A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the...

A TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Transcript of A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the...

Page 1: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

A TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Page 2: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

12th DecemberA day to




Retail Employees

A TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Page 3: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands







20,000 celebrate

500,000 people


200+ brands,2 million people


160+ brands, 1 million employees


316+ brands,70 malls4 million employees

In India & Turkeycelebrate

350+ Brands, 80+ Malls , 5 million

employees3 Countries

(India, Turkey, UAE)


700+ brands,60 malls6 million employees

In India, UAE & Turkeycelebrated

Retail Employees’ Day over the yearsA TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Page 4: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Retail Employees’ Day goes global

Joined celebrations in 2013


Joined celebrations in 2016

A TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Page 5: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Government Support over the yearsA TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Page 6: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Celebrity Support over the yearsA TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

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Celebrity Support over the yearsA TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

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Celebrity Support last yearA TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Page 9: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Impact Study


• Feel recognised and valued for their efforts• Affinity towards the business through recognition from top

management• Increased bonding amongst store employees


• Increase in the productivity of retail employees• Improved team work & relationship building• Positive energy helps employees perform better

A TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Page 10: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Celebration Ideas to execute with your employees

Page 11: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Celebration Ideas to execute with your employees

Organize a sports league/tournament

Take your employees to a day out to a turf or organize a sports league/cricket tournament

Take your team out for lunch/dinner

Employees love to interact their colleagues and superior. What better way to make this

happen then to take them out for a lunch/dinner session or ordering food for


A TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Page 12: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Celebration Ideas to execute with your employees

Red Carpet Welcome with music & paparazziRetailers rolled out red carpet to welcome their employees and had mock paparazzi taking candid shots of the employees on their special day.

Interactive gamesRetailers organized Musical Chair

competition, quiz competition, 1‐minute games, DJ Session,

dumb charades, ball in the bucket, tug of war etc.

A TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Page 13: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Celebration Ideas to execute with your employees

Personalized Thank you note from Top management

Retailers sent a personalized “Thank you” note from the CEO or equal to all theemployees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever.

Party day for Employees

Brands & Malls celebrated the event by cutting a Thank You cake , refreshments, soft drinks etc.A lunch/dinner treat for all the employees was organized on thatday.

A TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Page 14: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Celebration Ideas to execute with your employees

Thanking your employees at various employee touch points

Posters/communication banners were placed various employee touch points withinthe organization. A few employee touch points were:• Employee back-office area• Company intranet portal• Employee desktop backgrounds• Employee canteen• Attendance registration area.

Employee workshops

A series of workshops were organized for Retail Employees in malls to benefit & add value to their lives. Some of the workshops that were about• Financial Literacy• Self-defense workshop for the women• Basic health care & hygiene• Grooming for men• Yoga workshops• Cooking lessons • Motivational talks

A TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Page 15: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Celebration Ideas to execute with your employees

A personalized “Thank you” video message from peers and seniors appreciatingthe effort of their colleague was sent which gave a huge boost to employee morale.

Thank You video message

Involving suppliers & vendors!

Retail Employees’ Day provided an avenue for interaction between retailers and their supplier product companies.

A TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Page 16: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Celebration Ideas to execute with your employees

Offer special discounts to employeesSome retailers offered special discounts to the employees other than their normalemployee discount.

Celebrating the day with friends & family

Retailers invited family members and friends of their employees for lunch and small interactive sessions.Family participation creates a high level of loyalty in employees.

A TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Page 17: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Celebration Ideas to execute with your employees

Launch Welfare Schemes for your employeesLaunch welfare schemes for your employees which can create an impact on the lives of your employee as well as their family members.

Take your team out for lunch/dinner

Employees love to interact their colleagues and superior. What better way to make this

happen then to take them out for a lunch/dinner session or ordering food for


A TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Page 18: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Celebration Ideas to execute with customers

Page 19: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Celebration Ideas to execute with customers

Thank You card with a chocolate/flowerCustomers walking into a mall can be asked to pick up achocolate & thank you card and gift it the employee whoattends them while shopping.This will be a beautiful way of creating empathy among thecustomers towards retail employees.

Photograph / Selfie Corner

Create a photo booth with the brand message to generate social conversations from your customers.

A TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Page 20: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Celebration Ideas to execute with customers

Elevator/ Escalator branding

Promotions/ Communication of Retail Employees’ day on elevators & escalators of a Mall encouraging customers to Say Thank you to the mall employees.

Create a Fundraising Idea in the mall.

Create a Fundraising Campaign to engage Customers and donate the funds received to your charity of choiceReference - Project SapnaWatch here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIEiWhHinUw

A TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Page 21: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Celebration Ideas to execute with customers

A huge Post-it wall can be erected in the mall encouraging customers to leave Thank You messages to the employees.This can be in-turn amplified to a level where a message is formed out of all the post-its.Eg: “Thank you Mall” “We Love Shopping here”

Malls can also have a contest asking customers to say Thank You to their favorite retailer/ provide gift vouchers etc.

Post - it - Wall

Thank You Tree

Place a Tree at the exit gate / Atrium space with a bowl with small Thank younotes written. The notes will have pre-written thankyous and also space for nameof the employee.There will be a volunteer who will ask the customers to put up a thank you note onthe tree for the staff.

A TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Page 22: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Celebration Ideas toactivate social and digital media

Page 23: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Celebration Ideas to activate social and digital media

Campaign on Facebook & Twitter

Change your Facebook & twitter cover pictures to thank your employees.

Create special posts on your Facebook & twitter to thank your employees.

A TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Page 24: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Celebration Ideas to activate social and digital media

Campaign on Facebook & Twitter

Interesting & Engaging Contests -Having contests during the three day period will be a great way to connect with

the community.1. Click & tag - Click a picture of an employee at the brand store & tag the

brand to thank the service.2. What's your Thank you message? - Encouraging users to thank the retail

employees' for their relentless service.

Thank you messages on twitter- Live tweeting the celebration updates & testimonials of employees participating in

the celebrations.- Use a common hashtag #RetailEmployeesDay in all the posts to derive

traffic sources through trending topics.

Website Banner thanking your employees. – Link to Retail Employees Day website

A TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Page 25: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Celebration IdeasPR Activities

Page 26: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Celebration Ideas PR Activities

Local Radio & Media can be invited to the mall to cover the entire event. All the celebrations, customer & employee engagement activities can be a huge PR opportunity for the mall.


NewspaperCelebrity Tweets

Brand Ambassadors wishing RED

A TRRAIN – RAI Initiative

Page 27: A TRRAIN RAI Initiative - RETAIL EMPLOYEES' DAY Ideas... · 2018-10-08 · employees in the company. Employees cherish something like this forever. Party day for Employees Brands

Are you ready to say Thank you?

www.trrain.org | www.retailemployeesday.com