A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation

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  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation



    ODF GuideA reference document for open standards implementation

    Government General Department

    Department of Information Technology and Telecommnication!

    ver!ion" #$%

    date" Novem&er '() '#*%

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation



    Governador do Estado do Rio Grande do SulTar!o Genro

    Vice-Governador+eto Grill

    Secretrio-Geral de GovernoVin,ci! -

    Comit de Governana de ecnolo!ia da "nforma#o e Comunica#o

    Antonio Ag!to Ri&eiro Gimar.e! /0re!idente1 2 Secretaria2Geral de GovernoGer!on da Silva +arrey 2 Secretaria de 3omnica4.o e Incl!.o Digital

    Di5nifer Alan da Silveira 2 Secretaria do 0lane6amento) Ge!t.o e 0articipa4.o 3idad.

    Al&erto Ro!!i 2 Secretaria da 3i7ncia) Inova4.o e De!envolvimento Tecnol8gicoAna 3l9dia :igeroa 2 Secretaria da Edca4.o

    3arlo! ;9rio Lima de So

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    Table of Contents


    + "ntroduction)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))),*$* -hy Li&reOfficeF $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(*$*$* Li&reOffice origin!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    *$*$' The evoltion of Li&reOffice in the corporate orld$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    *$' The !trctre of Li&reOffice$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$H

    *$'$* Li&reOffice -riter$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$H

    *$'$' Li&reOffice 3alc$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*#

    *$'$% Li&reOffice Impre!!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$**

    *$'$ Li&reOffice Dra$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*'

    *$'$J Li&reOffice +a!ic$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*%

    *$'$J$* Development A0I$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*

    *$'$K Li&reOffice +a!e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*J*$'$( Li&reOffice ;ath$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*K

    *$'$ Integration of application!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*K

    %lannin!)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))+.'$* Definition of the pro6ect team$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*H

    '$' Analy!i! of information$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*H

    '$'$*$* Standard >e!tionnaire$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$''

    '$'$*$' Intervie! ith ey !er!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'%

    '$'$' Technical diagno!i!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'

    / E$ecutin!)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))*

    %$* Training of the !pport team$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'J%$' 3ommnication$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'J

    %$'$* Availa&le repo!itorie! of information$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'J

    %$'$' 0ro6ect re!orce! for p&lication in the Intranet$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'J

    %$% 0ro6ect pre!entation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'(

    %$ In!tallation and configration$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'(

    %$$* Re>irement!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'(

    %$$*$* ardare$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'(

    %$$*$' =ava$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'

    %$$' In!tallation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'H

    %$$'$* Selection of the ver!ion to &e in!talled$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'H

    %$$'$' Li&reOffice In!tallation on LinM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%#%$$'$% Li&reOffice In!tallation on -indo!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%'

    %$$% Additional configration!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%(

    %$J 0reparation of training material$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%(

    %$K Training of mltiplier !er!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%

    0 Support))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))/.$* Remar! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%H

    $*$* Acce!!i&ility$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%H

    $*$' Loc file!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#

    $*$% Docment! !aved ith a pa!!ord$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*

    $*$ ;ail merge file!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*$*$J Digital !ignatre!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'


  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    $*$K On2line pdating$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'

    $*$( AtoteMt!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'

    $*$ Loading printing !etting!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'

    $*$H 3ompati&ility ith DO3) LS and 00T file!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'

    $*$*# 3onver!ion of !er dictionarie!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%

    $*$*#$* Importing the !er! per!onal dictionary$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%$*$*#$' Location of the ;icro!oft -ord DI3 file$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    $*$*#$% Rnning the import ;acro$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$J

    $*$*#$ Replicating dictionarie! to other !er!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$J

    $*$** Dictionarie!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$K

    $*$*' Atomatic file name eMten!ion$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$K

    $*$*% Docment template management$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$K

    $*$*%$* Organi

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation



    PrefaceThi! docment i! aimed to !pplement) nder a technical per!pective) the ;odel for

    Adoption of the OD: !tandard e!ta&li!hed &y 3GTI3 /3omit7 de Governan4a de Tecnologia de

    Informa4.o e 3omnica4.o P Information and 3ommnication Technologie! Governance

    3ommittee1 in accordance ith the La *$##H of =ne *%) '#*'$ -herea! the model pre!ent! a

    propo!al of !trategic !tep! for the adoption of open !tandard!) thi! gide addre!!e! the practical

    challenge! of the implementation$

    The !trctre of thi! gide i! &a!ed on the !tep! !gge!ted &y the model) hich i!

    divided into the 0lanning and EMection !tep!$ Of cor!e) not all organi

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    1 Introduction

    1 Introduction

    1.1 Why LibreOffice?

    Dring the month! of Septem&er) Octo&er and Novem&er of '#*') a technical team of

    0RO3ERGS analyalifying !tage for approval of application!


    *$ have interface tran!lated into +ra

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    1.1.1 LibreOffice origins

    In the mid2*HH#ie!) a German company called StarDivi!ion lanched a !oftare !ite

    called StarOffice$ Thi! !oftare ha! &ecome very poplar de to it! free di!tri&tion and &eca!e it

    cold &e !ed in !everal operating !y!tem!$

    In *HHH) Sn ;icro!y!tem! ac>ired StarDivi!ion and in Octo&er '###) relea!ed part of

    the !orce code of StarOffice to the :ree Softare commnity) hich led to the creation of the

    OpenOffice$org pro6ect$

    The OpenOffice$org ha! &een groing !ince then" more than J# million donload! ere

    recorded in the official repo!itory !ince it! lanch$ After the organi

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    1 Introduction

    1.2 LibreOffice applications

    Li&reOffice i! a prodctivity pacage ith the folloing application!"

    -riter P teMt editor

    3alc P !pread!heet! editor

    Impre!! P pre!entation editor

    Dra P image editor

    +a!e P data&a!e management !y!tem

    +a!ic P macro langage

    1.2.1 LibreOffice Writer

    Li&reOffice -riter i! a very advanced teMt editor) ith a ide !et of featre! !ita&le

    for creating docment!$ Some of the mo!t important characteri!tic! of -riter inclde"

    the po!!i&ility of !ing different !tyle! for character!) paragraph!) page! and

    nm&ering) throgh the tool Style! and :ormatting) hich allo! the creation of compleM

    docment! !ing !tyle !pecification!

    the !e of i

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    and a !pell2checing dictionary

    featre! that allo handling docment! in vario! format!" &e!ide! opening) editing

    and !aving docment! in OpenDocment and ;icro!oft Office format!) -riter al!o eMport! file!

    to 0D:) TE and T;L format!

    Ea!y2to2!e and very fleMi&le featre! to handle image file!) !ch a! organialitie! inclde"

    the creation of compleM calclation! !ing formla! /almo!t ## availa&le1 and

    operator!) either &y the !e of i

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    1 Introduction

    the !e of cell and page !tyle! throgh the tool Style! and formatting) alloing the

    creation of !pread!heet! ith conditional formatting and printing !pread!heet! ith different

    page !tyle!

    featre! to handle docment! in different format!" &e!ide! opening) editing and

    !aving docment! in OpenDocment and ;icro!oft Office format!) 3alc al!o eMport! file! to

    0D: and T;L format!

    navigation throgh !pread!heet!) cell interval! and o&6ect! !ing the Navigator$

    1.2.3 LibreOffice Ipress

    The Li&reOffice Impre!! i! the right tool for pre!entation!$ Throgh the !e of !lide!)

    o&6ect! and effect!) the !er can develop a particlar idea or theme) !ing mltimedia re!orce! to

    get the attention of the adience$

    The main characteri!tic! of the Impre!! follo"

    the !e of ma!ter !lide! for !tandardi

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    the pre!entation di!play mode! that allo the !er to !itch &eteen the !everal

    mode! of !lide di!play) each of hich corre!ponding to featre! aimed to enhance the


    the !e of pre!entation template! that can &e directly donloaded from the template!

    repo!itory of Li&reOffice pro6ect

    the featre! of docment handling in different format!" &e!ide! opening) editing and

    !aving docment! in OpenDocment and ;icro!oft Office format!) Impre!! al!o eMport! file! to

    the 0D:) S-: /:la!h1 and T;L format!) and !everal image format! !ch a! =0G) GI:) SVG)

    +;0) TI::) among other!

    remote control of pre!entation! directly from mo&ile phone! e>ipped ith Android

    operating !y!tem /availa&le from ver!ion $#1$

    1.2.! LibreOffice "raw

    Li&reOffice Dra i! a vector draing tool that can prodce many !ort! of draing!

    !ing line!) crve!) connector!) teMtre!) tran!parencie! and %D effect!$ It i! a great option for tho!e

    ho i!h to create po!ter!) &rochre!) organi

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    1 Introduction

    image! throgh the Gallery) image handling featre! !ch a! teMtre!) tran!parency) lighting and


    the featre! of docment handling in !everal format!" &e!ide! opening) editing and

    !aving docment! in the OD:) 3orelDra and ;icro!oft Vi!io format!) Dra al!o eMport! file!to 0D:) S-: /:la!h1) T;L and !everal image format! !ch a! =0G) GI:) SVG) +;0) TI::)

    among other!$

    the di!play of dimen!ion! allo! the !er to develop technical diagram! ith the

    re!pective calclation! of the linear dimen!ion!

    intelligent connector! that follo the motion of a particlar o&6ect throgh

    interconnection in !pecific point! of the referred o&6ect$

    1.2.# LibreOffice $asic

    Li&reOffice +a!ic i! a fnctional and complete programming langage that allo! the

    development of macro!) dialog! and form!$ -ith +a!ic it i! po!!i&le to eMtend the application!)

    introdcing ne featre! developed &y the !er) or optimi

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    Li&reOffice +a!ic contemplate!"

    a +a!ic langage !imilar to ;icro!oft Office Vi!al +a!ic for Application!$

    a macro editor that allo! !orce code development in +a!ic

    a macro recorder availa&le for recording a !et of !tep! performed &y the !er)

    tran!forming it in a +a!ic !orce code$

    ;oreover) Li&reOffice allo! to integrate the ne development! in the +a!ic to icon!)

    &tton! and men!) facilitating the !e of the re!orce!) lie any other fnction of the application$ LibreOffice API

    The Li&reOffice A0I /Application 0rogram Interface1 i! a featre !ed to connect

    different programming langage! ith Li&reOffice$

    Throgh the A0I featre!) it i! po!!i&le) for eMample) to command Li&reOffice via an

    eMternal application$ It i! po!!i&le to create and handle Li&reOffice docment! from a program

    developed in langage! !ch a! Vi!al +a!ic) Delphi) =ava) R&y) etc$


  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    1 Introduction

    1.2.% LibreOffice $ase

    Li&reOffice +a!e i! a data&a!e management !y!tem$ Thi! application i! aimed to !tore

    information that can &e retrieved later throgh >erie!) vie! and report! and mae! it po!!i&le to"

    !e native connection!) =D+3 or OD+3 to connect to practically any data&a!e

    create Li&reOffice native data&a!e! ith the OpenDocment format

    create >erie!) report! and form! throgh help agent! and de!ign editor!

    !ort and filter data in ta&le! and >erie! throgh &tton! of the application interface$

    A +a!e pecliarity i! that it re>ire! the !e of =ava Virtal ;achine hen the data&a!e

    !ed i! a native OpenDocment /$od& file eMten!ion1$ Thi! i! eMplained &y the fact that +a!e a!

    developed from another free data&a!e application called SLD+) developed on =ava langage$


  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    1.2.& LibreOffice 'ath

    Li&reOffice ;ath i! a formla editor that allo! the creation of e>ation! and

    mathematical repre!entation! that can &e inclded in teMt docment!) !pread!heet! andpre!entation!$ It! main characteri!tic! inclde"

    graphic incl!ion of element! from the men

    ea!y2to2nder!tand formla de!cription langage

    eMport to ;ath;L /$mml1 and 0D: format!$

    1.2.( Integration of applicationsLi&reOffice application! are integrated$ Thi! mean! greater !peed and ea!e to or

    !imltaneo!ly ith teMt!) !pread!heet!) pre!entation!) data&a!e! and other docment!$

    A! yo may have noticed in the de!cription of the application!) !everal featre! can &e

    identified in practically all the application!) a! follo!"

    the Navigator) hich allo! to li!t and find o&6ect! and !trctre! in the docment

    the Gallery that manage! image! and o&6ect! fre>ently !ed in !er docment!

    the eMport fnction! that allo the eMport of docment! to vario! other file format!


  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    1 Introduction

    the !pecial pa!te fnction! aimed to facilitate the operation! of ctting and pa!ting


    the Data !orce fnction that pre!ent! the Data&a!e regi!tered at Li&reOffice for !e

    in -riter and 3alc) integrating data&a!e!) teMt! and !pread!heet!

    the i

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    " Plannin# t$e mi#ration

    2 Planning the igration

    2.1 Objective

    Thi! plan aim! to gide a progre!!ive and controlled adoption of OpenDocment

    :ormat a! official !tandard for teMt!) !pread!heet! and pre!entation! !ing Li&reOffice a! defalt


    2.2 Definition of the project team

    The pro6ect team can &e divided into to grop!) the 0ro6ect Spon!or! grop and theEMective 3ommittee$

    The grop of 0ro6ect Spon!or!) compo!ed &y the mem&er! of the !enior management)

    that ill !pport the organi

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    2. Analysis of information

    @no in detail the technology !trctre of the organi

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    " Plannin# t$e mi#ration

    0) identification of document templates =internal communications7 memos7 letters7

    forms7 etc)>

    Docment template! in legacy format! !hold &e converted to OD: !tandard format!

    /$ott) $ot!) $otp1 &efore the Li&reOffice implementation$ The prpo!e here i! to limit

    the creation of docment! in legacy format!) revie template! created long ago and

    if nece!!ary nify template! into a !ingle repo!itory /!ee !ection %$'$* Availa&le

    repo!itorie! of information) page 'K1$

    *) Anal5sis of tec3nolo!5 pro?ects planned or under9a5 t3at ma5 impact t3e


    Thi! topic concern! the organiire carefl attention e$g$ in the period! of In!tallationand Spport$

    If the!e period! coincide ith the eMection of other pro6ect! involving the !ame

    team) !er demand! may not &e properly met$ Al!o) final !er! may &e overloaded if

    they are re>e!ted to participate !imltaneo!ly in vario! pro6ect!$

    2) "dentification of applications tar!eted for mi!ration and t3eir locations of use

    The proce!! of implementation of Li&reOffice involve!) in mo!t ca!e!) only teMt)

    !pread!heet and pre!entation application!$ Thi! approach allo! redcing the

    compleMity and the time re>ired for pro6ect completion$ If the migration of

    application! !ch a!"

    e2mail c!tomer


    or editor of vector graphic!

    i! de!ired) the !election of !pecific pro6ect! for the!e prpo!e! to &e eMected

    !eparately and prefera&ly after the implementation of Li&reOffice i! recommended$

    ,) "dentification of user profiles

    The identification of !er! profile! according to the degree of noledge and

    featre! !ed ill &e nece!!ary for the proper definition of the nm&er and

    characteri!tic! of the grop! of !er! in the !tage of Training of mltiplier !er!


  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    /!ection %$K) page%H1$

    @) "dentification of user profiles 9it3 special needs

    U!er! ith !pecial need !hold have their environment te!ted and validated &efore

    the final in!tallation of Li&reOffice$ 3omplementary application! and configration!

    may &e re>ired) !ch a! tho!e li!ted in !ection $*$* Acce!!i&ility) page *$It !hold

    &e noted that !ometime! a !pecific configration of the training environment /!ection

    %$K Training of mltiplier !er!) page %H1 may &e re>ired) !ch a! phy!ical

    acce!!i&ility for heel chair!) adio configration! on the e>ipment and !pecial


    .) Anal5sis of t3e internal communication media for pro?ect dissemination

    0roper identification of the channel! !ed for internal commnication i! needed to

    en!re that the pro6ect annoncement! are clear and !&mitted in advance to the

    mem&er! of the organii!ite for the !tep! de!cri&ed in the

    chapter %$' 3ommnication)page 'K$

    +) Anal5sis of data;ases containin! information availa;le for use in t3e pro?ect

    =9i:i7 intranet7 3ot site7 3elp des: s5stem7 etc)>)+e!ide! the commnication channel! !ed in the !trategic pre!entation of the pro6ect

    !tep!) the creation of data&a!e! ith technical information /manal!) :A!) ttorial!)

    eMten!ion!$$$1 i! a !efl procedre &eca!e it optimi

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    " Plannin# t$e mi#ration

    2..1.1 !tan"ar" #$estionnaire

    The !e of a !tandard >e!tionnaire i! recommended to o&tain !tandardie!tionnaire that allo!

    to identify characteri!tic! of !e and remar! in migration &y !er$ In order to help facilitate the

    completion of the >e!tionnaire or comptation of the re!lt!) it i! po!!i&le to adapt the

    >e!tionnaire content to a e& form or !pread!heet$

    The information o&tained from the >e!tionnaire! can &e complemented ith the !e of

    a !oftare for e>ipment inventory$

    2..1.2 Intervie%s %ith &ey $sers

    @noledge of the !e of docment! &y eMpert !er! i! crcial for the !cce!! of the

    pro6ect$ U!ally) if any of the folloing topic! are mentioned in !er! >e!tionnaire!) !er! !hold&e con!lted and their file! previo!ly te!ted in Li&reOffice"


    mail merge

    lined !pread!heet!

    pivot ta&le!

    SmartArt /0oer0oint '#*#1

    file importCeMport$

    U!er file! that contain any of the a&ove featre! !hold &e opened in Li&reOffice !o that

    a ne ver!ion of the docment in OD: i! generated$ The ne generated file m!t &e clo!e and

    reopened in Li&reOffice for verifying the integrity of the featre! !ed$ If there i! any change

    re!lting from any incompati&ility ith the previo!ly !ed format) correction !hall &e effected

    &efore the file i! made availa&le and Li&reOffice i! in!talled$

    The mo!t compleM ca!e! are tho!e involving the !e of macro!$ In thi! ca!e) the !er!

    file! !hall &e analy

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    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    - incorporation of macro features in an alread5 e$istin! s5stem

    An alternative to the previo! item i! the incorporation of the featre implemented &y

    the macro in an eMi!ting !y!tem /an ER0) for eMample1$ Thi! incorporation al!o involve! a !pecific


    - macro conversion for use in Bi;reOffice

    :or the !imple!t ca!e!) a macro conver!ion from the legacy office !oftare to

    Li&reOffice i! the >ice!t and mo!t !efl option$ Li&reOffice already inclde!) !ince it! lanch) a

    poerfl interpreter of ;icro!oft Office macro!$ Thi! featre allo! that the !imple!t macro! are

    correctly interpreted ithot the need to change the original code$ oever) it !hold &e noted that

    the docment !hold &e !aved in OD: format !hortly after &eing opened for the fir!t time and the

    code eMected$

    2.3.2 Technical diagnosis

    The definition of the implementation of the pro6ect it!elf ill &e made from the

    information collected in the previo! !tep$ Each !ection from '$% Analy!i! of information topic

    identified in the environment ill re!lt in a docmented technical action$

    2..2.1 Definition of the overall sche"$le for e'ec$tion

    At thi! !tep) all deadline! and date! related to pro6ect !tep! !hold &e docmented"

    *$ Set time limit! and date! for the configration of third2party application! for

    in!tallation on a local !y!tem$

    '$ Set time limit! and date! for the configration of !y!tem! &a!ed on eMternal !ervice


    %$ Set time limit! and date! for the configration of !y!tem! ith on development$

    $ Set time limit! and date! for commnication action!$

    J$ Define the !chedle for training activitie!$

    K$ 3on!ider and docment) if re>ired) the time limit! for hiring of eMternalcon!ltancyCgidance at any time dring the pro6ect$


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    3 %&ecutin#

    3 )*ecuting

    .1 (rainin) nee"s

    0lanning !tage aimed to identify the need! for training$ E!ta&li!h commnication ith

    the !ector re!pon!i&le for training employee! of the organi

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    After defining the team) it i! nece!!ary to define it! technical !ill!) in particlar

    hether thi! team ill &e re!pon!i&le for training the other !er!$ In thi! particlar ca!e) it i!

    recommended that the in!trctor! o&tain advanced noledge on Li&reOffice) either throgh

    eMternal training or re!erving a !pecific period of the pro6ect for !tdying the application!$

    .2 *omm$nication

    +a!ed on the information collected in previo! !tep!) e!ta&li!h partner!hip! ith the

    area! of internal commnication) if any) to en!re the !cce!!fl di!!emination and clarification of

    the adoption plan among !er!$ The internal commnication activitie! precede! the !tep! of training

    and deployment$

    Good practice! are"

    *$ E!ta&li!h rotine! for the learning and read6!tment of the plan eMection$

    '$ 0romote the official lanch /%$% 0ro6ect pre!entation) page '1) ith the participation of

    !pon!or!) eMective committee) employee! and other participant! in the pro6ect$

    %$ 0romote aarene!! and clarification lectre! a&ot the adoption of the OD: format$

    $ Deliver to !er!) in per!on) via e2mail or other electronic mean!) flyer!) >ic gide!

    andCor information material prodced for the general pre!entation of the Adoption

    0lan) it! rea!on! and goal!$

    J$ Organi

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    3 %&ecutin#

    docment template! for !er!$

    3.2.2 Pro,ect resources for publication in the Intranet

    The teMt &elo can &e !ed a! the &a!i! for a pre!entation of the pro6ect on a !pecificpage on the organi

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    Bi;re O ffice Reference Cards

    As: Bi;reOffice

    . Project presentation

    An official pre!entation of the pro6ect to the mem&er! of the organiirement! are needed for -indo!"

    ;icro!oft -indo! '### /Service 0ac or higher1) 0) Vi!ta) or -indo! (

    03 compati&le ith 0entim technology /0entim III) Athlon or more recent !y!tem!


    'JK ;& RA; /J*' ;& RA; recommended1

    At lea!t *$J G& of availa&le !pace

    ;onitor re!oltion of *#'M(K /higher re!oltion! recommended1 and 'JK color!$

    The folloing re>irement! are needed for LinM"

    LinM ernel ver!ion '$K$* or higher

    gli&c' ver!ion '$J or higher

    gt ver!ion '$*#$ or higher

    03 compati&le ith 0entim technology /0entim III) Athlon or more recent !y!tem!


    'JK;& RA; /J*';& RA; recommended1

    *$JJG& availa&le !pace


  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    3 %&ecutin#

    !erver ith re!oltion of *#'M(K) 'JK color! /higher re!oltion!


    Gnome '$*K or higher) ith pacage! gail *$$K and at2!pi *$( /a!!i!tive technology

    WATX1 tool! or other GUI compati&le tool! /@DE) among other!1 are re>ired for


    It i! important to note that practically all LinM di!tri&tion! provide Li&reOffice ith

    !ome c!tomiirement! may vary according to the di!tri&tion !ed$

    Additional lin!"


    .+.1.2 -ava

    The in!tallation of a =ava Rntime Environment /=RE1 i! not re>ired for &a!ic !e of

    Li&reOffice$ oever) it ill &e nece!!ary in the ca!e! of !e of the folloing featre!"

    +) Accessi;ilit5/e!pecially !creen reader!$ :rther detail! in !ection $*$*Acce!!i&ility) page


    ) Bi;reOffice riterAgenda i

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    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation


    =avaScript macro!

    +ean!hell macro!

    3.!.2 Installation

    .+.2.1 !election of the version to be installe"

    One of the fir!t action! taen &y TD: after the creation of Li&reOffice a! the change in

    the relea!e and ver!ion control policy$ 0revio!ly) !till nder the OpenOffice$org pro6ect) relea!e!

    ere characterient ca!e of delay

    in the relea!e of the OpenOffice$org) ith the mo!t critical eMample &eing the relea!e of ver!ion '$#)

    relea!ed more than a year after the eMpected date$

    In the Li&reOffice pro6ect) ver!ion control a! made according to a planned !chedle

    for completion of all featre! and relea!e of the final ver!ion$ oever) the featre! incorporated to

    a ne ver!ion may not &e completely developed re>iring more te!ting$ +eca!e of thi!) each ne

    ver!ion receive! a ne identification on it! !ta&ility) according to the folloing criteria"

    a recommended onl* for users in searc$ of no0elties and ad0anced users

    3la!!ification of initial relea!e! for !er! ho ill te!t the ne featre! and &g report! to

    correct$( safe for use in production for most users and companies

    Ver!ion intended for the correction or) thogh !ita&le for !e &y general !er!$

    c recommended for indi0idual users) companies and lar#e facilities

    :inal and !ta&le ver!ion recommended for all !er!) e!pecially corporation! ith eMten!ive

    !e of Li&reOffice$

    In addition to accelerate development) the ne relea!e model ha! made it po!!i&le to

    integrate a ne grop of colla&orator! to the proce!! of !oftare te!ting) particlarly technical !er!

    re!pon!i&le for the di!tri&tion of Li&reOffice in corporate environment!$ :or them) the !e of the

    prodct in the fir!t relea!e cycle allo! for monitoring of the evoltion of the prodct and

    !&!e>ent correction!) a! ell a! a !efl noledge to predict the implementation of ftre

    ver!ion! in it! on environment$


  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    3 %&ecutin#

    The !chedle of relea!e! of ver!ion $#$M of Li&reOffice i! !hon &elo"

    release free0e publishing

    $%&%& Wee' $() Dec * + Dec () ,&-, Wee' .) #e" $ + #e" -&) ,&-*

    $%&%- Wee' /) #e" -/ + #e" ,$) ,&-* Wee' -&) Mar $ + Mar -&) ,&-*

    $%&%, Wee' --) Mar -- + Mar -0) ,&-* Wee' -$) Apr - + Apr 0) ,&-*

    $%&%* Wee' -.) Apr -1 + Apr ,-) ,&-* Wee' -() Ma2 . + Ma2 -,) ,&-*

    $%&%$ Wee' ,,) Ma2 ,0 + 3un ,) ,&-* Wee' ,1) 3un -0 + 3un ,*) ,&-*

    $%&%1 Wee' ,/) 3ul / + 3ul -$) ,&-* Wee' *-) 3ul ,( + Au $) ,&-*

    $%&%. Wee' $&) Sep *& + Oct .) ,&-* Wee' $*) Oct ,- + Oct ,0) ,&-*

    End o4 5i4e 6o7em"er ,-) ,&-*


    :or eMample) the !e of ver!ion %$K i! recommended in a con!ervative corporateenvironment!) a! !een in the figre &elo) hich ill!trate! the life cycle of Li&reOffice for ver!ion!

    %$K$M) $#$M and $*$M$

    .+.2.2 LibreOffice Installation on Lin$'

    In general) the in!tallation of Li&reOffice in a LinM operating !y!tem i! made &y

    defalt or) el!e) throgh the !tandard di!tri&tion repo!itory$ Thi! i! the ea!ie!t and mo!t optimi

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    Three file! are recommended for a complete in!tallation of Li&reOffice in LinM$ They

    are availa&le in &oth de& and rpm compaction$ :or a de& &a!ed di!tri&tion) for eMample"

    In!tallation file


    elp pac in!tallation file


    -here M$y$< repre!ent! the crrent ver!ion of Li&reOffice /for more information on the

    Li&reOffice ver!ion control !y!tem !ee %$$'$* Selection of the ver!ion to &e in!talled) page %#1$

    Then n

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    3 %&ecutin#

    in thi! directory eMecte command"

    sud dpkg -i $.deb

    after eMection) the help pacage ill &e in!talled$

    Additional lin!"



    3.!.2.2.1 Installation of additional fonts

    To en!re docment! retain their formatting and appearance) the font pacage m!t &e


    sud apt-get install tt%-&scre%nts-installer

    Bo m!t enter the admini!trator pa!!ord to advance$ The in!tallation of the font! ill

    re>ire al!o !ome confirmation! /in!tallation) licen!e) etc1$ U!e the TA+ ey to go to the option!$ At

    the end of thi! in!tallation proce!!) the folloing me!!age !hold appear"

    '(ll dne) n errrs.

    (ll %nts d!nladed and installed.

    Updating %ntcn%ig cache %r *usr*share*%nts*truetype*&sttcre%nts'

    and the cr!or ill retrn to the command line$

    Note that) after $* relea!e) Li&reOffice i! a&le to em&ed font! in a OD: docment$

    .+.2. LibreOffice Installation on Win"o%s

    At fir!t log in a! admini!trator !er of the operating !y!tem$ Then donload thein!tallation file! of Li&reOffice from http"CC$li&reoffice$orgCdonload$

    To file! are recommended for a complete in!tallation of Li&reOffice on -indo!"

    In!tallation file


    elp pac in!tallation file



  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    -here M$y$< repre!ent the crrent ver!ion of Li&reOffice /for more information on

    Li&reOffice ver!ion control !y!tem) !ee %$$'$* Selection of the ver!ion to &e in!talled) page %#1$ It

    !hold &e noted that Li&reOffice for -indo! doe! not have !eparate pacage! for %' and K &it!$

    No do&le2clic on the in!tallation file to !tart$

    3lic on He$t$

    On the neMt !creen yo ill !ee the definition of the component! of the in!tallation$ :or

    common !age) yo can !e the 5picalin!tallation type to) hich contemplate! the mo!t common

    option! for !e of the application$


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    3 %&ecutin#

    In the Custom in!tallation it i! po!!i&le to define eMtra component! !ch a! langage!

    and eMten!ion!) a! !hon in the figre &elo$

    3lic on He$tto advance$


  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    The neMt !tep i! the definition of Li&reOffice a! defalt application to open ;icro!oft

    Office file format!$

    After !etting yor preferred configration) according to the type! of file!) the la!t !creen

    &efore in!tallation &egin! ill &e di!played$


  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    3 %&ecutin#

    On thi! !creen yo can create a !hortct to Li&reOffice on the de!top) activate the

    !pport to a!!i!ting technologie! and load Li&reOffice hile initiali

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    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    made &y the IT team$ ;ore information a&ot thi! configration can &e fond in !ection $*$K On2

    line pdating) page $

    REGISTER[ALL[;SO[TB0ES /defalt vale \ #1" hen thi! property vale i! !et to

    *) Li&reOffice ill &e the defalt application for opening ;icro!oft Office format file!$

    REGISTER[NO[;SO[TB0ES /defalt vale \ #1" hen thi! property vale i! !et to *)

    Li&reOffice ill eliminate any record of defalt opening of ;icro!oft Office format file!$

    Additional lin!"





    3.!.2.3.1 Installing LibreOffice help files

    The in!tallation of the help pacage !hold &e made after the Li&reOffice in!tallation$

    Thi! proce!! i! a !imple one" 6!t rn the in!tallation file and follo the indicated !tep!$

    3.!.3 +dditional configurations

    Some additional configration i! recommended immediately after the in!tallation$ Sch

    procedre! !hold &e performed to facilitate the !e of Li&reOffice minimi

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    3 %&ecutin#

    . (rainin) of m$ltiplier $sers

    It i! !gge!ted that the training !hold &e performed in a minimm % hor trn) forgrop! of p to *# !er! per grop according to training room availa&ility$ The training !hold &e

    performed in room e>ipped ith data!ho) compter!) illmination and ade>ate temperatre$ It i!

    recommended the !e of one compter per trainee$ To level! of noledge are !gge!ted for the

    training!$ A &a!ic program gide for &oth level! cold &e fond at AnneM III P Training

    0rogramme!) page (*) at the end of thi! docment$

    Bevel "

    The training! level I corre!pond to the noledge of &a!icCintermediary level$ Tho!e are

    recommended for !er! ho do not !e advanced fnction!$ The content! !hold foc! mainly onthe nder!tanding of file format! and !pecific characteri!tic! of each application$

    Bevel ""

    The training! level II corre!pond to the application! advanced noledge$ The foc! of

    !ch training! !hold &e the fnction! !ed &y advanced !er! of -riter and 3alc application!$ In

    -riter) the content !hold &e foc!ed on the docment !tandardi!ation$ In 3alc) it !hold &e foc!ed

    on formla! and fnction!) filter!) graph! and printing$


  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    4 upport

    ! upportThe goal of thi! !tep i! to !olve pro&lem! derived from the adaptation of teMt

    docment!) !pread!heet and pre!entation toard! Li&reOffice that may eMi!t after training and

    in!tallation$ Thi! !tep involve!) for eMample) the folloing activitie!"

    *$ pdating the application docmentation /ii) intranet) netor)]1

    '$ an!ering !er! >e!tion! a&ot Li&reOffice

    %$ !gge!tion! for or rotine change! or application! for improvement of proce!!e!

    $ !pport to converter! and recoding of !pecific application!

    J$ Redevelopment macro! from ;icro!oft Office to Li&reOffice

    K$ regi!try and folloing the improvementCpro&lem! at Li&reOffice +g in !ection


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    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    After that configration) Li&reOffice m!t &e completely clo!ed /inclding the

    ic!tart1 and re!tarted$ In ca!e there i! not po!!i&ility of acce!! to Li&reOffice graphic interface)

    the folloing @ey cold &e added to -indo! regi!try"


    :or LinM !y!tem) the application Orca allo! the !creen reading throgh a

    configration integrated to the Gnome graphic environment$ :or in!tallation detail!) chec the

    docmentation of yor preferred LinM di!tri&tion$

    Additional lin!"


    !.1.2 Loc files

    Every time an ODT file i! opened &y Li&reOffice) a loc file i! created to indicate that

    the file a! opened and i! in !e$ Thi! file format i! generated according to the folloing !tandard"


    :ile! in !ch a format m!t not &e eMclded$


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    4 upport

    !.1.3 "ocuents saved with a password

    The !e of OD: file! ith pa!!ord i! not recommended for corporative !er!$ The

    OD: !tandard !e! a !ophi!ticated encryption method and that i! hy to try to open a pa!!ord

    protected file i! eMtremely difficlt in ca!e! hen the !er lo!e! the pa!!ord$

    The proper procedre) hen in!talling the application) i! that the !torage of file! ith

    pa!!ord !hold &e replaced &y !aving the file! in directorie! in the netor ith re!tricted acce!!$

    In certain ca!e!) edita&le docment! ith pa!!ord cold &e replaced &y 0D: ver!ion! ith

    pa!!ord!$ -hile eMporting to the 0D: format) it i! po!!i&le to eep the original layot in OD:

    format and generate a non2edita&le 0D: format file ith pa!!ord$ Thi! option i! !efl in ca!e!

    hen there i! a need of !ending confidential file! ot!ide) for eMample$

    In ca!e the !er orrie! ith docment layot and integrity rather than content) the

    indicated re!orce to meet !ch need i! the digital !ignatre) pre!ented in item $*$J Digital

    !ignatre!) page $

    !.1.! 'ail erge files

    ;ail merge file! created in other application! are) generically) incompati&le to

    Li&reOffice -riter and the OD: !tandard$ Taing a mail merge created ith ;icro!oft -ord for

    eMample) hen opening it on -riter) the field reference of that mail merge i! lo!t$ The ca!e of !ch

    lo!! i! that the field! of that mail merge depend on a connection to a data&a!e !orce dependent on

    the application$ 3on!idering that ;icro!oft -ord and -riter have incompati&le data&a!e connection

    configration) con!e>ently the docment! are incompati&le and it i! not po!!i&le to re2!e the

    generated mail merge$

    The !oltion i! to recreate the connection to a !orce data&a!e /data&a!e) !pread!heet)

    3SV file) D+: file) etc$1 and the !o2called initial docment /the mail merge original file hich

    contain the field!1$

    Additional lin!"

    Li&reOffice -riter Gide P U!ing ;ail ;erge



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    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    !.1.# "igital signatures

    The !e of digital !ignatre! in Li&reOffice allo! to eep the integrity of the

    docment$ In other ord!) the eMhi&ition of the docment digital certificate i! the garantee that it

    a! not changed !ince the !ignatre a! attached to it$ In ca!e the docment i! changed in any

    form) the digital !ignatre i! lo!t$

    The in!ertion of a digital !ignatre to any OD: docment in Li&reOffice i! detailed in

    the application help !ection"


    oever) it !hold &e noted that the legal vale of the docment !ignatre depend! on

    the licen!e of the organi!ation involved in the proce!!$ :or thi! rea!on) prior analy!i! of the norm!

    hich reglate the digital !ignatre i! mandatory$

    !.1.% On4line updating

    The on2line pdating proce!! cold &e di!a&led$ Thi! ay) re>e!t for pdate! i! not

    performed throgh the netor) redcing the traffic load on the Internet$

    3onfigration location" ool menu I Options I Bi;reOffice section I Online Jpdate

    su;section) di!a&le the option C3ec: for updates automaticall5$

    !.1.& +utote*ts

    Differently from ;icro!oft Office hich !tore! ato teMt! in docment template!)

    Li&reOffice !ave! ato teMt! ithin the !er profile in the crrent compter$ In order to import

    atoteMt template! from ;icro!oft -ord into Li&reOffice) 6!t go to the men Edit I Autote$t))))

    chec the category K5 Autoe$t) clic on the &tton Autoe$t I "mport)))and choo!e the file $dot

    hich contain! the atoteMt! to &e imported$

    !.1.( Loading printing settings

    The !er! !tandard printing option! ill not &e !tored in the docment$ 3onfigration

    path" ools menu I Options I section Boad

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    4 upport

    !.1.18 Conversion of user dictionaries

    The !e of !er2defined dictionarie! are a common practice hile !pellchecing

    docment!) !pecially in ca!e! hen the !er create! hi!Cher on dictionary from common ord!

    related to a determined area of noledge$

    Li&reOffice doe! not atomatically import the !er dicionarie! from ;icro!oft -ord$ It

    i! re>ired a conver!ion procedre !o that the !er contine! !ing the !ame dictionary in


    In order to import a dictionary from ;icro!oft -ord into Li&reOffice) it i! nece!!ary"

    to donload the file ImportEMportDictionary*$*$!M hich contain! the conver!ion ;acro



  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    Name the ne file and clic O4to fini!h$

    3lic again on O4to leave the Li&reOffice option !creen$ It !hold &e noted that thi!

    dictionary ill &e !tored ithin the crrent !er! profile) !o) the !ame procedre !hold &e repeated

    for the accont of any other !er ho !e! the !ame re!orce$

    +.1.10.2 Location of the icrosoft Wor" DI* file

    Locate the -ord !er dictionary file$ The location here thi! file i! !tored depend! on

    ;icro!oft Office and -indo! ver!ion! hich i! in !e$ In compter! ith -indo! 0) the

    pro&a&le path i! located at"

    ,Dcu&ents and SettingsUS"_9(A"(pplicatin DataAicrs%tU/r%

    In compter! ith -indo! () the pro&a&le path i! located at"



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    +.1.10. /$nnin) the import acro


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    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    !.1.11 "ictionaries

    Spellchec) !ynonym! and hyphenation dictionarie! are di!tri&ted according to

    eMten!ion!$ Tho!e eMten!ion! cold &e donloaded from Li&reOffice official eMten!ion repo!itory at

    http"CCeMten!ion!$li&reoffice$org$ On men ro9se E$tension ;5 Cate!or5) on the right area of the

    page) it i! po!!i&le to filter the re!earch from the lin Dictionaries of different lan!ua!es for all

    pro!ram modules$ To in!tall an eMten!ion) chec the i!!e $'$'In!tallation of eMten!ion!) page JK$

    !.1.12 +utoatic file nae e*tension

    -hen !aving a file ith Li&reOffice on -indo!) the option Automatic file name

    e$tensionm!t not &e di!a&led$ In ca!e it i! di!a&led hen the file i! !aved) the application ill not

    recogni!e the format de to lac of file eMten!ion name$

    !.1.13 "ocuent teplate anageent

    Differently from ;icro!oft -ord) Li&reOffice doe! not po!!e!! a !tandard template hen

    opening the application$ Any Li&reOffice docment cold hold !ch condition$

    The creation of a template i! done in the !ame ay a! a common docment$ The difference


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    &eteen file type! occr! at the moment it i! !aved$

    The fir!t template definition method i! !imply !ave a teMt file a! a template$ Bo can open the

    men File I Save as)))and !elect) on the file type li!t) the format $otp) hich ill indicate a

    Li&reOffice teMt docment template$ Thi! option i! intere!ting in ca!e e need to change filetemplate! or !ave tho!e file! in !pecific file!$

    A !econd alternative to !aving the docment template i! throgh men File I Save as

    emplate))$ Thi! option allo! the !aving and cla!!ification of the template ithin the Li&reOffice

    !er profile$ In Li&reOffice) template! are !eparated according to categorie!) hich !erve a!

    directorie! for file cla!!ification$

    After !electing the de!ired category /a! %resentation ac:!rounds) a&ove1) 6!t clic



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    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    +.1.1.1 Or)ani3in) templates

    In order to organi

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    To re!tore to a !tandard model) 6!t clic on the Action menu and !elect the option Reset

    Default emplate$ Note that yo can !elect !tandardi!ed template! at each one of the application!$

    !.1.1! +utoCorrect entries

    +e!ide! promoting the &a!ic !pellchecing featre) the Ato3orrection ord li!t i! a

    !efl fnction to redce the riting throgh the in!ertion of code! hich are atomatically

    replaced &y it! long form$

    ighly eMperienced !er! !e thi! featre often and) throghot the year!) they

    accmlate li!t! ith hndred! of entrie!$ :or that rea!on) hile migrating to Li&reOffice) importing

    tho!e li!t! are con!idered a ey factor for accepting the ne application$

    There i! no atomatic ay of importing tho!e Ato3orrection li!t! created &y mean! of

    ;icro!oft -ord into Li&reOffice$ The mo!t efficient alternative to dimini!h the compleMity of thi!

    ta! i! folloing the ttorial pre!ented on the lin! &elo"




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    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    Ato3orrection li!t of Li&reOffice$

    Note that thi! procedre !hold &e done for each individal !er$ The Ato3orrection

    li!t!) in Li&reOffice) are !tored in the !er! profile /ools menu I AutoCorrect Options)))I


    !.1.1# 'acro securit

    The Li&reOffice !tandard configration define! macro !ecrity at level igh) hich

    mean! that the macro! !tored in any docment i! not atomatically rn /for eMample) the

    La&oratorio macro!1$ The level !hold &e ad6!ted to ;edim) alloing all macro! to &e rn

    according to !er! deci!ion$

    3onfigration location" ools menu I Option I section Bi;reOffice I su;section Securit5

    I ;utton Kacro secutir5 I Kedium level$

    !.1.1% hortcut es

    The Li&reOffice !hortct complete li!t cold &e o&tained in the help file! of the

    application) throgh the men elp Li&reOffice elp$ On the help !creen) loo for the topic

    Shortct ey! for Li&reOffice$ A !hort li!t of mo!t !ed ey! i! availa&le at AnneM II P Shortct

    @ey!) page KJ$

    !.1.1& +utoave file tie intervalsVery often) !er! ho !ally type lot! of >antity of content! in a !horter time !e the

    AtoSave featre ithin a given interval$ Li&reOffice allo! !ch featre$ -hen configred) it

    define! the AtoSave time interval for all application! ithin the pacage$

    To configre !ch featre) open any Li&reOffice application$ -riter) for eMample$ 3lic

    Tool! Option! a popp indo ill &e open for configration$

    3lic Boad

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    Alternative! for the !e of the SmartArt ere developed in the form! of"

    2 EMten!ion


    2 Impre!! template


    oever) o&6ectively) there i! no other alternative for SmartArt$ :or that rea!on) it i!

    recommended that !er! ith directive fnction! /!pecially pre!ident!) director!) concillor! and

    manager!1 ho receive pre!entation file! &e oriented to !e only OpenDocment or 0D: and

    !pport the migration proce!!$ If certain featre! of ;icro!oft 0oer0oint are di!contined &y

    !er! ith directive fnction!) the other !er! ill natrally migrate and con!e>ently) the !e of

    SmartArt featre! ill &e pre!ent only in docment! created ot!ide the in!tittion or organi!ation$

    !.1.15 Portable :ersion

    Li&reOffice ha! a porta&le ver!ion) availa&le for porta&le device! !ch a! eMternal D or


    To !e thi! ver!ion) yo !hold donload it from Li&reOffice 0orta&le from"


    The in!tallation file !hold &e copied to a porta&le device here it ill &e opened$

    Sppo!e the porta&le device ha! a!!med directory G"_$

    Locate the file and rn it$ Li&reOffice in!tallation ill &e !tarted$

    3lic He$t I$ On the folloing popp indo) indicate the directory here Li&reOffice

    0orta&le ill &e in!talled /G"_Li&reOffice0orta&le) for eMample1$

    3lic "nstalland ait for the end of the in!tallation proce!!$

    After) enter the directory G"_Li&reOffice0orta&le and open any of the application! of

    Li&reOffice pacage !ch a! -riter) for eMample" Li&reOffice-riter0orta&le$eMe$ The a!!i!tant

    &elo ill &e opened and ill fini!h the in!tallation of Li&reOffice 0orta&le$ After the in!tallation

    proce!! i! fini!hed) clic :ini!h$ Thi! in!tallation a!!i!tant ill only &e eMected at the fir!t


    :rom no on) Li&reOffice i! ready to &e !ed from G"_Li&reOffice0orta&le$


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    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    !.1.28 Lins between )*cel files

    Li&reOffice allo! the !e of lin!) hoever"

    it doe! not !ho the lin on the formla! if the origin file ha! langage !ym&ol! in the file

    name /&eteen LS file!1

    It doe! not mae atomatic pdate! of the lin!$ The lin !hold &e pdated at the Edit I

    Bin:s menu

    After opening the file) it cannot &e !aved in LS format

    -here there are more than three lin level! /file * lin! ith file ') that lin! to file %1)

    Li&reOffice doe! not pdate! the la!t lin$

    Lin! !hold &e !ed &eteen ODS file! /Li&reOffice !tandard format for !pread!heet!1$

    U!er! m!t &e in!trcted to create their file! ith lin! in the Li&reOffice format$

    :ile! created in application! other than Li&reOffice !hold &e dealt ith careflly$ The ideal

    option i! the complete conver!ion of !ch file into the OD: format$

    !.1.21 Lins between )*cel and PowerPoint files

    Ta&le! and chart! from EMcel are copied /throgh !imple copie!" 3trl ` 31 and placed in

    0oer0oint pre!entation! throgh the !pecial fnction ith lin$

    Tho!e 0oer0oint pre!entation! are) eventally) !ent to different !er!$

    A! a re!lt) any alteration in tho!e chart! on the original EMcel file are atomatically

    tran!ferred to the 0oer0oint pre!entation file$

    Li&reOffice doe! not allo the !pecial pa!te of !pread!heet item! /ta&le! or chart!1 ith

    pre!entation lin!$ The option! are) eMcl!ively) the pa!te ith image! and pa!te of edita&le o&6ect

    ithot lin$

    0rocedre" there i! not any alternative &t eliminate the lin &eteen !pread!heet file!

    and the pre!entation$


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    +.2 4'tensions

    An eMten!ion i! a pacage hich implement! additional re!orce! at Li&reOffice and

    hich cold &e in!talled throgh menu ools I E$tension Kana!er$ In general) a Li&reOfficeeMten!ion i! generally identified a! OT file) althogh it cold al!o &e di!tri&ted a! a I0 file$

    The mo!t common eMten!ion! are the one! hich &ring the implemented !orce code

    pl! the configration of any interface re!orce in order to add it /in !pecial &tton! or item! in the

    men1$ The official addre!! for Li&reOffice eMten!ion donload! i!http"CCeMten!ion!$li&reoffice$org$

    !.2.1 List of useful e*tensions

    Add%icsP eMten!ion hich create! a -riter teMt docment from pictre! !tored in a

    given directory of the !y!tem$ To !e thi! eMten!ion) open -riter) go to men "nsert I %ictures in ane9 document$ 3hoo!e the directory here the pictre! are !tored and !elect the de!ired order$

    -hen clicing on Generate file) all pictre! pre!ent in the directory ill &e !tored in a ne

    docment ith the !elected order$


    Jpdate Bin:s P 3alc eMten!ion hich allo! pdating all lin! &eteen 3alc

    !pread!heet! ith 6!t one clic$ Thi! featre i! !till in it! &eta ver!ion$


    arcode P eMten!ion to create &arcode! U032A) EAN2*%) IS+N) =AN) +ooland

    Standard 'of J) Interleaved ' of J) 3ode*'$


    Clipart !aller5 of dan!er si!nsP eMten!ion hich add! more than ## clipart! for the

    prevention of accident!$


    OOoMGP eMten!ion hich add! more than *K## map! and graph image! cla!!ified into

    geographal and hi!torical theme!$



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    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    Revie9 ool;arP eMten!ion hich add! a ne tool &ar for teMt revie) inclding all

    fnction! relevant to teMt revie &e!ide! !pecific &tton for cleaning field!$


    S3o9HotesP eMten!ion to !ho or hide all note! attached to a cell in a !pread!heet$


    Fi$ed ValuesPallo! the in!ertion of crrent data and time in cell! of 3alc !pread!heet

    file!$ After in!tallation) go to "nsert I Fi$ed Value I Dateor "nsert I Fi$ed Value Iime$


    !.2.2 Installation of e*tensions

    To in!tall an eMten!ion) open Li&reOffice and go to ools I E$tension mana!er)))


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    In the popp indo EMten!ion manager) clic Add)))$ The Add eMten!ion indo ill

    &e open) here yo ill &e a&le to locate the file eMten!ion$ Note that the file eMten!ion have the

    eMten!ion oMt$ The file eMten!ion oMt i! lined to Li&reOffice) !o) a do&le clic on the file eMten!ion

    ill atomatically open the EMten!ion manager and in!tallation ill &e initiated$3hoo!e the file and clic Opento !tart the in!tallation$

    Then) the !er ill &e re>e!ted to indicate if the eMten!ion ill &e availa&le to the !ole

    !er or other !er!$ In ca!e the !er indicate! the option Onl5 for me) the eMten!ion ill &e added

    only to the crrent !er$ In ca!e the !er indicate! the option All users) the !er m!t have

    admini!tration right! to contine in!tallation$ In thi! ca!e) the eMten!ion ill &e in!talled in a

    Li&reOffice directory and ill &e availa&le to all !er!$ In general) !er! commonly choo!e the

    option Onl5 for me) hich doe! not re>ire admini!trator right! of the operational !y!tem$ The neMt

    !tep i! the chec the eMten!ion licen!e$ U!e the &tton Scroll Do9nto chec the licen!e of !e andena&le the Accept&tton$

    3lic Acceptto go on ith in!tallation$ The eMten!ion ill appear on the li!t of in!talled

    eMten!ion!$ To fini!h the procedre) clic Closeand) after) clo!e the entire Li&reOffice applicaiton)

    inclding >ic!tart if it i! availa&le$ The >ic!tart) hen activated and availa&le in the -indo!


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    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    operational !y!tem) i! located on the right of the program men &ar and cold &e clo!ed ith the

    mo!e right clic &tton$

    The neMt time the !er open! Li&reOffice) the indicated eMten!ion ill &e availa&le for

    !e$ 3hec the application! here the eMten!ion i! availa&le$

    +e!ide! the graphal !er interface) eMten!ion! cold &e in!talled throgh the nopg

    tool) availa&le in the directory program of Li&reOffice$ :or LinM) !e"

    *pt*libre%%ice1.6*prgra&*unpkg add --suppress-license --shared extensin.xt

    Additional lin!"


    +. $) reportin)

    !.3.1 Processes for iproving the application available resources

    Li&reOffice improvement proce!! ha! today to ay! of devcelopment"

    *1 The correction or improvement of a re!orce already eMi!t!

    '1 The development of a ne re!orce$

    Depending on the compleMity level) &oth !tage! have !imilar !tage!$

    !.3.2 Correction and resource iproveent

    In general) the correction and the improvement of an eMi!ting re!orce in Li&reOffice i!

    performed &y !er! ho have an advanced nder!tanding of all fnctionalitie! and a good

    noledge of indo! regi!try tool! related to Li&reOffice$

    The proce!! !tart! ith the regi!tration of the pro&lem) in Engli!h) in the Li&reOffice

    improvement !y!tem$ TD: !e! the :reeDe!top pro6ect infra!trctre to regi!ter &g! and

    improvement!$ 3lic the lin http"CC&g!$freede!top$org$The fir!t !tep to file any &g i! the regi!ter the !er$ After receiving a !ername and

    pa!!ord) the !er ill &e a&le to file a ne &g$ The ord &g) in or ca!e) indicate! &oth a

    correction and an improvement$

    It i! recommended that the !er doe! a re!earch &efore filing a ne &g in order to !ee if

    the pro&lem a! not added to the !y!tem &y other !er$ The ta! i! very !imple" &y !earching ey2

    ord!) the !y!tem pre!ent! all related &g!$

    In ca!e the &g doe! not eMi!t) it ill &e po!!i&le to file it and provide a mo!tly detailed

    de!cription a! po!!i&le$ Among !ome !efl information to record are" The Li&reOffice ver!ion) the


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    Operational Sy!tem !ed) the application and re!orce! !ed and a !tep &y !tep de!cription hich

    allo! the te!ter! to reprodce and identify the &g in other !y!tem! or compter!$ At the end of the

    regi!tration) the &g i! !ent for analy!i! in the li!t of &g!$

    The reprodction of the &g i! a very important !tep$ Only after thi! identification !tepthe &g i! con!idered !ited to &e reported and then lead programmer! to provide a !oltion andCor

    development$ The &g pa!!e! from a condition of UN3ON:IR;ED to NE-$ Thi! change i!

    !ally promoted &y the ality 3ontrol team) con!titted &y !oftare >ality eMpert!) occa!ional

    developer! and highly !peciali

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    Li&reOffice pro6ect1 i! !hon &elo"

    In any !tage of the &g validation OR 3ORRE3TION) the developer may re>e!t

    additional information from the !er ho reported the &g$ Thi! information flo i! reported

    throgh me!!age! a!!ociated to the initial report hich) on it! trn) i! indicated &y an eMcl!ive

    !e>ential nm&er$

    +e!ide!) any other !er or developer may contri&te ith information and comment! in

    the report) provided that they are formally athenticated in the !y!tem$ Another form of !oltion for

    the pro&lem! i! 6oining the Development di!c!!ion li!t$ +e!ide! &eing open to any !er) thi! li!t i!

    meant for technical di!c!!ion!$

    In ca!e of &g! ith high level of compleMity) the re!oltion cold involve other area! of

    the pro6ect$ A change in the layot of the !creen) for eMample) !hold &e pre!ented to the D e!ign li!t$

    After appreciation) it i! defined a fnctionality !pecification) !ing the ii colla&orative of TD: a!

    repo!itory of information$ It i! the developer! re!pon!i&ility to con!lt !pecification! and &ild the

    corre!ponding !orce2code$

    !.3.3 "evelopent of new resources

    The proce!! of development of ne re!orce! al!o &egin! from a report filed in the

    improvement !y!tem of Li&reOffice$ oever) hen filed) the report !hold &e de!cri&ed a!


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    enhancement) hich ill indicate an improvement in the pro6ect and not a pro&lem fond &y the


    The regi!tration of an improvement !hold &e accompanied &y proper !pecification$ :or

    !ch !pecification) a! de!cri&ed &efore) it !hold &e !ed the TD: ii$ Ne fnctionalitie! !hold!e) prefera&ly) the -hite&oard of the De!ign pro6ect) &t it i! not a fiMed rle$ Simple !pecification!

    and development propo!ition! can al!o &e fond in the Development pro6ect) !pecially in the

    !e!!ion! Ea!y ac! and Li!t! of enhancement! and mi!!ing featre!$ -hat di!tingi!he! tho!e

    !ection! from the -hite&oard i! that &oth integrate the TD: !trategy of adding ne pro6ect

    contri&tor! throgh ready !pecification!) ho!e development cold &e made even hen !er! do

    not po!!e!! deep noledge of the application$

    Additional lin!"



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    9nne& I : Form

    +nne* I ; or


    +) +) %lease7 select t3e functionalities t3at 5ou mostl5 use 9it3 E$cel7 ord and %o9er%oint applications)

    +)) E$cel

    filter! chart! !pelling and grammar conditional formatting

    !&total! pivot ta&le printing range! data cla!!ification

    lin! macro! other/!1 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

    +)/) ord



    !pelling and grammar


    mail merge chart! page nmeration ta&le of content!

    ta&le! paragraph !tyle! portrait and land!cape page! in the !ame docment

    other/!1 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

    +)0) %o9er%oint

    c!tom animation! !ond! video chart! SmartArt

    !lide tran!ition! template! nota! ma!ter page! lined !pread!heet!

    other/!1 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

    ) Send filesDo yo !ally !end file! throgh e2mail for eMternal !er!F ye! no

    If ye!) hich formatF

    0D: DO3 LS 00T DO3 LS 00T

    /) Files received

    Do yo !ally !end file! throgh e2mail for eMternal !er!F ye! no

    If ye!) hich formatF

    0D: DO3 LS 00T DO3 LS 00T

    0) 0) Do 5ou import =or cop5> data from an5 internal corporative s5stem or from a specific "nternet siteye! no

    0)) "f 5es7 t3e data are imported

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    9nne& II : $ortcut ;e*s

    +nne* II ; hortcut

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  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    9nne& II : $ortcut ;e*s

    LibreOffice *alc !hortc$t 7eys

    unction hortcut es

    Switches to Edit mode #,

    Show or hides the 6a7iator #1

    Mo7es the cursor to the last cell that contains the spreadsheet data% Ctrl8End

    Mo7es the cursor to the 4irst cell o4 the current row% ome

    Mo7es the cursor to the last cell o4 the current row% End

    Selects all cells 4rom the current cell to the 4irst cell o4 the current row% Shi4t8ome

    Selects all cells 4rom the current cell to the last cell o4 the current row% Shi4t8End

    Selects cells 4rom the current cell up to one pae in the current column or extends theexistin selection one pae up%

    Ctrl8 Pae =p

    Selects cells 4rom the current cell down to one pae in the current column or extends theexistin selection one pae down%

    Shi4t8Pae Down

    Mo7es the cursor to the le4t ede o4 the current data rane% I4 the column to the le4t o4 thecell that contains the cursor is empt2) the cursor mo7es to the next column to the le4t thatcontains data%

    Ctrl85e4t Arrow

    Mo7es the cursor to the riht ede o4 the current data rane% I4 the column to the riht o4 thecell that contains the cursor is empt2) the cursor mo7es to the next column to the riht thatcontains data%

    Ctrl8:iht Arrow

    Mo7es the cursor to the top ede o4 the current data rane% I4 the row a"o7e the cell thatcontains the cursor is empt2) the cursor mo7es up to the next row that contains data%

    Ctrl8=p Arrow

    Mo7es the cursor to the "ottom ede o4 the current data rane% I4 the row "elow the cellthat contains the cursor is empt2) the cursor mo7es down to the next row that contains data%

    Ctrl8Down Arrow

    Selects all cells containin data 4rom the current cell to the end o4 the continuous rane o4

    data cells) in the direction o4 the arrow pressed% I4 used to select rows and columnstoether) a rectanular cell rane is selected% Ctrl8Shi4t8Arrow

    Mo7es one spreadsheet to the le4t%I the pae pre7iewF Mo7es to the pre7ious print pae%

    Ctrl8Pae =p

    Mo7es one spreadsheet to the riht%In the pae pre7iewF Mo7es to the next print pae%

    Ctrl8Pae Down

    Mo7es one screen to the le4t% Alt8Pae =p

    Mo7es one screen pae to the riht% Alt8Pae Down

    Adds the pre7ious spreadsheet to the current selection o4 spreadsheet% I4 all thespreadsheet in a spreadsheet document are selected) this shortcut 'e2 com"ination onl2selects the pre7ious spreadsheet% Ma'es the pre7ious spreadsheet the current sheet%

    Shi4t8Ctrl8Pae =p

    Adds the next spreadsheet to the current selection o4 spreadsheets% I4 all the spreadsheetsin a spreadsheet are selected) this shortcut 'e2 com"ination onl2 selects the next sheet%Ma'es the next sheet the current sheet%

    Shi4t8Ctrl8Pae Down

    Displa2s the comment that is attached to the current cell Ctrl8#-

    Switches to Edit mode and places the cursor at the end o4 the contents o4 the current cell%Press aain to exit Edit mode%I4 the cursor is in an input "ox in a dialo that has a Minimi@e "utton) the dialo "ox ishidden and the input "ox remains 7isi"le% Press #, aain to show the whole dialo%


    Opens the #unction Wi@ard% Ctrl8#,

    Mo7es the cursor to the Input line where 2ou can enter a 4ormula 4or the current cell% Shi4t8Ctrl8#,

    Opens the De4ine 6ames dialo "ox% Ctrl8#*

    :earranes the relati7e or a"solute re4erences 4or example) A-) GAG-) GA-) AG- in theinput 4ield% Shi4t8#$


  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    unction hortcut es

    Traces dependents% Shi4t8#1

    Traces precedents% Shi4t8#0

    ihlihts cells containin 7alues% Ctrl8#/

    :ecalculates chaned 4ormulas in the current spreadsheet% #(

    :ecalculates all 4ormulas in all spreadsheets% Ctrl8Shi4t8#(


  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    9nne& II : $ortcut ;e*s

    LibreOffice Writer !hortc$t 7eys

    unction hortcut es

    Switch cursor "etween text and header Ctrl8Pae=p

    Switch cursor "etween text and 4ooter Ctrl8PaeDownSwitch "etween 4ont t2pes% Shi4t8#*

    Appl2 De4ault pararaph st2le Ctrl8& @ero

    Appl2 eadin - pararaph st2le Ctrl8-

    Appl2 eadin , pararaph st2le Ctrl8,

    Appl2 eadin * pararaph st2le Ctrl8*

    Appl2 eadin $ pararaph st2le Ctrl8$

    Appl2 eadin 1 pararaph st2le Ctrl81

    Insert mode onHo44 Insert

    6a7iator onHo44 #1

    Paste the contents o4 the clip"oard as un4ormatted text% Ctrl8Alt8Shi4t8;

    Delete text to end o4 sentence Ctrl8Shi4t8DelDelete text to end o4 word Ctrl8Del

    Delete text to "einnin o4 sentence Ctrl8Shi4t8Bac'space

    Delete text to "einnin o4 wordIn a listF delete an empt2 pararaph in 4ront o4 the current pararaph


    Insertin a new pararaph without num"erin inside a list% Alt8Enter

    Mo7e cursor to riht Arrow :iht

    Mo7e cursor with selection to the riht Shi4t8Arrow :iht

    Mo7e cursor to le4t Arrow 5e4t

    Mo7e cursor with selection to the le4t Shi4t8Arrow 5e4t

    Mo7e cursor to "einnin o4 the pre7ious pararaph Ctrl8Arrow =p

    Mo7e cursor to end o4 the next pararaph% Ctrl8Arrow Down

    Mo7e cursor up one line Arrow =p

    Mo7e cursor down one line Arrow Down

    Mo7e down screen pae PaeDown

    Mo7e down screen pae with selection Shi4t8PaeDown

    Screen pae up Pae=p

    Mo7e up screen pae with selection Shi4t8Pae=p

    6ext suestion with Automatic Word Completion Ctrl8Ta"

    Column "rea' in multicolumnar texts Ctrl8Shi4t8Enter

    5ine "rea' without pararaph chane Shi4t8Enter

    Manual pae "rea' Ctrl8Enter

    Selectin to the riht word "2 word Ctrl8Shi4t8Arrow :iht

    Selectin to the le4t word "2 word Ctrl8Shi4t8Arrow 5e4tSelect to "einnin o4 pararaph% 6ext 'e2stro'e extends selection to "einnino4 pre7ious pararaph%

    Shi4t8Ctrl8Arrow =p

    Select to end o4 pararaph% 6ext 'e2stro'e extends selection to end o4 nextpararaph

    Shi4t8Ctrl8Arrow Down

    Selectin lines in an upwards direction Shi4t8Arrow =p

    Selectin lines in a downward direction Shi4t8Arrow Down

    Superscript Ctrl8Shi4t8P

    Su"script Ctrl8Shi4t8B

    =se pre7ious suestion with Automatic Word Completion Ctrl8Shi4t8Ta"

    !o to start o4 next word Ctrl8Arrow :iht

    !o to end o4 line End

    !o to "einnin o4 line ome


  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    unction hortcut es

    !o and select to end o4 line Shi4t8End

    !o and select to the "einnin o4 a line Shi4t8ome

    !o and select text to end o4 document Ctrl8Shi4t8End

    !o and select text to start o4 document Ctrl8Shi4t8ome

    !o to end o4 document Ctrl8End

    !o to "einnin o4 word Ctrl8Arrow 5e4t

    !oes to "einnin o4 document% Ctrl8ome


  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    9nne& III : rainin# Pro#rammes

    +nne* III ; Training Prograes

    Level I

    Goal" train the !tdent to perform &a!ic and intermediary operation! !ing Li&reOffice

    application!) hile comparing them to ;icro!oft Office$ Training organiirement!" practical operation! ith -indo! noledge of ;icro!oft Office teMt!

    edition) !pread!heet! and pre!entation$


    Bi;reOffice Calc =Spreads3eet>

    EMhi&ition :nction!

    Shortct ey!

    -oring ith Spread!heet file!

    Spread!heet :ile :ormat!

    Atomatic file name eMten!ion

    Spread!heet Edition :nction!

    3ell Editing

    Operation! ith line! and colmn!

    3ell! cla!!ification

    Operator! /Reference) 3ompari!on) Arithmetic and TeMt1

    Detailing the :nction -i

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    0rinting 3alc !pread!heet!

    0age configration 0age vie Impre!! Option!$ Repeating la&el! of line! and colmn!

    /printing interval!1 0age +rea! /vie1

    Bi;reOffice riter =e$t>

    Introdction to Li&reOffice -riter /TeMt1

    EMhi&ition of :nction!

    Shortct ey!

    -oring ith teMt file!

    Open) Save) Save a!

    -oring ith ;icro!oft -ord file! in Li&reOffice

    EMporting docment for other format! /teMt) 0D:1

    +a!ic Edition :nction!

    :ormatting character!" type) !i

  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    9nne& III : rainin# Pro#rammes

    yperlin! &eteen file! or !lide!$

    Selecting o&6ect! ct) copy) pa!te) !pecial pa!te) find b replace$

    Interaction! ith o&6ect! in the pre!entation$

    iding !lide! in the pre!entation$ Altering the !lide order$

    O&6ect effect! and Slide tran!ition!$

    EMporting pre!entation! to other format! /0D:) :la!h) T;L1$

    Level II

    Goal" train the !tdent to perform intermediary and advanced operation! of docment

    edition !ing Li&reOffice application!) hile comparing them to ;icro!oft Office$ Trainingorganiirement!" practical operation! ith -indo! noledge of ;icro!oft Office teMt

    edition) !pread!heet! and ;icro!oft Office pre!entation$


    Bi;reOffice Calc =Spreads3eet>

    Advanced :ormatting

    Advanced !earch formla! and conditional formla! f8rmla! condicionai! /procv)

    !oma!e) cont$!e1

    :ormla! involving data&an!

    Lin! &eteen !pread!heet! /technical conver!ion of lined file!1

    0rinting !pread!heet! ith different !trctre!

    Advanced 3onditional :ormatting

    Advanced atofilter and reglar eMpre!!ion!

    Advanced printing ith !tyle!

    3ell validation

    Docment protection

    0ivot ta&le$

    Bi;reOffice riter =e$t>

    Gallery P In!erting and formatting image!

    0a!te Special Advanced Option!

    Nm&er! and ;ar!


  • 8/13/2019 A Reference Document for Open Standards Implementation


    ODF Guide - a reference document for open standards implementation

    Docment !tandardi