A Tree Can Save the World




Transcript of A Tree Can Save the World

  • A Tree Can Save The World


    Copyright 2012 Isha Foundation

    First Edition: December 2012

    ISBN: 978-81-87910-59-6

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any

    form without the written permission of the publisher, except in the

    case of brief quotations in critical articles and reviews.

    For comments and enquiries regarding the book please contact:

    [email protected]

    Published by:

    Isha Foundation

    Velliangiri Foothills,

    Semmedu (P.O.),

    Coimbatore 641 114, INDIA

    Tel: 91-422-2515345

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: www.ishafoundation.org


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    This book is a call to action. Sadhguru, the founder of Isha

    Foundation and the massive environmental movement Project

    GreenHands, outlines the role that individuals, corporates

    and governments can play in controlling and reversing

    ecological degradation. Making it clear that when it comes

    to ecological work, it is not somebodys work, it is everybodys

    work, Sadhguru links the responsibilities of people, business

    and governance to address the problem with both short-term

    action as well as long-term vision.

    Humanity and life on the planet are fast approaching the

    point of no return. The decisions we make today will create

    our childrens future. We hope this book moves you to make

    the right decisions and begin by planting at least one tree,

    because believe it or not, a tree can save the world.

    What kind of world will our children have to deal

    with in the future?

    The World Bank recently released their report on climate

    change titled, Turn Down the Heat, which suggests that

    unless human beings take action to reduce their impact on

    Mother Earth, the world is likely to be warmer by more than

    4C (7.2F) in the next hundred years. This will not be the

    end. Further warming of over 6C (10.8F) will follow in the

    centuries to come.

    This warmer world will be radically different from ours. The

    heat waves of today, such as the 2010 heat wave that struck

    Russia killing 55,000 people and destroying 25% of their

    harvest, will be the new norm. Extreme weather patterns

    which cause dry areas to get drier and wet areas wetter, will

    proliferate. Rising sea levels could put a hundred million

    people at risk of coastal flooding every year. Perhaps worst of

    all, within forty years, global warming could leave us with less

    food per person. English Publications Isha Foundation


  • 3 4

    This book is a call to action. Sadhguru, the founder of Isha

    Foundation and the massive environmental movement Project

    GreenHands, outlines the role that individuals, corporates

    and governments can play in controlling and reversing

    ecological degradation. Making it clear that when it comes

    to ecological work, it is not somebodys work, it is everybodys

    work, Sadhguru links the responsibilities of people, business

    and governance to address the problem with both short-term

    action as well as long-term vision.

    Humanity and life on the planet are fast approaching the

    point of no return. The decisions we make today will create

    our childrens future. We hope this book moves you to make

    the right decisions and begin by planting at least one tree,

    because believe it or not, a tree can save the world.

    What kind of world will our children have to deal

    with in the future?

    The World Bank recently released their report on climate

    change titled, Turn Down the Heat, which suggests that

    unless human beings take action to reduce their impact on

    Mother Earth, the world is likely to be warmer by more than

    4C (7.2F) in the next hundred years. This will not be the

    end. Further warming of over 6C (10.8F) will follow in the

    centuries to come.

    This warmer world will be radically different from ours. The

    heat waves of today, such as the 2010 heat wave that struck

    Russia killing 55,000 people and destroying 25% of their

    harvest, will be the new norm. Extreme weather patterns

    which cause dry areas to get drier and wet areas wetter, will

    proliferate. Rising sea levels could put a hundred million

    people at risk of coastal flooding every year. Perhaps worst of

    all, within forty years, global warming could leave us with less

    food per person. English Publications Isha Foundation


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    We are living in a time when we have to think of

    protecting the things which have always nurtured

    us. The planet always took care of us, but for the first time in

    the history of humanity, we have to protect this planet which

    has nourished thousands of generations of human beings.

    None of those people ever thought that a day would come

    when we have to take care of the planet. If you look at it in

    terms of its age, we are like a week-old infant talking about

    saving the mother. But thats the reality. We enjoyed the

    bounty of what this planet has offered us, but we have lived

    so blatantly in the last hundred years that a time has come

    when the just-born infant has to talk about the mothers

    wellbeing, not the other way round.

    It is no longer a myth. The facts are clear. If we carry on the

    way we are going right now, it is a disastrous path and the

    planet is in for a very serious turndown in the way it functions.

    Fortunately, probably like never before, the number of people

    aware of this progressing calamity is at its highest. Thats

    a good sign. People are talking about it, but unless we

    bring about a fundamental change in the lifestyles that we

    have adopted, talking about climate change will be

    a wasteful effort.

    Right now, large populations around the world are striving

    to achieve the comfort and wellbeing that one segment of

    the population has achieved for itself. According to the Living

    Earth statistics, human beings today are consuming one-and-

    a-half planets worth of resources. And nations like India,

    China, and many other countries are aspiring to develop

    themselves. What module are they following? Everybody

    wants to become like the United States. Everybody wants to

    have the lifestyle that an average US citizen is living. That is the

    aspiration, and everybody, either knowingly or unknowingly,

    is working towards it. The Living Earth Report says that if

    all the seven billion people on the planet find access to the

    comforts and conveniences that an average American citizen

    has, we would need four-and-a-half planets to sustain us.

    But we have only one. We are surviving only because there is

    a disproportionate situation.

    The world is going on only because of the unfortunate in the

    world that half of the population who are hungry and living

    under trees or bridges. If everybody on the planet becomes

    fortunate, the world will end in ten or fifteen years time.

    The planet has enormous capability to recoup from the

    damage that it goes through, but for that to happen, we

    have to allow a certain amount of time. Either we consciously

    handle this or Mother Earth will do it for us in a cruel manner.

    This possibility is looming in front of us, but we are still in a self-

    destruction mode. I am not making this out to be a doomsday

    prediction, but it is important we realize the gravity of what

    we are facing.


  • 7 8

    We are living in a time when we have to think of

    protecting the things which have always nurtured

    us. The planet always took care of us, but for the first time in

    the history of humanity, we have to protect this planet which

    has nourished thousands of generations of human beings.

    None of those people ever thought that a day would come

    when we have to take care of the planet. If you look at it in

    terms of its age, we are like a week-old infant talking about

    saving the mother. But thats the reality. We enjoyed the

    bounty of what this planet has offered us, but we have lived

    so blatantly in the last hundred years that a time has come

    when the just-born infant has to talk about the mothers

    wellbeing, not the other way round.

    It is no longer a myth. The facts are clear. If we carry on the

    way we are going right now, it is a disastrous path and the

    planet is in for a very serious turndown in the way it functions.

    Fortunately, probably like never before, the number of people

    aware of this progressing calamity is at its highest. Thats

    a good sign. People are talking about it, but unless we

    bring about a fundamental change in the lifestyles that we

    have adopted, talking about climate change will be

    a wasteful effort.

    Right now, large populations around the world are striving

    to achieve the comfort and wellbeing that one segment of

    the population has achieved for itself. According to the Living

    Earth statistics, human beings today are consuming one-and-

    a-half planets worth of resources. And nations like India,

    China, and many other countries are aspiring to develop

    themselves. What module are they following? Everybody

    wants to become like the United States. Everybody wants to

    have the lifestyle that an average US citizen is living. That is the

    aspiration, and everybody, either knowingly or unknowingly,

    is working towards it. The Living Earth Report says that if

    all the seven billion people on the planet find access to the

    comforts and conveniences that an average American citizen

    has, we would need four-and-a-half planets to sustain us.

    But we have only one. We are surviving only because there is

    a disproportionate situation.

    The world is going on only because of the unfortunate in the

    world that half of the population who are hungry and living

    under trees or bridges. If everybody on the planet becomes

    fortunate, the world will end in ten or fifteen years time.

    The planet has enormous capability to recoup from the

    damage that it goes through, but for that to happen, we

    have to allow a certain amount of time. Either we consciously

    handle this or Mother Earth will do it for us in a cruel manner.

    This possibility is looming in front of us, but we are still in a self-

    destruction mode. I am not making this out to be a doomsday

    prediction, but it is important we realize the gravity of what

    we are facing.


  • 9 10

    Our economic activity is no longer on a small scale. It has

    become significant enough to break the planet. Science and

    technology have empowered us in such a way that we are no

    longer small, two-legged animals. We are a mega-power. Once

    you become powerful, you have to be careful. If you were

    a small little ant, you could have walked on anybody. There

    wouldnt be any problem. But if you become an elephant, you

    must be very careful where you put your foot. Technology has

    made humanity into real giants. We are hugely empowered.

    Now, how we walk is very important. Otherwise we will

    uproot everything.

    We need to understand that empowerment without the

    necessary sense of responsibility can be a major disaster. We

    expected governments and businesses to take the necessary

    action and reverse the environmental degradation. But for a

    variety of reasons political, military or economic they are

    not too eager to initiate the essential steps in that direction.

    So, individual human beings have to take action. How?

    People who are living in developed countries are consuming

    an abnormal level of energy. How much can an individual

    consume and still keep the planet sustainable is something

    all of us have to consider. Are we at least willing to switch off

    a light bulb when we dont need it? Are we willing to walk

    to our offices instead of driving even that short distance?

    Individuals can do these simple things.

    This will not solve the whole problem, but they will bring

    in more awareness. Once ecological awareness becomes

    a popular thing, it will become an incentive for economic

    leaders to devise businesses around it. When being green

    becomes popular, green will pay. Once it pays, people will

    devise businesses around it and invest money to develop more

    eco-friendly methods of doing things. But one of the simplest

    things that all of us can do wherever we are in the world is to

    plant at least a few trees wherever it is possible. That is the

    simplest thing we can do.

    This is what we are doing in South India right now. We started

    a project called Project GreenHands (PGH), which is now the

    largest movement in the country. Our objective is to raise the

    green cover in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu to thirty-

    three percent. When we started the project, Tamil Nadu had

    only 16.5% green cover. I did some rough calculations and

    we found that if you plant 114 million trees in about six to

    eight years time, then in fifteen years time, you would have

    33% green cover. When I said, We need to plant 114 million

    trees, peoples eyeballs rolled and they said, Sadhguru, so

    many! How? I asked them, What is the population of the

    state? In Tamil Nadu, we had a population of 62 million

    people at that time. So I said, If all of us plant one tree, take

    care of it for two years, and plant one more tree, its done.

    If we have to do it as an organization, it is an uphill task.

    If everybody takes it up, it will just happen. Everybody can

    plant one tree and take care of it, isnt it? Even a beggar

    on the street is capable of doing this. It is not a question of

    affluence or capability. It is just that we have never thought

    like this because we always think, Is it my work? People keep

    asking me, Sadhguru, you are a mystic. Why are you planting

    a tree?


  • 9 10

    Our economic activity is no longer on a small scale. It has

    become significant enough to break the planet. Science and

    technology have empowered us in such a way that we are no

    longer small, two-legged animals. We are a mega-power. Once

    you become powerful, you have to be careful. If you were

    a small little ant, you could have walked on anybody. There

    wouldnt be any problem. But if you become an elephant, you

    must be very careful where you put your foot. Technology has

    made humanity into real giants. We are hugely empowered.

    Now, how we walk is very important. Otherwise we will

    uproot everything.

    We need to understand that empowerment without the

    necessary sense of responsibility can be a major disaster. We

    expected governments and businesses to take the necessary

    action and reverse the environmental degradation. But for a

    variety of reasons political, military or economic they are

    not too eager to initiate the essential steps in that direction.

    So, individual human beings have to take action. How?

    People who are living in developed countries are consuming

    an abnormal level of energy. How much can an individual

    consume and still keep the planet sustainable is something

    all of us have to consider. Are we at least willing to switch off

    a light bulb when we dont need it? Are we willing to walk

    to our offices instead of driving even that short distance?

    Individuals can do these simple things.

    This will not solve the whole problem, but they will bring

    in more awareness. Once ecological awareness becomes

    a popular thing, it will become an incentive for economic

    leaders to devise businesses around it. When being green

    becomes popular, green will pay. Once it pays, people will

    devise businesses around it and invest money to develop more

    eco-friendly methods of doing things. But one of the simplest

    things that all of us can do wherever we are in the world is to

    plant at least a few trees wherever it is possible. That is the

    simplest thing we can do.

    This is what we are doing in South India right now. We started

    a project called Project GreenHands (PGH), which is now the

    largest movement in the country. Our objective is to raise the

    green cover in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu to thirty-

    three percent. When we started the project, Tamil Nadu had

    only 16.5% green cover. I did some rough calculations and

    we found that if you plant 114 million trees in about six to

    eight years time, then in fifteen years time, you would have

    33% green cover. When I said, We need to plant 114 million

    trees, peoples eyeballs rolled and they said, Sadhguru, so

    many! How? I asked them, What is the population of the

    state? In Tamil Nadu, we had a population of 62 million

    people at that time. So I said, If all of us plant one tree, take

    care of it for two years, and plant one more tree, its done.

    If we have to do it as an organization, it is an uphill task.

    If everybody takes it up, it will just happen. Everybody can

    plant one tree and take care of it, isnt it? Even a beggar

    on the street is capable of doing this. It is not a question of

    affluence or capability. It is just that we have never thought

    like this because we always think, Is it my work? People keep

    asking me, Sadhguru, you are a mystic. Why are you planting

    a tree?


  • 11 12

    When it comes to ecological work, it is not somebodys work,

    it is everybodys work. Everybody who breathes on this planet

    must plant a tree because a tree is not an outside entity. What

    you inhale they exhale, what we exhale they inhale. This

    relationship is something that we cannot do without. As long

    as you breathe, you must take care of the environment. If you

    are such a yogi that you dont breathe, or you are dead and

    you dont breathe, then we can leave you alone. Everybody

    else must plant and take care of trees because a tree is like

    an external lung for you. Only one half of your lung is in

    your body, the other half of the lung is hanging out there in

    the tree.

    The essence of Project GreenHands has been to bring this

    experience and understanding in people, where their

    relationship with trees need not be taught to them. It is felt

    and experienced. It is something that every human being has

    to realize and respond to. This is not work that you need to

    do. Just like you tend to your own body or to your children,

    a tree is also very much a part of your life. It is in bringing

    this feeling into the minds and hearts of people that PGH

    has become such a wonderful success in Tamil Nadu today.

    Close to 16 million trees have been planted till now. This has

    not happened because of some great force. We started this

    movement and involved millions of ordinary people. It is the

    peasants, farmers, housewives, and school children who have

    done this amazing work.

    It is very important that we create responsible movements

    because today, the world is largely democratic. Political

    leadership depends on common people who cast their votes.

    Businesses may have money, but people have the vote, which

    is why they can influence governments. It is very important

    that we build a movement which can put enough pressure on

    businesses and law-makers so that the necessary things are

    done. Normally, activists take a very violent, anti-somebody

    kind of mode.

    When you are an ecological movement, you are not against

    anybody, you are for everybody. That is the reason you take up

    ecological work. You are for every life on the planet, not just

    human beings. You want the insects and the worms to live well

    too, because you understand that our lives are not separate

    from each other. Our life is an integrated and connected life.

    How healthy the worms are today will determine how healthy

    we are tomorrow. Only somebody who is for all life can

    take up ecological work. But till now, most eco-movements

    have mostly been against somebody. This has to change.

    Eco-movements and the activists have to grow into a different

    level of activism.

    More than the trees we have planted, one thing we are proud

    of is that PGH has happened phenomenally well because

    of peoples support which has in turn bred so many other

    movements, which is a wonderful thing. Now the government

    of Tamil Nadu itself is trying to outdo us! This is what is

    needed it should become a part of everybodys life. Even

    now, it is reaching the schools and children are talking about

    it. Once children start talking about it, they will not let their

    parents be something else. They will make them eco-friendly.

    All these things have to be done, not as a solution, but to

    become a movement that in turn brings in the necessary laws.


  • 11 12

    When it comes to ecological work, it is not somebodys work,

    it is everybodys work. Everybody who breathes on this planet

    must plant a tree because a tree is not an outside entity. What

    you inhale they exhale, what we exhale they inhale. This

    relationship is something that we cannot do without. As long

    as you breathe, you must take care of the environment. If you

    are such a yogi that you dont breathe, or you are dead and

    you dont breathe, then we can leave you alone. Everybody

    else must plant and take care of trees because a tree is like

    an external lung for you. Only one half of your lung is in

    your body, the other half of the lung is hanging out there in

    the tree.

    The essence of Project GreenHands has been to bring this

    experience and understanding in people, where their

    relationship with trees need not be taught to them. It is felt

    and experienced. It is something that every human being has

    to realize and respond to. This is not work that you need to

    do. Just like you tend to your own body or to your children,

    a tree is also very much a part of your life. It is in bringing

    this feeling into the minds and hearts of people that PGH

    has become such a wonderful success in Tamil Nadu today.

    Close to 16 million trees have been planted till now. This has

    not happened because of some great force. We started this

    movement and involved millions of ordinary people. It is the

    peasants, farmers, housewives, and school children who have

    done this amazing work.

    It is very important that we create responsible movements

    because today, the world is largely democratic. Political

    leadership depends on common people who cast their votes.

    Businesses may have money, but people have the vote, which

    is why they can influence governments. It is very important

    that we build a movement which can put enough pressure on

    businesses and law-makers so that the necessary things are

    done. Normally, activists take a very violent, anti-somebody

    kind of mode.

    When you are an ecological movement, you are not against

    anybody, you are for everybody. That is the reason you take up

    ecological work. You are for every life on the planet, not just

    human beings. You want the insects and the worms to live well

    too, because you understand that our lives are not separate

    from each other. Our life is an integrated and connected life.

    How healthy the worms are today will determine how healthy

    we are tomorrow. Only somebody who is for all life can

    take up ecological work. But till now, most eco-movements

    have mostly been against somebody. This has to change.

    Eco-movements and the activists have to grow into a different

    level of activism.

    More than the trees we have planted, one thing we are proud

    of is that PGH has happened phenomenally well because

    of peoples support which has in turn bred so many other

    movements, which is a wonderful thing. Now the government

    of Tamil Nadu itself is trying to outdo us! This is what is

    needed it should become a part of everybodys life. Even

    now, it is reaching the schools and children are talking about

    it. Once children start talking about it, they will not let their

    parents be something else. They will make them eco-friendly.

    All these things have to be done, not as a solution, but to

    become a movement that in turn brings in the necessary laws.


  • 13 14

    Without the necessary laws, there is no solution. It is only

    cosmetic. We can do it for our satisfaction, but that is of no

    use. We have to see that a solution happens because even

    if I plant a 100 million trees, that is just six days worth of

    deforestation on our planet. They will pull it down in six days!

    To plant 100 million trees takes a lot of money, a lot of effort:

    travelling all over the place, putting the seeds in the ground

    and supporting their growth it takes a lot. Then for the

    tree to grow, it takes another five to ten years to become

    a reasonable thing that you can call a tree. And that can be

    removed in six days. In some way, it does not make any sense

    to go through all this only to have someone uproot it, but we

    still have to plant. We cannot give it up. We have to plant and

    work for the solution, but it is silly to create a small solution

    for a huge problem and think it is a solution. What we are

    doing 114 million trees sounds so big and fantastic, but it is

    still a small solution. It is a silly way to approach a problem. It

    is like sending an ant to fight an elephant. But at least an ant

    is going, and we believe the brave ant will inspire.

    Expecting everybody to change by themselves is not realistic.

    Strict laws have to be made which consider ecological

    concerns. Laws will not come unless there are strong,

    responsible, ecological movements which are oriented

    towards solutions, and not in trying to beat somebody down.

    Movements always have an enemy. But there is no enemy

    here except ourselves. We are the enemy. With this, we must

    develop large movements which are also action-oriented

    because just taking the movement onto the street is not

    going to help. It must be action-oriented to gain respectability

    in the world and at the same time it must be a large-scale

    movement. Only then can we change the laws. Right now, the

    problem from nation to nation is this attitude, Okay, I am

    willing to change the law and restrict my country, but what

    about you? You are not willing to do that. You want to benefit

    from my laws. Nobody is going to do it. Who is to bell the cat

    is the whole problem because internationally, there isnt any

    one body which can enforce these laws.

    At one time, we were building the United Nations to a point

    where if something really needed to be done in the world,

    the United Nations could say so. But that has been lost in

    the last ten to fifteen years and now there is no one body.

    Every nation is talking about self-interest. If nations talk of

    self-interest, the individual will also talk of self-interest.

    So who should bell the cat? To determine this, it must be

    a worldwide movement.

    Movements should learn to connect and become an

    international movement so that there will be enough pressure

    on the governments to have them change the laws. All the

    laws that need to be changed will not change in one day. It

    is continuous work. In our lifetime, we must change at least

    those laws which are destroying the environment at a very

    rapid pace. For example, we can make a law so that the 100

    million trees that we plant dont go waste in six days time.

    We cannot stop industries from roaring. They have to roar,

    but we can make this law. Like this, we can plan out which

    laws need to be brought in twenty-five years, and bring them

    in step by step, so that it does not hurt us too quickly. People

    will not take it if you bring in too much of a drastic change.

    The change has to be gradual, giving people enough time


  • 13 14

    Without the necessary laws, there is no solution. It is only

    cosmetic. We can do it for our satisfaction, but that is of no

    use. We have to see that a solution happens because even

    if I plant a 100 million trees, that is just six days worth of

    deforestation on our planet. They will pull it down in six days!

    To plant 100 million trees takes a lot of money, a lot of effort:

    travelling all over the place, putting the seeds in the ground

    and supporting their growth it takes a lot. Then for the

    tree to grow, it takes another five to ten years to become

    a reasonable thing that you can call a tree. And that can be

    removed in six days. In some way, it does not make any sense

    to go through all this only to have someone uproot it, but we

    still have to plant. We cannot give it up. We have to plant and

    work for the solution, but it is silly to create a small solution

    for a huge problem and think it is a solution. What we are

    doing 114 million trees sounds so big and fantastic, but it is

    still a small solution. It is a silly way to approach a problem. It

    is like sending an ant to fight an elephant. But at least an ant

    is going, and we believe the brave ant will inspire.

    Expecting everybody to change by themselves is not realistic.

    Strict laws have to be made which consider ecological

    concerns. Laws will not come unless there are strong,

    responsible, ecological movements which are oriented

    towards solutions, and not in trying to beat somebody down.

    Movements always have an enemy. But there is no enemy

    here except ourselves. We are the enemy. With this, we must

    develop large movements which are also action-oriented

    because just taking the movement onto the street is not

    going to help. It must be action-oriented to gain respectability

    in the world and at the same time it must be a large-scale

    movement. Only then can we change the laws. Right now, the

    problem from nation to nation is this attitude, Okay, I am

    willing to change the law and restrict my country, but what

    about you? You are not willing to do that. You want to benefit

    from my laws. Nobody is going to do it. Who is to bell the cat

    is the whole problem because internationally, there isnt any

    one body which can enforce these laws.

    At one time, we were building the United Nations to a point

    where if something really needed to be done in the world,

    the United Nations could say so. But that has been lost in

    the last ten to fifteen years and now there is no one body.

    Every nation is talking about self-interest. If nations talk of

    self-interest, the individual will also talk of self-interest.

    So who should bell the cat? To determine this, it must be

    a worldwide movement.

    Movements should learn to connect and become an

    international movement so that there will be enough pressure

    on the governments to have them change the laws. All the

    laws that need to be changed will not change in one day. It

    is continuous work. In our lifetime, we must change at least

    those laws which are destroying the environment at a very

    rapid pace. For example, we can make a law so that the 100

    million trees that we plant dont go waste in six days time.

    We cannot stop industries from roaring. They have to roar,

    but we can make this law. Like this, we can plan out which

    laws need to be brought in twenty-five years, and bring them

    in step by step, so that it does not hurt us too quickly. People

    will not take it if you bring in too much of a drastic change.

    The change has to be gradual, giving people enough time


  • 15 16

    to understand why such a change has been made, before

    bringing in the next one.

    Right now, I dont see such seriousness in the world. We are

    still trying to look eco-friendly in front of somebody else. We

    are not looking at the drastic phase that ecology is in right

    now. We have not realized that if we do not take corrective

    action right now, we will pass on a legacy we will be ashamed

    of. It will be a legacy that our children will accuse us of and

    hate us for.

    We are not even looking for solutions yet. People are saying

    recycling and alternative power generation techniques will

    help. Yes, it will help, but in a very minor way. All the wind

    and solar power systems put together produce less than two

    percent of the power requirement in the world. I am not

    trying to beat it down, but having windmills and solar systems

    is more entertainment value than real value. It is still very

    essential, because even two percent is very big, but this will

    only slow down the disaster. Thats like we dont want the

    disaster to happen in our lifetime, but we want to gift it to

    our children.

    A point will come where it will not be a choice anymore. When

    that happens, turning around will not be easy. It will be at the

    cost of millions of lives. Not just human lives, there are more

    precious lives on this planet than human lives. Studies show

    that if all the insects on the planet die, life on this planet has

    a little more than twenty years before everything disappears.

    If the worms on this planet die tomorrow morning, the life

    upon this planet has only eight years left. But if you and me

    disappear, the planet will flourish.

    In our mind, we think the life upon this planet is human-

    centric. But in natural terms, the worms, insects, birds and

    animals are far more important than human beings. We as

    human beings have become the controlling power, so we

    are beginning to think that we are the most important life.

    This mind-set has to change. We need to recognize and see

    ourselves and every life, as life; not seeing you as you and me

    as me. Unless humanity begins to recognize life as life, there

    is no solution. Right now, all Corporate Social Responsibility

    (CSR) and ecological solutions are oriented towards making

    human life a little better. Using recycled paper is fine, but

    that is not the point. If you want to save the ecology, the

    bio-activity on the planet has to rise, and for that to happen,

    laws are needed.

    Right now, the first lobby which opposes any such law is

    definitely the business lobby. However, businesses can play a

    key role if there is a change of heart in them because the way

    businesses have grown, lawmakers have to listen to businesses.

    Unfortunately, except for a few exceptions, businesses are not

    thinking beyond this years balance sheet. There are many

    who are going beyond that, but still not enough to find a

    solution. There is enough ecological awareness for cosmetic

    appeal, but not enough awareness and movement in the

    world for a solution. This has to change.

    However, if you bring in strict environmental laws, many

    businesses may sink and disappear. We know this by experience.

    In Tamil Nadu, the city of Tirupur is a major clothing and

    stitching center. If you dug a well anywhere around Tirupur,

    you would get multi-colored water, depending on the color


  • 15 16

    to understand why such a change has been made, before

    bringing in the next one.

    Right now, I dont see such seriousness in the world. We are

    still trying to look eco-friendly in front of somebody else. We

    are not looking at the drastic phase that ecology is in right

    now. We have not realized that if we do not take corrective

    action right now, we will pass on a legacy we will be ashamed

    of. It will be a legacy that our children will accuse us of and

    hate us for.

    We are not even looking for solutions yet. People are saying

    recycling and alternative power generation techniques will

    help. Yes, it will help, but in a very minor way. All the wind

    and solar power systems put together produce less than two

    percent of the power requirement in the world. I am not

    trying to beat it down, but having windmills and solar systems

    is more entertainment value than real value. It is still very

    essential, because even two percent is very big, but this will

    only slow down the disaster. Thats like we dont want the

    disaster to happen in our lifetime, but we want to gift it to

    our children.

    A point will come where it will not be a choice anymore. When

    that happens, turning around will not be easy. It will be at the

    cost of millions of lives. Not just human lives, there are more

    precious lives on this planet than human lives. Studies show

    that if all the insects on the planet die, life on this planet has

    a little more than twenty years before everything disappears.

    If the worms on this planet die tomorrow morning, the life

    upon this planet has only eight years left. But if you and me

    disappear, the planet will flourish.

    In our mind, we think the life upon this planet is human-

    centric. But in natural terms, the worms, insects, birds and

    animals are far more important than human beings. We as

    human beings have become the controlling power, so we

    are beginning to think that we are the most important life.

    This mind-set has to change. We need to recognize and see

    ourselves and every life, as life; not seeing you as you and me

    as me. Unless humanity begins to recognize life as life, there

    is no solution. Right now, all Corporate Social Responsibility

    (CSR) and ecological solutions are oriented towards making

    human life a little better. Using recycled paper is fine, but

    that is not the point. If you want to save the ecology, the

    bio-activity on the planet has to rise, and for that to happen,

    laws are needed.

    Right now, the first lobby which opposes any such law is

    definitely the business lobby. However, businesses can play a

    key role if there is a change of heart in them because the way

    businesses have grown, lawmakers have to listen to businesses.

    Unfortunately, except for a few exceptions, businesses are not

    thinking beyond this years balance sheet. There are many

    who are going beyond that, but still not enough to find a

    solution. There is enough ecological awareness for cosmetic

    appeal, but not enough awareness and movement in the

    world for a solution. This has to change.

    However, if you bring in strict environmental laws, many

    businesses may sink and disappear. We know this by experience.

    In Tamil Nadu, the city of Tirupur is a major clothing and

    stitching center. If you dug a well anywhere around Tirupur,

    you would get multi-colored water, depending on the color


  • 17 18

    of the t-shirts they were making on that day. When the

    government enacted a law that made it compulsory to recycle

    and purify the water before releasing it, many dyeing units

    just died. Hundreds of businesses sank. This does not mean

    that environmental laws are against business. The reason these

    businesses sank is because they were running on ramshackle

    infrastructure. They were trying to make a business out of

    nothing. Yes, that is enterprise, but even enterprise has to

    stand on four legs. Those enterprises which are tottering on a

    single leg will all fall. And that has to happen, we cannot help

    it. If you change the landscape of business, some will suffer,

    some will drown, but some will immediately adapt and learn to

    do business in the new atmosphere that we create. Somebody

    should have the courage to create the new atmosphere.

    It is because our concern for ecology is recent that we think

    a law is impossible; a law is very much possible. We can say,

    This is how you must take care of your river. If you have a

    tree in your house, this is how you must take care of it. If

    there was no law as to which side of the road you should

    drive, we would be driving all over. Nobody would be able to

    move. This is what is happening with ecology because it is a

    new concern. Making laws on many levels is most important.

    It is not in the hands of business alone, but business can play

    a significant role. Corporations can make a business out of

    ecological solutions and that is important, because only then

    would the solutions be sustainable. We are talking about

    sustaining the ecology, but first of all, the business has to

    sustain itself. In that sense, it is best that every ecological

    solution becomes a kind of business. Only then will it be

    sustained over a period of time. Otherwise, people will just

    do CSR and be satisfied with it. If you look at CSR, though

    there are a few companies that are doing it differently, most

    corporates just allocate a small percentage of their profit. CSR

    does things for awareness but it will not create a solution. It

    cannot create a solution. If you just add up all the CSR amounts

    in the world, it is peanuts. You cannot change the world with

    that. Whats more, CSR is not sustainable because you may be

    doing CSR today, but the next person who takes over may not

    be interested in doing it.

    Instead of doing CSR, those companies which are already

    eco-oriented must do their business more aggressively. For

    example, PGH works with one of the largest wind turbine

    manufacturers in the world. I keep telling them, Invest in

    bio-energy and solar energy, and put everything on your

    wind-turbine land. Just do business. Dont do service. Leave

    the service to me, because only then will you do it large

    scale. Otherwise you will do it only upto a certain point. We

    have presented various ideas to them. They can create solar

    villages. If the village is in a wind tunnel, they can make small-

    scale wind turbines for each village and provide power to the

    village at a lower cost. If it powers the village, all the villagers

    will support them. Businesses like this can be worked out on

    various levels which are beneficial to the local people, so that

    they will support and sustain this whole movement towards a

    more eco-friendly way of doing things.

    What about the other businesses whose business is not

    ecology? The engine is roaring somewhere. They know it

    causes damage to the ecology but you cannot stop the engine.


  • 17 18

    of the t-shirts they were making on that day. When the

    government enacted a law that made it compulsory to recycle

    and purify the water before releasing it, many dyeing units

    just died. Hundreds of businesses sank. This does not mean

    that environmental laws are against business. The reason these

    businesses sank is because they were running on ramshackle

    infrastructure. They were trying to make a business out of

    nothing. Yes, that is enterprise, but even enterprise has to

    stand on four legs. Those enterprises which are tottering on a

    single leg will all fall. And that has to happen, we cannot help

    it. If you change the landscape of business, some will suffer,

    some will drown, but some will immediately adapt and learn to

    do business in the new atmosphere that we create. Somebody

    should have the courage to create the new atmosphere.

    It is because our concern for ecology is recent that we think

    a law is impossible; a law is very much possible. We can say,

    This is how you must take care of your river. If you have a

    tree in your house, this is how you must take care of it. If

    there was no law as to which side of the road you should

    drive, we would be driving all over. Nobody would be able to

    move. This is what is happening with ecology because it is a

    new concern. Making laws on many levels is most important.

    It is not in the hands of business alone, but business can play

    a significant role. Corporations can make a business out of

    ecological solutions and that is important, because only then

    would the solutions be sustainable. We are talking about

    sustaining the ecology, but first of all, the business has to

    sustain itself. In that sense, it is best that every ecological

    solution becomes a kind of business. Only then will it be

    sustained over a period of time. Otherwise, people will just

    do CSR and be satisfied with it. If you look at CSR, though

    there are a few companies that are doing it differently, most

    corporates just allocate a small percentage of their profit. CSR

    does things for awareness but it will not create a solution. It

    cannot create a solution. If you just add up all the CSR amounts

    in the world, it is peanuts. You cannot change the world with

    that. Whats more, CSR is not sustainable because you may be

    doing CSR today, but the next person who takes over may not

    be interested in doing it.

    Instead of doing CSR, those companies which are already

    eco-oriented must do their business more aggressively. For

    example, PGH works with one of the largest wind turbine

    manufacturers in the world. I keep telling them, Invest in

    bio-energy and solar energy, and put everything on your

    wind-turbine land. Just do business. Dont do service. Leave

    the service to me, because only then will you do it large

    scale. Otherwise you will do it only upto a certain point. We

    have presented various ideas to them. They can create solar

    villages. If the village is in a wind tunnel, they can make small-

    scale wind turbines for each village and provide power to the

    village at a lower cost. If it powers the village, all the villagers

    will support them. Businesses like this can be worked out on

    various levels which are beneficial to the local people, so that

    they will support and sustain this whole movement towards a

    more eco-friendly way of doing things.

    What about the other businesses whose business is not

    ecology? The engine is roaring somewhere. They know it

    causes damage to the ecology but you cannot stop the engine.


  • 19 20

    All of us need the engine to roar, but businesses have to ease

    the throttle a bit on the law-makers. If businesses have to

    exist, people have to live. If people have to live, the ecology

    has to be good. We have to run the economy a little more

    gently, both upon the humanity and upon the ecology.

    There is a whole lot of research work and data available which

    shows that we can run the economy of a state just by growing

    trees in so many different ways. It is just that the first ten years

    will be a challenge. But we can definitely make tree-growing

    into a very profitable business. We can do it by growing fruit

    trees, through forestry, through all kinds of eco-oriented

    tourism, with bee-cultivation, bird and animal breeding

    there are so many things one could do. We have worked with

    some farmers who have seen that forestry is more profitable

    than agriculture in certain kinds of land. They have taken

    to it and they are very happy. They are earning much more,

    and they are saving the planet they have the satisfaction of

    doing something worthwhile. There are so many things we

    can do, but all these things can take off only if there are laws

    and financing.

    Unfortunately, there is ambitious business going on on the

    planet. There is no visionary business. In my experience, many

    companies do not see the possibilities. When I tell them,

    Please support us, we want to plant 114 million trees, they

    ask, Will you plant it in my state, will you plant it in my

    factory? Ecological work is not about my part of the world

    and your part of the world. Wherever it is planted, everybody

    will benefit from this. Tree planting is most useful only if it

    happens from the equator to thirty degrees latitude. This

    means India, segments of Africa, Asia and America are the

    places to plant. That is where you find maximum benefit.

    We have approached just about everybody in the airline and

    automobile industries. We worked out intricate plans for

    them where the pollution that a car would release in the next

    ten years is taken care of by the tree we plant. The cost of the

    trees can be divided between the manufacturer, the dealer

    and the customer. It is a question of a few dollars. I am sure

    the customer will be willing to pay, knowing fully well that

    when he drives, he is compensating for what he is using up.

    But these plans havent gone anywhere. They have considered

    it and considered it. They seem to be considering it forever.

    We are in a mode where humanity as a whole has still not

    faced reality the way it is. This is the unfortunate way of

    humanity that disaster has to strike, only then they will know.

    This could be true for the larger humanity. But the more aware

    humanity, humanity which is in positions of responsibility and

    power, this part of humanity has to act now.

    It is very important that we get these things in the right

    perspective. When I look at very highly placed people, they

    have no clue about even the simple ecological statistics that

    are available to everybody and are published every day in

    the newspaper. Just about everywhere in the world, people

    holding very responsible positions are not even conscious

    about it. It is shocking that many law-makers and others have

    never even bothered to acquaint themselves because they

    are busy with something else. It is very important that it sinks

    into everybody because the rate at which we are biting at the


  • 19 20

    All of us need the engine to roar, but businesses have to ease

    the throttle a bit on the law-makers. If businesses have to

    exist, people have to live. If people have to live, the ecology

    has to be good. We have to run the economy a little more

    gently, both upon the humanity and upon the ecology.

    There is a whole lot of research work and data available which

    shows that we can run the economy of a state just by growing

    trees in so many different ways. It is just that the first ten years

    will be a challenge. But we can definitely make tree-growing

    into a very profitable business. We can do it by growing fruit

    trees, through forestry, through all kinds of eco-oriented

    tourism, with bee-cultivation, bird and animal breeding

    there are so many things one could do. We have worked with

    some farmers who have seen that forestry is more profitable

    than agriculture in certain kinds of land. They have taken

    to it and they are very happy. They are earning much more,

    and they are saving the planet they have the satisfaction of

    doing something worthwhile. There are so many things we

    can do, but all these things can take off only if there are laws

    and financing.

    Unfortunately, there is ambitious business going on on the

    planet. There is no visionary business. In my experience, many

    companies do not see the possibilities. When I tell them,

    Please support us, we want to plant 114 million trees, they

    ask, Will you plant it in my state, will you plant it in my

    factory? Ecological work is not about my part of the world

    and your part of the world. Wherever it is planted, everybody

    will benefit from this. Tree planting is most useful only if it

    happens from the equator to thirty degrees latitude. This

    means India, segments of Africa, Asia and America are the

    places to plant. That is where you find maximum benefit.

    We have approached just about everybody in the airline and

    automobile industries. We worked out intricate plans for

    them where the pollution that a car would release in the next

    ten years is taken care of by the tree we plant. The cost of the

    trees can be divided between the manufacturer, the dealer

    and the customer. It is a question of a few dollars. I am sure

    the customer will be willing to pay, knowing fully well that

    when he drives, he is compensating for what he is using up.

    But these plans havent gone anywhere. They have considered

    it and considered it. They seem to be considering it forever.

    We are in a mode where humanity as a whole has still not

    faced reality the way it is. This is the unfortunate way of

    humanity that disaster has to strike, only then they will know.

    This could be true for the larger humanity. But the more aware

    humanity, humanity which is in positions of responsibility and

    power, this part of humanity has to act now.

    It is very important that we get these things in the right

    perspective. When I look at very highly placed people, they

    have no clue about even the simple ecological statistics that

    are available to everybody and are published every day in

    the newspaper. Just about everywhere in the world, people

    holding very responsible positions are not even conscious

    about it. It is shocking that many law-makers and others have

    never even bothered to acquaint themselves because they

    are busy with something else. It is very important that it sinks

    into everybody because the rate at which we are biting at the


  • 21 22

    cake, there will be no cake left in twenty-five years. Humanity

    as a whole must learn to eat the cake slowly. Another thing

    is we must be able to produce more cake out of less dough.

    Another thing is we need to reduce the number of mouths

    which want to eat the cake.

    One thing we need to understand is that all ecological

    problems have come because of irresponsible reproduction

    among human beings. With medical advances, we are now

    capable of seeing that every child who is born survives, in most

    countries. Though it still needs to be worked upon in many

    countries, the infant mortality rate has been considerably

    brought down. On the other hand, medical sciences have

    postponed our death, which means that our reproduction

    should be much more conservative and conscious. But we are

    refusing to postpone birth. We have, to some extent, but at 7

    billion people it is not an effective postponement.

    Without reducing human population, there is no solution.

    Whatever you do, people will gobble it up. Instead of trying

    to reduce human aspirations, it is better to reduce our rate of

    reproduction. It is a much simpler thing to do. In a few villages

    in Tamil Nadu, we suggested that villagers take a voluntary

    oath that this year will be a no-conception year in this village.

    Just enjoy your honeymoon, dont make babies. These kinds

    of initiatives will take a lot of effort to implement but if we

    dont control the population, whatever you do will go waste

    because the United Nations estimates that the population in

    2050 will be 9.5 billion.

    At 9.5 billion, all of us will have to live with forty percent

    less resources than we are right now enjoying. When I say

    resource, I am not talking about gold, diamonds or oil. I am

    talking about water, food and air to breathe. Can you even

    imagine forty percent less air to breathe? So either we control

    our population now consciously, or a time will come when we

    will have to put a meter on your nose. We will have to charge

    you for how many breaths per minute you take. And those

    who cannot pay That is why I said we want to give a legacy

    of disaster to our children.

    The problem is not small, but some people in a resigned way

    say, Nature will correct it. Yes, for sure it will correct it.

    The correction will be reducing the human population. But

    whenever human populations are reduced, you dont see it

    as a solution; you see it as a disaster. Mother Earth is not even

    supposed to flex her muscles; she is not even allowed to stretch

    her hands or legs. If she does something, a hundred thousand

    people will die because human beings are everywhere. She

    cannot even sneeze. If a volcano erupts, right there people

    have built towns around a live volcano! We are too many.

    We are wonderful, but we are too many. We need to reduce

    our wonderfulness.

    If all the countries in the world take it up that they will reduce

    the worlds population by 2050, and if we succeed, that itself

    is a great solution. Technologies are continuing to refine

    themselves. The amount of power we are consuming, lets say

    to light up a place, is almost one-tenth of what we would

    have consumed twenty years ago. Technologies are improving

    and our consumption of power is reducing. Bringing down

    the human population by at least twenty-five percent in forty

    years time is achievable, if only the necessary laws are made.


  • 21 22

    cake, there will be no cake left in twenty-five years. Humanity

    as a whole must learn to eat the cake slowly. Another thing

    is we must be able to produce more cake out of less dough.

    Another thing is we need to reduce the number of mouths

    which want to eat the cake.

    One thing we need to understand is that all ecological

    problems have come because of irresponsible reproduction

    among human beings. With medical advances, we are now

    capable of seeing that every child who is born survives, in most

    countries. Though it still needs to be worked upon in many

    countries, the infant mortality rate has been considerably

    brought down. On the other hand, medical sciences have

    postponed our death, which means that our reproduction

    should be much more conservative and conscious. But we are

    refusing to postpone birth. We have, to some extent, but at 7

    billion people it is not an effective postponement.

    Without reducing human population, there is no solution.

    Whatever you do, people will gobble it up. Instead of trying

    to reduce human aspirations, it is better to reduce our rate of

    reproduction. It is a much simpler thing to do. In a few villages

    in Tamil Nadu, we suggested that villagers take a voluntary

    oath that this year will be a no-conception year in this village.

    Just enjoy your honeymoon, dont make babies. These kinds

    of initiatives will take a lot of effort to implement but if we

    dont control the population, whatever you do will go waste

    because the United Nations estimates that the population in

    2050 will be 9.5 billion.

    At 9.5 billion, all of us will have to live with forty percent

    less resources than we are right now enjoying. When I say

    resource, I am not talking about gold, diamonds or oil. I am

    talking about water, food and air to breathe. Can you even

    imagine forty percent less air to breathe? So either we control

    our population now consciously, or a time will come when we

    will have to put a meter on your nose. We will have to charge

    you for how many breaths per minute you take. And those

    who cannot pay That is why I said we want to give a legacy

    of disaster to our children.

    The problem is not small, but some people in a resigned way

    say, Nature will correct it. Yes, for sure it will correct it.

    The correction will be reducing the human population. But

    whenever human populations are reduced, you dont see it

    as a solution; you see it as a disaster. Mother Earth is not even

    supposed to flex her muscles; she is not even allowed to stretch

    her hands or legs. If she does something, a hundred thousand

    people will die because human beings are everywhere. She

    cannot even sneeze. If a volcano erupts, right there people

    have built towns around a live volcano! We are too many.

    We are wonderful, but we are too many. We need to reduce

    our wonderfulness.

    If all the countries in the world take it up that they will reduce

    the worlds population by 2050, and if we succeed, that itself

    is a great solution. Technologies are continuing to refine

    themselves. The amount of power we are consuming, lets say

    to light up a place, is almost one-tenth of what we would

    have consumed twenty years ago. Technologies are improving

    and our consumption of power is reducing. Bringing down

    the human population by at least twenty-five percent in forty

    years time is achievable, if only the necessary laws are made.


  • 23 24

    The Chinese have done it, but everybody just comments about

    it. They think making politics out of it is a great solution.

    Population is definitely the single, most important problem.

    And the quickest solution will come only if we reduce our

    population. Nations must have the courage, and the religions

    of the world must have the sense to see that increasing the

    population is going to be a disaster for all of us for every

    creature on the planet, not just for humanity.

    The planet is for all of us and we cannot exist here by ourselves.

    We are living here because of the natural process that is

    happening, not because of our economic activity. Right now

    we are made to believe that we will live well because of the

    percentages of economic growth that is happening in the

    country. No. We will live well here if everything is green,

    beautiful, water is flowing, and air is pure. This has to be clear

    in every human beings mind. The preservation and nurturing

    of this planet is not different from aspiring for a good life

    for ourselves, because there is no good life without a good

    planet. Right now, we are looking at ecological concerns as

    some kind of an obligation that we have to fulfill. It is not an

    obligation, it is our life.

    People are identified with their creed, religion and nationality.

    But the most fundamental identity is that you are a piece of

    this planet. The very body that you carry is a piece of this

    planet and half your lungs are hanging out there on the tree.

    I want you to feel it, not just think it is a great idea. It is not

    an idea, it is a reality that we are living. This reality has to sink

    into people. You dont have to talk about identifying yourself

    with the tree. If you sit in front of a tree or under a tree

    and breathe consciously, you know there is a big difference.

    Sitting in the building and breathing, or sitting under a tree

    and breathing there is a big difference. One can feel it. I

    want people to feel it. But there are not enough trees for all

    of us to sit under. We need to plant them.


  • 23 24

    The Chinese have done it, but everybody just comments about

    it. They think making politics out of it is a great solution.

    Population is definitely the single, most important problem.

    And the quickest solution will come only if we reduce our

    population. Nations must have the courage, and the religions

    of the world must have the sense to see that increasing the

    population is going to be a disaster for all of us for every

    creature on the planet, not just for humanity.

    The planet is for all of us and we cannot exist here by ourselves.

    We are living here because of the natural process that is

    happening, not because of our economic activity. Right now

    we are made to believe that we will live well because of the

    percentages of economic growth that is happening in the

    country. No. We will live well here if everything is green,

    beautiful, water is flowing, and air is pure. This has to be clear

    in every human beings mind. The preservation and nurturing

    of this planet is not different from aspiring for a good life

    for ourselves, because there is no good life without a good

    planet. Right now, we are looking at ecological concerns as

    some kind of an obligation that we have to fulfill. It is not an

    obligation, it is our life.

    People are identified with their creed, religion and nationality.

    But the most fundamental identity is that you are a piece of

    this planet. The very body that you carry is a piece of this

    planet and half your lungs are hanging out there on the tree.

    I want you to feel it, not just think it is a great idea. It is not

    an idea, it is a reality that we are living. This reality has to sink

    into people. You dont have to talk about identifying yourself

    with the tree. If you sit in front of a tree or under a tree

    and breathe consciously, you know there is a big difference.

    Sitting in the building and breathing, or sitting under a tree

    and breathing there is a big difference. One can feel it. I

    want people to feel it. But there are not enough trees for all

    of us to sit under. We need to plant them.


  • 25 26


  • 27 28

    What kind of world will our children have to deal

    with in the future? On the heels of the recent release

    of the World Banks climate change report Turn Down

    the Heat, we at Project GreenHands a grass-roots level

    environmental movement founded by Sadhguru list a few

    of the major concerns that will face our children in the future.

    Unless human beings cut down on greenhouse gas emissions,

    the world is likely to be warmer by more than 4C in 100 years.

    This will not be the end. Further warming of over 6C will

    follow in the centuries to come.

    The frequency and intensity of heat waves across the globe

    has increased. In 2010, a heat wave hit Russia, killing 55,000,

    destroying 25% of the crops, burning a million hectares,

    and costing Russia 15 billion dollars. In a 4C warmer world,

    such temperatures would be normal, and heat waves never

    before experienced in the 20th century would occur regularly.

    The coolest months in such a climate would be substantially

    warmer than the warmest months were at the end of the

    20th century.

    In a warmer world, dry areas will become drier and wet areas

    wetter. The drought in the United States in 2012 impacted

    about 80% of agricultural land. By 2100, half of all farm land

    in the world is expected to be drought-hit.

    In a warmer world, dry areas will become drier and wet areas

    wetter. The drought in the United States in 2012 impacted



    age c


    t: wi




  • 27 28

    What kind of world will our children have to deal

    with in the future? On the heels of the recent release

    of the World Banks climate change report Turn Down

    the Heat, we at Project GreenHands a grass-roots level

    environmental movement founded by Sadhguru list a few

    of the major concerns that will face our children in the future.

    Unless human beings cut down on greenhouse gas emissions,

    the world is likely to be warmer by more than 4C in 100 years.

    This will not be the end. Further warming of over 6C will

    follow in the centuries to come.

    The frequency and intensity of heat waves across the globe

    has increased. In 2010, a heat wave hit Russia, killing 55,000,

    destroying 25% of the crops, burning a million hectares,

    and costing Russia 15 billion dollars. In a 4C warmer world,

    such temperatures would be normal, and heat waves never

    before experienced in the 20th century would occur regularly.

    The coolest months in such a climate would be substantially

    warmer than the warmest months were at the end of the

    20th century.

    In a warmer world, dry areas will become drier and wet areas

    wetter. The drought in the United States in 2012 impacted

    about 80% of agricultural land. By 2100, half of all farm land

    in the world is expected to be drought-hit.

    In a warmer world, dry areas will become drier and wet areas

    wetter. The drought in the United States in 2012 impacted




    e cre





  • 29 30

    about 80% of agricultural land. By 2100, half of all farm land

    in the world is expected to be drought-hit.

    An average of 500 weather-related disasters now take place

    each year, compared with 120 in the 1980s. The number of

    floods has increased six-fold. Rainfall levels in wet areas could

    increase a further 20 to 30% in a 4C warmer world.

    In the next decade alone, a 100 million women and children

    are expected to join the already existing 500 million of them

    who are undernourished. By 2050, fisheries and livestock will

    collapse, and agriculture will suffer under prolonged droughts

    and heat waves, resulting in less food per person.

    Resources will get scarcer. Elizabeth Hadly from Stanford

    University says we may already be past these tipping points

    in particular regions of the world. I just returned from a trip

    to the high Himalayas in Nepal, where I witnessed families

    fighting each other with machetes for wood wood that they

    would burn to cook their food in one evening.

    A billion people, mostly in Asia, live in coastal regions. In a

    4C warmer world, sea-levels are likely to rise by 0.5 meters

    and possibly by almost a meter by 2100. These predictions

    do not include the melting of much of Greenlands and

    Antarcticas ice. They could contribute a total of 64 meters over

    the centuries.

    An average of a 100 million people a year will experience

    floods due to coastal storms, which will have increased in

    frequency and intensity. During extremely powerful weather

    events, this number will rise significantly.




    e cre






  • 29 30

    about 80% of agricultural land. By 2100, half of all farm land

    in the world is expected to be drought-hit.

    An average of 500 weather-related disasters now take place

    each year, compared with 120 in the 1980s. The number of

    floods has increased six-fold. Rainfall levels in wet areas could

    increase a further 20 to 30% in a 4C warmer world.

    In the next decade alone, a 100 million women and children

    are expected to join the already existing 500 million of them

    who are undernourished. By 2050, fisheries and livestock will

    collapse, and agriculture will suffer under prolonged droughts

    and heat waves, resulting in less food per person.

    Resources will get scarcer. Elizabeth Hadly from Stanford

    University says we may already be past these tipping points

    in particular regions of the world. I just returned from a trip

    to the high Himalayas in Nepal, where I witnessed families

    fighting each other with machetes for wood wood that they

    would burn to cook their food in one evening.

    A billion people, mostly in Asia, live in coastal regions. In a

    4C warmer world, sea-levels are likely to rise by 0.5 meters

    and possibly by almost a meter by 2100. These predictions

    do not include the melting of much of Greenlands and

    Antarcticas ice. They could contribute a total of 64 meters over

    the centuries.

    An average of a 100 million people a year will experience

    floods due to coastal storms, which will have increased in

    frequency and intensity. During extremely powerful weather

    events, this number will rise significantly.




    e cre






  • 31 32

    Based on United Nations, World Bank, and other organizations

    research, we have put together a map that shows what

    problems will dominate different regions of the globe

    by 2100.

    Studies show that global warming is unavoidable. The

    last century of human activity has made a rise in global

    temperatures virtually inevitable. The question is no longer

    whether temperatures will rise, the question is how much will

    they rise. Hearteningly, numerous studies show that there

    are technically and economically feasible solutions that will

    probably hold warming below 2C, and well below the 4C

    mark. Will we make it happen?

    Will our children hate us for what we did not do, or will our

    children thank us for what we did?

    As individuals, the easiest way we can reduce our carbon

    footprint is by planting trees. Ishas Project GreenHands,

    recipient of Indias highest environmental award, plants trees

    on your behalf and lets you track their exact location. All you

    need to do is donate just 1$ or Rs.50 per sapling.

    Visit www.giveisha.org/pgh




    heat drought sea level rise

    rain crop failure


  • 31 32

    Based on United Nations, World Bank, and other organizations

    research, we have put together a map that shows what

    problems will dominate different regions of the globe

    by 2100.

    Studies show that global warming is unavoidable. The

    last century of human activity has made a rise in global

    temperatures virtually inevitable. The question is no longer

    whether temperatures will rise, the question is how much will

    they rise. Hearteningly, numerous studies show that there

    are technically and economically feasible solutions that will

    probably hold warming below 2C, and well below the 4C

    mark. Will we make it happen?

    Will our children hate us for what we did not do, or will our

    children thank us for what we did?

    As individuals, the easiest way we can reduce our carbon

    footprint is by planting trees. Ishas Project GreenHands,

    recipient of Indias highest environmental award, plants trees

    on your behalf and lets you track their exact location. All you

    need to do is donate just 1$ or Rs.50 per sapling.

    Visit www.giveisha.org/pgh




    heat drought sea level rise

    rain crop failure


  • 33 34

    table. A bowl of fortified cornflakes and tinned fruit juice may

    look simple, but is not so. Encourage local produce and small

    farmer groups for fresh veggies.

    Pay attention to packaging: When you are out shopping,

    try to go to stores that keep packaging to a minimum. For

    example, choose to buy loose tomatoes rather than boxed or

    plastic wrapped tomatoes.

    Avoid bottled water: Bottled water has a huge carbon

    footprint because of manufacture and transport. Most

    of the plastic water bottles in India are not recycled, making

    the footprint even larger. A reusable water bottle is a

    good alternate.

    REDUCE YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINTWhat more could you do to reduce your carbon footprint?

    Wed say start with your home. Studies suggest that almost

    one-third of carbon emissions originate from the household.

    Here are 7 easy steps to reduce emissions:

    Turn off appliances when not using them: Appliances that

    are left turned on or in stand-by mode, draw electricity

    even when they are unused. In the United States alone,

    residential consumers spend over 4 billion dollars for such

    electricity consumption.

    Shop with a reusable/cloth bag: Plastic from single-use plastic

    bags never decomposes, and toxic particles can enter the

    food chain when they are ingested by unsuspecting animals.

    Approximately 14 million trees are cut every year for paper

    bag production.

    Lower the brightness of the computer screen: Reduce the

    brightness of your monitor, and if you are still using a boxy

    CRT monitor, switch to a LCD. LCD monitors consume only

    about 30% of the energy that a CRT monitor does.

    Telecommute and Teleconference: You dont have to really

    fight your way through traffic or fly to a business meeting in

    another city to talk to your colleagues. Also, one good reason

    to ask your boss if you can Work at Home.

    Buy local produce: You would be amazed to know how far an

    item of food has travelled before it reaches your dinner









  • 33 34

    table. A bowl of fortified cornflakes and tinned fruit juice may

    look simple, but is not so. Encourage local produce and small

    farmer groups for fresh veggies.

    Pay attention to packaging: When you are out shopping,

    try to go to stores that keep packaging to a minimum. For

    example, choose to buy loose tomatoes rather than boxed or

    plastic wrapped tomatoes.

    Avoid bottled water: Bottled water has a huge carbon

    footprint because of manufacture and transport. Most

    of the plastic water bottles in India are not recycled, making

    the footprint even larger. A reusable water bottle is a

    good alternate.

    REDUCE YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINTWhat more could you do to reduce your carbon footprint?

    Wed say start with your home. Studies suggest that almost

    one-third of carbon emissions originate from the household.

    Here are 7 easy steps to reduce emissions:

    Turn off appliances when not using them: Appliances that

    are left turned on or in stand-by mode, draw electricity

    even when they are unused. In the United States alone,

    residential consumers spend over 4 billion dollars for such

    electricity consumption.

    Shop with a reusable/cloth bag: Plastic from single-use plastic

    bags never decomposes, and toxic particles can enter the

    food chain when they are ingested by unsuspecting animals.

    Approximately 14 million trees are cut every year for paper

    bag production.

    Lower the brightness of the computer screen: Reduce the

    brightness of your monitor, and if you are still using a boxy

    CRT monitor, switch to a LCD. LCD monitors consume only

    about 30% of the energy that a CRT monitor does.

    Telecommute and Teleconference: You dont have to really

    fight your way through traffic or fly to a business meeting in

    another city to talk to your colleagues. Also, one good reason

    to ask your boss if you can Work at Home.

    Buy local produce: You would be amazed to know how far an

    item of food has travelled before it reaches your dinner









  • 35 36


  • 37 38


    Yogi, mystic, visionary and poet, Sadhguru is a spiritual

    master with a difference. An arresting blend of

    profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serve as a

    reminder that yoga is not an esoteric discipline from an

    outdated past, but a contemporary science, vitally relevant

    to our times. Probing, passionate and provocative, insightful,

    logical and unfailingly witty, Sadhgurus talks have earned

    him the reputation of a speaker and opinion-maker of

    international renown.

    With speaking engagements that take him around the world,

    he is widely sought after by prestigious global forums to

    address issues as diverse as human rights, business values,

    and social, environmental and existential issues. He has been

    a delegate to the United Nations Millennium World Peace

    Summit, a member of the World Council of Religious and

    Spiritual Leaders and Alliance for New Humanity, a special

    invitee to the Australian Leadership Retreat, Tallberg Forum,

    Indian Economic Summit 2005-2008, as well as a regular at the

    World Economic Forum in Davos. He was awarded the Indira

    Gandhi Paryavaran Puraskar (IGPP) for the year 2008 for Isha

    Foundations Project GreenHands efforts.

    With a celebratory engagement with life on all levels,

    Sadhgurus areas of active involvement encompass fields as

    diverse as architecture and visual design, poetry and painting,

    ecology and horticulture, sports and music. He is the author

    and designer of several unique buildings and consecrated

    spaces at the Isha Yoga Center, which have wide attention

    for their combination of intense sacred power with strikingly

    innovative eco-friendly aesthetics.

    Listeners have been ubiquitously impressed by his astute

    and incisive grasp of current issues and world affairs, as

    well as his unerringly scientific approach to the question

    of human wellbeing. Sadhguru is also the founder of Isha

    Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to the

    wellbeing of the individual and the world for the past three

    decades. Isha Foundation does not promote any particular

    ideology, religion, or race, but transmits inner sciences of

    universal appeal.


    Sadhgurus Youtube Channel


  • 37 38


    Yogi, mystic, visionary and poet, Sadhguru is a spiritual

    master with a difference. An arresting blend of

    profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serve as a

    reminder that yoga is not an esoteric discipline from an

    outdated past, but a contemporary science, vitally relevant

    to our times. Probing, passionate and provocative, insightful,

    logical and unfailingly witty, Sadhgurus talks have earned

    him the reputation of a speaker and opinion-maker of

    international renown.

    With speaking engagements that take him around the world,

    he is widely sought after by prestigious global forums to

    address issues as diverse as human rights, business values,

    and social, environmental and existential issues. He has been

    a delegate to the United Nations Millennium World Peace

    Summit, a member of the World Council of Religious and

    Spiritual Leaders and Alliance for New Humanity, a special

    invitee to the Australian Leadership Retreat, Tallberg Forum,

    Indian Economic Summit 2005-2008, as well as a regular at the

    World Economic Forum in Davos. He was awarded the Indira

    Gandhi Paryavaran Puraskar (IGPP) for the year 2008 for Isha

    Foundations Project GreenHands efforts.

    With a celebratory engagement with life on all levels,

    Sadhgurus areas of active involvement encompass fields as

    diverse as architecture and visual design, poetry and painting,

    ecology and horticulture, sports and music. He is the author

    and designer of several unique buildings and consecrated

    spaces at the Isha Yoga Center, which have wide attention

    for their combination of intense sacred power with strikingly

    innovative eco-friendly aesthetics.

    Listeners have been ubiquitously impressed by his astute

    and incisive grasp of current issues and world affairs, as

    well as his unerringly scientific approach to the question

    of human wellbeing. Sadhguru is also the founder of Isha

    Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to the

    wellbeing of the individual and the world for the past three

    decades. Isha Foundation does not promote any particular

    ideology, religion, or race, but transmits inner sciences of

    universal appeal.


    Sadhgurus Youtube Channel


  • 39 40


    Isha Foundation is a non-profit human-service organization,

    supported by over 2 million volunteers in over 150 centers

    worldwide. Recognizing the possibility of each person to

    empower another, Isha Foundation has created a massive

    movement that is dedicated to address all aspects of human

    wellbeing, without ascribing to any particular ideology,

    religion or race.

    Isha Foundation is involved in several path-breaking outreach

    initiatives: Action for Rural R