A recommendation engine for your applications - M.Orselli - Codemotion Rome 17


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A recommendation engine for your apps

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Definition: a system that help people finding things when the process of finding what you need is challenging because you have a lot of choices/alternatives

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So… it’s a search engine!

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Search Engines

Document base is (almost) static

Queries are dynamic

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Search Engines

Create an index analysing the documents

Calculate relevance for a query: tf*idf

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Recommender systems

Document base is growing (eg: Netflix)

Query is static: find something I like

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Domain: news, products, …

Helps defining what can be suggested

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Purpose: sales, information, education, build a community

What is TripAdvisor purpose?

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Personalisation levels

• Non personalised: best sellers

• Demographic: age, location

• Ephemeral: based on current activities

• Persistent

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Types of input

• Explicit: ask user to rate something

• Implicit: inferred from user behaviour

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• Prediction: predicted rating, evaluation

• Recommendations: suggestion list, top-n, offers, promotion

• Filtering: email filters, news articles

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A model for comparison

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User: people with preference

Items: subject of rating

Rating: expression of opinion

(Community: space where opinions makes sense)

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Non personalised

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Best seller

Most popular


Summary of community ratings: eg best hotel in town

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Visitor Hotel

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Visitor Hotel

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Hotel A Hotel B Hotel C

John 3 5

Jane 3

Fred 1 0

Tom 4

AVG 3.5 3 0

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Content based

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User rate items

We build a model of user preference

Look for similar items based on the model

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Action 0.7

Sci Fi 3.2

Vin Diesel 1.2

… …


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Need to know items content

User cold start: time to learn important features for the user

What if user interest change?

Lack of serendipity: accidentally discover something you like

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Collaborative filtering

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No need to analyse (index) content

Can capture more subtle things


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Select people of my neighbourhood with similar taste. If other people share my taste I want their opinion combined

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2 4Joe 2 2 3 ?

1 55 2 4 …

Tom 3 3 2

4 1

User-User: which users have similar tastes?

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2 4Joe 2 2 3 ?

1 55 2 4 …

Tom 3 3 2

4 1

User-User: which users have similar tastes?

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Find an items where I have expressed an opinion and look how other people felt about it. Precompute similarities between items

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2 4Joe 2 2 3 ?

1 55 2 4 …

Tom 3 3

4 1

Item-Item: which item are similar?

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When recommending from a large item set, users will have rated only some of the items

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User Cold start

Not enough known about new user to decide who is similar

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Item cold start

Cannot predict ratings for new item till some similar users have rated it [No problem for content-based]

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With millions of ratings, computations become slow

Dimensionality reduction FTW!

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An example

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Item1 Item2 Item3 Item4 Item5

Joe 8 1 ? 2 7

Tom 2 ? 5 7 5

Alice 5 4 7 4 7

Bob 7 1 7 3 8

How similar are Joe and Tom? How similar are Joe and Bob?

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Only consider items both users have rated

For each item - Compute difference in the users’ ratings - Take the average of this difference over the items

Item1 Item2 Item3 Item4 Item5

Joe 8 1 ? 2 7

Tom 2 ? 5 7 5

Alice 5 4 7 4 7

Bob 7 1 7 3 8

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Sim(Joe, Tom) = (|8-2| + |2-7| + |7-5|)/3 = 13/3 = 4.3

Sim(Joe, Alice) = (|8-5| + |1-4| + |2-4| + |7-7|)/4 = 2

Sim(Joe, Bob) = (|8-7| + |1-1| + |2-3| + |7-8|)/4 = 0.75

Item1 Item2 Item3 Item4 Item5

Joe 8 1 ? 2 7

Tom 2 ? 5 7 5

Alice 5 4 7 4 7

Bob 7 1 7 3 8

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Bob 0.75

Alice 2

Tom 4.3

D = 1 / 1 + d

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Bob 1.57

Alice 0.33

Tom 0.18

D = 1 / 1 + d

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Recommend what similar user have rated highly

To calculate rating of an item to recommend, give weight to each user’s recommendations based on how similar they are to you.

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Rating(Joe, Item3) = (1.57 * 7 + 0.33 * 7 + 0.18 * 5) / 3

10.99 + 2.31 + 0.9 / 3 = 4.3


Bob 1.57

Alice 0.33

Tom 0.18

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use entire matrix or

use a K-nn algorithm: people who historically have the same tastes as me

aggregate using weighted sum

weights depends on similarity

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Cosine similarity




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Our domain

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Domain: online book shop, both paper and digital

Recommend titles, old and new

- Who bought this also bought

- You might like

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Choosing the tool

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Under the Apache umbrella

Based on solid open source stack

Customisable templates engines


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Pre-baked Amazon AMIs

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Installation via source code


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You can choose storage

mysql/postgres vs elasticsearch+hbase

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The event server

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Pattern: user -- action -- item

User 1 purchased product X

User 2 viewed product Y

User 1 added product Z in the cart

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$ pio app new MyApp1

[INFO] [App$] Initialized Event Store for this app ID: 1. [INFO] [App$] Created new app: [INFO] [App$] Name: MyApp1 [INFO] [App$] ID: 1 [INFO] [App$] Access Key: 3mZWDzci2D5YsqAnqNnXH9SB6Rg3dsTBs8iHkK6X2i54IQsIZI1eEeQQyMfs7b3F

$ pio eventserver

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Server runs on port 7070 by default

$ curl -i -X GET http://localhost:7070


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$ curl -i -X GET “http://localhost:7070/events.json?accessKey=$ACCESS_KEY"

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Events modeling

what can/should we model?

rate, like, buy, view, depending on the algorithm

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setUser($uid, array $properties=array(), $eventTime=null)

unsetUser($uid, array $properties, $eventTime=null)

deleteUser($uid, $eventTime=null)

setItem($iid, array $properties=array(), $eventTime=null)

unsetItem($iid, array $properties, $eventTime=null)

deleteItem($iid, $eventTime=null)

recordUserActionOnItem($event, $uid, $iid, array $properties=array(), $eventTime=null)

createEvent(array $data)


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D.A.S.E Architecture

Data Source and Preparation




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$ pio template get apache/incubator-predictionio-template-recommender MyRecommendation

$ cd MyRecommendation

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"datasource": { "params" : { "appName": “MyApp1”, "eventNames": [“buy”, “view”] } },

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$ pio build —verbose

$ pio train

$ pio deploy

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Getting recommendations

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2 kind of suggestions

- who bought this also bought (recommendation)

- you may like (similarities)

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Like (add to basket, add to wishlist)

Conversion (buy)

Recorded in batch

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4 engines

2 for books, 2 for ebooks

(not needed now)

Retrained every night with new data

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recordLike($user, array $item)

recordConversion($user, array $item)

recordView($user, array $item)


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getRecommendation($uid, $itype, $n = self::N_SUGGESTION)

getSimilarity($iid, $itype, $n = self::N_SUGGESTION)

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user cold start/item cold start

if we don’t get enough suggestion switch to non personalised (also for non logged users)

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Alternative approaches

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Do it on your own


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Michele Orselli CTO@Ideato


micheleorselli / ideatosrl

[email protected]

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Links• http://www.slideshare.net/NYCPredictiveAnalytics/building-a-recommendation-


• https://www.coursera.org/learn/recommender-systems-introduction

• http://actionml.com/

• https://github.com/grahamjenson/ger