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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of Requirement

For Sarjana Sastra Degree in the English Department

Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts

Sebelas Maret University









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NIM : C 0307008

Stated whole-heartedly that this thesis entitled “A PSYCHOLOGICAL



originally made by the researcher. It is neither a plagiarism nor is made by the

other. The things related to other’s people work are written in quotation and

included in bibliography.

If it is discovered and proved that this pronouncement is dishonest, the

researcher willingly accepts any penalties from English Department of Sebelas

Maret University.

Surakarta, November, 2011

The researcher


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People come and go along these days

They engrave stories of life which sooner become eternal memories

Wake up and greet the reality!

From it there will be a destiny


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This thesis is dedicated to:

My beloved Ayah and Ibu

You are irreplaceable

My beloved sister, Vina



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Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin. All praises are for Allah SWT for the

guidance and blessing in carrying out and finishing this thesis.

Without the assistance and the supports from many people, I am sure that I

can not make this thesis. Therefore, I would like to give special thanks for the

people who give the contribution to my thesis.

To the Dean of Faculty Faculty of Letter and Fine Arts, Drs. Riyadi

Santosa, M.Ed., Ph.D., thank you for approving this thesis. To the Head of

English Department, Prof. Dr. Djatmika, M.A., thank you for the permission to

write this thesis. To all the lecturers of English Department, thank you for guiding

me and giving me knowledge about English especially English literature.

I would like to give my deepest thanks for my thesis supervisor, Dra. Nani

Sukarni, M.S. for her nice guidance. Thank you for guiding me in doing this thesis

and helping me solve the problems so that the things feel easier. I really appreciate

your patience and your friendly smile that always keep my spirit in doing this

thesis. To my academic surpevisor, Fitria Akhmerti, S.S, M.A., thank you for

being patient in guiding my study. To Dra. Endang Sri Astuti, M.S., thank you for

sharing me the references about the novel.

From my deepest heart, I would like to say thank you very much to Ayah

and Ibu, who are very patient in accompanying me to finish this thesis. Thank you

very much for always believing me and teaching me a responsibility. Without

your pray, everything would be so hard to face. I never forget to give my thanks to


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my only sister, Vina. Wake up girl! You always share your spirit to me whenever

I need it. To the unforgotten, my big family; Kung, Uti, Tante, Lek Yan, Dika,

Iwan, Pakpuh, Om Bin, Om Onggo, and to all my cousins, thank you very much.

You have light up my life and make everything so colorful.

I would like to say thank you very much to my beloved Drajad Sujatmiko.

You always give me more and more suggestions about everything, and for its

process, you keep my spirit up and support all the decisions I made. You are just

like a personal supervisor to me!

I would not forget to express my gratitude to all my friends who support

me until today. What a life can be without friends? You fulfill my life with cheers

and laughs, and you’re always on my side when I was getting down. To my

friends of English Literature class; Epata, Shinta, Himawan, and Irma, I miss you

all guys! I miss our moment with all those novels, poems, scripts, and papers!

Keep your spirit and let’s make it done! To my friends who work in “Teater

TESA”; Gondez, Bhre, Mas Jarot, Mas Alfian, Idham, Pakdhe, Bung Pele,

Dewinta, and Jambrong. Thank you for always supporting me and sharing

everything with me. To my senior, Mas Adwin, thank you for giving me

suggestion during this thesis making process. To the “ex-Aulia lovers”; Mbak

Imung and Mbak Nurul, thanks for sharing your experience in doing the thesis

and always remind me to do this thesis diligently. To “Aulia lovers”; Yana and

Dita, thank you for sharing me your printer. To everybody who always helps and

kinds to me, thank you very much. You are always on my heart, and I would not

forget your role in my life.


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TITLE…………………………………………………………………… i



PRONOUNCEMENT…………………………………………………... iv

MOTTO…………………………………………………………………. v

DEDICATION…………………………………………………………... vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT………………………………………………… vii

TABLE OF CONTENT…………………………………………………. ix

ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………... xi

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION……………………………………….... 1

A. Research Background………………………………………... 1

B. Problem Statement………………………………………….... 6

C. Scope of the Study………………………………………….... 7

D. Research Objective…………………………………………... 7

E. Research Benefits……………………………………………. 7

F. Research Methodology………………………………………. 8

G. Approach……………………………………………………... 10

H. Thesis Organization………………………………………….. 11



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A. Literature and Psychology…………………………………… 13

B. Abraham Maslow’s Human Motivation……………………... 16

C. Scott Peck’s Self-Sacrifice…………………………………… 22

D. Charles Dickens and A Tale of Two Cities…………………. 27

CHAPTER III. ANALYSIS……………………………………………. 30

1. Sydney Carton’s Crisis in Charles Dickens’ A Tale of

Two Cities………………………………………………….. 30

A. A Lonely Scoundrel and His Unrequited Love…… 32

B. A Powerlessness of an Alcoholic Attorney…………… 42

C. An Inferiority of A Talented Man……………………... 57

2. The Motivation of Sydney Carton’s Sacrifice on the

Day of Guillotine…………………………………………… 65


A. Conclusion………………………………………………….. 78

B. Recommendation…………………………………………… 80

BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………. 82


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Adystya Imawahyu. C0307008. A Psychological Analysis of Sydney Carton’s

Sacrifice on the Day of the Guillotine in Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two

Cities. Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts. Sebelas

Maret University Surakarta.

This thesis is an analysis on a novel entitled A Tale of Two Cities by

Charles Dickens. It is purposed to explain the real motivation of Sydney Carton in

doing his sacrifice to save Charles Darnay from the horror of guillotine.This

research is written as descriptive analysis of which the main data are in the form

of the narration, the dialog of Sydney Carton, and the dialog of others’ characters

which are related to Sydney Carton’s background, behavior, thought and

personality which then would lead to Sydney Carton’s sacrifice on the day of

guillotine. The supporting data are taken from other sources such as articles,

criticisms, and some psychological books.

Since the research is an analysis of the novel’s character, it involves

psychology approach as its point of view and some theories which are applied in

the analysis. In order to answer the research question, this research applies

Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Scott Peck’s theory of self-sacrifice.

From the analysis, it can be found that Sydney’s sacrifice is motivated by

three factors. The first, according to Abraham Maslow’s theory, Carton has failed

in fulfilling his love and belongingness needs, self-esteem needs, and self-

actualization needs. He becomes a lonely, powerless, and unconfident man who is

sure that sacrifice will be the precious thing that he can do for his life. The second,

Carton’s sacrifice is motivated by his faith. He is sure that his sacrifice will

redeem his sin, and he will live peacefully in the afterlife. The third, based on

Scott Peck’s theory of sacrifice, Carton’s sacrifice apparently motivated by his

feeling to Lucie Manette. By sacrificing himself, he hopes that inside their heart,

Lucie and her family will give a place to Carton.


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Adystya Imawahyu1

Dra. Nani Sukarni, M. S2


2011. Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Letters and Fine

Arts. Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

This thesis is an analysis on a novel entitled A Tale of Two Cities

by Charles Dickens. It is purposed to explain the real motivation of

Sydney Carton in doing his sacrifice to save Charles Darnay from

the horror of guillotine.This research is written as descriptive

analysis of which the main data are in the form of the narration, the

dialog of Sydney Carton, and the dialog of others’ characters

which are related to Sydney Carton’s background, behavior,

thought and personality which then would lead to Sydney Carton’s

sacrifice on the day of guillotine. The supporting data are taken

from other sources such as articles, criticisms, and some

psychological books.

Since the research is an analysis of the novel’s character, it

involves psychology approach as its point of view and some

theories which are applied in the analysis. In order to answer the

research question, this research applies Abraham Maslow’s

Hierarchy of Needs and Scott Peck’s theory of self-sacrifice.

From the analysis, it can be found that Sydney’s sacrifice is

motivated by three factors. The first, according to Abraham

Maslow’s theory, Carton has failed in fulfilling his love and

belongingness needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization

needs. He becomes a lonely, powerless, and unconfident man who

is sure that sacrifice will be the precious thing that he can do for his

life. The second, Carton’s sacrifice is motivated by his faith. He is

1 Mahasiswa Jurusan Sastra Inggris dengan NIM C0307008

2 Dosen Pembimbing

sure that his sacrifice will redeem his sin, and he will live

peacefully in the afterlife. The third, based on Scott Peck’s theory

of sacrifice, Carton’s sacrifice apparently motivated by his feeling

to Lucie Manette. By sacrificing himself, he hopes that inside their

heart, Lucie and her family will give a place to Carton.


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A. Research Background

Once, people described the word sacrifice as something that was used for

worshiping God. They treated the man or animal as a food given to God, so they

hopefully could get what they had been prayed for. Commonly, the term sacrifice

has a close relationship with religions. However, this term of sacrifice

metaphorically has a larger meaning than that. It means sharing with another but

you press down your own necessity. In many cases people commonly see that

sacrifice is doing without expecting something or giving something up. But in

fact, sacrifice is done to fulfill the doer’s necessity, to have a pleasure and

satisfaction, or to have an admission and appreciation from others. “Whatever we

do is done because we choose to do it, and we make that choice because it is the

one that satisfies us the most. Whatever we do for someone else we do because it

fulfills a need we have.” (Peck, 1978:122). Conscious or not, there is always

something else behind sacrifice. People will not do sacrifice for nothing. They do

the sacrifice to have reward for themselves.

From the brief description above, apparently sacrifice has sticked with

human since they recognize God, or since they have faith in running their life.

People do the sacrifice rituals with the hope that God would bless them. This



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signifies that people do the sacrifice in order to have something useful for them.

People usually interpret sacrifice as something that is very difficult to do. In fact,

they have been sacrificing themselves in different ways. For example, when they

use their time to sleep, they have sacrificed their hours that can be used for doing

something more important. When they choose to meet their lover this morning,

they have sacrificed their time to study in class. However, consciously or not, they

have taken the consequence from what they sacrifice for. They lose chances to do

something, but they are happy because they have fulfilled their need, so they feel


“Those who refuse to let go of their present, transient comfort or pleasure

are blind, and don't know happiness. Their refusal to sacrifice defeats the

very purpose of their being. For we are here to experience endless growth,

joy, and freedom, all of which are realized by acts of sacrifice.” (Chuck

Gallozzi in http://www.personal-development.com/chuck)

In many cases, it is still understandable why people sacrifice themselves

for others, although it is explained that sacrifice is the way of self-satisfaction.

There is always something else that becomes a factor for a sacrifice. There is

always something to motivate someone to do something. As John Jung states in

his book entitled Understanding Human Motivation, “Humans do experience a

variety of inner states, which must be considered, in our view, if we are to achieve

and adequate understanding of human behavior. Motives and emotions are among

the inner states that influence human behavior.” (Jung, 1978:3). The motivation

would come for instance because of love, necessity, reward, or even duty. It is not

easy to look for the motivation of someone in doing something. In this analysis,

the researcher will analyze the motivation of Sydney Carton, a character of


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Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities for his sacrifice on the day of guillotine.

The researcher tries to get the factors that emerge and motivate Carton to make

sacrifice. First, the researcher started to analyze Carton’s personality, thought, and

action in order to find the factors that motivate him in doing the sacrifice.

A Tale of Two Cities is written by an English author, named Charles

Dickens. He was born on Friday, February 7th

, 1812 near Portsmouth, England.

Dickens’ novels mostly tell about the gloomy of Industrialization Era. It is

believed that Dickens’ novels are written based on his childhood experience. In

1858, after separating with his wife, it is assumed that Dickens has an affair with

French stage artist named Ellen Ternan. Ellen Ternan then inspires Dickens in

creating a character named Lucie Manette in his historical novel entitled A Tale of

Two Cities. Because Ternan is a French, and Dickens is a British, he depicts the

events that happen in both country. Many readers also assume that Sydney Carton,

the protagonist of the story, has a lot of similarities with Dickens. Analyzing its

title, apparently, Dickens wants to show the conditions of two great countries

which historically do not have a good relationship. A Tale of Two Cities mostly

captures the events happen in Paris. It tells about the French Revolution that

occurs in Paris. Dickens sees the event of French Revolution as having the same

level of importance with the Industrialization Revolution. The harmful, poverty,

and sorrow that was felt by the poor people during French Revolution was also

felt by the poor people during Industrialization Era. In Industrialization Era, the

rate of urbanization grew higher, and it was used by the capitalist to hire the


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laborers with the low wages. The poor were getting poorer, and the rich were

getting richer. This also happened in France during French Revolution.

“The guillotine is one of European history's most bloody icons. Although

designed with the best of intentions, this hugely recognisable machine

soon became associated with events that have overshadowed both its

heritage and its development: the French Revolution.”


Guillotine had taken a big role during French Revolution period. It was the

eye witness of the revolution, the one which directly witnessed the miserly born in

the time of French Revolution. The guillotine is a device used for executing the

victims by decapitation. It consists of a tall upright frame with a suspended blade.

This blade is raised with a rope and then drops, separating the head from the body.

The device is being used for long time and being the main method of execution in

France. Nevertheless, the guillotine continues to be used long after the French

Revolution in several countries.

A Tale of Two Cities is a novel by Charles Dickens, portrays the action of

the French peasants who are oppressed by the French aristocracy in the years of

the revolution, and the brutality demonstrated by the revolutionaries toward the

former aristocrats in the early years of the revolution. There are a lot of

similarities of social condition of life in London during the same time period. It

tells the story about some people who are related each other and fall into the

conflict of the revolution.


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Sydney Carton plays a significant character in A Tale of Two Cities. He

appears as a lazy, alcoholic attorney who can not afford something useful for his

own life. He does not have any interest and enthusiasm. He describes his

existence as nothing in this world and declares that he does not care about

anything even anyone. But, deep inside his heart, when he sees Lucie Manette for

the first time, he realizes that he is attracted to this girl. The beauty, charming

figure, and the behavior of Lucie Manette successfully make Carton fall in love

with her. He firstly tries to betray his heart, but later he asserts his feeling to her

without expecting an acceptance. However, Carton realizes that he is a worthless

man. In addition, he knows that Lucie is actually in love with Charles Darnay, a

kind man whose face resembles him. The most dramatical action of Carton and

perhaps the most worthy thing done by Carton is when he sacrifices himself under

the guillotine in order to save Charles Darnay who actually comes as the victim of

revolution. Having a resembled face, Carton decides to switch his place with

Darnay’s. He does this for Lucie’s and Darnay’s happiness. What Carton does

also becomes the ending of Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities. Although he is

described as a bad guy in the beginning of the story, he comes to be a hero in the

last chapter. Nobody will guess that Carton will save the life of Charles Darnay

and Lucie Mannette by sacrificing himself under the guillotine. Something may

opened Carton’s eyes, whether he could be a better man before he leaves the

earth. He does something lofty before he sees his last day on the earth.

It is understandable that Sydney Carton falls in the deep love to Lucie

Mannette. Lucie will lose Darnay, her lover for the execution done by the


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rebellion. It means that Lucie will lose her happiness. As the love kept by Carton,

it is absolutely understood that Lucie’s happiness is everything for him. Then,

Sydney switches himself with Darnay and goes to the guillotine, gets himself

executed without any sin brought by him. This is seemed to be a sacrifice resulted

from the deep love presented for Lucie. But in his last words, "It is a far, far better

thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I

have ever known." (Dickens, 1988:364), it shows other purpose about the

sacrifice. There is another reason why Sydney decides to sacrifice him self under

the guillotine. In his last words, it is predicted that Sydney feels he lives for

nothing. He lives as imprecisely man who never does something worth before.

Sacrifice is the only precious thing that he can do for his entire life. From that

sentence, it is also implied hopelessness that is felt by Carton. He feels that the

world is not good enough for him. He is sure that there is a better place that will

give him peace and happiness than ever. It probably means that he feels hopeless

for the love he grasps to Lucie. From here, the researcher would like to analyze

Carton’s motivation to do the sacrifice. Why does he like to do his self-sacrifice

and what are his purposes so he feels sincere and happy in sacrificing himself.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the background above, the researcher defines the problem

statement as follow:


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Why does Sydney Carton sacrifice himself on the day of guillotine in

Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities?

C. Scope of the Study

The researcher focuses on the character of Sydney Carton, the main

character in Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities. The researcher analyzes his

character by observing his background, thought, behavior, and also the other

character’s thought about him. The researcher uses the writer’s explanation about

Carton which is shared through the narration in A Tale of Two Cities.

D. Research Objectives

The objective of this thesis is:

To find the real motivation of Sydney Carton’s sacrifice on the day of

guillotine in A Tale of Two Cities

E. Research Benefits

By doing this analysis, the researcher is able to reach the benefits as


1. Helping the readers to understand the story of the novel well


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2. Providing the references about the novel analysis in a

psychological sense.

F. Research Methodology

1. The Form of Research

This research is written as a descriptive analysis. The researcher gives a

clear explanation about a subject matter of the analysis. This analysis is a library

analysis because the researcher takes written materials as the sources of the data.

2. Data Resources

The main data of this analysis is the dialogues between Carton and other

characters and the narrations which are implied the motivation of Sydney Carton

in doing the sacrifice which is taken from Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities.

In analyzing the novel, the researcher focuses on Carton’s background, behavior

and thought which show his motivation to do the sacrifice and the other

character’s perspective about Carton’s personality. The researcher also takes the

supporting data from other relevant sources which share the information about the

subject matter. The supporting data comes from books of psychology, articles and

critics which criticize Sydney Carton in all aspects especially his intention to do

the sacrifice.


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3. Technique of Collecting Data and Processing Data

In collecting and processing the data of the analysis, the researcher gets

these following steps:

1. The researcher reads the novel A Tale of Two Cities carefully. The

researcher finds the parts of the novel which describe Carton’s thought

and behavior which show his motivation related to the sacrifice, also

the paragraph and dialogue which shows other character’s perspective

about Carton’s character.

2. The researcher studies Maslow’s theory of motivation which is related

to Maslow’s theory of Hierarchy of Needs and M. Scott Peck’s theory

of self-sacrifice, and elaborates it with the main data to answer the

problem statement.

3. The researcher takes the supporting data from the internet. The

researcher finds the articles and critics about Sydney Carton’s

background, characteristic, and behavior and then relates it with

Carton’s motivation in doing the sacrifice. In addition to seek the data

from the internet, the researcher also reads some psychological books

which are related with the subject matter.


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G. Approach

The researcher uses Maslow’s theory of motivation to analyze this novel.

Abraham Maslow attempts to unify a large body of research related to human

motivation. According to Maslow, researchers are generally focused separately on

such factors as biology, achievement, or power to explain what energizes, directs,

and sustains human behavior. Maslow divides human needs into five levels, those


1) Physiological Need: hunger, thirst, bodily comforts

2) Safety/security Need: out of danger

3) Love and Belongingness Need: affiliate with others, be accepted

4) Self-Esteem Need: to achieve, be competent, gain approval and


5) Self-Actualization Need: to actualize, reaching the goal of life, make a

brighter future

The researcher considers that love must give a significant impact to what

Carton has done. For helping the researcher in analyzing Carton’s tribulation of

emotion, the researcher tries to use M. Scott Peck’s theory of self-sacrifice.

Before talking more about self-sacrifice, Peck exposes many things about love.

According to him, “falling in love is subjectively experienced in a very powerful

fashion as an experience of love.” (Peck, 1978:89) The experience of falling in


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love is also temporary. However, the love he feels will be fade away as long with

the relationship they build up. In fact, according to Peck, love is about extending

others’ spiritual growth. It is about understanding others’ spiritual needs and they,

as the lovers, try to fulfill it. Commonly people think that loving someone, giving

someone what he or she needs is a self-sacrifice. For a wife who has been the

victim of masochism, succumbing and accepting what her husband does to her is

also a sacrifice. But after tracing back the term of sacrifice, the researcher finds

that it is still expecting something behind it, including in the case of love sacrifice.

“The issue of masochism highlights still another very major misconception

about love-that it is self-sacrifice. By virtue of this believe the prototypical

of masochist was enabled to see her tolerance of mistreatment as self

sacrifice and hence as love, and therefore did not have to acknowledge her

hatred. The minister also saw his self-sacrificial behavior as love, although

actually it was motivated not by the needs of his family but by his own

need to maintain an image of himself.” (Peck, 1978:122).

From the quotation, Peck assumes that self-sacrifice is one of

misconceptions about love. In many cases, some people feel that they have done

self-sacrifice based on love they have; in fact, they do it for their own necessity,

not the others’ necessity included.

H. Thesis Organization

The thesis consists of four chapters and each of them is subdivided into

subsequent division. Chapter I is Introduction that includes background of the

research, problem statement, scope of the study, research objective, research


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benefits, research methodology that covers the form of the research, data

resources, technique of collecting and processing data; approaches and thesis


Chapter II is literary review. It covers the Maslow’s motivation theory, M.

Scott Peck’s self-sacrifice, and another theory of love and psychology.

Chapter III is the analysis. This is the analysis about the motivation of

Sydney Carton’s sacrifice on the Day of Guillotine. It covers Carton’s self-

esteem, Carton’s self-actualization, and Carton’s love, and Carton’s sacrifice.

Chapter IV is the conclusion and recommendation of the research.


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A. Literature and Psychology

Human is God’s creature which is given mind and heart inside their body.

By their mind they think, by their heart they feel, and by their body they do what

they intend to do. Those three elements are always related one to each other.

Finally, mind, heart, and body form something that is known as behavior.

Somehow, people do not always know well about their own intention. In some

cases, they do not know why they do something or why their friends do those

things that may be important to them. That is why, people need to study about

themselves so that they are able to understand themselves and others in order to

strengthen the social relationship among them.

Since psychology is known as the science of mind and behavior, there are

a lot of people who are interested in studying it. Basically, the aim of studying

psychology is to understand the behavior and mental processes of human by

researching the both. “For many practitioners, one goal of applied psychology is

to benefit society.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychology). As human being, it

is important to realize that they are not alone in this world. People need other to

complete their life. They still need other’s help to continue their life. It reflects

that, basically, human is created as a social creature. Human behavior can be



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common, unusual, acceptable, or unacceptable. Human evaluate the acceptability

of behavior using social norms and regulate behavior by means of social control.

According to moral values, human behavior may also depend upon the common,

usual, unusual, acceptable or unacceptable behavior of others. By knowing the

mind and behavior of the people, it leads them to understand the personality of

others. “Personality psychology is concerned with enduring patterns of behavior,

thought, and emotion in individuals, commonly referred to as personality.”


Psychology is broadly studied in university and practiced by hundreds of

the practitioners which are also known as psychologist. Commonly, psychology is

used as a mental treatment for those who have problems with their psychosomatic.

In addition, by applying psychology in the treatment aims to find the solution that

will be taken in order to solve the problem in many ways. Psychology is not only

applied on education and health treatment. It is being applied in the social media

and it has been explored in a large social topics.

Literature is one of written media which reflects the life of human in

society. Sometimes, it aims as an entertainment, but further more, literature is

used to describe the life of human and to share how the ideal life is according to

its author’s perspective. “The reason that fiction is more interesting than any

other form of literature, to those who really like to study people, is that in fiction

the author can really tell the truth without humiliating himself” (Jim Rohn’s

quotation in http://www.brainyquote.com/words/li/literature185325.html). People


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mostly believe that what is written in literature especially fiction is what actually

happens outside there. In the other hand, literature does not always tell the truth. It

plays as the imitation of the reality. The author may have another perspective

about life, and he wants to show the world what life must be. As what M. H.

Abrams says about Socrates’s theory of mimetic in his book entitled 20th


Literary Criticism, “The arts of printing, poetry, music, dancing, and sculpture,

Socrates says, are all imitations.” (Abrams, 1972:5) When literature is believed to

be a story of life, it is directly defined that the readers have been studied the

psychology of literature.

As mentioned before, psychology is the study of mind and behavior.

Meanwhile, literature is the reflection of its author’s mind which is transferred to

its characters. Studying the psychological of literature may add the reference of

life so that people can be a good person in a society. They can overcome the

problems that continuously come to their life. In addition, the fiction of literature

can be an evaluation whether they have already given the best for their own life or

not. Literature can also be a media to create the life they want, that can not be

found in reality. Somehow, it is important to underline whether what is written on

a literary work is not the whole originality of the reality. Truth plays as an artistic

value on a literary work. The psychological value of a work completes the

aesthetic value of a literary work.

“For some conscious artist, psychology may have tightened their sense of

reality, sharpened their powers of observation or allowed them to fall into

hitherto undiscovered patterns. But, in itself, psychological truth is an

artistic value only if it enhances coherence and complexity-if, in short, it is

art.” (Wellek and Warren, 1956:93).


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However, by describing imagination through a work of literature, an

author can show the world what the world must be. “We know too much, and are

convinced of too little. Our literature is a substitute for religion, and so is our

religion.” (T.S. Eliot’s quotation in

http://www.brainyquote.com/words/li/literature185325.html). Eliot assumes that

literature has the same grade as religion. Even it can substitute religion, and so for

the religion itself. In literature, the reader will be able to take an understanding

about the good and the bad of the story as a moral value. Moreover, it is an

ideology of the author, so the author teaches the reader about life through his


B. Abraham Maslow’s Human Motivation

1. Abraham Maslow’s Human Motivation

According to Maslow, motivation happens to the whole parts of the

individual, not some parts of it. In short, when you are starving, there is no mouth

or stomach need, but it is rather be an individual need. John needs food, not

stomach of John which needs food. When John has already had food, the

satisfaction feeling goes to John’s feeling, not his only stomach and mouth.

Basically, human is a creature which has a lot of needs and it is hard to reach the

satisfaction feeling but just for while. When one need is fulfilled, there is another

need comes out replacing the previous need. When they are successful in fulfilling


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their need, they feel that they can reach another achievement. This will motivate

human to do something to fulfill their needs.

For the further theory, Maslow divides human needs into several levels:

1. Phisiologycal need

“The needs that are usually taken as the starting point for

motivation theory are the so-called physiological drives.” (pg.4 of


According to Maslow, this concept is related to homeostatis of a

human and the taste or desire of human can efficiently give the

indication of human physiological needs. Homeostatis shows the

automatically efforts in human body to defend their constant and

normal blood circulation. When the body lacks of substance, an

individual will form a particular desire to that parts of unfulfilling food

elements. This kind of need is the strongest need of those needs levels.

When individual is starving, he will not think about other things but

food. He will not think about having a mansion, being a director of an

employment, has a lover, nor has an achievement in school. All he ever

thinks is food.


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2. Safety/Security Need

When physiological need is fulfilled, there comes another need

which is categorized in safety need (safety, security, protection,

freedom, etc). This kind of need is easily found in kids. Kids or baby

will not hide their reaction when they are being threatened. They will

cry and scream when they are away from their parents, treated roughly,

or even feel uncomfort. For adult, the reaction of security need is

shown more as psychological reaction. They think that they are under

attack, threatened by the disaster that suddenly comes. From those fear

they need such a protection that will guarantee them to get secure.

“Compulsive-obsessives try frantically to order and stabilize the world

so that no unmanageable, unexpected or unfamiliar dangers will ever

appear” (pg.9 of


Therefore, people create laws, ceremony, norms that is covered by

rules so that they can be controlled and spared from the danger.

3. Love and Belongingness Need

When physiological and security need are fulfilled, there will be

another need that is already known as love and belongingness need.

People need love. They need someone to share, to accompany, to

comfort, and to fulfill the emptiness in their heart. When there are no


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friends, lover, children, they will feel lonely. They feel that they are

expelled from the society. Maslow analyzes that the brawl or conflict

among gangster or community in America is motivated by the lack of

love and friendship among them. They express it by their anger and

hatred among others.

4. Self-Esteem Need

“All people in our society (with a few pathological exceptions) have a

need or desire for a stable, firmly based, (usually) high evaluation of

themselves, for self-respect, or self-esteem, and for the esteem of

others.” (pg.10 of


Maslow divides this need into two classifications. First is the need

of necessity and power, achievement, sufficiency, superiority, and

ability, self confidence, liberty and freedom. The second division is the

desire of an individual to have prestige, status, popularity and glory,

domination, admission, care, and the most important are grade and

appreciation. When an individual fails in fulfilling this need, he will

feel unconfident, weak, and powerless. For instance, the case of

American Gangster which often causes riots shows the lack of love and

belongingness of themselves. People may see them as minor

communities that do not deserve to have appropriate place among

society. From this, it is assumed that the gangsters need admission so

they try to come to the surface by doing something controversially.

What they have done is the reaction of the failure of fulfilling the third


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need that is love and belongingness need. The effect of loss that need

is the inferior feeling. They can not freely express their will because

they are far behind. It can kill their self-confidence, so they come as a

big community which feels that each of them has a same fate and

achievement. By joining the community, they can strengthen each

other, so they can build the self confidence among the community.

5. Self-Actualization

When the fourth need has been fulfilled, there is still an

unsatisfaction feeling and the new nervousness will come soon.

Individually, when the fourth need has been fulfilled, a person needs to

do something that is apparently appropriate to him. For instance, a

singer has to be a good singer, a teacher has to teach his students well,

a lawyer has to break a case accurately, and a father has to be a good

father for his children as a respectable and strong man for the family.

The peaceful will come to them if they are able in fulfilling this need.

This need is known as self-actualization need.

“What a man can be, he must be. This need we may call self-

actualization. It refers to the desire for self-fulfillment, namely, to the

tendency for him to become actualized in what he is potentially. This

tendency might be phrased as the desire to become more and more

what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming.”

(pg.10 of A%20Theory%20of%20Human%Motivation%20A.pdf)

Human will not able to end their satisfaction. In being a man, they

will not stop digging out their potential just to actualize themselves in


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front of others. Basically, human need good confession from others so

they create their own characters based on their potency. The man who

is failed in fulfilling this need will feel that he lives for nothing, and he

will feel that there is no future which waits for him to be achieved.

It explains more, “Maslow used the term self-actualization to describe

a desire, not a driving force, that could lead to realizing one's

capabilities. Maslow did not feel that self-actualization determined

one's life; rather, he felt that it gave the individual a desire, or

motivation to achieve budding ambitions.”


Maslow argues whether self-actualization is the need which builds

the desire of a human to realize their capability. It motivates the human

to be what they ideally want to be. He says further that self-

actualization does not determine the life of someone, because the

realization of this need is different for each personal. A teacher wants

to be a good teacher, a father wants to be a good father, or a student

wants to be a great student. It’s all depends on each capability. So, a

person will be automatically motivated to be a better person based on

his capability.

Those are the five levels of hierarchy of needs that have been

exposed by Abraham Maslow that aims to find a motivation of a

person in doing something. In this analysis, the researcher will only

use the third, fourth, and fifth needs in analyzing Sydney Carton’s



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C. Scott Peck’s Self-Sacrifice

Long time ago, people use the word sacrifice as something to use as

worshiping God. Sacrifice is more like a religious ritual that is served by the

people in order to get prosperity and God’s blessing. There are several kinds of

sacrifice which is related to religion practice. First is the sacrifice called animal

sacrifice. Animal sacrifice is the ritual killing animal in order to make an oath to

God or to change the course of nature. Animal sacrifice has been done by many

countries in all kinds of cultures, from the Greeks and Romans, Ancient

Egyptians, and from the Aztecs and Yoruba. Second is human sacrifice. Human

sacrifice is practiced by many ancient cultures. In some rituals, people will be

killed in order to please or appease God or spirit. There are several purposes for

including human sacrifice in the ritual of worshiping God or the spirit. First, it is

done as the dedication of a new temple or bridge. Second, it is done following the

death of the high priest or great leader. The sacrifice is supposed to serve or

accompany the deceased leader in the next life. The third is the sacrifice which is

done in the times of natural disaster. Earthquakes, droughts, volcanic eruptions are

seen as a sign of anger by the Goddesses, and sacrifice is believed to be the

solution to redeem it. In Islam, people know the term korban, is an animal

sacrifice done to commemorate the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim in sacrificing

his son, Prophet Ismail to require God’s command. Moslems usually sacrifice

goat, lamb, or cow, and then consume its meat. The meats are usually shared to

the poor. It purposes to help the poor, to give them blessing of prosperity.


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From now on, the word sacrifice does not only exist in religion term, but

also in common terms which are closely related to the human daily activity. Every

step of action has its own sacrifice. Some may say that sacrifice is something hard

to do, moreover, it needs bravery, and consciously or not, sacrifice is able to invite

happiness and proud.

“I have no ambition in this world but one, and that is to be a fireman. The

position may, in the eyes of some, appear to be a lowly one; but we who

know the work which the fireman has to do believe that his is a noble

calling. Our proudest moment is to save lives. Under the impulse of such

thoughts, the nobility of the occupation thrills us and stimulates us to

deeds of daring, even of supreme sacrifice.” (Chief Edward F. Croker, an

American Firefighter’s quotation in


The quotation above is stated by a firefighter. His job is so dangerous and

of course it needs courage in saving people who are trapped in the ruins of the

burnt building. No matter how hard it is, he feels proud to save the life of the

people. He sees the work of a firefighter as a noble thing that is soon leads him to

challenge the danger, build a bravery even to do a sacrifice. Sacrifice plays a role

as a stimulator for happiness and pride feeling. Sacrifice will cause peace and joy.

It is not as painful as what people commonly say. Mahatma Gandhi shares his

opinion about sacrifice as follows,

“The sacrifice which causes sorrow to the doer of the sacrifice is no

sacrifice. Real sacrifice lightens the mind of the doer and gives him a

sense of peace and joy. The Buddha gave up the pleasures of life because

they had become painful to him.” (Mahatma Gandhi’s quotation in


Sacrifice will release the burden of life and as a compensation, the doer

will see the satisfaction that is previously hidden. When someone who does a


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sacrifice admits that he is suffering, he actually does not see his action as a real

sacrifice, because the feelings that are caused by sacrifice are such a peace, happy,

and joy feeling. It is hard to do, but it is not as terrifying as it looked.

Love is one of the favorable themes in a lot of stories. People believe that

sacrifice and love have a tight relationship and they are inseparable. Compromise

and sacrifice are almost the same. Lovers usually meet those things inside their

romantic relationship, but perhaps, they do not realize it.

“To sacrifice is to give up something precious in order to gain or maintain

something, such as a valuable relationship or some other worthy cause,

than to compromise is to give up the pursuit of a better prospect in order

not to risk an existing situation, even if it is perceived to be somewhat

worse than the prospect that is relinquished”



Compromise is full with emotional aspects and it is harder to bear, while

sacrifice appears as an actual and concrete action. When someone is

compromising, he is giving up something that he really wants, that possibly can be

reached. When he is sacrificing, he is giving up something that he actually has.

The effect of loss in compromise is more torturing because compromising is about

something that he hasn’t done yet. It is related to the unfinished action that he

really wants to achieve. The effect of loss in sacrifice is less torturing because the

person who is sacrificing has already had the achievement, and he will not doubt

the value and necessity of his sacrifice. The emotional effect caused by

compromise is frustration, while sacrifice is associated with sympathy and



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M. Scott Peck is well-known as a modern psychologist who loudly talks

about love, traditional values, and spiritual growth. In his book entitled The Road

Less Travelled, he talks about a lot of aspects of life which point out to those parts

of life. In this analysis, the researcher only takes one aspect that is brought by

Scott Peck. In addition talking about sacrifice, the researcher considers that Scott

Peck’s self-sacrifice is suitable to be used because it can support Maslow’s theory

of human motivation so the researcher intends to combine the both of them. By

using Scott Peck’s self-sacrifice, hopefully the researcher can find and prove the

real self-sacrifice of Sydney Carton after finding the motivation of his action in

doing the sacrifice. In order to explain about self-sacrifice, the researcher also

shares about Peck’s assumption about love, because the researcher sees that love

can be an influence to do sacrifice. Scott Peck describes self-sacrifice in a

relationship by showing a case of a victim of masochism. A wife whose the

husband is a masochist says that she wants to leave him because she can not

tolerate his attitude anymore. But, when the husband begs her to reconcile, the

wife can not reject his pleading. She accepts it and says that she loves him so

much that is why she can forget and forgive his roughness. Peck assumes that it is

not essentially a love. Apparently the wife enjoys the way the husband begs her to

come back. From this description, she can show her superiority in her relationship.

It is more like revenge than a love. The second case is the minister who always

fulfills his family needs although in the deep heart he finds difficulties in covering

it. He wants to be a good father and husband for his family. In this case, it seems

that he has done self-sacrifice for his family, but, Peck assumes later that actually,


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the minister tries to create a good image for himself toward his family. He wants

to be a good man in the family, without concerning the spiritual growth of the


Peck states further, “Whenever we think of ourselves as doing something

for someone else, we are in some way denying our own responsibility.

Whatever we do is done because we choose to do it, and we make that

choice because it is the one that satisfies us the most. Whatever we do for

someone else we do because it fulfills a need we have.” (Peck, 1978:122)

Self-sacrifice is the way to satisfy ourselves. Firstly, it appears as an

attitude that is done for the others’ happiness. In fact, consciously or not, people

do the sacrifice to please and satisfy themselves. It is done not only for the

happiness of others but also for their necessity.

In his book entitled The Road Less Travelled, Scott Peck defines love as

“the will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s

spiritual growth.” (Peck, 1978:85). Basically, Pecks assumes that in loving

someone, a person must put his attention to the development of another. Love

needs a factual effort and action in order to extend another’s development. When

someone is in love, he does not only care for his own importance, but consciously,

he also involves himself in the process of another’s self development. In

extending another’s self-growth, it needs a will of action to support it. According

to Peck, “love is an act of will—namely, both an intention and an action. Will also

implies choice. We do not have to love. We choose to love.” (Peck, 1978:87).

Love is a choice, and choice is an implication of a will. So when a person starts to

choose to love, it means that he will show his love to another by certain actions.


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“In the case of genuine love the aim is always spiritual growth. In the case

of nonlove the aim is always something else.” (Peck, 1978:123). Genuine love

concerns to the spiritual growth of others. People notice the needs of others’, and

they try to fulfill it, extent the spiritual growth of others and theirs. It looks

simple, but by understanding the spiritual growth, they will be able to understand

others’. From this process, love is growing up. There are always changes in the

self when they are in love, but the changes are the implication of self extension,

not self-sacrifice.

D. Charles Dickens and A Tale of Two Cities

During his lifetime, Dickens is known as the author for his remarkable

characters, his mastery of prose in telling of their life, and his concern of the

social classes, moral and value of his lifetime. People believe him as the

spokesman for the poor, from the way he writes the plight, the inferiority of the

poor on his work.

Charles Dickens was born on Friday, February 7th

, 1812 near Portsmouth,

England. His father, John Dickens, was a clerk in the navy pay office at the

Portsmouth dockyard. In the 1821, when Dickens was nine year old, the family

fell into financial problem. Dickens’ father lost his job and most of his income

because of the reforms and cutbacks at the British Admiralty. Since the family fell

into the poverty, they moved to the dirty lodging on a vile street in Camden Town.


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Although they had lived in a terrible lodging, they are still unable to survive

financially. The family soon fell into debt. In that time, one who falls into debt

will be imprisoned until he is able to pay off the debt. Since Dickens’ family got

debt trouble, the father was arrested and imprisoned in the debtor’s prison called

the Marshalsea. Soon, Dickens left his school and he was sent to work in a

blacking factory at Hungerford Market, where he worked with other child laborers

putting labels on the bottles. Working conditions for all factory employees in

Victorian Era were extremely poor. They worked all day long for just a little

wages. The use of child laborers was common at that time. The conditions of the

child laborers were so horrible. The misery of that condition adhered to those

boys’ soul. When he was adult, Dickens could never able to speak about his

childhood. His miserable memories were shared only through his writing which

has represented his sorrow during his childhood. By his writing, he depicted the

pleading of the poor children of the era, which is also known as industrialization

era. Since his mother followed his father into the jail, Dickens completely had to

fend for himself. He spent his nights as a lonely little boy who had to survive from

the torment that surrounded him. Although his condition was miserable, Dickens

did not grow as a hopeless man, but he grew as a powerful and optimistic man. A

few years later, Dickens’ father was released from jail and the family went back to

Camden Town, where Dickens resumed his studies at a public school.

Although the parents were free, the family was still in poor financial

circle, so again, Dickens was withdrawn from school and had to get to work. He

had to work hard in solicitor’s office. Dickens worked hard and determined to


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have better life. He wanted to be a reporter like his father, who had found a job as

a reporter. When he was seventeen, Dickens became a reporter. But deep inside

his heart, he had a dream that someday he would be an actor. Since he wanted to

realize his dream, he lectured extensively.

A Tale of Two Cities, a novel of Charles Dickens written in 1859 reflects

the riot and brutality happened during French Revolution. In many of his novels,

Dickens put his characters in a condition where he fights his way out of poverty

and despair. A Tale of Two Cities tells more about the struggle of the poor that

have been oppressed by the aristocrat. It tells about the arrogance of aristocracy

and how tyranny is still spread in every case. Dickens saw the events of French

Revolution have the same historical level with what had happened during the

Industrialization Revolution in England



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1. Sydney Carton’s Crisis in Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities

According to its literal meaning, crisis means, “a dramatic emotional or

circumstantial upheaval in a person's life.”

(http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/crisis). As it is informed, this thing also

takes a large portion to Sydney Carton, one of Dickens‟ characters in A Tale of

Two Cities. There are lines of problems failed to face by Carton, then the

problems go bigger and create such a tribulation for Carton which soon invite a

crisis. Sydney Carton plays as one of the important roles in A Tale of Two Cities.

He appears as a lazy and alcoholic attorney who does not have any interest in his

life. He does not care about everything. He does not care about himself and

others, because he believes that the world does not care about him. “As to me, the

greatest desire I have is to forget that I belong to it. It has no good in it for me—

except wine like this—nor I for it. So, we are not much alike in that particular.”

(Dickens, 1988:80)

He is an orphan since he was a teenager, and he plays as the intelligent

person behind Mr. Stryver‟s, his partner whose the profession is also a lawyer. He

spends his time to do Stryver‟s job, whereas Stryver will pick the result and

Carton gets nothing but wine.



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“Sydney Carton, idlest and most unpromising of men, was Stryver‟s great

ally. Stryver never had a case in hand, anywhere, but Carton was

there……Sydney Carton would never be a lion, he was an amazingly good

jackal, and that he rendered suit and service to Stryver in that humble

capacity.” (Dickens, 1988:83)

Carton falls deep in love to Lucie, but he reluctant to declare it. He knows

that Darnay is also attracted to Lucie, and apparently Lucie receive him gladly.

Carton does not have any intention to declare his love, moreover he tries to hide

the feeling by his rudeness. But in the middle of the story, Carton decides to

declare his love to Lucy but he asks no love that may be given by her. He has

already known that Lucy would never love him back.

“If it had been possible, Miss Manette, that you could have returned the

love of the man you see before you—self-flung away, wasted, drunken, poor

creature of misuse as you know him to be.” (Dickens, 1988:145)

As the French Revolution begins, France is in a riot because the peasants

and all the poor show their protest along the streets and arrest the aristocrats who

have positions in government administration. This event is the realization of their

sorrows that is caused by the mean government.

“On a night in mid-July, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine,

…..Saint Antoine had been, that morning, a vast dusky mass of scarecrows

heaving to and fro, with frequent gleams of light above the billowy heads,

where steel blades and bayonets shone in the sun….. Every pulse and heart

in Saint Antoine was on high-fever strain and at high-fever heat.”

(Dickens, 1988:204-206)

Charles Darnay, who is previously known as Marquis St. Evremonde, is a

French aristocrat who leaves his position as a wealth man and chooses to live


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peacefully in London as Charles Darnay. He sees that living with prosperity in

France only causes sorrows for the others. “This property and France are lost to

me…I renounce them. I would abandon it, and live otherwise and elsewhere. It is

little to relinquish. What is it but a wilderness of misery and ruin?” (Dickens ,

1988:120) When the French Revolution occurs, Darnay is under arrested by the

peasants and the poor. Although he has changed his name into Charles Darnay, he

is still noted as Marquis St. Evremonde.

Knowing that Darnay is in danger, Carton decides to sacrifice himself in

order to save Darnay who is under arrested and sentenced to death by the poor.

Carton realizes that Darnay has a lover that soon will suffer deeply for her loss.

He has promised to Lucie that he would protect her family and made her happy

even though he had to sacrifice himself. “For you and for any dear to you, I would

do anything…I would embrace any sacrifice for you and for those dear to you.”

(Dickens, 1988:147). So it is, Sydney Carton sacrifices himself under the

guillotine to save the people he loves.

For the next explanation, the researcher will divide the analysis of this

subchapter into three points:

A. A Lonely Scoundrel and His Unrequited Love

“Long ago, when he had been famous among his earliest competitors as a

youth of great promise, he had followed his father to the grave. His mother

had died, years before.” (Dickens, 1988:304)


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Sydney Carton is an orphan since he was a teenager. This can be

something that indicates him to be an unconfident person and decides to put

himself in a deep sorrow. Maslow exposes the levels of hierarchy of needs in

order to learn about human motivation. The condition of Sydney Carton shows

that he has lost his love need from his parents. It has been stated that his father left

him when he was a boy and previously, he was famous as a great boy with a great

future. The loss of the father made him become an orphan, because his mother had

died years before. It is possible that this condition makes him turn his position

from the high quality man to the lower one. Carton may hide himself from the

world and fall down to the deep sorrow for losing his parents.

Maslow states, “The person will feel keenly, as never before, the absence

of friends, or a sweetheart, or a wife, or children. He will hunger for

affectionate relations with people in general, namely, for a place in his

group, and he will strive with great intensity to achieve this goal. He will

want to attain such a place more than anything else in the world and may

even forget that once, when he was hungry, he sneered at love.”

(pg.10 of A%20Theory%20of%20Human%Motivation%20A.pdf)

Carton‟s condition may make him fall into the loneliness, so the impact is

that he hides himself from the crowd of the world. Maslow explains further

whether a person who fails in fulfilling his love and belongingness need, he will

fall into a deep loneliness and feel that he is expelled from the society. Then, he

concludes that nobody cares about him.

Sydney Carton lives with his loneliness until he grows adult. He has his

career as an attorney who works behind Mr. Stryver‟s name. Whenever he goes to

solve the case, there is always Mr. Stryver in front him. His profession leads him


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to meet his love, that is Lucie Manette. Carton becomes the first man who stares

at Lucie Manette.

“Yet, this Mr. Carton took in more of the details of the scene than he

appeared to take in; for now, when Miss Manette‟s head dropped upon her

father‟s breast, he was the first to see it, and to say audibly: “Officer! Look

to that young lady. Help the gentleman to take her out. Don‟t you see that

she will fall!”” (Dickens, 1988:74)

The narration and dialog above shows the first time Carton sees Lucie

Manette. Carton meets Lucie at Old Bailey, where Charles Darnay‟s trial has run.

At that time, Lucie becomes a witness for Darnay who is accused to be a betrayer

of the country, while Carton performs as the friend of Darnay‟s attorney, Mr.

Stryver. In this trial, Carton succeeds in solving Darnay‟s case, but he does not

show himself as the man who saves the life of an innocent. He hides behind Mr.

Stryver‟s, so the people know that Mr. Stryver is the hero who succeeds in saving

Darnay from the death sentence. During the trial Carton seems to notice the girl

who testifies herself for Darnay, while other people put their concentration to

Darnay‟s trial. Apparently Carton is attracted to Lucie Manette.

“Mr. Carton came up at the moment, and touched Mr. Lorry on the arm.

“How is the young lady?”

“She is greatly distressed; but her father is comforting her, and she feels

the better for being out of court.”

“I‟ll tell the prisoner so. It won‟t do for a respectable bank gentleman like

you to be seen speaking to him publicly, you know.”

Mr. Lorry reddened as if he were conscious of having debated the point in

his mind, and Mr. Carton made his way to the outside of the bar. The way

out of court lay in that direction, and Jerry followed him, all eyes , ears,

and spikes.” (Dickens, 1988:75)


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It is the dialog between Carton and Mr. Lorry, the officer of Tellson‟s

Bank who is also the close friend of Dr. Manette and Lucie Manette. From the

way Carton asks the condition of Lucie, it seems that Carton worries about her.

He is the first man who asks about the condition of Lucie Manette. Logically, a

man who has a bad attitude and cares for nothing will not care for somebody else.

He does not care about his attitude which is considered to be impolite when he is

talking to Mr. Lorry who is known as the older and an honorable man. On the

other hand, it looks different when he gives the respond toward Lucie. He cares

about the girl so much until it seems that he really worries about her.

The researcher sees that Carton has fallen in love at the first sight with

Lucie. The way Carton looks and behaves toward Lucie indicates his interest,

even he has just met her for a second. Talking about love at the first sight, Robert

C. Solomon has put his assumptions toward this issue in his book entitled About


Solomon says that “the phenomenon of love at the first sight suggests two

fairly plausible explanations: first, that the stranger we find so attractive is

in fact a “stand-in” for some other love from the past, and the second, that

what we call “love” is really just lust, plus an extravagant rationalization

to make it personally and morally meaningful.” (Solomon, 1988:120).

The researcher analyses whether Carton feels the one of two indications

which leads him to what is called as love at the first sight. Solomon says that the

person who falls in love at the first sight may be affected by his previous love or

his beautiful past. Solomon explains more that when a person feels this condition,

actually he has replaced the old love into the new one. He has found his new


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happiness that immediately substitutes his old one. This is the condition that is felt

by Carton. In his dialog with Lucie, when Carton declares his love to her, he says

that Lucie‟s life has reminded him to his earlier life, in which he still had his joy

and glory. In that dialog, Carton also admits that the existence of Lucie has rebuilt

his passion of life related with the remembrance of his past. But because he knows

that his love is unrequited, he feels that he can not reach his dream, which is

getting a better new life.

“I wish you to know that you have been the last dream of my soul. In my

degradation I have not been so degraded but that the sight of you with your

father, and of this home made such a home by you, has stirred old shadows

that I thought had died out of me. Since I knew you, I have been troubled

by a remorse that I thought would never reproach me again, and have

heard whispers from old voices impelling me upward, that I thought were

silent forever. I have had unformed ideas of striving afresh, beginning

anew, shaking off sloth and sensuality, and fighting out the abandoned

fight. A dream, all a dream, that ends in nothing, and leaves the sleeper

where he lay down, but I wish you to know that you inspired it.” (Dickens,


Although love at the first sight seems to be more about love at a glance, it

is possible that it will guide a person to open the gate of true love. Love at the first

sight which is felt by Carton may guide him into the deeper one. This feeling of

admiration can grow to be a development of mutual identity and dependency as

what Solomon says in indicating love.

“Love is always in process, from first sight to the final days, but we can

appreciate the drastic difference between our experience of initial love and

love well under way as a function of the difference between reaching after

something—which for all we know may be inaccessible or impossible or

illconceived to begin with—and experiencing love as a dynamic identity

that has already been tested and proven any number of times.” (Solomon,



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There are some reasons why Sydney Carton gives up to struggle his love

to Lucie, one of the problems is that he finds a rival who is Charles Darnay.

Charles Darnay has different characteristics from him. Apparently, Darnay

performs as the other side of Carton. Carton does not have what Darnay has

except their resembled face. This may make Carton jealous and hate Darnay

because he knows that Darnay is also attracted to Lucie, and moreover, Darnay is

much better than him.

“When he was left alone, this strange being took up a candle, went to a

glass that hung against the wall, and surveyed himself minutely in it.

“Do you particularly like the man?” he muttered, at his own image. “Why

should you particularly like a man who resembles you? There is nothing in

you to like; you know that. Ah, confound you! What a change you have

made in yourself! A good reason for taking to a man, that he shows you

what you have fallen away from, and what you might have been! Change

places with him, and would you have been looked at by those blue eyes as

he was, and commiserated by that agitated face as he was? Come on, and

have it out in plain words! You hate the fellow!”” (Dickens, 1988:82)

Carton speaks to himself after having a conversation with Darnay in a

wine shop. In the illustration above, it is shown that Carton does not like Darnay

because Darnay‟s face resembles him but he has more superiority than him.

Moreover, Carton feels jealous to Darnay because Darnay has stolen Lucie‟s

attention. That is why, Carton wonders if he switch his place with Darnay, he will

get the sympathy and attention from Lucie. From that illustration, it is clear

enough that Carton is jealous to Charles Darnay.

Talking about jealousy, it can not be separated with the existence of

possession in love. The feeling of jealousy is actually formed by the feeling of


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possession. According to Solomon, possession is the belonging or ownness

feeling in love. “Possession—perhaps we should call it “ownness”—is actually a

perfectly normal and even essential part of love.” (Solomon, 1988:258). Solomon

also states that controlling in a relationship of two lovers is seen as something

normal. “The self is deeply involved in love, and with that involvement comes an

inevitable and blameless sense of possession and control.” (Solomon, 1988:259).

Different from possession, jealousy is a feeling when a person has some

troubles in possessing his lover. In some cases, the strongest factor that causes

jealousy is the existence of the third person in a relationship or the existence of

rival if that person has not been in a relationship yet. Most of all, jealousy is the

fear feeling of losing someone who is being loved, as Solomon says that,

“Jealousy is (in part) the fear of loss of something to which one feels entitled, and

one does feel entitled to a certain significant amount of respect and affection from

a lover.” (Solomon, 1988:261). In Sydney Carton‟s case, the researcher finds that

he is jealous to Darnay because Darnay has a good impression and he also catches

Lucie‟s attention. The researcher analyses whether the existence of Darnay

becomes a stumbling block for Carton to reach his possession. Carton feels that

Darnay‟s existence threats him because Darnay can immediately steal Lucie‟s

love that is actually wished to be given to him.

The jealousy feeling which is felt by Carton is not only stuck on Darnay,

but there is still another man who makes Carton lose his self-confidence to love

Lucie. The man who becomes Carton‟s second rival is Mr. Stryver, Carton‟s

friend and job partner. Carton is surprised when he knows that Mr. Stryver loves


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Lucie and wants to propose her immediately. Mr. Stryver says that Lucie is an

interesting woman. She is so adorable with her long golden hairs. Carton responds

Mr. Stryver‟s opinion with a satire answer which states whether Lucie is not that

interesting as Mr. Stryver‟s says. She is just like a doll with golden hairs.

“Sydney Carton drank the punch at a great rate; drank it by bumpers,

looking at his friend.

“Now you know all about it, Syd,” said Mr. Stryver. “I don‟t care about

fortune: she is a charming creature, and I have made up my mind to please

myself: on the whole, I think I can afford to please myself. She will have

in me a man already pretty well off, and a rapidly rising man, and a man of

some distinction: it is a piece of good fortune for her, but she is worthy of

good fortune. Are you astonished?”

Carton, still drinking the punch, rejoined, “Why should I be astonished?”

“You approve?”

Carton, still drinking the punch, rejoined, “Why should I not approve?”

(Dickens, 1988:135-136)

The illustration above is the dialog between Sydney Carton and Mr.

Stryver when Mr. Stryver states to Carton whether he would like to propose Lucie

Manette. In that dialog, Mr. Stryver wants to ask Carton‟s opinion about his

willing. Moreover, Mr. Stryver actually knows that Carton is also attracted to her

by guessing the bad responds stated by Carton after hearing this information. In

the end of Mr. Stryver‟s words, he mentions to Carton every bad things that

Carton has. Actually, he wants to motivate Carton to stand and fix himself to be a

good one, but, what Mr. Stryver says makes Carton unconfident with himself. Mr.

Stryver says that Carton needs to look for a nurse, which means a wife to help him

maintaining his life. This actually makes Carton think twice about possessing

Lucie, the only woman he loves.


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According to Peck, “love is an act of will—namely, both an intention and

an action.” (Peck, 1978;123) When a person starts to choose to love, it means that

he will show his love to another by certain actions. Based on the theory of Scott

Peck, the researcher analyses that Sydney Carton is actually in love with Lucie

Manette. Before he decides to declare his love to Lucie, Carton shows his

attention to Lucie, such as visiting her as often as he can, helping her when he

knows that she is in a problem, secretly staring at her and admiring her. Sydney

Carton tries to hide his feeling, but finally he can not hold it anymore. He decides

to declare his love to Lucie. Although he loves Lucie so much, he does not make

Lucie love him back because he realizes that he is not a suitable man for Lucie.

For Lucie‟s own good, he does not really want her to accept his love, but he just

wants her to treat him as her friend.

“If it had been possible, Miss Manette, that you could have returned the

love of the man you see before you—self-flung away, wasted, drunken,

poor creature of misuse as you know him to be—he would have been

conscious this day and hour, in spite of his happiness, that he would bring

you to misery, bring you to sorrow and repentance, blight you, disgrace

you, pull you down with him. I know very well that you can have no

tenderness for me; I ask for none; I am even thankful that it can not be.”

(Dickens, 1988:145)

Carton finally knows that his love will never unite with Lucie‟s. However,

with the saddest feeling, he can let her go. Despite his weakness, Carton realizes

that there is a good man that will be Lucie‟s husband. That man is Charles

Darnay. Carton does not like Darnay since the first time he saw him. Carton saves

Darnay for the accusation of being a spy. He does it as his duty. As an attorney, he

has to help his client in order to save him from the trial. Carton hates Darnay


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because they are alike physically but different personally, moreover, he knows

that Darnay is also attracted to Lucie. Carton has guessed that Lucie would accept

Darnay‟s love because he is a kind of an ideal husband. It is right that Carton is

jealous to Darnay, but, finally he realizes that Darnay is the only man who is

suitable to accompany Lucie until her last day. So, Carton asks for an apology for

his impoliteness and his annoying attitude to Darnay.

Sydney Carton lived as an orphan since he was a teenager and for his

entire life, he did not feel the beauty of love from a woman. The first condition,

which is living as an orphan has made Carton to be a lonely person. This feeling

of being lonely makes him an introvert person. He does not have any self-

confidence and he decides to close himself from the world because he knows that

there is nobody who will support and wish for his glory. This lack of confidence

and introvert personality of course give impacts to him in getting love from

another. He feels that he is not a good enough to deserve love from another,

especially Lucie Manette. It is just like crying for the moon. He is the poor man

who loves a gorgeous woman. Therefore, as the researcher states before,

according to Abraham Maslow based on his theory of hierarchy of needs, Carton

has failed in fulfilling his love and belongingness need. This condition makes

Carton live as an introvert and lonely man.


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B. A Powerlessness of an Alcoholic Attorney

According to Abraham Maslow, when a person can not fulfill one of his

needs level, he will not able to fulfill the next levels of his needs. This is the case

that happens to Sydney Carton. In the explanation above, it is written that Carton

has failed in fulfilling his third needs level, which is love and belongingness need.

By his failure, Carton can not afford his next needs level which is called self-

esteem need. Maslow explains further that self-esteem need is classified into two

groups of needs. The first group is the needs of power, achievement, superiority,

capability, self-confidence to face the world, an independency, and also freedom.

The second group is the passion to have a prestige, status, popularity, glory,

domination, confession, attention, appreciation, and rank. When a person fails in

fulfilling this need, he will get the feeling of inferior, weak, and powerless.

It is explained that Carton works for his friend, Mr. Stryver, whose the

profession is also a lawyer. This is the evidence that shows whether Carton does

not have self-confidence toward his own ability and it also indicates that he does

not have an achievement toward his career. In fact, he is able to be a great

attorney by his intelligence.

”You and your luck, Sydney! Get to work, get to work.”

Sullenly enough, the jackal loosened his dress, went into an adjoining

room, and came back with a large jug of cold water, a basin, and a towel

or two. Steeping the towels in the water, and partially wringing them out,

he folded them on his head in a manner hideous to behold, sat down at the

table, and said, “Now I am ready!”

“Not much boiling down to be done tonight, Memory,” said Mr. Stryver,

gaily, as he looked among his papers.

“How much?”

“Only two sets of them.”


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“Give me the worst first.”

“There they are, Sydney. Fire away!” (Dickens, 1988:84-85)

The illustration above shows that Carton always helps Mr. Stryver in

solving the case of the courts. Carton plays as the brain of Mr. Stryver. People

know that Mr. Stryver is the man who solves the case, but actually, Mr. Stryver

only performs Carton‟s idea as his. It is clear that Sydney Carton actually has an

ability to be a good attorney, but because of his unconfidence, he chooses to hide

behind another. Actually, what Carton does is done since he was a student at

Shrewsbury School.

”The old Sydney Carton of old Shrewsbury School,” said Stryver, nodding

his head over him as he reviewed him in the present and the past, “the old

seesaw Sydney. Up one minute and down the next; now in spirits and now

in despondency!”

“Ah!” returned the other, sighing: “yes! The same Sydney, with the same

luck. Even then, I did exercises for other boys, and seldom did my own.”

“And why not?”

“God knows. It was my way, I suppose.”

He sat, with his hands in his pockets, and his legs stretched out before him,

looking at the fire.

“Carton, “ said his friend, squaring himself at him with a bullying air, as if

the fire-grate had been the furnace in which sustained endeavor was

forged, and the one delicate thing to be done for the old Sydney Carton of

old Shrewsbury School was to shoulder him into it, “your way is, and

always was, a lame way. You summon no energy and purpose. Look at

me.” (Dickens, 1988:86)

The illustration above shows how Carton gives up to himself. He used to

do others‟ works when he was in Shrewsbury School. Even Carton does not know

the reason why he does it. He says that he is supposed to do those things because

he believes that it is his destiny. Responding from what Carton‟s says about

himself, the researcher analyses what Carton does based on Maslow‟s opinion


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about the main factors behind human behavior. According to Maslow, “there is a

basic difference between expressive behavior and coping behavior (functional

striving, purposive goal seeking).” (pg.16 of

A%20Theory%20of%20Human%Motivation%20A.pdf). The expressive behavior

does not reach any purpose, but it is actually a reflection of personality. However,

Maslow explains more that the behavior which is memorized, accustomed, and

done automatically can or can not be an expressive behavior. This is just like

Carton‟s behavior that has become accustomed. He used to do others‟ work

because there is something motivates him to do that thing, not because he just

wants to do it. Carton may not find his motivation, but the researcher finds that

this is motivated by the failure of Carton in having self-confidence to reach his

achievement. He thinks that it is useless to push himself to the top because he

knows that he will not be at that place, so the things that he can do better is just

help the others to reach the top. Carton is sure that he will not be in the top rank

because he doesn‟t believe himself that he can do it. By this condition, he chooses

to work for the others. His attitude then becomes a daily custom, so he doesn‟t get

a satisfaction from his own effort anymore. From here, the researcher analyses

that Carton has lost his passion to help himself to reach the top. Carton does his

best for others, of course the reward will come to others, and they will be happy

for it. Carton never feels the reward of his own effort, so he does not suffer for his


From his lack of self-confidence and his failure in reaching an

achievement for himself, Sydney Carton begins to feel that he is nothing in this


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world. He thinks that he is an unworthy creature and he does not deserve to have a

proper place among the society. This inferior feeling actually was built since he

was a student in Shrewsbury School.

”Partly through paying me to help you, I suppose. But it‟s not worth your

while to apostrophize me, or the air, about it; what you want to do, you do.

You were always in the front rank, and I always behind.”

“I had to get into the front rank; I was not born there, was I?”

“I was not present at the ceremony; but my opinion is you were,” said

Carton. At this, he laughed again, and they both laughed.

“Before Shrewsbury, and at Shrewsbury, and ever since Shrewsbury,”

pursued Carton, “you have fallen into your rank, and I have fallen into

mine. Even when we were fellow-students in the Student Quarter of Paris,

picking up French, and French law, and other French crumbs that we

didn‟t get much good of, you were always somewhere, and I was always—


“And whose fault was that?”

“Upon my soul, I am not sure that it was not yours. You were always

driving and riving and shouldering and pressing, to that I had no chance

for my life but in rust and repose. It‟s a gloomy thing, however, to talk

about one‟s own past, with the day breaking. Turn me in some other

direction before I go.” (Dickens, 1988:86-87)

The first paragraph is Carton‟s dialog which shows that Carton is not

objected to work for Stryver, meanwhile, he thanks for the wage that is given by

his close friend, Mr. Stryver. Carton realizes that he had fallen into the lower rank

than the others. Different from Carton, Stryver is the competitive person. Stryver

says that he has to make himself be in the front rank, because he does not belong

there. It is assumed that Stryver has a hard effort to make himself respected by

being in the front rank. Actually, in the illustration above, Stryver feels pity to

Carton. Stryver tries to motivate Carton to be a better man by showing Carton‟s

sorrow when they were students. Hopefully, Carton would like to chance his

destiny by building himself to be a better man. According to Stryver, Carton‟s


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sorrow is caused by Carton‟s own laziness. He compares what Carton did and his

action. In other hand, Carton has a different idea about that. According to him, he

can not reach the top because there is a competitor who always tries to be the

winner and makes the others lose. From here, the researcher analyses that Carton

does not have the feeling of competitive. The researcher is sure that Carton‟s lack

of confidence has a big influence to Carton‟s mentality in competing to reach the

top rank. Carton says that Stryver is always somewhere, and Carton is always

nowhere. That lack of confidence feeling then grows to be an inferiority.

“No; but before I go on,” said Stryver, shaking his head in his bullying

way, “I‟ll have this out with you. You‟ve been at Doctor Manette‟s house

as much as I have, or more than I have. Why, I have been ashamed of your

morosesness there! Your manners have been of that silent and sullen and

hang-dog kind, that, upon my life and soul, I have been ashamed of you,


“It should be very beneficial to a man in your pactice at the bar, to be

ashamed of anything,” returned Sydney; “You ought to be much obliged to


“You shall not get off in that way,” rejoined Stryver, shouldering the

rejoinder at him; “no, Sydney, it‟s my duty to tell you—and I tell you to

your face to do you good—good that you are de-vilish ill-condicioned

fellow in that sort of society. You are a disagreeable fellow.”

Sydney drank a bumper of the punch he had made, and laughed.

“Look at me!” said Stryver, squaring himself; “I have less need to make

myself agreeable than you have, being more independent in circumstances.

Why do I do it?” (Dickens, 1988:134)

In the illustration above, actually Stryver wants to build Carton‟s self-

confidence, but the way he shares his idea is seemed to be a show off action for

Carton. Stryver says that Carton is unneeded by the society, especially for Dr.

Manette‟s family. Stryver assumes that Carton‟s personality makes him

unrespected, rejected and expelled by the people around him. Stryver needs to


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remind him in order to repair his condition, but by comparing Sydney‟s

personality with his, apparently it is just like a joke for Carton. So Carton doesn‟t

take it seriously, moreover he ignores it.

Sydney Carton is described as an alcoholic man since in the beginning of

the story. Alcohol seems to be a specific sign for him as a bad boy. Here is the

dialog of Darnay and Carton when they are having a chat in a wine shop.

“Carton rejoining, “Nothing in life!” Darnay rang. “Do you call the whole

reckoning?” said Carton. On his answering in the affirmative, “Then bring

me another pint of the same wine, drawer, and come and wake me at ten.”

The bill being paid, Charles Darnay rose and wished him good-night.

Without returning the wish, Carton rose too, with something of a threat of

defiance in his manner, and said, “A last word, Mr. Darnay: do you think I

am drunk?”

“I think you have been drinking Mr. Carton.”

“Think? You know I have been drinking.”

“Since I must say so, I know it.”” (Dickens, 1988:81-82)

The illustration above shows how impolite Carton behavior is. It seems

that Carton can not be away from alcohol. It is his only friend when he is pressing

down by the life he faces. So, when Carton is in a trouble, he always spends his

time to drink wine to flare up all of his sadness. Wine is the most realistic way to

share all of his pain. He feels that the world is not good enough for him. He

doesn‟t have parents, relatives, friends, also lover who would like to be care of

him. However, he has wine which is always on his side whenever he needs it. So

it is, wine gives him freedom to speak, to reveal his feeling as free as it is. “If the

potential problem drinker more outgoing, extrovert, impulsive, he or she is apt to

take more risks, encounter more problems, and have more emotional upheavals.”

(Jung, 1978:444)


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“He said bitterly, and filled up his glass again: which was a large one.

“As to me, the greatest desire I have is to forget that I belong to it. It has

no good in it for me—except wine like this—nor I for it. So we are not

much alike in that particular. Indeed, I begin to think we are not much

alike in any particular, you and I.”

Confused by the emotion of the day, and feeling his being there with this

double of coarse deportment to be like a dream, Charles Darnay was at a

loss how to answer; finally, answered not all. ” (Dickens, 1988:80)

Carton knows that he and Charles Darnay is so much alike physically, but

he is sure that they are personally different. He blows up their differences by

showing his dark side. He is an alcoholic man who does not care about his own

world which is considered to be useless for him. For this, the researcher analyses

whether Carton realizes that he belongs to a bad man who cares for nothing but

joy which is transformed through wine.

Carton knows that he is a lonely man who is abandoned by the world and

finds his peaceful by drinking wine. According to Maslow, self-esteem need is

divided into two divisions. The first is a desire to have a power, superiority,

achievement, and self-confidence. The second is the continuation from the first,

which is the desire to have an acknowledgment, prestige, appreciation, and

admission from others. In this case, apparently Carton‟s drinking habit becomes

the result of his failure in reaching a superiority and power. His weakness feeling

then leads him to drink wine, with the hope that he can reveal the burden of his

powerless feeling. Then, his habit which is caused by his powerlessness makes

him expelled by the society and leads him to be failed in getting appreciation and

acknowledgment from others. So it is, his drinking habit becomes the dark side of


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Carton which is the result from his powerlessness and weakness and finally makes

him unappreciated by others.

The dialog below shows how Carton declares himself as a scoundrel who

cares for nothing.

”Then you shall likewise know why. I am a disappointed drudge, Sir. I

care for no man on earth, and no man on earth cares for me.”

“Much to be regretted. You might have used your talents better.”

“May be so, Mr. Darnay; may be not. Don‟t let your sober face elate you,

however; you don‟t know what it may come to. Good-night!” (Dickens,


Carton is really sure that he exists as a useless man. He does not care about

his work and himself, and it influences him to be careless to others. He knows that

people will never care about him, so it is useless to be care about the people

around. Carton falls into inferiority, where he does not have a proper place among

society. For some time, it seems that Carton‟s inferiority and inability are only in

his mind. Actually, people realize that he has an ability to be a great attorney. The

dialog above also shows Darnay‟s impression about Carton‟s ability. Darnay is

sure that Carton is a talented man. He knows that Carton has saved him when he

was accused to be a betrayal of the country. Of course, Carton works behind

Stryver, but Darnay thinks that however it is, Carton has a brilliant brain so that

he can make him win the trial. In the last dialog, Carton says that Darnay has a

sober face that may elate him. From this, the researcher analyses that Carton may

has a little jealousy feeling to Darnay. As it is explained above that Carton‟s face

resembles Darnay‟s, it always makes him create many comparisons between him


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and Darnay. Carton says a sober face in a satiric way, in order to show his dislike

to Darnay.

Although Carton‟s bad behavior is caused by his own problem, which is

losing self-confidence and having inferiority, people will not understand or accept

that. People only see that Carton behaves badly and they can not even tolerate his

impolite words. “One is said to have a good character if he executes those acts

which are expected by his society and refrains from those which are forbidden in

the society.” (Stagner, 1965:245). By seeing this, people would like to assume that

Sydney Carton belongs to a bad guy. Here is the example of the dialog between

Carton and Mr. Lorry which shows how bad Carton‟s behavior is and how Mr.

Lorry responds this bad behavior.

“If you knew what a conflict goes in the business mind, when the business

mind is divided between good-natured impulse and business appearances,

you would be amused, Mr. Darnay.”

Mr. Lorry reddened, and said, warmly, “You have mentioned that before,

sir. We men of business, who serve a House, are not our own masters. We

have to think of House more than ourselves.”

“I know, I know, “rejoined Mr. Carton, carelessly. “Don‟t be nettled, Mr.

Lorry. You are as good as another, I have no doubt: better, I dare say.”

“And indeed, sir,” pursued Mr. Lorry, not minding him, “I really don‟t

know what you have to do with the matter. If you‟ll excuse me, as very

much your elder, for saying so, I really don‟t know that it is your


“Business! Bless you, I have no business, said Mr. Carton. (Dickens,


From that illustration, Mr. Lorry is offended because Carton despises his

profession. Carton shows his dislike and dishonor to the businessman like Mr,

Lorry without any reason, while Mr. Lorry sees Carton as an unimportant man.

Carton is an impolite man who can not shut his mouth. He speaks without


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thinking about other people who may feel angry with his statements. In addition,

Mr. Lorry assumes that Carton has no business with the case of Mr. Darnay. He

thinks that Carton has no right to speak because he doesn‟t give something to


”Well, sir!” cried Mr. Lorry, thoroughly heated by his indifference,

“business is a very good thing, and a very respectable thing. And, sir, if

business imposes its restraints and its silences and impediments, Mr.

Darnay as a young gentleman of generosity knows how to make allowance

for that circumstance. Mr. Darnay, good-night, God bless you, sir! I hope

you have been this day preserved for a prosperous and happy life..”

(Dickens, 1988:79)

Mr. Lorry continues his statements to Carton whether being a

businessman is a good choice and business is not as bad as Carton argued. He

explains to Carton how good and respectable a business is. From this condition,

the researcher assumes that Mr. Lorry sees Carton as an uneducated man who

knows nothing about business but talks a lot like he knows it well and he should

belong to the lower level than his. Further more, Mr. Lorry compares Carton with

Darnay based on their intelligence. Mr. Lorry obviously has different perspective

about Darnay to Carton. He sees Darnay as much an honorable and educated man

who knows what business actually is. He stresses that Mr. Darnay has many

experiences about business which reflect a good and respectable thing. This is the

way Mr. Lorry breaks Carton‟s statements which seem to despise his profession.

Mr. Lorry shows the differences of Carton as a licentious man with Darnay who

appears as an honorable and clever man. He tries to show to Carton that he is

actually nothing but a boasting man.


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The hatred that is felt by Mr. Lorry to Carton represents the failure of

Carton in fulfilling his self-esteem needs. As Maslow says, “we have what we

may call the desire for reputation or prestige (defining it as respect or esteem from

other people), recognition, attention, importance, or appreciation. “ (pg.10 of

A%20Theory%20of%20Human%Motivation%20A.pdf). Mr. Lorry‟s perspective

about Carton shows how Carton is being expelled by the society. Mr. Lorry‟s

assumption also means the public assumption toward the kind of man like Carton.

In addition, public‟s opinion toward a man becomes the measurement of his

reputation in the society.

“As to me, the greatest desire I have is to forget that I belong to it. It has

no good in it for me—except wine like this—nor I for it. So we are not

much alike in that particular. Indeed, I begin to think we are not much

alike in any particular, you and I.” (Dickens, 1988:80)

It is understandable that Carton does not care about anything but wine.

Apparently, wine has become his true friend which is able to please him anytime

he needs. Since he likes wine too much, he is known as an alcoholic man who also

has a bad stereotype in society. From this condition, the researcher would like to

analyze why he loves wine so much. It is possible that Carton wants to share his

feeling and to look for the real pleasure that he can not find from the others by

drinking wine. “The physical and psychological experiences under alcohol such as

giddiness, relief from anxiety, and greater social openness lead to the continued

and often increased use of alcohol.” (Jung, 1978:440)

According to Scruton, in the article written by Jamie Goode, he says that,

“wine takes on a significant role: as we drink it, it becomes part of us in a special


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way.” (Roger Scruton in Jamie Goode‟s Philosophy of Wine taken from

http://www.wineanorak.com/philosophy_of_wine.htm). So it is, apparently the

specialty of wine has made Carton unite with that. Carton can not leave wine,

because he feels that wine has taken a part in his life. He shares his life with wine,

as wine can be a true friend for him. Scruton continues, “As we drink wine each

of us reveals more of ourself to theirs; we talk more, and more openly.” (Roger

Scruton in Jamie Goode‟s Philosophy of Wine taken from

http://www.wineanorak.com/philosophy_of_wine.htm) In his opinion, Scruton

compares the essence of wine which is made from natural ingredients and

processed by natural way with other drugs which are made from chemical

technology. So it is, based on the explanation about wine from Roger Scruton, the

researcher finds that wine has a big influence to Sydney Carton‟s behavior. Carton

does not like to pretend as another better guy, moreover he acts as the man he

wants to express. Having a hobby which is drinking wine, it is possible that

Carton performs as the way he really is, with his honesty in speaking, his

rudeness, impoliteness, to reveal himself in front of others. “the expressive power

of a wine seems to depend on associations in the mind of the taster.” (Cain Todd

reviewed by Barry Smith in http://www.newstatesman.com/books/2010/12/wine-


It is clear that Sydney Carton is a wine lover, but actually loving wine

does not imply him as a real bad guy. People around him may assume that he is a

bad guy because he has bad behavior and he acts under the wine‟s control. Wine

helps him express himself in an honest way because he is not confident enough to


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reveal himself in front of others. Sydney Carton tries to hide his weakness through

wine, so people get him as a rude and an impolite man, but actually he hide his

inferiority inside.

“I think, Charles, poor Mr. Carton deserves more consideration and

respect than you expressed for him tonight.”

“Indeed, my own? Why so?”

“That is what you are not to ask me! But I think—I know—he does.”

“If you know it, it is enough. What would you have me do, my life?”

“I would ask you, dearest, to be very generous with him always, and very

lenient on his faults when he is not by. I would ask you to believe that he

has a heart he very, very seldom reveals, and that there are deep wounds in

it. My dear, I have seen it bleeding.”

“It is painful reflection to me,” said Charles Darnay, quite astounded, “that

I should have done him any wrong. I never thought this of him.”

“My husband, it is so. I fear he is not to be reclaimed; there is scarcely a

hope that anything in his character or fortunes is reparable now. But, I am

sure that he is capable of good things, gentle things, even magnanimous

things.” (Dickens, 1988:200-201)

The dialog above shows Lucie‟s sympathize to Carton. Lucie asks her

husband, Darnay, to respect and be kind to Carton. Lucie is sure that Carton is not

as bad as he looked. She knows that Carton is actually weak and he hides his

weakness by behaving rudely. Lucie feels really pity on him. Lucie hopes that

someday Carton can repair himself, because she is sure that actually Carton has a

gentle heart but he can not show it.

“I propose that we first conduct your sister safely to the corner of her own

street. Let me take your arm, Ms. Pross. This is not a good city, at this

time, for you to be out in, unprotected; and as your escort knows Mr.

Barsad, I will invite him to Mr. Lorry‟s with us. Are we ready? Come


Miss Pross recalled soon afterwards, and to the end of her life

remembered, that as she pressed her hands on Sydney‟s arm and looked up

in his face, imploring him to do no hurt to Solomon, there were a braced

purpose in the arm and a kind of inspiration in the eyes, which not only


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contradicted his light manner, but changed and raised the man. She was

too much occupied then with fears for the brother who so little deserved

her affection, and with Sydney‟s friendly reassurances, adequately to heed

what she observed.” (Dickens, 1988:289)

The illustration above shows Carton‟s kindness to Ms. Pross. Carton finds

the spy of the prison. He is Solomon, Ms. Pross‟s brother who got loss for several

years. Carton tries to make Ms. Pross relax by holding her arms. He also

convinces Mr. Pross whether he will not hurt Solomon. He shows his love and

tenderness that he has never shown before. Ms. Pross seems to be surprised by

Carton‟s behavior. She doesn‟t believe that Carton can be that nice to her. At that

time, she believes that Carton‟s heart is not as bad as his appearance and his daily


The illustration below is the dialog between Carton and Mr. Lorry in the

night when they plan something to help Darnay. In those dialogs, Carton finally

shows his respect to Mr. Lorry. In the first paragraph of that illustration, Carton

admits that Mr. Lorry is a good man and a true friend. This statement is quite

different from what Carton says to Mr. Lorry when they met at the first time.

“You are a good man and a true friend,”said Carton, in an altered voice.

“Forgive me if I notice that you are affected. I could not see my father

weep, and sit by, careless. And I could not respect your sorrow more, if

you were my father. You are free from that misfortune, however.”

Though he said the last words, with a slip into his usual manner, there was

a true feeling and respect both in his tone and in his touch, that Mr. Lorry,

who had never seen the better side of him, was wholly unprepared for.

(Dickens, 1988:299-300)


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Carton‟s previous behavior shows that he despises Mr. Lorry as a

businessman who cares for nothing but his own fortune. But, when he knows Mr.

Lorry for any longer, he asks for apologize to Mr. Lorry for saying that annoying

statement. Apparently, Mr. Lorry reminds him to his father. Mr. Lorry is sad for

seeing the condition of Lucie who will lose her husband under the guillotine.

Carton says that he can not see his father cries, because he does not deserve to be

sad. When Mr. Lorry gives his hand to him, he responds by holding and pressing

Mr. Lorry‟s hand. From this statement, the researcher finds that there is a longing

feeling buried by Carton. He misses a figure of father, a man who will save and

guide him wherever he goes. Until that day, Mr. Lorry finds Carton as a good and

gentle man. In this case, Carton shows his empathy to the people he loves. Carton

opens his heart to feel the sorrow of the people around him. This shows that

Carton actually has a lofty heart.

So it is, by losing his ability in fulfilling self esteem need, Carton loses his

power, self-confidence, and superiority. From that condition, Carton tries to flare

up his feeling through wine, because he knows that the only way he can reveal his

burden of life is through wine. By becoming an alcoholic man, Carton performs as

a rude and wasted man who gets a bad stereotype in society. So for those, Carton

does not have an admission and appreciation for others until he shows his

tenderness and his kindness in a good way.


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C. An Inferiority of a Talented Man

“Even if all these needs are satisfied, we may still often (if not always)

expect that a new discontent and restlessness will soon develop, unless the

individual is doing what he is fitted for.” (pg.10 of

A%20Theory%20of%20Human%Motivation%20A.pdf). According to Maslow,

people will not only get stuck on one need. They will not be satisfied until they

can do the things that make them to be what a man they should be. When human

are succeed in fulfilling their physiological need, safety need, love and

belongingness need, and self-esteem need, they arrive to the fifth need which is

also the peak of Maslow‟s hierarchy of needs. Now they have to fulfill their self-

actualization need which guides them to be the man they ideally want to be. The

man who falls in fulfilling this need will feel that he lives for nothing, and he will

feel that there is no future which waits for him to be achieved. In fulfilling the

fifth level of Maslow‟s hierarchy of needs, absolutely it needs self-confidence and

passion. Being failed in fulfilling the love need and self-esteem need makes

Carton also fails in reaching self-confidence and passion which he should have in

order to fulfill the next needs.

“When he was left alone, this strange being took up a candle, went to a

glass that hung against the wall, and surveyed himself minutely in it.

“Do you particularly like the man?” he muttered, at his own image. “Why

should you particularly like a man who resembles you? There is nothing in

you to like; you know that. Ah, confound you! What a change you have

made in yourself! A good reason for taking to a man, that he shows you

what you have fallen away from, and what you might have been! Change

the places with him, and would you have been looked at by those blue

eyes as he was, and commiserated by that agitated face as he was? Come

on, and have it out in plain words! You hate the fellow.””

(Dickens, 1988:82)


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The illustration above is the dialog of Carton when he meets Darnay in a

wine shop. The dialog shows Carton‟s jealousy and hatred toward Darnay. It is

explained before whether the both Carton and Darnay are attracted to Lucie.

Carton thinks that Darnay is actually his rival, but he sees himself that he can not

compete with Darnay because he is not as equal as Darnay. One thing that he can

compare is only his face which resembles Darnay. He loses his self-confidence to

dig out his ability so he can not compete with Darnay. Then, he wonders how if he

switches his place with Darnay. If he were Darnay, he assumes that he will win

Lucie‟s heart. From this, the researcher sees that Carton actually tries to act for the

character of someone else which is totally different from him. By being Darnay,

he is sure that he will get Lucie‟s heart easily because women love honorable,

educated, and polite men more than scoundrels. Carton actually does not believe

to his own capability so he creates a new image upon himself and he wonders how

if he can play the role for the character.

“Sydney Carton, idlest and most unpromising of men, was Stryver‟s great

ally…At last, it began to get about, among such as were interested in the

matter, that although Sydney Carton would never be a lion, he was an

amazingly good jackal, and that he rendered suit and service to Stryver in

that humble capacity.” (Dickens, 1988:83)

For Cartons‟ position as Stryver‟s partner, the researcher assumes that

Dickens shows Carton‟s incapability in pursuing his future by describing him as a

servant of Stryver. Dickens states further that Carton will never be a lion but he is

actually a good jackal. He will never be a king who leads the others and gets the


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appreciation from others, but actually he is a strong and gentle soldier who

protects his king every time he is needed. Actually, he can be a great attorney, but

because of losing self-confidence and passion, he does not choose it. “Some of

the incentive for the dedicated pursuit of achievement comes from social factors

such as prestige, and the recognition and admiration of other people.” (Jung,

1978:135). Carton fails to be a good attorney who should solve the problems and

then have the acknowledgment from the others for his talent. He fails in

actualizing himself as the way it is. By following Maslows theory, “Self-

actualization refers to the desire for self-fulfillment, namely, to the tendency for

him to become actualized in what he is potentially” (pg.10 of

A%20Theory%20of%20Human%Motivation%20A.pdf), the researcher finds that

Sydney Carton absolutely fails in fulfilling his self-actualization needs.

“Waste forces within him, and a desert all around, this man stood still on

his way across a silent terrace, and saw for a moment, lying in the

wilderness before him, a mirage of honorable ambition, self-denial, and

perseverance. In the fair city of this vision, there were airy galleries from

which the loves and graces looked upon him, gardens in which the fruits of

life hung ripening, waters of Hope that sparkled in his sight. A moment,

and it was gone. Climbing into a high chamber in a well of houses, he

threw himself down in his clothes on a neglected bed, and its pillow was

wet with wasted tears.

Sadly, sadly, the sun rose; it rose upon no sadder sight that the man of

good abilities and good emotions, incapable of their directed exercise,

incapable of his own help and his own happiness, sensible of the blight on

him, and resigning himself to let it eat him away.” (Dickens, 1988:87-88)

The illustration above shows the hopelessness and sadness which are

covering a man who lives without any hope in his life. It is described that Carton

used to trace London street in the night while cries for his own failure in life. The


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situation above shares silence and gloom which represent Carton‟s feeling.

Actually, Carton realizes that the life he has should not be like that. He

understands that he has an ambition, but he denies it because he does not believe

to himself, and his perseverance has transformed his ambition into just a shadow.

In spite of his despair, there is a little hope that comes from a charming woman

who reminds him about love that has been left and forgotten for a long time.

Unluckily, that hope has to come for a while. Carton realizes that he does not

deserve to be Lucie‟s lover, meanwhile, he knows that Lucie is a great creature

and easy to be loved. So, he has to compete to other people, for those are Darnay

and Mr. Stryver, and he also realizes that he is not an equal competitor for them so

he gives it up. In the last paragraph of the illustration, Dickens shows the reader

that Carton was actually born as a great and brilliant man, but because he could

not help himself when he was down and always accepted the sorrow and the pain

as his destiny, he let himself drunk in a misery.

The dialog below is the dialog between Carton and Mr. Stryver. Mr.

Stryver will tell Carton that he will propose a woman. He will tell Carton who is

the woman that he chooses to be his wife.

“I do it because it‟s politic; I do it on principle. And look at me! I get on!”

“You don‟t get on with your account of your matrimonial intentions,”

answered Carton, with a careless air; “I wish you would keep to that. As to

me—will you never understand that I am incorrigible?”

He asked the question with some appearance of scorn.

“You have no business to be incorrigible,” was his friend‟s answer,

delivered in no very soothing tone.” (Dickens, 1988:135)


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In the dialog above, Carton scorns Mr. Stryver about Stryver‟s pursuit of

future. Stryver shows off his action in the effort of achieving his future. He says to

Carton that he always makes a changing in his life, while he sees Carton as a lazy

man who can not make any intention to change his life. Responding Stryver‟s

behavior, Carton scorns Stryver with the question about marriage. He says that

Stryver has not moved yet because he has not been married. Actually, Carton

realizes that he has not made some movements for his own life. He is stuck on the

same place and he does not want to make any alteration in order to get a better

life. He knows that a man should be married and have a family. Although he

scorns Stryver, he knows that he has not afforded himself to have a family. For his

denial, he says to Stryver that he will not move on because he has failed in

running his own life and he considers that it is incorrigible anymore. He adds that

he has no business with anything, but then he asks Stryver about the woman that

will be proposed by him. Actually, Carton has already known who the girl is, but

he pretends not to know in order to hide his feeling to Lucie. He will not let

anyone knows about his feeling to Lucie. From this dialog, the researcher finds

the clue about Carton‟s failure in fulfilling his self-actualization.

The dialog below is the dialog between Sydney Carton and Lucie Manette.

This is the moment when Carton starts to declare his feeling to Lucie.

“No. But the life I lead, Miss Manette, is not conducive to health. What is

to be expected of, or by, such profligates?”

“Is it not—forgive me; I have begun the question on my lips—a pity to

live no better life?”

“God knows it is a shame!”

“Then why not change it?”

Looking gently at him again, she was surprised and saddened to see that


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there were tears in his eyes. There were tears in his voice too, as he


“It‟s too late for that. I shall never be better than I am. I shall sink lower,

and be worse.” (Dickens, 1988:144-145)

In the illustration above, Carton states his feeling to Lucie but he doesn‟t

try to make Lucie give back her love to Carton. Carton realizes that he is a useless

man, and he says to Lucie that nothing can be expected from a scoundrel like him.

Carton feels that his way is in a mess, and it can not be made up anymore. Carton

falls in his deepest hopelessness. He even cries in front of Lucie, meanwhile, he is

known as a rude and impolite man. His disappointment makes him cry and sure

that he will never be better anymore and there will not be a bright future for him.

“God bless you for your sweet compassion!”

He unshaded his face after a little while, and spoke steadily.

“Don‟t be afraid to hear me. Don‟t shrink from anything I say. I am like

one who died young. All my life might have been.”

“No, Mr. Carton. I am sure that the best part of it might still be; I am sure

that you might be much, much worthier of yourself.” (Dickens, 1988:145)

In the dialog above, Carton shows his hopelessness by stating that he is

just like a man who died young. He feels like his life was end since a long time,

and now the life he grasps is just an empty, an unreal life. Responding Carton,

Lucie assures him whether there must be something that can be repaired.

Everything is not as worst as it is looked.

Maslow argues whether self-actualization is the need which builds the

desire of a human to realize their capability. So, a person will be automatically

motivated to be a better person based on his capability. Looking at Carton, it is


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clear that Carton‟s condition is upside down with Maslow‟s theory about self-

actualization. Ignoring his own capability as a lawyer who always succeeds in

solving cases, he even thinks that his life must be end, because there is nothing

left for him in the future. Carton doesn‟t have any desire and intention to move on

and repair his broken life.

“Yours is a long life to look back upon, sir?” said Carton, wistfully.

“I am in my seventy-eighth year.”

“You have been useful all your life; steadily and constantly occupied;

trusted, respected, and looked up to?”

“I have been a man of business, ever since I have been a man. Indeed, I

may say that I was a man of business when a boy.”

“See what a place you fill at seventy-eight. How many people will miss

you when you leave it empty!” (Dickens, 1988:301)

In the illustration above, Carton has a chat with Mr. Lorry. In that small

talk, Carton asks whereas Mr. Lorry has a very precious life. In seventy-eighth

years of his age, Mr. Lorry‟s life must be so wonderful because he dedicates his

life to his job and he also maximizes his ability to do his work. Carton assumes

that Mr. Lorry must be believed, respected, and needed by many people because

of his kindness and his good work. Mr. Lorry makes use his time as maximum as

it is. He doesn‟t waste his seventy-eighth years by doing something useless, but he

rather fills his life with something useful for him and for others. Carton is

comparing Mr.Lorry‟s life with him. He feels disappoint with the life he has so he

compares his life with Mr. Lorry‟s. He sees how beautiful it is, when he can

maximize his ability to fulfill his life with the good things that he can share with



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“If you could say, with truth, to your own solitary heart, tonight, „I have

secured to myself the love and attachment, the gratitude or respect, of no

human creature; I have won myself a tender place in no regard; I have

done nothing good or serviceable to be remembered by‟; your seventy-

eight years would be seventy-eight heavy curses; would they not?”

“You say truly, Mr.Carton; I think they would be.”

Sydney turned his eyes again upon the fire, and, after a silence of a few

moments, said:

“I should like to ask you: Does your childhood seem far off? Do the days

when you sat at your mother‟s knee seem days of very long ago?”…..

…..“I understand the feeling!” exclaimed Carton, with a bright flush.

“And you are the better for it?” (Dickens, 1988:301-302)

Sydney Carton wants to remind Mr. Lorry that it is necessary to thank to

God for all his blessings. Mr. Lorry feels that he is alone, nobody would cry for

him when he will be gone someday. In fact, although he does not have a family,

Mr. Lorry is an old man which is full of love and tenderness. He lives as a good

man and he is needed by many people around him. Carton actually compares Mr.

Lorry‟s condition with his. He tries to make Mr. Lorry realizes that he is not that

suffering. In his dialog, he says to Mr. Lorry that if Mr. Lorry has secured to

himself the love and attachment, the gratitude or respect, of no human creature

and he has also won himself a tender place in no regard, that he has done nothing

good or serviceable to be remembered by, so the seventy-eight years of Mr. Lorry

is full of curses. The researcher assumes that this statement is actually reflected

the real condition of Carton. He finds the differences between him and Mr. Lorry.

Mr. Lorry‟s life is totally different with what has been described in the statement

above. Carton concludes that the life he has built is nothing but curses. There is

nothing to be proud of because he leaves nothing to remember if someday he will

go away. Talking about loneliness, in his dialog, Carton asks about Mr. Lorry‟s


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pass. He asks about Mr. Lorry‟s childhood and his parents. Apparently, there is a

longing feeling that is felt by Carton. Since being orphan, Carton has been so

lonely, and his loneliness has kept him into silence. That makes Carton live into

his own world, hide and ignore anyone and the world outside, in fact, he can be

something worth for the others. It is possible that Carton‟s loneliness makes an

influence to his self-actualization. “Maslow‟s theory emphasizes the fact that self-

actualization can not normally be reached until other lower order necessities are


on725853.html) So, when Carton has failed in fulfilling his third level which is

love and belongingness need, it automatically makes him fail in fulfilling his next

needs, which are self-esteem and self-actualization needs. The failure in

actualizing himself has been rooted from his loneliness since he was left by his

parents. By finding this explanation, the researcher considers that Carton‟s

inferiority and self-dissapointment which mark his failure of fulfilling his self-

actualization needs has a deep relationship with his pass.

2. The Motivation of Sydney Carton’s Sacrifice on the Day of


The story goes to the trial of Darnay. It is explained that this novel

portrays the occasions of France Revolution in Paris. It is the time when the

peasants yell about justice and overthrow the absolutism of aristocrats. They

sweep the people who occupy the government administration and the wealthy, and


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then they drag them along the street and make their own justice there. They give

them punishment by beheading them under the guillotine. They arrest all the

aristocrats, without considering whether they are guilty or not. One of the victims

of this brutality is Charles Darnay, who was originally born as an aristocrat and

still has a relationship with Monseigneur de Marquis, the aristocrat who

dominates the land and famous from his arrogance and cruelty.

“It was the nephew of Monseigneur. He had been some few leagues

behind Monseigneur, early in the afternoon. He had diminished the

distance rapidly, but not so rapidly as to come up with Monseigneur on the

road. He had heard of Monseigneur, at the posting-houses, as being before


He was to be told (said Monseigneur) that supper awaited him then and

there, and that he was prayed to come to it. In a little while he came. He

had been known in England as Charles Darnay.” (Dickens, 1988:116)

In France, Darnay is known as Marquis St. Evremonde. Darnay changed

his name since he decided to leave Paris and spend his life in London. Although

he is an aristocrat, he is not mean like his uncle. He chooses to leave his wealth

and go to London, lives in that town as a French teacher. He has an ordinary life

in England. All the attributes he has from his family is taken off. He knows that

living as an aristocrat does not make any pride but only a terror for others.

However, Darnay is an aristocrat. The peasants can not take any protection even

though he is Dr. Manette‟s son in law. Dr. Manette is supposed to have a great

influence for Darnay. He is a Bastille‟s prisoner who is imprisoned for his

innocent. He has a place among the poor that also become the victims of



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The situation that time is really in a mess. Having Darnay imprisoned

makes Lucie lose her spirit of life. When there is no hope anymore, Carton comes

forward to bring another way for the life of Darnay. It has been described whether

Carton‟s face resembles Darnay‟s. He has an idea to switch his position with

Darnay‟s. He will take Darnay‟s position in the jail, and he will be executed,

while Darnay will stay alive and continue his life with Lucie and his daughter.

“You have no time to ask me why I bring it, or what it means; I have no

time to tell you. You must comply with it—take off those boots you wear,

and draw on these of mine.”

There was a chair against the wall of the cell, behind the prisoner. Carton,

pressing forward, had already, with the speed of lightning, got him down

into it, and stood over him, barefoot.

“Draw on those boots of mine. Put your hands to them; put your will to

them. Quick!”…

“…When I ask you to pass out at that door, tell me it is madness and

remain here. Change that cravat for this of mine, that coat for this of mine.

While you do it, let me take this ribbon from your hair, and shake out your

hair like this of mine!” (Dickens, 1988:339-340)

In this research, the researcher focuses on Carton‟s motivation in

sacrificing himself under the guillotine. The illustration above is the first step that

Carton takes in order to save Darnay and sacrifice himself. First, the researcher

assumes that Carton‟s action in sacrificing himself under the guillotine is the final

result of this failure in fulfilling Maslow‟s hierarchy of needs. According to

Maslow, the person who fails in fulfilling the one of need will not able to

normally get through the next needs. So, the failure of the previous need will

bring another failure to other needs. In this case, Carton has failed in fulfilling the

third need which is love and belongingness need. By losing this need, he becomes

lonely, gloomy, lack of confident, and expelled from the society. His loneliness


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and lack of confident of course make him difficult in building his power among

the society. Fells lonely and lack of confident, he brings his own life into his own

world, away from the world outside. He does not believe himself that he can have

friends to share. By this, it is impossible to him to get a place among the society.

It is also difficult to him to build a good image, to have a power among society so

he can be appreciated. This powerless feeling represents his failure in fulfilling his

third need which is self-esteem need. By being powerless, Carton starts to believe

that he can not give the best thing for others even himself. He does not try to

rebuild himself to be a better man because he feels that it is too late to be repaired.

He has been so broken, and he also believes that there is no way to reach the

future anymore. He doesn‟t have any intention to be what a man he has to be. He

has failed in actualizing himself. His failure of self-actualization may bring him

into a deep disappointment and hopelessness. Believing that there is no bright

future for him and because of a self-disappointment, that his life is worthless, he

chooses to end his life by replacing Darnay to sacrifice himself under the

guillotine. “The other important core characteristic along with fear of life and fear

of death is the will.” (Maddi, 1968:57). Carton doesn‟t have a will to run his life,

that is why, he believes that his life is already end at that time. So it is, it will be

the first motif of Carton which motivates him to sacrifice himself under the


“Don‟t be afraid to hear me. Don‟t shrink from anything I say. I am like

one who died young. All my life might have been.”

“No, Mr. Carton. I am sure that the best part of it might still be; I am sure

that you might be much, much worthier of yourself.” (Dickens, 1988:145)


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“Yes,” said Carton. “I am not old, but my young way was never the way to

age. Enough of me.” (Dickens, 1988:302)

Most of all, according to Scott Peck, “Whenever we think of ourselves as

doing something for someone else, we are in some way denying our own

responsibility. Whatever we do is done because we choose to do it, and we

make that choice because it is the one that satisfies us the most. Whatever

we do for someone else we do because it fulfills a need we have.” (Peck,


Peck assumes whether sacrifice is another form of self-satisfaction. There

is always a reward for the sacrifice that the people have done. According to

Maslow‟s theory, the researcher finds that the failure of fulfilling the third to the

fifth needs makes Carton sacrifice himself under the guillotine. He is depressed by

his own incapability, and he decides to end his life. By comparing Maslow‟s

theory to Scott Peck, the researcher finds that Carton has satisfied himself by

doing the sacrifice in order to fulfill his life with something precious that he has

never done before. Carton believes that his action may raise his name and people

will memorize him for their whole life. Nothing can be more precious than being

worth and meaningful for others.

“I see the lives for which I lay down my life, peaceful, useful, prosperous

and happy, in that England which I shall see no more…

I see that I hold a sanctuary in their hearts, and in the hearts of their

descendants, generations hence. I see her, an old woman, weeping for me

on the anniversary of this day. I see her and her husband, their course

done, living side by side in their last earthly bed, and I know that each was

not more honoured and held sacred in the other‟s soul, than I was in the

soul of both.” (Dickens, 1988:364)

The illustration above is the closing of the novel. It is when Carton steps

forward to face the guillotine. Dickens describes those words as the thought of

Carton. Carton does not state it explicitly, but he keeps it into his heart that the


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reader may not know does he really state it or not. Carton has gone, and he will

live in the memory of people that he loves. He is so happy to sacrifice himself and

becomes worthy for others.

As Dickens invites the reader to read Carton‟s mind, it leads the reader to

conclude whether Carton walks to the peace. Carton has a faith that what he does

is just like Christ in saving his people. Carton believes that his sacrifice will not

be useless. He believes that he will save the life of many people just like Christ. “I

am the Resurrection and the Life, saith the Lord: he that believeth in me, though

he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall

never die.” (Dickens, 1988:363)

In this statement, Dickens shows to the reader that although Carton is

terrible in his behavior, he is a man who believes in God. He believes that the end

of his life will guide him to the eternity, which he will never find in the world.

Someday he will rebirth, and see the life of the people he loves from another

world. That is why he is not fear to face the death. Actually, Dickens has grasped

a lot of critics for his description of Carton who alike to Christ. “His litany could

be a way for Dickens to show readers that Sydney was a man of faith, after all, but

it‟s also prompted generations of critics to read Sydney as a Christ-like figure.”

(http://www.shmoop.com/tale-of-two-cities/sydney-carton.html). The readers

assume that how an alcoholic, dissolute, and a scoundrel like Carton can be

compared with Christ. They have such different characteristics. In studying this

case, the researcher assumes that Dickens wants to show to the reader that a


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dissolute person can also have a heroic and a pure heart. A kindness can not only

be measured by the self-interest or the behavior, but it is important to dig out the

heart, because a true kindness is laying down there. Dickens just gives to know

the reader that Carton is a faithful person by exposing his faith when he comes to

the death. Nothing can resemble Christ. As Charles R. Swindoll says in his book

entitled Strengthening Your Grip, “Nothing can compare to the power of Christ

when it comes to cleaning up a life.” (Swindoll, 1982:55-56)

According to Chuck Gallozzi in his article entitled A Path of Greatness is

Called Sacrifice, he states that, “The word Sacrifice is made up of SACRI

and FICIO, which means TO MAKE HOLY. So, when we make

sacrifices, we are sanctifying our actions, for whenever we raise ourselves

to a higher level, we are bringing ourselves closer to our Creator.”


So, appoint to Chuck‟s opinion about sacrifice, it is understandable that

Dickens needs to show the real meaning of sacrifice through Carton‟s action.

People usually assume sacrifice as very hard, painful, and annoying things. They

even only think about the result or some think that they will do it sincerely,

without expecting any give. It‟s actually a self-denial by some people who

sacrifice for something worth. Etymologically, sacrifice means to make holly.

Long time ago, people sacrifice the things they have, animal, even human in order

to worship God. This is the way they pray to God, asking prosperity for their life.

“Sacrifice is the offering of food, objects or the lives of animals or people to the

gods as an act of propitiation or worship.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacrifice).

So, since long time ago, people do sacrifice in order to get something for their life.

So it is, Carton‟s sacrifice may make him closer to God, make him go to the

higher level, redeem his sin for his lifetime, and get the reward which is the peace


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and eternity that he will never find in the world. Reflecting from the real meaning

of sacrifice, the researcher finds that sacrifice is basically the effort in

accomplishing the achievement of life. As Gallozzi assumes, “We are bound by

an immutable law of the universe that states all achievements require sacrifices.”(


This novel also tells the reader about resurrection. Just like Christ who was

rebirth after the crucifixion, in this novel, Carton believes that he will rebirth and

he will see a beauty change in the world after his death. In the way of Carton‟s

death, Dickens exposes Carton‟s view about future. He describes Carton‟s dream

about resurrection, the rebirth of his name in the world. Dickens writes about

Carton‟s vision that there will be Lucie and Darnay who will have a son that the

name is taken from his, lives with Carton‟s potential that has been hidden for his

entire life. Little Carton will purify Carton‟s name when he is still in the world.

He will be memorized by his sacrifice and also the virtue of the little Carton.

I see that child who lay upon her bosom and who bore my name, a man

winning his way up in that path of life which once was mine. I see him

winning it so well, that my name is made illustrious there by the light of

his. I see the blots I threw upon it faded away. I see him, foremost of the

just judges and honoured men, bringing a boy of my name, with a

forehead that I know and golden hair, to this place—then fair to look upon,

with not a trace of this day‟s disfigurement—and I hear him tell the child

my story, with a tender and faltering voice.” (Dickens, 1988:364)

In this novel, Dickens shows Carton‟s virtue only in the end of the story.

Actually, he can show his kindness when he is still young, so he can enjoy his life

which is full of virtue, just like the life that he dreamt of. The researcher assumes


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that Dickens shows Carton‟s kindness in the end of his life is influenced by his

intention to sacrifice. Carton believes that the better life, the eternality is laying on

the afterlife. He knows that he will take a journey to the peace and better place.

He only feels a peaceful, so he does not think about gloomy or terrible things that

can make him think and behave roughly. Reflecting to Christ, in his last hours,

Carton gives composure to a girl that will also be beheaded by the guillotine. He

convinces her whether the life that they will get someday is far better and

beautiful than their life on the world.

“But for you, dear stranger, I should not be so composed, for I am

naturally a poor little thing, faint of heart; nor should I have been able to

raise my thoughts to Him who was put to death, that we might have hope

and comfort here today. I think you were sent to me by Heaven.”

“Or you to me,” says Sydney Carton. “Keep your eyes upon me, dear

child, and mind no other object.”

“I mind nothing while I hold your hand. I shall mind nothing when I let it

go, if they are rapid.”

“They will be rapid. Fear not!”

“You comfort me so much! I am so ignorant. Am I to kiss you now? Is the

moment come?” (Dickens, 1988:362-363)

In the illustration above, Carton calls the girl by “child”. It is not as usual

as an ordinary man calls another. By calling her name in that way, Carton has

represented that he is so close to God, to his faith that eternity has ready to

comfort them. Carton succeeds in comforting the girl, and the girl thinks that he is

sent by God to calm her. From this, the researcher finds whether Dickens describe

the view of people who are so close to the death. In many other cases, it is true

that most of people who walk to the death will be automatically remember God.

They pray more than ever, and feel so close to God. But some of them may not


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feel that way. Dickens may assume that a faithful people who walk to the death

will not be covered by fear, but moreover, they will be covered by peace and

purity. As Swindoll states, “the person who knows Jesus Christ personally, having

receive Him by faith, has available to himself or herself all the power needed to

walk in purity.” (Swindoll, 1982:56). That is, how Carton spreads the peace to

others so she is not scared anymore but brave and calm. The girl that the hand is

held by Carton is a poor tailor. She is accused for doing the conspiracy with the

government. In fact, she is just a poor little tailor who knows nothing. Previously,

she thought that Carton is Darnay. But after she knows that the man is not Darnay,

she is so surprised. She is surprised by his bravery. He dares to save the life of

another man and the happiness of his family. That girl is amazed by the purity of

his heart. That is why her bravery grows bigger and bigger after she sees Carton.

This condition may represent the effect of war. It is possible that Dickens needs to

expose how war can eat a lot of victims, from the real bastard until the innocence

ones. War will never give any justice for all people. There will always somebody

who is provided to be a victim.

“I see Barsad, and Cly, Defarge, The Vengeance, the Juryman, the Judge,

long ranks of the new oppressors who have risen on the destruction of the

old, perishing by this retributive instrument, before it shall cease out of its

present use. I see a beautiful city and a brilliant people rising from this

abyss, and, in their struggles to be truly free, in their triumphs and defeats,

through long long years to come, I see the evil of this time and of the

previous time of which this is the natural birth, gradually making expiation

for itself and wearing out.” (Dickens, 1988:363-364)

It is the thought of Carton when he is walking to the guillotine. In that

illustration, Carton sees that the poor will be sent to the guillotine for their cruelty.


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He sees the brilliant people who slowly come out after the war that is seemed to

be long. He knows that among their struggle to win, they will finally find the

freedom. He is also sure that the former and the present mistake will be redeemed.

His redemption will lead the people to the joy, to the glory that they will never see

during the war. The hatred has to be purified by a sacrifice, just like Christ who

sacrificed himself for the joy of His people.

Besides being depressed, giving the best thing from his own on his last

day, and being memorized by the people he loves, the researcher finds that

actually, Carton‟s sacrifice is a weapon to escape from the world that is not good

enough for him. In the story, Carton often says that his young age will never go

on. There is no dream anymore, no more hopes for his life. He knows nothing

about the plan for his future. So, he decides to sacrifice himself because he

believes that God had provided a beautiful place for the people who believe in

Him. He chooses to die because he knows that the only best place and the world

that will be nice to him is the afterlife. This would be the second motif of Carton

which motivates him to sacrifice himself under the guillotine.

It is clear that Carton loves Lucie. It is possible that one of Carton‟s motifs

to sacrifice is to save Lucie‟s happiness. “Love is wanting happiness and

everything that is good for your loved one. Love is not wanting someone, it's

wanting what is best for them.”

(http://boards.ojar.com/index.php?topic=11804.msg96446#msg96446). So,

Carton needs to sacrifice himself in order to save Darnay, to bring back Lucie‟s

happiness. Actually, the condition can make Carton lucky. He can take Darnay‟s


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position not in trial, but beside Lucie. He can replace Darnay‟s position as Lucie‟s

husband but in the other hand, he chooses to save Darnay for Lucie‟s happiness.

He knows that Lucie will not happy with him, but her truly happiness is Darnay.

He knows that Lucie loves Darnay so much. Meanwhile, he understands that he is

not good enough for Lucie. Lucie does not deserve to have a husband like him.

Moreover, Carton has promised Lucie that he will do everything for Lucie‟s and

her family‟s happiness even though he has to sacrifice for them. As Joyce Meyer

says, “love is unselfishness, which is characterized in the Bible as a willingness to

sacrifice one‟s own wishes for those of others”


For you, and for any dear to you, I would do anything. If my career were

of that better kind that there was any opportunity or capacity of sacrifice in

it, I would embrace any sacrifice for you and for those dear to you. Try to

hold me in your mind, at some quiet times, as ardent and sincere in this

one thing. The time will come, the time will not be long in coming, when

new ties will be formed about you—ties that will blind you yet more

tenderly and strongly to the home you so adorn—the dearest ties that will

ever grace and gladden you. (Dickens, 1988:147-148)

Love can be so amazing to describe. Even people will assume that they

would do everything for someone they love, sacrificing their own needs to please

their lover. Talking about love and sacrifice, Scott Peck states that, “In the case of

genuine love the aim is always spiritual growth. In the case of nonlove the aim is

always something else.” (Peck, 1978:123). Consciously or not, mostly in the case

of love, the doer would create a good image in front of his lover, so he would get

the sympathy from her. Just like Carton‟s case, he would like to sacrifice himself

for his lover. Firstly, it appears as a love sacrifice, but after exploring the case, the


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researcher finds that this is the way of Carton to get the sympathy of Lucie.

Carton has failed in getting Lucie‟s heart, but he still wants to be precious and

meaningful for her. He is sure that his action will make him memorized by Lucie

and her family, and after all, he will get the love from her after he leaves the


“I see that I hold a sanctuary in their hearts, and in the hearts of their

descendants, generations hence. I see her, an old woman, weeping for me

on the anniversary of this day. I see her and her husband, their course

done, living side by side in their last earthly bed, and I know that each was

not more honoured and held sacred in the other‟s soul, than I was in the

soul of both.”(Dickens, 1988:364)

So it is, Carton‟s dream which is to be memorized and to be precious in

Lucie‟s heart becomes the third motive of Carton to do the sacrifice.


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A. Conclusion

In this chapter, the researcher shares her findings about Sydney Carton’s

motivation to sacrifice himself under the guillotine. The researcher finds several

factors that make Carton sacrifice himself under the guillotine.

Carton’s motivations are formed by his problems of life. According to

Abraham Maslow, Carton fails in fulfilling his love and belongingness need.

Since Carton loses the love from his parents and Lucie Manette, he becomes a

lonely and introvert person. His loneliness builds a weakness which soon makes

him feel unconfident in facing life. He believes that nobody cares about him, so he

decides to ignore anyone even himself. He appears as a scoundrel who lives with

loneliness in his ages.

Maslow exposes that a person who fails in fulfilling his need will not able

to fulfill his next needs. Carton, who fails in fulfilling love and belongingness

need, can not make himself fulfill his next need which is self-esteem need. From

the love of others, hopefully he can be someone who has a strong enthusiasm and

spirit in facing life. From those, he will have a power to reach his achievement.

Soon, He will be appreciated and admitted by others for his power and ability.

Sydney Carton’s loneliness and the feeling of unconfident make him fail in



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getting the power to reach an achievement. His unconfident feeling blocks him to

step forward and turns him to be an introvert person. Although Carton has a

profession as an attorney, he does not believe to his ability. That makes him lose

the power in society. He can not show his superiority and he flares up all his self-

disappointment through wine. From those, Carton becomes a powerlessness

attorney who can only drink wine to reveal his burdens of life.

Being failed in fulfilling love need and self-esteem need makes Carton to

be an unconfident and powerless man. He is sure that he will not have a bright

future. He does not know what his life is running for. According to Maslow, this

condition shows that Carton’s failure in fulfilling his self-actualization need. He

falls in a deep inferiority for his weakness and disappointment. He does not

realize that actually he has an ability to be a good attorney. He fails in actualizing

himself as an ideal man he should be. From those, Carton lives as a talented man

who suffers for his inferiority.

Those loneliness, powerlessness and inferiority lead Carton to sacrifice

himself under the guillotine. Carton decides to sacrifice in order to save the

happiness of the people he loves. He sees his action as the only precious and

honorable thing he can do. He feels happy and satisfied because in spite his

hopelessness, he knows that he has done something worth for others.The second

motive that motivates Carton to sacrifice himself is his religion faith. He is sure

that when someone dies, he will rebirth and go to the eternity. He will lay on the

different world which is full of peace and joy. So, he is sure that he can be happy

in the afterlife. After all, he is sure that his sacrifice will save the happiness of


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others. He reflects to Jesus who redeems His people’s sin by His sacrifice. In

Carton’s case, he wonders that his sacrifice may redeem his sin for his entire life.

The third motive is that Carton's feeling to Lucie Manette. He loves Lucie so

much, but he realizes that he is not good enough for Lucie. Somehow, he promises

to Lucie to give everything that may make Lucie happy, even though he has to

sacrifice himself. Actually, Carton’s bravery comes because he wants to be worth

and memorized by Lucie. For his entire life, Carton has never been loved by

anyone, and he has never been a precious man for anyone. That’s why, he dares to

sacrifice himself in order to save his love’s happiness, but deep inside his heart he

hopes that by doing the sacrifice, he wants to get a place in Lucie’s heart.

B. Recommendation

A Tale of Two Cities is a novel which mostly tells about the struggle of

the oppressed to get their freedom. Most of all, this novel holds a lot of aspects of

life. Dickens creates various characters with their own various problems. After all,

their problem finally will appoint to the same direction, which is French

Revolution. The researcher considers that it is interesting to analyze about Sydney

Carton’s character. The most interesting part that can be found in Carton is his

sacrifice in the end of the story.

By analyzing this novel using psychological approach, the researcher is

able to study the characteristics and the problems faced by Sydney Carton. By

using Abraham Maslow’s Human Motivation theory, Scott Peck’s theory of self-


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sacrifice, the researcher can find out the motivations of Sydney Carton in doing

his sacrifice. After all, by doing the analysis, the researcher can show to the reader

about the real essence of sacrifice and the researcher can give a reference to the

reader about sacrifice. Moreover, hopefully, this analysis can help the reader to

understand the novel and the value of the story. It can give a new thought and idea

of life to the reader and the world of literature.