Transcript of A SUMMER TRAINING REPORT on woodsvilla

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External Guide: Submitted By:

Mr. Vipin Aggarwal Raghvendra Pratap Singh

Director TM 09022

(Woodsvilla Resort Ranikhet)

Internal Guide:

Prof. Shikha Misra

Faculty IMS, Ghaziabad





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Company Guide Submitted by

Mr. Vipin Aggarwal Raghvendra Pratap Singh

MD of Woodsvilla Resort TM-09022

Faculty Guide

Prof. Shikha Misra

IMS Ghaziabad


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I hereby declare that this Project Report entitled

“ Sales and Marketing of Woodsvilla Resort Ranikhet”

In Woodsvilla Resort head office Defense Colony Delhi, submitted in the partial

fulfillment of the requirement of Post Graduate Diploma in Tourism Management


on primary & secondary data found by me in various departments, books, magazines

and websites & collected by me under the guidance of Mr. Vipin Aggrawal.


Raghvendra Pratap Singh


Roll no. - TM 09022


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This is to certify that Raghvendra Pratap Singh, student of postgraduate diploma in

Tourism Management (PGDM-TM) from Institute Of Management Studies,

Ghaziabad has completed his Summer Internship Project title “Sales And Marketing

of Woodsvilla Resort”

I wish him all the best for his future endeavors.

Proff. Shikha Mishra

IMS, Ghaziabad


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This is to certify that Mr. Raghvendra Pratap Singh s/o Sh. Amarpal

Singh has undertaken summer training programme with our organization

from 16.04.2010 to 15.06.2010. He worked in sales & Marketing and

various departments during his training period.

For Woodsvilla Ltd.


Place: New Delhi



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I have done my summer training in Woodsvilla Resort Ranikhet was very

honorable for me. I have learnt much in this trade & really enjoyed it. I

worked under many pleasing personalities who guided me in every

aspects of work and guided me in making this project.

I wish to thank those people who helped me in completing this summer

training project report.

I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Vipin Aggarwal

(Director) who guided me during my summer training. I have learnt the

preliminary aspect of sales and marketing. Without their guidance, doing

my summer training and making this project was not possible,

successfully and efficiently.

I take great pleasure in thanking Pro. Shikha Mishra, who provided me an

opportunity to do my summer training in such a prestigious organization.

Now I would I like to say great thanks to Woodsvilla who supported me

and gave me a healthy environment of working. I would also like to thank

Prof. Shikha Mishra, my project mentor who guided me in every aspect to

make my training/ project report successful.

Raghvendra Pratap Singh



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S.N. Content Pg. No.

1. Executive Summary……………………………………...…………………..(8)

2. Introduction………………………………………………………………….(9)

3. Marketing Strategies…………………………………………………….....(11)

4. History.……………………………………………………………………..(14)

5. About Woodsvilla Resort…………………………………………………..(16)

6. Company Profile…………………………………………………….…...…(17)

7. Organization Structure……………………………………………….…..…(18)

8. Comparative Analysis………………………………………………….…...(19)

9. Classification of Woodsvilla……………………………………………….(32)

10. Different Room Plans in Hotel…………………………………………..…(40)

11. Attraction of Woodsvilla……………………………………………….…..(41)

12. Programme………………………………………………………………....(44)

13. Tariff of Woodsvilla……………………………………………………......(46)

14. My Training Schedule in Woodsvilla………………………………………(49)

15. Learning………………………………………………………………….…(51)

16. SWOT Analysis of Woodsvilla………………………………………….....(52)

17. My Experience in Woodsvilla……………………………………….……..(54)

18. Limitations...…………………………………………………………..……(55)

19. Conclusion………………………………………………………………….(56)

20. Recommendation………………………………………………………...…(57)

21. Findings…………………………………………………………………….(58)

22. Bibliography…………………………………………………………….….(59)


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The Marketing concept starts with the determination of consumer wants and ends with

the satisfaction of those wants. It puts the consumer both at the beginning and at the

end of the business cycle.

It is the technology of generation of demand by reaching, attracting, winning,

convincing, educating and creating an awareness of the availability, reliability and the

usefulness of the product or service being offered by the seller for converting the

buyer to choose the offered product or service and thus creating the demand in the

mind of every potential buyer, more appropriately described as the consumer who

needs it and uses it.

Satisfaction and conviction lead to establishment of brand acceptance and an

unshakable faith in the product or service thus attracting loyalty to that product or


Providing solutions to the problems is the process of converting the problems into a

product or products or services, which become a marketing opportunity for earning

and generating wealth.

The Marketing concept and Marketing strategies from the principal basis for

managing the modern company in the highly competitive market. The marketing

strategy comprise of the broad principles by which a business unit expects to achieve

its marketing objectives in a target market. It basically consists of decisions on the

marketing mix.

The marketing mix set of marketing tools that firm uses to pursue its marketing

objectives in the target market. Mainly the marketing mix comprise of product, price,

place, promotion and planning. The objective of the study is to get an insight into

three leading brands of shoe industry, the highly competitive marketing environment

to acquire knowledge and understanding of the company strategy and tactics.

I am doing my project on Woodsvilla Resort Ranikhet.


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Marketing Strategies Meaning and Scope

Marketing strategy is the complete and unbeatable plan designed specifically for

attaining the marketing objectives of the firm i.e. what the firm wants to achieve.

Thus it takes its direction and cue from the marketing objectives of the firm. It can

describe as STP marketing, segmentation, targeting, positioning.

Formulation of Marketing Strategies:

The formulation of marketing strategy consists of two main steps:

1. Selecting the target market.

2. Assembling the marketing mix.

1. Selecting the Target Market: The target selection shows to whom the firm

intends to sell the products. It involves the decision on:

a. What parts of the market are to be served?

b. What parts of the market are not to be served? And

c. What is the logic of selecting a particular segment?

When the selection of the target market is over, an important part of the marketing

strategy of the firm is already determined, defined and expressed.

2. Assembling the Marketing Mix: Marketing mix is the set of marketing tools

that the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in TGT market. The

marketing mix shows how the firm intends to sell the product. Assembling the

marketing mix means assembling the four P's of marketing i.e. product, price,

promotion and place in the right combination and deciding on the weight age

to be assigned to each of the four P's. The firm plans and assembles different

marketing mixes with varying levels of expenditure on each element and tries

to figure out the effectiveness of each combination in terms of generating the

best sales and maximum profit. It then chooses the combination that is best


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according to its judgment. In a given situation, a firm may formulate its

marketing mix with maximum weight age on the product as such i.e. banking

on the technological superiority and functional benefits of its product may

provide average weight age to price, promotion and distribution. Thus the

firm puts in extra effort and investment on its product and this superior

product forms the core or the central element of its marketing mix.

As the marketing mix assumes the form of the total product offering of the firm

which is meant to serve the market or customer so the marketing mix

formulation has to take its cue directly and totally from the market or

customer. The marketing mix is a flexible and dynamic entity that has to be

modified and manipulated to meet the changes in the market.

At the same time, the firm cannot afford to keep changing its marketing mix

every other day. The formulated over all strategy still normally remain intact

over a longer term; but within that framework, adjustments and tactical

maneuvers will take place constantly. The main aim of marketing strategy is

to cope with competition and it essentially represents the competitive posture

of the firm in the market.


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The marketing strategies fall under 4 generic categories:

1. Price based strategies.

2. Differentiation based strategies.

3. Promotion based strategies.

1. Distribution based strategies.

1. Price Based Strategy:

Companies taking to the price route compete on the strength of their pricing

and the price cushions they enjoy. Normally, those who resort to the price

route enjoy substantial cost advantage. Such cost advantages may emanate

from several activities or areas of operation like economics of scale, absolute

cost advantages, benefits of early entry, a large market share built over a

period of time, corporate synergy in major activities take production and

marketing of different businesses etc. Such a firm may go in for a cost based

pricing (like mark up pricing, marginal cost pricing, absorption cost pricing

etc.), demand or market based pricing (like. premium pricing, discount

pricing, party pricing etc.) product time pricing (enter firm markets a large

variety of products), tender pricing, afford ability based pricing, differentiated

pricing etc.

A firm resorting to the price route should be enjoying a cost leadership with

in its industry and looking for cost reduction through different routes like cost

control, dropping unprofitable customers or segments, minimal cost in R&D

just in time inventory, pursuit of automation search for cost effective

technologies or processor etc. These are the essential prerequisites for a price

led strategy to succeed.


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2. Differentiation based Marketing Strategy:

Marketing Strategy base on differentiation words on the principle that nay

aspect of the offer and any activity of the firm can be made distinctive

compared with the competing offers. From the simplest of commodities to

the most sophisticated of products and services, the scope for differentiation

is tremendous. In the market place differentiation is everywhere. Everybody

producer, fabricator, seller, broker, agent and the merchant try constantly to

distinguish his offer from that of his competitors. Business firms can

differentiate their offer in many ways. Right from technology, plant location

to post sales service, a company can perceptibly differentiate and add buyer

value. Companies usually choose those functions, which give them the

greater relative advantage.

The scope of marketing strategies has been increasing tremendously in

today's dynamic and highly competitive marketing environment. In today’s

environment consumer needs and wants are changing rapidly due to increase

in his income, education and standard of living. Due to this changing

consumer needs companies established products lines are becoming outdated

rapidly and they are reaching their peak of growth period in far shorter period

of time than normally.

Thus the firms are resorting to marketing strategies to adjust

in accordance with the new conditions prevailing in the

market. Marketing strategies enable the organizations to

counter competitive moves by positioning and repositioning

their products or brands, to enter new segments of market, to

do promotion of products more effectively and thus create a

niche position for them-selves in the market. Thus an

analysis of these marketing strategies of different companies

helps us to determine their respective strengths and


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weaknesses to counter each other mover and thus their

ability to face competition for this survival and growth.

3. Promotion Based Strategy:

In this the company may go for the brand and the product promotion:

1. Brand Promotion:

A brand name is the best means of high value realization. In today's world of

increasing competition, where the companies are facing acute competition not

only from their domestic counterparts but also from various incoming foreign

multinationals the companies resort to this extensive brand promotion strategy

due to the following reasons:

a. Brand Awareness: With so many brands in the market the companies

want to make sure that, through extensive and diverse promotion, their

brand name gets popular and is registered in the minds of their target

customers as a well known brand.

b. Brand Image: After marking the a target customers aware of their brand

name, the companies build up the image of their brand, as a brand,

assuring quality, improved latest features, durability etc. For this brand

image building, the companies, gives advertisements, showing their

uniqueness in terms of their modernized and cost effective manufacturing

processes, ISO 9000 certifications, their tie-ups with reputed foreign

companies - giving them technology backups, their concern for the

country' environment and its peoples in which they are operating etc.

For building the image of their brand, the companies ask renowned and

well-known personalities to promote their brand.

4. Distribution Based Strategy:


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The companies, as their distribution strategy, may use a distribution

channel, which is different from its competitors thus giving the company

advantages like greater reach, cost effectiveness etc.


With liberalization opening up new avenues of growth, the hotel sector had to keep

pace by initiating strategies to overcome constraints of non-availability of land, rigid

FSI norms and Urban Land Ceilings and Regulation Act, delay in according industry

status, multiple taxation affecting tourism etc.

A re-orientation of the mindset of decision makers, politicians, bureaucrats

and public at large through projection of tourism as an instrument of socio-

economic transformation.

Much of the hotel industries difficulties arose from lack of awareness of its

huge potential as a catalyst in asset creation, employment.

A sharper thrust was needed to draw attention to the challenges facing the

hotel industry, particularly the need for it to be considered, alongside

infrastructural sectors.

Hoteliers felt that stronger hotel-specific voice, which could supplement the

efforts of the existing organization; a platform from where the case issues

concerning the hotel industry are articulated was needed.

Founded in 1996, the Hotel Association of India (HAl) is the apex organization of the

hospitality industry in India. It represents the entire cross section of the hotel industry

ranging from small, medium and large hotels to exclusive stand-alone hotels and the

major hotel groups. Its Executive Committee is a combination of the commitment and

experience of the hotel-owners and the professionalism of hotel-managers. It has in its

fold dozens of Indian Hotel Industry as well as young and emerging hoteliers

determined to shape a better tomorrow for the tourism industry. HAl has an

impressive membership of over 215 hotels. The membership includes 1 Star to 5 Star


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Deluxe category Hotels, Heritage hotels as well as Public Sector and Government

owned Hotels.


To secure for the Hotel Industry its due place in India’s economy, project its role as a

contributor to employment generation, and sustainable economic and social

development, highlight its crucial role in the service of Tourism Industry as the largest

net foreign exchange earner, help raise the standards of hoteliering and to build an

image for this Industry both within & outside the country.


To create through a communications programme an awareness of the particular

significance of the Hotel Industry in contributing to general economic development

and employment.

1. To secure for the Hotel Industry its true status as a core Infrastructure


2. To serve the members by establishing a Data Bank to provide timely

information, data, advisory and research services. Formulate strategies, in the

areas of land, finance, taxation, training procedures and legislation to

accelerate growth.

3. To interface with Central and State governments and other authorities on

issues concerning the Hotel Industry.

4. To synergies with all segments of the Hotel Industry and apex bodies of the

Tourism Sector in India and overseas and work for the creation of a common


5. To draw up a code of conduct for the Industry.


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Woodsvilla, (in Queen's land Ranikhet) symbolizes success of the promoters dream.

Their heart and soul lies in this Villa. It is a pleasure to watch colors change in the sky

from golden yellow to sunset orange to deep purple and let Himalayas quietly

embrace the moonlit night. Witness the most romantic union between the Himalayas

and the moon. Ranikhet is pure heaven 6000 ft above the sea level and away from the

busy lifestyle of city. Woodsvilla Resort is a paradise on earth providing luxurious

accommodation to visitors looking for affordable packages and Boutique Resort

around Nainital.

Woodsvilla is promoting service Apartments by the name of Woodsvilla Residency,

situated adjacent to the present Resort, for sale and long terms stay with Kitchen


Woodsvilla Apartments are well connected to the road and is of two types, Studio,

One Room having toilet, kitchen and Balcony facing Himalayas and One Bedroom

Apartment, one bedroom with attached toilet, one living room having kitchen facility

and a balcony facing Snow Peaked Himalayas and Valley. Ranikhet

Hotels Woodsvilla is on a prime location of the surroundings of environment of hills

and woods in Ranikhet. It serves as perfect holiday location for couples to family.


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A Ranikhet Hotel is situated on main Ranikhet Almora road, in Majkhali, just 4 km

from Ranikhet Golf Course and around 8 km from main Ranikhet.

The corporate office of Woodsvilla Resort is in the Delhi.

Address: -

E-4, Defence Colony,

New Delhi-110024

Contact No. Of the Office: -

Tel: (011) 41552060-2, 24332643Fax: (011) 41551479 

Contact Person: -

Mr. Vipin Aggarwal

Director of Woodsvilla Resort

Mob. No. +919810128254

E-mail: -


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[email protected],

[email protected]

Website of the company: -


Organization structure of Woodsvilla Resort


Owner Mr. Vipin Aggarwal

Managing DirectorMs. Gunjan Aggarwal

Sales ManagerMs. Kavita Gava

Finance ManagerMr. Ranjan

HR ManagerMr. Jitendra

Operation Manager

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The marketing strategy of the hotel would be studied under four separate heads viz.,

1. Product

2. Place

3. Price

4. Promotion.


Of all the four P's Product, Price, Place and Promotion – Product has unique position

in the marketing mix; Product plays a very special position, as it constitutes the most

fundamental element in any marketing offer. The other elements - Price, Place and

Promotion are normally employed to make the product offering unique and distinct.

Marketing starts with the identification of human needs and culminates with the

satisfaction of these needs. It is by offering (the product) that the company achieves

this objective. The job of marketing is to make the product and the customer meet so

that the transaction occurs and the marketing cycle completes.


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The company began with a simple philosophy; to provide excellent services to the

travel industry and the corporate world at a price one could easily afford. The dream

of providing total satisfaction in all its spheres of activity, put consumer in excellent

service at a competitive price, to give employees a fine quality of life and to offer

business associates a total sense of belonging, a thorough understanding of fast-

changing consumers behavior, new market segments and product opportunities and a

marketing mix sensitive to changing customer needs form the core strategy and

philosophy. This is essentially a completely customer driven approach. Thus, the

changing consumer needs and never static technologies provide fresh challenges

every day and at Woodsvilla the progress continue to turn.


Quality at Woodsvilla Resort is not just modern services and equipment. It is an

everyday discipline. It is technology in experience that spans a decade of excellence.

It is an attitude that masters the challenge of growth and changes. Change in

consumer’s perceptions about products and new aspirations arising from a new

generation of buyers. Total quality is ensured from arrival to the departure of the

guests. Constant service up gradation ensures that the company stays in the global

mainstream, and maintains its competitive edge. Besides the improved quality control

methods that came about with every Indian collaboration, the company also employs

the service of independent experts from around the world, to assist in new design and

serving process. But tradition remains uppermost. Control on quality still begins

from the reception, which is matter of pride for the worker.

Keeping pace with the time:

At Woodsvilla Resort learning is a continuous process. The company has adopted

new technology to suit the none too friendly Indian conditions by keeping pace with

the time and making use of all the sophisticated hotel operational devices as its

counterparts in the foreign countries, to give the customers the best service that is

launched. For example when Woodsvilla was launched it was positioned as a


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executive club for the business traveler, value addition came with special features like

a Library, individual fax machines and personalized stationary and other secretarial

services. Today, Woodsvilla understand the needs of the Indian travel market much

better. Which is why its Research and Development is always endeavoring to add

more features to the existing range.


The peak season of the Hotel Industry is April to July whereas the lean season for the

hotel industry is from September to November. The contracts are till March as

tariffs are revised in October. The Domestic segment provides occupancy throughout

the year. The domestic Sales division can be sub divided in two categories.

Industrial, Corporate Houses, MNCs and Public Sector undertaking. The customers in

this class are of two categories:

1. Customers for Business and Commerce

2. Customers on Holidays Tours for pleasure.

Domestic individual travelers who form the part of the clientele.

Clients on Holidays tours for Pleasure.

Guest on pilgrimage.

Student Groups.

Broadly this whole group can be can be classified under the category of FIT or Free

Individual Travelers.

The officers cater the corporate classes, which form the chunk of the sales, or sales

executives who cater to an area say MNC's. These officers make sales calls to various

MNC's and enter into a contract with these organizations. The contract is on annual

basis. A special rate is quoted for the facilities to be made available to the company.

When the rate is agreed upon, the hotel has to honor the rate fixed for all the bookings

made in a particular year. The discount allowed is mostly 10% to 20% in the printed

tariff. The rates depend totally on the market conditions. The rates are very

competitive as the hotel faces lot of competition from close competitors. The

department keeps a record of the prevalent rates going in the market and decides the

special rates, which is offered to the various organizations. This is rate is counted on

the basis of the number of room rights offered by the various organizations. The


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special rates are strictly confidential and form a part of the organizational marketing

plans. The Director of Sales & Marketing Department in consultation with the

concerned Sales Manager approves the special rates.

The sales reports are prepared on a daily basis, which forms a very important factor in

deciding the special rates.

In case of Free Individual travelers the rooms are sold on the rack rates or the printed

rates of the hotel. Discounts are offered in case of repeated visits or longer stay


The domestic sales department during the lean season formulates packages, which

form an important part of the Hotel Sales and Marketing. The package is based on

different lines to increase sale of rooms and generate revenue in the lean season.

Conference and Conventions:

This is one of the most important section in the marketing and hotel Sales and

Department. It involves the bidding in International conference and conventions.

Conference Cell - Marketing Division has increased due to the fact that the accent of

all major chains has shifted from GIT to convention Tourism, coinciding the fact that

the inflow of foreign business and convention delegates has increased many folds in

the past three years. Now, that most of the Corporate Groups have come to Ranikhet

and developed routes the next two years will witness a sea change. Product launch,

Training workshop, Dealers, Meet etc. would be the order of the day to create a

place for themselves.


Pricing is the most important component of the Marketing Mix. The very purpose of

its maximization of revenue, to generate and expedite realization of return on

investments. Speaking in terms of hotels, which offer a wide range of products and

services, the pricing holds tremendous significance. It is a simple tag but a complex

concept as it reduces intricate needs and wants to just numbers. All the 3P’s of

Marketing actually gets translated into this ‘P’. Price is the ultimate “ Transaction


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border Point” between a corporation and its customer. An organization myriad cost

gets converted to Price and customer’s value perceptions get reduced to price and the

transition happens.

The factors, which determine ‘Pricing’, can be broadly classified into three, viz., Cost,

Demand and Competition. When computing the cost of a particular product or service

a series of calculations needs to be carried out. To exemplify how the costing of both

product and services are arrived at, two separate cases would be dealt with below,

1. For instance a guest who walks into a coffee shop and orders for a cup of

coffee ought not get horrified by the exorbitant bill of Rs. 50 for a standard

portion of 120 ml. The fact is that, the guest pays not just for the generic

product (coffee), which would cost the company mere Rs. 3 per portion, but he

is also required to pay for the ambience which is offered to him and of course

the service (4 star) which goes with it. To elucidate further on this front, let us

get a little incisive and find out how much does it costs the hotel to set-up a

restaurant that caters to 100 pax. The level of investment chiefly depends on

the location of the hotel and how much area the restaurant in question

occupies. The next itinerary in the costing is what is the amount of money

pumped into making the four walls and the roof of the restaurant into reality.

The cost of interior decorations and other aesthetically augmenting features

needs to be added. The cost of designer chairs and tables, chairs and side

stations are not too meager to be neglected. The amount spent on lighting,

both direct and diffused and other ornamental luminaries too contribute to the

final cost. Last but not the least the cost of maintaining manpower and other

variable cost are of prime importance. Thus setting up a restaurant from the

conception of a theme to the final completion and there after the operation

involves an exponential sum. To break-even these high investment within a

stipulated time requires management to charge a much higher figure in

relation to the actual food cost. Thus the allocation of the total set-up cost of

the restaurant to each individual product demands complex and intricate

calculations. Finally the amount of Rs. 50a guest paid for his coffee is highly

justified by the fact that all those above revealed cost needs to be realized from

the end user for the very survival of the hotel.


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Another important cost escalating factor in terms of five star hotels is the levy

of sales tax and an additional expenditure tax of 10%, which is otherwise

known as tax on tax. A culmination of all these described costs plus Tax

components, plus the Profit margin speaks for the final pricing of the product.

2. Speaking about the rooms, which is a highly perishable commodity, as a room

not sold a day would result in the revenue loss for the day from that particular

room. It costs the company on an average Rs. 90 lacs for a room. The cost

includes the cost of land, building, Tax given to the DDA, fuel coat, coat of

Manpower, life expectancy of the product (the room as a whole as well as the

various giveaways, room supplies, fittings, furniture’s, telephones, television,

mattress, bed sheets, day covers, curtains etc. For example, a single bed sheet

costs the company Rs. 900 and it could be used for only 8-10 times as, that is

its perceived life. Thus keeping all these factors in mind the final cost of single

room is arrived at. Also the Rooms Division is the major revenue-contributing

department in a hotel. The occupancy of the hotel determines the final costing.

For example, if Woodsvilla has to have 100 rooms and only 80 rooms are

occupied on a single day. This means the occupancy of the hotel is 80% or

stated differently 20 rooms do not contribute a single penny to the hotel on

that given day. To illustrate this further, assuming that each rooms costs the

company roughly Rs. 1000 a day and in situation when 80 rooms are sold for

Rs.5000, the total revenue from the rooms division for that day would be 80 x

Rs. 5000 which is Rs.400000 minus the total expenditure incurred by the hotel

on the 100 rooms (100 x 1000 = A Lakh)

Case I

Total No. Of rooms 90

Average room tariff Rs.4000

Cost of maintaining a room/ day Rs.500


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Occupancy 90%

Revenue for the day Rs.4000 x 81 = 324,000

Cost of maintaining 90 rooms Rs.45000

Actual Revenue 324,000 – 45000 = Rs.279, 000

Average Room Revenue 279000/ 90 = 3100

Case II

Occupancy 50%

Cost of maintaining a room Rs.500

Average room Tariff Rs.4000

Revenue 45 x 4000 = 180,000

Cost of maintaining 90 rooms Rs. 45000

Actual Revenue 180,000 – 45,000 = Rs. 135000

Average Room Revenue 135000/ 90 = 1500

Taxes/ Service Charges: 10% Expenditure Tax on all hotel bills

Rates are subject to change without notice and are subject to Government of India


Cost Focus

Focusing on the customer will compel hotels to create value without over-stretching

their resources. And that will generate savings that can effectively transform them

into cost leaders. Woodsvilla varied services under one roof with special facilities to

travel agents have helped in achieving lower cost through economics of scale. Travel

agents are provided with better services through increases sales calls, updating them

with added services and packages. This helps reinforce customer value even as it

generates competitive edge through lower costs. The customer makes a trade-off


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between quality, price, and resultant return on the spent unit. For the hotel the pay off

was a permanent competitive advantage on costs.


A Ranikhet Hotel is situated on main Ranikhet Almora road, in Majkhali, just 4 km

from Ranikhet Golf Course and around 8 km from main Ranikhet.

Ranikhet is 365 km from Delhi and 65 km from Nanital. Jim Corbett National Park

lies just 90 km away from the Villa, which is again one of the most popular Wild Life

National Parks and famous tourist destinations.

Woodsvilla Resort a Hotel in Ranikhet is an ideal destination for holidaying in the lap

of nature. The beautiful resort is one of the finest properties in Ranikhet and is one of

the most popular amongst Ranikhet Hotels; Nainital Hotels. The Himalayan view,

visible from here is arguably the largest available from anywhere in Ranikhet. At the

angle of 180 degree peaks starting from Nepal to Badrinath can be seen throughout

the year.

The Sales & Marketing Division is responsible for promoting and marketing the

service of Woodsvilla business group such as hotels, conference and conventions,

training cell and package Holidays. The conference and convention wing is equipped

with state -of-the art- facilities to organize any meet, impeccably and efficient.

Woodsvilla 90 rooms are fine examples of elegance & grandeur functions featuring

individually controlled air conditioning audiovisual entertainment systems and direct

dial telephones all to make your stay that extra bit comfortable.

Conference facilities


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Woodsvilla Resort Ranikhet takes the business seriously with well-appointed meeting

rooms and boardrooms are available to help the guest conduct seminars, meetings and

business functions of any size or configuration. State of the art audio-visual support

and professional assistance and service that are rendered by the hotel ensure that

every meeting is an experience.


The hotel provides 90 well-appointed rooms and suites. All rooms have individual

climate control, both and shower, color television, in-house video, multi-channel

music, direct dial, telephone voice-mail.

The club floor offers for the jet-setting executives a perfect setting for mixing

"business with pleasure".



Promotion is one of major component of the marketing mix, which decides the final

image, or personality of the product. Advertising, publicity is the major forms of

promotion. Advertising is any paid form of non - personal presentation and promotion

of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor. The promotion component is the

core of the marketing mix and it reflects how Woodsvilla presents its message to the

target audience. The alternatives can be various levels of expenditure, different kinds

of objectives or strategy possibilities, and numerous kinds of options associated with

copy creation and media choice. The essence of planning is thus to find out the

feasible alternatives and reduce them and based on which decisions are made.

Decision-making involves choosing from among the alternatives. A complete

advertising plan really reflects the results of the planning and decisions that have been

arrived at in a particular service or market situation.


Page 28: A SUMMER TRAINING REPORT on woodsvilla


The groundwork involved in advertising planning and decision involves two major

factors viz. Internal and external factors. Internally, situation analysis, the marketing

program and the advertising plan are the key consideration. These three legs of

advertising planning concern objectives setting and market identification, message

strategy and tactics, and media strategy and tactics. However, this advertising plan

flows from the overall marketing program which place the advertising plan in the

context of the other marketing elements (for instance sales force effort, pricing

policies, etc) and, a more general conceptual understanding of how advertising works.

The marketing plan itself is developed in response to a situation analysis, based on

research. Once it is developed, the advertising plan is implemented as advertising

campaign, in the context of social and legal constraints and with the involvement of

the advertising agency.


The planning and decision - making process begins with a thorough analysis of the

situation. Situation analysis involves an analysis of all-important factors operating in a

particular situation. For this new research studies are undertaken keeping in mind the

company's history and experience. For advertising planning and decision-making, the

principal thrust of research efforts are based on market analysis or more broadly, this

analysis of consumer motivation and behavior with respect to the product. Situation

analysis is based in conventional wisdom, managerial experience of the creative

team's inherent imaginative abilities. But the current market and environment

condition is based adequately on research. Such research comes in from the company

and the advertising agency's research efforts (secondary data source obtained from

research suppliers). Thus situation analysis forms the foundation for a well- developed

marketing program and the cornerstones for developing an advertising strategy.


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The marketing program includes planning, implementation and control functions for

the company or in particular the decision - making unit. The marketing plan include a

statement of marketing objectives and in particular the strategies and tactics to reach

those objectives. The marketing objective identified, the segments to be served by

Woodsvilla and how it goes on to serve them. The needs and wants of consumers on

which the company concentrates are worked out identifying and analyzing them when

a marketing plan is prepared.

The Promotional Plan

The Promotion Plan is developed once the overall marketing plan has been created.

Within the marketing plan, advertising planning and decision making focus on three

crucial areas.

Objectives and target selection

Message strategy and tactics

Media strategy and tactics

Every advertising plan reflects planning decisions and commitments concerning each

of the above three major components. Planning as a process involves the generation

and specification of alternatives. Decision-making concerns the choice of the best

alternatives. Alternative with respect to objectives and target marketing are carefully

evaluated and specified. The copy alternatives are developed and analyzed with

respect to content (message strategy) and execution. The decisions more at this stage

take the form of advertising campaign adopted in a particular situation. Finally,

media alternatives and decision are made on how much money to spend (media

strategy) and where to allocate it (media tactics). In each planning and decision-

making are involved.


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The pivotal aspect any management plan is the development of operational objectives.

An operational objective provides useful criteria for decision making, generating

standards to measure performance and serving as a meaningful, communication

device. This objective helps attitude. Moreover, the advertisement should be targeted

to a selected group (target market) for which it becomes easier to develop relevant

stimulating copy. Besides this, the company has to develop several campaigns, each

directed at different segments of market.


The actual development of an advertising campaign involves several district steps.

The marketing manager decide what the advertising is meant to communicate by way

of benefits, feeling, brand, personality or action content. Thus when the content of the

campaign has been decided, decisions are made on the best & most effective ways to

communicate the content. One of the first exceptional objectives is the creation of an

advertisement that should gain attention. Advertisements are created that capture and

retain the consumers attention because in an age where thousand of advertisements

compete for attention and where consumers can flip television channels with a mere

flick of the remote control. The content and tone are eventually translated into specific

advertisement. Throughout the process, decisions are made concerning with different

copy approaches and script. Assessments for 'good' copy are not merely subjective

and therefore several kinds of research- based tests are used, in the laboratory or in the

field to enable a creative team to check on the evolving campaign continually against

its objectives.


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Media strategy concerns about the decisions on how many money to spend on an

advertising campaign. It involves with detailed specification of what the company

wants to achieve with advertising and the resources necessary to accomplish them. It

applies to the allocation of an advertising budget across media types and within each

type. The media allocation decision and media planning is done with the help of

mathematical techniques and computer programs. One is the type of vehicle

audience of the campaign.


Advertising is the missing link between Resort and the customer’s perception,

between product features and need fulfillment, between benefits and value. Even if

your service has been designed to target your customer's wants with pinpoint

precision, it's only your communication with the customer, in general and advertising

as its most potent form, in particular, that will inform her just how your are trying to

provide value to her. The advertising must deliver unmatched value to the customer.

Even the most cogent, appealing, captivating, entertaining and memorable

advertising can still fail to enhance customer value if it cannot improve the customer's

understanding of the need-real or emotional- that the service being advertised will

fulfill her needs. For that your advertising must provide information telling the

customer something she did not know. It must raise your customer interest levels.

And it must induce a change in her attitude, which can be translated by additional

marketing into a reinforcement of existing behavior or a change in it, so that she buys

your services. Only if these criteria are fulfilled your advertising will raise your

service to the levels of all competing products undifferentiated from one another.

"Advertising is what gives the service its life cycle and creates it into a brand". One of

the Jackpots in the search for a value differentiator for your brand, could be the very

experience of the using the service were competing service brands converge in terms


Page 32: A SUMMER TRAINING REPORT on woodsvilla

of tangible attributes and benefits, it is often the largely emotional experience of

using the service that can provide additional value to your customer. The task for the

advertising develops and communicates the associations that make for a richer,

warmer and more exciting brand usage experience, transcending a mere objective

description of the brand attributes. When the value that your product delivers is

intangible, the real differentiator may lie in the emotional extension.


Accommodation: - Which includes Rooms, Food & Beverage.

1. Service - which is an intangible product.

2. Food & Beverage - which is also a perishable commodity like a room, are

served from different F&B outlets like restaurants, coffee shops, banquets,

rooms service, specialty restaurants, bars etc.

Further classification of Accommodation would make the range of

Products wider; The Rooms could vary from a Standard deluxe room to

luxurious Presidential Suites which differ considerably in the facilities

offered and of course the Tag or Tariff on them. The banqueting facilities,

halls and conference rooms also come under the ambit of the Rooms


Rooms that work smarter

Woodsvilla has 61 units, which includes 90 rooms in all. Every room opens into a

private patio and an overlooking sundeck.


Page 33: A SUMMER TRAINING REPORT on woodsvilla

The architecture of the Villa is such that all 34 rooms and Residency have 56 rooms

face the glistening peaks of the Himalayas. Drinking steaming cup of tea and

overlooking the great gigantic Himalayas can be a moment as deep as sea. The private

patio attached to every room can be used for drowning in tranquility of the serene

land or to mingle with the sound of chirping birds, blowing winds and humming bees.

The interiors of the rooms are warm and welcoming. Comfort of the guest is always a

top priority at the Villa. No one disturbs you with unnecessary calls except the

innocent yet lively wind caring pine scent in abundance, chimes of the temples or may

be the whispering marigolds.

All the rooms have a bay window opening your world to white snowcapped peaks.

One can sit for hours in front of the window looking at them because believe us they

are spell bounding and intriguing, yet they are welcoming.

Each room has attached toilet with running hot water, TV, telephone and heater.

There are various types of rooms and you can choose them according to your


You can choose from

Standard Lower Ground Floor Double Bed Room.

Deluxe Double Room with a private and spacious balcony.

Honeymoon Room is designed keeping in mind the comforts and needs of a

newly wed couple where they can enjoy every moment.

Family Suite with a common bathroom is comfortable for a family of four.

Duplex Suite with its quaint wooden stare case is a unit of two rooms one

living room and one bedroom upstairs with a fireplace and separate bathrooms

for both the units.

Cottage a combination of a family suite and a super deluxe with one bedroom

downstairs and one upstairs. Bathrooms are attached to the rooms. Cottage has

a private area outside. Sometimes we can also offer the whole cottage.


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The Woodsvilla Complementariness

Exclusive check-in and checkout on the floor itself.

Exclusive check-in (9.00 am) and early check-out (11.00 am)

A welcome drink on arrival.

24-hr valet service.

A complimentary deluxe Continental breakfast in Restaurant Cloud 9.

Complimentary cocktails with a selection of hors d’oeuvres in the Woodsvilla.

Complimentary use of the meeting room on The Club floor for two hours

(Subject to availability)

Complimentary tea and coffee throughout the day in the Woodsvilla.

A complimentary bottle of imported wine.

Complimentary chocolates, fresh flowers and a fruit basket.

Personal electronic safe in the room.

Personalized stationery

A choice of newspapers and magazines.

Rooms contribute to 70% of the total revenue where as F&B (banquets, restaurants

and other outlets) collectively contribute only 30%. Also the profit margins for the

rooms are much higher as compared to a mere 7-10% from the Food and Beverage


Broadly speaking Woodsvilla has three categories of rooms,

1. Deluxe Room


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2. Duplex Room

3. Family Suit


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The distinction between the deluxe room and the most expensive Family Suites is the

Value addition and imagery and also the premium tariff rates associated with the

Presidential suite. Facilities like complementary breakfast, Limousine transfer, Happy

hours, Complimentary valet service and scores of other services accompany these

rooms based on the category. Guest rooms combine modern facilities with relaxing


Business Centre


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It offers several useful facilities 24-hrs a day, seven days a week. These include

Facsimile, Internet, E-mail, Color photocopying and legal library, as well as laptops,

city pagers and mobile phones on rental basis.

Banquet Facility

The hotel provides facility for orchestrating parties and banquets, conferences,

seminars and symposiums. Woodsvilla has 2 Banquet halls with a capacity of 200

persons and for Cocktails/ Receptions. It also has two huge Lawns to organize Fork

Buffet / Standing Buffet also for outdoor functions, Class room style, Auditorium type

etc. the Banqueting facilities offered by the hotel could be matched to any other

competing hotels and is par excellence.

Food & Beverage

The Food & Beverage Division accounts for roughly 30% of the total revenue earned

by the hotel. There are numerous Food & Beverage outlets, but broadly they could be

segregated into

Woodsvilla Resort has one Restaurant, name the few are Cloud 9, which is the

discotheque and the hottest and most wanted place in the city, especially among the


Restaurant: - Cloud 9


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In Cloud9 you not only savor breathtaking surroundings but also you are served with

some of the most sumptuous Indian, Italian, Chinese, Continental along with some

very exclusive Kumauni delicacies. The aroma of the food is mouth watering and

taste is everlasting.

It gives you an opportunity to eat amidst sun, snow covered peaks and tall standing

pines and oaks.

The patio of the restaurant is very huge. You can have your dinner under the open sky

in the streaming moonlight along with fireplace and humming music.

In rains the restaurant gives you an impression of being on the clouds, you can sip

your coffee while tapping to the beats of water droplets.

Other facilities include Steam baths, Jacuzzi and Chilled showers. Trained Masseurs

are on hand to give the guest a soothing yet invigorating body massage with pure

olive -oil, which is equated to 45 minutes of sheer bliss. The fully air-conditioned,

richly carpeted fitness centre’s, all gleaming marble and granite, are open all the

seven days of the week. Its facilities are available to all resident guests of the

Woodsvilla Resort.

Other Services & Facilities

24-hour room service

Free safe deposit lockers


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Express laundry/ dry cleaning

Purified water supply


Full-equipped Business Centre

24-hour fax/ telex facilities.

2 Meeting rooms

Work station availability

Secretarial service

Knight Ridder on-line service

Travel assistance

Car hire service

24-hour Coffee Shop at Restaurant

1 Restaurants ( Cloud 9)

Arrangements made for golf and tennis

Indoor Activities

Table Tennis

Video Game

Air Hockey


Pool Table



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Outdoor Activities


Rock Climbing



River Crossing


European Plan

This plan include only BED no meal.

Continental Plan

This plan includes BED & BREAKFAST

Continental Plan All Inclusive

This plan includes BED & BREAKFAST and All Taxes

Modified American Plan All Inclusive

Bed, Breakfast & one major meals (Either Lunch & Dinner)


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American Plan All Inclusive

Bed, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Promotional Tools

The various promotional techniques used by the company to promote its products and

services are;

During off- season special discounts are given to regular clients and one-time

guests through different pricing schemes. They also carry out promotional


The company also organizes Exhibitions, Beauty contests, Food festivals etc.

The Woodsvilla Resort also carries out certain Loyalty programme for their

patent customers.

The company also extensively makes use of Brochures, Mailers to regular

guests etc.

Thus to sum up Woodsvilla Resort Promotional efforts and strategies is something to

be talked about and has been exemplary over the years.

Attraction of the Ranikhet around Woodsvilla

Ranikhet has a lot of attraction-

Kumauni Regimental Center

The town is the home of the Kumaon Regiment. The Kumaon Regimental

Center is the lifeblood of the town. The Kumaon Regimental Museum and

Memorial is a must visit place.

Upat Kalika

Upat Kalika has one of the best Golf Course (9 holes) in the country and offers

a nice jungle walk in the woods as well.

It is 6 kms from woodsvilla on the main road to Almora.


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Binsar Mahadev

Binsar Mahadev is an old temple of Lord Shiva. The ambience of the temple is

such that one feels in unison with the power ruling the whole universe…the

lord himself the temple is lies 26 kms from Woodsvilla.


Chaubattia literally means ‘the meeting point of our routes’. The major

attraction of this place is Government Apple Garden and the Fruit Research

Center attached to it. The dense forest around enhances its beauty. Chaubattia

Gardens are at a height of 7000 feet offering the magnificent view of the

Himalayas. It lays 10 kms from the Villa.

Jhula Devi and Ram Mandir

Ram mandir is famous for lord Ram and Goddess Durga in sanctum

sanctorum. Jhula Devi Temple is famous for the bells. It is said that wishes are

granted if one ties a bell in the temple. The temple is situated 7 kms from


Shawl & Tweed Factory

Kumaon Regiment maintains the factory. It is located inside an old church.

Old traditional weaving of cloth on handloom is still alive here. The

Australian Merino wool is knit into shawls with beautiful ethnic patterns. The

shawls and tweeds woven here are worth buying. It is 10 kms from


Golf Course


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Golf, one of the most favored past time of men, globally, has a very strong

presence in Uttaranchal. For a Golf lover, Uttaranchal is a paradise. The Golf

courses in Uttaranchal have incomparable beauty. Surrounded by mountains,

fruit orchards and snow-capped hilltops, the Golf courses here are also famous

as tourist destination, apart from being favorites of professional players. The

Golf course is situated 6 Km from Ranikhet. The 9 holes Golf course is said to

be the best managed Golf course in India. Golf course is generally used by

army-men, but is also open for general public, on payment of a small amount.

It is one of the most challenging courses in the world where one can enjoy the

ethereal beauty of the course with the changing seasons. This is currently one

of the best-maintained courses in the country. Many Golf championships are

held on the Golf Course. Woodsvilla is a member of the Golf course.


Ranikhet is known for it's pleasant climate, being protected from the southwest

monsoon by a high plateau that reduces the average annual rainfall to 127 centimeters

(50 inches).

However, it is slightly warmer than areas in the vicinity. Ranikhet is bestowed with

the snowfall in the months of December, January and February, but the snow rarely

settles making the climate more favorable for visitors and locals.

Light woolens are advisable from April till September, whereas heavy woolens are

recommended from October till March.


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During summer month’s temperature varies between 

Max Temp. - 35 degree Celsius 

Min Temp. - 15 degree Celsius

In winters temperature varies between 

Max Temp. - 10 degree Celsius 

Min Temp. - 0 degree Celsius


Adventure Camp

We organize special adventure Holidays and camps for those who love challenges and

Mother Nature. These camps are a blend of Hiking, Camping, Rock climbing,

Rappelling, Tent Pitching, bon-fire and trekking.

Fun Camps for Children

Pythagoras Theorem, Newton's Law of Gravity, Battle of Panipat, heavy school bags,

loads of homework, examination fever and neck-to-neck competition.oh God! Need a


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break School life is the best part of all our lives. We at Woodsvilla try to make it more

fun and adventurous by providing activities tailor made for school students. These

activities are designed to overall enhance the personalities of the students. Camps

teach them the importance of co-existence, teamwork and how to build leadership


We at Woodsvilla organize camps to build and enhance the qualities required to

achieve success.

By play way method we try to incorporate amongst students the positive attitude

towards their goals and how to achieve them. Adventure and team building activities

such as Rock Climbing & Rappelling give them fair idea about how to execute a work

and what is the importance of a team.

Activities such as Traversing and Tarzan Swing are kept to enhance the concentration

level of students and to improve the level of dedication towards the given task.

We organize indoor games as well for their fun and enjoyment. Bonfire, Tambola,

music & dance parties are organized as well at Woodsvilla. 

Wedding Wonders

If you dreamt of getting married amidst silver mountains and golden clouds.

Woodsvilla Resort, at Ranikhet is just the place. Woodsvilla Resort makes the most

important day of your life an event to cherish forever, a memory to fall in love and an

affair extraordinary. 

S ample Itinerary

Day one

Arrival at Ranikhet


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Traditional / ceremonial welcome with aarti and folk performances.

A theme party, with traditional cuisine and entertainment in the evening

Followed by a dance party with a DJ in attendance.

Day Two

Sight seeing at the local venues including Kalika Temple, Choubatia Gardens

Followed by Lunch of your choice

Wedding ceremony in the evening

The wedding ceremony will be as per the rituals you would like to follow.

Day Three (Sight Seeing / Departure)

This would normally be a day at leisure with options of sight seeing, shopping

and special lunches.

Local sight seeing: Guided tours, rides, museum visits, historical / religious

Shopping visits

Mementoes for guests


Tariff of Woodsvilla

Woods Villa Attractive Packages

There are two property of Woods Villa-

1. Woods Villa Resort

2. Woods Villa Residency

We are already giving a best package to customers, which is more attract to


I will tell to customer about Woods Villa Resorts Packages.


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It has three types of rooms

1. Deluxe Dbl (20 Rooms)

2. Family Suite (3 Rooms)

3. Duplex Suite (4 Rooms)

1 st April to 31 st May’10 1 st June To 30 th June’10

1 Night 2 Nights 1 Night 2 Nights

Deluxe Dbl 4777 8555 5111 9555

Family Suite 5777 10555 6111 11555

Duplex Suite 6111 11555 6555 12555

It is the package, which provide to customer.

Packages Includes: -

Accommodation for two adults

Welcome drink on arrival (non-Alcoholic)

Daily Breakfast & Dinner

Complementary Tea / Coffee Maker in room

Cookies in room

Evening Bonfire with Recorded Music

Evening Tea With Cookies

Other Supplements: -

Children below 5 years complimentary

Children 5 to 12 years @ 850 /- per day on MAP

Adult above 12 years @ 1400 /- per day on MAP

Tariff subject to change without notice

Extendable on Pro-rata basis


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Other than the above period, a special discount of 30% (of June Tariff) is

applicable except long weekend, Diwali, Christmas and New Year period.

From this package I will attract more customers to resort.

Package of Woods Villa Residency

Woods Villa Residency Package is different than Woods Villa Resort. It has two

types of rooms.

Deluxe dbl (18 Rooms)

Family suite (16 Rooms)

1 st April to 31 st May’10 1 st June To 30 th june’10

1 Night 2 Nights 1 Night 2 Nights

Deluxe Dbl 3999 6999 4555 7999

Family Suite 4999 8555 5555 9555

Package Includes: -

Accommodation for two Adults

Welcome drink on arrival (non-Alcoholic)

Daily Breakfast & Dinner at Residency or Resort

Complementary Tea / Coffee Maker in room

Cookies in room

Other Supplements: -

Children below 5 years complimentary

Children 5 to 12 years @ 650 /- per day on MAP

Adult above 12 years @ 1200 /- per day on MAP

Food supplement for extra person in suite @ Rs. 500 /- per day on MAP


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Tariff subject to change without notice

Extendable on Pro-rata basis

Other than the above period, a special discount of 30% (of June Tariff) is applicable

except long weekend, Diwali, Christmas and New Year period.

Cancelation Policy

No Show/Early Check Out No Refund

Less Than 48 Hours 10% Refund

Less Than 7 Days 50% Refund

Above 15 Days 90% Refund


The training started on 16th Apr 2010 and continues 15th June 2010. The reporting

time was 9:30 am and after the reporting at the office I worked for Eight weeks in the

sales & Marketing department of Woodsvilla Resort. I handled corporate sales &

Marketing in Defense Colony, Delhi.

This gave me a better exposure to the hotel industry and how they carry on their sales

& Marketing in corporate area.


Page 50: A SUMMER TRAINING REPORT on woodsvilla


The first two days were just an introduction week where I was told about the hotel and

different Room Plans. I was asked to analyze the properties so that I could sell the

rooms to the clients from the upcoming weeks.

On the third day I was sent to Conought Place for Sales and Marketing with my seiner

in various Travel Agency. There I exchange the cards with corporate people and

discuss the requirement which they need.


In the second week again I visited corporate houses in Conought Place, Delhi. During

this week I visited approx forty corporate in Delhi.


In the third week I visited corporate houses in Conought Place.

Here also I was assigned the task of finding out whether a particular organization is a

potential client for the three properties of the Woodsvilla.

During this week I visited fifty-five corporate in CP, Delhi.


In the fourth week I visited offices in Karol Bagh, Delhi. Here also I was assigned the

task of finding out whether a particular organization is a potential client for the three

properties of the Woodsvilla. During this week I visited thirty-five corporate in Delhi.


In the fifth week I visited offices in Karol Bagh.

Here also I was assigned the task of finding out whether a particular organization is a

potential client for the three properties of the Woodsvilla .

During this week I visited thirty corporate in Karol Bagh, Delhi


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In the sixth week I visited offices in Karol Bagh, Delhi

Here I searched for the potential parties and probed about their requirements.

During this week I visited Twenty Corporate in Karol Bagh, Delhi.


In the seventh week I was sent Delhi to Ranikhet with the corporate group for six

Days as a group coordinator.


In the Eighth week again I was sent Delhi to Ranikhet with the group of student of

Delhi Public School for six Days as a group coordinator.

And when I was Return Ranikhet to Delhi my summer training has been finished


In Eighth week of my summer internship pragramme I have learnt many of things

related to corporate sector.


How to tackle costumer relationship.

How to make an itinerary for a hotel.

What is occupancy?

How to do costing for a package.

How to do marketing for a hotel.

How to sale hotel rooms.


Page 52: A SUMMER TRAINING REPORT on woodsvilla

How to give discount to costumer.

What is the TAC (Travel Agent Commission).

How to do direct marketing of a hotel.

And many more things I have learnt from the Woodsvilla, which is very useful for

my career. I am heartily thanks to Woodsvilla and my seiner colleagues who was

very corporative nature and the environment of Woodsvilla is very familiar.



Page 53: A SUMMER TRAINING REPORT on woodsvilla

SWOT Analysis is a very important facet of any organization. It is help to improve

your business and know to satisfaction level of customers and organization growth.

Woods Villa Resort / Residency A unit of Coast Plus have a good market. I have done

best for increase its sells and marketing. I have taken market of Delhi, marketing of

Woodsvilla Property. It’s Packages & facilities more attractive so I have attracted

more customers through it.

Strength of Woodsvilla

Woodsvilla Resort located in the Ranikhet, which is provides good

atmosphere to the tourist.

It is 6000 ft. above the see level, which is gives pure air, water and it has

beauty of nature.

Many tourists go there for relaxation purpose.

The most famous sun set/rise point nearest to Woodsvilla approx only 100


Golf course from the Woodsvilla only 6 k.m.


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You can see the highest peaks of Himalaya directly from Woodsvilla.

You can also see if whether is good 300 k.m. Rang of Himalaya.

You can enjoy the tradition of the Ranikhet.

Military containment of Ranikhet.

Weakness of the Woodsvilla

I would like to say that the marketing of Woodsvilla is not so good.

Online marketing is not so good.

Organization structure of Woodsvilla are not proper way.

It has no high skilled employee, which can growth for Woodsvilla.

Promotional strategy of Woodsvilla is not good.

Woodsvilla has adopted Personal Management Theory, which is not for future


Opportunity for Woodsvilla

Woodsvilla has a good opportunity to improve it selling adopt by new

marketing strategy.

In the coming time Woodsvilla have a good opportunity because

Commonwealth Games held in October.

In 2011 Cricket world cup in Asia, which will be, give better way for


Threats of Woodsvilla

In Ranikhet, Woodsvilla Resort performing a good role for tourists.


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It is developed by new technology and it is provide modern environment to the


It has a Restaurant (Cloud 9), provides multi cuisine in Ranikhet.

MY EXPERIENCE IN WOODSVILLA I got the golden opportunity to gain experience in newly upcoming hotels (Resorts) in

India. I worked in the sales & Marketing department in Woodsvilla. Here, I learned a

lot about the sales and marketing of any organization. It was here that I came to know

how important it is for any organization to market itself and bring in sales and how

tough it is to sell your product to the respective clients.

In the hotel I used to do the marketing of the hotel rooms and spreading the awareness

wherein I used to make fresh calls, sales, calls, follow-up calls i.e. visiting the new

corporate to see whether they had any movement towards any of the hotels and if

there was movement then would they prefer our organization to stay there for their

work. If the movement was there then my next task was to impress them by providing

them adequate knowledge about the hotel. After that I used to mail them regarding the

details of the hotel properties, their photographs and the rates, etc. so that the

upcoming potential clients could have an insight into the hotel properties and are

impressed to give a return call when necessary.

Though not all the days were the same. If there were some bad days then I had some

excellent times also. It was those times when I could bring in a number of

appointments so that I could visit the organizations. I even successful in giving few

bookings. The moment was full of joy and appreciable by my Boss when the

confirmation call and mail was received, which says the booking is done, i.e. I made a

sale. I covered 400 corporate in Delhi.

Thus, working in the sales & Marketing department was a unique experience for me.

Though there were many ups and downs that I faced during my entire training period

but this interaction with the industry was a good and a different experience. The sales


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and being done in the resort was a rare treat for me and will help me in building my

career in the hospitality industry.


Though every effort was put in to make this report authentic in every sense, there

were a few uncontrollable factors, which might have had their influence on the final


The various limiting factors were as follows:

An important limitation of the report is that errors might have crept into the report

during typing and compilation errors. Also, the data used for the study was mostly of

a secondary nature. This itself could have acted as a limitation of the report. The

secondary data used might be suffering from compilation or human errors.

Another major limitation was most of the marketing personnel of the companies

refused to divulge much information, as they were sensitive and not within the canons

of the companies’ policies.

Another limitation, which could have arisen, is that quite a substantial portion of the

information collected was from individuals. So the information given by respondents

might have been distorted due to events having taken place a long time ago. While

giving away some sensitive information some of the details might have been withheld

or modified. Also, while giving away information an element of bias might have crept

not the revelations.


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It today’s world, only these market players can enjoy the sweetest fruits of success

who are capable of recognizing the basic essence of consumer or client behavior. But

our times are changing very fast and the biggest difficulty that various market players

have to face is to keep pace with numerous emerging trends as well as orientations of

their target consumers.

The name of ITC has been very popular over the last many decades, but the existence

of a number of rivals and competitors has eaten into its privileged status and

compelled it bring about unprecedented changes in its business strategies. However,

innovations are being made and brought to the fore everybody. As, it is obvious from

the performance of other players in the hotel business like Taj Mahal, Taj Palace,

Oberoi, Le-Meridien etc. the situation that is facing is one of a cut throat competition.

A large number of strategies to attract people are yet to be finalized as they are bode

well for the ITC and has revealed its strategies loopholes on many counts. So, if it is

still graving for the kind of prestige it has enjoyed over the years, it will have to

address some basic factors appertained to the growth of their business in a highly

competitive and variegated market.


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The sales team visiting the various companies should be well aware of the basic

background of the industry in general an company in specific. This will help the

sales managers in knowing exactly where the company is and how much business

can be generated from the company.

Retention of the hotel in the minds of the customers in terms of its service,

ambiences, its image has to be constantly reminded to them, and for that the hotel

has to resort to serious advertisement and image enhancing campaigns.

A certain balance has to be maintained in terms of the hotel's image, it's brand

name and the tariff. Constant and repetitive tariff cuts will leave a bad image in

the minds of the existing as well as the potential customer.

Agreed that the corporate are looking for the best deal they can get in terms of the

discounted prices but the corporate clients should not be attracted on the basis of

price reduction alone, but should be made aware of the various other special

services and amenities that would be provided to them.

A hotel's image is so delicate that it can change overnight, therefore, a successful

hotel is one which stays at the forefront of change and anticipate the future before

it happens. One should be able to envision the future and inculcate those changes

to stay ahead of the rest.

To have a competitive edge, the hotel should no longer bank on 'location',

'location', 'location', but should emphasize on 'knowledge’s', 'knowledge', and

‘knowledge’. A jet setting business traveler wants what's happening around the

world in a matter of seconds and for that he/she should be able to access

information quickly and reliably.

Success in the future depends on the hotel ability to customize its products to

individuals, and maintain control of guest data and the relationship building

opportunities it offers.

The hotel should aim at providing the right information the right time. These

people do not tolerate error and will have to hesitation in shifting their business to

other hotels for even a small glitch.


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Many of time I was found that if I have gone to any travel agent and ask him to as

a customer regarding hotels in Ranikhet than they will not give first preference.

They was give first preference Shevron Rosemount, Xanadu Resort, Parwati In,

Windsor lodge and other of the hotel in Ranikhet.

So I was found that the relationship of Woodsvilla is not good in the market.

The marketing of Woodsvilla Resort is not good.

Mostly it is do corporate groups, collages groups, and other groups.

Summer season, as usual, brings with itself high occupancy, this year being worse

than others because of a unusual hot weather, shaky political and economic

scenario which presents a none too impressive picture for travelers with domestic

and international travelers.

With the latest CII (Confederation of Indian Industries) report on the Indian

economy taking another 2 years to recover from the economic political glut the

Indian economy has gotten itself into one has to be ready to face the future with

tremendous courage.

Opening of new hotels has most definitely affected business in other hotels,

Hotels specially situated near the business hub e.g.: Park Royal and the planed

opening of a new hotel near Ranikhet has and will certainly eat up into a major

revenue of other hotels.

The perception of a hotel in the mind of the consumer will definitely affect the

clientele base.

A good advertisement campaign can lead to an increase in business and will

certainly go along way in creating a good image of the hotel.

The hotel is to be presented as a complete package, and the restaurants are an

integral part, therefore it is very essential that the restaurants have to be "timely

turned" in order to attract customers.

For the business traveler, the services provided should be at part with other 4-star

super deluxe hotels around the world. Setting standards for excellence should be a

norm rather than an alternative to increase business.


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