A Korean Artist Visit Hell

In 2009, a young Korean artist who was attending an all-night prayer meeting, was visited by Jesus Christ. She was taken to see Hell and told by Jesus to draw what she saw, so that the world would know. Artist Speaking: As I was praying all night long, I was able to love Jesus more than ever. One day, Jesus came and said in my Heart, I will show you the deeper things of Heaven.I thought I was going to visit heaven, but instead, we visited Hell. Don't Go To Hell A young Korean artist taken to Hell (Minimally Abridged & Edited) www.DivineRevelations.info/pit

Transcript of A Korean Artist Visit Hell

Page 1: A Korean Artist Visit Hell

In 2009, a young Korean artist who was attending an all-night prayer meeting, was visited by Jesus

Christ. She was taken to see Hell and told by Jesus to draw what she saw, so that the world would know.

Artist Speaking: “As I was praying all night long, I was able to love Jesus more than ever. One day,

Jesus came and said in my Heart, “I will show you the deeper things of Heaven.”

I thought I was going to visit heaven, but instead, we visited Hell.

Don't Go To Hell

A young Korean artist taken to Hell (Minimally Abridged & Edited) www.DivineRevelations.info/pit

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As I followed Jesus, I cried the whole time. I then began to hear moans, screams, and wailing sounds.

Most people have a misconception about Hell. They are deluded and think that if they "Only Believe in

Jesus Christ," they will end up in Heaven. Some even think that once they die, there is nothing


People believe as they think, and therefore they live their lives as they please…

Jesus also showed me that as people watch violent secular movies, demons would actually torment the

person’s soul without the person realizing it. As a person watches the scenes from TV, their soul is

tormented and wounded. Watching secular TV does not help Christians develop a loving relationship

with our bridegroom Jesus.

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I saw that when people were smoking and drinking, that spirits of snakes filled the alcoholic drinks and

the cigarette smoke.

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Jesus showed me how people fall into Hell.

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Jesus: I see countless people falling into the eternal deep sea of the fire of Hell every single

day…Please tell the people what you have witnessed in Hell! You must tell them about Hell! Tell

people how awful and gruesome Hell is! You must paint the scene of Hell as if you are within my

heart. Draw the scenes with My aching heart!

They are falling into the Fire of Hell.

Draw it with My aching heart….

He felt such pity for people who were falling into Hell every single day!

As Jesus witnessed the sins committed by man, He cried. satan and his demons would tie the bodies of

sinners so tight with iron chains to control them. Therefore sinners would go deeper and deeper in sin.

I am pleading with you not to commit sin. Do NOT live as you desire. In Hell, the senses are hundreds of

times more vivid than what we feel on Earth. The pain is more severe.

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As I was painting the scenes of Hell, satan attacked me severely. But I wanted to show the world about

Hell and the heart of Jesus through these paintings.

I saw people being tormented on a cross.

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I saw people who did not want to eat the bread of life...(God's Word)

There were people who would not discuss the things of their lives with Jesus, but made their own

decisions, and followed their own will.

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There were people who drank and ate prohibited things.

Jesus: Please tell people who hurt each other’s’ hearts by their words that they must not hurt or

wound their brothers/sisters in Christ. They must not say things without care or love.

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This is how Murderers, rapists and child kidnappers will be tormented.

This woman tries desperately to escape.

The punishment for liars.

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Those people who stole money will be penetrated by arrows and needles.

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In Hell, I saw a woman and her son who had died. In Hell they no longer loved each other. Because of

the unbearable pain, they would do anything to escape the torment, even by stepping on each other.

Insects in Hell. These insects are for people who committed sins by their thoughts. They were filled

with their own thoughts and knowledge. Covered by countless maggots, their entire body is wounded

by large insects; going in and out of the whole body, mouth, ears and head.

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Persecution of the gospel: The picture shows how demons would influence people to persecute, harass and kill the messengers

of the full and true gospel.

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These people were filled with their own thoughts and knowledge.

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These people were obstinate in their thinking. They thought, "why would Jesus work in my life? Who

am I? I don’t think He loves me. I am very evil. I don’t think He would love someone like me."

They were also people who violated God’s word and ignore God’s commandments. They will be placed

in an area similar to a frying pan, which was burning with Hell fire.

Those people who do not attempt to align their thoughts with God’s will end up in Hell. We must fix

our minds and thoughts on God. This torment was for those Christians who did not share the gospel.

They did not evangelize the good news to the lost. They ignored their calling.

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This torment was for the people who had ignored God’s word and still continued to commit sin. They

are the ones who performed evil in the eyes of the Lord.

For those who worshiped idols, those that had evil thoughts and were stubborn in their ways.

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Grumblers and complainers also wound up in Hell. [1st Corinthians 10:10]

Grumblers and complainers in their heart.

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There is a place in Hell for men who cheated on their spouses. For those who became gay or bisexual.

They were penetrated by knives and spears.

For those who became sexually corrupt, their private parts were being pierced by demons.

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Hell is endless, the torment are endless.

For those who would not repent.

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You must kill any devil that is living inside of you.

When we repent and pray before God, angel armies come down and pierce the demons with their


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Jesus said, "Focus Me. You must focus only Me."

Don’t go to Hell!!!