A Survey of Freshwater Mussel Aggregations on the Lower ... · 8/16/2001  · This report...

A Survey of Freshwater Mussel Aggregations on the Lower Black River, Wisconsin. By David Heath, Ronald Benjamin, Kenneth Von Ruden and Jeffery Janvrin Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources La Crosse, Wisconsin. Final Report March 2004

Transcript of A Survey of Freshwater Mussel Aggregations on the Lower ... · 8/16/2001  · This report...

Page 1: A Survey of Freshwater Mussel Aggregations on the Lower ... · 8/16/2001  · This report summarizes the 2001 to 2002 results of a survey of freshwater mussel aggregations on the

A Survey of Freshwater Mussel Aggregations on

the Lower Black River, Wisconsin. By

David Heath, Ronald Benjamin, Kenneth Von Ruden and Jeffery Janvrin

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Final Report

March 2004

Page 2: A Survey of Freshwater Mussel Aggregations on the Lower ... · 8/16/2001  · This report summarizes the 2001 to 2002 results of a survey of freshwater mussel aggregations on the


This work was supported by the St. Paul District of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Significant in-kind work was contributed by various staff from the Wisconsin

Department of Natural Resources.


Multiply By To obtain

Foot (ft) 3.048x10-1 meter

Mile (mi) 1.609x100 kilometer

Square mile (mi2) 2.590x100 square kilometer

Cubic foot (ft3) 2.832x10-2 cubic meter

Cubic foot per second (cfs) 2.832x10-2 cubic meter per second

Ton (short) 9.072x10-1 megagram or metric ton

Page 3: A Survey of Freshwater Mussel Aggregations on the Lower ... · 8/16/2001  · This report summarizes the 2001 to 2002 results of a survey of freshwater mussel aggregations on the


This report summarizes the 2001 to 2002 results of a survey of freshwater mussel

aggregations on the lower Black River in western Wisconsin. The purpose of this survey

was to inventory and describe potential locations for introduction of the federally

endangered higgins’ eye freshwater mussel (Lampsilis higginsii). This effort was part of

mussel propagation efforts related to the continued operation and maintenance of the

Mississippi River System Navigation project by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers in

cooperation with the associated, multi-agency Mussel Coordination Team.

The lower Black River was chosen, along with other upper Midwestern rivers, for

potential L. higginsii introduction or re-introduction due to its geographic location, size,

mussel community composition and its relatively low risk level for zebra mussel

(Dreissena polymorpha) colonization.

The questions we wanted answered were 1) Where are the potential mussel

aggregations located? 2) Where are known mussel aggregations located? 3) What is the

quality and community composition within the known mussel aggregations? 4) Which of

the known mussel aggregations is of the highest quality and which ones could potentially

support L. higginsii?


The Black River is a 198 mile-long stream located in west central Wisconsin

(Figure 1). It has a drainage basin of 2574 mi² and empties directly into the Mississippi

River near the City of La Crosse, Wisconsin. It descends from its headwaters to the dam

at Black River Falls (river mile 62.4) an average of 6.6 ft/mi. Downstream of this dam, it

descends towards the Mississippi River an average of approximately 1.7 ft/mi. Rock

substrates, derived from Precambrian crystalline bedrock, are present from Black River

Falls upstream 40 miles. Sandy substrates, derived from Cambrian sandstones, dominate

the streambed from Black River Falls downstream to the confluence with the Mississippi

River. These sandstones and eroded sands contribute to a large bedload in the stream. The

total annual sediment load estimated from measurements taken at the at the downstream-

most gage located near Galesville, Wisconsin at river mile 14.1 (USGS 05382000)

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Figure 1. Black River Basin in Wisconsin.

ranged from 42,300 to 471,000 tons and averaged 277,000 tons during the water years

1974-1983 (Rose, 1992).

The mean daily flow is 1788 cubic feet per second (cfs) for the 1931-2003 period

of record. The maximum and minimum flows recorded are 62,000 and 180 cfs,



Page 5: A Survey of Freshwater Mussel Aggregations on the Lower ... · 8/16/2001  · This report summarizes the 2001 to 2002 results of a survey of freshwater mussel aggregations on the


We conducted this mussel aggregation survey on the lower 62.4 miles of the

Black River from the dam at the City of Black River Falls downstream to its confluence

with the Mississippi River (Figure 2). We began by first reviewing all mussel information

previously collected from this reach. Based on previous mussel-related work on the lower

Black River and other similar rivers in the upper Midwest, we assumed that nearly all

mussel aggregations were associated with gravel or rock bars and that very few mussels

are found in shifting sand, which is the dominant substrate type in this reach.

Figure 2. Reach of Black River Studied in 2001 and 2002.

Then, during the summers of 2001 and 2002, we reconnoitered the river using an

outboard engine-powered canoe and airboat to locate and map gravel and rock bars as


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well as visible mussel aggregations. We located and mapped these either visually or using

a 10 ft-long pole that was probed into the substrate. Bars and aggregations were recorded

using a Lowrance Globalnav ® 212 Geographic Positioning System receiver as well as

United States Geological Survey 7.5 Minute Series Topographic maps and aerial

photographs from various sources. Approximate widths, lengths and general substrate

characteristics were taken at each bar and mussel aggregation.

Bars and preliminarily identified mussel aggregations found during the

reconnaissance survey were prioritized for future detailed examination based on the

potential for a mussel aggregation. The potential existence of a mussel aggregation was

based on the size of the bar, its’ substrate characteristics and presence or absence of

mussels or mussel shells.

Detailed examinations included sampling mussels using SCUBA divers. Two

divers both visually and tactilely characterized substrates in a portion of, or throughout

the entire previously identified bar or aggregation. Most locations examined were

sampled for at least 5 minutes during which we collected all living and dead mussels

encountered. We defined a mussel aggregation as a location where we found at least five

living mussels in one hour of collecting. All mussels encountered both living and dead,

were brought to the surface, identified and counted. We did not measure mussel

population density, but at most locations examined, we visually estimated this density.


Previous Mussel Work

A number of surveys limited in scope and extent have been done on the lower

Black River, but no comprehensive survey has ever been done. During 1976, Mathiak

(1979) examined 5 locations and found about 27 individuals representing 8 species

(Table 1). From 1981-1997, various collectors, including Heath (Unpub), Wisconsin

Department of Natural Resources (Unpub.) and Havlik (Ohio State University Museum

of Biological Diversity collections) recorded 200 living individuals representing 15

species and 3 additional species represented by dead individuals. No living or dead L.

higginsii were recorded from any of these investigations.


Page 7: A Survey of Freshwater Mussel Aggregations on the Lower ... · 8/16/2001  · This report summarizes the 2001 to 2002 results of a survey of freshwater mussel aggregations on the

Mathiak Misc. This StudyTAXON 1976 1981-1996 2001-2002Actinonaias ligamentina carinata L LAlasmidonta marginata L LAmblema plicata plicata L LAnodonta grandis form corpulenta L L LAnodonta suborbiculata DEllipsaria lineolata LFusconaia flava L L LLampsilis siliquoidea L L LLampsilis cardium L L LLasmigona complanata complanata L L LLasmigona compressa LLasmigona costata D LLeptodea fragilis L L LLigumia recta L LPleurobema sintoxia L LPotamilus alatus L L LQuadrula metanevra DQuadrula pustulosa pustulosa D LQuadrula quadrula LSimpsonaias ambigua LStrophitus undulatus undulatus L LToxolasma parvus LTritogonia verrucosa L L LTruncilla donaciformis LTruncilla truncata L LTOTAL INDIVIDUALS 27 200 1536TOTAL SPECIES REPRSENTED LIVING 8 15 23ADDITIONAL SPECIES REPRESENTED DEAD 0 3 1

Table 1. List of Freshwater Mussel Species Found in the Lower Black River, Wisconsin.

Reconnaissance Survey of Gravel and Rock Bars

A total of 125 gravel bars, rock bars or mussel aggregations were found during

the reconnaissance survey. These locations are shown in Figure 3. Over half of these 125

bars were located in the upstream one-third of the study reach. This is consistent with the

geology of the lower Black River. There are decreasing remnants of the crystalline


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bedrock and increasing volumes of unconsolidated sand the farther one is downstream

from Black River Falls.

Figure 3. Location of 125 Gravel Bars and Rock Bars Found During the 2001-2002 Lower Black River Reconnaissance Survey.

Not only were most bars located in the upstream reach, total area of bars was

distributed differently from upstream to downstream. The upstream one-third of the study

reach accounted for 77.7% of the total bar surface area of 39.38 ha. The average size of

bars increased from downstream to upstream. Near the mouth, the average bar size was

close to 1500m², at river mile 30 the average size was about 1100m² while near Black

River Falls at mile 62, the mean size was about 11000m² (Figure 4). The total surface

area of bars (38.38 ha) covered 4% of the total instream surface area of 962.7 ha.


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Figure 4. Size of Mussel Aggregations Found During the 2001-2002 Lower Black River Survey.










0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

River Mile



A total of 71 of the 125 bars were examined in detail. Of the priority 1 locations,

19 of the 20 were examined in detail. A total of 40 of the 50 priority 2 and 12 of the 55

priority 3 locations were examined (Table 2).

Mussel Aggregations

Of the 71 bars that were examined in detail, 49 (69%) were mussel aggregations

based primarily on finding an average of greater than five mussels per hour of searching

(Table 2).

The distribution of mussel aggregations had a similar spatial pattern as gravel

bars. A total of 60.3% of the aggregations were in the upstream one-third of the study

reach. The upstream one-third of the study reach accounted for 84% of the total mussel

aggregation surface area of 22.7 ha². The average size of aggregations generally

increased from downstream to upstream. Near the mouth, the average bar size was

2226m², at river mile 30 the average size was about 1537m² while near Black River Falls

at mile 62, the mean size was about 12299m².


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MAP_CODE RIVERMI PRIORITY EXAMINED BED CPH AREA (m²) MAP_CODE RIVERMI PRIORITY EXAMINED BED CPH AREA (m²)CG 2.66 3 n 373 CV 41.16 2 y y 5.00 298CF2 8.11 3 n 404 AQ 41.27 2 y y 20.40 3750

CF1 8.24 3 y y 62.61 4938 AP 41.45 3 n 960

CE 8.75 2 y y 12.86 558 AO3 41.50 2 n 142

CD2 9.49 3 n 184 AO2 41.75 2 n 206

CD1 9.80 3 y y 88.24 457 AO1 41.82 3 y y 25.38 508

CC 12.29 1 y y 39.72 1440 AN 44.78 2 y n 9789

CB 14.20 2 y y 48.00 5283 AM 45.32 2 y y 7.50 4765

CA2 14.58 3 y n 5.45 1414 AL 45.49 3 n y 511

CA1 14.76 3 n 71 AK 45.77 3 y y 2711

BZ6 15.37 2 y n 710 AJ 46.45 3 y y 14.12 7739

BZ5 15.44 2 n 51 AI 46.67 2 y y 40.00 1571

BZ4 15.50 2 n 64 AH 47.05 2 y y 41.74 827BZ3 15.55 2 y n 2.40 69 AG 47.40 2 y n 10.00 5143

BZ2 15.61 2 n 40 AF 47.92 2 y y 31.76 12508

BZ1 15.64 2 y y 24.00 35 AE3 48.46 2 y y 3.25 805

BY 16.99 1 y y 11.20 4297 AE2 48.54 2 y n 0.00 821

BX 17.37 1 y y 90.40 1699 AE1 48.57 2 n 526

BW 18.48 1 y y 6.67 1157 AD 49.14 3 n 1088

BV 19.62 3 n 638 AC 49.37 3 n 1885

BU 20.34 3 n 1988 AB 49.85 3 n 4983

BT 21.85 2 y n 3791 AA 50.18 3 n 2283

BS 23.99 3 y n 2322 Z 50.57 3 n 276

BR 25.76 3 y n 607 Y 51.27 2 y y 12.44 4217

BQ 25.98 3 n 1112 X 51.53 3 n 1919BP2 26.52 3 n 1435 W 52.50 1 y y 0.00 16619

BP1 26.66 3 n 244 V 53.10 2 n 2143

BO 27.37 3 n 938 CP 53.50 2 y y 3806

BN2 29.55 3 n 352 U 54.21 1 y y 46.00 25266

BN1 29.64 3 n 297 T2 54.60 3 n 364

BM 30.30 2 y y 8.57 162 T1 54.72 3 n 349

BL 30.82 3 n 2208 S 55.08 3 n 163

BK2 31.07 2 y n 5.00 7311 R2 55.38 2 y y 27.50 8555

BK1 31.37 3 n 4624 R1 55.50 2 y y 12.31 5601

BJ 32.00 3 n 1515 Q 55.70 2 y y 30.00 1914

BI 32.74 3 n 35 P 55.90 2 y y 120.00 3355

CT 32.91 3 y y 16.55 2461 O 56.19 2 y y 66.32 7110BH 32.92 2 y n 0.00 4475 L 56.48 3 y n 2.00 4398

BG2 33.06 3 n 165 N 57.02 3 n 736

BG1 33.14 3 n 174 M 57.17 3 n 4295

BF 34.96 3 n 2841 CI 57.42 1 y y 44.00 1067

BE 35.08 2 y y 13.33 496 CJ 57.52 1 y y 22.50 363

CW 35.47 2 y y 490 K 57.64 3 n 349

BD2 35.80 3 n 1304 J 57.80 3 y n 3.33 1199

BD1 36.09 3 n 108 CK 57.92 1 y y 8.18 453

BC 36.91 3 n 46 CL 57.93 1 y y 60.00 775

BB 37.40 1 y y 112.26 2005 CM 58.01 1 y y 154.67 878

BA 37.87 3 n 86 CN 58.07 1 y 367

AZ 38.31 2 n 754 CO 58.09 3 y y 19.33 1548

AY 38.60 3 n 3012 I 58.45 2 y y 9.43 6827CR 39.11 3 n 2326 H2 58.97 2 y y 7.59 26426

AX 39.50 2 y n 2146 H1 59.38 2 y y 20157

AW 39.59 2 y n 0.00 2728 G 59.84 2 n 8812

CQ 39.74 2 y y 38.18 610 F3 60.30 1 y y 55.38 5396

AV 39.76 2 y n 0.00 860 F2 60.58 2 y n 1112

AU 40.02 3 n 82 F1 60.62 1 y y 42.00 1094

AT 40.42 2 y y 14.91 363 E2 60.72 1 y y 10.71 14347

AS3 40.64 3 n 48 E1 61.08 1 y n 1.58 39221

AS2 40.71 2 y n 724 C 61.49 1 y n 0.00 4759

AS1 40.85 3 n 5718 D 61.49 1 n 997

AR2 40.99 2 n 162 B 61.90 1 y n 24.00 13708

AR1 41.10 2 y y 7.14 773 A 62.17 3 n 638CU 41.15 2 y n 873

Table 2. List of Gravel and Rock Bars, Rivermile, Survey Priority, Detailed Examination Status, Bed Status, Catch Per Hour and Total Surface Area. Lower Black River, 2001-2002.


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Figure 6. Location of Mussel Aggregations Found During the 2001-2002 Lower Black River. = Known Mussel Aggregation Locations. O = Examined & Not an


In locations determined to be aggregations, the mean catch of living mussels per

hour (CPH) was 34.8 (maximum = 154.7, minimum = 0.0). This is probably quite low

compared to other local large rivers. Locations of aggregations are given in Figure 6.

Although there were more and larger bars in the upstream part of the study reach,

the CPH for all bars (including mussel aggregations and non-aggregations) was similar

throughout the study reach. There was not an upstream-downstream trend observed for

CPH. The mean CPH for all bars was 27.8 (maximum = 154.7, minimum = 0.0) (Table

2). Also, there was no upstream-downstream trend in CPH apparent for bars that were

aggregations and bars that were not. This suggests that there was no general longitudinal

pattern of mussel density throughout the study reach within bars and aggregations.


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Species Richness

During this survey, a total of 23 species were represented among 1536 living

individuals (Table 1). One additional species was represented by a dead individual only

(Anodonta suborbiculata). We found every species that has been recorded from the river

prior to 2001 except for a subfossil empty shell of Quadrula metanevra found by Heath

(Unpub.) during 1991. No specimens of L. higginsii were found.

Species richness for the lower Black River was slightly lower than other large

Mississippi River tributaries in Wisconsin. The lower Wisconsin River (see Figure 1),

which contains L. higginsii, has about 29 species while the lower Chippewa River has 28

(Figure 5). However, for similar sample sizes (about 1600 individuals), species richness

was about the same among the three rivers. The lower Black River contained 23 species,

while the lower Chippewa had 26 and the lower Wisconsin River 24. Additional

sampling on the lower Black River may provide a very small number of additional


Figure 5. Species Richness for Lower Black, Wisconsin and Chippewa Rivers.








0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600

Cumulative Number of Individuals






of T


Lwr. Black R.

Lwr. Wi. R.

Lwr. Chippewa R.

We analyzed species associates of L. higginsii over a broad geographic scale in

the upper Midwest. Several mussels were associated with this species in particular river

reaches and some were weakly associated or mutually exclusive. Results of this analysis

are given in Table 3.


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Strongly Associated Moderately Associated Weakly or Never AssociatedArcidens confragosus Tritogonia verrusoca Alasmidonta viridisEllipsaria lineolata. Obovaria olivaria Anodonta cataractaElliptio crassidens crassiden Truncilla truncata Anodontoides ferusscianusFusconaia ebena Lasmigona compressa (occasionally found with L.h.)Lampsilis teres form anodontoides Lasmigona costata (occasionally found with L.h.)Lampsilis teres form teres Venustaconcha e. ellipsiformis (rarely found with L.h.)Megalonaias nervosa Villosa i. irisPotamilus ohiensisQuadrula metanevraQuadrula nodulataTruncilla donaciformis

Table 3. Species Associates of Lampsilis higginsii.

A total of 11 taxa are strongly associated with L. higginsii. Of these, only two taxa

(E. lineolata and T. donaciformis) were present on the lower Black River. On the lower

Wisconsin River and the Mississippi River, where L. higginsii is present, 9 of these 11

and all 11 associates are present, respectively. A total of 2 of the 3 moderate associates

are present in the lower Black River while all 3 are present in the lower Wisconsin River

and Mississippi River. Of the weakly associated or mutually exclusive taxa, 2 of the 7 are

present in the lower Black River while three are present in the lower Wisconsin River and

none in the Mississippi River. This comparison suggests that the lower Black River may

not contain a mussel community that is associated with the presence of L. higginsii.

Relative Abundance and Species Distribution Patterns

The fauna was dominated by the lithophilic Simpsonaias ambigua which

accounted for 17% of the sample (Table 5). It was followed by Lampsilis cardium and

Tritogonia verrucosa. Only single specimens each were found of Ellipsaria lineolata,

Truncilla donaciformis, Lasmigona compressa, Quadrula p. pustulosa and Q. quadrula.

All but 7 of the 23 species were found throughout the study reach.

Three of the twenty-three species found were seen predominately in the upstream

half of the study reach and were very rare or absent from the downstream half. These

were Lasmigona costata, Alasmidonta marginata, Strophitus u. undulatus,

Four species were found only in the downstream half. These were Truncilla

donaciformis, Toxolasma parvus, Quadrula quadrula and Ellipsaria lineolata.


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1 Actinonaias ligamentina carinata 20 19 12 1.32 Alasmidonta marginata 15 4 13 1.03 Amblema plicata plicata 2 3 18 0.14 Anodonta grandis form corpulenta 119 58 7 7.75 Anodonta suborbiculata 0 1 0.06 Ellipsaria lineolata 1 0 19 0.17 Fusconaia flava 121 363 6 7.99 Lampsilis cardium 170 188 2 11.18 Lampsilis siliquoidea 101 111 9 6.610 Lasmigona complanata complanata 158 47 4 10.311 Lasmigona compressa 1 2 19 0.112 Lasmigona costata 13 7 14 0.813 Leptodea fragilis 143 101 5 9.314 Ligumia recta 70 40 10 4.615 Pleurobema sintoxia 107 133 8 7.016 Potamilus alatus 46 10 11 3.017 Quadrula pustulosa pustulosa 1 1 19 0.118 Quadrula quadrula 1 0 19 0.119 Simpsonaias ambigua 260 29 1 16.920 Strophitus undulatus undulatus 7 7 16 0.521 Toxolasma parvus 4 1 17 0.322 Tritogonia verrucosa 167 29 3 10.923 Truncilla donaciformis 1 0 19 0.124 Truncilla truncata 8 9 15 0.525 unidentified 0 1 0.0

TOTAL 1536 1164 100.0


Table 5. Number of Living and Dead Mussels Found, Relative Abundance,Lower Black River, 2001-2002.


Suggested Locations for Introduction of L. higginsii

We did a rank analysis of locations that L. higginsii could be introduced. Mussel

aggregations were ranked based on a measure of population density (CPH) and the spatial

size of the aggregation. This ranking was dependent upon the following assumptions.

We assumed that L. higginsii is most likely to be found in locations with

relatively high population densities. Also, locations with relatively high population

densities would have a greater chance for a successful introduction and habitation and

provide for instream mussel reproduction. Past work on various rivers has suggested that

sometimes L. higginsii is associated with relatively high total mussel population

densities. (Baker, et al. 1994; Miller, and Payne. 1997).

A second assumption was that introductions at locations where the size of the

aggregation was relatively large would be more successful than locations that were


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smaller. Larger aggregations may have more long term stability, a factor that is probably

very important in a stream like the Black River which is dominated by shifting, sandy

substrates and large fluctuations in water elevations and discharge. Also, due to the

broadcast nature of some introduction methods, for example the release of free-ranging

fish infested with glochidia or the use of inoculated host fish confined in open-bottomed

cages, the chances of newly dropped juvenile mussels settling on suitable substrate would

be greater in a larger aggregation.

The rank analysis is given in Table 4. We did not include species richness in the

ranking because of highly variable and often small sample sizes which can influence

richness values. The mussel aggregations with the highest combined ranking of CPH and

surface area were locations “U”, “O”, “F3”, “CF1”, “P”, “CB” and “AF”. All 7 of these

aggregations ranked in the top 20 of CPH or surface area.

Location “U” is a 1023 m-long aggregation located on the left descending bank at

river mile 54.2 (Figure 7). It has a surface area of 25266 m² and a width of 8 to 63 m. The

substrate here was primarily rubble, followed in composition by gravel and coarse sand.

The current during normal low discharges was slow and the maximum depth was 1.3m.

We found a total of 13 mussel species here among a total of 46 individuals collected. We

found no locations that could be protective of caged fish inoculated with mussel glochidia

during high discharges. This suggests that there is some risk of cage disturbance and

dislodgment here if mussel introductions or reintroduction were attempted here.

Location “O” is a 245 m-long aggregation located on the left descending bank at

river mile 56.19 (Figure 8). It has a surface area of 7110 m² and a width of 14 to 22 m.

The substrate here was primarily rubble and gravel. We found a total of 11 mussel

species here among a total of 21 individuals collected. We found no locations that could

be protective of caged fish inoculated with mussel glochidia during high discharges.

Location F3 is a 936 m-long aggregation located on the right descending bank at

river mile 60.3 (Figure 9). It has a surface area of 5396 m² and a width of 4 to 9 m. The

substrate here was primarily rubble and gravel. We found a total of 7 mussel species here

among a total of 24 individuals collected. We found no locations that could be protective

of caged fish inoculated with mussel glochidia during high discharges.

Location “CF1” is a 279 m-long aggregation located on the right descending bank


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U 54.2 46.00 25265.508 11 2 1 13 46O 56.2 66.32 7109.619 6 9 2 11 21F3 60.3 55.38 5395.501 9 12 3 7 24

CF1 8.2 62.61 4938.225 7 14 3 12 139P 55.9 120.00 3354.992 2 20 4 6 24

CB 14.2 48.00 5283.068 10 13 5 10 48AF 47.9 31.76 12508.029 18 6 6 2 9BB 37.4 112.26 2004.693 3 23 7 9 116R2 55.4 27.50 8555.125 20 7 8 6 11BX 17.4 90.40 1699.165 4 25 9 16 339CM 58.0 154.67 877.528 1 32 10 16 232AJ 46.5 14.12 7739.354 28 8 11 4 4E2 60.72 10.71 14346.869 34 5 12 7 25H2 59.0 7.59 26425.905 39 1 13 6 10H1 59.38 8.46 20156.597 37 3 13 7 22AI 46.7 40.00 1570.738 15 26 14 9 14R1 55.5 12.31 5600.93 32 11 15 7 8AQ 41.3 20.40 3750.023 24 19 15 6 17Q 55.7 30.00 1913.993 19 24 15 1 3F1 60.62 42.00 1093.553 13 30 15 7 24CI 57.4 44.00 1066.913 12 31 15 6 11CL 57.9 60.00 774.651 8 35 15 8 15CC 12.3 39.72 1439.772 16 28 16 5 47

I 58.5 9.43 6827.026 35 10 17 7 11AH 47.1 41.74 826.691 14 33 18 7 16Y 51.3 12.44 4216.653 31 17 19 10 36

CT 32.9 16.55 2461.022 26 22 19 2 8CD1 9.8 88.24 457.265 5 43 19 10 75BY 17.0 11.20 4297.121 33 16 20W 52.5 0.00 16618.98 46 4 21 2 2

CO 58.1 19.33 1548.022 25 27 22CQ 39.7 38.18 610.112 17 37 23 4 7AM 45.3 7.50 4765.071 40 15 24 1 1AO1 41.8 25.38 508.036 21 40 25 6 14CP 53.5 0.28 3806.106 45 18 26 11 53CE 8.8 12.86 557.903 30 38 27 2 3CJ 57.5 22.50 362.841 23 46 28 1 3BE 35.1 13.33 495.936 29 41 29 3 6BW 18.5 6.67 1156.776 42 29 30 3 6BZ1 15.6 24.00 35.185 22 49 30 1 6AT 40.4 14.91 363.006 27 45 31 7 41

AR1 41.1 7.14 773.485 41 36 32 7 20AE3 48.5 3.25 805.216 44 34 33 7 13CK 57.9 8.18 452.64 38 44 34 3 3BM 30.3 8.57 161.984 36 48 35 3 5CV 41.2 5.00 297.827 43 47 36 4 4AK 45.8 2711.262 21 3 3AL 45.5 511.291 39CW 35.5 490.445 42

Table 4. Ranking of Lower Black River Mussel Aggregations based on Catch per Hours and Total Surface Area.


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at river mile 8.24 (Figure 10). It has a surface area of 4938 m² and a width of 2 to 27 m.

The substrate here was primarily gravel followed by rubble and coarse sand. We found a

total of 12 mussel species here among a total of 139 individuals collected. We found no

locations that could be protective of caged fish inoculated with mussel glochidia during

high discharges.

Location “P” is a 173 m-long aggregation located on the left descending bank at

river mile 55.9 (Figure 11). It has a surface area of 3355 m² and a width of 17 to 21 m.

The substrate here was primarily gravel and rubble. We found a total of 6 mussel species

here among a total of 24 individuals collected. We found no locations that could be

protective of caged fish inoculated with mussel glochidia during high discharges.

Location “CB” is a 1286 m-long aggregation containing two disjunct segments

located on the left descending bank at river mile 14.2 (Figure 12). It has a surface area of

5283 m² and a width of 3 to 6.5 m. The substrate in the downstream segment, outside of

Council Bay, was dominated by equal amounts for boulder and rubble followed by coarse

sand. The segment within Council Bay was dominated by fine sand followed by muck

and silt. Maximum depth throughout this aggregation was 1 m. There was no perceivable

current within Council Bay and a moderate current in portions outside of the bay. We

found a total of 10 mussel species here among a total of 48 individuals collected. Council

Bay provided an evidently excellent location that could be protective of caged fish

inoculated with mussel glochidia during high discharges. Although this bay would not

provide suitable habitat for adult L. higginsii due to its silty substrate and lack of current,

mussels could be reared here until they attained suitable size for outplanting at a more

riverine location.

Location “AF” 610 is a 600m-long aggregation located on the left descending

bank at river mile 47.9 (Figure 13). It has a surface area of 12508 m² and a width of 45 to

11 m. The substrate here was primarily bedrock in the upstream half with gravel and

rubble from shore out 5m. The lower half is a mix of bedrock and gravel and rubble. We

found a total of 2 mussel species here among a total of 9 individuals collected. An

additional 5 species were found dead along the shoreline. We found no locations that

could be protective of caged fish inoculated with mussel glochidia during high



Page 18: A Survey of Freshwater Mussel Aggregations on the Lower ... · 8/16/2001  · This report summarizes the 2001 to 2002 results of a survey of freshwater mussel aggregations on the

Figure7. Map of Mussel Aggregation "U".

MUSSEL AGGREGATION “U” Latitude/Longitude 44° 13’ 23.5”N, 90° 52’ 28.4”W Public Land Survey Twp. 20N, Rng. 4W, Sec. 8 SE ¼, Jackson County, Wisconsin. River Mile 52.4 Visually Est. Density 2/m² Rank 1


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Figure 8. Map of Mussel Aggregation "O".

MUSSEL AGGREGATION “O” Latitude/Longitude 44° 14’ 12.5”N, 90° 52’ 46.1”W Public Land Survey Twp. 20N, Rng. 4W, Sec. 5 SE ¼, Jackson County, Wisconsin. River Mile 56.19 Visually Est. Density 1.5/m² Rank 2


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Figure 9. Map of Mussel Aggregation "F3".

MUSSEL AGGREGATION “F3” Latitude/Longitude 44° 16’ 38.0”N, 90° 51’ 38.2”W Public Land Survey Twp. 21N, Rng. 4W, Sec. 22 SW ¼, Twp. 21N, Rng. 4W, Sec.

27 NW ¼, Jackson County, Wisconsin. River Mile 60.3 Visually Est. Density 1/m² Rank 3


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Figure 10. Map of Mussel Aggregation "CF1".

MUSSEL AGGREGATION “CF1” Latitude/Longitude 44° 1’ 2.6”N, 91° 10’ 39.8”W Public Land Survey Twp. 18N, Rng. 8W, Sec. 21 SW ¼, Trempealeau County,

Wisconsin. River Mile 8.24 Visually Est. Density 5/m² Rank 3


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Figure 11. Map of Mussel Aggregation "P".

MUSSEL AGGREGATION “P” Latitude/Longitude 44° 14’ 3.3”N, 90° 53’ 3.6”W Public Land Survey Twp. 20N, Rng. 4W, Sec. 5 SW ¼, Jackson County, Wisconsin. River Mile 55.9 Visually Est. Density Rank 4


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Figure 12. Map of Mussel Aggregation "CB".

MUSSEL AGGREGATION “CB” Latitude/Longitude 44° 3’ 35.3”N, 90° 17’ 00.8”W Public Land Survey Twp. 18N, Rng. 8W, Sec. 1, La Crosse County, Wisconsin. River Mile 14.2 Visually Est. Density 0.05/m² Rank 5


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Figure 13. Map of Mussel Aggregation "AF".

MUSSEL AGGREGATION “AF” Latitude/Longitude 44° 10’ 31.4”N, 90° 53’ 34.7”W Public Land Survey Twp. 20N, Rng. 4W, Sec. 29 SW ¼, Twp. 20N, Rng. 4W, Sec.

30 SE ¼, Jackson County, Wisconsin. River Mile 47.92 Visually Est. Density Rank 6


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1) A total of 125 gravel and rock bars were identified during a census of the lower 62.4

miles of the Black River, Wisconsin. The total surface area of bars (38.38 ha) covered

4% of the total instream surface area of 962.7 ha. The majority of gravel bars and the

greatest proportion of bar surface area were located in the upstream one-third of the

study reach.

2) Of the 71 bars that were examined in detail, 49 (69%) were mussel aggregations as

defined here (>5 mussels/hour). The majority of mussel aggregations and the greatest

proportion of aggregations surface area were located in the upstream one-third of the

study reach.

3) A total of 23 species were represented among 1536 living individuals. One additional

species was represented by a dead individual only. Black River species richness was

somewhat lower than other large tributary stream to the Mississippi River in

Wisconsin. More sampling may provide additional species.

4) The lower Black River may not contain a mussel community that is associated with

the presence of L. higginsii. Only two of the taxa strongly associated with L. higginsii

were found. This compares with the lower Wisconsin River, where L. higginsii is

present, which has 9. A total of 2 moderate associates are present in the lower Black

River while 3 are present in the lower Wisconsin River.

5) Of the 49 mussel aggregations, we recommended 5 based on CPH and total surface

area as locations where L. higginsii introductions may be most successful. However,

given the relatively low density of mussels, absence of L. higginsii, low numbers of

associates, limited cage placement options, more suitable tributary and Mississippi

River mainstem locations; other waterbodies may have a higher suitability for


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introductions. However, the lower Black River may be suitable for a juvenile rearing

waterbody for latter outplanting.


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Baker, Patrick, Daniel J. Hornbach and Tony Deneka. 1994. Abundance and distribution of the endangered mussel Lampsilis higginsi in the lower St. Croix River, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Interim Rpt to USFWS. Macalester College. 50+ pp. Mathiak, Harold A. 1979. A river survey of the unionid mussels of Wisconsin, 1973-77. Sand Shell Press, Horicon, Wisconsin. 75 pp. Miller, A. C. and B. S. Payne. 1997. Value of selected mussel beds in the upper Mississippi River for Lampsilis higginsi. Technical Report EL-97-13, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. Rose, W. J. 1992. Sediment Transport, Particle Sizes, and Loads in Lower Reaches of the Chippewa, Black, and Wisconsin Rivers in Western Wisconsin. U.S. Geological Survey. Water Resources Investigations Report 90-4124.

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A 62.17 3 n Large rock w/ coarse sand and gravel interspersed grading to hard-packed sand 20m below canal outlet - appears poor but worth looking at for mussels. Loose coarse sand on each side of main current.

B 61.90 1 y n Around island, all but RDB channel looks OK. RDB too scoured. L. siliquoidea 4D), L. complanata (1 D), L. cardium (3D), S. u. undulatus (1 D). L. recta (2L) L. siliquoidea (2 L). LDB channel is very good. Gravel. At rock outcropping on LDB at lower end o

C 61.49 1 y n Small gravel bar. ~ 15m wide, LDB, Channel center sand. 080901:�20m wide. Rubble, boulders. Sand mound beyond 20m

D 61.49 1 n Small gravel bar. ~ 10m wide, RDB, Channel center sand. Lampsilis siliquoidea (1L).

E1 61.08 1 y n E. RDB, Rock Springs, rubble. RDB large shoreline boulders for Simpsonaias ambigua habitat. Mostly rock all across channel. Long stretch of rubble, gravel, and boulder. Lampsilis cardium (1D). 080901:Not a bed. Too much bedrock/boulder with sand between.

E2 60.72 1 y y E. RDB, Rock Springs, rubble. RDB large shoreline boulders for Simpsonaias ambigua habitat. Mostly rock all across channel. Long stretch of rubble, gravel, and boulder. Lampsilis cardium (1D). Bar combined w/ E3.

F1 60.62 1 n y F. Downstream of rock pile on RDB and all way across but best on RDB along gravel shore. Mussel population density 2-5/m2. Upstream ~200m from power line. Fusconaia flava (3D), Alasmidonta marginata (1D), Pleurobema sintoxia (2D), L. cardium (1D). 44o 16

F2 60.58 2 y n LDB, gravel, 0-20m from shore, 44 o 16' 34", 90 o 51' 23".

F3 60.30 1 y y RDB, gravel, 0-3m off shore, 44o 16' 26.0", 90o 51' 10.6". Snorkeled ~20 min. Many, L. cardium (4L), L. siliquoidea,(12L,1D), P. alatus (1L), A.l.carinata (2D), L.recta (1L, 2D), L..f ragilis (1L,) Poor density.

G 59.84 2 n G. LDB, 10m from shore, mostly boulder.

H1 59.38 2 y y H. LDB & center - rubble, goes to center.

H2 58.97 2 y y H. LDB & center - rubble, goes to center.. Best density on lower end.


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I 58.45 2 y y I. LDB to 10m out, gravel, rubble. 080901: 6m wide at top, density, <1/m2.

CO 58.09 3 y y about 6m wide, along RDB side of Hawk Is. channel. Poor denisty - most mussels in very shallow water, washed in.

CN 58.07 1 y y CN�New bar. Shale, unknown width. (sampled 080901, ~3m wide, lots of mussels).

CM 58.01 1 y y CM�Sampled. ~100m long,

CL 57.93 1 y y CL�~100m long (LDB of Hawk Is. Channel). Extends downstr. To 60m upstr of CK (Bedrock cliff). 15/m2. Lower downstream 1/3 where is shallower. 7 m wide. Sampled 080701.

CK 57.92 1 y y LDB of Hawk Is. Channel. Along cliff. 5m wide for 40m, 7m for 40m then 3m for 30m. 110m long total. Mussel Pop. Den. appears lower where 3m wide. Lots of boulders. Sampled 080701.

J 57.80 3 y n J. LDB of RDB channel of Hawk Island, above Mason's Landing. 0-10m wide gravel, rubble. sampled 080701, low density, <1/m

K 57.64 3 n K. RDB, 0-5m, gravel, below boat landing.

CJ 57.52 1 y y CJ�5mX80m. ~ 1/m2 mussel density - relatively high. Unstable but still mussels present. sampled 080701, ~1/m

CI 57.42 1 y y CI�~5m wide, ~3/m2 mussel density. Spotty for mussels. ~ 300m long. Sampled 080701, ~5 m wide, ~3/m

M 57.17 3 n M. RDB, shallow, exposed gravel bar, small, low quality bed, 44 o 14' 46.1", 90o 52' 45.3".

N 57.02 3 n N. LDB, Large midden, 60m downstream of grassy areas, LDB. See Wisconsin Mussel Survey Form. Counted nearly all. 44o 14' 42.2", 90o 52' 51.6". Extends downstream 100 m.

L 56.48 3 y n L. Cross stream LDB to RDB, near exposed gravel bar. sampled 080701, very low Population density.

O 56.19 2 y y O. LDB, 44o 14' 25.9", 90o 52' 46.4", 0-20m out from shore, gravel bar downs to head of island ~200m. Sampled 080701.

P 55.90 2 y y P. LDB, gravel, rubble bar. 44o 14' 3.0", 90o 53' 6.4" which is ~100m downstream form upstream end of bar.. samped 080701, 20m wide just below grill.

Q 55.70 2 y y Q. LDB, across from creek mouths, 15m wide. Sampled 080701, ~10m wide, 5m wide below.

R1 55.50 2 y n R. Thalweg, bend, gravel.

R2 55.38 2 y y gravel. rip-rap shoreline.

S 55.08 3 n S. LDB, 40m long, 5m wide, shoreline gravel bar. F. flava (1D).


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T1 54.72 3 n T. RDB, 70m long, 5m wide, gravel.

T2 54.60 3 n T. RDB, 70m long, 5m wide, gravel.

U 54.21 1 y y U. LDB, 2/3 channel-width at upstream end, 5m at downstream end. Gravel, very long. Sampled 081601, is a bed. 20m wide.

CP 53.50 2 y y at existing known mussel bed.

V 53.10 2 n V. LDB, across from Long Island, 8m wide, many large middens.

W 52.50 1 y y W. LDB, along high ground, 4m width upstream, ~0.1/m

X 51.53 3 n X. LDB, narrow gravel, ~150m long.

Y 51.27 2 y y sampled 081601, is a bed.

Z 50.57 3 n Z. LDB, 44o 12' 0.7", 90o 53' ?5.2", 3m wide gravel, poor quality, few shells, ~100m long. L. recta (1D).

AA 50.18 3 n AA. RDB, 4m wide, ~100m long.


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AB 49.85 3 n AB�LDB, along bluff, ~15m wide, 5m at lower end. Mostly bedrock. Not great looking habitat.

AC 49.37 3 n AC�LDB, above Irving, spotty, location uncertain.

AD 49.14 3 n AD�RDB, above Irving, along grass. Very narrow, may be poor, may have sampled before.

AE1 48.57 2 n

AE2 48.54 2 y n AE�RDB, ~10m wide, fine gravel, ~50m long, 44o 10' 55.3", 90o 53' 58.8". There is an upper and lower segment to this bar, see map, RDB, 10m upstream of island. Dove 082702

AE3 48.46 2 y y AE�RDB, ~10m wide, fine gravel, ~50m long, 44o 10' 55.3", 90o 53' 58.8". There is an upper and lower segment to this bar, see map, RDB, 10m upstream of island. Dove 082702

AF 47.92 2 y y AF�LDB, along bluff and below, upper 081601, is a bed.

AG 47.40 2 y n AG�LDB, 12m wide, mostly sandy, gravel. Sampled 082702, 20m wide. Very poor densities.

AH 47.05 2 y n AH�RDB, small area above mouth and house - gravel. 0-5m out from shore. Sampled 082702, not a great location. bed ~10m wide. ~0.1/m

AI 46.67 2 y y AI�LDB, ~200m long, gravel, opposite Lost Falls Campground. sampled 081601, is a bed. 6m wide.

AJ 46.45 3 y y AJ�RDB, ~RMI 46.4, just below Lost Falls Campground. Wider at top (1/2 channel), 1/5 channel in middle, like very good gravel.

AK 45.77 3 y y AK�RDB, 5-10m wide, ~250m long, gravel seam, 44o 10' 6.0", 90o 54' 35.2" (taken at head of bar). Waded 5 personXminutes, Tritogonia verrucosa (1L, 3D), F. flava (1L, 5D), L. silquoidea (1L). Lots of shells.

AL 45.49 3 n y AL�LDB, small, 50m long, 10m wide gravel/rubble. Shells present.

AM 45.32 2 y y AM�LDB, along bluff, mostly bedrock except 0-5m from shore which is rubble. Shells present.


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AN 44.78 2 y n AN�LDB. No shells present. Along bluff, at upper half of bar, goes out to mid-channel, all bedrock. The lower half of bar is 10m wide, more gravel and sand here. Waded downstr half, 081601, all bedrock.


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AO1 41.82 3 y n AO�LDB, below head of side-channel, 6m wide. 44o 08' 34.2", 90o 57' 7.8". GPS taken at 10m downstream of upper end of upstream patch. Contains 3 patches: upper one 80m and is the best. L. siliquoidea (2L), P. alatus (1L).

AO2 41.75 2 n AO�LDB, below head of side-channel, 6m wide. 44o 08' 34.2", 90o 57' 7.8". GPS taken at 10m downstream of upper end of upstream patch. Contains 3 patches: upper one 80m and is the best. L. siliquoidea (2L), P. alatus (1L).

AO3 41.50 2 n AO�LDB, below head of side-channel, 6m wide. 44o 08' 34.2", 90o 57' 7.8". GPS taken at 10m downstream of upper end of upstream patch. Contains 3 patches: upper one 80m and is the best. L. siliquoidea (2L), P. alatus (1L).

AP 41.45 3 n AP�RDB, from 50m upstream to 50m downstream of concrete rip-rap. Salamander mussel habitat in form of concrete slabs present. In upstream rest (downstream

AQ 41.27 2 y y AQ�Gravel to mid-channel. Shells present. 44o 08' 16.4", 90o 57' 32.1". GPS taken at lower 081601, deleted upper half. Rest 0.3/m

CV 41.16 2 y y along pasture, observed gravel on shoreline. Examined 082702.

CU 41.15 2 y n along pasture, observed rock on shoreline. Dove 10 mins. 082702, no mussels found. 20m wide.

AR1 41.10 2 y y AR�LDB, from 1-6m from shore in center. 30m long. Downstream segment 10m wide, 15m long. Sampled 082703, 0.3-0.5/m

AR2 40.99 2 n AR�LDB, from 1-6m from shore in center. 30m long. Downstream segment 10m wide, 15m long.

AS1 40.85 3 n AS�RDB, along cliff. Primarily bedrock, gravel on bedrock. Sand interface, gravel fan below high ground. Lower segment at ford, rubble and sand. Very lowest segment along low cliff very narrow gravel, short (10m) along bedrock.

AS2 40.71 2 y n AS�RDB, along cliff. Primarily bedrock, gravel on bedrock. Sand interface, gravel fan below high ground. Lower segment at ford, rubble and sand. Very lowest segment along low cliff very narrow gravel, short (10m) along bedrock.

AS3 40.64 3 n AS�RDB, along cliff. Primarily bedrock, gravel on bedrock. Sand interface, gravel fan below high ground. Lower segment at ford, rubble and sand. Very lowest segment along low cliff very narrow gravel, short (10m) along bedrock.

AT 40.42 2 y y AT�RBD, 8 m wide, ~60m long. 44o 07' 55.1", 90o 58' 9.8", GPS taken at center. L. siliquoidea (2D). Dove 082702, >1/m

AU 40.02 3 n AU�LDB, cut bank, 4m wide, gravel, small - 20m long, below power line.

AV 39.76 2 y n AV�RDB, 10m x 100m outwash from Douglas Creek. Looks OK. snorkled 081601, not a bed.

CQ 39.74 2 y y CQ�New. ~ mi 39.1, E. channel. Not boated previously. Riffle ~100m long. At S end of forest opening on RDB, ~6m wide. GPS at upstr 1/3 of gravel: 4440.0", 90

AW 39.59 2 y n AW�RDB, gravel, near shore and in riffle, all across river at riffle. 50m long. Riffle has rubble, shallow. scuba 20pm, only 2 dead found.

AX 39.50 2 y n 80m long, ~8m wide, gravel, rubble, shallow. Dove 082702, 30m wide, very low population denisty.

CR 39.11 3 n 08-16-2001CR�Appeared like bedrock to sand.

AY 38.60 3 n AY�LDB, 10m wide, along cliff. Almost entirely bedrock, near shore boulders. Only potential is salamander mussels.

AZ 38.31 2 n AZ�RDB, 44o 07' 00.7", 90o 58' 30.9". Marginal, small area of gravel, 10m X 90m, deep, may be worth a look because of relatively greater depth.


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BA 37.87 3 n BA�RDB, 4m X 20m, gravel. Poor to marginal.

BB 37.40 1 y y BB�LDB, along rock face. Many slabs in water. Muddy at upstream end - great salamander mussel habitat. GPS taken at head of bed: 44o 06' 31.4", 90o 59' 12.8". 10m wide at upper end which is mud, boulder. Narrows to bedrock, sand. Point has shallow rubble

BC 36.91 3 n BC�Concrete rip-rap, only potential is for salamander mussels 20 m long.

BD1 36.09 3 n BD�RDB, along very large sand bank. Small gravel/rubble point at upstream end, then all sand downstream until new rip-rap, then old rip-rap. All mussel habitat would be along sand\ rip-rap interface except two other points where goes out w/ rubble ~8m. A

BD2 35.80 3 n BD�RDB, along very large sand bank. Small gravel/rubble point at upstream end, then all sand downstream until new rip-rap, then old rip-rap. All mussel habitat would be along sand\ rip-rap interface except two other points where goes out w/ rubble ~8m. A

CW 35.47 2 y y evidently examined 081601.


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BE 35.08 2 y y BE�RDB, upstream of still pocket which is just upstream of cliff. Gravel, ~6m wide, ~100m long.

BF 34.96 3 n BF�RDB, rock face. From head to 100m downstream from creek gorge. Primarily bedrock, wider at upstream end, some gravel at bedrock/sand interface. Potential salamander mussel habitat.

BG1 33.14 3 n BG�LDB, 2-6m X 40m, gravel patches.

BG2 33.06 3 n BG�LDB, 2-6m X 40m, gravel patches.

BH 32.92 2 y n BH�LDB, upstream of powerline, along old gravel pit. Gravel 5-10m out. Lower segment in RDB channel , at riffle. Upstream of power line 20m. Sampled 082101, is not a bed.

CT 32.91 3 y y sampled 082101. Adjacent to bed BH. ~1/m. Was designated CJ. Backwater area.

BI 32.74 3 n BI� RDB, 2m X 20m, gravel. Center of bar GPS = 44o 04' 32.2", 91o 02' 43.9". Small.

BJ 32.00 3 n BJ�LDB, uncertain of location, 0m - 10 m out from shore is gravel, patchy, much sand. 44o 04' 23.9", 91o 03' 25.1".


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BK1 31.37 3 n BK�RDB and lower segment in center. Upper segment mostly bedrock out to channel center. Rest below this sand up to bedrock shore. Lower prominence has rubble, gravel and looks better for mussels and extends into channel center 150m.

BK2 31.07 2 y n BK�RDB and lower segment in center. Upper segment mostly bedrock out to channel center. Rest below this sand up to bedrock shore. Lower prominence has rubble, gravel and looks better for mussels and extends into channel center 150m.

BL 30.82 3 n BL�RDB, in deep channel (4 ft). Pea-sized gravel scoured. Extends from 0 - 10m from shore. May be marginal due to scouring.

BM 30.30 2 y y BM�LDB, 20m X 8 m. Gravel, at eroded bank and meadow. 44o 05' 16.0", 91o 04' 52.5". L. recta (1L), L. siliquoidea (1L), F. flava (1L), L. fragilis (3L). Snorkeled ~ 35 person X minutes.

BN1 29.64 3 n BN�RDB, two outcroppings. Bedrock to sand, 5-15m wide. Appears like poor mussel habitat.

BN2 29.55 3 n BN�RDB, two outcroppings. Bedrock to sand, 5-15m wide. Appears like poor mussel habitat.


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BO 27.37 3 n BO�RDB, rip-rap - North Ben. Rip-rap 0-3m out, then sand. Only rip-rap/sand interface could be good habitat for mussels.

BP1 26.66 3 n BP�RDB, all bedrock, 0-5m out from shore, then sand from 5m out. No gravel, rubble. Poor habitat for mussels except maybe S. ambigua.

BP2 26.52 3 n BP�RDB, all bedrock, 0-5m out from shore, then sand from 5m out. No gravel, rubble. Poor habitat for mussels except maybe S. ambigua.

BQ 25.98 3 n BQ�LDB, along artificial rip-rap. Boulder/rubble 0-4m from shore. Could be potential for S. ambigua.


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BR 25.76 3 y n BR�RDB, cliffs along North Bend Golf Course. Upstream half of bar: 4m wide, bedrock, then sand out from there. Downstream half: all sand - cliffs extend directly into sand of riverbed. Not a bed based on substrate, not SCUBA.

BS 23.99 3 y n BS�RDB, along sandy eroded bank, 4-6m out - pea-sized gravel over pocked clay. Poor, narrow. Some gravel/rubble at water line. Not a bed based on substrate, not SCUBA.


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BT 21.85 2 y n RDB, from where high ground meets R downstr to upstr of Cr mouth ~ 50m (ALL OFF MAP). All bedrock w/ rapids about 2/3 way out in ch & downstr plunge pool. Poor Pot. habitat except for pool. Rapids is very shallow. No gravel bar. Sampled 082101.

BU 20.34 3 n BU�RDB, primarily bedrock, ~0-10m out. Poor potential mussel habitat but a few very large boulders in downstream end - potential S. ambigua habitat.

BV 19.62 3 n BV�RDB, primarily bedrock. No rubble or gravel. Bedrock butt up against sand. Poor potential mussel habitat.


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BW 18.48 1 y y BW�LDB, on sharp bend. Primarily bedrock with some rubble and boulders. Looks promising for mussel habitat. Sampled 082101.

BX 17.37 1 y y BX�LDB, looks very good for mussel habitat. Many mussels seen. Rubble 0-5 m out, 5-10m bedrock, then sand out from here. Sampled 082100. Is a very good bed.

BY 16.99 1 y y BY�LDB, ~500m long., 10m wide. Rubble in upstream half. In downstream half, 5m wide rubble. Looks very good potential mussel habitat. Starts at upstream house. Sampled 082100. Less than 1/m.


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BZ1 15.64 2 y y BZ�RDB. A series of about 5 rock groin-like structures. See map. Downstream 200m is rubble along shore, 0-3m out with downstream-most end of this a linear area 20m wide. Sampled 082101.

BZ2 15.61 2 n BZ�RDB. A series of about 5 rock groin-like structures. See map. Downstream 200m is rubble along shore, 0-3m out with downstream-most end of this a linear area 20m wide

BZ3 15.55 2 y n BZ�RDB. A series of about 5 rock groin-like structures. See map. Downstream 200m is rubble along shore, 0-3m out with downstream-most end of this a linear area 20m wide. sampled 082100.

BZ4 15.50 2 n BZ�RDB. A series of about 5 rock groin-like structures. See map. Downstream 200m is rubble along shore, 0-3m out with downstream-most end of this a linear area 20m wide

BZ5 15.44 2 n BZ�RDB. A series of about 5 rock groin-like structures. See map. Downstream 200m is rubble along shore, 0-3m out with downstream-most end of this a linear area 20m wide

BZ6 15.37 2 y n BZ�RDB. A series of about 5 rock groin-like structures. See map. Downstream 200m is rubble along shore, 0-3m out with downstream-most end of this a linear area 20m wide. Sampled 082101.

CA1 14.76 3 n CA�RDB, E of camp ground, rubble, 2-3m wide. Has small upstream reach at downstream end of pasture (was a lake on the quad map). Lower bed much longer, 2-3m wide.

CA2 14.58 3 y y CA�RDB, E of camp ground, rubble, 2-3m wide. Has small upstream reach at downstream end of pasture (was a lake on the quad map). Lower bed much longer, 2-3m wide. sampled 082301.

CB 14.20 2 y y CB�LDB, Council Bay and channel downstream of bay. Mussels present. Near shore area of bay had sandy, stable habitat. dove in bay and downstr of 082301.


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CC 12.29 1 y y CC�RDB, along low cliffs and houses. 12m wide at upstream end (ie 0-12m out from shore), 4m wide at downstream 2/3's of bed. Mostly layered bedrock with lots of undercut ledges for S. ambigua. dove 082301.

CD1 9.80 3 y y CD�RDB, 2 locations along eroded bank. 1-3m out from shroeline. Sandy gravel. Looks marginal to poor for mussels. Dove 082301.


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CD2 9.49 3 n CD�RDB, 2 locations along eroded bank. 1-3m outs from shroeline. Sandy gravel. Looks marginal to poor for mussels.

CE 8.75 2 y y CE�RDB, 3mX150m. Along eroded bank. Sandy gravel. Looks OK. Dove 082301, not a bed.

CF1 8.24 3 y y CF�RDB, along eroded bank. Upper 1/2 (is a known bed) has width of width. Has a downstr, separate segment, 50m long, 10m wide, sandy gravel. Substrate here appears

CF2 8.11 3 n CF�RDB, along eroded bank. Upper 1/2 (is a known bed) has width of width. Has a downstr, separate segment, 50m long, 10m wide, sandy gravel. Substrate here appears


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CG 2.66 3 n CG�LDB, Lytle's Landing. 1-2m wide of rip-rap off bank.


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RIVER MAP SPECIES LIVE DEAD MILE CODE 61.9 BED B A. l. carinata 0 1 61.9 BED B L. siliquoidea 2 4 61.9 BED B L. cardium 0 3 61.9 BED B L. c. complanata 0 1 61.9 BED B L. recta 2 0 61.9 BED B S. u. undulatus 0 1 61.88 BED B L. cardium 0 1 61.88 BED B L. c. complanata 0 2 61.49 BED D L. siliquoidea 1 0 61.44 BED C L. cardium 0 1 61.23 BED E1 A. g. form corpulenta 1 1 61.23 BED E1 L. siliquoidea 0 2 61.23 BED E1 L. fragilis 0 2 61.23 BED E1 P. sintoxia 0 1 61.08 BED E1 L. cardium 0 1 60.96 BED E1 A. p. plicata 1 0 60.96 BED E1 F. flava 1 3 60.96 BED E1 L. siliquoidea 1 1 60.96 BED E1 L. cardium 3 0 60.96 BED E1 L. fragilis 2 0 60.96 BED E1 L. recta 2 0 60.96 BED E1 S. u. undulatus 1 0 60.65 BED E2 A. l. carinata 1 1 60.65 BED E2 L. siliquoidea 2 0 60.65 BED E2 L. cardium 8 1 60.65 BED E2 L. c. complanata 1 0 60.65 BED E2 L. fragilis 1 1 60.65 BED E2 L. recta 5 0 60.65 BED E2 P. sintoxia 7 1 60.62 BED F1 A. marginata 1 0 60.62 BED F1 A. g. form corpulenta 1 1 60.62 BED F1 F. flava 9 0 60.62 BED F1 L. siliquoidea 2 0 60.62 BED F1 L. cardium 5 0 60.62 BED F1 L. fragilis 2 1 60.62 BED F1 P. sintoxia 10 0 60.62 BED F1 T. truncata 1 1 60.54 BED F3 L. siliquoidea 1 0 60.54 BED F3 P. sintoxia 0 1 60.38 BED F3 F. flava 0 1 60.38 BED F3 L. siliquoidea 0 1 60.38 BED F3 P. sintoxia 2 4 60.3 BED F3 A. l. carinata 0 2 60.3 BED F3 F. flava 2 1


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60.3 BED F3 L. siliquoidea 12 1 60.3 BED F3 L. cardium 4 0 60.3 BED F3 L. fragilis 1 1 60.3 BED F3 L. recta 1 2 60.3 BED F3 P. alatus 1 0 59.4 BED H1 A. g. form corpulenta 5 0 59.4 BED H1 F. flava 5 44 59.4 BED H1 L. siliquoidea 0 2 59.4 BED H1 L. cardium 2 1 59.4 BED H1 L. c. complanata 1 0 59.4 BED H1 L. costata 0 1 59.4 BED H1 L. fragilis 2 2 59.4 BED H1 P. alatus 6 0 59.4 BED H1 T. verrucosa 1 1 58.89 BED H2 A. l. carinata 0 2 58.89 BED H2 A. g. form corpulenta 1 5 58.89 BED H2 F. flava 0 3 58.89 BED H2 L. siliquoidea 1 10 58.89 BED H2 L. cardium 0 33 58.89 BED H2 L. c. complanata 2 3 58.89 BED H2 L. fragilis 1 7 58.89 BED H2 L. recta 0 1 58.89 BED H2 P. sintoxia 4 3 58.89 BED H2 T. truncata 1 0 58.41 BED I A. l. carinata 0 1 58.41 BED I A. g. form corpulenta 2 0 58.41 BED I F. flava 1 1 58.41 BED I L. siliquoidea 1 2 58.41 BED I L. cardium 2 1 58.41 BED I L. c. complanata 2 1 58.41 BED I L. fragilis 0 3 58.41 BED I L. recta 1 1 58.41 BED I P. sintoxia 2 7 58.1 BED CO A. l. carinata 0 1 58.1 BED CO A. g. form corpulenta 10 4 58.1 BED CO F. flava 0 1 58.1 BED CO L. siliquoidea 5 10 58.1 BED CO L. cardium 6 30 58.1 BED CO L. c. complanata 3 6 58.1 BED CO L. fragilis 2 10 58.1 BED CO L. recta 2 7 58.1 BED CO P. sintoxia 1 8 58.1 BED CO P. alatus 0 1 58.01 BED CM A. l. carinata 4 1 58.01 BED CM A. marginata 3 2 58.01 BED CM A. g. form corpulenta 37 12


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58.01 BED CM F. flava 23 42 58.01 BED CM L. siliquoidea 9 13 58.01 BED CM L. cardium 16 24 58.01 BED CM L. c. complanata 77 6 58.01 BED CM L. compressa 0 1 58.01 BED CM L. costata 9 3 58.01 BED CM L. fragilis 8 2 58.01 BED CM L. recta 5 4 58.01 BED CM P. sintoxia 30 17 58.01 BED CM P. alatus 6 0 58.01 BED CM Q. pustulosa pustulosa 1 0 58.01 BED CM S. u. undulatus 1 2 58.01 BED CM T. verrucosa 2 1 58.01 BED CM T. truncata 1 0 57.93 BED CL A. l. carinata 1 0 57.93 BED CL A. g. form corpulenta 3 0 57.93 BED CL F. flava 1 0 57.93 BED CL L. siliquoidea 0 2 57.93 BED CL L. cardium 1 0 57.93 BED CL L. c. complanata 5 0 57.93 BED CL L. fragilis 1 0 57.93 BED CL L. recta 1 0 57.93 BED CL P. sintoxia 2 1 57.92 BED CK A. g. form corpulenta 1 0 57.92 BED CK L. fragilis 1 0 57.92 BED CK L. recta 1 0 57.92 BED CK S. ambigua 0 0 57.85 BED J A. g. form corpulenta 1 0 57.85 BED J F. flava 0 5 57.85 BED J L. cardium 1 2 57.85 BED J L. fragilis 0 1 57.85 BED J L. recta 0 1 57.85 BED J S. u. undulatus 0 1 57.52 BED CJ F. flava 0 6 57.52 BED CJ P. sintoxia 3 5 57.48 BED L A. l. carinata 0 2 57.48 BED L A. marginata 0 1 57.48 BED L F. flava 0 4 57.48 BED L L. cardium 1 11 57.48 BED L L. c. complanata 0 2 57.48 BED L L. recta 0 1 57.35 BED CI A. marginata 1 0 57.35 BED CI A. g. form corpulenta 3 0 57.35 BED CI F. flava 0 1 57.35 BED CI L. cardium 0 7 57.35 BED CI L. c. complanata 3 0


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57.35 BED CI L. fragilis 2 0 57.35 BED CI L. recta 1 0 57.35 BED CI P. alatus 1 0 57.03 BED N A. l. carinata 0 2 57.03 BED N A. marginata 0 1 57.03 BED N F. flava 6 131 57.03 BED N L. siliquoidea 0 6 57.03 BED N L. cardium 0 21 57.03 BED N L. fragilis 0 2 57.03 BED N L. recta 0 2 57.03 BED N P. sintoxia 0 21 57.03 BED N P. alatus 0 1 57.03 BED N T. verrucosa 1 0 57.03 BED N T. truncata 0 4 56.18 BED O A. l. carinata 1 0 56.18 BED O A. marginata 3 0 56.18 BED O F. flava 3 1 56.18 BED O L. siliquoidea 1 0 56.18 BED O L. cardium 2 1 56.18 BED O L. c. complanata 2 0 56.18 BED O L. costata 1 0 56.18 BED O L. fragilis 1 0 56.18 BED O P. sintoxia 4 0 56.18 BED O S. u. undulatus 2 0 56.18 BED O T. verrucosa 1 0 55.89 BED P A. marginata 2 0 55.89 BED P F. flava 5 1 55.89 BED P L. siliquoidea 1 0 55.89 BED P L. cardium 8 1 55.89 BED P L. costata 2 0 55.89 BED P P. sintoxia 6 4 55.65 BED Q L. cardium 3 0 55.65 BED Q P. sintoxia 0 3 55.54 BED R1 A. g. form corpulenta 1 0 55.54 BED R1 F. flava 1 5 55.54 BED R1 L. siliquoidea 0 1 55.54 BED R1 L. cardium 1 0 55.54 BED R1 L. c. complanata 1 1 55.54 BED R1 L. fragilis 1 0 55.54 BED R1 L. recta 1 0 55.54 BED R1 P. sintoxia 2 5 55.37 BED R2 F. flava 1 1 55.37 BED R2 L. siliquoidea 1 0 55.37 BED R2 L. cardium 2 1 55.37 BED R2 L. c. complanata 4 0 55.37 BED R2 L. fragilis 2 0


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55.37 BED R2 L. recta 1 0 55.08 BED S F. flava 0 1 54.34 BED U A. l. carinata 3 0 54.34 BED U A. marginata 2 0 54.34 BED U A. g. form corpulenta 2 0 54.34 BED U F. flava 4 0 54.34 BED U L. siliquoidea 3 2 54.34 BED U L. cardium 2 2 54.34 BED U L. c. complanata 5 0 54.34 BED U L. costata 0 1 54.34 BED U L. fragilis 6 1 54.34 BED U L. recta 3 0 54.34 BED U P. sintoxia 6 3 54.34 BED U P. alatus 5 0 54.34 BED U S. u. undulatus 1 1 54.34 BED U T. verrucosa 4 0 53.5 BED CP A. l. carinata 1 0 53.5 BED CP A. marginata 1 0 53.5 BED CP A. g. form corpulenta 10 0 53.5 BED CP F. flava 25 21 53.5 BED CP L. siliquoidea 6 0 53.5 BED CP L. cardium 1 2 53.5 BED CP L. c. complanata 2 2 53.5 BED CP L. fragilis 0 1 53.5 BED CP L. recta 1 0 53.5 BED CP P. alatus 1 0 53.5 BED CP S. u. undulatus 2 1 53.5 BED CP T. verrucosa 3 0 53.5 BED CP unidentified 0 1 52.27 BED W A. g. form corpulenta 1 2 52.27 BED W F. flava 1 30 52.27 BED W L. siliquoidea 0 1 52.27 BED W L. c. complanata 0 2 52.27 BED W L. fragilis 0 1 52.27 BED W P. sintoxia 0 2 52.27 BED W T. verrucosa 0 1 51.19 BED Y A. l. carinata 0 1 51.19 BED Y F. flava 1 3 51.19 BED Y L. siliquoidea 0 1 51.19 BED Y L. cardium 1 1 51.19 BED Y L. fragilis 1 0 51.19 BED Y L. recta 1 1 51.19 BED Y P. sintoxia 1 3 51.19 BED Y P. alatus 0 2 51.19 BED Y S. ambigua 11 0 51.19 BED Y T. verrucosa 1 0


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50.61 BED Z L. recta 0 1 48.54 BED AE2 L. siliquoidea 0 1 48.54 BED AE2 L. cardium 0 2 48.54 BED AE2 L. recta 0 1 48.46 BED AE3 A. l. carinata 1 0 48.46 BED AE3 L. siliquoidea 1 2 48.46 BED AE3 L. c. complanata 1 0 48.46 BED AE3 L. fragilis 2 4 48.46 BED AE3 L. recta 5 2 48.46 BED AE3 P. alatus 2 1 48.46 BED AE3 T. verrucosa 1 0 48.06 BED AF A. l. carinata 0 3 48.06 BED AF F. flava 4 29 48.06 BED AF L. siliquoidea 0 2 48.06 BED AF L. cardium 0 2 48.06 BED AF L. fragilis 0 3 48.06 BED AF L. recta 0 2 48.06 BED AF P. sintoxia 5 26 47.37 BED AG L. siliquoidea 1 0 47.05 BED AH A. l. carinata 1 0 47.05 BED AH F. flava 3 0 47.05 BED AH L. siliquoidea 3 0 47.05 BED AH L. cardium 3 0 47.05 BED AH L. fragilis 2 0 47.05 BED AH L. recta 2 0 47.05 BED AH P. alatus 2 0 46.71 BED AI A. l. carinata 1 0 46.71 BED AI A. marginata 1 0 46.71 BED AI L. siliquoidea 2 0 46.71 BED AI L. cardium 2 0 46.71 BED AI L. c. complanata 1 0 46.71 BED AI L. costata 1 0 46.71 BED AI L. recta 3 0 46.71 BED AI P. sintoxia 2 0 46.71 BED AI T. verrucosa 1 0 46.54 BED AJ L. siliquoidea 1 2 46.54 BED AJ L. cardium 1 1 46.54 BED AJ L. c. complanata 1 0 46.54 BED AJ L. fragilis 1 0 45.35 BED AM L. fragilis 1 0 45.2 BED AK F. flava 1 5 45.2 BED AK L. siliquoidea 1 0 45.2 BED AK T. verrucosa 1 3 41.82 BED AO1 A. l. carinata 1 0 41.82 BED AO1 L. siliquoidea 2 1 41.82 BED AO1 L. c. complanata 4 0


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41.82 BED AO1 L. fragilis 3 0 41.82 BED AO1 L. recta 1 0 41.8 BED AO1 L. siliquoidea 2 0 41.8 BED AO1 P. alatus 1 0 41.27 BED AQ L. cardium 0 2 41.27 BED AQ L. c. complanata 0 3 41.25 BED AQ F. flava 0 3 41.25 BED AQ L. siliquoidea 2 5 41.25 BED AQ L. cardium 9 1 41.25 BED AQ L. c. complanata 1 1 41.25 BED AQ L. fragilis 0 1 41.25 BED AQ L. recta 2 0 41.25 BED AQ P. sintoxia 1 1 41.25 BED AQ P. alatus 2 0 41.16 BED CV L. siliquoidea 1 0 41.16 BED CV L. cardium 1 0 41.16 BED CV L. fragilis 1 0 41.16 BED CV P. alatus 1 0 41.12 BED AR1 F. flava 1 0 41.12 BED AR1 L. siliquoidea 3 0 41.12 BED AR1 L. cardium 4 1 41.12 BED AR1 L. c. complanata 6 0 41.12 BED AR1 L. fragilis 1 0 41.12 BED AR1 L. recta 4 0 41.12 BED AR1 P. alatus 1 0 40.42 BED AT L. siliquoidea 0 3 40.41 BED AT F. flava 2 0 40.41 BED AT L. siliquoidea 7 0 40.41 BED AT L. cardium 24 1 40.41 BED AT L. c. complanata 3 0 40.41 BED AT L. fragilis 3 0 40.41 BED AT L. recta 1 0 40.41 BED AT P. sintoxia 1 0 40.25 BED CQ A. l. carinata 1 0 40.25 BED CQ L. siliquoidea 2 4 40.25 BED CQ L. c. complanata 2 0 40.25 BED CQ L. costata 0 1 40.25 BED CQ L. recta 2 0 39.78 BED AV L. cardium 0 1 39.78 BED AV L. recta 0 1 39.59 BED AW L. cardium 0 1 39.59 BED AW L. recta 0 1 39.5 BED AX L. cardium 1 0 39.5 BED AX L. c. complanata 1 0 39.5 BED AX L. fragilis 1 0 39.5 BED AX L. recta 1 0


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37.49 BED BB A. l. carinata 1 1 37.49 BED BB L. siliquoidea 2 2 37.49 BED BB L. c. complanata 7 1 37.49 BED BB L. fragilis 6 0 37.49 BED BB L. recta 1 1 37.49 BED BB P. sintoxia 1 5 37.49 BED BB P. alatus 6 0 37.49 BED BB S. ambigua 88 12 37.49 BED BB T. verrucosa 1 0 37.47 BED BB A. l. carinata 0 1 37.47 BED BB F. flava 0 1 37.47 BED BB L. siliquoidea 2 0 37.47 BED BB L. c. complanata 0 1 37.47 BED BB L. fragilis 0 1 37.47 BED BB L. recta 0 1 37.47 BED BB S. ambigua 1 1 37.47 BED BB S. u. undulatus 0 1 37.47 BED BB T. verrucosa 0 1 35.01 BED BE L. cardium 1 0 35.01 BED BE L. c. complanata 1 0 35.01 BED BE P. alatus 2 0 32.91 BED CT A. g. form corpulenta 6 0 32.91 BED CT A. suborbiculata 0 1 32.91 BED CT T. parvus 2 0 32.89 BED BH L. cardium 0 1 32.89 BED BH L. fragilis 0 1 31.07 BED BK2 F. flava 0 1 31.07 BED BK2 L. siliquoidea 0 3 31.07 BED BK2 L. cardium 2 3 31.07 BED BK2 L. fragilis 1 0 31.07 BED BK2 P. sintoxia 0 1 31.07 BED BK2 T. verrucosa 0 1 30.3 BED BM F. flava 1 30.3 BED BM L. siliquoidea 1 0 30.3 BED BM L. fragilis 3 0 30.3 BED BM L. recta 0 1 22.46 none A. g. form corpulenta 0 1 22.46 none L. siliquoidea 5 0 22.46 none L. cardium 1 0 18.61 BED BW L. siliquoidea 0 1 18.61 BED BW L. fragilis 4 2 18.61 BED BW P. alatus 1 0 18.61 BED BW S. ambigua 1 1 17.4 BED BX A. l. carinata 1 0 17.4 BED BX A. marginata 1 0


17.4 BED BX A. g. form corpulenta 2 0


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17.4 BED BX F. flava 17 12 17.4 BED BX L. siliquoidea 10 13 17.4 BED BX L. cardium 35 14 17.4 BED BX L. c. complanata 14 7 17.4 BED BX L. compressa 0 1 17.4 BED BX L. fragilis 51 42 17.4 BED BX L. recta 8 6 17.4 BED BX P. sintoxia 11 11 17.4 BED BX P. alatus 5 3 17.4 BED BX Q. quadrula 1 0 17.4 BED BX S. ambigua 98 11 17.4 BED BX T. parvus 0 1 17.4 BED BX T. verrucosa 81 17 17.4 BED BX T. donaciformis 1 0 17.4 BED BX T. truncata 3 1 17.1 BED BY F. flava 0 5 17.1 BED BY L. siliquoidea 0 2 17.1 BED BY L. cardium 0 4 17.1 BED BY L. c. complanata 0 1 17.1 BED BY L. compressa 1 0 17.1 BED BY L. costata 0 1 17.1 BED BY L. fragilis 1 3 17.1 BED BY L. recta 1 0 17.1 BED BY P. alatus 0 1 17.1 BED BY S. ambigua 11 1 17.1 BED BY T. verrucosa 0 1 17.1 BED BY T. truncata 0 1 15.66 BED BZ1 L. siliquoidea 0 1 15.66 BED BZ1 S. ambigua 6 0 15.56 BED BZ3 A. l. carinata 1 0 14.62 BED CA2 S. ambigua 2 1 14.32 BED CB A. g. form corpulenta 0 4 14.32 BED CB L. siliquoidea 0 1 14.32 BED CB L. c. complanata 0 1 14.32 BED CB L. fragilis 0 1 14.31 BED CB A. p. plicata 1 3 14.31 BED CB A. g. form corpulenta 24 22 14.31 BED CB F. flava 2 0 14.31 BED CB L. siliquoidea 4 6 14.31 BED CB L. cardium 0 1 14.31 BED CB L. c. complanata 3 3 14.31 BED CB L. recta 0 1 14.31 BED CB T. parvus 1 0 14.2 BED CB A. g. form corpulenta 0 1 14.2 BED CB L. cardium 0 4 14.2 BED CB L. fragilis 1 2


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14.2 BED CB L. recta 1 1 14.2 BED CB S. ambigua 10 0 14.2 BED CB T. verrucosa 1 0 12.6 none A. g. form corpulenta 8 4 12.6 none L. c. complanata 0 1 12.6 none T. parvus 1 0 12.29 BED CC L. siliquoidea 0 2 12.29 BED CC L. cardium 2 2 12.29 BED CC L. c. complanata 1 0 12.29 BED CC L. fragilis 10 4 12.29 BED CC L. recta 2 1 12.29 BED CC S. ambigua 32 2 9.84 BED CD1 A. l. carinata 1 0 9.84 BED CD1 F. flava 1 0 9.84 BED CD1 L. cardium 8 1 9.84 BED CD1 L. c. complanata 2 0 9.84 BED CD1 L. fragilis 4 0 9.84 BED CD1 L. recta 2 0 9.84 BED CD1 P. sintoxia 5 0 9.84 BED CD1 P. alatus 1 0 9.84 BED CD1 T. verrucosa 49 2 9.84 BED CD1 T. truncata 2 0 8.73 BED CE L. cardium 2 0 8.73 BED CE L. fragilis 1 0 8.28 BED CF1 E. lineolata 1 0 8.28 BED CF1 L. cardium 5 0 8.28 BED CF1 L. c. complanata 2 1 8.28 BED CF1 L. fragilis 12 2 8.28 BED CF1 L. recta 6 0 8.28 BED CF1 P. sintoxia 1 0 8.28 BED CF1 P. alatus 2 0 8.28 BED CF1 T. verrucosa 19 0 8.28 BED CF1 T. truncata 0 1 7.58 none A. g. form corpulenta 0 1 7.58 none F. flava 0 1 7.58 none L. siliquoidea 0 1 7.58 none L. cardium 0 1 7.58 none L. c. complanata 0 1 7.58 none P. alatus 0 1 7.58 none Q. pustulosa pustulosa 0 1 7.58 none T. verrucosa 0 1 7.58 none T. truncata 0 1
