A surprise history lesson in some of the most utilized economic words used today!

Individualism Separation Distinctions Made In-between Connection / Unknown Variable Many benefited Integration Community: All Benefit Going from one to many efficiently 1. Fraction / Divide / Line 2. Funeral 3. Vacation 4. Infect 5. Observe 6. Disjoint 7. Wallet / Fortunate 8. Inconvenient 9. Scissors / Jaw 10. Squirrel 11. Border / Shelf 12. Liberty /Domination / Royalty 13. Blameful 14. Distant / Tall 15. Direct 16. Latitude 17. Miscarry 18. Pilate 19. Cart-wheel 20. Rehearsal / Introductory 21. Opposition / Prospective 22. Desk 23. Complaint / Wrongfully / Injur / Dishonest / Burned 24. Affect 25. Womanhood 26. Arrival / Return / Orient 27. Father-in-law 28. Crowding / Tame 29. Accident 30. Weening / Habit 31. Unwrap 32. Used / 1. Size 2. Contract 3. Householding 4. Center 5. Gaze 6. Digestion / Cinnamon 7. Scale 8. Resolve 9. Obscure 10. Moral / Just 11. Thread 12. Cross-line 13. Midpoint 14. Perpendicular 15. Magic 16. Existence / Line / Outer 17. Possibility 18. Pertinent 19. Right 20. Thick and thin 21. Humble 22. Procreation 23. Weld 24. Test 25. Commit 26. Foster 27. Notable 28. Sensibility 29. Durability 30. Signal 31. Tip Toe 32. Smoking 33. Whirling 34. Knack 35. Envelope 36. Considering 37. Jingle 38. Theatre 39. Simplicity 40. Soul 41. Lamp 1. Harmony 2. Expanse 3. Add 4. Natural Law 5. Resound 6. Village 7. Melodious 8. Compound 9. Total 10. Eternal COLOR: most of our time is spent thinking about the fundamentals -- money, physical health, relationships, authority, and our own insecurities Please notice: There are more words and thoughts about what can separate us compared to where we can start making connections. Then there are least amount of words that efficiently create exponential opportunities for a culmination of inner-connectedness with the entire world. We are only 700 years past these initial English words that Chaucer was noted as officially writing down in the 14 th c. Think of how many more words that are in the universe for what God has in store for us!!!

Transcript of A surprise history lesson in some of the most utilized economic words used today!

Page 1: A surprise history lesson in some of the most utilized economic words used today!

IndividualismSeparationDistinctions Made

In-betweenConnection / Unknown VariableMany benefited

IntegrationCommunity: All BenefitGoing from one to many efficiently

1. Fraction / Divide / Line2. Funeral3. Vacation4. Infect5. Observe6. Disjoint7. Wallet / Fortunate8. Inconvenient9. Scissors / Jaw10. Squirrel11. Border / Shelf12. Liberty /Domination / Royalty13. Blameful14. Distant / Tall15. Direct16. Latitude17. Miscarry18. Pilate19. Cart-wheel20. Rehearsal / Introductory21. Opposition / Prospective22. Desk23. Complaint / Wrongfully /

Injur / Dishonest / Burned24. Affect25. Womanhood26. Arrival / Return / Orient27. Father-in-law28. Crowding / Tame29. Accident 30. Weening / Habit31. Unwrap32. Used / Reduce / Reverse33. Variant34. Enduring35. Unagreeable36. Unexercised37. Soar38. Monster / Sane39. Consequent / Introductory40. Policy / Withholding41. Resign42. Uncoupling43. Intellect44. Desperate / Outrageous45. Altitude / Elevate46. Accomplish / Depression47. Misery / Humiliation48. Bribe

1. Size2. Contract3. Householding4. Center5. Gaze6. Digestion / Cinnamon 7. Scale8. Resolve9. Obscure10. Moral / Just11. Thread12. Cross-line13. Midpoint14. Perpendicular15. Magic16. Existence / Line / Outer17. Possibility18. Pertinent19. Right20. Thick and thin21. Humble22. Procreation23. Weld24. Test25. Commit26. Foster27. Notable28. Sensibility29. Durability30. Signal31. Tip Toe32. Smoking33. Whirling34. Knack35. Envelope36. Considering37. Jingle38. Theatre39. Simplicity40. Soul41. Lamp

1. Harmony2. Expanse3. Add4. Natural Law5. Resound6. Village7. Melodious8. Compound9. Total10. Eternal

COLOR: most of our time is spent thinking about the fundamentals -- money, physical health, relationships, authority, and our own insecurities

Please notice: There are more words and thoughts about what can separate us compared to where we can start making connections.

Then there are least amount of words that efficiently create exponential opportunities for a culmination of inner-connectedness with the entire world. We are only 700 years past these initial English words that Chaucer was noted as officially writing down in the 14th c. Think of how many more words that are in the universe for what God has in store for us!!!

To think, they just now are creating fields of study for Data Science and using technology to Divide and Conquer so that cascading can benefit more people. Bring on more harmony and inter-connectedness, the 7th Activity of Daily Living (ADL) in my opinion.

CREATION = when you create, you are in refinement for the likeness of God… You are a silversmith, with a careful ever watchful eye to do more!

Page 2: A surprise history lesson in some of the most utilized economic words used today!

High Middle Ages (11th-13th c.): responsive government, Christianity, birth of capitalism to later fund Renaissance, rapid European population growth, urbanization

Renaissance (12th c.): heightened connectivity of science, art, religion, humanism, inductive reasoning

Chaucer (14th c. England): named Father of English literature and was first to officially write down words being used in society or as he saw fit with his own studies , where prior literature was primarily in French or Latin

Multiplying Fractions (of information) = a new sweet spot for a better tomorrow!!Since the times of Biblical history of Babylon, when language separated human-kind, we have made slow progress toward connecting again as a world. Let’s find a new sweet spot to create a new Renaissance to better human-kind for healthy finances, health, and healthy relationships! Don’t run from the fractions in your life like that of Pythagoreas and ancient Egyptians, Asians, and Indians did in their mathematical calculations, where they only wanted to deal with whole numbers.

Where dental and vision professionals are being considered in part of our segmented health care system again, after decades of intentionally separating 2 of our 5 senses in the care system, because our inter-connectedness is coming to fruition more and more every day.

We have been separated economically too. We have come far, but there is more work to be done. With fractional shares of stock, pensions where colleagues of different backgrounds could save and earn together as they went about their own individual work. Why not include our spending in tools for bringing more abundance and healing to hurting families. 2008 was the darkness that when juxtaposed His light, there is nothing impossible. Collaboration and comradery with only a capful-size of competition is built into games like Pictopia and why can’t it be done with the financial and compensation models of the world too?

Why can’t a non-profit have equal opportunities to benefit from collective co-op structures, where when a community is committed to the same higher purpose as the non-profit, that they save and earn money while the non-profit does in-between, like an ebb and flow of the folds of waves in the ocean? We all can with the Shopping Annuity, where 25 years of no down quarters is just the beginning. Help lead the parade! Get more people seeking out Donor Advisor Funds, where people are connected and communicating about where their charitable dollars should go – my idea of exponential progress in this world of disconnect we live in. It is no accident that those who create the concepts of 401(k)s, pensions, food/energy co-ops, life insurance, cash reserve certificates, although laughed at, now today hold the most plans in their respective fields of service.

Embrace the broken and scars. Lean on what God gave the world and your own body, which was wonderfully & uniquely made and holds the answers for multiplying the good. The world is hurting and needs YOU!

½ × ¾ = 38 or 3 out of 8 = green

¾ or 3 of 4 rows shaded yellow

½ or 1 of 2 columns shaded blue