A Guide to Museum Studies Programs in the US and Canada · AGuide to Museum Studies Programs in the...

A Guid to Musum Studis Programs in th US and Canada Compled by Ken Sturgeon for the Amercan Assocaton of Museums’ Commttee on Museum Professonal Tranng 2 nd Lstng, June 2008

Transcript of A Guide to Museum Studies Programs in the US and Canada · AGuide to Museum Studies Programs in the...

  • A Guid to Mus um Studi s Programs in th US and Canada

    Compl edbyKen Sturgeon

    fortheAmer canAssoc at onofMuseums Comm tteeonMuseumProfess onalTra n ng

    2ndL st ng,June2008

  • Cont nts

    Introduct on. 3 GraduateMuseumStud esPrograms 5

    MuseumStud es/Museology/MuseumProfess ons/Museum&F eldStud es 5

    MuseumAnthropology 26

    MuseumCommun cat on... 28

    MuseumEducat on. 29

    MuseumExh b t on/Des gn 34

    Collect onsManagement 37

    Curator alStud es/Pract ce 38 MuseumStud esCert f catePrograms....40 D sc pl ne3BasedGraduatePrograms.....67 DegreeprogramsthatofferaMuseumStud esEmphas s,Concentrat on,Opt on, Cert f cate,and/orM nor

    Anthropology.... 67

    Art/ArtH story/ArtManagement/ArtEducat on... 70

    CulturalStud es... 80

    H story/Amer canStud es/Amer canCulture.. 81

    Mult d sc pl nary/Interd sc pl nary... 86

    Publ cAdm n strat on.. 92 UndergraduatePrograms..93 Programsoffer ngaMajor,M nor,Cert f cate,AdvancedD ploma,and/or Spec al zat on nMuseumStud esattheundergraduatelevel RelatedPrograms.....109 Internat onalProgramL st ngs.....110


  • Introduction In2002IbecameanadjunctprofessorofAnthropologyatWesternOregonUn vers ty andtookoverteach ngthe rmuseumstud escourses.Eachyear,Ifoundthatseveralof mystudentswere nterested npursu ngmuseumworkasacareerandwanted nformat ononwhatopt onswereava lableandwhatprogramswereoutthere.Towards th send,Ibeganresearch ngmuseumstud esprogramsacrosstheUSandCanadato comp le nformat onformystudents,andothers,whomayw shtomoveontopursue museumstud esfurther.WhatIfoundwasthatseveralpr ntedgu des,suchasMuseum areers and Training: a Professional GuidebyV.Dan lov(1994),AAMTechn cal Informat onServ cesGuide to Museum Studies and Training in the United States (by RoxanaAdamsandThomasJ.R tzenthaler,1999),andtheInternational Directory of Museum Training, GaryEdson,ed tor(1995),arenowoutofdate,andthattheon3l ne l st ngsofmuseumstud esoffer ngs,wh lenumerous,are ncomplete.What sneeded sad rectorythatcanbeupdatedonaregularbas s...anonl neresource.Th sd rectory hasbeenproducedtohelpf llthatneed. Th sresourcehasbeencreatedasagu deforpeopleseek ng nformat ononmuseum3 tra n ngoffer ngs ntheUSandCanada,whethertheyareseek ngtoenterthef eldor havebeenapract c ngprofess onalforsomet meandarelook ngforacadem c programswh chw llhelpthemtoadvance.The nformat onconta ned sad rectoryand comp lat onofbas c nformat ononthevar etyofmuseum3tra n ngoffer ngsava lable n theUSandCanada.Thetra n ngopt onshavebeend v ded nto:

    o GraduateMuseumStud esPrograms:Degreeprograms nMuseum Stud es/Museology/MuseumProfess ons/Museum&F eldStud es,Museum Anthropology,MuseumCommun cat on,MuseumEducat on,Museum Exh b t on/Des gn,Collect onsManagement,andCurator alStud es/Pract ce.

    o MuseumStud esCert f catePrograms:Graduate,Graduate3Level,Profess onal andNon3DegreeCert f cates.

    o D sc pl ne3BasedGraduatePrograms:DegreeprogramsthatofferaMuseum Stud esEmphas s,Concentrat on,Opt on,Cert f cate,and/orM nor.

    o UndergraduatePrograms:Programsoffer ngaMajor,M nor,Cert f cate, AdvancedD ploma,and/orSpec al zat on nMuseumStud es.

    Programs,graduateorundergraduate,wh chonlyofferafewcourses nMuseum Stud es,werenot ncluded.L kew se,relatedprograms,suchasPubl cH story,H stor c Preservat on,CulturalManagement,Nonprof tManagement,Her tageStud es,Her tage Management,Conservat on,ArtsAdm n strat on,ArtsManagementandArtsEducat on werenot ncluded. Thecategor escreated3and nformat onrequestedfromthevar ousmuseumstud es programs3forth sresourcewerebasedon nformat onmystudentshaveaskedabout suchprograms.Occas onally,some nformat on nth sgu dehasbeenl stedasN/A duetoe therthecategorybe ngnotappl cable,ortothe nformat onbe ngnot ava lable.


  • Pleasebeawarethatwh leth sgu dew llbeupdatedregularly,museumstud es programschange,part cularlythecontact nformat onanddegreerequ rements.Also, newprogramsarebe ngdevelopedandcurrentprogramsarebe ngupdatedand revamped.Ifyoudof ndaprogramyouare nterested npursu ng,pleasecheckthe r webs teandcontactthedepartmentforthemostup3to3date nformat on,costsand requ rements. The nformat on nth sresourcewasdrawnfromthefollow ngwebsources:

    AAMsCOMPT3www.compt3aam.org GlobalMuseum3 www.globalmuseum.org Peterson'sGu detoGraduateandProfess onalStudy3www.petersons.com TheSm thson anInst tut on'sCenterforEducat onandMuseumStud es3

    http://museumstud es.s .edu/Tra nD rect.htm GradSchoolswww.GradSchools.com Ind v dualprogramwebs tes

    Aswellasfromprograml st ngs nthefollow ngpubl cat ons: MuseumStud esPrograms nNorthAmer cabyJohnE.S mmons, nMuseum Studies: Perspectives and Innovations.StephenL.W ll amsandCather neA.Hawks, ed tors.Publ shed n2006. Curr culumStandardsforMuseumStud esProgramsbyStephenL.W ll amsandJohn E.S mmons, nMuseum Studies: Perspectives and Innovations.StephenL.W ll ams andCather neA.Hawks,ed tors.Publ shed n2006.

    Museology in the United States: an Analysis of the Museum Studies Field byEl zabeth R.Moyer(unpubl shedthes s,Un vers tyofWash ngton,2007)



  • Mus um Studi s Programs in th US and Canada Mus um Graduat D gr Programs:

    Mus um Studi s/Mus ology, Mus um Prof ssions, Mus um & Fi ld Studi s, Mus um Anthropology, Mus um Communication, Mus um Education,

    Mus um Exhibition/D sign, Coll ctions Manag m nt, Curatorial Studi s/Practic

    Mus um Studi s/Mus ology BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Program:MuseumsStud esProgram,DepartmentofMuseumStud es D gr : M.A. nMuseumStud es D scription:TheDepartmentofMuseumStud esatBaylorUn vers typrepares studentsforsuccessfulmuseumcareers,emphas z ngadm n strat on,curatorsh p, collect onsmanagement,exh b ts,andeducat on,throughgu ded nstruct on,research, andpract calappl cat on.Bayloroffersoneofthefewprogramstoofferundergraduate degrees(BAandBS) nMuseumStud es,aswellasaMastersdegree, ntheUn ted States.Theun queresourcesoftheMaybornMuseumComplexandalow student/facultyrat oensurethatstudents nthedepartmentarethoroughlytra ned. W bsit :http://www.baylor.edu/Museum_Stud es/ Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:36semesterhoursofcoursework33 ncludess x semesterhoursof nternsh pands xsemesterhoursofthes sormaster'sproject. Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yes3s xcred thours. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d:Thestudentdec des,upon consultat onw thh s/hercomm ttee,whethertoprepareathes sortopursueatop cof researchforamaster'sproject. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:Twofull3t meandtwopart3t me. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s:75%380% Funding Availabl : Yes GRE R quir d: Yes Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:About20325forthegraduateprogram. Numb r Acc pt d:12315eachyear(48%360%). Application D adlin :February15forFallterm. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums and Gall ri s:Sue&FrankMaybornNaturalSc ence andCulturalH storyMuseum,Mart nMuseumofArt/Un vers tyArtGallery,Armstrong Brown ngL brarywh chhasacollect onofRobertandEl zabethBarrettBrown ngs personal temsaswellas temsfromotherwr tersfromthe rt me. Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Nomajorchangesplannedatth st me. Addr ss:DepartmentofMuseumStud es BaylorUn vers ty OneBearPlace,#97154 Waco,TX7679837154 254371031233 Contact:Dr.KennethHafertepe,Inter mCha roftheDepartmentofMuseumStud es, [email protected]


  • COOPERSTOWN GRADUATE PROGRAM Program:TheCooperstownGraduateProgram D gr :M.A. nH storyMuseumStud es CosponsoredbytheStateUn vers tyofNewYork(SUNY)andNewYorkState H stor calAssoc at on D scription:TheCooperstownGraduateProgram,founded n1964andCosponsored bytheStateUn vers tyofNewYork,OneontaandtheNewYorkStateH stor cal Assoc at on,preparesstudentsforprofess onalcareers nmuseums,h stor cal soc et es,andrelatedagenc es.TheCooperstownGraduateProgram'stwo3yearcourse ofstudyleadstoaMasterofArtsdegree nH storyMuseumStud es.ACooperstown degreecomb nesastrongbase nresearchandthecr t calstudyofAmer canmater al cultureandAmer canc v l zat onw thamuseumlearn ngmodelthat ncludespract cal exper ences nmuseumadm n strat on,educat onandexh b t onandcollect onscare andmanagement. W bsit : http://www.oneonta.edu/academ cs/cgp/ Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d: 48semestercred thours. Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yesane ght3to3twelveweeksummer nternsh p. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d: Studentsarerequ redtocomplete athes sorthes sprojectattheendofthe rsecondyear.Studentsareencouragedto publ shthe rworkortopresent tataconference. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty: Fourfacultyded catedtoteach ng ntheProgramand f ve3seven nstructorswhoareonthesen orstaffoftheNewYorkStateH stor cal Assoc at onandtheFarmers'Museum.F nallythereareseveraladjunctprofessors whoteachelect vecourses. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s: Between80and100%w th ns x3e ghtmonthsof graduat on. Funding Availabl : AllCGPstudentswhorequestfellowsh psupportrece ve t. Fellowsh psrangefrom$4,000peryeartoafulltu t onwa ver. GRE R quir d:Yes Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually: 50375 Numb r Acc pt d: Approx mately15studentseachfall(20%330%). Application D adlin :January10 Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:Theprogram slocatedonthecampusofthe museums nCooperstown,NY,thus,studentshavethelearn nglaboratoryatthe r f ngert ps.Theymaywork norhaveclasses ntheFen moreArtMuseum,The Farmers'Museum,TheNat onalBaseballHallofFameandMuseum. Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Thebu ld ngw llbecompletelyrenovated n 2009.Inthelongterm,plansaretoexpandoffer ngs nleadersh pandmanagement. Themuseumf eldw llfacetheret rementofthebabyboomd rectorsshortlyandthey feelthatCGPw llbeoneoftheplacesabletocontr butenewleaderstothef eld. Addr ss:TheCooperstownGraduateProgram POBox800 Cooperstown,NY13326USA 607354732586 Contact:GretchenSull vanSor n,D rectorandProfessorofMuseumStud es, sor [email protected]



  • GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Program: MuseumStud esProgram D gr :M.A. nMuseumStud es D scription:Establ shed n1976,theMuseumStud esProgramattheGeorge Wash ngtonUn vers tycomb nestrad t onalacadem ctra n ng nbothacadem c subjectsandmuseumpract cesandthepract calexper encethat snecessarytobeg n asuccessfulmuseumcareer.Weareknownforouracadem cexcellence,thestrength ofourfacultyand ncred blelocal nternsh popportun t es.Today, t sthelargest MuseumStud esProgramandoneofthef rstof tsk nd ntheUn tedStates.Our faculty sdrawnfromapoolofpract c ngmuseumprofess onalsfromtheWash ngton D.Careaw thmanyyearsofexper ence nallaspectsofmuseumoperat ons.They teachwhattheypract ce,oftenonlocat on nthemuseumswheretheyareemployed. Ourflex bleprogram sta loredtoeachstudents nterestsandneeds,allow ngthemto spec al ze noneofthreeMuseumStud esareas:collect onsmanagement,exh b t on development/des gnormanagement/adm n strat on.Studentsarealsorequ redtofocus onanacadem ccore,suchasAnthropology,Amer canStud esorH story.These coursesprov deeachstudentw thasol dfoundat on nanacadem csubject. W bsit :www.gwu.edu/~mstd Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:42cred ts Int rnship(s) R quir d: Yesam n mumofone nternsh p. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d: MasterofArtsdegreecand dates mustpassacomprehens veexam nat onthat ncludesquest onsfromthe rMuseum Stud esconcentrat ons.MasterofArtsandCert f catecand datesmustsubm ta researchpapertofulf lltheMuseumStud eswr t ngrequ rement.Th spapershould demonstratethestudentsab l tytoconduct ndependentresearchandshouldmake somecontr but ontothestudentsacadem cd sc pl neandmuseumf eld.Itcanbea paperpreparedespec allyforth spurposeoraresearchpaperor g nallypreparedfora MuseumStud es,Academ cCoreorD rectedResearchclass.Inadd t on, t s necessaryforallstudentstosubm tapaperfortheMalaroAward.Wh lestudentsmay subm tthesamepaperforboththeresearchpaperandtheMalaroAward,pleasekeep nm ndthatanacadem ccorepapercannotbesubm ttedfortheMalaroAward. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty: Threefull3t meandseveralpart3t me. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s:Approx mately90% Funding Availabl : Yes GRE R quir d:Yes Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:Morethan200 Numb r Acc pt d: Approx mately80(40%) Application D adlin :Adm ss on s nboththeFallandSpr ngsemesters.The deadl neforFall sMarch1;forSpr ng t sOctober15.Studentsarestrongly encouragedtoapplyearly,asadm ss ontotheProgram scompet t ve.Ifyouare apply ngforadepartmentalfellowsh pyouneedtoapplybyJanuary15. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums: Located ntheheartofWash ngton,D.C.3the museumcap taloftheUS Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program:Wejuststartedanonl necert f cate program ncollect onsmanagementandcaretargetedtothosewhoarework ng n museumsw thcollect onsrespons b l tyandwholackformaltra n ng.Thenameofthe

  • program nMuseumCollect onsManagementandCareCert f cateProgramv a d stanceeducat on.Theprogramwasdevelopedw thgrantfundsfromtheNEH.We startedw thanenter ngclassof40th sfall.Wew llcont nuetoacceptthesame numbernextfall. Addr ss:GWMuseumStud esProgram 2147FStreetNW Wash ngtonD.C.20052 202399437030 [email protected] Contact:Dr.Ild koP.DeAngel s,D rector, ld [email protected] HARVARD UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SCHOOL Program:MastersDegreeprogramL beralArts nMuseumsStud es D gr :M.L.A. nMuseumStud es D scription:Whetheryoure nterested ncollect onsmanagement,exh b t ons, conservat on,oranotheraspectofmuseumwork,themastersprogram nmuseum stud escanhelpyouembarkonasuccessfulcareer.Incoursesthatconnecttheoryand pract ce,you nvest gatethechallengesconfront ngmuseumstodayandlearnthe ntr cac esofoperat ons.The nterd sc pl narycurr culumcomb nesmuseumstud es coursesw thelect ves nsubjectsl keanthropology,h story,andart.Inadd t on,you haveaccesstoHarvardsmuseums,whereyoum ghtconductresearch,attend lectures,orcompletean nternsh p.Recentgraduateshavegoneontopos t onsas ass stantcuratorsandmuseumeducators. W bsit : http://www.extens on.harvard.edu/museum/ Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:Completetencourses(40cred ts). Int rnship(s) R quir d: Yes3the nternsh p stakenpass/fa landrequ rescand dates tospendam n mumof200hourswork ng namuseumunderthegu danceofalocal superv sorandthe nternsh pcoord nator. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d: Athes s srequ red. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty: Notenuredfaculty.Theyre3h rethe rprogram,faculty annually.Allmuseumstud es nstructorsaremuseumprofess onals nonecapac tyor another.Studentsalsotakethreeelect vesaspartoftheprogramandthe nstructors n thesecourses,forthemostpart,arenotmuseumprofess onals,butspec al sts nthe r f eld(anthropolog sts,h stor ans,managementexperts,etc.). Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s: Noplacementserv cesnordotheycurrentlytrack alumn .Th sprogramgraduated tsf rstcohortofstudents n200432005.Thereare plansunderwayforanalumn surveybeg nn ng200932010. Funding Availabl :No GRE R quir d:No Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:24 n2007. Numb r Acc pt d: Aslongasthestudentshavemettheprerequ s tesforadm ss on, theyw llbeaccepted.Nocaponthenumberofstudentsadm tted ntotheprogram. Application D adlin :Pre3reg strat onrequ rements:1)Possessareg onally accred ted bachelorsdegree. 2)Completethreegraduate3cred tcourses(12cred ts) fromtheprogramcurr culumw thBorh ghergradesatHarvardExtens onSchoolor SummerSchool.3)Haveacumulat vegradepo ntaverageof3.0 nany



  • degree/cert f catecoursesalreadycompleted.4)Be ngoodacadem candf nanc al stand ngw ththeD v s onofCont nu ngEducat on.Then,applydur ngtheterm(fall, spr ng,orsummer) nwh chyouant c patecomplet ngyourprerequ s tecourses; fyour appl cat on scompletebytheendofthattermyouarenot f edofadm ss ondec s ons w th nabouts xweeksofthedaygradesarepostedonl ne.Otherw se,youarenot f ed afterthatt me, ntheorder nwh chappl cat onsarecomplete. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:Busch3Re s ngerMuseum,FoggArtMuseum,Sackler Museum,StrausCenterforConservat on,HarvardUn vers tyHerbar a,M neralog cal& Geolog calMuseum,MuseumofComparat veZoology,PeabodyMuseumof ArchaeologyandEthnology,ArnoldArboretum,F sherMuseumattheHarvardForest, Collect onofH stor calSc ent f cInstruments,Sem t cMuseum,WarrenAnatom cal Museum Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Nomajorchangesplanned. Addr ss:MasterofL beralArts nMuseumStud es HarvardUn vers tyExtens onSchool 51BrattleStreet,Cambr dge,MA02138 617349634966 Contact:L ndaNewberry,Ass stantD rector,l [email protected]

    INDIANA UNIVERSITY -PURDUE Program:MuseumStud esatInd anaUn vers ty3Purdue D gr :M.A.degree nMuseumStud es D scription:TheMuseumStud esProgramIUPUIoffersaMasterofArtsdegree.The graduatecurr culaprov dean ntegrat onofmuseumh storyandtheoryw thhands3on nstruct on navar etyofmuseumtechn quesandpract ces.MuseumStud esatIUPUI samult d sc pl narycurr culumthatpreparespeopletobeself3reflect veleaders nthe museumf eld.Studentscanfocusontra n ngpaths neducat on,exh b tdevelopment, adm n strat on,collect ons,orcurator alpract ces,ortheycantakearangeofclasses n preparat onforthevar edrespons b l t esofsmallmuseumsandh stor cs tes. W bsit :http://l beralarts. upu .edu/mstd Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:36cred thours. Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yess xcred thours. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d: None Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:F veregularfacultyandseveraladjunct. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s: N/A Funding Availabl : Yes GRE R quir d: Yes Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually: N/A Numb r Acc pt d: N/A Application D adlin : February1andApr l1forfallsemesteradm ss on;October1for adm ss on nthespr ngsemester.Pleasenotethatonlyappl cantsfortheFebruary1 datew llbeel g blefornom nat onforaUn vers tyFellowsh p. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums: Nat onalArtMuseumofSport,HerronSchoolofArt& Des gnGallery,IUPUICulturalArtsGallery


  • Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Infall,2007,twonewfacultymembers jo nedthemuseumstud esprogram:Dr.ModupeLabodejo nedtheMuseumStud es andH storyfacultyasthePubl cScholarofAfr canAmer canH storyandMuseums. Dr.Jenn ferM kulayalsojo nedthefacultyasthenewPubl cScholarofV sualCulture, ajo ntappo ntmentoftheMuseumStud esProgram(IUSchoolofL beralArts)andthe F neArtsDepartment(HerronSchoolofArtandDes gn). Addr ss:MuseumStud es,IUPUI 419CavanaughHall 425Un vers tyBlvd Ind anapol s,IN46225 317327438207 museum@ upu .edu Contact:Dr.El zabethKryder3Re d,ProgramD rector,ekryderr@ upu .edu

    JOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY Program:DepartmentofMuseumStud es,SchoolofEducat onandL beralArts D gr :M.A. nMuseumStud es D scription:Oneoftheoldestmuseumstud esprograms ntheU.S.,JFKU'sgraduate programblendscontemporarytheoryw thhands3onpract ce.Th s sanexc t ngt meto pursueagraduatedegree nmuseumstud es.Museums,aspubl ceducat onal nst tut ons,are ncreas nglymorecomplex33andmoredynam c.Tosucceed,theyneed profess onalsw ththesk llstomakethemmorerespons vetothechang ngcond t ons ofourd versesoc ety.JohnF.KennedyUn vers ty'sDepartmentofMuseumStud es s d st ngu shedby tsprofess onal sm,collaborat vestyle,andcomm tmenttosoc al respons b l ty.Thefaculty scompr sedofSanFranc scoBayAreaprofess onalswho areprom nentandact ve nthef eld, nadd t ontobe ngexcellent nstructors.Work ng together nsem nar3s zeclasses,studentsexploreh stor esandtheor esofmuseumsof alld sc pl nesandtypes.Theylearnaboutspec f ctoolsforsolv ngadm n strat veand f scalchallenges,anddevelopandref neprofess onalwr t ngandpresentat onsk lls. Ourstudentsga npract calon3s teexper encethroughf eldtr psand nternsh ps nthe BayAreaandaroundtheworld.Theycreatenewmodelsforsp r tedengagementw th d verseaud ences,collect onsandtechnolog es.Weseekh ghlymot vatedstudents fromaw devar etyofbackgroundswhobel evemuseumscanmakead fference n people'sl ves.Classesareoffered ntheeven ngsandonweekendstoenablestudents tocont nuework ngdur nggraduateschool.JFKU'sone3yearCert f cate nMuseum Stud es sta loredforexper encedmuseumprofess onalsand nd v dualsw thoneor moregraduatedegreeswhopreferashortercourseofstudy.Studentsmayspec al ze ne thercollect onsmanagementoreducat onand nterpretat on. W bsit : http://www.jfku.edu/programs/programs/museum_stud/ Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:58un ts(mostcoursesare4.5un tseach). Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yes3students nthecollect onsmanagementandeducat on and nterpretat onspec al zat onsarerequ redtocomplete640hours(12un ts)of nternsh p,andstudents ntheadm n strat onspec al zat oncomplete480hours(9 un ts)of nternsh p. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d: Studentscompletee thera master'sprojectorthes s.



  • Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:15fullt me,partt me,andaff l atedfaculty. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s: FamouslyH gh.Pleasecontactthedepartmentfor trends. Funding Availabl : Yes GRE R quir d: No Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:Approx mately60 Numb r Acc pt d:Approx mately20 Application D adlin :March15foradm ss onthefollow ngfall. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:Smallgalleryoncampus;studentsut l zemuseums n thegreaterBayArea. Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Nomajorchangesplanned. Addr ss:JohnF.KennedyUn vers ty MuseumStud esProgram 12Altar ndaRoad Or ndaCA94563 510364930499 [email protected] Contact:Marjor eSchwarzer,ProgramCha r

    JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Program:ZanvylKr egerSchoolofArtsandSc ences,AdvancedAcadem cPrograms D gr :M.A. nMuseumStud es D scription:Thea mofth sprogram stoprov deaperspect veonthetheoryand pract ceofmuseums nachang ngtechnolog cal,soc alandpol t calenv ronmentfor currentandfuturemuseumprofess onals.Itemphas zestheroleoftechnologyasa pervas veaspect ntoday'smuseum,exam nesnewmodelsofeducat on,exh b t on, andbus nessstrateg es,andexplorestheroleofthemuseumasanagentofsoc al change.Interestedstudentsfrom nalltypesofmuseums nclud ngh story,technology, sc ence,art,spec altop corthemedmuseums,h stor cs tes,nat onalparksandzoos andthose nterested nexh b t onsforcorporat ons,governmentagenc esandpr vate organ zat onsarewelcome.Th s sanOnl neMastersDegreeProgram.Theformatof theprogram tself3analmostfullyonl neprogramlookstothefuture.Asanonl ne programJHUofferstheexpert seofh ghlyregardedprofessorsandmuseum profess onalsfromaroundtheworld, nnovat vev rtualf eldtr ps,andglobalresources fromaw dearrayofmuseumsbroughttogether nnewandexc t ngways. W bsit : http://advanced.jhu.edu/academ c/museum/ Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:TheM.A.requ restencourses,f vecorecourses andf veelect ves,tobecompletedw th nf veyearsofbeg nn ngtheprogram.N neof tencoursesarefullyonl ne,w thoneshort, ntenseons tesem narrequ red. Int rnship(s) R quir d:Opt onal.Studentsmaychoosetocompletean nternsh por projectatthe rlocalmuseum,approvedbytheassoc ateprogramcha r,andth smay besubst tutedforoneelect vecourse. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d: None Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:N/A Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s:Newprogram,datanotava lable. Funding Availabl : No



  • GRE R quir d: No Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:N/A Numb r Acc pt d:N/A Application D adlin : Studentsmayapplythroughouttheyearandbeg nstudydur ng anyofthethreesemesters/terms. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:EvergreenMuseum&L brary,HomewoodMuseum Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Th sprogram snew,launched nSpr ng 2008,sonomajorchangesarecurrentlyplanned. Addr ss:Phyll sHecht,Assoc ateProgramCha r TheJohnsHopk nsUn vers ty MuseumStud es 1717MassachusettsAvenue,NW,Su te104 Wash ngton,DC20036 202345231968 Contact:Phyll sHecht,Assoc ateProgramCha r,[email protected]

    NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Program:MuseumStud es,GraduateSchoolofArtsandSc ences D gr :M.A. nMuseumStud es D scription:Foralmostth rtyyears,theProgram nMuseumStud esatNewYork Un vers tyhasofferedan nnovat vecourseofstudy nthecontemporarytheoryand pract ceofmuseumwork.Emphas z ngboththe nterd sc pl narystudyofmuseumsand coursesofpract caltra n ng,theprogramhaspreparedmorethanthreehundred graduatesforpos t onsof ncreas ngrespons b l ty nmuseumsthroughouttheworld.In add t ontoobta n ngabroadfoundat on ntheh storyandtheoryofmuseums,the creat onandma ntenanceofexh b t onsandcollect ons,andmuseummanagement,our studentspursuepersonalprogramsofstudysupport ng nd v dualacadem candcareer object ves.MuseumStud esatNYUact velycrossesd sc pl naryboundar es ntwo ways,assembl ngscholarsfrommanyacadem cf eldswhoseworkengagesmuseum theoryandpract ce,andtra n ngstudentstoperformavar etyofrolesw th nalltypesof museums.Located nNewYorkC ty,theculturalcap taloftheworld,andw th nagreat un vers tyknownfor ts nterd sc pl naryor entat on,NYUMuseumStud esoffersan unparalleledopportun tytoprepareforthechallengesofmuseumwork nth snew century. W bsit :http://www.nyu.edu/fas/program/museumstud es/ Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:32cred ts Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yesone nternsh p. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d:Thes srequ red. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:4.75t meappo ntments(2Ass stantProfessors/Fellow, 2.5t metenure3trackappo ntments31w/anthropology&1w/arth story,1.25t me researchass stantappo ntments3teaches1class/year nmuseumstud es,and1 D rectorwhoteachestwocourses/year). Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s:Approx mately75% Funding Availabl :Yes GRE R quir d:Yes Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:Approx mately160


  • Numb r Acc pt d:Approx mately60 Application D adlin :March1forFall,November1forSpr ng. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:GreyArtGallery,studentsut l zeotherNewYorkC ty museumsaslaborator esandprojects tes. Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program:Tocont nuetodevelopstrengths nh story andtheoryofmuseums,and n nternat onaltra n ngofmuseumprofess onals. Addr ss:Program nMuseumStud es 240GreeneStreet,Su te400 NewYork,NY1000336675 212399838080 museum.stud [email protected] Contact:BruceAltshuler,D rector,[email protected]

    SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY Program:MuseumsStud esProgram,DepartmentofAnthropology D gr :M.A. nMuseumStud es D scription:SFSUMuseumStud es san nterd sc pl nary,profess onalprogramthat bu ldsuponastudentsprev ousundergraduateorgraduatedegree.Weoffers xarea emphases:curat on,exh b t ondes gn,museumeducat on,museumfundra s ng, museummanagement,andreg strat on/collect onsmanagement.Thecorecurr culum prov desthestudentw thaf rmfoundat onandknowledge nallofthemuseums funct ons.Theelect vecourses, nternsh p,andmastersprojectfocusuponthe studentsspec al zedareaofmuseumwork. W bsit :http://www.sfsu.edu/~museumst/ Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d: 33334un ts Int rnship(s) R quir d: Yesstudentsarerequ redtocompleteamuseum nternsh p w th nthe rdes redareaofemphas s.The nternsh pcons stsof144hours(n neun ts), pre3profess onal,unsalar edtra n ngdur nga163weeksemester,ordur ngthesummer bypr orarrangement.Althoughonlyone nternsh p srequ red,studentsare encouragedtoundertakeasecond nternsh patalaterpo nt,wh chmaycountasan elect ve. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d:TheCulm nat ngExper encecan beatrad t onalMaster'sthes s;oracreat veworkproject,wh ch nvolvesthecurat onof anexh b t on nanoff3campusmuseum. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:Threefull3t me,severallecturersandjo nt appo ntments. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s:About75%leavetheprogramw thajobsecured(part and/orfullt me). Funding Availabl :No GRE R quir d:Yes Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:Between803100appl cat ons. Numb r Acc pt d:15324newstudentsaccepted. Application D adlin :Appl cat ontoFallsemesteronly:deadl ne sMarch1forthe yearyouw shtoapply;for nternat onalstudents,November1.


  • Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:theMuseumofAnc entC v l zat ons,theSutro Egypt anCollect on,Morethantenspec al zedcollect ons nvar ousdepartments, SFSUF neArtsGallery Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Muchofourenergyhasbeenfocusedon bu ld ngourtenuretrackfacultyandrev s ngthecurr culumtoreflectcurrentmuseum employmenttrends.Th syear(2007),weaccompl shedbothfeats:h r nganewtenure3 trackfacultymemberw thexpert se nthepubl cd mens onsofmuseum( nterpretat on, v s torstud es,commun cat on)andnowourcurr culum sreflect veofthemuseumf eld, cover ngcollect onsstewardsh p,exh b t on, nternaloperat onsandexternalfunct ons. Ourshort3termgoalsareto ntroducenewcoursesrelatedtoexternaloperat onsandto cont nuetoprov destudentsw thcomprehens vetra n ng.Ourlong3termplansareto obta ndepartmentstatus,wh chwouldallowustobeel g bleforexternalgrants. Addr ss:MuseumStud esProgram SanFranc scoStateUn vers ty Human t es515 1600HollowayAvenue SanFranc sco,CA94132 415340530599 Contact:L ndaEll s,D rector,[email protected]

    SETON HALL UNIVERSITY Program:MuseumProfess ons,DepartmentofArtandMus c D gr :M.A. nMuseumProfess ons D scription:TheDepartmentofArtandMus catSetonHallUn vers tyoffersaMaster ofArts(M.A.) nMuseumProfess ons.Theprogrampreparesstudentsforprofess onal careers nmuseumsandothercultural nst tut onsthroughchalleng ngcoursework. Annualsem nars nPar s,Rome,Berl norAmsterdamfurtherenr chthecurr culum.The M.A. nMuseumProfess onsprogram srooted nanunderstand ngofmuseumh story andtheory,but tspr marypurpose stopreparestudentsforaprofess onalcareer n museums.Itsstructureperm tsstudentstochoosetracksofconcentrat ontof tthe r nterests,bethey nmuseumeducat onorcollect onsmanagement,exh b t onsor museummanagement.Coursesareoffered ntheeven ngsandonSaturdaysto accommodatebothfull3t meandpart3t mestudents. W bsit :http://artsc .shu.edu/artmus c/museum Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:393cred ts Int rnship(s) R quir d:No Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d:Athes s srequ red. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:Contactfor nformat on. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s: Notcurrentlyava lable. Funding Availabl :Yes GRE R quir d:Yes,butwa vedforthosewhohavef n shedthe rB.A.f veormore yearsago. Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:Contactfor nformat on.Note:Appl cantsto theMuseumProfess onsprogrammusthave12cred thoursofundergraduatework na museumf eld(arth story,anthropology,h story,b ology).Cond t onalacceptancemay begrantedtostudentsw thouttherequ s tenumberofundergraduatecourses,w ththe


  • understand ngthattheyw llcompletetheserequ rementsbeforebe ngawardedthe M.A. Numb r Acc pt d:Contactfor nformat on Application D adlin :Appl cat onsareacceptedonaroll ngbas s.Apr1(Fall) fbe ng cons deredforgraduateass stantsh p nclud ngtu t onrem ss onandast pend. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:WalshL braryGallery Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: N/A Addr ss:CollegeofArtsandSc ences SetonHallUn vers ty 400SouthOrangeAvenue SouthOrange,NJ07079 973376139022 [email protected] Contact:Dr.JanetMarst ne,marst [email protected]

    SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AT NEW ORLEANS Program:MuseumStud esandCulturalPreservat on D gr :M.A. nMuseumStud esandCulturalPreservat on D scription:Addressesboththetheoret calandthepract calaspectsofcareers nthe preservat onandpresentat onofculturalhold ngs.Graduatestudentsga nresearch sk lls nculturalh storyandmus ch storyaswellasexpert se nsuchareasas preservat onandrestorat onofobjectsandmanuscr pts,class f cat onandcatalog ng, curatorsh p,computer zedandInternetshar ng,d vers typrogramm ngandcommun ty outreach.Ma nlyanonl neprogram. W bsit :http://www.suno.edu/museum_stud es.htm Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:Atotalof36cred thours. Numb r of Int rnships R quir d:N/A Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d:N/A Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:N/A Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s:N/A Funding Availabl :N/A GRE R quir d:N/A Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:N/A Numb r Acc pt d:N/A Application D adlin :N/A Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:N/A Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program:N/A Addr ss:SouthernUn vers tyatNewOrleans NewOrleans,LA70119 504328635208 504328435510 Contact:M chaelW.Conner,Curator SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Program:TheGraduateProgram nMuseumStud es,SchoolofArtandDes gn D gr : M.A. nMuseumStud es


  • D scription:TheM.A.program nmuseumstud esoffersacurr culumbasedon research,scholarsh p,des gnandhands3ontra n ngthatpreparesyouforaw derange ofpos t ons nd fferenttypesofmuseums.Wewantouralumn toberes l ent,adaptable andcompetentwork ngprofess onals.TheSUArtGaller esprov dethema nsett ngfor real3worldexper ence.Studentslearnthatmuseumoperat onsare ndeedateameffort, requ r ngyoutorollupyoursleevesandbeact vely nvolved navar etyoftasksand respons b l t es.Exper ence salsoga nedthroughrequ red nternsh ps;ourstudents haveworkedatsuch nst tut onsastheCooper3Hew ttMuseum,theMetropol tan MuseumofArt,theNat onalGalleryofArtandtheSolomonR.Guggenhe mMuseum. Facultyworkw thyou nallaspectsoftheexh b t onprocess,organ zef eldtr psto museumsandconferences,andbr ngprofess onalstocampustotalkw thstudents. BecauseyouarepartoftheUn vers ty,youalsohavetheopportun tytostudy nother f elds, nclud nganthropology,arth story,orpubl crelat ons. W bsit :http://vpa.syr.edu/ ndex.cfm/page/graduate3museum3stud es Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:33cred ts Numb r of Int rnships R quir d:Yesone nternsh p srequ red. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d:Comprehens veexam nat on requ red. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:F vefullandpartt mefaculty. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s: N/A Funding Availabl : Yes GRE R quir d: Programdependant,pleasecontactthedepartment. Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually: N/A Numb r Acc pt d: N/A Application D adlin :MostSchoolofArtandDes gnprogramsofferfalladm ss on only,w thdeadl nesofJanuary1 fapply ngforMcNa rGraduateFellowsh psor Un vers tyAfr can3Amer canFellowsh ps,andFebruary1forallotherappl cants. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:TheSUArtGaller es. Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Nomajorchangesplanned. Addr ss: DepartmentofMuseumStud es SchoolofArtandDes gn CollegeofV sualandPerform ngArts SyracuseUn vers ty SyracuseNY1324431010 315344332769 Contact:Dr.EdwardA.A ken,Assoc ateProfessor/ProgramCoord nator, eaa [email protected]

    TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Program:MuseumsSc encesProgram,CenterforAdvancedStudy D gr :M.A. nMuseumSc ence D scription:Theprogramemphas zesthoroughpreparat on nthebroadspectrumof museumtheoryandpract ce.It soneofthefewstudyprogramsoffer ngclassroom nstruct oncoupledw thawork ngmuseumsett ng,allow ngtheorytobeappl ed n pract cef rst3hand.Graduatesfromtheprogramhaveacomprehens vebackground n museumstud es,prepar ngthemasgeneral sts.Inadd t on,studentsmayelectto


  • becomespec al zed nanumberofmuseumsubd sc pl nes nclud ngcollect on management;exh b t onsand nterpretat on;museology;museummanagementand adm n strat on;and,curatorsh p nanthropology,art,h story,orthenaturalsc ences. W bsit :http://www.depts.ttu.edu/museumttu/program.html Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:Atotalof45cred thoursofgraduate3levelwork s requ red Int rnship(s) R quir d:Opt onal Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d:S xcred tsofthes s,projector nternsh parerequ red. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty: Noneofthefacultyarefull3t meastheyallhavespl t faculty3staffappo ntmentsteach ngandwork ng nthemuseum.Currently(200732008) therearee ght nstructorswhoteach ntheMuseumSc enceprogramandalsohold museumpos t ons. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s: Approx mately80% Funding Availabl : Yes GRE R quir d: Yes(notethatth s snowunderrev ewasoffall2007,contactthe departmenttof ndout ftheGRE sst llrequ red fyouareplann ngtoapply). Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually: 25330 Numb r Acc pt d: 80%390% Application D adlin : EarlyFebruary,buttheyhaveacceptedappl cat onsafterlater thanthatonoccas on. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums: MuseumofTexasTechUn vers ty Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Tocont nuetoevolveand mproveasthe f eldchanges.Tograduatequal ty,academ callyandprofess onallypreparedstudents. Addr ss:MuseumSc enceProgram MuseumofTexasTechUn vers ty Box43191 Lubbock,Texas7940933191 806374232442 Contact:museum.sc [email protected]

    UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, BOULDER Program:MuseumandF eldStud esProgram D gr :M.S. nMuseology D scription:Across3d sc pl narygraduateprofess onalprogram nmuseology emphas z ngnaturalh storyf elds,butalsoprov d ngprofess onaltra n ng nh story,art h story,andotherhuman t es.TheMuseumandF eldStud esSect onoftheCU Museumoffersstudentsamult d sc pl narycourseofstudylead ngtoaMasterof Sc enceDegree(MS) nMuseology.Therearetwotracksofstudy ntheMasterof Sc encedegreeprogram:theCollect ons/F eldtrackandthePubl c/Adm n strat ontrack. Studentscomplet ngtheMSw llbepreparedtobecollect onsmanagers,curator al ass stants,reg strars,museumeducators,exh b tdevelopers,andadm n strators.The MSdegree salsovaluabletostudentswhow shtobecomeoutdooreducators, nterpreters,ornatural sts. W bsit :http://cumuseum.colorado.edu/MFS/ Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:32cred t3hours


  • Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yesanoff3campus nternsh p srequ redofallstudentsfor complet onoftheprogram.ForMastersstudents,am n mumof150workhours s requ redper nternsh p. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d: Studentshavetheopt onof complet nge theraMastersthes soraMastersprojectattheendofthe rcoursework. Allcand datesforaM&FSMasterdegreearerecommendedtotakeacomprehens ve exam nat on nthe rth rdsemester,butnolaterthanthes xthweekofthe rfourth semester.Theexam nat on sg ven ntwostages:awr ttenfollowedbyanoralexam,to betakenw th ntwoweeksofeachother.Theoralexammaybewa vedbyfull comm tteeconsentonly. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty: Severalfullandpartt me. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s:GenerallyH gh. Funding Availabl :Yes GRE R quir d:Yes Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:Approx mately55 Numb r Acc pt d:10312 Application D adlin :January15forFalladm ttanceonly. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:CUMuseum Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Wearemov ngaheadw thourlong3range plantostrengthenthepubl ccomponentofourprogramw tharecentlyh redmuseum staffmemberteach ngcoursesonaregularbas s.W ththerecenth reofazoology curator,wehaveanother n3houseresourcetoteachrelatedcourses. Addr ss:MuseumandF eldStud es Un vers tyMuseumofNaturalH storyCB218 Un vers tyofColorado Boulder,CO8030930218 303349236892 Contact:KathleenFreeman,GraduateCoord nator,[email protected] UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Program:MuseumStud es,CollegeofF neArts D gr :M.A. nMuseumStud es D scription:TheMuseumStud esProgramattheUn vers tyofFlor da,CollegeofF ne Artswasestabl shed n1999.Th stwoandone3halfyeargraduatedegreeprogram offerssoundacadem cground ng,museumtheory,andpract calexper ence.Students selectandpursuead sc pl naryemphas softhe rcho ce(forexampleAnthropology,Art Educat on,ArtH story,Educat on,Engl sh,H story,H stor cPreservat on,orTour sm, Recreat on,andSportsManagement)wh lepart c pat ng ncomprehens vemuseum stud essem nars,pract ca,and nternsh ps.TheMasterofArtsdegreeprogram n MuseumStud es sbothr gorousandchalleng ng.Uponcomplet onoftheprogram, graduatesw llhaveatta nedthesk llsandknowledgenecessarytopursuecareers na var etyof nst tut ons, nclud ngartmuseums,naturalh storymuseums,h story museums,anthropologymuseums,ch ldren'smuseums,h stor cs tes,andvar ousother nterpret ves tesand nst tut ons. W bsit :http://www.arts.ufl.edu/mstud es/ Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:48cred ts


  • Int rnship(s) R quir d: Yess xcred ts. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d:S xcred tsofthes sorproject3 n3 l eu3ofthes s. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:Two Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s:85% Funding Availabl :Yes GRE R quir d:Yes Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually: Approx mately30 Numb r Acc pt d:three3f ve Application D adlin :February1 Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:Severalon3campuss tesprov destudents nthe programw thlaborator esformuseumtra n ng, nclud ngtheUn vers tyGaller es,the HarnMuseumofArt,andtheFlor daMuseumofNaturalH story. Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: H r nganotherded catedfacultymember; add ngamuseumcert f cateprogram;bu ld nganoverseascomponenttotheprogram. Addr ss:CollegeofF neArts SchoolofArtandArtH story Un vers tyofFlor da POBox115801 101F neArtsBu ld ngC Ga nesv lle,FL3261135801 352339230201 Contact:GlennW llumson,MuseumStud esAssoc ateProf.,gw [email protected]

    UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Program:MuseumStud esProgram D gr :M.A. nMuseumStud es D scription:S nce1981thegraduateprogram nMuseumStud esattheUn vers tyof Kansashasofferedtra n ngforprofess onalcareers nmuseums,h stor calagenc es andrelated nst tut on.Theprogramscurr culumprov desanunderstand ngofthe natureofmuseums,h stor calagenc esandrelated nst tut onsaswellasspec al zed tra n ngadm n steredbytheAmer canStud esProgramandthedepartmentsof Anthropology,EcologyandEvolut onaryB ology,Geology,andH story.Coursesare separated ntotwocategor es:corecoursesrequ redofallwhoareadm ttedtothe MuseumStud esProgramandthosewh chperta ntothespec aldepartmentalor d sc pl narytracksoffered(Amer canStud es|Anthropology|H story|Geology|Natural H story).Studentsmayalsopursueamastersdegree nInd genousNat onsStud es w thamuseumstud estrack.TheMuseumStud esProgramscorecoursesprov dea sol dfoundat on nthetheor es,h story,techn ques,andproblemscommonto museums,h stor calagenc esandrelated nst tut onsaswellasthespec al zed operat onsofsuch nst tut ons. W bsit :http://www2.ku.edu/~museumst/ Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d: Am n mumof42semestercred thours. Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yeseachstudent srequ redtoserveasuperv sed apprent cesh p nanapprovedmuseumorh stor calagency,full3t meforonesemester


  • orhalf3t mefortwosemestersforatotalofs xsemesterhoursofcred t.Approx mately 500hoursofapprent cesh pexper ence sexpected. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d:Anevaluat onw ll ncludee thera wr ttenoranoralexam nat on,asspec f edbythedepartmentaltrack nwh chthe student senrolled. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:Oneded catedprogramd rectorandseveral nstructors fromthemuseumprofess on. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s:About75% Funding Availabl : Yes onefundedGRA. GRE R quir d: Yes Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:25330average Numb r Acc pt d:10312 Application D adlin : Fall admission:TheMuseumStud esFacultyAdv soryCounc l beg nscons der ngappl cantsonJanuary15thef naldeadl neforthefallsemester s May1.Appl cat onsrece vedbyJanuary15rece vepr or ty.TheMuseumStud es FacultyAdv soryCounc lbeg nscons der ngappl cantsonAugust15thef naldeadl ne forthespr ngsemester sOctober1. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:Anthropolog calResearchandCulturalCenter (formerlytheMuseumofAnthropology),SpencerMuseumofArt,NaturalH story Museum&B od vers tyResearchCenter,BoothFam lyHallofAthlet cs,Spencer MuseumofArtPr ntroom,W lcoxClass calMuseum,Art&Des gnGallery,KUH story Galler es Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program:Theyare ntheprocessofdeterm n ngth s r ghtnow. Addr ss:MuseumStud esProgram 1440JayhawkBlvd.,Room208 TheUn vers tyofKansas Lawrence,KS66045 785386432306 Contact:Dr.K erstenLatham,ProgramD rector,[email protected]

    UNIVERSITE LAVAL (CANADA) Not :Th s sa100%Frenchprogram.Anystudentthat snot100%capable nFrench shouldnotapply,astherearenocoursesorlectures nEngl shforh sprogram. Program:MuseumStud es,Departmented'h sto re D gr : Master'sdegree nMuseumStud esandaMuseumStud esemphas s nthe H storyDoctorateprogram. D scription: Theobject vesoftheprogramaretwofold:1)tod st ngu shanddef ne n deta lsthed fferentfunct onsofmuseolog sts, e.treatmentofcollect ons;creat onof exh b ts;publ cpart c pat onandpubl cenhancement,etc.2)toadaptmethodsof commun cat on(d st ngu sh ngbetweenthevalueoftheworksforcommun cat on purposes;focus ngonproven,pract cedmethods;howtouseculturalequ pment,etc. W bsit :http://www.hst.ulaval.ca/23cycle/MSL_23.htm Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:30cred thours Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yes Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d:Contactthedepartment.


  • Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:Onefullt meseveralpartt me. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s: Nodatacurrentlyava lable. Funding Availabl : Yes,forCanad anstudents.Pleasecontacttheun vers tys departmentoff nanc ala dfor nformat onfor nternat onalstudents. GRE R quir d: No Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:N/A Numb r Acc pt d: N/A Application D adlin : MostCanad anun vers t eshaveroll ngadm ss ons.Please contactthedepartment. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:TheSchoolofV sualArtsGallery Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: N/A Addr ss:Un vers teLaval Departmented'h sto re Pav llonCharles3DeKon nck,local4239 Qubec,Canada G1K7P4 418365632131poste5429 Contact:Mart neRoberge,D rectr ceduprogramme,Mart [email protected]

    UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA Program:MuseumStud esOnl neProgram D gr :M.A. nL beralStud es,MuseumStud esOpt on(100%Onl ne) D scription:TheUn vers tyofOklahomasM.A. nMuseumStud esprogramcanbe completedw thoutanyon3campusres dencybutstudentsalsohavetheopt onofbr ef on3campussem nars.Inadd t ontothemanywell3knownandaccred tedmuseums n thestate,theUn vers tyofOklahomahastwoexcellentmuseumsaswellastwo nternat onally3recogn zedspec alcollect ons.Somecareerorvolunteerexper ence n museumsorrelatedf eldsthatprov desabas clevelofknowledgeaboutmuseumsw ll benef tallenter ngstudents. W bsit :http://www.ou.edu/cls/prospect ve/mals_museum.shtml Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:33cred thours Int rnship(s) R quir d:Opt onal Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d:Th sprogramrequ resstudentsto fulf lls xcred thoursofComplet onsCourses,selectedfromLSTD5980,5940,5950 Thes s,ResearchProject,and/orInternsh p.Ortheymaytakes xhoursofadd t onal courseworkw thacomprehens veexam nat on. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:Twofull3t me,numerousadjuncts;totalnumberof facultywhoteachfortheMuseumStud esprogram saround15. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s: D ff culttoanswers ncestudentsared stance studentsanddonotalwaysma nta nd rectcontactdur ngthejobsearchphase.Many ofthem,however,arealreadywork ng nmuseumswhentheyapplyandarerequ redto beassoc atedw thamuseumdur ngtheprojectcourse. Funding Availabl : Yes:CLSoffersf vestart3upscholarsh ps($500each)annually; threeBookScholarsh ps($200)annuallyandavary ngnumberoff nanc ala d scholarsh ps($250to$1,000total ng$20,000)annually. GRE R quir d: No


    mailto:Contact:MartineRoberge,Directriceduprogramme,[email protected]

  • Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:45355 Numb r Acc pt d: Approx mately90% Application D adlin : Fall,July15;Spr ng,December1;Summer,May1 Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:TheSamNobleOklahomaMuseumofNatural H story,theFredJonesJr.MuseumofArt,andCharlesM.RussellCenterfortheStudy ofArt ntheAmer canWest Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Ourplansaretocont nuemeet ngthe needsofthegrow ngenrollment ntheprogrambycreat ngadd t onalcoursesand f nd ngnewfacultymemberstoteachforus.Wedonthaveanyspec f cplanstobranch outd fferentlythanwecurrentlyare.Webel evewecanmeetmostofthefutureneeds oftheprogrambydevelop ngadd t onalelect vecourses. Addr ss:Un vers tyofOklahoma CollegeofL beralStud es 1610AspAvenue,Ste108 Norman,OK73072 405332531061 Contact:Jul eRaadschelders,MAProgramCoord nator,[email protected]

    UNIVERSIT DU QUBEC, MONTRAL/UNIVERSITY OF MONTREAL, MONTREAL, CANADA JOINT PROGRAM Not :Th s sa100%Frenchprogram.Anystudentthat snot100%capable nFrench shouldnotapply,astherearefewtonocoursesorlectures nEngl shforh sprogram. Program: Museology,DepartmentofArtH story D gr :M.A. nMuseology D scription:Th smult 3f eldprogram smanagedjo ntlyw ththeUn vers tyofMontreal. TotheUn vers tyofQuebec nMontreal,th sprogram sofferedjo ntlybythe departmentsofh storyofart,thecommun cat ons,educat onandpedagogyand educat onandtra n ngspec al zed.Thepurposeoftheprogram nmuseology sthe formaltra n ngandpract calofthespeakers nthef eldmusal.Tothetheoret calplan, th sprograma msattra n ngthestudentw thresearch,cr t c smandthesett ng n operat onofthebas cconceptsofmuseology.Totheplanofthehands3ontra n ng,th s programa mstoconcretely n t ate tw ththevar ouscomponentsofworkmusal,by pract caltra n ngcoursesandwork nvar ous nst tut onsmusalesandotherplacesof exposureandd ffus on.W thana mofoffer ngtothestudentsaformat onwh chatthe samet mecompleteand sbalanced,theprogramproposesateach ngart culated aroundtheoret calcoursesandoftra n ngcourses,ontheonehand,andcovers,bythe meansof tsobl gatorycourses,theh storyandthegreatfunct onsmusales,onthe otherhand.Th sprogrammakes tposs bletothestudentstocont nuethe rformat on connectedtothemuseolog cact v t es;asexample,onecanment onanthropology, archaeology,arch tectureandtheenv ronment,theh story,theh storyofart,theh story andtheph losophyofsc encesandtechnology,thenaturalsc ence. W bsit :http://www.un tes.uqam.ca/dh start/ ndex.htmland/or http://www.fesp.umontreal.ca/museolog e/ Numb r of Cr dit Hours: 45appropr at ons(cred ts/hours) Int rnship(s) r quir d: Yesn necred tsofD rectedWork. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d: Callfor nformat on.



  • Numb r of D dicat d Faculty: Callfor nformat on. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s: Callfor nformat on. Funding Availabl : Callfor nformat on. GRE R quir d: No Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually: Callfor nformat on. Numb r Acc pt d: Theprogramhasaf xedquotafor10equ valencefullt me. Application D adlin : Adm ss onw ththeautumnonly.Callfor nformat ononthe exactdeadl ne. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums: N/A Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: N/A T l phon :514398738506

    UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Program:MuseumsStud esProgram,Human t esD v s onoftheSchoolofGraduate Stud es D gr :DegreeofMasterofMuseumStud es(MMSt) D scription:Establ shed n1969,theMuseumStud esprogramseekstoprov de studentsw thastrongtheoret calbackgroundandprofess onalunderstand ngof museumor g ns, deolog es,chang ngph losoph esandcurrentpract ces.Museology exam nestheroleandfunct onofmuseums,theh storyofmuseumsandmuseumwork andthetheoryofcollect ons ntermsofthe rdevelopment,management,preservat on, access b l tyanduse.Italso nvolvestheor esandmethodsofcommun cat on, educat onandexh b t onaswellasthe mpl cat onsofthephys calandorgan zat onal structureofmuseums.Thea moftheUn vers tyofTorontoMuseumStud es sto prov destudentsw thbothacomprehens veknowledgeofthefunct onofmuseums n the rbroadersoc alandculturalcontextandamethodologyforresearch.Allstudents muststudyfull3t me,there snopart3t meprogramava lable. W bsit :http://www.utoronto.ca/museum/ Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:Them n mumrequ rementfortheMMStdegree s 14half3courseequ valents(ahalf3course sacourseoffered ne therfalltermor w nter/spr ngterm). Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yesonetwelve3week nternsh p. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d:Studentsmustach eveam n mum ofa70%mark nasecondlanguage. Numb r of Faculty: Teach ngstaffaredrawnfromotheracadem cun tsatthe Un vers tyandprofess onalswork ngw thcultural nst tut ons. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s: N/A Funding Availabl : No Thereare,however,al m tednumberofUn vers tyofToronto OpenFellowsh psawardsthatprov depart alf nanc alsupportto1styearstudents. GRE R quir d:No Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:803100 Numb r Acc pt d:18320 Application D adlin :January31 Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:Therearenumerousmuseumsonorbes dethe campus.Forexample,theRoyalOntar oMuseum sonthecampus. Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Notcurrentlyava lable.


  • Addr ss:MuseumStud es 140St.GeorgeStreet 5thFloor,Room525, Toronto,ON,M5S3G6 416397833234 museum.stud [email protected] Contact:Dr.WendyDuff,Inter mD rector

    UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Program:MuseologyGraduateProgram D gr :M.A. nMuseology D scription:Oneoftheoldestprogramsof tsk nd ntheU.S.,theUn vers tyof Wash ngtonMuseologyGraduateProgramcomb nesh gh3qual tyacadem cstudyw th pract calexper encetoprepareyouforaprofess onalcareer nmuseumwork.Students nth stwo3yearprogramworkcloselyw thfacultyandhaveaccesstoabroadrangeof spec al zat ons nthef eld.Theprogramdrawsstudentsfromaroundtheworld,and ts graduatescons stentlygoontosuccessfulcareers nmuseumwork,w ththreefourths ofprogramgraduatesobta n ngjobsw th nn nemonthsofgraduat on.Them ss onof theMuseologyGraduateProgram stobetheforemostnat onaltra n ngprogramfor museumprofess onals,byprov d ngadvanced nstruct on nallareasofmuseum pract ce,promot ng nterd sc pl narycollaborat on,andteach ngstudentstoth nk cr t callyabouttheworkofmuseums. W bsit :http://www.museum.wash ngton.edu/museum/ Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:Complet onofam n mumof59quartercred ts. Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yes3studentsmustcompletean nternsh p namuseumor relatedagencyapprovedbythesuperv sorycomm tteepr ortosubm ss onofthe r thes sorthes sproject. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d:N nethes s/thes sprojectcred ts. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:Twofull3t meandnumerouspart3t meandaff l ated faculty. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s:Accord ngtoarecentMuseologySelf3Study, conductedaspartofaten3yearacadem crev ew,approx mately76%ofgraduatesf nd employment nthemuseumf eldw th nn nemonthsofgraduat on. Funding Availabl : No GRE R quir d: Yes Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:1203140 Numb r Acc pt d:25330 Application D adlin :February1forFalladm ss on. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:theBurkeMuseum,theHenryArtGallery,the Herbar um,theArboretumandtheUn vers tyL brar es Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: AnewProgramD rectorwash redfor 200732008,andtheyw llbework ngonalong3rangeplantoclar fythev s onofthe Programand dent fyareasofgrowth.Potent ally,therew llbean ncreasedfocuson researchand nnovat on nthemuseumf eld,andperhapsthecreat onofprofess onal developmentopportun t esforalumn andlocalmuseumprofess onals. Addr ss:MuseologyGraduateProgram


    mailto:[email protected]

  • Un vers tyofWash ngton Educat onalOutreach 431111thAveNE,Su te330 Seattle,WA9810534608 206361638280 Contact:MayaProcel,ProgramAdm n strator,[email protected] ngton.edu


  • Mus um Anthropology ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY Program:MuseumAnthropologyProgram,DepartmentofAnthropology D gr :M.A. nMuseumAnthropology D scription:Establ shed n1978andsubstant allyrev sed n2002,thedegreeprogram sdes gnedto nvolvestudentsw ththepr nc ples,pract ces,andcr t calanalysesof museums.Broad3based,theprogramprov desopportun t esforcourseworkand pract calexper ences.Theprogramalsoencouragesgraduatestudentsfromother d sc pl nesh story,arth story,naturalsc ences3toga nexper ence nmuseums throughthecert f cateprogram.TheMuseumAnthropologyProgramencompasses theoret callyor entedanalysesofmuseumsascultural nst tut ons,aswellasappl ed aspectsofwork ng nmuseumsandrelatedagenc es.TheM.A.degreeprogram s anthropolog calandcand datesareexpectedtoach evegraduatelevelcompetence n thed sc pl neaswellas nmuseumstud es.Internsh psare ntegraltobothprograms. W bsit :http://www.asu.edu/clas/shesc/study/pdf/musbklt.pdf Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d for D gr :Am n mumof36cred thours. Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yess xcred thours. Th sis, Proj ct, Exams R quir d:Aresearchportfol oandf nalpresentat onare requ red. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:Twofullt meandseveralpart3t me. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s:Abouthalfarework ngprofess onallyw th ns x monthsofgraduat on,andthreequartersw th nayear. Funding Availabl :Yes GRE R quir d:Yes Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:20330 Numb r Acc pt d:Three3f ve Application D adlin :Jan1tobecons deredforfund ng. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums and Gall ri s:Ma nones nclude:ASUArtMuseum, ASUMuseumofAnthropology,andtheDeerValleyRockArtCenter.Thereare36 l stedmuseums,galler esandresearchcollect onsaff l atedw thASU.Pleasecheckthe l st ngathttp://asu.edu/museums/ ndex/ ndex.htm Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program:Theprogramhasundergonequ tea numberofchanges nthepastfewyears,aswehavebecomepartofthenewSchoolof HumanEvolut onandSoc alChange.Oneb gchange,for nstance, sthedropp ngofa thes srequ rement.Studentsnowdoaresearchportfol oandmakeaf nalpresentat on, ma nlywork ngw thresearchtheyhavealreadydoneaspartofthe rclasswork.Weare toy ngw thtry ngtodevelopacurr culumthatwouldattractPhDstudentswhowantto doresearch nmuseumrelatedareas.NotaMuseumStud esPh.D.perse,butmak ng museumsmorerelevanttoestabl shedd sc pl nes. Addr ss:MuseumAnthropologyProgram DepartmentofAnthropology Ar zonaStateUn vers ty Tempe,AZ8528732402 480396536213 Contact:Dr.PeterWelsh,D rector,[email protected]


  • COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Program:MuseumAnthropology,DepartmentofAnthropology D gr :M.A. nMuseumAnthropology D scription: TheM.A. nMuseumAnthropology,offeredbytheDepartmentof AnthropologyatColumb aUn vers tyandtheAmer canMuseumofNaturalH story (AMNH), saprofess onaldegreeforthosecurrentlywork ng nor nterested nmov ng ntothemuseumf eld.Th sprogramcomb nesthestrengthsofaprem eracadem c departmentofanthropologyandan nnovat vedepartmentofmuseumanthropology whosecollect onsandarch vesspantheh storyandgeograph crangeofthed sc pl ne. Studentslearnthepract calsk llsenta led nwork ng nmuseumsanddevelopthe strongtheoret calperspect veessent altothosewhoareus ngmater alcultureto express deasthroughv suald splay.Theprogrampreparesstudentsto nterpret ethnograph candarchaeolog calcollect onstothegeneralpubl c,work nreg strat onor collect onsmanagement,andbecomesc ent f c,educat onalorresearchstafffora rangeofmuseums,fromsmalllocalmuseumsw thh stor calorsc ent f cor entat ons thatrequ regeneral sts,tolarger nst tut onswherestaffholdmorespec al zed museums. W bsit : http://www.columb a.edu/cu/anthropology/graduate/ma n/ ndex/museum_anthro.html Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:30po ntsofcoursework. Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yestwo ntens ve nternsh psors x po ntstotal:s xatone museumortwo33po nt nternsh psatd fferentmuseumsorrelatedfac l t es. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d:Thes sproject Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:Noneareonly nvolved nthemuseumprogrambut studentscantakecoursesw thanyfacultymembers.Therearethreerequ redcore coursestaughtbyanthropologyfaculty. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s:Nearly100%. Funding Availabl :No GRE R quir d:Yes Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:Approx mately30 Numb r Acc pt d: S x3e ghtperyear. Application D adlin :Appl cat onsforeachyeararerev ewedonaroll ngbas s. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:Amer canMuseumofNaturalH story,numerousother museums nNYCarenearby. Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Therearenorad calchangesbe ng planned. Addr ss:GraduateSchoolofArtsandSc ences MuseumAnthropology 535W116thSt. 107Low,MC4304 NewYork,NY10027 212385434737 Contact:NanRothsch ld,D rectorofMuseumStud es,roth@columb a.edu



  • Mus um Communication UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS Program:MuseumCommun cat on,DepartmentofMuseumStud es D gr :M.A. nMuseumCommun cat on D scription:TheMastersofArts nMuseumCommun cat ondegreedevelopsyour understand ngofcontemporarytheoryandpract cefocus ngonthepubl caffa rs d mens onsofmuseumwork.These nclude:Museumpubl crelat ons,med aand externalaffa rs;Market ngandpubl cat ons;Membersh panddevelopment; Governance,record3keep ngandcollect onsmanagement;Internet n t at ves;V s tor serv ces;V s torresearch. W bsit :http://www.uarts.edu/academ cs/cad/ms/mamuscomm.html Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:Athree3semesteracadem ccourseofstudy(15 weeks neachsemester). Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yesone123week nternsh p srequ red. Th sis, Proj ct, Exams R quir d:Awr ttenthes sandthes sdefense. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:Onefullt meandseveralpartt me. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s:Nearly100% Funding Availabl :Yeseachperson sofferedamer tfellowsh pworthabout3%of tu t on. GRE R quir d:No Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:Approx mately25 Numb r Acc pt d:Tenstudentseachfall;theyalsotakePTstudentsandacouple whostart nthespr ng. Application D adlin :January15 Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:Theyworkcloselyw thallthemuseums nthe Ph ladelph areg onl terally100sofd fferents zesandd sc pl nes. Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program:Wearework ngto:tacklesubjectsthat w llbeof mport nthefuture(technology,leadersh p,etc.);domoreteamand nterd sc pl naryworkbetweenourprogramsandw thotherdepartmentsofthe un vers ty;d vers fyourstudentbody. Addr ss:TheUn vers tyoftheArts DepartmentofMuseumStud es 320SouthBroadStreet Ph ladelph a,PA19102 80036163 6045 Contact:BethA.Tw ss3Garr ty,ProgramD rector,btw ssgarr [email protected]


  • Mus um Education BANK STREET COLLEGE Program:GraduateSchoolofEducat on,Programs nMuseumEducat on D gr :M.S. nLeadersh p nMuseumEducat on D scription:Th sprogramwasdes gnedtoaccommodatework ngprofess onals,many ofwhoml veatacons derabled stancefromNewYorkC ty.Itprepareseducatorsfor leadersh ppos t ons nmuseumsorcultural nst tut ons.Smallclassesmeetone weekendamonthdur ngtheacadem cyearfortwoyears,w thanannualf ve3dayJune Inst tute.Theclassesaretaughtbyoutstand ngpract t onersandBankStreetGraduate Schoolfaculty.YearOneprov desthefoundat onforeffect veprogramandaud ence developmentw thclassesonhumandevelopment,learn ngtheory,exh b t development,andprogramdes gnandevaluat on.YearTwofocusesonorgan zat onal management nclud ngleadersh pstyles,understand ngtheroleofthem ss on, strateg cplann ngandboardrespons b l t es,market ng,f nanc almanagementandstaff development.Studentsmeetmonthlyw ththe r nd v dualadv sorsandalsow ththe r smallconferencegroup.Eachadv sor,who sanexper encededucatorandmanager, v s tsh sorheradv sees nthe rworksett ngs.Coursework ncludesv s tstocultural nst tut onsand nterv ewsw thpeoplewhosetthestandardsforthef eld. W bsit :http://www.bankstreet.edu/gs/leadersh p nmuseumed.html Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:40cred ts Int rnship(s) R quir d:No,asstudents nth sprogramarealreadywork ng nthe museumf eld. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d:Pleasecontacttheprograms d rector. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:Twofull3t meandthreepart3t meadv sors. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s: Students nth sprogramarealreadywork ng nthe museumf eld. Funding Availabl :Yes GRE R quir d:No Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:Decl nedtostate Numb r Acc pt d:Decl nedtostate Application D adlin :Studentsmayapplyatanyt meofyear.However, fyouw shto knowwhetherornotyouhavebeenaccepted nt meforthespr ngterm,pleaseapply byNovember1.Ifyouhopetobeg naprogram nthefallterm,weurgeyoutoapplyby March1. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:No,theprogrammakesuseofthenumerous museums nNewYorkC ty. Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Decl nedtostate. Addr ss:BankStreetCollege GraduateSchoolofEducat on 610West112thStreet NewYork,NY1002531898 212387534400(generalsw tchboard) Contact:Lesl eBedford,D rector,[email protected]


  • BANK STREET COLLEGE Program: GraduateSchoolofEducat on,Programs nMuseumEducat on D gr :M.S. nMuseumEducat on,M.S. nMuseumEducat on(ch ldhood,grades13 6),M.S. nMuseumEducat on(m ddleschool,grades539) D scription:BankStreetCollegesgraduateprograms nMuseumEducat onprepares studentstobeamuseumeducatorknowledgeableaboutch ldrenandschools,and preparedtoworkw thd versemuseumv s torsofallages.Twooftheprogramsalso preparestudentstoteach ntheclassroomaswellas namuseumsett ng.Throughthe programyouw llga nastrongfoundat on nhumandevelopment,learn ngtheor es, schoolcurr culum,andmuseumpol cyandpract ce,w thf eldexper ences nmuseums andschools.Themuseumcomponentoftheprogramhelpsyoubr ngthefullr chness ofmuseumcollect ons,programs,andresourcestoch ldren nthe rschools,w ththe r fam l esandw th nthe rcommun t es.Themuseumcoursescomplementtheeducat on courses nyourprogram,emphas z ngtheeducat onalroleandm ss onofmuseums andschools naplural st csoc ety.Aspartofyourgraduateprogram,youw llv s t museums,meetw thmuseumstaff,observemuseum3schoolpartnersh ps nact on,and developmuseum3basedprojects.Youw llalsolearnaboutch lddevelopmentand ts var at ons,curr culumdevelopment,read ng,mathemat cs,sc enceandthearts.These coursesstressalearner3centered, ntegrated,exper ent alapproachtolearn ngfor ch ldrenofd versebackgrounds,ab l t es,andages(elementarythroughm ddleschool). W bsit :http://www.bankstreet.edu/gs/museum_ed.html Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d: M.S. nMuseumEducat on s42cred ts. M.S. nMuseumEducat on(ch ldhood,grades136) s47cred ts. M.S. nMuseumEducat on(m ddleschool,grades539) s50353cred ts. Int rnship(s) R quir d:Allthreeprogramsrequ redstudentstoconductsuperv sed f eldwork/adv sementdur ngoneacadem cyear.Wh lestudentstakecourses,they ga nteach ngandmuseumexper enceand ntens veadv sorysupportthrough. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d:Beforegraduat ng,youw ll completean ndependentstudy(master'sthes s),d rectedessayorportfol o. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty: Fouradv sors,threeofwhomalsoteachcourses,plus oneadjunct nstructor. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s: Anexcellentplacementrate.Nostat st csava lable. Funding Availabl :Yes GRE R quir d:No Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually: Var esfromyeartoyear,approx mately35. Numb r Acc pt d: W llf ndaspaceforallqual f edappl cantswhoshows gn f cant potent alforasuccessfulcareerasaneducator nmuseumsand/orschools. Application D adlin :Studentsmayapplyatanyt meofyear.However, fyouw shto knowwhetherornotyouhavebeenaccepted nt meforthespr ngterm,pleaseapply byNovember1.Ifyouhopetobeg naprogram nthefallterm,weurgeyoutoapplyby March1. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums: No,theprogrammakesuseofthenumerous museums nNewYorkC ty. Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Westayabreastofchanges nthef eld suchasmuseumspro3act verole nthe rcommun t es:c v cengagement,soc aljust ce, d vers ty,env ronmental ssues,technology,etcWearealsoprepar ngourgraduates


  • forachang ngeducat onalenv ronmentandstressmean ngfulpartnersh psw th schools. Addr ss:BankStreetCollege GraduateSchoolofEducat on 610West112thStreet NewYork,NY1002531898 212387534400(generalsw tchboard) Contact:N naJensen,D rector,n [email protected]

    GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Program:MuseumEducat onProgram D gr :M.A. nTeach ng nMuseumEducat on D scription: TheGeorgeWash ngtonUn vers tydeveloped tsmasterofarts n teach ng nmuseumeducat on nconsultat onw ththemuseumcommun ty.The nterd sc pl narycurr culumbalancesacadem cstudyw thcarefullysuperv sedf eldwork, prepar ngpract t onersw ththerangeofknowledgeandcompetenc esrequ s tetolead theprofess on.Degreecand datesengagew thworld3class nst tut onstobu ldthe r portfol osasadvocatesformuseumaccess b l tyandaccountab l ty.Astrongnetworkof alumn advancesthemuseum'seffortstofulf ll tspubl cserv cem ss on,contr but ngto theformulat onofsoundpol cyandbestpract cesthrough profess onalact v sm. W bsit :http://gsehd.gwu.edu/MEP Cr dit Hours R quir d for D gr : 33cred tsofcoursework Int rnship(s) R quir d: Yestwo nternsh p/f eldexper encecourses:EDUC233: Superv sedExper ence nEducat on(two3day3a3weekplacement nareaschoolsor othereducat onal nst tut ons);andEDUC233:Sem narandInternsh p nMuseum Educat on(four3day3a3weekplacement neducat ondepartmentsofareamuseums, superv sedbyGWfaculty.On3campussem nar ncludesgrantproposalwr t ng). Th sis, Proj ct, Exams R quir d: None Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s: 90% Funding Availabl :Yes3theDepartmentofEducat onoffersgraduateass stantsh p pos t ons. GRE R quir d: Yes Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually: Between50and75appl cat onsperyear. Numb r Acc pt d: Between15and20degreecand dateseachyear. Application D adlin :S ncethefoursemestersequenceofcorecoursesbeg nseach June,theoff c aldeadl neforappl cat on sMarch1everyyear.Appl cat onsare acceptedonaroll ngbas s,however,throughouttheyear.Inadd t on,forcons derat on forthebroadestrangeoff nanc ala d,appl cat onsmustberece vedbyJanuary15. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums: Nonemuseums nandaroundWash ngtonDCare usedaslaborator esforclasses. Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: GW'sMasterofArts nTeach ng n MuseumEducat onprogramgraduated tsf rstclass n1975,w thalumn nowhold ng leadersh ppos t ons nmuseumsandrelated nst tut onsacrossthecountry,aswellas nternat onally.Contentandmethodw llcont nuetoevolvetoreflecttheadvancements nbestpract ce;forthenearfuturetherew llbeanongo ngexplorat onoftechnolog cal


  • developments n nterpretat on,wh leadvocat ngforaccess b l tyandaccountab l ty n accordw thastrongcomm tmenttothemuseum'spubl cserv cem ss on. Addr ss:GraduateSchoolofEducat on&HumanDevelopment MuseumEducat onProgram 2134GStreet,NW#304 Wash ngton,DC20052 202399436160 Contact:CarolStapp,ProgramD rector,[email protected]

    TUFTS UNIVERSITY Program:MuseumEducat on,DepartmentofEducat on D gr :M.A. nMuseumEducat on D scription:Publ ceducat on sattheheartofmuseumpract ce.TheMasterofArts n MuseumEducat onprogram sdes gnedforthose nterested npursu ngcareers n museumteach ngandprogramdevelopmentforaud encesofallagesandbackgrounds nart,h story,sc ence,andch ldren'smuseums. W bsit :http://ase.tufts.edu/educat on/programs/museumEd/ Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:Elevencourses Int rnship(s) R quir d:YesoneInternsh p nMuseumEducat onaone3cred t coursethat stheculm nat ngexper enceofthestudent'scourseofstudy. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d: Nocomprehens vesorthes s requ rementforthemuseumeducat onprogram. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty: Currentlytherearefacultyteach ngMuseumEducat on coursesfortheProsem nar nMuseumEducat on,MuseumEducat onand Interpretat on,andCurr culumDevelopmentofMuseum3SchoolsCollaborat on,and MuseumsandNewMed a. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s: Theydonotpresentlyhaveplacementratesforthe studentsseek ngjobs ntheMuseumEducat onf eld. Funding Availabl :Yes3theDepartmentofEducat onoffersgraduateass stantsh p pos t ons. GRE R quir d: Yes Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually: 20325 Numb r Acc pt d: Approx mately75% Application D adlin : February1 Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums: TuftsUn vers tyGallery Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Therearenomajorchangesplannedatth s t me. Addr ss:DepartmentofEducat on Pa geHall TuftsUn vers ty Medford,MA02155 617362733244 Contact:Dr.KathleenWe ler,kathleen.we [email protected]


  • UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS Program: MuseumEducat on,DepartmentofMuseumStud es D gr :M.A. nMuseumEducat on D scription:Museumsandgaller esworldw dearebecom ngmoredependentupon the raud encesforsupport.Consequently,theroleofmuseums schang ngtomeet aud encedemands, nclud ngexpectat onsformorerelevantandaccess blepubl c educat onalprogramm ngtopromoteculturalknowledgeand nterests.Th sgrow ng trendhascreatedagreaterdemandforwell3tra nedprofess onalsw thspec al knowledgeandexpert se nplann ngand mplement ngmuseumprograms.Add t onally, currenteducat onaltheoryandmethodologyembracethe nclus onofarth story, cr t c sm,andaesthet csascr t calcomponentsoftheartseducat oncurr culum,all areasheav lydependentuponmuseumsforexemplaryresourcesandreference.The MastersofArts nMuseumEducat onfocusesonaw devar etyofmuseumsand nst tut onsw ths m larm ss onsandoperat onsandprepareseducatorstofunct on w th nthechang ngcontextofcontemporaryschools,museumsandrelated nst tut ons. Th sdegree sanappropr ateopt onforthosew thastrongcomm tmenttoprov d ng educat onalprogramm ngw th namuseumcontextoralternat ves te,aswellasfor teacherswhow shaconcentrat on nmuseumeducat onsotheymayut l zemuseum resourcesmoreeffect vely ntheclassroom. W bsit :http://www.uarts.edu/academ cs/cad/ms/mamused.html Numb r of Cr dit Hours Requ red:36cred thours. Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yess xcred ts(twosemesters). Th sis, Proj ct, Exams R quir d:Mastersthes s srequ red. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty: Onefull3t meandseveralpart3t me. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s: N/A Funding Availabl : Yes GRE R quir d: No Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually: N/A Numb r Acc pt d: N/A Application D adlin : TheUn vers tyoftheArtsacceptsstudentsonroll ngadm ss on bas sand,therefore,hasnooff c alappl cat ondeadl ne.However,studentsarestrongly encouragedtoapplyasearlyasposs ble.Pr or tydeadl neforscholarsh pcons derat on requ resthattheappl cat on ssubm ttedbyMarch15andcompletebyApr l1. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:Theyworkcloselyw thallthemuseums nthe Ph ladelph areg onl terally100sofd fferents zesandd sc pl nes Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Wearework ngto:tacklesubjectsthat w llbeof mport nthefuture(technology,leadersh p,etc.);domoreteamand nterd sc pl naryworkbetweenourprogramsandw thotherdepartmentsofthe un vers ty;d vers fyourstudentbody. Addr ss:TheUn vers tyoftheArts DepartmentofMuseumStud es 320SouthBroadStreet Ph ladelph a,PA19102 80036163 6045 Contact:HelenShannon,D rectorMuseumEducat on,[email protected]


  • Mus um Exhibition and D sign FASHION INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (S.U.N.Y) Program:TheSchoolofGraduateStud esExh b t onDes gnProgram D gr :M.A. nExh b t onDes gn D scription: Theone3yearMasterofArtsdegreeprogram nExh b t onDes gn preparesstudentsforprofess onalcareers ntheExh b t onDes gnandProduct on Industry.TheGraduateExh b t onDes gnprogramatSUNY/Fash onInst tuteof Technology,featuresamult d sc pl narydes gncurr culum nclud ngstud es nexh b t on des gn,l ght ng,graph csandmodelmak ng,complementedbycr t calth nk ng, conceptualdevelopmentandresearchsk llscompr s ngaf nalthes sproject.Strongly rootedw th ntheexh b t ondes gn ndustry,theprogramworksact velyw th nst tut ons andorgan zat onsrepresentat veofallareasoftheprofess on nclud ngcorporate, museumandpubl cvenues.Wh leexplor ngexh b t onsascommun cat vedes gn forms,studentsarebroughtthroughar gorouseducat onalprocessthatplaces emphas sondevelop ngaun quedes gnv s onbu ltuponafoundat onoftechn cal acumenanddes gnprof c ency.TheExh b t onDes gnprogramdraws nd v dualsfrom allovertheworld nclud ngseasonedprofess onalsaswellasstudentsfreshoutof undergraduateschools,eachofwhom sfocusedonh ghacadem candvocat onal ach evement.Ourgraduatesenter ntotheexh b t ondes gnprofess onw ththesk lls, dr veandknowledgerequ redtoworkasleadersw th nthe ndustry,des redby exh b t ondes gnvenuesofeverysort. W bsit :http://www3.f tnyc.edu/graduatestud es/exh b t on/default.htm Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:36cred ts Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yesaprofess onal nternsh p sthef nalcourseforthe programandhasstudentsfulf ll ng240 ntens veworkhours. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d:Studentsarerequ redtowr tea mastersthes sresearchprogramthatculm nates natheme3dr venproject. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty: Threefull3t meandseveraladjuncts. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s: N/A Funding Availabl : Poss bly,pleasecontactFITsF nanc alA dOff ce(212321737439). GRE R quir d:No Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually: N/A Numb r Acc pt d: N/A Application D adlin :February15 Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:TheMuseumatFIT Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Nomajorchangesplanned. Addr ss:SchoolofGraduateStud es Exh b t onDes gn SeventhAve.,RoomE315 NewYork,NY10001 212321735714 Contact:BrendaCowan,Assoc ateCha rperson,brenda_cowan@f tnyc.edu


  • SAN FRANCISCO ART INSTITUTE Program:Exh b t onandMuseumStud es D gr :M.A. nMuseumExh b t onandMuseumStud es D scription:Thestudyofmuseumsandexh b t onsandthe rcont nu ngexpans on prov desaun queavenuetowardsunderstand ngthe ntersect onofpreservat on sm andconstantd splay ncontemporaryculture.Therecentexpans onofmuseums, exh b t ons,andthe rculturaltour smcorollary stheresultofaprofoundtransformat on of nst tut onsofmodern ty nthewakeofglobal zat onandtechnolog caldevelopments enabl ngtherap dd str but on,c rculat on,anddel veryofculturalexper ence.Museums andexh b t onshaveassumedanomn presentstatus ncontemporaryculture,v s ble throughthemuseumandexh b t onculturalexper encec rcu t.TheMasterofArts n Exh b t onandMuseumStud esatSFAI sfoundedontheunderstand ngthatmuseums andexh b t onsarebothh stor calobjectsandsubjects.SFAI'sprogramaffords studentsagroundedunderstand ngoftheh storyandrolesof nst tut onsofmodern ty (museums,h stor calsoc et es,arch ves,l brar es,arch tecturalcomm ss ons) n contemporaryculture,theeconomyoftheartworld,andthepol t cswh chaffect t.The Exh b t onandMuseumStud esprogram sthereforegrounded nresearchandcr t cal analys sthroughsem nars,colloqu a,sympos a,and ndependentstudy n organ zat ons,agenc es,museums,galler es,departmentsofculture,l brar es,arch ves, andpr vatecollect ons.Theprogramofstudyaddressesbroadareasof nterestsuchas curator almodels,exh b t onsystemsandconcepts, nst tut onalmed at on,and educat on.Itpaysspec alattent ontoareassuchash stor calpreservat on,her tage management,theeth csoftrade nant qu t es,andtheproblemat cofcross3culturaland cross3d sc pl narycurat ngoftenfound nworksunderstoodaspr mar lyethnograph c, anthropolog c,andarchaeolog cal.Studentsw llexam netheroleofthemuseum nthe publ csphere, tsrelat onsh ptoc v lsoc ety,andthefrustrat onof tsc v c dent tyasa publ ctrustbypr vateenterpr se. W bsit :http://www.sfa .edu/page.aspx?page=208&navID=392&sect onID=4 Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:48un tstotal. Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yess xun tsofpract cum/ nternsh p. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d:MAThes sProject Numb r of D dicat d Faculty: None3studentsworkw thfacultyacrossthe nst tut on. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s: N/A Funding Availabl : Poss bly,pleasecontacttheprogram. GRE R quir d: No Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually: N/A Numb r Acc pt d: N/A Application D adlin : March1 Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums: Walter&McBeanGaller es Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Nomajorchangesplanned. Addr ss:SanFranc scoArtInst tute 800ChestnutStreet SanFranc sco,CA94133 415374934563 Contact:exh b t ons@sfa .edu


  • UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS Program:MuseumExh b t on,Plann ngandDes gn,DepartmentofMuseumStud es D gr :M.A. nMuseumExh b t on,Plann ngandDes gn D scription:TheMuseumExh b t on,Plann ngandDes gnmaster'sdegreeprogram preparesgraduatestudentsforprofess onalcareers nthedevelopmentanddes gnof exh b tsformuseumsandother nterpret vecenters.Theprogramaddressesthe conceptual zat on,research,organ zat on,des gn,andproduct onofmuseumexh b ts andeducat onalpresentat onsut l z ngavar etyoftechn quesandmed a.Students study ngforamaster'sdegree nMuseumExh b t on,Plann ngandDes gnalsoexplore exh b tprogramm ng,evaluat on,andmanagementmethodsappl cable naw derange ofmuseums tuat ons. W bsit : http://www.uarts.edu/academ cs/cad/ms/mepd.html Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:60cred ts Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yesone nternsh p srequ red. Th sis, Proj ct, Exams R quir d:Thes sProject Numb r of Faculty:Onefull3t meandseveralpart3t meadjunct. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s:85390% Funding Availabl :Yes GRE R quir d:No Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:70390 Numb r Acc pt d:N ne Application D adlin : January15 Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:Theyworkcloselyw thallthemuseums nthe Ph ladelph areg onl terally100sofd fferents zesandd sc pl nes. Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Wearework ngto:tacklesubjectsthat w llbeof mport nthefuture(technology,leadersh p,etc.);domoreteamand nterd sc pl naryworkbetweenourprogramsandw thotherdepartmentsofthe un vers ty;d vers fyourstudentbody. Addr ss:TheUn vers tyoftheArts DepartmentofMuseumStud es 320SouthBroadStreet Ph ladelph a,PA19102 800361636045 Contact:PollyMcKenna3Cress,ProgramD rector,[email protected]



  • Coll ctions Manag m nt RYERSON UNIVERSITY Program: Th s sajo ntprogram nPhotograph cPreservat on&Collect ons Managementw ththeGeorgeEastmanHouse3Internat onalMuseumofPhotography &F lm D gr :M.A. nPhotograph cPreservat on&Collect onsManagement D scription:Thejo ntgraduateprogramprov desan ntegratedprogramofacadem c studyandprofess onaleducat onthatw llequ pstudentstomeetcurrentrespons b l t es andfuturedemands nphotograph cpreservat onand nmanag ngandpreserv ng photograph ccollect ons.Itsfaculty ncludesphotograph ch stor ans,sc ent sts, pract t oners,curatorsandothermuseumprofess onals.Theprogram stheonlyoneof tsk nd ntheworld.Itscurr culum sspec f callydes gnedtodeepenstudents' understand ngoftheh storyofthephotograph cmed um,part cularly tssoc al,cultural, and nstrumentaluses,andthepurposesandfunct onsofphotographsand photograph ccollect ons.The ntens ve,two3yeargraduateprogramassumesthata photograph cpreservat onspec al storcollect onsmanagermustbeacqua ntedw th themater alsofphotography,w th tsh story,thesoc alandculturalcond t onsof ts product on,andthecr t calandtheoret calconcept onsthat nform tsrecept on. Courses, nternsh ps,andaprofess onalpract ceprojectsaredes gnedtoprov de studentsw thagraduateprogram nwh chh stor calknowledge,pract calexper ence, andprofess onaleducat onarefully ntegrated. W bsit :http://www. magearts.ryerson.ca/photopreservat on/ Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:13half3yearcourses. Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yesone nternsh p. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d:Aprofess onalpract ceproject. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:N/A Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s:Decl nedtod sclose. Funding Availabl :Yes GRE R quir d:No Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:Decl nedtod sclose. Numb r Acc pt d:Decl nedtod sclose. Application D adlin :Appl cantswhosubm tallrequ reddocumentat onbyJanuary 15w llbeg venf rstcons derat onforadm ss on.Completedappl cat onsrece vedafter th sdatew llbecons deredaspartofaroll ngadm ss onscycle. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:Noneoncampus. Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Decl nedtod sclose. Addr ss:Photograph cPreservat on&Collect onsManagement SchoolofGraduateStud es RyersonUn vers ty Er cPal nHall 87GerrardStreetEast TorontoON,M5B2K3Canada 416397935000 Contact:ProgramAdm n strator,[email protected]


    mailto:Contact:ProgramAdministrator,[email protected]

  • Curatorial Studi s/Curatorial Practic BARD COLLEGE Program:CenterforCurator alStud esandArt nContemporaryCulture D gr :M.A. nCurator alStud es D scription:ThegraduateprogramattheCenterforCurator alStud esatBardCollege prov despract caltra n ngandexper ence namuseumsett ngandan ntens vecourse ofstudy ntheh storyofthecontemporaryv sualarts,the nst tut onsandpract cesof exh b t on,andthetheoryandcr t c smofthev sualarts nthemodernper od.The program sbroadly nterd sc pl nary.Itsfaculty ncludescuratorsandothermuseum profess onals,scholars nthehuman t esandsoc alsc ences,art sts,andcr t cs.The curr culum sspec f callydes gnedtodeepenstudentsunderstand ngofthe ntellectual andpract caltasksofcurat ngexh b t onsofcontemporaryart,part cularly nthe complexsoc alandculturals tuat onsofpresent3dayurbanarts nst tut ons,andtohelp students mprovethe r nterpret veandcr t calwr t ng. W bsit :http://www.bard.edu/ccs Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:40coursecred ts. Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yes3s xcred ts narequ redsummer nternsh p. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d:Mastersprojectrequ red. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:Nofull3t mefaculty.MostCurator alStud esfacultyare work ngprofess onalsorholdpermanentappo ntmentsatother nst tut ons. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s:Themajor tyareplaced npos t onsw th ns xmonths ofgraduat on. Funding Availabl :Yes GRE R quir d:No Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:Adm ss on sh ghlycompet t ve. Numb r Acc pt d:12316 Application D adlin :February1 Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:TheCenterhousesaresearchcenter,exh b t on spaces,anextens vel brary,andtheMar elu seHesselCollect onoflate320th3century art.Inthefallof2006,theHesselMuseumofArtopenedattheCenter. Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program:TomEccles,formallyd rector&curatorof thePubl cArtFun, snowtheexecut ved rector.Mar aL nd,d rectorofthe nternat onal Art stsStud esProgram,w lltakeoverasd rectoroftheCCSgraduateprogram n January2008.Thesechangesw llundoubtedly nfluencethefutureofth sgraduate program. Addr ss:CenterforCurator alStud esandArt nContemporaryCulture BardCollege Annandale3on3Hudson NY1250435000 845375837598 [email protected] Contact:NortonBatk n,D rectorofGraduateProgram,batk [email protected]


  • CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF THE ARTS Program:Curator alPract ceProgram D gr :M.A. nCurator alPract ce D scription:Ascontemporaryartpract ceevolves,theroleofthecuratorhaschanged dramat cally.Ideasontherelat onsh pbetweenart,exh b t onspace,andaud enceare chang ng,andthewaythatart nst tut onsarestructuredandadm n stered sbecom ng morecomplex.Thef rstof tsk ndontheWestCoast,theprogramseekstoextendthe currentEuropeanandNorthAmer canacadem cfocusontrad t onalmuseumand galleryexh b t onstoth nkaboutthe mpactofart st3led n t at vesandexplorethe developmentsofcurat ngbeyondthegallery.Reflect ngSanFranc sco'sgeograph c locat onandculturalh stor es,theprogramalsoplacesspec f cemphas sonexplor ng curator alandartpract ces nAs aandLat nAmer ca,tounderstandtherecent developments nthesereg ons.Prov d ngan nternat onalperspect ve,andw th profess onaldevelopmentat tscore,theprogramencourages ndependentth nk ngand groupcollaborat on,prepar ngstudentsforcareers nmuseumsandgaller es,publ cart comm ss on ng,projectmanagement,andpubl sh ng. W bsit :http://www.cca.edu/academ cs/graduate/curator alpract ce/ Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:60un ts Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yesone nternsh p. Th sis, Proj ct, Compr h nsiv Exam R quir d: Thes sessayrequ red.Exh b t on Projectrequ red. Numb r of D dicat d Faculty:Tenfacultypersemester,onaverage20v s t ngfaculty eachyear. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s:Allalumn areemployed nsometypeofcurat ng,art gallery,and/ormuseumpos t on. Funding Availabl :Pleasecall GRE R quir d:No Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:50375 Numb r Acc pt d:10313 Application D adlin :January15 Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:BayAreamuseumssuchasSFMOMA,theNew LangtonGallery. Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program:Theprogramwouldl ketoexpandand cont nue tswork ndevelop ngnewcurator almodels. Addr ss: Cal forn aCollegeoftheArts Curator alPract ceProgram 1111E ghthStreet SanFranc sco,CA9410732247 800344731ART Contact:KateFowle,Cha r,[email protected]


  • Mus um Studi s Programs in th US and Canada Graduat -L v l C rtificat Programs

    ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY Program:MuseumAnthropologyProgram,DepartmentofAnthropology D gr :Graduate&Non3DegreeCert f cates nMuseumAnthropology D scription:TheMuseumStud esProgramencompassestheoret callyor ented analysesofmuseumsascultural nst tut ons,aswellasappl edaspectsofwork ng n museumsandrelatedagenc es.TheCert f cate nMuseumAnthropology sapre3 profess onalprogramthatacceptsnon3degreecand datesandstudentswork ngtoward advanceddegrees notherf eldsofstudy.Itcomb nestheoret calandpract cal approachestomuseumsthatacqua ntstudentsw ththepr nc ples,pract cesand currentcr t quesofmuseumwork.Cert f cat onmaybetaken nconjunct onw tha graduatedegree,orasapost3Baccalaureate,non3degree,non3majoradvancedcourse ofstudy. W bsit :http://www.asu.edu/clas/shesc/study/pdf/musbklt.pdf Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d: 18cred thourstotal. Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yess xcred thours. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s:Abouthalfarework ngprofess onallyw th ns x monthsofgraduat on,andthreequartersw th nayear. Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually:Approx mately10 Numb r Acc pt d:Ifstudentsare nadegreeprogram nanotherpartoftheschoolor nanotherdepartmentatASU,acceptance salmostautomat c.Iftheyarenot, t s about50%. Application D adlin :March15 Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums and Gall ri s:Ma nones nclude:ASUArtMuseum, ASUMuseumofAnthropology,andDeerValleyRockArtCenter.Thereare36l sted museums,galler esandresearchcollect onsaff l atedw thASU.Pleasecheckthe l st ngathttp://asu.edu/museums/ ndex/ ndex.htm Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Wearetry ngtomakethecert f catemore usefulandava labletopeoplecurrentlywork ng/volunteer ngformuseums.Wefeelwe canhaveamorepos t veeffectontheprofess on fweoffersomeenhancedtra n ngfor currentmuseumworkers.It softend ff cultforpeoplewhohavefoundthe rway ntothe museumf eldtogetanyth ngotherthanrud mentaryworkshop3typetra n ng,soweare try ngtof ndawaytobr dgethatgap.Wearealsotoy ngw thaprojecttoofferh gh leveltra n ngtom d3careerprofess onals,perhapssometh ngl keadvancedmuseum nterpretat onthatconcentratesontheth ngsthatareun quetomuseums. Addr ss:MuseumAnthropologyProgram DepartmentofAnthropology Ar zonaStateUn vers ty Tempe,AZ8528732402 480396536213 Contact:Dr.PeterWelsh,D rector,[email protected]


  • BOSTON UNIVERSITY Program:MuseumStud esProgram,DepartmentofArtH story D gr :GraduateCert f cate nMuseumStud es D scription:TheArtH storydepartmentalcert f cate nMuseumStud es sawardedto studentswhohavecompletedfourcoursesthatsat sfythecert f catesrequ rements. Programcoursesmaybetakene theraspartofor nadd t ontothecoursesrequ red fortheMAorthePhD.ForArtH storygraduatestudents,theCert f cate sawardedat thecomplet onofthemastersdegree.Theprogram nmuseumstud es salsoopento MAstudents notherd sc pl nesofgraduatestudy,aswellasqual f ednon3degree students.TheDepartmenthasongo ng nternsh pplacementsatarangeof nst tut ons, nclud ngtheMuseumofF neArts,Boston;theSoc etyforthePreservat onofNew EnglandAnt qu t es;theAdd sonGalleryofAmer canArt,Ph ll psAcademy;the PhotographyResourceCenter;thePeabody3EssexMuseum;theBostonPubl cL brary; theHarvardUn vers tyArtMuseums;theL stArtCenteratM.I.T.;thePreservat on Soc etyofNewportCounty;andtheInst tuteofContemporaryArt,amongothers. W bsit :http://www.bu.edu/ah/programs/museum.html Numb r of Cr dit Hours R quir d:Fourcourses,oneofwh ch sarequ red nternsh p andoneoftheothersmaybeanadd t onal nternsh p. Int rnship(s) R quir d:Yesone nternsh p namuseumornon3prof tarts organ zat on. Plac m nt Rat for Graduat s: Th s nformat on snotcurrentlytracked. Numb r Applications R c iv d Annually: Var es Numb r Acc pt d:Approx matelyf vemuseumstud escert f catestudentsperyear. Application D adlin : Deadl nesvarydepend ngonstudentschosenMAgrant ng degreeprogram.Checktheprogramswebs teforappl cat ondeadl nes.Studentsare onlyadm ttedtothecert f cateprogramoncetheyhaveobta nedaplace nthe rchosen M.A.degreeprogram. Univ rsity Affiliat d Mus ums:BostonUn vers tyArtGallery Futur Plans/Dir ctions for th Program: Nomajorchangesplannedforthenear future. Addr ss:MuseumStud esProgram DepartmentofArtH story 725CommonwealthAve,Rm205A Boston,Massachusetts02215 617335331476 Contact:M