A. Run to the door. B. Leave quickly and carefully using the route your computer teacher has...

Stump the Students!!

Transcript of A. Run to the door. B. Leave quickly and carefully using the route your computer teacher has...

Stump the Students!!

During a fire drill you should:

A. Run to the door.

B. Leave quickly and carefully using the route your computer teacher has instructed you to use!

C. Log off the computer before leaving.


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During a lock down:

A. Sit quietly in the area designated by your teacher.

B. Talk quietly and keep working at your computer station.

C. Try to be the first one to shut the door.


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What determines if you can stay in the seat you choose?

A. If your clothes match.

B. Your hair color.

C. Your behavior.


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Which of the following is not a computer lab rule?

A. Print everything you make.

B. Listen to and follow directions.

C. Show respect.


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If you put a sticky note on your monitor, what does it mean?

A. That you have a question.

B. That your nose itches.

C. That you want to switch seats with someone.


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Food, gum, and candy:

A. Will be given out everyday in the lab.

B. Are not allowed in the computer lab.

C. Are allowed in the computer lab.


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You should:

A. Pound on the keyboard.

B. Always turn the sound up full blast.

C. Wash your hands before coming to the lab and keep heat and magnets away from the computers.


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Which of the following is NOT a bathroom break rule?

A. You will now be allowed to use the bathroom while directions are being given.

B. You may use the bathroom when ever you feel like it.

C. Try to use the bathroom before coming to the lab .


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To log on to a computer:

A. Type your initials and student id number for your student ID and type your student id number for your


B. Just turn it on.

C. Type in your phone number.


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If you are working on something and are not finished at the end of lab:

A. You will need to start over next time.

B. Be sure to SAVE your work as directed by your teacher.

C. Cry.


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If you get three strikes:

A. The next player will get a turn at bat.

B. You should keep doing what you are doing.

C. You will need to take a break away from the computer.


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Have a great year!!!From,

Mrs. Holderbaum