A Noble Heritage - Chapter 2 Quiz

A Noble Heritage Chapter 2 Quiz – And So, It is Written



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Page 1: A Noble Heritage - Chapter 2 Quiz

A Noble Heritage Chapter 2 Quiz – And So, It is Written

Page 2: A Noble Heritage - Chapter 2 Quiz

1. Yichus is synonymous with ______.

a) Arranged marriage

b) Family member or relative

c) Family background or lineage

d) Good deeds 2. The study of lineage has been of importance to the Jewish people since ______.

a) Biblical days

b) The destruction of the first temple

c) Their exile from Israel

d) The Holocaust 3. Among the factors that make the study of Jewish genealogy so challenging and difficult are ______.

a) Frequent migrations

b) Lack of surnames

c) Destruction of Jewish vital records and cemeteries

d) All of the above 4. If there is one advantage to conducting Jewish genealogical research it would be ______.

a) All Jews trace their descent to King David

b) Jewish communities kept their own vital records

c) Jewish culture emphasized the importance of family lineage

d) For descendants of great rabbinical families, there exists a treasure trove of genealogical information