A report on Legal Realism

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  • 8/18/2019 A report on Legal Realism



  • 8/18/2019 A report on Legal Realism


    • A theory that all law derives

    from prevailing social interests andpublic policy According to thistheory! "udges consider not only

    abstract rules! but also socialinterests and public policy whendeciding a case In this respect! legalrealism di#ers from legal formalism

    • Either theory can be understood ina descriptive way! prescriptive way!or both wa s at once

  • 8/18/2019 A report on Legal Realism



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  • 8/18/2019 A report on Legal Realism


    • According to Edgar ,odenheimer and (ulius Stone! legal realism considersthe same factors that functional "urisprudence deals with in the studyof the nature of the law

    • )nli-e functional "urisprudents! legalrealists are more concerned with the

    operation of the legal order in terms ofe.periences and intere.periences forthe people in the legal ordering ofsociety

  • 8/18/2019 A report on Legal Realism


    • Legal realists are not merelyadvocates of certain tendencies of

    the functional school of "urisprudence

    • Legal Realism has three forms/

     – Social Legal Realism – 'ritical Legal Realism

     – 0sychological Legal Realism

  • 8/18/2019 A report on Legal Realism



  • 8/18/2019 A report on Legal Realism


    •  %he theory of law styled "udicial legalrealism is characteri1ed by a healthy

    s-epticism for the traditionalperspectives of law

    • Li-e other aspects of the legal realistschool of "urisprudence! "udicial legalrealism doubts the positivist and

    transcendentalist approaches to theproblem of the nature of the law interms of what it is and what it ought tobe

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  • 8/18/2019 A report on Legal Realism


    • It is the philosophy of education of (ohn $ewey that social legal realism

    is based

    • $ewey held that -nowledge is part of

    life2e.periencing involving3intercourse of a living being with hisphysical and social environment4

    • Learning becomes e#ective andade5uate to necessities of life only

    when it is coordinated with

  • 8/18/2019 A report on Legal Realism


    • 3Life of the law is the sociale.perience of the people and tested

    and guided by social e.perience4

    •  %he law cannot be understood apart

    from its social environment but mustpro6t from social e.perience in thedevelopment of concepts! rules and


  • 8/18/2019 A report on Legal Realism


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    • $ewey said that the source of law isthe social e.perience of all thepeople! not some transcendental

    concept! since all that the people canappreciate well are their owne.periences

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    •  %he matter of the end or purpose of lawwould be outside the domain of thee.periences of the people

    •  %he end or purpose of the law is thedeliberate achievement of social contentment

    • It remains social in nature for it is found inthe society of the individual members that

    compose it as a whole

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    • 8hat is called application is notsomething that happens after a ruleor statue is laid down but is a

    necessary part of them

    • 8hat the law is as a matter of fact

    only by telling how it operates andwhat its e#ects are in and uponhuman activities that are going on

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  • 8/18/2019 A report on Legal Realism


    •  %he critical legal studies movementwas formally organi1ed at the 7irst

    'onference on 'ritical Legal Studiesheld at the )niv of 8inconsin

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    •  %he legal realism of this

     "urisprudential movement is acriti5ue directed against thediscourse agenda and practices of

    the dominant liberal paradigm suchas the ways in which the language ofimpartiality! ob"ective due processand value2free procedures which hideand conceal partisan operations ofpower and elite forms of socialvictimi1ation

  • 8/18/2019 A report on Legal Realism


    7or critical legal realism! the results of theerroneous tradition maintained by the

    dominant liberal paradigm are/

    9: %he State has become the organi1ationof the dominant liberal class

    ;: %he law has become the rationali1inginstrument of alienation and oppression

    yielding concessions only when absolutelynecessary in order to avoid protests andcontradictions

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  • 8/18/2019 A report on Legal Realism


    • 7or critical legal realism ! the e5ualprotection of the law principle issimply not ade5uate to protect

    individuals against collective tyrrany

  • 8/18/2019 A report on Legal Realism




  • 8/18/2019 A report on Legal Realism


    • 0sychological legal realism in an approachto the study of the nature of the law

    pursued by a small but vigorous group ofScandinavian "urisprudents

    • It states that legal activities that is to say

    legislation! e.ecution of statutes andad"udication of cases are essential to thesocial order! and to assure the legal

    ordering of society the law and itscomponent "ural relations must be basedon the 3feeling for "ustice prevalent andcurrent within society4

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    •  %his is di#erent from the concept of "ustice propounded by the natural

    law philosophers which indicates orpoints to the one and only solution

    • 7or psychological legal realism! thelaw and its component system of

     "ural relations are real because they

    are social facts %he evaluation! then!of the law and "ural relations is nolonger to a.iological criteria but tothe feeling of what is good forsociet

  • 8/18/2019 A report on Legal Realism


  • 8/18/2019 A report on Legal Realism


  • 8/18/2019 A report on Legal Realism
