A Survey of Physical Education; Athletics; Health and ...

Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® Masters eses & Specialist Projects Graduate School 1958 A Survey of Physical Education; Athletics; Health and Intra-Murals in the Ohio Valley Conference with a Suggested Program for Western Kentucky State College Frank Griffin Follow this and additional works at: hp://digitalcommons.wku.edu/theses Part of the Kinesiology Commons , Leisure Studies Commons , and the Sports Studies Commons is esis is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in Masters eses & Specialist Projects by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Griffin, Frank, "A Survey of Physical Education; Athletics; Health and Intra-Murals in the Ohio Valley Conference with a Suggested Program for Western Kentucky State College" (1958). Masters eses & Specialist Projects. Paper 2012. hp://digitalcommons.wku.edu/theses/2012

Transcript of A Survey of Physical Education; Athletics; Health and ...

Western Kentucky UniversityTopSCHOLAR®

Masters Theses & Specialist Projects Graduate School


A Survey of Physical Education; Athletics; Healthand Intra-Murals in the Ohio Valley Conferencewith a Suggested Program for Western KentuckyState CollegeFrank Griffin

Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/theses

Part of the Kinesiology Commons, Leisure Studies Commons, and the Sports Studies Commons

This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in Masters Theses & Specialist Projects byan authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Recommended CitationGriffin, Frank, "A Survey of Physical Education; Athletics; Health and Intra-Murals in the Ohio Valley Conference with a SuggestedProgram for Western Kentucky State College" (1958). Masters Theses & Specialist Projects. Paper 2012.http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/theses/2012

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.. ~ ~l> b7 ~r,. ~.n.nU U"uelonal AluclHlon , U Mutern

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Th. 1 .. "".·., ..... 1 ~ .... ", ..... 01'0 :J..~n tllO l .. d ..... h1p o!'

tile ~"'.1.a1 .~u'"do" dl .... t o::- h .U school. O1CO~t " .. to,."

til. P""ir ...

":1>. ~..., gr.::: !. n~",c1.1 " '?p<l r td b1' tt. P1d ... l

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o .~to co c: tno ot O>d.~ .. l.oUdtl ro. .

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1.",,"1; U". !'4: .. 14"",1 lpetll, pin t PO"G .t lla 10boo lo

.. r.:!. ~~cnh at tin .. nooh Ur. t M .,..t """"I ... .

I'.. u_nd.t l.".

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Int. oU oot th :=~._n,"l .:tllls ~Mt ~111 boo oo,,"'l"'~ I n

p,,:,".lul " uoOlI . ,. .lo .. u . Th. :n: ... · =>'.1 .... ..d s>l>7dn l

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to Ht!o~.Mo or ~~,. t ,.o ~'l"'~~~,.to, : .... tnt u ·""", . l p t Or • •

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r :nut .lc .... ln r . ?:nllo ,; .... ,." . I'<ro,. ... ~ . and I....,.,..,. c&Yo

~co"''' .,..., .. I nl" "Itt: ~r.ll' I~~ .

~. o.l l . o,,"-oia tn. 1 .. \ .... . =-.1 ~ .... &,.." to .~r..~u"

to! tho Hoo n· . H¥hlon or tl:.. 1>l'1.!"~ .d" .. Uon ".po.~~.

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£d~ . 1'!~ I. '~~Hln ;" .hurn ..... eM! . hl~!r. r , bride", 0 1'.4

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In ... ~ . . .. nl'. ~.nu , "rod .Ul •• ape .... tou .... b1:r >:1\1, t il.

~~e r~'''' . ~ t " Ur:l~. ~. H,.,


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