A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31%...

A Year in Review Keyport Public Schools May 20, 2014 Keyport Administrative Team Lisa M. Savoia Superintendent Melissa Jones Director of Curriculum & Instruction Michael Waters Principal Keyport High School Erik Mammano Vice Principal Keyport High School Anthony Rapolla Principal Central School Kevin Flynn Vice Principal Central School Laura Godlesky Supervisor of Language Arts Anthony DePasquale Director of Guidance Denise Cleveland Director of Special Services Stephen Slater Supervisor of Math, Economics, & Assessment

Transcript of A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31%...

Page 1: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

A Y ear in R eview K eyport P ub lic S choo ls M ay 20 , 2014

Keyport Administrative Team L isa M . S avo ia S uperin tendent M e lissa Jones D irecto r o f C urricu lum & Instruction M ichae l W ate rs P rinc ipa l K eyport H igh S choo l E rik M am m ano V ice P rinc ipa l K eyport H igh S choo l A n thony R apo lla P rinc ipa l C en tra l S choo l K evin F lynn V ice P rinc ipa l C en tra l S choo l Laura G od lesky S uperv iso r o f Language A rts A n thony D eP asquale D irecto r o f G u idance D en ise C leve land D irecto r o f S pecia l S erv ices S tephen S la te r S uperv iso r o f M a th , E conom ics, & A ssessm ent

Page 2: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

O verv iew o f P resenta tion 2013-2014 G oa l S um m ary 2014-2015 G oa l P lann ing

Page 3: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

2013-2014 D is tric t G oa ls ❖ Goal 1 Evaluation: To increase teacher e ffec tiveness

and s tudent ach ievem ent by im p lem enting a cohes ive d is tric t eva lua tion system fo r teachers and adm in is tra to rs

❖ Goal 2 Language Arts: To have fu lly function ing ,

s tuden t-cen tered Language A rts c lasses, w here s tudents a re active ly engaged in d iffe ren tia ted activ ities a ligned to the rigor o f the C om m on C ore , to increase s tudent ach ievem ent

❖ Goal 3 Mathematics: To ensure tha t a ll s tuden ts a re

a lgebra ready by 8 th g rade and co llege and career ready by g raduation from h igh schoo l.

Page 4: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

Goal 1 Evaluation: To increase teacher e ffectiveness and s tudent ach ievem ent by im p lem enting a cohesive d is tric t eva lua tion system for teachers and adm in is tra tors

Page 5: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

E valuation P rocess fo r Teachers

● C reated S G O tem pla tes ● C reated tim e lines fo r teachers and adm in is tra to rs ● C reated M id -Y ear and E nd o f the Y ear gu ides ● C onducted M id-Y ear m eetings w ith a ll teachers to m on ito r S G O progress ● C reated P ro fess ional D eve lopm ent logs ● P rov ided teachers w ith D om ain 4 exam ples ● Im p lem ented A ssessm ent S chedu le fo r p re and post assessm ents

Page 6: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

O bservation A ctiv ity fo r 2013-2014

Page 7: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

D om ain S core D is tribu tion

Page 8: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

S eptem ber – June: O bservations and learn ing w a lks a re be ing conducted

2013-2014 E va lua tion T im e line

O ctober P D P ’s crea ted assessm ents adm in is te red

D ecem ber – January M id–year con fe rence w ith teachers

N ovem ber S G O s crea ted

M ay-June S G O s are fina lized E O Y S um m ative E va lua tions

Page 9: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

2013-2014 Steps for Summative Evaluations in Teachscape ● S tep 1 – S tudent G row th O b jectives Please note that both SGO scores are worth 15% of your final evaluation score

◦ R eview S G O and ta rge t score to de te rm ine the leve l o f a tta inm ent fo r your S G O . The score w ill be d iscussed and subm itted a t your E O Y eva lua tion m eeting ◦ U pload S G O d is tric t adm in is te red tem pla tes (Th is is to be the one s igned o ff on by bo th you and your adm in is te r) ◦ U pload a ll a rtifac ts tha t support your S G O a tta inm ent

● S tep 2 – A dd itiona l S tudent G row th O b jectives ◦ R epeat S tep 1 p rocess fo r A dd itiona l S G O , w h ich can be found under D om ain 4 in Teachscape

● S tep 3 - S um m ative C onference & Form s ◦ C om ple te the questions in th is section and subm it

● S tep 4 – Teacher S e lf- A ssessm ent ◦ C onduct a se lf- eva lua tion o f each o f the com ponents and subm it

● S tep 5 – D om ain 4 P ro fess ional R espons ib ilities ◦ U pload a ll a rtifac ts such as: P D hours , sum m ary o f m eeting P D P goa ls , P LC in fo rm ation . Y ou can use the prev iously em ailed D om ain 4 re fe rence sheet to ass is t w ith up load ing a ll necessary docum ents. ◦ U pon logg ing in to R eflec t, you can access your “E va lua tion S um m ary”. Th is sum m ary page w ill a llow fo r you to see your Teacher P ractice and overa ll score .

● A ll s teps need to be com ple ted , in Teachscape, p rio r to m eeting w ith your d irec t superv isor to conduct your E O Y S um m ative E va lua tion.

Page 10: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

Trans ition ing to G enes is S ta ff P orta l in 2014-2015 to A ss is t w ith S tream lin ing the P rocess.

Page 11: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

Goal 2 Language Arts: To have fu lly function ing , s tudent-centered Language A rts c lasses, w here s tudents are active ly engaged in d iffe rentia ted activ ities a ligned to the rigor o f the C om m on C ore , to increase s tudent ach ievem ent

Page 12: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

M odel Lesson P lan 5 th G rade w ith C enters

● OBJECTIVE: The lea rner w ill read in fo rm ationa l text and iden tify the facts and op in ions based on in fo rm ation lea rned in the text. D O K Leve l: 1 /4 LESSON PRESENTATION: Do Now: G reek W ord P arts /F igu ra tive Language Instructional Strategies: Modeling: *R ead the text "Foss ils : A P eek In to the P ast" to m ode l ph ras ing, punctua tion, and fluency. (S E pages 36-39) Guided Practice: *M ake P red ic tions/S et P urpose * - "Th ink, P a ir, S hare" and gu ided questions w h ile read ing se lection . Independent Practice: *C om ple te a g raph ic o rgan ize r to iden tify facts and op in ions. (G raph ic O rgan ize r 12 ) Center Activites: Comprehension Center: R eaders ' G u ide "C rea te a M useum E xh ib it" Nonfiction Center- readw orks.com artic le "M am m oth Foss il Found" Skill/Strategy Center: Fact and O p in ion - U sing the s to ry w e read the w eek "Foss ils : A P eek In to the P ast", m ake a lis t o f facts and op in ions on a T -chart Vocabulary Word Study: W ord S ort Write About Reading: S tuden t B k. pgs. 46 -47 ("D oub le M ean ings" and "P rove It!") Guided Reading: D R A Extension: S tuden ts w ill re read the text to c la rify ideas us ing "th ink ing spo ts ." ASSESSMENT: Fo rm ative : "Th ink, P a ir, S hare"-O bservab le by teacher c ircu la tion /C enter W ork com p le tion MATERIALS/TECHNOLOGY:Journeys Textbook, V ocabu la ry C on text C ards, C hart paper, Journeys P ro jectab les, S m artB oard /C om pute r MODIFICATIONS: F lex ib le w ork g roups/R ein fo rced d irections v is ib le on S m artB oard /W orkshop C hecklis t/Leve led G u ided R ead ing

Page 13: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

M odel Lesson P lan 6 th G rade w ith C enters

OBJECTIVE: The lea rner w ill u tilize In te rne t to research on g iven s ite , crea te p ro ject us ing vocab w ords in p roper con text, read and com prehend non fic tion text, com pose a rgum ent w ith exam p les/de ta ils , read w ith fluency and accuracy, com pose poem show casing figu ra tive language DOK Level: 3 LESSON PRESENTATION: Anticipatory Set/Do Now: R ead your independent read ing book fo r the D o N ow . Instructional Strategies: Center Activities: C E N TE R #1 : Tech C en te r: R esearch W eb Q uest C E N TE R #2 : W ord C en te r: V ocab C ho ice A ctiv ity C E N TE R #3 : R ead ing Focus C en te r: N F A rtic le & Q uestions C E N TE R #4 : W riting C en te r: A rgum ent A rtic le R esponse w /D e ta ils & E xam p les C E N TE R #5 : Independent R ead ing C en te r: R ead ing w /F luency & A ccuracy C E N TE R #6 : C rea tiv ity C en te r: P oe try C ho ice Closure: S tuden ts w ill com p ile the ir activ ities and rev iew w ha t they a re s till w ork ing on . Extension: R ead your independent read ing book w hen com p le ted . ASSESSMENT: Fo rm ative : C en te r w ork; teacher observa tion S um m ative :

Page 14: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

C om m on C ore in the E LA C lassroom s

● http ://an im oto.com /p lay/sLsgM I3M Q M 95xkeI30ngIA - C entra l S choo l ● http ://an im oto.com /p lay/um E H D 3fC m T7W 76Q 979F65w - K H S ● A rticu la tion fo r teachers bo th vertica lly and horizon ta lly to share ideas and s tra teg ies

● R E S O U R C E S

◦ O ffered p ro fessiona l deve lopm ent in the A fte r-S chool P D A cadem y ◦ A C H IE V E 3000 ◦ Teacher and D is tric t leve l w ebs ites to share resources ◦ S hared w ith teachers to im prove ins truc tion

● http ://kpsdschoo ls.org/P age/4219 ● http ://kpsdschoo ls.org/dom ain /784

Page 15: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

P A R C C T ra in ing fo r Teachers in June 2014

Page 16: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

E xam ple o f s tudent g row th from S eptem ber to June as show n th rough the read ing benchm arks (D R A 2):

Presentation Notes
Use our benchmark assessments
Page 17: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

R eading leve l g row th dem onstra ted by the s tudents enro lled in the 1 st and 5 th g rade S pecia l E ducation P rogram

GRADE 1 OCTOBER JANUARY MAY + GROWTH St. 1 0 2 3 2 DRA Levels St. 2 2 3 4 2 DRA Levels St. 3 1 3 3 2 DRA Levels St. 4 2 3 4 2 DRA Levels

GRADE 5 OCTOBER JANUARY MARCH + GROWTH St. 1 28 30 34 2 DRA Levels St. 2 2 3 4 2 DRA Levels St. 3 38 40 40 1 DRA Level St. 4 30 30 34 1 DRA Level St. 5 Not here 24 24 Maintain St. 6 30 34 34 1 DRA Level St. 7 40 40 40 Maintain

Page 18: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

A C H IE V E 3000 G row th S eptem ber- M ay

Grade Number of Students who Completed the


Students with Growth of Over 100 Lexile Points

Beginning of School Year - May (Total)

3-8 368 96 s tuden ts o r 26%

6-8 179 38 s tuden ts o r 21%

9-11 321 41 s tuden ts o r 13%

3-11 689 137 s tuden ts o r 20%

3-11 SPED 48 15 s tuden ts o r 31%

M r. C hudzik ’s c lass w on an A C H IE V E 3000 contest and is be ing rew arded w ith a party o f the ir cho ice .

Page 19: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

Goal 3 Mathematics: To ensure tha t a ll s tudents are a lgebra ready by 8 th g rade and co llege and career ready by graduation from h igh schoo l.

Page 20: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

IX L D ata

● IX L S k ill P ro fic iency O ver T im e. O ur s tudents a re averag ing c lose to 27-28 p ro fic ien t sk ills per s tudent us ing IX L .

Page 21: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

● A s o f today our schoo l has spent 3 ,975 hours and 11 m inu tes, a ttem pted 501,164 questions, and p racticed 1 ,237 d iffe rent sk ills us ing IX L th is schoo l year.

Page 22: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)
Page 23: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

A lgebra R eady by 8 th G rade S tudents in C entra l S choo l

● 7th G rade P re-A lgebra has 20 s tudents (ou t o f 65 to ta l 7 th g raders) about 31% o f our 7 th g rade. ● 8th G rade A lgebra 1 has 18 s tudents (ou t o f 42 to ta l 8 th g raders) about 43% o f our 8 th g rade.

Accelerated Math Program

Placement Test

• Placement test score is 95 or higher, 5 points. • Placement test score is 90-94, 4 points. • Placement test score is 85-89, 2 points. • Placement test score is 80-84, 1 point.

5th Grade NJASK Scores

• Math score of 285-300, student receives 5 points. • Math score of 270-284, student receives 4 points. • Math score of 255-269, student receives 3 points. • Math score of 240-254, student receives 2 points. • Math score of 225-239, student receives 1 point.

6th Grade Math Average

• Average of first three MP’s 95 or higher, 5 points. • Average of first three MP’s 90-94, 4 points. • Average of first three MP’s 85-89, 2 points. • Average of first three MP’s 80-84, 1 point.

6th Grade End Year Benchmark

• End Year Benchmark score is 95 or higher, 5 points. • End Year Benchmark score is 90-94, 4 points. • End Year Benchmark score is 85-89, 2 points. • End Year Benchmark score is 80-84, 1 point.

Teacher Recommendations

Recommendations will be filled out for students who have at least 7 points on the Accelerated Math Placement Test, NJASK 5, and Average of first 3 MP’s of 6th grade math combined. Average of teacher recommendation scores will be rounded to nearest whole number, with a maximum value of 5 points.

Page 24: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

K H S S tudents in H igher Leve l M ath C lasses

C ourse N um ber o f S tudents E nro lled

H onors G eom etry 25

P re-C a lcu lus 17

H onors P re-C a lcu lus 15

C a lcu lus 10

A P C a lcu lus 10

A next s tep is to increase the am ount o f s tuden ts in h igher leve l m ath c lasses in the 2014-2015 schoo l year.

Page 25: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

S tudents E nro lled in A P C lasses fo r the 2013-2014 S choo l Y ear

C ourse N um ber o f S tudents E nro lled

A P C a lcu lus 10

A P E ng lish 11 12

A P E ng lish 9

A P B io logy 15

A P U S H is to ry 13

A P S pan ish (V H S ) 1

A P U S G overnm ent and P o litics (V H S )


Page 26: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

P A R C C T ra in ing fo r Teachers in June 2014

Page 27: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

T itle I Fam ily M ath N igh ts to im prove upon m ath foundationa l sk ills

Page 28: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

C entra l S choo l and K H S M ath C lasses

● http ://an im oto.com /p lay/B b11S w 0vpZnFqsA yq38m cA - C entra l S choo l

● http ://an im oto.com /p lay/F IM W kll6sC H Y bbfhD Q 8K 5w - K H S

Page 29: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

Teachers incorpora ting instructiona l p ractices to ass is t our s tudents w ith be ing co llege and career

ready ● http ://youtu .be/A Frsm C C X uW g ● http ://an im oto.com /p lay/4P E sZm F8IkZs6G tO qyD T0g

Page 30: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

14-15 A cadem ies a t K H S

Page 31: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

2014-2015 A cadem y C ourse S equence

9th Grade ● Public Speaking/Creative

Writing ● English I/Honors English I

● Algebra IB/Hon. Alg. 1B/Geometry/Hon. Geom. ● Financial Literacy

● World History/Honors World History

● Bio Lab/Honors Bio Lab ● World Language

● Fitness/Conditioning

All Freshman will be involved in a Freshman Academy

10th Grade ● English II/Honors English II

● Geometry/Hon. Geometry/Algebra II/

Hon. Algebra II ● US History I/ Honors US

History I ● Chemistry/Honors Chemistry

● Psychology ● World Language

● PE ● History & Ethics of Sports

All students begin in the Health, Science, and Sports

Studies Academy

11th Grade ● English III/ Honors English III/

AP Comp 11 ● Algebra II/Hon. Alg. II/Pre-Cal

● US History II/ Honors US History II/ AP US History

● Anatomy and Physiology ● Sports Psychology

● Sports Medicine/Athletic Training ● PE

● VHS Class – Health Science

12th Grade ● English IV/ Honors English

IV/ AP Comp 12 ● Math Elective ● Biomechanics

● Health Science Elective – through Brookdale



H ea lth , S ports , and S cience

Page 32: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

2014-2015 A cadem y C ourse S equence

Tom orrow ’s Teachers P erfo rm ing A rts

E arly C h ildhood D eve lopm ent P erfo rm ing A rts I & II

Tom orrow ’s Teachers C rea tive W riting/P ub lic S peak ing

G oog le A pps in E ducation M us ic A pprec ia tion

B and

Page 33: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

Ins truc tiona l G row th in 2014-2015

◦ L ink ing assessm ent to ins truc tion to be tte r m eet the needs o f a ll s tuden ts ◦ In fus ing lite racy th rough w riting across con ten t a reas ◦ Im prov ing upon m athem atica l foundationa l sk ills to be tte r support m ath success ◦ C ontinua tion o f s tra teg ica lly p lanned p ro fess iona l deve lopm ent

⚫ G oog le A pps in E duca tion ⚫ B lended Learn ing

Page 34: A Year in Review · 7th Grade Pre -Algebra has 20 students (out of 65 total 7th graders) about 31% of our 7th grade . 8th Grade Algebra 1 has 18 students (out of 42 total 8th graders)

K eyport P ub lic S choo ls