A Mustache Connection

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Facial Hair has been a very curious subject for men. From a fashion statement to a mark of pride and tradition, the definition of facial hair has had diverse meanings to men from generations.Does astrology have something about this subject on men?

Transcript of A Mustache Connection

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"A man without a mustache is like a cup of tea without sugar"

~ English Proverb

"I could not endure a husband with a beard on his face: I had rather lie in the woolen"

~ Beatrice (William Shakespeare), Much Ado About Nothing, Act II, Scene I

Facial Hair has been a very curious subject for men. From a fashion statement to a mark of pride and

tradition, the definition of facial hair has had diverse meanings to men from generations.

Does astrology have something about this subject on men?

Parasara, in his classic Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, writes the following in Verses 8-12 in Chapter 77.

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The above verse deals with a combination called Bhadra Yoga and details the characteristics of such

an individual. It is a planetary combination formed when Mercury is placed in a natal chart in

quadrants to the Ascendant (i.e. 1st., 4th., 7th. and 10th. houses in the horoscope) in the zodiac signs

Gemini or Virgo.

The translation of the verse is as given below-

A person with Bhadra Yoga shall have radiance like that of a lionlionlionlion. He/she shall have muscular chestmuscular chestmuscular chestmuscular chest

and a gait of an elephantelephantelephantelephant. Such a person shall have long and muscular armslong and muscular armslong and muscular armslong and muscular arms. He/she shall be

intelligentintelligentintelligentintelligent and skilled in Yogaskilled in Yogaskilled in Yogaskilled in Yoga. Such an individual will posses Satwa gunaSatwa gunaSatwa gunaSatwa guna (refined attributes).

His/her feet will be elegantfeet will be elegantfeet will be elegantfeet will be elegant.

In case of male, such an individual will have a pretty mustache and beard.In case of male, such an individual will have a pretty mustache and beard.In case of male, such an individual will have a pretty mustache and beard.In case of male, such an individual will have a pretty mustache and beard. Such a person shall be


On his/her feet and hands he/she shall have marks of conch, discus, mace, arrow, elephant, flag and

plough. He/she shall posses a lovely noselovely noselovely noselovely nose and shall be an expert in weaponryweaponryweaponryweaponry. Such an individual

shall be adorned with black and curly hairadorned with black and curly hairadorned with black and curly hairadorned with black and curly hair. He/she shall be independent in nature.independent in nature.independent in nature.independent in nature. He/she shall stand

by his/her family at all times and shall be their protectorprotectorprotectorprotector.

He/she shall be ffffunununun----lovinglovinglovingloving and would share his/her time with friendsfriendsfriendsfriends. He/she shall be heavy weightheavy weightheavy weightheavy weight

and would spend a happy, contended and comfortablehappy, contended and comfortablehappy, contended and comfortablehappy, contended and comfortable life with his/her spouse and children.

Such people generally rule over the middle regionsmiddle regionsmiddle regionsmiddle regions of a country. He/she shall have a long life of a

hundred years.

One can spend a life-time deciphering a single verse of Parasara. Parasara’s work Brihat Parasara

Hora Shastra is filled with encoded messages which can only be deciphered and understood by

reading between the lines of his verses and digging in deep in their esoteric meanings.

However, in this article I shall mainly concentrate on a single attribute of Bhadra Yoga attributed to

Mercury (in a quadrant to the rising sign in Gemini or Virgo).

Parasara mentions that a male with Bhadra Yoga shall have pretty mustache and beard.

Why would Parasara all of a sudden relate beard and mustache to Bhadra Yoga? Was he trying to

convey a deeper meaning?

Was Parasara the only one who related the planet Mercury to facial hair in men?

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To seek the last answer, I will take you the reader into a completely different world- the world of


Tarot cards are well-known and needs no introduction. One card in the lot is a card called a

“Hermit”. In Taro astrology, this is the card that relates to the sign “Virgo”

When I asked few of my friends who also are Tarot card readers about this card, they mentioned the

Hermit is a card of seclusion and inner journey of the soul. The hermit with a lantern is looking for

honest and pure souls who he thinks are fit for the journey of righteousness.

However, the question still remains on the beard. My Tarot card reader friends answered back that

the beard (and the mustache) is a symbol of seclusion and represents the fact the image in active

society doesn’t really matter any longer.

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Nevertheless, beard and a mustache is a physical phenomenon in real people in real lives. It is in fact

a part of an image a person has and is in fact quite a fate changer if we look a little into history.

The The The The QuestionsQuestionsQuestionsQuestions

It is a much known fact that all people with Bhadra Yoga don’t have a pretty mustache or beard. A

very close friend who is an IT analyst has Bhadra Yoga with Mercury in Gemini and is extremely

happy without both a mustache and a beard.

In fact in many parts of the world, keeping (or not keeping) a mustache or a beard is a cultural


So neither can I say that all people with Bhadra Yoga have a mustache nor can I say that all people

with mustaches have Bhadra Yoga.

Moreover, apparently Mercury is a planet that should have nothing to do with a mustache since it is

popularly believed that it is a child-like planet. This planet is associated with playfulness and youth

(often adolescence) then why would facial hair be at all related to this Earthly planet?

Is there any link to the planet Mercury (and the signs Virgo and Gemini) to mustaches (and beards)

in males?

There certainly is.

As I mentioned earlier, each line each verse of Parasara demands a life time of work to do justice to it.

Similar is the case with this verse. This verse, is not only speaking about Bhadra Yoga but also about

a very deep connection between the planet and the result. I shall call this connection The Mustache The Mustache The Mustache The Mustache


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The CasesThe CasesThe CasesThe Cases

Abraham LincolnAbraham LincolnAbraham LincolnAbraham Lincoln

Lincoln had always been a beardless man. He had always faced defeat in his life in elections till then.

On October 15 1860, Lincoln received a letter written by Grace Bedell, an 11-year-old girl from

Westfield, New York urging him to grow a beard. The sweet letter from the girl really touched him.

On October 19th 1860, Lincoln replied to Grace saying that he would keep “the beard” even if the

world termed it as his “silly affection” for the young girl. He also mentioned that he never had a

daughter and that the letter really touched his heart.

Lincoln won the elections and became the 16th US President. When Abraham Lincoln left Springfield

on February 11th, 1861, bound for the White House, he was fully bearded. On February 16 1861 the

train stopped in Westfield, New York. The president-elect appeared on the train platform, and he

called out for Grace. Grace was in the crowd with her two sisters, Alice and Helen. She came forth,

Lincoln kissed her, and he said he took her advice.

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The figure above is the Natal Chart (Vedic) for Abraham Lincoln. We see that the 5th Lord Mercury

(Gemini) is in the first house (Aquarius) with Sun (Lord of the 7th House).

The 5th House along with being the house of power and authority, for Lincoln, is also the house of

public image since it is where Arudha Lagna (AL) is placed.

Mercury, in Lincoln’s case, is debilitated in D-9 chart. It is a own fact within the Vedic astrology

circle that Dasamahavidya (the ten forms of the eternal mother) relating to the planet of debility

needs to be worshipped or appeased to get benefit from that planet. The form of mother relating to

debilitated Mercury is Tripurasundari. It is said a girl child before she reaches puberty would

represent such a form of the goddess. In case of Lincoln, Grace played such a role. She wrote a letter

to Lincoln. Letters and writing is again something related to Mercury. Lincoln took her letter with

affection of a father (represented by the Sun in his ascendant) and felt happy (represented by Jupiter)

to receive such a letter.

His image went through a total transformation and Mercury showered his blessings on him

strengthening his image.

Although Lincoln’s is not a case of Bhadra Yoga, it is surely a case where the planet Mercury, the sign

Gemini and the beard played a very important role.

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Ulysses S. GrantUlysses S. GrantUlysses S. GrantUlysses S. Grant

Some called him a man of opposites, some man of paradoxes and yet some a family man who will go

to any extent to protect his people.

After resigning from army in 1854, Grant did various jobs in the mid-west. From the time in Army

Grant was a bearded man.

In 1868 Grant was elected as the 18th President of the United States. His notable achievement in

foreign affairs was the settlement of controversies with Great Britain in the Treaty of London in 1871.

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In case of Grant, the house of public image (Arudha Lagna – AL) is Sagittarius. The house of power

and authority is the 5H which has Mars and Ketu clearly indicating his military connection.

In his case, Mercury is in a quadrant from his AL in Pisces. Mercury is debilitated with an exalted

Venus. Mercury is not only debilitated in the natal chart but also in his D-9 chart.

Thus, this Mercury needs to be appeased to improve his image. Till the age of 16, Grant was a clean

shaven but when he joined the army he started keeping the beard. His facial hair surely did improve

his image as Mercury and Venus clearly aspects his AL by rasi drishti (which is a permanent aspect).

Grant also doesn’t have Bhadra Yoga but the connection with his image (denoted by AL) to Mercury

(in Pisces) is undeniable.

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Rutherford HayesRutherford HayesRutherford HayesRutherford Hayes

Rutherford Hayes (19th US President) was not always a bearded man. He was clean shaven when he

married at the age of 30. It was during the Civil War that Hayes started to grow his beard. This was

the start of his political career as it was during this time (with his beard) that he met William

McKinley Jr., who became the 25th US President.

There have been numerous jokes in the political circles about the thickness of Hayes’ beard but the

fact remains that his beard remained attached to him through out his political career.

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In case of Hayes we see the very strong connection between the primary House of his public image

(AL in Aquarius) with Mercury in Libra in the 5H. Mercury has a very strong rasi drishti on

Aquarius. Mercury is in the 5H from his Ascendant (Gemini) showing power and authority and in

the 9H from his AL.

This Mercury is also in Aquarius in D-9 re-emphasizing the very crucial role of Mercury for his

image. The beard in his case did absolute wonders to his image and political life.

Hayes is also not a case of Bhadra Yoga, yet the role of Mercury for his image is extremely evident in

his natal chart.

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James GarfieldJames GarfieldJames GarfieldJames Garfield

James Garfield (20th US President) was in office for a very short period of 199 days. He was shot on

July 2 1881 and survived till September 19 1881.

In the case of Garfield too, it was the Civil War and his military career that was a trigger for him to

keep facial hair.

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In case of Garfield, the rising lord Mercury strongly aspects the house of public image (AL in

Capricorn) by rasi drishti. This Mercury is exalted in D-9 chart showing tremendous influence over

the image of Garfield.

It is a different issue, however, that AL is conjoined a debilitated 4th and 7th Lord Jupiter (which is

also 12th and 3rd Lord from AL) showing his inability to enjoy the power that he would have gained.

Irrespective of the above fact, a strong Mercury influencing his AL does clearly indicate the fact that

his image was benefitted by the beard and mustache he kept.

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Chester ArthurChester ArthurChester ArthurChester Arthur

Chester Arthur became the 21st US President after the untimely death of Garfield since he was the

Vice-President during Garfield’s Presidency.

Arthur was known as a “Gentleman’s Boss” and was known for his mannerism and personality.

He was not elected by the public but rather took office being the Vice-President of the country at the

time of the President’s untimely demise.

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We see in this case that the public image is totally governed by Jupiter (who is also very strong in D-

9) and not by Mercury. The 5th Lord (from Ascendant and the AL) of power and authority strongly

influences the AL (by rasi drishti) and the 1st House (by graha drishti).

However, the only connection Mercury has with this chart is of being the Ascendant lord.

We know that Arthur did not become the President due to public elections (where AL and public

image is very important) but due to the untimely death of Garfield (and thus by sheer luck,

represented by Jupiter).

His facial hair actually did not help him at all. In fact he was not given a ticket to run for the second

term by the Republican Party due to their discomfort with Arthur’s tainted bipartisanship.

Thus, we see a classic example where facial hair actually did not help elevate one’s image.

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Grover ClevelandGrover ClevelandGrover ClevelandGrover Cleveland

Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and the 24th US President.

Cleveland was termed as an honest and firm man. He seemed to have kept the mustache (and even a

beard which he later removed) from his early career days of working in a law firm.

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In Cleveland’s chart, we see AL in Libra strongly influenced by Mercury and Venus from Aquarius.

Mercury is an extremely strong planet in his chart as it is Vargottam (in Aquarius also in D-9).

Mercury is also his Ascendant Lord and is with the 5th House lord of power and authority (Venus) in

the 9th House.

This clearly indicates that the mustache surely did improve his public image and proved to be

extremely lucky for him. Cleveland is the only President to serve two non-consecutive terms (1885–

1889 and 1893–1897) and therefore is the only individual to be counted twice in the numbering of the

presidents. He was the winner of the popular vote for President three times—in 1884, 1888, and 1892—

and was the only Democrat elected to the Presidency in the era of Republican political domination

that lasted from 1860 to 1912.

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Benjamin HarrisonBenjamin HarrisonBenjamin HarrisonBenjamin Harrison

Harrison was the 23rd US President. He grew a beard and mustache from his early years during the

Civil War.

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In case of Harrison, the AL (in Libra) is conjoined Moon (also the 1st House Lord). Mercury (along

with Sun and Mars) influences the AL by rasi drishti.

This Mercury is retrograde indicating a tremendous desire to have facial hair and it is reported that

Harrison always had the facial hair and was quite proud of it.

Since this Mercury is also with the 5th Lord Mars and aspects the house of public image (AL), it will

prove very beneficial to him.

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Theodore RooseveltTheodore RooseveltTheodore RooseveltTheodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt (also known as Teddy to public) was the 26th US President. He is most famous

for his personality: his energy, his vast range of interests and achievements, his model of masculinity,

and his "cowboy" image.

Teddy had a mustache from his early political days as a NY Assemblyman.

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In Roosevelt’s case too we have Gemini rising. AL is in Aquarius with the co-lord of Aquarius

(Rahu) conjoined the sign. Saturn, the other co-lord strongly influences the AL by rasi drishti.

Mercury, the Ascendant Lord (and the 4th House Lord) strongly influences the AL by rasi drishti.

His mustache has surely helped his public image and made its impact in the minds of people.

Originating from a story from one of Roosevelt's hunting expeditions, teddy bears are named after


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William TaftWilliam TaftWilliam TaftWilliam Taft

William Howard Taft was the 27th President of the United States.

Taft loved his mustache. He writes once – “I would be an angry infant as well if I knew how long it

would be for that mustache to be mine...”

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In case of Taft, we see that the AL is in Sagittarius strongly under the influence of exalted Mercury

(along with Sun and Ketu).

From AL, Mercury does form Bhadra Yoga in the 10th House of social status. Mercury’s influence as

well as the Bhadra Yoga’s few other conditions does work out in case of Taft.

Weighing over 300 pounds on average, Taft was physically the heaviest American president ever

elected. This was exactly that Parasara had suggested when he mentioned “heavy weight”.

Since, the Bhadra Yoga functioned from AL, all the physical aspects of Bhadra Yoga related to the

public image of the Taft would manifest in its fullest form.

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The ConclusionThe ConclusionThe ConclusionThe Conclusion

However, I still have not answered the most basic question from where we began our journey in this


What is the mustache connection with Mercury?

We have seen nine examples where Mercury played his tricks one people (and their images) to keep

facial hair in form of beard or mustache.

The cases we analyzed were -

* Abraham Lincoln - beard

* Ulysses Grant - beard and mustache

* Rutherford Hayes - beard and mustache

* James Garfield - beard and mustache

* Chester Arthur - mustache (and sideburns)

* Grover Cleveland - mustache

* Benjamin Harrison - beard and mustache

* Theodore Roosevelt - mustache

* William Taft - mustache

Mercury’s age of maturity is 34 years. He is a child, one who is a learner. However, he has a desire

and a burning one is I may add so. He wants to be the teacher, the Guru. He has always been a

student in life, a learner, a taker of knowledge but He harbors a dream that once he grows up, he

would be like his Guru (Jupiter).

He has seen his Guru with a long beard, a pretty mustache and that image has been permanently

engraved in his mind.

Thus whenever Mercury influences the image house (AL), it influences the person to prove that he

has grown up. The symbol for a man is a mustache. A young boy, even if he wants, cannot grow a

mustache until a certain age. Mercury is not only happy by reaching that age but also wants to show

the world that he is not a child any more.

It is this inherent insecurity within Mercury that brings in this affinity for facial hair in him.

This is the truly the Mustache Connection!This is the truly the Mustache Connection!This is the truly the Mustache Connection!This is the truly the Mustache Connection!

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Chicago, IL

