Announcement › sunstar_5_15_20.pdf · 2020-05-15 · Here's Your Extended Horoscopes for the...

Here's Your Extended Horoscopes for the Week: May 15 - 21, 2020 Readings & Gift Certificates ~ Subscribe! Appointment ~ Testimonials ~ [email protected] ~ 1-800-836-0648 YouTube Channel ~ Global Meditation Facebook Group Announcement: I've decided that for the remaining duration of this COVID-19 crisis, and the economic fall-out that it will produce, I am offering you the full-length version of the Horoscope that is normally reserved for paying Subscribers (who also receive 15% discounts on Readings). This means for the next while, you'll get the Tip of the Month, an extended Tip of the Week, and your Monthly and Yearly Horoscope for greater context. And see the bottom of this newsletter for how you can donate to support a family in need, and receive a Reading, Gift Certificate or 1-

Transcript of Announcement › sunstar_5_15_20.pdf · 2020-05-15 · Here's Your Extended Horoscopes for the...

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Here's Your Extended Horoscopes for the Week: May 15 - 21, 2020

Readings & Gift Certificates ~ Subscribe!

Appointment ~ Testimonials ~ [email protected] ~ 1-800-836-0648

YouTube Channel ~ Global Meditation Facebook Group


I've decided that for the remaining duration of this COVID-19 crisis,

and the economic fall-out that it will produce, I am offering you the

full-length version of the Horoscope that is normally reserved for

paying Subscribers (who also receive 15% discounts on Readings).

This means for the next while, you'll get the Tip of the Month, an

extended Tip of the Week, and your Monthly and Yearly Horoscope for

greater context.

And see the bottom of this newsletter for how you can donate to

support a family in need, and receive a Reading, Gift Certificate or 1-

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year Subscription!

Tip of the Month: May 2020

May 2020 is a pivotal month astrologically

and the outer synchronicities will most certainly occur. It includes Venus, Jupiter, and

Saturn turning retrograde all within days of each other between May 11 and 14.

Contributing to Pluto already there since late April, this hefty undertow is the likes of which

even the strongest swimmers must exercise extra vigilance so as not to get swept away by

its complex weave of currents. As well, strong retrograde periods are generally not great for

new initiatives so if you must, do so with full awareness and you should be fine. However,

with Venus involved, this is probably not the best time to make major purchases or


Mars will enter Pisces on May 12 where it will remain until June 28, which could serve to

provide a muffling effect, at least emotionally and psychologically. Positively, this

combination is the mark of the spiritual warrior who wisely understands that the greatest

battle ever rages on the threshold of one’s own heart, from the perspective that the lessons

and tests of life are less about the outcome and more about the process since, in the end,

all take-aways are that of the soul. The attitude of the spiritual warrior is to perpetuate a

deep sense of unity, humility, and dedication to empathy and compassion over hot-headed

opinions and righteousness.

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On the other hand, the lower roads of Mars in Pisces include both strong escapist

tendencies such as with drugs and alcohol and other forms of denial and/or deception of

others. Neptune in Pisces also represents this range of expression between higher spiritual

ideals and aspirations and deep or mass denials and deceptions. So, given what we have

been experiencing on the world stage, we can expect this mode activity to deepen,


In addition, the Moon’s Nodal Axis, which represents an important evolutionary theme for

us all, changes from Cancer and Capricorn to Gemini and Sagittarius, which will contribute

to heated discussions about ethics and justice. Given the depth, range, and scope of

opinions, theories, interpretations, and attitudes stirred by COVID-19, we can expect many

kettles to be whistling at a boil ‘starting’ this month. If players on the big game board ever

had it in their interest to create confusion and division, this is the perfect recipe.

As loud as you think the volume has been, just imagine you have been listening to your hi-fi

stereo, even on high volume, and now we are about to enter the rock concert hall with

speakers larger than modern fridges… Make sure your psychological seat belts are

fastened securely. Over the course of May 2020 we will enter into a period of heightened

complexity and turbulence and the expected turmoil that will be the result of these

dynamics. In short, the destiny themes of 2020 will indeed ‘graduate’ to the next level in

which we can expect the challenge and workload to escalate.

Tip of the Week: May 15 - 21

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It's been a week of retrogrades. Perhaps you felt it!

By the time you read this, 3 major planets turned retrograde starting with Saturn on May

11, then Venus on May 12/13, then Jupiter on May 14.

Where Jupiter and Saturn are the 'social' planets and their cycles are directly connected to

the economy in the wider sense, Venus is about personal finances.

So, the retrograde period will synchronize with many people turning to get a firmer grip on

the reality of their cascading financial affairs.

The economy and personal wealth is ever a major focus in life, but especially so now as

our entire planet continues to struggle under the weight of COVID-19. Among other things,

the greatest challenge humanity faces is the ambitions of corrupt elements that are

focusing to capitalize on this time of pain and struggle.

The main issue is whether humanity will be able to redistribute money more equally, or

if we will succumb to even greater economic disparity, along with the crimes against

humanity these are likely to produce.

In addition to all these planets turning retrograde, Mars entered Pisces on Tuesday, May

12th where it will remain until July 1st (Canada Day). During this almost 7-week cycle, it will

amplify 4 main themes which are already underway:

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1) Spiritual aspiration where we swim against the current of our conditioned ego to

transform the common state of ego-centrism and replace it with the higher state of being

soul-centered. There is, of course, a distinct difference that is so significant that the

difference may be compared to your state of awareness while you are sleeping to that

while you are awake.

2) Mass deception stemming from unscrupulously ambitious networks determined to profit

from COVID-19. Here is an example as outlined in this video. While I found the entire

video to be an excellent example of investigative journalism, I found the fact shared at

about 26:10 minutes to be especially relevant.

3) Use the crisis as an opportunity to awaken and inspire people to see beyond their

conditioned perspectives and to realize that they may indeed be contributing to exchanging

their freedom for security – a short-sighted reaction that stands to enslave them and their

progeny, potentially for centuries to come. In this regard, I recently shared this insightful

and illuminating TEDx talk. I have learned over the years that sometimes, often, in fact,

fewer words and shorter stories speak louder than long and drawn-out teachings,

perspectives, and speeches..., I found this to be a good example and one which we might

find useful to share with our loved ones who are determined to align themselves with the

majority and, thereby feel confident that they too are subscribed to 'common' sense and so

may too be deemed by their peers to be 'normal'.

4) Mass denial that there is anything else going on other than a random event of a virus

that has effectively crippled the global economy.

I have made a series of videos that address this issue and you can find them on my

YouTube channel, and if you do, I hope you will subscribe, because I have more coming

soon. What you can learn on my channel is that what is occurring in the world is actually an

example of synchronicity. In other words, it is destined to occur.

Yet, how it will unfold is also very significant and it should be clearly noted, that despite the

probabilities of destiny, the future is never certain. This is so because we are actively

participating in co-creating our reality and future, both individually and collectively.

On a final note, as predicted, in case you did not notice, the scope, depth and pace of

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public action inspired by principles of freedom and truth have begun to accelerate. This

synchronicity is the result of the Moon’s Nodes entering Gemini and Sagittarius, a 20.5-

month cycle, by the way. In terms of COVID-19 as a stimulus, it has indeed started an

information war. The exciting part is that it is occurring on social media and attempts to

quell the steadily increasing volume of this current will reveal bias and will directly oppose

freedom of speech. So, if you want to tune-in to this, it is very available and it will not go

away anytime soon.

Horoscope for all Signs

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Aries Weekly

Sometimes we multi-task more than others and this is likely to be one of those cycles.

It is all in-keeping with spring and preparing for the growing season. As well,

circumstances of late are synchronizing with you having entered a rather sober and

serious cycle. More than before, you will begin to decipher how you can stimulate new

streams of income.

Aries Monthly

Building projects started last month, which could include your confidence levels or

financial portfolio, any of which involves revolutionary action, will continue yet

diversify as the month progresses.

Aries Yearly

The most significant feature of 2020 for you includes pushing harder on public and

professional fronts than you have in some time. Attending to finishing touches close to

home will be featured in your priority list throughout the first third of the year. Then

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your focus will be directed towards bringing your lofty visions and plans down to earth

to make them actual and viable. Generating ideas and directing your energies to this

end has probably already begun. By year’s end, you will have entered and will be

pushing hard through new territory. Faith in and patience with the process is extra

important throughout the year.

The Capricorn & Conjunctions Influence is directly linked to your career and implies

expansion based on calculated risk; working smarter than harder so your home and

family life is also fulfilled. The Lunar Node Change Influence suggests that your focus

will switch from securing your nest to becoming more aware of larger issues and

having a voice. The Solar Eclipses Influences will activate your career and public status,

your home and family in the summer and your interpretations of truth as the year

ends. The Mars in Aries Influence will activate your innate pioneering drive. Expect to

enter new territory in the second half of 2020, but don’t initiate big changes while Mars

is retrograde.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

Taurus Weekly

Despite all else, one way or another you have been pushing to get ahead. If you have

not been able to do this externally, then you will have turned your attention inward.

Whether this implies attending to your home and living environment or towards self-

development or both is the question. Focusing to secure your lot has positively

activated creative thinking.

Taurus Monthly

An impulse to take new leads continues. Stimulating multiple streams or attending to a

variety of fronts will become increasingly evident this month. Circumstances will push

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you to focus forward and not look back.

Taurus Yearly

Your drive and ambition are already in high gear as 2020 begins. Although you had to

work for it, returns did come in during 2019. This year you will have to remain diligent

and persistent. By mid-spring, you will begin to diversify. This includes generating new

streams of income. Circumstances will not allow you to lean too heavily on the past, if

at all. Very much a foundation-building year, it does include some measure of

expansion. Yet, 2021 will prove to be the bigger turning point and your returns will be

much more measurable then. So, focus to establish a solid and integral foundation

that supports multiple streams.

The Capricorn & Conjunctions Influence is pushing you to develop a more practical

philosophy. It includes a rather steep learning curve that began two years ago and will

continue throughout 2020. The Lunar Node Change Influence will lead you into new

territory and there will be no turning back. You will seriously consider how you can

develop more of your talents and perhaps stimulate new streams of income. The Solar

Eclipses Influences activate your visionary mind early in the year, your values and

priorities over the course of the summer and will bring about changes in your career

and financial picture by the end of the year and into 2021. The Mars in Aries Influence

could lead you to squarely face your demons or attempt to escape them. Make every

effort to confront them consciously for the best results. This can include overcoming

old, negative habit patterns and blind spots in your perceptions and self-concepts. Be

willing to look and listen more deeply and learn to recognize and avoid undue ego-


Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

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Gemini Weekly

The question over the past few weeks has been about how to retreat within the

context of self-isolation. Hardly a passive attitude, you have probably been exploring

new creative expressions. Venus retrograde in your sign, however, suggests that you

are feeling more introverted while the Sun entering your sign will want to be

expressive. Time for the twins to team-up!

Gemini Monthly

Despite a rather slow start to the month, you will become more assertive one third in.

Yet, with all the retrogrades, you may be busier reassessing, sorting and organizing to

refine and sharpen your creative focus.

Gemini Yearly

By the end of 2020, you will have completed the metamorphic cycle of Saturn

transiting your solar 8th house. Thus, it constitutes the 3rd and final period, as it were.

Jupiter there has come along to lend a supportive boost throughout the year. As well,

you could experience a resurgence of your energy levels along with a fresh wave of

creative inspiration before summer begins. This will manifest as an assertive impulse.

Increasing your social outreach is also featured. Dealings with fiery exchanges with

significant others will frame the year on either end activating an especially energetic

and perhaps revolutionary push late in the game.

The Capricorn & Conjunctions Influence has and will continue to bring about

measurable changes both within and around you linked to significant people and

circumstances in your life. The Lunar Node Change Influence will lead you to be more

assertive starting in mid-spring. The Solar Eclipses Influences have activated changes

in your traditional interpretation and approach. Then by summer, it will activate your

determination to create more security in your life by year’s end and into 2021 will

activate important changes on relationship fronts. The Mars in Aries Influence could

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well activate the rebellious side of your nature through the summer. However, you

may come to realize that your ideals do not match with reality or with your actual

ability to activate related changes throughout the autumn season.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

Cancer Weekly

You are likely to be in an inward mood. This is not simply a short phase either. At least,

it could linger for a few weeks. Yet, in other respects, it reaches much more deeply into

a process of deep change and transformation. In this regard, you are still in the

preview stage. So, the question is: are you aware of these deep changes and how can

you best respond?

Cancer Monthly

While things are accelerating for many, you are inclined to slow down. Your ambitions

do remain strong, yet you are determined to avoid getting scattered and stressed and

complete one thing at a time.

Cancer Yearly

Some major changes on relationship fronts are indicated for you as 2020 gets

underway. These could leave you feeling reactive, but perhaps also transcended, as

though you have been touched by an angel. The result of these changes could

manifest as professional expansion or even the start of a new job or position at work,

perhaps even a promotion. The flip side of this implies endings that could come about

unexpectedly. An invitation to engage your energies with others in a spirit of unity,

cooperation, and team effort is a likely outcome. Commitment and a willingness to

function as an equal within a greater whole will prove important.

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The Capricorn & Conjunctions Influence has and will continue to have a strong

influence on your closest relationships both in your personal and professional life. The

Lunar Node Change Influence will lead you to take a more conservative approach yet

may also manifest as a whole new quality of creative self-expression. The Solar

Eclipses Influences are already contributing to changes on relationship fronts serving

to deepen your commitment where it really counts. Then the big eclipse on June 21 will

activate a whole new quality of self-expression that could actually take you by surprise

and lead you in new directions. The Mars in Aries Influence is directly related to your

career and public status. Positively, you will rise to new levels of power, influence, and


Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

Leo Weekly

Despite all else, you have been in a social cycle which does and will continue even

amidst the retrograde storm. One way or another, it has felt important to reach out

and make meaningful connections and perhaps contributions. In other regards, you

have been seeking new knowledge and understanding of both who you are and what

is happening.

Leo Monthly

Things are moving in your public and professional life. Deep changes have already

been underway since last year and momentums too more recently yet. This month will

include refinements and final touches.

Leo Yearly

Health is a keyword for you in 2020. It could emphasize that of your career and/or

social status at least as much as personal health. A central theme centers on finances

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and stimulating a healthier flow. Learning and training are indicated. Your ability to

focus and take-in new knowledge will increase as the year progresses. Accept

familiarization and understanding of the basics as your first major phase of

achievement. Fresh inspirations will arrive early in the year and will support you to feel

energized, confident and creative. Strengthen your foundation with patient

persistence and focus to increase your earning potential.

The Capricorn & Conjunctions Influence is already and will continue to activate

changes in your lifestyle this year leading you to deepen your commitment to a

successful future. The Lunar Node Change Influence will draw you out to be seen and

heard and could involve contributions to larger causes. The Solar Eclipses Influences

are loosening the grip of traditional approaches in business. Through summer you will

undergo some major changes, especially linked to home and family. The Mars in Aries

Influence will activate your resolve to be more independent and assertive and, if

harnessed consciously, could lead to a whole new quality of health.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

Virgo Weekly

Some fresh starts in your public and professional life are indicated. With Venus

retrograde, these will include a review and reconsideration of your overall approach.

These will likely manifest as the desire to make changes and renovations. The timing to

do so is especially important now and over the next several weeks.

Virgo Monthly

Seeing a bigger picture is an important theme now. Already you have been engaged in

learning new knowledge and working with new tools. Work is the keyword, yet it might

slow down a bit this month.

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Virgo Yearly

Are you ready to take your career to the next level? This is what is indicated for you in

2020. It will require strategic measures and a well-designed plan. The first boost will

arrive even prior to the year starting, thanks to the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. Jupiter

there as well stands to prove especially helpful for you. Overcoming a tendency to

scatter your focus will be among your bigger challenges. Activities with friends could

diminish, at least for a while, as you direct more time and energy to your career.

Expect to dig deep at the get go and get ready to work harder to advance to the next


The Capricorn & Conjunctions Influence is already and will continue to activate your

creative leadership. The Lunar Node Change Influence will manifest in your public and

professional life and lead you to be more responsible and to get more recognition. The

Solar Eclipses Influences are already activating your creative leadership and will have a

direct effect on your social life and overall philosophy linked to relationships. By the

end of the year and into 2021 changes close to home will occur and have a direct

impact on your daily rhythm and lifestyle in general. The Mars in Aries Influence will

serve to stimulate your ambitions and drive to refine your skills, polish your public

image and increase your income.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Libra Weekly

You are entering a time when your determination to understand the bigger picture will

become more important than ever. Questions of truth, justice, fairness, and ethics,

and so on will begin to take on a whole new level of importance. As much as you may

want to escape, you will probably find yourself working harder than ever.

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Libra Monthly

Financial interests, concerns, and responsibilities are keeping you busy as may begins.

It will switch to more cultural arenas starting around mid-month. Anticipate a change

of heart about what attracts you.

Libra Yearly

You have probably been experiencing a real mixed bag of experiences this past year.

Unfortunately, this complex of energies is not finished yet. Positively, you have begun

to feel more confident about certain things, like having passed through a dark night.

However, there could be yet another visitation even prior to the start of 2020 or early

into it. The destiny purpose behind it is to push you to lay claim to your hidden power.

Yet, it lays buried beneath fears you may not even be aware of yet. As 2020

progresses, you will reach for clarity, truth and perhaps justice as you aspire to

balance the scales.

The Capricorn & Conjunctions Influence has already for the past couple of years and

will continue to produce measurable changes close to home which will, in turn, directly

affect your career and public life. By the end of the year and into 2021 you will begin to

see yourself and the world and in the world in new ways. The Lunar Node Change

Influence will serve to stimulate your higher mind and the core philosophies that guide

your perceptions. The Solar Eclipses Influences are affecting your sense of personal

power in the world throughout the year and will lead to changes in your

interpretations throughout 2021 especially. The Mars in Aries Influence could manifest

as trouble on relationship fronts and will have to be handled with care and full

awareness to maintain harmony.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

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Scorpio Weekly

Every once in a while, you enter a process of discernment regarding what constitutes

higher and lower roads. Usually, the higher roads require more effort, awareness,

focus, and time yet the results are always more. In Some respects, you will become

much more serious especially regarding money. One thing is certain; you will have a

lot of company.

Scorpio Monthly

Big changes on relationship fronts are underway. Deciphering what you truly want and

need may be an issue. Getting to the bottom of things will include deciphering your

priorities and what you deem healthy.

Scorpio Yearly

Knowing better who you truly are and what you genuinely need and want will be

clearer in 2020. This impulse will be activated early on and then about mid-way.

Initially, the push will be to gain a stronger grasp of your creative potential backed by

imagination power. The biggest challenge will be discerning between what you feel you

want and what you truly need. You possibly be able to fulfill both, yet neither fully. So,

you will be challenged to decide. This will lead to changes perhaps especially regarding

your priorities. Yet they will also have a play on how you perceive yourself and the

world and your best role in it.

The Capricorn & Conjunctions Influence will continue to change the way you perceive

and interpret the world and your place in it throughout 2020. The Lunar Node Change

Influence will challenge you to decipher between the higher and the lower road and

what these imply in your life. The Solar Eclipses Influences are changing your

perspectives already and these will lead to changes in your overall philosophy of life.

The result could be a determination to increase your income levels and achieve new

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levels of success. The Mars in Aries Influence will inspire you to work harder for what

really matters, but you are wise to take big action earlier in the year as late starts will

prove extra difficult to build a meaningful momentum.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Sagittarius Weekly

Circumstances have been pushing you to be more realistic, practical, and disciplined.

More recently, this has pushed you to be open to new forms of knowledge. Regardless

of the kind of information you are seeking, a core motivation is to be more aware of

how to achieve a greater sense of balance. The time has come to balance the scales.

Sagittarius Monthly

Changes in your lifestyle include getting more disciplined. Perhaps you want a cleaner

and more functional home set-up or want to improve your diet or weave in more

exercise. Feedback from others will help.

Sagittarius Yearly

2019 was a year filled with deep changes. Some of these may have caught you by

surprise and have had an indelible impact on your lifestyle. This trend will continue

well into spring. Your financials may well have been impacted and there may be more

changes yet to come. If so, you will know about it early on. It could even feel like a

death of sorts. Yet positively, it could also manifest as a spiritual initiation of some

kind. As the year progresses, especially during the second half, you will meet new

people and friendships and group involvements will begin to take root. These too will

have a measurable impact on your lifestyle.

The Capricorn & Conjunctions Influences are directly linked to your financial interests,

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most likely involving your career choices. In short, your ambitions will rise. The Lunar

Node Change Influence will shift your focus to more fully emphasize the quality of your

relationships. The Solar Eclipses Influences have and will continue to bring you down

to earth on a variety of fronts. This process will take the better part of the year and will

lead you to want to take new initiatives towards year’s end and into 2021. The Mars in

Aries Influence will activate your resolve, drive, and determination and could provide a

big boost of confidence too.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Capricorn Weekly

You have been and continue to push hard. Yet your drive has perhaps not been in the

usual sense given the circumstances in the world. Ironically, even with Mars entering

Pisces, your energy levels have been running high. But this could change and you may

have to be careful not to slip into a negative escape more. If you indulge in substances,

focus to exercise moderation.

Capricorn Monthly

An exciting creative cycle is underway. It will require more effort, however. If this is

only true in your mind, it might be best to wait until July to start projects when Venus

turns direct again.

Capricorn Yearly

A powerful series of events will activate a whole new level of power in you. Whether

you take the reins of this power or it overpowers you is something you will be

contending with right at the get-go. It could activate a whole new level of discipline,

perhaps centered on health. It will also likely have a powerful effect on how you feel

about your closest family relationships. Positively, this flow of destiny will serve to

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bring you closer to the ones you love, reminding you just how important they truly are.

As the year progresses, you will learn to see the world as with new eyes, through the

lenses of your soul.

The Capricorn & Conjunctions Influence will have a major impact on your overall style

of how you express yourself in the world. The end result will be a greater level of

confidence. The Lunar Node Change Influence includes surrendering to the need to

incorporate new values and priorities into your life. The Solar Eclipses Influences are

already and will continue to manifest as changes in your overall level and quality of

awareness of you and others and of yours and their self-concepts. The Mars in Aries

Influence will have its fullest expression close to home. This could negatively manifest

as difficulties with family, yet positively as core changes within you and could also

manifest as renovations in your home.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

Aquarius Weekly

With Saturn in your sign, you may have been dealing with the added weight. Increased

responsibility requiring dutiful action is indicated and it even does hint at the

possibility of earning more money. Yet, maintaining high spirits may feel harder than

ever. This phase will continue all year so meet the challenge with finding reasons to be

grateful, every day.

Aquarius Monthly

Big changes continue to rumble close to home. These could amount to major repairs,

renovations or moving altogether. If so, begin it early this month to catch the waves of

the incoming creative flow.

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Aquarius Yearly

Powerful events occurring behind the scenes or at subconscious levels will bring about

changes linked to your power potential in the world. These may prove subtle and

virtually imperceptible at first. Yet, they will contribute to some major new beginnings.

These will emphasize your creative power and what makes you unique and special.

Early on you will feel the urge to push through outer blocks and/or confront anyone

who you feel is undermining your power potential or hindering progress. Expect a

revolutionary series of shifts and moves throughout the year that may even find you

changed and moved, literally and figuratively.

The Capricorn & Conjunctions Influence is serving to clear away any disruptive clutter

in your subconscious mind. In the process, it could stir things up and thereby produce

various degrees of confusion requiring you to be more patient and faithful. The Lunar

Node Change Influence will lead you to decipher what makes you special and to take

direct and assertive action to help others realize this as well. The Solar Eclipses

Influences will manifest as changes in your priorities and, subsequently, in your

lifestyle leading you to realize a greater level of health and fulfillment. The Mars in

Aries Influence will also manifest as a more assertive push and you should notice an

increase in your energy levels, especially over the summer season.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

Pisces Weekly

Laying low close to home should be easier than ever now and, fortunately, it is exactly

what you want to do. Positively, you feel inspired to create a more beautiful living

environment. Artistic activities are also likely. Mars in your sign should have the effect

of leading you into new modes of creative expression. However, you will still have to

pace it out to manage your energy levels.

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Pisces Monthly

Already since last month you have been busier than other years at this time. This

includes creating a more beautiful home. Your full concentration is required. Expect

this pace to continue all year.

Pisces Yearly

You will focus to secure and fortify your base. This could well include your actual home

yet could also refer more figuratively to your health, business, mental and emotional

center, or all of the above. You will begin the year by pushing harder than you perhaps

have for some time. Already your perceptions and interpretations and your priorities

are changing. This turn began in the spring of 2018 and then entered a more

accelerated pace a year later. This year it will accelerate to full speed. You will learn the

value of extending your reach to a wider audience or network that supports more and

bigger opportunities.

The Capricorn & Conjunctions Influences are now and will continue to influence how

you engage with and in the world. The Lunar Node Change Influence will lead you to

bring more attention and focus to your home life. The Solar Eclipses Influences will

stimulate your public associations and activate the urge to be more creative in more

diverse ways. The Mars in Aries Influence will lead you to take a more assertive

approach to increase your levels of abundance and prosperity.

During this crisis, here is an opportunity to give twice - both to yourself

(or someone you love) for the sake of someone you do not know, but

who has reached out and needs help. Here are the details and links to

the cause below:

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- For Donations of $50: I am offering a 30-minute Reading or Gift

Certificate, OR you can instead get a 1-Year Subscription to my Weekly

Horoscope Subscribers Edition.

- For Donations of $100: You can have both a 30-minute Reading or

Gift certificate, AND a 1-Year subscription. (Both usually amount to

$112.50 CAD). So, in giving you will be receiving.

Here is the Donation Link. And you can learn more about Anecharcon

Licardo and her family here.

Send me an email if you donate! [email protected]

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