a of Men's Fall Furnishings · 2018. 10. 5. · in a high class Western drama— 44 SILENT MEN "...

PROGRAM THURSDAY, Oct. 19— Return Showing of "GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933" That laugh-laden musical comcdy romance, lavishly mounted, moving along with comedy alternating with gongs, dance sequences and musical numbers, elaborate, colorful, spark- ling and gay. Just in case you want the stars named over,— RUBY KEELER, DICK POWELL, Aline MacMahon, Ginger Rogers, Joan Blondell, Warren William, Guy Kibbee. A number of patrons have asked us to show this again, some who want to see it over, and some who missed it before. So you can see it THURSDAY ONE DAY ONLY AT POPULAR PRICES OF 10, 15 and 25 cents. Also, Good Short Subjects. FRIDAY, October 20— ^ HERBERT MARSHALL and MARY BOLAND in "THE SOLITAIRE MAN" A clever mystery story well acted and filled with suspense. Besides be- ing an A-l mystery yarn, it has dra- ma, romance, comedy, thrills and ac- tion for good measure, and you'll wonder till the very end how it all works out. Also—Comedies. This Friday is another FAMILY DAY at popular prices 5—10 and 15 cents SATURDAY, October 21 COLONEL TIM McCOY in a high class Western drama— 44 SILENT MEN " You will enjoy this. It is of the finest type of Western stories, with action, drama, comedy, and a ro- mance, and made against beautiful backgrounds. Also A Musical Revue " HELLO POP " Serial, and Comedies. MONDAY and TUESDAY, OCT. 23-24 A New Metro Picture "BROADWAY TO HOLLYWOOD" With ALICE BRADY, FRANK MORGAN, MADGE EVANS, JACKIE COOPER, EDDIE QUILLAN, RUSSELL HARDIE, and JIMMY DURANTE, MAY ROBSON, FAY TEMPLETON, UNA MERKEL, ALBERTINA RASCH DANCERS. As Durante would say,— "What a Cast! What a Cafrt!" And what a picture too! A sincere and simple story of backstage life, it is nevertheless a BIG picture. Pack- ed with laughter, tears, and more laughter, with comedy, drama, ro- mance, music and sparkling dailog, it's one that will appeal to every- body. We're sure you'll like it, very znuch. Also News reel, Traveltalk, and an "Oswald cartoon. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 25— JOHN WAYNE m " RIDERS OF DESTINY " One of your favorite stars in Western roles in a dandy action- filled Western story you'll enjoy. Also—Serial and Comedy. $ * :jc sje PICTURES COMING "BED OF ROSES" "BEAUTY FOR SALE" "THREE CORNER'D MOON" "I'M NO ANGEL" "THE TORCH SINGER" "ONE SUNDAY AFTERNOON" "PADDY THE NEXT BEST THING" LOOK AT THE LABEL ON YOUR PAPER. THE FIGURES INDICATE THE DATE TO WHICH YOUR, SUBSCRIPTION IS PAID. PAY UP AND EXTEND ANOTHER YEAR 1 '.WOMAN'S REALM and SOCIETY NEWS MISS PAULINE CONLEY BECOMES BRIDE OF ARTHUR S. BRADFORD A wide circle of friends here and elsewhere feel a cordial interest in the wedding of Miss Pauline Conley j and Arthur S. Bradford, solemnized at the First Methodist church Satur- day evening. Rev. H. P. Powell offi- ciated, using the beautiful and im-1 pressive ring ceremony, in the pres-i ence of only a few friends. The bride was attired in a modish and charming costume, a going-away model of imported woolen with brown hat and other accessories. She wore a shoulder bouquet of gardenias. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford left by mo- tor immediately after the ceremony for the Chicago exposition and to visit other points of interest. Mrs. Bradford is a daughter of the late Major W. A. Conley and Mrs. W. F. Wood. She is a young woman of grace and charm and of varied ac- complishments. A graduate of Greensboro College, she later studied at Columbia University and has had the advantage of extensive travel in the United States and abroad. For several years she was a teacher in the public schools of Marion and in addition has been prominent in soci- ! ety, in club and church work, a popu- j i lar member of a large circle. Arthur Stewart Bradford is the son of Mr. and Mr9. W. W. Bradford I of Hickory. He has made his home j here more than ten years. He is gen- : eral manager of the Coca-Cola bottl- ing company, in which he has earned a conspicuous success. Mr. Bradford is an active Legionnaire, having ser- ved the past year as commander of McDowell Post of the Legion, after years of helpful interest in its af- fairs. He is worshipful master of Mystic Tie Lodge of Masons. As a member of the Chamber of Com- merce, the Merchants Association and the Kiwaniu Club, he has been untiring in all movements for civic betterment. He is very highly regar- i ded throughout the county. ! Mr. and Mrs. Bradford upon their return will be at home at 138 North j Garden street, pending the comple- | tion of their handsome home on [ Rutherford Road. i STUDY CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. BRAY The Study Club held a meeting at the home of the president, Mrs. B. F. Bray, Tuesday afternoon. The meet- ing was called to order by the presi- dent and each member responded to iroll call with a current event. The j program was devoted to a study of j the topic of "American Artists." A j paper was prepared by Mrs. Hugh Beam and read by Mrs. J. E. Decker : on "The work of Cecilia Beaux." | Mrs. Ashworth and Mrs. W. C. Mc- | Call prepared a discussion which was j given by Mrs. McCall on "Laura E. f Richards." During the social hour ; following the program the hostess, I assisted bv Mrs. L.B. Coone and Mrs. T. A. Wilson, served a delicious sweet course. Invited guests were Mrs. J. C. Story, of Marion, Mrs. S. i B. Hildebrand and Miss Annie Hilde- ! brand, of Drexel. MISS COVINGTON LA NUITE BRIDGE CLUB HOSTESS Miss Ethel Covington was hostess to La Nuite Bridge Club Thursday J evening at the home of Mrs. Bess'e \ 1 Reid on East Court street. A profu-j I sion of dahlias were used to decorate | the rooms. Miss Pauline Conley, who | made the highest score, was given a | dainty compact. The invited gueitsj included: Mesdames A. A. Morris,: R. J. Noyes, J. D. Hamrlck and Guy Kirby; Misses Mary Nelson Bet1". =,) Virginia Conley, Mary Olive Conley j and Bonnie Padgett. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Reid in serving a salad and sweet course. CONTRACT BRIDGE AT HOME OF MRS. PROCTOR Mrs. Robert W. Proctor entertain- ed the Contract Bridge Club Friday | afternoon at her home on West Fcjt street. Miss Pauline Conley was an ; invited guest. Mrs, J. S. Lockaby won j the high score prize which was a { double deck of cards. Mrs. Elizab jth Little assisted the hostess in serving a salad and sweet course. Mrs. L. J. P. Cutlar will entertain at the next meeting. BRIDGE CLUB GUESTS OF MRS. McNAIRY, WOODLAWN Mrs. Roy McNairy entertained Lhe Bridge Club Wednesday afternoon at her home at Woodlawn. Mrs. EK zabeth Little won the high gcorc prize. The invited guests were Mrs. Albert Carpenter, Mrs. J. G. Yan- cey, of Birmingham, Ala., and Mrs. Elizabeth Little. Miss Florence Yan- cey assisted the hostess in serving tempting refreshments in two courses. ! LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. John Runnion spent Sunday in Lenoir. Mrs. John H. Tyler, of Durham, is visiting here this week. Miss Evelyn McMillan is visiting Miss Alta Ramsey in Asheville. Misses Mary Olive and Lucile Con- ley spent the week-end in Asheville. Mrs. B. F. Pollard has returned from a visit in Elkin for several days. Rowe Mauney, of Charlotte, spent the weekend with his parents her':. Miss Nancy Blanton, of Newland, spent the weekend with her parents here. Miss Miriam Story, a junior at Queens-Chicora, was at home for the weekend. Mrs. H. W. Stauffer is improving following an operation in Statesville hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cooper, of Greensboro, visited hert during the weekend. Miss Strobie Hogan, of Lenoir- Rhyne, at Hickory, was home for the week-end. Karcher Clay was at home for the weekend from Oak Ridge Military Academy. Mrs. Guy Nichols and son have re- turned from a visit to relatives in Morganton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCall and son, of Greenville, S. C., spent the weekend here. Dr. and Mrs. G. B. Justice atten ded the state fair in Raleigh several days last week. L. C. Ashc-raft and Ed Kennedy attended the football game at Chap-1 el Hill Saturday. Sheriff O. F. Adkins, Walker Blan- ton and Jack Morris are leaving to- day for Chicago. Miss Grayse Mary Justice spent j the weekend with friends at N. C. C. I W. in Greensboro. Misses Helen Lonon and Julia Bur- ton have returned from a week's visii in Washington, D. C. Lloyd McAlhaney hag returned j from Baltimore, Md., where he has I been for some time. Jack Ballew came from Appala- chian State College at Boone for the weekend with relatives. Mackey Neal attended the Stale- Florida and University Georg'i games during the weekend. Mrs. Margaret Finley was a recent visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Walker, in Morgantor. Mrs. R. C. Cochran of Kinston was a recent visitor in the home of her mother, Mrs. H. P. Keeter. Mr. and Mrs. William Michal, of ; Greenville, S. C., are the guests of J)r. and Mrs. Frank Wood. Mrs. William 0. Gibbs has return- ed from an extended visit to friends in New York and Washington. Miss Billie Carter came from Mai's Hill for the weekend. She was accom- panied by Miss Virginia Ballard. George Conley has returned from i Chapel Hill and Salisbury where he has been spending his vacation. Mrs. T. J. Halliburton, of Fletch- er, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. R. McCall, for the past week. Captain J. C. Bowman came from his duties at the CCC camp in Burke! county for the week-end at home. I J. W. Winborne and R. J. Noyes attended the Woodberry Forest-V. E. S. game at Orange, Va., Saturday. Mrs. R. F. Burton has returned from Atlanta, Ga., where she ha? been visiting Mrs. James Hollings- worth. Mrs. J. M. Clay and Miss Jennie Clay are making an extended visit in j the home of Mrs. Geo. Trogden, Toe- coa, Ga. Mrs. Starr Hanna, Mrs. Charles Stowe and Miss Maxine Wilson, of Gastonia, visited Mrs. S. F. Mauney j Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mashburn ant^ Miss Blanche Mashburn spent the weekend in Shelby with Miss Connie Ruth Lane. Mrs. G. S. Kirby, Mrs. Minnie Blanton, Mrs. S. H. Y?ncey and Mrs. J. B. Newton motored to Charlotte Wednesday. A picture that will appeal tc ev- erybody is "BROADWAY TO HOL- LYWOOD" with a cast that really is all-star. It Will be at Marion Theatre next Monday-Tuesday. Mrs. D. S. Gardner and Mrs. M. E. Kelley have returned from Louisiana where they visited friends several weeks. Miss Thelma Poteat, student at Lees McRae, was here Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Poteat. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Yancey and son and daughter, of Birmingham, Ala., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Yancey. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fox, Mrs. R. E. Fox and daughter, Emily Joe, vis- ited Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Rhyne in Statesville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Rector and daughter, Emily Jane, of Jackson- ville, Florida, visited Mi. and Mrs. S. F. Mauney Monday. / Misses Lillie and Glossie Pyatt, students at Appalachian State Col- lege at Boone, spent the week-endat their home in Dysartville. Mrs. T. E. Browne, of Raleigh, visited Miss Rena Neal last Thurs- day. Mrs. Brown is the former Miss Maude Barnard of Marion. Friends of Mrs. J. F. Conniff, of Fayetteville, will be sorry to learn of her death Monday. Mrs. Conniff made her home here for several years. Warren Adkins returned Monday to his studies at Oak Ridge Military Academy after the weekend with his parents, Sheriff, and Mrs. 0. F. Ad- kins. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cross, Jr., visited E. W. Freeze in High Point during the weekend and attended the Duke-Tennessee game at Durham Saturday. Wayne Adkins, son of Sheriff and Mrs. 0. F. Adkins and a cadet at Oak Ridge Military Academy, is recover- ing from an appendix operation at the Marion Hospital. Capt. and Mrs. W. E. Corkill, Mrs. H. E. Cox, and Lieutenant and Mrs. J. B. Givens attended the Asheville j High School and Charlotte High School game at Asheville Friday. Miss Manghill, a member of the faculty of W. U., N. C., Greensboro, and Misses Mary Virginia and Eliza- beth Copeland, who are attending! school there, spent the weekend here.! Mrs. R. K. Davis and daughter, ^ Margaret Anne, are spending the week in Orangeburg, S. C. They will return Saturday with Mi. Davis who will attend the state fair in Colum- bia. Miss Virginia Conley left last week for Cleveland, Ohio, where she will spend two weeks with her sister, Mrs. M. 0. Sherrill. She was accom- panied by Mrs. C. M. Miller, of Asheville. Friends of Mr. and Airs. J. L. Hub-1 bard will regret to learn that Mr. Hubbard suffered a partial stroke of paralysis recently at his home in Clinton and though slightly improved j is still confined to bed. j Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wilkinson and j family visited friends in High Point and Greensboro last weekend. Miss Dorothy Wilkinson was the guest of j Miss Mabel Bishop at Greensboro College. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Crisp and Mrs. i Albert Blanton attended the David-j son-V. M. I. game at Davidson Sat-j urday. Mrs. Pauline Hood, of Kin- ! ston, and Dr. Heathe Nesbitt, of: Charlotte, accompanied them home! and visited here Sunday. His friends will regret to learn that the condition of E. B. Baber is unsatisfactory. Mr. Baber has been ill several weeks and seemed a weeK ago to be improving. Recently, how- ever, an unfavorable reaction hasj been noted, greatly regretted by many friends who hold Mr. Baber in high esteem. Miss Mary Margaret Giles, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carpenter, Clarence Rabb, Miss Florence Yancey, Mr. and j Mrs. J. G. Yancey, Carter Hudgins, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Cross, James! Goldsmith, Frank Goldsmith, Fre J j Williams, Jack James, William Wil- ! Kinson, J. C. Rabb, Paul Howard.! were in Durham Saturday for rhe Duke-Tennessee game. The condition of R. E. McCall, who I Las been seriously ill recently, was considerably better yesterday, hia friends will be glad to learn. On ac- count of his illness, his son, Edgar McCall, was called home from the University. Also, Dr. Clay McCall, of Asheville, Dr. Wannamaker and Dr. j C. N. Peeler, of Charlotte, and Mrs.! L. L. Self, of Cherryv'lle, were here i Monday with Mr. McCall. IM GLAD I HAD THE CHANCETO PLAY IN 'BROADWAY TO HOLLYWOOD* —WHAT A GRAND PIC- TURE IT IS/ MAY ROBSON MARION THEATRE NEXT MONDAY and TUESDAY An Attractive Array of Men's Fall Furnishings Hart Schaffner & Marx suits * also other good lines of suits at as low as $14.50 Florsheim and Bostonian Shoes Manhattan and Eclipse Shirts and a complete line of men's furnishings —all of dependable quality, and at attrac- tive prices. Come in and let us fit you up, Wilson's The best is the cheapest in the end. Hailed as a masterpiece of drama, with 300 dancing beauties and a brilliant cast of STARS, it will stand out for years as a perfect example of screen enter- tainment! directed by WILLARD MACK ALICE BRADY JA' - °OOPER .OKIE U. * DURANTE with Music! A Heart-Drama G^ MADGE EVANS EDDIE QUILLAN | TEMPLETON ROBSON FAY MAY hv. ELL HARDIE RASCH ROSS H***r a \\cixi\;(/olduyn-^\aycx At Marion Theatre Next Monday and Tuesday

Transcript of a of Men's Fall Furnishings · 2018. 10. 5. · in a high class Western drama— 44 SILENT MEN "...

Page 1: a of Men's Fall Furnishings · 2018. 10. 5. · in a high class Western drama— 44 SILENT MEN " You will enjoy this. It is of the finest type of Western stories, with action, drama,


THURSDAY, Oct. 19— Return Showing of

"GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933" That laugh-laden musical comcdy

romance, lavishly mounted, moving along with comedy alternating with gongs, dance sequences and musical numbers, elaborate, colorful, spark- ling and gay.

Just in case you want the stars named over,— RUBY KEELER, DICK POWELL, Aline MacMahon, Ginger Rogers, Joan Blondell, Warren William, Guy Kibbee.

A number of patrons have asked us to show this again, some who want to see it over, and some who missed it before. So you can see it



10, 15 and 25 cents. Also, Good Short Subjects.



"THE SOLITAIRE MAN" A clever mystery story well acted

and filled with suspense. Besides be- ing an A-l mystery yarn, it has dra- ma, romance, comedy, thrills and ac- tion for good measure, and you'll wonder till the very end how it all works out.


This Friday is another

FAMILY DAY at popular prices 5—10 and 15 cents

SATURDAY, October 21 —

COLONEL TIM McCOY in a high class Western drama— 44 SILENT MEN "

You will enjoy this. It is of the finest type of Western stories, with action, drama, comedy, and a ro-

mance, and made against beautiful backgrounds.

Also A Musical Revue " HELLO POP "

Serial, and Comedies.


A New Metro Picture






As Durante would say,— "What a Cast! What a Cafrt!"

And what a picture too! A sincere and simple story of backstage life, it is nevertheless a BIG picture. Pack- ed with laughter, tears, and more

laughter, with comedy, drama, ro-

mance, music and sparkling dailog, it's one that will appeal to every- body. We're sure you'll like it, very znuch.

Also News reel, Traveltalk, and an "Oswald cartoon.




One of your favorite stars in Western roles in a dandy action- filled Western story you'll enjoy.

Also—Serial and Comedy. $ * :jc sje














A wide circle of friends here and elsewhere feel a cordial interest in the wedding of Miss Pauline Conley j and Arthur S. Bradford, solemnized at the First Methodist church Satur- day evening. Rev. H. P. Powell offi- ciated, using the beautiful and im-1 pressive ring ceremony, in the pres-i ence of only a few friends.

The bride was attired in a modish and charming costume, a going-away model of imported woolen with brown hat and other accessories. She wore a shoulder bouquet of gardenias.

Mr. and Mrs. Bradford left by mo-

tor immediately after the ceremony for the Chicago exposition and to visit other points of interest.

Mrs. Bradford is a daughter of the late Major W. A. Conley and Mrs. W. F. Wood. She is a young woman of grace and charm and of varied ac-

complishments. A graduate of Greensboro College, she later studied at Columbia University and has had the advantage of extensive travel in the United States and abroad. For several years she was a teacher in the public schools of Marion and in addition has been prominent in soci-

! ety, in club and church work, a popu- j i lar member of a large circle.

Arthur Stewart Bradford is the son of Mr. and Mr9. W. W. Bradford

I of Hickory. He has made his home j here more than ten years. He is gen- : eral manager of the Coca-Cola bottl- ing company, in which he has earned a conspicuous success. Mr. Bradford is an active Legionnaire, having ser-

ved the past year as commander of McDowell Post of the Legion, after years of helpful interest in its af- fairs. He is worshipful master of Mystic Tie Lodge of Masons. As a

member of the Chamber of Com- merce, the Merchants Association and the Kiwaniu Club, he has been untiring in all movements for civic betterment. He is very highly regar-

i ded throughout the county. ! Mr. and Mrs. Bradford upon their return will be at home at 138 North

j Garden street, pending the comple- | tion of their handsome home on

[ Rutherford Road. i


The Study Club held a meeting at the home of the president, Mrs. B. F.

Bray, Tuesday afternoon. The meet-

ing was called to order by the presi- dent and each member responded to

iroll call with a current event. The

j program was devoted to a study of

j the topic of "American Artists." A

j paper was prepared by Mrs. Hugh Beam and read by Mrs. J. E. Decker

: on "The work of Cecilia Beaux."

| Mrs. Ashworth and Mrs. W. C. Mc-

| Call prepared a discussion which was

j given by Mrs. McCall on "Laura E.

f Richards." During the social hour ; following the program the hostess, I assisted bv Mrs. L.B. Coone and Mrs. T. A. Wilson, served a delicious sweet course. Invited guests were

Mrs. J. C. Story, of Marion, Mrs. S. i B. Hildebrand and Miss Annie Hilde- ! brand, of Drexel.


Miss Ethel Covington was hostess to La Nuite Bridge Club Thursday

J evening at the home of Mrs. Bess'e \ 1 Reid on East Court street. A profu-j I sion of dahlias were used to decorate

| the rooms. Miss Pauline Conley, who | made the highest score, was given a | dainty compact. The invited gueitsj included: Mesdames A. A. Morris,: R. J. Noyes, J. D. Hamrlck and Guy Kirby; Misses Mary Nelson Bet1". =,) Virginia Conley, Mary Olive Conley j and Bonnie Padgett. The hostess was

assisted by Mrs. Reid in serving a

salad and sweet course.


Mrs. Robert W. Proctor entertain- ed the Contract Bridge Club Friday | afternoon at her home on West Fcjt street. Miss Pauline Conley was an ; invited guest. Mrs, J. S. Lockaby won j the high score prize which was a { double deck of cards. Mrs. Elizab jth Little assisted the hostess in serving a salad and sweet course. Mrs. L. J. P. Cutlar will entertain at the next



Mrs. Roy McNairy entertained Lhe

Bridge Club Wednesday afternoon at her home at Woodlawn. Mrs. EK zabeth Little won the high gcorc

prize. The invited guests were Mrs. Albert Carpenter, Mrs. J. G. Yan-

cey, of Birmingham, Ala., and Mrs. Elizabeth Little. Miss Florence Yan-

cey assisted the hostess in serving tempting refreshments in two

courses. !


Mr. and Mrs. John Runnion spent Sunday in Lenoir.

Mrs. John H. Tyler, of Durham, is visiting here this week.

Miss Evelyn McMillan is visiting Miss Alta Ramsey in Asheville.

Misses Mary Olive and Lucile Con- ley spent the week-end in Asheville.

Mrs. B. F. Pollard has returned from a visit in Elkin for several days.

Rowe Mauney, of Charlotte, spent the weekend with his parents her':.

Miss Nancy Blanton, of Newland, spent the weekend with her parents here.

Miss Miriam Story, a junior at Queens-Chicora, was at home for the weekend.

Mrs. H. W. Stauffer is improving following an operation in Statesville hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cooper, of

Greensboro, visited hert during the weekend.

Miss Strobie Hogan, of Lenoir- Rhyne, at Hickory, was home for the week-end.

Karcher Clay was at home for the weekend from Oak Ridge Military Academy.

Mrs. Guy Nichols and son have re-

turned from a visit to relatives in Morganton.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCall and son, of Greenville, S. C., spent the weekend here.

Dr. and Mrs. G. B. Justice atten ded the state fair in Raleigh several days last week.

L. C. Ashc-raft and Ed Kennedy attended the football game at Chap-1 el Hill Saturday.

Sheriff O. F. Adkins, Walker Blan- ton and Jack Morris are leaving to-

day for Chicago. Miss Grayse Mary Justice spent j

the weekend with friends at N. C. C. I W. in Greensboro.

Misses Helen Lonon and Julia Bur- ton have returned from a week's visii in Washington, D. C.

Lloyd McAlhaney hag returned j from Baltimore, Md., where he has I been for some time.

Jack Ballew came from Appala- chian State College at Boone for the weekend with relatives.

Mackey Neal attended the Stale- Florida and University Georg'i games during the weekend.

Mrs. Margaret Finley was a recent visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Walker, in Morgantor.

Mrs. R. C. Cochran of Kinston was

a recent visitor in the home of her mother, Mrs. H. P. Keeter.

Mr. and Mrs. William Michal, of ;

Greenville, S. C., are the guests of

J)r. and Mrs. Frank Wood.

Mrs. William 0. Gibbs has return- ed from an extended visit to friends in New York and Washington.

Miss Billie Carter came from Mai's Hill for the weekend. She was accom-

panied by Miss Virginia Ballard.

George Conley has returned from i Chapel Hill and Salisbury where he has been spending his vacation.

Mrs. T. J. Halliburton, of Fletch- er, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. R. McCall, for the past week.

Captain J. C. Bowman came from his duties at the CCC camp in Burke! county for the week-end at home. I

J. W. Winborne and R. J. Noyes attended the Woodberry Forest-V. E. S. game at Orange, Va., Saturday.

Mrs. R. F. Burton has returned from Atlanta, Ga., where she ha? been visiting Mrs. James Hollings- worth.

Mrs. J. M. Clay and Miss Jennie Clay are making an extended visit in j the home of Mrs. Geo. Trogden, Toe- coa, Ga.

Mrs. Starr Hanna, Mrs. Charles Stowe and Miss Maxine Wilson, of Gastonia, visited Mrs. S. F. Mauney j Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mashburn ant^ Miss Blanche Mashburn spent the weekend in Shelby with Miss Connie Ruth Lane.

Mrs. G. S. Kirby, Mrs. Minnie Blanton, Mrs. S. H. Y?ncey and Mrs. J. B. Newton motored to Charlotte Wednesday.

A picture that will appeal tc ev-

erybody is "BROADWAY TO HOL- LYWOOD" with a cast that really is all-star. It Will be at Marion Theatre next Monday-Tuesday.

Mrs. D. S. Gardner and Mrs. M. E. Kelley have returned from Louisiana where they visited friends several weeks.

Miss Thelma Poteat, student at Lees McRae, was here Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Poteat.

Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Yancey and son

and daughter, of Birmingham, Ala., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Yancey.

Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fox, Mrs. R. E. Fox and daughter, Emily Joe, vis- ited Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Rhyne in Statesville Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Rector and daughter, Emily Jane, of Jackson- ville, Florida, visited Mi. and Mrs. S. F. Mauney Monday. /

Misses Lillie and Glossie Pyatt, students at Appalachian State Col- lege at Boone, spent the week-endat their home in Dysartville.

Mrs. T. E. Browne, of Raleigh, visited Miss Rena Neal last Thurs- day. Mrs. Brown is the former Miss Maude Barnard of Marion.

Friends of Mrs. J. F. Conniff, of

Fayetteville, will be sorry to learn of her death Monday. Mrs. Conniff made her home here for several years.

Warren Adkins returned Monday to his studies at Oak Ridge Military Academy after the weekend with his

parents, Sheriff, and Mrs. 0. F. Ad- kins.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cross, Jr., visited E. W. Freeze in High Point during the weekend and attended the Duke-Tennessee game at Durham Saturday.

Wayne Adkins, son of Sheriff and Mrs. 0. F. Adkins and a cadet at Oak Ridge Military Academy, is recover-

ing from an appendix operation at the Marion Hospital.

Capt. and Mrs. W. E. Corkill, Mrs. H. E. Cox, and Lieutenant and Mrs. J. B. Givens attended the Asheville j High School and Charlotte High School game at Asheville Friday.

Miss Manghill, a member of the faculty of W. U., N. C., Greensboro, and Misses Mary Virginia and Eliza- beth Copeland, who are attending! school there, spent the weekend here.!

Mrs. R. K. Davis and daughter, ^ Margaret Anne, are spending the week in Orangeburg, S. C. They will return Saturday with Mi. Davis who will attend the state fair in Colum- bia.

Miss Virginia Conley left last week for Cleveland, Ohio, where she will spend two weeks with her sister, Mrs. M. 0. Sherrill. She was accom-

panied by Mrs. C. M. Miller, of Asheville.

Friends of Mr. and Airs. J. L. Hub-1 bard will regret to learn that Mr. Hubbard suffered a partial stroke of paralysis recently at his home in Clinton and though slightly improved j is still confined to bed. j

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wilkinson and j family visited friends in High Point and Greensboro last weekend. Miss Dorothy Wilkinson was the guest of j Miss Mabel Bishop at Greensboro College.

Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Crisp and Mrs. i

Albert Blanton attended the David-j son-V. M. I. game at Davidson Sat-j urday. Mrs. Pauline Hood, of Kin- !

ston, and Dr. Heathe Nesbitt, of: Charlotte, accompanied them home! and visited here Sunday.

His friends will regret to learn that the condition of E. B. Baber is unsatisfactory. Mr. Baber has been ill several weeks and seemed a weeK

ago to be improving. Recently, how- ever, an unfavorable reaction hasj been noted, greatly regretted by many friends who hold Mr. Baber in high esteem.

Miss Mary Margaret Giles, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carpenter, Clarence Rabb, Miss Florence Yancey, Mr. and j Mrs. J. G. Yancey, Carter Hudgins, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Cross, James! Goldsmith, Frank Goldsmith, Fre J j Williams, Jack James, William Wil-

! Kinson, J. C. Rabb, Paul Howard.! were in Durham Saturday for rhe Duke-Tennessee game.

The condition of R. E. McCall, who I Las been seriously ill recently, was

considerably better yesterday, hia friends will be glad to learn. On ac-

count of his illness, his son, Edgar McCall, was called home from the University. Also, Dr. Clay McCall, of Asheville, Dr. Wannamaker and Dr. j C. N. Peeler, of Charlotte, and Mrs.! L. L. Self, of Cherryv'lle, were here i

Monday with Mr. McCall.






An Attractive Array of Men's

Fall Furnishings Hart Schaffner & Marx suits


also other good lines of suits at as low as $14.50

Florsheim and Bostonian Shoes Manhattan and Eclipse Shirts

and a complete line of men's furnishings —all of dependable quality, and at attrac- tive prices. Come in and let us fit you up,

Wilson's The best is the cheapest in the end.

Hailed as a masterpiece of drama, with 300 dancing beauties and a brilliant cast of STARS, it will stand out for years as a perfect example of screen enter- tainment!

directed by WILLARD MACK



* DURANTE with Music!

A Heart-Drama





H***r a \\cixi\;(/olduyn-^\aycx

At Marion Theatre Next Monday and Tuesday