A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of...

A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web- Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Techno logy, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan Ian Ruxton Kyushu Institute of Techno logy, Japan AKAW99@Sydney(99.12.5-6)

Transcript of A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of...

Page 1: A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan.

A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge

Takashi Yamanoue

Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan

Toshiro Minami

Kyushu University, Japan

Ian Ruxton

Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan


Page 2: A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan.

A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge

Introduction System Design and Implementation Experiments Related Work Concluding Remarks

Page 3: A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan.

Difficulties in second language writing.

Is it really used??


A Corpus, large examples,a Concordancer

1. Introduction

Page 4: A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan.

Corpus linguistics• It is Time-consuming and Hard work,

to make a corpus• (often) Outdated …by time, copyright,...• Tools are not for ordinary learners

Page 5: A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan.

Web corpus= Knowledge on the Internet


Exists as it is, maintenance free

Always new, reflects current status

A lot of applications

Page 6: A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan.

The writer’s assistant system

Fast Provides some tips Graphical

An expression

Frequencies of sub-sequences in the World Wide Web

The Writer’s assistant system

Page 7: A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan.

System Design• Is the expression Right or Wrong?• Finding out wrong parts• Comparing candidate words and phrases

2. System Design and Implementation

Page 8: A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan.

System Interface

Page 9: A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan.

System Organization

Writer’s Assistant

Page 10: A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan.

Pattern Matching Engine

Vector results=new Vector();patternmatcher = new PatternMatcher(the_HTML);patternmatcher.match (“The search engine found * Web pages”,results);System.out.println(results.elementAt(0));

In order to extract the frequency

The system is in Java. … portable.

Page 11: A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan.

See/watch the TV/movie

“the TV” “see the TV” “watch the TV”

216,107 873* 1,593

“the movie” “see the movie” “watch the movie”

472,776 13,638 6,666*


Not common

3. Experiments

Page 12: A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan.

Experiments Person’s Name

Place Names

“Bertrand Russell” “Burtrand Russell”

12,575 3

Not only for Historical names

“Jenolan caves” “Genolan caves”

992 2

Page 13: A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan.

Choose one phrase or word that should be corrected.

Successful : 13/20 Insufficient information: 2/20 Failure: 5/20

TOEIC(Test of English for International Communication)

Page 14: A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan.

Only 9.4% of the testees gave the correct answer

Successful Example:

Page 15: A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan.

Failure Example:

Page 16: A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan.

Brushing up our Paper

“Web-Corpus” vs. “WWW-corpus” “pattern match engine”

vs. “pattern matching engine” “systems that are similar to”

vs. “systems that resemble to” “testee”

Page 17: A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan.

Satoh’s system….WWW, KWIC WordSmith Tools…for experts TXTANA … for experts SARA…for research purpose SUIKO…detect wrong sentences The Writer’s Assistant…idea organizer

4. Related Work

Page 18: A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan.

Help writing. To know, is it really used? Not for beginners This system + search engine

• choose good keywords

Useful in our usage

5. Concluding Remarks

Page 19: A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan.

Integrate other services Monitor user’s behaviour Collaborative writings

Future Plans

Page 20: A Writer’s Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge Takashi Yamanoue Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Toshiro Minami Kyushu University, Japan.


Dr. Asakawa, Fujitsu Laboratories Limited. Supported by the Grant-in-Aid of the Minist

ry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan(C)(2)(09680401)