A LABEX/ CALL FOR PROPOSALS MC²=E€¦ · Sciences de la Matière et de l’Energie Sciences du...

APPEL A PROJETS LABEX/ CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2011 MC²=ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENT SCIENTIFIQUE B / SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM B 1/65 Acronyme du projet/ Acronym of the project MC²=Environment (Abr. MC²=Env). Titre du projet en français Centre Interdisciplinaire pour la Modélisation des Systèmes Complexes en Environnement Continental Project title in English Interdisciplinary Research Center for Modeling Complex Continental Earth and Environmental Systems Responsable scientifique et technique du projet/Project manager (chercheur, enseignant chercheur…) Name : Philippe Davy Institution : CNRS Laboratory : Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de Rennes (OSUR) Unit number : UMS 3343 Aide demandée/ Requested funding Champ(s) scientifique(s) du projet/Scientific field(s) of the project Sciences de la Matière et de l’Energie Sciences du Système Terre-Univers-Environnement Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé Sciences du Numérique et Mathématiques Sciences Sociales Humanités Ce projet, ou un projet proche, a-t-il été soumis pour LABEX2010 ? Non Oui Acronyme du projet : Coordinateur du projet : Ce projet est-il la suite, pour tout ou partie, d’un ou plusieurs projets soumis à LABEX2010 ? Non Oui Acronymes des projets Coordinateurs Ce projet est-il partie prenante d’un projet d’Idex ? Non Oui Acronyme de l'Idex :IC-OUEST

Transcript of A LABEX/ CALL FOR PROPOSALS MC²=E€¦ · Sciences de la Matière et de l’Energie Sciences du...

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Acronyme du projet/

Acronym of the project

MC²=Environment (Abr. MC²=Env).

Titre du projet en

français Centre Interdisciplinaire pour la Modélisation des Systèmes

Complexes en Environnement Continental

Project title in English

Interdisciplinary Research Center for Modeling Complex

Continental Earth and Environmental Systems


scientifique et technique du projet/Project

manager (chercheur, enseignant


Name : Philippe Davy

Institution : CNRS

Laboratory : Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de

Rennes (OSUR)

Unit number : UMS 3343

Aide demandée/ Requested funding

Champ(s) scientifique(s) du

projet/Scientific field(s) of the project

Sciences de la Matière et de l’Energie

Sciences du Système Terre-Univers-Environnement

Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé

Sciences du Numérique et Mathématiques

Sciences Sociales


Ce projet, ou un projet

proche, a-t-il été soumis

pour LABEX2010 ?

Non Oui

Acronyme du projet :

Coordinateur du projet :

Ce projet est-il la suite,

pour tout ou partie, d’un

ou plusieurs projets

soumis à LABEX2010 ?

Non Oui

Acronymes des projets


Ce projet est-il partie

prenante d’un projet

d’Idex ?

Non Oui

Acronyme de l'Idex :IC-OUEST

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Etablissement coordinateur (voir définition ci-après) / Institution leading

the project (project leader – see definition in the call for proposals)

Nom de l’établissement / Institution name Statut / Status

Université Européenne de Bretagne Pôle de recherche et d’enseignement

supérieur (PRES)

Etablissement gestionnaire de l’aide (voir définition ci-après), à compléter

si différent de l’établissement coordinateur / Institution managing the

fundings (see definition in the call for proposals), to be completed if

different from the project leader

Nom de l’établissement / Institution name Statut / Status

Organisation of the partners ................................................................................

Laboratoire(s)/ Laboratory

Numéro(s) d’unité/ Unit number

Tutelle(s)/Research organization reference

OSU de Rennes UMS 3343 CNRS, Université Rennes I, Université Rennes 2

Géosciences Rennes UMR 6118 CNRS, Université Rennes I

ECOBIO UMR 6553 CNRS, Université Rennes I

CReAAH UMR 6566 CNRS, Université Rennes I, Université Rennes 2, DAPA, INRAP

LETG – équipe COSTEL UMR 6554 CNRS, Université Rennes 2

ESE UMR 0985 INRA, Agrocampus Ouest

SAS UMR 1069 INRA, Agrocampus Ouest

SAD Paysage UR 0980 INRA


(3 teams are also associated to the UMR 6074 IRISA)

INRIA, CNRS, Université Rennes I, INSA Rennes, SUPELEC

IPR – département “divided matter”, “soft matter”

UMR 6251 CNRS, Université Rennes I

IETR – équipe SAPHIR UMR 6164 CNRS, Université Rennes I

IODE – axe « droit de l’environnement »

UMR 6222 CNRS, Université Rennes I

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RESUME / SUMMARY ....................................................................................... 4 1 DESCRIPTION SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE DU PROJET / TECHNICAL AND

SCIENTIFIC DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT ....................................................... 5 1.1 Description du programme, ambition, pertinence et strategie

scientifique/ Program description, vision, ambition and scientific strategy ....... 5

Challenge 1 Forecasting Changes on Continental Environmental Systems 7 Challenge 2 Dealing with Complex Environmental Systems 11 Challenge 3 Enhancing interdisciplinary approaches in system modeling 12

1.2 Presentation scientifique du projet de recherche/ Scientific

description of the research project ................................................................... 14

WP1 New research on numerical, experimental, and theoretical modeling 14 WP2 Coupling data and models. Observation of environmental systems for

forecasting strategies 16 WP3 Building simulation platforms for modeling environmental systems 18 WP4 Societal appropriation of models and modeling expertise 19 WP5 Making interdisciplinarity effective. Summary of the strategies for developing

interdisciplinary researches to improve system modeling 22 1.3 Impact du programme sur la formation/ Impact on training .............. 23

1.3.1 State of the art 23 1.3.2 Proposed contract of goals and means (higher education issue) 25 1.3.3 Students training for their future occupation (academic, industrial, national

agencies, city and regional councils...) 25 1.3.4 Student Attractiveness 26

1.4 Impact socio-économique du programme /Socio economic impact ..... 26

2 ORGANISATION ET GOUVERNANCE DU PROJET/ORGANIZATION AND GOVERNANCE ....... 27 2.1 Responsable scientifique et technique/principal Investigator ............ 27 2.2 Organisation du partenariat / Partnership .......................................... 28

2.2.1 Description, adéquation et complémentarité des unites partenaires/Partners’ description, relevance and complementarity 28

2.2.2 Qualification, rôle et implication des UNITES partenaires / Qualification, role

and involvement of the partner units 31 2.3 Gouvernance /Governance .................................................................. 33 2.4 Stratégie des etablissements/Institutional strategy ........................... 35

3 JUSTIFICATION DES MOYENS DEMANDÉS/ FUNDING JUSTIFICATION ....................... 36 3.1.1 Programme de recherche/ Research project 37 3.1.2 Programme pédagogique/ Teaching project 39 3.1.3 Valorisation/ Exploitation of results and technology transfer 40 3.1.4 Gouvernance/ governance 40

4 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PARTNERS.......................................................... 41 4.1 Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de Rennes (UMS 3343) ....................... 41 4.2 Géosciences Rennes (UMR 6118) .................................................................... 42 4.3 ECOBIO (UMR 6553) ........................................................................................ 44 4.4 CReAAH (UMR 6566) ....................................................................................... 46 4.5 Equipe COSTEL (UMR LETG 6554) .................................................................... 47 4.6 Sol Agro et hydrosystème Spatialisation (UMR SAS) ....................................... 49 4.7 Ecologie et Santé des Ecosystèmes (UMR ESE) ................................................ 51 4.8 SAD-Paysage ................................................................................................... 52 4.9 Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Cachan – Antenne de Bretagne ........................ 53 4.10 INRIA Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique .............................................................. 54 4.11 Institut de Physique de Rennes (UMR 6251) ................................................... 58 4.12 Institut d’électronique et de télécommunications de Rennes (UMR 6164) ...... 59 4.13 Institut de l'Ouest : Droit et Europe (UMR 6262) and partners ........................ 61 4.14 Privileged partners .......................................................................................... 62

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The “MC²=Environment” project aims at creating a ‘laboratory of excellence’ devoted to the development of interdisciplinary modeling approaches on Complex Continental (terrestrial) Environmental systems. The “MC²=Environment” project associates 7 research laboratories that have been collaborating for more than 12 years within a joint research structure in the field of environmental sciences, and 7 teams from computer sciences, electronics, mathematics, and physics. All teams have been ranked A+ or A during the last scientific evaluation by the French Evaluation Agency for Research and Education.

The environmental systems that constitute the core of the research developed by agronomists, archeologists, ecologists, geographers, geologists and hydrologists, includes geological reservoirs and continental surfaces (also defined as the critical zone of the Earth). They are facing critical environmental issues related to the use and preservation of natural resources such as fuels, minerals, water, soil, and biodiversity.

By undertaking a development of various modeling methods at the highest scientific standard, from experiments on complex systems to numerical simulation, the “MC²=Environment” project addresses 3 main challenges: i) forecasting changes on continental environmental systems, ii) developing complex-system approaches for these environmental systems, and iii) improving interdisciplinary approaches in system modeling.

The LABEX project is organized around 5 main objectives:

Developing new research on theoretical, numerical, and experimental modeling. This basic aspect of modern research will be developed in the LABEX project with methods that meet high international standards. The consortium, through collaborations between researchers working on the environment and modeling, will develop new and original methods regarding the theory of complex systems, as well as numerical simulations and the experimental modeling of environmental systems.

Coupling data and models. Observation of environmental systems for forecasting strategies. An important research axis of the consortium will be to associate data and models, develop prediction models with uncertainties, and develop models for analyzing data. This research activity will be coupled with a long-term environmental system survey, which is an essential task of the Observatory of Rennes.

Building up advanced integrated platforms, open to national and international collaborations, is part of the main challenges of the “MC²=Environment” LABEX, which aim to promote interdisciplinary and collaborative research works, and to strengthen the partnerships between research, education, private companies, and local authorities. The scientists of the LABEX consortium have long experience, each in their specific domains, with the use of analogue models, as well as numerical modeling tools. The consortium will thus bring together a unique set of modeling competencies, and interactions that will offer a sound basis to share common modeling approaches and will provide a new impetus in modeling environmental processes and systems.

Societal appropriation of models and modeling expertise. Within the context of gaining more knowledge in order to ensure a sustainable development of human activities, the LABEX has identified five main research challenges that can drive operational research: i) Designing indicators to monitor and assess social-ecological dynamics; ii) Co-constructing models with stakeholders; iii) Developing Integrated Assessment Modeling (IAM); iv) Developing tools to better customize models

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and simulation results; v) Evaluating models from a societal perspective and assessing their appropriation by stakeholders.

Making interdisciplinarity effective. To address this major challenge for environmental research, the LABEX will promote modeling activities as integrative research methods that favor collaborations between different disciplines. The governance and scientific animation of platforms is also intended to favor collaborations between researchers from different disciplines. Finally, the development of research on the Societal appropriation of models is going to be a highly original task, and a real advance for interdisciplinarity.

Teaching is also a major challenge for the “MC²=Environment” project. It will draw from the existing corpus of Master's degrees in Environment and Earth Sciences and from the creation of the new Ecole Normale Supérieure de Rennes, an elite higher education institution for advanced undergraduate and graduate studies, to develop an ambitious interdisciplinary teaching program on the science of complex systems applied to environmental issues. The LABEX will benefit from the development of modeling approaches to provide original learning tools for undergraduate and graduate students. The LABEX also intends to provide an improved interdisciplinary background for most of the students.

The project leading institution is the Observatory of Rennes (OSUR)1, which is a department of the University of Rennes 1, in charge of coordinating research and teaching environmental science. Four INRA and Agrocampus Ouest teams in Environment (AgroEco-TerMer Group) are long-lasting partners associated to the governance of the OSUR. A wider governance of the OSUR will ensure a joint collaboration with the Physics, Computer Science, Electronics, and Mathematics departments; all of these teams will take part in the decision-making processes.

A LABEX scientific council will be implemented to assist the LABEX Executive Committee in carrying a coherent scientific analysis of the various initiatives, and in attributing the LABEX funding.

The project is fully in line with the ambitions of its institution partners to promote research on environment, and to encourage interdisciplinary initiatives.






The way that environmental concerns will be addressed in the near future is certainly one of the most important issues for societies and scientists [Crutzen, 2002]. The role of academic research will be to provide the keys to understanding the relationship between

nature and society, with respect to all the dimensions of these links: the sustainable management of geological, ecological and patrimonial resources; the assessment and management of environmental impacts of human activities; and the anticipation of environmental changes.

The establishment of a collective strategy to define a new deal for nature, together with their acceptance by society, must be based on the reliable expertise of the current and potential states of

1 OSUR: Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de Rennes


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the systems at stake. The challenge for the scientific community is not only to scrutinize the current state of environmental systems2, but also to develop predictive modeling approaches that are based on the anticipation of environmental evolutions.

The interplay between data and modeling has been undertaken with great success regarding questions related to climate change [IPCC, 2008]; however, it still needs to be applied to most of the environmental systems, and especially for continental ecosystems [Carpenter et al., 2009].

The aim of the scientific project MC²=Environment (which stand for “Modeling Complex Continental Earth and Environmental Systems”) is to develop modeling strategies for continental environmental systems.

These systems are at the heart of research developed in the multidisciplinary OSUR3 consortium by geologists, hydrologists, ecologists, agronomists, geographers, and archeologists. The Millennium Ecosystems Assessment [Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005], National Research Council [National Research Council, 2001], and SNRI [SNRI, 2009] have identified most of these systems as critical for some very important environmental issues. This includes geological reservoirs and continental surfaces (also defined as the critical zone of the Earth [Lin, 2010; National Research Council, 2001]); the main natural resources are fuels, minerals, water, soil, and biodiversity. The geographic and sociologic context of Brittany will be of particular focus for environmental issues of agricultural and urban territories.

The objectives of developing models for these critical systems are fully in line with the Sciences of the Environment working group from the National Strategy of Research and Innovation [SNRI, 2009], which underlines the need to understand, experiment and model the physical, chemical and biological processes of the Earth's critical zone as well as their responses, at all scales, to human pressures in order to ensure a technological development that is compatible with future challenges.

Modeling challenges are both numerous and ubiquitous because of the system complexity, the diversity of phenomenology (fluid mechanics, community dynamics, genomic biostatistics, systemic models, etc.), and the diversity of the modeling approaches (theoretical, numerical simulations, analog physical experiments). To be able to carry out world-class research, the project requires that scientists from different disciplines work together: physicists, mathematicians, and computer scientists (the “modeling sciences” realm), on the one hand, and geologists, hydrologists, ecologists, archeologists, agronomists, and geographers (the “environmental sciences” realm), on the other hand.

In Europe, most of the outstanding research centers in Environmental sciences have strong skills in numerical modeling or experimental studies. But so far, only a few centers have combine the skills of physicists, mathematicians, and environmentalists4.

In Rennes, there is a unique opportunity to build up an internationally-ranked center for environmental modeling. There is a long lasting collaboration history between the Rennes universities, CNRS, INRA and Agrocampus Ouest within the CAREN federative environmental

2 The term “system” includes all the constituents of a given environmental problematic.

3 OSUR : Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de Rennes

4 One of the leading centre in Europe is the Helmotz Centre for Environmental Research (Germany), which has

a research division on Environmental System Computation and Monitoring with 7 departments: Computational Hydro Systems, Computational Landscape Ecology, Ecological Modeling, Environmental Informatics, Monitoring & Exploration Technologies

Project focus


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institute. The Observatory of Rennes, which now replaces the CAREN, and its associated partners from INRA and Agrocampus Ouest, hereafter called OSUR&co, brings together 350 researchers in environmental sciences with several internationally competitive teams that were ranked A+ in the last AERES evaluation. The modeling group (hereafter called MOD&co) brings together 7 teams from physics, electronics, computer sciences, and mathematics. Both groups have already interacted with each other on several projects funded by the ANR, UE, and CNRS (see below).

We point out three major challenges in modeling environmental systems that are guidelines for building up the project objectives.

Challenge 1 Forecasting Changes on Continental Environmental Systems

It is trivial to say that modeling is the basic and fundamental “tool” for forecasting changes. In the project's “model and data” work package (see below), we will develop our strategy for combining modeling and data to ensure that we reach the forecasting objective.

Hereafter, we list the systems that the consortium will study and the specific challenges associated with each of them.

eological resources and reservoirs.

In a sustainable development perspective, the importance of geological resources and reservoirs is crucial as it concerns the supply of energy and materials to society. All mineral

resources and the major part of power resources used by humans come from the earth's crust. Geological events that build the Earth’s crust since four billion years that are at the origin of rocks and minerals and, more specifically, ores; they are also the reason why their concentrations in massifs are large enough to be of economical interest. Such mineral deposits, as well as the reservoirs in which fluids of economical interest also accumulate (mainly water and hydrocarbons), result from long-term physical and chemical processes. Despite the fact that only deposits and minerals located in the first thousand meters of the crust are accessible, their constitution generally results from processes occurring at the scale of lithosphere plates –i.e. over thicknesses up to 100 km- with durations of the order of millions or tens of millions of years (e.g. [Windley, 1995]). The control of resources and reservoirs is therefore directly dependant on our knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of geological processes at the largest scales of time and space.

At the global scale, the relative position of the plates and their displacements - i.e. plate tectonics- govern the distribution of emerged continental masses and therefore the dynamics of ocean circulation and climatic variations through geological time. These are primary factors in many surface geology phenomena, particularly alteration, erosion and sedimentation. At more local scales, tectonics, in creating reliefs and depressions, is at the origin of erosion and sedimentary basins. Due to the coupling between thermal and mechanical rock properties, lithosphere deformation exerts a direct control on rock metamorphism, plutonism and volcanism and, through fluid circulation, on the transport and concentration of dissolved mineral species. Within this framework, the analog and numerical modeling of lithosphere deformation and, consequently, of all other dependant geological phenomena with which it interacts (fracturing, fluid circulation, erosion, sedimentation, metamorphism, plutonism, volcanism, etc.)(e.g. [Gerya and Knovel (Firm), 2010]) is vital to identify the physical and chemical parameters determining the processes that shape the continental crust. This way of simulating possible geological configurations is a powerful tool to predict the structure, composition and functionalities of mineral deposits and reservoirs.



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The necessary counterpart of “process modeling” is its validation using geological, geophysical or geochemical field data. However the amount and the 3D complexity of the data require a specific “modeling of data”. The quantitative approach of mineral resources and reservoirs is now using data specialization approaches with Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and 3D modelers (e.g. gOcad). A recent development in digital mapping (e.g. [Whitmeyer et al., 2010]) will very soon allow the use of 3D data modeling directly in the field. In other words, a close synergy between process modeling and the study of natural examples is necessary to improve our expertise of the complexity of geological reservoirs in terms of their constitution and functioning.

ontinental landscape : fluxes of matter and energy

The continental landscape is the “critical zone” for terrestrial life; it is a dynamic interface between the solid Earth and its fluid envelopes, with both long-term (geological) and short-

term evolutions, with physical, chemical and biological processes. It is not possible to list the number of scientific issues related to this subject. We focus on three general issues (some are explicitly pointed out by the SNRI5), which are key research areas for the LABEX consortium and for which modeling is a necessity.

Physical, chemical and biological processes in the soil, aquifers, and water column. The complexity of environmental processes is largely due to the high heterogeneity of both flow and chemical reactions, and to the difficulty of obtaining quantitative measurements from natural systems. There are emerging issues about the role of organisms in chemical reactions, which has been recognized for a while, but still needs to be quantified and modeled. Similarly, the heterogeneous nature of flow, which is responsible for pollutant dispersion, is also expected to be a key process in kinetic reactions. Both of these examples show that physics, chemistry and biology are intimately interwoven in the critical zone. The difficulty to reproduce in the lab the complex nature of these biogeochemical processes is a challenge for modeling studies.

Several teams from Geosciences, ECOBIO, SAS, and COSTEL are involved in the study of the critical-zone processes, with projects in collaboration with the MOD&co groups (pore-scale processes, the development of numerical methods, or numerical and experimental platforms). This already existing dynamics put a special emphasis on this research area in the MC²=Env project.

Large-scale modeling of hydro-bio-chemical cycles is a challenge that goes along with the previous item. The prediction of water and chemistry fluxes at the watershed scale, and even more so at the continent scale, implies integrating processes and heterogeneities over a large range of scales, and using integrative models whose parameterization remains consistent with the data [Kirchner, 2006; McDonnell et al., 2007]. This upscaling of local processes, as well as other scientific issues (e.g. interactions between deep and surface flux, the role of surface vegetation, functional spatial partitioning, etc.), are key points for predicting the actual fluxes and dynamics, and the eventual effects of climate or land use changes.

Especially in this research area, the coupling between modeling and observations is critical. In that respect, the MC²=Env project will benefit from the long term observatories maintained by the OSUR and INRA partners: H+6, AgrHys7, and ZA Armorique8. The OSUR&co pole mostly (but not only)

5 SNRI: statégie nationale de recherche et d’innovation: a prospective exercise organized by the French ministry

of research for all domains of research. 6 The H+ observatory (http://hplus.univ-rennes1.fr/) is a long-term observatory project devoted to in situ

studies of hydrological and biochemical processes within aquifers. H+ aims to improve flow models within aquifers. The OSUR is responsible of the H+ observatory.


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studies transfers in agrosystems, in which agricultural intensification is responsible for water pollution by agricultural nutrients (nitrate, phosphorus, pesticide, etc.) [Hooda et al., 2000].

Landscape morphologies, sediment transfer and ecosystem coevolution. A landscape is also a surface evolving at different time scales as a result of interactions between tectonic forces, water erosion, and human actions. The National Academy of Sciences [National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Challenges and Opportunities in Earth Surface Processes., 2010] reported 9 major challenges in this domain, and 4 high priority research initiatives: interacting landscapes and climate, quantitative reconstruction of landscape dynamics across time scales, coevolution of ecosystems and landscapes, and future of landscapes in the “Anthropocene”. Each of these research initiatives requires a new generation of modeling approaches that integrate elementary interactions between water, sediment and biota at time and spatial scales relevant to human societies and earth systems [Murray et al., 2008].

The OSUR&co and MOD&co consortiums are particularly well suited to tackle these issues and some recently launched multidisciplinary initiatives provide a strong background to this LABEX proposal. For instance, UMR Géosciences and IPR have worked together for 4 years on the experimental modeling of erosion and sediment transport in rivers [Dreano et al., 2010]. The creation of OSUR has also recently fostered multidisciplinary initiatives on the role of subsurface water in earth-surface processes and landforms [Higgins et al., 1990] or the coupling between biotic and abiotic processes in salt-marsh dynamics [Kirwan et al., 2010].

iodiversity, Community Dynamics, Functional diversity and Environmental Genomics

Biodiversity is nowadays subject to severe anthropogenic threats such as habitat loss, over exploitation, the spreading of invasive species, climate and land use change, which led Wilson (1993) to consider it as the “sixth extinction”. More recently, Rockstrom et al. [Rockstrom et al., 2009] underlined that biodiversity loss together with excess nitrogen input has already passed a critical value called the “Planetary boundary”, which is defined as the safe operating space for humanity with respect to the Earth system and is associated with the planet’s biophysical subsystems or processes. These threats arise at various scales, such as specific richness, genetic, functional, community, landscape and functional diversity levels.

At the species-specific level, the major issues are forecasting and preventing extinctions. For instance, stochastic population dynamics give accurate estimates of extinction probabilities for species and populations [Courchamp et al., 2008]. Viability analysis is now a standard approach with a series of software based on efficient sampling procedures such as Capture – Mark – Recapture methods. Yet, the control of outbreaks and invasive organisms is more challenging. It requires relating the genetic analysis of diversity, ecology of biotic interactions and building comprehensive Decision Support Systems including the necessary negotiations between human stakeholders.

7 INRA in partnership with the OSUR is developing the AgrHys observatory (http://www.inra.fr/ore_agrhys), a

long-term observatory devoted to studying and quantifying the combined effects of land use and climate changes on biogeochemical cycles within the critical zone, and surface and ground water quality. 8 The ZA Armorique is part of the French LTER Network, carried by the CNRS with partners. The ZA Armorique

belongs to LTER-Europe. It is devoted to biodiversity dynamics as related to land use and climate changes. The focal question of the ZA Armorique is: how do land use/landscape changes drive changes in biodiversity (species composition and distribution) and how do land use and climate interfere in buffering or enhancing each other effects?


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Another issue, which is even more challenging, is related to the capacity to accurately forecast the future of community assemblages to understand, for instance, the consequences of populations and species extinction on the community structures and dynamics. Communities are complex systems, with a high number of components and an even higher number of interactions [Grace and Tilman, 1990]. Modeling such a huge and nested interaction network requires an interdisciplinary collaboration in order to build efficient systems that are able to carry out in silico experiments and predictions (May, 2006). Recent advances achieved to solve huge metabolic or genes networks could be usefully transferred in the environmental field. Moreover, there could also be benefits from mathematical models of communities organization which are either emphasizing random processes (Hubbell, 2001) or deterministic processes [Kearney and Porter, 2009; Thuiller et al., 2008].

Such complex, multilevel interactions strengthen the need to consider the functional biodiversity, i.e. the diversity of ecological functions. In this area, the different “omic” new techniques bring an outstanding insight to ecological processes. For instance, environmental genomics using high-throughput sequencing allow the evaluation of micro-organism diversity; but these new techniques coupled with bioinformatics also provide invaluable information on the metabolic functions present in a given environment [Vandenkoornhuyse et al., 2007].

All these issues are currently tackled by the consortium, and will be part of the Labex project.

ontinental territories: Man-environment interactions in Agro and urban systems

In Western Europe, agricultural and urban territories are the result of a constant interaction, since the Neolithic, between human societies, their history, techniques, and the environment,. Currently, many pressures caused by the environment and by humans operate on the resulting complex systems, leading to hydrological, ecological and social dysfunctioning. The research developed in OSUR, mainly focused until now on agricultural areas, deals with the impact of agricultural practices and farming systems on water quality and quantity, and on biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Archeoscience researchers reconstruct landscape history over long time periods; this gives clues for the understanding of biodiversity settlement and dynamics. On shorter time steps, agricultural dynamics, driven in part by public policies, are studied as one of the potential pressures on biodiversity dynamics [Foley et al., 2005]. Semi-natural elements, such as hedgerows, woodlots or heath land, are seen as key elements to sustain biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Geographers develop methods to map territories with a high degree of precision regarding the quality of those elements, by using for example lidar radars. The first approach of biodiversity has been concerned with nature conservation and is shifting now toward the study of ecosystem services supported by biodiversity: detoxification of pollutants, biological regulation of agricultural pests, pollination …[Tscharntke et al., 2005] The role of the mosaic of crops combined with that of semi-natural habitats is being increasingly studied [Fahrig, 2003]. Its effect on regulation or loss of regulation of biogeochemical fluxes is another strong research theme in OSUR. To understand and predict the effects of landscape dynamics on process dynamics, researchers develop models, most often with a spatial dimension.

All these researches contribute to the set up of agricultural and environmental policies. Jurists of OSUR study how scientific knowledge is used in order to elaborate regulations and how these regulations are pertinent and efficient for action.

The increase in urban spaces is one important driver of land use changes for the future. Resulting environmental problems regarding biodiversity loss, changes in micro climatic conditions, and others, will be studied, adding a new axis to OSUR'S research objectives.


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Challenge 2 Dealing with Complex Environmental Systems

Environmental system dynamics is emblematic of what is now called the science of complex systems (or of complexity), which comes from the recognition of complexity issues in science [Weaver, 1948], and refers to (more or less) recent mathematical theories that tackle system behavior in the presence of a large number of non linear interactions. It is out of the scope of this presentation to list all scientific challenges related to environmental issues and complexity. We just want to point out why the LABEX project is fully embedded in the science of complex systems.

Non-linear phenomena, emerging geometrical patterns, rupture behavior (including chaos, tipping points at which a sudden shift to a contrasting dynamical regime may occur, etc.) are ubiquitous on the Earth, and especially on Earth surface processes: e.g. fractures in geological reservoirs [Davy et al., 2006], river/vegetation dynamics [Murray et al., 2009], ecological communities [Loehle, 2004], and socio-ecological systems [Ostrom, 2007]. The interplay between components of different nature (physical, chemical, biological, social) can be an additional reason to consider environmental issues as complex systems.

Modeling and interdisciplinary collaborations are constitutive of the science of complexity. Numerical simulations are key tools to understand how complex patterns form or complex dynamics emerge from heuristic relationships. Outputs of these researches go way beyond the basic knowledge of environmental processes and dynamics; the quest for the minimal model of complexity (“Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler”9) is a key issue for building up predictive models that will be combined with data to forecast environmental changes (e.g. [Kirchner, 2006; McDonnell et al., 2007] for hydrology, [Jakeman et al., 2006] for natural resource management applications).

Beyond modeling, the science of complex systems also brings a common theoretical corpus for scientists. Fractal concepts (or power law distribution tails), chaos theories, network and connectivity theories, upscaling methods, and many more are shared by a large number of scientific communities. We believe that, in a multidisciplinary consortium such as that of the LABEX project which addresses research projects as different as fracturing, hydro(geo)logy, biodiversity or socio-ecological systems, developing a common scientific interface between these disciplines is the way forward to develop modern scientific approaches, and to promote interdisciplinary collaborations.

For a few years already, the LABEX consortium (including both the OSUR&co and MOD&co groups) has developed and promoted some complex system approaches.

The research project RISC-E: In 2009, the RISC-E project (Interdisciplinary Research project for Complex System in the Environment) was created as one of the 9 research networks of UEB. RISC-E is a scientific network that gathers 150 scientists from all the disciplines of the LABEX (from geosciences to mathematics), in charge of promoting scientific activities and organizing conferences on complex systems in environment. RISC-E belongs to the National Complex System Network (RNSC), which is a national initiative for promoting the science of complex systems supported by most of the National Research Centers (CNRS, INRA, INRIA, etc.).

The SCNI master’s degree. In 2008, both the OSUR&co and MOD&co groups decided to create a Master’s degree on ‘Natural and Industrial Complex Systems’ at the University of Rennes 1. The objective is to give students a large interdisciplinary scientific background, and

9 The quote has been attributed to Einstein, but it may be a paraphrase of the following: “It can scarcely be

denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience.” Einstein, A. (1934), On the Method of Theoretical Physics, Philosophy of Science, 1(2), 163-169.

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to teach the tools to analyze complex systems and to understand their emergent behavior in natural and industrial systems.

Each year since 2009, both RISC-E and SCNI organize a cross disciplinary school on complex systems. During one week, Master’s and PhD students are invited to listen to high level lectures on complexity in environmental sciences on different subjects: extreme events (2009), auto-organization and emergence (2010); experiment, simulation, understanding (2011).

The LABEX will be in charge of pursuing and strengthening these multidisciplinary dynamics on complex environmental systems. There are a few similar initiatives in France (ISC-PIF: Institut des Systèmes Complexes Paris Île de France; IXXI: Institut des Systèmes Complexes Lyon Rhône-Alpes, etc.) and around the world (including the famous New England Complex Systems Institute). Yet, only a few if any focus on environmental issues.

Our ambition is to create, in Rennes, an international center on complex environmental systems, combining high-level research teams and education programs. The creation of the Department of Environmental Sciences at the new ENS of Rennes - an elite higher education institution for advanced undergraduate and graduate studies that is an important partner of the LABEX project –, is fully driven by this objective of developing interdisciplinary education and research programs on the modeling of complex environmental systems. The ENS students, who are selected from a highly competitive recruitment process, will contribute to make the center attractive for other university students.

Challenge 3 Enhancing interdisciplinary approaches in system modeling

Is it necessary to justify that interdisciplinary is one of the major challenge when addressing complex environment problems [National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Challenges and Opportunities in Earth Surface Processes., 2010; Wilding and Lin, 2006]. It does not mean that all environmental issues require multidisciplinary views, but it highlights that environmental systems are made of physical, chemical, biological, sociological components, and that some/most of the related issues require multidisciplinary skills.

The OSUR&co group is a multidisciplinary10 consortium with a long experience in interdisciplinary research projects. Over the last ten years, we can list successful projects on:

sediment transport processes at the interface between physics (divided matter) and geology;

hydro-ecosystems (riverine ecosystems; microorganisms, biofilm and hydrochemical reactions in soil and water) at the interface between geology, hydrology and biology;

land use and environment quality in agrosystems at the interface between hydrology, ecology, sociology, geography, and archeology;

Numerical methods for transport in heterogeneous media at the interface between geophysics, mathematics, and computer sciences;

Environmental genomics at the interface between environment ecology, and computer sciences (bioinformatics);

Decision-oriented models for agrosystems at the interface between hydropedology, agronomy, and computer sciences

not an exhaustive list…


Following Bjurstrom [2011], interdisciplinarity is used as all activities where disciplinary boundaries are crossed; Multidisciplinarity refers to collaboration between disciplines with superficial integration

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The ambition of the LABEX is to make interdisciplinarity the hallmark of the Rennes group. The strategy is based on several guidelines:

Modeling is central to make researchers from different disciplines collaborate on a phenomenological understanding of environmental processes.

Modeling platforms, either experimental infrastructures or numerical simulation platforms, will be developed as research tools for both specialist and non-specialist researchers. The governance and scientific animation of platforms will favor collaborations between researchers of different disciplines.

Broad interdisciplinarity (refers to crossing boundaries between disciplines with dissimilar epistemologies such as physics and sociology [Bjurstrom and Polk, 2011]) will be at the core of one of the 4 scientific objectives of the LABEX; WP4 is devoted to ‘Societal appropriation of models, and modeling expertise’

A series of actions will be listed as a task of the project (WP5: ‘making interdisciplinarity effective’).

The advanced integrated platform constitutes a new generation of large research facilities that will attract and encourage new international collaborations, in particular through the frequent and long-term welcoming of both junior and senior scientists who are interested in using the facilities (e.g. doctoral and post-doctoral stays from the International Training Network of the European Marie-Curie program, UEB's international Chair of Excellence Program, etc.).

Last but not least, the creation of an interdisciplinary consortium with actual governance of both research and teaching programs is a way to make interdisciplinarity effective. Smith and Carey [Smith and Carey, 2007] point out ‘the disjunct between, on one hand, rhetoric encouraging interdisciplinary research and, on the other, the lack of institutional structure and support for it’. The creation of the LABEX MC²=E is intended to fill this gap by promoting the recruitment of interdisciplinary researchers, and by creating interdisciplinary structures and projects.

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The project is structured into work packages (WP) led by researchers from different organizations.

WWPP11 NNeeww rreesseeaarrcchh oonn nnuummeerriiccaall,, eexxppeerriimmeennttaall,, aanndd

tthheeoorreettiiccaall mmooddeelliinngg Coord. Jocelyne Erhel (SAGE), Yves Méheust (Geosciences), Patrick Richard (IPR)

Human actions impact natural systems. An evaluation of these impacts is needed to decide whether or not they are acceptable and to design appropriate actions. An evaluation is usually performed through models that

embody our understanding of the involved phenomena and of the specifics of a real system. Physical/chemical/biological processes are then described in terms of conservation principles, and/or phenomenological and empirical laws. This proposal addresses environmental issues; they are complex due to their intrinsic heterogeneity, their multi-scale and multi-component features, and the coupling between various processes. These are the understanding of molecular, cellular and physiological functions of an organism, the characterization of underground chemical transport for aquifer remediation and CO2 sequestration. Although the targeted domains range widely, they share several common coupling features such as those between different disciplines, between different geological/geographical domains (e.g. soil, surface, and atmosphere) and compartments (e.g. biological compartment, etc.), and between different length scales. All types of modeling are represented within the proposal team, namely theoretical/numerical modeling and experimental modeling, including large-scale field model experiments. They are all designed to identify and characterize the relevant elementary processes. In field experimentations, an experimentally well-characterized site provides a comprehension not only of the medium's geometry, but also of the involved processes. By contrast, laboratory analog modeling experiments can be used to characterize an analog system while only retaining a chosen level of complexity, the relevance of which is to be investigated. In numerical modeling, the mathematical description is fully controlled by the investigator. Its interaction with analog modeling is fruitful in that analog experiments can provide key information to numerical simulations, while the latter permits to test the validity of elementary processes.

When several phenomena are coupled, numerical simulations become more complex in terms of physical processes, bio-chemical understanding, integration of the data, and ultimately, mathematical equations. Enlarging domains, enhancing interactions, and

increasing complexity require both numerical optimization and high-performance computing. Similarly, modeling challenges in experiments include: i) the reproduction in the lab of complex physico-chemical processes that occur in nature, (ii) spatial and temporal resolution of the data recordings (imaging) at a fine resolution, (iii) innovative measurement techniques with an ability to detect subtle structural changes, and (iv) the development and management of large scale in situ experimental sites.

These enhanced interactions and coupling between systems raise new fundamental issues in computational and numerical modeling. Simulation may involve several domains in terms of physics, chemistry and biology

where different evolution laws prevail. Interactions between scientific domains require a careful treatment of boundary and interface conditions. For example the advection-diffusion of flying insects requires the separate consideration of different kinds of boundaries – shores, where mortality is complete



Way forward

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(Dirichlet conditions), mountains, which are semi-absorbent boundaries (mixed conditions), and political boundaries which limit a domain but where the flow of individuals is free (Neumann conditions). This can be complicated by the landing of individuals, whose modeling by a reaction term may be questionable. This is also the case when coupling individual-based models with oceanic circulation models to simulate fish larval drift and to analyze the impact of habitat degradation on exploited marine species [Rochette et al., 2010].

Upscaling and downscaling: While elementary processes may be known at the elementary scale, it may be necessary to upscale them at a larger scale to enable

simulations. Conversely, it may be necessary to couple large-scale simulations to finer-scale simulations possibly with a different physical-chemical model. For instance, physic transport processes in porous media characterized at the decimeter scale are coupled with bio-chemical processes characterized at a much smaller millimeter scale [Fedotov et al., 2005]. In another field, regulatory processes at the genomic level are often coupled with observations and processes at the much higher physiological scale [Bourdon et al., 2011], and even at the ecological scale [Wintermute and Silver, 2010].

Uncertainty, Complexity, and Stochasticity. Complexity enhances uncertainty, thus giving rise to stochastic modeling. Potential modeling errors or approximations are reinforced by the absence of a perfect knowledge of the systems. Improving observation- and simulation- capacities does not suppress the uncertainty but allows its quantification. In this field, an increased use of Stochastic Differential Equations, widely in use in econometrics, is desirable. Some phenomena like the biotic effects of global change are almost incomprehensible without such an approach, seldom considered in ecology. The influence of stochasticity is also in the core of the actual debate between neutral and deterministic models of community assemblies [Chave, 2004; Hubbell, 2005].

Numerical optimization and high-performance computing. This is required when enlarging domains, enhancing interactions, and increasing complexity. Numerical modeling relies on the availability of generic and robust numerical schemes and algorithms with non-exhaustively space and time integration, the simulation of ill-conditioned non-linear systems of equations and efficient uncertainty quantification methods. For example coupling transport processes with chemical reactivity issues, highly non-linear systems of equations, requires specific solution strategies according to the type of reactivity ranging between fully integrated approaches [de Dieuleveult et al., 2009] and fully-decoupled explicit approaches [Besnard et al., 2011]. Model complexity results in increased computational demands. Parallel computing has become essential to handle extensive simulations and computations. In Ecology, Individual Based Models are more and more extensively used and compared with more traditional modeling approaches. Emergence problems are efficiently treated by this way but require large computer resources and gain from parallelization [Delattre et al., 2010; Grimm, 2005]. The recourse to the modern theory of experimental designs is as necessary (even more) as (than) for real experiments. The design of robust, generic and yet efficient implementation of numerical methods is required by the targeted challenge of modeling a broad range of natural applications. Simple linkages between models are not sufficient. The right concept is the determination of the most generic model structures and interactions designed to last much longer than the specific models themselves.

Experimental challenges: Analog experiments do not only require that a proper downscaling from the field scale to the laboratory scale be performed, both in space and time. They also require the experimental modeling of a number of physico-chemical processes, such as for example the incorporation into geodynamics-geomorphology laboratory experiments of phase transitions, which results in fluid overpressures [Mourgues and Cobbold, 2003], or atmospheric constraints. The reproduction in the lab of a process that couples physical phenomena to chemical reactions also


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requires an a priori understanding of in situ biogeochemical reactions, for which original measurement setups have to be designed [Fakih et al., 2008].

Experimental challenges: Temporally- and spatially-defined measurements is required for a proper characterization of spatially-heterogeneous and potentially intermittent processes. Going from two-dimensional to three-dimensional measurement is fundamental, be it optical imaging in the lab [Stohr2003], X-ray tomography [Lambert et al., 2007; Lambert et al., 2010; Richard et al., 2003] or on the field (e. g. LIDAR [Abellán et al., 2010]), on-field electric tomography [Nicollin et al., 2006], or muon tomography [Lesparre et al., 2010]. In laboratory model experiments, innovative experimental techniques based on microfluidics are slowly finding their way into environmental science; they provide transparent analog models of porous media [Engl et al., 2006] designed precisely from numerical models and also allow for the precise characterization of droplet phenomena occurring, for example, in sea spray [Bird et al., 2010].

Experimental challenges: The measurement of extremely fine structural changes is another new direction. For example the detection, based on non-linear optics [Erpelding et al., 2010; Menon and Durian, 1997], or non-linear acoustics [Zaitsev et al., 2008], of precursors occurring in a granular pile prior to the triggering of an avalanche, or the nanoSIMS- or EXAF/XANES-based characterization of mineral surfaces and of the dynamics of chemical elements during reaction at their interface.

Experimental challenges: Large scale in situ measurements sites, instrumented and monitored over a large period of time, allow the LABEX team to study systems that contain the entire natural complexity (including climatic constraints), in a systematic manner. A description of the available large scale measurement sites is provided in Annex.

WWPP22 CCoouupplliinngg ddaattaa aanndd mmooddeellss.. OObbsseerrvvaattiioonn ooff eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall

ssyysstteemmss ffoorr ffoorreeccaassttiinngg ssttrraatteeggiieess Coord. Myriam Bormans (EcoBio), Kerry Gallagher (Geosciences), Laurence Hubert-Moy (COSTEL)

In many areas of science, the variety, volume and quality of data have increased rapidly, leading to the concept of data-intensive science [Bell et al., 2009; Hey, 2009]. Well known examples are the Genome project and the

Hadron Collider. These advances in data acquisition need to be accompanied by the development of more and more complex models/modeling strategies to capture both deterministic and emergent behavior over a wide range of spatial and time scales. Traditional approaches to model building in physical science often replace a complex problem with a simplified version, the well known Occam’s razor philosophy. However, for complex natural systems this may not always be the best approach (e .g. [Gelman, 2009]) as the understanding of processes is incomplete, models can be stochastic, non-parametric and evolutionary, and the model-data-information transformation is complex and hierarchical. Therefore, it may be preferable to avoid limiting complexity for truly complex problems, since focusing on overly simple or incomplete models will lead to unrepresentative predictive capability, unreliable forecasting and will ultimately limit the utility of predictive modeling to decision making processes.

In principle, the changing nature of available data can yield better constraints for models and provide opportunities to improve the predictive capability of models, and their uncertainty. Uncertainties in model predictions occur as a result of various factors, such

as overly-simple/complex formulations, inappropriate initial conditions and imprecise calibrations based on noisy data and clearly these uncertainties need to be quantified and communicated. However, data often only indirectly constrain models and this is typical of many disciplines central to this project, including remote sensing, bioinformatics and climate change. Then it is best to formulate the modeling

Background Background


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approach as an inverse problem. One potential problem when dealing with multiple and large data sets is inconsistency between data, and this remains a challenge for inversion methods. This requires rethinking the development and application of mathematical tools to improve the retrieval of information from (often noisy and inconsistent) data. Progress can be made by recognizing the commonality of these problems between disciplines, and then exploiting expertise across disciplines.

Data assimilation. Here, data assimilation can be important in defining appropriate initial conditions to provide reliable forecasting; an additional challenge being the incorporation of multiscale, time-dependent data into models and model development. Inverse modeling encompasses

different strategies from searching for optimal models, to ensembles of models, being deterministic (forward models are defined and involve just parameter inference) to learning, or emergent strategies in which the data are used to define model structure explicitly (e.g. trying to identify parameters and parameter correlations not built into the model formulation, or to allow for model hysteresis, clearly linked to estimating initial conditions appropriately, with data assimilation likely to be a key aspect). Various challenges exist when integrating data with (inverse) modeling. For example, as the data become more numerous, more heterogeneous and provide more detailed information on a model, the problem can become harder to solve (due to enhanced sensitivity of the model parameters to the data reflecting increased non-linearity or increased complexity of the information contained in the data), and the probability of encountering inconsistent data probably increases also. We also want to allow adaptive predictive capability given that new data are acquired or new models are identified which behave differently over time. One approach is to make the complexity of the model tunable, and variably dependent on the data, which is effectively a nested approach to modeling. Again, this can involve directly exploiting trans-dimensional inverse modeling strategies (e.g. Green 1995, Sambridge et al., 2006) and using populations (ensembles) of models rather than just a single optimal solution.

Consistency of large data sets. Raw data are used to let multi time-scale dynamical knowledge emerge. The main scientific challenge lies in the nature of the data (qualitative rather than quantitative, static more than dynamic), preventing the use of numerical approaches. For instance, both functional genomic and bioinformatic platforms intend to produce metagenomic, metatranscriptomic and proteomic data at the genetic and protein scales; but also quantitative data at the physiological and ecological levels. A strong concern is related to the interpretation of such intracellular information at higher levels such as the ecological one [Vandenkoornhuyse et al., 2011; Wooley et al., 2010].

Modeling strategy. Additional challenges include the appropriate definition of a misfit function when there are multiple types of data (e.g. numerical, categorical, ordinal, cartographic and qualitative) in order to assess the fidelity of a model, how best to search a large dimensional model space, how to define the model space, or how to represent solutions (e.g. optimal, multiple near optimal, or large ensembles). In many real world problems, as a result of nonlinearity, many good solutions can occur; they represent local clusters in the model space, but may have quite different predictive capabilities. To be practical, the modeling strategies should include some form of system partitioning, the identification of dependencies/independence between subsystems and the scales of these (both in space and time) and an appreciation of how predictions vary when different subsystems are combined (which may be in parallel, in series, feedback between inputs and responses, etc.) and to assess the potential for unintended side effects from such combinations. When dealing with real world systems and forecasting from models, it is also important to consider the generalities of a model developed in a specific site. These challenges and the developments of the abovementioned methodologies will be applied to geological reservoirs and resources, basic hydro-bio-geochemical

Way forward and Actions

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processes in the critical zone, biodiversity and ecosystems functioning, and the large scale transfer of matter and energy in continental landscapes (see Annex for detailed projects).

WWPP33 BBuuiillddiinngg ssiimmuullaattiioonn ppllaattffoorrmmss ffoorr mmooddeelliinngg

eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall ssyysstteemmss Coord. Françoise Binet (ECOBIO), Olivier Menin (SYMBIOSE), Patrick Durand (SAS)

Building advanced integrated platforms, open to the international community, is one of the main challenges of the MC²=Env project. The aims are to promote interdisciplinary and collaborative research and to strengthen the

partnerships between research, training, companies, or local authorities. The scientists that are part of the MC²=Env consortium have long experience, each in their specific domains, with the use of analog models (Tectonic Experimental Lab, ECOLEX center, Geomorphological Lab) as well as in numerical modeling tools (TNT2 in the INRA team, H2O lab and €ros in the OSUR). MC²=Env will thus bring together a unique set of modeling competencies, and these interactions will offer a sound basis to share common modeling approaches and provide a new impetus in modeling environmental processes and systems.

The advanced facilities will be located in Rennes and be composed of a highly instrumented experimental platform with up-to-date analytical plateaus (such as genomic, CCA, MS chromatography, stable isotopic tracers, etc.) closely combined with a

numerical-informatic platform that will host numerical modeling tools as well as a powerful data exploitation and management service. The numerical platform will firstly be oriented towards the process or object studied in the experimental platform and the long-term observatories (“hydro-geological process” and “biodiversity dynamics and ecosystem functioning” in the ORE and ZA observatory, respectively). It will allow the simulation and exploration of models (ecological, biological, physical, chemical) as well as the coupling of models with different formalisms. Such advanced facilities will encourage the cross-fertilization between numerical sciences and analogical experimental approaches. In particular, it will help to advance model development by modelers and to make models more accessible to scientists. Other improvements and new developments far beyond the existing ones are expected in terms of automated experimental devices, high-standard quality data production, data storage and mining, process analysis, statistical modeling, model development and knowledge interpretation.

The advanced integrated platforms will allow us to produce and cumulate innovative knowledge, from the process analysis to system modeling stage. The data produced must be carefully managed from their collection to

their storage, their extraction and finally to their appropriation by the final users. This will be done by i) establishing adequate ontologisms to store, retrieve, and share the data and knowledge; and ii) by developing programs for data cleaning if necessary, and applications to make the data accessible for the public or private end-users. The digital data service of OSUR (SGDN), along with the INRIA, will be responsible of this data management service within the integrated platform. An advanced integrated platform of this type constitutes a new generation of large research facilities that will attract and encourage new international collaborations, in particular through the frequent and long-term stay of both junior and senior scientists who are interested in using the facilities (e.g., doctoral and post-doctoral of the International Training Network of the European Marie-Curie program, UEB’s international Chair of Excellence Program, etc.).

A significant achievement of the MC²=Env project will be to build three modeling platforms that meet the highest international standards. This achievement is make Actions



Way forward

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possible by the number of numerical and experimental facilities that the consortium is currently developing, by the partnership between environmental and modeling science groups, and by the lasting experience in Rennes on experimental and numerical modeling. The three platforms gathers existing facilities from different disciplines with the aim to create technical and interdisciplinary synergies:

A large experimental facility in Earth and environment will be build, gathering existing experimental platforms in biogeochemistry, hydrogeology, hydrology, geomorphology, ecology, and tectonics. This interdisciplinary project (Earth sciences, ecology, and physics) consists of a large indoor experimental hall hosting various automated/monitored experimental devices, and of outdoor mesocosm platforms. A set of experimental innovations are scheduled in the framework of the MC²=Env project.

Numerical platforms for environment. Several numerical platforms are developed in MC²=Env by interdisciplinary project teams: TNT2 (topography-based nitrogen transfers and transformations), H2OLAB (flow and transport in heterogeneous porous and fractured media), €ros (erosion and sediment transfer), the Virtual Prairie (ecological issues). The MC²=Env project will bring new means and create a synergy in the platform development. The objectives are to use of novel efficient computational methods, and to enhance the interaction capacities of the platforms. The partnership with the INRIA allows the LABEX researchers to benefit from HPC infrastructures such as Grid’5000 and Genci national centers.

Environmental genomics and bioinformatics facility. This resource gathers a sequencing and a bioinformatics facility in order to tackle more efficiently different challenges. Complementary strategies are used to create a coherent production and analysis infrastructure: reinforcement of the data production with 4th generation sequencing machines, increase of the computing capabilities but also development of new tools (i.e. new software or new algorithms).

WWPP44 SSoocciieettaall aapppprroopprriiaattiioonn ooff mmooddeellss aanndd mmooddeelliinngg eexxppeerrttiissee Coord. Philippe Mérot (SAS), Marie-Odile Cordier (DREAM), Nathalie Hervé-Fournereau (IODE)

In the context of global change, it is necessary to gain knowledge about the complex relationships linking human activities and decision making to landscape/land use changes, to changes in fluxes in landscapes, and finally to

environmental changes. In order to do this, we have to determine how local people perceive or experience environmental issues where they live, in order to use science within a social context. This perspective underpins the question of the social appropriation of models and modeling expertise. One original focus point of the consortium involves modeling and the appropriation of modeling by the stakeholders, which means that diverse actors handle such issues and develop sustainable projects in response to changes. Sustainability refers here to environmental, economic and social issues, which have to be answered within a specific territory. These environmental changes can be seen from a double perspective: i) the natural resource and ecosystem services, which are related to the capability of local actors to maintain such resources and services as well as their access; and ii) the resilience of an environmental system affected by changes in the environmental conditions (e.g. climate and land use changes or water quality), which may create such difficult situations for people that the only way to overcome this situation would be to make major changes (significant adaptations or even deep transformations) with respect to their activities and decision making.

With a view to improving this knowledge to foster a sustainable development of human activities, five main challenges have been identified by the international scientific community as important things to consider before developing operational research for

the explicit treatment of these issues at local scales: i) Designing indicators to monitor and assess social-



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ecological dynamics; ii) Co-constructing models with the stakeholders; iii) Developing Integrated Assessment Modeling (IAM); iv) Developing tools to better customize models and simulation results; v) Evaluating models from a societal perspective and assessing their appropriation by stakeholders.

Designing indicators to monitor and assess social-ecological dynamics: The design of descriptive indicators [Heink and Kowarik, 2010] is useful for accessing and monitoring the complex relationships between social and ecological dynamics, something that is necessary in order to assess their dynamics [Collins et al., 2010]. In this framework, we have a

particular focus on ecosystem services such as biological regulation, pollination, but also wetland services, and soil development and carbon storage services11. The properties of resilience of a social-ecological system that affect these ecosystem services, e.g. through land use changes, need to be identified [Walker et al., 2004]. One important challenge the consortium will explore is the role of feedback mechanisms as determinants in land use dynamics and system evolution [Verburg, 2006]. For instance, the descriptors of the physical environment used by farmers as indicators for some of their decision rules may change and cause them to adapt their rules. These changes may result in unexpected systemic changes in direction and amplitude.

Co-constructing models with the stakeholders: The keys issues of this WP are the development of methods for sharing the relevant representation of the system and both the design and implementation of spatially explicit scenarios that take the actual and future threats and changes into account. Our approach consists in establishing “territorial observatories” with local actors focusing on the dynamics of their territory, collecting data on the dynamics of the processes in focus, integrating them into an information system, and building on the collective knowledge over time in order to adaptively manage the processes in focus. A complementary approach will consist of participatory methods to develop concerted actions from the debate group using companion modeling, often based on multi-agent modeling, scenario building and assessment.

Developing Integrated Modeling Assessment (IAM): The main issue is to adapt the modeling task to the stakeholders' questions and to the issues of the territory, while integrating knowledge from various disciplines. This is the definition of an Integrated Assessment [Kok et al., 2007]. This entails articulating models of a very different nature, and developing integrated models to represent socio-ecological systems and their dynamics under constraints or drivers such as climate, legislation, or economics [Verburg, 2006]. We will develop tools to better customize the models and simulation results in order to make it easier for the stakeholders to access to the models and their output. This will create a reliable picture of the situation and will facilitate decision-making. For example, the end-user-oriented integrative indicators can be visualized by collecting the gross outputs of a model over time, space and/or by combining different output variables. This transformation, called “fuzzification”, is identified as a key challenge when decision makers use models to help them in their decisions [Alcamo et al., 2003]. It may require specific knowledge, for example from the ontology domain. The main challenge is to evolve from massive and mainly quantitative data to personalized and user-oriented information.

Interactive and personalized query languages need to be defined in order to enable the user to interactively launch simulations and access output in a way that is adapted to their needs. The challenge is to design efficient ways of storing large volumes of data, such as warehouses, and extending them to cope with multi-scale and heterogeneous data. Massive data analysis and knowledge discovery requires the use and development of Artificial Intelligence techniques, including


The assessment of biological regulation services is an issue examined in collaboration with teams from the SAFSI LABEX project, namely the Bio3P team which is notably associated with the ZAA project.

Way forward & Actions

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automatic symbolic learning and data mining which as recognized for their potential to discover knowledge from environmental data (see Chen et al., 2008 for a review), and to apply them to extract decision-oriented information (decision rules, action recommendation) from simulation results.

Evaluating models from a societal perspective and assessing their appropriation by stakeholders. These decision-oriented models must also be validated regarding the appropriation of these models by stakeholders, their consequent capability to make decisions and their global impact on environmental issues (e.g. the life-cycle assessment, as studied in [van der Werf et al., 2009])12. The evaluation of these types of decision-oriented modeling approaches deals with law issues.

Law issues. These approaches may be seen as a response to the societal need to anticipate changes. A first issue concerns the societal legitimacy and validity of these modeling approaches as perceived by the diversity of local stakeholders but also at broader scales among citizens; the terms of the regulation of such predictive modeling should be then addressed. A second issue entails the regulation framework13 that must be developed in order to support the model-supported decisions for action. This means evaluating the possible political responses to the stakeholders' model-supported decisions. What impact will predictive modeling have on the environmental assessment contained in the Environmental Law? What consequences would/should such decisions have in terms of, for example, environmental evaluations required under Environmental Law, exercising the precautionary principle considering the complexity and uncertainty of scientific knowledge, or developing new regulation tools? Would it be relevant to reinforce the legal arrangement for ex ante and ex post environmental assessments? A last key issue concerns the appropriate combinations of decision levels to activate from local, regional, national to European and international levels. These issues require a multidisciplinary approach in scientific research.

The impact of modeling approaches also involves social issues. The appropriation of scientific tools by the civil society actors is controlled by how the environment and science are represented, as well as how they perceive their ability to control certain techniques [Douglas and Wildavsky, 1982]; it depends on their interests and the economic and social constraints. The contribution of social sciences is to analyze the process of appropriation of the environmental issues (for instance, water resource or global change) by non-experts from qualitative surveys and analysis of whistleblowers. In times of social and ecological crisis ([Ollitrault, 2010], 19-34), there will be a conflict between economic and environmental issues ([Jamison, 1996], 224-225) with research questions on, for example, the process of re-appropriating scientific models, and the confrontation between non-expert civil actors and academic experts..


A more active collaboration with Van den Werf and his colleagues who participate in the SAFSI Labex is planned on this issue. 13

The already-existing collaborations will be developed on this subject with the INRA teams in environmental economics that are taking part in the SAFSI LABEX (UMR SMART).

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WWPP55 MMaakkiinngg iinntteerrddiisscciipplliinnaarriittyy eeffffeeccttiivvee..

SSuummmmaarryy ooff tthhee ssttrraatteeggiieess ffoorr ddeevveellooppiinngg

iinntteerrddiisscciipplliinnaarryy rreesseeaarrcchheess ttoo iimmpprroovvee ssyysstteemm mmooddeelliinngg Coord. Gilles Pinay (ECOBIO), Philippe Davy (OSUR)

Developing Interdisciplinarity is a challenge for all research institutions over the world. The CNRS “Horizon 2020” strategic plan put interdisciplinarity as one of both challenges for “making progress in (scientific) knowledge. For

achieving this objective, the CNRS has listed 4 research themes on which it will put priorities: complex systems, modeling and simulations, mass data, and instrument. All the four themes are basic priorities of the MC²=Env project.

The strength of the LABEX project to make interdisciplinarity effective is the size of the consortium (more than 400 researchers), its multidisciplinarity (from environmental to “modeling” sciences), and the experience of more than 10 years of collaborative research in the federative research institute CAREN.

The project identifies several actions that aims at making interdisciplinarity the hallmark of this project:

Interdisciplinarity will be one of the priorities when selecting projects funded by the LABEX. The already successful projects on sediment transport, hydro-ecosystems, land use and environment qualities, modeling methods, environmental genomics, …, make the selection of top-level projects with interdisciplinary collaborations realistic.

The integrated experimental and numerical platform facilities will be help establish unprecedented interdisciplinary partnerships among the physics, informatics, Earth sciences, life sciences, and social sciences laboratories gathered within the MC²=Env project. Experimental infrastructures or numerical simulation platforms will be developed as research tools for both specialist and non-specialist researchers. The governance and scientific animation of platforms will favor collaborations between researchers of different disciplines.

Broad interdisciplinarity (refers to crossing boundaries between disciplines with dissimilar epistemologies such as physics and sociology [Bjurstrom and Polk, 2011]) will be at the core of one of the WP4 devoted to ‘Societal appropriation of models, and modeling expertise’

At last but not at least, a sociological analysis of interdisciplinary methods and achievements with the LABEX consortium will be performed as a case study for the sociology of scientific knowledge. Researchers from the CRAPE laboratory (UMR 6051), who are partners of the LABEX, propose to lead a research project on the effectiveness of interdisciplinarity, and on the transfer of disciplinary knowledge from one group to another. The analysis of the interdisciplinary scientific productions will be an indicator of the success of this goal.



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Synthesis We give below a summary of the environmental issues addressed by the consortium, of project outcomes, and of related modeling strategies





New research on numerical,

experimental, and theoretical

modeling Coupling data & models Simulation platforms

Social appropriation of

models and model


Geological reservoirs and


lithosphere deformation, fracturing

processes, hydrothermal flow

(numerical, experimental)

(Thermo)chronological data

modeling; inverse problem in

lithosphere dynamics;

geophysical imagery

. Experimental platform:


. Numerical platform: H2OLAB

Exploration processes (mining,

fuels, shale gas), underground

disposal (CO2 radioactive


Continental landscapes:

Large scale transfer of matter

and energy

Physical, chemical and

biological processes in soil,

aquifers, and water column

Flow models in heterogeneous

media, Thermodynamics and

reaction kinetics in soil and

aquifers, Interaction between

biological and physical processes

Chemical data series, microbial

evolution, and biogeochemical

processes in soil and aquifer;

. Experimental platforms:


. Numerical platform: H2OLAB

soil conservation

Large scale modeling of

hydro-bio-chemical cycles

Biogeochemical cycling and

transfer, Aquifer - surface water

interactions, Surface - atmsophere


Meteorological data and

satellite imagery (assimilation,

downscaling); Inverse problem

in hydrogeology

. Observation systems: SOERE

H+ and AgrHys, ZA Armorique,


. Numerical platforms: TNT2,


Water quantity and quality

management; geo-bio-

remediation processes

Landscape morphologies,

sediment transfer and

ecosystem coevolution

Statistical models of discharge

and sediment concentration;

High resolution LIDAR data

treatments of fluvial ecosystem


. Numerical platforms: €ROS,

Virtual prairie

- Experimental platforms:


Fluvial ecosystem response to

anthropic pressure (dam,

embankment, water extraction,

…); soil erosion; Patrimonial

landscape conservation


Community dynamics, functional

diversity, and environmental


Complex system modeling (multi-

agent, game theory, …) in

population dynamics

Genomic data mining; Spatio-

temporal series of community


. Experimental platform:


. Numerical platform: Virtual

prairie, GenOuest

Patrimonial species and

community conservation and/or

sustainable management

Continental territories:

Man-Environment interactions in

agro- and urban systems

Multi-agent modeling, decision-

making model

Dynamics of agricultural and

urban landscapes from satellite

imagery and ground truthing;

qualitative and quantitative

socio-economic models

. Observation systems: ZA


. Numerical platform: TNT2

Ecological impact of (Peri-

)urbanization, ecological

corridors, law and social issues

of environmental impacts



A major future challenge in determining how processes interact in complex environmental systems will require the integration of knowledge about abiotic, biotic and human controls on system properties in modeling approaches. A keystone problem in carrying out this challenge will be to bridge the large remaining gap over different disciplines in order to link knowledge on environmental systems within the modeling platforms. With that aim in mind, the LABEX will provide a new dynamic to develop recently initiated multidisciplinary Master's programs focused on the modeling of environmental systems. These programs will hereafter pool students from different disciplines (mathematics, physics, biology, ecology) and will teach young scientist by using an integrated strategy.

At the national scale (France), Rennes is now one of the major hot-spots for higher education in Environmental Sciences and Modeling. This is clearly because of the high level of research done within the consortium and close collaborations developed over the last 10 years. The creation of the new department in the ENS of Rennes in the near future will be an occasion to solidify the excellent reputation of Rennes as a major high level educational establishment in Environmental Sciences. A “magistère” in Environmental Sciences will be created, and shared with the University of Rennes 1. Each year, about 70 students from this “magistère” (among which half will be from the Ecole Normale Supérieure), selected

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from highly selective national and international examinations, will take courses offered by the department, involving the OSUR staff and research labs. They will be educated for careers in higher education and research.

Students who complete one of our training courses have a high rate of employment (> 90% after one year). This is likely due to the integration of high-quality research and also because of existing interactions with the research and development world. Despite good indicators and despite the fact that AERES has awarded a rank of A (of national outstanding) and A+ (of international outstanding) to 7 of the 11 MSc scholarships, different aspects can be improved with the MC²=Env project (see the goals and means paragraph within this section, below).

Other strengths of the MC for higher education include:

State of the art technological facilities;

Good experience in teaching courses in English;

Strong connections with the private sector;

Excellent connections with administrative organisms;

Excellent experience in interdisciplinary research, as an advantage to develop original training;

Original teaching project at the international scale;

One of the strongest e-learning platforms dedicated to Environmental Sciences (further discussed below).

Some of these aspects are further discussed below.

Digital campus & e-learning

The digital campus is an important tool for teaching because of the following aspects: (1) it will help students to fulfill gaps in their knowledge, since they have different backgrounds, and (2) it will improve the internationalization aspect of the diplomas (see below).

With these aims in mind, six years ago, the OSUR (IFR/FR CAREN) started to develop distance training activities from the University of Rennes through the "digital campus" ENVAM (http://www.envam.org). Now, this project is also run in partnership with the other members of MC²=Env, (involved in the production of teaching units).

This "digital campus" offers distance-learning programs in Environmental Sciences and a planning process for graduate and post-graduate training by applying principles of individualization and ensuring that training and education are accessible at any stage of life. With more than 250 scientific researchers involved, ENVAM is currently the first distance learning campus in France in the field of Environmental Sciences and is ranked among the most successful achievements in the field of digital education. ENVAM currently offers more than fifty individual Master's level modules and can award inter-university diplomas.

ENVAM is an international consortium that consists of nine institutions, including seven universities (Rennes 1, Rennes 2, Brest, Clermont-Ferrand, Québec, Bretagne-Sud, Agadir) and two French “Grandes Ecoles” (Agrocampus-Ouest and the Chemistry School of Rennes). They have worked together to develop, each within its areas of specialization, the content of the proposed training courses. More than 35 research laboratories provide primary scientific and technical support to continuously update these courses, as one of the aims of the campus is to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and skills gained through research in distance learning.

MC²=Env proposes to develop a set of active learning supplemental teaching modules based on research results provided by the LABEX projects in the field of environmental modeling (in addition to the existing set).

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Each series of five advanced graduate courses produced by multidisciplinary teams of researchers will constitute a consistent thematic program for which a diploma will be awarded through continuing education. OSU also takes part in the development of free e-learning modules for the Virtual University for the Environment and Sustainable Development (Prof. Didier Gascuel from ESE is the Head) in different domains related to links between the environment and health.

Other initiatives

Erasmus mundus initiative (Bilateral agreement, LLP Program Higher education between NTNU Trondheim (Norway) and the University of Rennes 1);

Hubert Currien PhD exchanges;

ITN Marie Curie "Fishconnect" and IMVUL;

High-level training (one week) for PhD students and researchers, for example: "high throughput sequencing and Bioinformatics", "advanced bioinformatic", "complex systems in environment", etc.


The main aim of MC²=Env for higher education will be to provide an even better place for modeling within the Environmental Sciences training setting. This should be feasible for both undergraduate and MSc students. At the end of the training, students can expect to have:

better skills in modeling and connected fields

better skills in informatics

a better chance of successfully applying for a larger range of jobs

From the research side, the expected outcomes would be:

to have good students who can undertake a variety of PhD positions

to have an even closer partnership among the staff within MC²=Env

Another aim of MC²=Env for higher education is to improve the internationalization of the MSc training courses. This will be possible by offering to teach all the classes in English. This kind of MSc already exists (e.g. Earth Sciences Master's degree) and should be developed.

These aspects should be reinforced by 2 means: (i) international chairs by MC²=Env in addition to the existing UEB initiative; and (ii) making it easier for lecturers, associate-professors and full-professors to go abroad for short periods of time (up to one year).

For these researchers, a dedicated environment (PhD position & post-doc) will be offered by MC²=Env. To make it easier to spend a short-term period (up to one year) abroad, the following should be considered: (i) a short-term salary for the replacement teacher, and (ii) a grant for the tenure track lecturers, associate-professors and professors.

For this purpose, up to €300k per year (€150k€ from MC²=Env + €150k from the EU, University, Regional council, industry) will be required.



A recent survey about employment in France (APEC report for employment of young MSc students and engineers, 2011) for young MSc students highlights the fact that those who have had an experience or a training period abroad have better chances of getting a position. Different possibilities to facilitate these periods of time abroad already exist for PhD and MSc students from the Rennes city council, Brittany

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regional council, and the EU, but our goal is to further encourage these international experiences for our MSc and PhD students. To do so, €50k per year (50 x €1k) should be devoted to this issue.

Other aspects about student training and their future occupation:

There is already a dedicated University service (cellule SOIE) whose goal is to facilitate the relationships between students and employers.

MC²=Env prompts PhD students to participate in the “Doctoriales” annual event organized by the UEB. The purpose of the Doctoriales is to inform these students about the professional and economical world before the end of their doctoral studies.

There is a possibility for PhD students to teach and to carry out professional tasks with the private sector;

There is existing funding for a PhD student available from UEB and from Rennes Metropole (city council) to carry out part of their thesis abroad; and the possibility of joint PhD between the University of Rennes I or the Agrocampus and foreign universities.

During the student's training, a number of different training opportunies will be offered by the non-academic sector (industry, councils, decision makers) which would help students in their job prospection.


An important concern of MC²=Env is to improve our attractiveness to students. In this aim, it should be underlined that a significant part of the MC²=Env budget is dedicated to improve pedagogy and to develop pedagogic projects (€200k per year); the city, regional councils, the EU and sponsor private firms will be solicited to provide additional financial support (~€150k).

The initiatives as described above will mainly focus on bringing our diplomas up to an international level, and providing better international experience for our MSc & PhD students.

The future pedagogic initiatives will aim to create an elite training course (Master's degree) in close collaboration with the OSUR and ENS-Bretagne. Some of the students will come from foreign universities and will be selected through international examinations. They will receive grants from ENS. All of the students will have to carry out a training course in a foreign university.


The socio economic impact of the MC²=Env project will be threefold: i) it will provide sound scientific modeling tools that can be used by researchers or stakeholders to forecast environmental changes in the context of human and climatic changes; ii) Some project outcomes will be of direct use to industrial partners (such as patents, open-source codes, experimental techniques, etc.) especially in the fields of ecological engineering, mining and petroleum resources, environmental genomics, water and the natural and cultural heritage; and iii) the project aim to contribute to knowledge transfer and cultural mediation. The communication service "MultiCom" of the OSUR which includes all aspects of the valuation of research training, expertise, industry partnerships and patents will be used as the main mechanism to transfer knowledge generated by the MC²=Env project.

For all these tasks, the privileged partnership with companies, local authorities, or the professional of scientific culture and mediationknwill favor the delivery of project outcomes to end users.

Expertise on environmental states and changes

Modeling concepts and tools (as outcomes of the simulation platforms) will be confronted with long term environmental data sets collected in the continental environments under study within the consortium. These new models of complex natural systems will provide a new generation of tools to forecast

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environmental changes. Several acute environmental problems will be addressed by the consortium. For instance, one of the most acute environmental issues at the moment is related to the understanding and modeling of pollution transfer from the Brittany agricultural drainage basins to the coast and its consequences of algal proliferation.

Modeling approaches developed in the MC²=Env on water issues will be key tools for local authorities to make the right decisions to seek for a better water quality in Brittany. The privileged partnership with the Bretagne region, through its water service, and the CRESEB group will allow us to reach this objective.

Industrial outcomes

Some project outcomes will be of direct use to industrial partners (patents, open-source codes, experimental techniques, etc.). Our integrated research facilities will help to establish or reinforce links with private companies, and will play a key role in expertise and transfers to industries. The consortium has already contributed to develop some remarkable innovations. For instance, in the context of ecological engineering and environmental genomics, a patent on the functional genomics of plant response to environmental pollution and its application to the improvement of phytoremediation has been developed. The Territ'Eau software, developed by members of the consortium, offers a set of tools for landscape planning and spatial management of agricultural activities in order to improve water quality. Dendrotech, a young company developed in partnership with the CNRS and the University of Rennes 1, is providing ages for archeology, architecture and more broadly the wooden heritage by dendrochronology dating methods. These successful examples demonstrate the already high capacity of innovation and development of the consortium in a wide range of environmental and societal issues.

This capacity will be further developed through the collaboration with VEOLIA Environnement’s Research and Innovation, one of our privileged industrial partners. Collaborations with KORILOG will lead to the development of industrial quality software platforms in data integration and visualization in the context of genomics and metagenomics data. The partnership with ITASCA consultants will lead to the development of hydro-mechanical numerical models with application to underground nuclear waste storage, to civil engineering and mining, and to CO2 sequestration projects.

Knowledge transfer and cultural mediation

One of the duties of scientists is to share knowledge and thus to present their research and discoveries to the public. The exchange is run by professionals of mediation: these new professions represented at the Espace des Sciences (EDS) are a guarantee of validity, understanding and transmission of ideas between practitioners and audiences. The currently high level of participation of scientists of the MC2=E consortium in the EDS will be further enhanced in order to transfer research output to the wider audience possible. In the context of scientific popularization and cultural mediation, the long-term collaboration with the “National Petit Debrouillards Network“ association (apdB) will ensure a real transfer of knowledge, as already well proven in the past. This collaboration with apdB will allow the access of the youngest, the actors of the world of tomorrow, to scientific and technical culture. It will promote their participation to social debates on education and culture and contribute to train active citizens capable of a considerate and critical opinion.




Philippe Davy, age 52, is the current director of the Rennes Observatory (OSUR). He is a senior scientist (CNRS Research Director, exceptional class) at CNRS. He has more than 100 publications in international

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journals in different field of Earth sciences: Fracturing, Tectonics, Hydrogeology, Watershed hydrology, Erosion and sediment transfer, and Physics of magmas (H-index: 32). He has a long experience in the modeling of complex processes in natural systems: experiments, numerical simulations, and theories. He has been awarded by the bronze medal of CNRS (1993), by the Barrabé Prize from the French Geological Society (1995), and by the Grand Prix Aymé Poirson of the French Academy of Sciences (2001).

He has created the Hydrogeology group in Rennes, involving now 7 permanent positions of researchers, and the Geomorphology group (4 researcher permanent positions).

He has a long experience of project manager. He was PI of 10 National and 4 European projects. He was chairing the National Committee for Earth Sciences at the CNRS.

He has also a long experience in chairing scientific research institutes. He was director of the joint research unit (UMR) Geosciences Rennes (1996-2000), of the Caren-Rouen geomorphological research unit (1996-1998). In 2000, he created the federative research institute CAREN (Centre Armoricain de Recherches en Environnement), and was the first director from 2000-2004 and from 2009-2011. CAREN was a joint research initiative gathering 300 researchers from CNRS, INRA, Agrocampus and both Rennes universities on environmental researches. In 2010, CAREN give birth to the Observatory of Planetary Sciences in Rennes (Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de Rennes) , which is a department of the university of Rennes I with 250 researchers in geosciences, ecology, archeology, and geography. Philippe Davy was the project leader for this transition, which enlarges the activities of the federative structure to teaching and long term observation. He was appointed director of OSUR in 2010.




The project is headed by the Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de Rennes (OSUR), which is composed of 5 research units in geosciences, ecology, archeology and geography. OSUR develop interdisciplinary researches on environmental systems. It is associated with several others research teams (or units) in the field of agricultural sciences, law, physics, and computer sciences. This consortium gathers most of the research units in Environmental sciences in Rennes.

The project is carried out by teams developing a quantitative approach to environmental systems and teams developing models and modeling tools in relationship with environmental issues. The former group is led by the OSUR and its partners, and the latter by the Rennes INRIA center (computer sciences), the physics department and the new ENS of Rennes. There is no strict dichotomy between these two groups since several of the OSUR teams are developing both approaches.

With respect to developing interdisciplinary approaches, the project takes its strength from the OSUR and its partners. Modeling is not restricted to “experimental” sciences, and environmental studies are not limited to “natural” sciences. The aim of the project is to develop a system model that accounts for all of the pertinent compartments and modeling tools for a deep understanding and forecasting purposes. A special emphasis will be put on social issues, which are critical components of any environmental system and the real ambition for model development.

Planet and environmental research groups

Observatory of Rennes – OSUR:

The “Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de Rennes” is a consortium of 4 disciplinary research Units (plus one service unit) and ten associated teams. It has been created, based on the Centre for Research in Armorican Environment (CAREN) to develop a real structure capable of observation missions over the

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long term, to drive research, and to play a strong role in coordinating the teaching in the field of the environment The OSUR is home to several outstanding scientists: three silver medalists from the CNRS (geosciences and ecology), three bronze medalists (geosciences, geography and archaeology), three grand prizes from the French Academy of Science (geosciences), several awards from international scientific associations. Four scientists have a H-index larger than thirty; about twenty more than 15.

Géosciences Rennes (A+) 120 members. They develop their research on geological systems from deep Earth to Earth surface and coupling between envelopes and processes at interfaces between Earth, hydrosphere and biosphere. It covers many aspects of Earth Sciences: Tectonics, petrology, sedimentology, geomorphology, physical and chemical hydrogeology and hydrology, geochronology and thermochronology, geophysical imaging, geomagnetism, paleo-ecology and paleo-biodiversity. Geosciences Rennes houses an internationally renowned experimental laboratory on tectonic processes, which exists since 1975, and has produced more than 150 international publications with more than 4000 citations. Numerical codes in tectonics, erosion and hydrogeology have been produced by its researchers.

ECOBIO (A) 140 members. They study ecosystem functioning. They analyze the dynamics of biodiversity from genes to landscapes. Main research area on the response of biodiversity to climatic and landscapes changes at different spatiotemporal scales. More specifically, it addresses adaptation capacity and evolutive strategies, as well as the role the biodiversity plays in ecosystem functioning and ecological services provided to humankind (nutrient cycling, plant pollination, soil detoxification...).

CReAAH (A) 120 members. They study Human societies from the Palaeolithic to the Middle Age, palaeoenvironnement and archaeometry. More specifically they study human occupations and land-use, exploitation of the natural resources, impact of the global changes, interactions between human societies and environment at local and regional scales and evolution of the palaeo-landscapes, the palaeo-social ecological systems and the palaeo-biodiversity, cultural answers to the changes.

COSTEL (A) 34 members. The COSTEL team is the Rennes part of the multi-site UMR LETG (Rennes, Nantes, Brest, Caen). Main research at COSTEL is carried out in the fields of climatology and remote sensing. The research activities aim to produce, diffuse and develop knowledge and know-how on the interactions between natural environment and society, in order to evaluate the impacts of climate change on the natural resources and human activities and vice-versa.

AgroEco-TerMer Group: Environmental Sciences in INRA and Agrocampus Ouest

The AgroEco-TerMer Group (which stands for AgroEcosystem in the Terrestrial -Marine continuum) joins four research units - UMR ESE, UMR SAS, UR SAD-Paysage and US U3E – and all the Environmental Sciences in INRA Rennes (National Institute for Agricultural Research) and AGROCAMPUS Ouest. This large group comprises 190 people. The research covers a vast disciplinary field in ecology (landscape ecology, terrestrial and marine ecology, ecotoxicoloy), hydrology, soil science, bioclimatology, agricultural and fishery sciences. The four units have all been evaluated highly positively (grade A).

INRA SAS (A) 80 members. They study interactions between agricultural activities and environment i.e., soil, atmosphere and water. They study and model processes controlling soil and water quality, and develop methodology to evaluate environmental impact assessment of agricultural activities (Life Cycling Analysis, Integrated assessment Model), and directions for innovative agricultural systems regarding vulnerable environment and climate change.

INRA ESE (A) 66 members. They study ecology with special emphasis on marine and freshwater ecosystems, and processes occurring at large scales along aquatic continuums. More specifically they aim at identifying human-derived factors of stress on aquatic ecosystems, quantifying and modelling their effects and the mechanisms of response of these ecosystems.

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INRA SAD (A) 20 members. The research aims at identifying and evaluating the interactions between farming practices, landscape and biodiversity that help conciliate farming activities and ecological functions. The purpose of this research is to develop methods to evaluate public action and support decision of both local stakeholders and farmers’ advisers.

Other groups

The ENS of Rennes will be created in 2011; now, it is a branch of ENS Cachan settled in Rennes. Its mission is to prepare young students for careers in higher education and research in various fields of science. The research activities are held in the European University of Brittany, inside the best local or national laboratories: CREM in economics, IODE in law, IRCCyN for rapid prototyping, IRISA-INRIA for large scale computer systems, software and virtual reality, IRMAR for mathematics, M2S for sport sciences and finally SATIE for bio-microsystems and energy management. The new department of environmental sciences will be linked to OSUR.

The Western Institute of Law and European Studies - IODE (A) 120 members, 6 in the project. The research axis ‘Environmental Law and Sustainable development’ in IODE is part of the MC²=Env project. The team is working on the integration of environmental requirements into the definition and implementation of public policies, especially under the EU Law, and the Linkages between science and environmental law such as biodiversity and ecosystem services, water and soils.

Modeling research groups

INRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique research centre (A+) 400 members, 78 in the project. It is a public research institution dedicated to information and communication sciences and to applied mathematics. The research objectives of the Dream team (Diagnosis Recommending Actions Modeling) are related to building, monitoring and exploiting complex dynamical systems. They use of qualitative mesoscale modeling for building decision-oriented simulation tools. They develop original data mining and automatic learning methods to improve the societal appropriation of these models and exploit the often too large amount of data resulting from simulation scenarios. The Fluminance team focuses on the extraction of quantitative fluid flow information from image sequences and on the design of adapted tools for analyzing and controlling these flows. It aims at providing image-based methods using physically consistent models to extract meaningful features describing the observed flow and to unveil the dynamical properties of this flow. The Sage team undertakes research on environmental applications and high performance computing and deals with two subjects: numerical algorithms, involving parallel and grid computing; numerical models applied to hydrogeology and physics. These two subjects are highly interconnected: the first topic aims at designing numerical algorithms, with high efficiency on parallel and grid architectures; these algorithms are applied to geophysical models. Moreover, the team SAGE, in collaboration with other partners, develops a software platform for groundwater numerical simulations in heterogeneous subsurface. The Symbiose team focuses on three main directions: (1) Provide an efficient support in bioinformatics, (2) High Performance Genomic Computing and (3) Modeling biological systems from multi-scale information. The first technological axis is provided by the GenOuest bioinformatics platform, one of the key nodes of the ReNaBi network, which gathers storage capabilities, data-bases and software development.

IPR (A+) 160 members, 24 in the project. Two of the 5 research groups (24 members) working at the frontier between physics, mechanics, and geophysics are associated with the project. The Divided Matter department works on granular systems and transport in porous medium by means of experiments, theoretical and numerical modeling. The Soft Matter department is internationally recognized for its skills in multiphase flows at small scale slow dynamics of heterogeneous media and self-organized materials.

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IETR (A+) 330 members, 18 in the project. The team SAPHIR of IETR is the remote sensing team of IETR. The major research activities of this team are in the field of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) technology, with emphasis to multidimensional systems. The team is already involved in multidisciplinary projects of the OSUR on remote sensing developments applied to environmental systems.

Privileged partners

The LABEX will work with privileged partners from industry, local authorities, and scientific mediation associations. The partnership is developed to facilitate the exploitation and dissemination of the scientific results of the MC²=Env project, and to build a long-term collaboration with partners that share common interest with the LABEX teams. In their areas of activity, all partners have established solid relationships with the OSUR. The description of the privileged partners is given in Annex.

The list of privileged partners are:

Companies: VEOLIA environment (water extraction, water quality, ecosystem quality, …), KORILOG (genomics, bioinformatics), ITASCA consultants (water, mining)

Local authorities: Brittany region (environmental issues), CRESEB (knowledge transfer between academic research and local stakeholders)

Diffusion of scientific culture: Espace des Sciences, Association des petits débrouillards Bretagne



Here we list only the persons who have responsibilities in the project management.

Nom/Surname Prénom/First name

Poste/Position Discipline/Domain Unité partenaire/Partner

Etablissement partenaire/Organization

or company

Rôle dans le projet (4

lignes max.) / Contribution in the project (4 lines max)

DAVY Philippe DR Hydrologie UMR 6118 Université de Rennes 1 Project leader

MEHEUST Yves MC Hydrologie UMR CNRS 6118 Université de Rennes 1 WP1 leader

GAPAIS Denis DR Tectonique UMR CNRS 6118 Université de Rennes 1 UMR director

BALLEVRE Michel PR Pétrologie UMR CNRS 6118 Université de Rennes 1 UMR director

GALLAGHER Kerry PR Thermochronology

UMR CNRS 6118 Université de Rennes 1 WP2 leader

DIA Aline DR Géochimie UMR CNRS 6118 Université de Rennes 1 UMR deputy director

BINET Françoise DR Ecologie UMR CNRS 6553 Université de Rennes 1 UMR director WP3 leader

PINAY Gilles DR Ecologie UMR CNRS 6553 Université de Rennes 1 project co-leader


Philippe PR Ecologie UMR CNRS 6553 Université de Rennes 1 Teaching project leader

BORMANS Myriam DR Ecologie UMR CNRS 6553 Université de Rennes 1 WP2 leader

MARGUERIE Dominique DR Archéologie UMR CNRS 6566 Université de Rennes 1 UMR Director

HUBERT-MOY Laurence PR Géographie UMR CNRS 6554 Université de Rennes 2 Team leader

DURAND Patrick DR Agronomie UMR INRA SAS AGROCAMPUS OUEST UMR director WP3 leader

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WALTER Christian PR Agronomie UMR INRA SAS AGROCAMPUS OUEST Teaching project leader


THENAIL Claudine CR Agronomie INRA SAD-Paysage

UR director

JARD Claude PR Informatique ENS Rennes Head of department

CORDIER Marie-Odile PR Informatique INRIA Bretagne Université de Rennes 1 Team leader WP4 leader

LAVENIER Dominique DR Informatique INRIA Bretagne Université de Rennes 1 Team leader

MEMIN Etienne DR Informatique INRIA Bretagne Université de Rennes 1 WP3 leader

HERZT Cédric CR Informatique INRIA Bretagne Université de Rennes 1

ERHEL Jocelyne DR Informatique INRIA Bretagne Université de Rennes 1 Team leader WP1 leader

DELANNAY Renaud PR Physique UMR CNRS 6251 Université de Rennes 1 Teaching project leader

RICHARD Patrick MC Physique UMR CNRS 6251 Université de Rennes 1 Team leader WP1 leader

SAINT-JAMES Arnaud CR Physique UMR CNRS 6251 Université de Rennes 1 Team leader

POTTIER Eric PR Electronique UMR CNRS 6164 Université de Rennes 1 UMR director


Nathalie CR Droit UMR CNRS 6262 Université de Rennes 1 Team leader WP4 leader

Indiquer la composition du partenariat en complétant le tableau ci-après :

Nom du partenaire Affiliation Effectifs / Catégorie de personnel (chercheurs, ingénieurs, doctorant …)

OSUR - Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Rennes (UMS 3343)

CNRS / Université Rennes 1

8 personnes : 5 ITA 3 Doctorants

Géosciences Rennes (UMR 6118)

CNRS / Université Rennes 1

Environ 120 personnes : 55 Chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs 26 ITA 35 Doctorants et Post-docs

ECOBIO (UMR 6553) CNRS / Université Rennes 1

Environ 139 personnes : 54 Chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs 31 ITA 34 Doctorants 8 Post-docs 10 ATER/CDD 2 chercheurs invités

Centre de Recherche en Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire (UMR 6566)

CNRS / Université Rennes 1

Environ 132 personnes : 70 Chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs, INRAP 18 ITA 41 Doctorants 3 CDD

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Equipe COSTEL - LETG (UMR 6554)

CNRS / Université Rennes 2

Environ 34 personnes : 13 Chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs 3 ITA 13 Doctorants 5 CDD

Sol, Agro et hydrosystèmes, Spatialisation


Environ 96 personnes : 38 Chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs 34 ITA 18 Doctorants 1 Post-doctorant 5 CDD

Ecologie et Santé des Ecosytèmes


Environ 66 personnes : 16 Chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs 17 ITA 13 Doctorants 3 Post-docs 17 CDD

SAD-Paysage INRA Environ 20 personnes : 7 Chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs 9 ITA 2 Doctorants 1 Post-doc 1 CDD

ENS Rennes (Former ENS Cachan – Antenne de Rennes)

MESR New department in 2012 (not yet created)

INRIA Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique

INRIA / CNRS / Université Rennes 1

Environ 78 personnes : (équipes DREAM, FLUMINANCE, SAGE, SYMBIOSE) 31 Chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs 18 ITA 23 Doctorants 6 Post-docs

Institut de Physique de Rennes (UMR 6251)

CNRS / Université Rennes 1

Environ 44 personnes : (équipes Matières condensées, Granulaire-Mousse) 24 Chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs 5 ITA 15 Doctorants et Post-docs

Institut d'Electronique et des Télécommunications de Rennes (UMR 6164)

CNRS / Université Rennes 1 / INSA/ SUPELEC

Environ 23 personnes : (équipe SAPHIR) 8 Chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs 3 ITA 9 Doctorants 1 Post-doc 2 CDD

Institut de l'Ouest : Droit et Europe (UMR 6262)

CNRS / Université Rennes 1

6 personnes : (axe "Droit de l'environnement et du développement durable") 6 Chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs


The governance of MC²=Env will be ensured by the federative institution OSUR, which is leading the project. This scheme has several advantages that we list below:

OSUR is a joint institution, which is already in charge of coordinating research initiatives, of teaching courses, and of exploitation of results and transfer technologies. The MC²=Env project fits perfectly well into the missions assigned to OSUR.

The governance of OSUR has been positively evaluated by the French Agency AERES, which quotes in 2011: “La stratégie scientifique du nouveau projet est claire et précise. Elle s’inscrit dans la continuité

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des évolutions déjà capitalisées par le CAREN, avec une extension du rôle et des responsabilités permises par le statut d’OSU. C’est une garantie pour les tutelles et les partenaires du projet que les perspectives proposées, tant scientifiques que techniques, et tant institutionnelles que « politiques » seront tenues, et que l’on peut s’engager avec confiance dans ces nouvelles étapes de la structuration du site universitaire rennais, voire du pôle académique breton.”

Most of the research units of the MC²=Env project are either members of OSUR or associated to it. The participation of partners to the OSUR governance has already been defined. As well as genuine members, partners are participating to the Executive Committee, to the three advisory councils (research, teaching, observation and platforms); and partners benefit from the OSUR services, and participate in interdisciplinary projects and teams of OSUR.

OSUR aims at developing interdisciplinary research projects by developing the means for effective cooperative works. The creation of actual research teams with scientists from different research units is a way that is explored for promoting interdisciplinarity.

At last but not at least, OSUR has an operational organizational structure (administrative staff, services, scientific platforms), which is fully available for the MC²=Env projects.

In the proposed governance of the MC²=Env project, all teams will be partners (if not already genuine members) of OSUR. The rules defining partnership in the OSUR consortium will be applied: participation in the Executive Committee, in advisory councils, in interdisciplinary research projects and teams, and access to the means of services and platforms. Support functions to the project will be provided by OSUR.

A LABEX scientific council will be implemented, which will be composed of a majority of co-opted external personalities, of privileged partners from partner LABEX14, industry, association or local governance institutions15, and of scientists from the MC²=Env consortium. The LABEX scientific council will assist the Executive Committee in carrying a coherent scientific analysis of the various initiatives, and in attributing the LABEX funding. The LABEX Scientific council is covering all aspects of the project: research, training, exploitation, outreach and governance.

The selection of projects funded by MC²=Env (contribution to new equipment, researcher positions, post-doctoral and doctoral assistantships, technical support, visiting scientists, student grants) will be coordinated by the LABEX Scientific Council. Calls for support will be distributed to all partners and available on the OSUR web site. Research or teaching proposals will be peer-reviewed by scientists external to MC²=Env, and attributed according to a series of selection criteria: adequation with MC²=Env’s objectives (mantdatory); scientific impact; advances in interdisciplinarity; economic and societal impact; collaboration with privileged partners. Incentive will be given for promoting activity of young and newly-recruited researchers.

An internal scientific committee will be established for each workpackage by the Executive Committee of OSUR. Both the numerical platform and the experimental facilities, which constitutes the core of WP4 and the flagship tools of the MC²=Env project, will be built-up to take account of both scientific objectives and technical expertise.


MC²=ENV is scientifically and geographically in close relationship with the mathematics project in Rennes and Nantes (LABEX Lebesgue Center), and with the LABEX Mer in Brest. Both partners will be invited to the scientific committee to promote joint projects. 15

The list of privileged partners from industry, local governance institution, scientific mediation association is: CRESEB (Région Bretagne), Korilog, ITASCA Consultants, VEOLIA Environnement, Espace des Sciences, Association des Petits Débrouillards.

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Governance chart of OSUR and MC²=Env. The yellow boxes are newly created structures for the LABEX project. The boxes with a yellow surrounding line are existing structures of OSUR, directly impacted by LABEX. The red arrows are advisory relationships. The blue arrows are formal (either constitutive, or decision-level) relationships. The main decision level of LABEX is the executive committee ( board of directors) of OSUR enlarged by associated partners.


The project is fully in line with the “horizon 2020” strategy of CNRS. Both interdisciplinarity, environmental challenges, simulation and modeling are quoted as primary objectives in the strategic plan approved by the CNRS board of trustees in 2008. OSUR (and the former CAREN) and the MC²=Env project are fully supported by both the INSU and INEE institutes of CNRS, which are in charge of Earth and environment sciences, respectively. OSUR is in particular responsible of 3 national research observation systems: the H+ observatory (aquifer network) of INSU, and two sites of the INEE LTER (Long-Term Ecological Network). The modeling effort promoted by MC²=Env is intimately coordinated with the research activities linked to these observation projects.

The MC²=Env project is also fully in line with the strategic plan of the Rennes universities. The creation of the observatory of Planetary Sciences in Rennes, decided by the board of trustees of the university of Rennes 1 in 2009, results from a long term strategy in developing research and teaching in environmental sciences. OSUR is now in the short list of leading departments at the university of Rennes I. The link between environmental sciences, physics, mathematics, computer sciences, gives a large-scale dynamics that can constitute a flagship pole within

For more than 10 years, the federative institute CAREN and now OSUR play an important role in coordinating researches in environmental sciences in Rennes. INRA, Agrocampus Ouest and the university of Rennes II are partners of OSUR, and fully support the MC²=Env project that will strengthen researches and collaborations on research priorities that have been listed by these institutions.

Observation services

OSURdirection staff


Board of directors

OSUR Council

LABEXScientific Council

operationnal services

Administrative staff

Technical services


Teaching department


research projects

Interdisciplinary research projects and research teams

LABEX WP boards

Advisory councilsresearch, teaching,

observation, students

OSURconstitutive units


members Associate partners

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The MC²=Env project is fully in line with the strategy of INRIA to actively participate in new challenges on environmental issues with new partnerships. The INRIA teams are already collaborating with OSUR teams on different projects belong to 3 strategic research themes of INRIA: “Observation and Modeling for Environmental Sciences”, “Knowledge and Data Representation and Management”, and “Computational Biology and Bioinformatics”.

The creation of the ENS de Rennes, and of a new department in environmental sciences constitutes is a flagship for the MC²=Env project. The teaching and research activities of this department will be fully embedded into MC²=Env.

All the partners of the MC²=Env project are involved in the IDEX project IC West. In Bretagne and Pays de Loire, OSUR and the MC²=Env project are leaders of the research field called “Environmental sciences”. The IC West project mentions:

Bretagne and Pays de la Loire demonstrate excellence in research, higher education, and innovation in numerous fields: Sciences of the Ocean, Information and Communication Sciences, Materials Sciences, Health Sciences, Agronomy, Environmental Sciences and Social and Human Sciences. ... As a priority, IC West naturally aims to boost established excellence in research, innovation and education in order to make these excellence fields and their associated geographical sites visible, attractive, acting as major players in research at an international level.

The MC²=Env LABEX has scientific interfaces with other LABEX projects of the IDEX IC West: mainly the Lebesgue Center (mathematics), SAFSI (Sustainable Agri-Food System) from INRA, and the LABEX Mer. Cooperative tools such as cofunding of projects, crossed participation in Executive committee and/or Scientific councils are means that have been discussed to develop synergies between LABEX projects.

The MC²=Env project is fully supported by all partner institutions: Université de Rennes I, Université de Rennes 2, CNRS, INRA, Agrocampus Ouest, INRIA.


The budget has been elaborated to support the scientific objectives and especially the development of the inter-disciplinary projects through the development of the simulation platforms (one fourth of the total budget) and the recruitment of PhDs and post docs (half of the total budget). Indeed, these two items constitute a very good leverage to foster inter disciplinarity via collaboration on the simulation platforms and co-direction of theses and post docs.


Personnel 7 606 080

Equipment 4 040 000

Missions 680 000

Other costs 1 080 000

TOTAL 13 406 080

Research project 10 878 720

Teaching project 1 363 200

Technology transfer 582 080

Governance 582 080

TOTAL 13 406 080

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Equipment 3 880 000

Staff costs 6 198 720

Running costs 800 000

TOTAL 10 878 720

The LABEX Scientific Council will be responsible of the selection of projects funded by MC²=Env through PhDs and post docs grants, Chairs of excellence (invited research), or project funding support.

An internal research call will be launched every year. The objective of this call will be to trigger collaborative research proposals on innovative aspects of complex system modeling from the consortium. The selected proposals will be evaluated by the external international scientific committee. About one fourth will be dedicated to each to the workpackages WP1-WP4.

An annual budget of 200k€/year (100k€/yr for equipment, 100k€ for running costs) is proposed for funding research projects selected by the external international scientific committee. Part of this support funding will be used as equipments or running costs associated to PhD and post-doc projects. Part will be used to develop internal collaborations, experimental and numerical projects.

• Équipement (coût unitaire supérieur à 4000 euros HT) / Equipment (unit cost above 4000€



Indoor experimental apparatus (flumes, microcosms, microbial and isotopic-tracer platforms, …)

1 100 000

Outdoor platforms (mesocosms, Greenhouse, …)

1 100 000

Velocity measurements (high speed profiler, ADV) 30 000

3D terrestrial LIDAR (high-res Topography scanner) 40 000

3-D X-ray imaging platform 700 000

Selected projects (equipment part) 800 000

TOTAL Equipment 3 080 000

Most of the equipment means will be devoted to support the development of an interdisciplinary set of indoor and outdoor experimental platforms for studying mechanisms rainfall-runoff generation in complex surface and subsurface systems, erosion and sediment transport and the couplings between hydraulics and biogeochemical processes in soils and sediments. This platform will be used also to detangle and quantify the respective importance of physical, biological and/or chemical mechanisms involved into water flows dynamics and transport mechanisms in porous media growing biota, such as soils or sediments.

The details of the different indoor and outdoor devices and platforms are given in the Appendix.

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• Personnel / Staff costs


Engineer (numerical and experimental platforms)

62 760 16 1 004 160

Technician (experimental platform) 35 040 8 280 320

PhD 34 320 60 2 059 200

Post Doc 54 000 40 2 160 000

Chair of excellence 86 880 8 695 040

TOTAL (€) 6 198 720

Temporary engineers and Technicians to support the modelling platforms

The equivalent of 1 temporary engineer (55 K€/year) and 1 technician (36 K€/year) will be recruited over the 8 years period of the contract to respectively conduct and assist with the development of the experimental platform.

The equivalent of one temporary engineer (55 K€/year) will be recruited over the 8 years period of the contract to support the numerical modeling platform.

Research temporary Chairs of excellence, post doctorates and PhD grants

A total amount of 20 PhDs and 20 Post Docs (2 years contract) will be available over the 8 years period to support this initiative which will constitute the core mechanism to promote and enhance interdisciplinary research within the consortium on modelling of complex continental environmental systems. Within this grant pool search for co-financing of PhD and post docs will be undertaken with industrial and socio-economic partners in order to promote transfer of results and knowledge. Every year, 12 PhDs and post-docs will be funded by the MC²=Env project.

One equivalent full-time temporary professor position (equivalent of “Chairs of Excellence”) per year will be available to support short term visit period for international colleagues (lecturers, associate-professor or full-professors). These Chairs of Excellence can be linked to PhD and post-doc grants. The proposals will be evaluated by the external international scientific committee. Proposing PhDs and or post doctorates grants together with Chaires of excellence will allow maintaining scientific collaboration between members of the consortium and international colleagues hosted through this mechanism, even after the departure of the foreign colleagues. Additional funding for the “Chairs of Excellence” will be found from EU, University, Regional council, and industry.

• Autres dépenses de fonctionnement/ Other running costs

Selected projects (running costs) 100 000 €/yr

8 years 800 000 €

• Prestation de service externe / Subcontracting

The subcontracting will be included in the support funding for project described above.

• Missions/ Travels

The travel budget is included in the support funding for project described above.

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• Dépenses justifiées sur une procédure de facturation interne/ Expenses for internal billing

(Costs justified by internal procedures of invoicing)

Expenses for internal billing is included in the support funding for project described above.


Teaching project Cost /year Years TOTAL

Master grants 50 400 8 403 200

Master travels 80 000 8 640 000

Support for higher initiatives 40 000 8 320 000

TOTAL (€) 1 363 200

As detailed in sections 5.2.3, the improvement of internationalisation & attractiveness to students is expected from the MC²=Env project. We aim to facilitate international experiences for our PhD & MSc students to help them to get a position.

The LABEX will also bring a support for higher education initiatives to facilitate transfer from research to teaching activities:

Learning 'Apprenticeship' by project (='apprentissage par projets') (cofundings including MC²=Env, EU, University)

e-learning (co-fundings including MC²=Env; regional council; University)

We expect 120 k€ per year for this: 40 k€ from MC²=Env, 40k€ from University and regional council, and 40k€ from EU. Half of this budget will pay new equipments, the other half will cover running costs.

• Équipement (coût unitaire supérieur à 4000 euros HT) / Equipment (unit cost above 4000€


Half of the support for higher initiatives will pay new equipments (20k€/year).

• Personnel / Staff costs

The chairs of excellence, PhD, and post-doc positions are described in the research project. The newly recruited researchers will participate in the teaching project.

Bursaries for Research masters will be provided (50k€/year). This is an important pathway to train students on complex system modeling but also to recruit potential PhD students. 20 students each year will benefit from this research grant.

• Missions/ Travel

We to further stimulate international experiences for our MSc and PhD student. Travel support (80 k€/year) will be available to send Rennes’ students abroad during their Master’s degree, but also to attract foreign students. 40 students each year will benefit from this travel grant.

• Autres dépenses de fonctionnement/ Other running costs

Half of the support for higher initiatives will cover running costs (20k€/year).

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Technology transfer budget Cost € /year


Engineer (dissemination and valorization)

62 760 8 502 080

Running costs 10 000 8 80 000

TOTAL 582 080

• Personnel / Staff cost

A full time engineer for dissemination and valorization (62.76 k€ per year over 8 years) will be necessary to promote interfaces between research, socio-economic partners and public.

• Autres dépenses de fonctionnement/ Other running costs

Running costs associated to this part of the project are estimated to 10k€/year


Gouvernance Cost € /year


Engineer for project administration 62 760 8 502 080

Mission for LABEX committees 5 000 8 40 000

Running costs for governance 5 000 8 40 000

TOTAL 582 080

Since the governance of the LABEX is based on that of OSUR, the resources will be those of OSUR. Only an assistant post and the costs for the mission are requested to deal with the increase in workload and operations linked to the laboratoire d’excellence.

• Personnel / Staff costs

Temporary personnel: €62.76k/yr over 8 years – Total: 440 k€

• Missions/ Travel

5,000 euros per year for missions related to the LABEX’s governance – Total: 40 k€

• Autres dépenses de fonctionnement/ Other running costs

5,000 euros per year for the operation of the LABEX’s governance – Total: 40 k€

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The OSUR - one of the 26 OSU of the INSU CNRS - is a consortium of 4 disciplinary research Units (+ a service unit) and ten associated teams. This observatory is also a department of the University of Rennes 1. The OSUR includes today a total staff of about 430 researchers from various disciplines geology, geochemistry, hydrology, physics, biology, archaeology, climatology, geography, agronomy. Their fundamental research programs have a common focus on understanding environmental system complexity. It is fully embedded within the current environmental challenges such as the impact of diffuse pollution on water quality in watersheds, the response of biodiversity under environmental stresses and human activities, the quantification of groundwater and mineral resources and the evaluation of the consequences of deep waste disposal, the durability of agricultural systems, the consequence of landscape mutation, on water, soil and biodiversity, global change from local to global scale, environmental genomics, adaptation and evolution.

One of the main mission of the OSUR is to manage long term observatories: i.e. the ORE H+ a network of 4 hydrogeological sites, the Zone Atelier "Armorique" dedicated to landscapes, land-use change and biodiversity, the Zone Atelier "Antarctique et subantarctique" focusing on arctic and subantarctic environments (global change), the ORE AgrHys related to agro-hydrological systems.

OSUR is organized in technical services and scientific platforms:

Services: administration staff; communication and scientific information (MULTICOM); support to observation systems (S3O); Numerical data management (SGDN)

Scientific platforms: analytical platform (CCA); environmental genomics (GEn); dating technics and instruments for earth sciences and archaeology (CONDATE); software development for hydrogeological modeling (H2OLAB)

Another important mission of the OSUR concerns education. It constitutes an "inner school" of the university de Rennes 1, OSUR is in charge of a licence (bachelor) diploma in Earth sciences, and 2 masters in "Environmental and Earth Sciences" and "Biodiversity, Ecology and Environment". OSUR is also strongly engaged in e-learning through ENVAM (a numerical platform dedicated to environment and planning courses).

OSUR holds also a well recognized role of expertise in groundwater, mining and oil resources, water quality, agricultural landscapes management, biodiversity and cultural heritage conservation and is involved in applied research and technology transfers towards national public authorities, various national or international agencies as well as private companies and public. Its expertise are multipurpose : scientific expertise in several environmental systems (agricultural watersheds; groundwater, mining and oil resources, biodiversity and landscapes); numerous techniques used and developed (rock, soil or water, chemical analysis on rock, numerical simulations, geophysical logging, piezometers, geographical information systems, experimental laboratories, phytonic devices, remote sensing); also communication for scientific information and learning.

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Result of the latest AERES



Scientists of of very high level or very high


* J.-P. Brun (PR), tectonics, age 61: citation index, 4900; H index, 41; honorary senior member of the IUF. * P.R. Cobbold (DR), tectonics, age 65: citation index, 4900; H index, 35. * J.-J. Peucat (DR), geochronology, age 63: citation index, 3200; H index, 33. * Ph. Davy (DR), hydrogeology and geomorphology, age 52: citation index, 2500; H index, 31. * D. Gapais (DR), tectonics, age 57: citation index, 2200; H index, 26. * G. Gruau (DR), geochemistry, age 54: citation index, 1500; H index, 23. * M. Ballèvre (PR), metamorphic petrology, age 54: citation index, 1200; H index 22. * K. Gallagher (PR), thermochronology, age 49: citation index, 1500 ; H index, 21. * A. Dia (DR), geochemistry, age 50: citation index, 1000; H index, 21.

Key figures for the laboratory

From 2006 to mid 2010: * 448 papers in peer-reviewed journals or international books (ratio ACL articles/researchers of 2) * 6 papers in "Science" and "Nature" * 2 international awards * recruitment of 16 new researchers * Citation index: 18>500, 9>1000, 5>2000, 2>4000. H index: 9>20, 4>30.

Available equipment and


* Analogue experimental modelling of tectonic, geomorphological and sedimentary processes (born in the mid-seventies, the experimental laboratory for analogue modelling of deformation and tectonic processes has built a very strong international reputation) * Bio-geochemical experimentation (anaerobic chamber, bioreactors, incubators) * Experimental survey and modelling of hydrological and geomorphological processes: various equipments (lasers, cameras, optical tables, LIDAR 3D, etc.) for ex-situ experiments performed in controlled conditions, and for in situ field survey and experiments, such as borehole hydrogeophysical equipment including water quality probes * Numerical mapping and image processing (A0, A3 color scanners, GIS (ArcGis, QuantumGIS, etc.), 3D modeler (GOCAD) * Geophysical imaging of subsurface processes (acoustic tanks and multifrequency acoustic acquisition setups, a Spectral Impedance Tomography equipment, 3 Cosmic-Ray telescopes, a dozen single-frequency GPS and 3 dual frequency receivers) * Palaeo- and archaeo-magnetism: 2G Cryogenic m, agnetometer 4k helium free, spinner magnetometer, alternating fields demagnetizer, non magnetic furnaces, susceptibility meters. * Rock dating and isotope geochemistry (TIMS, mass spectrometry-stable isotopes and argon dating, etc.) * Thermochronology (Fission track counting, He extraction line/High resolution mass spectrometer for rocks dating by fission tracks and U-Th-He) * Water dating and gas analysis (2 GC/ECD, « Purge and trap » extractor, mGC/TCD, « Headspace » extractor) * Major- and trace-element as molecular analyses of water, soil and organic samples (Atomic absorption Flame/Furnace, Carbon analyzer, Ion chromatography, UV/Visible spectrophotometer, ICP-MS possibly coupling laser ablation-ICP-MS

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Created in the mid seventies, Géosciences Rennes (GR) built its scientific strength on the development of analogical experimental modelling aimed to model geological structures and lithospheric processes (e.g. India/Asia collision) and sedimentary processes. Experimental and numerical modelling was then successfully developed to study geomorphological, hydrological and geochemical processes at Water/Soil/Rock/Biosphere interfaces. The specific skills developed in modelling are therefore in the heart of GR and as such are recognized by the scientific community as are the field studies conducted to understand the main active internal and external processes (orogenesis, tectonics, geo-, palaeo- or archaeo-magnetism, high temperature fluid/rock interaction and associated metamorphism, erosion-tectonic coupling, erosion and sedimentation, paloeoclimates, etc.). Geophysical methods and remote sensing data processing are also developed for imaging the Earth at different scales. Geological events and processes dating, as well as fluid/rock geochemistry, are also largely and successfully investigated. Géosciences Rennes is also largely involved in the National Observation Systems conducted by INSU in long-term hydrological geochemical or geodesic surveys such as ORE H+ (http://hplus.ore.fr/), ORE AgrHys (http://www.inra.fr/ore_agrhys) or RENAG network (http://www.renag.fr/). Géosciences Rennes is partly involved in two recently submitted EQUIPEX projects - so-called CONDATE and CRITEX - dedicated to the building of a National Dating Platform and to challenging equipments for time- and space-linked exploration of the Critical Zone at the catchment scale, respectively.

Géosciences Rennes includes today a total staff of about 120 members, notably 54 teaching and research people and 26 ingeneers and technicians. Other people are Ph.D students (around 35) and/or post-docs. The different research topics are conducted within 10 teams which are either disciplinary or pluridisciplinary (BIPE, ST, T3, PA, IGSC, DB2S, DSRCBM, EAU, GEI and EDF.

Géosciences Rennes also includes an expertised technical pool largely involved in design and setup of specific tools and equipments dedicated to long-term field survey and/or in or ex situ experimental modelling, which will contribute to provide the required technical staff to this LABEX project. Since a large number of chemical and physical techniques are used in GR for geological and environmental sample analysis, the unit has regularly acquired new scientific sophisticated equipments leading to analytical, experimental and numerical platforms also available for OSU people.

As pointed out by the latest AERES evaluation (A+ - the highest rate - for the whole unit with 8 A+-ranked teams and 2 A-ranked teams), the scientific research conducted at Géosciences Rennes ranks at the best international level in many of the addressed issues. This is not only assessed by a strong participation or leadership in national and international research projects, but also by a high level of publications (about 2 publications in peer-reviewed journals per year and researcher) in the best-ranked journals, as well as by a lot of invited talks in international conferences. While GR maintains an high quality research with famous people (3 people with H index higher than 30 and 9 higher than 20), the laboratory is also more and more involved in consulting and advising in a wide range of decision makers both in water resource management, nuclear waste storage, mining or petroleum investigation. This latter point is developed both with local authorities and private companies such as VEOLIA or TOTAL, STATOIL, CHEVRON, PETROBRAS, AREVA, GDF, IFP, etc.

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4.3 ECOBIO (UMR 6553)


Result of the latest AERES assessment


Scientists of very high level

or very high potential

* Françoise Burel (DR) age 59, CNRS silver medal 2009, 83 publications in indexed journals, 1818 citations, h index = 27, member of the swedish academy of agriculture and forestry. * Gilles Pinay (DR), age 50, CNRS silver medal, member of ERC LS8 panel, 53 publications, h index = 27, citations >2140 * Philippe Vandenkoornhuyse (PR), age 42, 25 publications, 3 highly cited papers (ISI), 2 papers within Faculty of 1000 (ranked 'must read'), publishing in top ranked journal IF> 9: 3 sciences, 1 PNAS, 1 Ecology letter, Award from the AAAS (2002) * Claudia Wiegand (PR), age 45, 58 publications, h-index 23, recipient of UEB chair of agronomy and sustainable development, Associate Editor of Environmental Pollution journal

Key figures for the laboratory

* 375 publications, with one third (30%) published in high profile journal (IF > 4) and 7% published in the highest top ranked journal (IF > 9, such as Science, PNAS, Ecology Letters, Ann. Rew., ... * 4 patents-47 invited talks * 11 ANR, 3 PICS, 1 IPEV, 2 international chairs , 1 chair of excellence from CNRS, 1 (LIA) associated international laboratory with IOWA (USA) * 2 PCRD, 1 LTER, 1 LIA, 1 GDRI * 5 industrial contracts * 203 papers at international conferences * 34 PhD supervisions.

Available equipment and infrastructure

ECOBIO hosts several technical platforms and facilities that will be available to the LABEX project, such as : * Environmental genomics platform : * Experimental Ecology Centre (ECOLEX) * Biogeochemistry centre * Optic and imaging centre * Radio-isotopes centre

ECOBIO, UMR 6553 of the University of Rennes1 and CNRS, is a large multidisciplinary unit working in the field of continental Ecology, with a staff of 139 people [54 teacher-researchers/researchers), 31 ITA/ITRF (technical and administrative support staff), 2 visiting scientists, 34 PhDs, 8 post-docs, 10 ATER/CDD temporary employees]. Its core research is the understanding of Ecosystem functioning through the analysis of the biodiversity dynamics, from genes to landscapes. Main research area analyses the response of biodiversity to climatic and landscapes changes at different spatio temporal scales. More specifically, it addresses adaptation capacity and evolutive strategies, as well as the role the biodiversity plays in ecosystem functioning and ecological services provided to humankind (nutrient cycling, plant pollination, soil detoxification...). ECOBIO international renown covers the field of Lansdcape Ecology (two recent CNRS Silver medal) and integrative Ecology (AERES Report, February 2011 ranked A at overall, and A+ on the project). In this domain, ECOBIO is involved and leads at the national level the EQUIPEX “Zone-atelier” (Y.Lagadeuc CNRS-INEE/ECOBIO). ECOBIO is also a renown leader in Ecology of stress and Ecotoxicology (International Chair in 2010), Ecology of invasive species (LIA with the IOWA state University), Environmental Microbial Ecology and Genomics (leading IBISA Plateform and Jacques Monod International Conferences in 2007 and 2011). ECOBIO is also involved in the Ecological engineering applied research field, in terms of wetlands management (2 European programs) and remediation

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biotechnology (patents). Research within ECOBIO is thus in tune with crucial environmental concerns regarding climatic changes, landscape uses, environmental pollution, urbanization, and is connected with European public policies, Ecosystem restoration and Biodiversity conservation. Researchers or teacher-researchers of very high level or very high potential: Françoise Burel, (DR) age 59, CNRS silver medal 2009, 83 publications in indexed journals, 1818 citations, h index = 27, member of the swedish academy of agriculture and forestry. Gilles Pinay, (DR), age 50, CNRS silver medal, member of ERC LS8 panel and Faculty of 1000, 53 publications, h index = 27, 2180 citations. Philippe Vandenkoornhuyse (PR), age 42, 25 publications, 3 highly cited papers (ISI), 2 papers within Faculty of 1000 (ranked 'must read'), publishing in top ranked journal IF> 9: 3 sciences, 1 PNAS, 1 Ecology letter, Award from the AAAS (2002). Claudia Wiegand (PR), age 45, 58 publications, h-index 23, recipient of UEB chair of agronomy and sustainable development, Associate Editor of Environmental Pollution journal. Key figures for the laboratory : 375 publications, with one third (30%) published in high profile journal (IF > 4) and 7% published in the highest top ranked journal (IF > 9, such as Science, PNAS, Ecology Letters, Ann. Rew., ...)-4 patents-47 invited talks-11 ANR, 3 PICS, 1 IPEV, 2 international chairs , 1 chair of excellence from CNRS, 1 (LIA) associated international laboratory with IOWA (USA) 2 PCRD, 1 LTER, 1 LIA, 1 GDRI-5 industrial contracts-203 papers at international conferences-34 PhD supervisions. Available equipment and infrastructure: (3,900 m2 in the Beaulieu campus). Environmental genomics platform: This is a unique NGS platform at the national scale dedicated to questions and sequences productions related to the Ecology/Environment field of research. It hosts a GS-flx Titanium pyrosequencer (454/Roche) and all its satellites including cluster, microfluidics (Agilent), EP1 Fluidigm and others, allowing de novo genomic or metagenomic sequencing, -transcriptomics (RNA-seq) and metatranscriptomics (metaR NA-seq) and SIP metagenomics. Others related equipments are dedicated to molecular biology: RT-thermocycler LightCycler, ultracentrifuge, microfluidic electrophoresis (Bio-Rad experion). Experimental Ecology Centre (ECOLEX: microcosm and mesocosm experiments with plants, invertebrates and microorganisms in controlled environments, such as plant glasshouse, climate chambers, walk-in chambers (CONVIRON), phytotron cabinets (PERCIVAL). The centre hosts also small animal houses for invertebrate cultures. Others equipments are dedicated to environmental metrology, monitoring field experiments and to environmental samplings (soil, water, plant sampling and invertebrates trapping. Biogeochemistry centre: biogeochemical analyses of major elements C-N-S-P in organic and mineral forms of various enviornemental samples such as soils, waters, gas and plant/animal materials : BRAN & LUEBB Analyser (NO3,NO2,NH4,PO4) ,Total C BIORITECH OI-1010 Analyser, CHN Perkin Elmer Analyser, C-S LECO Analyser, - K-435 Minéralisator, distillatory B-324 Büchie, semi-automatic titrater (Schott), and gas chromatograh (µGC ) for CO2, N2O, H2S air analyses. Chromatographic equipments for analysis of macromolecules in the organisms (biomolecules) and Volatils Organic Compounds emissions (VOCS) exchanged between terrestrial ecosystems and atmosphere : portative µGC (4 ways) -MS SRA-Agilent with 6 sample lines for ex situ (fields) continuous analysis, a GC-MS Thermo Scientific for metabolites analysis (lipids, enzymes of invertebrates and plants). Optic and imaging centre: Several binocular and light microscopes including one microscope with epifluorescence, camera and movie cameras and scanners for morphometric analysis and behavior analysis of various biodiversity models. Flow cytometer for microbial counting and a micromanipulator with microsensors (T°, pH, O2…). Radio-isotopes centre: Analysis of radiolabelled samples with 14C, 3H, 33S and 32P: Rotavapor, combuster, fumigation room, wheel for extraction, mixer/grinder, small laboratory equipment (heating blocks, centrifugation, micropipettes, vortex, mortars,…) dedicated to the use of the isotopes, specific equipments for molecular hybridization (Southern blot, northern blot), and CCM and also several devices for radioprotection: scintillation counter, portable polyradiameter MIP 21 with probes for the radiations “soft Beta”; standard dosimeter (Babyline).

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4.4 CREAAH (UMR 6566)


Result of the latest AERES assessment


Scientists of very high level

or very high potential

* Jean-Laurent Monnier (DR CNRS), age 63, 190 publications * Dominique Marguerie (DR CNRS), age 53, 134 publications * Grégor Marchand (CR CNRS), age 43, 85 publications, CNRS bronze medal * Chantal Leroyer (MCC Researcher), age 52, 104 publications * Cyril Marcigny (INRAP Researcher), age 41, 258 publications

Key figures for the laboratory

From 2005 to 2009: * 1175 publications, * 51 invited talks * 4 international conferences organized * 30 theses.

Available equipment and infrastructure

Equipment already available: Sequential ICP-AES, X-ray fluorescence portable, X-ray diffractometer, GC chromatograph, GCMS spectrometer, Particle size laser analyzer, sieves, rotavators, 8 light microscopes, 2 polarized microscopes, 1 metallurgical microscope, 8 stereo-microscopes, video cameras, digital mapping, image analysis, polishing systems, litho-laminator, vacuum impregnation system, power microsaw, autoclaves, centrifuges, electric oven, thermocouples, cruscher, freeze-dryer, ultrasonic vat… 3 mechanical coring systems for the field sampling. Coming equipement (funding obtained) : 1 Laser ablation ICP-MS, 1 light microscope, 1 stereo-microscope. Infrastructure available : 1 laboratory of organic chemistry, 1 laboratory of mineral chemistry, 3 laboratories of microscopic observation, 1 computer room (12 PC computers for PhD and other students), 3 storage servers.

CReAAH is a multi-partnerships UMR (mixed research unit) 6566 of the CNRS (INEE - INSHS), University of Rennes 1, Rennes 2, Nantes, Le Mans, Ministère de la Culture (MCC), INRAP.

70 scientists from CNRS, INRAP, MCC and universities, 18 permanent technical staff, 3 temporary employees and 41 PhD students work in it today.

The research undertaken within the UMR 6566 is multi-disciplinary and diachronic. Main topics we work on are human societies from the Palaeolithic to the Middle Age, palaeoenvironnement and archaeometry, with studies which relate to:

human occupations and land-use, exploitation of the natural resources,

impact of the global changes, interactions between human societies and environment at local and regional scales,

evolution of the palaeo-landscapes, the palaeo-social ecological systems and the palaeo-biodiversity, cultural answers to the changes.

Our laboratory is greatly involved in the MC²=Env Labex with the other labs for a multi-disciplinarity research and for the formation of the students. The CReAAH Unit takes part in the main research topics of the OSUR. The research tasks are based on the triptych: observation, description, analyze of the past human societies through their material culture, their relation with the environment, their lifestyles, their productions and their exchanges.

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The CReAAH is organized according to the following teams:

A team working in Archaeology and social Anthropology (Prehistory and Protohistory in Atlantic Europe)

A team working in Archaeology and History,

A team working in Technology, Environments and Resources

These three teams work together in six transverse axes: “Occupation, exploitation of the coastline”, “societies, environment, climate”, “Rocks, ceramics and societies”, “fire story”, “mines-metallurgy”.

The major working area is the north-western France. The researchers of UMR CReAAH are also involved in many scientific exchanges in twenty foreign countries, many in EU countries and in Myanmar, Argentina, Chili, Canada, Russia, Armenia, Syria, Egypt, Senegal and Benin.



Result of the latest AERES assessment


Scientists of very high level

or very high potential

* Laurence Hubert-Moy (PR), age 50, 50 publications CNRS bronze medal * Hervé Regnauld (PR), age 53, 88 publications * Vincent Dubreuil (DR), age 45, 79 publications * Hervé Quenol (PR): age 40, 37 publications * Olivier Planchon (DR), age 42, 41 publications

Key figures for the laboratory

In the last four years: * 90 publications, * 12 invited talks, * 3 ANR, 1 FEDER, 2 PCRD, * 15 industrial contracts, * 67 papers at international conferences, * 12 theses.

Available equipment and infrastructure

The equipment that will be available to the project: * Equipment already present: equipement for image processing and climatic weather stations * Coming equipment (funding obtained): LiDAR sensor (aerial platform)

The COSTEL laboratory is part of a Joint Research Unit of the CNRS and 4 Universities (Nantes, Rennes 2, Brest, Caen) “Littoral Environnement Télédétection Géomatique” (UMR CNRS 6554 LETG). The UMR LETG, which was rated by AERES in 2011 at A, is organized in two research teams. The main research fields of one team focus on land use changes, conflicts and conversions at the land-sea interface, the other team focusing on environmental and human controls on land dynamics. The members of the latter team will be associated with COSTEL through a privileged partnership to participate in the MC²=Env research activities.

Established in Rennes, on the site of the University of Rennes 2, COSTEL comprises 16 people skilled in physical geography and environmental issues, remote sensing and GIS. Main research at COSTEL is carried out in the fields of Climatology and Remote Sensing. The research activities aim to produce, diffuse and develop knowledge and know-how on the interactions between natural environment and society, in order to evaluate the impacts of climate change on the natural resources and human activities and vice-versa. COSTEL research focuses on three inter-related issues:

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Environmental remote sensing that comprises the monitoring and modeling of land-cover and land-use dynamics with remote sensing data and the evaluation of new remote sensing sensors/platforms;

Analysis of climatic processes and their influence on land cover, farming practices (e.g. vineyard distribution and characterization, pioneer fronts);

Spatial modeling of risks and land-use conflicts in geosystems.

COSTEL staff extensively uses spatial information technology. Investigations are generally based on a combination of in situ field measurements (more than one hundred automatic weather stations), ground-based, aerial and satellite remote sensing techniques, digital image processing, GIS-based environmental models as well as geo-statistics and statistics.

The field research is mainly carried out in western France (mostly in Brittany), like in the Pleine-Fougères LTER site (www.caren.univ-rennes1.fr/pleine-fougeres) in north-eastern Brittany, consisting in the long term monitoring of this agricultural site. Research is also conducted in study sites located in Brazilian Amazon, Chile, Argentina, South Africa, Niger, New Zealand and Mauritania, in the framework of international programs and partnerships. In these countries COSTEL manages networks of weather stations to observe meteorological parameters and makes in-situ observations of land cover and land use.

COSTEL is a member of the OSU (Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers), a partnership of research units in Rennes. The researchers of COSTEL are involved in many scientific collaborations in France, but also in South America (especially with Brazil and Chile as part of the national GIS Institute of Americas), in Asia (with the LIAMA in China, a Sino-French lab of Informatics, Automatics and Applied Mathematics), in North America (Canada), and in Africa (Mauritania). The researchers of COSTEL are also involved in the French and European Zone Atelier / LTER networks, the European Excellence Network AlterNet (“A long-term Biodiversity, ecosystem and awareness Research Network”). COSTEL has also developed many relationships with Space Agencies (CNES, ESA, INPE, CSA…), local authorities, regional and national environmental agencies. COSTEL team is coordinating the GDR-CNRS RICLIM (risks related to climate) and leading the management of the International Association of Climatology since 2000.

COSTEL members have also teaching activities, including e-teaching in the framework of the numeric campus ENVAM http://www.envam.org/ in Rennes University.

AGROECO-TERMER GROUP Environmental Sciences in INRA and Agrocampus Ouest

The AgroEco-TerMer Group (which stands for AgroEcosystem in the Terrestrial -Marine continuum) joins four research units - UMR ESE, UMR SAS, UR SAD-Paysage and US U3E – and all the Environmental Sciences in INRA Rennes (National Institute for Agricultural Research) and AGROCAMPUS Ouest. This large group comprises 190 people. The research covers a vast disciplinary field in ecology (landscape ecology, terrestrial and marine ecology, ecotoxicoloy), hydrology, soil science, bioclimatology, agricultural and fishery sciences. The four units have all been evaluated highly positively (grade A).

The AgroEco-TerMer group is working on natural and agro-ecosystems, and studies the processes occurring along a continuum from rural landscapes to soil, shallow groundwater, fresh and ocean water, and the atmosphere. This group focuses on a decennial time scale, from the recent past and the near future, in relationships with global changes due to human and climatic drivers. It covers a large range of spatial scales, from the headwater catchment up to the river basin, which is the territory defined by human activities. The ecosystems are considered as socio-ecosystems, and the drivers as well the interactions between human activities and ecosystems are at the heart of the research. This group is particularly involved in environmental impact and ecological services assessments, in proposing solutions

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for a sustainable management of production systems and territories, a sustainable use of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and in protecting atmosphere and biodiversity.

AgroEco-TerMer group manages long term observatories and experimental platforms. The three long term observatories are focused on three systems: agro-hydrological system (ORE AgHys, a part of national network RBV and Equipex CRITEX), agro-soil-organic waste systems (EFELE, site of national network PRO); aquatic ecological system (ORE PFC). All these equipments are used by national and international teams and include in national and international networks. They are the support of many scientific papers and teaching activities. Two experimental platforms are dedicated to aquatic ecological research and gas emission measurements. Data bases, computer systems and softwares have been developed to store data and metadata, to allow a large scientific community to easily visualize, extract and uses the rough monitored data as well elaborated data.

Modeling activities are particularly developed in AgroEco-TerMer group:

To identify, test and include new processes in disciplinary research modeling. It concerns human and ecological processes, soil, biological, atmospheric and water fluxes in rural landscape, trophic level based ecological modeling,…Such models are strongly related to observatories where new processes are identified, and model elaborated.

To integrate processes in multidiciplinary approaches, and represent socio-ecosystems, couple human, physical and biological models, test scenarios (Integrated Assessment Modeling). Different modeling platforms, to represent rural landscape and to test the effect of the human activities on nutrient and biological fluxes have been developed.

To help decision making by developing indicators, adapting rough output data top the question of the stakeholders, mining general rules from simulated data mining.

Such modeling approaches answer to integrative issues and meet public expectations.

The four units which constitute the AgroEco-TerMer are partners with CAREN/OSUR since 2000. In the last four years, 28 common papers have been published with OSUR in water and ecological sciences. The collaboration with IRISA/INRIA is also intensive in modelling: 4 PhD have been realized or are presently in course. Iin the last four years, 6 papers have been published with IRISA-INRIA. This group present is internationally attractive, in respect to 5 and 6 incoming and outcoming international mobility, 13 European grants.



Result of the latest AERES assessment


Scientists of very high level

or very high potential

* Christophe Cudennec (PR), 42 ans, 20 publications, General Secretary of International Society of Hydrological Sciences * Patrick Durand (DR), 51 ans, 40 publications * Christophe Flechard (CR), 41 ans, 35 publications * Chantal Gascuel-Odoux (DR), 53 ans, 54 publications, MC Comittee COST 869 * Philippe Merot (DR), 62 ans, 40 publications * Christian Walter (PR), 49 ans, 39 publications

Key figures for the laboratory

In the last four years (2006-2009): * 149 publications * 25 Invited Conferences * 34 communications at international symposium (with publication)

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* 2 patents * 9 ANRs (4 coordinated). 6 European grants (1 coordinated) * 27 PhD (11 defended and 16 in progress).

Available equipment and infrastructure

Platforms dedicated to: - Chemical an biochemical analyses (Chromatographie ionique ICS 3000; Analyseur séquentiel AQ2 Seal; Carbon analyser; ICPMS; ...) - Soil Physics (porosity image analysis, Wind equipment and Sucion table (Ks and retention curve) - Field observation (lysimeter (80), tensiometer 100), piezometer (80), drillng device, gas emission chamber, sensor sentek with télétransmission; field spectrometer, spectrometer SCAN, turbidimeter (3), multiparameter sensors, limnimeters and sensors for temperature with teletransmission,...) - Calibration of different sensors (temperature, tension,...). Infrastructures - A long term in situ experimental network is specifically dedicated to the collection of hydrological, hydro-chemical and geochmical data on 2 headwater catchments in France (Brittany region). They are a part of SOERE RBV. Many instruments and water and chemical an monitored to identify processes, assess temporal changes and inter-annual variability in shallow groundwater and surface water under anthropogenic constraints. - A long term in situ experimental network composed of different plots and sub plots is dedicated to study animal waste/soil/water/ atmosphere interactions. This site is a part of SOERE PRO. Many equipments aims at identifying biological and physical processes, and assessing fluxes at different time scales (event, seasonal, inter-annual, trends). Agricultural drivers are soil tillage and type of animal waste. Gaz emissions, nutrients and pharmaceutical products emission in water are studied.

SAS UMR 1069 (joint research unit, INRA and Agrocampus Ouest) groups 80 people, including 13 professors and assistant professors, and 15 research scientists). Its research covers a large field of disciplines in soil science, hydrology, bioclimatology, and agronomy. The unit is focused on the interaction between agricultural activities and the environment (soil, atmosphere and water), processes occurring from fields, animal building, and landscape interfaces (wetlands, etc.) up to a large spectrum of scales, and agro-environmental impact assessments. Scaling processes and impacts in time and space constitute a great challenge. Emphasis is placed on the following issues: (i) identifying processes that determine soil and water quality, with a special focus on C, N and P cycling, C storage in soil, the interaction between physical and chemical quality, and modeling them; (ii) understanding and modeling how agricultural activities disturb and impact environmental resources, including their response time and resilience; (iii) developing methods for environmental impact assessments of agricultural activities (Life Cycling Analysis, Integrated assessment Model), and guidelines for innovative agricultural systems regarding vulnerable environments and climate change. The aim of this unit is to contribute toward the sustainable management of agricultural activities and the preservation of natural resources by developing operational tools and models for decision making.

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Result of the latest AERES assessment


Scientists of very high level

or very high potential

* Jean-Luc Baglinière (DR), age 63, 78 publications * Didier Gascuel (PR), age 53, 39 publications * Laurent Lagadic (DR), 48 ans, 47 publications * Michel Pascal (DR), age 64, 71 publications

Key figures for the laboratory

In the last five years (2006-2010): * 201 publications * 27 invited conferences * 170 communication (oral and posters) at international symposium * 1 patent * 8 ANR, 8 European grants (Interreg, ITN, FP7) * 34 PhD (defended and in progress)

Available equipment and infrastructure

4 analytical platforms dedicated to: * Biochemical analyses (including spectrofluorometer SPECTRA MAX Gemini XS and two spectrophotometers SPECTRA MAX 340 PC384 and SPECORD 205); * Molecular biology (including PCR and RT-PCR thermocyclers) * Optical analyses and measurements for organisms (algae and invertebrates) (including Leica stereomicroscopes and inverted microscope, with fluorescence camera Leica DM4000b); * Sample preparation for stable isotope analysis (including a mixer mill Retsch MM200, ultra micro balance Mettler Tolédo UMX 2, Freeze dryer Cryotec COSMOS20K ). Infrastructure : * A long term in situ experimental network is specifically dedicated to the collection of environmental and biological data on 3 rivers along the French Atlantic Coast (Oir, Scorff and Nivelle Rivers) for descriptive, analytical and quantitative (modelling) approach of temporal changes in populations and ecosystems under anthropogenic constraints based on data that mostly come from long term field suveys * An experimental platform with indoor channels, microcosms and outdoor mesocosms for specific investigations performed in ecological contexts of increasing complexity

ESE UMR 0985 (joint research unit, INRA and Agrocampus Ouest) groups 66 people (7 professors and assistant professors, 9 research scientists, 8 engineers, 9 technical and administrative staff, 13 PhDs, 3 post-docs and 17 non-permanent employees). Its research covers a vast disciplinary field of ecology, with special emphasis on marine and freshwater ecosystems, and processes occurring at large scales along continuums (ocean-freshwaters, freshwater-river catchment). Emphasis is placed on the following issues: (i) identifying human-derived factors of stress for ecosystems in a dynamic global environment; (ii) understanding how these factors affect ecological mechanisms and the responses of ecosystems; and (iii) proposing solutions for the sustainable management of natural resources and ecological services. Our activities aim to meet public expectations concerning the conservation of natural areas, biological resources, biodiversity and risks associated with pollution, biological invasions and climate change.

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Result of the latest AERES assessment


Scientists of very high level

or very high potential

* Jacques BAUDRY (DR), 59 ans, 53 publications * Stéphanie Aviron (CR), 36 ans, 22 publications * Claudine Thenail (CR), 43 ans, 22 publications

Key figures for the laboratory

In the last four years (2006-2009): * 40 publications * 3 Invited Conferences * 15 communications at international symposium (with publication) * 4 ANRs, 2 European grants * 3 PhD in the lab (1 in progress) & 5 PhD with other labs (in progress).

Available equipment and infrastructure

No equipment Infrastructures * J. Baudry coordinates with Cendrine Mony (UMR Ecobio) the Infrastructure "Zone Atelier Armorique" which is part of the international network of Long Term Ecological Research Sites. This site is dedicated to interdisciplinary research studies on the related dynamics of human activities (notably agriculture), landscapes and biodiversity, involving today issues about periurban / rural interfaces. The whole SAD-Paysage unit is strongly involved in this infrastructure.

SAD-Paysage Unit (UR INRA 0980) is a young interdisciplinary team grouping 20 people (6 research scientists, 1 assistant professor, 3 engineers, 6 technical and administrative staff, 2 PhDs, 1 post-docs and 1 non-permanent employee). The research aim is to identify and evaluate the interactions between agriculture, landscape and biodiversity that help conciliate farming activities and ecological functions. The interactions between the organization of farming practices and ecological processes within landscape mosaics are studied; the processes of interest are those driving biodiversity dynamics and ecosystem services of biological regulation and production. The practices of farm territory management (land use for production, land maintenance and field design), their organization by farmers at different scales, and their contributions to landscape heterogeneity are examined. The purpose of this research is to develop methods e.g., to evaluate public action and support decision of both local stakeholders and farmers’ advisers.


U3E is one of the experimental units of the Ecology of Forest, Grassland and Aquatic Ecosystems division of the INRA, and a member of the AgroEco-TerMer Group. This platform provides an experimental support to research units that are involved in studies on aquatic ecosystems. Some of the experimental facilities are unique at the national level. They are dedicated to the implementation of research programs on aquatic ecosystems, either lentic or lotic as well as the characteristics of aquatic populations and communities and the quality, protection or management of aquatic ecosystems and of their resources. A wide range of experimental tools can be used, ranging from the beaker to the natural ecosystems through micro- and mesocosms. Some of these tools are dedicated to monitoring/observation (e.g., reference

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rivers with field stations), others allow researchers to control various environmental parameters such as nutrients, oxygen concentration, temperature or toxicants.

The U3E is located in Rennes, but experiments and observations equipments are divided on 4 sites in Brittany and Lower Normandy. They comprise:

2 experimental halls (400 m²each), a aquatic mesocosm platform (5000 m², with dozens of cosms of different types), 500 m² of concrete outdoor basins and 250 m² of greenhouses based on AgrocampusOuest,

1 “Ponds Station” of thirty lakes on 5 ha in Le Rheu near Rennes,

2 “Observatories rivers” (work river) variously instrumented and each equipped with a control station for migratory fish: The Oir at 80 km from Rennes in the department of Manche (50) and Scorff 150 km in the Morbihan (56).

Perspectives: Within the MC²=Env project, the U3E will be opened to all research teams of the consortium. A major effort will be devoted to the automation of data acquisition (monitoring, remote transmission...) but also to the reliability and standardization of these data with other platforms. All data collected by the U3E are already available to the scientific community, but the improvement of the database and access will be facilitated through the LABEX.



Located on the campus of Ker Lann to the south of Rennes, the Brittany branch of the ENS Cachan was founded in 1994 as a second campus for the ENS of Cachan.

Its mission is to prepare young students for careers in higher education and research in the field of science. It offers five academic departments:

Economics - Law – Management

IT and telecommunications



Sport Science and Physical Education.

Each year about 380 students take courses offered by these departments, as part of a Master’s program shared with the universities of Rennes. Over 80% of students pass the examination of aggregation and 70% continue their studies with a doctorate.

The research activities are held in the Hubert Curien Research College, an institute dedicated to multidisciplinary research, knowledge dissemination and the training of students.

The ENS Cachan in Brittany develops its research in the European University of Brittany, within the best local or national laboratories: CREM in economics, IODE in law, IRCCyN for rapid prototyping, IRISA-INRIA for large-scale computer systems, software and virtual reality, IRMAR for mathematics, M2S for sport sciences and finally SATIE for BioMicro Systems and energy management.

Building on these achievements, the year 2012 will see the exceptional event of the creation of a new Ecole Normale Supérieure in France, the ENS of Rennes.

The long-term objective is to educate a staff of 1,000 students, selected both from highly selective national and international examinations, for careers in higher education and research in conjunction with the universities. New departments are being considered. From autumn 2012, a department dedicated to environmental science will open. It will involve the University of Rennes 1, the OSUR research lab in

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particular, to prepare students with a unique interdisciplinary training involving life sciences, material sciences and mathematical modeling. This flagship project for excellence is fully in line with the LABEX MC²=Env project, and makes the new department an important partner, especially in its dimension of training through research.



Result of the latest AERES assessment


Scientists of very high level

or very high potential

* Marie-Odile Cordier (DREAM team leader) * Etienne Mémin (FLUMINANCE team leader) * Jocelyne Erhel (SAGE team leader) * Dominique Lavenier (SYMBIOSE team leader)

Key figures for the laboratory

* 31 research teams, involving in total 396 scientific members * 8 support teams, with 216 members " * Members from 47 countries * 2879 publications * 180 software products registered.

Available equipment and infrastructure

The support team SMI is organized in groups in charge of personal computers, infrastructure, information system, multimedia, security. On top of the common equipment, specific infrastructure is dedicated to high performance computing, throughout the Grid’5000 platform, which provides tools for studying large scale systems, with thousands of machines distributed on different French sites. Moreover, the platforms H2OLab and GenOuest provide innovative software, in respectively bioinformatics and geosciences in silico.

INRIA is a public research institution dedicated to information and communication sciences, and to applied mathematics. For more than 40 years, it has supported the economic and social transformations linked with the dissemination of digital technologies. As such, together with its academic and industrial partners, it conducts at the highest international level an increasingly influential activity in fundamental research and technology development. The knowledge produced at INRIA has become essential in medicine, biology, environmental science and many other sciences. It enriches our everyday lives and sheds light on the issues of sustainable development and energy conservation.

The INRIA Rennes Bretagne Atlantique center is one of the eight INRIA research centers, with research teams located in Rennes, Nantes and Lannion. The center conducts research in five areas

Applied Mathematics, Computation and Simulation

Algorithmics, Programming, Software and Architecture

Networks, Systems and Services, Distributed Computing

Perception, Cognition, Interaction

Computational Sciences for Biology, Medicine and the Environment

MC²=Env concerns the latter two areas, with the team DREAM in the fourth area and the teams FLUMINANCE, SAGE, SYMBIOSE in the last area. Moreover, these teams have collaborations with the teams IPSO and ASPI, in the first area. They also collaborate with several members of IRMAR.

The teams DREAM, SAGE, SYMBIOSE are also part of the UMR IRISA, whereas the team FLUMINANCE is associated with CEMAGREF.

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The research objectives of the DREAM (Diagnosis Recommending Actions Modeling) research team are about building, monitoring and exploiting complex dynamical systems. We advocate the use of qualitative mesoscale modeling for building decision-oriented simulation tools. We develop original data mining and automatic learning methods to improve the societal appropriation of these models and exploit the often too large amount of data resulting from simulation scenarios. The final goal is to develop decision support systems to help the management of agro- and eco- systems. Until now, our application domains have been focused on the management of agricultural plots in small and medium size watersheds with the objective of preserving water quality threatened by pollution (pesticides, nitrates) and the management of fisheries taking into account the predator-prey system disturbed by anthropogenic pressures and climatic events. We are well recognized in our domain, participating to the program committee of major conferences (IJCAI, ECAI, AAAI, KR) and to scientific boards (ECCAI Governing board). We have been cooperating for more than ten years with INRA (National Institute for Agronomical Studies) and more precisely with the SAS unit (Ch. Gascuel, P. Durand, Ph. Merot) in the domain of environmental protection. We participated with them to three ANR/ADD projects: APPEAU, ACCASSYA and Climaster. Although proposing multidisciplinary approaches, we succeeded in publishing our results in excellent journals and conferences both in Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI, ECAI, European Conference in Machine Learning, Knowledge and Information Systems) and in Environmental domains (Computers & Geosciences, Environmental Modeling & Software).

The DREAM research team belongs to the IRISA UMR and to the INRIA-Bretagne Atlantique research center. Both research labs have been evaluated A+ by AERES in 2011.

Marie-Odile Cordier is full professor at the University of Rennes1, France and performs her research activities at IRISA; she is currently the scientific leader of the DREAM research team. Her main research interests are in artificial intelligence, focusing in model-based diagnosis, on-line monitoring, inductive logic programming and temporal abductive reasoning. She has been in charge of several industrial contracts and scientific leader for European and national projects. She is an ECCAI (European Coordination Committee for Artificial Intelligence) fellow from 2001, was elected as board member in 2004 and vice-chair in 2008-2010. She served in many committee programs (IJCAI, ECAI, DX, RFIA, AAAI, KR) and editorial boards (AAI, AIComs, RIA). She has published more than one hundred papers in good to excellent journals and conferences. René Quiniou works at INRIA (national institute for computer science and automation) as research scientist since 1981 and he elong to the Dream team since its creation. His main research interests belong to Artificial Intelligence, mainly machine learning methods for inducing models that can be used for automatic diagnosis in such domains as user modeling in intelligent tutoring systems, patient monitoring in intensive care units (ICU) and network monitoring in intrusion detection or quality of service (QoS) preservation. Recently, he has worked on how to adapt automatically the configuration of a monitoring system to the context of surveillance. This work was applied to monitoring cardiac patients in ICU. He is now focusing on data mining for extracting interesting temporal and spatio-temporal patterns with numerical attributes from massive data coming from telecommunication, power supply or agriculture and environment. He has published more than 50 papers in journals and conferences.



The FLUMINANCE INRIA/CEMAGREF joint research group is composed of 3 INRIA researchers, 2 CEMAGREF researchers together with 6 PhD students and 2 Post-doctoral fellows founded by contractual

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or academic grants. This group headed by E. Mémin, specifically focuses on the extraction of quantitative fluid flow information from image sequences and on the design of adapted tools for analyzing and controlling these flows. It aims at providing image-based methods using physically consistent models to extract meaningful features describing the observed flow and to unveil the dynamical properties of this flow. This group and its leader have opened since almost 10 years a renowned original research activity at the interface of computer vision, fluid mechanics and environmental sciences.

The main targeted applications on which FLUMINANCE is involved, concern either fluid flows for geophysical sciences or industrial flows in experimental fluid mechanics. In both types of application domains there exists a huge number of image modalities (satellite images of different channels, experimental images of seeded flows, specific experimental techniques such as holography, Schlieren, LIDAR etc. ) enabling to observe scalar quantities transported by the flow. The group mainly relies on motion measurement techniques and on approaches enabling the coupling between a dynamical model and information extracted from such images. From a mathematical point of view, the techniques involved are either stochastic or deterministic and requires both the modeling of appropriate dynamical models incorporating uncertainty models in order to specify dynamical model errors, observation uncertainty and scales disparity occurring between the image data space and the state variables of interest.

Another specificity of the FLUMINANCE group lies in its ability to conduct proper intensive experimental validations of the methods developed on prototype flows mastered in the wind tunnels of the CEMAGREF center in Rennes. This evaluation of the solution proposed enables to precisely analyze the respective qualities or limitations of the studied methods. Such a possibility authorizes a virtuous circle between modeling, algorithmic design and experimental validation on prototypical flows characteristic of some environmental or industrial situations.

The group has proposed several techniques for an accurate measurement of fluid flow velocities within a large range of scales. Techniques allowing providing dynamically consistent motion fields or reduced order dynamical models have been also proposed for the targeted application domains of the FLUMINANCE group and for different image modalities. The ability to supply physically consistent small scales measurements of fluid flow is essential for physicists or fluid mechanicians for the analysis of given flow configurations. Such information is also crucial for forecasting, monitoring and surveillance issues. The results obtained so far are very encouraging, and we wish to investigate in the future more complex situations such as Ocean-Atmosphere coupled models, 3D turbulent flows, multiphasic flows, …



The INRIA-IRISA Symbiose team (Systèmes et modèles biologiques, bioinformatique et sequences) is one of the largest bioinformatics group in the national scientific bioinformatics community and involves more than 40 researchers and engineers. The technological and scientific axes of SYMBIOSE focus on three main directions: (1) Provide an efficient support in bioinformatics, (2) High Performance Genomic Computing and (3) Modeling biological systems from multi-scale information. The first technological axis is provided by the GenOuest bioinformatics platform, one of the key nodes of the ReNaBi network, which gathers storage capabilities, data-bases and software development.

GenOuest provides a powerful and comprehensive bioinformatics infrastructure dedicated to day-to-day analysis but also to experimentation. By allowing both production and experimental activities, the facility improves the coupling between different disciplines (Biology/Bioinformatics/Computer Science) and accelerates the discovery of bottlenecks and solutions.

One of the challenges of the second research axe is to provide the scientific community with new innovative bioinformatics tools to face the deluge of genomic data coming from high throughput

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sequencing technologies. The third research axe aims at identifying by formal systems key interacting actors of biological adaptations, from genomic and environmental data.

Dr. Olivier Collin is a Senior Research Officer (CNRS). By training both a biologist and a computer scientist, he is the manager of the GenOuest bioinformatics platform (http://genouest.org). His expertise covers different aspects of IT infrastructure for Life Science (clusters, grid, portals, metadata in Biology, workflows, software usability). He is involved in different projects for the structuration of infrastructures for Biology and Bioinformatics: Biogenouest, ReNaBi, GRISBI, MobyleNet, INRIA Bioresources.

Anne Siegel is a senior researcher at CNRS and specialized in dynamical modeling of biological systems. Its interdisciplinary expertise covers many applications of discrete dynamical systems in several fields of mathematics, computer science and biology. She is leading a national research program on time representation for biology (ANR Biotempo) and is strongly implied in national and international research programs in marine and environmental biology (CIRIC Chilean inria center). She organized international workshops and conferences in mathematics and theoretical computer science and French meetings in systems biology. She is also involved in several national committees (evaluation commitee at INRIA; comité national at CNRS).

Other people implied in the project: Rumen Andonov (PR Univ Rennes 1, Optimisation), Claire Lemaitre (CR INRIA, strongly involved in comparative genomics of species in environmental questions), François Coste (CR INRIA), Catherine Belleannée (MCF Univ Rennes 1)



The team SAGE (Simulations and Algorithms on Grids for Environment) undertakes research on environmental applications and high performance computing and deals with two subjects: numerical algorithms, involving parallel and grid computing; numerical models applied to hydrogeology and physics. These two subjects are highly interconnected: the first topic aims at designing numerical algorithms, with high efficiency on parallel and grid architectures; these algorithms are applied to geophysical models. Moreover, the team SAGE, in collaboration with other partners, develops a software platform for groundwater numerical simulations in heterogeneous subsurface.

First objective: numerical algorithms and high performance computing

Linear algebra is at the kernel of most scientific applications, in particular in physical or chemical engineering. For example, steady-state flow simulations in porous media are discretized in space and lead to a large sparse linear system. The target size is 107 in 2D and 1010 in 3D. For transient models such as diffusion, the objective is to solve about 104 linear systems for each simulation. Memory requirements are of the order of Giga-bytes in 2D and Tera-bytes in 3D. CPU times are of the order of several hours to several days. The objectives are to analyze the complexity of the different methods used to solve large sparse systems, to accelerate convergence of iterative methods, to measure and improve the efficiency on parallel architectures, to define criteria of choice.

Second objective: numerical models applied to hydrogeology and physics

The team Sage is strongly involved in numerical models for hydrogeology and physics. There are many scientific challenges in the area of groundwater simulations. This interdisciplinary research is very fruitful with cross-fertilizing subjects. For example, high performance simulations were very helpful for finding out the asymptotic behavior of the plume of solute transported by advection-dispersion. Numerical models are necessary to understand flow transfer in fractured media. The team develops stochastic models for groundware simulations, parallel algorithms for complex numerical simulations and performance analysis. Another challenge is to run multiparametric simulations. They can be multiple

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samples of a non intrusive Uncertainty Quantification method, or multiple samples of a stochastic method for inverse problems, or multiple samples for studying the sensitivity to a given model parameter. Thus these simulations are more or less independent and are well-suited to grid computing but each simulation requires powerful CPU and memory resources.

A strong commitment of the team is to develop the scientific software platform H2OLab for numerical simulations in heterogeneous hydrogeology.



Result of the latest AERES assessment


Scientists of very high level

or very high potential

* Gérard le Caër, age 66, 215 publications, CNRS Bronze medal 1975, CNRS Silver medal 1988, Rist price (1977) Réaumur medal (1991) of the ‘Société Française de Métallurgie et de Matériaux » * Alexandre Valance, age 42 Directeur de recherche CNRS, 52 publications, Branly award 2005, guigner award of the “société française de Physique” * Daniel Bideau, age 68, professor, 130 publications, Branly award 1990, foreign member of Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters * Renaud Delannay, age 49, 62 publications * Luc Oger, age 52, 56 publications * Patrick Richard, age 37, 36 publications including 2 nature materials, 3 Phys. Rev. Lett. * Sean McNamara, age 46, 29 publications, four of them have been cited more than 100 times. * Hervé tabuteau, age 38, 20 publications including 2 Phys Rev Lett. * Axelle Amon, age 35, 4 Phys Rev Lett * Laurent Courbin, age 35, 1 nature, 1 nat.mat., 5 Phys Rev Lett * Benjamin Dollet, age 33, 2 Phys Rev Lett, 2 J. Fluid Mech, 3 J.Acoust.Soc.Am.

Key figures for the laboratory

For the two teams involved in the project, in the last four years: * 175 publications in international peer-reviewed journals including Nature, Nature Materials, Physical Review Letters, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Journal of Geophysical Research, PNAS, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed * 13 ANR * 3 Patents * 59 invited talks

Available equipment and infrastructure

The two groups have various facilities including flow set-ups and flumes (developed in collaboration with the “Geosciences Rennes” laboratory). The experimental tools dedicated to visualization are fast cameras (up to 250,000 Hz) and image processing (PIV, particle tracking). They own a gamma-ray densitometer as well as acoustic measurement tools. Concerning numerical simulations, the two groups possess both mono and multi-processor computers as well as a cluster of workstations

The “Institut de Physique de Rennes “(IPR) is located in the scientific and technological campus of Beaulieu of the University of Rennes 1. The IPR is a joint lab of the University of Rennes 1 and of the CNRS. It has been ranked A by the AERES.

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This lab is composed of five research groups and includes 35 administrative and technical staff, 75 faculty staff as well as around 50 PhD students and post-docs. Two of these groups are associated to the present LABEX project: the Soft Matter group and the Divided Matter group.

The department of Soft Matter involves 13 researchers and has been ranked A+ by the AERES. This team is internationally recognised for its skills in multiphase flows at small scale (droplet traffic, foam, rheological properties of the surfactant or proteins at interfaces, free interface hydrodynamics problems, wetting), slow dynamics of heterogeneous media (avalanches precursors...), self-organised materials, as shown by its publications in first level journals (Phys. Rev. lett., Nature, J. Fluid Mech., PNAS). During the last 4 years, the team obtained numerous research grants of which 7 ANR grant. One of these grants is devoted to a collaboration with Geosciences Rennes lab to work on foam flows in model porous media. A better understanding of these flows may have an important impact on enhanced oil recovery and in situ cleaning/remediation of polluted soils.

The department of Divided Matter is formed by 10 faculty staff, 3 technical staff as well as 7 PhD students and post-docs. The group works on granular systems (slow compaction, sediment transport, granular flows) and transport in porous medium by means of experiments as well as theoretical and numerical modeling. The activities of the group are at the frontier between physics, mechanics, and geophysics. It is one of the world’s leading research groups on these topics. Its works have been published in many prestigious journals (Nature Materials, Physical Review Letters, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Journal of Geophysical Research…). The Divided Matter group belongs to many research networks and participated to the organization of many conferences and workshops. It is associated to the OSUR (“Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de Rennes”) and has strong connections with the earth science laboratory “Geosciences Rennes in the framework of present or past contracts (PPF, ACI, ANR). The two labs also organize a interdisciplinary research network on natural transport (GDR TRANSNAT)

The group has also strong connections with many foreign universities (Cornell, Montreal, Naples, Aarhus, Nouakchott …) generally in the framework of contracts (PAI, PICS, CNRS-NSF).

The two groups have various facilities including flow set-ups and flumes (developed in collaboration with the “Geosciences Rennes” laboratory). The experimental tools dedicated to visualization are fast cameras (up to 250,000 Hz) and image processing (PIV, particle tracking). They own a gamma-ray densitometer as well as acoustic measurement tools. Concerning numerical simulations, the two groups possess both mono and multi-processor computers as well as a cluster of workstations.




Result of the latest AERES assessment


Scientists of very high level

or very high potential

* Eric Pottier (PR-Ex), age 48, Since 1990 : 1 book, 9 chapters in books, 56 publications, 341 communications; IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Letters Prize Award 2007, 2007 IEEE EDUCATION AWARD for “Outstanding Contributions to Education in the Area of Interest of the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society”, IEEE Fellow 2011 « For contribution in Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar ». * Laurent Ferro-Famil (PR), age 38, In the last 4 years : 18 publications, 80 communications; IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Letters Prize Award 2007 * Sophie Allain-Bailhache (MCF), age 34, In the last 4 years : 1 chapter in books, 2 publications, 22 communications;

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* Stéphane Meric (MCF), age 43, In the last 4 years : 1 chapter in books, 7 communications;

Key figures for the laboratory

In the last four years: * 1 book * 2 chapters in books * 2 book editors * 31 publications * 22 invited talks * 134 communications * 12 PhD thesis * 1 ANR * 1 PNTS - CNES * 5 Industrial contracts (ESA, DGA, CNES)

Available equipment and infrastructure

1) PoSAR System (Pocket SAR): Spaceborne SAR sensors provide an important source of information for global Earth monitoring. In order to enhance our understanding of the effect of the terrain radar response, it is important to link the ground truth with the SAR images and to be able to manage in-situ measurement to understand the terrain radar response. Because airborne and space-borne radar are not flexible for radar acquisitions, SAPHIR Team develops a low-cost and high performance radar imaging system, named PoSAR for Pocket SAR. This GB-SAR is of great importance for the validation of all the theoretical studies conducted by the Team as well as by the national, seen international, remote sensing community. POLSAR and POL-InSAR remote sensing offers important applications for the Earth global monitoring. The second version of our GB-SAR system is now in a phase of packaging in order to be mounted on an airborne platform. 2) VIGISAT Ground Station: As member of the GIS BRETEL (UE Nereus Network), SAPHIR team has a privilege access to the polarimetric RADARSAT-2 SAR images received by the VIGISAT Ground Station located in Brest. In the next future, this Ground Station will be able to distribute SAR images acquired by the new ESA Earth Explorer and GMES missions like Sentinel-1A.

Created in 2002, IETR - Institut d’Electronique et de Télécommunications de Rennes – UMR CNRS 6164 (www.ietr.fr) creates synergies between more than 280 people from the University of Rennes 1, the Rennes Institute for Applied Sciences (INSA Rennes), and the High School of Electricity (Supelec). In January 2012, 45 people from the IREENA research unit of the University of Nantes will join IETR, bringing the total staff of IETR to more than 330 people. Combining expertise in microelectronics, image processing, electromagnetic propagation, antennas, electromagnetic compatibility, communication systems, automation, and radar remote sensing, IETR provides its institutional and industrial partners with a broad range of skills.

The SAPHIR team, which stands for the French acronym of SAR Polarimetry, Holography, Interferometry and Radargrammetry, is the SAR remote sensing team of IETR and is composed (2011) of 4 senior researchers, 4 technicians, administrative staff and engineers, 9 post-doc and Ph.D. students.

The research activities of the SAPHIR team concern both qualitative and quantitative aspects of SAR remote sensing with emphasis on Polarimetric Interferometric SAR (Pol-In SAR) data processing. The

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SAPHIR team has a solid background in the qualitative analysis of target and natural medium scattering properties. The joint use of a theoretical approach to Radar Polarimetry (polarization algebra, decomposition theorems …) and signal processing principles adapted and developed to meet SAR remote sensing requirements, permits to significantly improve the understanding of the backscattering phenomenon and the possibilities of analysis and description of the underlying media. Research activities are being lead in the domain of quantitative remote sensing, to retrieve bio- and geo-physical properties of natural media from Pol-In SAR data. The fields of applications concern natural surfaces (wetlands), snow, forests and urban areas. Different SAR acquisition configurations such as multi-temporal, multi-frequency, full or partial polarization modes may be used to improve the parameter inversion performance.

Since 2003, the SAPHIR team is the project leader of the development of the PolSARpro ESA-software (earth.esa.int/polsarpro) which provides an Educational Software that offers a tool for self-education in the field of Polarimetric and Polarimetric Interferometric SAR data analysis at University level and a comprehensive suite of more than 1000 functions for the scientific exploitation of fully and partially polarimetric multi-data sets and the development of applications for such data. The PolSARpro software offers today the possibility to handle PolSAR and Pol-InSAR data provide by different current and future Spaceborne Sensors (ALOS-PALSAR, ENVISAT-ASAR, RADARSAT2, TerraSAR X, SIRc, Kosmo-Skymed, Sentinel-1a, SAOCOM, RISAT …) as well as Airborne Sensors (AIRSAR, TOPSAR, Convair, EMISAR, ESAR, PISAR, RAMSES). Today, more than 1200 declared users from more than 60 different countries worldwide have downloaded and are using PolSARpro software.

At last, the SAPHIR team is already involved in multidisciplinary projects of the OSU, with special links with the COSTEL team on remote sensing developments applied to environmental systems. SAPHIR team has been ranked by the AERES at the top level in 2011 (A+).



Result of the latest AERES assessment


Scientists of very high level

or very high potential

* "European Union Law": internal and international aspects" (dir. I Bosse Platière, PR) : Chaire Unesco and GDRI CNRS on regional integrations (2010) – Center of excellence Jean Monnet 2005, reconducted in 2011, under the coordination of C. Flaesch-Mougin, PR. * "Health/social welfare", (dir. Brigitte Feuillet-Liger, PR and Marion Del Sol, PR): Erasmus Mundus 2005 * "Environmental and sustainable development Law", (dir. Nathalie Hervé-Fournereau, CR CNRS): Chaire d’excellence CNRS-INEE (2009) * "Liability/insurance and heritage", (dir. Philippe Pierre, PR and Anne Karm, PR)

Key figures for the laboratory


Available equipment and infrastructure


The «Institut de l'Ouest» - Western Institute : Law and Europe (IODE) is a Mixed Research Unit affiliated to the University of Rennes land to the C.N.R.S. (Science and Engineering Research Council, INSH and INEE) (UMR 6262). The laboratory is conducted by Professor Philippe Pierre (RU1) and is composed of two

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deputy directors, Mrs. Nathalie Hervé¬Foumereau (CR CNRS) and Mrs. Muriel Le Barbier-Le Bris, (MCF UR1). AERES notation : A (A+ for governance).

The UMR IODE consists of 55 teachers-researchers (1 Chaire d’excellence CNRS-INEE) and 2 researchers CNRS and hosts 58 Ph.D students, with the support of 7 administrative employees.

The presentation of the scientific assessment will henceforth put the emphasis on setting out the activity of these orientations, which are now 4:

"European Union Law": internal and international aspects" (dir. Prof. I Bosse Platière) : Chaire Unesco and GDRI CNRS on regional integrations (2010) – Center of excellence Jean Monnet 2005, reconducted in 2011, under the coordination of C. Flaesch-Mougin, PR.

"Health/social welfare", (dir. Prof. Brigitte Feuillet-Liger and Sylvie Hennion) : Erasmus Mundus 2005

"Environmental and sustainable development Law", (dir. Nathalie Hervé Fournereau) : Chaire d’excellence CNRS-INEE (2009)

"Liability/insurance and heritage", (dir. Prof. Philippe Pierre and Anne Karm).

The environmental and sustainable development law ‘s team focus their research on four orientations :

Integration of environmental requirements into the definition and implementation of public policies, especially under the EU Law (agriculture and fisheries policy, external policies and development cooperation, energy…)

Linkages between science and environmental law (biodiversity and ecosystem services, water and soils)

Competencies and environmental governance (articulation of law system at multi-level)

Environmental liability

Different research programs are conducted in an interdisciplinary perspective, especially with members of OSU of Rennes (ecological connectivity and agriculture activities Diva program, ZA Armorique CNRS) and focused on emergency thematics as ecosystem services, nanotechnology (ANR Nanonorma 2009-2012 : IODE is a member and one of the workpackage concerns nanotechnology and environmental risks).

A partnership will be developed by IODE around the MC²=Env project with the Centre for Research on Political Action in Europe (UMR 6262 CRAPE), a joint research unit affiliated to the University of Rennes 1, Sciences Po Rennes, and to the CNRS, led by Claude Martin, senior research fellow at CNRS. CRAPE includes around 90 members of staff, and focuses on three main research areas: Governance, health and territory, Journalism and public space, Mobilization, citizenship and political life.

In the MC²=Env project, CRAPE will participate in three main research focus, described in WP4: Environmental mobilization, European policy, Media perception of environmental issues.



Veolia Environnement’s activities are at the crossroads of several major challenges facing the modern world: demographic explosion and urbanization, access to water, fighting climatic change. The solution to these challenges requires a global industrial and technological approach. This transversal approach lies at the core of Veolia Environnement’s Research and Innovation (R&I) strategy. With today’s technologies, these challenges are already lost. It is therefore by focusing fully on the inventive capacity of its research teams that the Group plans to rise to the environmental challenge, by proposing innovative solutions at an affordable cost. The four-pronged approach of the R&I department comprises: (i) managing and preserving resources, (ii) limiting the impact on the environment, (iii) improving the quality of life of

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populations and (iv) developing renewable energies sources. Fighting against climate change also occupies a leading place in this framework. Veolia Environnement’s research activities are overseen by Veolia Environnement Recherche et Innovation (VERI). In 2009, these R&I activities comprised nearly 850 experts worldwide (including 425 researchers and 425 on-site developers), with a total budget of approximately €89,8 million(1).

The Veolia Environnement Research Department works on behalf of all Group Divisions, as their needs are similar. In particular, all seek to solve environmental and health problems with the support of numerous tools, such as modeling and chemical and bacteriological analysis. By working on behalf of all Divisions, the Research Department helps ensure better consistency of R&D activities with the Group’s strategy.

Veolia Environnement has four main research centers that operate in a network. Located in the Greater Paris region and specializing in water, waste, energy and transportation, the centers have related units and correspondents in France and abroad (United Kingdom, Germany, United States and Australia).

In 2003, Veolia Environnement set up an international network of Research and Innovation officers, to identify innovation needs in each region of the world and communicate local technical developments. Certain research centers abroad have acquired specialized expertise and have partnered with centers in France. These research units have become showcases for Veolia Environnement’s technological expertise. In the water sector, the Berlin Water Center (Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin) is a center of excellence for the protection of water resources and the Group’s activities in Australia have become a benchmark for the reuse of waste water.

From the four areas at the core of Veolia Environnement’s current Research and Innovation, two are directly related to the MC²=Env project: Managing and preserving natural resources, Limiting environmental impacts.


ITASCA is an engineering firm that solves hydrogeological, geomechanics, and microseismological problems in many fields including the mining, civil, petroleum, waste isolation, and environmental industries. The state-of-the-art numerical modeling codes that Itasca uses and sells for solving problems in geomechanics, material processing and hydrology are among the most widely used, widely respected tools of their kind. Operating as both consultants and software developers creates dynamic interplay: the technical capabilities of the consultancy are extended via direct access to the sources of the software tools it uses. In turn, the software is continuously developed, improved, and proven in the real-world problem-solving environment of the consulting practice.

ITASCA continuously develops close collaborations with research and academic institutes (among which l’Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de Rennes, BRGM, Ecole Centrale de Lyon) and participates in private (Mass Mining Technology Consortium, Swedish SKB) or public (ANR, CIFRE) research projects. These currently include: a development of theoretical and numerical models of Discrete Fracture Networks with application to underground nuclear waste storage; characterization of effective mechanical properties of fractured rock with application to civil engineering and mining; micromechanical numerical simulation of fracture development around underground excavations; Well and near-well behavior during CO2 injection.


Korilog is a bioinformatics company providing the Life Science community with innovative software solutions in the key areas of data integration, visualization and management. The company is specialized in the design and implementation of softwares aim at facilitating the overall exploration of sequence databanks. From 2008, the company has been labeled Young Innovative Company from the French Ministry of Research.

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The company mainly provides researchers with a software platform, KoriBlast, which is in use in many R&D departments in both public and private laboratories. KoriBlast is a powerful and user-friendly graphical software designed to conduct large scale exploration of biological sequence databanks and related information (functional, taxonomy, pathways, mutations, etc). The software can be used for a wide range of applications in genomics and proteomics, such as: full genome & proteome comparisons, microarray reannotation, taxonomy & phylogenetic analyses, functional & structural studies of proteins and metagenomics.

Employees from Korilog have skills in the design and implementation of software components in data integration and visualiztion in the context of genomics and metagenomics data. The partner brings to the Labex project its broad experience in the effective creation of industrial quality software platforms. Korilog’s founder, Patrick Durand, sed to participate in the setup of several academic software developments of wide use (Cn3D, PimWalker and Genostar).


The CRESEB is a joint initiative of the Bretagne region and of the main scientific institutions in Brittany (universities, INRA, BRGM, CEMAGREF, EHESP) to facilitate the scientific knowledge transfer from academic institutions to local stakeholders and managers. The CRESEB is devoted to water resource issues (protection, quality, extraction, etc.). It organizes working groups with both scientists and local managers on subjects of interest for the water management. It also develop tools that help local managers to apply scientifically sound methods.

The OSUR is a privileged partner of the CRESEB. The MC²=Env project will give new means to the OSUR and CRESEB for facilitating this scientific knowledge transfer.

As an important actor of the water politics, the Bretagne region and its water service is also a privileged partner of the MC²=Env project. Modeling approaches developed in the LABEX on water issues will be key tools for the Bretagne region to make the right decisions on the seek for a better water quality in Brittany.


Founded in 1984 in Rennes, the “Espace des sciences” (1901 Law Association) is a regional scientific, technical and industrial center labeled "Science and Culture - Innovation" by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research 2008. This center is the most visited in France after Paris. The “Espace des sciences” (EDS) is located at the Champs Libres in Rennes since 2006.

The first mission of the “Espace des sciences” is to arouse curiosity that make people informed, update their knowledge, and enable all to better decipher the world. Children are a privileged audience; they are encouraged to make their own experiences on activities specifically designed for this purpose. Another mission is to provide some answers to universal questions of adults, such as the origin of the universe, life and mankind.

This approach, cultural and educational, is in close contact with researchers. One of the duties of scientists is to share knowledge and thus to present their research and discoveries to the public. The exchange is run by professionals of mediation: these new professions represented at the EDS are a guarantee of validity, understanding and transmission of ideas between practitioners and audiences.

The “Espace des sciences” develops exhibitions, meetings and scientific itinerant products. He leads three showrooms: Eureka Merlin Laboratory, Room of the Earth and a Planetarium. The EDS organizes conferences each Tuesday evening "Les Mardis de l’Espace des sciences”, popular events such as "Festival des Sciences" (local event) "Fête de la Science" (national event), "Nuit des chercheurs" (European event). The EDS radiates throughout Brittany and beyond thanks to its exhibitions, its rentals of exhibitions, its

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educational activities, and two antennas at Morlaix and St. Malo. The EDS publishes the monthly magazine “Sciences Ouest”, many popular books and runs a website (http://www.espace-sciences.org/).

The “Espace des sciences” is supported by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, Ministry of National Education, Rennes, Brittany Regional Council, the General Council of Ille-et-Vilaine, the Council of Finistère, the General Council of Côtes d'Armor, the City of Morlaix, the City and the Theatre de Saint-Malo, the regional Delegation of the CNRS and the Breton Federation of Credit Agricole (bank fund).


The national Petits Débrouillards network is the first network in the area of scientific and technical culture in France. After 20 years of experience in scientific mediation, the network has become an indispensable actor in this area in France. The association Petits Débrouillards Bretagne (apdB) is one of the driving forces behind this network, with 21 years of existence on the Breton territory. It is recognized as of common public interest and complementary to public education. It has the state accreditation of popular education and is member of the French network made up of 20 regional associations and active in 17 countries. It reaches each year 40 000 participants, in cooperation with 500 partners, and with the help of 400 actors (educators, mediators, researchers …). Its objectives are :

to allow the access of the youngest to scientific and technical culture

to participate at social debates on education and culture

to contribute to train active citizens, capable of a considerate and critical opinion, actors of the world of tomorrow

apdB works in partnership with numerous research institutions (OSUR, Biological Survey Station of Roscoff, Ifremer, IUEM, CREAD, etc.). The association acts as an interface between scientists and the general public. It pursues the following objectives :

to bring together researchers and citizens, promote encounters and generate interchanges

to contribute to the emergence of a scientific third sector and promote the development of participatory research

to fight against the disillusion with scientific courses of study

to create new spaces of dialogue between science and society

The collaboration between apdB and OSUR goes in the same direction. Thanks to a strong and rich partnership experience in Brittany, the two organizations presented an evaluation and future perspective in May 2011. The LABEX MC²=Environment project will offer the opportunity to strengthen and renew the collaboration.