A pirate story


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Transcript of A pirate story

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It's a dark quiet night and there is no noise outside but the lights are flickering in an old tavern. A sign swung slowly 'the sunk'n norwegian' is the its name.


The light is low and lit only by the candles that are placed around the room. There a faint sound of people talking and the low tone of music coming from another room. In one of the far corners of a room sits three men huddled closely around a table. Two of the men are listening intently to the third man. The third man looks old and worn out with old scars and a wrinkled face.

PIRATE 3I'll tell ye once and ill tell you again its a death sentenced to gothere.

PIRATE 1What do ya mean by that?

PIRATE 3You mean to say you don't know the stories that come from there?

Pirate 3 leans closer to the others and lets out a loud sigh.

PIRATE 3The tail goes that all ships that pass through there are never seen again. No one knows how, no one has ever returned to tell the of there fate. There are sighting's from passing ships they say that it's some kind of giant squid but that's just...

PIRATE 2You don't mean...

Pirate 2 takes a breath

PIRATE 2The - the kraken do you?


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Pirate 3 slams his fist down on the table while shouting at the other man. The tavern is filled with an eery silence but quickly passes as fast as it came. The three pirates just sit there in silence until the third pirate speaks up.

PIRATE 3And yes I was. But as i was saying that's just nonsense from fools who believe that stuff.

He says this while glaring intently at pirate 2

PIRATE 1Well then we will have nothing to worry about then will we...

PIRATE 3I guess not. Now there's the matter of payment for my information and cooperation. We're not gonna' have a problem are we?

Pirate 3 says this with a twisted grin on his face that puts the others on edge.

PIRATE 2W-we we don't want no trouble. B-but you gotta' show that you ave' it...

PIRATE 3What's the matter boy! Cat got yer tongue?

Pirate 3 reaches down and as he does this Pirate 1 grabs his holstered pistol,tucked into a band tied around his waist, but as pirate 3 comes back up with a role of old paper pirate 1 lowered his hand.

PIRATE 3Yar i got it, been carrying it round for a long time now it all be yours if you stand to your part of the bargain.

Pirate 1 looks at him with a unsure expression. But grabs a small bag from inside his shirt and places it on the table. Its a small brown skin bag with the top tied tight. Pirate 3 grabs it and opens it as he does a wide grin appears apone his face. He throws over the role of paper and takes a big swig from his tankard.

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PIRATE 3Well? What more do you want? Get out of my face.

The other 2 pirates get up to leave and as they do someone runs into them pushing pirate 1 into pirate 2 as they collapse into a heap on the floor runs of and out of the tavern. When the get back the realise they've been robbed.

PIRATE 1That guy guy just robbed us!

(He yells this at Pirate 3)

PIRATE 3Not my problem. But if i was you i'd go get him...

Pirates 1 and 2 agree and start to run after him. Once they are gone pirate 3 starts to laugh menacingly.


The pirates are chasing the robber relentlessly round the streets and over rooftops they are starting to gain on him but he starts to get away. just as he looks like he's about to get away he hits a dead end down a back street there's no where for him to go now..

PIRATE 1Hey i know you! You're that dirty rat that works for the navy!

ROBBERSo what if i am?

PIRATE 1Well you know what we do with human waste? Don't you?

Pirate 1 slowly walks towards him. And when he gets within a meter of the robber he draws his sword slowly.

ROBBERNo. No! You cant do this i am the part of the roya

Pirate 1 plunges the sword deep into the robbers chest. The robber looks down in horror as blood stars to drip onto the ground. Pirate 1 pull his sword out and wipes the blood onto the robbers shirt and puts it back into his holster. He the picks up the roll of paper and walks away. The robber is left as he collapses onto the floor with blood poring from

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his chest and mouth.

PIRATE 2You didn't have to kill him. We could of used him for information

PIRATE 1I know i didn't have to. But I wanted to. If i don't kill someone once in a while people start to get out of line and i will not have that on my ship.

PIRATE 2I guess but still...