(A Joint venture of Govt. Oflndia Govt. Of Delhi) · 2019-05-07 · (likely ) Logix Neo Sector 150,...

-- -- --- -- ---- --- --- --- -- -- - --- ---- § (A Joint v enture of Govt. Oflndia & Govt. Of Delhi) A NNUAL PROPERTY RETURN (APAR) for ve al' 2017-1 8- APR 201 8 E MPLOYEE PARTI CU LARS 1 Na me of Offi ce r Dinesh Kumar Jain I Present Basic Pay(Rs.) 941001- (In Full ) 2 E mploy Numb er 3238 8 Present P ays cale 15600-391001- G.P. 7600 3 D ate of b i ,·th 25061965 9 Nat ure of E mpl oyme nt (Di rect Recruit / (dd / mm/ yy) Deputation 4 W ing (Pr oj ect / op er ati on) Project deputati on / Reemployed/ Contract ) 5 10 Department CEE/UG-TR(Electrical) Pare nt Orga ni sa tion (if De pu tat ion) Northern Railway 6 Present Desi gna tion DGM/Electrical \I Date of Joi ning DMRC as an e xec uti ve 18. 11 .2015 (dd / mm / yy ) Mod e of Acqui r ing Prop e rty, Type of If not own whe th er by Immova bl e Na me & D eta ils n ame, s tate p urc h ase, l ease, pr operty (Comme rci al / Loca tion the own er' s mor tgage, Annu al Income S. (Apartme nt R esidenti al) of D eta ils of Ac qui sit ion Acq ui sit ion Pr ese nt nalne a nd Inheri ta nce, gi ft from Rema rks No. / La nd / Pr oper ty (Size & Property Pr ice(Rs.) D ate( dd / mm/ yy ) Value(Rs.) re latio nship or oth erwi se P rop erty( Rs.) (i f any) with date of Bu ilding/ Area of Prop erty. wit h Govt . ac q uisi t io n and O th e r- Spec ity) E mpl oy ee bn ame d etai ls of persons fo rm whom it is ac qui red 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 B2/1405 or Permission 0/2004 Booked the Flat dt. 5.5. 12 (likely ) Logix Neo Sector 150, RS . 49 .14 but constru cti on Application RS. 49.15 December 201 9 is under 1. Flat World , Sector NOIDA La c (App r ox ) (Likely) Lac Se lf & W ife not started and Nil procession 150, NOIDA (U.P.) (Approx) possession not (U.P.)( 1360 sq. ft. received till date in CRO approx.) Office/NR, New Delhi Certi fi ed that I have been reg ul ar ly submit the Immovable Property Returns and no re tu rn fo r any year is outstanding (E mployment Date: 17 - 5 -.I Mobil e N°'8 960 120 4- Lrrs Strike Ou t th e Co lumn s which ar e not a pplicable Use a nd extra sh eet for additi onal information

Transcript of (A Joint venture of Govt. Oflndia Govt. Of Delhi) · 2019-05-07 · (likely ) Logix Neo Sector 150,...

Page 1: (A Joint venture of Govt. Oflndia Govt. Of Delhi) · 2019-05-07 · (likely ) Logix Neo Sector 150, RS. 49.14 but construction Application RS. 49.15 December 201 9 is under 1. Flat

- - ----- -- - --- --- --- --- ---- - -------

§ (A Joint venture of Govt. Oflndia & Govt. Of Delhi)

ANNUAL PROPERTY RETURN (APAR) for veal' 2017-1 8 - APR 201 8


1 Name of Offi cer Dinesh Kumar Jain I Presen t Bas ic P ay( Rs.) 941001-

(In Full) 2

Employ Number 3238 8 P resent P ayscale 15600-391001- G.P. 7600

3 D ate of bi,·th 25061965 9

Natur e of E mployment (Di rect Recruit / (dd/ mm/ yy) Deputation

4 W ing (Proj ect / operation) Project deputation / Ree mployed / Contract)

5 10 D epart ment CEE/UG-TR(Electrical) Parent Organisati on (if Deputation) Northern Railway

6 Present D esignation DGM/Electrical

\I Dat e of J oining D M RC as an executive 18.11 .2015 (dd / mm/ yy)

Mode of Acqui r ing Property,

T ype of If not own whether by

Immovable Name & D etails name, s tate p urchase, lease,

property (Commerci al / Locati on t he owner's mor tgage,

Annual Income S.

(Apart ment Residential) of Details of Acqui sit ion Acquisition Present

nalne and Inheri tance, g ift

from Remarks

No. / Land/ Proper ty (Size & Property

Pr ice( Rs.) Date(dd / mm/ yy) Value( Rs.) relationshi p

or otherwise Property( Rs.)

(i f any) wit h dat e of

Building / Area of Property. with Govt. acquisi tion and

Other-Specity) Employee bname detai ls of persons form whom it is acqui red

1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

B2/1405 or Permission

0/2004 Booked the Flat dt. 5.5.12

(likely ) Logix Neo Sector 150, RS. 49.14 but construction Application RS. 49.15 December 201 9 is under 1. Flat World , Sector NOIDA La c (Approx) (Likely) Lac Self & Wife not started and Nil

procession 150, NOIDA (U.P.) (Approx) possession not (U.P.)( 1360 sq. ft . received till date in CRO

approx.) Office/NR, New Delhi

Certifi ed that I have been reg ularly submit the Immovable Property Retu rns and no return fo r any year is outstanding ~' ~

(Employment Signatur~ Date: 17 - 5 -.I

Mobile N ° '8 960 120 4- Lrrs • Strike Out the Columns which are not applicable

• Use and extra sheet for additional information

Page 2: (A Joint venture of Govt. Oflndia Govt. Of Delhi) · 2019-05-07 · (likely ) Logix Neo Sector 150, RS. 49.14 but construction Application RS. 49.15 December 201 9 is under 1. Flat

--- -- -- _ .. _------- -- - ----- -----

€} (A Joint venture of Govt. OfIndia & Gov t. Of Delhi)

ANNUAL PROPERTY RETURN (APAR) for year 2017-18- APR 2018


I Name of Officer Dinesh Kumar Jain 7 Present Bas ic Pay(Rs.) 941001-(In Full)

'2 Employ Number 3238

8 Present Payscale 15600-391001- G.P. 7600

s Date of birth 25.06.1965 9

Nature of Employment (Direct Recruit l (dd/ mm/ yy) Deputation

4 Wing (Proiect l operation) Project d eputation / Reemployed / Contract)

5 10 Department CEE/UG-TR(Electrical) Parent Organisation (if Deputation) Northern Railway

6 DGM/Electrical I I Date of Joining DMRC as an executive

18.11 .2015 Present Designation (dd / mm/ yy)

Mode of Acquiring Property,

Type of Ifnot own whether by

Immovable Name & Details name, s tate purchase, lease,

property (Commercial I Location the o\\Tler's mortgage,

Annual Income S. Acquisition Acquisition Present Inheritance, gift Remarks

(Apartment Residential) of Details of name and from No. Price(Rs.) Date(dd / mm/ yy) Value(Rs.) or otherwise (if any)

/ Land / Property (Size & Property relationshi p with date of

Property( Rs.) Building/ Area of Property. with Govt.

acquisition and Other-Sped ty) Employee

bname detail s of persons form whom it is acquired

1 2 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

B2/1405 or Permission dt.5.5.12

0/2004 Booked the Flat Application

(likely ) Logix Neo Sector 150. RS. 49.15 December 2019 RS. 49.14 but construction

is under 1. Flat World , Sector NOIDA Lac (Approx) (Likely) Lac Self & Wife not started and Nil

procession 150, NOIDA (U.P.) (Approx) possession not

in CRO (U.P.)(1360 sq. ft. received till date Office/NR,

approx.) New Delhi

Certifi ed that I h ave been r egularly submit the Immovable Property Returns and no r eturn for any year is outstanding

~'IJ (Employment Signature

Date: I 7 - S -) Mobile No~S 60

) 2:OO~+-5 • Strike Out the Columns which are not applicable

• Use and extra sheet for additional information


Page 3: (A Joint venture of Govt. Oflndia Govt. Of Delhi) · 2019-05-07 · (likely ) Logix Neo Sector 150, RS. 49.14 but construction Application RS. 49.15 December 201 9 is under 1. Flat


DELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION (A Joint Venture of Govtof.tlndia & Govt of° Delhi)

Sub: Statemept of Annual Immovable Property Return for the year Ending 31.12.2017f

1. N~me of Officer (in Full) 2 Employee Number 3 Date· of Birth

Dinesh Kumar Jain 3238 25-06-1965

4 Department Electrical, 5 . Present Designation OGM/Electrical 6 Present Basis Pay (Rs) 35210/- (Revised Rs.91400/-) 7 Present Pay Scale · 15600/-to 39100/- · 8 Nature of Employment (Direct Recruit/Deputation/Reemployment): Deputation 9 Parent Organisation (if Deputationist): Northern Railway 10 Date of)oining OMHC as an Executive:18-11-2015

S.No Name& Location Present If not own name, Mode of Acquiring Details Details of value in name, state the Property, whether by Property Property Rupees owner's name purchase, lease,

and relationship mortage, inheritance, with gift or otherwise with Govt.Employees date of acquisition

and name details of persons from whom it is acquired .

1 2 ~ ~, 5 6

1. Flat B2/1405 Rs.49.14 Self& Wife Booked the Flat but or 0/2004 Lac Purchase is construction not

- (Likely) . (Approx) under ·process started and· . l .:.ogix Neo possession· not.

World, received till date. I Sector-

1_50, Noida .

Go .£~* A11'rr17bl:') (U.P.) ( I 3






Permission Application dated 5.5.12 i~ under process in CPO .Office/NR/B aroda Hou$e /New Delhi

Certified that I have been regularly submitting the Immovable Property Returns and no return for any year is outstanding.

(Employee Signature) Date:eY:} .~1.2018

Mobile No.8860124475

,! •. : 1'


,,. . -~ I