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  • 7/25/2019 A2_LTR4_Lingua_Inglesa_II_Teleaula_3_Tema_3_Impressao.pdf



    Lngua Inglesa II

    Profa. Ma. Glauce Soares Casimiro

    Tema 3: Discuss the Future

    O Futuro Simples a forma verbal usadapara expressar eventos que ainda noaconteceram. formado com o auxiliarmodal will+ o infinitivo do verbo principalsem'TO' para todas as pessoas.

    I willwaitfor you in front of the College. They will helpus when they have a time.

    She willonlybeat home next month.

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    Futuro Contnuo (will be (do)ing)O Futuro Contnuo formado por:

    will + be + verb (ing)

    Gary will be livingin Mexico all next year.

    usado para indicar:1. Uma ao que abranger todo um

    perodo de tempo no futuro. They will be studying Math during the

    whole weekend.

    2. Uma ao que ocorrer em determinadoperodo de tempo no futuro e que irpreced-lo.

    This time next week I'll be on holiday. I'llbe lyingon the beach or swimming inthe sea.

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    Futuro Perfeito (will have done)O Futuro Perfeito formado por:

    will + have + past participle

    Peter willalreadyhave goneby 9 p.m.

    usado para indicar:Uma ao que, em um futuro determinado, jter ocorrido.Sarah always leaves for work at 8.30 in themorning. She won't be at home at 9 o'clockatthis time she'll have gone to work.

    We're late. The film will already havestartedby the time we get to the cinema.

    These people are standing in a queue toget into the cinema. Half an hour from now,the cinema will be full. Everyone will bewatchingthe film.

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    Three hours from now, the cinema will beempty. The film will have finished.

    By the time we get the airport, theplane willhavealready left.

    By the time you arrive, I willhavealreadydonemy homework.

    They will have goneto their house by nextweek.

    They will not have finished the job byApril.

    When Mom arrives, I'll not havewashedthe dishes yet.

    Will you have studied all the subjectsby tomorrow?

    Willthey have already publishedyourarticle by Monday?

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    She will have spent (Shellhave spent) They will have gone (Theyllhave gone) I will have died (Illhave died)

    She will not (wont)have approved We will not (wont)have finished


    Futuro Perfeito

    I guess theyll have finished the roof byFriday.

    By the weekend, Ill have spent all mymoney.

    By the time we call, hellhave lefthome.

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    Shellhave graduatedby 2020. By Wednesday, we wont have

    finishedthat yet. Do you think youllhave heardabout the

    job by tomorrow?

    Observe o uso do Futuro Perfeito emingls, com a palavrabypara expressar aideia deat.

    by Friday by the weekend by the time by Wednesday by tomorrow

    Voc poder dizer ainda: by March 1st

    by then by February by this time tomorrow

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    We wonthave solved all our problems bythen.

    Will they have had dinner by the time weget there?

    I guess Ill have finished reading this bySaturday.

    By the end of themonth we will havefinished the course.

    O Future Progressive, basicamente,expressa aes que estaro ocorrendo emalgum momento no futuro.

    He will be working in Madrid next year.Tomorrow, at this same time I will beleavingmy job.

    Please, don't call meat nine, I'll be havingdinner.

    When you arrive, I will not be waitingforyour at the airport.

    Robert won't be working next week; hewill be on vacation. It is too early at eight pm, I won't be

    sleepingthis time.

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    Emprega-se o Future Continuous para:

    1. Descrever aes que iro decorrer numdeterminado momento no futuro:

    Ex.: John will be working for anothercompany in two weekstime.

    2. Perguntar sobre os planos de algum, oupedir informaes sobre algo, de uma formadelicada:

    Ex.: Will you be coming with your wife?

    We use the modals could, might and may toshow that something is possible in the future,but not certain:They might come later. (= Perhaps/Maybethey will come later.)They may come by car. (= Perhaps/Maybethey will come by car.)If we donthurry wecould be late.(=Perhaps/Maybewe will be late)

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    We use could have,might haveand mayhave to show that something waspossible nowor at some time in the past:

    Its ten oclock. Theymight havearrived

    now.They could havearrived hours ago.

    We use the modal can to make generalstatements about what is possible:

    It can be very cold in winter. (= It issometimes very cold in winter)You caneasily loseyour way in the dark.(= People often lose their way in the dark)

    We use the modal could as the past tenseof can:

    It could bevery cold in winter.(= Sometimes it was very cold in winter.)

    You could loseyour way in the dark.(= People often lost their way in the dark)

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    01) Put the verbs in brackets in the correctform. Use will be (do)ing or will have(done):a) Phone me after 8 o'clock. ____________

    (we /finish) dinner by then.b) Tomorrow afternoon we're going to play

    tennis from 3 o'clockuntil 4.30. So at 4o'clock, __________(we / play ) tennis.

    c) A: Can we meet tomorrow?B: Yes, but not in the afternoon.

    __________________________ (I / work).

    d) Ben is on holiday and he is spending hismoney very quickly. If he continues like this,__________________________ (he / spend)all his money beforethe end of his holiday.

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    2. Ela estar trabalhando novamentedaqui a um ms.

    a) She will be working again in one month.b) She will be work again in one month.c) She will are working again in one month.

    3. Voc vai voltar com seus amigos?a) Will you be coming back with your friends?b) Will you are coming back with your

    friends?c) Will you be coming back your friends?

    03) Trabalhe um pouco com a estrutura dofuturo contnuo e do futuro perfeito

    reescrevendo as frases a seguir paraa forma negativa e interrogativa.a) Your son will be living abroad when he

    starts college. Negativa: _______ Interrogativa:___

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    b) You will have studied hard when youstart work.

    Negativa: ________________________ Interrogativa:_____________________

    c) She will be doing better when they callher again.

    Negativa:________________________ Interrogativa:____________________


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    We use the negative cantor cannottoshow that something is impossible:

    That cant betrue. You cannotbeserious.

    We use couldnt/could notto talk aboutthe past:

    We knew it could not be true.He was obviously joking. He couldnotbe serious.


    We use the modal must to show we aresure something to be true and we have

    reasons for our belief: Its getting dark. It must be quite late.

    You havent eaten all day. You mustbehungry.

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    We use must havefor the past: They hadnteaten all day. They must have

    been hungry. You look happy. You musthave heardthe good news.

    We use the modal should to suggest thatsomething is true or will be true in the future,and to show you have reasons for yoursuggestion:

    Ask Miranda. She should know.It's nearly six o'clock. They shouldarrivesoon.

    We use should have to talk aboutthe past:

    It's nearly eleven o'clock. They shouldhave arrivedby now.

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    Future perfect, function

    The future perfect refers to a completedaction in the future. When we use thistense we are projecting ourselves forward

    into the future and looking back at anaction that will be completed some timelater than now.

    It is often used with a time expressionusing by+ a point in future time.

    I'll have beenhere for six months on June23rd.

    By the time you read thisI'll have left. You will have finished your work by this

    time next week.

    She will have fallenasleep by the timewe get home.

    I shall have goneby then. Will you have finished when I get


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    The first auxiliary may be contracted to 'll: I'llhave madethe dinner by 6. He won't have done (or will not have

    done) it by this evening. Won't you have finished by Thursday?

    (or Will you not have finished byThursday?)

    Future Continuous

    You will be waiting for her when her planearrives tonight.

    Will you be waiting for her when her planearrives tonight?

    You will not be waitingfor her when her planearrives tonight.

    You are going to be waitingfor her whenher plane arrives tonight.

    Areyou going to be waitingfor her whenher plane arrives tonight?

    You are not going to be waiting for herwhen her plane arrives tonight.