A5 Living.indd

Thursday, December 9, 2010 pageA5 Living The Brownsville States-Graphic P ROFESSIONAL D IRECTORY TIRE SERVICE Cleaners 206-A East Main Street Brownsville, TN 38012 (731) 779-9200 Monday thru Friday 7am - 6pm Saturday 8am - 12 noon Convenient Drive Thru Window tising 2-1172 ur business wnsville raphic! Advertising Call 772-1172 to place your business in the Brownsville States-Graphic! ADVERTISING FOR ANY BUDGET Brownsville STATES GRAPHIC Heart of the Tennessee Delta 731-772-1172 Genealogy Genie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¶YH VKDUHG ZLWK XV DW ZZZMXVWDSLQFKFRP IRU \RXU RZQ IDPLO\¶V KROLGD\ IDYRULWHV 0RUH RIWHQ WKDQ QRW WKH VWRU\ RI WKH UHFLSH LV HYHU\ ELW DV VZHHW DV WKH GLVK LWVHOI )UHTXHQW UHFLSH VXEPLWWHU 6WHSKDQLH -DPHVRQ RI )DLUYLHZ 7HQQ LV VKRZLQJ KHU 1HZ (QJODQG URRWV ZLWK KHU VSHFWDFXODU (DVW %UXQVZLFN &LQQDPRQ 5ROOV ³0\ $XQW PDGH WKHVH RQH \HDU IRU &KULVWPDV EUHDNIDVW DQG ,¶YH EHHQ PDNLQJ WKHP HYHU VLQFH´ VD\V 6WHSKDQLH ³$V P\ VRQ ZRXOG VD\ WKH\ DUH RRH\JRRH\ \XPWDVWLF´ :HOO QRZ \RXQJ -DPHVRQ WRRN WKH ZRUGV ULJKW RXW RI P\ PRXWK 7KHVH DUHQ¶W \RXU ³HYHU\ GD\´ FLQQDPRQ UROOV 7KH UHFLSH FDOOV IRU D OLWWOH DGGHG 7/& WR JHW WKH ³RRH\JRRH\QHVV´ MXVW ULJKW EXW WKH HQG UHVXOW LV ZHOO ZRUWK WKH H[WUD HIIRUW 1RZ EHIRUH \RX JR SXWWLQJ WKDW FLQQDPRQ VKDNHU DZD\ ZK\ QRW WU\ ,UDQD %HQFLFK¶V FUHDWLYH :HVW &RDVW WDNH RQ &KULVWPDV PRUQLQJ" 7KLV &DOLIRUQLD JDO¶V &LQQDPRQ 7RUWLOOD &KLSV ZLWK 6WUDZEHUU\ 6DOVD LV D VXJDU\VZHHW SOD\ RQ WUDGLWLRQDO EUXQFK ÀDYRUV ³7KLV LV D YHU\ IXQ UHFLSH WR WU\ RXW´ HQFRXUDJHV ,UDQD ³, UHDOO\ HQMR\HG PDNLQJ P\ RZQ >VZHHW@ WRUWLOOD FKLSV >DQG@ WKH VWUDZEHUU\ VDOVD LV JUHDW RQ WKH FKLSV WRR´ 1RW RQO\ WKDW EXW ,UDQD¶V GHVVHUW OLNH IUXLW VDOVD ZRXOG EH DEVROXWHO\ GHOLFLRXV DWRS D VFRRS RI FUHDP\ LFH FUHDP RU VHUYHG RYHU D ELJ VOLFH RI GHFDGHQW SRXQG FDNH D SHUIHFW KROLGD\ LQGXOJHQFH $QRWKHU EUHDNIDVW DOOVWDU WKDW ZH UHFHQWO\ KDG WKH SOHDVXUH RI WDVWLQJ LV 'RQQD %DUGRF]¶V UHFLSH IRU +XQJDULDQ 1XW 5ROOV ,¶YH EHHQ VLQJLQJ WKH SUDLVHV RI WKLV WHUUL¿F UHFLSH IURP P\ YHU\ ¿UVW ELWH ³7KLV ZRQGHUIXO UHFLSH ZDV P\ KXVEDQG¶V +XQJDULDQ JUDQGPD¶V UHFLSH 6KH ZRXOG ORYLQJO\ PDNH WKHP ZKHQHYHU WKH KROLGD\ VHDVRQ UROOHG DURXQG´ H[SODLQV 'RQQD ³DIWHU VKH SDVVHG DZD\ , ZDQWHG WR FDUU\ RQ KHU KROLGD\ WUDGLWLRQ RI PDNLQJ WKHVH \XPP\ UROOV IRU RXU IDPLO\ 2QH \HDU , GHFLGHG WR WU\ VRPHWKLQJ GLIIHUHQW WR FKDQJH WKLQJV XS D ELW ZKHQ WKH KROLGD\V UROOHG DURXQG %XW P\ KXVEDQG¶V IDWKHU ZDV VR GLVDSSRLQWHG WKDW \HDU ZKHQ KH OHDUQHG WKDW , KDG QRW PDGH DQ\ WKDW , YRZHG QHYHU DJDLQ WR EUHDN WKLV IDPLO\ WUDGLWLRQ ² WKDW ZDV RYHU \HDUV DJR QRZ DQG , KDYHQ¶W VLQFH´ :H VXUH FDQ VHH ZK\ 'RQQD 7KLV EHDXWLIXO UROOXS FRQVLVWV RI KRPHPDGH GRXJK D VXJDU\VZHHW LFLQJ DQG D EXWWHU\ QXWW\ ¿OOLQJ RI HLWKHU ZDOQXWV RU SHFDQV 1RW RQO\ DUH WKHVH EUHDNIDVWWLPH UHFLSHV IXOO RI ÀDYRU EXW \RX FDQ DOPRVW WDVWH WKH \HDUV RI FDUH WKDW KDYH JRQH LQWR SHUIHFWLQJ HDFK GLVK 6R JR RQ DQG OHW \RXU OLWWOH RQHV SOD\ LQ WKH ZUDSSLQJ SDSHU DQG WKDW WHHQDJHU WDS DZD\ RQ KHU HOHFWURQLF JDGJHWV 7KH\ WRR ZLOO ORRN EDFN RQ WKHVH GD\V DV RQHV ¿OOHG ZLWK WKH MR\ DQG VZHHWQHVV WKDW FDQ RQO\ EH KRPHPDGH 7U\ WKHVH UHFLSHV DQG VKDUH \RXU RZQ KROLGD\ GLVKHV DQG PHPRULHV DW WKH -XVW $ 3LQFK 5HFLSH &OXE D IUHH RQOLQH FRPPXQLW\ RI KRPHWRZQ FRRNV VZDSSLQJ IDPLO\ UHFLSHV FKDWWLQJ DERXW EOXH ULEERQ WLSV DQG DFFHVVLQJ YDOXDEOH FRXSRQV 9LVLW XV DW ZZZMXVWDSLQFKFRP %\ -DQHW 7KDUSH ZZZMXVWDSLQFKFRP U G \ K K Janet’s Notebꝏk Gꝏey East Brunsck Cinnam Rolls 0DJLFDO 0HPRULHV RI 6ZHHW +ROLGD\ 0RUQLQJV 6XSHUODWLYH (JJSODQW 3DUPHVDQ /LYHV 8S7R ,WV 1DPH 6KDULQJ +RPHWRZQ 5HFLSHV &RRNLQJ 7LSV DQG &RXSRQV $ Q\ UHFLSH GHHPHG ³VXSHUODWLYH´ PXVW EH SUHWW\ VSHFLDO DQG 7RQ\D<RXQJ¶V 6XSHUODWLYH (JJSODQW 3DUPHVDQ WUXO\ OLYHV XS WR LWV QDPH 7KH KHDUW\ EOHQG RI ÀDYRUV LQ WKLV GLVK FUHDWHV DQ DURPD DQG WDVWH WKDW DUH MXVW KHDYHQO\ DQG WKH PHDW\ WH[WXUH RI WKH HJJSODQW PDNHV LW LQWHQVHO\ VDWLVI\LQJ 6HH VWHSE\VWHS SKRWRV RI 7RQ\D<RXQJ¶V UHFLSH DQG WKRXVDQGV PRUH UHFLSHV IURP RWKHU KRPHWRZQ $PHULFDQV DW ZZZMXVWDSLQFKFRPHJJSODQW <RX¶OO DOVR ¿QG D PHDO SODQQHU DQG FRXSRQV IRU WKH UHFLSH LQJUHGLHQWV (QMR\ DQG UHPHPEHU XVH ³MXVW D SLQFK´ ZZZMXVWDSLQFKFRPHJJSODQW ZZ ZZZ ZM MX MX W VW VWDS DSL LQ LQ K FK FK F FRP RP H HJJ JJ O SO SODQ DQW W W :KDW<RX 1HHG OE HJJSODQW F DOO SXUSRVH ÀRXU VHDVRQHG ZLWK VDOW DQG SHSSHU WR WDVWH HJJV WEVS PLON F EUHDGFUXPEV GU\ WEVS RUHJDQR GULHG OE PR]]DUHOOD FKHHVH VKUHGGHG F SDUPHVDQ FKHHVH IUHVKO\ VKUHGGHG WEVS ROLYH RLO F RQLRQ ¿QHO\ FKRSSHG FORYHV JDUOLF ODUJH FDQV WRPDWRHV FKRSSHG ZLWK OLTXLG WEVS EDVLO GULHG VDOW DQG SHSSHU WR WDVWH F FDQROD RLO IRU IU\LQJ PRUH DV QHHGHG 'LUHFWLRQV 6$8&( +HDW D PHGLXP VDXWH SDQ RYHU PHGLXPKLJK KHDW$GG WEVS ROLYH RLO WKHQ WKH RQLRQV 6DXWp XQWLO RQLRQV DUH VRIWHQHG DERXW PLQ$GG WKH JDUOLF DQG VDXWp DQRWKHU PLQXWH$GG WKH WRPDWRHV EDVLO DQG WEVS RUHJDQR VDOW DQG SHSSHU 5HGXFH KHDW WR PHGLXPORZ DQG FRRN XQWLO VOLJKWO\ UHGXFHG DERXW PLQ &XW WKH HJJSODQW LQWR DERXW LQFK WKLFN VOLFHV 3ODFH WKH VHDVRQHG ÀRXU RQ D ODUJH SODWH RU ZD[HG SDSHU 3ODFH WKH HJJV DQG PLON LQ D VKDOORZ ERZO 3ODFH WKH EUHDGFUXPEV RQ D ODUJH SODWH RU ZD[HG SDSHU DQG PL[ LQ WKH UHPDLQLQJ WEVS 6XSHUODWLYH (JJSODQW 3DUPHVDQ RUHJDQR 'UHGJH WKH HJJSODQW ¿UVW LQ WKH À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¶W KDYH TXLWH HQRXJK HJJSODQW IRU WKH WRS OD\HU MXVW VSDFH LW RXW HYHQO\ ,I WKHUH¶V WRR PXFK RYHUODS DV QHHGHG %DNH XQWLO KRW DQG EXEEO\ DERXW PLQ /HW UHVW PLQ EHIRUH FXWWLQJ DQG VHUYLQJ 127( ,I GHVLUHG WKH FDVVHUROH PD\ EH DVVHPEOHG D GD\ DKHDG FRYHUHG DQG UHIULJHUDWHG$GG PLQ WR WKH EDNLQJ WLPH FKHFNLQJ WR EH FHUWDLQ LW LV KRW LQ WKH FHQWHU /HIWRYHUV UHKHDW YHU\ ZHOO LQ WKH RYHQ RU PLFURZDYH 6XEPLWWHG E\ 7RQ\D <RXQJ 'HQLVRQ ,$ 3RS ³,¶YH JLYHQ LW D QDPH ZRUWK\ RI LWV IODYRULW¶V VXSHUODWLYH´ 7RQ\D <RXQJ 'HQLVRQ ,$ 3RS 7RQ\D <RXQJ %\ -DQHW 7KDUSH -DQHW Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jadwin of Jadwin, Missouri, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Kristan Sue Jadwin to James Kyle East, of Friendship, Tennessee. Ms. Jadwin is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smith of Arnold, Missouri, and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Jadwin of Jadwin, Missouri. She is a 2003 graduate of Salem High School and a 2008 graduate of Freed- Hardeman University with Bachelor degree of Business Administration in Marketing. Ms. Jadwin is currently employed as a Customer Care Representative at TEC in Friendship. Mr. East is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis East of Friendship, Tennessee. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Earnheart of Maury City, Tennessee, and Ms. Elvis and the late Henry East of Friendship, Tennessee. He is a 2005 graduate of Crockett County High School and a 2007 Graduate of Jackson State Community College in Emergency Medical Service/Paramedic. Mr. East is currently employed as E-911 Director for Haywood County and Crockett County Commissioner (District 2). The couple will exchange vows January 1, 2011, with Stephen Sutton ofciating. The exchanging of the vows will take place at the Little Theatre (2014 Hwy 88) in Alamo, Tennessee, at 6:30 p.m. with a reception immediately following. Music will begin at 6:00 p.m. The couple plan to reside in Friendship following their marriage. All friends and family are invited to attend. Only out of town invitations will be sent. Jadwin - East Ross Anniversary Willie and Sylessie Ross will celebrate their 48th wedding anniversary Saturday, December 11, with their family. Willie is semi-retired. He is a bus driver, road commissioner, and Sylessie is a housewife. They have four children, Pelvise, Lambert, Marketta, and Jennifer, ten grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. Immediate Holiday Money!!! We can help with the upcoming Holiday! We offer Personal Loans from $200.00 to $900.00 Come by and see our Friendly, Experienced staff Today! 990 E. Main St. Brownsville, TN 38012 731-772-1842 Security Finance *All loans are subject to our liberal credit policy and credit limitations, if any. Quality Sheet Metal, Inc. Hwy. 22A - 103 Cook St. - Lexington Heating & Air Conditioning Sales & Service TVA Quality Contractor Network Dealer Call Bob & Nancy Rogers 731-968-8383, 731-772-1193 or 731-968-7509 TVA 6% Heat Pump Dealer for Consumers can receive up to $1,500 in tax credit No money down, 10 years to pay for as little as $65 per month through your electric company. Call for details. Now accepting... 1413 E. Main Brownsville, TN 38012 I have an update for you this week. Some time ago a cemetery was disturbed at the Nutbush TVA plant. As most of you know, the cemetery was carefully excavated and relocated. Since then many of you have asked me if the monument was ever placed at the new location. This monument was ordered by TVA authorities who have all since relocated to other areas. Since I have not visited the relocation site since the transfer was completed, I ran down the acquaintances I had at TVA at that time to check on the situation. My contacts double checked on the status of the monument and informed me the stone was installed back in July 2010. To my knowledge, no service has been held as of yet, and that will be up to the families to schedule at their convenience. Many of you have also asked about the status of the Haywood County Poor Farm/Home cemetery. You must understand there are some things I am not at liberty to share with the public as this is not public information. Unless you own the land upon which cemeteries are found, or are a descendent of such a family, information is protected. All my ndings are recorded with the TN Archeology Department in Nashville. Cemeteries are a revered subject, and my thoughts on this particular location are mixed at best right now. I feel it is best not to state my opinions or thoughts on this subject at this time as I am quite disappointed in those who knew this cemetery existed and said nothing until it was of benet to them. However, there is a bit of information I can share with you. Two headstones are located along a fence row on top of the hill at the formerly named Haywood County Poor Farm/Home. The story I’ve been told is that these two stones were conscated from persons responsible for removing them from a cemetery and since no one knew where these stones belonged, they were placed along this fence row. I’ve been in contact with the descending families of these two stones, and both families agree that neither of these two men were buried alongside their family in the family cemetery in Ohio. This gives reason to wonder why these two men would have been buried elsewhere, especially in this region. We have found evidence which points to the fact they knew each other as they were also from the same town and were blacksmiths. The families are wondering if they were in our area for any specic reason. The inscription on the rst stone is: Ferdinand J. Weidner, son of George S.C. Weidner, died 26 Nov 1884, aged 22 years 6 months and 19 days. The second stone is of that of Adam Boch, born 22 Apr 1818 and died 28 Feb 1904. Both men were of German descent. If you know anything about either of these families, please contact us. From the Genie Room [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


tising 2-1172 ur business wnsville raphic! Quality Sheet Metal, Inc. $200.00 to $900.00 Janet’s Notebook Cleaners TIRE SERVICE 731-968-8383, 731-772-1193 or 731-968-7509 ADVERTISING FOR ANY BUDGET Security Finance Advertising Cal l 772-1172 t o pl a ce your busi n ess i n t h e Brownsvi l l e St a t e s-Graphi c !

Transcript of A5 Living.indd

Page 1: A5 Living.indd

Thursday, December 9, 2010pageA5Living

The Brownsville States-Graphic


Jimmy’sTire Service

312 South WashingtonBrownsville, TN

New & Used Tires & Accessories





206-A East Main StreetBrownsville, TN 38012

(731) 779-9200

Monday thru Friday7am - 6pm

Saturday 8am - 12 noon

ConvenientDrive Thru Window


2-1172 ur business wnsville raphic!


Call 772-1172 to place your business

in the Brownsville States-Graphic!



Heart of the Tennessee Delta


Genealogy Genie

Janet’s Notebook

Gooey East Brunswick Cinnamon Rolls

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jadwin of Jadwin, Missouri, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Kristan Sue Jadwin to James Kyle East, of Friendship, Tennessee.

Ms. Jadwin is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smith of Arnold, Missouri, and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Jadwin of Jadwin, Missouri. She is a 2003 graduate of Salem High School and a 2008 graduate of Freed-Hardeman University with Bachelor degree of Business Administration in Marketing. Ms. Jadwin is currently employed as a Customer Care Representative at TEC in Friendship.

Mr. East is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis East of Friendship, Tennessee. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Earnheart of Maury City, Tennessee, and Ms. Elvis

and the late Henry East of Friendship, Tennessee. He is a 2005 graduate of Crockett County High School and a 2007 Graduate of Jackson State Community College in Emergency Medical S e r v i c e / P a r a m e d i c . Mr. East is currently employed as E-911 Director for Haywood County and Crockett County Commissioner (District 2).

The couple will exchange vows January 1, 2011, with Stephen Sutton offi ciating. The exchanging of the vows will take place at the Little Theatre (2014 Hwy 88) in Alamo, Tennessee, at 6:30 p.m. with a reception immediately following. Music will begin at 6:00 p.m. The couple plan to reside in Friendship following their marriage. All friends and family are invited to attend. Only out of town invitations will be sent.

Jadwin - East

Ross Anniversary

Willie and Sylessie Ross will celebrate their 48th wedding anniversary Saturday, December 11, with their family.

Willie is semi-retired. He is a bus driver, road commissioner, and Sylessie is a housewife.

They have four children, Pelvise, Lambert, Marketta, and Jennifer, ten grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.

Immediate Holiday Money!!!

We can help with the upcoming Holiday!

We offer Personal Loans from

$200.00 to $900.00Come by and see our Friendly,

Experienced staff Today!

990 E. Main St.Brownsville, TN 38012

731-772-1842Security Finance

*All loans are subject to our liberal credit policy and credit limitations, if any.

Quality Sheet Metal, Inc.Hwy. 22A - 103 Cook St. - Lexington

Heating & Air Conditioning Sales & Service

TVA Quality Contractor Network DealerCall Bob & Nancy Rogers

731-968-8383, 731-772-1193 or 731-968-7509

TVA 6% Heat PumpDealer for

Consumers can receive up to $1,500 in tax credit

No money down, 10 years to pay for as little as $65 per month through your electric company. Call for details. Now


1413 E. Main Brownsville, TN 38012

I have an update for you this week. Some time ago a cemetery was disturbed at the Nutbush TVA plant. As most of you know, the cemetery was carefully excavated and relocated.

Since then many of you have asked me if the monument was ever placed at the new location. This monument was ordered by TVA authorities who have all since relocated to other areas.

Since I have not visited the relocation site since the transfer was completed, I ran down the acquaintances I had at TVA at that time to check on the situation. My contacts double checked on the status of the monument and informed me the stone was installed back in July 2010.

To my knowledge, no service has been held as of yet, and that will be up to the families to schedule at their convenience.

Many of you have also asked about the status of the Haywood County Poor Farm/Home cemetery. You must understand there are some things I am not at liberty to share with the public as this is not public information. Unless you own the land upon which cemeteries are found, or are a descendent of such a family, information is protected. All my fi ndings are recorded with the TN Archeology Department in Nashville. Cemeteries are a revered subject, and my thoughts on this particular location are mixed at best right now. I feel it is best not to state my opinions or thoughts on this subject at this time as I am quite disappointed in those who knew this cemetery existed and said nothing

until it was of benefi t to them.

However, there is a bit of information I can share with you. Two headstones are located along a fence row on top of the hill at the formerly named Haywood County Poor Farm/Home. The story I’ve been told is that these two stones were confi scated from persons responsible for removing them from a cemetery and since no one knew where these stones belonged, they were placed along this fence row.

I’ve been in contact with the descending families of these two stones, and both families agree that neither of these two men were buried alongside their family in the family cemetery in Ohio. This gives reason to wonder why these two men would have been buried elsewhere, especially in this region.

We have found evidence which points to the fact they knew each other as they were also from the same town and were blacksmiths.

The families are wondering if they were in our area for any specifi c reason. The inscription on the fi rst stone is: Ferdinand J. Weidner, son of George S.C. Weidner, died 26 Nov 1884, aged 22 years 6 months and 19 days. The second stone is of that of Adam Boch, born 22 Apr 1818 and died 28 Feb 1904. Both men were of German descent.

If you know anything about either of these families, please contact us.From the Genie [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]