A MERRY CHRISTMASthecroppie.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/spi22.pdf · 2019. 8. 21. · Such...

. -�--. - r \ t 2 ' - _,: A MERRY CHRISTMAS ··································••·•·•·••· · · ··· : . - . : UNBIED ACCOUNTS NVOLVING UNUSUAL OCCURRENC ES ! D, AS IET UNDISCOVERED SCIENC.... ! : GHOSTs. : U.F.ors AND OTHER ITS OF WEIRD AND : : WONDERL PHENOMENAl.

Transcript of A MERRY CHRISTMASthecroppie.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/spi22.pdf · 2019. 8. 21. · Such...

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    A MERRY CHRISTMAS ·················· · ···············••·••·•·••·••·····• : . - . : UNBIASED ACCOUNTS �NVOLVING UNUSUAL OCCURRENCES � ! AND, AS IET • • • • UNDISCOVERED SCIENCES.... ! : GHOSTs. : • • U.F.ors AND OTHER ITEMS OF WEIRD AND : : WONDERFUL PHENOMENAl. •

  • 2 ENIGMAS NO 2 2 NO V /DEC I 990 .


    Editor : Malcolm Bbbinson: 5 Tullibody Road, Alloa, Clackmannanshire, Scotland, FKIO 211.

    sPI Contacts : Treasurer: Ronald Halliday: 35 Fountain Road, Bridge Of Allan, Stirlingshire, Scotland, FK9 4AU. Secretary: Lorraine Anderson: I4 McKinlay Crescent, Alloa, Clackmannanshire, Scotland, FKIO 3RX.

    ENIGMAS is published bi-oonthly and is available on subscription for £7.50 for five issues. Send cheque or postal order made payable to Ronald Halliday at the above address. Overseas rates dealt with on application. Articles, letters criticism or praise, are welcomed by the Editor and should be sent to the Editorial address. All submissions are subject to editing for style and clarity and conciseness. No slanderous remarks of a defamation character please, unless it is accompanyed with a heavy donation to SPI. Any correspondance directed to b�I, should include a S.A.E. should a reply be warrented. The views expressed in this Journal, may not necessarily reflect those of the Editor, or of sPI as a whole. All articles contained within this Journal are copyright, ( where stated) of their respective owners. Should reference be required on any article by other parties, please ensure that you quote the author, title of work, and ENIGMAS.

    S. PI.

    The purpose of STRANGE PHENOMENA INVESTIGA'riONS as an organisation, is defined clearly by its title - to investigate strange phenomena in its many categories. Such categories include reported hauntings, ie, apparitions, poltergeis� events, UFO sightings, and various forms of psychic events. SPI was conceived in principle in I979. Involement in SPI is more than academic beyond the appeal of the subject as a study. We are drawn to it because we share the mutual opinion that the suhject demands Investigation and a definet awareness on as wide a scale as possible, and which will help to establish a firmer foundation that, "There Are Such Things".

    The aims of SPI, are to collect, research, and publish, accounts relating to most aspects of strange phenomena, and to inform the general public that there is indeed a case to be answered. sPI do not hold or express any strict viewpoint as to the nature of the events of which we research, we keep an open mind, and hope that by continued research we may come up with some answers to account for what at present eludes us.


    PAGE 3-5 Editorial. PAGE 5 Dechmont Reviai ted by Ken Higgens. PAGE 6 The Cosmic Joker by Jenny Randles. PAGE II Cropping The Circle by Ron Halliday. PAGE I2 Communion Movie Review by Philp Mantle. PAGE I4 Witches a Hysterical Theory by Anthony North. PAGE I6 Recommended Books. PAGE I9 Tol booth Case Report by Paul Friel. Plus many-otfi'er items.



    It pains me very much when I attend a Spri tualist Church and I am. confronted by

    a 4th division medium. FOr not only am I angry at the 'presumed' Spiritualis�

    evidence of deceased communicators that can be given, but I am very much aware

    that there are those present who may be attending a Spiritualist Church for the

    very first time. And if they unfortunately attend when there is a 4th division

    medium demonstrating, then its very obvious that they 'may' gu home very much

    disillusioned with the Spiritualist philosophy and Life After Death Communication.

    Ive seen it myself readers, I know what I am talking about. Ive sat in my chair

    at the church and listened to so much drivel that I could scream. I'm amazed

    that I have never �t up and left, but I would never do so out of respect of

    the church members and their committee. I'll admit thou&fi, that its like

    anything else, in the sense that there will always be those in various professions

    who attain a higher degree of development than others, and there will be those

    who may try and try but never attain a satisfactory level of achievement, and

    this readers is I'm afraid, sometimes the case with Spiritualisim.

    I've seen a good Alloa medium who once, when demonstrating clairvoyance to a large

    audience, stated th�t she was losing her 'power', and would have to stop. That's

    fine, and its also honest, but there are those who would go on and inform their

    sitters of trivial made up drivel which usually is generalisation and basic body

    reading, in the sense of a sitter perhaps rubbing his or her wrist, and the

    medium picking up on this and commenting to them that they are having problems

    with their wrists or joints. This in turn is greeted by the sitter as marvellous

    evidence coming from the spirit world, when in effect, its as I've said, basic

    body language reading. I'm sure that there is an element of this in 'some'

    medium's demonstrations throughout the country.

    I'm sure that the reader must agree that there is a small residue of 'phoney'

    mediums out there in material land and you may be wondering why I am bringing

    this up. Well its like this. I can't for the life of me understand the point

    that when spirit communication is gained via medium to sitter, and •trivial'


  • 4

    evidence is relayed, why oh why is it that in most cases, very few names and

    addresses and •constructive' evidence is given ? Look, the deceased has

    apparently made contact, so go for it man, give us the works. But what do we get ? We get, "look in the wardrobe, for at the top, hidden behind the pile of

    old books, is a letter which you should have received". O.K. trivial evidence like this can in some instances be just as earth-shatterin6 if they are found

    to be correct. I accept this, its the small and seemingly unimportant things

    that people can relate to and accept which in some instances MAY be better than

    lots of names and addresses.

    But as I say, if spirit can come forward in this manner with this evidence, then

    surely they can come forward with much more stronger evidential information,

    which in its own write would surely demonstrate continuity after death. But

    readers, we face another problem, and that is the fact that some of the alleged

    spirit corrununications may not be from the •other side', but from the'

    inside', ie,

    from the collective consciousness of the sitter themselves. The medium may be

    picking up telepathically, the information, and relaying it to the sitter as

    coming from the other side.

    If we accept telepathy as fact, as I' m sure most of us do, then of course this

    should be a stong possibility. And how about medium psychometry? Could mediums

    receive from sitters, information from them in an overall psychometry way ? in

    the sense that it is not deceased relatives and friends imparting knowledge, but

    the medium through her latent talent, is scanning and picking up from the sitter

    impressions and events which may be contained within that individual. As is

    the case when a medium psychometrises an object, be it a coin, stone, or watch.

    This is not altogether different from B.S.P. So is this really the evidence for Life After Death ? Is there no Life After Death but a series of retained

    pictures and thoughts constructed into a pattern by the sitter which may well be

    perceived by the medium and relayed into Life After Death evidence? If I'm

    honest, which I am, as I don't sell cars, I would say that there is a small

    per-cent of this goes on. But at the end of the day when all's said and done,

    one bad apple won't spoil the barrel. ��iritualism is a religion, a religion

    which states you will live after you die, and apart from some shady mediums,

    the evidence would suggest that this is so. But again that evidence one must

    find for themselves. You won't be a good driver if you don't study the highway

    code. Its the same for Spiritualism. Start reading more now, you'll be

    amazed at what you find.



    Dechmont Revisited BY Ken Higgens. ------=------------------

    Almos� eleven years after Robert Taylor's sighting of a strange craft in a fo t �lear�ng.

    a� Dechmont Law in Livingston, the story is still clear in the mindsr�; b

    any �nd�v.1duals. SRUFO, ( Scottish Research into Unidentified Flying Objects) ased only four miles away in the village of East Calder have found a number �f

    local witnesses that claim to have seen large orange lights in the sky abov th Dechmont area on the morning of 9th November I979.

    e e

    One g�ntleman on �is wa� to work in a factory at Newbridge at 8pm, saw a large fl�at1�g orange l1ght, 1t was hovering for a few minutes before disappearing into th1n a1r. Another gentleman driving towards Dechmont on the A8 at 7.3Q-8.00am, claimed that a large orange ball like a torch, came towards his h d

    car. In a panic, e

    . swerve to avoid it and narrowly mdssed an oncoming car. He checked the other

    dr1ver was OK, then realised the light was further away than he thought and continued his journey.

    A lady on he� way :0 �gour Hospital heard a "hissing noise" close to Dechmont and saw a br1ght l1ght 1n the sky, this too is thought to have happened around 8am The above witnesses are unknown to each other, and all three remember the Bob

    Tayl�r ��ry, this being the reason for remembering the date of their sightings. One �nd1v1dual reported the incident to the police.

    Robert Taylor, I9H2. l'ho to, l'ialcolm Ho :,i:•:;on.

    Dechmont Law is a lot busier now than what it was back in I�7�, there is a thriving golf and country club, the L1v1ngston Countryside Ranger Service use it as a venue for outdoor activities including a recent plane, train and UFO watch as was advertised. People with cameras are often seen wandering about, many asking for the UFO locat�on. There is an exclusive housing estate which is start1ng to spread up the hill. I wonder if the residents know how close they are to l3ob Taylor' s "encounter" location of I979.

    There is still wildlife in abundance on Dechmont Law or Deer Hill as it is known locally� During a recent trip to the top of the hill, I came across wild deer, rabbits hare, grouse, and pheasant, but no strange looking craft.

  • 6

    The Cosmic Joker BY J e n ny Ra n dles.


    Photo M. Robinson.

    Either something is strange and unexplained, or it is not.

    That ought to be self evident. 'fhe principle of the

    'Cosmic Joker' refutes this hypothesis. Fbr here an entirely new mystery has been fashioned out of a seemingly diverse

    set of curious ancedotes. It is not easy to define this

    Enigma, rather it is best to illstrate it with one or two


    In I977 when the T.V. series "The Six Million D:>llar Nan"

    was very popular, a milkman from Walsall strode into history

    when he was forced to emulate his hero. A runaway car

    careered down the highway rigt past him and so, naturally,

    he stepped in front of it, dug in his heels, and sto pped it with brute strength.

    What else could the milkman be called but Steve Austin.

    Two years later a South African farmer was suffering at the hands of a fearsome

    drought which made Britain's problems look like a veritable monaoon. So he decided to go into his fields and plead for his prayers to be answered. They were indeed,

    possibly in more ways than one. A sudden torrential storm hit, as if by magic, and

    a bolt of lightning forked from the sky killing his wife. Or how about the

    delightfully ironic tale of the poor man knocked down by a car in the traffic

    mayhem of rodern New York. He rose from the street totally unhurt, but a bystander

    persuaded him to fein injury and lay down in the road once more so he could claim

    insurance compensation. However, the car driver had presumed that all was well

    and then took his foot off the brake, rolling the car right on top of the now prone

    victim. It was his next of kin who filed the insurance claim.

    The tendancy might be to dismiss these s to ries as mere coincidence or tricks of

    fate. But many researchers now believe that there is rore to it than that. Of

    course, when you think about the number of events which happen in the universe it

    is obvious that at some point a remarkable combination will create something

    fantastic by blind chance. After all, every once in a while a group of four

    people playing cards are dealt four complete suits from a shuffled pack. This is

    no miricle. It is just the result of the fact that millions of games of cards are played every

    _y�ar, and so even the remote.possibility ( millions to one against) of



    this "order out of chaos" deal is literally certain to happen sometime or other.

    Nevertheless there are now recognised limits to chance. There is a hoary old

    adage that if you seat a monkey at a typewritter and let him bang away randomly at

    the keys� then sooner or later he is bound to produce the entire works of Shakespeare.

    In fact, appealing as this seems, it has been mathematically demonstrated that in

    the entire age of the universe that any monkey would even get as far as "To be or

    not to be, that is the answer".

    Certain phenomena do reach beyond chance t� the realms of something else al to gether.

    This means that if it is not a random event, then something is guiding it in to

    existance, a principle of coincidence formation, if you like. Since many of the

    results appear to an outsider as amusing, (although perhaps not usually to the victim) the term 'Cosmic Joker' has been invented to cater for the discovery. How do we tell the difference between chance and the Cosmic Joker ? That is indeed

    a problem, for it is often difficult to calculate the odds for any event to occur

    when there are so many variables involved.

    A good illustration is the question of appropriate names for specific.


    The list of a Brighton magistrates court has on it many names of indicted people.

    So we may smile to learn that N. Skidmore admitted driving with worn tires, or

    that pleading guilt to speeding was I. Dunnett. But surely this is just chance?

    But is it still chance when at a Sydney wedding the bride, groom, and best man

    were called respectively, Lawless, Swindells and Cheetham ? All were lawyers. Or

    how about the man in charge of postal redirection in Stockport, Mr 1'1ales ?

    The principle is seen more clearly when coincidence piles on top of coincidence.

    Barman Thomas Key married Ann Lock. Their only child Bill Key, married Ellen

    Bolt. Her mother's maiden name was Evelyn Chain. And this is no isolated incident.

    The pages of "Fortean Times", the Journal which takes a look at this sort of

    phenomena, is always packed with such cases. Another example comes when coincidence

    is linked with some other sort of paranormal phenomenon; such as this next

    incredible story. It originates from a dentist's surgery in a small German town

    which became the focus of a poltergeist back in February I982. A voice would

    shout from the loo when people sat on it. One woman was told by the spectral

    voice "Move your behind, I can't see a thing" ? All of this was bizarre enough

    but the dentist's name (which only becomes relevant in English) was actually Dr Karl Backseitz. �uch an end product leaves one sensing the intervention of that


    The phenomenon finds a natural ally in what we otherwise term 'jinkes'. The

    ENIG!1AS NOV-DEC 1990.

  • 8

    jinx is in fact just a special case of the cosmic joker at work. Philip Ellis

    from st Albans is typical. By the age of 24 he had succeeded in making violent

    contact with almost every form of transport imaginable. He· had crashed in a

    glider, been hit by an express train, and as he walked over a bridge it collapsed

    dumping him onto the roof of a passing car. When he had a conftontation with a

    landrover he perhaps thought he was running out of options. But on leaving

    hospital he got run over by a bus just outside the grounds.

    This is not the only recognised overlap with other phen-

    omena. Researchers into many anomalies have noted how

    ludicrous occurances often mar their progress. The

    number of times a camera or tape recorder has failed

    just as a ghost appears, or a poltergeist begins to

    attack, increases almost every day. Investigators are

    used to waiting around for hours with nothing happening, knowing full well that

    the moment they pack up their equipment the fun will start. They also know only

    too well the claim of a witness that he unfortunately did not capture tha� UFO

    he saw on his camera because he took the final shot on the film a few minutes

    beforehand. And how does one react when sincere witnesses tell you of an alien

    being that was the double of Kermit the Frog, or the one which offred the French fanner the secrets of the universe (those secrets being "constipation" ?)

    My favourite of this category of cosmic jokes is the trick played on famous

    naturalist Sir Peter Scott. He had become fascinated by the Loch Ness Monster

    and publicly endorsed some highly dubious underwater shots of the creature

    snapped by an American research team. Host anomalists do not believe these photo

    graphs are of a real monster, (and there is some evidence that they are really

    of a sunken model used as a hoax monster in a Sherlock Holmes movie some years

    back). But Sir Peter proudly used the film to name the monster scientifically

    • (meaning, Ness creature with the diamond shaped fin). as "Nessi teras Rhambopteryx' ,

    Then a delighted follower of the cosmic joker pointed out to the unamused scientist

    that this was an anagram of "Monster hoax by Sir Peter S". One wonders who really

    came up with that name.

    Lancashire anomalist Bob FOrrest believes that one may even relate the infamous

    "Sod • s Law" (which says amoungst other things that if you choose a queue at a

    b •t 1 k the shortest you will invariably get held bank or post office ecause 1 oo s up by the proverbial little old lady paying in her life savings). Although Bob



    does recognise that it is difficult decidin� whether these are real principles of

    the universe or simply modes of perception by our curious brains, still he points

    out "It almost appears as if the universe is a living thing, and it likes to play

    with people occasionally". A f�,"Ood few scientists these days including Biologist

    Dr Rupert Sheldrake {who has already published two books, one which the esteemed

    science Journal 'Nature' has called the best candidate for burning in many years)

    think that there could be a sort of "collective consciousness" which rules what we

    experience, formed out of all the billions of individual consciousnesses in the


    A simple anolgy to this would be drops of water dripping from a roof onto an

    inclined surface. Over the years there will erode into the surface as gravity

    carries the water away, thus creating a channel which in turn will focus the course

    of the water into a river. Now the river channel determines the behaviour of

    each individual drop of water once it has fallen; although the channel itself is

    the cummulative result of all the drops which have continually fallen and are still

    falling. There are grounds for believing that this might be the way the universe

    works. However, if we are willing to accept that some people possess abilities

    which all scientists do not yet accept, a further prohlem arises. CCincidences

    might be self produced. Take the case of Brenda Rawson who lost her engagement

    ring on St Annes beach in I96I. ��e and her fiance sifted the sands weekend after

    weekend but could not retrieve it. Even after they married they would check police

    lost and found records whenever they visited St Annes.

    Sixteen years later, Brenda's husband's uncle died and through the legal after

    math they discovered a long lost cousin in Yorkshire. After meeting, a casual

    conversation about metal detectors led the relative to explain how one of his

    children had found a diamond ring on the beach at St Annes all those years before.

    It was, of course, Brenda's missing engagement ring. On the face of it this seems

    like the cosmic joker at work again. But consider the possibility that Brenda's

    mind (through precognition) had sensed the future discovery of the lost cousin

    and then through telepathy she may have used the fact that he was to visit St

    Annes·with his children (or even manipulated it) and thus subconsciously directed

    him to search the area of sands where she had been when the ring went missing.

    This idea is no more ridiculous than the essential theory of the cosmic joker.

    This same sort of thing happens to most people during their lives but they

    usually fail to recognise the event as paranonnal. Here is a good example which

    I can certainly vouch for because it happened to me. In June 1983 I was left


  • 10

    alone in the house for a week when my husband went to the Isle of �!an to watch the

    TT motorcycle races. I was presenting and writing a weekly series of features on

    the Independant station Radio C ity at the time. After my show that week, I went

    through my mail and found one from a listener who told me to remember him to one

    of the disc jockeys saying he would be on the "Kipper Express" that week. The

    phrase meant nothing to me so I went to queery the DJ about it. }Tom him I

    learnt that "Kipper EX1Jress" meant the listener had gone to the Isle of Man to

    watch the TT.

    A jovial few minutes followed as we discussed this and we were joined by Mark

    Jones another DJ noted for his wry sense of hwnour. He suggested that since my

    programme that day had been about unusual objects falling out of a clear sky,

    perhaps kippers would descend somewhere. The next day I went to the cinema for

    a long double feature and came out to find a nasty thunderstorm heading my way.

    Having no umbrella, I decided to make a run for the bus stop, only to fall flat

    on my face half way there. I still find it hard to believe what I had slipped on.

    A discarded kipper was lying there on the pavement, with no obvious source from

    whence it had come.

    Whenever I begin to doubt the reality of the C osmic Joker, I think of that kipper.

    The person who said that truth is stranger than fiction certainly knew what he

    was talking about.

    (c) Jenny Handles.

    Welcomes anyone Interested In ancient tltes, folklore, archaeoloay. dows1t11, holywelh, old customs, landscape aeomctry, the paranonnal etc.

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    CrOQQing The Circle s y Ron Halliday. --��----------�����-----------

    On 2Ist June I990, the Dundee C ourier carried a report that crop circles had appeared in fields on the Ardblair Estate near Blairgowrie Perthshire. Following this, I got in touch with the journalist who reported the story and obtained the details of the landowner concerned, i1r Laurence Blair Oliphant. Mr Oliphant kindly consented to allow us to visit the scene of the incident.

    Unfortunately, in between the appearance of the article, it being brought to my attention and my contacting him, Mr Oliphant had harvested the area concerned. Ho�ever, the appearance of the circles (two) was confirmed by the journalist RON IIALLIJJJ\Y. involved, and the site had been visited by David Cowan, a well known �cottish dowser and geopathic stress Investigator who took detailed measurements of the circles. David gave me some interesting information about the history of the site, but in view of his forthcoming book, I have accepted his request that this is not revealed for the time being.

    It was not till the I5th of AUBUSt that I, Malcolm Robinson, Lorraine Anderson, and her son Mark, were able to make the trip to the estate. Its about an hour and a half's drive from where we stay in C entral Scotland. 'tie were kindly received by the Oliphant family in their white walled castle, given measurements of the circles, (see diagram), and then taken by [1r Oliphant to the field concerned. 'lhis lay just north of the A923 on the edge of the town of Blairgowrie, (Where Robert Taylor of the 'Liv.ingston UFU Incident' now lives, t;di tor).

    Grass in the field had little obvious remains

    f--- ,,·--

    been cut short and there were sheep grazing, so there were of the circles to be seen. Mr Oliphant informed me that

    the circles had definitely appeared overnight as he had passed by on an evening and the field had

    T been as normal; yet by the following morning, the phenomenon was clearly visible.

    Mr Oliphant directed us to an area at the edge of the field adjacent tO which grew a thick clump of trees surrounding an old stone quarry. It was not possible from the state of the ground to determine exactly where the circles had appeared, though two clumps of vegatation about twenty yards apart seemed to indicate the approximate location. The field itself lay on the slope of a hill, and the situation of the circles about one third way up the slope might lend support to the vortice theory.

    We tested the site with dowsing rods, and certainly achieved a powerful response revealed through the movement of the rods. Certainly a strong energy field of some sort in this field, but not possible to determine the precise relation of this to the circles after such a lapse in time. Walking across the field east to west, I received a whole variety of responses through the rods which confirmed that the energy force criss-crossed the field both in a north/south, and east/w.est direction.

    ENIGr1AS NOV-DEC I990.

  • 12 ·

    !1r Oliphant informed me that thi s was the fi rst time he was aware of ci rcles appearing on h i s estate . Intriguingly , he confirmed that one had appeared the year before (I989 ) on nearby farmland , so uth-west o1' the Ardblair Estate , but the landowner concerned was anxious to avoid publi city on the matter. It is intended to return to the site later in t!'le year for further Investigation.





    Communion was published in

    I986. It sold 255,000

    New York time s best seller.

    weeks. Publi shed in

    I987 , over 2 , 000 , 000

    it became a New York Times

    on the li st for 36 weeks.

    Directed by



    hardback in l

  • 14

    disappointed. On the other hand, if you are willing to watch a film that

    possibly su&;ests an alternative to the ETH explanation for abductions, and you are a fan of the ())NMUNION book, then I would say that yes it is. Having said

    that, I feel that this movie would perhaps come across better on the small screen

    rather than the large screen of the cinema. Check your local press for details.

    'lhe video release is due for around April of I99I.

    Reviewed by Philip Mantle.


    A H.l'!:iTERI CAL 'IHE�RY.

    BY ANTHO NY NO R'lli •

    WlTtWCR��T �- . ?.··.

    The Witch hunts of the I6th and 17th centuries were arguably the greates� crime ever committed by man. When we speak of genocide, we automatically think of Hitler and his extermination of six million Jews. A heinous crime in its own right. , but mathematically slight compared to the NINE million women put to death on suspicion of anti-religious practices and making compacts with the Devil.

    Most people are aware of the name Salem, and the attrocities committed there by supposedly godly folk. Begining just after Christmas I69I, this Massachusetts town suffered IO months of insanity. Begining with seven young girls dabbling in fortune telling. It ended with a hundred people imprisoned and twenty executed. Was Christianity so weak in this Puritan town as to allow such a large number of Witches to accumulate ? Or is it more likely that in Salem, as in the rest of the western world of the time, women were simply the victims of mass hysteria ? Let us see if Witchcraft is possible.

    If the stories are to be believed, then a bad witch has the ability to bring down an ill on another person. The ahili ty is synonymous, though greatly exaggerated with Voodoo. So can a person •curse' another? Of late, the term •vagal inhibition' has entered the medical textbooks. It is a condition in which the body runs down slowing its activities, due to a sense of sheer hopelessness. Basically it is the reverse reaction following 'panic', and death can come surprisingly quickly.

    One ofe the most harrowing cases concerns the death of Lesley Whittle in 1975, kidnapped and positioned on a ledge of a dark, damp, drain with a wire noose round her neck. The situation brought on hopelessness, resulting in her death. If we ass��ate vagal inhibition with •curses', it is quite probable that if a person really believes in the power of the curse, then the hopelessness he feels could, inde�d, lead .to the curse working. And no matter what belief system is behind the

    ENIGf�.AS NOV-DEC I990.


    curse, be it '.4itchcraft, Voodoo, or any other, the primary element of the curse is that the subject must 'know' he has been cursed. � yes, medical knowledge is now revealing that the power of the curse could exist. Witches are also believed to have invoked demons. Is there any truth in this ability ? In the I800s Professor Carpenter of :Dos ton bet,ran to experiment with the power of hypnosis. By no means the first to do so, there was however one such experiment that has entered the anals of psychology. It concerened the hypnotisine of a student in washinton D.C.

    Under hypnosis, he asked the student if he would like to speak with Socrates? ne then told the student that Socrates was in the corner. He couldn't hear him himself, so he asked the student to tell him what Socrates said. The student and 'Socrates' went on to converse for two hours. 'l'his whole experiment was conducted in front of an audience, including the sceptic Thomas Jay Hudson, who later wrote that the thoughts that came out of this conversation would have • ... formed one of the 5randest and most coherent systems of spiritual philosophy ever conceived by the brain of man'.

    It is probable that the student saw and heard an apparition. As to whet�er it actually 'was' Socrates, I doubt it. ;.that happened in this case, and in thousands of cases before and after, did, I feel, involve the retrieval of information from sources other than the personal mind. However, this paper is not designed to look at this ability, but to show that 'entities' can be manifested by the h��an mind. !::iuffice to say here, that when Spiritualists in the audience decided that they were seeing proof of Spiritualism, the Professor summoned up for the student a philosophical pig to discourse on the hindu belief of reincarnation.

    The ability to create entities is far more common than we think. I can remember vividly walking into my bedroom one night and seeing a huge black beetle scuttle across the bed. I turned on the light and realised I was looking at a piece of fluff. Rather mundane, but I'm sure it was born out of the same 'mechanics'. So� stated briefly, there is evidence to sug&est that witches could, and no doubt st�ll can, place successful curses on the believer and manifest entities. However

    Mystery/horror fiction and fringes of accepted knowledge,including the paranormal.

    For free sample send a SAE to:-

    Anthony North Enterprises

    are we to believe that over two centuries, nine million women did just that ? Somehow the mathematics sound too ridiculous. And there is another problem. Only a tiny minority of '.4i tches are (what the media would term) 'black'. Most would be termed 'white•, ie, believers in the pre-Christian fertility religions that today are known as Pagan. Therefore, how do we reconcile the number of white witches with the millions who, according to the hunters, manifested the Devil ? We can•t. However, such a proliferation of Devils and demons is suggestive of an interesting theory.

    One night in I938 many Americans became bored with the popular radio show they were listening to. The act presently performiOG was boring to the extreme, or so they obviously thought. They changed channel, and were suddenly listening to authentic sounding news reports speaking of the landing, in America, of spacemen intent on invasion. Over the next few hours America went

    ENIGr1AS NOV-DEC 1990.

  • 16

    mad with hundreds or reports of sightings of little green men. Of course, what they really tuned into was an adaption of •..tell' s 1\var 01' 'fhe 1tlorlds' into a radio play by Orsen Wells. But what are we to make of all the 'sightin5s' ? 'tlere the witnesses demented? (good point Tbny, 8d ) , Or was it rather that the manifestations were •suggested' to them in the same way as the above experiment in hypnosis?

    If you are prepared to accept the latter, then we have a possible explanation for the appalling deaths durif16 the witch hunts. Perhaps it wasn't those poor women who brought down curses and manifested demons in their millions, but the superstitious fears of the populace, bringin5 down the curses and manifestin5· the devils themselves.

    ( c) Anthony North.

    GR.ecommended books


    Published by Sigdwick & Jackson, I990, in Hardback priced £I4.95.

    Sandy Kidd is a Dundee engineer who pursued a good

    career within the North Sea oil industry following

    training as a toolmaker and R.A.F. ser�ice as an SOOTS INVENTOR SANDY KIDD.

    air radar mechanic with the rank of senior Aircraftsman. 'ilhen, during his RAF

    work he was knocked off his feet by a gyroscope spinning in the closed box of a

    scanning unit, he became interested in the idea that gyroscopic forces might be

    able to effect a form of linear propulsion. Folloing a T.V. demonstration of

    gyroscopic effects in November I974, Sandy Kidd commenced his own experiments.

    In November 1984, a "contraption" which he had designed to create an opposition

    between gyroscopically stored energy and a centrifugal force created by rotating

    the whole machine, lifted off the workbench of his shed against a counterweight

    of equal mass, and sustained its lift while the mass of the counterweight was

    reduced. "This was a supreme moment I had dedicated my life to and yet I was

    unable to grasp the reality of what had just happened", he writes in his newly

    published book, subtitled "'!he Law of Physics Revolutionised", which has been

    ghost written by Ron Thompson, a Grampian Television journalist. Then gradually

    as it dawned on me, I was filled with an overwhelming sense of relief. Not

    elation or joy, or any desire to punch the air with excitement; just sheer relief,

    a deep inner contentment.

    ENIGMAt:i NOV-DEC I990.


    This is a very good book. The narrative rises off the workbench and glides

    effortlessly from a description of domest.ic chaos, through mechanical chaos, to

    academic chaos, political chaos, media chaos, geographical chaos, and legal chaos,

    before being restrained at the end of the book by the strain gauges of develop

    mental chaos. On the 4th of Aueust this year ( I990) , the Scotsman Newspaper quoted Mr Thomson, who acts as Sandy Kidd's spokesman, as saying that the machine has now

    produced results IOO times in excess of the standards laid down by British Aero

    space scientists.

    Since the force which produces the Kldd machine's drive cannot be shown to be a

    secondary effect, there should be no his to rical chaos now that there is his book

    to record the origions of the project. Sandy Kidd is a great Scottish Inventor.

    He persisted in proving his invention where others who discovered the same

    principle did not. Antigravity may now take up the banner of the scientific

    revolution where the dream of fusion stumbled. It may now be with us for good.

    But will Mr Kidd get a Nobel Prize we should hope so.

    Reviewed by Dirk Van Der Plas.

    THE AVELEY ABDUCTION Edited By Philip Xantle & Andrew ValDsley.

    A UFOIN CASE REPORT A5, 40 pages, illustrated

    ONE OF '!HE EN'ri'rn:s OBSERVED IN 'liD: UFO.

    \o/hat can one say about UFO Abductions that hasn't already been said? Those familiar with the growing literature are no doubt amazed, if not heartend by the fact that we have more than LITS, (Lights In The Sky) to contend with thesedays, we have aliena, (but didn't we always ?) But these days, owing to the use of hypnosis, these alleged UFO Abductions, are more prolific, more staggering, more mouth watering ? than before.

    Surely something tangible is going on ? Going on it certainly is, but in what department ? Psychology ? Self delusion ? or could it really be E.Ts? The Greys that is, not the Government training scheme chaps.

    I have been asked to review one of England's most famous UFU Abductions, that which happened to the Avis family back in I974. It has been written up in other publications but only very briefly, and for the first time, all, and I repeat all, the important facts are here for the reader to learn.

    ENIGf1AS NOV-DEC I990.

  • 18

    I ts impressive stuff as far as these accounts go , and wi ll give the die hard B . 'r . bel i evers mo re ammuni tion when i t comes to trying t o convert the no n bel i evers . O . K . Let ' s talk about thi s .�t.bduction. Being a revie·,., , I won ' t be abl e to do i t al l justi ce , but hopefull y , a t the end o f i t , you ' ll be rushing to purchase a copy .

    We start wi th the Avi s family returning home by car to the village o f Avel ey in Essex late on the evening of 27 th O ctober I974 . At fi rst a strange l ight in the sky (LIT) is o bserved , whi ch apparently follows the car on part of i ts route . I n the car i s John , hi s wife Elaine , so n !:ituart , so n Kevi n , and daughter Karen. Aft er a sho rt whil e the (LI'r) dissapears from view , and the family are then confronted wi th a strange green mi st wnich fil l s out acro ss the road to some trees on ei ther side . As the car enters thi s strange mist , its engine starts to splut ter and eventually ceases to function.

    1tle l earn that the familys car is somehow ' beamed up ' into a spacecraft o r Ul-D presumably thi s (LI 'r ) that ini tially follo wed them . John and E:laine ' s next recoll ection i s standing i nside thi s craft looking down from above at thei r car. '!'hi s piece of info rma tion, and many o thers , was obtained by the use of hypnotic regression at a later stage , basi cally because at the time the family can remembe r no thing more than coming o u t o f thi s uTeen mist further down the ro ad , but surpri singly arriving home 2 hours later than should have been , th e o f t repo rted ' mi ssing time ' period whi ch is usually asso ciated wi th these events.

    I t was full y two years later, I979 , that thi s case came to the attentio n of researchers , and '"'hen so, they were info rmed o f the wi tne sses strange dreams , and of stran5e cars which had followed tne family . Pol icemen coming to thei r doo r fo r no apparent reaso n o r jus t cause , and of tnings mysteriously • vani shing ' from th e family home. Researchers were al so informed o f doors which would o pen and close in the family home fo r no apparent reason.

    John agreed to be hypnoti sed i n regards to po ssibly furthering thi s case fo r any hidden deep seated memo ries whi ch mignt give the investigators more to wo rk o n. John ' s wi fe Elaine was however reluctant to go through wi th thi s , and info rmed the researchers that as her kids were s till young , she did no t want to subject them to thi s type o f pro cedure as wel l , she would rather they fo rget thi s rather than po ssibly bringing it mo re to the surface .

    Regressive hypno sis was then used o n John and the weal th o f data gai ned was truly impressive , and as mo re i nforma tion came from this procedure i t seemed to open up the noodgates of memo ri es from Elaine , and as a • tri g.;;.er ' , she too could al so relate to her o wn experi ences wi thin thi s u:ru . I wo n ' t go into great detail here on what o ccred to bo th John and Elai ne in thi s craft , suffi ce it "t9 say it maintained the usual repo rted •on board ' experi ences shared by o ther individual s i n such cases. Having said that , there is much di fferences from the Avis account i n relation t o o th ers ; particularl y the informa tion relayed b y the enti ti es o n board this craft .

    What I found mo s t of interest from the whol e story was the point made thus , and I quo t e , ( "They can al so di stort what we see by use o f a strong magnetic fi el d , in fac t they can even make it invisibl e . hven i f the craft were in front of trees o r any background , we would still see what was behind i t . '.!hi s i s because they fil t er the image o f the background through the magne tic parti cl es o f the craft , and pro j ect them l i ke a hologram i n front o f the craft , thus giving the imp re ssion that no o bj ec t is actually there. Al so by using the parti cl es to create a fal se impression , they can pro j ect an image of anythi ng they want you to see , and in fac t apply thi s on many o ccasions . " ) Unquo te.

    ENIG!"1AS NOV-DEC I990 .


    Now think o f what happened in !:ico tland ' s ' Livi ngston Case ' regarding wi tness Bo b ·raylo r . He claimed that the o bject h e saw at times , "bl ended i n wi th the back-1:70und" , whereby he could see the trees behind i t , he told me thi s himsel f . So i t was qui te a surpri se to read thi s i n the Avi s accoun t. I t may mean nothing , bu t by go lly i ts there. This al so bri ngs to mind Whi tl ey !:itrieber • s walk into a fi eld near hi s house , knowin5 he would see a UFO , he did , but only at a peculiar angl e , l ike peeping through a slightly ajar doo r , move too far to o ne side and h e couldn ' t see i t , he could only see thi s u�u whi ch was i n a cloudl ess sky a t a pecul iar angl e . So read that parat;;raph a6ain , i t mus t ME AN ::iOME'l'HING ? The entities go on to inform John that mankind was i n effect created by THEM . 'l'hey interbred wi th the women o f thi s planet , and i ndeed are s till doing so . There is a vast amount o f data in thi s bookl et which deserves your attention o f whi ch Im sure you ' l l find o f intere s t . I f' anything else , i t will certainly make you si t up and take more no tice o f thi s Abduction phenomeno n.

    U}D A bducjions are no t so l ey an American eni &�a , i t i s a global phenomenon. The Avi s encounter is a classic , bu t , and thi s is the majo r po int , where doe s thi s incident l i e ? i s i t wi thin the minds of al l tho se involved ? or i s i t trul y an ac tual fact o f real i ty , that ali ens are amoungst us and are taking a strong int erest in mankind at thi s time . I sug5·est that you purchase a copy o f the AVELY ABDUCTION and when you do , I ' m sure that like me you ' ll be puzzeling over all the data and asking yoursel f , "what doe s i t all mean" ? Yes the UI-D phenomena is certai nly reaching new heights ; bu t it and find out fo r yoursel f.

    Revi ewed by Mal colm Ro binson.

    The Avely Abduction. Pri c e UK, £2 . 25 . Europe : £2 . 50 . U!:iA J 5 .00 ( surface mail o nly ) . Al l o ther countri es same as USA (do llar bills o nl y please ) . Make all cheques mad e payabl e to Andrew Walmsl ey , 232 Lo ng Lane , Wheatl y , Hal i fax , West Yo rkshire , England , HX3 5JS. Please allow 28 days for delivery .

    tn lhnnth rrpnrt BY PA U L F R I E L .

    'l'he followi ng i s a report submi t ted by Sl:'I researcher , Paul .Fri el o n !:.l'Pi s research into Sti rling ' s haunted Tol boo th , ( see previous issues o f ENIGMAS) . Our full research t eam spli t up into two groups , and Paul p resents hi s team ' s findings fo r the ni gh t in question whi ch was , Friday 27 th o f April I990 .

    Further updates wi th mo re information shall be fo rthcoming to the pages o f thi s Journal , and l ike every thing SPI do es , i t sure i s i nt eresting.

    S. P. I.

    ENI G!1AS NOV-DEC I990 .

  • 20 P a u l F r i e l TOL BOOTH R E PORT

    A ) : - ' D o w n s t a i r s Ob s e r v a t i on P e r i od .

    Obs e r v e r s : - P au l F r i e l , H e a t h e r A s h b e r r y , Running Water (R. W . ) ( M a n a g e r ) .

    1 2 : 3 5 am : E n t e r e d t op d i n i ng a r e a , am a l o n e . Rema i n i n g i n t h i s l o c a t i o n f o r 1 5 m i n u t e s .

    D a v i d

    1 2 : 5 0 am : R e p o r t A f ew mi n u t e s a f t e r en t e r i n g t h e r o om I f e l t my h e a d c en t r e ( C ha k r a ) o p e n i ng up . W h a t I r e c e i v e d o v e r the f i f t e en mi n u t e s t i m e and a g a i n was the n am e THOMA S { N o idea a s to f i r s t n ame or s u r n ame r eg a r d i n g T h oma s } , and t h e f e e l i n g or i ma g e t h a t Thoma s w a s a s c h o l a r , o r t e a c h e r , c o n c e r n e d i n s ome w a y a b o u t / w i t h t h e b u i l d i ng . I n a d d i t i on t o t h i s I g o t t h e i mp r e s s i on o f a s o r t of a c ad emi c g a r b . I a l s o r e c e i v e d an i ma g e o f a b l a c k h e a d c ow l o f t h e s o r t w o rn by j ud g e s w h e n p a s s i n g d e a t h s e n t e n c e s . I r e c e i v e d t h e i m a g e o f a c o a t - o f - a rms , r o y a l s o r t o f c o a t o f a rms w i t h a s t a g - I b e c a me qui t e awa r e o f t h a t s ymbo l . I h a d t h e f e e l i ng t h a t t h i s p l a c e h a d s ome t h i n g t o d o w i t h n o b i l i t y , s ome s o r t o f B a r o n o r s om e t h i n g l i k e t h a t w a s c on c e r n e d w i t h t h i s b u i l d i ng a t s ome t i me .

    End o f r e p o r t .

    1 2 : 5 l am : T r a i l e r to l a s t r e p o r t - D e f i n i t e f e e l i ng o f w a rm t h in the i n t e r e s t ema n a t i ng f r om t h i s r o om , aga i n c e n t r e d i n this p e r s o n c a l l ed Thoma s , a s e n s e o f s a dn e s s a s w e l l .

    1 2 : 5 2 am L e a v i n g t o p d i n i n g r o om t o s w a p p l a c e s w i t h Dav i d .

    1 2 : 5 3 am H a v e s w a p ped p l a c e s w i t h D a v i d who i s n ow p r o c e e d i n g up to the Top d i n i ng r o om . I am w i t h i n t h e c e l l ad j a c en t t o the t o i l e t s and am s t a r t i n g o b s e r v a t i on p e r i o d .

    1 : 0 8 am : End o f o b s e r v a t i o n p e r i o d . Re p o r t D u r i n g t h i s p e r i o d I r e c e i v e d an i m a g e o f a l a r g e c hu r c h o r g a n v e r y v i v i d , v e r y b r i ght and I r e a l i s e d/ f e l t f r om t h i s t h a t t h e p e r s o n c a l l e d Thoma s w a s i n f a c t a mi n i s t e r . S ho r t l y a f t e r t h i s I r e c e i v ed am i ma g e o f a p e r s o n w i t h a s t r a n g e s o r t o f w h i t e c o l l a r o r n e c k t i e s t ha t c h a p l a i n s in t h os e d a y s w o r e ( a s o r t o f P i l g r i m ' s f a t he r ' s o r o l d S c o t t i s h o r t ho d o x / mode r a t o r t y p e t h i n g ) , a nd a c l o s e - up o f t h e b a c k o f a mans head . The man had d a r k b r ow n h a i r w i t h a sma l l bow a r ound a s h o r t p o n y - t a i l . I f e l t q u i t e s t r o n g l y t h a t T h omas w a s v e r y c o n c e r n e d a b o u t t h e c on d i t i on s a t t h a t t i me i n t h e T o l b o o t h , e s p e c i a l l y r e g a r d i n g t h e f ema l e o c c upa n t s .

    I t h e n r e c e i ved t h e i mp r e s s i on o f t h e na me ALAN . Thi s w a s i mme d i a t e l y c o r r e c t e d t o A L A I N w i t h t h e l e t t e r s b e i ng s p e l t o u t i n i m a g e f o rm , and I g o t t h e f e e l i n g o f a F r e n c hman , a s a i l o r who was w i t h i n t h i s b u i l d i ng a n d t h i s c e l l a t s ome t i m e . Sh o r t l y a f t e r t h i s ( b u t p e r h a p s n o t c o nne c t e d w i t h t h e F r e n c hman ) I g o t / r e c e i v ed t h e s t r on g p h y s i c a l f e e l i n g o f c h e s t p r o b l ems i n t h e l ungs , t ub e r c u l o s i s , a s e ns e ( t a s t e ) o f v e r y b a d d r i nk i n g w a t e r , d amp s t r a w on t h e f l o o r a n d a v e r y d i m , dank a t m o s p h e r e .

    E n d o f R e p o r t

    1 : 1 0 am : L e a v i ng c e l l t o m e e t u p w i t h D a v i d .

    ENIG!'lAS NOV-DEC 1 990 .

    2 1 1 : 1 2 am : L e f t D a v i d t o g o and s w a p p o s i t i o n s w i t h H e a t h e r a nd ( R.W . ) who are i n s i d e the C l a s s r o om .

    1 : 1 4 am : N o w i n s i d e t h e C l a s s r o om . (H. Iv . ) a p p e a r e d t o be v i o l en t l y p u s h e d ag a i n s t t h e w a l l w h i l e s t an d i n g o v e r t h e f l ag s t on e s ad j a c e n t t o t h e ma r k e d f l a g s t o n e .

    1 : 1 7 a m : H e a t h e r a n d ( R. W . ) h a v e l e f t t o g o t o w a r ds obs e r v a t i o n p o i n t s . D a v i d is i n t h e c o r r i d o r , I am in the and b e g i n n i n g o bs e r v a t i o n p e r i od .

    t h e d i n i ng G l a s s r o om ,

    1 : 3 0 a m : R e p o r t o n o b s e r v a t i o n p e r i o d - S h o r t l y a f t e r beg i nn i n g I f e l t q u i t e s t r o n g l y a n e n e r g y f i e l d a r ound my l e g s , p a r t i c u l a r l y my r i g h t l e g / r i g h t a n k l e ; a l mo s t f e l t a s i f i t w e r e s ome t h i n g o n m y a n k l e ( l eg i r o n s ? ) . I s t i l l f e e l i t a s I a m r e c o r d i n g t h i s r e p o r t , i t s n o t g o n e aw a y .

    I r e c e i v e d wha t a p p e a r e d t o be t h e n ame MOXTON i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h i s r o om - I h a v e n o i d e a w h a t i t r e f e r s t o .

    I f e l t t h a t t h e f l o o r o f t h i s r o om w a s a t o n e t i me l ow e r p o s s i b l y b y a f e w f e e t .

    I t h e n r e c e i v ed t h e i ma g e o f an e x c a v a t o r and f e l t t h a t i f a d i g g e r e x c a v a t e d t h e g r ound a r ound t h e C l a s s r o om and t h e T o l b o o t h , a l o t o f b u r i e d s k e l e t on s w o u l d be f o und - I r e c e i v ed a s t r on g i ma g e o f t h i s .

    1 : 3 5 : am G r o u p r e a s s emb l e d i n t h e C l a s s r o om , ha v i n g a t i me - o u t . ! a n and S u z i h a d j o i n e d t h e g r o up .

    2 : 1 5 am G r o u p r e c omme n c e d o b s e r v a t i on .

    2 : 1 6 am : D a v i d and my s e l f c omm e n c e d o b s e r v a t i o n r o om .

    i n t h e t o p d i n i ng

    2 : 3 5 a m : R e p o r t o n o b s e r v a t i on p e r i od - I r e c e i v e d t h e s t r ong i m a g e o f a f i r e and a n e w s p a p e r . T h e me a n i ng I i n t u i t e d f r om t h i s w a s t h a t t h e r e w a s a r e c o r d i n a n e w s p a p e r o f t h e r e hav i ng b e en a f i r e i n t h i s b u i l d i ng o r on t h i s s i t e a t s ome t i me . W h i l s t w r i t i n g r e p o r t r e c e i v ed p o s s i b l e d a t e o f f i r e a s 1 7 1 4 .

    I a l s o r e c e i v e d t h e n ame SHER I FF J AM E S .

    End o f r e p o r t .

    2 : 3 7 am : C h a n g e d l o c a t i on t o c e l l n e a r to t h e t o i l e t s , a c c omp a n i e d b y D a v i d .

    2 : 5 0 am : E n d o f o b s e r v a t i o n p e r i od i n t h e c e l l - n o p h enomena f e l t o r obs e r v e d .

    3 : l O a m : H e a t h e r , ( R.w. ), D a v i d and my s e l f ha v e mo v e d f r om t he r e s t a u r a n t u p t o t h e t o p l e v e l s o f t h e T o l b o o t h i t s e l f , r e p l a c i ng M a l c om and L o r r a i n e .

    B ) : - ' Ups t a i r s ' Obs e r v a t i on P e r i o d .

    3 : 3 0 am : - 4 : 1 5 am : - N o p h e n om e n a obs e r v e d o r f e l t by my s e l f du r i ng t h i s p e r i o d u p s t a i r s .

    4 : 2 0 am : - G r o u p r e t u rn e d t o r e s t a u r an t a n d c e a s e d a l l o b s e r v a t i o n .

    ENIGMAS NOV-DEC 1 99 0 .

  • 2 2

    New S ig ht ing Of Morag s y Ron Hal l i day

    The following is an article submi t ted by ��Is Ro n Halliday which although has nothing directly to do wi th SPi s Loch Morar project in June-July this year , (or has it ? ) , he presents the case of a recent sighting of ' morag ' , the name given t o the creature wh ich allegedly inhabits Scot land ' s Loch Morar . Make your own mind up. Comments please.

    Co incidence or not as the case may be , no netheless it is fascina ting to repor t

    that "Morag " the "monster" o f Loch Morar has been sighted again. I don ' t usually

    buy the Sunday Mail , bu t took a notion on September 2nd. Imagine my surprise on

    turning to page three ( no wit ty remarks please ) , to be met by the headline ; "!'b rag the Monster is back on the prowl " . A lengthy repo rt followed which included a

    sketch of the sighting and a photo of the witness Alistair Mackellaig with his two

    young so ns. By monday evening I had obtained Mr Mackellaig ' s phone number and

    gave him a call. Mr Mackellaig was q uite willing to talk a bo u t his experience and

    impressed me with his sincerity. He was certainly convinced that he had seen

    so mething ou t of the ordinary. More of which shortly.

    Having talked with one of the witnesses ( his brother and so ns had also sighted Morag) , I decided to have a word with the journalist who had writ ten the story. Now for the curious bit. The story went under the by line of Angus Macleod. When

    I rang him however , he mo re or less disclaimed authorship , and referred me to

    Ian Abernethy of the West Highland News Agency , based at Fb r t William. Mr Abernethy

    confirmed that the s tory originated from him and added that it was the first story

    on Mo rag that he had been able to repo r t for about IO years , he had reported

    sigh tings in the early 70 ' s , including the E.N. Camp bell Investigation. I an

    confirmed his faith in Alistair Mackellaig ' s integrity , substant ia t ing my feelings.

    Actually however , though it is not made clear in the �unday Mail , it was Alistair ' s

    brother Duncan who first spot ted the three humps moving to gether a lit tle way

    behind their I7 foot fibre glass motor boat. The brothers with the two children

    aboard were taking part in a fishing competition and trawling near the so uth shore

    of the loch. The encounter took place ' midway between So u th Tarbert and 11eoble "

    near the deepest part of the loch. They trolled s teadily down the loch some 20 feet from the shore , at a speed of about 2-3 knots , when , at about I.45pm , they

    ENIC11AS NOV -DEC I990.

    2 3

    sighted the three humps. Although it made no men tion of the fac t , the report was

    two weeks old by the time it appeared in the �unday Mail. The report did however

    accurately reflect the very calm weather conditions at the tim e , a glass smooth

    loch , "an excellent day , beautiful and quie t " in Alistair ' s words.

    The humps s to od about a car wheel ' s heigh t ou t of the water , moving slowly

    alongside , then past the boat. There was no not iceable wake , and the humps "kept

    in a straigh t line". Once they were past the boa t , thee humps just "totally

    disappeared " , ie , ( all together) . Alistair co nfirmed that the sight ing lasted between 4 to 5 minutes. The boat at the time was drifting about IO yards from the

    shore , with the object about 50 yards from the boat.

    Alistair is a regular sailor on the loch , and has experienced all kinds of sailing

    weather. He is convinced that he saw so me thing unusual tha t day. How does

    Alistair ' s sii)l ting relate to the Loch Morar Proj ect ? ( SE"c LAST I!::i�1JE O.lo' �NI GNAS) It certainly confirms t h a t Morag is s till abou t and that our expedition in June

    July was no was no wild goose chase. In fact , perhaps without stre tching the point too far, 14e migh t have a direct link. Our pro ject was concerned with the psychic

    link with r-:orar. Is it possible that our presence opened a psychic door and

    thereby led to the mo s t significant Morag sighting for a decade ? Coincidence ?

    SPI would welcome readers views.

    S . P. I . C A S E R E S E A R C H W O R K . � � fl (J �

    '.o/e now conclude our. SPI case research report on Mrs Jean Smith. As readers will know by following this story in previous issues of ENIGMAS , this lady was troubled with various forms of ' psychi c manifestations. SPI now presen t , what they feel was behind these incidents. 'lhe files on this case are available to any serious researcher.

    Since late February I987 , I and a number of my colleagues had paid Mrs Smith many visits taking down further notes and gaining new information into recent s trange events which had been occuring in her home. I had previously to ok steps in order to gain the services of experienced researchers such as , Professor Archie Ro y of Glasgow University , Professo r Morris of Edinburgh University , and To ny Cornell of Cambridge University , but al l , for various reaso ns , were unable to help • . But on the 5 th of March I987 I aqquired the services of S t irling medium , 11rs Jean Glenn. This was my first meeting with psychic Jean Glenn , and I found her a very pleasent and extremely ' talka t ive ' lady, who was speaking generally about the job in hand and Spiritualism as a whole. We arrived slightly later than sheduled at Laurieston


  • 24

    an d '"ere ushered in to t h e l i vi ng ro o m b y J ean Smi th . Co nversa tio n was ra i sed o n r e c e n t happ eni ngs experi enced b y M r s Smi th . Jean Gl enn made t o explain thes e happenings and o f whi ch findings I wo ul d to tal l y agree wi th , ( mo re i n a moment ) . Jean Gl enn went on to info rm Hrs Smi th , that in her o p i nio n , thi s was no t a sp eci fi c hauntin5 as such , bu t that !1rs J ean Smith i s v e ry much psychi c , and that the spi ri t p eo pl e who were wi thi n her ho m e , were co mi ng through to her to try and make h e r aware o f thei r presence and thei r i n t entions , ( what ever t h e y m i gh t be ? ) .

    Jean Gl enn sa t qui e t for so m e moments and " tuned i n " . After a sho rt whi l e , an array o f ' p sy chi c info rmatio n ' flo wed through . She gave Mrs Smi th much i nfo rma ti o n co ncerni ng he rsel f and fami l y matters whi ch p ro ved co rrec t , ( bu t no t always) , and o f which Jean Smi th could rel a t e to ; i e , Mrs Gl enn fi rst o f al l said to Jean that she fel t she was in a ho spi tal wh en she first arrived at h e r home , Mrs �'mi th r e l a ted that she in fac t worked in a ho spi tal in Falki rk , ( thi s was unknown to Jean Gl enn) . Anyway , basi cal l y spi ri t communi ca tion was mad e , informa tion relayed , and M rs Gl enn co ncluded with a pray e r to ask th e s e spi ri t peopl e to ' mo ve o n ' . The p sy chic hersel f was then su rpri s ed to see a bi g fa t pri e s t app ear , ( unseen by us)


    waving hi s hand and smil ing. we l eft Mrs Smith that evening in a happi er fram e o f mind , and l ike her, w e ho p ed that things would now be qu i e t . Were they ? 'tlell y e s fo r a ti m e , but they unfortuna t ely came back agai n .

    I n April I987 , m y co l l eague and I co l l eague being Paul McKay , ascertained a few mo re inci d ent s , one o f wh i ch was the fo llowing. Th e r e were time s w h e n M r s Smi th was reading a newspaper and apparently so meo n e i n her ' head ' was reading the same wo rds , bu t i n a mal e vo i c e .

    I t was o n thi s vi si t that Jean Smi th p ro duced i n f ro nt of us au toma t i c wri t ing ( tha t i s wri ti ng no t deem ed t o come from the ac tual p erso n themselves ,

    bu t f ro m a di s carnate spi ri t wri ting through the p en o r p encil o f thei r co ntro l . Th i s came about when Jean men tio n ed that o n o n e o ccasi o n a s she was enteri ng her k i tchen , she o bserved sh e e ts of pap e r fal l i ng slowly from the c ei l ing o n to the ki tchen floo r . Her next reco l l e c t i o n was " waking up" , and real i si ng that she was sa t at the k i t ch en tabl e and had wri tten pages of i nfo rmat i o n which she coul d ' n t und ers tand . Wi tho u t much pro m ti n g , she i nfo rmed us that sh e woul d l i k e to try again. Pap er was provided , and J ean wro t e a number o f pages , thi s was af ter she · had sat init ial l y very qui e t .

    She was under no p ressure t o d o thi s , ei the r b y Paul McKay o r mysel f Mal oo l m Ro bi nso n . H e r f i r s t a t t emp t l as ted ro ughly 4 to 5 mirru t e s . I n a ma t t e r o f seco nd s the pen i n her hand was moving. The p en was gently ' re s ti ng ' in her hand , in part tho ugh , the thumb was on top o f the pen , whi l s t the middl e finger was , at times , suppo rting the bo t tom p ar t of the p en .

    A f t e r s tudying thi s ' au to ma t i c wri ting ' , I am conv i nced tha t i t i s mo s t c e r tainl y i n the handwri ting and s tyl e o f Mrs Smi th , ( al l o wi ng fo r th e manner i n which i t

    E:NI GMAS :OOV-DEC I990 .

    2 5

    was do ne ) . Basi cal ly the i nforma tion rel ay ed p er tained to ' a gho s t i n Jean ' s ho use , and tha t I sho ul d take s teps to get rid o f i t ' . 'l'h ere wa s llD.lch mo re than thi s though. Jean started to cry when she was wri ti ng th e part which read , that sh e was the Dev.i l ' s si s ter. •,,'hi l s t wri ting she wo ul d say , ' th i s is so m eo n e el se now ' . ( Al l thi s automa ti c wri ting is on fi l e and avai l abl e to s erio us res earchers) .

    I sp en t much time and many hours wi th wi tness Jean Smi th , and i n al l tha t time I mus t conf e ss , that apart from documenting al l th e s e s trange even t s , we we re no ne the wi ser in understanding i t or i ndeed ' sto p ping i t ' al tho ugh i t wasn ' t fo r the

    l ack of tryi ng. If we can say anything a bo u t thi s cas e , then w e may say that the answer coul d l i e in o ne of th ree di re c tions. Th ere wo ul d b e tho se however who mi gh t say that the answ e r may be a combinatio n o f all th r e e . Th ese three po ssi bil i t i es a s t o the po s s i bl e cause o f the di s turbances o c curing to Jean Smi th , are a s fo l lows .

    ( a ) The i ndi vidual kno wn as J ean Smi th was very much sensi tive p sy ch i c of an o rd er above the average individual . I t s b e en sta ted that we are al l psychi c to so�e degree , but in thi s ins tance J ean Smith was wel l above thi s , as o u r r e s earch wo uld seem to indi ca te . ( b) Jean Smi th was a l i ar or was seeking a t tenti o n o wi ng to the fac t that her family of 2 girl s were growing up and would so o n be l eaving the family ho me . Upo n tha t the r e was no husband i n the ho me ( di vo rc e e ) wh ereby thi s s i tua tio n l eant i t self towards a po ssibl e degree o f ' d epressio n ' and the r e w a s al so a to tal no n so cial l i f e .

    As to her be ing a l ia r , I wo ul d say no t . 'D1 e bo dy l ant,-uag·e and d e sp era tio n o f Jean in s eeking answers to at times h e r fri gh tni �"vi sio ns " , were al l to cl ear to me and did no t s trike me as being the resul t of an o utward l i ar . I may o f course be wro ng , how wil l I kno w fo r c e r tain ? bu t i t i s my bel i ef that sh e was no t a l iar. ( c ) Our o ther o p t io n as to the answer regarding the s e mani fe s t a tio ns i s po ssi bl y , could they be the resul t o f temp eral l o b e a c ti vi ty ? hal luci na t io n s ? an over ac ti ve imaginatio� ?

    Whi l s t Mrs Smi th was on medi ca tion which I bel i ev e can , i f taken heavi l y , i nduce sl i gh t ' il l usions ' , thi s op tio n was not enti rely cl ear to SPI as being a d e fi n e t answer , fo r she was no t always o n thi s d ru g when h er ' v i sio ns ' o ccured . Even i f the d ru g d i d p l ay a small co ntri butary par t i n the events , I ' m q u i t e sure that i t could no t acco unt fo r the o ther asp ec t s i ncludi ng the earl iar p sy chi c event s i n h e r l i fe . So at the end of the day �'PI found th em s el v e s wi th a vast am:> u n t o f mat e ri al , no t o nl y no t e wi s e , but audio and video tape a s w el l . But where did i t ge t u s ? Sadl y no t very far . l'IY o wn personal feel i ngs o n thi s case , was the fac t that I s t ro ngl y bel i eved Jean a s bei ng v e ry much p sychi c , and a s w e have s een earl i er , sh e d e t e s t ed thi s . " I do n ' t want to b e bl o o dy p sychi c " she o nc e sho u t ed o n o n e o ccasio n . But she was as far as I was co n c erned , all th e evidence tended to sugge s t i t , and th ere was no thing we could do a bo u t i t .

    Sure we i nvo l v ed the Al l o a Sp i ri tual i st church , and th e church o f Sco tland , thi s again was in regards to trying to ge t RI D o f the s e o u t s i d e agenci es , gho s t s , cal l them what you wi l l . Th e work appl i ed by Andrew Davie , ( s e e ENIGI1AS No 19 &: 20) d i d no t resul t in any s toppage o f the even t s . Fo r a sho r t t i m e ye s , bu t i t al l c am e back agai n . M r s Smi th grew i ncreasingly ti e rd o f SPI no t do i ng so m e thing co nstru c t ive fo r everything to ceas e . Bu t how could we ? w e do n ' t have a magi c wand. She accep t ed the need to ke ep a diary o f these events to s e e i f they formed so m e kind of pat tern ( they did no t ) . She accep t ed tha t ��I were t ry i ng hard to ' mi nim i s e ' th e s e d i s turbances wi th the afo re mentio ned appl i ca ti o ns ( see agai n

    p revious ��I Gr�S) ; but she was ti e rd , ver; t i e rd o f th e s e even t s , and her heal th

    ENI GMAS NO V-DEC I990 .

  • 2 6

    was fai l i ng. And so i t was in I 9o8 , that I heard the sad news tha t J ean Smi th had passed away o f a h eart at tack. I was saddened to l earn of thi s , bu t as a �� i ri tual i s t mysel f , I b el i eve that J ean �mith is in a be t ter p l a c e . We may never kno w fo r sure what exactly caused the se vi sions that J ean experi enced , I ' v e spe cul a ted earl i e r i n thi s articl e , bu t specul a t io n is no t , as we kno w , th e fac t s . The wo rl d o f the paranormal i s strange no do u b t , and wi l l co n t i nue to be unt i l we unco ve r so me cl u e s and gai n a be t t er understandinG o f " wha t i t i s a l l abo u t " , and thi s can o nl y be thro ugh co ntinued research and no t shying away from what I co nsi der to be the respo nsi bil i t i es of p eopl e l i k e ou rsel ves who real i se that there i s i cd e ed so m e thi ng ' go i ng o n ' ,

    ENICA"IA� now p resent so m e mu cases and thoughts by S . R. U . F. U . ( Sco t ti sh Research i nto Uni d en ti fi ed Fl y i ng O b j e c t s) , Chai rman Ken Hi ggen s . ��I are always happy to assi s t o the r Sco t ti sh gro up s by featuring the i r research in our publ i catio n , and i ndeed , ��I are tyi ng cl o ser l i nk s wi th SRUFO o wi ng to the fac t tha t , apart from th e �PR , ( Sco t t i sh So ci e ty }'o r P sychi cal Resea rch ) , there are o nl y SPI & SRUFO i nvo l ved wi th thi s typ e of work in Sco tl and . A sad fac t , co nsideri ng the many gro ups i nvol ved wi th thi s typ e of work in Engl and , ( su ch is l i fe ? )

    S . R . U . }'.0 . CASE HISTOHYS BY IG:N HIGGENS .

    S. R.U . F. O . have recentl y condu c t ed i nve s t i ga t io ns i n to repo rted si gh ti ngs o f "Large craf t " i n No r thern

    Sco tl and. CASE I : On 3 1 s t De cembe r 1 97 8 at 7pm ,

    a gentl eman and h i s wi f e watch ed as a very large

    uni denti fi ed craf t passed up a bo v e the sho res o f

    l i t tl e Lo ch 3room be tween Badcaul and Braemo re

    j unctio n , Rosshi r e . The o b j e c t was described as the si z e o f a l arge o cean l i ner

    wi th co ntinuous bri gh tl y l i t po r tho l e s al l round. No navi ga ti o nal l i gh t s wer e

    se en and t h e craft made no no i s e . The o bj e c t gave o ff a bri gh t glo w , bu t l ef t no

    v i si bl e vapour trai l . The craf t was o b served fo r o ver two m i nu t e s by the wi tness

    and hi s wi f e . As the o bj e c t mo ved o n , po werful bino cul ars were used .

    The i ncident was immedi ately repo rted to RAF Kinlo ss wi th no co nfi rmat io n ever r e turned , D e spi t e many fo l lo w up cal l s , no mo re was heard . Th e wi tness i s an

    ex serv i c eman wi th many y ears exp e ri ence o f various a i rcraf t typ e s . The wi tness

    claimed never to have bel i eved i n the exi stence of U FO s , until h e made the above

    sigh ting . The l i t tl e Lo ch Bro om i nci dent of 1978 is no t the fi rst , no r the last

    to have o c cured . There have been several o th er repo rts of UFO s i n thi s relatively

    remo te part of Sco tl and . Mo st repo rts have sug6 e s ted Large ' si l en t o bj e cts ' and

    ENIGMAS OOV-DEC 1 990 .

    2 7

    have b een seen by civil en&i neers , gamekeep e rs , and l o cal po stman. Recentl y an

    o i l wo rker from K i sho rn was fo l l o w ed by a l arge craft to Loch Carro n , a d i s tance o f

    o ver six mil es. ( SRUFO are commi ted to fur th e r research in thi s area) .

    CA�� 2 31AI RGOiffii E PER'n-£�1U R3 1985.

    one evening in 1 9 85 at Sl ai rgo wrie in P er th shi re , a lady wi tnessed a large c i gar

    shaped o bj ec t ho veri ng abo v e her ho use . A f te r a few minu t e s , the o bj e c t mo ved o ff

    at gr eat sp eed . The l ady immedia tely tel ephoned the po l i c e . Two co nstabl e s

    arrived and asked que s t i o ns fo r nearl y TWO ho urs . During t h e next three days hel i co p t e rs arrived o ver the wi tnesses ho u s e . Bel o w them hung two boxes. The

    lady tel ephoned the po l i c e and was to l d tha t th e h el i co p t er was condu c t i ng t e s t s

    and that there w a s no thi ng t o be afraid abo u t . T h e RAF s to ry was that they were " conduc ting mano uvers " . 'I'he wi tness t el l s SRUFO tha t the RA F neve r carri ed o u t

    �anouvers i n Bl ai rgowrie befo re t h e event , and have no t b e e n back since ?

    Wi thin a few days of the sighting some thing v e ry

    st range happened . 'Ih e l ady and h e r so n were si t ti ng

    by a window when they o bserved 1 2-14 men of vari o u s

    ages , and dressed i n black , wal k u p the i r nei ghbours

    path . Upon reaching t h e doo r , they al l wal k ed s trai gh t

    i n to the nei ghbo urs hou s e . Wi thin a very sho rt p e riod







    PHONE 0898 654 637

    of time , the men i n black wal ked s trai gh t out of th e nei ghbours home and walked o ff

    up the street towards th e to wn . The wi tnesses d e sc ri bed the men as Jewi sh ( Yi d i sh )

    i n app earance , wi th long black hai r and bl ack brimmed ha ts.

    Cl early curious for an expl ana tio n , the lady and her son approached the fri end

    next doo r. The neighbour answered the doo r and was asked if everything was O K .

    The neighbour knew NOlliiNG abou t any vi si to r s . The l ad t wi tness sadl y d i ed three

    years ago , bu t her son s t i l l has a vivid memory o f hi s mo thers si gh ti ng and the

    strange goings o n wi tnessed by himsel f . A l arge co lour pai n ti ng of the UFO was

    sent to a research group in Engl and . A t t emp t s on behal f o f the gentl eman wil l be

    made to secure the re turn of thi s and o th er pap ers rel a t ed to thi s ca se .

    The gentl eman has been i n touch wi th SRUFO , and fur ther de tail s of o ther UFO

    ac tivi ties in the area have b e en passed o n , ��UFO I nv e s t i ga tio ns a r e co n t i nui ng.

    ENIGMAS NOV-DEC 1 990 .

  • 2 8

    SPI Resea rch


    §JQP!4l!� �®@l!t K!·tllilt£\ B IfJM®J/Bf!B ��

    Ju n e/J u l y�

    BY Malco lm Rob inson. As disclo sed in our last issue , b�I engaged themselves in a ' psychic' at temp t to determine if there truly was some thi ng in Loch Norar whi ch resembl ed to all accounts , that o f what i s al so all eged to inhabi t Lo ch Ness . Readers may find our research me thods into Lo ch Norar peculiar , but one should bear in mind tha t psychic research has given us weal thy data in the pas t , consider psychi cs helping the police ( etc) . One never advances his knowledge if he just si ts on the fence , kno•.d edge comes about by searching for i t . And that can be in any manner of means .

    - � . _,......!.::s-

    "I wouldn ' t use Ol'le of them" , i s the usual phJrase when some i ndividual s refer to the Oui ja Board . The preco nceived idea that some have that thi s instrument is the ' Devil ' s 'roy ' , is to my mind , vastly mi sl eading. I do however accep t that there are tho se mi sguided soul s who abuse , or rather , who into such hands , ' misuse ' the board in a manner whi ch undoubtably will forsee probl ems , tho se probl ems may be psychologi cal or emo tional ; the fact remains that the ouija board do es work , and can in some i nstances work so effi ciantly , that o ne wonders if it truly is spirit communi cation.

    I mention thi s , as no mat ter how wel l the planche tte moves acro ss the board spelling out correctly , names and information per taining to com.e from the spiri t · worl d , there is always that uncertain el ement that i t could all be due to the experimenters minds coupl ed wi th unconscious muscular activi ty ; which if so , i s remarkabl e in itself. 'There have been times when Ive been experimenting wi th the board . when Ive asked repeatedly to the person who is assisting me , if they are moving i t. The qui ck reply usually i s , " no t me , I thought you were." . And so i t go e s on .

    Even when I see wi th my own eyes the planchette moving swi ftl y , spelling out correct info rma tio n , I still find it amazing. As wi th tabl e tapping ( see ENIGMAS No I9) , the use of the oui ja board is specifi cally to make contact wi th the o ther sid e , and to hop efully gain some information regaxding that realm and i ts

    ENI GMAS NOV-DEC 1990 .

    2 9

    inhabi tants , ' uncl e Erni e and all ' . Pro j ect being o f a 'psychi c nature ' we employed the use o f no t o nly the of whi ch you shall be reading about

    And so it was , that owing to the Lo ch Morar rather than a search by mini submarines e tc , ouija board , but o f o ther means as wel l . Mo re i n further issues of thi s Journal .

    But fo r now , I would infonn the readership o f the communi cation that S:t>I gained through the use of the ouija board at Lo ch Mo rar. Befo re I do so , I woul d l ike to state fo r the record , that previous to us go ing to Lo ch l'lo rar o n the day in whi ch we were to be using the board , I dowsed , by pendulum , along a map of the l o ch asking the question , "where shall I and my col leagues gain information rel evant to the lo ch and i ts po ssibl e inhabi tants" , ( infering of course to Morag , the ni ck-name fo r the Lo ch f'lo rar Mo nster) .

    The pendulum which was qui te still in my hand when I moved i t slowly up a map o f the loch , suddenly started to swing i n a strong clo ckwi se manner over the area known as Rubha Garbh , near Scamdal e . I mentioned thi s to my col l eagues , and we quickly agreed that we shoul d give thi s area a try , mo re so in the light o f the pendul um info nnin� us so ?

    Anyhow , our party consi sted o f mysel f , l'lal colm Ro binso n , Lo rraine Anderso n , and Neil Bai n , ( the rest of our party were conducti ng research at ano ther part of the lo ch . ) we walked from our base at Ari saig a goo d distance which too k us to our desi red place o f lo ca tio n , that which Ive previously mentio ned . After enjoying some refreshments , (no , not the al cohol vari ety ) , we unpacked our equipment and go t down to some serious research wo rk . Neil walked alon� the small shore l i ne dowsin5 ' wi th some remarkabl e resul ts • , whil s t I and Lo rraine Anderso n sat on some ro cks wi th the oui ja bo a rd placed securely o n bo th our knees.

    After a sho rt prayer i n the Lo rd ' s name , we asked spirit to communi cate to us through the board giving us info rmation concerning what could be tenned as a , ' monster ' i n Lo ch Mo rar . I di slike the wo rd ' mo nster ' , a s i t conjurs up fanciful imagery of exo c ti c fo rtean beasts . However , after a period of around a few minutes , the planchet te moved qui ckly into action in a manner that I ve never seen fo r a lon5 time. I t was very obvious that we had wi th us , a spirit p erson who had ' mu�� to say ' , that much was cl early obvious . I t became apparent that I couldn ' t keep up the taking of no tes of what he was relating, and so I shouted to Neil to qui ckl y come over and assi st i n taking no tes .

    NALC AND LORRAINE SEEN What you are now about to read , is wo rd fo r word , ( well nearly ?) o f what that spiri t p erson had to say . You !lliRE GAINING INl�DRMATION may no t accep t i t , you may even think that i t was a resul t THIDUGH 'Y.tlli OUIJA ill ARD . of the product o f our subconscious minds , but one thi ngs for sure , you can ' t igno re i t , be i t whatever department

    you might care to think i t belongs . Here it is then , po ssibl e communi cation to two members of a Sco tti sh research group on the sho res of loch mo rar o n a cold day in July I990 , asking , " i s there really something strange and aquati c in the l o ch which i s no t a fi sh , a seal , an o tter , etc etc (as many peopl e would imply ) ? Thi s i s what we go t , and yes , i t is qui te funny i n bi ts ??


    ENIGf'1AS NOV-DEC I 990 .

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    Mal co lm Ro binson began b y asking i f anyone was there , we the n received the l e t ters A'fAZR ? and then suddenly it spel l ed o u t , wi l l it to co m e , ( a referance no do u b t to u s bei ng a t L o c h Horar. After some second s , t h e fo l lo wi ng i s what we re cei ved .


    ( Th e pl anche t te suddenly stopped a t thi s po i n t , then began again wi th thi s ) .

    H:ELLO AGAIN . I AM AT YO UR DI�"PP SAL , I AM GED RGE . ( I asked thi s sp i ri t communi cato r i f i t was prepared to help us , i t repl i ed ) Y ES . I AM YOUR SP I RI T GUIDE . (I asked 1 Lo rraine ' s sp i ri t gui d e ? and i t repl i ed ) NO (I th en asked if it was my spi ri t guide , and i t repl i ed ) , YES . (Owing to th i s communi ca to r s ta ting that i ts name was G eo rge , I ask ed fo r i ts second nam e , i t spel l ed o u t ) , PBTERS. (I then asked if he co ul d hel p us , and i t repl i ed ) , YES I F I CAN. (I then asked if it coul d hel p u s to see No rag ? i t repl i ed wi th ) , YES .

    T h e p l anche t te sto pped a t thi s po i n t , and I kep t rep ea tedl y ask i ng , " can you help u s to see l1orag ?" 'l'he planch e t te then sprung i n to ac tio n and spel l ed o u t thi s ) , YOU HAVE TOLD ( garbl ed ) ABOUT A DO ZE N TIMES . (The planchet te s to pp ed again and spell ed o u t ) , GEORGE IS BACK. ( A gai n I asked , can you h el p us to see Mo rag ? i t repl i ed ) , l1ABEE IF YOU TRY DROWNING HA HA HA . (Who was i t that said spi ri t s do n ' t have a sense of humour ? ) ( I then asked if the lo cal s had real ly saw something s t range in the l o ch , and our spi ri t fri end repl i ed ) , THEY HAVE SAW SOME'fHI NG I N THE LO CH . (I then asked , what i s Morag ? i t repl i ed ) , M) RAG A BEASTY. ( i nd eed ? )

    A t thi s po in t , Lo rraine asked me i f I was pushing the pl anch e t t e and making thi s al l up , I re torted that I was no t , and was thinki ng that p e rhaps i t was she . The planch e t te suddenly j erked i n to mo tio n and spell ed o u t the fo l l o wi ng. DONT .BLAME EACH O THER ITS ME f'iOVIN G . ( I then asked , wha t ' s i n t h e l o ch ? i t repl i ed ) , YOU H ' Y O U Ab1{ ME TH A T QUESTION AGAIN . ( I then asked if there was a dowsing conne c tion wi th Mo rag and i t repl i ed ) , NO I KNOW EVERYTH I NG . (What about energy l i nes , I asked i t ) YES (What abou t el emental s around the sho re ? ) YES THEY HAVE BEEN 'r'fATCHI NG YOU ALL DAY . (What do they think ? are they i n tere s t ed ? ) YE S YOU ARE ALL MAD GE'l'TI NG OO LD . ( I repl i ed that w e were no t mad and i t went o n to spell ) , LEV GO HOME SEE YOU LATER.

    And that was i t . There w ere o ther bri ef message s , bu t th e s e unfo rtunatel y were garbl ed and therefo re o f no use to u s . Did we see Morag ? Bri efl y no , even our hurnouro u s spi ri t fri end fai l ed to ent i c e Morag to the surface . So was thi s truly spi ri t communi catio n ? or was i t the resul t of our sub co nscious minds i nte rreacting wi th the pl anch e t t e ? So m e thing cl early was happeni ng , tha t much is o bvio u s .

    Co ul d i t have been a lower astral enti ty , o r earthbound so ul p l ay i ng a practi cal joke on u s ? N eil Bain did take part in thi s experi emn t , and al though some info rma ti o n came through , it was slow and labou red . We at SPI f e el tha t as a to o l , the o u i j a board can give fo rward , i nfo rma tio n , bu t I wo ul d al so s tress , very



    very s t ro ngl y , tha t one sho ul d no t take thi s i nforma tio n t o seriousl y , fo r after al l , the oui ja board ' Do es Wo rk ' , but un ti l such times as we can co nclusiv el y p rove that i t s no t our subco nscious mi nd s interreacti ng wi th t h e planche t t e , and it is trul y spiri t coming th rough the board , then we can o nl y present the fac ts and l eave it up to the reader to make h i s o wn judgemen t .

    Lo rraine and I are bo th Spi ri tual i st s who s t ro ngly bel i eve i n a n after-l i fe , but are still prepared to acce p t th e fac t tha t we should no t take th e oui ja board too seriously . �u re the bo ard has given o u t in the past info rma tion which l a t e r pro ved to b e co rrec t , bu t a t the end o f t h e day , I di dn ' t real l y fancy trying drowning in an e ffo rt to m e e t Mo rag.

    There shal l be ro re on SPis research into Lo ch Morar and i t s claims of a creature (or crea tures) similar to "Nessi e " , i n future e d i tions of ENIGMA S , s tay tuned fo l k s .

    ( c) Strange Phenomena I nv e s t i gations I 9 90 .

    L E Y I N G T H E G H O S T ? s y J o h n P lo w man.

    The fo llo w i ng i s a n arti cl e which i ni tial l y appeared in the Sco t ti sh So ci e ty fo r P sychi cal Research NewsL e t ter of Aug/Sep I 990 . My thanks to the so ci e ty for the i r p ermi ssio n to use i t he re. J�-·.J'

    Do gho s t s and o th e r repo rt ed parano rmal pheno mena happen on l ey s ? I bel i eve that I now have some evi d ence tha t they do . 'fh e p ro bl em was a ma t ter of deci d i ng where

    there was a l ey wi tho u t invo lv i ng the si t e o f the all eged haun t . A new appro ach

    to l ey hun ting is requi red . I n h i s new book "Open Your Mi nd " (Bantam Press £I 3 . 95) Michael Bentine makes a clear d i stinction b e tween l ey l i ne s or energy l i n e s which

    are d e t e c tabl e by do wsi ng and l ey s which are s t rai gh t l i ne s l i nki ng anci ent si t e s .

    I a m tal ki ng abo u t the s trai gh t l i ne l ey s .

    To find a l ey you need t o i d e n t i fy a n INITIAL PO I NT , your lo cal omphalo s , which i s

    the h i ghest ground that i s v i sibl e . Glasgow i s dominated b y the hil l s t o the

    no r th and so u th , and in many places by mo re d i s tant mo untai n s . Ben Lo ro nd fo r

    exampl e , i s my lo cal mo un tai n , seen between the Camp s i e s and the Ki lpatri ck Hil l s

    and vi sibl e , wea th er p e rmi t ting, from the higher parts o f Bi sho pbri ggs .

    ENI GMAS :OO V-DEC 1 9 90