a nd A ccessories

IKON a nd A cces so ri es PRICE LIST No . 15 . Effective MAY I, 1939 CONTAX II Both models have combined optical rang e and viewfinders, metal-cu rtain foc al plane hutter with spe eds from 'Il to 1/ 1250 second, removable back, built -in del a yed- action and bay o net -mount inte rc hangeable Zeiss lenses. Contax III has a built -i n exposure me te r of great sensitivity. - CONT AX prices include: cabl e release, take-up spool , metal magaz ine for bulk film, neck strap and lens cap. II Con t ax onl y, without lens or lens cap ............ . . $141.00 With Carl Zeiss Tessat £/3.5-5 em .. .... .. ..... . ... ' 189.00 With Carl Zeiss Tessar £/2.8-5 em.... .. . .. .. . .... 204. 00 With Carl Zeiss Sonnar £/2 -5 em. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 240.00 With Carl Zeiss Sonnar £/1.5-5 em. . .. ..... ... . ... 327.00 CARL ZEISS LENSES IN CONTAX MOUNTS III $186.00 234.00 249.00 285.00 372.00 Tessar fl8 - 2.8 em A. $ 72 . 00 Sonnar fl2 - 5 em A. $ 99.00 Orthometar £/4.5-3.5 em A. 99.00 Sonnar £/1.5- 5 em A. 186.00 Biogon £/2.8- 3.5 em A. 144.00 Triotar fl4 - 8.5 em A. 93 . 00 Biotar fl2 - 4.25 em A. 111.00 Sonnar £/2 - 8.5 em C. 213.00 Tessar £/3.5-5 em B. 48.00 Sonnar £/4 - 13.5 em A . 120. 00 Tessar £/2. 8-5 em B. 63.00 Tele·Tessar K fl6 . 3-18 em A. 183. 00 Sonnar £/2 . .8-1 8 em with: reflex Flektoscope. D ......... ... ... . .. .. .. 450.00 Tele·Tessar fl8 -30 em * with ref/ex Flektoscope E . ........ . ..... . ...... 375.00 Tele-Objeetive £/8 - 50 em * with ref/ex Flektoscope F ... ... ..... ... . .. .. .. . 525.00 Extension tube_ for clos ups with Flektos co pe . ... . .. . ..... . ........ # 543 /8 6 5.00 * Lens-shade and yellow filter included. Letter A, B, etc. indicates mount diameter for filters and lens-shades; See Page 2.

Transcript of a nd A ccessories

Page 1: a nd A ccessories


a nd A cces s o ri es PRICE LIST No . 15 . Effective MAY I, 1939


Both models have combined optical range and viewfinders, metal-cu rtain focal plane hutte r with speeds f rom 'Il to 1/ 1250 second , remova ble back, built-in del ayed-action e l ~ as!l , and bayonet-mount inte rc hangeable Zeiss lenses. Contax III has a built-i n exposure

mete r of g reat sensitivity. -

CONT AX prices include: cable release, take-up spool , metal magazine for bulk film, neck strap and lens cap.

II Cont ax onl y, without lens or lens cap ............ . . $141.00 With Carl Zeiss Tessat £/3.5-5 em .. . . . . .. ..... . ... ' 189.00 With Carl Zeiss Tessar £/2.8-5 em.... .. . .. .. . .... 204.00 With Carl Zeiss Sonnar £/2 -5 em. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 240.00 With Carl Zeiss Sonnar £/1.5-5 em. . .. . . . . . ... . ... 327.00


III $186.00 234.00 249.00 285.00 372.00

Tessar fl8 - 2.8 em A. $ 72.00 Sonnar fl2 - 5 em A. $ 99.00 Orthometar £/4.5-3.5 em A. 99.00 Sonnar £/1.5- 5 em A . 186.00 Biogon £/2.8- 3.5 em A. 144.00 Triotar fl4 - 8.5 em A . 93.00 Biotar fl2 - 4.25 em A. 111.00 Sonnar £/2 - 8.5 em C. 213.00 Tessar £/3.5-5 em B . 48.00 Sonnar £/4 - 13.5 em A . 120.00 Tessar £/2.8-5 em B. 63.00 Tele·Tessar K fl6 .3-18 em A. 183.00 Sonnar £/2 . .8-18 em with: reflex Flektoscope. D ......... . . . ... . .. .. .. 450.00 Tele·Tessar fl8 -30 em * with ref/ex Flektoscope E . ........ . ..... . ...... 375.00 Tele-Objeetive £/8 - 50 em * with ref/ex Flektoscope F ... ... . . . . . ... . .. .. .. . 525.00 Extension tube_ for close· ups with Flektoscope . ... . .. . ..... . ........ # 543/86 5.00

* Lens-shade and yellow filter included. Letter A, B, etc. indicates mount diameter for filters and lens-shades; See Page 2.

Page 2: a nd A ccessories



40.5' 42 51 42 5 ()

L Light Yellow $5.00 $6.00 » GO Ultra-Violet $4.50 $4.00 $6.00 D Dark Yellow 5.00 6.00 ~

Z G1 Light Yellow 4.50 4.00 5.00 VG4 Green 8.00 8.00 r

0 G2 Med. Yellow 4.50 4.00 5.00 RG1 Light Red 8.00 8.00 N m

G3 Dark Yellow 4.50 4.00 5.00 Bernotar ,16.00 20.00 Vi

~ Proxar 6.00 6.75 VI G4 Orange 5.50 4.50 8.50 B40 Light Blue 5.50 4.50 7.50 Mount diameter key for filter sizes;

VI GR55 Yellow-Green 5.50 4.50 7.50 see lens listing on Page 1.

VI GR50 Green 5.50 4.50 7.50 A = 42 &40.Qmm

R10 Light Red 5.50 5.50 7.50 B =42mm UJ R15 Medium Red 5.50 5.50 7.50 C =51mm N R20 Darl, Red 5.50 5.50 7.50 D =77imm

f Prices

R30 Black Red 7.00 6.00 10.00 E =46mm on F=70mm Request

, Screw-in mounts.

Adapter 37/42, fitting 42 mm filters to 37 mm lenses .. .............. # 1314/ 17 $ .60

LENS-SHADES 40.5 mm. screw-in ....... ... .. ........... . ...... . .............. #1283/15 $ 3.50 42 mm. slip.over .... . ...... .. .... . . . ...... . ................ .• .. # 1281/9 3.25 51 mm. slip-over ............................................... # 1281/10 4.00 Slip-over for 2.8 em and 3.5 em lenses . .......... . .... . ........ . .. # 1283/10 3.00 Collapsible lens-shade for 5 em lenses (rectangular mask) ... . ....... #1283/3 7. Adapter for fitting # 1283/3 to £14-8.5, 13.5 and f/6.3.18 em lenses . . # 1283/11 1. Screw·in for Sonnar £12.8-18 em ... ........ . . ...... ........... .. #1283/18 14.00

VIEW FINDERS Wide.angle for Tessar £18-2.8 cm .. . ..... .... . ..................... #432/3 $ 7.00 Wide.angle for Biogon and Orthometar 3.5 cm .... .... .. .. ........... #432/5 11.00 Wide·angle for Biotar £12--4.25 cm .... . . ...... ..... . .• . . . .... ..... #432/4 8.00 For Tele-Tessar K, £16.3-18 cm ... .. .......... . .... . .......... ... #436/11 5.00 Albada sports finder for 5 em lenses only .. . ................. . ...... #433/24 7.50 Albada sports finder for 5 and 8.5 em lenses . . ... ................... #433/25 7.50 Albada sports finder for 5 and 13.5 em lenses . . . ... . ............... . . #433/26 7.50 -Finder mask for 8.5 ItJnd 13.5 em lenses:

for Contax Il ............• .. ......................... #543/7 7.80 for Contax Ill. ............ ... . .............. ....... . #544/7 12.00

Multiple finder for 5, 8.5, 13.5 and 18 em lenses, with parallax adjustment ... . .................... . .................. .. .. .. #436/10 $27.00

Universal revolving finder for 2.8, 3.5, 5, 8.5 and 13.5 em lenses . . . . #436/7 51.00 Universal revolving finder for 2.8, 5, 8.5, 13.5 and 18 em lenses . ... #436/7 45.00 Universal revolving finder for 4, 5, 8.5, 13.5 and 18 em lenses . ... # 436/7 51.00 Waist-level prism finder (for 5 em lenses only) . ...... . .. ... ....... .. #436/5 13.00 Right-angle telescopic finder (for 5 em lenses only) . ........... . . .... #436/2 21.00 Holder for vision-correcting lens (Obtain lens from local optician).

For Contax II or III finder aperture .. ...... ... . ... ......... # 540/44 1.50 For Panflex and Flektoseo pe . .............. .. .. . ....... . .... # 543/84 1.50

Bernotar Orienter (Polarizing viewer, used with Bernotar 42) . ....... #541/17 32.00

Page 3: a nd A ccessories



ft case for Contax with 5 em Tessar ............ . ................ $ 3.50 Soft case for Contax with 5 em Sonnar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.50 Eveready case for Contax with 5 cm Tessar or collapsible Sonnar . . ... . 13.00 Eveready case for Contax with 5 cm Sonnar fl1.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Universal case for Contax with 5 cm lens, wide-angle Tessar,

filters, supplementdry lens, magazines, daylight rollfilm and one Telephoto lens . ............................. # 1787/ 13

Combination case (of heavy pliable leather) for Contax or Super lkonta B, and accessories . ......... . ..... . ............. .

Filter case, leather, for two 40.5 or 42 mm. filters (snaps on eveready case) . ....... .. ........... . .... .. .... ...... # 1777/20

Lens case (round, stiff) for 5 cm lenses .. .. .. .. . .... ..... # 1777 /14 Lens case (round, stiff) for wide-angle lenses . .............. # 1777/39 Lens case (round, stiff) for Sonnar f/2-8.5 cm, lens-shade 51,

ccnd filter 51. ............. . ............ ...... ...... . .. # 177717 Lens case (round, stiff) for 8.5 em Triotar, 13.5 cm Sonnar, or

18 cm Tele-Tessar, lens-shade 42, and· filter 42 ............ #1777/6


III $ 3.50

3.50 14.00 16.00



2.75 2.70 5.20



P.erkino developing tank for 35 mm film .. . ... . _ ... _ . _ . _ ..... . _ ..... _ ......... $ 7.50 Tank for plates and eutfilm 3x4.5 em . . ....... _ .... . . ... : _ .......... _ .... _ ... 9.00

ENLARGING APPARATUS Magniphot enlarger, complete with column, baseboard, condenser,

bulb and clamp-down negative lever, but without lens . ....... . ..... # 1455 $49.50

~ovar f/6.3, Special enlarging lens for Magniphot (no iris) ... ..... .. # 1454/21 12.50

Opal bulb 60W-llOV (75W-125V) for Magniphot . . ..... .. ......... #1557/49 1.50

Red filter attachment for Magniphot ....... _ ...................... #1454/39 4.50

Side-viewing diaphragm scale for 5 cm Tessars .... . . .............. . #1455/6 3.30

Carrier for plat'es 3x4.5 em . ........ ....... _ ...... . ... .. ... . .. ... #1455/23 1.00

Glass plates for wet negative projection. Per pair .. _ . ..... ... .... .. #1455/22 2.40

Mask for negatives 1" x 1" ...... ... . . .. , ...... .. ......... . ... .. . #1455/19 1.00

Mask for negatives 3 x 4 cm ... . .. . ...... . ... . .. .... .. ... ..... .... #1455/21 1.00

Focusing mount for 5 cm screw-in lenses (without bayonet lock) in Magniphot ........................................... ..... # 1454/23 8.00

Adapter for Tenax II 4 em lenses in Magniphot . . . ... . ......... "" .. # 1455/17 16.00

Adapter for N ettax 5 em lenses in M agniphot . .................. .. . . # 538/40 8.00

Adapter for Contax 5 em lenses in enlargers with screw-in mounts . ... # 1454/31 8.00

METAL PAPER-HOLDERS (Hinged) 2lhx3lh {6.5x9 em) . . ........... $1.20 4x6" (lO.5x14.8 em) ...... . .... .. $1.80 31,4x4% (8.3xl0.8 em) .. .... . . . . . 1.50 5x7" (l3x18 em) ................ 2.00 31/2x4% (9x12 em) ........ . . ... . 1.40 7x9lh" (l8x24 em) . ... .......... 2.25 3lhx5lh (9x14 em) .... . .. . .... .. 1.50 9lhx12" (24x30 em) ..... ..... ... 3.50

Page 4: a nd A ccessories


DAYLIGHT LOADING FILM Spools with paper leader and trailer, 36 exposures. Do not require rewinding.

Agfa Ultra·Speed Pan . . . ... ... ... $1.00 DuPont Micropan .. ... . . . . . . . . .. .85 Agfa Superpan Supreme .. .. ...... 1.00 DuPont Infra·D ................. 1.15 Agfa Fine Grain Plenachrome. .... .90 Agfa Finopan .................. 1.00

Kodak Super XX (XX235)....... .95 Kodak Plu;; X (PX235)....... . .. .95

Agfa Infra·Red ..... ... .. ... ... . 1.20 Kodak Panatomic X (FX235) ..... .95 DuPont Superior Pan ............ $ .85 Kodak Infra·Red (36 expo CiNt,) . .. 1.10 DuPont Parpan .. ..... .. ........ .85 Dufaycolor (18 expo spool) ....... 1.40

Ca rt ridges, 18 exposures. Must be rewound.

Kodachrome: Regular ... .. ..... . $2.50 Kodachrome: Type "A" .......... $2.50


Metal magazine, complete in dustproof container . .... . ... ....... ..... # 540/1 Dustproof container faT magazine .......... ... .. . .... ............... #540/0 Spool for magazine . ...... . ..................................... . . #540/5 Take-up spool for camera . .. . ........... . .. .. ..... . ................... .. .. .. Film trimming template with sheath . .. . ......... . . . ... ... .... . .... #541/16 Negative Wallets (for 36 negatives in strips of 6), each . . .... ..... .. .. . . .... . . Filing box (cardboard) , for 50 negative w'allets . .. ..... .. . .... .... # 3097/5


$ 3.50 .30 .40 .40

1.80 .04%


Contax Harness ......... .. ..... $20.00 Micrometer Focusing Slide ...... $24.00 Porta·Pod (Neck-strap ;mipod) 4.25 Tabletop and Chain Tripod . . .. . . 5.5 Unipod (single·leg support) .... 2.25 Tilting Tripod Head. .... . ...... 6.00 Tele-lens Tripod Head ....... .... 6.60 Ball-and-Socket Tripod Head.... 3.50 Extension Piece for using Contax in Eveready case on tripod . ....... #1628/11 1.20


Front cap for Contax lens (specify for which lens) ............ . . ............ . $ .75 Rear cap for 5 cm Contax lens.............. ... .. .. ..... .... ..... ..... ..... . . .75 Rear cap for 8.5, 13.5 or 18 cm lens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 Rear cap for Biogon and Orthometar 3.5 cm lenses.. . ............. .. .. ... .. . . 1.50 Dust cap for Contax with lens removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00


Cable Release for time and instantaneous exposures, 8%," ........... #1312/24 1.00 Cable Release for Cantin, 20" . . ............ ... ... .. ....... .. .. . . ........ 2.00 Autoknips, self-timing automatic release . ..... . ...... .... ..... . . . . . . # 1394/6 6.00 Liliput printing frame for single 24x36 mm negative .. ............. #2643/24 .70 Spirit Level for accessory shoe of Contax . ........... . .......... . .. . # 888/1 2.70 Neck Strap for the Con tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25

Page 5: a nd A ccessories


CLOSE-WORKING EQUIPMENT LATE BACK (for Contax II and III) using 3x4.5 em plates,

with one plate holder . ...... . .... . ...... .. . .. ................ # 543/13 $ 25.00 Insert ground-glass focusing screen .......... . .... .. . ....... . .... . # 540/ 11 2.40 Extra plate holder .. .. ....... . . .. .. . . .................. . . ....... # 540/14 2.10 Sheath (wedge-plate) for using cutfilm in p!ate holder . ... ... .... , . #540/ 8 .25 Template for cutting 3x4.5 em plates from large sizes . ... . .. . ....... # 2006/ 1 2.40 Wratten .& Wainwright Panchromatic Plates 3x4.5 em, per doz.... . ... . . . . . . . .50

PROXARS for 5 em Tessars and Sonnars-focused by measurement: Ix42, for 38" to 19" (Scale 1: 19 to 1:8) ....... .. . . ... . ..... ... . .... . 2x42 for 20" to 13" (Scale 1:10 to 1 :6) .................. .......... .

CONTAM ETER optical near-focusing device. Combines rangefinder focusing with parallax-corrected viewing at distances of 8", 12" and 20" with 5 lim Tessars and Sonnars. (l :4, 1 :6.5, 1: 10 )

for Contax I and II . .. .. ..... .... ... . .... .. .. . . ...... . .. .. # 1343 for Contax /II . ..... . ... .. ... ...... . .. ... ... . .. . ... .. . .... # 1340

PAN FLEX Mirror-R eflex focusing attachment, for close distances only, with all Contax lenses . ... . .. . . ... .. ....... ... . .......... . . . # 5522/ 23

Focusing Head (required with Pan/lex for all 5 em lenses) .... .. .... . #5522/3 Extension Tube Ix .•..........•.. . ............ . ... .. . .. . . . .... . # 5522/13

2x ...... . ............ ... ... . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . # 5522/14 4x .......... .. .. ... . . .. .. . ..................... # 5522/ 15

SMALL REPRODUCTION OUTFIT for copying, scales 1 :1, 1:1%, 1 :2, 1:3 and 1 :4 .. ' " ., ...... .. . . : ........ . # 5520/1

Wood box for #5520/ 1. .... .. . . .. ....... .. .... ... .............. #5520/ 0 ~*Ground Glass Focusing Screen .. .. . . . ....... . . . ................. #5520/ 6

G *Focusing Magnifier 4x, for #5520/ 6 ... .... ' . .. ...... . . ........ .. #5520/13 Illumination Box for Optical transparency printing, with bulbs . ... . .. # 5520/ 8 Tubular bulbs 25W -110V . ...... . .... . ... .. ..... .... . ... ... . .... # 1557/82 Negative Guide and Mask . ... . ... .. . . .. . . . . ... . .. . . .... . . . . ... . #5520/12 Single exposure holder for plates or cutfilm 2x2" . . .... : ... ...... # 5520/ 10

* * Optional Equipment.

LARGE REPRODUCTION OUTFIT- - scales 25:1 to 1 :20 Carrying arm for camera and lens, for use with column and baseboard

of Magniphot enlarger, for copying in ratios 25:1 to 1 :20 (objects up to 18"x28"} ... ... .... . . ............. . ' . .. " ,., . #1454/ 25

Baseboard and column, for Carrying Arm (as with Magniphot) , , ... # 1454/ 26 Lighting Equipment, for use on column . ...... . .. , . , . ..... , ... .. . # 1454/ 27 Reflectors, set of two additional with attachment fittings . . . . _ , .... # 1454/ 37 Delta lenses, Set of 3 . . . . , .. , ... " . . . ... . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. ... #995/ 32 Ground Glass focusing screen. , , . ....... . .... , .. . . .. ..... . ....... # 5520/ 6 Focusing Magnifier 4x, for #5520/6., ..... , .. . , . .......... . .. . . #5520/13 Clear Glass focusing screen ................ ' .. . ... . , . , .. ....... , , # 5522/ 11 Zeiss Magnifier lOX, for # 5522/11 ..... .. .. , . , , . .... , . . ...... ... . . . # 1293 Right-angle Focusing Screen, with magnifier . .... , . , . . , ... , . .... , . . # 5520/9 X-Ray Transparency Frame 16x20" .. , , . . .. , , , .. . ..... , . . .. . . . , . , # 1454/35 Extension arm with column (for use with 16x20" X-ray frame) , .... # 1544/ 32 Extension Tubes lx, 2x, 4x may be used-(See under Panflex}

6.00 6.00

65.00 65.00

120.00 27.00 15.00 18,00 21.00

45.00 3.60 6.00

18.00 27.00

1.20 5.00


36,00 15,00 36.00 18.00 8,40 6.00

18.00 9.60

15.00 25.00 24.00 16.00

Page 6: a nd A ccessories


UNIVERSAL MICRO·MACRO OUTFIT Scales 25:1 to 1 :10 'Universal Stand (includes: U-shaped foot, 2-section column,

and sliding carrier for camera) .............................. #5522/1 'Extension piece . .......... . .......................... . ....... #5522/2 *Ball·and·Socket Tripod Head . . . .... . ..... .. ........ . . . ....... #1628/ 10 'Micrometer Focusing Slide .... . ...... .. ....................... . . #5522/5 *Focusing Head .......... . .... . .... " ... . ..................... #5522/ 3 *Delta lenses, Set of 3 .................... . .................... #995/32 * Right-ang1e Focusing Screen with Magnifier . .... . ... . ............ # 5520/9 ·Side-viewing diaphragm scale for 5 cm Tessars. . ., .... . ..... . .... # 1455/6 ·Extension tube Ix ..............................•............. # 5522/13

2x ..... . ...................................... #5522/14 4x ........... . ........... . ......•.... . .. . ..... # 5522/15

·Set of 3 Ground Spikes, fo r Universal Stand ................. . .... #5522/6 'Carrying Case for above equipment ... ..... . ..................... #552210 Ground Glass focusing screen ............ . . ............. .... ... #5520/ 6 Focusing magnifier 4x, for # 5520/6 .. . ......... .. . . ... . ... . ... # 5520/13 Carl Zeiss Microtar fl1.6-1cm ...... . ... . .................. .. . # 11 21 46 Adapter for Microtar ...... ........ . . ... .. . .............. . ..... # 5522/9 Clear Glass focusing screen . ................ . .................. # 5522/11 Weight coinpensating ring for use with Microtar and # 5520/ 11 .. # 5522/17 Zeiss magnifier lOx, used with # 5522/H and # 5522/17 . . . .......... # 1293 Base Board for Universal Stand . .... . ......... .. . . ... . .... . ... .. #5522/7 Lighting Equipment for Universal Stand . ... . ...... .. . ... . . ... . .. # 5522/ 8 Lamps (included) 50W-llOV .. . ...... .. .... ... ..... . .......... # 1557/44 Bushing to attach Universal Stand Column to tripod ......... .. . .. . #5522/12

* Basic Equipment.


$ 50. 2.40 3.50

24.00 27.00 8.40

25.00 3.30

15.00 18.00 21.00 7.20

31.50 6.00

18.00 58.00 12.50 9.60 8.50

15.00 15.00 24.00

1.20 3.00

Focusing Head . ............................ . .......... .. ...... #552213 $ 27.00 Ball~and-Socket Tripod Head ............ .. ... . ... . ........... # 1628/10 3.50 Delta lenses, Set of 3 ......................................... #995/ 32 8.40 Right·angle Focusing Screen with Magnifier ...... .... .. ......... . #5520/ 9 25.00 Carrying Case for above equipment . ............................ # 5522/30 5.00 Extension tubes lx, 2x and 4x may be used-(See Above)

CLINICAL EQUIPMENT Clinical Stand ............ ... ........ ..... ... .... . ........... # 5522/21 $ 90.00 Lighting equipment for clinical stand .... .... .. ............ . .... #5522/20 24.00 Adapter fitting camera to Zeiss instrument table . .. ..... .. . ....... # 5522/22 7.00 Panflex ................. . ..... . ..... . ........... . ........... # 5522i23 120.00

PHOTO·MICROGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT MIFLEX for standard microscope body tube, with adapter for Contax

(uses micros co pe lenses) : With Ground Glass ................................. . .. #128566 $ 83.25 With Focusing Telescope ........................... . . .. #12 85 68 127.50
