A Research-based Model for Interdisciplinary Training of STEM Undergraduat…

MSU Chem Seminar 17 October 2012 A Research-based Model for Interdisciplinary Training of STEM Undergraduates Jason Miller, Ph.D. Department of Mathematics Truman State University Missouri State University Chemistry Seminar 17 October 2012


Truman State University has developed a mechanism for effective training undergraduates to work at the intersection of the life and mathematical sciences, and it uses the pedagogy of undergraduate research. This 'machine' can be appropriated for other interdisciplinary pairings our groupings. Slides are for a talk given for the Missouri State University's Chemistry Seminar on 17 October 2012.

Transcript of A Research-based Model for Interdisciplinary Training of STEM Undergraduat…

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MSU Chem Seminar17 October 2012

A Research-based Model for Interdisciplinary Training of STEM


Jason Miller, Ph.D.Department of Mathematics

Truman State University

Missouri State UniversityChemistry Seminar17 October 2012

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MSU Chem Seminar17 October 2012

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MSU Chem Seminar17 October 2012

Outline• Introduce Truman State University

• Story of Truman’s research-focused mathematical biology program

• Truman’s interdisciplinary STEM efforts degree

• Opportunities for Collaboration

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Truman is in rural Kirskville, Missouri

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About Truman• Missouri’s only “highly selective” public

liberal arts University; pride in high-quality teaching, small class size

• ~6000 undergraduates, ~300 faculty, 150 Masters students

• Institutional commitment to Undergraduate Research and to Interdisciplinary teaching

• EX: all students must take a Junior Interdisciplinary Seminar

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About Truman

• about 25 biology faculty, 35 mathematics faculty (math+stats+CS)

• biology: research expected of faculty (with students); experienced mentors

• mathematics: teaching focus, little or no support for research activity; 10 new faculty between 1998-2000

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Professional Societies

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F E B R UA R Y 2 0 1 2

Executive O!ce of the PresidentPresident’s Council of Advisors

on Science and Technology



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Mathematical Biology Seminar (since 2003)

• Program fulcrum

• Biweekly meeting of faculty and undergraduates

• Initially, a “Biology Fashion Show”

• Engineered several cross-disciplinary, research hook-ups

• Pairings provided us with a foundation for NSF UBM grant proposals

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Mathematical Scientist (faculty)

Life Scientist (faculty)

Life Scientist (trainee)

Mathematical Scientist (trainee)

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Mathematical Scientist (faculty)

Life Scientist (faculty)

Life Scientist (trainee)

Mathematical Scientist (trainee)

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Mathematical Scientist (faculty)

Life Scientist (faculty)

Life Scientist (trainee)

Mathematical Scientist (trainee)

Mathematical Scientist (faculty)

Life Scientist (faculty)

Life Scientist (trainee)

Mathematical Scientist (trainee)

Mathematical Scientist (faculty)

Life Scientist (faculty)

Life Scientist (trainee)

Mathematical Scientist (trainee)

Mathematical Scientist (faculty)

Life Scientist (faculty)

Life Scientist (trainee)

Mathematical Scientist (trainee)

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MSU Chem Seminar17 October 2012

• selection occurs in the Fall, students start work in January (year-long)

• weekly meetings during the academic year

• Intense 10-week summer research program

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Residence Hall

Small Group Meetings + MentorsWeekly Discussions/Workshops


Social EventsMathBio Seminar



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MSU Chem Seminar17 October 2012

Automatic Annotation of Maize Genome

Collaboration between Truman, IA State, Cornell, Cold Spring Harbor.

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MSU Chem Seminar17 October 2012

Automatic Annotation of Maize Genome

Collaboration between Truman, IA State, Cornell, Cold Spring Harbor.

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Geometric Modeling of C.elegan’s 4-cell stage

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MSU Chem Seminar17 October 2012

Graph Theoretic Modeling of Vascular Networks

Collaboration between Truman and AT Still University of Health Sciences.

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MSU Chem Seminar17 October 2012

Modeling Dispersion of Extinct Saccate Pollen

Collaboration between Truman and the College of New Jersey.

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Identifying Volant Bats via Echolocation

with Lynn Robbins, MSU Biology

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Habitat Suitability modeling for the Missouri Bladderpod

Collaboration between Truman and the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

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MSU Chem Seminar17 October 2012

Statistical Modeling of Abundance of Beetle Populations

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Models of Tick Respiration and Physiology

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MSU Chem Seminar17 October 2012

• A modified Tajima-D statistic for identifying causes of HIV mutation

• Modeling host-parasite interaction in a long-term site study

• Geometric modeling of gravitropic sensitivity in flax roots

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• an expensive program ($25k per team)

• low throughput

• high impact

• wanted to pursue tactics for long-term sustainability


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MSU Chem Seminar17 October 2012

Core Courses

• Bioinformatics

• Introduction to Mathematical Biology

• Biostatistics/Biometry

• Introduction to Computational Science*

• Calculus & Math Methods for the Life Sciences

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Interdisciplinary Minor

• Designed to foster thoughtful integration of skills and knowledge in mathematics and biology

• outcome based (electronic portfolio), not course/credit based

• for majors in biology, mathematics, computer science, agricultural science

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Minor’s Outcomes• Data Acquisition

• Modeling

• Computation

• Statistics

• Research

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• Demonstrate proficiencies in each category (though research, courses)

• Earn 15+ credits doing so (must take Intro to MathBio course)

• Attend MathBio Seminar

• Participate in two half-semester program workshops/seminars

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MSU Chem Seminar17 October 2012

Other Courses

• Math Modeling

• Ecology

• ODEs

• Genetics of Animal and Plant Improvement

• Developmental Biology

• (Electron) Microscopy

• Any that makes a connection between the areas. Some example:

Each student makes a case for each course in their learning plan.

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Strong summer research community.

Quality new courses: Bioinformatics, Intro to MathBio, Biostatistics, Intro to Computational Science, Calculus & Math Methods for Life Science

Competency-based minor in mathematical biology.

Faculty embrace interdisciplinary approaches to research.

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• Program grew from institutional strengths and interests, meeting the needs of many

• Creates a learning-centered community for faculty and students

• Trains students through research; discomfort is a sign of success

MathBio Notes

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• Our program was the perfect means for developing infrastructure and faculty buy-in

• It is an imperfect model for a sustainable quantitative or mathematical biology program

• (But it puts us in a very powerful position as Truman launches it next efforts.)

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More details: Miller, Walston. Interdisciplinary Training in Mathematical Biology Through Team-based Undergraduate Research and Courses. CBE Life Sci Educ. 2010 Fall;9(3):284-9.

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STEM Talent Expansion Programs (STEP) Office

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F E B R UA R Y 2 0 1 2

Executive O!ce of the PresidentPresident’s Council of Advisors

on Science and Technology



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• Truman has leveraged training through undergraduate research for other programs




• with all STEM disciplines, community college partners

STEM Talent Expansion

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Degrees US MO

STEM BA/BS +15% -13%

AA -25% -48%

Degree Production 2002-2007

Source: NSF Science and Engineering Indicators, 2012

In Missouri, student starting college at 2-year school intending to transfer and earn a STEM degree have an

8% chance of succeeding.Source: CBHE IFC Baseline Report

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1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

WhiteHispanicBlackAsian/Pacific IslanderAmerican Indian/Alaska Native

Composition (%) of U.S. college-age cohort: 1990–2020

NSF Science and Engineering Indicators 2006, Figure O-37 TU-HHMI Conference 2012

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Missouri EPSCoR• Missouri is an EPSCoR State

• NSF funding must not exceed 0.75% of total NSF funding (criteria, table)

• Missouri’s planning process for a Track I grant lead by MU’s Bob Duncan ($20m over 5 years)

• This summer, representatives of institutions were invited to participate in process of creating the proposal

• scientific with robust workforce development and training elements

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• A proposal was submitted on 3 October.

• “Accelerating Bioscience Discovery: Learning, Inference, and Modeling”

• data-intensive bioscience

• imaging and environmental sensing

• training and workforce development aspects are unclear

Missouri EPSCoR

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• Gary Meints and I worked together at the workshop

• saw an opportunity for Truman and MSU to collaborate

• interdisciplinary training of undergraduates in STEM using research experiences

Missouri EPSCoR

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• Missouri political and financial climate favors collaborations between Universities

• NSF funding favors partnerships

• 21st century professions are integrative, interdisciplinary, and team-based

• research on cognitive development (learning) shows strengths of undergraduate research

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What can we do in partnership?

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More details: Miller, Walston. Interdisciplinary Training in Mathematical Biology Through Team-based Undergraduate Research and Courses. CBE Life Sci Educ. 2010 Fall;9(3):284-9.

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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under NSF UBM #0337769, #0436348, and #0926737. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
