A new Opportunity For multi-stakeholder Engagement with UNEP and UNEA.

A new Opportunity For multi-stakeholder Engagement with UNEP and UNEA

Transcript of A new Opportunity For multi-stakeholder Engagement with UNEP and UNEA.

Page 1: A new Opportunity For multi-stakeholder Engagement with UNEP and UNEA.

A new Opportunity For multi-stakeholder Engagement with UNEP and UNEA

Page 2: A new Opportunity For multi-stakeholder Engagement with UNEP and UNEA.

MyUNEA.org is a user-friendly, moderated, inter-active, online hub hosted by UNEP with the purpose to Increase peoples’ participation in the UNEA

Built from the experience of the portal created for UNEA-1 and from the other online resources within UNEP, such of UNEP-Live,

Built on relevant examples of multi-stakeholder initiatives in the context of the post-2015 development agenda

What ismyUNEA.org?

Page 3: A new Opportunity For multi-stakeholder Engagement with UNEP and UNEA.

• For various thematic online consultations on “Healthy Environment-Healthy People”

• Global Thematic Report • “My Green World” survey, which will be used to enhance future ownership of

stakeholders on the wide range of topics addressed by the resolutions from UNEA2

MyUNEA.org is intend to be a

citizen-engagement platform

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Main Objectives

Introduce a timeline in an attractive and contextualized manner for UNEA including preparatory activities

Allow for partnerships and cross-referenced information from other relevant UN platforms including the “World We Want 2015”, the “Time for Global Action” and other outreach initiatives from the UN system relevant to UNEA-2 themes and mandates in order to foster citizen engagement Disseminate information such reports and documents prepared for UNEA discussions, including the Global Thematic Report in a user friendly way through stories, projects and examples on the importance and implementation of UNEA resolutions;


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Main Objectives

Create awareness, provide information, and invite inputs for the H-L informal symposia during UNEA meetings; Provide a gateway to UNEP digital platforms such as the Tunza Network http://unep.org/tunza/ and feature data visualization and data analytics related to UNEA’s theme through visualization modules linked to UNEP Live Platform http://uneplive.unep.org; Provide access to accreditation and logistical information for the Open Ended CPR and for UNEA

Provide link to the official UNEP/UNEA website where all the official documentation and reports will be stored

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1. Citizens2. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)3. UNEP Major Group and Stakeholders

• Business and Industry,• Children and youth,• Farmers,• Indigenous Peoples and their community,• Local Authorities,• NGOs,• The Scientific and Technological community,• Woman,• Workers and Trade Unions.

4. IGOs including UN Agencies5. Governments

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