A MAP Illustrating Damage Caused by Anti-Vaccination Movement

HEALTH AND MEDICINE One map sums up the damage caused by the anti-vaccination movement January 24, 2014 | by Lisa Winter photo credit: Council on Foreign Relations Vaccinations are one of the of most incredible aspects of modern medicine. They can make previously lethal diseases disappear from society and save countless lives. There is, however, a chance that the vaccines work a little too well and our collective memory is too short to remember the devastating eects some of these diseases caused just a few short decades ago. Recently, for reasons that are not based on science or logic, many parents have outspokenly rejected vaccinating their children. Unfortunately, this has caused a reemergence of easily managed diseases. The Council on Foreign Relations has released an interactive map detailing the catastrophic outcome of these poor choices. The interactive map gives a gut-wrenching tour of global outbreaks of measles, mumps, rubella, polio, and whooping cough from 2008-2014. These diseases -- all of which are easily prevented by vaccines -- can have dire consequences. The CDC estimates that 164,000 people around the world will die from measles each year, and it is experiencing quite a resurgence in the UK. The United States has recently seen a drastic increase in whooping cough, which causes around 195,000 deaths per year . The majority of these deaths occur in impoverished regions with very little access to vaccines. In the case of developed areas like the US or UK, they shouldn’t be happening at all. But how did it all begin? In 1998, Andrew Wakefield released a paper claiming to have linked the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine to the onset of autism. No other scientist was ever able to match Wakefield’s findings, and in the coming years, it became known that Wakefield had a chemistry technology Choose your poison Editor's Blog Environment Technology Space Health and Medicine The Brain Plants and Animals Physics Chemistry email sign up POPULAR POSTS Powdered Alcohol Coming To The US Glow-in-the-Dark Roads Now a Reality Kepler Team Announces Discovery of Earth-Sized Search by keyword find One map sums up the damage caused by the anti-vaccination m... http://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/one-map-sums... 1 of 4 4/28/14, 7:26 AM


Scientific Method is part of how and why science works in the world. This methodology is no longer taught to children today, and as they up they cannot value authentic studies versus simply what someone says.

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Page 1: A MAP Illustrating Damage Caused by Anti-Vaccination Movement


One map sums up the damage caused by theanti-vaccination movementJanuary 24, 2014 | by Lisa Winter

photo credit: Council on Foreign Relations

Vaccinations are one of the of most incredible aspects of modern medicine. They can makepreviously lethal diseases disappear from society and save countless lives. There is,however, a chance that the vaccines work a little too well and our collective memory is tooshort to remember the devastating effects some of these diseases caused just a few shortdecades ago. Recently, for reasons that are not based on science or logic, many parentshave outspokenly rejected vaccinating their children. Unfortunately, this has caused areemergence of easily managed diseases. The Council on Foreign Relations has released aninteractive map detailing the catastrophic outcome of these poor choices.

The interactive map gives a gut-wrenching tour of global outbreaks of measles, mumps,rubella, polio, and whooping cough from 2008-2014. These diseases -- all of which areeasily prevented by vaccines -- can have dire consequences. The CDC estimates that164,000 people around the world will die from measles each year, and it is experiencingquite a resurgence in the UK. The United States has recently seen a drastic increase inwhooping cough, which causes around 195,000 deaths per year. The majority of thesedeaths occur in impoverished regions with very little access to vaccines. In the case ofdeveloped areas like the US or UK, they shouldn’t be happening at all.

But how did it all begin?

In 1998, Andrew Wakefield released a paper claiming to have linked the measles, mumps,and rubella (MMR) vaccine to the onset of autism. No other scientist was ever able to matchWakefield’s findings, and in the coming years, it became known that Wakefield had a



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financial conflict of interest. In 2010, an ethics review board found that he had falsified thedata in his report, causing an immediate retraction of his original paper and revocation of hismedical license. Despite the fact most scientists opposed Wakefield’s “findings” from thestart, some were all too eager to jump on the anti-MMR bandwagon.

Among those leading the charge against vaccines is Jenny McCarthy, the Playboy Bunny-turned-pseudoscience advocate. McCarthy began speaking out against vaccines in 2007,as she believed they caused her son’s autism. Based on her son’s symptoms, some believethe boy actually has Landau-Kleffner syndrome. She has written a few books (including onewith a foreword by Wakefield himself) continually claiming that vaccines cause autism andthat she cured her son’s disorder with alternative treatment, without a shred of crediblemedical evidence. In the face of a possible misdiagnosis and absolutely no scientificevidence to support the claim that vaccines cause autism, she remains unchanged in heropinion. Unfortunately, her celebrity status has given her a platform to use anecdotal (notscientific) evidence to urge parents against vaccines.

Of course, absolutely nothing is without risk and there can be side effects from vaccines,but those are incredibly rare. Some people are unable to be vaccinated due to allergies orother medical conditions. This makes it altogether more important for those who can getvaccinated to do so, creating a herd immunity for our most vulnerable members of society.

The full version of the map is available on CFR’s website.


tags vaccines, disease, measles, whooping cough



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unthwarted • 3 months ago

Everydisease has a threshold of pathogenic particles needed to make a personsick. What a vaccine does, is it increases this to a much higher level byprepping your immune system to respond more quickly. This however worksbest when everyone is immunized. Those who are not can produce so manybacteria or viruses as to overwhelm even this higher threshold. Thisis how smallpox was wiped out, and if not for the foolishness of somepeople in the M.E. and Africa, polio could've been eradicated from theworld as well. Now diseases that shouldn't even occur like measles arepopping back up. I think people need to read history and understand howhorrible these diseases were and the life long damage they can cause.


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Tyler Waltz • 3 months ago> unthwarted

Vaccines actually allow your adaptive immune system to create memorylymphocyte (T or B depending on the pathogenic organism). Then If youget said pathogen that you vaccinated for there is already theappropriate lymphocyte available. Proliferation of that lymphocytehappens more quickly and more intensely, flooding the pathogen andvirtually preventing sickness. I suggest 'Janeway's Immunology' formore information on this


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L-dan • 3 months ago> Tyler Waltz

He's still basically correct though, and explaining in a way thatanswers the "but I know this dude who got vaccinated and gotsick anyway" anecdotes. You don't necessarily gain an iron cladimmunity. If someone shoves a syringe full of pathogen into you,it may be able to run out of control before those memorylymphoctyes get off an adequate response. i.e. you've gotpathogen levels above that threshold he talks about. Likewise, ifyou have a crappy immune system, the vaccine is going toprotect you more than no vaccine, but you still may have such alow 'threshold' that you get sick.


MDWalker • 3 months ago> L-dan

That is not necessarily correct, vaccines are engineered,modified versions of the pathogen. Trained scientists takea live dose of the pathogen and modify it to where it onlypresents its self as a pathogen but has no virulence orcharacteristics to harm the host. It is merely showing thebody what it needs to see to mount an immune responsethe next time it sees it. These trial vaccines are tested atvarious dosages in lab and field trials and at all levels ofconcentration to see the threshold it would take to havean adverse response from the body. Those that evenhave an adverse effect, (most won't) are at such highdosage levels which will never be close to theconcentration presented in the vaccine.

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