A iABLE AND US1 O S DAIL Ew g · 2018. 12. 26. · I lUandegee, " i t ia time for ,t ^ legiJa- I...

the UNITED 1 TW ir B iF FiEXGlGE' OFPHERS ' m ra w m . take peteo - . OEAD IP PEOPOSmOK is EBFCSED-NBQpIIi-■ TIONS DISCLOSE JOEEB FOE oeem ah B H rtirr, arnn.AR TO FIMIAKD WASHINGTON', April 29.— ' Germimy intend to preset to EiiBaia an >ultiinatura domand- ing release of German priwaers held in Siberia, lint thia will .contain a joto permitting re- loaao of only iaTaiid Enesian prisont^. ........... AcommisaooofllSmomb'orB will go to Potograd to tajie op tlie iiuestion ot this eieliange, nnd should it be refused Ger- many threatens to taiie Petro- grad. •v - C , , "' ■ Tho' ultimatum provldM first, .that • .. Ituwla froo all Qornui prUonon in _ KOod health; lecond, that all tho»o is - ill health remain hi-Buula uoder eorc I - of soutral p!i£aieieni, and'third, that I . .acrmaoy releMa.only-invalided JtuBiian • ^ . ptUofieii.' ,. ■^T - ' M m 0«iaua Trlcknr . Thli nflW ovldoneo of QerinAn trlclt- ^ ciy ■'»ra» supplemented by now ftvl4«Qc« .. of similar treatment,In Finland. ; Tho GermBM raannlog FlnnUh forti . • - /ired 00 ehip* booDd^rpm HoI«lDg-, L. • fora.ior.KioMtadt. Tbi* 1» l^jW ^Uon _ . aitlFo BnSr tToaty and tho MvhitTfu 'J jirolMtoa^iii^liijt: It, and againet tho German domaadf for returnlDg of tran'i- porta b ; fiuaiia earlier in the var. Stoekholm adrlco# »ald tho Oennana nre curbing tho Qoard.' The Fin- . nlth nhUe guud' governrntDt l> nqni' - sitloalng tobacco, oH, coffee, edppor and cloth, largely from American and Brit- igh lourcQi but under an agreement not tli to re-eiport to Oermany. > ,, TROOPS GEhGORES I ‘By “OHITEO PRESS" ” - sJ 'r— , '■ WIEBS o r QBBAT NByS aATHHE- ' .XtHTAOBNOT COT DUO T.'M . 0. A. OAMfS AT PiWin! . .' ■ ■■ ________dl , (By United Press.) '■ * I LONDON, April 20.—American troops ’ in training camps .In various part* of “ the United Kingdom' nro rocolvlDg tho o« world's noffa—Ineluciing the blg leaguo m basoball scores—''b y United Press.*' ThU sorvlco la. ae^ivored frflo to tho < Y. M. C. A. In'ono ef the base*, arid Is .relayed by.'.the association to other I-. camps. '. .. ,....... .. ,, Tho Y. JI. 0.'X''#ecreli^'lji;a-'ccr- 'jj .tain repoto baso where Ameri^n fight- >ri, whoso eharacto7'aa(],duties cannot be spccltlod, ate In ttalnlog, today sent tho folld'Wlng telegriun to Ed L. Keen; - •Enropean inaBigor of the United Press: "Tho boys-oro delighted 'Wlth the ffiiltod Press nowj. ^ It Is pealed, In 'as-. ' Boclation headquarters hero*and'l4 then hi phoned .to another "baBO and mailed to m two othors; It la posted In tho assoela- '.tion rooms and on the general bulletin _ board in cach place.' ' | ‘‘It ib eagerly awaited daily. Base- 'I bwl aBd. 'Amcricaa 'fTOLt notfi'iw.-parV J— I ONLY 74 MOBB N B m iO ) ; They haVo been coming In thick and fast since -Baturday at press tlm o-but fine u the record has - - bwn, tho DaUy n«w« U dpt to m lu the 1000 mark by a small mar- gin uDicst there {| t young "tidal waro of now aubscripUona within tho twtmty.fow hour*. ^ Saturday the figures stood' at ^74. Pifty-twtf aow ones haro "regis* , ter«d"ilnee; bringing today's, to- P' W of aetna) bona fid# lubseribers 926 : Wo would like that tubserlptlon , bafort tomonow fcftemooa--lf you pletao. Just ' r a O H B ' S3 . , ® 4— ------ -- ~ fl PRESS-IT'S A OS ■V-: A rmans STI AGAINST^ ' Heavy Fighting Marl of Drive in Flander ' and French on Def( I Success---Huns Mai TH E Gonnan drlvb'ifl Flanders has been re- J -Bmned, after a. lull bf 24_ ■■'-•'liburfir''''--''' * ■_ A fter a complete ccssa-- : I >tion of infantry QpGiations I on tho entire bnttio fi^nt, ^ following'deflperate fight- ing of EVlday, Hindcnburg,. Btruck nqrtliwardj..agaln&t.. - ’■ -l^irei_£ 4 »ain ^tiirSay- af-, ternoon. ' 5 The official statem ents of . yesterday bI iow thtrBritisb J still lioldini!:-the'coeray at j . Voomiezeelb, tw o ~ miles-' «outli of Ypres, while tho. French are-successfully de- * fending Locre. The only progrcas made by, tho Germans wns' a voluntary ^th- ^ . clrawnl by tho British east of Yprei, ) citcd in yesterday’s official state- ment of tho German war office. ' “ In tho noighbothood of-Fcatu- Itert, by n'auicessfiil OBterpriso last . night, wo ro-took a poat which bad l>cen captured Friday night, togeth* er-wlth fifty prisoners anil tbree t • inacblao-guns." .... I AIR PROGRAM IS AGAIN U N D EM E |*y.SrSENATE ; OEISBlto mOIEOT.ASP -QEOBs iiram oim o y 'j a OEAEOE b F BEAKDEi^ ; -SAYS m n i TO AOT. I . ^ WASHINGTON, April 29.-Dehiand • that congress look into' charges of " shameful profltecriog, criminal neg- lect and ^ s s inefficiency,” in carry- ing out Araerica's air program, was mado. In th e . senato'^today by Beoator Bran'degco, Connecticut Tho report of Gutium Dorglnm, Pres- [dont Wilson's personal InTostigator, _ was snbmlttod-by,.Drandegce, and wna Immediately'made the subject for a hot debate.' •. “ U tbo situation as to aircraft pro- duetlo'n is' anything liko whijt Is de.- flcribed In those bljjtering w of^," said I lUandegee, " it ia time for ,t^ legiJa- I tlvo departmerit of tho go»erSmeat. to I act ]^ a ro already urged the senate > military- affairs committee to act, to Icsm whether Borglum’s report Is tnio I or false. ' No' U o n Oaponflago "Tho trotb about It ought cot to bo ; what Borglam's business is. ‘‘lle'B a acuiptor," sold BraoJegeo. "Uas ho nny qualifications for judg* ) ing airplaneal" eontlnuod Phelan. •‘‘Well, rinco tho prealdont shotted 1 him, I am iDclii^od to think ho has not;” ' , nnjwcred BrandegflO. ' i • ' I :TyfiKElSllGGESTl P E A C U O BUSSIA PIHE IT A L IC HAOT OF WAE LOED SEEN IN THE EUSSIAH MEBBAOE \ . / . ■''/ By J03EPB SDAPLEN (United Preaa Btaff Correapondeat) PETBOORAD, April 23.—Despite the Caucasian declaration of war, Turkey haa again offered io begin peace nego- tiations with tho Buaalan government, proposing that they bo conducted ia TreWmd. This action can bo expliUnod as re- sulting frpm a hint from Qermany— which needs, all tho Turkish tropps it •cnn obtain.' ' This diipitch—the firstm elved from Shaplon alfito m ly la tbe tjjtath— shows tho osual delay In cable news J from Russia. , . ALWAYS ABSO TWIH TAILS, JDABO, BAI FRIKE NORTH rPRES SALIEjsIT rks Re-ccmniencemeht ers After Lull— British ifensive With Excellent lake Little Progress. : ' HetTjr AitUleiy Fighting ' .South of tho Sommo there ia ar- ' tlllery activity from Y«lfrs-Bre- - tonneur southward to the Luce river. The French.war offlco reporta the ' -ropulse of Gorman'attaeks, follow- ing heavy bombardments in tl^e^ Chcmln dcs Dames, St. Uihlel and luBorlJle sectors. American troops hold positiooa In oath of th t» see- An unnamed. French officer ,is- quoted as declaring .that Foeh. Is * satiifled,.w)tb the.ratO'at which the ...... allies are' killing Germans aod i* not ready to strike. Loasea.Beli«V«d T:«aisalona • X Tho officer said tho alliea " h a v o „ .' the boche whero wo want him, and thcre-is no doubt wo U n keep him i thno. a groat deal longer than'is ' .healthy for him;” , Foeh told aem- ^ I enceau aa much as a month ago to " w a it,f the officer said.' , A United Press dispatch from ' - . tho British front bear* out-Foch's i belief that llindenburg Is suffering , ; tromcodoua tones. Tho dispatch t said that tho Oermaos already have ' 1 used 165 of thoir SOO dlTl.i^ioDS on > tho w;est front, thnt tho iblO class { ] already l^ ln tho line, aod that tho 1020 class is owalting tbe,call. ; # A V y «O N r lAM ilARE I E DEGIDEDION: _ . - ■ -.. i P duty, op peovidihobe . j [S P I A O E M ^ UNITS FOR ] E ABUiES r a FEANOE BE- ; LONGS TO U. S. . : I "" ' , ' Bd BY CABL'D. OBOAT of (United Preas Staff Corrcspoodont) * ■8; WASHINGTON, April 29.- "Very Infge quotas” of Amor- or ican men will be required “in ' the immediate future'* for Berv- | ’*• ice overseas to (ill up the gaps i inflicted in thc west front drive, J “ the war department weekly siTmiiiary dcclai^ today. i ro. Uan Pomr Will Dodde | lo; “ The outcome of the proaent opera- Jd tipns in the Weat dopom^ o^ man pow- la. er,” tho atatoment said,'adding, ?'ours | ^ Is the Itnporatlvo duty of providing re- platomcBt units for tho armloa now lu France.' We must be able to ptit fresh ( to men in the flold-thoroughly and method* 00 Ically tralood. In addition to thoso al- . ready called lo tbo colon and now train- • Ing'at our caotonmeota or already se- lected-for acrviio,' very large quotas will bo required In tho-immediate fu- ture to fill tho gaps.'’ cd Drafts to Follow rost This warning nppatontly ,waa Inlead- * !0- cd to prepare thO nation for colli even S' larger than thoso, listed for tho coming month or two, ed '‘Admitting Iho gravity of the silun- , tloo, the sutement declared the criais up to the present has resulted “ in large meaaure favorably to tho enemy” but pointed out that with joint alHod ^ command tho'bocho'tli' fallod in his purpose o r wrecking the BritlsB o.nny. A Tho summary aauouoMil for tho fitst , timo, as far as the depaHment is con- 'y cerned, that'Amerlean trooi^ are lo- t ; cated east of Amlons, havo hnd • part i, tp In the struggle wbleb kept tbo OeroaQ q ^ offvAmieaa. ths past week, and .hAvo jj g acquitted themselves' well' . n , • .Blngla Bnsaiaawat' K ot DedslTo ^ r ' “ A'battlo of such magaUade.'U'the ^ [ I one being fought in tho west Cannot' bo ^ ( decided by any sloglo doi^'omoat. q <'The vigorons attaeka driven against ( 1 ,. the British llnea woro inteoded to par- j alyzo tbe independeoco of tho British ^ command. In thla tbo esBiny h u falUd. Unit of the command of the allies has ^ Jg extended oporationa to the broader field of general engagements In which all the ( allied Jorces will, heiuaforth b« uaed intorchangtably. "This change in tho combat situa- tion h u materially titered (ho moment of decliloi of tho offooilTe. 'Instead • of the eaemy being able to defeat the British army and then turn iU foil -* energy agidakt the Trtneb, the alUea ' . <CeBUnned oa Pago S.) ^ OLUTELYRELL DAIL BATU^AT, A Pm 29. 1M8 riUESfflOi' jflSiES; - ‘wniiis ~ ~ I : CONTINtrATION OF HDN’S ^FFOETTOTAKEYPEES , MEANS DEPLETION OF ; TEOOPS TO DANOEEOUS r ex ten t fo e hinden - • ! BEEQ t- , ' I * ' By-J. W. T. MAflOK I (United Press War Expert) ' NEW YOEK,. April, 29.- Dangerous ddifletitm of tlic Gcr- I iiian reserves will hencetorth be f iicceasa'ry if Von Hindcnburg 1 continues^ liis effort to capture I Ypres nnd advance toward thc ' cliannel ports. Tho battle of Yprtw, which Is I the roal battle for the' channel ports Jn the present series of j ' couilm'ts, is in reality a strategic ; RtniRgle between nindenbiirg aud Foeh conuerniug ‘ the ew- |il()vment of tholr reserves. • t Ti)ere Is no longer nny doubt but ' that tho German reserves aro-';2)elog _ Ihrown luviahly into tho Ypres nrcii, ~ -while ui^io'tho preient Foeh'has re- fuied to.hftwrd'hls own rewr^'o for«s for defensive pJrpeses. It nindcablirg _, : is Ftoppeil perniBoently boforo capturhif - the channel ports and If tbo olUt*' ro- ’• serves hnvo not-been thrown Intp tho . ' eoDfliet, llindenburg bM lost bj^'all'th'e ^ rules of tho war game.. ' ’ 1 U Shortanlng in' 8ight-r t *7 X01 only will tho total Gcrmaolilaugb- } ... tV. bo rory mU'ch‘giDfttflr..tlum, tha.al- lIuTbut the Qennan front will bavo ^ S> been extended to a ustiesa dlstanco that . BOOO must bo violently shorteood. Tbo ^ present battlo, thoroforo, la a gigantic C 5. struggle on tho part of Focb to savo r ‘ hls reacrvcs and to savo the channel , ports; on tho part of nindonborg to use ^ up Fctch’s reserves aad gain tho chan- , oei ports. . ' J Whether In tho ond ^och will consider c it better fo loao tho porta rather than f lose, his reserves cannot at present be ^ — known.. The argument in favor of this procedure ia based on the probability . that It will require moro men than Oe^ s H many can supply to keep ber frdni'in- o . tact to tho channel towne for any eon- t siderablo poriod. A long thin lino nOglit t: IS bo cut a t a polut that would involvo tbe Q annlhllatioo for'tho'QomanB:ln.CaIaIs * nnd Boulogne. " propaganda WILL NOW BE EMPLOYED! l! QEEMANS LAVraO PLANS J: FOE"WHISPEEraOOAM- J "• PAIGN” raEUEOPE. < 0- . fl as —. " ' “■ By UOBEIIT J. BBSDEB ^ (United Press Btaff Corrcspon'dent) WASUINGTON, April SO^Qcrmn- “ J. ny's bloody effort to split tho British „ nad French allies In tho west will bo ^ followed by a tremendeus propaganda •• * effert;UIrectcd_to_tho same end, Diplomatic . advlcoa. today.''.iii^eabl • ’ that tho Teutons laylng-hbfpHuirioi I ft/'vrhisporing offensive' of.trcMhery si t, as carefullyas ho prepared his'gigantlo p military effort in Flamlet* and Picardy', d is Plaatorraoeo ‘® y- From. the. advance guard of the prop*- ,aganda assault", It -nppeara Qermany will follow two courses in-Franco—offer ^ 0- to arKLOgo for settlement of French loans to Russia, aow apparently lost, ond stir up dissMlsfactlon with Eng- q Joj^.for "startlag'tho war and then iot'-<do[ii'g h e r p i ^ t ' ’ Advicoa hero In* Ulcatb'-thtif 'raueh of tho now propagan- da is eminating from Switzerland. Tho .j^ Oermans, appBrently preparing for .the *° future, havo'org«,tilted a virtual army of propagandlsla lo\Porala In an effort jj to deoorallao the allied Influence there, t By croatibg trouble there—at the'tear , ' door of India—Oern^any bollovea ahe ^ “• may'kasten her expected realliatlop of “ a dominated east '• QEEMAN SITBM AEINE• ^ LOSSES ABE PO m E lm j: ■: ' (Bj Onlna Pim.). ^ ^ . BOUB; April S9^Loavit of 0 «r.tl J, tuB imCteatlnet dtolng tba past d z ic ,11 WMk> bars boea fflor« tbaa dontld hi ^ ■tlM rata la Jaauvr and rabitutr, al . aeeordlng to l4irlc«« from Ztniclt tl todijr. di iABLE AND US1 ' hundri \ WITHIIW isiGNALS^FOR ) SENTUPTHR g German Troop ' Mo' g Region Starts .Sooi P . Fighting Fierce as E a Shelling Extraordina W ME [ rCLEIlRllW ! iflP IIE '1 ■,— ' INFANTEY ATTACKS DE: . 5 VZLOPmQOHFEDHTOP - TEN UILES BET^EN METEREK AND VOOBME-) « ZEELB, ABTILLERY OOV- ^ -EEINQOJ^EATIONS f ; i ' T - - (By.^Unlted .Press) t ; " LONDON,: April 29.-Tho ‘ B Gormans .w-cto.8trlking on prac- ® lically tlieviUtiro Flanders bat- ' tlo front today, Field Mwshal ^ I- Hnlg rcported-today. I- Ftom -Metoren- to Voorme* j ? zQcle, a. distance of more than ten miles, infantry attacks were i e deveroping under cover of a ter- t 0 rifle bombai^eilttof high ex- ' plosive and gas shells. 1 "The southern part of tho Flanders theater*from Given- ^ r chy to Nioppe forest, a ten milo J “ front, wfifl also under heavy ar- ; tlllery fire. ' . c f At tho samo tlmo the enemy began - shelling the British lines on the Un I. miles between Lens 'opd Arraa—eonstl- I- tutlog about half tho sector paralleling t tho Flanden and ricnrdy battlo fronts. I e . _ . EuDi Af*DriT«nBK3c * Tholiti«tiw^ttaek.lu:tho iiol|pj;'- borbo«d of Locn, repotted day aflMOOon.-'m'topnlaod br.ri- . - 'fl#':aiid -roachlno gnn fira^ Piald M a n b a l^ g reported today,. . a Hostile artillery ,1s' active from the i Scnrpo river to liens. It ia tdto actWo I' between Ulvenchy and tho Nieppe for- aa« r»aly Uawl J A heavy bombardment, wiih high ox- plosive and gas shells, was opened by ■ the enemy thla morning on tho whole F front from. Moteren to Voormetoele. In- n fantry attacks are doVoIoplng. tl South of Albert aud In tho neighbor- i\ hood of NeuvUlo-Wltaase wo cenduct«<\ Ruecessful raids last sight, taking prls- >| . oners and'four machlDo guns. : TELEBEAPHEES’ BTEIKE S ; - FAILS TO DEVELOP i( • I ll S( 1 .« > .. - (By United Press) si E -^’ClIl6AG0,„„Aprn 20— A naUonal 0| t strlKo' of cbmmerclnl tolcgraphors_.Bp- tr 5 pearod more unlikely <oday with the h' '. depntuTo’for Wasblngtoa ol Pxtaldent , 8,,J.'.Kone»kamp.of the Telegraphon’ Union' for a conference Tuesday with ,j. tho federal war labor board. . ' No further atepa wiU bo takea by the , f union until tho'board> plans to pre- ‘ vent tt natlon-wldo tio-up of.-,tfll«^pb- > ora aro mado known, Eonenkamp aald. ^ • Organltation Sunday waa, obsorvod' by ji ‘ union meotinga .throughout tho country, * aeeordlng to Eonenkamp. Discharge of • six members at Milwaukee,.several In > -Atlanta, Ga., two. in Albuquerquo,.2L m ’ H.; and il threat to discharge union men ' at Memphis wero the only nntowird In* ‘p, ( eidenta of the day' ro^rted to Eonou- • kamp. , JI >AB0H6I8H0P IBELAND’S ' CONDITION TTNOHAyOEp ' ’ (By Unitod Prm .) , ST. PAUl^ Ulnn, Aprjl 2B^Tho eon- * ditlon of Archbishop John Ireland was unchanged oarly. today. Ho la suffe^ Ing general exhuistioB and extreme <a* tl^ o , following hia Jdnrney from n o ^ > id* to hia. home here. .Ueaber* of hia hooseholA insisted that they are sot . aUimod. At tho aaaa tlmo they aatd that tho archbishop may live for yoan dr nay die shortly.. )UALLY F IR ^ Ew g PBIOB FIVB OBNt B v'EOPENa ENSEHRa ACTION: are J fflyGHM GHli avem eht, in tIv em m efl >n A fter M id n ig h t-^ D ay W anes— H o stilM lary.Intenster f l EAISEE WATOEES « I BATTLE’S PBOQEESSH '• AMSTBBiDAB^ AprU 29.-Tb« I kalsCT vatcltad tba Sioiaal b«ttl« ! '■ .oarly Tbcndty monlng fro ia '« i'fH "adTaaeodputtiea,” Eatl&ei&n, | H tbe kaUer'a faTorlto .vtur. e o rr^ ' ■ poodwt, doclam la tba lokal AB> ' Botaar aaya (ba kJUaar tbe detaUa d|k^tba battle, by •ya^ j ■ alghtandt«lt|r»pbr,maridsctlt«!n .down on bis map. 'Ba ramaliiod -■ oa tbo battle front tmtU nftamben.. ByWILLIAU-FEILIPBDCUa : (United Press Btaff Oenasp6adest) H , WITH THE BEITISH A B -1 ra S IN FLANDEE^ April ■ 29.—The’French in tho Kemmel’ ■ region, who were heavily shelled H last night, reported a MoloQt i l bombardment beginning •-early H today. Lator an S. 0. S. signal, M indicating an attack and dialling H o n . thc artillory for. Support, 11 went up from this pwt of-the H Hno. - - ' *fl ''Two similar etCls were received from.' U tho-.rogton. of _Tprci,. ooi. la to r..fn m -fl By''fir«;a; m., tha*4lialU>^ w«a'«t« H traordinorily intense. Thb Qermaoa H were opening firo by aoctors, be^nalog 'H In-the north. . ' 9 At threo o'clock,this-'airnlng, tto Oormans bogan a burricanO bombard* M ment of tbe British and Tro'ncb lioM M from Yproa southward to tho lo'a.' H 'Various allied dlvjAlans sent up 6. n 0. B. rockets. . < M Ai this is cabled, it Is too early^oday- M to describe any of tho developmOnta. * I I LITTLE BEST FOB - | H I N D E H G ’ S M E N I SEV^-NINTHS 07 ALL H aERM ANDm8IQN8*A£E | | ENGAGED, W FIOHTmO H ByJtVILLIAU p m U ? SQOtB il (United Press Staff Correspondent) - > II WlTff TUB BBITISE ABIOES IN " 1 1 FRANCE, April SO.—Practieally aereri- II ninths of tbo fit German divlsljins on—:. I I tho west front have appeared in'tha 'U fighting, olther'on tho Somme or the H Lyih aluco Hiadonborg loosed bia dilvo March 2L About. 36 fresh divisions (420,000 wen) hovo been thNiro against the allies on tbo northern front, and about ' 100 dlrlslona (1^ 00,000 moo) on'tho soulbtim'. As about twenty enomy divl^. lions nro unfit, out of the 205 (&,400,-'.... ' boo meo).o&.the west front. It is plain} -': tho maJoHty of tbo Oormans already have shared in the offensivo. £xplaisa Sloir. Down -''ThrroxpIaTns tbo lulls in tho'nghtlng. Tho tired demand rest isd tboM valfai . whlcb undergo ropaiiji ato filled la wltb units from .the field- ' .. O ne^nst -adt gut tho idea that the ■- - - divisions neutlqned are .definitely used", up, although at least 135 of tbe 135 fit divisions havo beon in tho fighting. Hindcnburg baa been bus/ dnring . . April in grooming up and making up fresh divisions from tho battered ones. This is the- meadlng iif th^loBg quiet ' . period on. the ,aouthenl'batii#‘fronC"'."^ poihops fo r^ dlvtalo'ns which werouied on the Bomme a n already able to re- turn to tho line. ' ■ FAIR AND.WASHES WBATHBB PSHDZOTBD - ^ Probability of ^ woatber. to.;| night and Tuesday 'with 'waraer -- toap«r»<m to^bl'lf'pTedlttod'l-•-%- ' by the departaaBt..of .agTftBltart | , . waatbef bnrean Intta »port':tnuu-<K ' &|tt«d tbla iaori^^, throB^ i;

Transcript of A iABLE AND US1 O S DAIL Ew g · 2018. 12. 26. · I lUandegee, " i t ia time for ,t ^ legiJa- I...

Page 1: A iABLE AND US1 O S DAIL Ew g · 2018. 12. 26. · I lUandegee, " i t ia time for ,t ^ legiJa- I tlvo departmerit of tho go»erSmeat. to I act ]^ a ro already urged the senate > military-

the UNITED 1

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. O E A D I P P E O P O S m O K

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F O E o e e m a h B H r t i r r ,

a r n n . A R T O F I M I A K D

W A S H I N G T O N ', A p r i l 2 9 .—

' G e r m im y i n t e n d to p r e s e t t o

E iiB a ia a n > u lt i in a tu ra d o m a n d -i n g r e l e a s e o f G e r m a n p r i w a e r s

h e ld i n S i b e r i a , l i n t th i a w il l

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w il l g o t o P o t o g r a d t o t a j i e o p

tl ie i i u e s t i o n o t t h i s e i e l i a n g e ,

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m a n y t h r e a t e n s t o t a i i e P e t r o -

g r a d . ■ •v - C , ," ' ■ T h o ' ultimatum provldM firs t, .that •

.. Ituw la froo a ll Q ornui prUonon in _ KOod health ; lecond, th a t a ll tho»o is - ill health remain h i-B u u la uoder eorc I

- of so u tra l p!i£aieieni, a n d 'th ird , th a t I . .acrm aoy releMa.only-invalided JtuBiian •

^ . p tU ofieii.' ,. ■T -' M m 0 « ia u a T r lc k n r .

T h li nflW ovldoneo of QerinAn trlclt- c iy ■'»ra» supplemented by now ftvl4«Qc« .. o f sim ilar trea tm ent,In Finland. ;

Tho GermBM raannlog FlnnUh fo rt i .• - /ire d 00 ehip* booDd^rpm HoI«lDg-, L.

• fo ra .io r.K ioM tadt. Tbi* 1» l^ jW ^ U o n _ . a i t lF o B n S r tToaty and tho M vhitT fu 'J

jirolM toa^iii^liijt: It, and againet tho German domaadf for returnlDg of tran'i- porta b ; fiuaiia earlier in the v a r.

Stoekholm adrlco# »ald tho Oennana nre curbing tho Q oard.' The Fin-

. n lth nhU e g u u d ' governrntDt l> n q n i '- sitloalng tobacco, oH, coffee, edppor and

cloth, largely from American and Brit- igh lourcQi bu t under an agreement not tli to re-eiport to Oermany. > ,,


- sJ 'r— ■, '■W IE B S o r QBBAT N B y S aATHHE-

' .X tHTAOBNOT COT D U O T . 'M . 0 .

A. O A M fS A T P iW in ! .

. ' ■ ■■ ________• dl

, ■ (By United Press.) '■ *I LONDON, April 20.—American troops

’ in train ing camps .In various part* of “ the U nited Kingdom' nro rocolvlDg tho o« w orld 's noffa—Ineluciing the b lg leaguo m basoball scores—''b y United Press.*'

ThU sorvlco la. ae^ivored frflo to tho < Y. M. C. A. In 'ono e f the base*, arid Is

.re la y ed by.'.the association to other ’I - . camps. '. .. ,....... .. ,,

Tho Y. JI. 0 . 'X ''# e c re li^ 'l j i ;a - 'c c r - 'jj .tain repo to baso where A m eri^n fight- > r i, whoso eharacto7'aa(],duties cannot be spccltlod, a te In ttalnlog, today sent tho folld'Wlng telegriun to Ed L . Keen; -

•Enropean inaBigor of the United Press: "T h o boys-oro delighted 'Wlth the

ffiiltod Press nowj. I t Is pealed, In 'as-. ' Boclation headquarters hero*and'l4 then hi phoned .to another "baBO and mailed to m two othors; I t la posted In tho assoela-

'.tion rooms and on the general bulletin _ ■ board in cach place.' ' |

‘‘I t ib eagerly awaited daily. Base- 'I bw l aBd. 'Amcricaa 'fTOLt notfi'iw .-parV

J — — I

ONLY 74 MOBB N B m iO ) ;

T hey haVo been coming In thick and fa s t since -Baturday a t press t lm o -b u t fine u the record has - - bw n, tho DaUy n«w« U dp t to m lu the 1000 mark by a small mar- g in uDicst there { | t young " t id a lw aro o f now aubscripUona w ithin

• th o tw tm ty.fow hour*. ^S a turday the figures stood' a t ^74. Pifty-tw tf aow ones haro "regis*

, te r « d " i ln e e ; bringing today's, to- P' W of aetna) bona fid# lubseribers ’

926 :Wo would like th a t tubserlptlon “

, b a fo r t tom onow fcftem ooa--lf you pletao. J u s t ' •

r a O H B ' S3 . , ®

4 — -------- ~ fl


O S■ V -:A rmans STI

AGAINST^' Heavy Fighting Marl “ of Drive in Flander ' and French on Def( I Success---Huns Mai

T H E G o n n a n d r l v b ' i f l F l a n d e r s h a s b e e n r e -

J - B m n e d , a f t e r a . l u l l b f 24_ ■ ■ '-• 'libu rfir ''''- - '''

* ■_ A f t e r a c o m p le t e c c s s a -- :I > tion o f i n f a n t r y Q p G ia tio n sI o n t h o e n t i r e b n t t i o f i ^ n t , f o l l o w i n g 'd e f l p e r a t e f ig h t ­

i n g o f E V ld a y , H in d c n b u r g , . B t ru c k n q r t l iw a r d j . . a g a l n & t ..

- ’■ - l ^ i r e i_ £ 4 » a in ^ t i i r S a y - a f- ,■ ternoon. '5 T h e o f f i c i a l s t a t e m e n t s o f . y e s t e r d a y bI io w t h t r B r i t i s b J s t i l l l io ld in i ! : - th e 'c o e r a y a t j . V o o m ie z e e lb , tw o ~ m ile s - '

« o u tli o f Y p r e s , w h ile th o . F r e n c h a r e - s u c c e s s f u l ly d e -

* ■ f e n d in g L o c r e .The only progrcas made by, tho

Germans wns' a voluntary ^ th - . clrawnl by tho British east of Yprei,

) citcd in yesterday’s official sta te ­ment o f tho German w ar office.

' “ In tho noighbothood of-Fcatu- Itert, by n'auicessfiil OBterpriso last

. night, wo ro-took a poat which bad l>cen captured F riday night, togeth* e r-w lth f if ty prisoners anil tbree

t • inacblao-guns." . . . .


| * y . S r S E N A T E; O E IS B lto m O IEO T.A SP’ - Q E O B s i i r a m o i m o y ' j a

OEAEOE b F B E A K D E i^; -SAY S m n i TO AOT.

I . ^• WASHINGTON, April 29.-Dehiand• th a t congress look in to ' charges of

" shameful profltecriog, criminal neg­lect and ^ s s inefficiency,” in carry­ing out Araerica's a ir program, was mado. In t h e . senato'^today by Beoator Bran'degco, Connecticut

Tho report o f Gutium Dorglnm, Pres- [dont W ilson's personal InTostigator,

_ was snbmlttod-by,.Drandegce, and wna Immediately'made the subject fo r a hot

■ debate.' • .“ U tb o situation as to a ircraft pro-

duetlo'n is ' anything liko whijt Is de.- flcribed In those b ljjtering w o f^ ," said

I lUandegee, " i t ia time for , t ^ legiJa- I tlvo departmerit o f tho go»erSmeat. to I a c t ] ^ a r o a lready urged the senate > military- a ffa irs committee to act, to

Icsm whether Borglum’s report Is tnio I or false. •

’ ' No' U o n Oaponflago

"T h o tro tb abou t I t ought co t to bo

; what Borglam 's business is.■ ‘‘lle 'B a acu ip to r," sold BraoJegeo.

" U a s ho nny qualifications for judg*) ing a irp lan e a l" eontlnuod Phelan.

• ‘‘ Well, rinco tho prealdont shotted 1 him, I am iDclii^od to think ho has not;” ', nnjwcred BrandegflO. ' i

• ' I

:T y f iK E lS ll G G E S T l ‘ P E A C U O BUSSIA


— . ■ ' ' / By J0 3 E P B SDAPLEN(United Preaa B taff Correapondeat) PETBOORAD, A pril 23.—Despite the

Caucasian declaration of w ar, Turkey haa again offered io begin peace nego­tiations with tho Buaalan government, proposing th a t they bo conducted ia T reW m d.

This action can bo expliUnod as re­sulting frpm a h in t from Qermany— which needs, a ll tho Turkish tropps it

•c n n o b ta in .' '

This d iip itch—the f i r s tm e lv e d from Shaplon alfito m l y la tb e tjjtath— shows tho osual delay In cable news

J from Russia. , .



FRIKE NORTH rPRES SALIEjsITrks Re-ccmniencemeht ers After Lull— British ifensive With Excellent lake Little Progress.

: ' HetTjr A itU leiy Fighting ' .South of tho Sommo there ia ar-

' tlllery activ ity from Y«lfrs-Bre- - tonneur southward to the Luce

river.The French.war offlco reporta the

' -ro p u lse of G orm an'attaeks, follow­ing heavy bombardments in tl^ e^ Chcmln dcs Dames, St. U ihlel and luBorlJle sectors. American troops hold positiooa In oath of t h t » see-

An unnamed. French officer ,is- quoted as declaring .th a t Foeh. Is * satiifled,.w)tb the .ra tO 'a t which the

...... allies are' k illing Germans aod i*not ready to strike.

Loasea.Beli«V«d T:«aisalona • X Tho officer said tho alliea " h a v o „ . '

the boche whero wo w an t him, and thcre-is no doubt wo U n keep him i thno . a groat deal longer th a n 'is ' .healthy for him;” , Foeh told aem -

I enceau aa much as a month ago to " w a i t , f the officer said.'

, A United Press dispatch from ' - . tho British front bear* ou t-Foch 's i

belief tha t llindenburg Is suffering , ; tromcodoua tones. Tho dispatch

t said th a t tho Oermaos already have ' 1 used 165 of thoir SOO dlTl.i ioDS on >

tho w;est front, thnt tho iblO class { ] already l^ ln tho line, aod th a t tho

1020 class is owalting tbe ,ca ll. ■ ;

# A V y « O N r l A M i l A R E IE DEGIDEDION:

■ _ — . - ■ - . . i

P duty , op peovidiho’be . j[S P IA O E M ^ UNITS FOR ] E ABUiES r a FEANOE BE- ;

LONGS TO U. S. . : I "" ' , • '

Bd ■ BY CABL'D. OBOAT o f (United Preas S ta f f Corrcspoodont) *

■8; WASHINGTON, April 2 9 .- "Very Infge quotas” of Amor-

or ican men will be required “ in ' the immediate future'* for Berv- |

’*• ice overseas to (ill up the gaps i inflicted in thc west front drive, J

“ the war department weekly siTmiiiary dcc la i^ today. i

ro. U an P o m r W ill Dodde |

lo; “ The outcome of the proaent opera- Jd tipns in the Weat dopom^ o ^ man pow- la. e r ,” tho atatoment sa id ,'adding, ?'ours | ^ Is the Itnporatlvo du ty of providing re-

platomcBt units fo r tho armloa now lu F rance .' We must be able to p tit fresh (

to men in the flold-thoroughly and method* 00 Ically tralood. I n addition to thoso al- . ready called lo tbo colon and now train- • In g 'a t our caotonmeota or already se­

lec ted-for acrviio,' very large quotas will bo required In tho-imm ediate fu ­ture to fill tho gaps.'’

cd D rafts to Follow r o s t

T his w arning nppatontly ,waa Inlead- * !0- cd to prepare thO nation for colli even S' larger than thoso, lis ted fo r tho coming

month or two, ed '‘A dmitting Iho grav ity of the silun- ,

tloo, the su tem ent declared the criais up to the present has resulted “ in large meaaure favorably to tho enemy” but pointed out th a t w ith jo in t alHod command th o 'b o c h o 't l i ' fallod in his purpose o r wrecking the BritlsB o.nny.

A Tho summary aauouoM il fo r tho f its t , timo, as far as the depaH m ent is con- 'y cerned, tha t'A m erlean troo i^ are lo- t

; cated east of Amlons, havo hnd • part i, tp In the struggle wbleb kep t tbo OeroaQ q ^ offvAmieaa. th s p ast w eek, and .hAvo jj g acquitted themselves' w ell' . n

, • .Blngla Bnsaiaaw at' K o t DedslTo ^

r ' “ A 'battlo o f such m agaU ade.'U 'the [ I one being fought in tho w est Cannot' bo ( decided by any sloglo do i^ 'om oat. q

<'The vigorons a ttaeka driven against ( 1, . the British llnea woro inteoded to par- j

alyzo tbe independeoco o f tho British ^ command. I n thla tb o esBiny h u falUd. U nit of the command of the allies has

Jg extended oporationa to the broader field of general engagements In which all the ( allied Jorces w ill, h e iuaforth b« uaed

■ intorchangtably."T h is change in tho combat situa­

tion h u m aterially tite re d (ho moment of decliloi o f tho offooilTe. 'Instead • of the eaemy being able to defeat the British arm y and then tu rn iU foil

-* energy agidakt th e T rtneb , th e alUea '

. <CeBUnned oa Pago S.) ^


DAILB A T U ^A T , A P m 29. 1M8

riUESfflOi'jflSiES;-‘ w niiis

~ ~ I: C O N T I N t r A T I O N O F H D N ’S

■ ^ F F O E T T O T A K E Y P E E S

, M E A N S D E P L E T I O N O F

; T E O O P S T O D A N O E E O U S

r e x t e n t f o e h i n d e n - •

! B E E Q

t- , • 'I * ' B y -J . W. T. MAflOK I (U nited Press War E xpert)' N E W Y O E K ,. A p r i l , 2 9 . -

D a n g e r o u s d d if le t i tm o f t l i c G c r - I i i i a n r e s e r v e s w i l l h e n c e t o r t h b e f iic c e a s a 'ry i f V o n H in d c n b u r g 1 c o n tin u e s ^ l i i s e f f o r t t o c a p t u r e I Y p r e s n n d a d v a n c e t o w a r d th c ' c l ia n n e l p o r t s .

” T h o b a t t l e o f Y p rtw , w h ic h Is I th e r o a l b a t t l e f o r t h e ' c h a n n e l ‘ p o r t s J n t h e p r e s e n t s e r i e s o f j ' cou ilm 'ts , i s i n r e a l i t y a s t r a t e g i c ; R tn iR g le b e tw e e n n i n d e n b i i r g

a u d F o e h c o n u e r n iu g ‘ th e e w - |i l( )v m e n t o f t h o l r r e s e r v e s . •

t Ti)ere Is no longer nny doubt but ' that tho German reserves aro-';2)elog

_ Ihrown luviahly into tho Ypres nrcii,~ -while u i^ io 't h o preient F oe h 'h a s re-

fuied to .h ftw rd 'h ls own rewr^'o fo r« s■ for defensive pJrpeses. I t n indcablirg _, : is Ftoppeil perniBoently boforo cap tu rh if -

the channel ports and If tbo olUt*' ro- ’• serves hnvo not-been thrown Intp tho .

' eoDfliet, llindenburg bM lost bj^'all'th'e rules of tho w ar game.. ' ’ 1

U Shortanlng in ' 8ig h t - r t*7 X01 only will tho tota l Gcrmaolilaugb- }

... tV . bo ro ry mU'ch‘ giDfttflr..tlum, tha .al- lIu T b u t the Qennan fro n t w ill bavo ^

S> been extended to a ustiesa dlstanco th a t . BOOO must bo violently shorteood. Tbo present battlo , thoroforo, la a gigantic C

5. struggle on tho p a rt o f Focb to savo r ‘ hls reacrvcs and to savo the channel ,

ports; on tho pa rt o f nindonborg to use up F c tch’s reserves aad gain tho chan- , oei ports. “ . ' J

W hether In tho ond ^och will consider c i t better fo loao tho porta ra the r than f lose, h is reserves cannot a t present be

— know n.. The argument in favor o f this procedure ia based on the probability

. th a t It will require moro men than Oe^ s H many can supply to keep ber frd n i 'in - o . tact to tho channel towne for any eon- t

siderablo poriod. A long thin lino nOglit t: IS bo cu t a t a po lu t th a t would involvo tbe Q annlhllatioo for'tho 'Q om anB :ln .C aIaIs *

nnd Boulogne.


l ! Q E E M A N S L A V r a O P L A N S

J : F O E " W H I S P E E r a O O A M - J

"• P A I G N ” r a E U E O P E . < 0- . flas —. " '

“■ By UOBEIIT J . BBSDEB ^ (United Press B taff Corrcspon'dent) WASUINGTON, April SO^Qcrmn- “

J. ny 's bloody e ffo rt to split tho British „ nad French allies In tho w est will bo ^ followed by a tremendeus propaganda ••

* effert;UIrectcd_to_tho same end,Diplomatic . advlcoa. today.''.iii^eabl

• ’ th a t tho T e u to n s lay lng -hb fpH u irio iI f t/'v rh isporing offensive ' o f.trcM hery si t, as carefu llyas ho prepared his'g igantlo p

military e ffo rt in Flamlet* and Picardy', d

is P la a to r ra o e o ‘ ®y- From. the. advance guard of the prop*-

,aganda assault", I t -nppeara Qermany will follow two courses in-Franco—o ffer ^

0- to arKLOgo fo r settlement o f French loans to Russia, aow apparently lost, ond s ti r up dissMlsfactlon w ith Eng- q J o j^ .fo r " s ta r t l a g 'th o w ar and then iot'-<do[ii'g h e r p i ^ t '’ Advicoa hero In* Ulcatb'-thtif 'raueh of tho now propagan- da is eminating from Switzerland. Tho .j Oermans, appBrently preparing fo r .the

*° future, havo'org«,tilted a virtua l arm y of propagandlsla lo\Porala In an e ffo rt jj

■ to deoorallao the allied Influence there, t By croatibg trouble there—a t th e 'te a r ,

' door o f India—Oern^any bollovea ahe ^ “• m ay'kasten her expected reallia tlop of “ a dominated e a s t

'• Q E E M A N S I T B M A E I N E •^ L O S S E S A B E P O m E l m j:

■: ' ( B j O n ln a P im .) . ^ ^ . BOUB; A p ril S 9^ L oav it o f 0 « r . t lJ, tu B imCteatlnet dto lng tba p ast d z ic,11 WMk> b a rs boea fflor« tb a a dontld hi^ ■ tlM ra ta l a J a a u v r and r a b i t u t r , al

. aeeordlng to l4irlc«« from Ztniclt tltodijr. di



isiGNALS FOR ) SENTUPTHRg German Troop ' Mo' g Region Starts .Sooi P . Fighting Fierce as E a Shelling Extraordina

W M E [ rCLEIlRllW! i f l P I I E'1 ■,—




; i 'T - - (By.^Unlted .Press) t

; " L O N D O N ,: A p r i l 2 9 . - T h o ‘ B G o r m a n s .w -c to .8 tr lk in g o n p r a c - ®■ l i c a l l y t l i e v iU t i ro F l a n d e r s b a t - '

t lo f r o n t t o d a y , F i e l d M w s h a l ^I- H n lg r c p o r t e d - to d a y .I- F t o m - M e t o r e n - t o V o o rm e * j ? zQ cle, a . d i s t a n c e o f m o r e t h a n „ t e n m i l e s , i n f a n t r y a t t a c k s w e r e i e d e v e r o p in g u n d e r c o v e r o f a t e r - t0 r i f l e b o m b a i ^ e i l t t o f h ig h e x - '

p lo s iv e a n d g a s s h e l l s .1 " T h e s o u t h e r n p a r t o f t h o

F l a n d e r s t h e a t e r * f r o m G iv e n - ^r c h y to N io p p e f o r e s t , a t e n m ilo J “ f r o n t , wfifl a l s o u n d e r h e a v y a r - ; t l l l e r y f i r e . ' . cf At tho samo tlmo the enemy began- shelling the British lines on the Un I. miles between Lens 'opd Arraa—eonstl- I- tu tlog about ha lf tho sector parallelingt tho F landen and r ic n rd y battlo fronts. I

e . _ . EuD i A f*DriT«nBK3c * T h o lit i« tiw ^ tta ek .lu :th o iio l|p j;'-

borbo«d of L ocn , repottedday aflM OO on.-'m 'topnlaod b r .r i - .

- 'fl# ':aiid -roachlno gnn fira^ Piald M a n b a l ^ g reported today,. . a

■ Hostile a rtille ry ,1s' active from the i Scnrpo river to liens. I t ia tdto actWo I' between Ulvenchy and tho Nieppe for-

a a « r » a l y Uawl J A heavy bombardment, w iih high ox-

plosive and gas shells, was opened by■ the enemy thla m orning on tho whole F

fron t from. Moteren to Voormetoele. In - n fan try attacks are doVoIoplng. tl

South of A lbert aud In tho neighbor- i\ hood of NeuvUlo-Wltaase wo cenduct«<\ Ruecessful raids la s t s ig h t , tak ing prls- >|

. oners and 'four machlDo guns.


• I ll • S(1 . « > . . - (B y U nited Press) siE -^’C lIl6A G 0,„„A prn 20— A naUonal 0| t strlKo' of cbmmerclnl tolcgraphors_.Bp- tr 5 pearod more unlikely <oday w ith the h' '. depntuTo’ for W asblngtoa o l Pxtaldent , 8 ,,J.'.K one»kam p.of the T elegraphon’

Union' for a conference Tuesday w ith ,j.■ tho federal war labor board. .' No further atepa wiU bo takea by the , f union until th o 'b o a rd > plans to pre- ‘ ven t tt natlon-wldo tio-up of.-,tfll«^pb-> ora aro mado known, Eonenkamp aald. ^• Organltation Sunday w aa , obsorvod' by ji ‘ union meotinga .throughout tho country,* aeeordlng to Eonenkamp. Discharge of• s ix members a t M ilwaukee,.several In> -Atlanta, Ga., two. in Albuquerquo,.2L m ’ H .; and il th rea t to discharge union men' a t Memphis wero the only nntow ird In* ‘p, ( eidenta of the day ' r o ^ r te d to Eonou-• kamp. , JI


(By Unitod P r m .), ST. PA U l^ U ln n , A prjl 2B ^ T ho eon-* d itlon of Archbishop John Ireland was

unchanged oarly. today. H o la suffe^ Ing general exhuistioB and extreme <a* t l ^ o , following hia Jdnrney from n o ^ > id* to hia. home here. .U eaber* o f hia hooseholA insisted th a t they are so t . aUimod. A t tho a a a a tlm o they aatd th a t tho archbishop m ay live fo r y oan dr n a y die sh o rtly ..




A C T I O N : a r e J f f l y G H M G H l ia v e m e h t , i n t I v e m m e f l

> n A f t e r M i d n i g h t - ^

D a y W a n e s — H o s t i l M

l a r y . I n t e n s t e r f l


'• AMSTBBiDAB^ AprU 2 9 .-T b « I kalsCT vatcltad tba S io ia a l b« ttl« ! ' ■

.oa rly T b c n d ty m o n ln g f r o i a ' « i ' f H "ad T a ae o d p u ttie a ,” E a t l& e i& n , | H tbe kaU er'a faTorlto .vtur. e o r r ^ ' ■ poodw t, do c lam la tba lo k a l AB> ■

' B o taa r aaya (ba kJUaar ■tbe detaUa d|k^tba battle , by •ya^ j ■ a lg h ta n d t« lt |r» p b r,m a rid sc tlt« !n ■

.dow n on b is map. 'B a ramaliiod - ■ o a tbo ba ttle fron t tmtU nftam ben.. ■

B yW IL L IA U -F E IL IP B D C U a : ■ (U nited Press B taff Oenasp6ad es t) H

, W I T H T H E B E I T I S H A B - 1 r a S I N F L A N D E E ^ A p r i l ■ 29.— T h e ’F r e n c h i n t h o K e m m e l ’ ■ r e g io n , w h o w e r e h e a v i ly s h e l le d H l a s t n ig h t , r e p o r t e d a M o lo Q t i l b o m b a r d m e n t b e g in n in g • - e a r ly H t o d a y . L a t o r a n S . 0 . S . s i g n a l , M in d i c a t i n g a n a t t a c k a n d d ia llin g H o n . t h c a r t i l l o r y f o r . S u p p o r t , 1 1 w e n t u p f r o m t h i s p w t o f - t h e H

H n o . - - ' * f l''T w o sim ilar etCls were received from .' U

tho-.rogton. of _T prci,. o o i . l a t o r . . f n m - f l

B y ''f i r « ;a ; m., tha*4lialU>^ w «a'«t« H traordinorily intense. Thb Qermaoa H were opening firo by aoctors, be ^n a lo g ' H In-the north. . ' 9

A t threo o 'c lo c k ,th is - 'a irn ln g , t to ■ Oormans bogan a burricanO bombard* M m ent o f tbe British and Tro'ncb lioM M from Yproa southward to tho lo'a.' H

'Various allied dlvjAlans sent up 6. n 0 . B. rockets. . < M

A i th is is cabled, i t Is too early ^o d ay - M to describe any of tho developmOnta. * I I


S E V ^ - N I N T H S 0 7 A L L H

a E R M A N D m 8 I Q N 8 * A £ E | |

E N G A G E D , W F I O H T m O H

B yJtV IL L IA U p m U ? SQOtB i l (U nited Press S taff Correspondent) - > I I

W lT ff TU B B B IT ISE A BIO ES IN " 1 1 FRANCE, April SO.—P ractieally aereri- I I n in ths of tbo f i t German divlsljins on—:. I I tho w est fro n t have appeared in 'th a ' U fighting, o lth e r 'o n tho Somme or the H Lyih aluco Hiadonborg loosed b ia dilvo March 2L

A b o u t. 36 fresh divisions (420,000 wen) hovo been thN iro against the allies on tbo northern front, and about '100 d lrlslona ( 1^ 00,000 moo) o n 'th o soulbtim'. As about twenty enomy div l^ . lions nro un fit, ou t o f the 205 (&,400,-'.... ' boo m eo).o& .the w est front. I t is plain} -': tho maJoHty of tbo Oormans already have shared in th e offensivo.

£xp la isa Sloir. Down -''ThrroxpIaTns tbo lulls in tho 'nghtlng.Tho tire d demand re s t i s d tboM valfai . whlcb undergo ropaiiji a to filled la w ltb units from .the field- '.. O n e ^ n s t -adt gu t tho idea th a t the ■ - - - divisions neu tlqned are .definitely u se d " , up, although a t least 135 of tbe 135 f it divisions havo beon in tho fighting.

Hindcnburg baa been b u s / dnring . . April in grooming up and m aking up fresh divisions from tho battered ones.This is the- meadlng i i f th^ loB g quiet ' . period on. the ,a o u th en l 'b a t ii# ‘ f ronC "'."^ poihops f o r ^ dlvtalo'ns which w erouied on th e Bomme a n already able to re­tu rn to tho line. • ' ■


P robability o f ^ woatber. to .; | n ig h t and Tuesday 'with 'w araer - - to a p « r» < m to ^ b l 'l f 'p T e d l t t o d 'l - •-%-

' by th e departaaB t..of .agTftBltart | , .waatbef bnrean I n t ta »port':tnuu-<K

' & |tt«d tbla ia o r i^ ^ , th ro B ^ i;

Page 2: A iABLE AND US1 O S DAIL Ew g · 2018. 12. 26. · I lUandegee, " i t ia time for ,t ^ legiJa- I tlvo departmerit of tho go»erSmeat. to I act ]^ a ro already urged the senate > military-



By PilKD S, i'EIlO O SO N . ^ ■ I (United ?fOH S u f f CorrMponJont) "

I } - W I T H T H E AlffiBIOAN c I J a R U Y i n N O K T H F R A N C E , B |A p r i l 2 9 .— A m e r ic a n f o rc M o r e J W n o w . f ig h i iD g b e s id e t f i e F r e c c l i H i n . u o r t l i G r u - J r r a i i c ^ ‘ h o l ( l iu ( i \ f r «i « B q c t o i : i i l . t l « : > e a r t o f t h o w o r l d ’s ^ j ^ e d t d s t b i r i f r a T ■■■■■■■■j H - T h i s < m n o \ in c e in c n t I s 'l i o w j jH p o s f i ib lo , l i f t e r t h r e e wcuTch o f ii I j .H ilencc n tg j i n l i n g t i i e J iiovd iH cn t •'

; o f 't r o o p H . ". M im i r y , artUkry, miwhwo

‘ p i im c r H u n d o t l i c r b ranc iiC H o f ni t h e s c r v i c 9 a r e i n li.n e . ^

’ P l i e ^ ftt S tU ^nt'Peftk _1 , '.Tho A aeritan* fnco tbOiOorman oimy' w

ftt tho. peak ,o t ft ODna'in i»lloDt The ct outposU aro oiilr 200 yo rd i o p tr t t t ],i ■ome plseei. A t lomo points tlio'Amer- 'Icfto poiiH otn aro jnalDtftined In HttU

’ - A# BOOD as a ll tioopi and snns wore ia position,’ t b scctor waa foroftUy F

I takcD ovor from tho Froach. Tho A ner- ie»B<pommandcr, wbo I> undor a Freoeh corps coinmjKiaer^_cxproma thfl great- « t-co n liae ac o 'ln the fitS ich lea4m hlp ,

- • I n o p e a E olU nt Oo’u n t^ ' • ® Tbe cEiUre country b e re 'ls opoa-ao l ^

.rolling, w ith 'v e ry few w w de or other j,) sercealDg foenH lci, and no tronejies.

'T he e^Uro probl(Q .li ono of opon fight-i n g . ' ___' '■■■ to

. m e bocho atii)U ry, which h oeiJvo . in ihoUlng a ll roads and vjllages w ithin "rftage, is visihlo from an American oh; . j , sorvfttlon po it. gt

A lthbagh .tho P j ^ - c h a r a c to r U f ld th is soctor u " q u io t ," tbo iirosoDl'fIro Is tho heaviest the Aidbricans have jret faced. ■ . ^ ■ pll

’ Th6 BVies are ablaxo.or^ry nl({ht with the fissh of guns and tho woods quiverw » h '» h e ro 4 ro f a rlJU e^ indoxp )o iJ‘o s k

1^ shells.' As. .the high explosire^ poosd u, fS tbe A nerican llnesj the i o lU tn d lra jg

I n ^ the shsWow .cover of dltchcs-^ndf J sheU'hbTe&' ............... - • .-u_.ib O ld O lM T a t th a r r a n t thIjS One Amerlcaii o u tfit csrrlod its flag ly | ] in to the fron t line. Although furled-In In J d wftterproof case, Old Glory Is on the o i

[J ' b a ttle line. .

I — a iA S X J R A P T S ON "h ^ p o w b b

I (Continued from T ase 1.), flfl

■«re now able to oppoao tholr foil U strength to tho hostile'attack .. tlii

ZVw2i^2iw)p* 2 t» r T u a T U »' / ' I t m ust b e ’ constantly- borno in

, mind th a t tho enem y'is seeking a 'dee t: J iJon thftt w JU .w i th i 'w i r . ■ ThJj.deel* sIoB can o s ] / bo arrlTod a t b y 'th o do- ’ structlon o f the allied forces'.In tho V® field boforo f r n h un its contributed

(I- ^rom addlti.onal levies in Franco and ' G reat; Britain , a s w eji a s by out own troops, can take up the ir position In suffieioat numbers .to to m tho Oerman tneeesses to defeat.

' Thr«o Kinds of Sw eet Odor*.Bwcflt oilors n re o t th rco kinds—tho

. flortkl, the nroiniil nnd the bnlBaralc.T ho flrst proup Inclmlps nil those do- rlTCd from w cPt-snictHnj; iTowcn and

■ p la n ts ; tho aecoml. those ilrrlved from BDBka ood rotlnB;'thi<’ ihlnl, thoso do- r ir e d from Jcurtti om) RUnii*. 'T ho ot*

- (0, o r eaaectlal oil o f perfum e. Is ob- t ta lncd to th rco soveml wnys—distil*

- - la t lo n macerfttloa o nd 'ondou ra je . ( j j• __ — --------- os«Ttme for SeelnB A ppointed ' - teti

■- O u r eyes nre Imldi-n thn t wo cannot___llilpES J h a t start*-ua i a the

fucc until, ilie hour iirrlvcn th a t tho n ln il In rlpcnccl; ilien we beliold them

.i'Boa (lip fjfjic. »!'/• .-wn’- th c n u ip t Is Jlke Jflf. 'd rchh ir^ 'E nii^l^ .- ■ '

^■^^•^A 'd»eHjwiVitrtiVClnlsifW ^ |LV. C an 't.yon ren t jo u r ro5m»| ^


Choicest Busil o c a t e d i n t h e K e a r t o f t h e

T h e s e p r o p e r t i e s c o n s i s t o

2 5 x 8 0 o n e ^ t o r y b r i c k a n d

■ b r i c k b u i l d i n g , o n e '2 x 6 0

s t o r y , b r i c k b u i l d i n g . A l l I

, I w i l l s e l l t b e s o p r o p e r t i e s t

in B u ra n c e . P r o p e r t y , i4 (ill i n fi

t h e in c r e a « e in v a lu o w il l - m o r e

. a n d th e

D E S T i N V E S T H E N l

H R. E A R P ««

VAPOR BATHS IN LAPLANDW riter's Strenuous ExpeMence of

Cleansing Process Finishes WIUi Qeina Sasttnsdeefl.

' In Wide W orld F rank ITedjcB B o t Iqr describes o vapor ba th i a tbe land of the Lapps. D e sayss -

The, bnfhfiooso Is a eaaU wooden 'sairtlu ro 'T cnern lly -BJliiatcd eomo way

• from the dwelllDg hWBO. I t Is divided Into tn-o comportraenti. ono to nndreaa

' in. whllo the o ^ e r w nta lnfl tho oven ; 'which' prodnfcs' tho steam . • The oven

is arched w ith InrRO stonea o r pebbles, nnd hca'tcd'by a flro placed'bcflcfltiu Undressing in tho flrst room, ono Cq* tore Uie heated com partm ent. A fter n short rcHt co a w oolen fo rm o r bench, which contains & piaco fo r tho head, tho ettendnnta come In and bathe yoo. Cold w ater Ib throw n over th e stonea bnd tho hissing vnpor soon sends np B cloud of ntenm. Tho hlRhor.you pU from tho floor tho Rroatcr lho beet. As moro w ater la throw n over th e red-hot Blonds the vnpor bccofflcs Bo-lnfense th n f <mo can hnrdly brenthfc' W fl 'w ru • «Mjn for b rea th nnd covm il]w'llh n profuse i« n ip im tion which !«• >iif'd” frrtm'ceypry poro of the stln.- UnnRlng up in the rboin wcro tendcs Itmnchca or twijts In n grcfin sta te iiml retaining Ihelr leiivcs. Dlpplng-thi’fic lh water, the utti-nilant began lashlni; nncf-'K-ft/pfrfng' me' across Hhnulders, lolits ond bnck, till n y body Hremcd qu llf W w ith ttft-«witchloK. Tlic bnfltinndoloR over. I w as then wnahed with n soft- flannel covereil with soap, n ftcr which n Jug of tlm coldeh . w ater waa throw n ovjr, roy head nnd body. j

JO K I O N .- S ^ U n i l S I T O RFortunaUly Hamilton M abio.W fs Well

Able to A ppreciate Unconscious^'H um br o f (he Children.

T he laie U nm lltoa W .'W ablo, the wrll.lfoown American^ essayist, was one of thoso genial men ^ l o enjoyed ] n Joke on themselves. IliuinraUngbiiB plidsd of Mr. M able's chum cter, i t Is told th a t when h e wna n student Mr. Mabio mado un address Iti’ which bo .told this s to ry : . > I " lie* had rlsK rd a schoal la Phflifdcl-' i phla In which there w as a dafly lire- t

-drill. Tho teacher regularly p s W the ] studrnls, "Q iildrcn, whnt woold you ) do- ir were to break ou t In thla j bu lid inB r T ho children a ll rcpcatwl , in choniB, ^^Vo would rise in our ^ 111 0% atcp.lnfb '.tho nlsle, aad m atfli t quietly o u t 'i if the building." ' On thu y morning when Mr. U ablo visited the t wlibcf. tlrWJo ho w as B tt« n r quietly on \ tho plutform . tho tcachcr stepped be- o iforo the puplia and said, “Childrcb. wliat would you sny If I wero to tell j you Ihnt Jdr. Mable"’ Ss fo Bpeok«(tf you t th is r o o ^ ln j r ’ CTo cbildron prompt­ly replied In chorus, “Wo would rise j in our placcs, s te p ^n to fho aisle, nnd n march (j^fctly ou t o f th e building.’’ i,

— • ■ Ifntefestlno LlfB vSUtfsUe*. , ' <i

On tho authority, o f « p c r ta repre- • senting forty-three tedding llfo ln su ^ ■■ csM 'ralnpanlcfl la tho Unitod States, « I t appears th a t n aplnater lives longer " than n m arried w ^ a n . .Cosiness worn. *' en Uvo longtT ttSan bnidncss m e a A " woman who tnkcs nn endowment poi- Ij Icy lives longer than a woman-whq c: tnkea nn ordlimry life policy, i t Is not 1< ciiKy lo explain why ob unmarried

'•woman sa rv lro i n m atron, ^ r- 'r r tly a >• business woman survives a- buri^ V Dtia waa, b u t th o Joagorlty of the endOA-ment woman is believed to bo 1' duo 'lo the determ ination to Uvo until

, tho policy m atures. W ill pow er is • hShlly less Im portant Id m any casea thnn T’tiy lq u c , and m ;u t alw ays' bo P reckoned with.' liven In d isease a nAQ' o r woman possesses ai na tn ra l tend- • eney toward health , and c u r d whleh often aro a ttribu ted to m cdidno aro ^ really tho assertion o f tho wlIL—Cap­i t a ^ c e k ly , ; , . . , . *

' ^ 1 PJcniy of E*p«r)en<«.

Ilokus—“So he 's in th e diplomatic l aerrlcc, c h i ..\V ell,tis Is 'em inently flb - ted fo r it.” ro ttf iA -‘‘IIow so?" “Ho j used fo be stnRCinnnnger fo r an ama* te a r dramatic c lu b .'^ L lfo ... , ■ ■ jc

To T«» the Speed of T rains.A distinct click la heard every time

tho cnr wheel passes over a to ll Joint. ^ With w atch in hand, connt tho.ntiAber of clicks in 20 seconds, and th a t wlli I'" be tho number of miles th e tra in Ib frc- tng fa nn 'hour. ‘


siness Properile city and bringing a morit : of one 50x100 one-slory nd tile building, one 25x80 50 wood an(j tile building a 1 leased from 2 to 5 years ti)s to not tho pnrcbaeer 10 por I flffit clns3 condition, and’ iu ii LI re than offset tho depredation. 1

wr IN the state- inves nooiH r.eEWfl^uiioiivfi B

. I w i n . f A l L B

: A $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 1 IT 0101


” P I E S T O P P O E T U N I T y . n i 2 K A T H L Y N W I L L I A M S <

• - C O - S T A E E n f Q w i ;

>n . , 3n "SPIEfl-^EED-BLOODBD AMBRIOA a , O T O T nO N B 'rA O T O E Y -O N I i . PICTUBES o r T iffi Y E A O - a


h. — 1. .OVER HERE THE WA] J n o t JW u o iw ly iis ‘’ o v e r t h e r e IP - p l o t s a n d 'v i t h a vo i ill r i m n l n g t l i ro u g l i i t a l l . - D o n ’ te ________

se ,ru -n'” ' •


" P E N N S Y L V A N I A E . E . _ I i« - H E L P f f l B M E N P L A N TIB ' ------------ -r. (By United Press.)0 IIAUUIBUUnO, I’A.—lu addition to ••. holliiuK to .w lti tbo wor through w hat

!•' they nre .loir.g lo facJJllnle Iranaportn-J- tiou iniiployoo.i of "thi! Pcniis jlvanla i0 HoliroR.l nrc'KoitiK in for war ^ r d e n . (U hK. Uo.i.o-fooil-ptoduction v la tho i* IViinnvlvniii# route, 1» the luotto under 1 J wUich’thcy am working w ith thel^-hocs. i f W. J . It'ons, illviiiion freight agent fo r ( li the Hynlom Iwrr. in .Kitril.uting a Jsjgfl J “ lot of yank’ll iifimer* futnlBbcd him by I0 tho Natlouul W ar Garden Commlsilon, t Waahfngton, am tfn g tb o ag e n U an d m e n 1

' of the roail ln nauphln, Cumberland, fYork, I>ebnnou. iioucaster,. Chester, 1

1 IlMk«, Ducks anil Jlontgomery eoun- |* tlc». ' ^

In w riting lo tho commlwlon Mr. (3» Kom! e*i.rc«o<i tbo opinion tb a t ft Iftrge e1 number of thq men would be Infcrestcd t

in the work anil, would gladly ftvftU pthcmi-clvoi of the o|i()Ortujrity of. help- a

' ing fhcms^Ja-* on<! tbe country o l- th e c Mmc limo. KnportB.hclng received here n

V (how g rea t uctivlly all through tho tiI Mote in tho bomo food production move. 3f ment. I t Ii> b tlio rtd th a t th e to ' ii- a. Kcarccly a c ity or tow n'in tho K eyatoneie s ti to ' tb a t will not go far, If no t entire -1 al

. ly feed itnolf Ihfs year, tiirotigh (h c ,fl, eultlvatlon of hack ynrd# ond vacant bt loti.I f'rom I'hilfldcliihtB, I’itljburg*, Scrnn’ «, toil, Iteodiug, . Johnitown, Altoona, «: Wiikcsbarre; E iU .ltnnniir other p1a«e» U5 ronicR word of .soldiers of tbo jio il Hn- t(i ioR up in formidable numbere. *

' B B A I, BBTATB TOANKTSES , U, C. Bomans to Laura .\f. A std», «1, U, p a rt BW 15-10-17. ‘ ‘ • »

J . ? . Richards to H. JI. Postelwaite, (U#], BB N E 20-J0-15. Bl

8. U. Poslelwalto to F . Bowor, | l , v« BB N E 20- i0.1!r.

F . U urrlngton to a.M eA dam i, ♦15(1, p 1 10 Burrlngton subdivision-, KlmTjotly:

A. C. Boone to May E . Lewi*, ) ] ,1 34 b 07, Twin Pall«. ^

Sfrs.- Gertrude. Lovcrelt ta 'M ay „ Lowis, <1,1 14 b, 07, Twin Fallfc, ,■P. C. noono to May K. L e w U ,.|l ,

i 14 b 07, T w in FalU. . “May E. Lewis to Mrs-'Busan Ilansing, “*

J2000, I 14 b 07, T # ia P alli. 2J . .W .-llM dln to W. 8. Hill, $1, p a rt **

KW N E 3M 0-17.' ■ ■ ■ , .. « W. 8. n m to J . 11. D .y , m , p a rt Ec

NE32-10-17. . “J Jo tia A. S llro rt to H. L . Beors, $12'',

p sr t 8W BE STl-20. JJ

-;Th# N ow s-job Departmenl is always nc a t yoor-calL fa

- - ■ bl

= ^ = = ^ = ^ ^ = = ^ 1 f t


rty in Buhl 5. . wl

rithly rental of $530.00 , Jy stone' building, one w10 one.story stone and - ' ; and one 25x80 two-1 to good reiiable tenants *i ' l i t i n t c f e s t ' f t b o v o t i a c a n u d ' ’

L W E . T O W N L I K E B U H T , ju o

I f .YOU w a n t I N T f i n E S T , - ■ p ?

E S T I O A T E T H I S .1 Ica i, 'sal

Boise,,Idaho■ : . • ■■ J

... - 1-' ■ -------- 'I o f

L S D A I L Y N E W a

JO B B U T I N ’ T B O M t O F FI N A L O N G W H I L E 7 0 S E E8 O N T H E S C R E E N A G A I N - W l T ^ ^ i a L A O E R E I D •

id A N L 0V B -S 0B N E 8 D l' A ' BEA L ' )N B O F THB HOST . SENaATtONAL - O r a E B .A TTEAOnOKS AJTO VATOB- ’

— 1 _ --------- ■ . 1 - •

^ A B i s b e in g f o u g h t f s b i t t e r l y i f c r e . ” S e o t h i s p i c tu r o o f in t r iB u e , . v o in o f r e d -b lo o d e d A r o e r jc a n lo v e m ’t m i f i s i t . N O W A R S C E N E S . ,

.. “ T lic T h i n g W o L o v e ,”

^ t h e l a t e s t P a r a m o u n t P i tA tu n * , fit4i r r i n g W a l la c e K c lii , ( im tttiu H o n o o f t h o s t r o n g - ok I p a t r i o l i c a p p e a l s ' o v e r ' f il i in o ij. .I t_ ;iH ;i io \v s h o w in g

i l i t th e I d a l i o T h e a t r e . •

\ . F r o m n n id e a l i f i t ic j im p ra c * A tic tJ l p a c i f i s t , t l i fo u g h g r a d - V n a / s f j ig e s w c .w afc/i the pr-)- B gn-.'^siiin o f tl io lie ro t o a s o lf - W s iu i r i f ic in g , h ig li* h c f tr te d -v o l- 2 n i i t e e r . T h e m’e r i t a l s t a g e s9 t l i u t h u pa ftsod th r o n g h w i l l g -j*.' r e c o g n iz e d b j m a n y a lo y - a a l A m e r ic a t i a s o x a c t ly .^ th o a f ig l i f I tio y f o u g h t , t h e b a t t l e s - ^ h a d n 'i th t h e m s c l f e s UQ*M t i l t l ie y c a m e t o t h e J n U r o - m a i i7J i t io n o f “ T h o T h i n g W e

L o v e ."

^ P U N TS POmFiERS .'O F AIBT heir C onsum ption'of Carbonic Aold

A fw iys Qofna On^ I l « f ' to • Q r« tt Bsnefit/ '»t — » n- p lon ts do no t b reath# o r h a re any { la action corresponding to tho b u l b i n g n- o f animals. Oxygen Ib oasentlal to th e ' le Bustaining_or life . In anlmnlK, Inelnd- * er Ing hijmnn b 'e loK and In breathing s. a ir they consuhio o r appropriate th e * 3T cxygen it contnln* nnd give on t a i r • (0 bonlc a d d gas. u-Iilch fs poisonous.<y P lants do not consnine oxycen, hu t n, they consume rnrbnoic acid, thua help- * m lag to purify tbe ntmoapherc, w hich.la ® li, to some extent rendered im puro by B r, tho breathing of onlm nls.' They do no t n* generate oxygen, bntirfhey reicnso i t

by consutnlng the cnrbonlc ncid. Tyo* ( r. doll, n celebrated scientist, saya: "(Jon- j ;c d d e r olT tho fires in tho world and n il (I tb o oalinals la t2>o world coatlaaa)ly . U pouring th e ir carbonic a d d Into tho . [)- atm osphere. Wonld I t n o t be f a ir to = le ranclnde th a t our a ir m ust bccomo . c moro and moro contaminated and nnflt .10 to support either comboftlon o r llfo?. I s. T b ls seem s Inevitable; b o t f t would bo I ih a condDsionfonnded upon h a lf k n ^ I - " ,0 edge, upd tbereforo wrong. A p'fovl- ;.ja io n exists fo r continually purifying p c j tbo atmosphcro ot Ila acess 'ot car*it bonic a d d . By tbo leaves ot p lan ts

th is gas ts absort>ed. ond w ithin tbo ). leaves I t is decompossd b r tho -so la r I, ray s. T ho csrtKin is stored n p J iL ih o

whUe tho pure oxygen Is resto red ' - 1- to th o 'a lm b sp h crc r Carbonlc o d d , in j :

fact^ 1# to a g rea t .extent tho n u t ^ ^ ^ I o t p lan ts, tthd laasm ncb ns a n im ts in th o long m n , derive their food from k

1, tbo TCgetaMe wortd, this ? « 7 gu, 1 w hich a t flrst sight might bo regarded ^

!, o» a deadly constituent o f th e atmo»* Cbero; is th e main sustalner, bo th o t

, vegetable and-anlm al Ufe." \

!; FINEST WEATHEB Ilil TBOPICS' C lltnsto So Deiiohtful T h a t th a Avtiv

BBS Person Would Soon T ire ■ —^ of the Wonotony. Q

’ . Tho days wero wonderful, and th e P alternations of sun and wind wero as

' «!id tlng as the discovery of tho K , s t r u g o M alayan beasts and birds. The

s a a . rose a a f tly -n o breeaa aorcd T . c iond.nr lyaf, e n d ’«ven lho light 'camo'

a t first modemtely, indirectly, j^ n ec t- y< ed-fm m .-nb»-hlgber peaks, o r hello-

' graphed ^ m tho m irror of a half-hid* f ' den, d istan t w aterfa ll In early a f tc ^

, noon—ono n o r tr know Just when—tho fa in test o f b rceies aifted down nad . , b lurred tho lacery of treo-fem shad* Y ows. ■ T he wind was cool and soon ^ s tn u f th e n cd , aad by n igh t tho a J r wn*' ^ surgloR violently through tho p p , s i­phoned from the cold sufflmlta<*tlown D , to tho ho t, humid Talleys. D ay a fte r day ono reawakened to th e scnso o t tropical surronnaings from a convic- ^ tlon . of a 'n o r th e rn antumii, w ith tho P wffld fttll of Kwtrllng leaves and tho ■ fronds songMng w ith tho same radcadence os tho n e w ilcs .o f sccntcd __pInM of th e aorlbiand.—W illiam be . in T ho AtlanUe.

Tunisian Products.Tunis hn.i always been clileHy nn ng.

riculturnl country-^vrenls. wine, ond 5oUvca being the prlndpnl products. C

I T hero ok aluc mimchun (locks and 5 r.herds of live slock. The nntive popula*

tlboa of the south live nti the p roducts gIflf th d r d n te ’pnlnw nnd fru it trees. tt

•' . r ^ . SJ

Be.Explicit. ■■ ■ . - gMnny-H,i'(iic!‘niim Itisc.'^.n sa le bo- §

Icausu^r-rippV is 10 Im nndorstood. A R;6a le m :m iiiii>-i n ji'ti-xpectnnythingiho « shonid.he explicl.-./ lie don’t w ant to DO disnppiiintfd.

AifvertUg It in tba ClaliUied cotDoaa ot The Nows. 8 oo«liody.wlll w ia t i t _


■ “ W A l l A‘ '^ T Iie T liio g

‘ THEIR KICK vnas i : ■ GETS ON TI


S I___________ " .. —

A n,.ac tual plot, inangUtatcd by t• - a e rn m ogents in this country was- (

tho them? of tho„Bfcnario. / c

■ ■ IH S y L O TTbo idea was to allow ODO A merican-;.

! . - ( 1} munition m snufnctnrer to b id in i■ nil contracts fo r tbo allies, aad thwj g

to i^efay tfie work. Tbe sathon ht h tb!s~exceptionally clover and tim ely i; scenario wore apprised of th e plot t through a loyal OenD'aa-Amerlean - il

I nnd a fte r tho m atter had boen turn- I ed over to the Sccrot Bervleo an-J n• sufficient • precnntloas hod ; b e en - ,li

(• --------------------------------------

, / V A U D E , ^

; M u s i o A L m v M ' ' iBIO B IT B V B B Y W E E ^ '

[ ' Travel* of U ch t R a y a . ;'I t tnkcs clKlit i.^lnntex for n m y o f

) ligh t to travel K),000.000 miles from |th e sun to the enrth. B ut the tinjo >requireil fo r n llcht ruy from th e s tn r (nearest to the solnr nyst«m (Alpha \

f Centflorl) to rrn rh ux Is'ft^ur and a >). h n lf ycnrs. A \f is t ronjorffy o f tho jJ s ta rs (every orio o f which is n glowing ^. sun) aro ra fn r off th a t it tnkes thou* \. soDds ot years fo r IJ^ht from Ihrro lo ^; ge t Bere.- ' ' , ,

Poor HurasB N ature, ' t “A lot o ' mert," w ltl Uncle Ebcn. “is . fftlriy m ccessful, only doy’s Jes* natch* , , e lly - so dlRsatisfled dey won’t a d -' ,, m i v - i

' ' ' i I• usqisSO) pooA jb I’ S3M)d Soiqqnj / q u n p o jd .o ) poaiv9|’ ]sig j(iqeqo4tl'unm .^Aiiinrvza '-fjoi1 41(1 uvuinq n j iCiJM u«iom( s a « o j |. j

H a v e Y o u

N o , w e a r e n ’t t a l k i n g a b o u

N o t h i n g o f t h e k i n d l •

W e m e a n h a v e y o u t e aN E W S . ; r O D A Y ? "

Don’t Wait To Be DraD o n ’t b e c o n t e n t t o g o A > k

P E N E D Y E S T E R D A Y -

I ^ o w w h a t ’s g o i n g o n J o d a ;

T h a t ' s w h a t w e ' v e g o t t h e - L

y o u t h e s t r a i g h t o f t h i n g s t h (

Come On and VolunteY o u w o n ’ t h a v e a n y r e g r e t s

w e w o n ’t t a k e y o u r m o n e y .

B e o n e o f t h e f i r a t t h o u s a i i d .

Phone 32-.-or Cut Tllead ing I

o I * I you can give i t to tis oue I I 7oa a ^ U a i m y;ou wUl g

S . I j . Ton a ie repsat«dl]r clalmi

; | p e a te it 'a f te rn o o a news s<

g S £ 5 £ W B W ANT 5 0 BE BHfl

i | S S £ Send I t to UB f 9r(ind lcft'

B - ' I (N am e)'______

' toity> ------------

, ' . ' (MaU or Carrier) i___ _

- -We h*TO-Qin‘o w n ‘carrfer berly ,.and F iler.

MONDAT, A P ^ ' m m

spVpictuhe • “

i m ii i E i i f f i i i rI We LoveIRFIDy,LOBE EN"WALLY” • rHB JOB


taken to p revent its being carried ' ' out, they thought o f tfao Idea o f In- corporaUng i t In a photoplay. *

' . — FA T kO T lb '-pB A T D E B . , '. A w ar.w bn by .-the 'detw m l-.-,' ,

nation o t ono true-hearted American . . and one sm all,' p re tty , bn t tm o-- - icartod aod Joyal womaD/ ijsoB ods improbable but—It m ight have been true.. “ The n i n g Wo L o v e 'is a •JcepJy patrioUe, s tirr in g photoplay th a t will appeal to overy ind iv idual' man and.-woman in nil th is 'b ro ad .land o fo u rs . •


. tiered J n Poverty, Though Rich.Abject poverty In the inldst. of - •

riches was' discovered n l Athcrstone,. W orwlckshlrc. England, n short timtt ogo. \Vhpn nn ngcd widow who had been living n lone 'w as removed to the

'locnl w orkhouse,. moro than $500 tn gold nnd silvirr wna discovered s6- ' crctcd in h e r house.- In a tea (addy ■ hidden under tho bell w as found nearly fSSO, w hile a n o th e r h o ^ d ftclodsd TO sovcrdgns.

■ Dally ThouflhL- We hnvo spoken of physical conrege,^

o r. the coumgo o f nerves, o f moral courage, o r tho coufago of priudples. Be'sidM these th e re Is lotellectoal cov*-ogT o r the c o u rn ^ o t oplnlonsr-Phll- l lp s B w k s .

. O ptim istic T houflht . Tbero :1s n snm cient recompenso lii t t e very rnnK iousncss 'o f • noble dcisl. '

g is te fc d Y e t?

) u t t h e D r a f t R e g i s t r a t i o n ,

g i s k e r ^ ^ f o r ‘ ' T O D A y S

a f t c d

b l o w i n g W H A T H A P - I

a y — ®

■ U n i t e d P r e s s f o r — t o g i v e .

h e d a y t h e y h a p p e n .

t e e r ’ I

t s — i f y o u ’r e n o t s a t i s f i e d n

L ’ * ' ' i lf h i s O u t I

S today 's nsw> tom onow . Y o a-siy y |

me day o a d ls i^ th e day It happ«u . ^

: g frs os a ll sU t« and cm m tr n m . W- mlng th a t yon r 0 n l t« l U the

serrice l a the world.

B O w k " *

Ier“ rouies In Tw in F^JIs, Buhl, Kira-

; ■

■. i

Page 3: A iABLE AND US1 O S DAIL Ew g · 2018. 12. 26. · I lUandegee, " i t ia time for ,t ^ legiJa- I tlvo departmerit of tho go»erSmeat. to I act ]^ a ro already urged the senate > military-

IONPAY, APBIL 29,1918 : ., ;.

Efimis S i r Bllf Bie 6llK F0« ^ T H E M O S S S

ZOOED OP SH IPM Ein; OF D.tiDi , s O T P L n i s F E O M O o m f - ; ; 3 ‘

T 7 18122 BOXES DUBIHa i h b s t q u a e t e b y k a e r r s ;

' - y c a r.iin- - . . 1017, t(j

Ihaicative of the enonnobs «nIeo i ‘wease in tho outpot of Bed . ” !ro88 BUpplies a t the hftiida of 10 workera o fT ^in Falls coun- ni»n wh I is the fltatemQnt of Mrs. W. nWo as t ’ Edwards, chairman of the lililary rdldt dGpartment ol ,c Tmn EWIs^County chapter, „ ,|,,j „ mdo'in her report a t the'quor- to -'tho r

'm eeting o f . the; branch^ • Qll auxiliaries held’ here on ^"” 2* aturday afternoon in . the [oose hall. Baring tbe three open to lonths period ending April 1, lufflptry, [rs. Edwards said, tiere were arniior;-, hipped through the county haptcr, 122-boxes of supplies,’r i o r t o J a n u a r y 1 t h e r e h a d ctc. e e n s h ip p e d a t o t a l o f 2 2 b o x e s ,

r i ib q u o t ^ r f o r w o rk e rw .u n d e r . i r e c t i o n -<)f . t h o T w in F a l l s '

b o u n ty c h a p t c r i s e iR li t b o x e s w r m o n th . - a i x -l ;

.Pnrduum Btm In to T b o u an d t i i n . C. J . Sahrooiler, purcbwlng

gont for tho county chapter, roportod u rc tu c s ot m rto rW . I ot Ibe 7ikrioM “ ® J J moehoi. ami Bnxllioric* Doder ita au- srvlilon, ftmoBDtinff to l>otwcon 12500 n.l 13000 per day. .

Exceods BxpecttUoM o_ooo yetT hat tho quantity of work being m /onslll

irned out by tbo Bod Crots^FO'ker* Roman tc far la e ire u of aoy antleipAUoos li Alx-Ioi

le itateineDt nin^o by Lulbor Tumor natcd rri ’'S fattio , aeeoantaDt fo r tbo nortb' on leavo. Mlfrn Itod Croaa i^lvlalon, who waa T^io bif

atteudanea a t, 'iU ls meotltig. 'H r . podillona urner annooneod’ th n t arrMigomenta account o 6 being infldo wberoby all niaterlala La)co Do ed will bo aeat from divlilon head< fresblQ};.

uartera tbrough tho local choptora al* itsn ts be ady eat out and-read^* to bo sowed th a t.th o getfier. l ib argnbd ngaioat tbo .pur- icon Kxp aM of natarlo la eliowhoro than Ixiai; I rtmgh the. Bod Croaa organization, nalrea” 1 atlBg th a t pnrebates made otberwlao rhaa ts b< aeed tho Bed Croaa orffonlxatlon la do the rl; mpetitloD w ltb tbo merebandlae deal* kcbIo of I, to the dlnilTaDtago o f tbe Red wsa fizoc rota. H o urged tlio m ik ing o t prompt into a at< ml regular rnoatU j' financial reporta will havo a tbe pa rt of branehca and aaxlliarlea -

the chapter trea ia re r, in order tha t “ INNOO 0 promlie of th s Red Crota th a t ov-

ry-dollar donated to i t would be ae- it uated for might bo fulfilled. ' complete

BipnMittAttTe A tteod inee ■ . lB“«tteBdanee.«t tho meeting Satur- y there wero repreaontatlvea of prac- .ftUy all o f the braaeb and a u illlw y l “. ^ rganlutlesa. U ra. E . J . Oatrander, n t v lte j m l d e n t pf tho chapter, pro- „Jed ,'a 'id Mrf. E _ L U aeV Icar, aecre*

S V e 'm X '* " ' “XBepom -Show W ork Dooo tjiat bo-di

Reporta' of '(ho aovonl lubordiBate loc laiira; -ganlutlona. mado a t. thla tlm o' indl* bor fro f i < Ited BBlformly Inereasedi e ffort, and cent tho rodnctlon among all o f tho w orken of Though s le . county. Thl* aggregato o f tha aol/ in C ork of ths.i& bordinato organizations waa broui

given l ^ th e reporU of tbe «bapU*T behind tii Wlelala, through whoao offleea a l l 'o f garden be 10 npplle* made aro ebeekid and . W l o > upped. ' ' evil from

W b « M ateria l W ent thought oIn detail tbo ropflrt 6f Mra. Edwards 'lowbd th a t thoro had been mado and lippcd .daring tho f l n t threfl montha . , - V ’ thla year the following artlcloa: IBO ^i ln of aocka,.«3 p a in of allppora, 1 « ? “ lira of. kn it aocka, COO; aw eaten, Bj:- ^ 0 “’' ImeU, « 0 p a in of wrlatloU, 70 muf- eta, £0 boxea of SMTgltal d T tM bn . "hero bad been nsed In tho makinff of ^ aHIcloa, 7800 yarda of ontlng, '^ yarda o t twiU, « 2 0 yarda of n a ’

w hed mnalln, 1853 ponnda of yarn ; IM -groai of bnttoaa. upbrlni: - ProTida fo f 209 Mother*

!ho fac t tha t thoro had boon n o H U K BOJinntlon, following tho onnouneo- LONDO it tha t piatorlala nied woald have London, al e donated, in tho produeUon of Uy- ' J required by m othcr,.o f.Jraneo and "heltorlng Iun WM J d a ttd by M n . A. K . Bea- » “no In .her report aa ebalrman of iht, *ehoola in

eemmlttoe. -8ho-a ta ted avnilablo m comploto layottea bod been P w ^ nro

ie d durlBg tho period o f U weoka' >Ji«etIng 1 1 P">'>»'>Uity o f leta. oP” to «

ig in the demand for thla work M rj .. je r Btated, adding tha t arUelea mo*t ued aow-aro mnBlin b raa ilen ehi|. «n 'a dreuea and flour aaeka. tho Twia

. Anticipates Another Oali • ' ■‘‘'t in g th Ira. Koaoedy Paekw d, appointed tbo chaptcr to auper.-i»o tho collec

a nad preparation for ahlpment of 'thing for •war anfforon in tho por- ia* of Franco and Belgium occupied

tho Oermaaa, joporled th a t OVin a ^oualy bad fulfOled Ita apportion- ^

» t of throe toaa in d had 'added Wn 'ooda additional fo r good 'moaauro. «!>>' w e la ov«J7 reoton to bolieva th f t ero wU be la ter calia fo r clothing for 0 rofageei, and th n t beddlog pjpce. ’

will be roqnirod,‘Bhe a tatcd. •. •tatflmontI w l a , ^ B r ia c h ' el

I ' S t w ’lIf u,'“ I;*'"''”'" ' •• iktt I ” .i

" a . • « M a Tiee president o f tbe th a t i f n t



EY RBORinTlNO 8E B V I0B AN* i n)UK0B8 BFFZOT O F 8BLE0* r a - 8 m iO B - lA W 'C H A H O E 8 -

. L -fiaito information has been re- d by the local United Blatca army ( ^ Itlag atatlon throogh tho te n tra l I .. in In S alt Lake, tb a t t h e w a i de- ■ nen t.Ia loon to. requiro aH men haro-;a»aehcd thoir tw cnly-flrat

•Blnco tho regiatration on Juno, 0, t«l..rogiBter u n d e r.tb o aelcctfvo W

to rognlatlnna. ' '5 wnr department Ib Blill_calling■ olunteen in a ll branthea. o f tho :o ,'and the opportunltic* for thowho cnliata today, are aa favor-. ® UB thoy were for the men w h o ja r *“ 5 ^

a t the outbroalc of tho w ar, tho elation announcta. New regl* tho an i aro being organised oponlng up Id of opportunity for advancement e gradca of non-commlaaloiiod of*I. ,-Men^from 18 to 21 J-cara-and 31 to iO 'ycara of ago may apply iluntceia for enliatm ent ong tho branthea of thc Bervice “ XJO to voluntoey. enllatmonla aro. tho *'0h. try, cava lry i 'f ie ld .artille ry , coaat a n n e g !ry,'raodical idepartmont, quarte.-- Whby. r corpa, ordnanco corps, tank aer* to do,'' and the engineer ubUs InclujiliS' ly, rondbulldin^f, mining, qu M ^ , I

amllo i. . In the


r O L D E O M A N E E S O E T

■'(By DnlUKl P r » .) H .(» B A IN S .- I le [o ro thc birlll ,ri»t Roman aoldlcn paraded tbe IT atrcotB of Alx IcB-Balna a ad tho m a famlliar.-alght drnped.about Jj’o hO' ildlers and officera of the army I fj 'o u liua Cacwr. T hat waa about 2,- oarBago. -ny tho Mliiiers o f the U n I U d < o f n l I aro doing w hat tho Roraana did .w ont.l year* ngo nnd l^io olivo drab la f« e n t. ' lulllor on tho atrcotB na \n a thc Anne ito g n .•lea'Ilain*- ia an . o fflclally dealg- * ^ t b rcBt center fo r American troops '"’’ould

™ ‘H Ublgb command of tbo Roman Ex- '

saary Forco aelcctcd the town on 'i t of ila beauty; medicinal a'prlngs, P ® ^ Reurgot and tho. w onderful re- .

a»..m ountaia nir. Local inhab- believe thia.w»a tho very feaaoa

the high comniand of thd'.Amcr- DMD tfl Kxj>cditlonary Forco picked Alx. “ g beforo Americna-<-'pernii«Bion- Bupcrln "T jcgaa to arrive the local nler- I beld n meeting and decIdcd to ' ! right thing by tho Snmmlei. A of prices fo r ovorythlBg ««ftlab|n ,Ixod and when tho Sammy goes «D“tlni. atore he kao^h exactly whot heavo to-pay boforo ho orders. j,,"* if*


it b e tte r^ o bring up a girl iu o f “Mento Ignoraneo o f .th o tcm ptatloni T h e ’angera o f-lifo or' to tell her the tencd, :aad thua induce her to be oo oltemailard!/^. la ih o question aaked by place, i•cat Patbo play " In a o c e n t," In p n ig oFaaale 'W ard atara, aad whieb Into a

> tA tbo Oipbo\lm tb ta te i on 'We\\- IcstUUi^ one day. . aelt m tatory ia tb a t o f a gUI, daughter going .i

lan who became a alavo |o 'd r io k , goeat*ho aaw in hlmaelf aueh appetite) .fetirs.o-dotermincd Ue kcep'h la child In *'l bclon| ho'plag in th a t way to keep »Uf" si:Ifl evil. ' Hb Bvoa called her Inno- amuacn;ho better to oxpteaa his wi*h. prisedh a European be immured; him- IntltaUI Ch^an and there- hia daughter youth ^reught up, p ra e tlc a ll j 'a prisoner nnd wi. tlio g rea t walls c f tbo Cblacao "GoocI behrtd hor fatherja house. Uttio sclo ho lived ho waa able to-kcop her, amrom h e r.'. B u t,o n .,b ia deathbeJ, f e e t b«it o f a d f was' lost in wprry for . "Uy,id and the Inhoritanco of n ^v.^ak and thote r,w h ie ir be feared ho bad i f f t floor ofIo confided her to tbo care/of n by tlio’ John ^yndhnm ,'w hom hykm tw " I dohonorable man and who bv hoped out outprovo worthy of tho t n / t Wynd- darkncaIred of China' nad ytj/ui baek to Qoynace), taking w ith him /n n o c o n t In masteryfor tho firat tim o^he, in her ig- nod inse, cornea undor 'th e notlco* of a comingiting bu t absolutely iinacrupuloua ;throo*bW ill hor fa thcr'a pocniiar motbod bo sawringing atand tbe atra ln to which tiro Icaiow oxpoKcdf ^ bnlldlos

BOHBEEa W BilOK BOHOOMfDON.—In a rocent nlrralil over „i .a lx achool bouses wero h it .by ing .for. • Althouftb 1000 persons ware „ log in ano nnd 500 In another vaa Injuroil. Moro than 3 1 i |--jvano' I in tho Ixjndon dlstriota aro now3lo for airraid shBllera. Sign- 'coinpaniro oreetcd in most o f the streets oianee.ng pedestrians caught in tbo j <i^g(o^tho nearest shelter. f c u r” \- _____________ ; ________ _______julra’i l i :■ ^ “ “ thank j r, explained tho relationship of Uhnn hi r ia Palla branch to tho ehnptcr,: th a t th a former organiratlon is t ij , [larity w ith other brnaches and th InMo lo tbo ebnpter. The . Tw in jj ebapler, aho nnaouncod, will y( • open ita headquartoni .In tho dmcca. h d l, whllo tho Twin Falla 'braach ' «pniy alntala its offices in the base- niaD, an >f tho Methodist church. ' cd .ah« E oso r BoU Bequlrefflents - . ' placo v xplanatlon of the rigid reqiilro* Im*! ivlth regard to knitting, Mrs. Ed- read a le tte r tfbm division head- bo had ■> w>ieh concluded w ith tho 'w t th ^ t ,"aa tho Twin Falls l*o thla t■ ehaptor Is ono of Ibo loading rs In tho atato i t la oxpectod

will aoon bO;On tho honor roll, [ o eaaa tb a t tho kn itting sen t In | [‘“ V j »■ i . cIo ..ly to . t l . 1“ ; ^ 'neoda no In ipection .'' ' jll iU e..

_ ‘ T W l N F f M ^ S D A i

■ or«rTiJissM ystery^

' » minute

“Mr. S tran g e r” ”T';^ ----------( W O ----------------■

B r PRAKCSS B. U N SK 7' ■ ' ' ' a n d U

WW<IW6$6C6t W»8aa<t CMi8ttMWWI th ird < PTrUbt. UU. tv th* UeClur* Mewapa. , w It

T e a tws w rdlaU y iM ltefi tn pleiiaebinco to be given by the employees going thlBlhotel on'-Wednesday evcnlng.i Jdng n n c la ir lf f (bo garage from 8 |g0 to; a f te r : o’c lo c K P Ic asc como with e sco rt”, foel th U ne frowbcd when sho read the! clso hi 1# card. When ecbool had Bhut| An'ni vn very unexpectedly fo r an eo* very < ced.TacflnOQndio bad fe lt th a t shoj jby coi s t earn some extra money. Tho re^ w ard t t %da tbn t aho had a c n p tc d n m -| )n tho led “w ar Umo" position In ono' ofi ^ o n .' sabnrban hotel8 ,\bnt th a t such m ab&< dtlOQ has lls. dlQcultles, and 19 Jn tc ru (hty dl{rc;(tnt from teaching achooV 'th o t s Dli w as JustrbbSftUlI!)i;'l!infad out. th o ' ab Z JK m ^ 'can 't 'go,” flho to ld 'hcrself. th o n c harflly lraow aiiy of Uio pcopio who . ;‘i % 1 t e there .' And b e s ld ^ I haven't' tona to r yonng man to aak fo r’m y^cscort" jjbo sa Ob. Uiere/s U r. S tw eas," n s 'U io d a n d n OBger of Uie hotel cnmQ Into Uio “U y by. "I’ll oak him to ad^lso me what) y o a -in lo ,'' and eho hurried over to 'm eeti "Wh; 1* ' ' ch&offcle greeted her w ith a p leasant nrach < lo for h e had taken g rea t In terest ly bavi iie girl who had como to him when’ tloo.” . otfNuid closcd und frankly told him “Noi: her deslro to earn more inoney In, young er lo Dt beret'lf fo r "biBKcr things.” h ls fni llslencd cnrcfully to tbe etory o f stintck. diniculty. n ttT e?

\Vby. I’d Just look la for h a lf 'a n nfrnW ir,’ if I wero you." lie sold, when im ui y had flnlHlu-d; “yoli nccda't danco' .Onco

ou don't want to, and your lack o t Diq (.q, escort w in give you suinclcat. ex- h e r Imi

but I tiling you'd better go if only' » it i a few mlnulea, so tha t tbo others ' ” |

I't th ink yoti orq trj-lag to be dif* jqj,. U r . S tr

nne Ihanked blm, and hurried otf, <‘Qoo idering ^ y sho hadn't thought of over h' t herself, and resolved Uiat ahe nieanln lid look her pretUeat, even if she “Good-i I 't partlculnrly caro nbout going. tb cr dinner, sho w ent to h er l it tle „ m uuder tlio eaves, to don h e r (uIq hi ty gown. ' ■ - v e ck s ,Qoodneasl How gay wo shall be H 'vlUo fo cxclnlmed to herself, ns she shook gjji, he r drwK. “I wonder If I hnven't

a’to n pariy slneo tho farewell ovo.J Umt Uic teachers gavo lo Uio old jntcnde frlnteadent. W oader w hat the non; ^ 1 '11 b f Illic," and licr mind wan- jj H) on lo the nubject Ihnt lay nca^ her benrt-schooLChey nay lie's young and quIIo fas- , ling ," she thought, .'.‘and I suppoao flghyi i :m c an 8 .lb n ta l l.tb e -t« ieh m ln tb o rlc t will set Ibelr caps fo r lilm. Qnco-f, hero's oiie Ibat w on 't" And she

)cd n lialrpln In w ith ex tra force, tonlcht' Anno had "Ideus" on Uio su b jic t , ^ur las ■Uen." jnio ab e 'ln s t lock .of h a ir securejy fos- »I, anti thc laat frIU on Uio drexs m ately cooxed and patted into e. Anno sallied forth, alone to tbo igo which had been transformed

a dancu ball for th e evealng's iQfomioi IvUlcs, qulw surprised to llnd 'hcr- m ther exdti-U u t Uio prospccta of vaguely

ig to .B dauce, orcn Uiongh Uio i , j„ , it» wero to bo maids nnd chat^- bet *• ' "tencn ui, believe I'm going, to cajoy I t a fte r uigi,t ' sho told herself, wiUi no lltUo v jth .th i isement. "Lsliouldn't be n t nltsOT- waiting ed If I find myself accepUag an tho eve taUon ■ to dance wlUi somo ta ll t|j„Ji ‘who drives n gcaUcman’s car,' anjj_ mJ

who p ro b ab ly -” u‘,o verlood graclQua,” and Anno gavo a f,\^z bop a saco m os a big machine abot by ^ipon be and came to a sudden stop a few words i

' beyond. th n t wniiIy ,b u tth a tw a s a narrow cscapo l" into bet tho g itl leaned weakly against Uio a log str • of Uio garage, totally unnerved as. his ' ho shock. * ho solddo hope I haven't hu rt yon," call- « i nm o u T T masculine volco from thq Mystery, Jiess beyond; n volcc In which an- . And A iQCO a a d ,^ n c c n i atrugglcd'for Uio glowing tery. “I do hope you are oot hurt*^ h is, nnd instlneUvely lils cap camo off, as, - I ah Ing Into tho light'S tream ing out snperfnt ogh tho door^of tho .danco hall, aw Uio slender, dainty, girlish llg. leaning s p n p ln s t th e sido of thq ^Jlns- ■ y o a n d ll e y told mo down tho road UiaJ (agterti0 was n danve'la tbo garago up Ottilia,M V so I wns Just running p a s t looki nccordln for a placo to put up my car for <jioner t hlle. I'm most awfully sorry If ^laUon < frightened you." the now

ino'fl presence of mind by th is Umo yorjj g trctum edr ond sho took In b e t followed

panlon wllli m o nll-oppralsln^ Callfora' ee. ^ . 0. and 1Ughty good looking for a .chauf> gentcd b ," was her Inward, combicnt and each. F d sho sa id : “I am all righ t now. c n fM a r ik you. I 'rea lly wob more seared ippincs.1 h u r t AU Uio chaof—I mean the folli guests a t the danco nro putUag ncsotn,- he machloea In tho empty lot bo- q q j two

Uio garage. I’ll show yon the ooo clU ," sho added grncloosly, "for 1 sup- jjew Ha I yon don't want- tO m iss any alsslppl, *8, There goesHbo music now." jonn.—E ?hy, I d o n 't - ” began Uia young , and Btopped, for Anno.bad walk- ihcad nad was poInUng out tho „ .0 whcro fl. number of-m adilooa ‘already been parked. .:oboQ oItetruU iful."ha8ald ,w hcnjad caught up w;u» tbe girl, ."1I't quIlo mnde up my mind, to golls dnncc, for. os you see. 1 havefl'l •partner.” And *110 looked n t Ui*wiUi a quesUon In hia,cyea.mo laughed. “Why," she said, ™t was m c l ly tny tro n b lo -b u t

0-- \ I fo rc n e x

4E.YN EW S _______

'W ell,"tbeu. may if havo 'tlib pleas-' ‘| l E i t f ’ asked tho young' m an quickly, B ■“ 1 08 Anae nodded comicnt, ho R ied . “I l l jo in yon-here In Jost a . . i auto," and w ent otf to look a fte r hlfl : ch ln c .'.U they glided over tho floor togeUl- #. Anno gave heniclf np completely d Uic pirasuro of dancing wiUi n p a r^ f t r whose Hiep matched hO TpcrfecU y, d 1 I t WBS not until Uie end of- the ir . rd dance togeUie^ th a t she dedded it I t was Uioe fo r he r to go.'J n s t w ait fo r otle more dance,”«d(Hi h e r companion. * to r 1 AoU b e n g myself then. J. b a v a raUior a .&Ig run to mnko ton igh t and besides' 9 ei* these dances w ltb you, I don 't m i th a t I want to daoQe w ith anyono f i0 .here.” B Uine looked up w ith a smile n t tho E ■y obvious com plim ent and< os i f B 'common impnlsc, ijiey moved to- E rd .th o lawn, to BtroU np' and down 'E tho moonllfibt during jtho interm it- 8“• 8 ’ ^& o fonnd h e r corapsnlon n m ost K crcsUng talker, a s h e told b e r o f -K1 TsrioQB.pInccs bo hdd visited, nnd K I'fltralns of music th a t annooaccd K 'I nex t danco camo o il too'soon. I‘I think yuu hnvo tie ra 'm o s t for- I into In.your'cbolcc o f a n employer,'^ K I , u l d to him, ns they entered tbo 'M id 'ng room again. ' . K .'U y cmployerT W hy jo a t w bat do i i .m e a n r asked U)».7 onag s a o . .' m W hy," said tho ' glzl, ’“not many; ■ lOffcnra nr^ 'p ttvU eged to e u u i i ch of the country &s yon apparcnti ■ have, Judfllng from yonr convcrsa- B I . " ., . , I BN ot mnny chaufleuTB," repeated tho B log mun. n ra the r p n u le d look on ' B

fncc—“u'hy—e rr -” , os a Uiought ' B itck^ilin, “ ivby, yes, I guess I am K ber" Ihcky a t 'U m t nlUiough 'Tm K ^ l id I luidn't rea lly appreciated I t K a you spoke." i Rinco moro Uiey glided 'ofl, and a t K . end of tliQ danco Aone held o t i t ' K Imnd. f R

I t bns been a very p leasan t ero- m ff," she said. “ Thank yon for.haT- i . helped to make I t so, Qood n lg b t M Stm nger." , ' ■

Qood nlfiht” and h is hand d lised ■ r h e r s , ^ bo quickly c n o ^ t th e ■ miDg conveyed In ber ' words.'. M >od-DlKlit. illufl Mystery." i M .t tbo end uf Uio hotel scaBon, Ximp . &It up to Aunt Jane's UtUd mono-. & .I homo to re s t fo r # cooplo' '6f Q iks, and llien w ent back to Qoorge- fi 3 fo r Uio opening o f school. f Q ho found Georgc^-Ule n il ' ^ t » < fi — i t Tliero w as .to bo a rocopUon fi

donee to welcome tho new 8 n p e ^ , E ndent, ond Anoo, womanlike, woa B ; OS eager ad aU tho rest to bo^ ’ BIt ho was like. ' ' I 5iVcIi, yon old dear,’* she said, ad- B ralng licNrdmarkB to her very B :b wrinkled cvci^ng dress, a s ehe B .. ' Hi i t ou t Of he r tM k , “U tltm akea B second 'very unexpected appear- K

3 -fo r ' you Uils season. Well, U ' C _ hnvo ha lf as nico timo tngeUicr B k w iRht’ a s we did on tho occasion of ------------la s t parly”—aad Anno w ent off ONE £

I n day-OVcam, from w Uch sho q b ' nronsed by hearing Uio- clock

tv six, which b ro u g h rh e r to her wIUi n ';Mcrcy gradoos, I muBt

is m y dress o r I'll never bo ready PARIS It ho w as certainly mighty *wcU- of which m in i fo r n diauffeur, and ho never icg tho I nKksd me my name,". sbo.&nUhed iio ry of jc ly /ao t-m aking I t very clear oven '■■Qoolom leraelf Just w bat coniiecUon' thoro nurino between Uio flrtft p a rt of h e r *n und thc l a s t . .ight o’dock found Anno together .■ . ,, I,Uio oUier tcocbers of h e r sdiool . .®* “ ;ing h e r tu rn to m eet Uio guest of evening. Anno was . th e la st In ' " , ,

line, ood a s Uio usher gave he r hia , Uio girt found herself rehearsing very correct apeedi wlUi which [.“[ “ . " i J hoped to m ake n good taptcBslon , , , ih c rn o w '8 D p e rio ro ff lce r ,b n tth o "*■Is died in h e r th ro a t nnd a l ig h t wna moro U im recognlUon idipod *““! h e r eyes, a s Uio guest ofU ie.ero- strode forw ard to m eet h e r; end ' “ r®

lls brown hand dosed over b e n inld sofU y: ■ “f "

m nst havo Uio flrst dance, i t l a ® , tcry." ' T-,®id Anne. w lU ilh o b ip p y light BtUl ■Ing In he r eyes,- lifted them to ’’n n d .a U d : ’ • cited thoa lw o:^ find I t best to obey'.tho

rfn tendent" Ci------------ :------------- • ,In Uie

e rlcan i In Tokyo m d Yokohama.' c a r rem ilf tho Americans residing In Tok- fonnd wl nd Yokohama bavo como from fonr fee t In h ?rti s ta tes—New Tork, Pennayl- i,U aesachu8ett4nnd N ow Jersey— ' rding to a census taken a t tho j i ' ■ er tendered by tho A m erlcw asso- on o t ^opan to Roland 8. U o n ls , . new Amcricna o m b a ^ d o r . New : S ta te led w ith 41, Pcnnsylvnnla wed wlUi 21, UnsRacbusetts, 15;;orala,18; nilools, 12; New Jersey, ad UlssoriH, 7. Ohio was repro*. ftromc jd b y e jK a n s a s a n d ln d la n t tb y e T h o t . Fonr'^acfa "camo from ConnecU- .Maryland, Tenneaseo and the Phil- ICS. T h rw hnlled from each of following stn tcs r Ulcblgnn, UUi- ta, 'W isconsin and Washlngtoo, two from tho T errhory of UawalL* dU te n each conio from Maine, r r — r H a m p ^ ro , North Corollna, Mis* '

ppl, Oklahoma, • Iowa tmd Arl- .—E a s t and W est Ne^vs. ' I

‘U npatriotic Han. I ^ .irlog Uio recent drlvo for I tcd I l a ls memberships a man was ap- | ”:hed and asked to take oo t li Ibepjjilp .' He-decUned flaUy and (ircd be had no t snbscrlbed for tho 1,a -A .f iIn d f lh d Uie Liberty bonds. I • «d idn 't p r a ^ T o ~ 'j o l n Uio Red I | | | g |

jc a pressed for a reason ho #ald: I , Tiy, d id n t I pay $C00 for a snl>- ; , ta io tako m y place in the ranka 'Ig th o QvU w t i i i t U tto u g b I no man.'" ■ , . " L— —

Confessioi German Di



■ is to ld in de ta il b - p a r t ic ip a te d — a

, o fficer w h o se c( r e v o l te d a t th e a causing h im to d(

T h e a u t h o r — a y o u n j

w a s a n e n g i n e e r ■ w i t h ’

. . a r m y w h e n i t c r o s s e d

f r o n l i e r o n t h ^ ' m a d r i

P a r i s . H e p a r t i c i p a t e

t i r e c a m p a i g n u n t i l t

'j , M o n s , i n w h i c h h e w

a n d s e n t t o a h o s p i t a l

' h e e s c a p e d o v ^ r t h e i

• t i e r , f i n a l l y t r e a t i n g A

i s i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s

t e r e d a s a n a l i e n e n e i

w r i t t e n h i s e x p e r i e n (

r e a d e r s . ' ,

: T h i a A u t h e n t i c , V

o f G e r m a n M i l i t d

_ “ K a l t u r ” a s I t

c a n b e r e a d

T H I S N E W S !

; f D o n ’ t F a i l t o R (


, ( B /U n iU d P r m ) . , ...... .[{IS.—Heroism of French sailors, I/)ND< Icb so llttlo has boen leara'od dur- on a 6w( Do war, ia told wlUi tho official HuU for o f tha Francb aalilng p a tro i 'b o a t per ia th' >nnd I L ” • •' claimed 1ing oao 'o f tbe blackest nlghta-of fish, but r y , . th o “ Goelaad 11” suddealy per waa

herself uader the point blank mnna foi f tho two guns of 0 .(lerman sub- Ingomara 0. Pesplto the' fac t, th a t the ship SR poundi oru open beyond ropj^ir, tb& crow berS of tl 1 to tboir alnglo gun 'and w eat in- ccaljng c ioB. Two gunnon woro killed bo- rommodlt I abot was firod from tho ahlp; n calmly worked tho gun alono. and WOUL }cond aheU 'put tho aubmarino'a ;u n oat of neUon. Tbo U.-boat iubmergoil nnil gavo up tho f lg b t "Q ocland I I ” aank and w ith hor LOND(

iptaia. Tho second mato gnvoly do till toi led, directed tah remaining mon Dispatch I crow Into tho’b'oata which woro itistoll a Bg whoro, tho .ship diaappoarod. each' of I

m inljtpr of inarlno bas.oadowod cover tb< ravo second mato and tho th ird before ii r w llh . tho m ilitary modal and m itted fi tho deed to tbo order o f tho'orm y. "w ould 1

Oatrlchea In Madagascar. . ^the ollpvlal deiHjslts o f U adogas- " ■emalns of ostrlchcs havo been ^

w b'cb when aliVQ wero 14 to 15 » brigh t. ■ . ■

D r y G l m a t e lhon you pn.v 10c or more, you' nro en titled

jm a nnd jnildncss'. Dry Climato cigara havi

lO tobaccos nro AGED and nLBNDED I nn 1 cess nlrotlno Is cu t oa t ond nn turararom n ii

"U n ion M a d o '' In Denver ai

MACAULEY BEOS., DIf- Sold a t M ost AU Clood Olga

iOODIING M01, ' OOODINO Duni, Biiflicr

laiin Franklin Paige ' ; fl, H. C. Tracks . I


ns of a I •eserter \ng and \ g o f V m ' ■ iby one who i.i Prussian y:onscience ■ ' iatrocities, 4lesert.^ ■ 8n g G e r m a n — «

I ' V o n l U u c k ’s j -

d t h e B e l g i a n S '

r u s h t o r e a c h i

t e d i n t h e e n - \ S

t h e b a t t l e 6 £ ‘ S '

i v a s w o u n d e d 8

d f r o m w h i c h a

D u t c h f r o n - f '

\ m e r i c a ; H e • 5

s s n o w . r e g i s - j ■

e m y , a n d h a s !

i c e s f o r - o u r |

V i v i d S t o r y i

a r , i s m a n d j

R e a l l y I s j

i i n


lead It


-. . ( B /U n i te d Press.)DON.—John Olasen, a carpanter' wodlah’ ahip, waa fined $2500 a t '" or concealing. 70 p o a n d ro f pep* tbo veasel'a cargo of ccaL Olssen 1 bo w anted i t fo r .preserving . u t tb e judge explained tha t pep- 18 In groat doma'ad by Uie Qer- • for m oking-'loar sheUs. Johan iraon drew n >50 fine for* biding sdfl of. aoap and four othor memr tho crow got 1125 fines fo r coa- , coffee, piekleB ,'jam and other

llties . . ,


DON—A genius w ith nothiag t o .' tomorrow auggeatod 'in the Dally ;h th a t th e goveramant a te u ll a amoko-produelag apparatua In r L ondon's 2,000,000 ehlnmeya to Iho cap ita l with a amoke screen im peadlag a ir r a ld i n o siib- figuroa to prove th a t tbo coat

1 be nom inal.”

MABBIAQB LICBKSB larrlago llcanao was issued boro ay tp B. C. Joalyn and Anna . g, both o f Twia Falls.*

lifleds w ork aU th e time.

C ig a r sod to a c igar th a t bas fine tve thoBo desirable qualities, ft DRY C L B IA T E * theroforo

I is dovolopod. ainco 16S.1.

)is(ributors gar Stands


Glievrolet Gars


Page 4: A iABLE AND US1 O S DAIL Ew g · 2018. 12. 26. · I lUandegee, " i t ia time for ,t ^ legiJa- I tlvo departmerit of tho go»erSmeat. to I act ]^ a ro already urged the senate > military-

H F A o s r o i m .


■ F ^ U j J i e d by T lu Twin P*U* H<B U ^ . m i i g ,0«^ l a c , ,»t Twi ■ 1 , F a U f U«)u>

W -1 J A n Indeiwiidwit jite rao o n ne R ' iMUfld e re ry day extepi| f J , 8und*y.


H B, A. ilEAD----------------------- Fi | JO H N C. HABVEY-----------Nowir a H . M. 8IM 6---------------- --------Ji l . Telephone 3S

n BU B8CBIP7I0N BATQil ’* M»Ul l A ________Ooc y e a r :.---------i l A *2.80 ________fl monthi ----------l l ^ j » 1 £ 5 ________S n e n tt i * ’.----------l i n e ,. I x o ~ I BODth — ...... ..I j i l | . . AdvertUio^ Bat«* upon tppl

H j • Entered u f« o n d -c li» matUM 8 , » U , a t th e p iito ttlcB a t Tirfu ' , Idaho, onder th# A c t o f March

Ol ........ •’ —

OOKOBBTB SH IPS ^ ' The Idea o f ’Uilng tone rtte 1H, hoHi o t »hlpi aeomed veiy darini] anDOuncement tha t,Italian* bad (

. ____ tc .M a e rU V B -ll waa-^inftaa a t** , , ‘y o a n ago.' Today thfl c o n m te

.'S '" ' B,’ widely rocogBlMd iichie«raea ' l i A rocBDt w riter, lutnm ariting

-T aa tage i,.aaya *.eop_cMte ship '■ bu ilt in one-half the tim e' r b p r

, { tho coD»tnjctlon of any o’tKet ty j ^ . a t a c d t - 00 per cent lower thi

.< . wood or it«cL It- Involvci llttli* ■ o f ikilled labor.' ■ - • ' Th«»o nro InporW nt ndvantag*

J • , there Are o theri, ona o f them 'belI , Immnixlty of concrete ehlpi fro\ deleterioni aetlon o! i id l water,

: I in the eaae of wood and liee l re■ n t t t h tlo tkin j , le if tp lc s aod.pai^

j ' ; '":t ; -and freedom from the dcetrtietivin g a a l t n 'ia 'W o f th a a e i- '-O n e ,

in 4 te lling epigram, deelarce thi I "cooere te ih lp la rat-proof, rof‘ and flro-proof.” I t would leeoi1 tho eontre te ahlp 1* likely to -:i ' ' -Iw gely Ia the foture.

[ aSB M A H OAMOUTXAOB) : ' T h e 'ia l f ; ^ o r i .o f - m e n . . th a t Ii ' ' t a r y Baker aafd 'w ould be In iI • early' th ii year ha re been rtdoei1 the Tentonle new ipapen to 60,M

; ■ ilB plo expedient o f dropping • I • ■ pbcr,. .B nt the 'oW to tU ti o t th e «i

I of burying i t i head In thb lan.d toj * come fac ta by avoiding looking a t

• noverdW . accompllih anything lrI way of latiefactory rMulti.

•^ •^V '•V B IlS B 8 HOKOB O B l 'i N '- • l!B A lK m 5^ 'W •fiD m )

■ • , J tS i f te r ’iilioiK M «nre\tcd fo r tt? .ye a ra ' train ing coune a t the Boyd

. plta l. Twin F a lli , an aaw clato aa n i ■ b e r ^ f the Campfire Qlrla organltJ

a t Jerom o h a i w ritten the folIowin(

i T w aa.on ly a mere vision; • . . 8o clearly leen th a t day,. ' I t wft* a icDt’o of bfttUe -

'O n fleld i to fa r away,

' I t meant a coll. fo r action -To « rv o tho U ; 'a A.J To be itoady o j B io s e n J l Jackx’

■ In the Rod Crow of loday; * ' '

1 T he call no t anarnwcrtil,1 For from th ii quiot to w n ,.i ' ' A doar little Campfiro Biiter.1 -T o heed tbe call.w aa found.

Bhtj VMt«d from na annday { To tako a train ing coune;.1 :rrwM the ■ fonrteenth day of“ ■ ■ montb before May,j In the year nlnotoon ofgjifcon'I .;-eounio .

> H er Campfire name Is Opechcc, ’• M eaning robin of' tho ne»ti

TJiouRh lhe may bo called to n I i; ■ o««r the lea,

' Wo know ilion i do b e r b n t .

May Ood help our C. P. maiden In every dcod the U to do,Thnt each act o f mercy bo ladcu W ith th e joy o t icfvlco true.

[ TBIED TO EN LIST ON E m T H D1 B . B. OriRgi, of-Akrbn, Ohio, a C1 • W ar veteran, celebralod his eight)[ ■ b irthday, rcecntly by attem pting to

l if t in tl]o marine cgrpii a t Akron.I ■' <‘I have threo h o s a ll I s tbe i I vlcc,” dW arCit th e so tetati, “ an i

ran a till go some m yiclf.”" U y ion Dewey ij .w ith Penbing

-France. Dca l*-a{ Camp fihcrman t DoyJo U a t Camp Bbcriilan."

Tbo elder Origgi en listrd In C< jiony F , IS T rbh lo Infantry, .during '

, Civil W ar. Following tho Battle Bhlloh, v h c n bU aujwilot offlter* w killed, Qriggs wna promoted to a s ond liei^tonancy and seri-fd aa such i tU tho eiose o f the war, In t h e '71

, Ohio Infantry.

’• ^ D rt tm Tnjfc W hen # girl d retm s o f w iu t il

, , «OTia like to aho h u B « a a t 1i1< o f w bat »h« n a y be.

LV I I E W S 't------------------------- ---------------

T i M C f l U-------------- r Otr I r t r “Fd H’Enfj M

, HOW TO d S T BIOH QT Invent a lubstitule fo r coal

newipapor I t's ab'oot time for H arry eept public

LOOK HEKBEI We d o n 't think'm uch of .

Q U A Y The ka lier bu t yot there •I Is one cred it due

-P n b li ih e r Him which we think.w o ihot lewa E ditor Announco to all —JiTaaager Tlio world.' I t I t this—If It

I!adn'’t bcen for Germany am • Tho emperor, wo novcr would

' I/e«’c known what-good toad^ Sobstltuto flour makci.

Oarriet We thank yool " ""------ ♦B.M| • - • •

I ae«many seems to bo jirer J fl., defend herself against.her mi

S T c a tlS n .

E E O O r a M U B S I N

ch 8 1870 bocbe,"' 81iout» enthusiastic yopng Kcj

-■ .Boche,“ Ju s t give: me a chance—sen

■ I Prance,, , And then w atch me mako P r it t

,ri» J »h«« IB l a i p TOOT L n i L B t B T ) »d Jectdea ~ WiifloniiD. nearly 20 » '8 wat tho fly—and also tbo s ito shin is '_ ONB LBABK 8 BOMBTHINd. . . t

eg i l l ad- Hlndenburg again comcjip can bo firing liflD.cf Ulk-wUh thU: *■ ]uir«j for eluded.A r>pl<1 p u c o w ith Bui typ'^Tand ^ we wanted, waa 1 th in (o t W»’l ' “ f l * 1 1 1 ”'! ) '."

lltl« im a ■

' O f i A W F O B D F L A B B D i»8„ , bu l T H E U O O A S T J E J

% l i . C. H A U IlT O N (U d l .i l I’m i B M ! C orm poi

.r , whieh n e w TOHK, : April 2S— Th I r tq u ln , 6 „ l , p ,o r o on 11painting; lost tum m ir. Thoy, In thia-rase itlvo bor- tO -'lH n^le Jennlngi nnd h li c

lleutonanta In charge of tho . t w J Tigera. Since tha t-tim e Bam hi th a t tho i ’o r t 'o f k icking about li,'f ro ttln rot-proof tie b it because he d idn’t Just eem th a t th ink i t w ai truo. itf .fJrore - P«ved i

- rr» o much in fac t tha t when b a n d e d 'a n .. unconditional roll which he waa entitled—bo beat

}Q.... the Pacific Coast leaguo and gia t Beers. hitched to a minor league—h

• ;obo l n '18 yean.- .1 tr a n c e I j „ , t how the change in a ir, i loced by .and flingera b u affected Bam OflOO by attevted'iby tho batting avenge i

Ing a cl-. /..w .fc •i''® ■Abon Ben, bu t he eome e osirjen ^

to OVM. oa the lis t and h e ’s going stroni a t them And about those Icg s-^a m 's

: In 'the appears In the public prints out Pacific Coast aa a demon fielder. w;rito blm np regular now for b tippy go-gitter, a fielder who car e r in the home run smashes wi

NUB8B gloved hand ozcellonce of a T rli < and who. can peg.ba«k I6 tbe

ih? .‘two'W i{h, the.xcs'oiradt^H.^^p^Bnk of « oyd lioii'|fh?o W alker-,or'h‘'G eorgo^ilrnfc inm om -lthey d o n 't ovon menllon-lltttifftc nleation Bam’i lega have suffered tlio''^|i ring:, of too 'nU tV ^D sK biall.''' Seems

Ihcy'VO forgotten It, o r aomethln tha t.

. 8 am la terribly • cheerful abo Looks like ho doesn 't care nhetl geta back to the big'leagues or n

; long oa thoy (len’t pu t the fonr fa r . away Bam/Is likely to have h on the Pacifid Coast ju s t aljout a

kson aa be can to fte r lo tbo pJaje ant ■ ' ' . the pitcher. ‘

No ono over did seriously aocusi •cd, •• Crawford of being a flashy fieldct

ho got out on the Pad fie Coast h e ’s a ll th a t, now. Easy,

The Cincinnati Reds had an lime getting away to .a n-aJ s to r t . : ern were in very poor condition an

of Iho 'o s t of tho team was llltle belle Players who were in convemallon

pen—o f the Reds an<l-.\fanagcr ATnthowst ^ thoy mot each other in tho 8out

w ill lhat n t one timo M ally d ld a 't c, . have ono man caitahlo o f slaoding

innings i n jh e box without wallin n l.nid relief. M rae RegM was first *oi

dependable bormen'To get Into aril


•u LONDON—Tho first official I flesh shop was owned In Ixindo Camilcn Town recently. A t the su

E D A 7 tlon of the wnr office old army a Civil e* are slaughtered for sale a t-the jh tleth *hop. Tho prices ranged from sii to on. rents per pound for tho less desi;

■on. cuts to twenty-nine ronis for tho c le scr. c r jiortiona. Among the firs t tuslo and I wero threo soldiers on leave. They

tho only difference between horse ling ia cow meat w u thal tho horse wo in am{ fo r a living,

Com. OOVBHNMENT OOMMAKDBEas ng the a l l WOOL IN IH D OOmT lo of The farm bureau h u Just rcce » wer^ the.inform ation th a t tbe 1918 wool a see. Is to be commandeered by the cov ch un iftent. Thin laelucles alM he wool I 77th stored in warciiouio*) and tb a t ye

• tho hnnds o f tho, growers. I t I*. . . licved the price to be paid for tho 1

will be th a t governing the market I I t i f u Th» prico piJd m 'rUion aoutbern Idaho ra n « d froit

to O cents.


------------ ? PADUA DEAfl t o ABT JI IIMN o U n ie l lo n W rought In Clt;LUIllll Huna la Daplortd by— Clvll l2«d W orid.

’ '** * D ear, MT.e to a a r ig t i , la Pi'd e ati

QUIOK chlflloae la a p a n n a 'b y B om i coal. t b i t th e Paduan U ry may h a i

on. T here Dante'a hom e IpoJ •ry K . Thaw M polcbre o f ‘ A nteoor o l 1 bllclty s ta ff, m ^ c a l foaoder o f tbp d t 3

M »n>»pw waa boro aoa Fra BEBTl ‘ m >pl • worked. T bere V f

bronae e<inc8trian‘ ,(}8ttaineUj proud, nwiiatchable, before church o f Saint Aatonlo, “11

should tb e beloved Fnm dacoo, ■ otke moat genial, aympatbetlc, b o t

t ■ popo lA ro f«a lo ta .m l88lonary^and aclfrouker, a i vlrld, a llre , auld ful of thouaands today W -Uud Bot 4 /ed algb flOO y c m <*0.

'T b e re U tbat famous o o i r a Beat fo r 50 long of J o r l a p ^ e rIdne, o f Ihe bom anltlta u d

ireparlng to Medieval palacca, B e n a laa w a rnilitarUtle aod cborcbca, Q lotto's frescoe

Arena—Padua la a d ty o f a r t tory, tmfortlflcil «n»e by. tJie

m relica of Its p a a tshot a t tbo U o ft o f its then a o d e o t mo

wer« destn>;ed by tb e H m u ai Reginald de b a rb 'iH o hordea loog a g a No

.« beea^n iaed froo ) th e a ir b y tl -send mo to tide U T ajx* .' Tbe cbOKh o f I

aod th e Scoola del Oarm lnl.,v r itr and h li coes by O ltlao a o d 'O m p W o

- b m -bombeid and btfnio<li .tha.— ■’ ia iice f r t rn t 'o f tbe;J.5» tb o < ^

JT PBBVB7 "op, th e Bepnlcliral'^Chittaii.'> Saint” and tbe Civic m nsetua. A th ree nlgbta’ triom ph fofM

^ • heatben In ra d en o t I talK :iH Tnmw Y Do U ie/ M tlafacI d BV EBY ^ pj

- of these Tiolatlona o f *^ 0 grea la M ^ to n h e ^ th ln g s r Wbai! 'm o are rln e ip U ab le to d T U lie dB u ttla a u d contlnuoua w anton dc rtn i ' aa I t notT beautiful and tb e Tener*bl ’! « « « • T be help o f 8 t Aothony o l

^ , If pertiap# m o it ' often aaked t r v / t restora tion o t t b ln p lo a t The

sa in t w ill be ta lo ly Intoked 1 i ^ O U E ’tria-H oogary a n d O erm asy w b

begin to feel th e need c f rec >N thely repnU U onit-N ew Y ork ngpondont.). -

-They » iJa P ro fit From D u a tD the f r l u .T here la a c e n e o t p la n t a t t*»e, refer* , 13®, C a l, tb a t waa form erly th i I corpi o f g rea t anDoynnce to tb e ow h t O e tto it the o n a g o grorea o e a r ty b c c a boa been j b e d&lida o f f f m u t du st t h i t Uing ft IIV iM .tbD o iu g o tfeea. T bo da ist oxttctly proYcd InJurioM to tbo emplo,

tb e p la n t T b ra e fac ta a n d tb e sd nbont l t inw auJU 'lfd tb e owner* U en b e w aa a b a te tb e nulaance b y tnataUlng reUose—to .peTatua.called ' a ' p recipitator, >eat U f ^ t p rec ip lta M tb e flno dOBt-br d< 1 got him- action before I t le tr e a tb e « >—b l i f i r s t ; a tad ia .' T h e r tw y c r t i j d t a t pi

were found to..conlaIn p o t ^ It, scencjy lo n n o l. eryatnlllzcd aa lta ,.> 1 im la best th a t 11 ao scarce and valuable ,ge» o f th e presen t t lp e , w ben n o point

isn ’t ex- reach ua from Q ennany ,.tha t tl imc» dang- m W c company now fietotea Ita bout f i f th atten tion to recovering th e 1 tong. a n d tm t a . t b e cw nent ft» a by-pi m 's name .The sales of p o tu h pay .the cot )u i on th e 'm U b g c ^ t o f tbe i> lan t a n d a 1 ler. They able proDt bealdea; and tbp c >r tvelng now produced a t tb o n t e o t (,<K can goth- rela a day, Is ao m acb c lear gi w ith th e tn tu r r e a le a . T bere la no Im a

rll Speak; 'm arket fo r so mucb cem eut; « tho p la te o t i t 1» s to re d ^ n bulk. 'T b o a - .

)f a Clar- pa ra tu s instalieit lo aafcguar (Qt.'>; A iul 'h e a l th o t th e w o rk e n end to a ifftct’ th a t 'OUlMnce baB’chnngeij the whole a' '^vQi'fiUy -'acter Uie lo d w tfy a n d b w cms like w nrco of unexpected pro fit—I ^ In g like CompanlotL

abou t U. W ytU rioui H appenlnga P u sS bother he Psychologists and atudents 0 ir no t. 8q 'sopem atn ra l bavo been Investij eni-ei too a s ^ e s o f strange manlfcstatlc ■ eh ia io b Cbcrtton, - near Folkeatonei En, It as tong F . W . Bolfe. a local buUder, hai «B<1 fa eo trac ted (tv conaUnct a n nndor^

re tre a t In tbe g r6u sd s o f -^£n cuso Sam M anor. B e b a d been a t w o tk fo r Idcr un til daya when bo w u ottaeked by f oast—b u t and p ieces of tock , w hich w ere t

a t blm by adme m yiterloos b{ ‘ Ilam m era a n d o the r tmplenn>nts ‘

tn aw ful Ifl" tbrongb tbo o lr tow ards bln rt. Pilch- h is cond^ca w w ertlngulahed bj 1 and the of sand. Ho was Injured by the jlte r off. aiiea, aod gave u p work, fo r two lion w ith .bu t on resum ing operations tbe )wson aa te rr lf r ln g oxperieooea w ere rep t louthland and be boa now relinanlahed the la 't ever? altogether. S ir C onan D oyle‘a n Ing three William B a r re tt ex-prealdcnl ol llj.nR for S odaty fo r ' P s |ch lc a l Research.I of tho examined tbe ^xca ra tlo n ~ a n d ~ ariion. tioned th ^ wltneaaea. Tbey cxp r

tho opinion th a t somo Intangible I / e r had been a t work;I E N T S --------------- -------------

«Artificial B m «( C«rU tt9«.il bprsc- X sorgcon o f th e 'B ritiah a rnndon in « ^ jrlm c n lln g w ith balla o f c itftI suffgc^- fo r ' artllle lal e jea . W hen liveny hors- tllage Is tn n ip ta n te d to tho cyo 1the new c t itja ta b lla h e s com jcctlons,wllht

sixteen veasels and surronndlng tlaaues,lesirnble before long moves natura lly In c10 choic- dinatlon w ith I ts fellow. T o whajslom en {Vnt tho cartilage can be colored 1hey said to sim ulate a rea l eye Is y e t tiirse and proved, bu t It coo a t least be fworked w ith a shell of celluloid th a t will

p e a r natural.

y S a n H ell E nllrtJ It's E ailer.- B alph M cUurm y. colored w alte

Molved Ibe H otel McCurdy In Evansville, •ool d ip c d v e d 'h ls qnestloannlro a few < govern- a ,o .

)ol now . - x m t l i ho' oaked so c ir ti? y e t in friends.Is he- «oh , yoa Ju s t have to answ er t l

ho wool questions,” be wna told.■etjlor- -A n sw ertlic ser 'ahou led .U cS Ia r a t th s t •tunilDg over tbe n n m e m s pa, ’rom Bi -Nope. Tm going to w ar lA c a d .

listin’ la lo ts a a ile r*



yrc of cl 6(noan bridgeshawwalked. • JSii DescfiFr» FUlppo.I ^ t e l l o 's , ■ ■ ■

W r i t t e n b y a h t i s s

W h o > P i r t ( c ^ a t e d i n .

M m i M g h g . o f l

to.:irerstty, tbo M bonr mlgjit l^ve pass; M l^9e,Bied- jw w cre a ^ aroused b j tl nd Jdences. of artillery and gunlre. A ne lOce’IogglBS bad begun. Wbetb'^r the artll Koe^.in the ■ b n ^ on both sides could not b a r t aad his- from onr : Tillage. Tbo bont tbe broken waa tremendous. Tbo groua

'■' I from the growling and moan monnments nllod backwanl and forward

If and o ther' M«iDlng ,to become stronger. Now I t has I The ambulance -colnmn

7 the BdU* ' broiQbt In the first'.wounded iflO arm lnl lers spM by,us. War had s J.^Wlthfres', tU ItB phase#.. . • ■ " 1 gnola, have ’ Darkness came over ns be t to Benala-J.; had flnlahed onr bousfrtfrhonse drai,Sii'iiir. “tbo sacks. a^''feaUi’er beds uta Injured.' lay oiir hands on. to the cot o r’ tbe new aebool and' church, to care

I wounded. Tbey were made ■faction for fortable ob possible. From ot y plans oat roondlpg vlJIages aoiv came ( p ea t sepul* fuglUves. n iey may have bcen fbat la tbo Ing,. for tbey lo o k ^ tired a;irt iedm en,of exhausted, rtructlon Of Women, old m in and chlldn mbIeT . I huddled together In one mass r of Padua had aavcd nothing except tb( :ed for tho Ures. In baby buggies or on Tbe kindly barrowa th.eso unfortunates ed by Aus>, whatever the rude force of v wben ttey left them. In contrast to the fu

wbom we batfm et before, tbet • extremely frightened, nppearini

“ r. In mortal terror of th d r enemy.

How dlfterent thcso were fr inhabitants of the village whi

stopped, who bad roe f '* «»en polite manne:

I dust nlao iried to'learii the cause of this u ‘“ 'w rered that tho fugltlv

the ^ i t - witnessed In their vUlage blttei s to ti7 to jjb tlng . They had become ocqi w 'W i^bad seen tbelr

; T i 1 burning, bad seen th d r little pi re lecw cal destroyed and could not forg f *5 ? ^ algbt of their 8treetaj}l«d with^It partldw w o n n d ^ - r V . . : :S ’^“ ':;

I^dawned u poa os tha t notLblB Sl 'L.-.K of bunted animals: there wa

^ hatred townrd.the Intadera wl 1 1,^® ftllei» npon them . and ' tJrlven0 m b S h » » > H 'e l r . l i o i : a i v > A [ ; i 5 ’

i r - t r a ln c tcntlnoiH ^ f**cb out own regiment

1 a rcosoih had concentrated sotn< B eem M t' ^ Of dSl6.000 b a i We were <julte neflrlSa,ndgbb<

r S n fOT 0* clty 'cf-llege;Immediate * ^ ^ ^ C o ts through which we ] • so moat ns-an ap-niard the chH<Jr®n'and old men were bi0 abate a ^ ^ everrwh hole dutf. alms-or pUt»& b'Momft on wblcb to la y their -Y ontb 'a dragged them

by.’Again we reached a Tillage,

■ . to all appearances had been Inh;contented people. Now I

bot ruin*, conld be w redted houses and farms, dea

K S n d . Qerman and Belgian, and I . them many civilians, who bad

ahot by military order. . ' •S S k ^ «««•>»

German lines. Tbe Oermansby stones •“J'Z fortlfled b d t c f Liege am" M t n d r t tm c K jn ilr b j lho Btli

llfl " " 1 •him M d o o t bou

,1 h , by s tree t I t W«thn m l^ ^

“II 0 oof « “« • tbe te fl«bts which developed here. I t i

k m S S o«fl-to-nian flgbt With tbe bnt 0" >mlTes, fists, teeth wo

t Of tho I Of my j>est friends fo u ^ tth have » s I“ tBcIglan.THegunsof boUi d - c u e » - " ^ ^ Theyhnma

one another with lists. I hadbio pow. “cconnt with a twentjDie pow., J

slst my friend because his antag waa of superior Btrength. ■ My f

f . aucceeded suddenly In biting tbeif **“ *10

aii'ew offlcaboutw ltbhlsteeU L J Belgian's pa in m ust have been 1

We. H o rdeosed m y com rade an t

' Ererythlng devdoped by seo *•»> Sdglan- ran 01

^ n y friend’s montb; a terrible na k!- Indescribable loathing Bdied

1 ot waiin human t bronght him almost to the Terge 0

«P* «nlty . - la the cotirso of this s battio I came In contact for tho Ume with tbo butt of a.Belglan'

ler. During a hand-to-hand fl^ht wit alter a t Belgian, a second enemy sol llle. re- stmc^ me on tho ba<^ o f the 1 w dayi with the bntt of his gun so bard:

1 helmet was forced down orer rtifT lla •ears. H i# pain was fearful as

fainted.•r those W b a j revived. I was lying I

. bam. with my head bandaged, atr ITurray, other wounded men, Uy wound

pages, ^o tierefe . I only had a feeUng s d. ED-.,my bead w u twice Its notmal i

l ^ e .otber wounded epldler».»nd

G n i A i ir s s t o

k Ih e

f B e y m

iw jw o ,

na lju la n ce tnen s ^ d tEoTJelj fV if : boen forced .back w ithin the [ n W b a S e h a r t f l g h t ln r ^ a s aUU

W ounded m en w ere brough tlnuonsly a n d they told ns O erm ans had .n lre ad y storm e

MHlne t> i« ^ o r ts n n d .h a d ta k e n a n u m b e i ^ nnx llla ry defenses, b u t <

' bo ld them because they had -r-- , • . sylD dw U y snpportod by artll

d e fe n sc s ln s Jd f iib o fo rts a o d i rlsons. w ere a tlll In ta c t The

tt se t in in w as n o t r ip e fo r a sto ra ilng p * I th e .O e n a n n s -ia d fo r t t l rb .ip;Dexore: w e n o u s I t f s s ja - Tho ^ r t y we

i t « $ i ; a iI n t i

i t w e c o u ld -u m e th e artillery- bombardm co iM un lty become so In tense th a t It re fo r tho even the^O ennoa soldlera. T t le a s com- e s t a rti lle ry w a» brought In t I o t te r sur. ag a in s t tb e stee l and cono te th e first fcnsca. 1 ■ • een mnrch-^ n o aoldfer so f a r knew any

..tb6 existence o f tlie 4 S ^ n tlm o ta rs . Long n f tc r Llego was m an hands these soldiers co

“ *• They understand how I t w u ^ s s l l tbe lr • bare th e defenses, w h ld i conalsted on w h e e l- j , ie Blx-meter .w alls o t s te d a

a carried crete, were rcduccd a f te r onl' t w a r .h ad '' hours* bom bardm ent i fugitives, ' I m yself could no t tako p&rt ibese w ere open tlo n s, being wonaded, I ring to be comradea told mo la ter .h o w t my. When- tu ro o f th e 'se v e ra l fo rts cam« of us G e^ A rtillery o f a ll caliber wns tra Q terror. tho forts, b n t It w as tho 21-ccii

from tbe m orta rs and tho 42s, which pei w here wb th e rea l w ork. roet us In From n d la tince tho 42<enm e r . 'W e projec tiles w ere b e a rd j^ a J r lv (th is fright accom panim ent .of a 'f in rfu litlveii had th a t s o u n d ^ 'l lko a long dntte r street screech w hich filled the whicquainfcd mo5i)hyre. W herever I t. fell.Ir houses th ln g '-n -u destroyed w ithin a9 property o f several hundred mciera. *:'orget the p ressure w hich tb e bursting bfJ,to<orp8e8 Joctlle p r o d u c t ' w n i'so terrible. , ....... - m ade brea th ing 'ifiJllcffft^rar-tllot merely u s w ho w ere holding tho advasppearance sltlons. ' . - ,w u also T o m ako th is wllclies' holldtwho had P l e ^ th e ^ p e l ln s 'j j p p o n re d

.0ifc‘njgbtii(q.piurtrcipa^ 1L Tlie''soI<IferB i t

“ “ i'beari a b ove,the ir he ad s,th e wlen t 'T O e of p ropellers and the noise of tomewhere T he -Zeppelins cameM rkness. discovered by tlIhborhood ao$« to tbi

w p a ^ P'ayed aits driven f » ^ < ^ lls l i ts a t tb e lr disposal 01

Women. th e finnam ent fo r tb«buffeted w hirling o f the p n

rw hero lh tbe a irsh ip s stopped sodden#ti8. w ith. a««<J.-Wgb In th e a ir a brtlUaiid rb e a d i •®PP«“ »'«>- tbo learchllght o f tllemielvea .PeUn. which, fo r n 'ffiom cnt lilt

. . ed tbo enUro landscape,to, which ' *11 became dark agiInhabited m om enta la te p powerful' 1r Indeed ,revealcd th e fac t th a t thbe seen. P®**° had throw n off ‘‘b a llas t"dead sol- “ ExplosIid nmonff O PlosIon^ T hese were folad b e to ex;

;B h n p n d which the Belgian aiehed Ihft 'l lfw l .a t fco airsh ips could be obi

” hirt w hirling of tho propellers 1 |« P a « ^ n .d lre c l ly nbove onr bea

b S ^ j pow erful ahips of th e a ir dlsapiS K t Ifrom o n r Tldjjlty.hotisft h» i ^orts w ere levded.W u n o t )«“ <>• of pe lg lans lay behind the

1 to w li. “ ■* forUflcaUonf, det.♦ p tt4M* hurled, k general stom jlng I t W . . Liege w u In ti,e ha, h n t tT r f Q ermans, who had paid, la

wo w en t ^ ^

ght w ith • C H A ^ X E a ik - i •jo th b t d ' ■ - •' -'immered ! * w ea t to Alx la-C happdle tolad Jb s t I P l t a L 'I m e t many moro woundei■nty-two. |Who had fought In Belgium. Allig to ai> of the opinion th a t the Belgianita joalgj numbered , a i . many, d v illan s .ay friend If Ute G erm an scth e Bd< *^0 fought In Belgium do not: ho tor® c m d tle i committed ngalniIth. Tbo ^elglans;^ I t cannot be denied ttra te rr l. Per cen t o f tbe c rta n d r a a “ own to the w r l d 't o have beeniln. ^ t t l t te d In Belgium were only tooseconds. ^ " ‘^ e r w ho lay nex t-, pg j ^ tn th e hosp ita l told me th a t hisnausea ^ sh t in I

*d him. **’ *“ orders to klU ever;t blood' |* '^ ^ o u t discrim ination, Syitenure of Id . ^ ‘e r another w u 1a nlEbt ^ Tbo In b sb lta n tf e ith er fell Jho first o r, b « a n io th e victims b

s tre e ts to the gun ba rrels of thow ith I “ “ knltm vbcarors.aoldler A t tho t l a e I doubted tbo wor

le bead “ I«bbor; even though 1 hadr d th a t Qerm an w arfare m e an t

a few daya I w u released frona n d -I restored lo m

ta cb m e n t ’ Pa«tly by auto, partJiz In a ^ r e a p e d my deU chm ent b•trnon* ^'«Iock In tho orenlng. O nr tranBd w as over TWer to Lui f f u l f T be U tye gradd duchy'Of,1. a o b tif f w u OTermh en tirely byRd th e aojdlera. I b e G erm ans who

; , " M 0 1 ^ ; A r a

■, ■ , ; t h i r lom ei l£ L S i k ^i ' C ' " tn m .th SI ' lp«l»U , tbo: ( u i i ( t i , n il t o i l m l > V # . lUionibt o t w im St." >0 Um u,

- Ilbr*-at th u tlm . tbohj waa ft .hj,, . ^ |0l food.' T h i ptopi, h tra a , J

i ' t M ' ' In Belglum ;w cre very friendly TM bartwlred a 'tc n lb le b itterness u , the G em an , goveram ent w h l^ loosed I t i troops like a band of tol and m urderers over the ir p^i

f W l p S I Belgium u d Loxemburv. the m S M u 'f irs t unhnppy-TlcUms of the d aa:

Germaii poUUcs and -lU 'd rvnkti w ith p o w erl'

l: A X ^ '^ hat tb e L ijxeinbuii d tlie n s dt K J r ‘ ^ Q om any on IndAant showeti

wblcb bappenjsl In ,the vllingo ot .BJOth. Wo w e r t In'fl friendly coi aatlon w ith n Luxefflbotx farmer.

;o(nce« 'npproached and Uitened. .ofllcer.- n a p u in , . uke^) the Lti

' burger, “ W bat do yotl> think of ^ g lan a K ai w nr. and o f th e qnlcknCss of Genm le fo rts and T here la only one Germany, 111 In prog-1 t h c r o r

• J 1 replied tho farm er, •iriight in cdn- the Lord.” ts thn t th e : F o r those fou r-w ords the fai ned several was a rrested a t onco 'snd ’transpo ber o t m ain to G ermany u a court prlsooe t conld n o t, could never learn w h4t becnme id oo^boen him. ..tU le ry .i tto T he aame evening we were tr d the ir gar-* iw te d Jn flutomobJlcs and ea the id sItuatlOD - ning of A ugust 20, 1014,’we rea< P f lt la c k ,j» i our O elachment. which w u abom .wJth-enoiwTlK'les fj-oortliW JelgM n d ty o fN e ro recdyed , ‘ 'Imtcou. The regim ent to w hlch l ^ ^ s s l b l o ;-’|J5h 1 dill not pike p a rt In ony op. tho mean* -'li'H* u flc r the fall o f .Llege, but ’

Im ent had iiiiis|...rri-d to ihls p a rt o fB c lg l t horrified’ I Iwini fo r the first time I The hearl* ^ " v y w u tb e loss In my i^Tut>ntu n to ocUon ocrete de-

nything o f n o te rm o ^IS in O e^ could no t lalblo th a t Ml of dOQ* ■

con*' nly a tew

these . bn t m r

r th e cap- m e obo u t ’ f :ra lo ed o n . xn llm ete r ! perform ed’ .

«ntlm el'er Ivc, to th etl hissing 'drawn-out :wholo at> '

eve^* ’a n d ln s '

a i ri t i h e p n ^ ’ b l c 'I ^ t 'l t - '

po- ^ | H

lday,c«m-‘ T ' j p i a ^ th e ^^ a f ib lJB h T p n Jh e f li '

^ d ^ ^ ‘hcLIege-lifihtlog. W elostl87m tn1 liw o rk o f ami mounded.. • '

wh?rii°M' 'Vfl.Slept In an openA t five o’do ek tl,B nex t mornlnj t

f nM M r naUl four o'doek i' t h e u f r *■*’*“ we were gireatbo forts,

all ' tha ‘ hout ten o’doek In the evi■ ning w hen w e recdvcd orders to t i

oa them, vonce. W o w ere nil ready lo pnxee Ibe flying »yhen ano ther order came for ua to n propellers main a t o u r bivouac ovehilghL Dui

lo* the n igh t wo,beard,thunderlD | 0 Jant u g a t cannon w h ld i ■ become more vlolcni t t e Z c ^ - TbB battle-ofT N cuvo-ehatean, whicl

lllumlnat-^ had contJnved from August 22 to As I gust 2<. 1914, had begun. ' ^

Bgnlfc A A’t fou r o 'doek on tbo morning 0

th 7 - ■ o“‘‘ ^► » Neuvo C hateau the.French army bai , . i .n Vm ' “ " u o te r e d tho Fourth German army 5 m , ‘her o w as, u always, minor out

post and patro l flghtlDg. B y'and bj “ * " • * o t ‘" 0 P » Participated

--nnd 03 w e took our pa rt in the battJ« on Ibo evening of August 22, tbe flgbl

n developed Into on9"o f ,the. most uBU iihft « “«V‘“ ry of the, world war." ' • iDneared '^hfcn wo arrived tho Frcncb occn- ^ . pled a lm ost three-quarters of tbe town.

1 trhnn ' The arU lIpry bad sot the main part of i • „ ° ., ' Ncuvo C liateau on flro aniJ^oftly tin

bcantlful residence sectloa in the «ft-, n t S em p a r t 'o f the d ty cscaped atlA»<

h a n d iS • ^ -° '8 * > t long the-bo8»<»'J house flghtlng continued, but

“ noon o f August 23 the d ty wailaf!*** T ' - - " ' man bonds tho enormous costw 'be

Oernions could finally bo dctcrolBt^•' ' RMldch'coii.^cdlilh*,-:«twl£taaQil»l4^

walks w ere h e aped -w fth ‘‘'l!oB(l 0 a bos- wounded, T be4jonscs:w ero lii..^oltt*f ded men -ao jp ty sh d ls , In whlcBTiardfy anylhiM All were rem ained undamaged thnx'-wnH of anj an dead real > value; Thousands . - u sol« ja r s 'ln one te rrib lo 'n ig h t Womca ani soldiers dilld rcn . sold iers nnd d tlscns were ly

)t adm it j j ] j w here tb o p itiless shells nnd b ^ inst tht) lo ts had hurled them from Ufo ln» th a t a t dcath'B d a rk void. T m o JmpartlsUff

suolU es r d g ie d .in the killing. Thero was » « n « m - Belgian woman lying nex t to a Bc!gl*» Wl true, baby w hich sho had bom e from boiM ct-to mo to s t r e e t Closo by lay a ‘mnn of Ila com- certain ye a rs before nn empty boa**J U e » Both hlo-.Jess were burned to iM crybody knees. H is wlfo lay on his breast sMm atlcal- sobbed so p itifu lly tha t be r grief coolda se t on • n o t' be endured. Most of the deia U In tbo were-.eotlrely o r partly burned. I®*

in the c rits c f agony o f tho animals flshtlBl n o ,Q e^ Indncratlon wero mixed with th*

groanx and sobbing of tho wounded.' fords o f -(T o be Coatlaued.)sd seen - - ...........- > . ■ —

A fter W ny W e W slgh Qold by Carsfc ■om the T he w eight used by goldsmiths a m y d e- gauging th e <juallty o f gold opart ^

iTtly by lho alloy, 1. e , cnrat. Is derived f f ^ by ten th n to f th e aced o t on Abyssinian c ^

a n iport f io w r, w blcb, Doing exceedingly Luiem- form In s lie . w as employed In wcT|U®» a t Lux- gold nnd p red o n a stonea.)y G e> , _________________ _

Bead tbe d ssa if led 'A lia

Page 5: A iABLE AND US1 O S DAIL Ew g · 2018. 12. 26. · I lUandegee, " i t ia time for ,t ^ legiJa- I tlvo departmerit of tho go»erSmeat. to I act ]^ a ro already urged the senate > military-


I p d W d S O F T H g V A N

6 N & n. . J ^ B U X -SO MANV M

: .T® W A R * I\ us MaN AT'■ ' \ - r W C t ^ ^ S N F t o ^ \ v J i u u A P f ^ e c ( '<


^ lA N S E N S P flN'___ _ ■ ■ " ■

■iioHffi[I§|fldNEE£f OP TWIN ...I: FALLS O O U N TY AND


v ^ .-4 r.v g 5 tu r< l,* iy , M a y 2 5 , iK .tlie i l a te '

“■ t^ ^ * c W Jtra c to r8 ’'j i r o p o i ^ ^ f o r t b e ! t t o f t r u c t i q u - i > f a B tec I H u sp en - ■

'm 6 i i1 < ^ n . to . i i r i ( lp ( ! S n a k e r i v e r ' c iih y o n a t j i p o i n t n e a r H iu iK o n .

Fonn Bridge qom m iulda Thc <liito WOK BCt W tbo Ilanstn '

• bridge cominlMion, which ia composed , ’of tho commlinloncrB of Twin FoHj : county and of t)io Illllnlalfl higbwajr clUtrict, who wot' hero in jo in t bosiIod ' BatunUy nfternoon and organized thc . comniislon by dcction of A. !)■ Rleo ot ilau ltoD , as cliairinan, and K. J . Fineli,

, : Tifin F a )l» .cw n tj’ cJerJ(,,a* Bccrotary;ucceplcd "tho plans fo r tfio 'd tioo turc .

. nubmltted by two concoriii dealing in b ridg t matorialB, and nuthorlzed-tho ia-, Buancc of tho call fb r b id i . ' " j

0«U fo r A lte n u te Bids ]Tbe commiuion lu OBking cootrnctorB <

' to lubm lt bids oa bo th pIftiAi nbleb i were acecpted, ono to t of plans beliig i iubm ltlcd by thc i£idland Bridge com- t Jiaoy, rcprc»«atcd by D. J . CaTanajh c of Balt Lako, and tb o othor by tho MU- c nourl Valley Orldgo & Iron eompany, c

' 'rcp ruontcd f>y II. L . L uther o f Dolao. t *■ Tbo Bccrclary wbb diructcd to tele- c

K^apb to H. M. i(u rrn y of Dilllngt, Mon* lana, Btcel bridRO onRineer, thc offer ( of tho conimlulon inv iting .b lm 'to un- I ilcrlako tbo Bupcrvieioa'of thr-ct>ns(rue- t tioa ;. . •• I,

ProT lilcia e f piOM . —- ............Membera of tbo commiBaion would |

- ' make 00 statem ent Saturday w ith ro-Kord to the relntlvd advantages c f tho '

I two plans occeptod,.seating tb a t.tli ia 1' matter, ahould bo loft to tho detoriniita- tion of tbe.aujiorvlsing onglneer. '

Hotb plasB, however, provide* fe r a " bridge of tbo su*pciision lypojto apwi * thtf canyon n l a point” w h ere 'it 1» ap- proxlmalely -700 fco t 'w ide .. Both * plans pfcvldo for a roadway }0 ffo t !' wl<ig -eopablu of- Huittaining a .concen­trated load crjuivalent to 'th o weight of a 15' ton road roller. "

There is available for/flio cooBtruc- ' tion of tho IlaoBcn upon, the aum ot •SO,000, detlved from 130,000 bond in- *' auea voted in Iho fa ll o f 1016 in both Twlti Falls county nnd in tho Hllltdalo

^ highway dlatriet, together with <20,050 appropriation for tbc 'purpoiie.m ulo by

_„the laat BM«lon.o(‘tho atato ioglalaturc. fl

I '

p f

‘ ; ATTBAOTlOir A I T in

« LOOWfr

■ / W M K S

. M j S i ' - > - n £ i 2 £* I T M A K B i M

r tO M B . ^ \ M

*O U htS J M ^t iA T B . y \

I li- ■ '\fiir i--a rr 'i l .w i .n 1 / 1


, , ‘ - (By United Prc i?.) — --■ (B.v M ellutt, United Prow istaf;

Correapondent} l l - LOiJUOJ^T^inco Amerlcn cn terc V thc war ih'creiiandB' cf nppllcotlona bavi

been rondo to V . 8. .army aiithoritU" ' J;i,I,«Ddon by. Arauricuns iii tho Brltlft

ariiilcB fo r trnn«f<ir to the ir oivo. Oi w theio ihpuajnija J u it slxUmen liavo li« 'j Q tranaferrcd.'

L cy y d - tI 'i» ,to d n y when I preieuteil T thc caw> oi,'ft Tcxan.'iii-w^paporninn to

tbo final authority 4 n tho,nm tter. Thu Texas man bad aervod threo yeara in the PhllippJoea. When the p ic ian t woi Irroko ou t. bo ivaii U vlcg coaftfftably

;g .oi;,„ft.j'a tlafaclory salary—if the re 'i> .* BUch'n thing—and driving Mb owu Hup:

liiobile. vllia com fortable'poaitlon wci '9 the -fru'il o7 15 years or ao of steady 1- work niKl ho' thought ho wontcil a h'oll- >r day. Bliice tho w ar could only Inat a

fow montha i t would providls'tho.boll- liay- ntid; bq, jouruoycd to Cnnoda tu

■ join. - ••Ij Ri'cently ho woa 'tranaforreil from , Franco to Mcaopotamio. Beforo goinR ® he ploced his nppUcatlon for a transfer

*; to tbo U, 8 . nrmy and after-lirriv lng domewbcro,caat of Suez.be wrote mo to

’? inveatigale bi* cboncc*.' V h a t 1 found ? very ijuickly waa th a t his ehancra wero

none. , .‘“ You say bo'ii .iQ^|3n*(iopotamlaf"

f® )ial.V th c , f iD a l m ilitary authority. “ T hat would mean th a t I ihoiilil havo td a«k tho British nrmy to tu rn him looae— i t ’a a l l 'n m atter o f foiirtcny. on .th e Hrltlah ormy'B pa rt, by tbo way—to

rs eomo from Mcsoiwtaiiiiii o:i bis simple :h utotcmcnt th a t bo. wos^coming to join Ig Iho AmcHean n rm y .. Ofmitod thn t your »• friend rcoHy would do it nnd find hia ;h (Jwn exponao money, f o r thc tr ip , you a- can underBtnnd tha t whnt wo do for y, ono we hnvo.to do for all. We’d havo c. tl) do It for thouaaiida, Kcattcred ol: »• over Europe, A»la and A frica .,1* “ Tho i l lB o rg tD ic a t io n t h n t w o u ld b e sr f u t a i l e d w o u ld m o ro t h a n o f f s e t th e 3- b e n e f i t o f b a v l n g t ^ c b o y a Im c k u n d e r :- t h e i r own f lo g . ' I t would w o r k a c t u a l

l i u r m 't o t h e n l l ie d a r m le a .“ So, in ju s t a i l caara bave I aaked

ll the Britiah arm y to effec t the.tranafer. J. Ill cnrh of theac the derision has boen „ thaC.it waa actually. (M rntial. And to jg protect overy interent concemcd the j. trnnafcned men havo not been glvon

their diichargo papera from tho one JJ army until they are safely enlisted in

tho cthri'. Each baa-come to mo In rharfje o f a British onlerly .carr.vlna

Ji tho diachnrgo papers and been aent by my in e h iir^ o f.n U. 6. onlerl.v tp tho

U. 8 . recruiting offirer. Tho transfer- ^ red man got tho British discharge only

when he wok formnlly sTTom into our aervlce.

J " I t Isn 't ft question of not trusting tbu .mon,‘-Utit' n; filiVstioh of obeying'ov- cry rule.” . -

rieoaan t ‘newa. I 'v o got to break to J thH man In Me.iopolnmia.' • ................... ^

y AdTcrtlae I t in the Classified eolunna.’- Seme good dbd w anta tb o t Job. -

I ‘

I ■ ./^mACEra^^jwJ ’ KATHLVN W lu jA M 5

iiC 'T iB T iitoW L oyf’i M H

CnB C W H O 'W ?T bA V ; in JE ro A T AMD

T w m r A L i s




TO IDENTITY OF SELF SLAYBB ities ,Itlsti . ---------- ' - . - ^

P ' D hW K K , Colo., April L'P,—I’olKo to- day.nro socking posUive Idc-niification

^ of tho body of n man bcliovVd to be jteil W alter Beavans of 702 South -Eigb > to icenth atreet, .LeulavIHo. Ky., who aul* Th <'ji|cd on tho atepn of tho policu atationI In here.w ar Tho mon fired a shot from n .58 ml* ibly ilirp rcvoiter iato hia l/r^Jn sJioffl.v flf- >■ tW 10 o'clock Saturday night, lup; rd lc e on duty in tho atation, think- wca lug tho report was thnt of an-autcmo- ady bllo exhaust, did not investigate. The I'oll- body was found on tho atepa shortly It ,n a fte r six o ’clock Sunday inornliig.’ lOll-, . A photogriipli .af a giiLoboul-JlS. v m j i

tu of iigo.and nn puvelojio adihtTsecl^ti' 'iVfllfor Jlfavan*,.. 70i -SoiitJi Kfgh<<>flnth''

rom street, Loiiisvillir, Ky., w iw foiintlj^ii ling tbe bod.v. sfer •’ .


(By tln iteJ r»M .)^ f . , TOKIO, April llH .-irw laro M iiuno ijjgj Efs iucroedrd Ibiron Qoto as home mlj.* ju,|j fs'tcr, following t.ho»reslRualion of For-

clgn .Minister Sfotono. Tho ap]iolnt- ini'iii uf nnriiii (Ioto to succcud Motono IIS lipttil of tho foreign office was an* nounrrd immediately after Motono'a rcsiRimtiun.

Jiiruno hoa been vlce-minwlcr of the J " Ifciiie offlco since lOlH. Prior to tha t fnr director o f the publle works bu-

rcau. .Jlir-imo w oa-the oridlnatcr of tho JnpnncHO copyright low..

be AMEEIOAN CASUALTIES the IN PEBSHING'S FORCESder - -ual (By tfnitcd Preaa.)

'Tv 'ahIIIN G TO N ,.A pril 20.-T w o cas- «*• uolty lisfs containing a total c f 1!jO

nnnips were issued by tho war depart- “cn upon MCoJpt of reportsto from {ii-iii-ral Perahlng. , •

l)>e -.The .'nKualtles included H killiMl In actinii, in dead of disease, six dead

’»e from woiimls, 25 wounded severely, S7 wounded slighlly, fojir.;.mIsiii^, lwr>

II drnd fb iii nccldenta ond ono frortf otlVer '"It enui"cs.I>y / ----- r - '


’“I .. , (By U i^Ud Proas.)Ni:W VOKK, April 2[f.-T he war haa

already wiped nut n fraternity a t Co- lumliia university. Thn aupremo court hna authurir.cil tho anlo o f .th o Della

. Tau Dcltn ehaptor bouac. Soon tho last two' mi-mhcra o f Jho.-'Odmma EpBilon chnpter will liftvd entered tho nation'a servire. ~ '


I S DAILY NEWS , / - -

/ SE.&, T n e a / ‘ f 30MO. T n m / WKOM&. VNi-ftK h

. . . , I A U ro

M M N D . \u _ I V i t l j . i- I -

AS r >

r s E - -


t advertisementsigb - lUl* ____llQn O I i A S S i n ^ RATES

One inaei^oo, p e r v o r d '........ - ......... lecnl* One w e c f per, word .... .... Bea /- Odd no o tb (20 liuBrtJou>.~:____ ,„16C

Minimum chwge for 'a z ^ - e lM ^ e d Ink- Bd, IG centa. Ada moat n ia .fo r « mo- period of tim e. " '

vr.- . PHONB aa rtly ■ ■ -

,gm . ' .'FOB SALE ......^ USED CABS FOB SAI.B


.1010 PULLMAN TOUBINO CAB.See ua for used cars.

LA UBEKBBIU UOTOB SA LSS 00 . l Y W eaver Block

KOlt SALE C H E A F -O r trade fo r .a Ion truck or touring car In A*1 condl-

I tion, i room eottago, electric lights, ’or- water, 3 good lota, 0 blocks from , . ren ter c f Orongovillo, Idaho. Addrcsa

F . T. Denson, Route Bupert, Idaho. FOR B A L I ^ room 'm odem houae

' and lo t; price r ig h t Phoos C03-J:2 or ® " P . O. B o i 673. ■_____________________

('OR RKNT-^For- bouackeepiiig, two- the r,H,m aportm ent furnlahed. M ain nvc-

nuu north, opposite poatoffieo.b n - --------------------------------------------------------of FOB SAL&-Thordughbred ' t o lw d

China Dialo bog ons year o ld,.T ory c6o«p.' J . a .B o a tty , pbdno B78-B1;

FQR BAi,B—Sdcond band storo nt SS {^ler, Idaho, dplng a good butlncas. Ad­

dress Bo i 3(30, Filer, Idaho.'

as- FOR SALE—Automobile In good run- liifl n ing ordor, c r will take L iberty Bonds >rt- b r c ity lo t In exchange. Phono 810-J.7ti ---------- — :-----------------------------------------

FOR SA L B -B oy horse, wolRht 1230; In Kjirk'' sliiglo -or double; ^ood. aaddlcr. nil Sec it o t Oolllher’a bam.S7 •:---- :-------- ------- ---------------------------------

nn 1^12 SA LE-rPure bred Bhode I ib u d f icd ^ B g g a -fe f se tting ,'"from ' oaatem •toek; order early. Phono 050-R. B o i 414.

FOB SALS—3 acret w ith goo i in* [V provement*: nighland View addition. " Phona g03>J2. H . J . Apdrca.

POB a ^ E - 6 7 acre rSnch I H milci from T irla Pall*; |2 W per acre. E.A. Mood..

ir t -------- ----------------Ila ~ T O B SA L E -E gga fo i bateblng; pure u t bred W hlto W yonaotta; nlao pure bred on WbU« Le/fboru; #J.00 per ]R- V /W ,

Beribner, 1 mile eaat of Twin F a lls on E lln b o lti boulevard.




NKW YORK, April 20.-N o w York today welcomed the firs t Amorican sol­diers back from th e firing Ijno. F ifty

. )oda from PcrjWngJa lim y m jr th p f u p Brondwoy atiil Into‘City IfoH.pjkrk-Vor tho noon Liberty Loon rally whllo.thou-

- sands cht'cred, climbing upon window aills, statues and up on top o t subway kloaka to ge t a glimpse of A m erica’s f irs t vetcmna of tbo great war.

A t City Hall park, thc troopa lined up anil woro greeted by Mayor D ylan. A fterw ards they- wero en tertained a t luncheon. '

W ith tota l aubaenptiona of »5<J0,M0.- 000, Now York started the last woek.of thfl drivo with tho intention of raising

' tl,SOO,000,000, instead of m e re ly .its ${>00,000,000 f)i;eta.- Big individual sub- aoriptiona are looked for this w e e k ..

ABBESTED FOB FOOD JO K B *• ■■ IX)NDON.-The ■ flrilst who designed

tbo ne tt I ’nissinn •'10 pfennig notes haa been nri'Mtod. llpnn clcs'o examination of the design of tho nntes it'w aa found th a t ho had inscribed in very small le t­te rs above (hreo lurnijis the words "T h is is how wo llviv” Under tho plj- turo of a hnm he lincl engraved the words “ Tender lonRingswect .hope.” Thc .iinhumorous niitjinrities thought ' t w ils’no jo k e .

FO B 'E X O nA N O E -Jb l) printlflg for money. - Onr work la' liko yoor money— the best. Twin F^lla News.

B u t I t w a s n ' t e z a o U y t

^ ^ . \ WAS efoiHC TOD M ts s MV ANOINT*

M C N T T /rw M a I • \^ I > O U T n - S - r ^

" r i \" \


% '

“ .>f o b s a l e 'FO R -fiA LETCertiflcd seed potatoes;

,1 have a lim ited quantity o f certified Nettod 'Qem a e e d ’"potatoea 'fo r sole. David W. Kaaaona, W endell, Idabo.

“ FOR SA L P c^ouseho ld gooda. . s n Third avenue e u t . . • *■'

lc I________________ -____________DC OIL STOCK FO R B A L B -L one,8 taV

[6C pu 0loclcnb«r-t)olng advortlsod'and sohl ■jj lh Denver, Col, and the enst n t Co n ^ share, you con' buy from mo a t l ^ c %

. ahare; pays 0 per cent cach 3 months . or 24 per eont dividend a year. Tbia Is

, a good Jnvestsicat. W rito P. 0 . Box ~ 2fl, Twin FftUa,. .Ji^hono 4fi7*W.

FO R-REN T—Twb'fumlatiod'. itoDmo; hot and cold w ater; tr ith board. -136

,R. Sixth avoouo c4s t ; " - \ >■ . . .

FOR SAL'B—Wo bavo several sccotd hand electrie mqtora, from ^ to 5

JQ horsepower. Oeo. M. Dow. ‘

FOR BALE—Flvo ton K noi xmlt— truck, eH85; ju s t the. thing for heavy ' ImuKng. Idaho Republic Truck C a , 137 "*■ Shoshone north.ts, ____________jm WANTEI>-r-Tp ren t, by two yoiing :sa Indies, Inrgo fron t room furnished; prlv- lu. iiegft o t getting breokfaat. Addreaa S.,i*« caru Si Kowa; >

FOR SA L E -281 n e r c a l miles from— Ilanaen; 80 acrea gntbbsd^'IQ] tillable ro* land; bouse, bam , clatom and atorc '-0- houae; 2 miles to Bebool; pHee >3000.

Fred <Butler, Ilanion', Idaho.

“d iX)R SALE—N early now sl^ cyllnilor ry seven paaaeoger.ear fo r salo; price now

$1076: vlU sell io r «1175; aa M teal saviDg o t >600; ear bos aboot 1100

n t worth o f extras. £ . R Ripley, Flier, d- Idaho,

FOft tfALB-^3for<! 10 years oW, wt. Q. MOO. lbs. Vi tnilo w est on sU t« high- ,jg wny. Ray Hughes.

^ O il. STOCK I'C R SAIiFJ-Oklahoma, . . Kansas Oil £ Refinery Co; a(oek; prlch

’ VtZ per share. For vnlue lc ; price ad*.■ >aacca May. 17 100 pCT cent; company

_ have 'good lenses In Oklohoma nnd .Kan* J j *BB-ih proven fielda; now 'dri!llln*!flrst (Q well; buy thla nAd make money before J t the, advance. Phono -C07-W or P . 0 .

Box 20, T w in Palls.

B* ? 0 H SALB CHEAP—I’ower sprayer D. mounteiLon wheela; a ll in good abape.

8eo Davis Bros., F iler, Idaho.

es ■ OIL STOCK TOR 8 / f i E ^ p p o r t ^ - B- ity OH slock/ p a r \-jilufl > , noir lo ll/sg

unlil May-7 a t %e per shnro; (5 bOys ;* loop shares, «10 biiya 2000 ahaVes; poai*

‘Ivdy ndvanco 100 Jicr c'oht on Moy 7; y , buy now. and got thc advance. W rite Kj for. further Information, P. 0 . B o i 2(J,]i

Twiii Falls, Idaho. I’hou 407-W. [’

J TflDAy’S MMETS IsT ooK fl i k ' n b w y O M

NEW VORK, A pril 29.—The atock ®" market oinnicd fractionally fiighor, gaina

mnfjing from 1*4 up to 7-9 ovef .the . week onil., U. a, S te e r aold op 1-2 to 931-4;

, ' Southern Railway up 1-4 to 20 3-4, nnd ^o rn ProdueiB up 1-4 to 38 3.8.

JP ;.R'tccls,' Kquipmont * Balls developed a stronn-tono-In-lbo aecond hajf hour. Mnny s;iecinltics wera olso favorcdi

ly — —V n o o MARKT.T -

ClliCAHO, April £S).-Tho hog mar- td kel closed alow, shado lower. Top for n. hogs (17.S0; catim atod tcmorrDW 20,0^ . a t Cattle closed 10 ecnts hlghor. Top

calves *15.50; estimoCod tomor- row 14.000: . ,

of Hhoep closed 10 to 25 conta lower, ig Top $17,15; lambs 121.10; estlmfltcil to- ta morrow 12,000. •• ' i i ■h. ■ .. . ■


Jg -(By United P reatJ,n ' PARIS, April 20.— RcpMlod German ,(j n ttnrks In llangan l wood ,werc repulaed, it. tho French wor offlco onnounred todny.]g Them m-sj Jjcavy arllH«»rf ilr in g on •. Iiotli gidea of Villorc-Brotonueuz, and ,0 lu tho region of Laaalgny, Noyon, Bela- >» des-Fosses nad Bola-dcs-Caurrierca.' t A German aurprlso a ttack failed north

nf Ornvesnes. F rcncb foreea penetrated Oerman lines In Cobncy and upper Al-

3T safC, and brought ^fnck priaonera. ■' ;

W ant Ada get' b ig rcsolts a t lit tle rosi. <

P A O B n v jo ', , ■

thft w ay ygther c x p e o ^ / .

' _ • " ' ‘ ■

'• I ' . .


a; FOR SALB—Team; .w ngoii'and har* id liesa; pricc 31. Larsoa, Botrk .e. Creek; Idaho. '

_ - l-;OIt BA LH -Tw o Fords, ouo Maxwell 11 und ono Rco; see our used ears beforo

)ii'ying; ono borsopowvr olectrlc motor- aud alr'ronip'ressor, Jo tn io u Auto Sales “ Co., 214 td. 1^4 Shoahonp .E .

« ~ ~ • " •g Q B " B E irr~ '~ ~ ")ii FO R RENT—40 oeres plowed; near ‘Is llolliater. See H . M. 61ms, Ne^rs office.' ..

* FOB B E N T -«evera l forma. Edwin Damman, £06' Seventh avenue nsrtb.

p Phone 534*J.

W S ^ l T E i r r - ' - T .

- MONEY W A N T E D -W o have loaw -., for-prlvato money as follows: $2000 oa

40 acres, tISSO on 20 aercs, D years a t ^ per eont, f l n t mortgogo; also |500 oa 2 corner lots ood bu lld lng .jit 10 par

y cent, volDOtlon 40 to SU per cent. Call ;7 or write Ripley & Timm, the Realeq*

ta tcrs, F llo r,‘Idaho. ' - ,

g W A N T E D -M an and wife w ith cbil- , dren w ant p la c e 'o n ,fa rm whoro..aep- I

1. orato house ia fum lahoi]/'w hore .lioth parties can work;«maD A-1 farm er, wtr man good cook. J . A., card o f New*.

a ...................- I '■ , ,le W A N T E D -A posltloo as bookkeeper 0 ami stonogropbsr.' Box 120, Twin S 'a l ls ,.0, --------------------- !----- '

W A N T E D -M u^w ltb team nnd'tools .. to g ra ib and level Iaw& Phono 480-W ' '.3r or come to SIO Boie avonoo prepared w to s ta r t work. ........

10 W ANTED~To trade a tW ^ ^ o U la . r, Ooodlng for a Ford automobUe. Call

or writo 423 e i i th s tre e t nortb*

i. W A N T B ^ A g l r J ^ w c ra a n fo r gea.I- oral housework; no washing. Call i t

onco a t home of Mrs. 71a) 0 . Blue, 1S5- N inth avenne north.

f ~ .LOST ' 'y LOST—Stroyed or stolon, dark bay •>- horao about 1000 ponndt, mane about 0 t h . h o g , small sore o& rig h t sbooldor, ^0 brand B ar A; abou t'0 or 10 yeara old.,'• I f seen or beard of notify W. Clay''

Smith, Filer, Idabo, Clover pumping sta*• tion. _ . ’

LOST—^ r o r l ’ty pin; Rold key aet, w ith dIamonda.and pearls. Finder re- turn to “ M,” care of News, o r phene

J 110 fo r liberal reward. .s '._______ ' . — ' -

FOTIHB - *- ' 'e f O U N I ^ ^ g of keys on pola.line iJfond between Filer and Tw in FaDs'. Call »

{at Newa office.


One Insertion, per l i n e -------------------lOcOne week, per l i n e -------------:--------- Sfic •One month; per Use

k PHONB 32

" J’PBPP AOCOnMTAJraS .J .:0 . OSaOODM Jfflce w ith Dolco-Llght

Co., PboBo 603.d -L-'" - '

■ ’ 1 DESIGNEE,' . -MBS, JE S a iB r . PA TTO N -D esigning

and dressmaking. Pbone 2S6-J. 460 Second avenue north. . —

tI. TEB U A IL SBBVIOBP Mall going e u t eloaea. ...........6 tS0k.D.•- JfaU ^ D g west e^5sos[-----------l l .-4 a * .a .

Mail going eaat doaea---------- .5:45p.m . -M o llg o l» w e a ld o a e t—------- 9 :30p .m .' nMall to Holllater doses______12:00.. a .

General Deliven’—O pea .w oekda^.'S a. m. to 0 p. * . » 4 t o jw n f la a d c f

t *---------------- — r ---------- ----------------- 1

• TWIH FALLS TITLE & ■H absteaot 'oo. I1' AB8TBAOT B U )0 .

; H A R T F O R D




Page 6: A iABLE AND US1 O S DAIL Ew g · 2018. 12. 26. · I lUandegee, " i t ia time for ,t ^ legiJa- I tlvo departmerit of tho go»erSmeat. to I act ]^ a ro already urged the senate > military-

■ .P A M B IX ,. ,


i' PASSED vr OTHEE SUi I q e s t e d 't o e i o s f o e e ;


T h e ty p o o f p u tr io l iH in tli s r tc rif iccH l» tl i e l i m i t i s lU v e r s a l a iiio iiK llH U )iipnH o f T w

' F a l l f i c o u n ty - A n imI . ' ( l e n t in c o n i ic c t io i i - w i th t h e 1j 1 c e n t c ig h t l i f r j u lo c x n in i t i f l t io

I 'l l h e ld thT 0 « g h 0 « t tUfi c o ra m '| A | j i r a d c , hcIio oIb o f t l i o c o iinj A ' g iv c a p r o o f o f t h i s f a c t '

H .' Four T op la B tw a M d

, • Odo of tho requiremcntji of tbu/ • amlnatioD provlJ6d,by tbo

g« , _ lotendent, w M 'for ao orlRinnJ e u ty il ~ ooy cao of foiir nib jscts. Tbo i

n i l ' ' Joel# were tbo'follow ing! “ C hrlitr ‘j | - . UoM<l&ye,’" 'W h » tIC « ;t i .D o lU lp V

•i "tho W tr ," "T h o H w t S now ," i O'; . ' ‘T hrift Btwnp*." " - .

• ■ i s i i y - O r t d l U ^ P w e t t ’

S l W ilhout flxeoimoD, M .fa r M ropo ,1 - .. have boos turoed iato tho dff lee o f U ;( BrlUoowV-W olfo, M uuly ftlpotluloi

.-OBt, tho pilpiu. c ^M e -.th o .^o 5 d _ * a! . gc«ted' to?ie;..aaiJ'fTom amodff-a.-m

• V --------- ber-of eroOltablo'-fliiayi tho follow!■a' havo booD fCloetod:

' . O W Q lm V lo w ,

^.1 - __. **I, you, cTcrybodjr can win thU ti”; ” ' i ' c r demo«r»a)',,” la id Wilma U Bro.i tf pupil of tbo Poplar Orove aehool, tauj i ' b7 .U la L a u n iM .L y o n ., ''W«-Cllnl3 ; L iberty Borii38, .W ar Savings, Stan 4 ona fb rU t S tunpi. Wo can givo to I ij- ■ Eo4 Croii an«l*Y. M. C. A.- All ofc,I

T»otn«a, g ltb and Iwyi can VsU In ( .. wintflrtlmn. Tho g itl i.o n d woman t

'*1 tnako elothlog for tho IV eneb aad E }! glan war orphans. 'W o ean go to i I' ' to rta lsm eati and lecturoa tha t'g iv o I it monoy to tbo Hod Crwa.

" W o cao rfllio moro (rntden a tu ff th n inal, nnJ wo ean take tho p lw t

% I hired holp botb in tho n o ld -u f(] .li t^ l | i ' - “ Boya, girl*' nnd women will_h'a t , II •... to' work in Ibo flolda iomotinie, lo w

J [ j^ - . ,- a o t do i t .now! ' '[jl : " O u r loldior boyii ROt augar oneo|i [ wook. Wo got I t oaeo or twiee ft me

;; Couldn't we boya ond g irli rab o o pat 'v '! o f fUgBT beets and take c a n - o f ' I t (i ;-5 I . Tidp oor county raise Its am oantt ,8 a W y '. l y wo’eonld. Woll wby can ’t wo do 1 fl I I s n 't th e n « patch of land tb a t ill liJ I belog Died » a t wo conld ralso b'oi

j ' o r gardens. On most plocei thero j i ' ono. ■i| " A »30 bond l i only a drop in t

I! 'i ' bucket, bu t tbey count up. B u t t jl ,!i, o th ir 'th ln g we owo OTorjthlng to o I il ' , . conatry.

„ " W o g irli n ig h t eao a o ro f ru i t. T > Il can rolie flow en, b a t gardona ai

' poultry and ilock aro more necoaaa] " W e must use a ll'o f our spare lit

. th l i . ju m a e r in doing aomo good-f |> tho nation. A t W ubiogton , D. C., fi e aa w rite to tbe department o fAgrici

! to re and get bulletins th a t toil how ra iie .a ll k in j i b f plants. I n f a c t i 0T0I7 inb jeet of farm U g and eookis

• jl These aro fo r OTorjbody, b n t e ro t i) body doei ao t tako th ls 'ad ran tago .’ . ' '" D o not grumble bocanse you have

oat flour su b itltn te .. M ake np yoi mind th a t they are good, fo r aome su

{[ *1110101 will win tho w ar l"

<1 . Eow OUdyB H elps *

! ' I " I , a girl, o n going to t ry to do m I ' U t , " aajri Q tidy i noover, pnpU of U

)! ' Lucerne school, J itlsi Bortba Alvor...I,........tPochoTT.'...................................................... V " I a n f-oing to help ray. brother o j j ■ n ranch th li yew ; He ii going to ha^

large crop* nod I ohi going to bel , f a m ^ 'I ean help ^ t th tha w heat ax ' V ‘ votntoca. ' Tho aoUUta »UTt\y noe i i

. < wo can do. i : Intond to work la .tl U field w ith herses and maeblnery.

wltl bolp witb ihocking of tbe whe: and w ith tbo-^-halrtcniiig of th o pol loca., .

I " O f eourso l ean not bo in tho f ie - V 5T8M dotl; oa atcbnnt of lh o houi . .h . -work. '.I t takes qnito a b lto f .t} m o ,f

fl. . i t a n d 'to conscrro-In cooking; b n t ( 'O course i t haa to bo dono. I gladlV r1i

up hnlf of wbftt I had to tho w ar. Tl 1 war bread sults’mo as well as any. r ean raako -nso of most OTorythlng I

S ;i TOoat n f t j i . M to give tW ngi .th a t a too littlo for me to tho Bod C roii aiI . '

Y cuj vb ion a a y be fid tly good a i ;t • ' yet— worn tomporarily will a i , ford yoar oyoi rellaf-asd comfort.

Lot n f make ap a pair of " re s t glju tes

' p a b b o t t o ^ R M & o.H D r. B o b t A. PuTOtt, M w .I IDABOUI L B A SO ra OFTOHETBISTf. A 5 D OPT1037TBH 110 Ifa ltt A T i S o t^ ■ ■ P lu m « a iM

' { L o c a l B r ie f s

S I^pU s Celebrate—Numbers of 1 trbool pupils took ndvantdgo of the

I ' . f , liolidny on'Fridoy nhd ipont tho a; I n D noon-nt Hho-ihoDO falls, rcturnin); n i l ‘i<'oyiiIl«lil. WoincrK ana roftoc '

iti nbundntifi' an.l nil T.'|>orlca n Uinc,

To Collect M ore-B sgs-A fi n f E X . of tho collection of burlap grain

made in T»rin Falls by ttie Boy Be I TO (lie local Junior Rad Cross orgaciu n n tin» lioi'otiii' Uie rc«ii«i'tit of a clicri

turned over to Mi»» Jane ] well, dlrcetor, b / 0 . K. Mmmon, £ IfaJcr, Saturday. Tho I'oHi'tlloti

t l i a f socks is not regarded aa being com u n i - fll by the Scouts who orpect to ma

I V i n campaign th is »

i n c i ' M ftcilntat Going to Front—Wnyt ,e 1*0- liftwrcnrc, for /o u t .vi-nri pa>t an t io n s o tfd w ith h is brother, J . B- Lawri t ro o n i" ‘^0 I*o»rrcuco sraehino shop, bas

M his interest in tho cstablinliment U lU n ty brother, nnd expects to leavo the ' of tbo week for bis form er homo In

8m5lh, Aikan»n*, wb^To he.wiU for a short time ond flwn enter

““ military -serrlea. . ' (- super; y ■•ay on I#dg#"dfhclal C o m ln g ^to v e .F< 9 mb- of Boise, deputy high priest of I Istraai K nighti PytbiM, will arrive P Win Thunday noxt .on nn o ffitln l ,5i»' ' and the local lodge.

■ Buhl M4S0DJ iB T l t^ -O /f lc e r l oi D nhr lodge, A.‘ P . 4 •A ;'iC ,rbave

•eports invited by W. A. M ian iok i,^ (fli; f MIm master, to a ttend a mecl|nif of,tho^1 utood? loJco cn- W cdntstlay evenjior

8,.tflcoD forthoccronionics,^.tho' I irium ; degree, and an invitation to. tho .i 'owing Itcrs ofitho Buhl lodge to. bp prescn

tbnt.occailon 'ha]i boen-estfladed.

SOOffiTY irOTEs’Is war . . --------------)rb,wn, ' lIn ..-W ..irr-K n ri« .w a i tlio guei taught honor a t n charm ingly appointed ,n buy dinner given hy M n . E rnest Whit Itampi Priilny. Pansies anil tuli[M inl< lo« to the glass bowl centered tho tabic. Pi ofc tho wcro laid fo r tho Mcsdamei T. A; ii b* tho' Rhfout, Eriw on, K ails, PtiTMin* aud in can Nellie Toaidale. 'd Bel- - -A '.? - '*to cn- ^fr*' ^)rmi*tf;V\rtHt)"'dcllgiitfully I'o tho tcrtalned w 'T hunM lsy’for^ i

bers of tli'o'TbundBj^JJridftfr-elabJ f th a n in? hJgb-.w orrtvT^lw-i'H fljTB M 1 « p f c tu tc m l th{tehta;’ S £ ^ " ! ^ 'f ^ 'e i t B w oro.,tiic-M csJi

bavo ^"rKcr, Ivnrls, ^^opold, AToero, 6a*i Cnuipbi'll, Conover, IVitnain, Itowh mill MiM Catbion.

mcall meoting of' tho Union Miaipatcli saclery' cn Priday a t tUo'T’c t a n d ’TttS cxeepW nally irolU attcn 8uro. M n ._ J . E . W hiU 'i iplendid talk

d o l t ! ' ‘ ^*0™“” '* " ’ork in This W a r" Isn 't impressive and nroosod much be eu A "C h a lk Talk-on Afri

ero Is vivi<lly portritho’ wrecks of thaVtoMnlty, while 1

„ jj j j W. E. H arm an's "B ound Table : t an- cducstional as well as0 OUT -A'lior II.'B rand j

tho evening address to a large audie

t We . ,

knit, sow ftui\ help w ith tho Tied C

tim s ' *"A no iho r thing I can do to help

tho war Is help tbb government tiL i . *'»' »>Rbts o f It alno. .>w to ' 'JO trden ing is aaother thing i ' t on people ean oat'y of .RBTdon truck lha t ean no t bo s rarv- ’^Idlers acrou Iho water,

I can So w ithout lots of other lb: ' 4. (hon. th a t can be sont to them . ^

Vour ^ do Without might savo 9 soldi , L lifo and I surely would like to seo

oar boyi eomo, back. ‘ I ara dellghtci . • be with Ilock end need lots o f i l 1

ean help w ith tho cows, horses0 my hoRS'” . f 'th c P itm d o fB o n dvord, F „ , i Riagort, a n o ther 'pup il of........... Pojdar Qrovo school, ozpressei his

**“' cepllon of Uls w atilm o duU et a i‘ •™ 1™ ., -bolp "N'on- is the lime when every j

\ “ d prnment expects and heeds everyoi ® help to win the war. This i i cipe*] > .the truo of our own government, and jc '• ^ provided means for everyone, t i e r rheat to flo th e li.W t Anyone th a t i

n o t ' do his b it. { s 'a slacker, worl fo r'ae rm any and 'her allies,

f ield 'j,*!! b(]p by aav'OWO- -,jia littlo things, by buying -Uht ® .'o t Honda and T hrift Blamps; and, lasI

of nil, by behaving aa I ought to. 8a \ r I ” I* the most ^mpoTtanl o f tte a e ; la i The foo j, energy an<l money. Food Is w

Tt I ed every day, and by trying, I, myi 'B In can save somb of th is . ' Energy t aro money go together, as energy helpi ' *od ninlto t h l i , money. As we aeo, f; _ _ _ saving comes, tho feeding and cloll

of our soldiers and imllon. s q V U berty Bondi u d . T h r ift fitan S 3 non-'prood I feel th a t I ow t lome,

these aro so cw lly purchased. I1 surprised th a t 'a l l of tho poorlo In-

r lT. 8 . .llo* not own some, I24S,000,000, . nnd moro in elrculatlon’in th e U. a . Q less thnn one-ten^h of.U has beeo i

n to carry on the war. A U b er ty B of WO bought by overyono here wc

5 mean five billion doUan. I can j rhaso tha t, a sd also have >50 left stamps. D r saving money I conld h more, whieh wonld mean a lot moro

*nd tbe government tban i t wonld to me J af- buying, caady. .

"A notbor ImpaHant fac to r is • t t " raising of la rger crops, j n d feeding 1

clothing myself moro inuponslvely, • buying clothes tha t a re oo t made

' • wool, by no t buying tbo smaH’Iuxni ■ of life and by-working bard end dp

my b e « on tbe fo ra . I t I i up to peopM of :lh o .U .'^ tp, w^ko tp , roal th e condlUons. in Bnrope, and sj themselves and fhelr posterity from

m j m l l l t a r y tyranny of . t te H u m .”



r J BENEFITS BY AOCTIthe h iJ f ■ :-----------

r i K j a i O U l EEPOET AT A H ir

; t wero jaE B T IN O SHOWS 19000 D T ,'

" ■ TEEASTOX ^ ■

] a Z ‘s i T h e 'fa c t tha t tbo Filcr 'Kod-* Bfoul* ' ’rnafch bas In Hs ttcM vry m>proxlj

niration ly *7000 ns a result o f its 'reee lp licrk f(ir ‘ho proceeds o f tbe lied Cross au le Mn*' hi'ld there recently was brought 01 a Sc^ul roporti o f officers mado a t: tho ai ,1' , of meoting of tho organlxatloa held li coraplel- i ’llor M ethodist church on F riday 1make a , .

Is week. Prelim inary to lhe businesi se I pa triotic Binging 1-y audience

'nyne '11. an addrcsa given bj- ‘i C. E . I ; 'assod- woro fea tures of l l i l '. i ..isloa. swrence, Olher r'eports given a t tbU Ume i bas Polii ed th a t di;;ing the ycnr the PiWr bi It to his hnd ihippod 3PS0 nrtlcles o f hoi Jie f irs t ga rm en ts-and supplies, 'g a rr t in Fort fo r refiigeea and IP? kn itted a rt lU v is it m aking a to ta l-o f -W'iO.- I n odd Iter the tbo branch provided one ba rrel o f

•18 Christmii* cakes and 50 Chri« kits , and donated IlOO for a hoi

i> .rm iip bed, 4700 for a liiotor kitchen am if Idaho for ono concert in Fnnee .■0 hero O fficen of tlio b'ranjb for the ' .5i»lt,,to Ing year w c it e\«tte>l a» feV

Chflirman, Mrs. II. H- Scbildman; rotary, M rs. W. A. Shear; trea t

I of Ihe quy Shearer; directors, W illiam I •ve bean a n j A B .-W ood .- -- — — ijflii’pfp! ';:;jfrt.--8 c h ild n an ' ond Mrs, H ho^Tw,In V -cav^, chairman of tho • su> P5 r’W a^ lUeMrags com olU ce,-w ero deiigi 10 ihlrcl 't 'o '^ te a d the Bed Croaa tra in ing a10 .mom- a t division, hoadqunriora in Scat! ta en tn n ' - ,


ON. NORTH SI^bilo on - . .low.cut — ------

\ - ^ e e ” BB OTH EM 8EB B P (MsU PA K Y Ptm O HA SB PQRTIOH


iUy.,c,u;Lvut'<»wi:-!lrotber».;.,qhflep.r^^ ix mem- J^ H s , purchaser last fa ll of abjjiW?* i).-»i‘.-M ic^V atter« ’ Ovcrbrook 1 ss bowl in-ay Jerome, baa ' increaiied it# th 6 ,ta - bolilhigs.ln tbh t vicinity by p'urcbaj

Dsdamcs ogu a ,re s 0/ Uio 320 ncre propdrt Sawyer, 1]^, Jonalhaii .Orcliar'ds company,' iwberry jou th .o f Jorom’a .' Tho balam:

tho proiwrty, comprising 114 acres, purchnscd by Elm er Ingham o f ' Polls. IbC ileal woa closfd April

•:iotl»h Tlio consideration ia xoportoil to I l m l . l , h « ® b , r l . ™ d - , . r WOOO.-

^ * - 0 “ The .Oregon Short .lilno railway ' tbo property In tw o ,' t h a t ' portlo: iV t *»» ing ,to .tho .,aou th o f .th e traeka. b

taken by Brpwn brotbon, and thojc

'u •’>'1 portion sccurecl by tho'BiI brothers th e re 'l l an 80-acro appl<

** "■ chard, four y e a n o1dr;and rogarde "* *“ ''® one of the beat OTcbardi la the roj idleaco owDera,.hIiw^vc^, aro nol

i — n tba rd lsta, and Uio, trees will bo pi , (, out, work being already under ' “ r ; and t ^ entire trac t will bo seede , oats and a lfa lfa this year, elp win •'


«■» u t« Keeler D rotberi o f'D cnver wore . , sueceiaful b id d e n for tho <10,500 p

«n.l “ “ ‘J•Mnm 0^ Burlcy, authorw*i?f *>.'■ tbo election Tuesday, saya tho :

e l S s B ulletin .. Tho bonds wete sol.

seo all P***”'bled to council met Wednesday ovoi11 '0 1 ftwardoiPthe p&vlng eontTftct lo

* . Warren Conalnietion company of I’ “ • land. Tbe contract calla for tho

' grade of^b ltu lith ie paving w ith gr II.JP, (Ivo Ihlek. TIU Ii

of tho reded to bo lho best paving for Bui ila con- Tho contEnct prico U (55,050.{i0 foi a i M - tho paving called for in the ordlno

Tho eonstruetipn of the storm ae 'y gov- was awarded to thb aomo compan} ryone’s $12; « 8..iieijally Aside from his portion of the 110 I ^ M b o n d luuo o f 'the city, the paving c ^ i i * (o s t each individual owning propi a t doK ^ tho s trc e ti to bo pored approxlm rorklng ly |10 p e r 'fro n t foot, or-<225 each

foot l o t T his paym ent will be spi saving out over a period 'o f 10 yonre.AUd

U W ty bo colloctod w ith tho regular, th last of The work on tho conatnjctibcT’o f . Saving sewer ond tb e paving-wHl begin Im la-ring dlnlely. - ^a wait- * ■ — m .

C O Y O T E S O O M M im iO A T ; J lp " '; '; . H Y D R O P H O B I A T O H O

iothbff b b h u l t s a m o k o h e r d s ^ B W IN E O H D E m O B S E K a A M

Itamr.v PSO M ATTACK OP.M AD BBAlae, and ■ . , , '

t am Tho death of tw o hogs' ownod by In the hort F aw cett of Devil Crook, CO ir

000,000 southwest o f Tw in Pa lis ,'a s a prob; a and result of tbe lr being bitten by. n

to used ('oyotcs I i r e p o i^ d by the goVeron r Bond trapper In th a t d iit r lc l to Dr. W.

wonld Sullivan, inspoetof. in charge of m put- Intal s ta tion , baie&a’ o l '’nnlba] in i e ft for try . Tho death o f the h o p rcsa d havo two doyi a f te r they ore supposed oro for bavov been b itten . They, nro said me tor have exhibited symptoms of rabies.

Sullivan hoa advised th a t the head; is tho tho hogs bo aent to tbo office of ng and stoto boeteriologlat a t Boise fo r ex ely, by inotlon. ... ' . ode of A dog on tbo F aw cett ranch, also m ir le j Hoved to h a re boen b itten by the ra [ dping coyotes, b a i boon isolated and is be to tho w atche^ closely, realize The g o T ere n tn t trapper stated 1 save Dr. SulU ran th a t hydrophobia am om t i e tho coyoU t In th a t region apparei

is qoite p re ra len t th is spring.

L L L S - D A n . Y i r e W 8 '


ITIBN W w « - H .W - H . + «flato rtlay , .

I lO aK RBON -N . W ...W elli; “J l lo jm d ; E d F leck ; B . B . T aylor;

o r T H E Baker; P . D.' Boldon; M r. McVcy;E. Crockett; J . B. C ottoraa; C Htownlng; N . M. P r i t e h m n and ' Dr. John W. Flcshbr, B ^ o ; 0 . P con, Boiso; Simon W ato n , Boston;

:d c ro ss Peafleld, c ity ; ,W. T. Woods, ox im a t^ Jns. Diddle, Jerom e; R. T. Heed rolpts^of J . u Jb to c k io g , Jcrfline; Ja«

auction Un,

*“ W m BuTgoyne, E den ; 0 . P . M«0 annnaJ jtoy^Bakcr, E den; » a n k Cr

Hollister; E .'J . M cOarry, Wendell; Moorsot, I’ortland? M. Mulvahill,

, lae t; D. W. BawlinTi, 6a1t Lako;' Jones, Salt Lako; A . D. Taylor, (mce and j . Soyder, New 1b. D iH.It .j j - j „ u . O arrett,'• . field ; Miss Emily W ood,.Bichfield;

Maud Campbell, BIchfield: H. irb rancli B Ichfie ld ;-N . Bubottom,-hosp ital D oherty, Holland, Mle

ItamontK e£ r b i n b - 0 . C. C in ien ter; J a n c le s , Barrckmnn; l , r . Horton, Spokani

addition . BolUster; W .’ >J. Clark,o f je lly , ,f H . Bale. U». i’" ! Turner, SoatUe; L . L . Dlhoipllnj FranclaM ; W .U Camp, Port

y: M ^F*etorrB «Jt I jik o ; 'M r. ahd A.’« ,-Baifly ,'Rupert; Mr. and M n.

;he'«nso- , , j .-w rK e lly 7 -T V . C. Bodonbs fellows-.. Athey; Ooo. T . S n d tij E dn

la n ; sec- i^^nfesf and ram lly, P au l; I fa r rearorer, Minneapolis; H . P.-O laaJm Bunce Lak«. d . q . Brown, city,; Cha ~ ' Hay, Spokane; -Mr. and Mrs. Gee

J- Miekelwalt, Ord, Nob.; B . -E. Ml surgical and family, R ichfield; Mr.

iiignated p . N. W att, T w la P a lli; i ig aehool jfrCoy, Wendell; Joo P . Albeo, Icattlo. Creek; Frank K imbrough; Jarbldgc

AngUn. ___•Sm ida7 ■ ?;• -

, ROOEBSQN—J . H . N orton aiid J . E. McDcrmond and w ife ; U r*. 1

C i n C Mrs. a D ingfleld; Jock CO I U l Ilaixen; C. P . K essler, 8an Franc

W alker fiud w ife, San Francisco; ] .McCHntlek, Los Aagoles; E . A . Me

, tick, Los Angeles; S . Bamucls,■ Ijike ; T. G. M ays, S a lt .L ake;;0H OE O ’LoughUn, B alt L ako; % B.^Bh

Seattle; P . H . Smith-, Milwaukee (luntbe^ B u tte ; Ohaa. E . Weleb;'Xi

Chandler, Pbeal1 o M h e ^ - nuRhes,, B lackfoot; A. B. C k fnrm l>eriln, Donvehts land PE nniK B -ziiy . E . Clark, c lty f ( chase of McKee; C. A. Taylor,’sp e tro lt; B odrtv of ^"rte r, Chicagqj H . J . K aul, BaU I lay; one C- ArUiur,’CWaago; M ra..Q ..A lanco 'o f '■“J’- Jerom e; H . A. Snuffin. res was Moines; Q. E James, Joromo; Oec ] f Twin ^'hilaon, Beattie; .L. Tum or, Seattle k p r il '22. ^ ^ 'T o ll, M ass.; Edw ., / to boT n Kiraberly; L . B.:,5,o'rt«i,-.8pok»ti?

IL P a i ^ D eaxpr; Bhoiman rav BDti IJ- H offm an,'.8 alt:,Iiakfli;Ji£r, t lo a U-. M rs.- 'P ,'® . G M km , SaCTtmttfcr^-i J being O A esJ^ ^ Ise ; J o ^ L . Holl heCotbef BoUo; J . I . O re e ^ O rt j tB ,-

- A lta G araner, Jifromo; Maurice QulM i l ' l l - . '

S m O A E B Y W A B S T A M P S I 0 A M 7 A I 0 N T O S O B O Cnot or: - ' -- ------

0 pulled 0 0 1 7 ^ DmBOTOB AN D POSTJi er way, <5^ PEESBKT IKV E8 TMEHT leded to p o B n iN I T T TO P U P IL S .

A sale of W a r ’ T in ^ ^ 'a n d ’ Tl 'A TINO Stam ps among tho pupils o f Tw in ] roro tbo >cbools will bo ,^onducted on Tnei 10 pave- noxt by A .Onlbert, Wor Savings fits artm ent d irector for Twin Palls county, tborized Postm aster M. A. Btronk. Annou ho Bur- "X’u t o f the sale Is lo be made in 1 sold a t Mhool room a fow days in odranc

order tb a t tho pupils may be prep ovonlng on tbo occasion to .lnvest tbo lr savl t t o tbo Between the honis o f 10 ami j f P ort- o ’clock Uie sale will be held in the bo beat Kchool, nnd from I I o 'c lock until n1 gravel w ill be held in tbo W ashington «c1 la eon- Beglnalng a t I o ’clock and contin Barley, fo r one hour, the salo will be hel fo r a ll tho Lincoln sdipbl, and between

llnanee. h^ufe of & a sd S' o 't lo tk , pupils of 1 sower Bickel school will bo givon opportu pany a t to parUelpale In the sale.

110,500 C A L L S F O E B I D S 0 N ~ ton . i l l U I P E O V I N O P E O P E E•roperty '» _____iximate- SALEB AOBNTS PO B BL U E LAI ;ach 23. a DDITIOH TO T W IN P A IL S


of'O fff ~ Pocatello Security T rust con , („■ . ny, sales agents fo r the Blue Li

addition to Twin Palls, baa tailed bids tn eoanectlon w ith Ibe Installa

s r p n . of Improvements in tho addiU oa opd aounces, borring unfoneen oxigom

9 0 0 S th o t w ork will begin In the near ful ' Tbeso Improvomeals consist o f bltul

J )8 OP {q porlog , curbing, gu tte ring and p lANOH Ing tbo streets and lay ing o t aldewo ■BAflTB “ •"o tho sotUug out o f shado treaa.

by Al. BEOTHBB I N P A M0 milfs • ^ s tre e t.in P o r li wasirob.ible ^ “PPy meeting place of two b ro tl r rabid ■“ B nlted^States marine sad jromcBj other a 'sa ilo r, who had not* seen 1

W. A. enlisted seven moiof the

A tU iw O .(Je tg e rc f B u ffalo , K .'S resulted * on a patrol boat in f r t .bsed to ^ “ ^ors. Bia brother, i ^ n k F . de l

to la a member of Uio 05th com pai^, 8 ] cs. Dr. regim ent, Vnitod Statea m a r i n e eads of ■ A rthnr w u given sboro le a te rec of ilie ’J ' A°d wail stroltlDg down a fido-at

• exam- * atrangely fataU lar t,shouted, " 'H e y , you, w hatta yon' di

ilso be- « o n n d h e re l" Tnm ing aronnd t e 6 rab ia to, face with his b ro ther, » o a i s be ln r o® d n ty .ln tbo P renJh capl

Tboy aro still .talking o b o n t'th o td• ted '’to .

HXCHANO&—Job priaU ag iren tly n e n a j , Oor work I rB k e 'y o n r none

tbe b e a t . Twin PhD« K m .

= ^ = ± = = = = ^ ^ ^ : =

i. a ' « I I f t |Boy

ey; Oeo. . M H H g H H Q B n t t1 0 . L. i f f l E S n e P w B i ^ - " Iid wife; l l i l i l i l iS ._____-_____________


CAMPINARRHanson; Extroordlnarjr Peatoi

S ■ m mi i ' S ■ ■ir, Great - Ir York;

k I “ H e r H u s2 p a rt BnnsUno'Coi

g f “T l i e D e s p; I ™ ' ' ; . 2 p u t W e« « lJ M«

Iild Mrs. H E A B S T 'S P AIrs. Kel- .. Hap(enliigB :

SdwTo. Oonliij W * ll» 4 w -in » I Tarry’J . fea tnre en titled "INNOOEKT. lanfield, of th e i t t g e . ' The ftor7 o f » 1 Chta. H . piete Ignorance of th e worid.

from h e r aeeluaioa W hat tu

. “ ‘t d _______ ____; M. B.'0, Bock = ■ '

k Craig, ‘ U rs . D ora V oltatar isutiscoi .G rippo coupled w ith-fho Infirn 0 ; P . B. o f old ogo.resulted lo the death t McClIn- o 'c l6ck,Suoday of Mrs. D ora V0I1 Is, Salt' aged 86, a t tho homo of her daug ;o; Dan Mrs. Ed. Thuroau, lOfl Addison av Bheanej eaat. Funeral aetvleea,’ tonductet kee; H. Rov. John Gehring, pastor' o f tho 1 ;'Lafay- eran ehnrch, will bo held a t 4 o ’l ieatello; tbis afternoon a t tbe Croaby chapel, . Cham- the remains will be’ taken on Tue

morning to her form er homo In Con r f 0- B. Missouri, fo r interm e'nt Deceased ; H . n . boro Ja au a iy 15,1832, In Oermany ItL ak e ; - — - . . - . . ' - i - r :..A -O r^ ^ A - b ; Locke - -in. Dc:t / A f tTo age of 82 yuan , J U t / Oco. W. I>ocko dic<l on Thuraday,'A pril a 4Ue; H. tho homo.' o f her daughter, Mrs. (

.UloB, Dear'fiold, throe mllea north of ] ano> . A> berly, whore she had mado ber reslil n,'.Bnhl; for. 'eome'^Umo., i ^ ? r n l , aorvlcea bfr> -aoiI beld Banday aflem oon-from lh e 1

and- w ere « n d w te d by Rev, M r. < lolllncv well of K nnll. Deceaaed ia survive la^-lC & piiorJanghtA rr.U xi.’ Dearfleld, and Quhee'n, s o u roaidlog U Kellogg, Idaho, ot

whom waa pretfent a t the funeral;- by a nephew, Charles Beckman of '

Palls. Bhe was bom October 3, :

O O L S ■

. - F e r M d V A ia r l .H Im te l f . •T "* ® ' m other drcaiw i In h e r :HT OP- w it" tn n i , a n d h a t. nnd took hltti

■ a TlBlt to the-Ticlghhflra.' O f ,coo they wcro glad to see h e r nod cha

i J i n i i ! Ha'nx= who-Trnt- a tnm llng’Ju a t im n c w Q tc h n l them fo r n

" ’Oft** then lelRurely strode nnd wild: ‘l lc r o ’a olo Iln rry ." B e ' Uio nttontlon from Uien on.nonnce- ........... • j -

In cocb . • ' __ _________ance in '• — “reporcd ”lOViDBS.

I lie’s finheld inlen the --------- -■

of tho ■

oofl^t Forgel5 E T Y ; ■ ”

'.ATniH A i lo m e lc s s bo.v w a s

L8 1 0 G o d d o n ' t .vou th i n k 'I r e

i^ o B B B o m etU in g to e a t n n d s o m

tom p .. n n s w c r c d , “ b i i tS O M E B CLokes ____

M for . T i io C H I L D R E N 'S ,I

o p d o l! d r o n f r o m T m i i F n l l s i n ]{oaeics, y e a r a . T w in F a l l s U a a t

i f t S c a u K c s 'a n d w e a r e j u s t l y ]

a park- o u t is fa n d ln 'g o n o f o r Id jf lu)walka;a- ■.

E;;:: ^rB Hoiiifilesr . T > ■

^ e ig r t T h o s t a t e m ip t ir in tc n d i

s i t h s o n H o te l . T h e t r a v e l in g

ttc ea t- “" t r i i . ‘ “ 7 .« * s iB tan c 0 p e r t a i iXTOleeI 'd o ln ' U A K B A LL OHBOES ]he w u DHILDBBK '8 HOMB P In d iN )marine -:apltaL - ■ . . -j t ^ es r B yB BY DOIOiAB I S OBB


o a e j ^ '

M O N D A T , .A P B I L 2 9 ,1 9 1 8 '

- J — — J

LY A i n ) T U E S D A Y

RI AND COMPANYt o n N ovelty Spasloh Batertalneia^ ‘

i AND WALKER '’aUdsjc, 81sglog,.l>aridflj; - '

r o t i s ^ Y s , _ • .

s b a n d ’ s W ife ”Tomedr foil' of laoglu aod th rU lt - . .

perate C h a n ce ”lleloflraffia wlUi W illiam Dnnean

'A T H E W E m Y i N E W SB from all o m th a v o r id - -

r taHy—T A X n m W ABD in th e g reat 6 part r r . " yAdapted from Uie son u U n n il saccsa a girl who w u ralaed In feclnaloi; and com.L A f m h e r paren ts died th e g irl emerged tu fpeoed? See FANNCB''W ABD In Uili

J l = ^ P E R S O N A L S - ............. ..

rmltles • Mr. and Mra E . P . Dlssoaettb of Bubl I n t 11 spent Saturday in T ijin Polls,''oltmer, Louis Sporgo of Chicago arrived Pri- “Rhter, ,iny to spenU somo time a t tbo Bluo avenuo Lakes riuch.

Miss Rachel W ard apeat tiio week-end

i s X ' ' ' ' I ' " ' " •, ^ T liat ii ta n nro visible lu Uic da;-

a ,rw M bottom o f B,decp shftfteu wns P f jmg gcnenilly bcllorH

since Lbo dnya o f Arlatotlc, bu t t h n ta not Uiu sllgbtcfit foundotlun for Ibt Idea. BoroQ B tusbold t. who* spent.a .

A ^V jfood de«l '6 t tlos.c la mines hlmsdt ^ i* -a t and 4 t i ^ o a e d m iners io varioua parts

• 0 . a o f Uw w orld, found 00 cvidcnco In aup., Kim- p o tt Uils belief, nnd I t haa since ridence be«a tborougbly cxplodnl. But, ipft a were m aigr,o t>w .“aploU ed" Idcna,,lt floal^. a home lahw f n i t oa-vlgnroualy 0* over.— r. CaW- tjio rS denco M onthly. V .Iv'ed by ' ,

M l! n f ^ ta rg fls t Bible, il- «!■« lurgcat Blblo over printed la u

Kngilsb copy. A rc foot tw o lacbea h i *. , g . , thrco feet s ix (Qcbes wl'do, and tes ' Inches Uilck. T he biodlog Is made

from 12 g o ^ k ln s ,

f QQY Make onr W aot Ads do your work.

fo r ' . . . ' II 'w orse.' ___________________________________hatted '— - w .- - .nH ffiE - J i '= ^ , t 3 I S 0 0 . 0 0 , iiuido on hand for fariri imd'clty^

ra,tcs. , ..»W I» . . H . E . P O W H B 'B '

Over Olty Pharm iuy r,

lle s lla fi!t tlie Hoiiiii LinesB r e c e n t l y , a a k e d “ I f ’t l i o r e w e r e a

ff w o a l d t e l l B om ebody . t o p iv e y o u

- m o c l o t l i c s l " “ H a d o e a , ’ * t h e bo>- .

3 O I ) T F O H Q 0 T . ” . '

,H 0 1 ^ hoB c a r e d f o r u io r o cliil-

1 1 9 1 7 tb a n in a l l t b e p r e v i o u s e ip l i t

1 d o n e g r e a t tb iD g a f o r n i l w o rth y

? p r o n d o f b e r . L e t t h i s y e a r b e nii

l l i o 's h om clQ 86 .

Help i a i i o 's ss Clillilren

id c n t , D r . F i e a b e r , i s n t t b o B o g o r -

Qg m a t ^ n , J t o . A n n a Y . B e im c t t ,

i n t h e w e e k . S h e m a y b e c a l l c d o ii

l i n i n g to h e r w o rl : .