A Winning Attitude



Most problems are caused from mis communication. Cutting edge techniques and skills in the field of personal development. Improve your self esteem, your relationships, your career, your health and your wealth!

Transcript of A Winning Attitude

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Action in Mind






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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2012

“A Winning Attitude”

Introduction Action in Mind is an organization bringing you innovative technology in the field of motivation, communication and self-achievement. These technologies will be utilized in exciting ground breaking experiential sessions that are guaranteed to take you and your corporation to another level of success and competency. This course will give your staff proven strategies to deliver exceptional customer service assuring your corporation measurable improvements in profitability.


Experience this course and you will become extremely

self-motivated to be the best that you can be. Influencing those that you work with and the customers that you

interact with on a daily basis. Overcoming stress, seeing problems as challenges and enjoying

work on a continuous basis.

Create a terrific bond of team spirit that will motivate your staff with energy and enthusiasm for months and months

and months so that at the end of the day, day in and day out, your employees

are motivated to do a better job.

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"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"

Marianne Williamson

The objectives of this training will be to successfully motivate and inspire your staff to become incredibly persuasive sellers of your products and services in an atmosphere of harmony and teamwork. It is about giving powerful communication skills to Career-Focused Professionals. This course is a gift from your organization to your team players. Very quickly participants will realize that this course is a personal development course successfully impacting both their professional and personal lives.

Participants will experience sessions combining excitement, fun, and great learning. Our training will be unlike any experienced. All sessions will utilize both experiential exercises as well as theoretical training. There will be a mixture of lectures, interactive discussions, presentations, group exercises, role-playing, individual exercises and outdoor team initiatives. Expect a development of a sense of belonging with the group, a greater loyalty towards your organization, a building of trust and openness, a strengthening of relationships, sharing, laughing and a high level of retention of the material presented. Session One Breakthrough to Excellence in Sales & Service Communicating for Success Master the number one state management skill to change attitudes, thoughts and emotions. Learn the strategies to deliver exceptional customer service. Inspire colleagues to raise standards. Commit to mastery!! Learn how to communicate with yourself and others so that you can improve your present relationships and

form new rewarding ones. Life can be 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. How to master stress Understand how the most powerful computer on the planet works. Learn stress reduction techniques that will cut your stress in half. Learn how to handle the stress of change. Strategies to make change exciting.

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2012

Turn Fear into Power and take Massive Action Learn how to overcome fears. Turn fear into power. Learn the 3 steps to modeling successful people. Literally breakthrough to another level of success in your life in an exciting and dynamic way! Through an unforgettable experience turn your fear into power. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of

change - whatever the fear learn to conquer it! Overcome fear of public speaking. Create a sense of synergy and team spirit that will integrate all of the information. Harness the power of team. Session Two and Three How to get what you really want!! Needs Analysis An interactive session where we explore your outcomes and needs. We will identify some of the resources needed to change your problems into challenges and finally into

opportunities for development, growth, and excellence. Group outcome formation and expectation for training. Development of Interpersonal Skills The Art of Emotional Intelligence Reduce stress and balance your energy in life Discover your style of interpersonal relationships. Understand how you naturally relate to other people and how to add more skills to improve your

relationships with customers and colleagues. Understand human behavior better and why certain people act in certain ways. Give yourself the opportunity to view your interpersonal skills in a very objective way. Self-analysis is an

important step in personal growth. Practice emotional intelligence. Obtain a new insight on how you handle stress and why. Learn how to control the reactive mind driven to please, control, judge and criticize Improve relationships in all areas of your personal and professional life. Improve relationships at work between departments, teams, management and colleagues through

understanding the complicated world of interpersonal relations.


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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2012

Session Four and Five

Motivat ing for Peak Performance The following skills are guaranteed to give you top-notch communication skills you will use the very next day on the job or at home. Embark on a fascinating journey of discovering what truly makes you and others do what they do. Imagine

having at your fingertips the exact language patterns to use in order to influence and motivate team members to do what needs to be done without stress.

Learn how to stimulate and maintain motivation by adapting communication to spark interest and influence behaviours.

Learn how to change resistance in people to assistance. Experience a communication program designed to create high performing teams. This program will give

your team an appreciation of diversity in the overall effectiveness of a team. The application of this information will result in measurable improvements in job satisfaction and team

productivity. Reducing job burn out while encouraging team players to develop their natural talents and balance their communication styles.

Learn how to motivate people to be the best that they can be. Understand the different working traits and match people to their strengths rather than suffer from their

weaknesses. Session Six and Seven Beliefs create your Reality – explore how they are formed, how they can limit you and how they can empower you- tap into your potential!

Identify limiting attitudes and opinions. Learn how to unlock limiting beliefs in yourself and others!

An amazing life changing model! The Power to Create and the Power to Destroy. What are your beliefs? Unleash your personal power by identifying and overcoming any limiting beliefs. Beliefs about change. Beliefs about management. Beliefs about staff. Beliefs about life. Improve relationships between staff and management by identifying limiting beliefs. Increase productivity, creativity and ambition instantly by strengthening your self-esteem. Shift limiting behaviour in all areas of your life. Experiential outdoor beach activity that will teach you to have a plan and enjoy the journey. Design Your Destiny through identifying your outcomes and goals. Create a motivating vision of your life purpose – become a leader in your life. Stop procrastination and take immediate action in your life. Create massive motivation within! Fine tune your visualization skills.


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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2012

Session Eight and Nine

Get the Edge – Communicat ing with Self & Others An overview of the principles of communication. Discover how often the words you use are misinterpreted. Learn how to motivate yourself and others by identifying motivational strategies and working traits. Learn how to clarify your communication. Learn the difference between "fat" words and "lean" words. Learn the 5 steps to specify your goals in communication. Apply a powerful and effective win/win model to motivate your communication partners. Exert a powerful influence on the actions and attitudes of those around you. Discover a tool to tap into one of the best resources we have "people power". Learn how to obtain the

assistance of others to help you and teach you that will benefit all parties. The power of Teamwork! Building Relationships Learn to create a harmonious relationship with others no matter what the situation. Vital preparation skills for sales, customer service and inter office relationships. You'll know quickly and accurately how someone is responding to what you're communicating! Enhance customer relationships. It cost 8 times as much to get a customer as it does to keep an existing

customer. Learn the strategy that will help you sell more to existing customers. Improve your non-verbal skills by learning specific ways to make your non-verbal behavior add to the

effectiveness of your message. You will learn how to reach your children, your partner, your friends, your family - all the important people

in your life. Master effective telephone skills that will immediately improve your performance on the phone. Session Ten Mastering the Magic of Rapport Achieve immediate rapport with anyone. You'll learn skills that will earn you the attention, acceptance and trust of another person. Discover the real secrets to getting people to like and respect you. Master the advance rapport skills of matching, mirroring, pacing and leading. Experience an exercise that will teach you in a powerful and profound way to enter a person's map of reality

and actually experience what they are thinking and feeling without the use of words.

Studies show that up to 75% of communication is ignored, misunderstood or forgotten. Let us show you how to make every time you speak count.


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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2012

Session Eleven Influencing with Integrity Learn effective verbal patterns that master communicators already know - skills that could make the difference between success and failure in both your career and personal life. Recognize the way you currently come across to others (it's like holding your present

communication style up to a mirror - count on some surprises!). Learn to recognize and match the communication style of others through the power of linguistics.

Interpretation of language patterns. Learn how to predicate match to gain a high level of rapport and clarity in your communication. Use your communication skills as a powerful ally when you negotiate. Learn tools that ensure that you can always establish rapport in whatever situation you are in. State Management – Switch on your energy and enthusiasm Learn a series of influential questions that you can ask yourself and others guaranteed to create a winning

attitude and to “switch on” excellent customer service, confidence for presentations, power for sports. Change depression and other disempowering states to gratitude and contentment. Session Twelve Learn Conflict Resolution and Confrontation Skills You'll be more calm and in control when you experience these techniques. Practice spatial anchoring. Body positions and gestures that will teach you how to keep your cool, stand your ground and reach a positive solution. Excellent in crisis situations. Learn an extremely effective linguistic tool to immediately change resistance into assistance. Extremely valuable when handling complaints and problem solving. Anger Management How to take an argument to a meaningful discussion in a few minutes. Explore the physiological signs of anger. Learn how to utilize the correct language to resolve a conflict. Learn how your preferred response to an irate customer could actually ignite further conflict. Find out what is your preferred style in conflict. General Closing of the Course & Certificate Ceremony


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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2012

Attendees will receive

A Comprehensive Course Manual

An impressive Certificate of Achievement

More Benefits • Be a more effective manager, supervisor, administrator, customer service representative

and sales person • Improve your productivity • Master powerful communication skills • Influence and motivate the people you come in contact with • Increase your confidence and self esteem • Raise staff morale and change attitudes • Develop and improve leadership skills • Become more assertive • Reduce stress • Improve interpersonal skills • Become more innovative and creative • Feel motivated to learn new skills and improve existing skills

Your Trainer Nathalie Golding brings a passion and a never satiated interest in people development to her business Action in Mind. With 22 years experience in corporate training she shifts between three overlapping roles. As a Consultant she assesses the client’s needs and custom designs programs, serving as a confidant and advisor to the primary clients contact. As a Trainer she teaches a specific set of skills educating, communicating and improvising as she intuitively orchestrates and deliver the course material in a fun, interactive and caring way. As a Facilitator she helps guide participants towards a deeper appreciation of how they actually interact. She leads a debrief after each initiative engaging and challenging participants to dig for deeper meanings, mediates discussion and pushes for ever greater understanding and clarity that can be immediately transferred back to the workplace.

Transforming Workplaces

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2012

Your trainers’ background Dr. Derek Golding and Mrs. Nathalie Golding are the Directors of Action in Mind (AIM). They are professional consultants offering customized training modules as well as individual coaching for corporations. Nathalie is the primary facilitator for most courses. They both hold their masters in Neuro Linguistic Psychology (NLP). They have trained with the foremost NLP trainers in the world. Learning cutting edge skills in sales, communication, influence, and motivation from Mr. Anthony Robbins.

Qualifying as Master Practitioners of NLP in Santa Fe and completing the Trainers Trainer in San Francisco with Dr. Richard Bandler, the creator of the science of Neuro Linguistic Psychology. They incorporate a variety of leading edge psychological methods and technologies having studied Post Graduate Psychology in Florida and California with internationally renowned behavioral therapists. The Goldings continuously attend state-of-the-art training in psychology, keeping their skills and programmes on the leading edge. Prior to Nathalie’s psychology training her education was tourism focused. She attended the prestigious Sorbonne University in Paris, The Institute de Français in the South of France, and St. Clair College in Ontario, Canada, studying both Tourism and foreign languages. Nathalie was then awarded a scholarship to study at the renowned Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management in Salzburg, Austria. Nathalie graduated with a Certificate in Tourism Management with distinction. Nathalie returned to Barbados and worked with the Barbados Tourism Authority as a Hotel Inspector evaluating customer service, food quality and the physical amenities of hotels throughout Barbados. The Goldings have played important roles in the fitness industry in Barbados. Nathalie is a consultant with A.F.F.A. the largest certifying body for aerobic instructors in the U.S.A. Derek set up the Universal Health Club which at the time was the leading health club facility in Barbados. Their knowledge of fitness and nutrition is shared in their programmes emphasizing the importance good health plays in productivity and success in the workplace. The Barbadian community has benefited from the Golding’s special combination of knowledge when they hosted and created a popular 13 week C.B.C. T.V. Programme entitled "Power Living" featuring tips on nutrition, fitness and positive thinking encouraging Barbadians to lead positive healthy lives. The Goldings remarkable mix of expertise in psychology, health and tourism places AIM on a unique platform, offering exceptional programmes ideally suited to both the hospitality and service industries in Barbados.

Dr. Golding holds a degree in dental surgery from the University of Otago, New Zealand and maintains a dental practice at Stafford House, The Garrison. Derek joins Nathalie to co-facilitate The Breakthrough to Excellence Seminar and large group programmes.

Transforming Workplaces

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2012

Top Teams reveal why they highly recommend this profit enhancing training!

Nation Publishing Co. Ltd.

“The team gained more awareness of team dynamics and more individual self awareness. This awareness and understanding allows the opportunity to work on greater balance. The facilitator was exceedingly skilled and influential of personal/team change/adjustment.”

Vivian-Anne Gittens Publisher and CEO

“The seminar conducted by Nathalie Golding of Action in Mind is undoubtedly the most profound experience I’ve ever had in learning. Of the countless things I learnt, the most important thing was

thinking about the outcome I desired before saying or doing anything. This has helped me to not hurt people by my words and actions. I now try to achieve a more positive and pleasant outcome from

situations I now find myself in.”

Barton Carrington - Distribution

“Phenomenal and awesome are some of the words to explain “A Winning Attitude”. One can say “what an experience!” in self motivation, communication, fellowship, self control and beliefs”. The most astonishing thing was Nathalie’s ability to reach all of us participants and actually bring us to

the same level with her teachings. Thanks for a job well done!”

Sonia Worrel – Advertising

“This seminar was one of the best I have ever attended for the 21 years I’ve been at the Nation. I have learnt to be a better individual, the power I have from believing in myself and knowing that whatever I put my mind to do, I can accomplish it. I am a better communicator since attending this course.”

Huldah Boucher – Admin Secretary

“The course was great! It was on another level!! My highlight was appreciating how everyone has a difference perspective and being able to not only understand but be in somebody’s world and

empathise with them as an individual. Different people, personalities and perspectives, but once understood we are all the same!”

Sherry Jackman – Senior Accountant

Transforming Workplaces

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2012

Top Teams reveal why they highly recommend this profit enhancing training!

Virgin Atlantic Airways

“It helped my confidence and self worth and it has helped me to form an internal validation of myself as well as the importance of external validation. I am empowered to be a better manager by virtue of this course. My aim is to assist the other members of my team to see and value their work and to help them to see that their efforts are recognized and appreciated by myself and the company”.

David Young - Duty Manager

“Winning Attitude is the best training program I’ve been to. I’ve gained a profound respect for self and for others. In understanding myself I am better able to understand others. The ability to be more relaxed and not get worked up when something does not go the way it should. The ability to better

assess individuals and get a feel for what is required of me.”

Kerry-Ann Miller - Senior Passenger Services Coordinator

“I think my expectations were a little bit different and suspicious. However I would have to say it exceeded my expectations. I did not expect to use any of this stuff and it work but it DID!! (WOW!!). I can now say with all confidence I don’t mind dealing with a difficult customer/friend/worker/boss.

Customer service at our airport will be a positive thing to talk about, now more so than ever.”

Cheryl Ann Bascombe - Passenger Services Coordinator

“This course exceeded my expectations by leaps and bounds, I now have a positive approach to situations, problems and hurdles. I have the tools and know what needs to be done in order to achieve my objectives. My organization has gained a more confident manager who can appreciate why some

staff may not carry out a task the way it was intended.”

Alvin Haynes - Duty Manager

“We can make every day experiences “wow” experiences – Value your team, most times it is the simple things that make a team work – You are never alone, help is there, never be afraid to ask, stay

committed, be strong, listen and encourage – Be humble and make everyone feel as one.”

Virgin Ambassadors

Transforming Workplaces

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2012

Top Teams reveal why they highly recommend this profit enhancing training!

Consumers' Guarantee Insurance

"The course surpassed my expectations. I plan to use the skills both within the office with my colleagues and with my family, friends, and clients. CGI has gained a powerful team of staff

who are now geared to deal with different types of people". Kay Phillips-Hunte – Human Resources Manager

“ I expected very boring sessions with information that was not very realistic and theoretical. I

gained really useful skills. My company has made a major accomplishment. They have a team of staff members who have the same company goals and with a greater

understanding of how their colleagues operate best.” Sandy Thomas

“I gained a greater knowledge of how people are thinking when they say and do certain

things, and also how to help with conflicts etc. The company gained a much stronger and confident employee.”

Amanda Nurse

“The course surpassed my expectations. I gained knowledge e.g. diffusing anger techniques, reducing stress techniques, influencing people, as well as learning how to use the power

of the mind to reach my goals. I fear nothing, as there is nothing that can stop me from achieving success. I can do it!!”

Harriette Anderson

“I have learned how to express myself more (to come out of my shell). I also learned how take charge of a challenging situation by changing the state of mind of the person’s involved. The organization has seen a more confident me. I am able to show off more of my capabilities and

I find that my supervisor is pleased with the new and improve me. I have been complimented on my work a lot more.”

Janelle Inniss

Transforming Workplaces

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2012

Top Teams reveal why they highly recommend this profit enhancing training!

Port St. Charles Team Training

“On behalf of the Port St Charles Management team, we would like to express our gratitude

and appreciation for a very dynamic, fun and enjoyable training session at our retreat a couple weeks ago. You enlightened our minds and refreshed our spirits by opening our eyes to

understand our personalities, recognized our strengths, challenged our insecurities but most of all you facilitated for us to connect as a team and better understand ourselves and our team

mates. I am proud to be a member of such a fantastic, talented and committed team and we are all excited and looking forward to this 2013 upcoming winter season.”

Stephen Austin

British High Commission Customised Communication Training

“Powerful insights into personalities and how they affect our behaviours in times of crisis and stress. I will be able to judge people and my reactions better.”

Anne- Marie Rovito

Kensington Court Group Jason Jones & Regional Business Systems

"A better understanding of some of our key team members, their strengths and where they need

help. Many improved communication skills and techniques. The course improved rapport across divisions and was a reminder that valuable training can still be fun. Many are

much more open to change and have renewed vigour.” Sharon Christie - CEO

“I am an improved worker who is committed to accomplish a winning attitude towards work

and among co-workers. A better working environment and better able to recognize, understand and see each others point of view in everyday work relations”

Janice Straker

Transforming Workplaces

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2012

Top Teams reveal why they highly recommend this profit enhancing training!

Royal Bank of Canada

“This course met and surpassed my expectations. I gained the knowledge that I can overcome all obstacles and negative perceptions thrown at me

on a daily basis in my personal and professional life. This helps my company because I can now function at my optimum level

and not let anyone or anything deter me or affect my work.” Catherine Perkins

“I have learned various techniques which can be used to communicate effectively. I have

also learnt how important it is to consider the needs of the other staff members. My company has made a wise investment because I will endeavour to implement the skills.

I think you were great!” Bernice Francis

“I have become a better supervisor which would help the company always have high morale.

God Bless You!” Rosita Millington

Chemical Industries

"This course not only met my expectations but exceeded them. The course brought out the strength and weaknesses of each member

of staff without any inhibitions. This I see clearly as a big benefit to the staff on a personal basis first and extended to CIL.”

Aubrey Choy - CEO

"The course gave me a greater understanding of myself and others. Greater appreciation of differences in people. A wealth of knowledge.”

Sharon Bayley-Forde - Sales

“I gained information that I can use to improve myself both in my personal and working life. CIL gained a better understanding of personnel on an individual basis and made the organization a closer knit unit. Because of the training better

working relationships will result in happier staff and a better working environment. Trevor Millington – Operations Manager

Transforming Workplaces

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2012

INVEST IN YOUR TEAM A Winning Attitude General Course Starting Soon Regular Price is $1,200.00 per participant. For a limited time your investment is $999.00 per participant. A payment plan of three payments of $350.00 over the three month period of time is also available. 12 life changing sessions Next Course Dates for 2013 March 9th to June 1st (no session on March 30th) Saturday Morning– 9:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. *if there is a demand the course can also accommodate persons wishing to attend during the week rather than the weekend. The proposed day for the week training would be every Tuesday night 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. FREE INTRODUCTORY SEMINAR Call or email to book your place FREE COMMUNICATION ASSESSMENT SESSION WITH MANAGEMENT Call to set up a free session to experience how you can personally benefit and how your organization can motivate and equip their staff through our profit enhancing workshops and seminars. ASK ABOUT OUR INHOUSE CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAINING AND TEAMWORK RETREATS TVET funding for customer service training is available for organizations. CONTACT NOW Nathalie Golding Tel. 262-2693 [email protected] http://www.actioninmind.org M A I L I N G A D D R E S S A C T I O N I N M I N D # 5 S T A F F O R D H O U S E S T . M I C H A E L B B 1 4 0 3 8 B A R B A D O S

Transforming Workplaces