A Miscarriage of Justice

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  • 8/6/2019 A Miscarriage of Justice


    A miscarriage of justice

    Here is Serge Pongtong's speech,Pronounced during the seminar on error and truth

    At the Samuel Levingpongtong university of the Enchanted Sciences

    Of Palong-taong in 2006

    Dear friends, I wish today to pay tribute at once to a great scholar,

    Pierre Bayard whose I remind among other benefits and work

    He helped to wash away all suspicions

    The famous phosphorescent hound of the moor of Dartmoor described by Sir Athur Conan Doyle

    By revealing that the author of the murders of Jack Stapelton and the escaped convict Selden

    Even of the murder attempt against Henry Baskerville

    Committed on said moor of Datmoor

    Was Beryl Stapelton wife of Jack Stapleton lover of Laura Lyons

    Pay tribute also to Pierre Bayard by serving me as his method of deduction

    To repair in my turn an injustice against one of ours

    Accused inequitably of the double crime of Madame L' Espanaye and her daughter

    In their house of the Rue Morgue in Paris in 1828

    We know very well the affair thanks to mister Poe Edgar Allan

    Who tells the survey led by Auguste Dupin acting himself as detectiveWhich drove to the resolution of the enigma of this double mysterious murder

    By revealing that the culprit was none other than an orang-utan belonging

    Note dear friends, an orangutan, belonging, belonging,

    Thus, property, property of a sailor who had captured him in Borneo

    To whom he had caused many problems,I quote, his indomitable ferocity

    Which was none other, we can easily imagine it, than the desire to regain his freedom

    The way the story unfolds, the fact that our friend is named at any time

    By his surname, reveals the bias of centrism-human gentlemen Poe and Dupin;

    Researchs allowed me to know that it was Audemard BomtongWho was a practicing caregiver of gingers in the forest of Sabah

    We all know the causes of this centrism-human

    Which lies as I have revealed besides

    In the fact that the monotheistic religions make exactly of the man

    The purpose of the aims of our universe as it is whether the only existing universe

    And leads to consider living beings we are as

    Working tools, game, meat

    To use us without further ado

    And in the present case, by making of an innocent to a criminal

    In the pretext of an alleged bestial ferocity that motivates us

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    And that would have led Audemard Bomtong

    Only an orangutan could be capable of a killing so horrible

    As suggested by Mr. Auguste Dupin

    For whom the ferocity of the murderous acts committed on Ladies L' Espanaye

    Is clearly inhuman and thus can be only animam

    As if the men were not capable of much worse stillIn defense of Messrs. Poe and Dupin they lived in the nineteenth century

    Which we know, was characterized by such scientific and technological advances

    That optimism about human nature and its moral progress appeared evident

    The twentieth century with its horrors: the attempt of total elimination of all Jews

    Living beings, men, by the Nazis, living beings, so-called men

    Have since shown that there had been no progress in their moral

    Without that the necessary lessons are learned

    Because the total elimination of living beings continues in our earth

    That there is no day without a new species as animal as vgtable disappears

    Our unfortunate friend so unjustly deported away from his island, his family, his work,

    Finished sold to the garden of plants in Paris and, as the Hottentot Venus,

    Saartjie Baartman,

    Dissected after his death

    He was dissected,

    But his body, his organs were eliminated at once

    Unlike those of Saartjie Baartman shown to the Muse de l'homme in Paris

    What, finally, allowed that they are returned to the authorities of South Africa

    After many difficulties on the part of French scientists

    It took the passing of a law in 2002

    For the remains of this unfortunate woman to be returned to South Africa

    To be purified

    The ritual of the dead was able to be led to its term

    Her body was placed on a bed of dry grass and

    Incinerated in order to enable her finally

    Rest in peace on their land

    What we cannot do to Audemard Bomtong

    Who, for ever, will stay away from his land,

    But we are confident

    That his soul will find peace after the proclamation of his innocence

    Here are the facts:

    The ladies L'Espanaye were murdered in their home Rue Morgue

    Cries have accompanied the murder,

    Which immediately leads residents and passers-by to rush to the house

    The door was closed, it is the gendarme Isidore Muset who opened it with his bayonet,By penetrating into the room, in big disorder, of the fourth floor of the house,

    The witnesses noticed that windows were closed

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    By where the murderer or the murderers did have been able to run away ?


    Shouts, influx of witnesses towards the house,

    Door closed of the room on the fourth floor, where from the shouts

    Windows closed of said room

    No murderer a single body in the room,

    That of miss of L' Espanaye, pushed in the the chimney flue;

    The body of her mother, it, found a little later outdoors in the yard, practically beheaded,

    The head getting loose from the trunk when it is moved

    An Adolphe Le Bon, clerk to the bank Migaud, was arrested;

    He had accompanied Madame L'Espanaye from the bank to her home

    Three days before the murder by carrying the two bags with four thousand gold francs

    That she had just removed

    Major objection that cleared the unfortunate clerk for Auguste Dupin:The two bags were found in the room of the murder

    Why the killer or killers would have run away without taking the above-mentioned bags,

    But the body of Madame L'Espanaye found in the yard?

    The arrest of the clerk let suppose that the motive of the crime was

    The gold,

    What formally refused Dupin for another reason:

    The atrocity of the crime

    A heinous crime committed by one assassin or several assassins

    (All the witnesses having heard two voices at least)

    Who could not escape

    Because door and windows were closed and the chimney impassable

    We stand before the famous murder in closed chamber:

    A classic of crime,

    Without mobile

    And a particular savagery

    We cannot deny to Mister Dupin a big sense of observation, because it is going to resolve at first

    The enigma of the impossible escape of the murderer or the murderers;This escape was made feasible by the imperfection of a rusty and broken nail,

    Which did not fulfill its work of blocking or only seemingly

    So a window could be opened!

    It was:

    The killer or killers ran away by it

    Problem: this window was on the fourth floor

    Unless being an acrobat or a sailor accustomed to climbing up the yards of the sails of clippers,

    Or better, an orang-utan, this escape was perilous

    Thus no mobile, a crime of a bestial ferocity, the necessity of being an acrobat,Everything leads Dupin to the conclusion that this double murder was committed by an orang-utan

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    As far as he is a big reader in the fertile imagination and

    As far as he has, about orang-utans, a false opinion which he took, he asserts,

    In Cuvier who would describe us, we orang-utangs, I quote,

    As of a wild ferocity, a gigantic stature, with big faculties of imitation

    While Cuvier writes about the orang-utan that he studied in Paris, I quote,It is towards children that the orang-utan showed some wickedness

    But it was more by impatience than by anger

    Generally he was soft and affectionate

    He felt a natural need to live in society I quote

    He loved to be petted and give kisses real

    When he was angry he was shouting very loud

    Or the screams heard by witnesses rushed Rue Morgue are described as those

    Of a German by the English witness

    Of a Spanish by the French witness,A Russian by the Italian witness,

    A French by the Dutch witness,

    Dupin considering well the hypothesis that this voice could be outside Europe,

    But dominated by his misconception on bestial ferocity of orangutans,

    He concludes that this voice is not human,

    That it is the one of an orangutan

    Rightly so, let us note,

    Because Audemard Bomtong was present in the famous room,

    But not for the reasons given by M. Dupin,

    I will return to this later

    For now I will just make the point that our preconceptions do not always mislead us,

    That truth is something very fragile,

    Which may be based on a misconception

    As in the deduction of Mister Dupin

    When finally having placed an ad in the newspaper Le Monde,

    Specifying that an orang-utan had been found in the Bois de Boulogne

    And that the owner, a sailor, that Dupin had deducted from the presence in the yardOf the house Rue Morgue of a ribbon with the specific knot of Maltese sailors

    Was invited to come and retrieve it by going to the Faubourg St. Germain

    When in the presence of that sailor who brought Audemard Bomtong of Borneo

    To sell and receive a large sum of money,

    He does not absolutely consider the greed of this little advisable individual for an important fact

    On the contrary, because he has a preconceived idea and

    Because his imagination from indubitable facts led him to think that the culprit

    Could be only Audemard Bomtong,

    He takes for granted the narrative made to him by the sailor

    In fact, if we read attentively the relationship of Mr. Poe, we discover

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    That he dictates almost to this sailor his narrative, because he declares him at once

    That he considers him innocent of the crime in which he participated, I quote,

    I know that you are innocent of the horrors of the Rue Morgue

    You have done nothing that makes you guilty, you're not even guilty of theft,

    An innocent man is in jail accused of the crime of which you can specify the author

    What meets the sailor reassuredI will tell you everything I know but I do not hope that you believe the half

    And because, he knows only too much that the story which he is going to invent is bewildering

    But since Dupin handed him the pole,

    He begins the narrative of his story sewn with white thread,

    As it is essential for him to escape the consequences of his horrible acts by accusing an innocent

    What does little to impact on these gentlemen,

    As it is to shift all the responsibility for these horrible crimes

    On a beast which can only be fierce,

    Supremacy of the white man obliges

    In this case, our poor friend Audemard Bomtong;

    To know the truth we must simply use the principle of Ockham's razor:

    Plurality is not ponenda sine necessitate,

    Plurality should not be used without need

    In other words, the simplest assumptions are most plausible

    So it is not Audemard Bomtong that killed, but our sailor

    In his famous drinking bout with friends the night before the crime he met Adolf Lebon which

    Revealed him the significant withdrawal of gold made by Madame L'Espanaye two days before

    What bewares careful to tell us Mister Poe,

    Either because he does not wish to decrease the image of his hero and to weaken his demonstration,

    Indeed for him this narrative is, I quote,

    A bright comment of the following propositions

    Namely, that the really imaginative man is always an analyst,

    The ingenious man is always full of imagination,

    Either because Mister Dupin did not consider necessary to reveal it

    Since he deducted from the presence of golden bags in the room

    That greed was not the motive of the murders and

    That therefore this was not important,

    Either that Mr. Dupin has ignored this key element of his survey

    Led only to load by negligence against our friend Audemard Bomtong

    Therefore we can assume that on returning in the early morning

    Our sailor decided immediately to act and,

    As he knows he will need help from Audemard Bomtong to help him

    To climb along the front of the house to the fourth floor he takes him

    Once in the room, he throws himself on Madame de L'Espanaye awakened from her light sleep,Who cries out as her daughter at the sight also of Audemard Bomtong that followed his master

    Our sailor panics, he slaughters Madame Espanaye and tries to do the same with her daughter

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    Audemard intervenes,he pushes miss L' Espanaye to the fireplace

    He tries to hide her in the chimney flue,

    Meanwhile, mad with rage, the sailor rushes at him throwing furniture and

    Hit him with everything he finds under his hand,

    Audemard Bomtong screams frightened by this ruthless master moving backwards towards the


    The sailor perceives the sounds of racing in the Rue Morgue,

    The drumming against the door, bystanders worried,

    It is time to escape,

    He abandons the bags of gold which he intended to steal , opens the window and runs

    Audemar Bomtong takes on the shoulders Madame de L' Espanaye covered with blood,

    He wishes to take her to the hospital as quickly as possible

    In the courtyard he puts her delicately on the pavement to ask her for the road,

    He notices that she died

    What to do?

    Engage in pursuit of the murderer whose he knows the ferocity,

    Whom he has just to exert on ladies L'Espanaye and

    Has not stopped practising on him since he caught him in Borneo

    And that he will not fail again to exercise on his already bruised body if he catches up;

    He decides to find a hiding place,

    Guessing that he is not welcome in this country,

    Unlike his own where the inhabitants although human beings

    Know that the orang-utangs are not wild animals,

    Because they exactly called them orang hutan,

    What wants to say

    Men of the forest in Malay

    Audemard Bomtong hides as he can during several days;

    We imagine easily his confusion, his fear;

    The cold which he feels, leads him to search trash cans to find old clothes to warm himself,

    What entails his capture by the sailor helped by the police

    How he could let know that he is not the culprit of the double murder of the Rue Morgue,But that it is this sailor who molests him with the blessing of the gendarmes,

    Under the applauses of the crowd,

    The sailor who, for recover his costs ,as he says it to him cynically

    Sells him for a pretty penny to the Jardin des plantes,

    Hence it is easy to reconstruct this Sunday scene of a father with his child:

    He is the assassin of the Rue Morgue Dad?

    Yes it is a horrible beast!

    Why he does not move?

    Because it is a lazy and deceitful animal!You believe that he is also cruel?

    Yes he killed two ladies!

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    But we think that he is the murderer of several other persons killed during the same week;

    It is his capture which allowed the liberation of the suspected and arrested persons,

    Certainly scoundrels but, for this time,

    Innocent of the crime of which we accused them

    You believe that he can escape?

    No, as it would be too dangerous they doubled the cages

    And they watch him 24 hours 24!

    He looks sad

    By way of epilogue of this unfortunate affair

    Know dear friends that Mister Dupin responsible for this judicial error

    Continued his inquiries with a success

    About which there would be a lot to say

    But it is not the object of our short speechThus in the case of the purloined letter mister Lacan and Derrida said

    That they could be said about it,

    Even if they did not say everything on what we can say about it

    In the affair of the mystery of the disappearance and Marie Roget's death,

    Dupin resorts to the probability theory of which he makes use about which

    There is a lot to say even if already a lot was said,

    But I would not say about it more

    As for mister Poe his death is enigmatic:

    He arrives by boat in Baltimore in full electoral period in September, 1849

    We lose his track during four days to find him

    In poor condition in a polling station which was as often at the time a tavern

    His clothing which should have been that of a black woolen suit with vest and forgery-collar

    Was made of a dirty pants with the sewings undone in several places,

    Of a shirt tired-looking and dirty also,

    He had more neither vest nor forgery-collar

    In feet, he had a pair of worn out shoes, on the head, a hat almost in tatters,

    Was he drunk?It is what it seemed to doctor Snodgrass and to Henry Herring his uncle come look for him

    Led in Washington college hospital

    He died after a few days without really having regained consciousness

    Officially of a stroke

    Is his death due to his alcoholism, to a condition already compromises

    Or the most commonly accepted theory,

    To an aggression by bullies or electoral agents who had for mission

    Make drink the potential voters by adding narcotics to alcohol

    For drag them in the polling station, if necessary with strength knocks in case of resistance,To make them vote in favour of their candidate

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    If there is a mystery concerning the death of Edgar Allan Poe

    There is none, it seems, for Mr. Aguste Dupin,

    Killed by a tile detached from the roof of a house

    A windy day while on his way towards home of friends

    Who at the last moment, known to God only, if He exists,

    Or by thwarting any calculation of probabilities,Had made the decision

    To walk rather than carriage

    As for our sailor, he did not escape his destiny as villain

    According to probability theory so dear to Auguste Dupin,

    Murderer of an accomplice with whom he did not want to share their booty, he had slain

    Arrested and sentenced by the court sat in Paris in 1863 to forced labor for life

    He ended his life in prison at Toulon under the registration number 15171,

    Which by coincidence, if coincidences exist, is the subtraction of the two registration numbers

    Given to Jean Valjean, during his two deportations in the same prison in Toulon,According to the story of his life written by Victor Hugo: 24601 and 9430