A Letter From the Sunni Prisoners in Iran to the Muslims in the West

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  • 8/22/2019 A Letter From the Sunni Prisoners in Iran to the Muslims in the West


    A group of Sunni prisoners of conscience in Iran have written a letter addressed to the Muslims living in Europe,

    detailing the condition of the Sunni people in Iran.

    The original letter in Persian is at the end of this article.

    In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,

    All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Messenger

    of Allah, the Imam of the pious.

    This is a letter from the Sunni prisoners in Iran to our brothers and sisters in Europe

    May the peace and mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you.

    !e are the prisoners of Ahlus Sunnah in the land of Iran, under an anti"Sunni go#ernment, who are ruthless

    against the Sunni people.

    !e ha#e been tormented and tortured, and sufficient for us is Allah, and $%e is& the best 'isposer of affairs.

    Iran(s despotic regime has been continuously oppressing the Sunni people through terror, torture, imprisonment

    and trying to e)pel them from their land.

    The destruction has been ongoing since the time of Shah Ismail Safa#i, draining the blood and the land of the

    Sunni people.

    'ue to the wea*ness of our $Iranian Sunni& media, the $regime& uses the unawareness in the Sunni world to

    their ad#antage, until their dagger of malice and betrayal stabs the Sunni people in the bac*.

    The anti"Sunni Iranian regime ha#e used all methods for the genocide and crushing of Sunni scholars and

    thin*ers. $+or e)ample,& they assassinated Shei*h iaei, they assassinated Shei*h Mohammad -abiee, they

    assassinated Shei*h asser Sobhani, and they assassinated Shei*h iamatullah Tawheedi. These are $/ust a

    few& clear e)amples of the cruelty of the regime.

    %ow many others ha#e been *idnapped, and destroyed by the Iranian go#ernment(s pressure upon the Sunni

    people, economically, culturally, and academically, in order to annihilate them and e)ile them from their lands.

    Anyone who e)plains to the people about the plots and tric*s of the Iranian go#ernment, as we did, is

    imprisoned and *illed.

    The tyrannical rulers of Iran, with $fa*e& smiles, deception and slogans of unity ha#e tried to hide their betrayal

    and crimes against the Sunni people.

    !hen they tra#el to Islamic countries, with the slogans of brotherhood, they intend to co#er their crac*down on

    the Sunni people and create more opportunities for destruction.

  • 8/22/2019 A Letter From the Sunni Prisoners in Iran to the Muslims in the West


    !hene#er Iran(s rulers are in a Muslim country, goodness and welfare is shown, until when they return, they

    safely carry out their abuse and crimes against the Sunnis.

    0eople from other countries were fooled by the decepti#e appearance, that this was an Islamic go#ernment,

    $but& when the Syrian re#olution began they reali1ed how bloodthirsty $the Iranian go#ernment& is.

    ow, all praise is due to Allah the Almighty, the Sunni scholars and religious youth ha#e made $the reality of the

    go#ernment& clear to the Sunni people.

    'ue to this, they face e)ecution, torture and imprisonment.

    The go#ernment, through it(s widespread arrests and its issuance of death sentences, is clearly and ob#iously

    trying to stifle the $Sunni& Muslims who protest against the insults towards 0rophet(s 2may the peace and

    blessings of Allah be upon him3 wi#es and companions, may Allah be pleased with them all.

    They want to suppress the Sunni scholars and intellectuals so that the $regime& can easily and more

    con#eniently broadcast on tele#ision and media, $religious hatred towards the Sunnis4 & to ma*e the 0rophet(s

    2peace and blessings of Allah be upon him3 wife appear as a disbelie#er and an adulteress, and to ma*e the

    the companions of the 0rophet, 2peace and blessings of Allah be upon him3, appear as traitors and hypocrites.

    My brothers and sisters, we are imprisoned in Iran by the oppressi#e go#ernment, for defending the honor of

    the Mothers of the belie#ers $the wi#es& and the companions of the 0rophet, peace and blessings be upon him.

    So far, through assassinations and e)ecutions, in the space of a few years, hundreds of our preachers ha#e

    been martyred.

    5ur re6uest to you, Muslims in Europe, is to hasten to help your brothers in Iran.

    Therefore, please answer our call, and broadcast the #oice of your oppressed brothers in Iran for the world to

    hear. Gather in front of the Iranian embassies in your countries, in order to pre#ent the e)ecution and

    suppression of Sunnis in Iran.

    It is your religious duty to act 7And if they see* help of you for the religion, then you must help,7 $Surah Al Anfal


    And may peace, and the blessings and mercy of Allah be upon you.

    +rom the Sunni prisoners in Iran


  • 8/22/2019 A Letter From the Sunni Prisoners in Iran to the Muslims in the West


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