A World of Opportunity - Victaulicstatic.victaulic.com/assets/uploads/literature/RB-100.pdfknown for...

A World of Opportunity

Transcript of A World of Opportunity - Victaulicstatic.victaulic.com/assets/uploads/literature/RB-100.pdfknown for...

Page 1: A World of Opportunity - Victaulicstatic.victaulic.com/assets/uploads/literature/RB-100.pdfknown for being on the leading edge of design trends, fashion retailer urban outfitters decided


A World of Opportunity

Page 2: A World of Opportunity - Victaulicstatic.victaulic.com/assets/uploads/literature/RB-100.pdfknown for being on the leading edge of design trends, fashion retailer urban outfitters decided

This is Victaulic. look inside many of the world’s most recognizable landmarks, and you will find Victaulic. Whether it’s joining the piping systems at the hoover dam that supplies water to 16 million people in the western united states every day or providing a fast installation solution at the Bird’s nest national olympic stadium in Beijing, Victaulic is there.

known for being on the leading edge of design trends, fashion retailer urban outfitters decided to showcase their Victaulic piping system in the lobby of their new world headquarters. clearly, they felt Victaulic offered something more than reliability, flexibility, and efficiency.

moRe than 85 yeaRS of innovation

the company that invented the grooved mechanical pipe joint, Victaulic has built its name on quality and innovation.

the Victaulic mechanical joint – made up of a two-piece metal housing, a silicone gasket, and two nuts and bolts – is the root of all that we do. from our early beginnings in the mining, oilfield and military applications, to our most recent advances in commercial construction, water systems technology, power, shipbuilding and biodiesel applications, Victaulic continues to provide pipe joining solutions that build upon that early technology of a proven, reliable, flame-free pipe joining method.

WoRld’S moSt demanding pRojeCtS

since 1925, Victaulic products have been used in many of the world’s most prestigious landmarks, global environmental projects, infrastructure development, and mission critical services.

“Victaulic is currently in the most exciting and dynamic growth period in our history.

We are driving innovation, and moving strategically into untapped and emerging markets around the world. as has always been the case, our growth will be fueled by our steadfast commitment to invest in recruiting, training, developing and retaining great people. they are the key to our success in continuing to expand our global market leadership position.”

John Malloy, CEo


Page 3: A World of Opportunity - Victaulicstatic.victaulic.com/assets/uploads/literature/RB-100.pdfknown for being on the leading edge of design trends, fashion retailer urban outfitters decided

The Power of Our Peopleit is not just our products that are known as being the industry standard for quality. it is also our employees. in fact, new Victaulic associates and even visitors to Victaulic often remark on the spirit of pride, dedication and teamwork that is evident throughout the company.

it iS aBoUt the people

as a privately owned company, Victaulic is able to take a long-term planning perspective that often is not available to most public companies. this gives us a strategic view of our marketplace and enables us to be the industry leader in reinvestment – a concept that spans investing not just in equipment, but also in people, technology and training.

By investing in our people and their growth and empowering them to contribute, Victaulic continues to grow at a rapid pace. that is why we are structured to encourage the flow of ideas at all levels of the company. and we reap the rewards of open dialogue, teamwork and a spirit of collaboration.

“i’ve had an incredible amount of opportunities over my 12 year career here, and i feel i’m an example of how much Victaulic invests in its employees. i’ve gone from manufacturing clerk to inventory control supervisor, to the operations manager for the Western region to commodity manager for the whole company. i even earned my degree in Business management using the victaulic tuition Reimbursement program.”

“i enjoy working for victaulic because it’s a place with excellent growth potential. the company recognizes hard work and dedication, and values it considerably. i also enjoy working for Victaulic because even though it’s a large, growing global business, it has maintained a small company culture.”

steve – commodity manager

bill – production planner

“during my 30-year career with the company, i’ve seen victaulic grow from a local company of 600 people to a 3,500 person global enterprise, and the company has always encouraged its employees to explore their potential. personally, i began in the lab at the foundry, gained my engineering degree with the company’s support, and worked my way up through the technical side and over to the business side. i’ve had many opportunities to make a real difference, including helping the company become the first in the u.s. to introduce automatic pouring, and leading the lean initiative for driving efficiencies in product delivery. i continue to have the time of my life working here.”

Dina – Director of business processes

i joined Victaulic through the sales training program after graduating from university of iowa, and was soon named manager for the southern nevada sales territory, where my team won contracts with mandalay Bay, the aladdin, the Venetian, and the Bellagio casinos. Victaulic soon entrusted me with a larger geography and the opportunity to grow a new territory in the southwest. not only did our market share grow in that time, but i also received my mBa with tuition support from Victaulic. my next promotion was to the position of regional sales manager for the southwest united states, and i have recently been given a new opportunity again, as division manager for the Western united states and south america. i look forward to strategically positioning our team for continued growth and success.

jonathan – WeSteRn diviSion SaleS manageR – WeSteRn United StateS and SoUth ameRiCa


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The Possibilities are EndlessWith sales offices and distribution facilities around the world, and multiple functions in every facility, Victaulic gives its associates many paths to a diversified and fulfilling career. and with a diversified marketplace for Victaulic products, the opportunities continue to expand as Victaulic continues to grow exponentially.

a Well RoUnded expeRienCe foR the neW viCtaUliC aSSoCiate

newly hired university graduates can explore the dynamic interactions at Victaulic locations around the world through our unique rotational programs. designed to expose qualifying associates to all levels within a specific discipline, these four-year programs enable participants to spend 12 months in a variety of positions relating to one of three key functional areas: engineering, supply chain management, and accounting/finance.

“Victaulic has provided challenging opportunities with an eclectic mix of project work, which ensures that my days are full of learning opportunities. i began my career here in the rotational engineering program, and within three weeks i was already making real contributions to company projects. the program gave me a well-rounded perspective that spans manufacturing engineering, foundry engineering, quality assurance, project management, and production supervision.”

adam – project engineer

“as a graduate with a B.s. in supply chain management, i chose the supply chain rotational program at Victaulic. first, i was a production planner in the foundry, and then moved into manufacturing where i was the planner for fire safety valves, machined fittings, and large diameter couplings. i was then transferred into the global logistics department where i have been managing multiple projects. i have met an incredible group of people at victaulic and look forward to what the future may bring.”

ashley – InternatIonal logIstIcs Manager

“in just my first four years at Victaulic, i went from developing marketing support for local tradeshows, to international marketing focused on Victaulic’s industrial business, to being responsible for starting up a marketing program in europe. i always wanted to work overseas, and that’s exactly the opportunity victaulic gave me.”

Stephanie – Marketing CoMMuniCationS repreSentative

richmond hill, canada (canadian headquarters)

easton, pennsylvania (World headquarters)

nazareth, Belgium (european headquarters)

drezdenko, polandstevenage, united kingdom

alburtis, pennsylvaniaedison, new Jersey

leland, north carolina

chihuahua, mexico

shanghai, china (asia headquarters)

dalian, china

dubai, united arab emirates

mumbai, india

Victoria, australia (australia/new Zealand headquarters)


viCtaUliC foSteRS gloBal leadeRS

the Victaulic global leadership development program provides a wide range of opportunities and training for associates who want to make a difference on a global basis.

gloBal ReaCh

Victaulic employs more than 3,500 people worldwide, with its global headquarters located in easton, pennsylvania, usa. Victaulic is the only mechanical piping systems manufacturer with a global team of factory-trained piping sales specialists who serve our customers worldwide.

pRimaRy viCtaUliC faCilitieS

Page 5: A World of Opportunity - Victaulicstatic.victaulic.com/assets/uploads/literature/RB-100.pdfknown for being on the leading edge of design trends, fashion retailer urban outfitters decided

Combining Growth and Responsibilitycorporate responsibility is a philosophy that Victaulic takes very seriously. as the pioneer of mechanical pipe joining, Victaulic was founded on an idea that replaced the flames and fumes of welding with a cleaner, safer alternative. in fact, each year, the use of Victaulic products eliminates more than 150 metric tons of particulate matter from entering the atmosphere – equivalent to removing 1 million cars from the road for a month.

loCally Committed. peRSonally involved.

at Victaulic, we believe it is our job to give back. Victaulic associates around the world are personally engaged within the communities where they work. Victaulic is a strong corporate sponsor of a variety of charitable causes, including the united Way in the u.s., numerous local and national charities in canada, pediatric cancer research in europe, and red cross relief efforts in asia. many Victaulic associates give back by donating both time and monetary donations. and as a company, we support many worthy organizations through our charitable foundation, a long-established giving program funded by Victaulic.

“i’ve been with Victaulic since 1989, and am proud to be part of a company

that has such a distinguished reputation for its quality, its culture, and the way it respects its employees and the communities where its facilities are located. one of my roles in the company is to lead our united Way drive, and the support we get from management in that effort is incredible.”

Lisa – manager of Customer Care

Victaulic piping solutions are used in the headquarters of alberici, named by the united states green Building council (usgBc) in 2005 as “the greenest building in the world.” the Victaulic grooved system fit alberici’s requirement for indoor air quality during construction, and helped reduce on-site material waste.


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inveStment in oUR fUtURe

no other company in our industry invests more in research and development than Victaulic. the reason: nothing has been shown to be more instrumental in keeping us successful. yet our investment is not just in research or in new product development, it is in developing the keen talents of the people who make the discoveries, and in giving them the technology and opportunities to maximize their contributions.

“during my short time with Victaulic, i have witnessed unlimited growth potential both for the company and on a personal level.

it is important to me to have a position that gives me exposure to globalization. in my ever-expanding role with Victaulic, i am now responsible for assuring quality on new product introductions worldwide.”

“as an engineer, i appreciate the way Victaulic demonstrates its willingness to invest in long term growth, both in physical equipment and engineering resources.

this gives engineers like me the freedom to concentrate on new and innovative product concepts, which keeps my work exciting and challenging. innovation has always been a key to the company’s leadership, and the enthusiasm and appreciation they have for creativity is unlike anything i’ve experienced anywhere else. at Victaulic, the engineer is viewed as an asset to the future growth of the company.”

Nataki – global Quality assuraNce process eNgiNeer

bill – Director of fluiD control technology

Quality and InnovationVictaulic associates have produced a constant stream of innovations for more than 85 years, including many breakthrough solutions that created pioneering changes in the way piping is installed. it is the legacy of our past and the key to our future.


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Updated 1/2009RB-100 5427 Rev B SKU# WCaS-7npq2yVictaulic is a registered trademark of Victaulic company. © 2009 Victaulic company. all rights reserVed. www.victaulic.com

Connect to Your Futureif you want to work for a company that is the leader in its field, that has built its reputation on quality, and is known as the most innovative manufacturer in its field, look to Victaulic.

if you want the opportunities of a rapidly growing global enterprise with the personality of a privately owned firm, Victaulic is for you.

if you seek an employer that offers superior training, opportunities for growth within the organization, and a variety of career paths, then make Victaulic your career choice.

“i have found the people at Victaulic to be very welcoming and inclusive. i was integrated into the team quickly, gaining responsibility and the opportunity to develop and use my skill sets.”

nataKi – gloBal qUality aSSURanCe pRoCeSS engineeR

“everybody’s valued at Victaulic. even at new employee orientation members of the executive team join you for lunch to welcome you and let you know they’re available to you.”

liSa – manageR of CUStomeR CaRe

“the way Victaulic combines global growth with the personal feel of a family- owned company, i truly feel this is the type of company where you can spend your entire career and still feel personally and professionally fulfilled.”

Steve – Commodity manageR