› westfield › DATA › newspapers › Union County S… · ; .... ! _; ::·r:-. ·r_, ._, / ·...

; .... ! _; ::·r·r_ ,�._,�/�· '.'( -�. ·. '. ·· ·.. , . , THE.UNION S E�I WEEKLy · · . · COUNTY STANDARD. . . ,TUESDAY FRIDAY, NO. 70. . WESTELD, UNION ·COUNTY, ,N. ).� FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, .1898. $2 Per Year. Single Copies.�3c . ldve1•tis1;ng Willlwdys ll Hone.Yt Goocls. ; . . ('; Extras in · · o· uterwear J .Bargnin GlhnpP� �f tho pitch of perfection that keeps touch w ith .the extrnordinary Nove1uber selling of Oloii. ks and Suiʦ! Merely glhnpsest The magniHc�nt multitude of values outs!rit>s all attempt to detail. You dollnrs a+1 <1ollnrs mu1 pick 1ind choose from 'the most superb show of the ason's styles. Gomlness of make, grnce of get·np, excellence of every stan· of fit and finish never beaten! , . 0 Skirts-In finest cheviots , serges brilliantines, ma.te with the new skirt•, . line1l with fnst blnclc an nltoether luuulsnme 0 0 0 0 ° 0 �k�· . . ':�.6:��: 4 ·9 7 ' Suits-too Lll < l i!'s' Snmple in hlnck, lut\'Y nml .brown nll!l fuucy wixtum•, lu. x ti�ht.fittiug .inclwts, nil tnf · �kirtslJe1'eulinf11ined,rPgnlnr · 1 4:�: . �.· 1�. li . t: 9:9 5 tor 9·95-ltich cheviot, Lonclu jnclwtR, eu1lH'IH'ill� ue weAt nnrl lntest pntter us, �·�.�.' : . ��::� .�·.1�1�: 9 95 for ll,95�Best <J nnl il y .. lined with l'Xtra qnal- ' l:tt!A with stmp 11mlnew ilip II pend hnt· froutH; colm'H Ulllt�lf, I'O\'nl, t. nu, .. r . e t l . �:'. �11�•:· l2. 9 5 Suit Spedal-ElegnntVenethm Broml clo t h Snit�. iu 6· bntton front, tighfitting 111111 high nimlc jackets, new · dnrte< l Aleeves, In test · llunnce Akirts, blnclc, IJ!ne nwl fnncy mixtni·e�. n renl n r 20 00 snit,' Specinl .......... :""""" 14.95 Oolf Capes- lUll e]e gn nt · Donble l�nced Scutcll Golf lnp•s, IISHOt'tPol plniols 1111d color, rPgulnr 10,00 capes, SpPcinl. . . . . . ·. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 7 •9 5 to.oo Jackets for 7·95 -Cnmbinnti oit Jut. ,f Ker""Y· Boucle nnol Che viot . .Tndcets, nll in the lntest styl�. ridt satin lining, new ol nrte1l slee\'e, notch or high storlll culinr, r egnlnr 10.00 vahw, Special . . . .. .. . . . . oo .. . . . . . .. . 7 95 Dress Skirts-A grent special lot of �00 snmple Rlcirts, consisting of plni<ls, l'nncy mixtm · es mul ttovelty good•, ulso !Jinck <lllc l lllli'J' cheviot sel'gPs, nlllinecl nml i ilt .er lined, somll plniu. otlwra with llnnuce, reguhu· 5.05, U 05, J .9 9 Special ............. oo•. 0 0 ••.; I . ; . ; . d . . Jt·l · Eut· ly choosi11g secmeR yoi1 tlui best selection Stonewnli.Jttekon . ,n.t ChntntUctit�(!. It•ct oi' lduac ·�u the Stcma. 'l'ho i nfnntry sutrere<l terri bly. It wn� A tu e<iicu l E\licutist is aut.hol'ity for impossible to nvnuce uloug tho narrow· tlto' statmuent that chihlron nn ohl truck, nud whuu tho . g un wore ordcr cc1 people OHJliJCiully suffer !'rom n lac]< of up tho situation wns in no wny bottor- l ime in thu system. Porsous who habit· ml. Nourly every hurst wus ltiiimi or ,uuily rh'iuk soft wator, while tlwy may wonue. A cop ditch, cut ncros" tho ' enjoy i mmu ni ty frmu !•ortain of tho ills fOilll, hi uer e eiiectivo no tio n, ami the o f life, OXIJOso themselves to others per· only position whoro reply tothot•ncmy's ltaps qtiito as mnoh to lmnviJidml. U.m1 fire was pnsstiJio lay beyond this ob•tn· wntor helps tho tooth nml tho bones by clo. Dospite the lo;sos of Ids commmul, f urnishing litue, which is necessary to Juclcsou tlllmogecl to lift one · gnu ucrosH health, growth atll1 r1ovelo1nnout. Old by boUtl, bnt hislllen beoume de111ornl pursouswho driuit lmt little Joso·their ized. 'l'bijy left their llosta, .teot' more quickly than tho�o who tue T e �atitple of t heir lioutenant, n reasouble utnount of driukiug wutot•, \Val king up nud down O tho shot 8\VOpt. Lime, or fum1 produ ct s in which it ro+d and exuluimh<g calmly: "There 18 ubouuds, Ehonld be u p�rt of tho regu no dunger, o?. J um not hit," fulled to Jar supply furnishecl to I he . system. Inspire them with coutl.tence. Muny One of the most valnu blo \'egetohlos for bad olreRdy folleu. The infuutry, with this pnrposo is the yellow turnip or the excepllon of + small escort, which rnta bagu, which shouhl be given to held its ground with diculty, bocl dis· growing chi hl ren nt least ouoe u week. app�arod, and GeuPral Worth, observ- uporl y prcpurcd, it is very ru . lishuble lug Jackson's .perilous situation, sent sud its foo value Juts never bcou uppre · him orders to retire. He replied it wos elated. mre daugerou to . wi t hd r a\� j hn t l , to I · · · S he •1•1.,.0 Itt S ite Did, stand fast, nmltf thoy wonld give htm · .. · · 50 veteruns be would ratber attempt ·He-Do yo loi'O me well enough to tho capture of the brestwork.-Heu· bꝏ , muo my. l·tfe? derson's "Stonewall Jacltson and the Sbe-I tluuk I do, but I must have Olvil War.'.� ull .. the money I wnut, and I must nl- DYS huvu my owu wny, 11m1 go wbeu Telert>h D l nndero, atid w here I waul to; +111 como home Two funny telegrph storie s are print· wheu I p as e, nncl st n y wny w hen I ed by the Pltlsblwg Dispatc h on t h o please. Yes, I think I re11lly llo lovo Y authority of + former employe e of the w ell e nough to marry you.-Boston Western Union compauy. . Trnnecript. He was receiving 11 ispntc h frolu . ' l ' n _ l l _ d - , . - . - .. - , - , . - , -, -, - , . .n - l l t l •. Albany, i n which tho sen d er w n s not . .. ,\ 11J1ys i ciniJ, in uu urticle''illnstrnt- oi'Crcorefni in tho ma tter of spaci ng hia ing the evil custoni of tnlldn to 1111 in- l ette rs. Lawton too k th o a dd r e s s a s f ol - vnlirln i Jont his !Ill ins, ys tiJnt once hu lo ws: "Dr. A. Wing, room cllr uge nt; rolinested n utothcr · to mnrk 11 s trol co Central depot, New Yorl<." upo n + pnpcr en o tituo thnt sho nslted 'fhu dispatch muno back with 'tbo ·11 sick"daughfer hOii' slto wus. 'fhe uext marginal report thnt .there wnsno such. dny to d)er .iistonislnnetit shu made 100 pQrsnn nt tho mldross uumcd. Tho'oper; · . · atr.nltes: A· lllrue·::t!ttlui'· l'isit away a tor ut Ai auy w ae call e u p , aud , e x · fr t i m h o mo w118·1ir�sct•ibed; planations followorl, in cousequeuco of' , c:\ '" .... · · .·• .. . . · w hich the address was c hnug m l · t o.' · . J , Th ' s rin' · u(tii� .�en is estin' mtcd nt "dn\wiug room cur nscut,-Ccutrnl ·<le·. J oo;ooo;ooo in1unro'·tiiile�; tu kiug tho pot,, · , , · \\·h0te · .snr. ft.w�l·o. . tllo·Ji.obO.nt'l07,00b, A still mo1 nbsnr<l mist.iko wns once · · · · · · mndo iu tho Hmno offic�a whc lo; ooo,·.mi its griJntust · depth:.stii>priscdly equnlsthe,.height 'of the highest iuuun- grnm was received for ". Tames '. f · ·. · · Giles, pio clerk, Brooklyn na sty ynnl.'.' tni , or 0111' mi les. , , : · .. >, :, . . �'his wns nflerwnrd" umended t. o rend, "Jumns W. Gillespie, clerk, Brooklyu , UII\'Y yard.' 1 Ezudly Aeeomt•Jbhed, "Ym;,, said M,ur111er CorntosseJ, "when ,loRiar fnst come home from bein c t iucated, he wa� too sporty for : anything. If thoro wns nuythiug tbnt he ' was oro tltun sporty, it was obstinate. But ho'H nil over it. Ho's jost ns yioldin now ns ldn ho, nn I don't beliel'e he over thinks of hettin. Not iu this neigh· borhootl, anyhow."' "Di yon l ootnre hint?" i nquired tho neighbor. ''No. I wau't so foolish. I kuo.w leo- turin wonldu 't dn no good. He th in its I ain't in his cla ss, an if I was to ex· press an opini on he' nt or e' n li kely take it for grunted tbot the opposite w as f11ot�." · "Dill you reFort to tiJreots?'' "Never. I don't huvo to. l'tn a nal- ural bo diplomat." "Well, if you didu't p�rsuade nor yet threaten, I dmi't see bow you wnu- aged. He' too big to lick." "Did you ever dri vo a pig?" "Yea." .. '.'Did yon over drivo moro'u one at once?" "Yes." "Then ymt'll understand how easy it HR, All I dono to take the conceit clea n out o' Josinr wus to bet him he coul dn't rh•e fonr pigs from hero to town poet tho J>laoe where tbree rod� oross. "- Wu shington Stur. Bought by the Government Cleveland's baking pow-· der is purchased for the Army and Navy. 'rhis · is a guarantee of qual- ity, for Cleveland's Baking Powder has been officially ana- lyzed and found to be pure cream of tart a r powder or it would not be bouht. Cleveland na�:ng Powder Co., New York AT THE THEATRE. Grnnthnu.•, l'e1,1u�t'1utnb. Of the uumy novelty succese8 tliut. Thoro wns 11 certaiu f a mi l y in wbi oh 9miun tm1 . frnu . Weller 111111 Flel tho w or lcor became iutcrested. Though lll t isic hull, Ne\,; Yorl c City, pPrhnps very poor, their room� were clean, nn uoue hn\'e been mot'e · uotubi e than tluit they wero very feud of ouo auotin:r, of the " C ou .cni·ers'� :whieh is a �ntira espcciuily of tile o irl gudmothor, who 011 Pun! Po lte1 · · greutest dnuuatii.· eor hmluot !JcGU loug in thiH oounh·y. The "The. Cuttqnei'ers." · church . people wcro very desirou� of .This is; io he next week's ut!t'll<'l ion at; nssisting the m, us the chilren alway• Willdt's 'llirln!t·· mitl Huls<·.v st .• . nttcuml Sunday school and wore well . brought up; so the . rlisiot Yisito r was N e \\; n rl< . . , Tile · organization, in· ail i ts· instructed to look out·. f or ; it heu!. · · e<itil : ety ul'ter::li iitost'z·illiiint om•l- . 'rhis s ho dirl,'. scoitbnt thoy hi 11l n dt:ml night r;m ·at theGrnnrl· Opera 'morlest nl low · unce of groceries, · coni Hotise�· Olllcng, otnes het·�:· aw: ; me-. eiiott gb'to lteep them fm freezing, ai1 thing mnguiliceut. 1inty· be ' lut>lcu� for� :· s o O, Sbo r li n ot gil·c them mo n e y ,,ns w m't l to. , ;::<.· . .. : . , . ., ..'·. : . . . that wns coutrury to her methods except It ,:eqtih·es, the servi ce of thir" t: 'e e�- ' iu specinl cases, but she wns going out nf · " · · town for 11 wee!;, nud 80 loft with tho perience ' jierfor•!:•ers: .to Jl:·"st:-� the• mother 50 ceuts for emergenci es. · bue>qne; : . �··rlie :·con·Cnn•rs·•;·. hut it 'rills is what t hey told ·her .. they t li<l l n·eseute'd', t'oiJerly':iii' �i;er:; det..il wit �Vitft it: tlie ' ·'stilit' �-/iiuticU]" SChi);, CUStOI,.' · "Tbowe:tt her wns so fino , and grn nc l· · e rl;i nmi s.tnge ,eiiectii.'.:) . ' ·. · ; 1 11111 h nd uev �r soon the H h ops he r e. · 1 · : . · . .. · . . ·:.!' / ·: · ·' · 1 •. know," sni . the mother, , "tltut ,they · ilti;�tig'i1:\iirila'· viilii g i; Pos!ni•Rtero must iJo clrus s ? d hnuusomo f o r . . E.u s tpr, i lnlm11: iug'8o iu�'of tlte'hti·!!PSt :iuu ie u so I took raudma nud the · cht idrcu ti,�.tha· ·llistor'y _of tie Fonrteeuth Street down town 111 tho e . lucti 'io cr uud let .. . . , · :: '. , . 1 ¡e� tons. ' from C!Oillplete USRQrtt nent s of rich No l ellies ulre<uly npuu di"plny here. w� · u hol<l wlutt you choose <m elii•er when you're read y, · · . - A LL HAIL THE MERRY GHRISTMASTIOE, . . ' . THAT GIVES TO OLD AND YOUNG, THE SWEETEST TUNE IN LIFE'S GREAT SONG THAT EVER CAN BE SUNG I them suo ai l the stores.. That cost 40. I he•��Ie,, ,,.ll!llllllei. Rosu•qnest Js re- <; cents down nne] buck u ud with t b e . JO lnct imt l y� oblig e d to: nmu>mte� r e xt centa loft I 1Jongi1t g�umhnu so u ie p o p- weelc 1is tbe: Jus . . t on ' its m; · :uuluext periuts. "-Boston Herulll. SBtu'rday: evenhig,. Decet!! ber 3n1, ns its I �·mDBI"lY . EH . ms BY OU OWN \ . \'A· 1 OOX RYEHY ltONDAY, WJ . �OESDAY ANI> FltlllAY. . : :'.'• : : . L. S. PLAUT & CO. to 7�• Broad & 8 Cedar St., Newark, N� J. * S mall Shoes rm: Iitti� cha p s.· * Str o ng Shoe�. �or s �rcl� bois.·· * s� yli sh Shoe� cor their rathers. * :Dainty Shoes for little girls and misses. * Elegant . Shoes for their mvthcrs. · 0 Good Shoes and Low Prices for Every One. -- . H. c.· PIKER, uwestfleld0& Busiest Sho·e Stor . e." ** * �***#************� ···TUTTLE BROS. : . GOA�.�· MBEQ. i . Yards-Westfield aven.u, : , �prlng and Broad streets, Westfield. * 'TI,HON 3 8 * I' . **'********** * ** JOHN INGRAM, Plumber Steam, Hot Water, Hot Air Heating, ' 'l'INNINO, 1101WIN!l, 1 Wl'IJ , , IIAUIJW111', ;IIO1•1 l'UIINIHIIINII ;nooUH, ANIJ AIJ!J f{INIJH orco,\llili�N 'I'OllloH, �'1'0\'IH A Nil UANIIIrH, .,.,, .. �. uou .. �. u.uw.�. I•',IXlJ\' I•'IJIISI1Till�, IIIJIIS, IJI:II- lll.tUll\, I•:I, .. :CJ1'1UCJ,\I, �\�U lll·!· '1',\INS, IIUU.'·;\•fllto\fl, I•'IJUS, SI!I1'S, lJIL\SIIio\1, Xll\'lI.'I'It;�, W,\IIUS�, •IMJJ(i':'l'�, lJ,\1'1·:�, IIIII·;,, 1'•\'1ltCH1KINU IIUUHI•, I,I·:UM, 'l'l•atN, I'HJ'I'I!HI·:, .n: \\'I•:I,Jt\', : Ml(,\'l't;s, lJ ll\'0 llUJ,Io I•'IIIIX(lf,II\'I•!S, lf,tXIIIC'IIJJ•l'+, Nl.ll'· . '1'11111·: ,\Sil ,IJ\'111,\IlM lJio' U'I'IH:IC t•tms, �)IUIUSCI ,(,\1:1\1'+, SII(. l'lii��I·:S'I', 1 11'1·:,\tt, llltl'I'S, (lt.li'I'IIISCI, o•, t .--� t FREE DELIVERIES AT NEW JERSEY RAIL ROAD STATIONS. t WESTFIELD. N. J ,� HAHNE & CO., - - - - NEWARK 1 _,; lt; r i t ,, ;, ;,;,;�,rr. t r ;, rtt ,,rJ. r r� r. rt. t� ' - · fiiull: per f oruinnce in til is dty·· the Jll'C• IIlio of 'l'ln. st. senson: ' unnger lttluquest has "Au orc llnury political onmpo i gn," t r i et1 · t o Jl l lrclmse the l!ine · hl nt !tis Enid a novel ty mnnufuclurer, "is not 1111 thtntre by Clmrl es H. Yule, but has munitigattul ovil ·to ull brnuolies of luien nnuble to do so. lr. Yal wil� trude. Among tboso tlmt profi t by it nre the tin cnu muuufuctu re r s . o st of t ho there f ore ·:pi·eseut nuew 111•1l np tu da t omn}migu butl<iud nro mu tle of ti u , ,1 ud .v ersio n uf · ;' . Tiui De1•il ' s Auction" O w h en a big 11ol itionl Etrngglo is expe ct· Inmluy, Decelnber uth, for one week e the mui t�I · s smu1 out ugeuts throug h only. the tiu factories of tho south to buy np -- ---- . . ' . nil the wa8t& tin nnd nseieHs CIIIIB thecnu fiml tu multo their hu tt oub with. ost of tbe cumpui gn buttons nrc nme in Newurlt, ntul tho u m unt puh1 by the mukars to tho l'IIU fnotories, pnrtiouiurly those cf altimorc, is cousiemble, even though tit•> tin is wnste, if unything cnn ba cal led wusto uowudnys. "Nor is the tin wusto useless, evun when 110 polilicul cxcitomeut is on. I know n nmu wh' o visits Bnlthuoro nt rognl nr intt•ri'Uls unci buys nil the nCfii tin be onn tiurland soils it to tho button muiccrs. It is used for tlto bncl<ing of or1linury buttons. Any clny in JliU'ts of Brooklyn y ou cnu Hco wugous Jond<!d with scrnp tin uml old cnus, The grent· Ar pnrt of thi s goes to the places where buttons, toys nnd gewgnwe of vnri ous kinds nrc nuule. "-Now York Suu. )JethndN of llurcfer. Sir ,T, Cricht on Brnwuo's oxpro�Eiou o! snrprise tbut hnmich1es still uluug to old fa shioned method• of destruction when tbuy might so enslly u•u poisons mioroes wbiuh wonld defy JIOSt mortem IHIR not nnuuturully cnllud forth m1nty ꜵmu1onts. 'l'hut would hu crintiuuis, heit'H nt luw, \I'U HLIJI]IIlse, clo Onwlittws cast ulmnt fm• safo uwnuH nf "HlJiftillg'' i1WUlH't. :'UlC11t l'U)Uti\'llH {ir ouomio• t.boru is, wo feur, li ttio 1lm:lot. A corrOHJ>oUd<•nt \ilus tn tell us lluil hu wuH nuco iunrmml y Mr. llnrtlutt, tho Jato snporiJJteJJcluut o! tho %nt>, thnl hu. WtJuhl no\'cr Jllll't with 11 ]l!liHot\OilH snnfco UllltlHH hu IOW ftiR Cll>IOIIIOI', '!'hut unturnllst's lung nxporlenuu of the nuhuui kiugohnu luulul>n gl\'uu him rmurknltlu lnsh:ht Into tho nntnro of hIUIIUH. Oddly Ullllllgfl, llll<]H Olll' Clli'I'O· HliOu<leut, IJr, lJunuu lloyio llH<lli the tuotl\'u lu rnttl nf his ft uuous Hht•rioolc lluhiH'H •orfes.-J.nmlou Null'S, \\' Uft111 \\'UMit•o 'l'hoohlui nf tho l'hiindolphlu ll'<nthur lnu·mw, lu u IIIIJII'r t' ouutly wl l1y bfm, Hhll'li tho 'UIHiurfuJiy hll'lt 1111• t'••utn tu whloh Uftftlll'tll<tly tri vlui hut UUllt·hiiHH] houl IIIII,\' UHHtllllt. Uun clt'Uil ur "'"'"'" Jlt'l' ROI'OI!d IIIUII\IIl!H Ill lil'll �niinUH jllll' dny, 'l'hiH Hilly \\'!ill hu roHIIIIllili!I'CHJ by Ul'l!l.rUII•III• lolHliH With l<tllll)' til [Jill�, Jlll)'lll fot• \I'll• tl•l' loy llll'll•l', lllld u]Hu lhnl lllljliii'I'IJII,\' t rl \·lni Hll:l\ll\ ll'llfiH II ll II JnHH IIUt uuiy ol \1'111<'1', lout nl' eoul, utui ul otl uni it•niiH, or \\'111111', """ ' nud lnlllot', . . 111'. Ren,ly ' Jt, Though. ho hnll long norc<l her In leoret.wnrshlp�d, In fnct, tho gronnd she prcs"cd bouen th tho onlcs of her dainty little No. B's-bo ba,J never yet beon able to scro ; up sn:ienl cmirug to 1mt l1is fa te to the tos t. Poor fellow� Ho was one oE those siJy, mm1ust, sel ueprcoiut i ug sort of chups t �.at ure gro\• ing mpirlly scnrcer, or he woulol h tnmblud months ngo to tl;? fnct that h& hurl only to go in nm1 win. Ot�rtrm1o Alicin !mow tho state of his flluling& l ight onougit, but it hntl plen•ml bo� hit herto to keep him duuliJJg in at- teudnnoe. At lust, howol'er, �u W. up hor mind to Jnud her lioh •oou n fnvor uble ohnuce presoult•<i itsolf .. Aud the opportunity camo ut tho S+1 ythlngtous ' littlo soirl'o, whuu tho lmsit fnl swain, eutedug t"e cou�erv· tory, discovered bis luunwri1tn luol<ing her lovoilest umirl tho pnltns ul tluwers. "Aru-aro you ulono'l" l!o queotioned tj mldly. In u momen t tho fuir o1:1 l roady wit· t�d girl HIIW hm• ohuuco UIHI took it thet\ nn<l f ltc ro. "A lonn, Hou�ur-. i uuil \ill , " sho Uifl, with lnwurcd YO II,Js, "a loau1 Cur t a i nly not-I'm a gift. II ,\wl l;i lllinut<•s Into!', when thcr emerged from th tir relronl, IlHtry wus nsking hi"'"'l! huw hu uouhl havu Ltoo Ruoh 11 .l nggins IIH tn Jtn>tllOIIL' his imp- pinos� so Jon.-KaJI�HH C:Hy .lot!l'lll lluw . llnlnturt!• .\1'4� IJt•Ntru�·t•tl. •rb" chi l'f ngent in the dt••truntlnn of 11 minln t uro Is perhnps sunilht. The d!ro!'t t·nys of the �uu •huulrl noO pormftln<l to full npon t ho J>Ortmil, nm1 OHill'cinlly shnultl It !Jo rolltllllthen•<l thnt tho gin"" (' eryst11l) ct,\'N'H tn lh� ntluluiii i'I'H , n<HI tlw gluH• of tho t•ablnui In which liw· tu·u lwpt, 111! lwlt• to iu. OOUHO tho jllti\'Ul' of tho �lllliitdti <lllfl In fl \' o In It• f<'I'IJ]o•,,t. r1 1yo ahllit�· to UX• ori.'!Hu d<'.,trll!i I'U fnrt'll, \'e lltllll lm· eiy oltl mntlll'"" htt\' U<!�m l\\\\• lfe11ll�· rnlm:d hy light. Jiuug upnu 11 wnll or iu 11 e'"'t�y nru <'XI'""''I In full HUuliuhl, uml tit Ulll'Uullous quit·lcl,l' fnthl, tho vuluo of nil tho''"'"''' I• t ' l ' d w·ml unol w!tltoum\ 111111 tlu' pnh't' uud liiOl't! dl'llmtn t ints V11nl•h ntlogPIIu•t', H thu uxlguuclos ot MJIIIIJO dt•tttllllll that II II'UJi OJIJlO>itU U wimlow ( tl110 1\''Ht JlOHitlou In 11 ruon� Cot' tuluinllll' t'M) Ulllht lHl n••ul, th�ll hlhui t'lll'tnlu •huul<l lu1 �ll!IJiiiull to tlw lmltiltPI. noutululug thu tn"'"'"'es, IV\' IIICioiiW WORMS IN IHIHSil ANII CA'I'fi.IJ, Hurc, �nfeauul & u1edy, 'I'IJI llltllllt•llul wiiii'HIIIII\'c \\'tll'lll.1 �}j�llfl Ill ' , 1 1(1 ' 11 (1'0111 lfm'tWH 1 11111 lftlt l fl, \\' ill l 'llr ' fr 1 Jw um I, ""''J't•l•t JLJJII lnnu IIJI I ho lntruwltnlul '''ttlllfllu nlh Jl NN'\ '1'. SHOT" DR. EMMlfSON'R D D 1'm• 'm'IIU� In IIU't�, 1. tli•wKt ttlllfii'Ul C !untl l t luu l'••wth•aIII II'' l111.t11 (IIIII tnlth•· ltlltllt l'tll , llii'N ' IIniiH wl \/ ll!IWII hux f �ulil II\ nil fll'llJ.IHIJI'I ' III It > ' !IJ H II J! IIII ' I ' I'I' Jtl.n(itiiH c. u . 11 r" co•ANVt Whol,.nl• IJruKul• · ' . "l Nf•a II road +1, SODA? nud IIH of ton n1"'"ll!lo tho wlncitl\\' UP•· II'" Ill'" ""' '"'"'"'' ' '�' 11.1 l.t.oss "/It I J utHIIn tho l'nhlnot Hhuuhl lm Hht'<nulo11. tl/11111, /'111'(1 /•'t'llil •�1/1'1/iiM IIHIOII, NO UH tn jll'!IVIInt thu light fuJlfll UIIO W H TRENCHARD "'111'"" '' "'" I tho onl•hwlnH•I ltH vmzlvutH.-"l'ol'lrl' · ' • l'<'u'1"'"1 H I •· Mi u i n t\u·o , " hy , Q, Wlilllluuofl, . :·,'! · . . · · ·- · : . ·

Transcript of › westfield › DATA › newspapers › Union County S… · ; .... ! _; ::·r:-. ·r_, ._, / ·...

Page 1: › westfield › DATA › newspapers › Union County S… · ; .... ! _; ::·r:-. ·r_, ._, / · '.'( - . ·. '. :;. ·· · .. ,., THE.UNION SE. I .. WEEKLy ··. · COUNTY STANDARD.

; .... ! _; ::·r:-.�·r_,�._,�/�· '.'( -�. ·. '. :;. ·· · .. ,.,




TUESDAY FRIDAY, NO. 70. . WESTFIELD, UNION ·COUNTY, ,N. ).� FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, .1898. $2 Per Year. Single Copies.�3c .

.lldve1•tis1;ng Will.lllwdys Sell Hone.Yt Goocls. ; . . (' ;

Extras in ··o·uterwear J

.Bargnin Glhnpt<P� �f tho pitch of perfection that keeps touch w ith .the extrnordinary Nove1uber selling of Oloii.ks and Suits! Merely glhnpsest The magniHc�nt multitude of values outs!rit>s all attempt to detail. You

dollnrs a1111 <1ollnrs mu1 pick 1ind choose from 'the most superb show of the season's styles. Gomlness of make, grnce of get·np, excellence of every stan· of fit and finish never beaten! , .


Skirts-In finest cheviots , serges brilliantines, ma.te with the new

skirt•, . line1l with fnst blnclc an nltol(ether luuulsnme

0 0 0 0 ° 0 �k���·

. . ':����� .6:��: 4·97'

Suits- too Lll<li!'s' Snmple in hlnck , lut\'Y nml .brown

nll!l fuucy wixtum.•, lu. lrox ti�ht.fittiug .inclwts, nil tnf · �kirtslJe1'eulinf11ined,rPgnlnr


. ����.��



.t�: 9:95

tor 9·95-ltich cheviot, Lonclu jnclwtR, eu1lH'IH'ill�

ueweAt nnrl lntest pntterus, �·��.�����.':. ��::� .�·.11�1��: 9 95 for ll,95�Best <Jnnlil y .. lined with l'Xtra qnal-' lll:tt!A with stmp

11mlnew ilip II pend hnt· froutH; colm'H Ulllt�lf, I'O\'nl, t.nu,

.. r.e�t�l

.•�� ����:'� .���11�•:· l2.95

Suit Spedal.s-ElegnntVenethm Broml cloth Snit�. iu 6·bntton front<!, tight· fitting 111111 high nimlc jackets, new

· dnrte<l Aleeves, In test · llunnce Akirts, blnclc, IJ!ne nwl fnncy mixtni·e�. n rel(nlnr 20 00 snit,' Specinl .......... :""""" 14.95

Oolf Capes- lUll e]egnnt · Donble l�nced Scutcll Golf lnp•s, IISHOt'tPol plniols 1111d color:-�, rPgulnr 10,00 capes,

SpPcinl. . . .. . ·. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 7 •95 to.oo Jackets for 7·95 -Cnmbinnt.ioit Jut. ,f Ker""Y· Boucle nnol Cheviot.

.Tndcets, nll in the lntest styl�. ridt satin lining, new olnrte1l slee\'e, notch or high storlll culinr, regnlnr 10.00 vahw,

Special. .. .. . . . . . . oo . . . . . . . . . . 7 • 95 Dress Skirts-A grent. special lot of �00

snmple Rlcirts, consisting of plni<ls, l'nncy mixtm·es mul ttovelty good•, ulso !Jinck <lllcl lllli'J' cheviot sel'gPs, nlllinecl nml i ilt.erlined, somll plniu. otlwra with llnnuce, reguhu· 5.05, U 05, J.99 Special ............. oo•. 0 0 •••

. ; I . ; . ; . d .. ,;.; Jt·l · Eut·ly choosi11g secmeR yoi1 tlui best selection

Stonewnli.Jttekll!on.,n.t ChntntUctit�(!. IO:fl't•ct oi' lduac ·�u the S;n�tcma.

'l'ho infnntry sutrere<l terribly . It wn� A tue<iicul E\licutist is aut.hol'ity for impossible to nrlvnuce uloug tho narrow· tlto' statmuent that chihlron nncl ohl truck, nud whuu tho . g un<i wore ordcrcc1 people OHJliJCiully suffer !'rom n lac]< of up tho situation wns in no wny bottor- l ime in thu system. Porsous who habit· ml. Nourly every hurst• wus ltiiimi or ,uuily rh'iuk soft wator, while tlwy may wonuclecl. A cl'eop ditch, cut ncros" tho 'enjoy immunity frmu !•ortain of tho ills fOilll, hiurlerecl eiiectivo notion, ami the of life, OXIJOso themselves to others per· only position whoro reply tothot•ncmy's ltaps qtiito as mnoh to lmnviJidml. U.m1 fire was pnsstiJio lay beyond this ob•tn· wntor helps tho tooth nml tho bones by clo. Dospite the lo;sos of Ids commmul, furnishing litue, which is necessary to Juclcsou tlllmogecl to lift one · gnu ucrosH health, growth atll1 r1ovelo1nnout. Old by boUtl, bnt hislllen beoume de111ornl pursous who driuit lmt little Joso·their ized. 'l'bijy left their llosta, .teotiJ' more quickly than tho�o who tulce

Tne e�atitple of their lioutenant, n reasout�ble utnount of driukiug wutot•, \Val king up nud down Oil tho shot 8\VOpt. Lime, or fum1 produ cts in which it ro11d and exuluimh<g calmly: "There 18 ubouuds, Ehonld be u p�rt of tho regu no dunger, &eo?. J um not hit," fulled to Jar supply furnishecl to I he . system. Inspire them with coutl.tence. Muny One of the most valnublo \'egetohlos for bad olreRdy folleu. The infuutry, with this pnrposo is the yellow turnip or the excepllon of 11 small escort, which rnta bagu, which shouhl be given to held its ground with difficulty, bocl dis· growing chihlren nt least ouoe u week. app�arod, and GeuPral Worth, observ- � Pruporl y prcpurcd, it is very ru


lug Jackson's .perilous situation, sent sud its foo.t value Juts never bcou uppre· him orders to retire. He replied it wos elated. m'!re daugerou� to . withdra\� jhntl , to I · · · She •1•1.,.0 Itt Site Did, stand fast, nmltf thoy wonld give htm or · .. · ·

50 veteruns be would ratber attempt ·He-Do yo� loi'O me well enough to

tho capture of the bret�stwork.-Heu· boo,muo my.�l·tfe?

derson's "Stonewall Jacltson and the Sbe-I tluuk I do, but I must have Olvil War.'.� ull .. the money I wnut, and I must nl­

\\'DYS huvu my owu wny, 11m1 go wbeu Telellrltt>h Dlnndero, atid w here I waul to; 111111 como home

Two funny telegrt�ph stories are print· wheu I please, nncl stny t�wny w hen I ed by the Pltlsblwg Dispatch on tho please. Yes, I think I re11lly llo lovo Yotl authority of 11 former employee of the well enough to marry you.-Boston Western Union compauy. . Trnnecript.

He was receiving 11 llispntch frolu . 'l'n_ll_d-,.-... -.. -,-,.-,-,-,-,.""'. n-lltl •.

Albany, in which tho sender wns not ... ,\ 11J1ysiciniJ, in uu urticle''illnstrnt­oi'Crcorefni in tho ma tter of spaci ng hia ing the evil custoni of tnlldn�-: to 1111 in­letters . Lawton took tho address as fol- vnlirlniJont his !Ill ins, imys tiJnt once hu lo ws: "Dr. A. Wing, room cllr ugent; ro.linested n utothcr· to mnrk 11 strolco Central depot, New Yorl<." upon 11 pnpcr en oil tituo thnt sho nslted 'fhu dispatch muno back w ith 'tbo ·11 sick"daughfer hOii' slto wus. 'fhe uext marginal report thnt .there wnsno such. dny to d)er .iistonislnnetit shu made 100 pQrsnn nt tho mldross uumcd. Tho'oper; ·. ·atr.nltes: A· lllrue·::t!timtlui'· l'isit away ator ut Ai �auy wae caller! up, aud, ex· frtim homo w118·1ir�sct•ibed; planations followorl, in cousequeuco of' , c>':\ � '" .... · · .·• .. . . ·

which the address was chnugml ·to.' ·_'.J,Th�' sitrin'�� ·u(tii� .�en is estin'mtcd nt "dn\wiug room cur nscut,-Ccutrnl ·<le·. Joo;ooo;ooo in1unro'·tiiile�; tukiug tho pot,, · , , · \\·h0te·.snr.ft.w�l·of· . . tllo·J.ii.obO.nt'l07,00b,:-A still mo1>0 nbsnr<l mist.iko wns once· · · · · ·

mndo iu tho Hmno offic�a whcri il tillo; ooo,·.mitl its griJntust · depth:.stii>priscdly equnlsthe,.height 'of the highest iuuun-grnm was received for ".Tames Vi.'. f · ·. · ·

Giles, pio clerk, Brooklyn nasty ynnl.'.' tni�, or 0111' miles. , ,: · .. >, :, .

. �'his wns nflerwnrd" umended t.o rend, "Jumns W. Gillespie, clerk, Brooklyu , UII\'Y yard.' 1

Ezudly Aeeomt•Jbhed,

"Ym;,, said M,ur111er CorntosseJ, "when ,loRiar fnst come home from bein c tiucated , he wa� too sporty for : anything. If thoro wns nuythiug tbnt he ' was tHoro tltun sporty, it was obstinate. But ho'H nil over it. Ho's jost ns yi oldin now ns ldn ho, nn I don't beliel'e he over thinks of hettin. Not iu this neigh· borhootl, anyhow."'

"Dicl yon lootnre hint?" inquired tho neighbor.

''No. I wau't so foolish. I kuo.w leo­turin wonldu 't dn no good. He th in its I ain't in his class, an if I was to ex· press an opinion he'cl ntore'n likely take it for grunted tbot the opposite was f11ot�." ·

"Dill you reF.ort to tiJreots?'' "Never. I don't huvo to. l'tn a nal­

ural born diplomat." "Well, if you didu't p�rsuade nor

yet threaten, I dmi't see bow you wnu­aged. He'ri too big to lick."

"Did you ever dri vo a pig?" "Yea."

.. '.'Did yon over drivo moro'u one at once?"

"Yes." "Then ymt'll understand how easy it

\VHR, All I dono to take the conceit clean out o' Josinr wus to bet him he couldn 't clrh•e fonr pigs from hero to town poet tho J>laoe where tbree rot�d� oross. "- Wushington Stur.

Bought by the Government

Cleveland's baking pow-· der is purchased for the Army and Navy. 'rhis · is a guarantee of qual­ity, for

Cleveland's Baking Powder

has been officially ana­lyzed and found to be a: pure cream of tart a r powder or it would not be boull'ht.

Cleveland na�:ng Powder Co., New York

AT THE THEATRE. Grnnthnu.•,. l'e1,1u�t'1utnb. Of the uumy novelty succese£"8 tliut.

Thoro wns 11 certaiu family in wbioh 9miuntm1. frnu," . Weller 111111 Flel.ts;' tho w orlcor became iutcrested. Though llltisic hull, Ne\,; Yorlc City, pPrhnps very poor, their room� were clean, nnrl uoue hn\'e been mot'e ·uotubie than tluit they wero very feud of ouo auotin:r, of the " Cou.cni·ers'� :whieh is a �ntira espcciuily of tile oirl grnudmothor, who 011 Pun! Polte1··� greutest dnuuatii.· eilorl;, hmluot !JcGU loug in thiH oounh·y . The "The. Cuttqnei'ers."

· church . people wcro very desirou� of .This is; io he next week's ut!t'll<'l ion at; nssisting them, us the chilrlren alway•

Willdtt'tntm's 'llllirln!t·· mitl Huls<·.v st .• . nttcurlml Sunday school and wore well . brought up; so the . rlistJ;iot Yisitor was Ne\\;nrl< . . , Tile· organization, in· ail its· instructed to look out·.for;itheu!. · · e<itil:ety ul'ter::li iitost'!Jz·illiiint om•lnm­. 'rhis sho dirl,'.scoiiii,(tbnt thoy hi11l n dt:ml night r;m ·at theGrnnrl· Opera 'morlest nllow · unce of groceries,· coni Hotise�· Olllcng'o, ):otnes het·�:· aw: ; me-. eiiottgb'to lteep them fl'Om freezing, ai1cl thing mnguiliceut. 1inty·· be ' lut>lcu� for�

:·so Oil, Sbo rlicl not gil·c them money,,ns wm'tl to., ;::<.· ... : .,.., .. '·. :. . . that wns coutrury to her methods except It ,:eqtih·es, the service of thirf:" t: 'e e�-'iu specinl cases, but she wns going out nf · " · ·

town for 11 wee!;, nud 80 loft with tho perience.t ' jierfor•!:•ers: .to Jl:·"st:-� the• mother 50 ceuts for emergencies. · burle>qne; : ... �··rlie :·con·Cnn•rs·•;·. hut it

'rills is what they told ·her .. they tli<l ln·eseute'd', �t'oiJerly':iii' �i;er:; det..il wit hi �Vitft it: tlie

' ·'stilit'�-/itti.uticU]" SChiel');, CUStOIJl,.' · "Tbowe:tt her wns so fino, and grnncl· · erl;i nmi s.tnge ,eiiectii.'.:). ' ·. · ; 1 11111 hnd uev�r soon the Hhops here.· 11· · : . · ...... · .. ·:.!'/·:·�·'· 1 •.

know," snicl . the mother, , "tltut ,they · ilti;�tig'i1:\iirila'· viiliigi; Pos!ni•Rter>�o must iJo clruss?d hnuusomo for .. E.ustpr, ilnlm11:iug'8oiu�'of tlte'hti·!!PSt :iuuieuces: so I took �raudma nud the · chtidrcu ti,�.tha····llistor'y _of t.lie Fonrteeuth Street down town 111 tho e.lucti'io cl\r.l uud let .. . ... , ·:: . · '. '· , .

'811150e� tons. ' from C!Oillplete USRQrttnents of rich No l• ellies ulre<uly npuu di"plny here. w�·u hol<l wlutt you choose <mel !lelii•er when you're read y,




them suo ail the stores .. That cost 40. I he•��Ie,, .. ,,.ll!llllllg'ei. Rosu•qnest Js re-<; cents down nne] buck uud with t be .JO lnctimtly� obliged to: nmu>mte� r.ext

centa loft I 1Jongi1t g�umhnu souie pop- weelc 1is tbe: Jus .. t on 'its mri;·:uuluext perruiuts. "-Boston Herulll. SBtu'rday: evenhig,. Decet!!ber 3n1, ns its I �·mm· DBI"lY


. ms BY OU!t OWN \

.\' A· 1

OOXfL RYEHY ltONDAY, WJ.�O!\ESDAY ANI> FltlllAY. . : :'.'• : : .

L. S. PLAUT & CO. to 7�• Broad & 8 Cedar St., Newark, N� J.

* Small Shoes rm: Iitti� chaps.·

* Strong Shoe�. �or s��rcl� bois.··

* s� yli sh Shoe� cor their rathers.

* :Dainty Shoes for little girls and misses.

* Elegant . Shoes for their mvthcrs. · 0 • •

Good Shoes and Low Prices for Every One. -----.

H. c.· PIKER, uwestfleld0& Busiest Sho·e Stor.e."

***����***#************� ···TUTTLE BROS. : .

GOA�.�· LUMBEQ. i . Yards-Westfield aven.ue', : ,

�prlng and Broad streets, Westfield. * 'TIEI.IE,.HONIE 3tl 8 * I' . **'*************


Plumber Steam, Hot Water, Hot Air Heating, ' 'l'INNINO, 1101WIN!l,

1 Wl'IJ,, IIAUIJW;\111'., ;IIOUI-11•1 l'UIINIHIIINII ;nooUH,

ANIJ AIJ!J f{INIJH orco,\llili�N 'I'OllloH, �'1'0\'II,H A Nil UANIIIr.H,

.,.,, .. �. uou .. �. u.uw.�. I•',IXlJ\' I•'IJIISI1Till�, IIIJIIS, IJI:II-lll.tUll\1"1, I•:I, .. :CJ1'1UCJ,\I, �\�U lll·!· '1',\INS, IIUU.'·;\•fllto\fl, I•'IJUS, SI!I1'S, lJIL\SIIio\1, Xll\'loJI.'I'It;�, W,\IIUS�, •IMJJ(i':'l'�, lJ,\1'1·:�, IIIII·;,, 1'•\'1'· � ltCH1KINU IIUUHI•a,j, 1-II,I·:UM, 'l'l•atN!'4, I'HJ'I'I!HI·::-t, .n: \\'I•:I,Jt\', :

Ml(,\'l't;s, lJ,\IIo'll\'0 llUJ,Io I•'IIIIXI· (lf,II\'I•!S, lf,tXIIIH:UC'IIJJ•l!-'11, Nl.ll'· .

'1'11111·: ,\Sil ,IJ\'111,\IlM lJio' U'I'IH:IC t•tms, �)IUIUSCI ,(,\1:1\1-:'1'11, SI-:IJI(. � l'lii��I·:S'I'I/, 1 11'1·:,\tt, 1/llltl'I'S, (lt.li'I'IIISCI, ..:to•, t





,� HAHNE & CO., - - - - NEWARK 1 ti,_.,.;;l,;.t.;;ri t ..;.,, ,;;.,;;,;;., ,;;.,;.,;�,;,,.;._r..;.,r..:.. t .:...r ,;;, .:.eo ..:.r.;.t.;:t ..;.,,..;,r..;.J..:..r ,;,r� ;;r ... r,;.t.:..t� '

-------· fiiull: pe r foruinnce in til is dty·· the Jll'C• IIlio of 'l'ln. simt. senson: ' l\Iunnger lttlseuquest has "Au orcllnury political onmpoign," triet1· to Jlllrclmse the l!ine ·h�ltl nt !tis

Enid a novelty mnnufuclurer, "is not 1111 thtntre by Clmrles H. Yule, but has munitigattul ovil ·to ull brnuolies of luien nnuble to do so. lllr. Yaltl wil� trude. Among tboso tlmt profit by it nre the tin cnu muuufucturers . .Most of tho therefore ·:pi·eseut nuew 111•1l np tu date> omn}migu butl<iud nro mutle of tiu, ,1ud .version uf · ;'.Tiui De1•il's Auction" Olb wh en a big 11ol itionl Etrngglo is expect· 1\Inmluy, Decelnber uth, for one week eel the muit�I·s smu1 out ugeuts through only. the tiu factories of tho south to buy np --.,...--·----. . ' . �

nil the wa8t& tin nnd nseieHs CIIIIB the� cnu fiml tu multo their hu ttoub with. l\Iost of tbe cumpuign buttons nrc nmtle in Newurlt, ntul tho umciunt puh1 by the mukars to tho l'IIU fnotories, pnrtiouiurly those cf llaltimorc, is cousirlemble, even though tit•> tin is wnste, if unything cnn ba ca lled wusto uowudnys.

"Nor is the tin wusto useless, evun when 110 polilicul cxcitomeut is on. I know n nmu wh'o visits Bnlthuoro nt rognl nr intt•ri'Uls unci buys nil the nCfiiJI tin be onn tiurland soils it to tho button muiccrs. It is used for tlto bncl<ing of or1linury buttons. Any clny in JliU'ts of Brooklyn y ou cnu Hco wugous Jond<!d with scrnp tin uml old cnus, The grent· Ar pnrt of this goes to the places where buttons, toys nnd gewgnwe of vnrious kinds nrc nuule. "-Now York Suu.

)JethndN of llurcfer.

Sir ,T, Crichton Brnwuo's oxpro�Eiou o! snrprise tbut hnmich1es still uluug to old fa sh ioned method• of destruction when tbuy might so enslly u•u poisons m· mioro�es wbiuh wonld defy JIOSt mortem IHIR not nnuuturully cnllud forth m1nty aomu1onts. 'l'hut would hu crintiuuis, heit'H nt luw, \I'U HLIJI]IIlse, clo I!Onwlittws cast ulmnt fm• safo uwnuH nf "HlJiftillg'' i1WUlH't.:'UlC11t l'U)Uti\'llH {ir ouomio• t.boru is, wo feur, littio 1lm:lot. A corrOHJ>oUd<•nt \VI'ilus tn tell us lluil hu wuH nuco iul'nrmml !Jy Mr. llnrtlutt, tho Jato snporiJJteJJcluut o! th o %nt>, thnl hu. WtJuhl no\'cr Jllll't with 11 ]l!liHot\OilH snnfco UllltlHH hu I<UOW ftiR Cll>.IOIIIOI', '!'hut unturnllst's lung nxporlenuu of the nuhuu i kiugohnu luulul>n gl\'uu him ru· murknltlu lnsh:ht Into tho nntnro of hu· IUIIUH. Oddly Ullllllgfl, llll<]H Olll' Clli'I'O· HliOu<leut, IJr, lJunuu lloyio llH<lli the tuotl\'u lu rnttl nf his ftuuous Hht•rioolc lluhiH'H •orfes.-J.nmlou Null'S,

\\'Uft111 \\'UMit•o 'l'hoohlui nf tho l'hiindolphlu ll'<•nthur lnu·mw, lu u IIIIJII'r t'(louutly wn<l l1y

bfm, Hhll\\'llli tho 1\'UIHiurfuJiy hll'l(lt 1111• llt'••�-:utn tu whloh Uftftlll'tll<tly tri vlui hut UUllt·hiiHH] houl(ri IIIII,\' UHHtllllt.

Uun clt'Uil ur "'"'"'II" Jlt'l' ROI'OI!d IIIUII\IIl!H Ill lil'll �niinUH jllll' dny, 'l'hiH Hilly \\'!ill hu roHIIIIllili!I'CHJ by Ul'l!l.rUII•III• lolHliH With l<tllll)' til [Jill�, Jlll)'llll( fot• \I'll• tl•l' loy llll'll•l', lllld u]Hu lhnl lllljliii'I'IJII,\' trl \·lni Hll:l\ll\ ll'llfiH II I'll II JnHH IIUt uuiy ol \1'111<'1', lout nl' eoul, utui ulot• l l'iuni it•niiH, or \\'111111', """ ' nud lnlllot',

. . 111"1'. Ren,ly \\' Jt, Though. ho hnll long nrlorc<l her In

leoret.:....wnrshlp�d, In fnct, tho gronnd she prcs"cd bouen th tho onlcs of her dainty little No. B's-bo ba,J never yet beon able to scro\\; up snllit:ienl cmirug"' to 1mt l1is fate to the tos t. Poor fellow� Ho was one oE those siJy, mm1ust, self' ueprcoiutiug sort of chups t �.at ure gro\l!• ing mpirlly scnrcer, or he woulol hnvu tnmblud months ngo to tl;? fnct that h& hurl only to go in nm1 win. Ot�rtrm1o Alicin !mow tho state of his flluling& light onougit, but it hntl plen•ml bo� hitherto to keep him duuf!liJJg in at­teudnnoe. At lust, howol'er, �llu WUflF.. up hor mind to Jnud her lioh ��� •oou as n fnvoruble ohnuce presoult•<i itsolf ..

Aud the opportunity camo ut tho S111ythlngtous ' littlo soirl'o, whuu tho lmsitfnl swain, eutedug t"e cou�ervll· tory, discovered bis luunwri1tn luol<ing her lovoilest umirl tho pnltns azul tluwers..

"Aru-aro you ulono'l" l!o queotioned tjmldly.

In u moment tho fuir o1:1l roady wit· t�d girl HIIW hm• ohuuco UIHI took it thet\ nn<l fltcro. "A lonn, Hou�ur-lft·. H'iuuil\ill , " sho 1-iUifl, with lnwurcd ilYO--­II,Js, "a loau1 Cur tainly not-I'm a gift. II

,\wl l;i lllinut<•s Into!', when thcr emerged from th t•ir relronl, IlHtry wus nsking hi"'"'l! huw hu uouhl havu Ltoollt Ruoh 11 .l nggins IIH tn Jtn>tllOIIL' his imp­pinos� so Jon,t:.-KaJI�HH C:Hy .lot!l'lllll ..

lluw . .,llnlnturt!• .\1'4� IJt•Ntru�·t•tl. •rb" chil'f ngent in the dt••truntlnn of

11 m inln t uro Is perhnps sunill(ht. The d!ro!'t t·nys of the �uu •huulrl no\'OI' ilta pormftln<l to full npon tho J>Ortmil, nm1 OHill'cinlly shnultl It !Jo rolltllllthen•<l thnt tho gin"" (Ol' eryst11l) ct,\'N'H tn lh� ntlulu iii i'I'H , n<HI tlw gluH• of tho t•ablnui In which liw�· tu·u lwpt, 111! lwlt• to iu. Ol'OUHO tho jllti\'Ul'ri of tho �lllliitdti <lllfl In f.:l\'o In It• f<'I'IJ]o•,,t. r11yo ahllit�· to UX• ori.'!Hu d<'.,trll!.ii./ I'U fnrt'll, \'en• lltllllJ!' lm·eiy oltl m!IMntlll'"" htt\'ll U<!�m l\1'1\\\• lfe11ll�· rnlm:d hy light.

Jiuug upnu 11 wnll or iu 11 e'"''· t[)�y nru <'XI'""''I In full HUuliuhl, uml tit() Ulll'Uullous quit·lcl,l' fnthl, tho vuluo of nil tho''"'"''' I• t'l'dw ·ml unol w!tltoum\ 111111 tlu' pnh't' uud liiOl't! dl'llmtn tints V11nl•h ntlogPIIu•t', H thu uxlguuclos ot MJIIIIJO dt•tttllllll that II II'UJi OJIJlO>itU U. wimlow ( tl110 1\'0l'Ht JlOHitlou In 11 ruon� Cot' tuluinllll't'M) Ulllht lHl n••ul, th�ll � hlhui m· t'lll'tnlu •huul<l lu1 �ll!IJiiiull to tlw lmltiltPI. noutululug thu tn"'"'"'es,

IV\' IIICioiiW

WORMS IN IHIHSilll ANII CA'I'fi.IJ, Hurc, �nfeauul & u1edy,

'I'IJIIi llltllllt•llul wiiii'HIIIII\'c \\'tll'lll141 �}j�llfl Ill' ,1 1 (1'11 (1'0111 lfm'tWH 111111 l.'ftltlfl, \\' illl'llr' fr 1 Jw Blum I, ""''J't•l•t JLJJII lnnu IIJI I ho ttlntruwltnlul "''''ttlll.fllu•nlhJl NN't,\'1'1'4. SHOT" DR. EMMillfSON'R DJJ D 1'm• \\'m'IIU� In IIU'Jfot"·�, 114 tli•• wKt t.{tlllfii'Ul C!untllt luu l'••wth•a• III II"'''• l11114t11 (IIIII tnlth•· f'lltlltlltl'tll, llii'N'IIniiH wl\/ll!IWII huxf �ulil II\ nil fll'lll-(jJJ.14IHIJI'.MI'III It>.' !IJH II J.!! IIII'I 'I'I' Jtl.n(rMitiiH

c. u . .s<\11 r" tc coru•ANVt Whol,.nl• IJruKul•���

���·��'."l Nf•a II road 111, SODA? nud IIH of ton n• 1"'""-ll!lo tho wlncitl\\' UP•·

II'" Ill'" ""' '"'"'"'"''' '�' 11.1 l.t.oss "/It I JutHIIn tho l'nhlnot Hhuuhl lm Hht'<nulo11. tl/11111, /'111'(1 /•'t'llil •�1/1'1/iiM IIHIOII, NO UH tn jll'!IVIInt thu light fuJlfllll UIIOI\ W H TRENCHARD "'111'""'' "'"I tho onl•hwlnH•I ltH vmzlvutH.-"l'ol'lrlll' · ' • • l'<'u'1"'"1 HI•· Miuint\u·o," hy l}, Q, Wlilllluuofl, . :·,'!·. . -· ···- ·

: .·��

Page 2: › westfield › DATA › newspapers › Union County S… · ; .... ! _; ::·r:-. ·r_, ._, / · '.'( - . ·. '. :;. ·· · .. ,., THE.UNION SE. I .. WEEKLy ··. · COUNTY STANDARD.

OVER. THE RIVER. Over tim Hlvcr of

Drooplnu Jo::rPs Is the w01ulerrul

1. lu.utl of Drenm& l Where lllleK �:rOw B!! whltl• as snow,

And fluids ilre green nnd wnrru wlndt ' blo� ·

&ml thu tuu rt.""elht quiver, all in a row-A I IIi lle m�e flVCI' Cl'les: . · . ,_lf�r it� "' htmntlrut plnc� fnr L:lrls nnd bora. '-' lrere th�r<'"s uo scnllliiiK 1U11l lots of nolt�e. 6JJcl nn tctf;t balls or bz·nken tors-· Over the B.l\'1!1' uf DJ•onptn",.: J1::yes (1 Jlu thu Leu. uti ful lu_utl: �f. D:rcams.

· . 0\·n.r .tbe Hhcz· llf Druopfntl Ercs ts t.rte 1\'0Uth•rfuL lnnrl of Drenms. t"bcl'�"ti huz·u-; tt) hluw tuul dl'Unls tu hc&t. And Jtlont.y of cnrulr und cukes to eut,


And wJ Olll! ever clcn.n!!O ttudt• feet ' Au•l nu ,mu tn•ez· tires ! � . : :·� �- . 't'Jl�t'l�·? JllNl l l-' of t.tl'll�sy plncCS.fo� 'p1!IY.; .-_ud bJl'd� o.:ul bee�. tlwy tlrl'ong nll tlu:nln.y­Oh� u·v.ulcin't you lik� \u �o ·,,j,d, �tn.�· 0\·er tlw H l \'tH' of Dronplna: 1i:yc� , · ju l.ilc .Ucautlful lrurtl ut D1·unius ?' .l

-�ln�u·�co Clnrto�. t t .___--===�-=-==-=-=-==·:=·============== · . . , ."

NEST AS BIG AS A. CITY LOT� WuJul Nful :\lunntla Bul l� hy tl�� ·i"tl1l1lue

. { . l l ull!t uf �\uSu•niJa:· � . � The rna !lee hmi of Australta lays Its

· eggs i n a huge nest. The llest·is really 1111 at·tilicial mound of glgantfe liropor· tlon;; fnr the size of its maker and the pu rJlORe it is to sen·e. This artificial mound is a co-operation Incubator. It :is unlit !Jy many pairs of birds, male and female worltlng alike to construct it. Tlwse �a me pairs or !loci's of birds .UJJ JJuctlly o·epair and enlarge the queer· lool<ing cone, lfhlch rises up li l;e a :tur1m dome from the lovel JJrnlrle. v Sometimes these tunnels attain a lleiglo t llf ful ly tlfteen feet In the per· Jlendlcnl :tr, with a radius of equal mea­snrem�nt. Many of these nests have mea.�urecl as much as fifty yards, m· liiO feet, al'Ound their base. That would give the lao·gest one measured a dlam· eler of about fifty feet. 1'hese mound­mes!s are entered through a sort of tunnel cavity at the top of. the cone.

i ·'l'he hens of al(the building and re· Pairing jlairs lay In this Immense nest. �be eg�;s are deJJOslted about six feet lletow the surface. Wblle each ben 1"¥� her eggs In the family mound, no lien drop> her egg closer than twenty 1nclles to that ot her neighbor. These egg;; are deposited In a cavity made for it wherein it Is placed In a vertical po. ialtioo, carefully covered, and tbe sur­Jace as carefully smoothed over by tbe lleo before she quits tbe nest. Con· i:rafJ to the US11al practice Of tbe bird and fowl species', these mallee hens lay at n igh t Instead of In tbe day. Several days elapse also between the �mpplng of two eggs by the same llen. � 'l'he ·eggs of the mallee hen are out of all pt'OJJortlon to he•· size. They are kJt luge as those or a goose, and of r-arr,A . . home are very much smaller.

. · 'rtoe eggs U1us laid and covered In tlti.� great sand oven in the hot dis· t�lcU. are neveo· again disturbed by the �au�. The eggs are hatched by the lhr.at the sun bake� Into the soli where jtltey lay. I t has never been known llGw the young chlcl<s are exravatod i,rom their egg g1·ave, for the eggs liJeiJO>itCtl fully six feet below the sur· �>H"l, anti the hardening rains do not ·pid their exit veo·y much. f The hen is so very shy and vigilant (that rw one Is able to study her ma­�ernal a nd domestic habits with saUd· (action . As she Iars her egg at night, .Und transacts most of he1· affairs In the [llgltt. ••·atl'h so that no naturalist or �uriou; l ntlivlrlual can "ferret bet• out, )mssl hly she steals to het· expected l>rootl untie•· CO\'Cl' of night also, and giv es them lho parental unearthing �v h lch they mHHt surely need after the (lJllolng of the e�gshell.

• lluo;h natmalists have heen curious o !wow how lhle peeHJiar fowl lmlltls �hat ne.;L The. ht o·ds have heen seen

lworl:ing at It, and the mounds hn ve �JeOD Inspected, hut lhe piling or the � l rt IH not from t h e Immediate \'lclnlty, !ror that Is uoalislurhetl. Small sprigs jiaud tho lilw cntm· I n to the plastic mn­laow·r. 1.vh!(·h Rt.:nHis Htorms a u rl heavy (rnilos, \\'hen they do full, w i thout ser· lous lnJn•·y, n 'l'heH\l h\1�0 COnes SlnnrJ for years, tO \m u u nnnliy liOBtorl l n !Jy the same line!( thleh orl�;l nally r:onslt•uctml tho fnrn·

y lur:Hhator. When dotectotl tho hen,, ntlt II t>lt.lful IHtlo "aclcle, nntl !Iutter· wny lil<e 11 w•mudorl lnnrwont. 'fh o o11ng or a t:ovey olthor root unrlor the nnd "'' hlrlo he.hlntl snmo mound m· )Jjoct or 11 l'l'londly colur.-Col. John

Uohhs In Chlcngo ln toi··Oconn,

The Cranford Gas Light Co�

lnCOflJOrntctl 18�!!.

9AS for Illuminating

and Foal Purposes.

No chnrge·will be uuule for connect­ing honse with street mnin to those ap­plying for gas prior to trith November 1898. The Cranford Gas Light Co.,


FRiSH FROM THE COUN.TRY. If there is one thing more limn other

mnlre8 one snccessfnl iu hnsiueSR, it is jn\lgemeu t in buying. ; It's Pnsy fllongh to •oil n go01l thing if people know nbont. it. We use onr.bosl emlet\\' ' ors to buy the very choicnst cat tie nu1l yon hav; long ngo fouurl out thnt we !mow how to cut n p ' an'tl hrmrlle uient•.

•rtiis 1\;eek some fineloimb. ·


Welch Bros. �



Onr prices more th11n meet city prices. Buy at home You will llftve time and money and be better satisfied.


Broa4 Street,. near Elm Street, w•&TFI .LD.

".lUST AI EAIY" RS \Vlnking yam· eye rnn our pleas ure carts ami carriages und our wag ons for furm nn1l business snRtnin their repntntion for stunnohness Rllll dl\rRbility, Eusy-nmning ve­hicle• snve horse flesh :nul harness­to suy nothiug of temper. Oar prices, however, tlo not run np.

H. L. FINK. WES'l'FmLll

Fall Term. Fall Term -:--011' 'l'IIE-

New Jersey 'fUI'fiON VlmY !.OW,

Business Col lege, 68'1 Broad Street, NewMrk

(oJlttoslto �lllltnrr i'nl'k nntl oi'Ol' llno•ttlegen'•l.


New and Beautiful Catalogue Free.

\\'1•1to ur call. SI COI')' col II n"lll!ll l llttl IICOJI'o 0. T. l\[[J"J,ER. Prill. lllltl Pl'OII.

This l l l.llu dMl l l'led to mnlw nmnn<IB � ----------------01' I liA Hlllfl. But, nnfortunutoly, he r · !fl .nul. rio I t I n tlw be.lt wny, n l though l!o Lllt.l th e best he eoul rl. A story ·n•n�• from Now Hnvon about n blitclc (mnlnl llonl :thst t•nr.lnd a feather diiH• or (1'0111 h!R 11\VII81'08 hOIIHe, 1111<1 While

IJinyln�; with It t ore out all tho fonth· rR, 1'hn droK, 4lfl01' ho lng Hhown the OILlherleHH iiKIHliC, WIIR giVen II HOV01'8 '

hlwlng wi th I t, lie thou d!Kufopmu·· d, anti uhoo1t nn hou1· nftoi'WIU'tl wnlk· tl brnvnly I n to tho hnusn wll.ll n hi'Uild mw riHHlol' In hiK uwuth, Ho wulkorl Ill l.O hfH lll iHlJ'(IHH Ullll IIIOOk ly dOJIOH• tllti t.IJC llllW hi'IIHh Ut hOI' foot, Jly the nnr'll un Jt shn Hnw tlutt. tho dog hud loleu ll from a nolghlto••lnll fanor .110d11 llOI'O, I , 1 , • ., ,

............ Crushed,

BLtJ£ TRAP ROCK, •·or Walks. J)rlvcs, l�ouds,

Concrete, etc. H!HJOIJII Rtll•lltluu wll·uu to

PriYat•:D•l••• aa4 Walka, 'Yurk tiUflfrl'tttnd ur Mt.man furu1Htuu1

h)' tho tun,

· Hatfteld & Chamberlain, 'lootoh PI• In•, N, ol, .... �············

cure the most obsti-nate cough. It cannot fail


TAR Hale'a Hone,. of HcnboUd aad Tar acta like mag'ic for a cougb or any throat or broacblal trouble. Aokyourdruniot.

Pike11 Toothache Drops cureinoneminute. � ........... ...................... .

New ·England Bread. Westfield Bakery

.J. J. S C H M I TT, M A N A C E R •

Cakes, Pies and Pastry. ICE 'CREArt tlcllvered In quantities

to suit,

Wagon untlws regnlat· calls. Drop lU ll postal cart! ami your wauts will , ht­nttenlletl .to.

B road St. Westfield.

UNION WATER COMPANY lncorporuted is7o. Organlz• � 1891·

'l'l.e Union \Yater Company SllJllll il's the inhuhitnnts of t.he villn�es of l"m: wourl, Westfit)lrl, C•·rmt'or•l tim! Iiosci;e with wuter ftW tl omest.io me. "The Purest and Sweetest that Nature can Yield."

fn ,June 18!)::1 tho wntcr 811\IJllletl b\' the Cf•rn:' l�:!::t>i���-\�·trr���::r�


nou1u:e•l by him to l.ro .. \\"tLtor of grt•o.t orgnnlc purlh·,, mul tn n l�ttt�r lo one of llw COUIJIIUI)''s l'ntro'ns hu aulds "Ynu nrc to bu congrntu1ntm1 upon hll\'lng su good 11 SUJlply, nntl you need hu n• no nnxiety wlmte\'t'l' 11.1; to lts whnlt>.somo .. ne10�," w;1;1!ct t!� \?,W��e�r, .: �����'�uW:1M·".!s t,r\�:������� lllltl lt b the policy of thu management to do Its full �lmru to promote theft· growth u.ntl Jll'O!OfJel'it)'; The Company refers to all lt.s Patrons. ,,,���ff�s�,����·�:�'·:a::1e.�����r�\'�'���:·rt �:�!� use water from Its mnhtM, and CXJllnln rates, termtt, methotl of service, etc.

Union Water Company, At 88 Broad Street, lllzabeth,

The lew York ••• Elizabeth Deapatoh,

STODDARD'S EXPRESS, Havtl opened 1111 otbce with l\fr. Hurtis, opposite · the depot.

PI'Dm pt service IIIHI lower rates than 1111y other line. Dnily de· liveries between Eliznbeth,New­nrk, New York nnd all points between these anti Pluinficl<l •

Goods forwurlied to nil points.



BUILDER. Prospeft Street,

Westfield, New Jersey. �.� r 'i

Estimates Cheerfully Fur­nished,

STEINWAY " SONS, 109 E. 14th Street, Now York,

olf�r fnr Rnlo n llu-gn Rltwk of

U S E D P I A N O S nf t Ito I t· nwu nw1 utht•J• llltlllttfm•turn, IU�IJ\Ih'l'tl hy t•xclttuu,ce ful' rww Htl!lli \\'11)' l'lltllfJH, BtJ� :,1,1

t� '!n ���ll1:��:,'i'�'H21�-,�� 1 1\\l�fi!,a;:����:!����� 'I'J:�:�·,•;!����

l'llll�H fOI' Htehi \\"H\' ·.II IIl'lght.R sa;�l luul U JI\\'III'fl!q ��:;,:����� K:A'N\'��::,� s �'.':��"·,w:fH.

111 (j�w:::.s: ��:s1:.�\;:',�: t·hdllh SII.Miu111l upwnr·tlt� ; J.CJ'It lliltt Str•U nut! UJI· \\'11 1'1111: �-;qnJU'""' $nll l\htl IIJIWnt•tlt-�. Hnwur·o nr hmcuH Htuluwny Jlinuus nt 111'1\'nto 1\tltl &Hihllo 1mlu.

-PIANOS . lleoenl Improvement In lho vonolrucllon olour

J)>rlghl and r•nd r.J•n•• render them abrolultiJ :�.'l:'����o0di an�


,:,�, new demtpllvl cal•lojue

OR CANS For fillr ,,.,. the llandard altha World, Now

atrt11 ol parlor ond church orlane juot lntroducOII. ::::n

��rge •ooortment ol ally tlr uaed plunoa and

IOLD DN INIYALMENTS, llentld 1nd l1chang1 .. :8\tison� llamltnClto. I lnd I Wllf 18th llHIIJ, NEW YOIIIC,

A. Stmrtln;.: "'l'lh:l' l.lhot'I�•·IK 'J'ud Slun1Ul18 J-;Itlml•nlH uf Sucm•H�.

'J'hou•nnrls whn tnlte ou ly 1 1w mo�t • casual lnlct·r·�l lu the ltll'l', hut are al·

WU,\'.1' a l t m l'tt!tl 1Jy g'l'Pn t hursemnu· sltip, H l'l' u skl ng t!XJHH'l :ulvicf! on thE

Jnlrln•lr• merits at' t he Amerlcnn style of rltllng. A HJWI't�mau �enrls IIU In· stmeti\"U letter on the subject. H€ suys:

Laces, ADJUSTMENT Worth 6c and Be, sale price.


Dovid Strous Sto 685·6�7 Broad

· Street, 21 Wast Park Street.'

Such selling as has been done here the past week

"l .. et me st�u w hether I can g-in'! an cXtllnuutlon of 8lonn's success. In the th·s t: lnslnnce I shoultl suy he Is 1 man of absolute conrnl-(1!; nml It Is tills whirl!, comblnetl with ldmhH•ss, wilts the couthl_ence of nil the lower nnlmnls nntl Is the Jh·st essentlnl or a 'goat.! jocl;ey, llorsl'S at·e womlel'ful jutlgeli of ·clull'licter. Secondly,

, Slo:m's JIOS!tlon, I!X:tctly thnt of a monkey on n atlcli, dot�s offer less opo posltlou to the nlr thuD the ordltinrJ sent of a ltol'iM!illlttl, In sclcnlltlc phruseology, It tlltnl·nlslll"s the friction to n minimum. Agntu, th!s posltloo ark has never known -perfect goods-prices enables him to grasp till! l'elus wllltln :t foot of the horse's mouth, :mrl the nothing. The public has grasped the situation. nHnret· the o!Jject w be guided th� . niore nccurntcly eo n be npp! lctl the but a few days more to complete this Greates't of Great tllrectlng force. i'iJlrdly, Sloan, I nm C011\' lJH�etl, l'PCOgUI1.CS tho · grl'n t · fuCt thnt- I( we nrc either -In u trnln Ol' In n conYeynuce or on ho t·sebncl> we lle· como one with the mo\·lnt-: muss If we sit still. · '!'his · Is [H'O\'erl loy the well known ruct that the clrt·us rlt1c1 tlo<'s not jumJI O\'P.I' the Lonnu�rs; h� slmJOl.r · Jets·. his bncl�· 'become n muY· hog muss 1i•Ith the horse, unrl ns he np­fii'OUehcs . tlie bonner he jumps In to

· tlle itlr. 1'he Impetus which he h:ts ohtn lncrl fi'Oill tlw horse cal'l'l11s I o\·.er the llnmlt!l' uenrly . n;i quicld�- ns the horse hns iJ·nvelletl, nnrl he nl lgh ls on the steed's bncl;, but. If we wn tch the IJ:u·ebnck rider _ we shall ·. St!e he does nul: kcet• .. Intel·l'crlug . wlih the horse's m'on�mm�ts . . ' Ht� t u ·' eJTet·t·. finys the lllllmn!" will tlo ,_"lois. Jinrt · or' the wol·k If. h�ft nlo.ne • . , 'I' hose wu t che!l Slri1i n I n . hIs :· notlct!d ' ho\y . he j1i'mi>s off , nt oi1cc . . settle's 'itloWii · :(ui . ntill ·ts>not C(!'n�itilitl��. , ,.,o,., .. .,·n<• · poslllou , I n· 'nhec'snrltlle;·· o r · luterfe:·ln�· with tlie spccliti .. s�ep ·or his hor�e; In\: cnns� _ 1� .·- must: he. ·, t·m�lcimlH�l'(!(l ' f_hs11 each horse, lll>e euch mnn, ·hns his 01 her speclnl mode of llt'OJ';re�sinn. Slonn simp!�- mnkl's lthns<'lf 011e with hi! horse I n movemNlt ; he dot�s not ofTt'lh] , lht! n nturnlly �r·nsl th·e· telllJl\'l':tUH'Ill. of such n hPnutlful crenture ns u thor· ou�:hbred horse; he docs not •nerl· tlct• n mee for the snke of mnl;ing nn nrllsllc llulsh, but with unt•qtut led @kill :uul Jmlgment, and with n . cool, Intelligent head he wins his met•! when anti how he ean, nlwnys remem­bl'l'lng thut friction menu� lo�s of energy, nnd thnt wltb Interference wllll a llorse's melh01l' menus los< ot power and opposition to nature. 1•'01 my [>art, l nm glad to see 'l'otl Sloao on our nll't!Courses. It will, I hGIJe, be the conse ·or young men who an of. light welgltt, good traditions and lntelllgentoe maklog jockey@hill tlteb calling. 'l'hel"! Is· ample •·oom fo1 them . . B!td · tt.ey llllgbt 11erve a good purpoae."

VEGETATION IN THE CANARIES. Three Haneata .a Teu are Alwaft

tlape�red. 'l'!he soli Ia very rich. With lrrlga

lion tlnee h•n'\'ests a yPar n•·e regular­ly gathered on Canary nut! 'l'encrltle. 'l'lw w atel' supply Is ln rgely kept u� by the clotul helts, whlt•h 1'\'t!n In tht 1h•lest seuMons fot•m almost t!ull�· 0\'1!1 tlw h igher mountulns, fel'tlltog th£ spr·lngM lht•l'il whldo 111'1! the life of lltt lutul. Uut the I'OP)(y, voleuulc uutm•£ of the l'oust fot•lJitls tho entruure at mnny plnuts, nut! this fnct hns hn� ltt'ellt iUlhWILCC 011 the eharllcll'l' of lhl 11om. 'l'he cmgg,\' hlllM nntl slon' shot·es hn\'e n tlecl<iedlr t!eHI'I'I UKIJCCt 111111 ntluptnl lons to 1lrought In the foi'ID of tlrshy. honry nntl corluceous leuvet nut! KlemM :thouud.

}o;uphorhln H luke the plnec nut! hnvt tlw ILPIOCU I'n nr.c of the t•ncll of A merl· t'llfl ttPset·ts. l•�Jt.•shy Crussnhtcl•aae of thP SPIIIJJet'\'l\'11111 group nre more uhnurlnul lun·e thuu lu uuy otlwr purl ot ti ll• wm·Id. �rh�rc nrH twl!nty·two 8JII'I'ii•R of llwm which ure fmuul no· whet't• ••I•"· t,;uch tll'sll�· llhlllts nn not eoutlne<l to the vnlt•nn lc wnstca Ulld !-=hUI'eH, 'fhey )JI'Ojt�l't fi'OIU tht= IIU>HI Jll't'l'IJll tOI!H lllltl rod;y Hides ol t lw g-ul'A't'S, 'J�Iw urhnn llot·u , which mnl>r•R J.n;:mm nnrl other old lo\\"nA sc pll' l ll l't'�tl llt', untl whlr•h !ll!!' l i ll'lol rl!� Nt'l'ilH•H UN lnr�cly II riHJlllentloU or 1 11111 of liH• 'ruins or 1 111! CoiiNI'UUl of !tome. r·ouslsl s t•onstlleuonHiy uf tleshy-h•u \'t'� Ht•II IJIPI'\·JyumA nlll1 RPllPeloH, whoRt· I'O•>I H Jll'lll'lr·ult• t hn t i les of the hoHS!'! II llfl t ) lp t-iiiJllt!H of t 111' Sl l'POtS, Jl IH t"ll'iO\IN hoW lllllllY of 1 \ll'SI! llt•Hh) plu uts hlll'l' lhl'h' I!'UI"l'H Kl'owhtJ.: h: I'IIHt• I I PH, Jll'Otlll<'hlJ.( II H illlil oi J•i l ,l' IW t\\'I•PU t lll' lllt'llll tt• l':l of Willl'ly �o·ltni'Rt l!tl lll'th'l's,-,.\Jtplt•tolt's Polllllnr l'lr•lenct llouthl,\'.

ThtJ \'unth'" l't•t•tl h,lnn••ut. A ,l'onl h wluo llllll'h lh•Kil't'll to went

1111' lliU trlnlllllilll yoiH! hntl IIIII •Hill• r•leul r•ntll'llllt' to "IIOJI l lw IJIInRtlon." Ou ln foi'Ulltll-( hiH l'u l hel' or the tl llll· t•nll ,l' he lllhUI'I'tl mulel', the oltl ��·n· 111'1111111 llfiHKionuto•l,l' r1•t•llt•1l, "Why �·on �I'Pil t huuh,l', how tho ,l'toll KIIIOJH>Y•l I nul ll l lllt'tt Ill 111•1 lllll l'l'il'tl 'l"

"Oh, �'I!H," Mllltl l hll I IUHiot'U! lnvnr, "you 111111'1'11'11 mut h�r. hul l 'vu �o�ut to l llllt'ry II Hll'llllllll llil'l,"-'1'111 lllld,

'1'111' In t1• N lll j OI't•HK to( .\ IIHI�·Iu, It II MUlti, knJII lifO II I'IIIIHIII II I t'III'I'I!Hjlutlll 1'111'1• ll' i th ht•l' i i' IKh fl'lnnd�, lllltl I ll 1 lr• t t m• Wl'lllt!ll l't•••••nll,l' tu 1111 ll'IHt

huly nlhuiml to t he tm•rllole d1•t1 l h ol llel' KIH h'l', tho DtwhttNN d'Aiuncon, a1 t1111 nhlll'lty bn� out• Ill'•' lu l'ut·l�, 111111 t'O• llltll'ki:IJ 111111 Mhtl fell II III'ONillltiiWUI

thll l Ktllllll ll'llllclly 141111 114111 lllli'MI>U II &hu tuiUI'IIo _,..._,.__.,_....,_, . .,. .. -.. ..

Black Goods. Hinck .:\£nhnlr Bt;l111nntfnes, 5J hwht's

widt•. n•nl 'l'm·kif'h �lulullr. lwnntlful silk lustrt.•,hot It Rldt.>s nJlku : t hiR is IJinck llNOt1!i nf the IIOJitdnr kfntl. rcu-. prlco Sl.illl, snle Ill' lee, )'tutl. . . . . . , • . . . . • , , • . . . .

Hinck C'ho\'lot, Mh·lctly all " noJ, riO Inches wltlc. t•xtm hen\')' qnullt:r null l:i tlhafnctJy J.(ooil goods, gmumllly sultl nt 7r,c, t5nlu 11rlco, )'nrtl . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , • . • . . . •

89c 4Bc

B1nck Snt.ln Hz·omulCH, !!tl llll'IJt•s wide, Jlllm t-llk auttl uxu·n Jwnn· qunlll)', flr�t .. clm�s llno ol' hnudsnmn ilt.•l'lfgns. flesh·- !19 ulJh.l l'tll' WIIIHIS nllll PUftli tn hiiJIUJ'll•tl \J c to sell fur 75c, snlo Jlrlce, ynrd . . . . . . . . . . ·

Silks and Velvets. Quillctl Sntln, ni the \'err lJeEOt qnnl­

lh". !!-l Jncht!S wltll•. Ju all the letuting bliutllB. l't!gnlnr· 75o \'ahtu, nh ynrll . • . . .

�.- Sntlu Dncho�f;e, o:d t·n lien.\')' tJUnllty, in new nml tlnlut.)' e\'cnlng Rhnflt·s, ahm n. full lfnu nt' cnlnr�. tluRIIILhlu for lit t't•ct cost.tnnes, nil vnluetl ut Ullt:, snle prlt'u, )'_lll'_tl ._ • -; ; • • • • • • • • • • • • • � • • • . • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • •

Sl1k Plushes - Astonl.�hing \'nhte!-1, lh.cht nntl tlnrk sluulet�, in f1wt . ull the Ue\\'(!SI. colut•lng�. lo\'111'111 fi'OUI Iillc IO liSe, whilo tlley lnst, )'ltrd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Drass Goods. Cllmel't� Hair SuitlnJ:r:-�; nil wool. rJ()

Inches whit•, in hl'O\\'U, )(reeu atul gur· Jtl!t uuxtureH, excecdinJrl)' stylh;h tub­ricK for street wenr, l'l'g. J>t'icu m�c·. s1llu price, )'ard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Henrietta Cloth!!, ahKOlutely ull wool ROt} U8111CbeH wide, iu nll the staple 1\tlll !::lc/�::�:!�;j����.�����: �:�. :���·.'!��·:.��

a �\!r�·t?��e�;.��������··,�:;.��! .:i�!i�, mostly tlark colonc, reg. price :::nc. sale 1•• lee, yard . • . . . • . . . • • • • • • . . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • •

49c 59c 19c

50c 30c 19c

Man's Furnishings�·

)ftm'� Uwl•�.rWt�nr-W'I'Iu-ht's �.:enulne nll-wn(ll hcnhh J.:llt'llll'llls, llt•t• •e lined t;nhl O\'t\l'ywhmo fm• $l .iri, f"lll'<dul Jlflct.'

cuch • . . • . . . .• . . . . . • . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • : • Boys' nml :\lt•n's Outlrg Flnnnel Shll'li', In llt:ht Uthl rlnt·k colnHI, :Jtilnch· cs lun�. det�f' Yt!ko hat•k, tmckot frmrt

�<mrl l•nunus. lt!llt!tl seam�. l'H.£.:, )Jrlc� ;uc, 8nlu prleo1 euoh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Hosiery · and Underwear; I�ncllt!fi' Cclchrntetl B. I�, .1. Yt•sls 1111i ' . Punts, PXtm lmu.c, clnsu Jilting nnd hPU \')' fhH·(�ud, fancy t.rhumetl 1111111s lnn�-t m· knlt�kl!rhockm• Jtm..:tlu;. r'cg ii!lo quu!lfy� fot·, ench • • • • • • .- • • • : • • • • • • • • ' . . .. .

!!tulleS' Nuturnl \Yool Vud)'t!ll Snnltn.ry \ csts ntul l'nlltR, rogulur Sl.:!i \'ulue, !or, cuch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

Chllth�n's All-wool Umm, double . ktwus, hc�IR �mel lOl'::i. fnst blnck, reg11• lnt•i)· snld at .!5o, !it\lu lll'icc, ptLir . . . . . . . . .

Handkerchiefs, Art Uurutkerchlors - Lntlle�' Jlno hem.

stitched. bJUbl'tllcleretl or f1U1cy mh:ed lnrgu RHSuruncnt to Helect fi'Ulll, regu�' llu prlcu JUc, sale r>rlcti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

llo.nclkerchlurs - Oontlotmm•s fiM white humt�tltched. extra lnr�o size soft linen finish, reg. l!!}.§c, snlu Jlrlce .. .'

Pin Cusbions-Unco\'ere'l or CO\'ered with line quality of satin, in nl1 sbatles' larl{e or small slz�s, SfJUIIrt•, oblong of l'ountl, reg. De to 6Uc, tmle Jll'il!l'. each,. 5c to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,

685-687 Broad St. and 21 W. Park

C. - E. Pears.all and Company.



. C. E. Pearsall and Company.

For Extr� _MI LK and CREAM .. .. --

Send your ordcr:to

Mount Ararat Creamery. We also have a quantity of Milk and Cream at

Drug Store for your�convenicnce.

Geo. F. Brown , (J,�to ot Cou111l St.,

NoiV Yno•k ,li

M1nufaeturer of

Window Shades, Awnings, Tents, Etc. . . . .e...�, J, WARREN BROWN, Manager.


Glad to sec you in our store. We try to pleasant for our custome1·s when they call.

Wahl & Sons,

Page 3: › westfield › DATA › newspapers › Union County S… · ; .... ! _; ::·r:-. ·r_, ._, / · '.'( - . ·. '. :;. ·· · .. ,., THE.UNION SE. I .. WEEKLy ··. · COUNTY STANDARD.

York, South Ferr)', Wbltoha!l u �:1511l1.a�·��;. h��. 1u:!f,o. �� 10, u lo, u M, u •o. 1,, m.: � � 10 6 M. M M, a. rn., 12 00 noon .

.w, 'l 2.'it b ur., 9M p. aa., 12 10

Professional <tnrt�a. l!'lUmEHlU SUill Lf.,lN G ,


For terms etc. us above, Cure H. E N,\Jl'I'IIING, \Vestfir·hl.

� CHAlG A. l\1ARSH,


PLAINFIELD, N. J. Money to 1o1m on Bond an<l Mortgllll•· .


LAID. GEnmAL Jomn:so.

Gasoleoe nnd Kct os•ne 011 eold aml livered ill lillY qnantity. Broad St., Westfield, N. J. P. o. Box aus



Westfield references �riven.




Westliehl Avenue, neat· R. R.



be talmn as well in W �stfi�ltl aH elsewhere. Cull au<l exmuiue work at

BUSSING'S. lt. �l. l!'HJ�N Oil,


Carpets cleauell, refitted ami laid. ..;hu Street, Westfielll. Near Depot




Westfiel!l, New Jersey. Ideal anti Suburbnu Jlomcs k.,or St\lo nnd 'l'o

dent. l!'iro lmmranc� lJli.\cet.l in i'ir�:�\AJ1� UllWln\nics. Hunt:; Culluctotl.

C. ll. HANN,



E. 0. _\\ INl'EH, CARPE'S'l'ER ANr>, BUILDElt.

3hop and RcsidPnce: �'IHS'l' S'l'HEE'I', WES'l'F�t;Lr>, !'!, ,1,

Jobbing promptly uttenrled to. Estitul\h�K Curnishell.

S. D. WINl'Ell,

l'htt ChL't!l'llll \\ uu11111. There are emergencies In cvel'Y

bouschuld which cull for the display of a stnteman's skil l. '!'he cheerful wom• an Is pre-eminent on such occasions. She couque1s the &rim uncle or the

GRADING OF ALL DESCRIP'l'IONS dyspeptic cousin with her Infective cheel'fulness, and her servants recog· nlze her as their friend and ally In nil matters that are essential to their wei• rare. '!'be l ength of tlme she keeps her servants Is a source ol wonderment to her lesa fortunate fl·iends, but the se• cret of It Is In her own winsome dispo­sition. She soothes the tired 11 orl<er



Alderney Dairy

Superior l\Iilk and Cream

tlolirorcll to your tloor.

H.WILLOUOHBV, Proprietor. &'urnitnro moving, grading 1111d t01uu

work by day Ol' contmct.

• with n word or kind commendation, where another mlgbl make a querulous complaint. Whon dlrer:Uon Is needed she delh'CI'S ll In such a gentle, albeit 111111 m.tnner that I t has no sting of rc• pl'Ool. 'J'hls gfntle, tactful woman Ia not anllcted with work thnt Is from . . sun to sun" or tllu.t ls "nc\'01' done." She does not mo1•allze much, perhaps, but by some means she manages tu ac­complish ,1 gren t den! or 1\'llrk and ha\'B plenty or limo Ill [\01' command. ll IS by means oC llml sumo chccr£uluess or disposition. '!'here Is less delay In exc· Clltlllg her COII\UllllldS, and she IJOSSeSS• cs tho gift of "timing her tlll'ns" so that sometimes It seems as If tho "fairies did help her." And the lairles or gen· tlo bl'ecdiug and of kind hcnl't do help her. Heaven bless tbo clleerruJ wo• muol


MUSIC, N. Y. .. Spo rti ng




�r)(! Ullcl rtUu, Nnnn tu ll JI, m. Union s •• unro 'l'bm\tro, \4th !'1t.1 Now \"twk.

A \Ve•ll JtrtHfMt•tl \VuUtiUI There Is nn exqu lslto charm nhout :1

neutly-d l'CRaed woman. She does not wear her huh· twisted up cnrelesa!y, n� If just nhout to fnll over bel' shoul rlors, Her glovoa nro not I'IIIPOd nt tho sonms, DOl' any buttons missing !rom her hoots, Ilcr voll does not r·evonl n hnht ovor her chin, UOI' doos tho bhJ<ilng or hoi' ski l't show rnggorl I n [Jinccs, Nut mnny women show lhoh· tlt11nu�s I n nil those lllllo dotnlls, hut It Is n tJionRuro to moot tho gil•! or womnn who Ia, to IIHO II Hllll lll t<JI'IU, "Wall lli'OUIIIOd," 'i'ho clo(h gn11 11 or such It womnu Ill• hor wli hout 11 <·•·onso, n11 1l t ha1·o Is rwlthnr epor•l< nor HJlot on it. llol' l i n en <·ullnr u nd <•utra Ul'o Hnowy wLito, and l'OII111ill [ll'OJIOI IY llxud In thol 1· Jllncos, ! l or glni'OH du not wl' i u ldo, but t .lltnll HlliOOth!y OVOI' hOI' 1\'l'IHlH, llUl' KllU!l� Ul'o l<Ctlt <•lonn 111111 pol lsho•l. Jlot• hon• uot 01' hnt IH [li ll iiO!I on slrnlgbl, nn<l hoi' hnil• IK u<•nl noMa lt8olf. Sho I� tho Jllcl111'o or dollcuto ll l l iKh nud whole• HOIIIO Ill <IOI'• \Vnuld thnl 11'0 could UOIUI tiUI'IIWW bUI' HOUlQ\Villll UfLOIIGI'o

. . �

'J'Jw hoy tn!;rs It n ml gors ou t to pin�·. nml Htl'nlr::h t w n y fm'l(<•ls all nhrmt It, hut It mny tnlw quill' n little tlmo to l'estorc tho 1101'111111 cahn In the hous�.

It 1• n m�·�le!'y hnw the hoy mnnnr::e" In !oH<' h is cntl ns nl'lcn ns lw <locs, hnl II IIJI[ICIII'S to he u huy's way, IIU<l common to nlmost nil.

WIT AND HUMOR. "Al ii'RYR do right nnrl your rrln<ls

�·Ill slnnd hy you." "Y<'s, but ill� t lmo n tlliiU nei'IIH

fl'lrn!IR to stnml lf,1• him Is wlll'n hu dol's wrong."-Chh•ngo llrrm·!l.

"I gurss t'm wlllln' to l(o," •nlrl lim fnrmcl', whell thry lnld him l hn l hiR hour• wnuhl h<• hnt f<•W. " I t Is just H <'llll llllO l'rom hnl'ln' 111,1' uoso In tho ltl'lmiKlonn to hnvtu' II lu tho lomb­Kion<•."- l ll!llnunpnl4• .lolll'nul.

l iP--You will Ht.lllH! dny l'<'i:l'<•t l'l• fuslllll 1111',

Rlll'-n,·ull,,· ? 1 1,.- ll,•ull,l', H ,I'OII lil'c to h • n n

o l d mnl<l � 011 will 1'<'/.:l'<•t lh !R I • hull<'�, 1111!1 I I' yo11 11111 1'1'�' Knmn follow \'OU will 1'1'<'1 H i l l'<' 1 1 1 1 1 1 l would htll'o hc<•n n lH• I I !'l' hu�hnll!i.- l mllnunt•olls .I olii'• nnl, ·

T.l l t l!' !.'lnl'\'11"� t ll'lln t•rnlls n nrl pnn• ll<'l'Hl -"I'll, I lin n• ,Ill• I h1•1•n l'l'lld l ll!l n pnl'Uill'n ph, whl<·h ¥11)'K ll ll't'o n l'n VO!'IIIUK l'!'IIKIIllH \I' l l )' II 11111n Who lu i!" In hlH 111<'1'!1 Khnuhl not mnrry; whnt Ul't1 HOII I I ' n f thO�II, l'l!tiMCIIlfl, J ln '/"

� I t•, fln ll l [ll'l'H ··"'I'll<• II!'HI l'PII �Oll, IllY �on !H ll<'rnuHo he lnlltd IJ1 his slouv." -l'u�k.

25, J898.

H A t .. F A N D

H A L F THAT " l u m py"fcel-

lng after eating, commonly describ 'd as dyspepsia und indigestion, •• c u t through" when our Half and H111f is taken meals

with your


is not only the most useful thing ever de­vised for the fiunily, but is distinguished for its beauty as an artistic piece of fur-niture, • • . . • • , ,


DFPIO&• IN IVII.V CITY IN Ttll: WOALD, 94 Broad Street, El izabeth.

/IU,%YNSS 1:.1 llG/11' JIY JIUSTNNSS ,1/f:N,

. . . UNION . . . Business Col lege

of Ellzabctll On1)' tLs�"' that ) ou 1:'\\"l lH IO \'l't' l l .. \11'11111'

lmfuru ntturullui.( PhmwlwJo. 'J'hnro!IJ.dl t�!'i'J ur•c. 'JIUN lJ)''M I:N of I11Ut 1 WA I • II11!'11Nt'i"' I � l'flll· llNt'Jo: IR ).(IHn In Buoli.ktoplllJ.C, Hluu t lm11tl 1 'l')'liC\\ l'llluu, J •enmnu"'hlp. Cnlllll\t>tt•lnl .\ rlth· mHtln 8\1( .. •1\h\�1 Env;Ht�h t\1\t\ all t ummnn llrnnul1os. 'l'hu fii'IIJII'h•tut· Is \\I'l l knuwn in l•: l lznlwth, lmvlnJ.C I won fol' tH'\1 J'HI ) t•ltl'� S1lf1t•l ' Jwol' nf PtlllliiRIItlhlp l lu un�h•m l l l w <!II)• nnc l nt tlw hunt\ ur tlw ComiiHll c•lnl 11l'J11\I tmt'ltl Ill thl' l l luh 1-!chnut. PuwlnliH to t hul l imo ht1 \\IH+ t!IIIJI}U)'uil lu n Nuw Ytll'k hu�:�IHt•toM imu·o.

(luJit',fU IH ru•n•• tho Htnllun, UIHl \\u lco)ln )Uti cnn mnlw I t cnnl'ullh•lll In c111l.

I I OIIA II'I' \\'�:IIH'I' Il l l , l 'wi•'I',

A J"'"''"""l olllllu•lrnJo'l W<•nktr. t,nruoKt rlr· nu uttun ur nhr, lwlc•t•/ 11-'J JuurrmJI fJ't•riiiM, t'l n tnu'N"'" &"ciJ"a�i;,�����;: W'ew··r" • llrnu�l Ultlcu, ��I ll �� •• WnehliiNIUII, IJ,R

pens, pressing them ' Inti! the}' IJret­ject only very slightly IJpynnd the putty, bei n g put on close together :1r Ia patches. When quito rh-y l"'[ut tile w hole a qull willow g·wn �ud' tile !a. tcrlor of the tlipe poJ>t'Y red.

Now take some thin felt 1!:!.!1. sUclt It with some \'err st1 ong- &fm! trJIOD brown paper, while still wet cutting it outdnto pieces the shnpa or n poppy"s Jletnls and lbo long br.mch ing leaves. Faint thr.m the nntu1 . 1 r shadaa and wben dry attach them tr> lh� plpe lim sewing them In Jl>e sh · ;�e or :J. t•lant. the cente1·s or tlte flowers being r�we� or large blnrt::.

fancy bl'll�llttouS'. 'J .\hunt t ha l'm•t. f

Women are more orten too shorJ than too ' tall, and consequen tly trr tt» galu height IJy pnJUng on hlgll-heeleitl shoes. The'e will gll'e tllgnl t)' ua Ion�& as the wem e1• stands sti l l , but ill r:1o::' tlon they nre gmreless und deform th-1 feet. '!'he bette•· shape u foot Is the amallol' I t will lool<, but In tllQ dlspro-1 portlonntely small foot there is nlways l n\'OIYed nn nwkwnrd galt, Tlw !oa'' of a la!'ge womnn should be la rgN' tllnm' tho foot of n Rmnll womnn, m a slen• dcrly-bu l l t woman, and to he1 unucccsol sni'Y sm·�oll', It usunl l) Is. �

'J'he foot should be the annh• l�n�;t� ns that from tho o lhow to tlh� !Jon;l which 111 ojerts f1·om tho outer port!onl or tho wrist. Most p�oplo n1·e snq,r!se\1 that tho foot should he ns long as tile' !m·eurm, and n•·e I n clined to <ll•pnte tiLe fact unless jll'OI'en by experlonco.

J,at·go women will plnrh llwl1· feet 111. light shoes hccn:1so tlu•y a1 e nsllame4 to hn\'e them In lli'O!lOrllnn \n l1Let• hod los, n n rl I n limo llw fer.t b•ir.am'l de. lol'lncd. Tho public eye, not l•etne Cl'lticnl of lll'O[Iol llon, without their ga• fUll tu tho JICdll or Jllncll\ng llllll� Coet;,' consldol' them email , lh<'refm c t ltore t• no cxcnso rm· CXI' hnnglng this kind Bt torture IllHI tho <111\UI IllHI c,u ""':". two. os�outluls to tho �;rcnlost h•'·"" i'· y._ fact, an)' I h l ng olso <·uul<l h<' uottur sac• l'i llcrd thnu l'HHo of uwllon. '

___ ___. I A l•' lonC'IJ hnltoJ' to1' fr� lug l'oc;et,... hloH, oggp l n n l , co ill ,!wiled H\1 '"t !JOt� toes, ul<•, , ls lllndo I•Y molstoulug " lltt!el llo\11' w i t h 1111to1', nd <l l ll ll 11 H•m•l plac!W o! Hlllt, two t!'IIH[JfiOllfU)S uf Qlji{O o!Jjj nnd tho sumo or l•'I Oll<'h urntl!l)'. Wbellll 1 eu dy lo uao, hunt In t ho atllli)l lleu.le• ,1 w h t tn ot 1111 crm. 'l'o r1 y llHU11 1u1a 11� JI[UK, llll!I slml illl' fl llllH, Hll&UI' 11b011te llu usulf lusl�illl llf s111L,

. _Jilj)��

Page 4: › westfield › DATA › newspapers › Union County S… · ; .... ! _; ::·r:-. ·r_, ._, / · '.'( - . ·. '. :;. ·· · .. ,., THE.UNION SE. I .. WEEKLy ··. · COUNTY STANDARD.

t'HE UNION COUN'fY STAND1\RD 5-:mt='tm.:-:flh!.

Puhti�hetl eval'Y' Tuo!ida.y a.ntl Fritla.�� by

";fhe Standard Publishing Concern. E . • r. Wn rrF.rrE.\D, President ..

A- F.. PN.-\U:tAr.r ... Vlce-Prelihlent.

� E. P!U.HR.u.r •• Sect•et.arr�'l'ren�urer. ·


Offlce-.STANDARD Bu lldlnll'•

a.tvertJelng Ill\tes furnished on app!IC!Ltlon.

ALFR1i!f) Jo}, PEA RSAT�l .. Jo}dltor,

C.. E .. I•EARSALJ., ManaK'@r,

WESTFIELD . N. J. NOV. 2•i. 1808.


'Ti• the month of hnppy meeting GocH1)y clwer antl loving greeting,

.All endearments old repeating or the past.

While the ciothh are ripe for snowing,

:Be.-rt.h nnu home with light nre glo\V·

ing ; E:�ch to each heart tokens showit>g

Hohli ug f:L�t.

Filr off :-�e'em the ungels singing-Faint th6 ;!(>hlen psalm is ringbg- •

..As a. :'lhining way they're win�ing Up He�>> en's slopes.

.Antl the streams with crystn1, filling, I.•L>i.•h. flush �>ntl gener<.ns spilling­

Yet it was her tonch so chilling Froze my hope�.

Ther& are those who 1o>e No,·emher

D•ving sweet t hings to remember In th" •hine of her firot ember,

Beaming soft ; l:a her evening's cnlm repo.,ing

A fter <1oors and wiu!1ows closing P11.;t th" •nmmer's heat anu giaz.ing

Dreams come oft.


When you happen to be on the Io­>C.'\1 telephone circnit and on a line 111rit.b �ix connections including the lee&! l)entral office and the connec­tiouii ca l ling Cor three, four, five lind .f!ix rings each "don't answe r ;" �nd .ot!Hl Calla arc re1•eated four, five and 11ix ti1uca anJ still "No answer ;" :tl•en . that'd your Cne for thinking '&h!it you l ive in a factory.

JJoeil any mau, i n formed as to the '!len tirnents of the voters of the He­Jill blican party su pposc for a mo­

·lnc u t that John Kean would be electml to the .Un i ted States Senate lly the i 1· votes ? Not 11 bit of it. .NiliiO.ly . k i iOWs th is better than the IIJJ(>ll blie:m politiciuns, who w i ll , uu­

'<lcr the d ietatiou of the M 11ch ine, :iguore the people of their party (lnn· iug got ' out of the m all tlwy w>.�u t wheu they got their votes a t

tltc la . .;t electiou) mul tl eiiberntcly J!hCt:' i u power this mouopolist nud 2.11:111 of mauy schemes aurl jobs who 11/il.lll.i! law; made to further fastcu ltl1e corporation grip upou the peo· Jtlc'o t h roat..l.

!low abou t 11 ilfago Meeti ug, J1atri!Jti'J \\'eotfielders for the pu r­JtO.;es of 11 cal m , bnJincss-l i kll coa· aiJer,• t ion of l ocal mvucrilh i p of 11 . eorubi natiou watm· aud electri� l ight [ll�nt ?

I 11 th is ronucctic.n i t will rl o to rrHuc•m lwr t.h1•t. " Whr1t1H eroryborly'� .t•u> ineoH is Xoborly'H buoinesil."

We are glad to he iu lonue<l that �Ill! mrombe 1·.; r>f our 'l 'uwn .;h i p Corn­�llit t(•e wgnnl w i th favor Hn ch 11 pu b· �iC IIICIIHII I'O, Jt iH 0110 tJ111t should i rn rrwrliateiy co lllllWIHl itsel[ to onr t.u:pn yt·r� Uil ll mouoy mak iug mol'!l· •cut. '/'hi.< (:(Ill be tlcmlllro�lrll/cl{,

N O W is tlw ou ly l lirrl thnt lnya egg;; of (l ol1l !

Oomc, now llllai nesH moll of \\'oat· ii.ci1J, w hy uot cloHu at Hoven o'clock, Sa'l.u rd u.y'H oxoeptecl , nne! gi vo your· •ollll)loy('(•ij n chllliCl• to lm•ntho ? •l'ltr•y w i l l ho hutto!' nhlo to lw of Alorvloo to you n111l tlw n•st of tho Wol'irf j bftPidt•K /l11i11!) luStOIUJ or CX• ���u n!J themHoh·ua. �roroovot· you WllJ 1 ,YOII I'HOI\'1!H1 illl b11110fl ttotJ by thu

fQliJIOI'tUI I ity fol' l'llfii'Otltfoll 1111<1 HO)f, i 1111ll'livuruout t.lruH ntrrmhH.l. · UuloHH lfou are d iRitl(roouhlo ouasos (whlolt :UmAvon fol'lrltl) wltou you 111'0 In

your homes your fnmil ies wi ll be the . MET TO GIVE THAN KS. I CAREFUL GREEK PARENTS. hn.ppier· for i t, ltl5o . r��u·:.r� .\Ut�ntialtc:t• llt t.lw 1!nlnn 1'hnnlc..;- no,.-11 \\"erP. E1wor�•�•• tn Sc!houl JoNt

Some of J'Oll, being meaner thnn ;:h·ln=-: Sel'\'lt�•·· 11,.. Glrb ..:\.re �n-n-.

most men , hllving PI'Oilli�e•l on · a Despite the •tonny Weill her yeRtertlay Tile extraorrlinary Cl\re that the Ore-there w11s a gootl n.ttewlauce at the cian IJoy received i!:J his formntive ye�us

prov ions �rial to closo eu1·ly, broke nnion 'rh:mks•�"ivin•J' sel'vit ·e llPld 111 the made his �1oral tra i ning n10re etieeti.vo 11 your prom He u nder one pretext or . � � . thuu tbat ulculcatcrl by the most cnr .. rul

\ . . . . I ' . . 1 Pre:-tbytertan church. The IUPettugo wn:i of mnderu parents. His general erlncu· 11nothm ' lllltl . Ill •1 : I ttl� 11 ln le the I presiolerl o 1·er by the Rev. Georg-e A. tiou c!ln[llerl with skillfnl aurl cllntin u· I rest of · t:he merc han ts, for self pm- Fmnds, pastGr of the Baptist. chnrch. ous

'physiml insttuctiou, proolucerl a

tection, - h11d to keep open their The members of the choir wen• i n.

fine . moral. cullil·atiou very simi.Itu; aut! fully

stores. Six o'clock for clos iu "' Vllice awl renolet'e<l some nf the tiL est I us strtct as that the . clmstJUn father

· , " vocal mnsic ever heart! in that chnrch. deems uecessary for hli! <langhtors. wonhl be better than seven o clock The meeting wa• opened by 11 hymn A pedagogue, gAnerally au old and for closing. But call i t seven after which the Re> . • J!lseph Greaves le<l trusted slave, led the boys to school a.nrt

• · · · k culleu for them after it closet!, cnrnerl o clock, rf you Will-and then sttc • in reatling the Acriptures antl then offer- the books, looker! ant for tile little boys, to i t. �[oat people i n town will ed a pmyer. The sermon was tleli vere<1 kept the older ones from fighting nnrl bless' yon for your h n mlllli ty others by the Rev. Dr. C. M. Anderson, of the falling into bnd compnuy and had a

. d

. .' Methodist church. Dr. .<\n<lerson took geneml oversight of their conduct and selfish lind sorrlt or mlhfferent,

for his te.xt, "Lnr Heritage." P•alws, street form. He was by no means a

which amonnts to mnch the same l6 6 , "The Lines are fallen nnto me in schoolma�ter or even a private tutor, not thin"' wil l not take the tr.ooble to ple •••mt p'a1 e;, Yea I hllve a g Jo<lly even being al lowed to enter the school·

'" . . . room. Oftentimes ignorant in the ex-help by gettmg thmr shoppmg out hedta;e." He spoke of our conn try's trewe, be was choRBn simply because of or the way before se>en o'clock. phv•ical grentne••· and of our govern -

his loyalty to the family and some-ment :md then tolrt ot some evils which 1 f b h !i' t f Scarcely nnvone in nl l this town times, ear, ecaoee e was nn or


•.. . . • threaten the conn try, naming among any otiler occupation. Tilongb the butt won 1d be senously rnconvemenced ' other things, S11bbath des�cration, in of the boys' ridicule as well as that of

and ni l would soon learn to conform tempemnce nnd nnrestricted emigration the comic poets and low wits of the day, to the e.-rlier hour. Close up nt Then he n•unet! some of the thingH for �e di? ��� iucnlculn�le ser�ice in preve.nt·

S • • 1 k P · 1 tl t w hich the country shonld be thank ful. mg VlCious .compamoush!ps und l>eeptn.g even o c oc . 1 0mpt Y Ill lll pore I he mmds of those mtro�ted to hts

hour tnrn the key in tho door and A�ol�g them were the W. C. T. U. t�te charge. l . , l societies of Epworh Leagne anti Chr1•· 1 The child was never sent off to bo·trd-lll 111 1t no one. "ttenrl to t lC wan ts · E ' 1

· 1- 1 .• ' . .

; tum nueavnr, t Je pnbhc •choo "• t u. ing school, but boys attendeil tbe rlay of the customers, who may be wrthrn Bible and the Chri"tinn ehnrc.he•. Next 1 scilool ;. town life pre>uiled. Besirlt•s, your . stores at the time of turn ing he told of the late 1<111' and of what w� that sentiment that zealnu�ly guarded the. key i r; the doo1· ; u.nd respectfnlly hn•l to be thank fu l fm·lin regard to the t�e b.oy's pur it�· w i.th 1\ perhulogoe {rom

b• I h. · l ' b . d ' t snme cloHill" the sermon with 11 qnotn- hls SIXth to h1s Sixteenth year coul d t t t e m "'00( evenmo"- · n t n mt . ' , " . . b 1 · t · ' o ·· f ' · I ve •

.:� . - , :;:,' . t10u, • ·A :song of �hnnk$g1 \nng. " 'rhe .roo \: no 111 eJ l�l i -:;IOn o per ... t�ua o � no one after se1·en o clock. ·. . . .sermon wns i l lo•trateu . thronghout with s1gut. E<1oclltlon

.w as . ""�'m.t�a.lly �r1·

The STA:•m.1 llD wil l 'rrla1lJv fur t . u 1 . t . 1 . . . . in· vute, tho stnto ilavmg JDr'"thctlon st.m· • . .

, o • poe ry. •m '" or.v am �·�• 1 er) ply over tile moral uurl not the profcs·

111sh C!IL'cls free of charge to store· strnct1ve ns weii >L< entertmntng •. �· si onnl stunrliug of tile teacbcr.-Popu· kcepors of Westfield 11Ud 11!lj11Cei1 t -----• lor ScienLe Montilly. towns belll'ing the legand ;


AI! Jo-:�1jnynhlo�� E1o·•�nlu� at the "·,��ttlcltl


FAKE "FENCES." .A. (,Jttle Trick T b n t '"' '\"'orl.:e•l In ThJ� Stn'1·e Clost·� J•romptly n.t St:,·r·:;s O'CI.OCK, .. Tlie Westfiel<l club houee WI\S well llnster Slrc.,t. · S:�tur1lay t;l·tmlngl'4 :t��fiept•�•l. . ..!...--'-------'-----'- I P"trouizetl by tll!i memher8 on Wednes·

di•y eveuing lind the majority of them 1itten<led the entertainment gi,·en hy the �lnb.in the bali. 'fhe room was tnste· fnlly 'tlecorntetl with tlngs and plimts nud presentetl 11 cheery nppe11rance to thf' members after le>tving the storm ontsi<le The en tertainment opened with a pian · ola, selected, by E. B. ·Prun<lfit, wh ich wns well recei vetl, nnd then came a baritone ,;olo "You," Robin, 1Jy C:. W. Harbison. This also was npplnntled as was Miss A<ln Sargeant, for the way iu which she sung 1\ soprano solo, "Turn, Fortune, tnrn," by Frederick Schilling A. Ganzel renuered a m•muoli n solo i ·goou style. A much enjoyeu piano solo,. by Prof. H. Westervelt came

e.xt antl then the " Black Poodle," with the following cast of characters: llr. Algernon Weatberbead . . . . . E.H. F�ulkner Col. Currie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. H. Hoyt Frank 1'ranrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . • \V. E. Tuttle, Jt' llr. William Blagg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. e,t Condit The Frenchman , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. C Coale lllss Lillian Roo!eblade . . . . . . . . . . lll&t A, i!oKert llrs. Weatherhead . . . . . , . . . . . . .. :llrs. 0. B. Ho)·t ll'". Currie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. L. liaetable l:llrtl!o . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jack i!oKert

· · in costume Reading ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By John Dohrman Accomp&nlst • . . . • . . • • • . . . • . . • • l..awrence Boaert

After the entertainment the ftoor was cleareu for dancing and to the strains of beautiful music, furnished · by Profest10r Westervelt, the "light fantastic toe" was trippeu until the early morning hours. Daring an intermission refresh· ments were served.

--------·-4�----SOCIAL CLUB E NTERTAIN.

Sudf!ty l,enpl., UiUU'f� Thnnksgh·lng t:n• .t\n-uy.

Tha Social club member� mul thf!ir friends helrl nn "Army nw1 Nnvy" <lance

on That1ksgiving eve, and nlthongh i t wns 1 1 Rtormy night there was a large nt· tmulance at the clnh hnll nllll ull en­joyed the <lnrwlng. :l\frs. S. S. :l\!apei! preMi<led at the piano 1111<1 rt'llliPrP<l fine music for the many di!TH!'ent kinrls of tlnnceR.

"There wns a time au<l thut not eo very long ago, " remarkerl nn old time pu l ler iu, " wuen a l most every other store iu Baxtl:lr street was a ' fencP-, ' or pretended to be, in or�er tn !!ire cn,tom .

ers the ideu thnt they were g"ttin� good bargains. Tho clerk wilo took a he>itat · ing cn�tomer aside and whbpered 'fence' wns generally Enre nf n sale. ThE:re ore uo gen uine ' f ences' in Baxter street now, beca01e clothing, Ehoes unrl hots are so cheap, but some of the stores still preteuu to sell "toleu goodo.

" Wheu a customer in one of these stores hn• looker! every thing over in the �hop aurl hasn ' t made a pnrchnse, the salesman tells him thnt be bas a little 'fence' down stairs and urges npon him tbe necessity of keeping i t quiet ou ao· count of the police. Of conrse the cos· tomer won't say a wont. So down stairs they go to the alleged 'fence, ' which gen· erally prove• to be a big trunk packed with goods.

" While ahowing the contents or the trunk I he salesman keeps np a running yarn about the fa moo a" criminal• who brought the goods to the store.

"Finally, after showing a lot or stu!! or the same quality and pattern the customer refaaed to buy up stain, the aalei!man gets him to try oa something, and •• quality, workmaosblp and per· feet lit always MO with 'fence' goods, there Ia a ule made. Thi1 fake ' fence' aoawen 'ale purpo�es u well aa the genuine, " concluded the puller in, "and tbere II no riu allached to it. "-New York Sou. ------

A !ia•-•• Row, tTmr.


.Great Garment Bargai Exquisite styles and exclusive effects

purchased and specially priced for this event. lADIES' KE�SEY JACKETS - Han<lsomely m1ule gnrrnents thrnnghont with htack am1 colore<! sutin•-pl .. m antl •trap · - , peal'\ bnttons. 1m!l somH 1vith velvet coiiiLrs-choice of 1111

fa•hiunahle co!orinl.(• -incln<ling tan. castor, brown royal · navy an<1 green-nit sizes-iusteml of 10.9� . . • . . . . . . : . . . . . .

lADIES' SEPA.�ATE SKIRTS - An elecmnt li�e of mannfactnrer's

p lil!'i-taff�tn. sl lk:i or sn.tms -awl St1lllP. made of rich iHtportell nmny of them l ine<! throng-hottt with heavy tatreta "ill<"-u�w "hn pe�-oome wit.h t1e.mi tmins-worth all the way from w.;;o to 20.1!0 -this week as long "" they last . . . . . . . . . . . . .

LADIES' 1 1\\P. OOLF CAPES -A <1 ireet Hhipute.nt. fr,>m the import•r us of LOO he,1nti ful fTolf Hha\Vl� ,,rhidt \'n� havf-<lha11 HPL1h� np into , ·

nn sneh 11 i:-�pla�· tU'\11� anywltere in N�wark. awl th�n�·s a iug of 2ii p�r 1 ent on �v ry one uf th--n1 -sarrw snrts StJld ;.til over for frow H. !)3 t'J to lU. O.J -onr IJl"ice ;i . ';;), 8 U_, aud . . . .

LADIES' !"UR .CO�LARE�TES-::\fa.<1e in mrio·n, sh·•pe" of Illt�Btor fine, ru:h fnrs-at frnrn 2·J t � .J:Ik percent. lf'H:-1 than ex1,.. , n�ncool•"l.�• ers' priee"-Cmuu1a S•,nl at a fl8 - Eicel;iur Seal at li ns mer Collarette•-matle of fnll ;ldus-nt ! I . !i8 -awl Ala; 1m sables, ns long 11s they last . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

LADIES' �\ARTEN SCARFS-A • nperh rp1ality of �Pnnine ,tone bm fnr tltoek t-"Carf!1 -fi niLtn ral tails awl h�a rl�-a lt�!l!lf-lr fr·om a sot:tm�ut ot' irtcmnparHI�� �altw:o; ·�ell in� r_egnla!'IY fnr 20 00 1 -farriers n�k np to 22.uil-tmr priC� "peclal this wet'k . .

,\\ISSES' KERSEY JACKETS-B�st qnality F:u�lish clnths-all cnlors-Pl�ga11tly mndt:> �m·1r.ent� in �in�de arul tlnnhl� hrea:oite1l plain azul �trap :;earu�-line'l throng-hont with silk-siz�H from }'"nrs-nnd hnst. rneusnr<'s from 30 to a.i - lmrg.dus at 1-I.JO-thi• week S!>eciul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The largest colleCtion of small garments in Newark, including

cts, Capes, Collarettes, Scarfs, Clusters, �luffs and Children's Sets.


L. BAMBERG ER & CO., Market and Halsey Sts.,

E • • • NOT • • •

HOW CHEAP�•-I s o u r motto i n manufuuturinu Clothing. prove this, nil J on need do i� to look uL wonderful line of


J,ined with imported cnsslmere, Hil silk s11tin suonltlei'S, nil silk vel vet collnrs, runtle by the best mechnnics ! Ask to �ee them.

nR. CASPeR ZEHNDER, formerly a member ot the firm Zehnder Brot. has joined our forces, where he "'i ll be pleased to .ierve hb many frlendJ,

GOLYER & GO .. 8 1 5 B road St., N EWARK, N . J,

• • CLOTHING ON I.. Y • •

It seems liks cnrrying cou.l to New' Custle for tho STAXDA Illl to an­non nee that it is and always hn.s been in favor of town . . water. 'I.' he Westfield Water Com pany, mach! up of some of the bcilt citizens we h'nve, find on t thnt n problem of such .vast importance meets with some obstn­cles that can better be overcome by m u tual action of all our people, than by n few. 'L'he people of W cstfield are educat�d np to town water and expressed themselves at the poles on a certu.in time by a majority of abont 5 to 1. 'l'he STANDA tw takes some pride in that education ; for, at our own expense, we sent men into dif­ferent towns on an in vestigating tour and gave the people the benetit of it. We then sairl that within five yEnrs a water plant wonld p11y a big return on the investment. 'l'he guaranteetl cost of a plant complete with six and one half miles of pipe was ':35,000, nnd for two •extm m iles of 4 inch laterals was +3,200 per mile-�7,000 for two m iles, or 11 total for the plant and eight and one hal f miles of pipe M2,000. It can be done n ow ! We owe the Union Water C'Mupmi!J uolltin!J; for they put their pipts iu onr streets u nrler a JH'ole.<l of ow· people at the 1iol/.�! If " defi n i te move was made by our

people for 11 town plrmt, a11 1l it Wl\8 rnnrle i u Parnest, the Union W11ter Com pany wonlrl bo only to gln<l to get riel of, what to them wonlrl be, n Wurth leas property. We of conroe, wonlrl be will ing to take their p ipca at 11 fa ir mlnatiojl. 'I'heu comes tho electric l igh t. Citie.� nnrl towns throughon t the U. S. nrc taking elmr ge of those impro\·ements a3 fa;;t us pn03 i ule. '!.'here is now a .\lnni­ni]>l•l \\"ater 1\11 11 Ligh t i ng League hol1l iug A n n ual Conveutions for the pu rpo;;e of bri nging tlwse 'JIIPRtions bl•fu l'e the peopln.-Xo r: i ty or t.owu to·tluy is grnn ti ug the;;c• fmuch ioea to corpom tions 1•xr:ept thnsu that nre

han 1 pe red by mo,;;\mcks, doul inated by tl ll, i • e l ,eh rnrm of the .-;arp•Jmti o'ns or nJlleie<l wi th thn <l ry rot.. Shull We;;trield stn1·t tlw ball by seeing how rnrmy users of Willer· 111 111 ligl1 ta will eon riiJr.t w i th 11 town pln u t. provicle1l the conrwetious lli'C mnrln with ou t clmrgo �

'fhe lmtt wns prettily rl�corat�<l with large Americnu flag' whilo <listriltntetl about we1·e Hluatt tl:•g.• of the <lilt'Prtnt nntions. The Jecomtious we1·e tllf: work of Paul 'fhomwon. the elnlt Htewnr<l. The :;mall fh�-1 wen� 1oauer1 by �I 1'1'1. ,Jnmes A. S i mp;;ou. At m icl ui�ht. li!(ill. r"freHiuueuts weru Ren•ecl a! ter whi!!ll tlaneing WH'i ngain hulnl�t!rl i ri until the • •wer� srunll hour:;."

At 6 this evening Captain Norris coming on board this sh ip (the flagship), my Lord Hamilton, Uaptaiu Ley, Cup· tuin WiEhart und Captain 'l'revor were standing on the quarter deck, and as Captain Norris came up Lord Hnmiltnu asked him if he luid taken any more wine or !Jraudy. '.rbe other auswered no, npou which Cnptniu Trevor asked t he price ot his claret, wbotber he might buve nny ut 4 li. a hogshead. Norris saiu he wonld have 6 li. or salt wnter, und then Captain Ley mid ho wonl<l rather the prizes were nshoro thun he would give 6 li. tho hogshead ; upon which Cnptain NorriH aaid he was u ra,cnl thu't wished his prlzds nsbore. The other replied he was 11 raecal, if ho ca ll l'f1 him so, nnd thou Captain Norris strncl; Cuptniu Loy nu<l lbrow him O\'"r the gnu, which �!r. Hopson hearing, us he nnrl I wero iu my ca!Jin, rnu out nnrl npon inq uiry fooud ho(NorrisJ had ilnrt Capta in Ley, and !Jy tho nrhniru l 's ������������������������������� direction!! nrlltlre1l him to ho confiutHl, upon which Captain Norris drew his sw<ml un<l offered to stul.t Cnptnin Loy, hut Admiral llopsou, holding his hnnrl, nrdurcd him to lw tlbnl uwl1 null con· lillu<l in .Mr. Huynoy's cauin.-",Tour· nal of Sir ;Johu Hooke. "

A lh•rlfln• Oml••fun, 11 Horlt'H Hotnothluu <jlwor, " Hnlrl thJ num who IH nl wnyH lnokluu for fhiWII, 1 1 Whut'H tl1 11t�1 1 IIHkurl tho 1111111 who wnH rmuHuu tho uowH over tho othor'•

Hhnuld11r. 1 1 ThiH acl'nnu t of tho rloath of Cnp·

talu .l.li<lrl i loily, I've rmul It tltrouuh twloo uow 111ul l "uu 'I 111111 It Hili II lillY· whnrc thut ' tho IWII'H nf hiH <IHnth cnll\1! In hiK frlmuiH with ll tJhook. ' 1 1-Uluvu. luurl l,uurlor.

Huuw or tho llfhtltnrutiOilH found iu h011r 111'0 CO!J!JUIUH illlllcUH, IJ11pKI1Jillll, l!iugor, <JUII��In, woru 1 wuotl1 rmluru111 rnot, CUrl! Wily 111111 l!llfJIUIC)IJr llf•UdH, OIJfl• fHJruH, Hllll•imriu unlrl, urtJUIII nf tllrtur, �tlnru, unrlmrt11tu ur poti!Hh, �eruuwl uyH· &l!r "lwlb, 11111 'omiot�, phrrtoum arul llr7altulne.

-----�· �------

JIUI'I'f'\\ I IIJ.t ll JfUrMI'•

Iu hi t� i u tt·re:otiug h•Jok, . . Tho La\'t y(·r� uf Muim:, " W i l i i o rc\atH 1111 1111<:<: · rlotu or ;l!ul�:n ( i POI"l'O '!'llatchr�r, whc wu:� unrr.rl for hi� h u mor.

·-' H rt•l•k (�enl u•. Dinm:uHii, 11 unti ''" uf Pyluros , nue of

th" Ureuk islnll!lo, is n reltlnrknblo cui· Sol ici tor Davis ull!1 .flulr:o Tlmtehur. whou hnys, wero uoigh iJIJrr; In l laru•la culntor. After a;uuru glauco at n black· hlo nnrt Yllnuunth, i\ln" . . 'l'hu rlny aftm· b01�r<l on wh ioh .to groupH ot figures lll'e the IJU! th> of Bunker I I I I I t ho mil ltill l wrltt�n ho ;11n repeat thum t u. any ordor ot tho>o tnwnH Hct nlf for lln;tou, '!'he f llllt1 deal W i th thum by lillY nrlthuwtlcnl boyH neonmJmUIO!I tlw >nl!ll"r", DnviH

III'<Jce•H. I t '" �nil! that lw uover mnkoH uctilll( 11� li fer. A few m i lt·• nnt from nu error lu cnloulutiouH i uvnlv lni! hll·

n11ruHtflblo 11 1 1 ordur cmmo dh'e'ltinl! tho l louH, fi�HI he ""n oxtmot S!JU�Iro or ouLu mil itary to rt:tnrn hmu... rnotH With wut·vulou• .rnpi<hty 11u<l IIO·

Iu their tulrt!llt 'l'hutt:lll'r nnti !JuviH cul't"'Y· An euduun t ( o fll'I!IUll Hi>Ul'hlllst tiretl of tho l r muroh uwuutc <l 1111 old <h'"lnrf'd l ilfl ot lll'r 1luy tl111t nil theH" horH<J thoy ruut 011

'thn rout!, w i thout reutly rP!!IiolwrH woro lrllutH, '!'hi� IH not

Hudrl lo or hrldlu. ;\Iter rhliug Hilmi! tho cuM> w i t h !Jiunuuul l , who 11'1'ltes

mllt•H thny cliHuwnnt<•rl 111111 nluultllllwrl Jroclry uurl uoveiH iu tho Jnt�,rv11IH ot tho lr Ht!W!l ill tho hJghwuy, IJ�tHIIIUHH 111111

, HiHIIVH liOUHidomhlo lute!•

.Mnuy yours u ftr,r IJuv!H, IIH Holiel lor luotual Oll(lnclty.

f!Clllll'lll , \VIIS JlrOH!•I!ll t ( lljl !I horMU thiuf tli-, .. -,-,,-,-., .-.. -.-, ,-,H-,-.,-,,-l-hll• bl!forn ;Jmluo 'l'hutnhnr iu t h't IIIIU IIIY of "It iH Hll suchlcu I" nxolnhuo<l tho r111r Kuuuutmo, Mn, Ju tlw cuurHu of tho

trinl tho jud�1t Jrunwrl ovor 1110 lmnuh hairod 11lrl, who hllll jnMt rccolved a

111111 Hnlrl lu uu uudllrtouo to tho Hollo· (IWIIOIIIII to 111nruu her ldoutHy in that

ltnr: of 11 woulrl lw J>rotootm·. 11 \'nu muHt 1 1 Dny, lhiH rotnhulH 1116 ot thu horHII Hi vu mu tlruo tu rufluut. "

you 111111 1 Hlnlu Itt llllrUHtuiJII. " · " No, no, ' ' rutortml tho rlilllomlltlo

yuuuu auu•. 1 1 0uo whoHo du�1.llu11 ----· -----

J.ntn t.o luul 111111 muly to riHe prop111'aH 11 1111111 few hiM ltnruH In thn liltluH. Dnt. �nrly t,u IN11l 111111 11 JJittltt Eal'iy IUHI!l', the lliiJ th11t 111 :1k"� l lru lnnl(llr�:•lwl lllltlor n wl wl"11r. W. II. 1'ruuullllrrl.

buuuty rnakoH 11 mirror nHiuuuod or ltsoll �houhl novor go into tho ruUoct· luu bu�hJeMH. Lo� thluolitlllro dllll!IOilll do thu rullootlug, "

Aml the recordt or tbe lloen1e clerk wholf t1111' It WIIH e\'till 10. -0hloHIO Nuw•


W o mnkc 11 red notion by tho c11se.

N O W 'is 11 good timo to buy for w i n ter uso.

H1LVe yon triotl otu· �Ioeiia nml ja�·a Coffee nt JOC por lb.

Givo u s 11 cnll nnd compnrc qunl ity und prices.

A. C. FI TCH clc. SON, Crocers, •\¥.'


Coal, Lumber, Bulldlna Material�, Mouldlnas and Klndllnl Wood.

Por Lllwn, Garden andiPiold. OHioe and Yard···Central lve., near R. R. Crosslns,

Order• by Mall Will Uooelvo Prompt�Attentlon. TELBPBOBE 19 A.

Page 5: › westfield › DATA › newspapers › Union County S… · ; .... ! _; ::·r:-. ·r_, ._, / · '.'( - . ·. '. :;. ·· · .. ,., THE.UNION SE. I .. WEEKLy ··. · COUNTY STANDARD.

- · · -Mr.

'uutl �lrs. Fred�rick Crou�h

.IULve removed to Brooklyn . .

1\lisM Phebe 'l;o\l:nley, Newar�. is oil 11 ""'''.'u.:t'l"ll<ibll.•:d's visit lllliOilg friemls 111 town. ·

-.Tames. 0 . . Cl11rk' lu1s broker; gronml for �·uother new house on CIULt·les Street.

::,=;:..;:.;.:....---:----:--:--:-- -1\lr. 111ul �[rs. Clias. Kells, of Gr�en. point, L. I., 11re visiting frlemls in town,

::;..:..::::_;_:...:.._-'-"-='--:--:-- :-The Snu(!ur sclwol bonrd of the �ethodist l'huroh meets 1\lotiday eveii-

,_ _____ ___, _____ lllg. ,. . .

·· - Mr. and 1\lrs. E•lwurd Gilby, of North II Venue, spent 'l'bnrsday at Dnn-���������ii; ellen.

:� -The Children's Guild of St. Paul'� Cbnrob JUOeU tO•IDOrrow IDOrllillg at 10 .;...---:-:---::---":":'"- o'clock.

-Mr. and Mrs. Edward App, of North avenue. spent T�ursday - among frlemls ::;....::::.!:�=:.:.._:.:.._:.:.._.,..=.:...:.......,..- ut Slatington, Pa. · · · .

-The Plainfield Courier-News issued ::::=---------- II Ju�ndsome covere11 Thanksgiving nnlll•

cer ou Wedues1lny. -Mrs. · E1nm•• H11rkson and 1\lrs,

llf•rtha Kelley were uuitetl with the 1\lethodist clnuch on Sni1iJ.a)'.

-Thet·o will be 11 pl'ogressive enchre nt at tho Westfiul•l club on 1\loutlay evilu­lng. There will nl�o be dl\llciug. ·

-Rev. l?ruulrP. Wootlluu·y, D . .. D. , of New York, will l'l'�ach in tli�· Con­gl'e!,'lltionul church .on Snmluymorniug llllll ev�uing.

-'l'he 8110\\' storm . whlcl; c;mie: �;estel': dny wn� the · first 'fh•1nlcsgivlug ,�1iuw RtOI'lll this jiiU't of the con'iitr)' hui!. SUIJU in tmLny yonr�. ·,· ··.: : .: . l : .

-J.• ·-J.�rnnl��)�ll.:.: _i;��ti.:; 'Ai�'li;;��-� _: . . ilii<t �'ho11111S Hiu<lliJY l)yer-, . of. Neiv .Yodc; ilp11nt :nuink8giviilg nt the ,home• of • .T. D . . Bennetts. '

·. ·..;,•riuhndies of the westfieltl 'club imi requestetl io 1i1eet 1it the clnh hmise on 'fh1n;s<lay u t'to•.·uoon fo·,. tl1e pm·i1use of orgnniziug 11 L1ulles' whist clt�b.

-It is extoecte<l thnt J\Iiss Gladys Jones, . contt·nlto soloist of Dr. Brnlltl• :::,;;;;:.;.;,;.;;;;.;;;;;;.;;;;;;; �,;.;.;.....; ____ fol'll's church will sing in the Congre· gationul clml·ch Sm,1lay morning.

lln)'N No\V ,.�IU�IUIIJ•et! nt. Ath11uN, C�a. The following I� tnlnm from the Daily

Dunner, tmbl!Hitetl nt Athens, Gu., where the 'l'hirtl Re�hneut is eucam)le<i:

A l11rge nnmher of solclii.r� belonging �� the 'l'hir<l Nmv Jersey Tegiment m·e complulning nb1int tho mengre mUons fnrnishe•l them . �'ho 80ltliet·s claim that tht"Y. do uot get n tbh•cl euongh to ent uml many o£ them s11y they haven't hatl u square. meul ,;ince they left Camp llleatle. ·

:I"he bigg�st · klcka came from Com­pany C. aml Compaloy . E . . nf the New New Jeisey. The· members of these companies ahnO!It to a man, declare that they were almost starved until. yester day noon,' when Mr.· W. A. Jestet· re­nlized the true condition of all11irs aml presented the01 with 200 head of cab­bage; · . Whi�b WIIB aervetl at dinner •

Accorcling to· stH.tements matlti by the membsrs of CmnpllllY C. no �ttjlper was fnruiahml them CXCellt II hur<Jtuck euch aiUl a smull "chunk" of bum. The noon day mr:ul consistetl solely of 11 n uall pl11te of Ronp !IIlli !I siu�le hunl · tuck for e1tiJit 11111 11 , while bl'B>Il<fnst cou­Riate.tl of ·chl.tuks of dt·v ill'l:>lltl. Oue private . tleclnre•l thut when he Wet>t t.o llll officer ll!H\ . IIRIIPtl fm· SOUtuthiug to eat that he · was tohl · to go 1111l\ chew 11 rug.

WII;�T �IR • • mSTBil SAYS. . ·W, ·A • . Jeste1; \\'liS Reeu l!)' 11 Banner

'reiu·esent.atil•e )'esterday afternoon nnd in l1iis1vei· to the .c1nest.iou JIS to whether 01' )lOt it WaS 11'110 thut tho . soldiers in

·. temportirily iu his h11l l wero lu· ""'·""''�"'J. · stippliml ' with foot\ s11ill thnt

\VIIS. "! \VIIS ill the Will' for )'eurs,'' auld i\It:. JPster "aml l think

I know whut I mn tnll<iag nllottt when l say that these wen h11ve not lleeu fnr· i1ishe<l a third enough to e11t. "

Another thlug tbht is cunsing 11 big ldcl< is thut the. privates of the Dt\.New .Ter•ey luwe to Wllllt . two tuiles evet·y' morning to camp in or<lel' to get uny· thing to eat. The men . cmi1pluln · 'thut this is 11 lmr<l•hip thut couhl.l!e 11\'ohled tery eusily by having their meals served in town for the present insteutl of nt Camp Ueatle.

Did the cold snap catch you unawares ? Well , never mind, we can fix you out in a jiffy.

VOU MAV NEEO Woolen Underwear,

Cashmere Hosiery, 'Oio

ves, Mittens, Tam O'Shanters,

and Facinators� to say nothing of

. Flannels, Blankets, Comfortables etc.. and ' we are right here to supply you, at bot• .tom prices.




Dress Linings & Trimmings.

Securu Your advertising space in the STANDARD'S Christm,ns Edition

Now! Out Dec. 16.

1 :1 pRges amt b:autiful cover.

Taylor's C. o� D. Grocery Stort ,' 'Broad Street a n d N orth �ve n u e.

They keep none but the best. -Prices as low as is consistent 11'illl lfigll Grade

. . . . Goods . . . . Ol.•POI!IITE l'l. E. CUURCU.




CURTIS M. THORPE--c-310•31:1 Park Avenu�, Plainfietd, N • . J.

C. M . ·TRAVIS tc CO., Monumental and Cemetery Works, 30 a11a 32 Somerset St., Plainfield, N. J.

J!avi11<1: h�nc;ht the entire 'stnck nne\ good .will of 'foWd• send's Mnrble and Granite Worlcs, we nre,prepnre!l to flll'lliHil P.ltiuwtos 111111 clo fi••st·olns� work at reasoullhle urie.•H �Ir. Etl wnrcl Sellriu!{, who has been in the b11siuess

Plum tielcl fnr the JHKt 18 )'elll'�. jq with ns. We In vile 11 Call or Correspondcnce---­

Yonrs 1',·nJy,


N O T E T H ESE PRI C ES. New Cnum�c..l Pen�, Jlel' can . . , . . . Be Onit�tla County Hngnr cnt•n, can , , 8c Three cnus .Ter�ey 'l'mn11tues . . . . . :zsc New GohlHn Plllllllldu. cnn . . . . . JOC

New P1·ep. Buckwheat, 3 lb. pkg. New Prep Flmu·, 3-lll. pltg . . • , . . New Yt. Maple Symp, pt. bottle . New Holitlay illince ille:�t, pal' lb.


-Rev. ,Tames R. Dnnforth, D. D., of Wnlnnt Hills, Ciucinunti, 0., bus nccep· ted tbe call exteutlet\ to him by t\1e Con· greglltiOruil church of Cln•ist nnd will ocmtpy the pnlJlit the lh-st Snnd11y In December.

It shoultl be tnkeu into conshlerntion tlmt the miserable weather seriously in· --------------1--------------+--------------1

terferes with camp life, and this is New T11hl<• Peuches, 3·ib. can . . . . t:zc Fnll Cream Cheese, per lb . . . . . . . t:ac doubtless the cause of tile existing dis· •nnnnn-"lt"V"1.'"Y"n: Ne1v Tnhle Plum�. 8 IIJ. ctm . . . . . Joe Pt. bottle Pickles, mix'tl m· plnin. JOC

-J. H. Townley WIIS tllkeu with au sntisfuction and explains the reasons for r . r New G reen Ganges, 3-lb .. cnn . . . . Joe New Cltlifornla Pt•un�s. lb. . . . . . . 6e epileptic fit while lu the social whist the boys going hungry. C leading ShOe Store J New Cnuuetl �e1n·s. 2-lb. mm. . . toe New ln•·ge Californi11 Raisins, lb. & club roowe 011 Prospect street last eve· TilE O'fiiEit SIDE. C f W tf' ld ., uing. Dr. F. A. Kinch attended him Wilen ft protuiueut officer connected � 0 es _ le • . J M B WALKER G '

which ha \VIUI . 1'61110Ved to . his . with the 3d Nsw Jersey reJilment wlis euu.A,:Uu:..A.J� • • ' roce r' ilome on Elw street. asked yesterday 11bout the soldiers

_., ....... ,.,. -""'. -�- lmugry, he laughed at tlte i<lea. ''Why Bros d Street� utitllcrn.am·•d.l"''"'"!'" -For the present the Llbr&ry will be my dear fellow, you hPve been given �

dollnrs nucl ouo cent ngnln�;L t'qt• utul nn nccunnt. uf nousu

uf SJIJ'lUK stmut. sunmtr f-IX clol1nrs uml tlxte(.•ll

H. \\Tch\�lll'ten fOI' nntl on ncenunt tmutr mill nml Uth'h.'I.:U ncres,

------�··�-----'l'he nttl'llction nt t.he 'stnr 'rhentre,

Street nu<l Brontlwny, Now Yor·lt, week, will he the first metmpolltnn

of Lnmleclc 11nll Shlrely's LoJHion success, •1A Orlp Of

The Htnry oi' tho piny i s lugen­contrivell nml Is toJ,I in llll essen·

1\fany n hol18(•holtl is Rntltlenetl by

!Jetmn•e of tlw f11lhu·e to lteep on n Hllfll nwl ah.•nlntoly certl\111 ctu·o

811Ch IIH Ouu Mlnnto Congh See thnt yonr lit tiff mws ure Jli'O·

ngnlust euwrgerwy. \V. H. 'l't•en-


J3lllllh00 I!I'U W� VOl')' thrift.ily In C'Jn ll• hottOIII IIIUII�, lllltl J" fOUIUI to bL• •Huful Jlluut, 'l'htl suutl of many ru"umbhJ" rJou, uml JH 11lrnost RH

fol' fm11l. '£ho �took lllliY be Ju tho huihlllll! of l1rltl�tlM, fc"OCM hliYIIK 111111 In tho llllUlllfucturu uf

'Wlllor pi110H, fnrllitlll'll 1111 11 IJOXON, t•nni•h me.•lt••

"'£be ltlun ol Hcmllllll t:hl lclren to bod ear11 to JllllliHh 't'm I" nululmml .Mu. CoruloHMel, who \I'IIH tiiHOIIMHilll! hor


roiRth•eH, "Thut uln't lillY wuy to o rvot. · 'eb• · ' ' · . "01 courMo It 11\n ' t ," nuawcrml hur

llualiMnd, ' ' if you want tu uouvlr,wu 'em

lb11t you tlltlllll buwluoM"' nuako om 11et Dp 1111 hour or ro Of6,11or lu lbo moru• 11111·"-WutblugtoJI BIIII'• · - ·· · .. - ···· · · ........ ..

open Taesdays, 'l'hu\'lldays and Satur· fairy story," he said. "It Is sbnply a daya from 4 to 6 llnd Saturday · evenings desire on the 111rt of the boys to c.reate 7 to D . . . 'l:'lle trnstees . . regret being ii\•mlJatby and ' p68e as'tnarytrs. It is the unable to · open it every .day but. the e���oiest thing In the wor<i for the soldiers patronage has not warranteed the to get a snperabnndance of rations, and labor Involved. In order to prove to you that there Is no -The Camden Rtul Mooreetown Leagues occasion for· tlui cl11ims made by the have Invited the New Jerlll!y Woman boys, I inl'ite you to go down with me Sulfrage A880CIIItion to . bold its eight and see them servetl at supper." allnunl llleetlng In Camden on Tueeday. This Invitation tht> newspaper. mao ac­November 29. The invitation has been cepted, and saw several l1nndred men accepted. Mrs. Mary C. C. Bratlfor<l, fed. Snpper consl�ted of steak, . beans, of · Colorado, an eloquent speaker, will coffee antl l1ardtack, antl each IDIIU was give tbe. evening uddresa;

' muply provided for. Tl1e only kick the

-Thet·e will be a special service men nt St. P11ul's church on Sund11y everling nt 11 qnm·tet• before 8 o'clock. 'l'here will be ml!lrcsses by lnymen, memliers of tho DmtherhoO<I of St.

Antlrew. W hile the service Is sJlecla\ly intentletl fot• men, it will be of geneml interest, allll is not for thetu exclttsh•ely.

-J.etters t•emnlulug uncnlletl for nt post office, Westlleltl. Persons cnlllug for same please mention mlvertlse<l ; �lr. Frnnk Kt•on, Antonio Pltcuhin, l\Iiss G. Runsev, J\lr. 1\I. W. Reed, lilt·. GEorge l\Iosher, lllrs. S. Newlsou 2 , H. Scaring, Mrs. Fl'llnklln Sackett, Miss Snrnh A. Rnimnu.

L. �1. W1111'.,Kim, P, l\1. -Hurry Steele lllol'l'lson, 'l'he Boy

'fmvelcr" will lecttu·e In Y. 111. C. A. hull, Plnlufield, · ou l\Iomlny evening, November 21:!, nt 8 o'cluclc He is only 17 yenrs or 11�\l, but hns tmvelle!l in Engllnul, Bcl�iulll, Gemumy, l•'mncu 1in<l Swltzerluml nml n!lll hns interviewed Romo of tho 11111Ht promlneut men In mnrupe. He 11'118 loMt II W!:ole !lny In

the Alps, came nenr lleiug lddlmnppe!l lu l'nri�, nntl im)ll'i8ouetl l n G ewmuy.

---+- •--+---"'t•"ltft•ltl lh•wlnl'"' llt•fcutml.

Thl:l bowllu� tuam from the Westfiehl clnb 1vent to Bnyonne on 'l'nes1lny oven· lug to l1owl tho N . • J. A. C. tenm. '!'her w .. re tl�fuated two out of tho tht·oe gnmeR hy lhu scorli's given below:

I•'IIIHT OA)JJ�. Wi�STI'Jlo:t,ll

llnltot' . . . . . . . . 188 Smith . . . • . • . • • l•lli lt. I. 'l'uwuley. tBil \V. 'l'mvnluy . . !Il l Voohl . , . . . . . . . 124

•rotnl • • • • • , , 7ut

N. J, A, C. SouthiU'tl . • , • • • t2D Coojlel' , , , , , , , , tOO Ritchie . . . . .- . . ttJO Dny . . . . . . . . . . tns Lewis • • • " . , , . HO



boys had coming on snt�per lust night wQs tlie hnrtltnck which was not very tempt. ngi, anti wns nuule,of vet'V JlOor flour uutl looketl slightly oltl aud tongh .

� � ....... --The ,\th·"m:e Uhth.

The Aclvnnce Clnb huve )llllnnetl, 1111· tier the gnhlnnce of Rev. Dr. Gr•en,

chnh'm,m of tho program committee, 11 series of five enjoyable nntl instmcti1•e evenings thl9 winter. One evening encb month Is to be •levotetl to u mnster hu­morist, 11 tli'IBter p•1inter, 11 nmstor �Cill)ltQI', II UIRStet' 1\r.:hituct 1\Utl II lltiiS· ter tnnsll'inn. At the meetiu!{ belli lust Ft·i!lny even­Ing nt tim residence of 1\lrs. Unfns Greeu, Ot·. Green �11\'0 n lectnre on the IIIIIS!et· lmmm·ist, Artemns Wul'tl. In his nsuul­ly inter�sting st.yle, the lecturer inter SJlersetl tho life of his snhject with wittlci•u1s 111111 ml•lresses mntle timing the tllffel'ent periods of his cnreer, Dr. Green spolw of the relhwn<cnt of hi8 wit, of his t•averonce fo1• woumn, ns exempli­lletl lu his 1levotion to his molhe1·, nnd his nppreclntion of uhl'istiuulty.

'l'hll tla\lHI' on current events preplll'etl In nn orlglunl l'li'ln w:ts givou by C. A . Smith.

Hnmot·ons �ou�s wem relllll'red h1• 11 tj11111'tette nntlor t.he clin•ctlon of �lr. Rnmlolph, nftel' which ret'resluneuts were serve1l.

The guests of the o1•enlng were: Rev. Dr. Hubbell, of Moutulnh•, fol'IIIBI'IY o f Unttnlo, 1\llsa MatiLochlnn, of the clnea of 'UB Ehuh·r1 College, ami tlnnchter of Rev. DJ•, MnoLuchlnn, of Blughniii)Jtou, N. Y. , Herbet·t Prentiss, of Wostfleltl , formerly. of W!tlet•fol'll, N. Y. ,Tosejlh ,Johnston, 1\[1•, UnutlolJlh, 1\IIFts Rego1·, 1\llss SherJuRn 111111 membot'M ·of tbo At1vunco ch1b. •

---.. ·----WJ•:KTIIIJo:t,n, N, ,1, A. C, Uukot': . . " · " • 1711 Sontluml . . • " 142

· . Over come \IYII with QoOil. Overcome Smith . . , . . , . , , 102 . C(lOjlllr . , , , , . , 182 I 1\ I ''· I. 'J'cJIVIIley, l/i2 Ritchie , , , , , , , :JHII your cnnghs lllltl coltls wit 1 One I nnte \V, Townley . . tn7 D11v . . , . . . . . . tno Cough Onre; It .Ia eo gootl ohiltlron cry \'oubl . . . . . •· . • JGii LoiYJH . . "" " • loll tor It, It onr�s OI'OIIJI, 'bmnubltla JliiOII·

'l'otnl ., . . : . . HOI • 8B7 'fltlllll flo\HI'l, ·

WI�H"rJ'mJ,IJ, N, ,J, ,\, 0, 13nlwr . . .. • . . . . I��� SonthiU'II . . . • Ins �mit h . . , " . . . , ttl!:! .Co�jlur . . . . . . , . . 2 1 1 R. I. Towuluy . IP\1 Rltohlo . . . . . . , 1111

w, 'l'owultly , . IOO .Dny , . . . � . . . . 202 Vue hi . , , , , , , , , Ill!:! Lowls • • • , ; • , • , 172

. , _

Tot11l , , , . , • • 'IJ.t.O

rnottlll, grl11 llllll 1111 thront tlllll 1111111 cliHVIISV8. \V, H. 'l'l'lliiOIUll'll.


.Luko lluron oontalult tt, 000 lalau(tw. Loch Errw, lu lrultwd, Jra• · non.' 1.'bo Laku of tho ThoiiHIIIld lHio� IH ouly 111i uli'JIIIIIHiotiOt lb'o St. Lllwruuco rhor 111d UIIM 1 ,100, .

Now Ia the time to buy Winter Rusaet and Calf Double Sole .Shoes. We have the latest style . ntss and Children's, Boys' and Yout

h's Sthool .Shoes; best In the

PAY CAS Hr.-. . 1111111181. P FOR VOUR

..-n--. G RO� E R. I E:� AND IAYI FROM D TO 20 PIR CENT.

NOVEMBER Z3 Will BE SPECIAl SAlE DAY. ,. Two gnls Poll'S Cider Vluegat·. aac. I the lowest in town. . Plll'e Black Pepper, 1 1!1c. lb. Chickens at yonr own price. • Best Suglll'-Uured Hum<, ec lb. St�pollo, l!lc. imke. . •· I ' Choice J eney 'l'nrkeya here, 11nd prices Prtde of the· Kitchen, 3c,· cake,

We will Sell You Goods �t New York Prices. Telephone Call, ll·a, ·


. Broad Street, Westfield. WE&TFI ILD, N, J, .

====:::; �--

No Home Harker's Toilet Pap·er IS THE BEST !

111he l�efltdt•r. lllnullu-Kil lumlm·luk, ·tJw rending

�tUtor or 'l'ho AHturlHIC, IN a IJuHy fellow. I I!IIIV l1hll at thn ollloo tmlay witb a Wa&lllbnKkot �cKillu him llllml to tho brim.

Tot low-VoN, coufoullll him I llnt I'll bot 1 furuiHhml thll lllost of tho nllltorlnl. Ho couhlu't 1111 tho bu1kot If ho tllclu'' h11VO tho Nlull to till It, ooul!l ho1-llol• lou •rruu•ot•apt.

---- · -----

When you IIHk fot• Do Witt's Witch Hnr.el Bi&lve tlon't IICOeJlt n counterfeit or hnmltatlon. There nre more oaaes of Piles being 'cure() 'by this, tlum Rll otbere oowblned. w. H. TrenobRrd.

h hdght untl •�lwerful without

f'lctUJ'f!o�, ,,�, UIUkU Jl HJU•CJuJty Of Ml•IN!I I ng IIUIIt.! hnt.t.h" hei'lt in thllt lllw. 'l'hcu we HUn tlut.t the t•lo .. t Ul'" Is l'mt un· tn tho h(.•Mt. nth'IU\t• U1:U h�· lUI U)J}JI'UIJrltLtO ft;l\llUlo

PERHAPS \'nu hUH! n ht!luttlful Jllctnt'O you tlu nut MIIIIW ht!t!UIIHO ut" llll ugly

J'm mo. (JuJUt! 1�1111 hlt UK rU .. ft'IUIIU It fnl' ynu.

A. L. DRAKE, �:.��;�;J;.}1�d1�;

liiii'O yon over been !lnnoyed by tho smull pnrlwlcs of }lapin·. ,which ·

!11\1 from tho ordinary porfoflltod toilet pnpor nud litter up yom· room ?

I ,

DID YOU EVER try in vnin to pick these minute pRr·

lltl\'t\lnping, l Fur .Amnltn\l'lh J·'lul•l•lu�:" f ticlos fmm tho Olt1'pot1 nutl I'Oiv thnt ----------- yon would noi'Cl' ngniu buy such


HATS Furnishings. CLARK,



stutr ?

Harker's Toilet Paper is f1·cu fi'OIIl. nll inj urious chomicals1 uull iustcnd of iJ<,ing pcrfomtoll

IS . CROSS CUT ! Whilo tlw pJ'ico is lowor than other flJ-st-cluss !'II pors, boiug

O n ly t Oc a Roll, Or 3 for 2tSo,

HARKER'S Fruit, C 4'. t. i �BEAUTI FUL STORE• . on,ec onery, . . .·.. .

Soda. Oholco llr!UU!S ot

Cigars. Broad lt., Weetfleld.


Flfly yeRrs UI!O tho trRJIRIJilrtllilon of 11 luttor oo�t n�oul �0 thut'• 111 muob 111 It duol ltOWo

· Blm and Quimby Sts.


Page 6: › westfield › DATA › newspapers › Union County S… · ; .... ! _; ::·r:-. ·r_, ._, / · '.'( - . ·. '. :;. ·· · .. ,., THE.UNION SE. I .. WEEKLy ··. · COUNTY STANDARD.


.c THE HORS!Z SHOW. I s •tn b l � ,J.· f r h' oi l' £lay G'ttrts I EOISON SCARED T H E M I N ISTEA.

fto Dhtnry or:-�::::•t:k'• Cbler S"eloty , . U l (1 e iJ ugges t 1 0 ns 0 . i I i l!an.l lln�or;;���;:,:::\�;,��::�.'�:·� Whleh 'fbe or!glna l proj�crcre of t he IIor�� _._-:::.-:.. ;.: . .-:.:.. .. :::::.��----=-:..·___::___ __ -=: 1 "Tlu·rc are ·explo:oin�g ot sueh tre-

llbow hui lol ·d Car b�w>r than they A JHJsi t i vely ph·rl1 � ; ��'" " i n:.(. :\n ar ray of exel mi >e elegnnr.r. ,\ me!lllous power," �:JltJ Eollson recen tly, iillll� knew wh••u they fii""ilt met a n d nr· "t!Jat tber go otT Wilen I �bout at ranget1 for their tll'st display In lS.-:-3. ehonm i r l g colh;etion of (•\t!l'} til ing rd1rtt•(l arul exrptisite in tltt·lll. I �inlply place ll small Urop o t Tbe Idea or the Horse shuw w a s tir;; Go!d and Sr' luer\uaro., Cut Gla�� and Cutlery. expiMI>e Oil the tahle :tnt! any sut!Jen CJe'r'eloped In a n•1 ::uuoug th�� tlwu t 11 u llJ ll(!itation of the atnH>�phere will C"an:-oe cqmpara r i >ely s w a l l element In rtw it to explode. You sec t he t!Jin;: is lu ' New York society world l�uown aa \\"� in\"ite yon to in�t·�ct th� :-;to-d,;:-; h,...f,)re th� crowd:; come thick i\tHl fa;;.t-

. a :-!tnte of ;ery delicate equiliiJrium.


, .




c.l'pillp�j;r�� \v':�·�nr;l�;��'-i;[;;.;les� 'ir

;r���;s;l;l��rapiete. :II ��i�::��i�::���r�7�ni:.:��.:�����;,��b :.�t� 2 1 8.2 0 M Af kef street, Newark, �. : lloekatras. rns. \\'hen. ns In the case)just wen- U 11 Th� tlr:!t a.-, show• In the ·•It! G:tr· IN DIAMONDS. · 1 IN J E\VELRY. f lionetl. this hnlunce is abolll equal.

den were \o"ery 1:wdest n tTair:, com- Xo mhttf'r what ::-hi'lr"t: .\·hnt f· nc'-· : We'\"'e 1.,r!!-paf-1l pltasant snrpri�e-s for l It t:ttt�5 ,-er.r_

Httle to incline it townrd pared ·with thos�-'· of < !H.• p.tst �ix yt•ar.s. t' '1 .: : • • • • 1. a ,;:'01!-0t·otrs torrn, �o th:tt en!n the and the fi�urcs horn or th� att •Ud · take-; i t " il l lllett ils iu•al •n re. ' Y"� 10 sty�e�, qn

.ahtl:' :ual

prw.,;. ;ouwl of tbe >alee wi ll cause the dl�-

anee at t lw.-•t.' n od of tbdr r�(·ellH� Diarnoznl Riu,!!�. F oh�. RuH!B, ::itn·��, , c:har�e. .\. \"'iotent tit o[ couztliu:.: will look alnws: ridlculoua he<itle tbo,;e ol Di<UH>w1 Bro<oche�. Charm.\ Chaw;. LllckH;, i t•rod�lce the effect. nnd so -�muir! a Diuul<tntl Stu,ls. \\ 1\tche�. Ear Dr,)It:-:. � . to-day. P.ut each y .·ar S::t\Y a stea1ly Dio, muud Earring:-, Bro(1che .. �, Pt:ntlant�. , lleavy WPzgbt droppt!d on the tloor. Improvement In t".Je attendaac� at:tl Diatnon'l Pius. Bracel�ts. N•·cklact->, ":-peaking of tltls e:q>iosi\'e reminds consequent ly In the receipt�. With Diumowl Lockfts. Scarf Pin•. me of bow I got rid of some minister>

(be opening or t h 1 new )Jadi•ou Diamond �•cklac�s. Enr Screw•. w!Jo once Insisted on boring me In my Square Garden In lS:JO tbe public he- Diautonrl Petulant<. Link Bn ttons. JnlJIJrntory, when I had some lmpor-cnn to realize that the show a f(ordo:tl J 1:1 'j � J ' d B t PJ t tant P!'i:l><>rlments on ilantl. I treatetl It an opponunlty to Inspect the mucn· fl �� V6fi'af6··-��tfl JDg an es a 6, litem eourteously as long as I coultl, talketl·oC and muc:.. discus set! beau- hut they l;t'ew more lnterestetl. ns the tie-s nod leatlers or .Sew York society Yon 'll nnt find another st()ck like this ulle allywhere -s() ful l of merit-so com· day wore on, nnd seemed to have n� at close range nnd to atudy thdr co�· pret.�ll;.i;e in aseortment-�o moderate in price. We were ntnr so well preparetl intention of going home. Finally, 111 tumes and gowns, with the re-ult to sop ply your wants in Sil>HWatt as now. a last resort, I told them I wns goln;;

that they rusb ,d to the Gartlen. 'l'h� Teai!poons, Sn�ar Shell•. Jel ly Kni �f'l!. to make some highly explosl\'e mate· •how bad Its retl-lttter rear In 1S!J2, Tahle Spoon<, • Bntter Kui<e-e, Oyster Klli>I'S, rial. This mode them only the m01·e although that of last year was al mo·H Kn i\·eg n nrl f'nrks, Napkin Rin>�•. Bonillon Spoons, lmeresteol antl ther got In my wn�· a� equal In the tig:Jrcs of atten<!ane� Frnit Di•hes. Urn,·y L•dles, Pie Kui\·.,o, much as they possibly cou!J. r do not and receipts. Cake Ba•kds. c .. tre� Stoo"'· Wine Cooler•. >uppose they knew much of the nature

All th> years went by, the demand Tea Sets, Cold )!eat Forks, (;amlelahra, �nd appearance or high explosiYes. for for the best ho:tes became such runt Dt->sert Sets. Salad Sets, Sonp Turaen when I placed a number of drops lot the premiums paltl at the aucttou Only a tenth ()f what the !'tock contaius-whate<er yonr thongltt snggests ur the material In Ynrlous parts oi tb� llalc'll reached surprising figu res. until nee..\ requh es, you'll find here at exce�:�lingly mmll price. room, so as to sentter :tny ncdilentnl upward of $500 was che.orfully glveu �xJ•losions, ther se�med not to notice for the cbolce of a prowlnent box Cot Exquisite Cut Glass it.

the week. The ticket spc'<:ulators saw '" ' " " A t last, whl'n they �ot crowding :tl·

th�lr opportunity In this craze a no Astoui;hing how �o umch real b<;allty anrl richness can h€ coupler! to $l1Ch little most between me nlld the worl< beno:h. freq u ,ntly managed to secure some of priees. Eqch piece iii band poli.hed anti ileeply cut. No ar:id finished goods are [ very carelessly pt'"hed n hoard otf the m,st hoxes. as well as the best toler t •ol here. �n to th<' lloor. \\'ell, It wns wors� eeats. One or these three or four Car"P""· B�rry Bowls. Nappie;, Ya•es. thnn l had intended It to he. It nearly T?atS ago held a box in n �ootl post· Decant�r�. Ice Cream Tmys, 1'n111hlers. Spoon Holder�. !llnttered the wlnilo\\' ;:lnss nut! jostlo··l tion at $1.1)00 for tbe week of th e O i l Bottles, Cele�y:Tr,.ys,, WHter Pitchers, Sngar am! Cream. things aroun<l ;;enemlly. The mini�· Bhow. He offeree[ It to Hr. Wllllaru teers seemetl half sraretl to death. nud

!cb \'�n��;:��\.u� ";�;

e:����t/0ari�{. � SPECIALIST'S I One man cannot do e> reyth ing ntll1 olo it well A ;;pee fro� 1th� way they lw{u ilwir ears you

wart! soh! it to Captain Ue Ia �Jar. �:�������'"e���l:.����:.t'l:};�sclt�':t!,',�';!� ��"'�,r;r����c,�0d�- �� �;���ed ���=Jr81;;:����01to�������r.0


paid for a hox at tl··' Horse Show. our •nc·ce•;;ful opllcal work. Hu.BOR:S s Cut• (patente<l) :llsctlssNI the po,slhilhv of more nc· Tbis I• the hi:;hest recorded price ,. EYE GlASSES . partuwnt : he rlne'

."othing bot correc_� e�·fsi:(ht-hrlne� I told them how It lw•l h:�ppt•ll<'d ant!

Untll three Y ":trs ago ::o;ew York so- · bold• lightly, tirtul) : a:tachetl for i.iOc. �!dents taking place. t he·). "aid it r;:aU�· clcty ma<le the show •o mncb ol Its · · I .,·as quite wonderful. Ina they gu('ss"ol own that It Intrenched Itself lo ali i w Iss· & s 0 N - . . . I they !tao bettPI' ht• going. I m·gctl the boxes nntl asplriog mllllonnlrcs J ". · . · . \:' Gold and Sliver Smiths, l t!Jem t o stay and 5e., more firework,;, !rom olher cilie� w_.r� not able to I ·1 Ua Cutl ery and Cut C l ass, but they nil h:ul ,·cry importn nt eu· brenk Into the crurmed circle. al- , . 7 r:t<!t•mcms aut! lmrrletl 0n·:·-st. Loui:i though se rcral aftempts were made i 7 5 5 B d St t

. . to do so. Titre, years rigo, ilO\<eYer. . roa ree ' [lejlUb!ican. l'bllailclphia secured a bo:t. anti tbe ·


next yf:ir -� Boston. Baltimore :uul r4 E�VA R K, N . "' ' A J:IU . .... Gurernnwnt, I'ituhurg were re(•nosent,d. T.art Au· "1Yell. sir," l'nid the old farmer. tnmn other cltl<?s held at lea�t :! ·--� ·-----·- - · -- ·---·---------------·---- ! 'this he1·e tlurnctl retl-tnpe gO\·et·'men; third of t11e prom inen t toxe3. !ltlEi�EEE;E;EitfE:Ei€Ei�€t;E;€E€�Ei�E!E!fO���*"e�<i�e<:.:£:e;(:e;�:.:.:::.c�

.s the dc,·IL \\'by, you',·e got ter Cons:ldi!red solely as a �Oi:i.al �onc4 � · r.o. j �tnn' a re�'lnr school exnmlnatiou fer

tlon, the Horse S!JOW, DC�IYIIIJ5ta llll· i!i "If� 0. "" n�r""t .. ·n �fj t�. � �\·er'thing! Fust, tiii'Y turn!•![ .Johll

lng tb• �act that It ;,a9 c•asetl to b� � D li� \. g �'+ 1\1.:� .,. ! :!own, fer .1he po�t ollice jest kazc he

a mn·ely and <n:ll tbe ln tere,t or Xew � ... Our el1ergt'es are b:>nt- ffi.: •. · Hdn't know n"thlu' '!Jout st>ellln' a•.•'

York soc!cy rn It is somewl.Jat wnn· .- ..,.. - ··• trithmerle. n u' uow t ltL•.Y won't rake In;;. Is still nntlonhterlly the most lm· : the endeavor to provide for iri 1 aim in the army knzo• he'� how-lt•g;;t·tl portant e\'ent of the Y<ar I n the KO· W t f m i ·u ont· l•·g an' '"''"'k·klll'l'ol in tl•� dety wol'ld. nut o>&1lj' or �ew York.. : every wan ° � I >t!wt·! Tlow kill t hPy eXjle<:t jlt'Oi>!e but or ,\merlcn. It Is the A·h·ent sea· l!! THE LITILE FOlKS :i : :o lin, illlJIJ I)' lltlolel' a gn\'l'r'tuellt like 10n o! the society year. and Its we •k ; lr! · :h:n:"-Ailanta Constitution. means ihe open ing of the Winter';, � And We SUCCeed. : rayttles. The mem h.ors o! �ew York ! ... Long Years of Experl·ence-The ! �nclely r�:;ulnte, to a large extent. ... .,. �,

their time or retnrntm: to th ·lr cltJ I Proper Knowledge of \Vhat 's Needed ; bomes by it a nd rla:e tl:Je en.•nts or the : -And the Ability to Supply It, Have � ye11r from and b.) the sho w week. (I; Made American Mothers Regard It us � For It tb; matron nnrl belle 1•r�oare J � THE IDEAL STORE ill their most elaiJOrtl lc gowns. and the (I; ill mao or fashion o,·,,rhauls his ward· W AND IT'S THE ill (I; :.

·. robe an•l glve3 extra Instructions to 111 ;;;

ltla valet. I . . . Onlv One of Its Kind = As mny he suppo•etl. It Is the ev'nt 171 of the year to th� m il l iners und dress· I I 'Thn� Is no other place In the ill make(r not only or �!Jig country, hut World where Children can be ill alliO to some e�tr,nt of London and ti Ootbtd, from Hat. to Shoes, 50 �41 I SaUslactorlly and so &onomkally · Paris. for Ill au�· WfJI'kS!IfiJIS ID t hose u at the "Chlldten's Store.'' eo " 62 w. 23rcl St., Naw York. ·

. dtles are hn,l<:d et-err suunuer oo _.JJrders from Awerlcan women for ..._Mit • ..._ .... �•MMitM:t•:t;t;t:t••••:tMMMitN

Horse Sl1 0w gown:;. A s is na tu ral, thel'l!fore. the show sf:ts entiJ J'C3r the fasblou lu Winter gc.wns nod even In men's elothe>. n ntl Is the �I ecca ol

all the !eat! In;: mlll loers nnu dr •39· makers of thf! country who ttsst•rohle at t!1e (;arden rlnrln;( the wee!< to •tully tfielr owu and tb • lr fellow·� produetlon> a mi to get !JOints for th• Wlnt!!•'• fru<hlon•.

At the Hhow the \\' i u r er>' ;!'nyelle• ar• plauuetl. entertalnm ·n ts are or· ganizell, eugagcuH·nt..'i a n i:ou oret.l, nn11 acanrlnls whispered. It Is the first mo>tln:: day ot the •oclety clenrlng bouae after the long Sum mer and A o · turnn. anrl t o a large extt!llt lt Belli t)H! p:we for the SIX m o n : h,;, to (oiJow. 'l'hl:' nwrnlu;:s of t h ! � h o w a n• fa\'· ored hy tlw more ent hn;.;la:;tle m�m· IH�rfi of tlw h uutl n:,: s<'t :uul !Jv th� ehlldren or �n<·lf!l)', .\ hnut ' thre • o'dock the ruhn m·P �tnn rrl of the frtsh · Jonn hle r h ron;! l1c•!! i r • � to nrr'l\'(•, uml by rnur the hox•·s and prominen t sea l, nr� f111N1 w 1 t l1 fasl l ! rJnn hh· '1l"P�SPfl or•. eu(mnls. and the ;.nhl!c · 111·�11" It• rou nds or s t udy n ntl romuwnt. At tJIX o'clof.'l\ Hw htl lu:t n t l t11• lw::iw; to ehh n� d lnnf•r hour n ppron r·lw!-1. n01l •t �lghl I t hP;:In.< to ftiJW hn t:k nga ln. JJy 9 :�r, ,. ,.,.,.,,. nl<:lu th> ftll!f'llou :. •t Its hPh:ht. A IHl at ••le\'en !he Mhow IR nrer. Then t l!f' fnshlonnhl<• rPMIAII· rantM nnrl m r.,s '" • flllr"l u n i l l lnug artr•r mhlul�:IH wl l h 11w i>t·l l l l :• n t l \' dreP.fU!cl t hron� 11\l;l'\IS:-tlu� thu eYellt

.M et the Jny.

",·uu�nth y t n Chl ldrrn.

Procure Your Business Education -AT nn:-

838 Broad St., Newark, N . J, Aru) } flll wi l l �ft\'e t/(Jf}J t hue nrlfl room•y. Hat('� �.:rf�ally n�1land. Ern:H:-h Brntll'lJt:f'l, l\ur,hu:!"'M, �lu,rt luuul nru1 'I'YJlewrlt l•u:. f)r1lr !!!o EL rtuur­t«�r for 1\11. �:nrdmt �dlfJh) from Se}lh!'ml.rt!r •n j\J,tll. C. Horton, Ponnmn. t1. Coleman, Pn. ... Jilt:nr.

ALL · '1c best fammcs i n Westfield order their \Ved· d i ng I twitat ton•, nnd An nou nccments from

A GREAT OFFER ! .\ n .. ' " u" I :i,. .,. W ntcr s C ntncl

U prigh t Pi :p o , 7.\ H:a \'�".'-' , :1 - .o..t • i u :.:­· · d , fn l i 1 0 B (1"11 1 1 1 t'1 1'\' Pf'll l l P g H P t i n l l 1 i r 1 1 ry k".' " • :J I '"" u l · , \'Ct'Y t'ich t.h:cp ton1:, with fine sln1�in1.1; (I U !I ) i ty, IJ • o d f!U I I I Il i tJ I I I g n ! J t l !U Jnt � �:-t i m pl'u\'f'rnou t...r, rot·

$225 <'ll · h , or :oi 2 50 o n l rt ' l : l l m " l l ' '• : n u l �· � 1 0 dnwu Hi d S 7 ()Cr m o n t h , H l nnl , ,.,, , • . ,,, t u n i n g nud d t• l l \'• · r r F I I E J·: .

\\"f! Il l (} o ff"t' ll / 10 \' , l ll l'!!f' ' li� · , j�

�--CURRENT H UMOR. A :OOorth Corollna paper says: "A ne�ro struck his w�fe two ter•

,Ible blows on the ht-ad with an axe. rhe n�gro escaptd to the wood�. anll

�Is wife soon rH·J \·etl ant! said: 'I :nlghty glatl he done It, kase now he' l l nay cl'ar er de neighborhood, e u 1 i\'cn't have ter suppo't him no m.)'. It wuz a luckr t!ay fer me when he h it fle wid dat �xo ! ' "

Yerr !ew o! us are as thankful as that for thi::!�e Httl': btessinc� �n di3· lUlse!-Atlanta Constltut!un.

Norah had been told to say at thP. 'ront door that her mistress was nat t.t home when ct!rtaln caBers appear�;J :Jpon the ffcene. It rvidently went nuch aga:nst the grain ror h1!r tu mi.1!'ic 'lf:rsE!I! r�:itwnslble for even su smal l

L white He, but she fJromised tu d(J ';1>, 1nd, with certain modUica t lun:;, &epl her word.

"Is �lr•. Blank at home?" fiUerled �e caller. "For thls wan tolme, :\lrs. Smithers,

1he ain ' t ! " sultl the noaltl; "but Hi\<n 1clp her if yez ashl� me agi n ! I'll nut

ol twice for annyhudy livtn•, upon m• sovdt"-Harper's Dra.wer.

� ��(}· h u siJand Js ��J n!ce ttbout ex­?1ainlng thr:se war terms to me. I <now I aggl'a\'alt" hhu aw fully, ton, wmetlme.::;, \\'hy, vuly think, 1 had to tsk him thl.:.; fl11Jruing what tht:l' s�at

"Yes'/" 1 1 \\'a.!i'n ' t it foolish? B .l t he IR so pa­

:Jent. Th� Idea that 1 didn't ha\'t! \en':'ie tntJUHh tu �toe that it l!i ful' tht! Handing army to U:it! wh�n it gtJlS :I ret! : "

Jus tlce-"You a r e charg;etl with com­n l ttlng; an us�ault un this m a n anol 1lacklng his en. What have yuu to \ay, H\1·?"

Gentleman-''Your honnr, my w:fe ost a pet drJg, and I caught this Ct.• l luw orlnglng It hu<·k."

Ju•tlce-"l'ou ur� •lih''hllt'lret!. llul 'a tm· you, yuu tu:ul,l\rug, the next :t rue l'Otl !'llt•: t l u ladY'ri dug unll dou't U!f�J) 1t, I ' l l st�1Hl )'0\1 u p lul' slx nonths, "-Se\\' Y•Jt·k \\'eel<i)',

Collec t i n g huttt,rllle•. hlrd'1 cggft, etc., Hhnultl n e ver 110 e.ncnurnged. It Ia apt In riHI•Ior• n i l t hut iR h n rt! nnd r:rucl 1n n chllti'K nnture.. nn•l to muke htm beedloHs or g l v l n � pnl? n n t! sorrow to othcrH.' A n r HIJ;II or eruelt� I n a chl lcl 'a nnturo Rhnulrl nt nnco be cho.ckr-rl. as Rlwulrl nltn t.!te frnr or nny lnsor.t or anfmnf. lnRIPflf( or tol! l n� l h r c h i l d t o "th 1·nw u w a y t n a t llnHtY r:atcrplllnr," lnatruet h im tu l <ntr.h I t very �ontly •o

C H A 8 , M, A F FLECK,

131 L I B E RTY1 ST.,EN .!Y. "'IIOES /Afft! AI.L. !f/OHT. O" · " ''· , !!·• I I I II " " ' C hC !; l l'l" P lun: > " I J:"''"" �Irs. Jo'r1 : 1 " tluesn't

leW F1·•·1wh mah.t." IIIIo thai

· that ho w i l l llfo t hl l l't It, und to u rlm l •·o Jts ht,.!l llY of fonn uud r:olorlng. AI· wuya £:ntmaag�J tho luve o: a u l malH 1 n eblldren.

lllr•IIP--'I'llf•r••'• 11 Fn•lll'illullll l>r•· ltlwl " " ; I 'd '"'""I' l"ll you t l t i< In E111:ll�h.

·ll,.l'ih .. · ·On the t:ol�i l'n ry, you'd he 1411 f••l' (( >"OU Wutu lo ijLII!IL� l•'l'UIICiii­.JU!l.)',

$ 1 80 P. H. Z I M M E R, I • t I (O /t ) I . I I J' .') 2 0 0 , f l i l \' l t ldf ' '' 1 0 I ! P \','1 Practical Machm1st & Engmeer. " " d :l .'i [If'!' '" " 11 , ,;, 'l' , ;j . 1 . . , , . , ,

• • • n \ ,� , , W• • l l ) ! l t l d l ' J o l fi i i O 1 1 1 1 1 1 II' 1 1· l:ilcnm, <Ins anti J:lcct l'lcnl Contrnctlng, 1 ' 1 1 1 1 .

' · '

· .. �· 11 \ l'tlll t ' ! l\1\i ! I t • li• ·� ' V t ( fl l'\'ll r • ·f(, • l • w:��I�AL .JOUIJINU. I "" i• l l ! . I I I J 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 , �· .

J I I \\", �J1ul �f l't••• t , l ' lultdh•ht, S. ,r, f) • I t ' ru f l ( I • t •� !UI\ J I I H t l \ 1 1' p\ \ ti l l � I J'! f • t •H, f l • f lfl "' I I l i d ( 1 ! d ll l 1 1 ' 1 1 l i• J d !o ' I I J

.\ 11 Uh.lt·t•I J u u , " I f �·on Jl:t>:f your c o l logo IIXtl l n l llll•

t louH, I ' l l JIIIY nil your •lt!hiH. " · � Why, ttncln, 1ln yon wnut IIlii lo

work fnr l ho hPnr:ll t or my m·�d ltiiiH�"­J•'JI••lJilllllu lJinltl•r,

�� � � �d " ' ' 1 1 1 1 r"l' r• u t i ! J cJ;: ll!.l w 1 11 r• · d I I IJL'd J' rlf!f1H I I lid I f' l'H I H,

IIORACI� WA'£F,US &Co, 1 34 Fifth A vc., " ' '" l ' t � t h Kt. ,

Nl� W \' lllt H 1

" \\'hal Jo'r•·n<'h malol?" "1 d l d u ' t knuw IH·t' I IUIIle un t i l 1 mal

\tt'H, !·' r i l l � )···;;tf ·nJuy, 1 �a h l : 'Uuw �·m·t kd �·ou loult ! ' 'Do l 't ' :-�n\1\ l'l}lt.), \\' t t l l , I ' ' ·" ttnl�· Pmlu , / I;.; · J H l ll J{. ' A mi all [ fJ I I J • I H t,•: t • l I IU t 'H lhc lllltid 'tl UH IIltJ.'1

" \\'iutl l H ':'' " l·:unuu. f lonJ.q�t•riJ·�·" -

PJalu I Jt·ult·J', "1\t�•lhul','' Kldd !\1\H� not\}' Newt·lc}l, 'can ' t falht•t' u rfurd a th.!Ul Ill thu HL'U•

Ito'/'' "A tiPat '.'" r!dwrd thn good },111)'1

lcoruftl l l )'. ":\h' tlt•nl\ ru�tl' (u lt(•l' II ·Joh <•lloUG h to ·hn \'6 14 Wlwlu Hofu It 10 du�lt'llH I L l "

There's No Dou ABOUT IT -We give you more for your money

. one else on earth. Look at these Great

Sl.98 For OIJC of

these Rockers; in ot'k or mn.'i:""�;:::;:o• hog11ny fin ish .

cd, cobbler . Sfat or

O N LY $2.50. i plush (all While �:nameii.O !leo!,. '""-'' trim· S2 50 011!,) only

mc•J. Hh: \'alu�� cht� \\e�k In 1-.nam.. , e1\et1 Beth . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 $1.98,

Hf'antiful new line Tnftf'd Cor- $9 75 : ,lrJrny Cuucht-:-t, ltuge �izt•, �prln�-: 1 ,1

�d:,::e. th l� ,,.tt'k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Otber Coucht'.s from S-1 r�J up. �

\\' e ha \'C Parlor Stores :

Over 500 Rockers of all SPECIAL IN

Easy Terms of Credit to E very One. Elevator to Ever) Utwll t·:,·,·n\n;:,.. untll i u"a•hwk. �lllunln.> � unUJ IU.


:�!1..'.�\CII IIOL"SES:- :s S4 :IIyrtlP A;e .• BIO<•Itl� 11 . N. Y. :1:? ! · 1�.; Xnrmk .TerFey City; !36 :\lain St , l'ater�011. X . • T.

· 1"iake Us a Visit� You. will see one of the finest stores you C\'er t"ntered,

and )·o u will he able to buy goods cheaper than you evei bough t t hem elsewhere. \V c are hn\·ing a series of :)ecial Sales at present that are unparalleled in the husi ness annals of the State. \Ve hr\'e a good many friends a nd cust omers

·i n \Vcstfield and \\"e should l i k e to number \'Oll amon�· them;

�All purch�ses delivered prom ptly and .free of . l 'harge,

� Just a Few Specials. I l lt•a n l i fu l l v Em broidered O u tin)( Flannel ::ik i rl�, 25c. cilch.

l lcary IJoLton Tw i l led IJmsh, 3c. yurt!. Amoskrng Apron Gin ghnms, 4�C. yanl. Penrs' Uusceuted Son p, tic. cuke. Cosmo Buttermi lk Soup, 6c. cuke. Cutieum Soup, 20c. cuke. Thirteen lm·go pucki1ges good Toilet Pnper for Sf .OO. 'l'wo-thousund-shcet rools Velrct Toilet PII}Jel', fOe. roll.

Lace� Curta ins. A cotnplcte ns;or(ment. Couluins somo choice pntlens in Kot!lug·

hum Curtttins for S1 .98 to S3 .48 pnir, the lust llltmlioJtl'tl being cqpiei of t he real B1·ussels nd, ttnd ure remurknbly benutiful. �uuw mrc rnlues, too, iu l dsh Poin t go01ls, ranging in price f1om $2 .98 to $8.50 pair. We 1111\'C ulso II line or •lnin t.s Sllsh Cul'tldnings in choice llesigns. Prices, iOc . to 75c. yurd. Also IS- inch Irish Poin t Yeslilmle J,tlce, 490. to 65c. ynnl , A n ill l l lWIISO 8toek or llol idny 'l'oys 1\Jill ll hu·go line choice lloOk

·s, locntcd iu the cen i J·e or tho store, mhls to ite nttmctiromss greatly.

Our Basement. .,, Ack nowledged to be one of the fi nest in the Stnt� of ·. New Jersey. I t con t n i iJs n ful l stock o f Furni ture, Carpels, 1 Ritgs, Oil-Clot hs, S hades , Gl nss, China, Tin, G ranite nnd miscel laneous Houschultl N ecessities nnd Con\'cnienccs.

\Ve sell y<nl good goods chcnplw t han you can bll)' thclll . e \'cn i n New York. Come i n and gel ncquai n tcd wi t h us, and J(ii1 ' t fail t o bring t h e clt i hlrcn t o sec t h e l l ol ida)' Display.

WOODMQLL b M�RTIN, 2 3 4 .. 2 3 6- 2 3 8 Fro nt Street,

Plainfie.ld, N. J,

Page 7: › westfield › DATA › newspapers › Union County S… · ; .... ! _; ::·r:-. ·r_, ._, / · '.'( - . ·. '. :;. ·· · .. ,., THE.UNION SE. I .. WEEKLy ··. · COUNTY STANDARD.

The ·· cause of ·

Otlr Supremacy. The Piano hade. of this State-practically all of it-is i� o�r hands, because

the overwhelmhig advantages people secure: in buying from us. The word "overwhelming" is strong, but it isn't too strong to :;uit th� case.

inducements \Ve offer. buyers are so clear and unmistakable that you have no . oice in the matter. That i� to say, your choice is HERE.

Our asseition of H I G H QUALITY and LOW PRICES. m:ty be made- by ' anybody; our statements can be copied word for w�rd by oth.ers, but, as we have often said before, it . isn't what we SAY that has made this immense business, It is what we DOi

PANTOMINE DRILL. --- 1 HoJ'»cA 'i'Ju&t ::unlw Jt;wortlN A Company huttructNI \\'llh CIIRlk. PJet- 1 'J'JlC'uttWI\'CH. ur••• or Hun•. , One of the llrst nrllllurv com)lnnles . Lnst . yrnr the Wushlngton I arlr · • Cluh t•l (ililo:a"o �ecnretl the foUl' puc· orgnnl>.ed In the west ut the beginning lw• 1,111,.8 Sin�· Pomtut• ;rohn u. Geo· of the ciYil wnr wus fot•nwtl nt St . . t r� :ro� l'atclwn Ulld lto!JcJ't .1 . and JmM�llh, �Io. It wns luiO\\'U ns lont.; : gl�\:1! a one llnv's m 1eUnv u.t \Ya�lllni'·'' =========·-=-::-::·::-=-::-::-:::·-··--- as aus o1' tho or1:aniz.nllon were left 1 ,, • • • . ... . , • •

' ') p •b-ns Co?u 'l'horliton'M tn·tlllm•y. 'l'ltorn• �.u,l

nll>.·t·��.�·�l· .�';

l�t�u•'· t"h,� .. tt�·;,," ',',�lil


ttrc • . \VIum IWd Uun- ,,. Itl cllch ,,,., .... .,.�··r·l.rtt. t n . I I I t I II .... '-'" . .. ..... .. "'"' ... .... , o " ll.S a '· tlfll Jer mm·c 1,1111 II t e went to l>enl the high wheel suli<J' Those jVho haVG not already pre· to\�·n.. lie wns a Youlwe. l'l'lor to record, untl Itol\,t"l . . 1 • u·tetl 10 low� pared their slmw!Jcrry beds tot• Winter ��e, ".fit' he WI�S dfsregurdcd SOCh,tlly, Ills !lt:U'k of :!.01 1·2 . . Nearly twenty by giving them a mulch of some kind, :Ihe comntuttltl was suspicious or 1111 tltousantl lMI'sons pnhl udmlsslou ID should do so ere the freezing and eusteru lllJJn, estmclully one from New tit� tJ•ucl;, 'I!Jtd thel' gu ve the !J:tcln• thawing of spring begins. In Iocnll· Euglnml. llut when he espoused tho klugs 11 rm•:tl wu'lconw. But wheta ties of great exposure they should be ca.usc ?f the south he hecuute a fnYor· )i n t•iou �l l ils, n h<tttHiful hay marl', covered as soon as the ground becomes lte. " hcn he or�:nulzcd It company en me on the truck without humesB • frozen enougj, to bear up a team and to

1!1ght the Uulon he was n hci'O. tlrll·,,r 111111 pnccll " mile H lone Iu· ubout wagon. This mulch may serve several het·c Wits not 11 cltnuon In the town 2.10 · she fairly set t lu. hi" crowd wild.· purposes othar than the pl'OtectiOil o! Where the COlll!IIIIIY Wits organlzel!. It Mu1; shont�tl themseiYc; hoarse and plants duJ·Ing winter, sucb as summer wns conslllet•ed nll\'lsuhle to llt'lll UL'- d I I tl lte-conservatlon ol moisture, cleanliness of fore golnl: to tile front· 'l'hc only women stoo on c ut rs In te exc public hull In the towu �vns usel! for llil'llt of - the moment . to wn;1� tbelr berries at fruiting time, and subjuga. thnt pur 1 Re A 1 1 tl t ,1 1 d huntlkerrhk'll :ts the knowing aul� tlon of weeds In the fruiting season. , ,1 0 . , • ocn 1tr s " 10 111 urtcr passing the wire, stot>IJCd, tlll'a. If straw Is used, It ought to be as tree seen JJ!ctmcs or cunuon ch1tlkcd out ell null Jo"gl'd hncl< to where her t.rula­from foul seeds as possible. I<'lne the outline of oue 011 tho floor of the er stood. �'lhe wns cle:trly the JIOpular hay or forest leaves are best, llnll. · · A mnu who hnd bacu •3 thll fal'ot·Ite th'lt ll"tY ulthougb the fast­but one must be governed by the v!lr· l\lexlcnn wm· null hull n bo.:.;: on tna· est four }llt�crs-'Iu' the world were bow lety aud cost of material at hand, es· tics wns drlllmnster. 'l'he el'olutlous rh·nls A few dnys before bet' llJliii'ILr·

pecla]]y If extensively grown, but n?cl!ssn,t·y to. fnmlllnrlze the compnny uuce �t Washington f'nrk �lnrlon MIUa whnte,·cr Is used, the chief point to ob- " lth. u e:wnotl wem !IInde It bout til'!. hull pncetl :t miL • nt Decatur In 2.04'14. serve Is, to have It distributed evenly cl�ull, outlines. · In .othet• WC)rds, the which is·'·the· : IJe�t-- time ·on record ·: for ever the plants, sninclently t!Jiclc to

11� 11� wn� 11 1'untOiulmc. But the men , "g-ufileiC:ss.:wonilers:" , · '' . · \\cte us 1"u·nest In the mol!ons ·ns · If . . · . · - _. . . · ·. · · · · · - , ·· � ·'' ' render them lntllsccrnlble but no more, they hnd luul 11 gl·cu t gui1. . -:.:. ..· : · •.: .. · ·', -''11o>ru,u ;)mow .: · Ito": : the · ;;nulcle:tt should it ··bo too thick, the phtnts From some 'unlwown , stniFcc·/t(i'c�'e 0W01td�t:.s'.:. ol'ig,hm_tul?': �:tioJ a "·estct·n

arc apt to be smothered In cnse of a c11me 11 cur go or .u1i1111111: s\l·oi·dsf'I'Iiuy:. )'?.r�etn:tJ>� t?' ·� :.�' 'l'O,t"tet·.: . - �:w.cn. 1 culi heavy snow full. \\'Ct'c cxuct ·copies .. of-,�fh'os� ··'�;'oi;ii ,:b:v� :te•\' Y.IJU.",'. ·�)!!ci'C •.�n��: :t n1:1.11 lll a little As soon ns freezing weather Js past · Cneimr's ·-- le::lous;:,''\'liei-li':.� ih�it::l liiia·: :c�_uptr�; !;om• : o.nr:ln l qwn who ownetl .

In the spring, pai·tiully· ren1ove the IJceJi .:stot;ed·. ,1Jitl� r.)r.:ho\l";lo'nii': iio:otiil' ·-�.: t·nvtl�:_he:t�l�!I. 'II!w�r 11.,'�.\I':·J"lll's ngo. mulch from over the plants a tid . Icitve tdiei,·,': lmlcils,:';d\i·iisHii�':' iioWor f'mil:i · �-Tltls. · pncer '}':as ·, fnst, but he could l n . the middle of · the rows�' E1ioitgh' l tii ; l{eilf)lt ls''iltit·�\J,iiill'tj'[:il\':tiic\'�;l'ck---� :"�"-e\' :;,��"111 - 11' rf\ll;'. Ql�_ :n�c�nn.lt of his should be left about tho 'pla·nts to lceep· ·. ll'romia:-::r,' Btit '\\'heli'"CoOii�:·l'h(n'tito·ii•i{ :a�tln!!, : so , t he .!=1'·'·-"P.' ' r.:a'.e . .tt 1111 _ uuJl

· .. . . . · · t i ll ' " ':·---·· .... , . .. . .. , .,,, ............ .. .. . _ . . ... .. tt1!·ned 'lth>l · ont · on: tlw . J ulwlol of Ins the IJerrles rree · from . . saniL. nnd: mud· Ill' . . -��')c·i'\'��tt;:�Int.o.�'CJI!liiF.::,-)yllll � tit�: .( If 11--·. , _ t : : ·;1: · , 'i\•I' tl · tl 1" Sl ld tb ' " · 1 · " ' hi'' · 1 h·'. stnte ' gun.rd .:.l t,.went : nrmciF:wlth ' H . 1!'- · !11 e _ , J .tc • . . : . · leD . -'" 0, 1� lOU e se.�son u� , < ty,._ t _ S)J.lU C_ · . . . , ... �··, ... ,(. , : ·. · ,.· . . -. . ..,, ., ... , . � .· .. · : ' ... • ?· r lwr�:·p�· Wl'l'""'·hchl�· h'ah�·'rl 'lUll 'h'lYl!D will _be of much . IleticJlt'.: tn ';rei)itnhJg,: 11W!1 :S.)',:or!1.�1·:�_ntl; !!?.\�N!!1..0,\1·;;,Th� co.n." , on' ;I;�. ·ti"i�t · t il.i ;,.1 .:tir' .'�u ' the !nlleld moisture for the full· ileirelopnienfi' ilt llllt::v .. U�Yer .�:tl}.;\�:,.c;)�liOIJ, UJ_lH\·. It \I'N!t� would SOI;Wtfnics ·. s�tt:\1'� n l\"ll'• on tllB the· fruit, us the s�_,:awb�t·r_Y,' tS: '.'�ea.':iY . In� •lt_s ':��·st' ;11 t::)�:.:;t;lt· �ns<;��tn��teil · rulth ·he hn;J . w�t·n- 1i�xt t lw � ;.nil, and 82 .Pet· cent.. wutor., nnd.:r�rjulres · ull 'It' t?1 .. \l�e: '


1tent �r. n ·N)s�om_I . c,�l?uul, . '11'ouhl · ott'•' · to·· 'h•nt' tlie · not·��s . 1t1 hnr· . 'h -. · · . c • ·· ., .. _ ., " to • ort ercr .-.'t'hot•ntou ' to 'dt·op. n · fuw . ":- c :> . . . · _en�. seen� e. , .1 .e. n��lch . : l l l,ell Ise :: �n� iih&Us·· !lito 'it'<th lcliet'-''i;iichi' lt'".fer ;·r· '! . twss down · the, .. strnl;;h•t . sltle ol: the swers the . pm:pos? of. : a . �ultlvator, Jn,. Sf]llit;l / ; . . ;, o'; ·; . : 1. ,,,.;. '\ · .. "l ,.-, :, .. ��11 . �om'so; · One: lln3·. it· ·nrcm+ull to the Jlrev.cntlng the . growth . o[. weerls::'As I " c ll


!l Sl


i{·· -�1°'.;!_� to

lt lltO,Il_,,sttld Oli"Jiur · to · tnlce -' him out on·· the tr:tck · . · 1 · · · ·. · ··�-·-- ' · W'' Wou t · ( 0 1 - 10� hm � the .. ... uu · · · · · · soon ns _ the· frn tlng • . seas·on ': ls ':!last; �l'h ·· ., . · , . .. , · · . . !J-; ., tt'- i .. , .- ' " .' o . . ·. nntl·sec l f lie' ·conltJ.'do'thc· trlcl; thcr,e. ly larger than any in. N �\V .

other here. You'll find 'that· iti . the East; th�t' ofevli� d1ci . . · . . . · nai·y' �to res,

mow down tlui v lh'cs·and ·ariei·'tliey�lirc · 11,11�0

e,,:'1' ?.81.1-n . Jnssl .\ e d_-:.VI�ce)n. a 'so ·uie)· rlgA-c;1 him otiUil hoiitilcs -.md · · . · ·. · • · . · · '• , o l i II te COllllll SSUI'Y ' I]ep•tt·lmant · ·, ' · • ·, · • · , dried burn the beds over. 'l'hcre should mill l hnis· J>ri.iJ •Itt oti t/;lf 1,.1j;rs· .. li:·. ·Pl�t nn oYut'tlrn w --.��!we� : on him nnd

be 11 brlslc wind at the time so that the 11-0·,11 -:-1;·n· ·,·11 1·1· •10' ·11 . 11· 1�,;1· 1 .-11· 1•,0- 1· . . 1 - , , ... .. ... , 1n.n . .. · · tt·l�tl the �•tmrlment. · rt . sJIN'Q •dcd · · ·. · · . ' ; • · ( � l .· 11 · fl CCOl'l UllCll · · , •

_, · · fire will pass qulclcly · ovet· . the plants with. the' clinllt ' tli•lll;�:lh(f· 'il'ltl·,.e·rrectll·e· _Lwyotul their expeetn�lous, for -thu prtc·

odour will have names thnt ,are familj�/ you the rcst\�m be b)• un-Here you will · fii1d the · representative makes of America­


Look into the comparative prices, too, Then you will realize the truth of at we have been saying.

Then you will agree that OVERW HELMING is the word.

-The. Special List. -The most insulting kind of fraud that is practiced in business is the worth·

less "make-believes" that nrc sold in many stores as instruments of standard quality. 'l'he more worthies� the Piano, th� more audacious is the irresponsible vender ir1 proclaiming them to be su-

. perlatively fino Pinnos. . You mmnot be too cart>ful in what,you buy, If yon buy here yon cun only have 11 good

Pinno, and yon ure thoroughly Slife bec1111�e our promise to exclmuge if not sutisfoctory is good with every Piano we sell.

If you cannot atl'ord to buy 11 good new Piano, yon hud better look 11t tho slil{htly usml in· struments we place on our second floor. E\·ery ono is as good as new, 11nd each is gunrnnteed for five yours by ourselves. You don't take any risk 11t all, for ·we u1·e l'CS}Jonsiblo for every instrument

. that leuves our doors. · ·

There are thirty-four first-rate Upright Pitmos on our second floor to-day. We ntllllO at rundom eight of the b11rguir.s to be found there. 'l'here nl'e lots more just like thum.

A BIDDLE UPRIGHT In rosewood llnishe1l A SCHUBER'I' UPRIGHT In th.e llnrk wnl-cose, llue cOUilitlon . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . $150 nut cnse. A Jlarticulnr hnrg11i n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $160 Another Kmnll GAJILER UPRI(_}HT Plnno A CORNETT UPRIGHT. A t·eally go01J iu-in ll•·st ch•s� sh1111e. Ueully worth lf300. · · • · • • · $175 strumeut. Beell nt rent fo1· ele\·en mouths . . . . $185 A soperb STANDARD UPRJGH'l' Pinuo lu

W UP rich 1t111'k mubognuy. This Is 11 1111rticu!11rly A ESER RIGHT In benntifully figm•etl good i11strnruent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1!15 ouk cuse • · " · · " · · · · .. · · · · .. · ' . . · · . . · · . . · · · · $185

A HAGEN & RUEFER Upright In .fnncy A STERLING UPRIGHT Pinuo in fine dRrk Wlllnut 01188, • • • • • , • • • • • , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . , , $205 oak ctlse. A beautiful Instrument, . . . . . . . . . . . $250

Yon cnn htiVO lillY of tho above on easy tirno p11yments or we'll ullow yon 11 !lisnount or ten JlOI' ceut.-tnO per $100-oll the pt•iue fo1· cnsh. '!'hoy uro ull real Pianos, mul ure infinitely hotter thnu tho worthless imit•,tions thnt m·o sold in 11111ny storus nt mot·e money.

We htiVO Sqmu·o Pianos mul "Orgnns, too.' nt merely nominal prices, mul nt uhnust uny kind of terms.

The Easy Payment Plan. \V hy si1ould you delay about getting a Piano when you can have one so

cnsily ? Our terms tll'O 'l'EN ]}01Jf,AUS cnsh tllltl SlX DOf,LAUS futuro monthly Jlllymonts­]o;v 01iough to 811 it ·tho most modest in como. Why Rhouldn't you let us sollll homo 11 Pinno nt onco ? You know whnt koon Btltisfnotion hnving music in your homo would givo to every member of tho fumlly ,

Wtu•crooms open till SI X ; on Saturt111Y3 till '1' 11N.





6s1·6s9· BROAD ST., NEWARK, N. J.



Broad Street, Cor. Elm, Westfield, N. J,

'fhuntlt'l' In \"Rrluu• llttN"Inn•• Jnv11 IH Hllhl to ho tho a·�ylou of tho

globe where It thumlorH oftoueHt. h11V· lng tbtlluhJrstorUJB 117 duyN In tho your. Aftur It ur� Suumtru, with 811 d11yH ; HluthiNttau, with lill ; lloruoo, with 64 ; tho Gold (Jo!IHI1 with li2, 111111 Rio do J11nolro, wlt.h u l , In EurOJl01 lt!IIY oo· UUJliOH lbo llrMI lli!1Uil1 with 118 days of thmulor, whlln l�runco 111111 H011thoi'U BuM"Ia luiVo 16 dayH. Grout Drltlllll llnd Swltv.oriiiU11 h11vo o11ob 7 11uyH, 111111 Norw11y huH 4, 'l'hnudnr ls rarn at Oulro, bohiM hmud only II IIIIYH In tho your, 111111 cxtrmuoly ruro In IIOI'tboru 'l'or· k!!Hhlll nml lbo polnr reKIOIIN. -Lontlou Hlll�·ll�,d,

and not !njure -tltcm. l�rom then until worlc>'·· Coilli;'l'h.ot·liton's'·,;�'t iilci' '·titit tle · . . e•• :got. exclll>tL n nrl :wl'nt two mllct1 fall the grountl _ ls lcep.t. mellow . and rin 'elfe.ctJI·e ' ·racoi·(l::iittrlifg :::th�· : wnr. ns; h:trtl ns II� could !Jcf,n•o tlw�· stop free from weeds itntl, when winter, Tlto . ·noiunn'-' .. ·'.sil·ori\s· . . ,,\,.�;.0 . ;;i!cver ll'etl him. A few <1.1,rs nflcJ'II'Ul'd llle] "gain sets In, the l>lnnts have ·prepnred brmight.· into: i·equlsltloil,::j11)\n)1;c1·,": ex­themsetves for another Cl'OIJ of betTles. CC!It when :r:tltls '•i,·et·c :.1iuulc.'oii ·· hen When a bed becomes foul with gruss t•oosts ot· on n fugltll•c'· tlorlicr . .::.chl· or sorrel, lt pays batter to plow up and cugo Intm·-Occml. :'

new bells. One gt•eat mistake ------by· some growers, especially amn· u HUTCHY " I N

. THE BULL RING, teurs, Is to plant upon sot! ground or &n E·c•t•e of llou t's .. cuuv� Olllc•r "'the on soli not ft•ee from grasses or cer· taln varieties of perennial weeds. Only ground upon which a thoroughly cui· tlvated or hoed . crop was grown. tbe previous year; should be used, and If a crop of buckwheat could be grown upon It a lao, before setting to plants, It would -be all the . better tor It, as buckwheat Is a great exterminator of weeds and grasses. Sod ground Is very apt to· contain the larvae of the May beetle, commonly known as the white grub, and also of several other lnsectll which are Injurious to plants.

lltut"'un \\'hen " Caul .. t. Allt'OlJOS of Sccoutl .. lcut. J. 11. Suott, the l'hllntlelphlu boy .who Is the oxecutl\·e otHcet· of the Hudson, who 'tmlled tbe ·Winslow out of a bolo wben disabled at the bombnrllment

at Cnrllenns. I\ story or biB IO\'e of ell· ncntlon Is �>! ,·en U)' a clnssmate while the pnh• were 011 the Ulllt�d State• tried It ngnln. ll,r tbl.• time every. t hu1h· In tho vlllnge hn1l heurtl about lOUt Chase Its cadets on their prnc- the . hot•se that wonhl rnce without_ . . tlce cruise. '1'he \'esse! was at Llsboai, tlrh·er, null hnlt the popullttlon tnrR>d Portu�:nl. l'hc stnrbonrd watch ot Olltoto see the SCWlll•] t.rlal Of COUI'III e11dets were asbot·e on leave. Some, the�· wm·c scaH•,rell out nround tile with ''llntcby," •• Scott was fa mil· trn�k more or i�ss, . nu!l they !piped lnrly cnllcd, went to see 11 bull fight to mnke him go hy shonthlg as Ill • l'rotoct Ll•e Sto<k In \VInter. It 11 subtU'b of Ll�hon en lied Clntru. pnsscd· them. , W fl.hJn a wuc� thai Food Is fuel to tbe aniwa! body. It In the •·oyal box tbnt aftel'noon In pnccr wns the tnll\ or t:.� town allll requires more fuel to keeJl up steam �nt:ust, of 1888, sat the preaent ruler the country ror : miles aromul. . . Tk In II boiler when tlie weather Is In· )f Pol'tngul, then a debonair and dem• sccr�·tnr�· ·or. · the . Lo tmty futr beanl tensely cold, than It does when .It Is ocratlc youth. Snthlenly a cadet's nhout hlril nrid .paid •the owner $20'to mlld. In the same .manner, .other �IIIJ \I'IIB seen to fly through the air tnltc his· luirsc:io the sliow am! exhibit things being equal, It requires mol·e and di'OJl In the center of tJte nrenn. him' In ' tlu)' fall or tlm:t y'cnr. It pt food lo sujtaln an t.nlmal freely ex· rhe owner, none othet· thnn "Hntchy;" lnto ' tlte. popm's. nllll ·tlw mnn who own­posed to the chilling blasts of wlntet•, lumlled Into the ring, gmbbed a spear c1l th!r hot·s,�· got sm·.mtl thousnnd dol· th.an It does fot· one given Pi'Otectlo!J. from 11 flnzed mntmlor, nnll, alter glv· 1 ' b ' · I ll ltl 'hi . tl · t ;. ,. 1 1 "\'S . y ;e� � > .. "f.. '!' te nex yea.'.

While ll\'9 stock should be protected ng tis trousct·s n Sllllot··lllte hitch; thl! . . . from the Inclemency of the wenthe't·, It aet;o , of Curtlanns proceeded to assail : c,> -C:_'HI;���;;,:Itj,;,.,, Wool. Ia lmportunt that the stable should be 1 h·ely runt or 11 bull. 'l'he multi· �'lt'e' · .. 1'1r

.. ln. ·e· l11n· l . l'lto·' of 11tant consn-... . m!le thn t .crowded the tiers recognlzl'd • • u � well venUiated · and not too '_VIll m. :he uniform. untl yelled, men, .women ctl: b);: _the')ilcopl<; .. of A r·nhln, both na· Disease propngntes easiest whete the

land chlhlreni · · "Bravo, Amerlcn•Jo, . th·r)_.oui�.J�rcign, :t� Ute mutton of t111 air Is stagnant nnd Impure, hence spe· ornYo," "Vlvn ·le . Amerlcono." "Sud· � •omnll,: or:.ltlnclc-lwntl shet!ll, nml, no clal efforts sbouiil be ma1le to keep the tanly till' hull . felt . . HoweYar, . ,\•Itli . mit ttoi•; by; \'·hom · l•nten, nil pronounce

stable uir pure. Without doubt, tu· . 1ponr in ' one hnml nml .hls cnp ln 'tho· l t "the)icst"m.utton ei·e1· tnstcd. Tbl1 berculosls Is more prevalent among ,thet·, looking very' . mnch . sc'ni·ild, . sltce}l."'ns;its.,minfn: lmllcntcs, Is from cattle closely confined In stables where 'Hntchy" wns condncted !Jy .'somo .'at- -_ ·the · Somnll count:·�� . .. on the Aft•lcao the ventllntlon Is bad, than It Is whet·e temlnnts to the royn l box, nnd rei:eli•ei:l ' con'st:: ; �L'hos.J.:sheu)l: linve. no wool, hut tbe air Is good. Live stoclc should mncb to Ills sm·prlsc, not only cou- . ''shoi·('·rht(·bn.lt•; · .. rlmlltii; to ' thnt of a . certainly be allowed outdoor exet·cises rrntulntlons, .but Pt•lncc Ctirlos ·-!'�_-; floJ:::;;,'l'ho.;·most; pccullnt• thing about when the weathe1· . Is mild and com- mo\'lng n signet . ring ft•om hls . I!Jigor· ·. them:.fs ·'thut;they', hn\'l�. n lnt•ge lump­rortahle, bnt If It snows 01' rnlns nnd presented It to Scott • . 'l'Iie nlfalt• .wii• , of,:ptii·e:· fn,t igrowlng;_flght.nt the root the air Is chilling, the animals should :be tnll' of I,Js!Jon · fot· se1·m•nl dnys,: of : tlte'tnll, .. nrirl ·'tltls rnt ·vm•h!s In size be given stable protection, uul ns 11 result or tho celebrntJ01] thitt . nl{li\,yalgl\(.nccoi·dhig, tri: the condition

It Is also Important that the stRIJle followed, for the· rlng· Iuul ·to be .. ,\·ut�'·: · ortltc,sheep,;;:;:A ·mmlhtm slzetl lnmi• or should not be too wnrm In winter. A t�d. "Hutchy:•:. nml his'· elitmls j,•ero·: ·

.. thli<_;:rnt;'\l'lighs · .. ,; nhout fom· pounrts. temtleruture or 40 degrees Is II \'CI'Y irr>t Oll l.oonrd , l hil Cli,nso_: f_or:a .. m ..

· ou_th ':Silch'-n':slic_iip;_.\\;hich Wl!lglts ft·om thlr· · '.1�·-n,:o.to .'fin·ty, pountls, Is sohl n t from satisfactory one. When It Is ns high n· more.-:-P�tllnt]cll•l11n .. �·h!'��· �· ·:·P .''(i;,':: � ro itl�; ·i�·'fll: c , .ruprt!S (85 cents to $1.05). as 60 tlegrees in tbe lJnrn, stock lut·ned . . - ·� · .-.-. -.. . . : . . ,-.·r · .·.,.·.;.·,q!.�·'·:-�.'�L:�l:.';,.�i!' .. ·.���hll�. $lditS, ' whl.!ll. sun (ll'iPll. n re eX· from this Into ll freezing atmosphere Nco l�"lf'."h: t•_lo!.��·'�· ·�[.:����. l!••e•�";.;:ot_c- jp'ot·tell, . ruitl lnt•ge lllmnlltl�s of them to wnter, are verr npt to he severely .There ls"u cm•Ious_· stot•y.; of: n', publle.' .

chllleil nntl tnlce eold. If the stnblo Is personngo · ln _ l�ni.:lnnll:['i\'hii ji'imte11' to ·, ·go· C\'Ol'Y ·y_�n r to the New Ym·k mat•ket, nt 40 de�rocs, nnlmnls are not so enslly pm·ch.ns_ o· .. ti< JtOI;ft_•nlt'::or_,_j_h_o.:.· .. Qtiacil t_o ' :··w!icro · they nrc l>uown 118 "mocha

� 1 , · ·.�kliJs," hut, lllw tho "mol'hfl �olfce" chilled when turned from the stnble. prcsont · to ·ntJ:•:Jnstltut. ou;", nntl · lmrtlc···: :or rommercc, t h!R Is llll't'lliy 11 term Evm·y stable shonfd hav� n thermomo- nlnrly . dcsh:_olq n::::;·�:olililii'cil<: Brlti�Ii ' .n'nt! ·nothing <*I!· In 1 897 l hPse sldna tet· as n guide In lcecplug tho tellllle!'ll- �·ot•k o_f · n t•t.··. 'I!H··,Yn}q;_ ;·he: ' h mited :·: ture of the room as uniform us possl· through tn·lnL shOIJS nnll . Pictm·o Ileal· ·'Wore lmportt•tl Into New York to the ble.-C. M. Plumb, ers ; m·moythlng shown to him wns vnlne of $628.2�6.--Nt•w York Press.

el thet• mmle In Gcrmnny or, n t nuy f!htfttty \\'ult�1·lna: ht!\'hlf'•

Such !Jt•ceds us the J,cgboJ'ns, Minor­ens untl some otltors, hnve such lurge combs and wnttlcs tl111t thct'e Is llltlch danger In wnterlng them lu wlutor from 011en dIshes. 'fhey wet those bend allliOIHlnges, thou become chilled and runny times frozen. A good do· vlee for avoiding liltS Is n dish, whoso shies 1lo not llut•e nt nil, flltctl with 11 ch·culnr Iticce of bonl'll thnt will looso· ly lit lltsl�c. Ju this bonrtl Ol'e fout· 01' moro amnii t·ountl openings, through which tho towls cun thrust their beulcs but not tholr com us ot• wnttlos, As tho wntot• Is consumetl the board fitlla, bringing tho sut•fnce nlways within rench,-Amorlcun Agrlcultm·lst,

•!xn1,,.,.,.,, J•"m•t.III�I•Hr Nut. l'•·nntnhtfl, In a Now York test, 1,000 lhR or ror·

llfi�OI' IIPJlllud to 1111 1101'0 of ltottitoea lnoronsetl the CI'Oit 48 hu In :or. nnd 40 bu. ln '00, 'l'be samo renson !.he llllltll· cutlou of 2,000 l!JB to u like n1·en pro· ducml 63 ·liu . ll\ '05 and 54 In '00, thu• ahnwtng that tho 'use of ovot• 1,000 lb11 11 nct•o wns ntldetl with n · loss com• pal'oll wlllt' the uso of 1,000 lb1.

rnte, the !lrot]nct of SOIUe O(IJct• COUll• tt·y thnn Nn�:lnml. At lust, In L'nll �lnll, he lnqul!'�fl piteously, "Cnn 1 really got no }Hli'I J'U it or tho I;ugllsh SOI'erei!!fl t hnt IIIIR not tho bt'llllll of either fll'l'lllllny Ot lo't•nncl! UllOU ft 'l" l'lw tl1•niPt' shuult his lwntl ; tho bast Ita couhl oll'm• wns tho wm•k oC u Get·· Dlllll lll'lfRI, CIJI.(l'll \'etl h,l' l•'rcnch .hlllltlS Itt PnriR on l l !!I'Utnn 1111111'1', with 11 (!•nnw of' A met•lcnn moltllnJ: nml Dol· clan t:lnzlng.

A l'ht111f1JIIfi1WIIo "l t'H t'Pmnrlcnltlc," Mll ltl St•nn tot• Sor·

rhum, "hnw lllll't•t'nlll IIOnl>lo 11 1'0 Uf• !t!CII'II lty t llll Hlllllll t.hlng," "Jlnvu ynu llt'Pn 1'mttllng uwdldno?" "No. I wnH tlt lnltillll or my HIJt•twh. It k1•1•t. mn uwnlw fom• nlt.:hiH, nnd put. l'l'fll')'hotl)' who ht!ll l'll It to Hll'l'll.'' -Wnshlnaton lltnt· • . • 1\lrs, 1\lullill"nn-"An' wltflt 11111 hi� onnut• MY to you !hill tnqrnlnK?" • lllrs, 1\lliicnlty-"Cnn't yon untl )'oUr �uobuud 1 1 \'o toa�thor without flght· 1ng?" • ·

. · l\frs. 1\lulll•an..;.Au' w'a.t did yer IIY'/'1' . ' . Mrs. Mulcaby-"No, ·Y•r 'anner, n11l ,.llllllll."

Jlnhln ltnnMtM Uhwo\'t'l't•d. l•'or mnny ,\'Cil t'< nntnrnliR!R llltl' An· lluhon 111111 WllRou �llltllPII 111111 n·rolo

of lltlh hlt'tl 111'(01'0 f ', lmS IOI0\1'11 tl111t llwrn wm·o "rohln J'nu�tN'' n� well nt 1>11\I'Ott rnoHIR, Oul,1· wtt ltlu t lw lust ft•\1' )'l'III'R wnH lht• f1H't hron;:ht. out tftut II blt•11 IIIUI'I' fumllil!!'l,l' }<tHI\\'11 1 111111 tltn }IIISHI'III(I'I' pigl'llll foJioWI'd th!R mntll• of H}ll'tttl lug t hl' ulght, nl· lhottllh It nllnllil'd R}II'IIIJ: lttsll•llll of fall fot• I!IURSfttg h)' b!!Hl i'OII� Itt II high, slwlh•t't>ll wnotl fnt' n night'" lii'Ut�elloa ft•om t•ohl, nt• hrf'lli!Ht• II Is tho }H!!'Iod h�Cut't• pnlt·inll thtoP, ot· for snm1• othol I'I'Of-1011 nt )l\'t'f.H�nt 1H',\'otHl 1111!111R kUIL WIHt whnl' Htl'ttl lh must this w�JI kttnll'll ll llcl IJIIII'h llhHI'I'\'1'11 bh•iJ hll\'1 CutiiHI ltR WilY In Nllt'lt uumhrt'R to Ill• Kllll\1' pntrh ut tllllhl't' night nflt•t• ulghl In t it.! 1'111'1)' tnnnlh� of lh11 ,\'l'Ur, RC• COI'tllug t•• ltlt'n llt,\', l'llllllng ft•nm uti 1U . t't•ctln!IM Mo Rwlrt l,v that a Hf'l'rl•trtl ol� · Hrt'l't•r t•nuhl nnt count, kt�Ollhl!l 1111 1 chnttcr lhnt. f•ouhl he lumr11 tnr 1 luug 11lstu uc1l, until tho IRMl bird, MOUIOII'hlll lwlnh•ll, f1Crh!IJ!I, follftd Hlll'ltl•t' In tlu• dttt'ln•ulng arrovc, whe1 nil l11•cnmo ttM nllt•nt 111 lh0\181111111 ot wln11s wet•o Mlletl lo ru»l. -·•· .. •. ,

.. . . . . . . -·-····" .J '. '.;\ � �

Page 8: › westfield › DATA › newspapers › Union County S… · ; .... ! _; ::·r:-. ·r_, ._, / · '.'( - . ·. '. :;. ·· · .. ,., THE.UNION SE. I .. WEEKLy ··. · COUNTY STANDARD.


'l'h .. f ' u l t•t' u f f 'n h• l u m . 011lduu' I • u.uu l l v di'H:riiH•< I " " n ''"I ·

low l l ll lt u l , l•nt �1<;1,.1111 lmH r,,...,;, t ly "huwu thut wlu:u l llli'IJ It '' 1 1 ! 11 lorl l · l lnut wlll tll, •JI')" I it l l lzlnu lu • l x ; i dl'li fluuru�. wl• i l ' l • "''" II'•' !Jy dl,;�d v l uJ! th•· ruulnl lu l i • J uir l "'"" '"" 111 11 l 1 1 11' m l lllll•t lUll I fi'I'IIIJVIII!l thH "'""'"" IJ,I' t ill. UIIU ul u i ·HIJI U l U I I i r:llillll . - /,<,lldlill U I<Jioll. ,

---� � .... �·---· Tlut Hoou1 ·r n c!tJIIHII o r "'"'' ' "' f ' t l JN I

wlt.houl h n n n I n l h·• •n ff,.n•l' t li•· 1•• · 1 1 Ho·. J,hii(HIIIIl llflf<IK 11 1'11 i l l l l l �I·TIIIIM. l f lll'l< i l ll.( f'lllll!h IM l t lH i i'I•HKIII�. 01 111 Jil in I l l •• l'1 1 1 1�i l Clll"ll 'l llld<ly I:III'I'K I I. W ily H l l rh• l wh•lll Hw·h " ''"""" <: Il l'" '" wltl1l11 1'"11"11 1 Jt. lll jlhHIHUIIt to t lw l uHto. IV, I I . 'l'rl•l l ·

, dllud,


I '"""' If i l l I loll J I I'IJI"�<IIIM 1 1 111 IHuly frl!lfl r\1\o\\ug \ l •o•l\' 11!' \\'IIHlfJ llllltll•l', lJII · Witt'• 1.111111 gurl)• ltiHI!I'H w i l l l'f'IIIIIYIJ I l l" l rflllblll 111111 1:nru Hlcl1 J lr,ll•llwlu•, Hllllon�ll"""• J undii'IJ Llvl' l' 1 1 1 111 1 : 1 1'111' 1 1111 CiJIIIJih•xlou, Huuoll, Hlll{lll' r:onl1 • i l , <Jon ' l. gl'i(IU Cllll'll IIIII IHl•ll, \V , JJ. '1' 1 1111 • clllll'll.

A ,.,.ngh IH 11111 \ I IIII u I'••I'Hr. It <1""" llol 1111\'•• t o r 1 1 1 1 11 r:<•rl u l u ""II I'HII. l'll l'll it 1� 11ldrly 1111•l •·fl'l•< · l l lnl ly w l l h 01111 �llr• · I tt" Cough G l l l'f', 'I I•" lJI'�<f. t'fl lllluly for n 1 1 /IJ.(I•H 111 1d for l ltn J I IIIHI. Hl•\'1'1'1! f:IIHI•H \\'tt f'l•f!l f l l l l llf•lld It lu••·nn•l' It'• HII<Jil. w. II '!'nmcl111rd.

§lffJJ It J!JYJ See what New Jersey's , Oldest Furniture House · can do for you -;d1cther your purse be " fat or slender." pncc:s-thc lowest al ways-whether You hu , cred1t or 11ot. • J

t:7.9:; for a $15 sjdcboard-�ew­ark's bigge5t sideboard stock.

Best l ighted carpet floor in New Jersey­e,·ery· ,�.-�aTe from famous mills-not a hou..c..e lx:-t;,�s and ;;et all the proofs you want.

Combination dC"sk,._ S lZ one-" .at s;s.;:;_ S�,:j uoU $:!� ones: n.-:. SlfJ. Xone tOQ t:arl)o• forbolidu)o· �lcrtior.s.

S.:::i . :l'-5-�kl:dt"d. ,.r-1(. 4�c.--oak fttd in� J'arlor !'to\'C:· chcrry-tl ·-l"J'lindcn; ·S1.9!i up. tal.:h:

This Stove Store ��!�H·s���-� ��;�o�:.";�:��(";c��an! r.f. );now urc Ti)!ht or eJ�i-e you'd get your n:.oney 1Jack. �earl)." one · t-o it. ln ranges the · · Poniand " Jeud�. l.Jut we'ye �orcs ofot!H:r iiX:. A WEEK WILL DO IF CASH lS �mORT.

Am��"�;�;:��,-�,?!"r�'�,�td. 7 3 ;\\��,\�! .. ��:' Xotc lirst Jl:ti!!C · '.\mo$." \'t\\':lr�:. X.J,

Tclepl:on� il�O. Goods delivered Free to any part of St�tc,


.&e rommodatfoaa for Tra.aoieat Boarllen. + comi::tcnt with 1 EXCELlENT STABLE AND SHED

O J>po,. l l <> ""1 n n d n rd llta l l d l nll•

FRITZ & LEAR, Broad Street, .

--- -·----t l u t•l h•ul f u rt• ut l l u m ••'

J'XIII'<:I u u t Jo'utu••l'- \\'el l , i H f t. 11 lit· till JlCII<:h'l

Jo:xu l t iHI N 1mu-No, Hh·. l t 'H u l l ttlu tutlr.-YoukurH HtntoHUIIUJ,




A�< .\n•ll uo.� tlu• luuull'flllu• ... t . uucl ull l l't'" ut't' 1 1 1\'\tt•t\ lu • ·u l l t �tt u rn· fii'II11Ui�<t nwl U"�'l fl't•t• 11 t t·lnl IJIJ I I I•· ••I ''"''I I i'"' linl!oltl l l l < � l ' t lw l hwnl. 111111.11111"�' II 1'1'1111•11� I IIII I J.,. Ull lll'll l l l �<l'tl tu f'lltl1 ultll l't•l h.•\'t• ull , •ht • •t :h· nud 111'111• • t•uur,hf<l, n�th• :::::t w;�:llt:hlll!o 111!11 l'llll�ll l l l )lt luu. 'l'li'tl :!.k.

Ohi'!Htopho:l' Uul u u d m �. w hu \\'liM 1 1 1 1 IHimlru\ ln tho :-iJIIllll"h uuvy u t l lw 1 1 11111 ho fl )HO!IVUI·rd •\ l l ll'l'ica1 \\'IIH pu!ll

. at tho rRtD of �:JIIII II YUill',

l.I'ERY and'­BOARDING STAHL North Ave . ,


Don't Waste · Jlloney

by hnvinl" to your hon•e. fore solll€1hh•g is ing, nwl the Jtiouey little soon HlllOIIIII� l o the urigiunl uf tir>.t cluss work.

Flour, Feed,

Hay, ,.,, _,_.,_

If )'1111 ClliiHl<lel' 1/l'.II,ITI'

"" l'rlce. wo will tr111 ,. Flr•t of nll tn llll.'' t ill' ln•<l ln '1'111·11 II'<' llx " prk•• ��� Ill '·''· fill' hl�h-�I'II<IO


R . F. HOHENSTEIN� . W •tfleld• ProBpoot St., 0

1 1 1'1'· �IOIIIIIW

Prall's l lor�c and Cat t le t'oo�· W IJ i ps. l\ln lll:cl8,

1je al 'l'lw l:\'r.llll>,lllll IK 1111 �� 1 the chnt••I'H, Onlo'H, W l l tlcii'H 11111

Nows Htnutl.