A Long Path to an African Door

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Transcript of A Long Path to an African Door

  • 8/6/2019 A Long Path to an African Door


    I travelled till the shoes upon my feet fell apart in protest at the miles,

    Worn and broken knowing the worst of my cries and best of my smiles.

    Even the shirt on my back is plastered to me in blood sweat and tears,

    Exhausted and scarred I come to fall against a wall where no-one hears.

    An acacia tree desperately tries to bend itself away from a relentless sun,Whilst at the base the Elders chat and play till the time for work is done.

    Then a breeze so slight it fails to prize the butterflies from golden flowers,

    Carries a false whisper and promises to thirsty souls a quenching shower.

    It is there that he found me as he herded the goats back to their pen,

    My lips as dry as the tinder which lit the flame of my heart just then.

    The onyx eyes and the dark sheen of his skin made me melt into him,

    And as he lifted me into the shade of his mud hut my vision grew dim.

    Little lizards lounging on the sill show great reluctance to scurry away,

    And the humming birds outside remain seemingly suspended in the day.Red and pink blossoms with trumpet heads tiumphantly sound their peak,

    As bulging bees buzz in chorus delirious in a chore for every day a week.

    My lips taste the rooibos tea he presses to my mouth from a wooden bowl,

    He wears a smile that casts its net about my heart like a floundering shoal.

    A hand supports my head as I sip slowly and gather my senses at last,

    How long I slept I do not know but the dizziness has finally slipped past.

    When orange and crimson skies finally silhouette the monkeys at rest,

    I wake to find him by me and to my chest his sleeping head is pressed.

    Moonlight sings her song and renews the hope that had all but gone,

    And the melody of music from the light of a thousand stars is shone.

    We lay our arms around each other with only a soft blanket to cover us,

    Outside a serval stealthily pounces and catches her pray without a fuss.

    She purrs in happy oblivion and Im soothed to my core echoing her delight,

    That I should come so far and yet feel I am home where I belong this night.

    I have less than I have ever owned but gained more than I could ever hope,

    I am caught in the jaws of love a timid prey like a baby Roan antelope.

    He kisses me with demanding need and nothing else but sensual pleasure,Im plunging headlong from a cliff knowing he will catch me at his leisure.

    Wild and passionate lust sweeps us up and spits us out an unseen hurricane,

    A writhing mass of limbs and heat the ecstasy of both pleasure and pain.

    Night Cereus and Phlox growing at the walls fill my senses with their scent,

    This night I bloom for him alone and many times our salty seed is spent.

    With the sunrise pouring through the window he lays content at my side,

    I notice my old worn shoes hanging by the laces high upon a line oustide.

    And he wakes and smiles his muscled chest and arms pressed close to say,

    Now you need walk no more, for our journey together starts here today.

  • 8/6/2019 A Long Path to an African Door
