A Pensions Update Slides · 2018. 4. 3. · Increasing regulation and the Pensions Regulator –...

© Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP A Pensions Update for the In- House Lawyers Group of The Law Society of Scotland Presentation by Louisa Knox and Richard Jones 7 February 2012

Transcript of A Pensions Update Slides · 2018. 4. 3. · Increasing regulation and the Pensions Regulator –...

Page 1: A Pensions Update Slides · 2018. 4. 3. · Increasing regulation and the Pensions Regulator – auto-enrolment • All employers required to automatically enrol most employees into

© Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP

A Pensions Update for the In-House Lawyers Group of The Law Society of Scotland

Presentation by Louisa Knox and Richard


7 February 2012

Page 2: A Pensions Update Slides · 2018. 4. 3. · Increasing regulation and the Pensions Regulator – auto-enrolment • All employers required to automatically enrol most employees into

Occupational pension schemes – where are we now?

27 February 2012A Pensions Update for the In-House Lawyers Group of the Law Society of Scotland

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37 February 2012A Pensions Update for the In-House Lawyers Group of the Law Society of Scotland


● Introduction

○ What are occupational pension schemes

○ What are not occupational pension schemes

● The challenge of increasing longevity and reduced investment return

○ Improving life expectancy

○ Poor investment returns

○ Impact and reaction

● Increasing regulation and the role of the Pensions Regulator

○ The Pensions Regulator

○ Auto-enrolment

○ The Scotland Bill

● Discrimination and the European Dimension

o Barber and GMP equalisation

o Age discrimination

o Test Achats

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What are occupational pension schemes?

• Set up by employer to provide benefits for employees and dependants

• Commonly registered with HMRC

• 3 categories:

o Defined benefit (or final salary)

o Defined contribution (or money purchase)

o Hybrid

What are not occupational pension schemes?

●Personal pension schemes, including Group Personal Pension Plans


●Stakeholder pension schemes

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Increasing longevity and reduced investment returns -longevity

• Sharp improvement in longevity in past few decades

• Recent focus of impact on funding of occupational pension schemes

• At 65, average man can expect to live another 18 years, and average

women 20.6 years

• Impact on DB schemes

o Traditionally funded using assumptions which track actual

mortality rates – no assumption for future improvements

o Result – funding requirements have been set too low, leading to

BIG deficits!

• Impact on DC schemes

o Longevity risk sits with member

o Need more money in pension pot to fund longer retirement

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Increasing longevity and reduced investment returns –investment

• Recent global financial crisis has resulted in reduced and more volatile

investment returns for occupational pension schemes

• Impact on DB schemes

o Reduction in scheme asset values

o Reassessing valuation assumptions and other calculation factors

o Need for increased employer contributions/support

• Impact on DC schemes

o Pension pot growth slowed

o Pension pot worth less than member expects on retirement

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Increasing longevity and reduced investment returns –impact and reaction

77 February 2012A Pensions Update for the In-House Lawyers Group of the Law Society of Scotland

Impact - DB schemes

Increasing deficit

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Increasing longevity and reduced investment returns –impact and reaction continued

Reaction - DB schemes

•Closure to accrual and move to DC/GPP arrangements

o Shifts longevity and investment risk to employee

•Swaps and liability hedging, including longevity swaps

•(Partial) buy-ins and buy-outs

•Liability management exercises

Impact and reaction – DC schemes

•Pensioners need to work longer to fund their retirement

•Increasing number of members working past normal retirement date

•Law developed to assist – flexible retirement, flexible drawdown,

prohibition on age discrimination and abolition of normal retirement date

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Increasing regulation and the Pensions Regulator

• Statutory body established in 2006

• Regulates work-based pension schemes

• Statutory objectives

o Protect members’ benefits

o Promote good administration

o Reduce risk of calls on Pension Protection Fund (PPF)

o Maximise compliance with auto-enrolment obligations

• Key powers

o Issue codes of practice, guidance etc.

o Investigate schemes, intervene in funding process and request,

inspect and seize information

o Appoint and remove trustees, impose fines and instigate criminal


o Issue contribution notices and financial support directions where

employer is deliberately trying to avoid pension obligations

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Increasing regulation and the Pensions Regulator – auto-enrolment

• All employers required to automatically enrol most employees into a

qualifying pension scheme and contribute to it

• Phased in between October 2012 and April 2017, largest employers


• Eligible employees

o Aged between 22 and state pension age

o Earn more than minimum earnings threshold - £7,475 in 2011/12

o Work or ordinarily work in UK

• Qualifying workplace pension scheme

o Use existing scheme, a new scheme or NEST (or a competitor)

o Must either make minimum contribution to a DC scheme or offer

membership of a DB or hybrid scheme meeting certain minimum


• Minimum contribution levels

o Phased between October 2012 and October 2018

o Total contribution rising from 2% to 8% of qualifying earnings –

currently earnings between £5,035 and £33,540

o Employer contribution rising from 1% to 3%

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Increasing regulation and the Pensions Regulator – auto-enrolment continued

• Timings

o Employees must be auto-enrolled from employer’s staging date

o Employers can delay for 3 month waiting period

o Employees can opt-out but can’t be incentivised to do so

o Employees who opt-out must be re-enrolled every 3 years

• Employment protection

o Apply to all employers from October 2012 (i.e. no staging)

o Cannot take action which removes employee from qualifying

scheme or results in scheme no longer being qualifying

o Inducements to opt-out prohibited

o Cannot ask recruitment candidates whether they plan to opt-out

• Actions for employers

o Ascertain staging date

o Decide which scheme you will use

o Ensure office systems will facilitate implementation

o Factor in increased contribution and administration costs

o Ensure necessary information is provided to employees

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Increasing regulation and the Pensions Regulator –Scotland Bill

• Follows recommendations of Calman Commission

• Amongst other measures, gives Scottish Parliament more fiscal

autonomy – devolves part of basic income tax rate allowing SP to set

its own rate of income tax which may not be in line with rest of UK

• Impact

o Office systems will require to administer tax relief and tax

deduction at different rates

o Issues in determining residency will likely result in the need for

retrospective adjustments

o Costs associated with likely increased frequency of changes to

income tax rates and communicating these to members

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Discrimination and the European dimension - Barber


• Historically men were entitled to their occupational pension at 65 and

women at 60 - if a man wanted to retire at 60 his pension would be

actuarially reduced

• ECJ held this was contrary to the equal pay legislation

• Consequence – schemes obliged to equalise benefit accrual for men

and women for pensionable service from date of judgement, 17 May


• Continues to raise issues

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Discrimination and the European dimension – GMP equalisation

• Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) – pension arising in contracted-

out DB schemes as replacement for state pension benefit

• Unequal between men and women as payable at state pension age

(i.e. 60 or 65)

• Uncertainty followed Barber – should GMPs be equalised?

o Argument against – not “pay” – simply replacement for state


• January 2010 – Government announced schemes are obliged to

equalise GMPs

• January 2012 – consultation document on method of equalisation

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Discrimination and the European dimension – Age Discrimination

• Unlawful for employers, trustees or managers of occupational pension

schemes to discriminate against prospective or actual members on

grounds of age unless can be objectively justified

• Subject to various pensions related exceptions including waiting

periods for joining, minimum and maximum ages for admission and

using age-related criteria in actuarial calculations

• Scope of prohibition remains unclear in some areas

• Common discriminatory practices

o Not providing benefit accrual to employees in service after

normal retirement date

o Providing different death benefits or contribution rates for

employees in service after normal retirement date

o Maximum or minimum age for admission to a life assurance only


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Discrimination and the European dimension – Test Achats

• Recent ECJ case – March 2011

• Held that gender-related factors cannot be used in pricing insurance


• Previously permitted via derogation to equal treatment principles – this

is being annulled with effect from December 2012

• UK government current consulting on amendments to Equality Act

2010 to comply

• General view – won’t affect buy-in or buy-out contracts

• Impact on private pension arrangements and annuity purchases

• Similar derogation exists to allow occupational pension schemes to

use gender-related factors to calculate benefits e.g. transfer values

and early retirement adjustments

• Led to concern this derogation may also be held unlawful

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Public sector pensions: a brief update

177 February 2012A Pensions Update for the In-House Lawyers Group of the Law Society of Scotland

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187 February 2012A Pensions Update for the In-House Lawyers Group of the Law Society of Scotland


● Introduction

○ What are public sector pension schemes

○ The main public service pension schemes

● The Hutton Report

○ Background

○ Recommendations

○ Implementation

○ Where are we now?

● The future of the Fair Deal

● RPI/CPI legal challenge

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Introduction – what are public sector pension schemes?

• Public sector pension schemes

o Public service pension schemes AND

o Number of trust-based schemes offered by not-for-profit,

voluntary and educational institutions e.g. Social Housing

Pension Scheme

• Public service pension schemes

o Established by statute or similar

o Benefits underwritten by government

o Benefit structures – DB, DC and career averaged (CARE)

o Funded or unfunded

o Some allow private sector employees to participate e.g. LGPS

o Key pensions legislation only applies to limited extent

o Limited role for the Pensions Regulator

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Introduction – main public service pension schemes


• Funded, contributory final salary scheme

• 99 regional LGPS funds governed by a “Administering Authority”

• Available to:

o “Scheme Employers” who have a statutory right to participate –

county and district councils and further and higher education


o “Non-Scheme Employers” via an admission agreement


• Consists of 3 closed final salary sections and a CARE section – all


• Also a DC stakeholder arrangement

• Available to members of Civil Service and employees of various

museums, galleries etc.

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Introduction – main public service pension schemes continued


• Unfunded, contributory final salary schemes

• Available to

o NHS “Employing Authorities” such as NHS health boards

o Employees of other medical service providers operating under

NHS contracts

o Not-for-profit or voluntary organisations providing health services

e.g. hospices


• Unfunded, contributory final salary scheme

• Available to

o Teachers and lecturers employed by state funded educational


o “Accepted function providers”

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The Hutton Report - background

• Significant reform of main UK public service pension schemes 2007-


• Improvements in member longevity and fiscal challenges driven

demand for further reform

• The Independent Public Service Pensions Commission, led by Lord

Hutton of Furness, established to:

o Conduct fundamental structural review of public sector pension


o Make recommendations on pensions that:

� are sustainable and affordable in long term

� are fair to both public service workforce and taxpayer

� are consistent with fiscal challenges ahead

� protect accrued rights

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The Hutton Report – recommendations and implementation

Key recommendations

• Move to CARE benefit structure

• Normal pension age rise in line with state pension age

• Maintain link to final salary for accrued benefits


• Government confirmed intention to adopt recommendations

• Extensive negotiations with number of public sector unions

• 20 December 2011 – announcement that headline agreements had

been reached with most unions

• Ongoing negotiations as to detail

• Government committed to sustaining reforms for 25 years

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The Hutton Report – where are we now?


• New LGPS scheme 2014 with CARE benefit structure

• Option for no increase in employee contributions

• Retirement age linked to state pension age for new scheme service


• Move to CARE benefit structure with 1/44th accrual rate

• Retirement age linked to state pension age going forward

• CPI revaluation


• Move to CARE benefit structure with 1/54th accrual rate

• Retirement age linked to state pension age going forward

• CPI + 1.5% revaluation for actives and CPI for deferreds


• Move to CARE benefit structure with 1/57th accrual rate

• Retirement age linked to state pension age going forward

• CPI + 1.6% revaluation for actives and CPI for deferreds

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The future of Fair Deal

The Policy

•Fair Deal – applies where public service employees are transferred to the

private sector, e.g. on outsourcing

•Requires that new employer provides a “broadly comparable” pension

scheme for transferring staff and bulk transfer arrangements

•LGPS – may provide admitted body status for new employer

•“Broad comparability” certified by Government Actuary’s Department


•GAD “passport” can be obtained to allow future transfers without


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The future of Fair Deal continued

The Hutton Report

•Found that Fair Deal created barrier to public service outsourcing

•Result – UK Government consultation on future of Fair Deal

•December 2011 – announcement that Fair Deal would be retained on

basis of cost savings to be achieved by wider public service scheme


•Formal response paper expected from UK Government soon

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Legal challenge to RPI/CPI decision

• 2010 Budget announcement that from April 2011 annual increases to

public service pensions would be calculated by reference to CPI as

opposed to RPI

• April 2011 – collection of pensioners’ organisations and unions applied

for judicial review of decision on grounds that:

o Decision to use CPI was inconsistent with the Secretary of

State’s statutory obligation

o Decision to switch to CPI was made having regard to irrelevant

considerations or for an improper purpose

o Employees had a legitimate expectation that benefits would be

increased by RPI

• High Court rejected all the arguments and held that the switch to CPI

was lawful

• Leave to appeal on first ground has been granted

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287 February 2012A Pensions Update for the In-House Lawyers Group of the Law Society of Scotland

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