› lccn › sn83030272 › 1911... The Sun. (New York, NY) 1911-09-09 [p 9].POWERS MOM ONGARDEN...

POWERS MOM ONGARDEN LEASE j yitnr it nrrrs es To 4 nswk r com ii-,s- 'S questions. i.v M iMRsfl UkWytf n Klate Body t r.xi redln; Itt Power Speculator Itiamcd for Rise In Ticket Price at ttrcrtit limits Murih Is failed. Iho St.it" IthlotlQ Cotnrniagiori, hearf-;-- v .nc tlm retirement of ('hairman E. Sullivan, continued yesterday iiiiZUlg of Pet Powers, the tight pro-- I r. i ,ii emine tiM lease which tho , s piani Athlntii' Club holds on ,ii Square tiardoti end ae to why Uu price of tickets for tho Wells-Brow- n 1 t M kited. The iminiry was ft aorret i ie, but it was made known that Mr. powers, nn advice of counsel, refuaod In dincUBJB the particulars of the forme of h lenax, but answered concerning the Mattel f alttattio prions for tickets that i . M ihp fault of speculator!, over ah itn tho i lub had no control I'ho aooalon, judging ly tho sound t at unm through tho tclaa doors of the tiimmiaaioii'i office to the reporters wait- ing la tho antOfOOftl, was not altogether waceful, afld this idea was borne out by lite expression worn by Commissioner I rank s it Neil when he cftmn out. On Vie Other hand, the countenance of Major John I DilOD, the othor member of the onimiasion, was untroubled It waa iii.rinuti I that th hearing had heen ad- - journod until QOIt Wednesday at III A. M., when more witnesses, including as chief u( thorn Frank K. Sturgis, president of tho company which owns tho Garden, areoxcted to appear Mr. O'Neil said that Mr. Sturfia would be subpunaed. Hi 1'owors is aLso expected to be present M tho continued session, and at its enn-r- l ision, it was said, the public will be let into the commission's confidence and be told in detail what it is all about. Besides, the two t ommiesionora and Mr. J'.iwers then were proeent at the hearing .Aaron J, Levy, as counsel for Mr. Powera; Deputy Attorney-Gener- al W. A. to look out for the commission's Albert an president therefore, the pfoi a 4 hi iiie se v' Bartow S. who Interestt; was lpfl wiun,r bT :) ,lp , invited to a member of card: declined; PoUok, IfSftl- - i i s 1 4 5 4 37 5 4 5 r 4 , 4 I 41 is associated with C harleo serkel. In 4 4145774 .1 Harvey, secretary to fight directing Clarke. In ... , , I he match of the from a of resulted in the meeting presence of Mr Weeks Stanley and H. K. another he decided after ail to ? when If r""hrl,."7?y on the commission would taking a short cut for the clubhouse, but named in Sullivan's place. characteristic he hung on ami his began to Wooas Be he was Stanley neglected as "a of to make lost ground After being miasion wai.tod to see ine down he wop the holes ,hp h v, ihr ,1Iff.Pnfh , fe Uation of boxing right. 11,0 is Michigan champion, laid a fine tho which lasted second practically dead to the seven-lour- s, was ended Levy told aOmO- - fe. tome fcOTJ thing of taken said four, souaring the match, l,ee hai a Mr Povcn,.'. sannaal , h.rl in. into pit 011 his second ;uired when the qucstioiiini; began what tho nature of proceeuniKB He i wanted to know if was to be am a defendant on trial for a fault tie was thai ho woe witnessing, merely iwi investigation of right to be of Madison square Athletic Club. Mr l ho legan to a-- k question hinuott he i old by Commiaalonor O'Noil that tie vas present only by he woloomo lo stay. 1 hen. Levy says, ho replied thai he didn't u siay unless ha w.is to bo allowed to bis Ollent Ho as to e.o ahead protOOt hearing on, with a stenographer : aUine it all down I ta'in! settled Powero on ) of tus oounaol refused ti answer quo .'ions ronoerning ttio iei.sc whioh tivi c ub I on Garden Mr Lovy sa d ha' t'omtnjaoloBor O'Noira oontontion wa tlie lease wasn't valid the oonaidoration, $1. is ridiculouo ,ec,uiso ti.e laso. which bae to be for one yoai to comply the runs several months, tiey, ,nd 1 line when it is under Olood Harden is to bo torn down to make fur a piercing offloo building, It is understood Commissioner O'Neil was referred to cluVs applica- tion, which contains a copy of lease, when Commissioner wasn't satisfactory Mr re- fused to go Then is to haio askod the tight pro-mot- if was standing on his constitu- tional rights refusing to answer on ground to do so might "tend to degrade " .vir rowers sain o. ann Mr. I bis position was enrooding timing Tease l""n,l,'"!!1" accepted young liarroahoff ownership began par 209 Broadway, Fowjies ,?1VI? AS.'li11!; won conducting, organization. r2f9t" .. v repreoent when ;r" f the building All being so, O'Xell'e conten- - that Powera's lease cannot run a f ill your unless secured from the take if the property February, it concerning this detail of his affairs that M t'owers has to It is pp sd that Sttirrris ia to called II about passing; of to Men. O'Neil to discuss a, matter until the adjourned Before the investigation of the Madison u ,ro Club's was taken William hletla Association, against which re I lep.iruiipiit made complaints, called, He that was ly orders by (.'apt. Doonan of 'partment, boon inapocling " fight for Fire Commissioner - in, teatjfled that arena ii unaafe, and commission ' t. bouts Hbotild lie there Btigseetion rnada by rira Of rttneot the Wfo carried out. changes l bor.iro Tuooday iho Jewoy illl Morris hav.o to he islponotl, t DooBT brought a refjucet il enmtntaaionera Fire Comtnle-Johnso- n thai bis dapartmoni I hi I of applioatii tie for oonNOi made lb before application I Iloparfment inapeoi and advise nnmmiaalrtn tt r ill me to safety 'i 'ire cornrnlaalonera iporate th Fire Department, "l ee -,t n.fjlt. ei,a 4;.xnie. Tshatl game between team ropro 'ne t'oltco arttneni and tid afternoon' shinoton Park, Brooklyn, for nnshlp of ( he n, a eam en !,,. ,,n ami y I he , i ('!,; '!( ,lohnna will ro e hard for, while Comin'loniir the nolha' UI i pRrk III ll. - n A s. 11 hi. in. f A. I '.. .1. ti rounds, a. in r vt ' ooxr. stajjley. Seek el Heyburn tn Intercollegiate Final. CUss told In the intercollegiate cham- pionship resumed on the of the Beltue- - rol tour to through to the aemltLnal round Gardner, (teorge Stanley, and Harry Heyburn. They meet as named this morning. Numerically, at least, Tale ad- vantage such representative as Gardner, of the association, and Blaiilay. while Princeton and the V Diversity of Pennsylvania will depend on Secktl and Heyburn respectively. Vsle Is certain, to get into the final. of survivors, Gardner Sooktli are regarded as national championship possibilities Their golf week while good enough to stave off defeat in will hsrdly tt Apawamls. Both have played in spots, there has been a of soundness to SW4 iiiii nieenin, once hjln and to p,,y become the 00m- - The mission, but Harry who 1 larke. Powers, and tho day spectacular pein' view of The revived the I.ee. Vale rumor that 71 had Sn,,V1f roun.4: holes serve and Thie Mr. with Yale grit denied. eald that when opponent waver never an opportunity present merely the com- - up who aHminia. next four and finally mn,l the law started the After session, several shot Mr. what had place. He the shot. the waa. Powers told the the y said iilso tbc.t when WOJ oourteay, iiutttiat waa Sir care jirotoct told and ar.d the won; All that ndrloo fish; ,!ile the iliai because and ais,, with law, the that tho way sky that the the r.nd that the said that that Powers into details. Mr. O'Neil reported ho und tho that incriminate and uorw explained that client's and nnd and tlon has will neit Mr. the tho Mr. who runs had who tWe the ie noxi will the were so that the r'ire pliivad (he, cuts and hey will Plie niin-- g, Waldo illle Tfixpi Par:-- and links Club Tho were will has able Two this company well lack their golf. Weeks, wBluO man. Mr. Ui as illustration. Gardner, against It W, Kstahrook of Harvard In the Ursl round. em out In .1. ling He at the i lord. sixth mid ninth holes. I he Westerner then developed a ildtlOes off he that migln have proved dtoastroua ordinary I ronuiiniiis mis :i en. nowever. gave i Gardner a lead a up, more than necessary to discount his auls"o,uent ragged playing He a and 4 margin l ater (lardner lost no time in taking the measure of ('. P. Lddy of Princeton. A weakness iu approaching alwavs left p'.ddy with the moat to doon the greens. and an puttinsc also the situation noon be- came homeless (iardner won by 7 and I. Meanwhile fteikel had been displacing ii the same brand of In the early hours aaalttot a colleagiie. A, G. hsv, the nlveraldo crack displayed little of the brill- iancy that curried tutu so successfully Sevens at th llrst nnd holes were the , liief hlofs on a raiher heavy " that totalled 4(1 strokes to the mm Hut even at thai Socket fared the homeward Journey I Ho ultimately won 4 up and 2. f'er luncheon Seckel look on F. I" t'larke, (tie Harvard captain, Here the Princeton titleholder hi once dropped into one nf lua food st reaks. but it only a sirens :.l"n : as etesdilv as a clock to the turn, where he stood 4 up, going in S7. He iron the tenth hole, becoming " up. In- different putting prevented Seckel from taking the rlexetith, while after pulling his drive from the twelfth tee Seckel made the kind of a recovery. He had the food to get a halt in because R took three puts from a distance of fifteen feet half at the short where both made mistakes, left Serkel dormle 5, but he lushed the lhree holes, each of Which Clark won m ordinary figures imore RSTS. ,v hall ' S so nh,b hn?: wai K a "A,f ' XI mati h. The summary Champlonabljp Prst reoad R a, nantoer, Yale, heal II V raianrooa, up ami , 4 to iiiaj c. p Bddr, Prlneotor bral Hooti',. tlsrvanl. 5 ap and 4 to play; Ceorge .Stanley. Ynle. bei H tl. t.e, Yale. 1 up inln,"-- I leen nolMK Itnltten Wilson. Yale, beat F. gar gent t!sr,crd. 3 up and 2 to play: AlbftTI Srket. PHneetOn, tet A ti Kav. Princeton. 4 tip 1,1. itoply;F T Clark. boat J. D. McNeil, Harvarrl, 4 up ami 3 to pi ; K- 0- Jennings. v'nlt'. I, eat j p 'alr. ,1 up aril 2 : la Harry He-- hum, PennsylvaBla, beat U B. fllali prlnreton, up and ? tO play, Bocopa ReuQd 'lirdner tn-a-t Rddy, 7 nn and 10 play; Stanley beat VTtlsOO, 'i up 1 to play; Seekrl tiat i large .1 up und 1 to play. Iley-- 1 burn .lenolngs. 2 The next intercollegiate , hamptonahip tournament will he held over the links of ti e Kkwanok Country lub at Manchester, tins win p a new green lor ire col- legian t tear .igo tltev gathered at th Essex ounty Club nl Minn herter, Mass where Robert Hunter of ala won the in- dividual i title association tte;, it, ,,!,. lllial Uieetfli nt iiaitusroi ihe(,t;Hi nosh'. officers tor the eneutns vear ere letted tl l standish. Jr., of o t 4en nresldont. to suot eisi i.)t,rt Car ale, wtuli (ieoro Stanley f s the choice tor secretary, J. N. of Princeton is the new treasurer M any of the nation' leading amateur go'e-- naa uieir round at tpawainla yesterday bv a sudden down 'pour of rain caught the players at various points about the course. ('Tub that bad been cherished tor weeks in pren- - oration for th ohampionahtp, were com jpletely soaked, and tlie next hour or two the clubhouse was filled with wet and disgusted he most promising round of the day, stopped by the rain, waa that of F M oyer, the former national chamoion. v ho. niacin? with Herbert Strong, the club pro," had a total of M the flist fburtoon noloa, although it was II i Iravn ann rewD out 4 4 4 4 I 3-- 54 Kirkby ami Herrnnofr 4 3 SS ''!rivl, i0'n,i ,d iTra a 8 4 8771 Kirkby ami Hrrrr-rio- ff In 4 4 s 8 4 3V 71 Mason the Western player, turned up yesterday and. began his flret round with the longest ball that has vet haan driven first tee. to those w no nave oeeu w a i cm jig i tie vu no us Dial era .... ti . u .. i,i,,i.. ..w . ... I lZ ntornlna end nouid get notter than an 13, but in ttio afternoon he returned a 7ii the included a I on the eighth nnd Wa balanced a 7 on tlie lorn: ninth Jerome Ira-.er- s was also on hand foi Ins first practice oyer the championship mill's a nd played well, gottjng a 7'i in the ing and a 73 in the afternoon UN second round made in a four ball ntatoll with It. A Iay as his partner against (leorge Morse, tho 'ermont nnd II. c paraona. The former national titl holdot much dlffToulty, Moroa went round in 7fi while Both of the others h' The best i aril of l he noon was furtted. ' in VYratl a of rdaiay, i, i uhotal of Ho waa ploying In a four I ball match end nith nl partner, ( c Plokhardl of st sndrewa, made tho r tmii score of bt, Three si' were included in the card. I'lclihiird "K reDonlbl for two of them, Their nente, T v Bertnlnaham and n n , widiier, both of WykftgJ'l, wen- hopelessly out. classed and were (I down ,n the end of lie fits! nine holes, losing I ho match I eventually. FntrlcB for Tii ninth intorborougli natiue of th Vew York and Parkway Driving i luba will be held at the truck this after noon, j fiere are cinsses on ite ,r,( gramme, tor id treirer rid four for the trwhcelr, The entries (a n. Trottlag Hairrteit w rrhnu Kit ward P.. s nraialaad. Jr. i'las f. Paring lilr,,m Ablff, .1 Mln.e. lover Pal n. i. v Huati Itratldno Ilr .1 II Pcrst ir, CTaaa E, Troltlnf floall, I 0, Lookwootl; Bu ion McRlnBey, it georjaa: Princes Alc on , iy t lfvl'.el: Oliver Told, r, A. Campbell Wfiivi .1 Colsmao i. Trottlnc gallorinan, a. Crawford: Oakland ,tr c. Honrrlefi Baron il W. Hanan ska ,. Pacing faiaarlB Ctsi'i v VParaeti .tune I a 11 l.awrenrr c, Paron Alfoaso, A Warner. Paul- - Bit I. VY, H Sirang. ir Haxel Del. li. tv yorgaai Dick tvllllatn. tc Bbomalir, c.i r. Pacini AUhar. .1 It rowers: Ceor IPateh'n, T II Harper: IMCIor 1 Itrret, M ;tvn Mrtinias, B. Sbneiraker. i ia s n. TraitlBf no Vaa, m T Isowll Ljdy M i. AroBBoa: Ouren !, o. w Mnrs. n: Mis Wll'dt. N. P. i lass trolling KlrwM,. Dl H D Gill xtarmn WTIk, I. F giartlsr, C H Sea rAsji tii ur o. ,i ,ie, fiatan Psclog stotl C. L. Oeodrti Qsuetaaa houl. i. A Mtcirl. Uaby Bet, that the commission was its "rsi round those who were far power in going into the ma'ter of the f.rom down and ah'.Ml li2 r."Jn after it had the clb 1 s applica- - wwe"j 1, xnilerson.ll Rorr.O. H Crocker, t Ion, which contained a ropy of ihat docu- - y y sh.vkleiotd and W. 0. ( anionic mont. Tom MacNamaru. the pi It is understood that Mr. O'Neil's con- - was also out on the course lention that the Madison .Square Athlotio VVhal was regarded as the big match of lease as required by the boxing law is. ended the round on even terms bsed on the recent history of the change W alter J 1 ravn und the national rhani-I- n of the building. In March, I plop, W rownoa, Jr. The match 1911, Ball, real estate dea lers g h four holes halved In figures. Tint nd promoters, of secured f'avts won the fifth sixth an option 7; on the fisrdon. Mr. Hturgie. turn. ' I fl,.t r roeident of the Madison Square Garden halved, but Horreahoff down a put for a ' impany. and James (. Y oung, secretary. at the fifteenth and Kirkby the it is understood, the business seventeenth with a squaring th match for that The real estate Travis had a put to win the home hole, but company doesn't take title until February '"'"f."1 thM ""trJ ,'n1,'d annare play shown evenness was by ' lots ' suppose, the proixirty ,hp tf wTloll read as follows Will wnmh Sniitbac-- f . . : Hall the demolition will begin. thla Mr. is he one svndinato which possession and Is refisort talK. be refused after aring. is concluded. Athletic nffuirs A. Brown, Brown's the said he willing, mi with any issued tho mmissinn. tbn Fire has dubs Brown's dooidod morn hold the for making pbtOO wn If the nro ndv light also from the Fire noonaaary socurc The agreed with I'lrenien he tlm 'meat trill on dopu i up. bes one on permanonl ot it Kanlon and will ere cur-g- o ItCAl 1.4: In Memloiflea, lew Pnlo Gardner, (inlf yesterday. ooma Rob- ert Socket with and present do but out be friend thereby To playing tee under by hts failed mu golf. seventh canl 110 bv proved out weakest fortune thirteenth, next It narvant. Harvard, Dunlap, anil up, The when William ale steam nraetic marreu which lor golfore, for bis Phelps, from the according nothing card by morn- - was champion, won without hnd after by Taylor who 71, too ntarkabla bel I'arKwm Parkway ion an Pdcr. Vt i rias Tns Direct, Lsland, i'Imii Trottln pr, Taskraooj Glhbooj: aarryirer, ofesso.-ua-l wth Southack ran naas svnrtionto title THE SUN, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 9, 1911. MMLE'S HIT AND AN ERROR THEY ffV A close game TOR TUK giants. HrookDiu Make Tronble In Seventh g, bnt Fall One Ron abort -- Tho t abs Play Lphlll Battle and Bent Bod In Kleventh Twe Postponement. Th (Hants and rubs both won yesterday, keeping the latter at the heels of the leaders. Both games were ( lose, the (Hants defeat- ing the Brooklyns and the cutis making an uphill light and beating the Reds in the eleventh Inning. Th Chicago pitchers have shown Improvement of late and the Bruins are travelling at a fast clip. l'he results. New l'nrk. It; Brooklyn. 2. i hlcaga, ; Cincinnati. . At Boston Bain. At Nt. Louis Halo. M'ISO or IRB Cl.t'BS. PC. I fr WOW Tork m eas st. i.ot it M2 V.PW" a ,oD I ClnolnnaU Pltllhtirf 7x r,4 ii UrooUiyo Phllaitalpiilau 1,7 .frit Hon Ion. !KW TDH (N t. ,t nsooKt.TX. 2 I he diants wrung a victory from the Brooklyn! on the Polo Ground yetorday, the neighbors pluvint another close game. Each team compressed its scoring Into one inninv The (Wants acMiilred their allotment ilrs' and then had to guard and block PtfOfully to keep the llrooklvns from Wrenching tlie gam away from them. I Their felding Waa secure liarrin.t a fumble by Marunard which put iiie team in a bud hole, but from which they climbed out by safe Adding and steady pitching. With two left bander of repu'e opposing a each other the limited number of prank who came 0111 in spile of bleak and chilly weather calculated thON Wouldn't be much scoring, bUl b"ing of Sew 1 ork pretttlOCs Hons tipootod Marunard to have n shade the bottor of Ruckor. it was even so. t Rube did outdo Napoleon The New Yorker didn't concern himself much about otrlko- - J outa. but pitched a well managed came wan lutlll of bases on balls and b was .iosiled briskly in only one Inning, In which the heart of the plate rattier than its corners was the torgOt fo and by his j sen' ice Ttucker lasted three Inning and then resumed It wa as well thai Ivneter didn't go in at the start The New Mirks withered away before him Poring hts rive timings not u hu or run was made by the name Ru er w as peppered for seven hits in three Inning Three hit were, made in tho third, and these, with stolen bases and on error by Davidson, gave the New Vorks their three runs In whipping the ball across the sward Fletcher and llcr.og were taken with a marked tendency to throw Into the ground Between them they made three alow throws to first, and only the splendid work of Merkle in taking short bounds kept his trais diamond messmats trom making error which might have been COOtlJf The three were nasty bounds to handle, not nips just off the rround. but bounds In between. the most difficult species to gather in. ,ook r,"p ot the ,,n ,n l,ie first inning and one on smit u In the .econd. both throws promoted by I'let- - her i he (bunts made three singles in succes- - inn I,, , .. litfct mnlni' f,i Li.e.iil u ciDher tberofioin. Doitlo ilndtod to right. u- - ,riM ,,, ,,, Ihlrrl nn HnndaTaaa'a noke s.,i, ,l . ,,.,,,. ,., Wheal snougrass wi nt to e" una on uu play and 10 third on Murray's mfli Id tilt to short Murray stole second, iho idea w.is if tho fates were prOOttlOUa for a double stenl to briniE Snodgrass homo, I, tit II ummel waa too wary and ttu tiest Snodgrass could do ' is ,0 t a nasty retreat to third In reality Hummel' throw to Sniuli caught nlm before tie got back, hut bason missed coancx tlon and called Snodgrass safe he incorreol daemon didn't natter, as M. vkte died out ! lioyle in the third wasn't to lie lured into going aft r had on, s and drew- four ball I snodtjrass bounced a single t, icntre and l.ariy was satisfied to pull up econd. Hurray wot into a t.oio trying to saoriflce t hIot- drop charged up a sirb e to hi a, i O' ml ajtd th, n he ttied to bunt one which uricd around his anklea. lie nexl was high and outsid ann lie swung nt it wildly ami atTUOk out. I'oxle and Smidgrass dashed forward on j, double steal, this with ; Merkle hat, Bergen dropping the pitch ti ami making the compound larceui sure; thin. Mot,, scored on a line slntrle to untie by Merkle, Pie it was good for two 1 line on us own merlto, bul where Dayidaon'a hand ahould bay been was a pottholu big enough tot a medtolne ball to pxs home through and Metkle got all tlie way Qulobly played innings intervened until! the aeyenth. Murray tan In nnd made a good catch of Wheat' By. Smith drilled a two bagger along the left tool line and tallied when Hummel lluaged into ueyoro' territory for another two Dagger. DaVldlon popped 0 single over Doyle' tange fori and brought Hummel home, the l atter taking second on Murray' throw to the He v as I, ft mere ( oulson filed 0 Snodgrass und Bergen flied a oner to Merkle. Each of the !ive Hrooklynit, s had plugged the ball with oonaldereblo vim. sna the rot nd represented the liube a most vulnerable period of the game. A foul tip stretched BUI Bergen on the' ground in the second half of the seventh, fact which hrought to ught that there were numero referee in the stands, "One, two. three, they began to count as Hergen lay on the ground Bergen was down, but only that, for at the count of "eight" ne scrambled 10 his feet, proving that he wasn't out The Brooklyn threatened again in the eighth Kuetzcr tapian! a fiy ball single to the rlaht foul line TOOley sacrificed and landed on first when Manpisrd fumbled Nobody was out. but Maro.uard sent a mixture of mystifying shoots along for Daubert'a OOAalderatton, and that doughty war rior fanned himself 10 the bench Wheat was thrown out by noraog anntnei rV:il- - fill scoop by Merkle and Tievore miole haste to enfold Smith's welcome fly The score BBOOBI.TK IW TTK AB h. r a. r AB H TaotBysta, o n Dr If .4 0 pnbr.t(lb..4 0 0 Pn .31 Wheal. If .4 1 0 s,, ,ef,4 2 SmurJb 4 o ilurrai ,rf .2 HtimceKb 4 0 MerKle.lb 4 I II lai trison ,cf 4 Herbfja, I io"!4on,rt OlFletcperj. 3 0 n RrgD,0 s 0 Meycr,e. S s P.feser.p... I 0 Mat. in (bp. I boeir,p. I 01 lots' 2li t.o! si a :i Brooklyn. rt 0 0 2 0 ',t Yo. k 0 3 II Buns, Brookli n ftmlth, Hummel Vw 'or, Doyle, Mnodgra, Merkl. rirsj base on error Brooklyn, Left on baseii Brooklyn, 3: ew York, r,. nrtt base on balls- - Off llucker, Lot bnei er. struck out-- By Itutker, 8: by Kneter, ,,: j,v klarauardi t. Two nase hits txmlili, ilnii.irei. Sarrf'Tr till Tool!'. stolen base., iioyir. s indorse. Brog, furry. iinutii,- plat fvnctrtr, Ir m me and llaiilstrl Passed ha'1 Bergea. Hu by pitriteii ball lly Mucker c ' yogi, Hit ( it nneker, 7 in Ibre Innlne's. i m air in rhl' -- lofiasioae, Plalfl umplio rcaon. i inn t hour and n loot. CHICtOO N UI, Il INCINNATI. 2 Chicago, sepl i aarsan,. thsCtiban playlQ t iini fleie, fni t in, ir tin u went lo leep in ttte rleventh inn ng, Allowed a ( iceap., runnor i re an int w is rrot i a linst And gave Ui overllm victory lo i banco i! The i.' crs i IBCIKNATI CHICAGO ah. tt p .( ! All h e. Hi- i 3 ii I' rrs,3fl I 11 I I u Hattv.f i:l ll ii.iyle.ali H Ibl III I Hhaek'd.lf i I M lf. n TUlker,se 3 I smond,B c Srhulte.rf. i Kgsn.Jb n Bbean.llb. 2 II liranl.ltb ii llofrnan.cf.l I ajDoiits.lb I t 0 c Hsler.lb 4 7 Met. i an. i'. 3 J n Needliaiii.CQ 2 a i 'lark. c ti Blehter.p., 2 I I Huroph'cK.i ti fOood.. I Keiifaip I (i SinlUi.ii n 0 II II llrewn.li I I Totals.. 33 I'M 19 1 ... I'otals.. 33 III 33 13 Two ten when wInnlnB fun ns soord, iDatted for Blunter in in wvrain inning, t'lnclniistl 0 a o o i' ii o n n o 2 rliteago, u ti n o a n i i a o i 3 Bubh loclnnail Bates, Uarsau, I blcago gheckard, Ifofmaai Baler on ise4 i bclunati, " ' Itlixgo, a rlrsl base nn ba'is otf iluniphrles, i: off herfr. 2. nit Rtehtar, 3; utt Snich 2 Btrucli out By llumubjiti, 1. by hi etc. .h. to- Blchlcr, ti by Brewa, I. t it by MieheO bsll H liumpbrUl ilinfman. Siden I'w,- basi bit !sdbam, Bacrlco Idts-hea- HoblllreU Blelen bw Hoitnan. Hales, rlgao. PouoJv plaj Tinker, Hhean ami Saler: mill HOblllBSII. 2; Piimmd KgBII and Moblltrell. I mplre m chief 0'Pay Field umpire-- - V. ttlBll, Tina- 2 bunrs ami tH inltc.ileu. tmcrleiti Association. At Louisville ftrtt 7: IauiIs-vtll- e. 3. .second llc, 4: 00luntbni 0 At St. Paul- - First game hanss i'lty. 3: st Al ftr,nennlis. Flil faille Hloasapolif , lllfwauk, 1 Se.'o:rl HJtr.e m1iiuapoi Milwaukee. A ai iDolaaoaelli T"!eri", S, In4ltnp9ll, 0. omto DBVPES tROfUY. Principal Match at Men Out Won b) Buckeye Riflemen. Bba Otnr, N. J . 8pt rlflemsn won th Dryden trophy In the principal match of the mtlng of the .Vew Jersey But Rifle Association y after s close and Interesting struggle between the sever, tesms entered The team was made up of the same mn who at Camp Perry this year with 1,783 In the Herrlck match broke the Palma 107 world' record at Ottawa by JO point. The winning core waa l.ono, on more than the total score of the New Vorkers. who mads the high score at 1,000 yards The winners will tak home with them the t:i 00,1 bronre trophy presented by for- mer I nited Ststcs Senator John F. Dryden. which Uiey will retain for one year. Th team members also divide 150 New York gets lino and the District of Columbia got third ulaoe. whic h carried with it ISO Th team consisted of eight men each, the) match rotting been shot at 300, Coo and l.ono yards, ten shots to a man at each l ast vear the match was won by the Tutted States tntMtry team with a total of .00.', and the OhlOftnsdW DOt compete They have twice won the'mati h. hosever. In 1MB and itxx), nnd tO-d-ay 'l score bv them waa rnui h better than on either former occasion The highest individual score of the match was that Of LtOUt P.alpli Alderman of the District of Columbia, who made a total on the three ranges of 143 On the New York team sergt Imrdingkillcr look high honor with 14(1. and of the eight ,Ne,v Jersey men Ma.ior Price and t.ivut. I es ce each made iia. The LibbOy trophy contest for individual at 1.000 yards was won by l.letit 11. C Shaw. uiied states infantry, F.aeh contestant was allowed 10 aiguting anon ami arter that they , onttnuOd to li00t so long as they kept within the bullseye or four rinit A soon as lea than a 4 was made tie man was compelled to drop out The winner made total 01 it bulltcy and fours, making 157 rhe lummary of th e Drytlfn match eno 1,000 Yll.1 1.1. rot Ti. Ml SS6 OS 8J5?'y0k L .145 .KM ;.7 i.mii btitrlrt of (ibiuobuV, .1411 Tl i.ea n, infantry .. ,147 574 nan "j""1 BM .14J .z o.i Vox jaroaV IN Oil MALONKV BEATS ABKAR. It est Side Hover l oo l ast for the nnrlnC Master nt To cntleth t'enturv Tommy Maloney, tho Weat side light weight, easilv OtltpOlntOd Y'ounu Al.earn. the Dancing Maitor, at tho Twentieth Cen- tury A. (' last nislit The Kot side boy was the aggressor throughout the contOOt and had Ahearn in distress near the finish from his heavy body Mows. Ahearn was lively and clevct on his feet and Used Ids lift most of the time jabbing Maloney'a lace. In the sixth round Maloney started a lively rally ar.d did most of the forcing and work. As Ahearn danced away after putting in two left jabs the tYest Side boy followed him up and with 11 right to tlse point of the Jaw sent tho Dancing 'Maator to th" floor It was a dean Incekdown mid Ahearn to,, a a count hefor-- he aot up. Near the close of the ci.ites' ,'h fighters used a lot of rough work several times Miearn used his shoulder in the clinches and Malonev tbtOW turn twice to the floor. In be mixes Ahearn after reoeivlne several body iru ache would hoi.i kialonoy' arm. He was wurned time after time by Referee VUiite. but continued to hold on Anearn's best round came in the final OOaaion, Ho rushed at Malonev as the bell sounded, landing a few left swings to the head and jaw Malonev was too strong for hun, however, and tefore the round ended be nearly floored Ahearn with a left to the .taw ISTEItCOi.l.EiilA TF. TKNtttS, Vale nd Harvard Men tialn iaee In Final of single. Philadelphia, Sept, f The aurpriao of the play in the somi-tlna- l round of the thirty-Prs- t annual champlonahlp of the Intorcollogiato aaeoetatton at ttio Morion Cricket Club, riaverford. was the defeat of J.J Armstrong, Wtriern polio giate champion nnd a representative of the Diversity of Minnesota, by B, 11 Whit ney, Harvard, fl I, 1,3 a. n t s two Y .ite phi vers root in tho lower bracket, Mann, who defeated t. I. Cnto, 4 fl. 4. ti 7. will meet Whitney for the cham- plonahlp In the double both PrinoOtOO teams won their ntatObM "11111 a Victory for the ('range and Black in this class is assured SVTTOS sismis COMPETE. Miss May Heats Mb- - Florence In VI extern New Vork Tourney. lit rrAl.o. V V., Sept s i hades Benton end May Sutton were winners y In the final of the western New York tennis tournament ttenton, Cleveland city and Michigan State champion, boat r red Harris, the Jiartmooth champion, n 7. H tl, it :, and s 4 Miss May Button captured both sets from her sister Florence by tlie su me score, I, Benton meets Vat W, N'iles. the Boston oraOk. for the international cup and championship title Miss Rutton will meet Miss Moves of Toronto for lite woman's cup and ti; lo. In the final of the woman's doubles Miss Florence Mutton ami Ma Moves won from Miss Mav Button and Miss Missel), tlie latter 01 Buffalo. The scores were (1 : and ft .3 EASTEHX I.EAGt E. ST AMPIN f, or TBI CT CBS W L. PC V rr Perhtiier 4 M4 Mnntreal S4 471 Toronto 32 ill I Jersey City It 407 BiUmor 31 34 arm.Nrwaia 32 2 Buftsio 37 it toll ProvldBnD4..46 :( BALTIUORB. 7. JRSSBT C1TT. 2 Baltimore trounced .Jersey CttV In the rasieM manner yeateroay afternoon at West Bide I'arU Error, combined with some free hitting In h npentnr ronnda. gave Uunn'k turn tln-l- etr.an tage. Jtihds Btarteil for .lersey City In las bin but laileil only two Innings Mason finished. T'rork for Halitmore was effective In light places Hie score: RAI.TIUORK JFflBKT C1TT AB. H. P. A. E. AD H A 4 Path. 3b 2(il 11 Theaey.ef 4 n 2 0 0 Corcoran.rf 4 3 n 0 0 Hreen.2li 4 3 t WaKh.lf 2 (1 0 (I Boseb.tS.. 4 0 8 3 1 Sri, ml it. in 4 i BOO tmn'ger.lf.a inn Emerion,el I 10 0 I lolan.i'b :i 11 11 Par, nt. 'h I 0 110 S Heele'.rf I Mai- l.i o 4 a 0 Abautln.lb 10 Cian.r 0 n 0 w ell, 3 Kroetep 8 0 0 0 0 Jusll,1 0 n llrers, n 0 Tnlxls 2 7 21 12 I USSOB.p 0 1' II Totals .29 f 21 12 nattad far tuviln In tt,,- second limine flame caiint in tin- seventh Inning en account of dftrknoa, u iltlmor, 5 ii 20007 Jertty ''Ik loll tt 0 0 I Huns BlUmor Bath, : Corcoran, ft; Itgao. .lers City Hreen. 2 Pvl bar-- t uu ritm, fl ilmor. S: Jeraev City. 1. rnreebsbll VYaiati SsertOru Lbs Bclimldt, I'rock, Blolen base Bhrr,ldi. Left on be Jersey City, 3 nam more, 4 lloublo pl:iv Mabt-- ami Sohmlttl l lrst base on limls (lit Justls, 1. off Masiui. i. nff Prnek, 1 Ntruekoiii lly Uaaon, ft: by Prock, 4 itu. on J uatla. 3 in two Innotrt; off Uaaon. : in Dn Innings Pmplre in chief Outhrlr. Field umpire kturray, Time I hour ends minutes, 41 TORONTO It ll B, Rochester n ii n ii o 0 (I (I 0 0 3 2 Toronto, Ii ii (i 2 2 2 11 ll bat terlea and Mitchell. Rudolph ana ptn-ip- AT MOVTRRAr.. H llulTttln. H A 1 A 0 1 A fl 1' Montreal (i (i (i ll li (1 t 0 4 and KlUWtrj i'msun idll ttiid urtli. lianics Sclicilnleil for To-da- t. BATIOKAt, UAOPB, llrnnlilvn In New Xtir; f'lillailelptila In Boston ClBolnnatJ la ( bleaffo; Pftisouri in Hi. Louts. AMKRtCA.s: liBAOUB. ew york in Wstlilnftpa: itosion in pnttadek phla. CnlcafO 'n fltroll It, Lotlll In ( lev elan.t BABTBBJI i.r.AiiitH. Hsltlmore In .trrwydliy, Newark In Provlilenre ROCBCItCr lti luroliUi: llultaln In Montreal Baseball NotOI , The linn in Red Sox hae lost their last.setrn fames. Jack t rill, a lefi haml pitcher nf the Jersey City team. ha6 been drafted hy ilia St Louli Ainerlrane. Mnr.uard Is fettln a xlrliif of hanl famea to In all of the lam alna COBteat In which e hasappearcil the aenre has been cloac and M Hi Itttl ehanre for tho ttiibe to ea:ie up. The return nf .lohnnv irer to active duly aCCIll to llnie hail I StUlllllalllll eiTert in the i ':bti since Senc-- ber e hen lie rumd clsylnf. lkJ ha,e iron eieiit cut of ten larnsi hcli fsirif tniti hrt- b fallr.i cn ibis saoo, ti ii Ui i tiifU I4in0CS, This Surely is a Piping Smoke! YOU see a man layin' his old jimmy pipe, with smoke curlin' happy like and joy flags wavin or maybe puffin' gently on a self-mad- e cigarette! Then you say: "There's another that's met up with FIVE STRAIGHT FOR CALDWELL1 PITCH US IX WASHINGTON AND VMI I ft HAS HI.V. Scoring XII ttone In t be Second InnbK and Mttle of It xthletles Heat BootOIH WBMe the Detroit Lose tn the t hi. caaos Another for the elands. Caldwell pitched another winning game for tl.e Highlanders yeoterday, beating tie Waehlngtona and making the victories in succession for the slim pitcher, The Cleveland! aNo won, but the combination of figures waa BUOh that tho New York gained one more point than the Nap and tied I hem for thud pluce The Athletics put the MostoTis away, as is their wont, and the Chicago bumped the Detroit. The n suits: New lnrk, S; Wsxblngton. 1. Philadelphia, 4: lloiton. I. ChleaiOi o: netroit. a. (let eland, 2: sit. Ixiulx. I. ST V '. INC or TBI CLl'SS 'C I tr re. PhilailrlrhtSJi t! ROSIOD A.1 49.-- lletroit 77 37 CblrsfO U 41l New Yerk.. tn UI tN sablogton 34 413 Clerland. fs (u M Si Louis. 33 :u7 M.W TOPE 14. I , t: WASHINCION. I. Washington, fiept. 8 The Hillmen jumped on old Tom Hughes this afternoon and scored enough runs In the second inning to win. althouch the Nationals put up a stiff fight Manager Chase intended working Ktiaeell I'ord, but the spiiball ftlnger was feeling bad and Itsy Caldwell did, the honors This caused a sliilt In the visitors' lineup, as ( a Id well played right field yesiei day. Manager (base gave Al Handiboe, a Washington amateur, a try out Hanrlib e held down right field like a veteran and cracked out a pretty single. The votingster created such a good Impression thai he will likely be tarried with the dub for the remainder of the season. ' A fast double plav tn Washington's lxth was all that saved tlie New orks. Milan was on first by virtue of a clean single w lien Bchaefer sent Knight a slow roller. Milan attempted to go around to third, hut chase made a perfect throw to Kartaell and Milan Was lagged out on n close decision. Had Milan remained at second to' would have cored on Elberfeld'a single and tho Kid would in all probability have crossed the plot when (leialer got to the right field fence. a'. tin in tlie ninth the Natlonala booeino dangerou. l lrst nnd second were loaded with nobody down when Catcher Blair icUL'ht rVlnamlth, Who was running for Klberfeid, pnpplp off the midway bog and followed this mi by nuiliiiir (lessler on tlie ' lattei ' attempted steal. Ctilduell ytotdod only seven hits and w-- i backed up by errorless aiipporl Ktligbl and tiuroner hud many hard chances to handle and several lime brought th i rowd tn t bo, r le, ' by clever liclouo.-- . I. fi t Dantoti tried to jolly i mnlre Perlne into uhanalntf a Cloati ilci ih,,,h iii th,- r,i;tt Innina and the pliiyci' was ordered to the bencli, Harrv Vtoltcr belnu callod upon tf,i iln left field a feature in Waahlnffton's unri, waa the throwinaof C'stcper lleiir', who killed every wouUUnc stealer Elbcrfeta whs the only puc able o ooanytnilig with Caldwell O de-- hveiy. i lie Kni i oiiectcd three afetlH o it of four time UU, New tor,, , to run tnnc'kod of tho Rift variety. Afier llardlier had fone in tlie ipoond lack Knlghl tripled to deep rlthi ti, id. Handlbo ponped to McBrfde, Flluir eklpued o bounder m McBrlde dirootlou wrlfch iho latter Jufttled a fatal second Knlfltt ,is' over tfie plate nnd Blair nulled up safe .it tirst. Blair started to a teal with tlie I, nil In HUghe' In, nil I inn,' loin pe tired io fetohaefor and the Ducohman relayed to McBride, bul tlie Inner dropped tlie ihrnM. Caldwell Muiished to iitft. oen tr and ltiuir avorod. Daniel hit afay to rlfhfi 'in' in iiyiii to Btaatoh the clo u into a doubla Bra retired for the third out, Wasliimj-io- louo tally came ill t tie other half of his iiiiiina: With (lessler at I bird, Walker at lecund nnil one out fjonrov ffrouttQOd to uardner nnd (lessler scored. i 'apt. McBride, uaually a rollanfo fielder, hnd nn off day. Ho Ims vorkod BO earnestly Bnq hard lhla sesson that the sfrtiin is to nil on nlm und Mu tloer intends to ay him off mat as aoon kg ho ian gal Maiidfer nansell Of the nochesier etun to send Kosier, purchaard several Beeks s , mv wi, .. .. he Ilnal game of the terle will be pLiycd Fringe Albert the national joy smoke P. A. sure does bring; 'em in line. To the old pipe-sh- y Crouches it's just like a war horse sniffin' o' powder-smok- e. It's the tobacco they've been yearning for, the tobacco that can't bite tongue. Pipe this fact, men ! In two years Prince Albert has revolutionized pipe-smokin- g. It has started two men to smoking a pipe for every one before. If you still think you can't get a smoke out of a pipe try P. A. now. Give your jimmy pipe a chance with real tobacco. A dime is good for the tidy red tin at all tobacco-rie- s. Go to the nearest one, NOW. IOe. Abo in 5c cloth bag a, wrapped in weather' proof paper, handy for "rolling your own." R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Sale- N. C. and Manager Chase said that Mussel! Ford would work in hop of making a clean sweep o the aeries. The score; NSW TOSS. wasnivOTON AS. H. P ft. AS. H. P. A a Han1rls.lt 1 1 0 0 Mllan.rf .41200 WiHter.lt. 1 0 o 0i8onaeier,lb HemphXsti 0 2 0 0 Elberft 1.1.-- x sase.iD , 0 1! 1 0 Ul'S'.t'! .if a 2 3 t o Hartell, 3h 4 : n H ntu, r.lf .1 0 2 0 n (iardner. 2b4 I 4 i McBrlde.u .2 0 s 3 2 ivnlgtil.sb 4 A ,x ii onruv .lib .3 2 0 Rsdlbot.rfl 1 0 0 Keory.c. a n 2 3 n Blair. c... 3 4 0 Hughes.p .1 0 n 2 o Caldwell. p x 5 0 Totals. 2a tan 2 0 n 0 tw : u n 0 II 1 Total.. JO 10 :7 10 n w ork .. 0 2 0 0 n Wafhlug'.on. ii n u Huns- New York Knlgbt Blair. vvr,.:,ijie,'ui Qeaslcr. First base nn Nl'W erit. 1. ' IWi nn bases "n.''lnglnri. 4. New Vurli. 4 first base en balls 41ft HUflies, Off Caldwell, 5. Struck ot:t By Hughes, 1. by Caldwell, .1 'tlaaei lane I, It Knigtlt. ftarrlBec alts M, llrlilr. Datla, HmpbUl. Btotcn bate Osssler ttoubte plays MeBrldr, Elberfcld and Bchaefer; McBrtde and Behasfer: Knlgni. Chas and HsrUell HI' by pitched hi: tiv Caldwell lOessler) Balk Caldwell, Umpire In ohlef Perlno Field uui-- co, Tinie 1 bour iid miaul, I'll 11, Ml Kl.r II l A ia. II. 4. BOSTON 'I. I.1, 1. PHiutrutLFniA. Sept , Rnsion could roi hit Cy Mnrgaa lo day anil thr lest tbelr fourtb swalgbl game 10 the world's champion. Kllll la wa.-- knocked out of the hox tn the nfth InalBf. Tnc icor: BOSTON. Villi APBLTR1A AB H. r. A B. AB ll. 1'. a r. Hnoper.rf 0 Lord if. 3 14 Ycrk, i (i Oldrlnf.cf tl n 2 gpee.kcr.ef. 3 0 ( .'lute t. (,ardnrr.2b .4 0 tiaUer.lb 4 1 n Kngte.lb 4 OlMurpby.rf 4 n Hel kssn.lt.l (i Melnula.lb 1 n 12 nua'akr,c..t 0 Barry ,ss.. 4 ft 2 tanvtrn,3b,.2 1 I.lv sion.e 3 2 Lewis 1 0 Morgan, p 3 I ft Klllllay.p.. 1 0 Hall. p. .1 1 0 Totals .30 ft 27 Totaii,., 2s 24 1ft Bailed for Jantrira In the eintn Inning, Boston n l ii n ii ti o o o t Philadelphia. l n o 3 o o o 4 Huns Bostea Hsaiikua. PaUadsliihls l.oril. 2. Oldrlog. Livingston. hat,r en error t'hlladetphls Left on tei Ptdladelpbia. l Boston, a. Kbit buse on palls- - oft Morgan, ft: on Kllillay. j: off Hall. Struck out B) tit i fan. 4. by Hall. 4. Two base nn Janvlrn. Bacrmc hits Oldrtng. Ycrk, I mnlre In cnlcf ( on nolly I'leia umpire- --Bbcrldan, Time bout and 15 inlntites. CHICAOO 'A I 1. 0: DBTBOIT. 3. tlSTBOlT. sepl a The Tigers lost the eprn't nf a two g.in.e series here to the wait Snx li tn 8 Walsh kept his hits well scattered after ire Prst round, while truer of the Sox came In bunrhm. Mclr.tyre iured at bat, getting tle hits in five drues up. The score: ( HIC.MIO PUTBOIT AB M. P. A . All H P A. B, MTntyrr.rf j fi 1 ii u Piish.ss ...10 IB 0 LordJo 2 2 o n Cobb.rt, 4 1 S o n ( ullahnn.lf. ft 2 1 a o ( rawfd.rf .4 2 2 0 01 I .1 ii n I,rlnh'tv.2b4 I 5 B 1 II 4 n (i Inaki'.lf 4 3 10 0 1 o u Cain, r.in i 2 0 l n :i 10 l i llorlarli ,Sbl t i 1 n 13 0 0 Srlitnllil.c. I II I II II loan Btimmers.pl o u n ti ion n u t(l f 13 1 l.Hllttr.n o o i n I, ILathsri i 0 0 0 0 Ultchell.p l o o a n Totals 34 u 27 U I Dodl.ef llr'tieltn'r.' Tannabill.i CollVns.lb lllock.r Walsbip. Toiali ptitrd for Bummeri in ihfl Bfth nptnf fptittQ ft'r Uafltta In Hie srvea'h ranutg Phlraro tOlS 11000-- 0 UetroM l o i u o o i o 0 :i Hun I'hirjtKn Mflntyre. 3; Ixrd, ( Hllnlinu, Tannehtlli nin-- , Block, waltn. nnmii i.usit. Cobb, aiurtarty. two hr nlti Mcintyrc i t.obbi iriUr. datneri Uorlarty Ituttt bate hit .stmrU OUtpy WhIs'i. .': by summriN, l; by I.nnttt", n. MdOt baas on hails on wajahi i Double i1h i Delahanu . hush And (iainer: Rusti And Iwahanty; ana xininpr; Husti, Deubaniy nnd Gainer i irt baaa uu priiirt Detroli, i. Cblfavo. i Leli n hasf. Driroii, A: Chi ran). wild pltrherx WAUh. ? Hit by pitched. 1M By SmnmrrB iTanntuJI and Brufbalmer)) mplre lo liiiff Rfan kid umpire O' .ouifltitn Time lliuur i is mlmnes OtSfMiAIIO, 2: st. tons (a i, i. i. CttTKtAHD, Sept. A. The St Louis llrowna tjira a scare Into CIorfB Slo nil's Naps to day DV llielr battlnir rally In tlie ninth satin (hem stives frum a SnUtOUl, t'lley u rre unabl In tie lb wore, however, lb Naps wliinltif. 'I lo 1. Tin- score: l ot ia. ll.KVKLAMI b. a, e in r. a y Bholton.cf 4 0 I 0 Butcher, It. a Vistin.nt 4 'i II h Olson, k.. .9 I 4 Hogan.Tf t 0 ii Jacksoh.n 0 .pnrle.2ti. 4 n I n Me. lb. 4 1! H i 'nttinum.rf 3 (i Hlrtn in.cf 3 (I 3 'SchwcttMr l 0 gall.lb :i 1 3 Knibia.il 4 0iTurnr.ab,,i 1 Halllnan.st.4 n Ratry.c..i n in Stephen, 0, 3 0 Mllctli'll.p n 0 Brown. a . x ll K Mllrhcl! I 0 0 Totals. 3? e !7 10 0 Total., 'i t" J i.t J Halted forComptOO In In ninth Innlnr ' Hatted for Hrnu In thr nlnlh Innlnf St. I.onls n n 0 n o n n n Cleveland n o l n n o .3 Run fl Louts Laporie. Oh" eland llntrher OlsOJV Two base litis ditcher, hnilr.a. I.apnrie EMrriaw 11, mi "ts'n, ,,..,i,s"i narriuc ny ,n,,,.,, t, cti.n Jackson, Lapori jjuicUn. k'lral ba. on bail 00 bruwu, i. Ui bypltehadball ByMltchU(Btopaaa). Ftmtbaae 0:1 errors Clex'elaad ? Let an base Bt, l.out. 7; Cleveland, :.. ouuek om t" Miteaall, x; by Brown, S Dauhle play t'omnton Jtutlna Brown ami KullDa V i,'i, , Mm net' I'irnire It, f BVans field umpire- v.ullen Tims- - I hi lit.' n.tai, New Yorl, Slate l.iavi" At WIUtaaBABB a h a. Tr, y 0 n 1 n n ti it n 0 I 4 I wliKesbarr.. 0 0 n 0 0 0 .' 0 .1 1 s Batteries Kr'M-- and woods; Corey. MeBrhta and tlrat.aui empire. DlaeU and W estervelt. tt cstcrn l.ca(tne. At St. ,Ii eph st loseph, 7: Slnux f'lt Den vi r Fuebl i, 4. tienver, 0. Southern la UKUc New Orleao, rtlrmlRalianx, L'haitsneoga, tilsnta, 1. ttoBigumcry, Mohlie, 0. ,nillb til antic l.carue. Columbia, 4: saannah, 2. Columbus, fi. t'onneotlottl i.easue. At Hartford- - First game Hartford. 1,. tlridge- - pen.4 ftsennd game- - Brldgporl, I: BarvforaJ, c KnRland leairue. At New Bedford Brockton, r. New Bedford, ft. At liwreni'. Lawrence, 3; Lowell. 4. Al Tail River-Ly-nn, 3: Pall llivcr. s. Other Daaeball Uante Yesterday. J at oLTuiic nu,n. a. a. a. Pouthkecnsl 0130201 o 1 is ft Lincoln illAu's 0 3 0 2 0 3 I 2 o-- 11 1(1 nation ocaact, smiin and under; Jokoson, Buckasr ar.d Baatop, ni ti aai.Aii. Llrreln (Hants 0 0 ooonnoo-- o ft ft RlvTbd 0 0 oooooo 2 batteries JotUXSOn and Buekner. Petty sad Ooldsberf. siMM tin iti".iinTsi. PKNNBI t AMa. Delaware Water Gap. kn.ioy rnr 4.itijin sea mo at " THE KITTATINNY The Uiding HoUl it Oelaware Water Oap. Pa. SU'fltn hint. OPCIJ log dies, flrcinc ItfchtB, r!x"Hforn, sti-- pnrlors. rountb rnftulte ith Iirlvnn buttis :.nrt runnlnj water, aolf. lemiU, boa tin f, hcMitlful wnllts and drlv-es- ortlit-strn- . hOraat, llfry. gnrafr ;uol romls 10 KUiatUiny. HooUlct ftiitl unto niHps on App.icatlon. Mprial Sep- - ini'pn BUM ui tuuxrt t,tt r, f r m (in plfttl, cafe K'W It iMi I OIE. Whfre smunirr Ia mIwavk rool and pleanant INK. MOIMAIN I'AKAIUSK. WATER GAP H0U8E DELAWARE WATER OAP, HA niftiest aliliuilr, overlookliiit all otber hotel ami surrouaalnji countrVi cooief-- location, ac- I'tiowleilifetl lo be nriquei-llon.xtil- ihc nneat hotel In respi-c- i In titls ration; enlartalBs SOU mens, laterctttn tale Summer. .September aad UctOb! ratN, w rite for hiunlaorne booKlel and auto maps JOHN I'I'HIlY (.'OPR. NEW .IF.IiKEI'. HOTEL CLINTON EAST ORANGE. N. J. The learlinK Family Hotel of the Oranges; 40 minute from Herald Hitiar to Hrick ( hurcli Station, in the I,aokawanna Kaiiroail. Send for 181 1 (lua 'rated Booklet A Raiee UNDER NKW WANAOl'.MENT. atprlng Lake tfeaeh. THE NEW MONMOUTH SMtma tAKE BEACH, II. J. Automoblllrif . rldlnf, drlvlnf. lennl ranoeliif sea bstblnf Aalllnf fiihtiif New IM Role Golf fours e,ooo tsrdi. Sit UOOMN. 000 BATHS. rRAMKje. an i' rr:. mW4QMI, Atlantic City. ATU. I U CITY. N, J JOS1AU Vi MIL txiANfi CxMJuN' S. 1 ' '

Transcript of › lccn › sn83030272 › 1911... The Sun. (New York, NY) 1911-09-09 [p 9].POWERS MOM ONGARDEN...


j yitnr it nrrrs es To 4 nswkrcom ii-,s- 'S questions.

i.v M iMRsfl UkWytf n Klate Bodyt r.xi redln; Itt Power SpeculatorItiamcd for Rise In Ticket Price atttrcrtit limits Murih Is failed.

Iho St.it" IthlotlQ Cotnrniagiori, hearf-;-- v

.nc tlm retirement of ('hairmanE. Sullivan, continued yesterday

iiiiZUlg of Pet Powers, the tight pro-- I

r. i ,ii emine tiM lease which tho, s piani Athlntii' Club holds on

,ii Square tiardoti end ae to whyUu price of tickets for tho Wells-Brow- n

1 t M kited. The iminiry was ft aorreti ie, but it was made known that Mr.powers, nn advice of counsel, refuaodIn dincUBJB the particulars of the forme of

h lenax, but answered concerning theMattel f alttattio prions for tickets thati . M ihp fault of speculator!, overah itn tho i lub had no control

I'ho aooalon, judging ly tho soundt at unm through tho tclaa doors of thetiimmiaaioii'i office to the reporters wait-ing la tho antOfOOftl, was not altogetherwaceful, afld this idea was borne out by

lite expression worn by CommissionerI rank s it Neil when he cftmn out. On

Vie Other hand, the countenance of MajorJohn I DilOD, the othor member of the

onimiasion, was untroubled It waaiii.rinuti I that th hearing had heen ad- -

journod until QOIt Wednesday at III A. M.,when more witnesses, including as chiefu( thorn Frank K. Sturgis, president oftho company which owns tho Garden,areoxcted to appear Mr. O'Neil saidthat Mr. Sturfia would be subpunaed.Hi 1'owors is aLso expected to be presentM tho continued session, and at its enn-r- l

ision, it was said, the public will be letinto the commission's confidence and betold in detail what it is all about.

Besides, the two t ommiesionora and Mr.J'.iwers then were proeent at the hearing.Aaron J, Levy, as counsel for Mr. Powera;Deputy Attorney-Gener- al W. A.

to look out for the commission's





pfoi a 4 hi iiie se v'Bartow S. whoInterestt; was lpfl wiun,r bT :) ,lp ,invited to a member of card:

declined; PoUok, IfSftl-- i i s 1 4 5 4 375 4 5 r 4 , 4 I 41

is associated with C harleo serkel. In 4 4145774.1 Harvey, secretary to fight directing Clarke. In ..., , I he match of the from a

of resulted in the meetingpresence of Mr Weeks Stanley and H. K. another

he decided after ail to ? when If r""hrl,."7?yon the commission would taking a short cut for the clubhouse, but

named in Sullivan's place. characteristic he hung onami his began toWooas Be he was Stanley neglected

as "a of to make lost ground After beingmiasion wai.tod to see ine down he wop the holes

,hp h v, ihr ,1Iff.Pnfh , feUation of boxing right. 11,0 is Michigan champion, laid a finetho which lasted second practically dead to the seven-lour- s,

was ended Levy told aOmO- - fe. tome fcOTJthing of taken said four, souaring the match, l,eehai a Mr Povcn,.'. sannaal , h.rl in. into pit 011 his second;uired when the qucstioiiini; began what

tho nature of proceeuniKB He i

wanted to know if was to beam a defendant on trial for a fault

tie was thai ho woe witnessing, merelyiwi investigation of right to be ofMadison square Athletic Club.

Mr l ho leganto a-- k question hinuott he i old byCommiaalonor O'Noil that tie vas presentonly by he woloomolo stay. 1 hen. Levy says, ho repliedthai he didn't u siay unless ha w.isto bo allowed to bis Ollent Ho

as to e.o ahead protOOthearing on, with a stenographer: aUine it all down I

ta'in! settled Powero on )

of tus oounaol refused ti answer quo .'ionsronoerning ttio iei.sc whioh tivi c ubI on Garden Mr Lovy sa d ha't'omtnjaoloBor O'Noira oontontion wa

tlie lease wasn't valid theoonaidoration, $1. is ridiculouo,ec,uiso ti.e laso. which bae to be for one

yoai to comply the runs severalmonths, tiey, ,nd 1 line when it is underOlood Harden is to bo torn downto make fur a piercing offloobuilding,

It is understood CommissionerO'Neil was referred to cluVs applica-tion, which contains a copy of lease,

when Commissionerwasn't satisfactory Mr re-

fused to go Thenis to haio askod the tight pro-mot-

if was standing on his constitu-tional rights refusing to answer on

ground to do so might "tend todegrade "

.vir rowers sain o. ann Mr. I

bis position wasenrooding timing

Tease l""n,l,'"!!1"accepted



ownership beganpar

209 Broadway, Fowjies,?1VI? AS.'li11!;won


r2f9t" ..v repreoent when ;r"

f the buildingAll being so, O'Xell'e conten- -

that Powera's lease cannot runa f ill your unless secured fromthe takeif the property February, it

concerning this detail of his affairs thatM t'owers has to It is

pp sd that Sttirrris ia to calledII about passing; of to

Men. O'Neil to discussa, matter until the adjourned

Before the investigation of the Madisonu ,ro Club's was takenWilliam

hletla Association, against whichre I lep.iruiipiit made complaints,

called, He that wasly orders by

(.'apt. Doonan of'partment, boon inapocling" fight for Fire Commissioner

- in, teatjfled that arenaii unaafe, and commission

' t. bouts Hbotild lie thereBtigseetion rnada by rira

Of rttneot the Wfocarried out. changes

l bor.iro Tuooday iho Jewoyilll Morris hav.o to he

islponotl,t DooBT brought a refjucet

il enmtntaaionera Fire Comtnle-Johnso- n

thai bis dapartmoni I hiI of applioatii tie for oonNOi made

lb before applicationI Iloparfmentinapeoi and advise nnmmiaalrtn

tt r ill me to safety'i 'ire cornrnlaalonera

iporate th Fire Department,

"l ee -,t n.fjlt. ei,a 4;.xnie.Tshatl game between team ropro

'ne t'oltco arttneni andtid afternoon'

shinoton Park, Brooklyn, fornnshlp of ( he n, a

eam en !,,. ,,n amiy I he

,i ('!,;'!( ,lohnna will ro e hard for,

while Comin'loniirthe nolha'


i pRrk III ll.- n A s.

11 hi.in. f A. I '.. .1.

ti rounds, a. in r vt'

ooxr.stajjley. Seek el Heyburn tnIntercollegiate Final.

CUss told In the intercollegiate cham-pionship resumed on the of the Beltue- -rol tour tothrough to the aemltLnal round

Gardner, (teorge Stanley,and Harry Heyburn. They meet asnamed this morning.

Numerically, at least, Tale ad-vantage such representative asGardner, of the association, andBlaiilay. while Princeton and the V Diversityof Pennsylvania will depend on Secktl andHeyburn respectively. Vsle Is certain,

to get into the final.of survivors, Gardner Sooktli

are regarded as national championshippossibilities Their golf week whilegood enough to stave off defeat in

will hsrdly tt Apawamls.Both have played in spots, therehas been a of soundness to

SW4 iiiii nieenin,once hjln and to p,,ybecome the 00m- - The

mission, but Harry who 1larke.Powers, and

thoday spectacular

pein' view ofThe revived the I.ee. Vale

rumor that71had Sn,,V1f roun.4:

holesserve andThie Mr. with Yale grit

denied. eald that when opponent wavernever an opportunity

present merely the com- - upwho aHminia. next four and finally

mn,lthe law started the

After session, several shotMr.

what had place. Hethe shot.

the waa.Powers

toldthe the

y said iilso tbc.t whenWOJ

oourteay, iiutttiat waaSir


told and ar.d thewon;

All that ndrloo

fish;,!ile the

iliai becauseand ais,,

with law,the

that thoway sky


ther.nd that the said thatthat Powers

into details. Mr. O'Neilreported


tho thatincriminate and

uorwexplained that client's

and nnd




Mr.the tho


who runs





ie noxiwill

the wereso that



(he,cuts and

hey willPlie

niin-- g, Waldoillle




linksClub Tho







lack their golf.

Weeks, wBluO



Ui as illustration. Gardner, againstIt W, Kstahrook of Harvard In the Urslround. em out In .1. ling He at the i lord.sixth mid ninth holes. I he Westerner thendeveloped a ildtlOes off he that miglnhave proved dtoastroua ordinary I

ronuiiniiis mis :i en. nowever. gave i

Gardner a lead a up, more than necessaryto discount his auls"o,uent ragged playingHe a and 4 margin

l ater (lardner lost no time in taking themeasure of ('. P. Lddy of Princeton. Aweakness iu approaching alwavs left p'.ddywith the moat to doon the greens. and anputtinsc also the situation noon be-came homeless (iardner won by 7 and I.

Meanwhile fteikel had been displacingii the same brand of In the early

hours aaalttot a colleagiie. A, G. hsv, thenlveraldo crack displayed little of the brill-iancy that curried tutu so successfully

Sevens at th llrst nnd holes werethe , liief hlofs on a raiher heavy " thattotalled 4(1 strokes to the mm Hut even atthai Socket fared the homeward JourneyI Ho ultimately won 4 up and 2.

f'er luncheon Seckel look on F. I" t'larke,(tie Harvard captain, Here the Princetontitleholder hi once dropped into one nf luafood st reaks. but it only a sirens

:.l"n : as etesdilv as a clock to theturn, where he stood 4 up, going in S7.He iron the tenth hole, becoming " up. In-different putting prevented Seckel fromtaking the rlexetith, while after pulling hisdrive from the twelfth tee Seckel made the

kind of a recovery. He had thefood to get a halt in because Rtook three puts from a distance offifteen feet

half at the short whereboth made mistakes, left Serkel dormle 5,but he lushed the lhree holes, each ofWhich Clark won m ordinary figures

imoreRSTS. ,vhall'S so nh,b hn?:

wai K a "A,f ' XImati h.

The summaryChamplonabljp Prst reoad R a, nantoer,

Yale, heal II V raianrooa, up ami ,

4 to iiiaj c. p Bddr, Prlneotor bralHooti',. tlsrvanl. 5 ap and 4 to play; Ceorge.Stanley. Ynle. bei H tl. t.e, Yale. 1 up inln,"-- Ileen nolMK Itnltten Wilson. Yale, beat F. gargent t!sr,crd. 3 up and 2 to play: AlbftTI Srket.PHneetOn, tet A ti Kav. Princeton. 4 tip 1,1.

itoply;F T Clark. boat J. D. McNeil,Harvarrl, 4 up ami 3 to pi ; K- 0- Jennings.v'nlt'. I, eat j p 'alr. ,1 up aril 2 : laHarry He-- hum, PennsylvaBla, beat U B. fllaliprlnreton, up and ? tO play,

Bocopa ReuQd 'lirdner tn-a-t Rddy, 7 nn and10 play; Stanley beat VTtlsOO, 'i up 1 to

play; Seekrl tiat i large .1 up und 1 to play. Iley-- 1

burn .lenolngs. 2

The next intercollegiate , hamptonahiptournament will he held over the links ofti e Kkwanok Country lub at Manchester,

tins win p a new green lor ire col-legian t tear .igo tltev gathered at thEssex ounty Club nl Minn herter, Masswhere Robert Hunter of ala won the in-dividual ititle association tte;, it, ,,!,.lllial Uieetfli nt iiaitusroi ihe(,t;Hi nosh'.

officers tor the eneutns vear ereletted tl l standish. Jr., of ot 4en nresldont. to suot eisi i.)t,rt Car

ale, wtuli (ieoro Stanley fs the choice tor secretary, J. N.

of Princeton is the new treasurerM any of the nation' leading amateur

go'e-- naa uieir roundat tpawainla yesterday bv a sudden down

'pour of rain caught the players atvarious points about the course. ('Tubthat bad been cherished tor weeks in pren- -

oration for th ohampionahtp, were comjpletely soaked, and tlie next hour ortwo the clubhouse was filled with wet anddisgusted he most promisinground of the day, stopped by the rain, waathat of F M oyer, the former nationalchamoion. v ho. niacin? with HerbertStrong, the club pro," had a total of Mthe flist fburtoon noloa, although it was


Iravn ann rewDout 4 4 4 4 I 3-- 54

Kirkby ami Herrnnofr4 3 SS''!rivl, i0'n,i,diTra a 8 4 8771

Kirkby ami Hrrrr-rio- ff

In 4 4 s 8 4 3V 71

Mason the Western player, turnedup yesterday and. began his flret roundwith the longest ball that has vet haandriven first tee. to thosew no nave oeeu w a i cm jig i tie vu no us Dial era.... ti . u .. i,i,,i.. ..w . ... I lZntornlna end nouid get notter thanan 13, but in ttio afternoon he returned a 7iithe included a I on the eighth nndWa balanced a 7 on tlie lorn: ninthJerome Ira-.er- s was also on hand foi Insfirst practice oyer the championship mill'sa nd played well, gottjng a 7'i in theing and a 73 in the afternoon UN secondround made in a four ball ntatoll withIt. A Iay as his partner against (leorgeMorse, tho 'ermont nnd II. cparaona. The former national titl holdot

much dlffToulty, Moroa wentround in 7fi while Both of the others h'

The best i aril of l he noon was furtted. 'in VYratl a of rdaiay, i, i

uhotal of Ho waa ploying In a four Iball match end nith nl partner, ( cPlokhardl of st sndrewa, made tho r

tmii score of bt, Three si'

were included in the card. I'lclihiird "KreDonlbl for two of them, Theirnente, T v Bertnlnaham and n n , widiier,both of WykftgJ'l, wen- hopelessly out.classed and were (I down ,n the end of

lie fits! nine holes, losing I ho match I


FntrlcB forTii ninth intorborougli natiue of th

Vew York and Parkway Driving i luba willbe held at the truck this afternoon, j fiere are cinsses on ite ,r,(gramme, tor id treirer rid four forthe trwhcelr, The entries

(a n. Trottlag Hairrteit w rrhnuKit ward P.. s nraialaad. Jr.

i'las f. Paring lilr,,m Ablff, .1 Mln.e.lover Pal n. i. v Huati Itratldno Ilr .1 II

Pcrst ir,CTaaa E, Troltlnf floall, I 0, Lookwootl; Bu

ion McRlnBey, it georjaa: Princes Alc on ,iy t lfvl'.el: Oliver Told, r, A. CampbellWfiivi .1 Colsmao

i. Trottlnc gallorinan, a. Crawford:Oakland ,tr c. Honrrlefi Baronil W. Hanan

ska ,. Pacing faiaarlB Ctsi'i v VParaeti.tune I a 11 l.awrenrr

c, Paron Alfoaso, A Warner.Paul- - Bit I. VY, H Sirang. ir Haxel Del. li. tvyorgaai Dick tvllllatn. tc Bbomalir,

c.i r. Pacini AUhar. .1 It rowers: CeorIPateh'n, T II Harper: IMCIor 1 Itrret, M;tvn Mrtinias, B. Sbneiraker.

i ia s n. TraitlBf no Vaa, m T IsowllLjdy M i. AroBBoa: Ouren !, o. wMnrs. n: Mis Wll'dt. N. P.

i lass trolling KlrwM,. Dl H D Gillxtarmn WTIk, I. F giartlsr, C H SearAsji tii ur o. ,i ,ie,

fiatan Psclog stotl C. L. Oeodrti Qsuetaaahoul. i. A Mtcirl. Uaby Bet,

that the commission was its "rsi round those who were farpower in going into the ma'ter of the f.rom

down andah'.Ml li2 r."Jn

after it had the clb 1s applica- - wwe"j 1, xnilerson.ll Rorr.O. H Crocker,t Ion, which contained a ropy of ihat docu- - y y sh.vkleiotd and W. 0. ( anionicmont. Tom MacNamaru. the pi

It is understood that Mr. O'Neil's con- - was also out on the courselention that the Madison .Square Athlotio VVhal was regarded as the big match of

lease as required by the boxing law is. ended the round on even termsbsed on the recent history of the change W alter J 1 ravn und the national rhani-I- n

of the building. In March, I plop, W rownoa, Jr. The match1911, Ball, real estate dea lers g h four holes halved In figures. Tintnd promoters, of secured f'avts won the fifth sixth

an option7;

on the fisrdon. Mr. Hturgie. turn.'

I fl,.tr roeident of the Madison Square Garden halved, but Horreahoff down a put for a' impany. and James (. Y oung, secretary. at the fifteenth and Kirkby the

it is understood, the business seventeenth with a squaring th matchfor that The real estate Travis had a put to win the home hole, butcompany doesn't take title until February '"'"f."1 thM ""trJ ,'n1,'d annare

play shownevenness was by' lots ' suppose, the proixirty ,hp tf wTloll read as followsWill wnmh Sniitbac-- f . .:Hall the demolition

will begin.thla Mr.

ishe one

svndinato which possessionand Is

refisort talK.be


aring. is concluded.

Athletic nffuirsA. Brown, Brown's


said he willing,mi with any issued tho

mmissinn. tbn Firehas


dooidodmorn hold

thefor making pbtOO

wn If the nro

ndv light


the Fire

noonaaary socurcThe agreed



he tlm'meat trill on

dopu i up.bes one on

permanonlot it Kanlon and

will ere cur-g- o


1.4: InMemloiflea,




(inlf yesterday. oomaRob-

ert Socket













mu golf.


110 bv














nraetic marreu





from the according



morn- -



won withouthnd

afterby Taylor who

71, too

ntarkabla bel






rias TnsDirect, Lsland,

i'Imii Trottln






naas svnrtionto




THEY ffV A close gameTOR TUK giants.

HrookDiu Make Tronble In Seventh g,

bnt Fall One Ron abort --Thot abs Play Lphlll Battle and Bent BodIn Kleventh Twe Postponement.

Th (Hants and rubs both won yesterday,keeping the latter at the heels of the leaders.Both games were ( lose, the (Hants defeat-ing the Brooklyns and the cutis makingan uphill light and beating the Reds in theeleventh Inning. Th Chicago pitchershave shown Improvement of late and theBruins are travelling at a fast clip. l'heresults.New l'nrk. It; Brooklyn. 2.

i hlcaga, ; Cincinnati. .

At Boston Bain.At Nt. Louis Halo.

M'ISO or IRB Cl.t'BS.PC. I fr

WOW Tork m eas st. i.ot it M2

V.PW" a ,oD I ClnolnnaUPltllhtirf 7x r,4 ii UrooUiyoPhllaitalpiilau 1,7 .frit Hon Ion.

!KW TDH (N t. ,t nsooKt.TX. 2

I he diants wrung a victory from theBrooklyn! on the Polo Ground yetorday,the neighbors pluvint another close game.Each team compressed its scoring Intoone inninv The (Wants acMiilred theirallotment ilrs' and then had to guard andblock PtfOfully to keep the llrooklvns fromWrenching tlie gam away from them. I

Their felding Waa secure liarrin.t a fumbleby Marunard which put iiie team in a budhole, but from which they climbed out bysafe Adding and steady pitching.

With two left bander of repu'e opposing a

each other the limited number of prankwho came 0111 in spile of bleak and chillyweather calculated thON Wouldn't be muchscoring, bUl b"ing of Sew 1 ork pretttlOCsHons tipootod Marunard to have n shadethe bottor of Ruckor. it was even so. t

Rube did outdo Napoleon The New Yorkerdidn't concern himself much about otrlko- - J

outa. but pitched a well managed camewan lutlll of bases on balls and b

was .iosiled briskly in only one Inning, In

which the heart of the plate rattier thanits corners was the torgOt fo and by his j

sen' iceTtucker lasted three Inning and then

resumed It wa as well thai Ivneterdidn't go in at the start The New Mirkswithered away before him Poring htsrive timings not u hu or run was made bythe name Ru er w as peppered for sevenhits in three Inning Three hit were,made in tho third, and these, with stolenbases and on error by Davidson, gave theNew Vorks their three runs

In whipping the ball across the swardFletcher and llcr.og were taken with amarked tendency to throw Into the groundBetween them they made three alow throwsto first, and only the splendid work of Merklein taking short bounds kept his traisdiamond messmats trom making errorwhich might have been COOtlJf The threewere nasty bounds to handle, not nipsjust off the rround. but bounds In between.the most difficult species to gather in.

,ook r,"p ot the ,,n ,n l,iefirst inning and one on smit u In the .econd.both throws promoted by I'let- - her

i he (bunts made three singles in succes- -inn I,, , .. litfct mnlni' f,i Li.e.iil u

ciDher tberofioin. Doitlo ilndtod to right.u-

- ,riM ,,, ,,, Ihlrrl nn HnndaTaaa'a nokes.,i, ,l . ,,.,,,. ,.,Wheal snougrass wi nt to e" una on uuplay and 10 third on Murray's mfli Id tiltto short Murray stole second, iho ideaw.is if tho fates were prOOttlOUa for a doublestenl to briniE Snodgrass homo, I, tit II ummelwaa too wary and ttu tiest Snodgrass coulddo ' is ,0 t a nasty retreat to third Inreality Hummel' throw to Sniuli caughtnlm before tie got back, hut bason missedcoancx tlon and called Snodgrass safe

he incorreol daemon didn't natter, asM. vkte died out !lioyle in the third wasn't to lie lured intogoing aft r had on, s and drew- four ball I

snodtjrass bounced a single t, icntre andl.ariy was satisfied to pull up econd.Hurray wot into a t.oio trying to saoriflcet hIot- drop charged up a sirb e to hi a,

i O' ml ajtd th, n he ttied to bunt one whichuricd around his anklea. lie nexl was

high and outsid ann lie swung nt it wildlyami atTUOk out. I'oxle and Smidgrassdashed forward on j, double steal, this with ;

Merkle hat, Bergen dropping the pitch ti

ami making the compound larceui sure;thin. Mot,, scored on a line slntrle tountie by Merkle, Pie it was good fortwo 1 line on us own merlto, bul whereDayidaon'a hand ahould bay been was apottholu big enough tot a medtolne ball topxshome

through and Metkle got all tlie way

Qulobly played innings intervened until!the aeyenth. Murray tan In nnd made agood catch of Wheat' By. Smith drilleda two bagger along the left tool line andtallied when Hummel lluaged into ueyoro'territory for another two Dagger. DaVldlonpopped 0 single over Doyle' tange foriand brought Hummel home, the l attertaking second on Murray' throw to the

He v as I, ft mere ( oulson filed0 Snodgrass und Bergen flied a oner to

Merkle. Each of the !ive Hrooklynit, s hadplugged the ball with oonaldereblo vim.sna the rot nd represented the liube amost vulnerable period of the game.

A foul tip stretched BUI Bergen on the'ground in the second half of the seventh,

fact which hrought to ught that therewere numero referee in the stands,"One, two. three, they began to count asHergen lay on the ground Bergen wasdown, but only that, for at the count of"eight" ne scrambled 10 his feet, provingthat he wasn't out

The Brooklyn threatened again in theeighth Kuetzcr tapian! a fiy ball singleto the rlaht foul line TOOley sacrificedand landed on first when Manpisrd fumbledNobody was out. but Maro.uard sent amixture of mystifying shoots along forDaubert'a OOAalderatton, and that doughtywar rior fanned himself 10 the bench Wheatwas thrown out by noraog anntnei rV:il- -

fill scoop by Merkle and Tievore miolehaste to enfold Smith's welcome fly


AB h. r a. r AB H

TaotBysta, o n Dr If .4 0pnbr.t(lb..4 0 0 Pn .31Wheal. If .4 1 0 s,, ,ef,4 2

SmurJb 4 o ilurrai ,rf .2HtimceKb 4 0 MerKle.lb 4 I IIlai trison ,cf 4 Herbfja, I

io"!4on,rt OlFletcperj. 3 0 nRrgD,0 s 0 Meycr,e. S sP.feser.p... I 0 Mat. in (bp. Iboeir,p. I 01

lots' 2li

t.o! si a :iBrooklyn. rt 0 0 2 0',t Yo. k 0 3 II

Buns, Brookli n ftmlth, Hummel Vw 'or,Doyle, Mnodgra, Merkl. rirsj base on errorBrooklyn, Left on baseii Brooklyn, 3: ew York,r,. nrtt base on balls- - Off llucker, Lot bnei er.

struck out-- By Itutker, 8: by Kneter, ,,: j,vklarauardi t. Two nase hits txmlili, ilnii.irei.Sarrf'Tr till Tool!'. stolen base., iioyir.s indorse. Brog, furry. iinutii,- platfvnctrtr, I r m me and llaiilstrl Passed ha'1Bergea. Hu by pitriteii ball lly Mucker c '

yogi, Hit ( it nneker, 7 in Ibre Innlne's. i mair in rhl' -- lofiasioae, Plalfl umplio rcaon.i inn t hour and n loot.


Chicago, sepl i aarsan,. thsCtiban playlQt iini fleie, fni t in, ir tin u went lo leepin ttte rleventh inn ng, Allowed a ( iceap., runnor

i re an int w is rrot i a linst Andgave Ui overllm victory lo i banco i!


ah. tt p .( ! All h e.Hi- i 3 ii I' rrs,3fl I 11 I I u

Hattv.f i:l ll ii.iyle.aliH Ibl III I Hhaek'd.lf i I

M lf. n TUlker,se 3I smond,B c Srhulte.rf. iKgsn.Jb n Bbean.llb. 2 II

liranl.ltb ii llofrnan.cf.l I

ajDoiits.lb I t 0 c Hsler.lb 4 7

Met. i an. i'. 3 J n Needliaiii.CQ 2 ai 'lark. c ti Blehter.p., 2 I I

Huroph'cK.i ti fOood.. I

Keiifaip I (i SinlUi.ii n 0 II II

llrewn.li I ITotals.. 33 I'M 19 1 ...

I'otals.. 33 III 33 13

Two ten when wInnlnB fun ns soord,iDatted for Blunter in in wvrain inning,

t'lnclniistl 0 a o o i' ii o n n o 2rliteago, u ti n o a n i i a o i 3

Bubh loclnnail Bates, Uarsau, I blcagogheckard, Ifofmaai Baler on ise4

i bclunati, " ' Itlixgo, a rlrsl base nn ba'isotf iluniphrles, i: off herfr. 2. nit Rtehtar, 3;utt Snich 2 Btrucli out By llumubjiti, 1. byhi etc. .h. to- Blchlcr, ti by Brewa, I. t it byMieheO bsll H liumpbrUl ilinfman. SidenI'w,- basi bit !sdbam, Bacrlco Idts-hea-

HoblllreU Blelen bw Hoitnan. Hales, rlgao.PouoJv plaj Tinker, Hhean ami Saler:mill HOblllBSII. 2; Piimmd KgBII and Moblltrell.I mplre m chief 0'Pay Field umpire-- - V. ttlBll,Tina- 2 bunrs ami tH inltc.ileu.

tmcrleiti Association.At Louisville ftrtt 7: IauiIs-vtll- e.

3. .second llc, 4: 00luntbni 0At St. Paul- - First game hanss i'lty. 3: stAl ftr,nennlis. Flil faille Hloasapolif ,

lllfwauk, 1 Se.'o:rl HJtr.e m1iiuapoiMilwaukee. A

ai iDolaaoaelli T"!eri", S, In4ltnp9ll, 0.

omto DBVPES tROfUY.Principal Match at Men Out Won b)

Buckeye Riflemen.Bba Otnr, N. J . 8pt rlflemsn

won th Dryden trophy In the principalmatch of the mtlng of the .Vew JerseyBut Rifle Association y after s closeand Interesting struggle between the sever,tesms entered The team was made up ofthe same mn who at Camp Perry this yearwith 1,783 In the Herrlck match broke thePalma 107 world' record at Ottawa by JO

point. The winning core waa l.ono, onmore than the total score of the NewVorkers. who mads the high score at 1,000yards

The winners will tak home with themthe t:i 00,1 bronre trophy presented by for-mer I nited Ststcs Senator John F. Dryden.which Uiey will retain for one year. Thteam members also divide 150 New Yorkgets lino and the District of Columbia gotthird ulaoe. whic h carried with it ISO Thteam consisted of eight men each, the)match rotting been shot at 300, Coo and l.onoyards, ten shots to a man at each l astvear the match was won by the Tutted StatestntMtry team with a total of .00.', and theOhlOftnsdW DOt compete They have twicewon the'mati h. hosever. In 1MB and itxx),nnd tO-d-ay 'l score bv them waa rnui h betterthan on either former occasion

The highest individual score of the matchwas that Of LtOUt P.alpli Alderman of theDistrict of Columbia, who made a total onthe three ranges of 143 On the New Yorkteam sergt Imrdingkillcr look high honorwith 14(1. and of the eight ,Ne,v Jersey menMa.ior Price and t.ivut. I es ce each made iia.

The LibbOy trophy contest for individualat 1.000 yards was won by l.letit 11. C Shaw.

uiied states infantry, F.aeh contestantwas allowed 10 aiguting anon ami arterthat they , onttnuOd to li00t so long as theykept within the bullseye or four rinit Asoon as lea than a 4 was made tie man wascompelled to drop out The winner made

total 01 it bulltcy and fours, making157

rhe lummary of th e Drytlfn matcheno 1,000

Yll.1 1.1. rot Ti.Ml SS6 OS8J5?'y0k L .145 .KM ;.7 i.mii

btitrlrt of (ibiuobuV, .1411 Tl i.ean, infantry .. ,147 574 nan

"j""1 BM.14J .z

o.iVox jaroaV IN Oil

MALONKV BEATS ABKAR.It est Side Hover l oo l ast for the nnrlnC

Master nt To cntleth t'enturvTommy Maloney, tho Weat side light

weight, easilv OtltpOlntOd Y'ounu Al.earn.the Dancing Maitor, at tho Twentieth Cen-tury A. (' last nislit The Kot side boywas the aggressor throughout the contOOtand had Ahearn in distress near the finishfrom his heavy body Mows. Ahearn waslively and clevct on his feet and Used Idslift most of the time jabbing Maloney'alace.

In the sixth round Maloney started alively rally ar.d did most of the forcing andwork. As Ahearn danced away afterputting in two left jabs the tYest Side boyfollowed him up and with 11 right to tlsepoint of the Jaw sent tho Dancing 'Maatorto th" floor It was a dean Incekdownmid Ahearn to,, a a count hefor-- he aot up.

Near the close of the ci.ites' ,'h fightersused a lot of rough work several timesMiearn used his shoulder in the clinchesand Malonev tbtOW turn twice to the floor.In be mixes Ahearn after reoeivlne severalbody iruache would hoi.i kialonoy' arm.He was wurned time after time by RefereeVUiite. but continued to hold on

Anearn's best round came in the finalOOaaion, Ho rushed at Malonev as the bellsounded, landing a few left swings to thehead and jaw Malonev was too strong forhun, however, and tefore the round endedbe nearly floored Ahearn with a left to the.taw

ISTEItCOi.l.EiilA TF. TKNtttS,

Vale nd Harvard Men tialn iaee InFinal of single.

Philadelphia, Sept, f The aurpriaoof the play in the somi-tlna- l round of thethirty-Prs- t annual champlonahlp of theIntorcollogiato aaeoetatton at ttio MorionCricket Club, riaverford. was thedefeat of J.J Armstrong, Wtriern poliogiate champion nnd a representative of the

Diversity of Minnesota, by B, 11 Whitney, Harvard, fl I, 1,3 a. n t s twoY .ite phi vers root in tho lower bracket,Mann, who defeated t. I. Cnto, 4 fl.

4. ti 7. will meet Whitney for the cham-plonahlp In the double bothPrinoOtOO teams won their ntatObM "11111 aVictory for the ('range and Black in thisclass is assured


Miss May Heats Mb- - Florence In VI externNew Vork Tourney.

lit rrAl.o. V V., Sept s i hades Bentonend May Sutton were winners y Inthe final of the western New York tennistournament ttenton, Cleveland city andMichigan State champion, boat r red Harris,the Jiartmooth champion, n 7. H tl, it :,

and s 4 Miss May Button capturedboth sets from her sister Florence by tliesu me score, I,

Benton meets Vat W, N'iles.the Boston oraOk. for the international cupand championship title Miss Rutton willmeet Miss Moves of Toronto for lite woman'scup and ti; lo. In the final of the woman'sdoubles Miss Florence Mutton ami MaMoves won from Miss Mav Button and MissMissel), tlie latter 01 Buffalo. The scoreswere (1 : and ft .3



Perhtiier 4 M4 Mnntreal S4 471Toronto 32 ill I Jersey City It 407BiUmor 31 34 arm.Nrwaia 32 2Buftsio 37 it toll ProvldBnD4..46 :(


Baltimore trounced .Jersey CttV In the rasieMmanner yeateroay afternoon at West Bide I'arUError, combined with some free hitting In hnpentnr ronnda. gave Uunn'k turn tln-l- etr.antage. Jtihds Btarteil for .lersey City In las binbut laileil only two Innings Mason finished.T'rork for Halitmore was effective In light placesHie score:


Path. 3b 2(il 11 Theaey.ef 4 n 2 0 0Corcoran.rf 4 3 n 0 0 Hreen.2li 4 3 t

WaKh.lf 2 (1 0 (I Boseb.tS.. 4 0 8 3 1

Sri, ml it. in 4 i BOO tmn'ger.lf.a innEmerion,el I 10 0 I lolan.i'b :i 11 11

Par, nt. 'h I 0 110 S Heele'.rf IMai- l.i o 4 a 0 Abautln.lb 10Cian.r 0 n 0 w ell, 3Kroetep 8 0 0 0 0 Jusll,1 0 n

llrers, n 0Tnlxls 2 7 21 12 I USSOB.p 0 1' II

Totals .29 f 21 12

nattad far tuviln In tt,,- second limineflame caiint in tin- seventh Inning en account

of dftrknoa,u iltlmor, 5 ii 20007Jertty ''Ik loll tt 0 0 I

Huns BlUmor Bath, : Corcoran, ft; Itgao..lers City Hreen. 2 Pvl bar-- t uu ritm, flilmor. S: Jeraev City. 1. rnreebsbll VYaiatiSsertOru Lbs Bclimldt, I'rock, Blolen baseBhrr,ldi. Left on be Jersey City, 3 nammore, 4 lloublo pl:iv Mabt-- ami Sohmlttll lrst base on limls (lit Justls, 1. off Masiui. i.nff Prnek, 1 Ntruekoiii lly Uaaon, ft: by Prock, 4itu. on J uatla. 3 in two Innotrt; off Uaaon. : inDn Innings Pmplre in chief Outhrlr. Fieldumpire kturray, Time I hour ends minutes,

41 TORONTOIt ll B,

Rochester n ii n ii o 0 (I (I 0 0 3 2Toronto, Ii ii (i 2 2 2 11 ll

bat terlea and Mitchell. Rudolphana ptn-ip-


llulTttln. H A 1 A 0 1 A fl 1'Montreal (i (i (i ll li (1 t 0

4 and KlUWtrj i'msunidll ttiid urtli.

lianics Sclicilnleil for To-da- t.

BATIOKAt, UAOPB,llrnnlilvn In New Xtir; f'lillailelptila In Boston

ClBolnnatJ la ( bleaffo; Pftisouri in Hi. Louts.AMKRtCA.s: liBAOUB.

ew york in Wstlilnftpa: itosion in pnttadekphla. CnlcafO 'n fltroll It, Lotlll In ( lev elan.t

BABTBBJI i.r.AiiitH.Hsltlmore In .trrwydliy, Newark In Provlilenre

ROCBCItCr lti luroliUi: llultaln In Montreal

Baseball NotOI ,

The linn in Red Sox hae lost their last.setrnfames.

Jack t rill, a lefi haml pitcher nf the JerseyCity team. ha6 been drafted hy ilia St LouliAinerlrane.

Mnr.uard Is fettln a xlrliif of hanl famea toIn all of the lam alna COBteat In which

e hasappearcil the aenre has been cloac and M HiItttl ehanre for tho ttiibe to ea:ie up.

The return nf .lohnnv irer to active dulyaCCIll to llnie hail I StUlllllalllll eiTert inthe i ':bti since Senc-- ber e hen lie rumdclsylnf. lkJ ha,e iron eieiit cut of ten larnsi

hcli fsirif tniti hrt- b fallr.i cn ibis saoo, ti iiUi i tiifU I4in0CS,

This Surelyis a


YOU see a man layin'his old jimmy

pipe, with smoke curlin'happy like and joy flags wavin or maybepuffin' gently on a self-mad-e cigarette! Thenyou say: "There's another that's met up with



Scoring XII ttone In t be Second InnbK andMttle of It xthletles Heat BootOIHWBMe the Detroit Lose tn the t hi.caaos Another for the elands.

Caldwell pitched another winning gamefor tl.e Highlanders yeoterday, beatingtie Waehlngtona and making the victoriesin succession for the slim pitcher, TheCleveland! aNo won, but the combinationof figures waa BUOh that tho New Yorkgained one more point than the Nap andtied I hem for thud pluce The Athleticsput the MostoTis away, as is their wont,and the Chicago bumped the Detroit.The n suits:New lnrk, S; Wsxblngton. 1.

Philadelphia, 4: lloiton. I.ChleaiOi o: netroit. a.

(let eland, 2: sit. Ixiulx. I.ST V '. INC or TBI CLl'SS

'C I tr re.PhilailrlrhtSJi t! ROSIOD A.1 49.--

lletroit 77 37 CblrsfO U 41lNew Yerk.. tn UI tN sablogton 34 413Clerland. fs (u M Si Louis. 33 :u7


Washington, fiept. 8 The Hillmenjumped on old Tom Hughes this afternoonand scored enough runs In the second inningto win. althouch the Nationals put up a stifffight Manager Chase intended workingKtiaeell I'ord, but the spiiball ftlnger wasfeeling bad and Itsy Caldwell did, thehonors This caused a sliilt In the visitors'lineup, as ( a Id well played right field yesieiday. Manager (base gave Al Handiboe,a Washington amateur, a try outHanrlib e held down right field like a veteranand cracked out a pretty single. Thevotingster created such a good Impressionthai he will likely be tarried with the dubfor the remainder of the season. '

A fast double plav tn Washington's lxthwas all that saved tlie New orks. Milanwas on first by virtue of a clean single w lienBchaefer sent Knight a slow roller. Milanattempted to go around to third, hut chasemade a perfect throw to Kartaell and MilanWas lagged out on n close decision. HadMilan remained at second to' would havecored on Elberfeld'a single and tho Kid

would in all probability have crossed theplot when (leialer got to the right fieldfence.

a'. tin in tlie ninth the Natlonala booeinodangerou. l lrst nnd second were loadedwith nobody down when Catcher BlairicUL'ht rVlnamlth, Who was running forKlberfeid, pnpplp off the midway bog andfollowed this mi by nuiliiiir (lessler on tlie '

lattei ' attempted steal.Ctilduell ytotdod only seven hits and w-- i

backed up by errorless aiipporl Ktligbland tiuroner hud many hard chances tohandle and several lime brought th i rowdtn t bo, r le, ' by clever liclouo.-- .

I. fi t Dantoti tried to jolly i mnlre Perlneinto uhanalntf a Cloati ilci ih,,,h iii th,- r,i;ttInnina and the pliiyci' was ordered to thebencli, Harrv Vtoltcr belnu callod upon tf,iiln left field

a feature in Waahlnffton's unri, waa thethrowinaof C'stcper lleiir', who killed everywouUUnc stealer Elbcrfeta whs the onlypuc able o ooanytnilig with Caldwell O de--hveiy. i lie Kni i oiiectcd three afetlHo it of four time UU,

New tor,, , to run tnnc'kod of tho Riftvariety. Afier llardlier had fone in tlieipoond lack Knlghl tripled to deep rlthiti, id. Handlbo ponped to McBrfde, Flluireklpued o bounder m McBrlde dirootlouwrlfch iho latter Jufttled a fatal secondKnlfltt ,is' over tfie plate nnd Blair nulledup safe .it tirst. Blair started to ateal withtlie I, nil In HUghe' In, nil I inn,' loinpe tired io fetohaefor and the Ducohmanrelayed to McBride, bul tlie Inner droppedtlie ihrnM. Caldwell Muiished to iitft. oentr and ltiuir avorod. Daniel hit afayto rlfhfi 'in' in iiyiii to Btaatoh the clo uinto a doubla Bra retired for the third out,

Wasliimj-io- louo tally came ill t tie otherhalf of his iiiiiina: With (lessler at I bird,Walker at lecund nnil one out fjonrovffrouttQOd to uardner nnd (lessler scored.

i 'apt. McBride, uaually a rollanfo fielder,hnd nn off day. Ho Ims vorkod BO earnestlyBnq hard lhla sesson that the sfrtiin is

to nil on nlm und Mu tloer intendsto ay him off mat as aoon kg ho ian galMaiidfer nansell Of the nochesier etunto send Kosier, purchaard several Beeks

s , mv wi, .. ..he Ilnal game of the terle will be pLiycd

Fringe Albertthe national joy smoke

P. A. sure does bring; 'em in line. To the old pipe-sh- y

Crouches it's just like a war horse sniffin' o' powder-smok- e.

It's the tobacco they've been yearning for,the tobacco that can't bite tongue.Pipe this fact, men ! In two years Prince Alberthas revolutionized pipe-smokin- g. It has started twomen to smoking a pipe for every one before.If you still think you can't get a smoke out of a pipetry P. A. now. Give your jimmy pipe a chance withreal tobacco. A dime is good for the tidy red tin atall tobacco-rie- s. Go to the nearest one, NOW.

IOe. Abo in 5c cloth baga, wrapped in weather'proof paper, handy for "rolling your own."

R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Sale- N. C.

and Manager Chase saidthat Mussel! Ford would work in hop ofmaking a clean sweep o the aeries.

The score;NSW TOSS. wasnivOTON

AS. H. P ft. AS. H. P. A aHan1rls.lt 1 1 0 0 Mllan.rf .41200WiHter.lt. 1 0 o 0i8onaeier,lbHemphXsti 0 2 0 0 Elberft 1.1.--

x sase.iD , 0 1! 1 0 Ul'S'.t'! .if a 2 3 t oHartell, 3h 4 : n H ntu, r.lf .1 0 2 0 n(iardner. 2b4 I 4 i McBrlde.u .2 0 s 3 2ivnlgtil.sb 4 A ,x ii onruv .lib .3 2 0Rsdlbot.rfl 1 0 0 Keory.c. a n 2 3 nBlair. c... 3 4 0 Hughes.p .1 0 n 2 oCaldwell. p x 5 0

Totals. 2a tan 2

0 n 0 tw :u n 0 II 1

Total.. JO 10 :7 10 nw ork .. 0 2 0 0 n

Wafhlug'.on. ii n uHuns- New York Knlgbt Blair. vvr,.:,ijie,'ui

Qeaslcr. First base nn Nl'W erit. 1. '

IWi nn bases "n.''lnglnri. 4. New Vurli. 4

first base en balls 41ft HUflies, Off Caldwell, 5.Struck ot:t By Hughes, 1. by Caldwell, .1 'tlaaeilane I, It Knigtlt. ftarrlBec alts M, llrlilr.Datla, HmpbUl. Btotcn bate Osssler ttoubteplays MeBrldr, Elberfcld and Bchaefer; McBrtdeand Behasfer: Knlgni. Chas and HsrUell HI'by pitched hi: tiv Caldwell lOessler) BalkCaldwell, Umpire In ohlef Perlno Field uui--

co, Tinie 1 bour iid miaul,I'll 11, Ml Kl.r II l A ia. II. 4. BOSTON 'I. I.1, 1.

PHiutrutLFniA. Sept , Rnsion could roi hitCy Mnrgaa lo day anil thr lest tbelr fourtbswalgbl game 10 the world's champion. Kllllla wa.-- knocked out of the hox tn the nfth InalBf.Tnc icor:

BOSTON. Villi APBLTR1AAB H. r. A B. AB ll. 1'. a r.

Hnoper.rf 0 Lord if. 3 14Ycrk, i (i Oldrlnf.cf tl n 2

gpee.kcr.ef. 3 0 ( .'lute t.(,ardnrr.2b .4 0 tiaUer.lb 4 1 nKngte.lb 4 OlMurpby.rf 4 nHel kssn.lt.l (i Melnula.lb 1 n 12nua'akr,c..t 0 Barry ,ss.. 4 ft 2tanvtrn,3b,.2 1 I.lv sion.e 3 2Lewis 1 0 Morgan, p 3 I ft

Klllllay.p.. 1 0Hall. p. .1 1 0 Totals .30 ft 27

Totaii,., 2s 24 1ft

Bailed for Jantrira In the eintn Inning,Boston n l ii n ii ti o o o tPhiladelphia. l n o 3 o o o 4

Huns Bostea Hsaiikua. PaUadsliihlsl.oril. 2. Oldrlog. Livingston. hat,r en error

t'hlladetphls Left on tei Ptdladelpbia. l

Boston, a. Kbit buse on palls- - oft Morgan, ft:on Kllillay. j: off Hall. Struck out B) tit i fan.4. by Hall. 4. Two base nn Janvlrn. Bacrmchits Oldrtng. Ycrk, I mnlre In cnlcf ( onnolly I'leia umpire- --Bbcrldan, Time boutand 15 inlntites.


tlSTBOlT. sepl a The Tigers lost the eprn'tnf a two g.in.e series here to the waitSnx li tn 8 Walsh kept his hits well scatteredafter ire Prst round, while truer of the Sox cameIn bunrhm. Mclr.tyre iured at bat, gettingtle hits in five drues up. The score:


MTntyrr.rf j fi 1 ii u Piish.ss ...10 IB 0LordJo 2 2 o n Cobb.rt, 4 1 S o n( ullahnn.lf. ft 2 1 a o ( rawfd.rf .4 2 2 0 01

I .1 ii n I,rlnh'tv.2b4 I 5 B 1

II 4 n (i Inaki'.lf 4 3 10 01 o u Cain, r.in i 2 0 l n:i 10 l i llorlarli ,Sbl t i 1 n

13 0 0 Srlitnllil.c. I II I II IIloan Btimmers.pl o u n ti

ion n ut(l f 13 1 l.Hllttr.n o o i n I,

ILathsri i 0 0 0 0Ultchell.p l o o a n

Totals 34 u 27 U I



ptitrd for Bummeri in ihfl Bfth nptnffptittQ ft'r Uafltta In Hie srvea'h ranutgPhlraro tOlS 11000--0UetroM l o i u o o i o 0 :i

Hun I'hirjtKn Mflntyre. 3; Ixrd, ( Hllnlinu,Tannehtlli nin-- , Block, waltn. nnmii i.usit.Cobb, aiurtarty. two hr nlti Mcintyrc i

t.obbi iriUr. datneri Uorlarty Itutttbate hit .stmrU OUtpy WhIs'i. .':by summriN, l; by I.nnttt", n. MdOt baas onhails on wajahi i Double i1h i Delahanu .

hush And (iainer: Rusti And Iwahanty;ana xininpr; Husti, Deubaniy nnd Gainer i irtbaaa uu priiirt Detroli, i. Cblfavo. i Leli nhasf. Driroii, A: Chi ran). wild pltrherxWAUh. ? Hit by pitched. 1M By SmnmrrBiTanntuJI and Brufbalmer)) mplre lo liiiffRfan kid umpire O' .ouifltitn Time lliuur

i is mlmnesOtSfMiAIIO, 2: st. tons (a i, i. i.

CttTKtAHD, Sept. A. The St Louis llrownatjira a scare Into CIorfB Slo nil's Naps to dayDV llielr battlnir rally In tlie ninth satin (hemstives frum a SnUtOUl, t'lley u rre unabl In tielb wore, however, lb Naps wliinltif. 'I lo 1.Tin- score:

l ot ia. ll.KVKLAMIb. a, e i n r. a y

Bholton.cf 4 0 I 0 Butcher, It. aVistin.nt 4 'i II h Olson, k.. .9 I 4Hogan.Tf t 0 ii Jacksoh.n 0.pnrle.2ti. 4 n I n Me. lb. 4 1! H

i 'nttinum.rf 3 (i Hlrtn in.cf 3 (I 3'SchwcttMr l 0 gall.lb :i 1 3Knibia.il 4 0iTurnr.ab,,i 1

Halllnan.st.4 n Ratry.c..i n inStephen, 0, 3 0 Mllctli'll.p n 0Brown. a . x ll

K Mllrhcl! I 0 0 Totals. 3? e !7 10 0

Total., 'i t" J i.t JHalted forComptOO In In ninth Innlnr

' Hatted for Hrnu In thr nlnlh InnlnfSt. I.onls n n 0 n o n n nCleveland n o l n n o .3

Run fl Louts Laporie. Oh" eland llntrherOlsOJV Two base litis ditcher, hnilr.a. I.apnrieEMrriaw 11, mi "ts'n, ,,..,i,s"i narriuc ny,n,,,.,, t, cti.n Jackson, LaporijjuicUn. k'lral ba. on bail 00 bruwu, i. Ui

bypltehadball ByMltchU(Btopaaa). Ftmtbaae0:1 errors Clex'elaad ? Let an base Bt, l.out.7; Cleveland, :.. ouuek om t" Miteaall, x; byBrown, S Dauhle play t'omnton Jtutlna Brownami KullDa V i,'i, , Mm net' I'irnire It,

f BVans field umpire- v.ullen Tims- - I

hi lit.' n.tai,

New Yorl, Slate l.iavi"At WIUtaaBABB

a h a.Tr, y 0 n 1 n n ti it n 0 I 4 I

wliKesbarr.. 0 0 n 0 0 0 .' 0 .1 1 sBatteries Kr'M-- and woods; Corey. MeBrhta

and tlrat.aui empire. DlaeU and W estervelt.

tt cstcrn l.ca(tne.At St. ,Ii eph st loseph, 7: Slnux f'lt

Den vi r Fuebl i, 4. tienver, 0.

Southern la UKUcNew Orleao, rtlrmlRalianx,L'haitsneoga, tilsnta, 1.

ttoBigumcry, Mohlie, 0.

,nillb til antic l.carue.Columbia, 4: saannah,

2. Columbus, fi.

t'onneotlottl i.easue.At Hartford- - First game Hartford. 1,. tlridge- -

pen.4 ftsennd game- - Brldgporl, I: BarvforaJ,

c KnRland leairue.At New Bedford Brockton, r. New Bedford, ft.At liwreni'. Lawrence, 3; Lowell. 4.Al Tail River-Ly-nn, 3: Pall llivcr. s.

Other Daaeball Uante Yesterday.J at oLTuiic nu,n.

a. a. a.Pouthkecnsl 0130201 o 1 is ftLincoln illAu's 0 3 0 2 0 3 I 2 o-- 11 1(1

nation ocaact, smiin and under; Jokoson,Buckasr ar.d Baatop,

ni ti aai.Aii.

Llrreln (Hants 0 0 ooonnoo-- o ft ft

RlvTbd 0 0 oooooo 2batteries JotUXSOn and Buekner. Petty sad


siMM tin iti".iinTsi.PKNNBI t AMa.

Delaware Water Gap.

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The Uiding HoUl it Oelaware Water Oap. Pa.SU'fltn hint. OPCIJ log dies, flrcinc ItfchtB,

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ortlit-strn- . hOraat, llfry. gnrafr;uol romls 10 KUiatUiny. HooUlct ftiitl

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