who send you out on suicidal missions.

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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Then, in the summer of 2001, riots broke out in several of the mill-and-mosque towns. A few hundred masked "Asian" (which in Britain means Indian, Pakistani, or Bangladeshi) youths took to the streets after dark and began torching shops, pubs, cars, and buses. They fought the riot police with staves and stones. Oldham, Bradford, and Burnley exploded in riots.

The pundits and the Home Office officials in charge of race relations were bewildered. Their explanations were classic—clichéd and mistaken. They attributed these "Asian" riots to the "failure of years of race relations," to resentment of poverty and unemployment, and to rumors that neo-fascist anti-immigrant organizations like the British National Party were invading these towns.

The BNP had undoubtedly established a small presence among the white citizens of the mill-and-mosque towns, capitalizing on fears of the unemployed and unemployable "Asian" youths hanging around the streets. As for race relations, Britain has long been acting like Florence Nightingale: selfless, dedicated, bandaging every wound, but ignorant about the genesis and gestation of gangrene. What the newspapers failed to mention was that these weren’t "Asian" youths—not Gujeratis, not Hindu Punjabis, not Sikhs. They were Muslims whose parents or grandparents came from Mirpur or Bangladesh. The difficulties Muslim culture places in the way of assimilation has produced a generation of disaffected youth, highly susceptible to the incitements of Islamic militants.

They wore the fundamentalist uniform—the cap, the beard, the white tunic and trousers. They said that Western civilization deserved to be destroyed. "So where are you going to start? In your own hometown?" I asked. Their spokesman smiled. "Everywhere," he said.

The riots had no targets, symbolic or strategic. They didn’t seem to protest against unemployment. The riots were swagger and mayhem, and the rioters in successive towns vied to outdo one another. The race-relations lobby’s claim that this was an "Asian" protest against maltreatment and racism—and the lobby needs racism to keep it in business—is worse than unhelpful, for it obscures the real problem and the real danger: the antagonism among some British Muslims that condemns all of Western civilization as rotten and immoral.

After the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Hamza was wheeled out again, together with the poisonous Omar Bakri Muhammad, who had been expelled from his native Syria and is funded by

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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missionary money originating in Saudi Arabia. They both said that they supported the jihad, that the laws and sensibilities of men did not matter, and that only the law of the book and the will of God, as interpreted by them, of course, could govern the thinking of the Muslim. After all, "Muslim" means the one who submits. The governments of Algeria, Egypt, and Yemen may not be able to root out the fundamentalists in their midst who resort to terror, but Western countries have no option. One can’t shelter in one’s home those who would kill you. Britain has given extended permission to stay to the likes of Hamza and Bakri. The very liberalism against which they preach has nursed this fifth column. It must be rooted out. And yet even when liberal Muslims declare that what was done to the victims of New York, of the Pentagon, and of the four airliners was an atrocity contrary to the tenets and teachings of the Quran, that it was indeed a sinful transgression of Islam that will not lead to paradise but to hell, the majority of Muslims around the world don’t believe them, because they have been convinced by the interpretation of the fundamentalist, whom liberal Muslims allowed to remain unchallenged for so long.

Apart from the Muslims of Arabia, all Muslims are converts to Islam. This year (2001), the Taliban of Afghanistan destroyed the world’s inheritance of the Bumiyan Buddhas that happened to be on the land that they have usurped. The creed that leads these vandals to disown and destroy anything that is deemed "un-Islamic" leads them to a mission to challenge and convert the world, through terror if necessary. They don’t for a moment consider that the world doesn’t want a religion that suppresses women, adopts a medieval creed of crime and punishment, forces people to prayer at the behest of the police, forbids the writing of novels, the making of films, and the playing of music, and destroys the minds of its young and leads them to fanatical acts of suicidal terror in which they murder upward of 6,000 innocents. This barbaric interpretation of Islam has inevitably come into moral and now mortal conflict with the West and its dominant state power. As the cowboy movies say, this earth ain’t big enough for the both of them. And this fight to the obliterative finish ultimately cannot be a matter of killing people and toppling regimes. It has to involve a revolution within Islamic thinking itself.

What Islam needs is a reformation, and if this very concept is forbidden in the unchangeable word of the Quran, there is enough Islamic history to support a reforming and radical interpretation of the law of living with others. There have been movements in Islamic history that are by no means inimical to peace, tolerance, and even to democratic and liberal principles.

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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But where is the will today to affirm such a history, to promulgate such a theology, and to found an authoritative reformation of the modern Islamic mission?

The vast number of Muslims in Britain and the U.S. who are educated in Western disciplines and culture, who live by the demands of Western ways of work, are riven by a conflict between the prescriptions of Islam and the freedom to think, speak, and associate, and to be protected by democracy and Western jurisprudence. These Western Muslims will have to resolve their dilemma by seeding the reformation in Islam.

Western Muslims must now discover in their own history and theology that nothing forbids the rise of a single or collective Martin Luther who will defy the medievalist mullahs (a self-appointed rather than an anointed clergy) and will pin new theses, renouncing world conquest, on the doors of every mosque.

The development of Islam, though constantly hijacked by fundamentalist sects like the Wahabis, has always had a strong, non-proselytizing, mystical Sufi current, to which 80 percent of the world’s Muslims have some connection. And Islam has always had in its theological armory the sanctioned concept and tradition of ijtihad, which means coming to conclusions about prescription, behavior, and morality through argument and the application of reason rather than through dogma. It is in a sense parallel to the reliance of the Christian Reformation on the supremacy of conscience. True, passages in the Quran urge believers to "kill those who join other gods with God wherever ye shall find them" and to wage war on neighboring infidels. But a hundred suras of the Quran also enjoin the faithful to tolerance: one specifically says that killing one innocent person is akin to the murder of the whole world. An Islamic Reformation would delegitimate literal interpretations of Quranic passages stoking intolerance and emphasize those that resemble the Golden Rule.

As for the officials of America and Britain, they need to redirect the effort and money that they have poured into race relations and multiculturalism into a clear, reasoned, energetic defense of the values of freedom and democracy. Their future depends on it.


Our enemy in the West is not Islam, it's a fifth column of Wahhabi Salafi hate preachers and their appeasers who allow the Wahhabi Salafi

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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Takfiri Jihadi ideology to proliferate and radicalize Muslim youth to commit atrocities here and abroad as foreign fighters. The West cannot allow the extremists to hide behind the skirts of religion, so called charities and misguided notions of free speech to facilitate radicalization and lone wolf terrorism in our homelands.

The Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) describes itself as a "non-profit, grassroots membership organization … established to promote a positive image of Islam and Muslims in America," to protect Muslims from hate crimes and discrimination, and to present “an Islamic perspective on issues of importance to the American public.” However an investigation of its activities and publications (in Arabic) shows that CAIR supports Wahhabi Salafi ideology and are instrumental in the propagation of that cult throughout America and have been the root cause of radicalization of terrorists. It is reported that CAIR have been instrumental in Wahhabi Salafi cult infiltrating or controlling over half the mosques in America with the help of huge donations from Saudi Arabian sources and so-called charities in the US such as the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF)headquartered in Richardson, Texas with branch offices in New Jersey, California, and Illinois. The Freedom House year long investigation concluded in its 89 page report, "Saudi Publications on Hate Ideology Invade American Mosques." that hundreds of Saudi documents disseminated at Wahhabi Salafi mosques in the US are telling America's Muslims (surreptitiously in Arabic) that it is a religious obligation for all 'good Muslims' to hate Christians and Jews. With the threat of fanatical lone wolves being so radicalized that they want to axe, bomb and kill their fellow non-Muslim citizens, it is imperative that CAIR and Wahhabi Salafi mosques, bookshops and hate preachers are fully investigated and if appropriate prosecuted under Anti-Terrorism legislation. The UAE terror listing of CAIR accords with the evidence it seems.

"CAIR has a key role in the "Wahhabi lobby"—the network of organizations, usually supported by donations from Saudi Arabia, whose aim is to propagate the especially extreme version of Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia. For one, it sends money to other parts of the lobby.

According to CAIR's Form 990 filings for 2003, its California offices invested $325,000 with the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT). The NAIT was established in 1971 by the Muslim Student Association of the U.S. and Canada, which bills itself as the precursor to the Islamic Society of North America, now the largest member of the Wahhabi lobby. According to

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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Newsweek, authorities say that over the years "NAIT money has helped the Saudi Arabian sect of Wahhabism—or Salafism, as the broader, pan-Islamic movement is called—to seize control of hundreds of mosques in U.S. Muslim communities." J. Michael Waller, a terrorism expert, testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee that NAIT is believed to own 50 to 79 percent of the mosques in North America. According to Waller, NAIT was raided as part of Operation Green Quest in 2002, on suspicions of involvement in terrorist financing”

Laws banning incitement to terrorist acts must be uniformly promulgated amongst civilized nations and strictly enforced until the Wahhabi Salafi madness stops and the blood stops dripping from the hatchets of the haters of our way of life. ‘Inspire’,‘Resurgence’,‘Dabiq’ and all hate websites and Social Media sites must be taken down and all hate preachers who distribute or promote them and their incitement to terrorism and criminality must be prosecuted to decrease the very real terrorist risk to our homelands of radicalized Salafi’s cashed up with Saudi petro dollars.

The British Columbia Muslim Association (BCMA) manage many schools and 15 Mosques in British Columbia. They are (according to their own literature) funded in large part by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Muslim World League. BCMA have a history of inviting radical hate preachers (like Siraj Wahhaj alleged co-conspirator with the Blind Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman in the first World Trade Centre Bombings in 1993 who also spoke at the BC mosque calling the West a ‘filthy garbage can’) to speak to their community (said to number 80,000) in British Columbia. The Koran’s they distribute are the Wahhabi annotated Korans that emphasize armed and violent Jihad as an obligation of all ‘good Muslims’.

The Wahhabi Salafi Takfiri ‘script’ as articulated by its ideologues like:•    The Blind Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman,•    Anwar al-Awlaki,•    Omar Bakri Mohammed,•    Abu Hamza (al-Masri) ,•    Anjem Choudary,•    Trewvor Brooks (Abu Izzadeen),•    Mizanur Rahman,•    Mohammed Achamlane,•    Mohammad Ali Baryalei, and•    Abu Musab Al Suri,•    al-Bagdadi etcMany troubled Muslim youths approached by Salafist groups likeForsane

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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Alizza (FA- The Knights of Pride) and encouraged to progress his study their cult which was their brand of militant Salafi ‘Islam’ from their radical mosques or private ‘prayer groups’ and if suitable for mission training Al Qaeda operatives then arranged for the acolyte go to Pakistan for deeper indoctrination into the cult and specialist weapons and bomb training when he got out. Forsane Alizza aka ‘Sharia4France’ is ostensibly an anti-Islamophobia group but authorities say it is a terrorist organization that used the mantra of anti-Islamophobia to mask its deeper purpose of radicalizing disenchanted youth from Islamic backgrounds. They followed the rhetoric of fellow terrorists like Yemeni-American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki to recruit disillusioned youth from Islamic communities in the West away from the traditional Islamic faith of their parents who immigrated to the West and instead adopt their cult. It is no surprise then that when today’s Wahhabi Salafi Takfiri Jihadi’s strike whether its Bali, Beslan or Toulouse, they do so without mercy and show no remorse afterward if they survive. Indeed they often laugh and smile chanting "Allahu Akbar” like the Bali mass murderer Amrozi bin Nurhasyim did when sentenced by an Indonesian Court rejecting his defence that his actions in 2002 planting bombs that indiscriminately killed 202 tourists because he was seeking to ‘strike at America and its allies, especially Israel’ were justified under Islam.

If we in the West allow them and other Wahhabi Salafi Takfiri’s free reign to radicalize our youth and the Wahhabi warpath will be strewn with the lives of more innocents in our homelands and ordinary Muslims will start to face persecution from an ill-informed public. This will play into the hands of Al Qaeda and ISIS and their narrative of a clash of civilizations and so become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Security agencies and Police must be able to fully investigate radical hate preachers the mosques, bookshops and internet sites known to incite, support and facilitate hatred, extremism and terrorism. How else can lone wolves be interdicted before they execute their schemes? For example:

Salafi Lone Wolves and Wahhabi-Salafi hate preachers who radicalize are hatchet wielding ISIS jihadists on our streets seeking to do the ‘will of Allah’ as they are brainwashed to believe with radical zeal, especially if freshly ‘converted’.

Many terrorists masquerade as religious organizations and so the UN has made it clear that States must prevent the subversion of educational, cultural and religious institutions by terrorists and their supporters. The Salafi-Takfiris seek like the Nazi party or the Bolsheviks, to be the vanguard of their own form of global revolution of what they see as their constituency (not

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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Arians or the proletariat as Nazis and communists do) but of the world wide Ummah of Muslim people who they are actively seeking to convert to their cause and their dogma. They do this primarily through the financial and ideological infiltration and takeover of traditional Muslim mosques, educational institutions and ‘charities’.

However, it is dangerous, against the UN resolutions and counter-productive to label people too broadly by reference to religious, ethnic or national profiling as ‘terrorists’. For example the use of ‘Islamists’ by Ioannis and many others is unfortunate. The perpetrators of terrorist acts in the name of ‘Islam’ are not really ‘Muslims’ at all but simple political terrorists who try and legitimize their criminality and hatred by adopting the mantle of religion.

By analogy it would be unjust to call anarchists who commit terrorist acts as ‘Orthodox Extremists/Orthodoxists’ even if the anarchists sought to justify their criminality by reference to the Orthodox religion. The better approach would be to call them by the name of their philosophy; ‘Salafi-Takfiris’. They are the Islamo-fascist ideological umbrella, source of funds and foot soldiers for Al Qaeda and associated movements (AQAM); Indonesian ‘JI’ ; Pakistani ‘JeM’; ‘LeJ’; Moroccan ‘Direct Path’; Algerian ‘GSPC’ Philippines ‘Abu Sayyaf’, etc and lone wolves/home-growns.

99.99% of the terrorist problem in the West (whether cells or lone wolves) does NOT come from traditional/orthodox Islam but from the well-funded and extreme Salafi-Takfiris (AKA Salafi-Jihadis). In fact because its central thesis is that Takfiris are spawned from Salafis and Salafis are the growing in number and themselves spawned from state sponsored/petro dollar driven Wahhabi infrastructure. Their game plan is the world 'take over' of mosques in the West, nation states in the Middle East then the mobilization of them against the West. It is the current generation of ordinary orthodox Muslims more than the West that are currently the victims of this right wing ‘putsch’ into the West via traditional/orthodox Islam.If you do not tomorrow’s generation of Muslims may well be press ganged; financed or duped into Salafi-Takfirism. It would serve the western people well if the war on terrorism properly defined who the ‘terrorists’ are (especially as Al Qaeda was but a form of Salafi-Takfirism). The term ‘terrorist’ should therefore not be classified as 'Islamists' but rather 'Salafi-Takfiris' and that adherents to that philosophy be named in the anti-terrorist legislation as ‘terrorists’ or ‘supporters of terrorist organization’.

Yes, There is a Muslim Fifth Column in the West -ixx

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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In 2007, a poll found that 86 per cent of Muslims in Britain said that religion is the most important thing in their lives. "That's nice," some amongst us might say, including Britain's prime minister, David Cameron, and the president of the United States, Barack Obama. "It's important to have faith," they'd add. In fact, almost verbatim, both Mr. Cameron and Mr. Obama are on the record proclaiming Islam's meaning on behalf of their constituent Muslim populations. This is Mr. Cameron, just hours after British tourists were slaughtered by radical Muslims in Tunisia this summer. And here's Mr. Obama, saying "Islam is a religion that preaches peace." But even if you do believe those things. Even if you have read the Quran cover to cover and you come out thinking, "Yeah, fair enough, that wasn't so bad," there's no doubt that Islam is a core component of radical, terrorist ideology, and perhaps just as concerning, of fundamentalist, non-violent, segregationist, and intolerant politics in the West.

Islamism is both an immediate security threat and a longer-term cultural threat to the West

The reason the first is bad is clear. It will remain clear to those wounded and their families, and not least to the families of those who died in this weekend's terrorist attacks in Paris. The second has to do with a more long-term, disturbing kind of cultural attack on the West. In schools across Europe, young Muslims are taught Islamic fundamentalist values. In mosques, often sponsored by hard line Pakistani sects, or indeed the government of Saudi Arabia, Muslim kids are taught not just things that don't fit with Western society, but things that are anathema to it. Their core ideology is the same. They want an Islamic caliphate spanning the Middle East and North Africa. And if ISIS's demands are to be taken seriously (and I suggest they are), they want it to expand into Europe too, starting in Spain, or what they call "Al Andalus." It is these kinds of "non violent" events that radicalise young Muslims in the United Kingdom. From women wearing the niqab, belief in the caliphate, wife-beating, and putting one's loyalty to Allah over the loyalty to one's country, these people embody and epitomise what UKIP leader Nigel Farage once called the "fifth column" living in our midst.In 2007, the same poll I mentioned at the beginning of this article found that 36 per cent of young Muslims believe that leaving Islam deserves death. Thirty-five per cent of Muslims in Britain want their children to be sent to Islamic-only schools. Twenty-eight per cent want to live under Shariah law in Britain. And 74 per cent of 16 to 24-year-old Muslims want Muslim women to wear the veil.

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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There is, most certainly, a fifth column in our midst that wants to drastically alter our societies.

These are not insignificant figures. And the problem is clearly with the young in this country, radicalised maybe through schools, universities, or at their mosques. We can say, of Britain's population of around three million Muslims right now, around one third have definitively split loyalties – and that's putting it mildly. In 2007, seven per cent of British Muslims said they "admire organisations like al-Qaeda that are prepared to fight the West," with the figure rising to 13 per cent for 16 to 24-year-olds. So yes, not all Muslims are extremists, or terrorist-sympathisers, or radical fundamentalists. Pick your term. But there is, most certainly, a fifth column in our midst that wants to drastically alter our societies – and a not insignificant number who are willing to show support for terrorist organisations that are willing to kill to reach that goal. It's time to get real.

USA Black Muslims: A Fifth Column Inside The United States -xi?

In viewing America's worldwide war on terrorism and our efforts to protect our homeland from another 9-11 attack, many political analysts are expressing grave concerns over Black Muslims serving as a Fifth Column here in the United States-and within our military. We understand that most Muslims in the United States are loyal citizens and would do nothing to undermine our nation during a time of war. However, there is a radical contingent of Islamists operating in the U.S. who are willing to provide aid and comfort to our enemies. Black Muslim leaders like Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, for example, have publicly expressed their hatred of America-and could easily function as a Fifth Column inside the U.S.

We may have seen this Fifth Column at work at the 101st Airborne's Camp Pennsylvania in Kuwait City on March 23, 2003. During the night, Sgt. Asan Akbar is alleged to have tossed several grenades into the tents of senior officers. Two officers were killed and 15 were wounded. Akbar is a Black Muslim who was being kept back from the front lines because his superior officers were concerned about his anti-war attitudes.

The Los Angeles Times (March 24, 2003) reported that shortly after Akbar was captured, he shouted at his fellow soldiers: "You guys are coming into our countries and you're going to rape our women and kill our children." One think tank has expressed grave concerns over Akbar and what other Black Muslims might do as we fight Islamic terrorism. The Center for

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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Security Policy, headed by Frank J. Gaffney, a former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy during the Reagan Administration, recently published an essay on Akbar and the threat that Black Muslims may pose to our national security. In "'Fifth Column' within the U.S. armed forces," published on March 25, 2003, a Center analyst wrote: The murderous insider attack in the 101st could be the precursor for a far larger and more dangerous problem, both for the military and for American society more generally. That problem is the "fifth column" that is developing inside the United States and its institutions. In a related article on the Black Muslim fifth column, published earlier by the Center, the author noted that Asan Akbar attended the Masjid Bilal Islamic Center in South Central Los Angeles. This mosque is predominately black and was funded by the Saudi Arabian government. According to WorldNetDaily (April 22, 2002), the Saudis provided $8 million for the Masjid mosque and another $295,000 for a school. In total, the Saudis have spent as much as $19 billion to build mosques and spread Wahhabism-the Islamic fundamentalism espoused by terrorist and murderer Osama bin Laden.

Black Muslim Paranoia And Hatred. The Masjid Bilal Islamic Center is associated with the Chicago-based Muslim American Society (MAS), which is an offshoot of the Nation of Islam (NOI) headed by Louis Farrakhan. The Muslim American Society web site has alarming articles against our war on terror and includes an essay entitled "Israel: America's Shame and Humanity's Stain." The author, Mohamed Khodr, claims that most of our American institutions are controlled by Jews and that President Bush is a pawn of Zionists and the religious right (Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Franklin Graham, etc.) "...whose aim is to kill Jews, Muslims, and anyone else, to bring back the 'Prince of Peace.' Thus, their plan for salvation is paved with war, death, and blood." Khodr claims that the Jewish control of our government gives Israel "a free hand to drench the soil of peace in the Holy Land with Arab Christian and Muslim blood." According to Khodr, our war on terrorism to liberate Iraq from the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein is designed to enrich the oil interests of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and to provide billions for the military industrial complex. If this is the kind of religious instruction that Asan Akbar received at his South Central Los Angeles mosque, it is little wonder that he fragged his fellow soldiers who were going to war against Saddam Hussein. The Muslim American Society and the Nation of Islam preach hatred against Israel and are opposed to our nation's war against terrorism.

MAS has published a lengthy document, "War in Iraq: Guidelines for American Muslim Leaders," that outlines the organization's opposition

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to our effort to rid the world of tyrants and Islamic terrorists.

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan has long been associated with terrorists and nations that sponsor terrorism. He embarked on a "World Friendship Tour" in 1996 that included visits to several states that sponsor terrorism: Libya, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, and Syria. During this tour, he denounced the United States as the "Great Satan." Farrakhan's good friend, Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi, said this about their meeting: Our confrontation with America used to be like confronting a fortress from outside. Today, we have found a loophole to enter the fortress and to confront it. We also face a potential threat of radicalized, anti-American Black Muslims within our military's chaplaincy program. According to the Center for Security Policy, as of June, 2002, nine of the military's 14 Muslim chaplains received their training at the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences (GSISS) in Leesburg, Virginia. Clearly, we face not only an external threat but an internal one from a dangerous, hate-filled Fifth Column xii.As the global jihad grows, Obama is importing hundreds of thousands from jihad nations. If you are hanging your hopes on the “moderates” think again. According to a recent poll, 58% of US Muslims reject first amendment criticism of Islam as a right. 46% want blasphemy punished, 12% want them killed -xiii. Muslims are the only immigrant group that come to Western countries with a ready-made model of society and government (sharia) which they believe to be superior to what we have here, and they work to institute it.Meanwhile, An Islamic Fifth Column Builds Inside America,” By Paul Sperry, IBD, October 1, 2015; In berating GOP presidential hopeful Ben Carson for suggesting a loyalty test for Muslims seeking high office, CNN host Jake Tapper maintained that he doesn’t know a single observant Muslim-American who wants to Islamize America. “I just don’t know any Muslim-Americans — and I know plenty — who feel that way, even if they are observant Muslims,” he scowled.

Muzammil Siddiqi, chairman of both the Fiqh Council of North America, which dispenses Islamic rulings, and the North American Islamic Trust, which owns most of the mosques in the U.S.:

“As Muslims, we should participate in the system to safeguard our interests and try to bring gradual change, (but) we must not forget that Allah’s rules have to be established in all lands, and all our efforts should lead to that direction.”

Omar Ahmad, co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the top Muslim lobby group in Washington:

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Quran should be the highest authority in America, and

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper:

“I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future.”

Imam Siraj Wahhaj, director of the Muslim Alliance in North America: “In time, this so-called democracy will crumble, and there will be

nothing. And the only thing that will remain will be Islam.”Imam Zaid Shakir, co-founder of Zaytuna College in Berkeley, Calif.:

“If we put a nationwide infrastructure in place and marshaled our resources, we’d take over this country in a very short time. . . . What a great victory it will be for Islam to have this country in the fold and ranks of the Muslims.”

Muslim hate-preacher incites a fifth column.

Australian Islamist Musa Cerantonio is just one of many of that “tiny minority” who shout hatred and wink at extreme violence, stirring a potentially lethal anger. Here is one of his talks, from April: The military headquarters of the U.S.A. is in the Pentagon. In Islam, if a plane happened to fly into the Pentagon – would they be considered innocent or not? They are not innocent. These are the ones who plan the wars on Islam. Yet you find Muslims responding by saying that 9/11 was forbidden. Ask yourselves. I am only giving you what Islam says. I’m not saying anything. Ask yourselves. Forget their financial center [The World Trade Center], which, according to many scholars, is also a permissible target. As for the one [attack] on the Pentagon – even if a Muslim happened to be there that day – is it now forbidden?… So even if you happened to be in the Pentagon on that day, you [should] realize that your life is at your own risk. We, living here [in Australia], in the land of the infidels… If the Islamic army or state were to attack, our blood would not be protected. Yes, they should not target us [Muslims], but if they happen to kill us – we are guilty of having lived in this land. It is a risk that we took and we are responsible for. So was the Pentagon a legitimate target? There is no doubt about it that it was a legitimate target. Yet you find Muslims mocking, attacking… By God, how dare you? They bomb us night and day in your silence, yet when the center of their military headquarters is hit, you are ashamed of this. This is not our Islam. This in not our Islam, whereby you have condolences for three of them [i.e. Boston marathon bombing victims]. Of course, we are sorry. We don’t like to find that innocent people died – if they truly are innocent… But Islam has a way to go about this. You pay their blood money, and you get on with it. The blood of the Muslims is more dear.In a talk that was posted on YouTube on November 30, 2012Cerantonio said:

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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“Reestablishing the Islamic state is eventually going to be a military matter, and it is a matter that concerns a large part of the Islamic nation. So how do we go about doing this?… The advent of Imam Mahdi and the return of the Caliphate is going to be a time of great warfare and tribulation. Every single prophet, from Adam until Muhammad, warned their nation about this time. The greatest strife is going to be at the time that the Antichrist appears on the Earth. “The answer to Palestine is not by holding hands with the infidels. It’s not by pleading to the U.N. to accept Palestine as a nation. The answer is, as the Prophet said, to fight the infidels until the religion belongs to Allah. “The primary goal or strength that we are going to have is in physical warfare. For me and you today, this is not our utmost concern, being in Australia, but no doubt, as a nation, this is what we have to focus on. This is what we have to focus on… This isn’t going to come cheap. It’s not going to come easy. It is going to come with our effort, our life, our sweat, and our blood. I ask Allah to grant victory to all of those mujahideen who fight for His cause, to uphold the banner of “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger..."

Comment, According to a student -xiv- of Islamic theology for the last two decades, he stated that categorically ideology (Islam) couldn’t be amended or reformed. The only way of securing the world and our societies from radical or extremist version of Islam is to dis-empower the clergy, promote and strengthen secular values. When we talk about reformation, we are talking about the same issue i.e. reinterpretation of Quran, asking Muslims to discard what they believed for the last 1400 years, as well as to change the basic ideology of struggle to impose supremacy of Divine Laws through Jihad and tableegh. In short, to give up the idea of monotheism and submit to a man-made ideology, for example secularism. Logically speaking, such reformation is primarily linked with the idea of discarding History and Hadith, which has been a part of Islam, since last 1200 years. This, according to his meager understanding, is not possible and will unleash a new monster of resistance, probably even more dangerous than militancy. As far as ISIS/DAESH is concerned, Abu Bakr Baghdadi, the caliph holds a doctorate in Islamic studies from Baghdad University. His understanding of true Islam is far better than any apologist, or western journalist or commentators. He and his people are doing – sadly -everything which has been recorded in books of seerah and hadith. They are following Islam in it’s true spirit.

Assessment. With the ever growing numbers of refugees poring into the west in the effort to escape Muslim terror on `Muslims the western population and political leadership is getting concerned. The enormous financial burden, the lack of shelter and housing the swelling right-wing hate against Muslims as

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

many if not all of the refugees are and the current security issue in Europe is not helping in addressing it with a clear and open mind. Over the centuries Europe has seen any mass migrations as well as inwards as outwards and so far was able to coop with it and succeeded full integration. However the current swell looks different there is DAESH that claims to have sent them in as a weapon to undermine stability and western values, and finally in the long term take controls by the sheer numbers” could take a decade or two. Moreover has current events unfold and more information comes available in the stream of refugees are confirmed trained fighters, additional recruiters and operators with intent to create havoc:” in the west and conduct attacks with the intent to maximize dead. There is however also an additional force played out; the Islamic prediction that Islam and Muslims should rule the world.

The solutions to todays troubles will politically be sought in the short term – or political ruling time - the problem may more likely lay in the longer term, as again there will be a second and third generation that could fall victim as the ones today to the growing luring call to Salafists way of Islamic rule.

To the question is Islam a 'Trojan horse' or 'fifth column' for Western societies? The answers may lay in many ways at the fundaments of Islam: the "Islamic" duty to "struggle" for an "Islamic state," supported by “the soft Islamic conquest of the West called Hijrah; the Islamic doctrine of migration, which is a form of stealth jihad. And that "God's law" should always be "superior" to "man made law, “to emigrate in the cause of Allah – that is, to move to a new land in order to bring Islam there, is considered in Islam to be a highly meritorious act.” The text is concerning and difficult to put in perspective as there is the so called closing of the Muslim -xv minds where this very concept is forbidden; the unchangeable word of the Quran, preventing Islam need of reformation. The root of the problem in Muslim culture, Reilly in his book: Closing of the Muslim Minds, is the dominant idea of the nature of God: the idea that God can will anything at anytime, even contradictions and injustices, such as punishing the good. “The fatal disconnect,” Reilly says, “between the Creator and the mind of his creature is the source of Sunni Islam’s most profound woes. This bifurcation, located not in the Quran but in early Islamic theology, ultimately led to the closing of the Muslim mind” Others have understood the problem as Egyptian President Reilly argues that, in the Islam shaped by Asharites, Muslims cannot use their reason to develop ethics as a guide for living on earth. They must instead resort to faithfully following revealed truths as written in the sacred text, the Quran, or in trustworthy traditions passed down through the centuries. Those truths are

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

codified in detailed rulings under religious law, sharia, covering every aspect of life. By 1200, Reilly shows, the Muslim world saw no need for reason in ethics. The door to ijtihad—individual judgment of holy scripture based on individual study—was now slammed shut. Taqlid (blind faith, imitation) was settling in, and bidah (innovation in interpretations of the scripture) became an offense. Muslims saw no need for ethics, the branch of philosophy that develops ideas about how to act; indeed, they saw no need for philosophy at all. The orthodox interpretations of the Quran and other documents covered all issues. And it is here where the Salafist, Terrorists and Wahhabis give the twist to their liking, and sadly to willing ears. Identifying the seriousness of the problem Abdel Fattah al-Sisi confronted the issue of jihadism in an address to Islamic scholars at Al-Azhar University on January 1, 2015. Sisi: “Is it possible that 1.6 billion people Muslims should want to kill the rest of the world’s inhabitants – that is 7 billion – so that they themselves may live? Impossible!” “We are in need of a religious revolution. You, imams, are responsible before Allah. The entire world is waiting for your next move.” Yet true reform requires scholars of Islam, not “strong” politicians. Islam is in need of innovators who can cope with the reality of the 21st century and repudiate its misinterpretation carried out by jihadi Islam.

Not all Muslims are Islamists of course, but all Islamists believe in Islam. Hence, the higher the resident Muslim population, the greater the potential internal threat. Even if all immigration from Muslim countries were to cease now, the resident Muslim population would continue its rapid growth both in terms of absolute numbers and as a proportion of the overall population.  At the heart of this fifth column lie violent Islamists. Their numbers are difficult to estimate, but as a starting point, one can take the number who have been involved in the conflict in Iraq and Syria on behalf of ISIS or other Islamist organisations such as Al-Nusra. We estimate that – from late 2011 to 10 December 2013 – between 3,300 and 11,000 individuals have gone to Syria to fight against the Assad government. Intelligence estimates place The UK has seen an estimated 700 jihadists travel to Syria and Iraq. The Soufan Group published a paper on foreign fighters in June 2014, when 12,000 people had left. Earlier this year, US intelligence fears nearly 30,000 foreign fighters from more than 100 countries have travelled to Iraq and Syria since 2011, many of them to join the Islamic State group. The number, which reportedly includes many westerners - among them possibly 250 Americans - represents a doubling of last year's US assessment and will dismay America's war planners. To be clear we simply don’t know, they are returning however with sinister missions assigned.

Fighting aged males; The next element of the fifth column are the The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.

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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

sympathizers of the violent Islamists who, although not willing to endanger their own lives, may be willing to aid and abet them in their deeds; a Populus poll of 2,000 ‘British’ adults revealed that one in seven had “warm feelings” towards ISIS, and 16% of the French population were favorably disposed towards ISIS.

Regarding the current events throughout Europe, again Good peaceful Muslims need to be loud and clear on their opposition to the thugs and the terrorists in their religion.  So far, I am nearly deafened by the silence. Salafi Lone Wolves and Wahhabi-Salafi hate preachers who radicalize are hatchet wielding ISIS jihadists on our streets seeking to do the ‘will of Allah’ as they are brainwashed to believe with radical zeal, especially if freshly ‘converted’. If we in the West allow them and other Wahhabi Salafi Takfiri’s free reign to radicalize our youth and the Wahhabi warpath will be strewn with the lives of more innocents in our homelands and ordinary Muslims will start to face persecution from an ill-informed public. This will play into the hands of Al Qaeda and ISIS and their narrative of a clash of civilizations and so become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

We need to be watchfully not to take the wrong urgent measures that could play in the hands of the Islamist in the mid to long term.

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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i Originally published under the title, "As Paris Burned, UK Muslims Told to 'Struggle' for Islamic State in Unprecedented Islamist

Show of Force."

ii THE HIJRAH INTO EUROPE “Refugees” colonize a continent. September 4, 2015 Robert Spenceriii Author Robert Spencer wrote Sept. 4 in Front Page Magazineiv Mark Durie is the pastor of an Anglican church, a Shillman-Ginsburg Fellow at the Middle East Forum, and Founder of the Institute for Spiritual Awareness.v The Paris Attacks Were Not 'Nihilism' but Sacred Strategy, by Mark DurieLapido MediaNovember 16, 2015vi How large is the Islamist Fifth Column? SATURDAY, 17 JANUARY 2015vii Autumn 2001 Our Islamic Fifth ColumnRadical clerics are recruiting British Muslim kids as terrorists.FARRUKH DHONDY; My first name gives rise to confusion. It’s a common Muslim name, so people I meet, or who read my byline, assume that I am of the faith. Most recently, in response to a column I write for an Indian paper, in which I confessed to having met a few terrorists in my time and attempted to analyze their limited grasp of the world, I received a lot of hate mail. Some of the e-mailers clearly thought I was a Muslim apostate and reminded me that the penalty for that sin was death. One, who signed himself Zahir Pathan, was more strident. He graphically said I was a Muslim sin cojones, as Hemingway would have put it, because I failed to face up to what had to be done. He went on to say, presumably as part of what needed doing, that preparations were under way for the bombing and destruction of Bombay. His tone was swaggering, his e-mail rage directed against one who had, he thought, reneged on Islam. I haven’t. I was born a Zoroastrian, in India, a descendant of refugees from the Muslim conquest of Iran by Arab armies in the seventh century. The India of my childhood was full of superstition, of faith in myriad manifestations of the unseen, but even then one knew that Islam and its followers were distinctive. From the Shia mosque in Poona, where I grew up, there emerged every Moharrum night, the end of Ramzaan, a procession of chanting Muslims in black shirts, cutting themselves with chains and little daggers strung together, in frenzied and bloody penance through the night—a demonstration of a belief beyond the threshold of pain. They believed that theirs was the only creed, that their book was dictated by God, that Hindus were idolators and the worshipers of trees and monkeys, that Zoroastrians were fire-worshiping infidels, and that Christians were an ancient military enemy. Their faith seemed to me even at the time to exclude what it had not invented. In the searching years of adolescence, when we all tried to come to terms with the great ideas of democracy, liberalism, the possibilities of life embodied in literature, only the pious Muslims among us seemed impervious to taking part in the passionate arguments. They seemed to have an inbuilt view of the world and of history, formed and sanctioned by the Quran. Even then I wondered: if they would not assimilate the world, how would the world assimilate them? I arrived in Britain at 20, just when the Muslim migration there, principally from India and Pakistan, was under way. The immigrants were leaving circumstances of grinding poverty and little hope to better themselves materially. They took it for granted that they would be afforded the right to work and live within the cultural and religious freedom that Britain’s liberal civilization guaranteed.During my years in England, I acquainted myself with various groups from the subcontinent who were part of this migration. Most were from peasant backgrounds. The Bangladeshis came to London’s East End and found work in the garment industry. The Mirpuris, who came from the part of Kashmir that Pakistan occupied, went to work in the old cotton and woolen mills of Yorkshire, Lancashire, and the Midlands. They cohered around the mosque, the central symbol of discipline in their lives, and around the small shops that sold the spices, the lentils, the halal meat that made these towns feel like home. viii 2015, FIFTH COLUMN IN THE WEST, JANUARY 18, 2015 WRITTEN BY ALEXANDER ATHOS PUBLISHED IN TERRORISMix Yes, There is a Muslim Fifth Column in the West. by Raheem KassamBreitbartNovember 16, 2015 Originally published

under the title "Yes, There Is A Muslim Fifth Column In The West, And It's Time To Get Real About It."

x Raheem Kassam is the editor-in-chief of Breitbart London and a fellow at the Middle East Forum.xi USA Black Muslims: A Fifth Column Inside The United States?Traditional Values Coalition ^ Posted on 5 March 2006 at 04:09:09 GMT+1 by strategofrxii For additional resources on Black Muslims and Islamic terrorism, access Daniel Pipes' web site:; and The Center for Security Policy:

xiii October 15, 2015/in Must Read, National Security, Policy, Politics, Religion /by Pamela GellerPamelaGeller.comxiv Junaid A. Malikxv The Closing of the Muslim Mind: How Intellectual Suicide Created the Modern Islamist Crisis, by Robert R. Reilly.