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A Guide to a Mason’s Actions Grand Lodge F.&A.M.of Pennsylvania

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A Guide to a Mason’s Actions

Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Pennsylvania

A Guide to a Mason’s Actions

Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Pennsylvania

byWilliam A. Carpenter

Right Worshipful Grand Master

Copyright 1985by the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge

of Free & Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may bereproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic

or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or anyinformation storage and retrieval system, without permission in

writing from the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free &Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 85-62079Printed in the United States of America

Reprint November 1995


Dorothy (Wally) Roberts Carpenter

My First Wife


A Masonic Widow Par Excellence


Title page

Copyright page



Foreword 1

Preface 2-3

Chapter I Masonic Manners 4-21Ahiman Rezon 6-8… to govern ourselves accordingly 9-16What Do Masonic Manners Mean to Masons? 18-21

Chapter II Glossary 22-59

Chapter III Masonic Symbols 60-79

Appendix What is the Grand Lodge? 80-87

Bibliography 88


Frontispiece of the 1783 edition of the Ahiman Rezon 4

Point Within a Circle 17

A.S.K. 22

Trestle Board 60

Approved and authorized by the Right Worshipful Grand Master



To MyBrethren inPennsylvania—

I am flattered to have been asked to write the foreword to thisvolume authored by the Right Worshipful Grand Master, BrotherWilliam A. Carpenter, because I know it represents his legacy tothe Craft in Pennsylvania.

In The Exemplar — A Guide to a Mason’s Actions, he leaves atangible expression of the insights gained through many years ofexperience in service to this great fraternity.

His experience in earlier years as a journalist and later inMasonic education and finances, when combined with theknowledge and skill gained as the R.W. Grand Secretary and thenas R.W. Grand Master, has served him well in preparing this text.

One of the most important and often neglected parts of ourMasonic experience is the matter of proper education. To be sure,the answers to most of our questions are readily available, if wewill but read and study.

The Grand Master has presented in this volume the basic facts.If a Mason will but use it as a reference book and a study guide,he will certainly become far more knowledgeable and bettereducated in the basics of Freemasonry.

I have many close ties of friendship within the Grand Lodge ofPennsylvania and value particularly the honorary membership Iwas granted when awarded the Pennsylvania Franklin Medal in1979. As an honorary Pennsylvania Mason, I am proud torecommend this work to my brethren everywhere.

There is so much to be proud of in Pennsylvania Masonry andin all the Grand Lodges. We should always be ready to promotethe generosity of our fraternity in all its aspects.

Stanley F. Maxwell

Most Worshipful Past Grand Master,Grand Lodge of Massachusetts

Sovereign Grand Commander,Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite,Northern Masonic Jurisdiction



Freemasonry, my profession for nearly 40 years, has not onlybeen a calling; it has also provided unique opportunities forobserving and understanding mankind.

With but few exceptions, I have learned that Freemasonry is afraternity of men blessed with integrity. Yes, the majority ofFreemasons are men of honesty and depth of character. They aremen known to be “a cut above” the rest and together they havebeen building a legacy that will surely perpetuate PennsylvaniaMasonry for generations to come.

The Exemplar — A Guide to a Mason’s Actions is calculated toexcite every Mason’s personal desire for a basic knowledge ofPennsylvania Masonry and it emphasizes certain Masonic standards that must be maintained. This book is, I hope, of worthy style and comprehensive content so that it will serve as areal companion to all Pennsylvania Masons who wish to learn andlive as Freemasons.

This special book features three main Masonic chapters, inkeeping with the magical number three so often identified withSymbolic Masonry.

The first chapter, Masonic Manners, deals with the subject thatinspired this special book. Masonic manners, I believe, are thecatalyst that has, from time immemorial, inspired the true andzealous Mason to allow the genius of Freemasonry to reign overhis conduct.

Masonic manners, and only Masonic manners, are the heartbeat, the life line, and the only visible evidence that makesFreemasonry possible.

Chapter two is a glossary of several hundred words used in thePennsylvania work.

For too many years I have been listening to the words pertinentto Freemasonry being mispronounced, spoken with an uncertainfaintness, stuttered or slurred, or even uttered with absolutely nosemblance of knowing what they mean.

Officers of the lodges, and especially those Brethren participatingin the conferring of the three symbolic degrees, should alwaysspeak out with an authority. Hence, they should know how topronounce the words of the work properly and should know,without question or doubt, what those words mean.

In the glossary, each word is spelled properly, is syllabled, andproperly accented where required to aid in pronunciation.

There is, of course, a brief but proper definition and each wordis listed in alphabetical sequence for ready reference.


The third chapter is devoted to the symbols used inPennsylvania Masonry. It too contains an alphabetical listing and abrief, but concise, explanation of each symbol. Featured in thischapter are authentic Illustrations of the many symbols it covers.

The symbolism of Freemasonry is the soul of Freemasonry. Thepurpose of this chapter is not only to provide an authenticdefinition of the various symbols, but also to help create animmediate picture of the symbol and the lessons related to thatparticular symbol. The pictures on these pages are indeed worth athousand words.

Enjoy the many symbolic illustrations and associated lessonsherewith, and may they remain fixed in your mind and actions.

Remember always that without symbols and their respectivelessons, the art and science of communication among Freemasonswould be almost impossible.

The Exemplar — A Guide to a Mason’s Actions would not havebecome a reality without the help, aid and assistance of manypeople: the Assistant to the Grand Master and his staff; the staff ofthe Grand Lodge Library and Museum; the Grand LodgeCommittee on Education; the Grand Lodge Ritualistic staff, and the gifted hands and minds of the artists and typographical experts who, working in concert, made it all possible. I amsincerely grateful to each.

This book represents my own legacy to PennsylvaniaFreemasonry.

William A. CarpenterR.W. Grand MasterJune 24, 1985 - St. John the Baptist DayPhiladelphia, PA

Masonic MannersCHAPTER I


ebster’s Dictionary describesmanners as a way ormethod in which somethingis done or happens; modeor fashion of procedure — away of acting. In somejurisdictions, they preferto use the term Masonicetiquette, Masonic

behavior, or Masonic courtesy. InPennsylvania, we prefer to use the wordmanners. Masonic manners encompass notonly a Mason’s actions within his or anotherlodge, but also outside the lodge; it is a wayof life for a Freemason to follow.

Pennsylvania Masonry has a long and verydeep heritage derived from the earlycharges of the Craft, and over the yearsmembers of the Fraternity in Pennsylvaniahave faithfully adhered to these charges.Therefore, there is no better place to startthis subject than to quote from our earliestConstitution, the Ahiman Rezon printed inPhiladelphia in 1783. The contents of thisfirst edition were read, unanimouslyapproved, and ordered to be printed at thecommunication of the Grand Lodge ofPennsylvania on November 22, 1781.


Masonic MannersCHAPTER I

C H A P. I.

Of the TEMPER and QUALITIES requisite in thosewho would be FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS.

BEFORE we enter upon the duties of theoperative Mason, in the various offices and

stations to which he may be called in the LODGE,it is proper to give some account of the temperand qualities which are absolutely requisite in allwho aspire to partake of the sublime honors andadvantages, belonging to those who are dulyinitiated into the mysteries, and instructed in theart of ANCIENT MASONRY.

SECT. I. Concerning GOD and RELIGION.

Whoever, from love of knowledge, interest, orcuriosity, desires to be a Mason, is to know that,as his foundation and great cornerstone, he is tobelieve firmly in the ETERNAL GOD, and to paythat worship which is due to him, as the greatArchitect and Governor of the universe. A Masonis also obliged, by his tenure, to observe the morallaw, as a true *Noachida (Sons of Noah; the firstname for Freemasons.); and if he rightly under-stands the royal art, he cannot tread in the irreli-gious paths of the unhappy *libertine, the *deist,or stupid *atheist; nor, in any case, act against thegreat inward light of his own conscience.

He will likewise shun the gross errors of bigotryand superstition; making a due use of his ownreason, according to that liberty wherewith aMason is made free. For although, in ancienttimes, the Christian Masons were CHARGED tocomply with the Christian usages of the countrieswhere they sojourned or worked (being found inall nations, and of divers religions and persua-sions) yet it is now thought most expedient thatthe brethren in general should only be CHARGEDto adhere to the essentials of religion in which allmen agree; leaving each brother to his own privatejudgment, as to particular modes and forms.Whence it follows, that all Masons are to be goodmen and true — men of honour and honesty, bywhatever religious names or persuasions distin-guished; always following that golden preceptof “doing unto all men as (upon a change ofconditions) they would that all men should dounto them.”

Thus, since Masons, by their tenure, must agreein the three great articles of NOAH, Masonrybecomes the center of union among the brethren,and the happy means of conciliating, and cement-ing into one body, those who might otherwisehave remained at a perpetual distance; therebystrengthening and not weakening the divineobligations of RELIGION and LOVE!


With the Addition of the latest Regulations, forthe use of Operative Masons, in the AmericanLodges, & c.

*See glossary for definition


SECT. II. Concerning Government and the Civil Magistrate.

Whoever would be a true Mason is further toknow that, by the rules of his art, his obligationsas a subject and citizen will not be relaxed butenforced. He is to be a lover of quiet, peaceableand obedient to the civil powers, which yieldhim protection, and are set over him where heresides or works; so far as they infringe not thelimited bounds of reason and religion. Nor cana real craftsman ever be concerned in plotsagainst the state, or be disrespectful to themagistracy; because the welfare of his country ishis peculiar care.

But if any brother, by forgetting for a time therules of his craft, and listening to evil councils,should unhappily fall into a contrary conduct, heis not to be countenanced in his crimes or rebel-lion against the state; but he forfeits all benefits ofthe Lodge, and his fellows would refuse to asso-ciate or converse with him in private, while hecontinues in his crimes; that neither offence nor*umbrage may be given to lawful government.But such a person is still considered as a Mason,his character as such being *indefeasible; andhopes are to be entertained, that the rules of thecraft may again prevail with him over every evilcouncil and device that may have led him astray.

From this quiet and meek temper of trueMasons, and their constant desire to adorn thecountries where they reside with all useful arts,crafts and improvements, they have been, fromthe earliest ages, encouraged and protected bythe wisest rulers of states and commonwealths,who have likewise thought it an honor to havetheir names enrolled among the fraternity. Andthus Masonry having always flourished most inthe most flourishing and peaceable times of everycountry, and having often suffered in a particularmanner through the calamitous effects of war,bloodshed and devastation, the craftsmen aretherefore the more strongly engaged to act agree-able to the rules of their art, in following peaceand love, as far as possible, with all men.

SECT. III. Concerning private Qualitiesand Duties.

In regard to HIMSELF, whoever would be aMason should know how to practise all the pri-vate virtues. He should avoid all manner ofintemperance or excess, which might obstructhis performance of the laudable duties of hiscraft, or lead him into crimes which would reflectdishonour upon the ancient fraternity. He is to beindustrious in his profession, and true to the Lordand Master he serves. He is to labour justly, andnot to eat any man’s bread for nought; but to paytruly for his meat and drink. What leisure hislabour allows, he is to employ in studying the artsand sciences with a diligent mind, that he maythe better perform all his duties (as aforesaid) tohis Creator, his country, his neighbour andhimself. For in a few words, — “to walk humblyin the sight of God, to do justice and love mercy,”are the true indispensable characteristics of areal free and accepted Mason.

For the better attainment of these shiningqualities, he is to seek and acquire, as far aspossible, the virtues of patience, meekness, self-denial, forbearance and the like, which give himthe command over himself, and enable him togovern his own family with affection, dignity andprudence; at the same time checking every dis-position injurious to the world, and promotingthat love and service, which brethren, of the sameLodge or household, owe to each other. There-fore, to afford succour to the distressed, to divideour bread with the industrious poor, and to putthe misguided traveller into the way, are qualitiesinherent in the craft, and suitable to its dignity.But though a Mason is never to shut his earunkindly to the complaints of any of the humanspecies; yet when a brother is oppressed or suf-fers, he is in a more peculiar manner called toopen his whole soul in love and compassion tohim, and to relieve without prejudice, accordingto his capacity.

*See glossary for definition


Masonic MannersCHAPTER I

It is further necessary that all who would betrue Masons should learn to abstain from allmalice and slander, evilspeaking, backbiting,unmannerly, scornful, provoking, reproachfuland ungodly language; and that he should knowhow to obey those who are set over him onaccount of their superior qualifications asMasons, however inferior they may be in worldlyrank or station. For although Masonry divests noman of his temporal honors, or titles, but on thecontrary highly respects them, yet, in the Lodge,preeminence of virtue and knowledge in theroyal art is considered as the true fountain of allnobility, rule and government.

The last quality and virtue which I shallmention, as absolutely requisite in those whowould be Masons, is that of SECRECY; whichindeed, from its importance, ought to have heldthe first place in this chapter, if it had not beenintended to treat of it more fully, as a conclusionof the whole.

So GREAT stress is laid upon this particularquality or virtue, that it is enforced among Masonsunder the strongest penalties and obligations;nor, in their esteem, is any man to be countedwise, who is void of intellectual strength andability sufficient to cover and conceal such honestsecrets as are committed to him, as well as hisown more serious affairs. Both sacred and pro-fane history teacheth us that numerous virtuousattempts have failed of their intended scope andend, through defect or secret concealment.

The ancient philosophers and wise men (thePrinces of whom were Masons) were so fullypersuaded of the great virtue of SECRECY, that itwas the first lesson which they taught their pupilsand followers. Thus, in the school of *Pythagoras,we find it was a rule that every *noviciate wasto be silent for a time, and refrain from speaking,unless when a question was asked; to the end thatthe valuable secrets which he had to communi-cate might be the better preserved and valued.*Lycurgus made a perpetual law, obliging everyman to keep secret whatever was committed to

him, unless it were to the injury of the state. AndCato, the Roman Censor, told his friends, that ofthree things (if ever he happened to be guilty) healways repented, viz. — 1st. If he divulged a secret;2nd. If he went on water, when he might stay ondry land; and 3rd. If he suffered a day to passwithout doing (or endeavouring to do) someGOOD. We also read that the Persian law pun-ished the betraying of a secret more grievouslythan any other common crime.

Nor is the virtue of SECRECY recommendedonly by the wisest heathen philosophers and law-givers; but likewise by the fathers of the church,and by inspired writers and lawgivers.

St. Ambrose places the patient gift of SILENCEamong the principal foundations of virtue; andthe wise King SOLOMON deems the man un-worthy to reign or have any rule over others, whocannot command himself, and keep his ownsecrets. A discoverer of secrets he deems infa-mous and a traitor; but him that conceals them heaccounts a faithful brother. “A talebearer, says he,revealeth secrets; but he that is of a faithful spiritconcealeth them. Discover not a secret to another,lest he that heareth it put thee to shame, and thineinfamy turn not away — He that keepeth histongue, keepeth his own soul.” — To the samepurpose, in the book of Ecclesiasticus chap.xxvii we meet with the following beautiful pas-sages, worthy to be for ever recorded in the heartsof all Masons. —

“Whosoever discovereth secrets, loseth hiscredit, and shall never find a friend to his mind.Love thy friend, and be faithful unto him; but ifthou bewrayest his secrets, follow no more afterhim: For as a man hath destroyed his enemy, sohast thou lost the love of thy neighbour: As onethat letteth a bird go out of his hand, so hast thoulet thy neighbour go, and shall not get him again.Follow after him no more, for he is too far off;he is as a roe escaped out of the snare. As for awound, it may be bound up; and after revilingthere may be reconcilement: but he that *bewrayethsecrets, is without hope.”

*See glossary for definition END OF TEXT


…to govern ourselves accordingly

In these rules and procedures are found thebasis upon which we are to be guided in ourpresent work. In them are defined rules, writtenor unwritten, customs and traditions by whichMasons are expected to govern themselveswithin and without the lodge.

It will be to the credit of every Mason toadhere to the manners governing the Craft asset forth in the earliest book of Constitutions.

A cardinal point in Masonic manners is thatwhich admonishes us to strictly refrain fromentering into any discussion within the body ofthe open lodge that involves religion or politics.

The question of religion is a sensitive one inthat the cornerstone of Freemasonry is the beliefof each of its members in a Supreme Being. Itmatters not how each of us personally addressesthat belief, be it to the Eternal God, to Jehovah,or by some other name. But in Freemasonry, weaddress that identity as the Great Architect ofthe Universe.

We affirm our belief that no human fraternitycan long endure that does not have its inspirationin the fatherhood of God and the brotherhoodof man.

We find in the early constitutions referencesto the true Noachida, the descendants of Noahand the transmitters of his religious dogmas; theunity of God and the immortality of the soul.

The name has been bestowed upon Free-masons from the earliest of times because of our

teaching of the same doctrines. The OldCharges, as quoted by James Anderson in his1738 edition of Constitutions, state, “A Mason isobliged by his tenure to observe the moral lawas a true Noachida.”

It is Anderson who is credited with broadeningthe religious concept in Freemasonry from thatof the Christian religion to encompass the beliefin the Great Architect of the Universe wherebymen, regardless of their personal religiousbeliefs, could become members and brothers inthe Masonic fraternity.

It is well stated that brethren in general shouldonly be charged to adhere to the essentials ofreligion in which all men agree, leaving eachbrother to his private judgment.

Masons are taught to recognize the authorityof civil powers with full respect and not tobecome involved in plots against the state.Another cardinal rule, therefore, is loyalty toGod and country.

A Mason is also advised to regard himself asa mortal temple in which a spiritual force abides.He is warned against the practice of intemperanceor excess which will reflect dishonor upon him-self and upon the fraternity.

He is to be industrious in his profession andtrue to his employer. He is admonished to “walkhumbly in the sight of God, to do justice andlove mercy.”


Masonic Manners…to govern ourselves accordinglyCHAPTER I

There is another veryimportant rule thateach Mason shouldhold to as foremostand uppermost inhis conduct and oneto which he mustadhere and be guid-ed by in all aspects

of Masonic manners.It is the prime rule of

conduct for every Free-mason in Pennsylvania and is

stated in the Ahiman Rezon or Book of theConstitution of the Most Ancient and HonorableFraternity of Free and Accepted Masons ofPennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction ThereuntoBelonging immediately preceding Article 1: “InFreemasonry what is not permitted is prohibited.”

Masonic manners should not be the clotheswe wear just for the sake of those outside thefraternity. We must also wear those same mannersin dealing with each other.

When Masons meet in the tyled lodge, theyare expected to abide by strict rules and exerciseproper decorum. For the sake of his personalinstruction, it is highly recommended that everyMason consider his obligation to attend his lodge,except for illness or some other just cause.

When he does attend lodge, is he punctual?A punctual man is present where he has agreed tobe and upon the very point of the time specified.

There is no place in the open lodge for loudtalk, restless moving about, or laughter andfrivolity, most especially during the conferringof the degrees. Nothing is more distressing thanto hear idle chatter during moments of prayer orwhen an obligation is being given and taken.

Never should there be any degree of flippancy,irreverence, or disrespect shown to the WorshipfulMaster, the other officers of the lodge, or toanother brother.

Masonic manners demand that no one passbetween the Altar and the Worshipful Master’s

station in the east, except when required by theritual. Nor should anyone omit the proper signwhen crossing the body of the open lodge infront of the Altar, except when allowed by theritual. These and all other signs of respect andmeans of maintaining decorum should be fullyobserved by every brother in the open lodge.

No one is to talk of anything that can beconsidered impertinent, nor interrupt theWorshipful Master, the Wardens, or any othermember who is speaking to the WorshipfulMaster. Each Mason is charged to pay duerespect to the elected officers of the lodge and,in like measure, treat all others with respect.

Should a brother be so honored as to takepart in the conferring of a degree, he is particu-larly reminded there is no place for laughter andfrivolity in that undertaking, either by thoseparticipating or those witnessing the work.

No one is to disrupt the harmony and orderof the open lodge. The rules of order and ofMasonic manners require the brother who hassomething to say, to rise to his feet, give theproper sign, and address the Worshipful Masteronly. There is no place in the lodge for evencasual discussion between members without theexpress permission of the Worshipful Master.

No understanding of lodge room decorumcan be complete without full knowledge of theplace of the Altar and its significance. It was atthe Altar that Freemasonry began for each of us.It was at the Altar that we were made Masons.

The word Altar is used here as a propername to give it added meaning. The Altar is thecenter of our Masonic experience. It is whereMasons are made. It is where the great light ofFreemasonry, the Holy Bible, is placed.

The Altar is placed at the exact center of thelodge room. It should not be moved during anylodge meeting, nor should the tapers, the lesserlights, be moved or extinguished during theopen lodge. The tapers are arranged to stand atthe northeast, northwest and southwest cornersof the Altar, equidistant from it.


The Altar used in lodge rooms in Pennsylvaniais to be approximately 34 inches long, 24 incheswide and 24 inches high. The lesser lights are tobe placed five feet six inches apart.

The open Bible is placed on the Altar and thesquare and the compasses rest upon its leftpage. At the center of the lodge upon the Altar,then, are the three great lights of Freemasonry.

A member, or several members, enter theopen lodge through the outer door only,approach the Altar, and execute the proper signto the Worshipful Master, except as otherwiserequired by the ritual. This must be done inaccordance with Masonic law and never in acareless manner.

Another matter of great importance toMasonic manners in the open lodge room is thatof dress. Every Mason should be properlydressed to be admitted into the body of theopen lodge.

He must wear an apron, tied around thewaist over his suit or tuxedo coat but under atail coat, to be properly displayed. White glovesmust be worn when required, particularly bythe officers of the lodge. The lack of whitegloves by a Mason otherwise properly dressedstands out as an easily noted case of unmasonicdress. Jewels must be displayed in a propermanner.

A Mason should endeavor to wear a dark suitwhen attending his lodge and make sure it isclean and pressed. A Mason should regard hisdress at lodge to be as befits the wearer. Toattend the lodge is a privilege not all men canenjoy. A Mason, therefore, should dress in goodtaste always; to wear such attire as showsrespect to the fraternity, the lodge, and thedignity of Freemasonry.

Masonic clothing and dress is described fully inArticle LX of the Digest of Decisions as follows:

“1. The Masonic dress of lodge officers, withthe exception of the Worshipful Master (orActing Worshipful Master), can be tuxedo coat,black vest, black tie, black shoes and whitegloves; or it can be tail coat, black vest, blacktie, black shoes and white gloves.

“The dress of Grand Lodge elected officers,Past Grand Masters, Grand Lodge appointedofficers (other than Grand Chaplains), DistrictDeputy Grand Masters, Past District DeputyGrand Masters and Worshipful Masters (andActing Worshipful Masters), will be tail coat,black vest, black tie, black shoes and whitegloves.

“The shirt which is to be worn with Masonicdress must be white in color and may have apleated bosom, but it is not to be ruffled eitherat bosom or cuffs.

“The Grand Master and Worshipful Masters(or Acting Worshipful Masters) will wear thehigh black hat.”

The Digest of Decisions in Article LX alsodescribes the dress for Masonic funerals:

“2. The normal dress for Masonic funeralsshall be dark clothes, dark necktie, black shoes,white gloves, apron and collar and jewel forparticipating lodge officers, or those serving intheir stead. It is recommended that attendingbrethren wear dark clothes, aprons and whitegloves, if possible. This is in accordance withthat part of the Ahiman Rezon dealing withcharges, ceremonies and forms; in this case,Masonic Funerals, page 151.

“However, if a lodge elects to have a lodgeservice in accordance with page147 of the Ahiman Rezon,Masonic dress shall beworn by lodge officers, ifavailable.

“If a visit to the funeralhome, church or ceme-tery follows the lodgeroom service or lodgemeeting, Masonic dress(including collars andaprons) may be worn bylodge officers.”

It is especially importantthat Masonic funeral servicesbe given top priority. The booklet,“Masonic Funeral Service,” should be studiedand its prescribed form adhered to.


The service should be given with dignity andexpression to bring out its meaning. TheMasonic funeral service is one of the few occasions that a Masonic lodge has the opportu-nity to perform in an official capacity in public.

Nonmasons attending the service may forman opinion of the fraternity as a whole based onwhat they see and hear during the few minutesit takes to conduct the ceremony. A Mason,therefore, owes to his fraternity, his lodge, andto himself the duty to perform the service to thebest of his ability. It is here our Masonicmanners are in full view.

Every Master Mason is encouraged to wearthe universal symbol of the fraternity, thesquare and compasses with the letter G, on thelapel of his coat. It is the emblem that identifieshim as a Mason. It immediately places him inview of the nonmason who may take theopportunity to judge the man who wears theMasonic emblem.

Every Master Mason is a window throughwhich others will see and decide from theexperience what will be their opinion ofFreemasonry.

It cannot be stressed too often that Free-masonry is what Freemasons are. Whenever

Masons appear in public, asprivate citizens or as part of

a lodge function, they mustalways keep in mind thefact that they are beingobserved and judged.

Another most seriousand soul searchingresponsibility of a Master

Mason is to be a recom-mender.To be a recommender is

such an important responsi-bility that the Grand Lodge has

prepared a booklet titled “TheMaking of a Mason” that is

designed to guide a Mason in his duties beforehe assists another in presenting a petition formembership to his lodge.

Too many recommenders fail to understandthat they are, in effect, placing their ownreputations on the line when they recommendanother to the fraternity.

The booklet is also addressed to the brethrencalled upon by the lodge to serve as aCommittee of Inquiry. To be a member of aCommittee of Inquiry is an extremely importantassignment.

To that committee is entrusted the guardingof the portals of Freemasonry. The lodgedepends entirely upon the careful work of theCommittee of Inquiry to investigate the fitnessof a petitioner to become a member of thisancient and honorable fraternity. Each memberof the committee should read the bookletthoroughly and be guided by its message.

After a petition has been approved by thelodge by ballot and the petitioner accepted as acandidate for the degrees of Freemasonry, thoseMasons acting as guides during the conferringof degrees must realize they are the first officialMasons the candidates meet. Upon these MasterMasons, who conduct the candidates into anopen body of Free and Accepted Masons for thefirst time, is a great responsibility that can bebetter understood by reading “The Making of aMason.”

No explanation of Masonic manners wouldbe complete without some attention beinggiven to that endearing word, brother. It isneither a sentimental nor familiar form ofaddress, but rather a title.

A Mason does not attend a lodge meeting asplain Bill or Joe or John. He enters thatsanctuary as a Master Mason among brothersand is therefore entitled to be addressed asBrother Bill or Brother Joe or Brother John.

It has already been stated that the lodge isnot the place for loud and aggressive behavior.It should be known as a place for discussiononly of that which pertains to the business ofthe lodge.

Private arguments, sectarian discussion,business dealings, or any questions relative topolitics, religion or creed are considered as

Masonic Manners…to govern ourselves accordinglyCHAPTER I


being nonmasonic subjects and forbidden lestthey disturb the peace and harmony of thelodge.

It cannot be too forcefully stressed thatMasonic law requires that any member wishingto initiate or participate in a discussion in theopen lodge do so by first receiving thepermission of the Worshipful Master.

He must rise, give the proper sign to theWorshipful Master, and then seek his permissionto enter the discussion. When given permission,he should speak on the subject in the fewestpossible words and be prepared to yield thefloor when the Worshipful Master gives anotherthe right to speak.

It is a system that has proven its value overthe ages and has allowed lodges for centuries toconduct business and do the work ofFreemasonry with an efficiency unknown toother organizations.

A most appropriate conclusion to this portionof the chapter on Masonic manners is theinclusion of the Ancient Charges.

They are printed here in full to refresh yourmemory as to the duties and the Masonicmanners of a true and lawful brother.

A Char ge at the Opening of a LodgeAs useful knowledge is the great object of

our desire, we ought to apply ourselves withzeal to the practice and profession of Free-masonry. The ways of wisdom are beautiful,and lead to pleasure. Knowledge is attained bydegrees and cannot everywhere be found.Wisdom seeks the secret shade and the lonelycell, designed for contemplation. Thereenthroned she sits, delivering her sacredoracles. There we are to seek her and to pursuethe real bliss. Though the passage is difficult,the farther we trace it the easier it will become.

If we are united, our Fraternity must flourish.Let all private animosities, therefore, if anyshould exist, give place to peace and goodfellowship. Uniting in the same grand design, letus be happy ourselves and endeavor tocontribute to the happiness of others. Let us

promote the useful arts and by that means markour superiority and distinction. Let us cultivatethe moral virtues and improve in all that is goodand amiable.

Let the genius of Free-masonry preside over ourconduct, and, under hersovereignsway, letus preservea noblenessand justness of understanding, politeness ofmanners, and evenness of temper. Let ourrecreations be innocent and pursued withmoderation; and never let us suffer irregularindulgences to expose our character to derisionand contempt. Thus shall we act in conformityto our precepts and support the name we havealways borne, of being a respectable, regular,and uniform Fraternity.

A Char ge at InitiationYou are now admitted, by the unanimous

consent of this lodge, a fellow of our MostAncient and Honorable Fraternity — ancient, ashaving subsisted from time immemorial — andhonorable, as tending in every particular to dohonor to those who conform to its nobleprecepts. The greatest monarchs and mostexalted heroes and patriots, of all ages andcountries throughout the known world, havebeen encouragers of Freemasonry; and many ofthem have presided as Grand Masters of Masonsin their respective jurisdictions, not thinking itany lessening of their highest dignities to levelthemselves with their Brethren in Freemasonryand to act upon the same Square as they did.

The world’s Great Architect is our SupremeGrand Master and the unerring rule He hasgiven us is that by which we work. Religiousdisputes are never suffered within the lodge;for, as Freemasons, we worship God as ourconsciences require, and thus we are united asin one sacred band.

There are three general heads of duty whichFreemasons ought always to inculcate, namely:


Masonic Manners…to govern ourselves accordinglyCHAPTER I

to God, our neighbor, and ourselves; to God, innever mentioning His Name but with thatreverential awe which a creature ought to bearto his Creator, and in looking upon Him alwaysas the God over all; to our neighbor, in actingupon the Square, or doing as we would bedone by; and to ourselves, in avoiding allintemperance and excesses whereby we may berendered incapable of following our work orled into behavior unbecoming our laudableprofession, and in always keeping within duebounds and free from all guilt.

In the State, a Freemason is to behave as apeaceable and dutiful citizen, conformingcheerfully to the government under which helives.

He is to be a man of benevolence and charity;not sitting down contented while his fellows,much more his Brethren, are in want when it isin his power, without prejudicing himself or hisfamily, to relieve them.

In the lodge, he is to behave with all duedecorum, lest the beauty and harmony of itsworkings should be disturbed or broken; he isto be obedient to the Master and other officersset in authority over him, and is to apply himself closely to the business of Freemasonry,that he may the sooner become skilled therein,both for his own credit and for that of the lodge,and thereby earn advancement as the wages ofhis labors.

He is not to neglect his own necessaryavocations for the sake of Freemasonry, nor toinvolve himself in quarrels with those whothrough ignorance may speak evilly or despite-fully of it.

He is to be a lover of the arts and sciencesand is to take all opportunities to improve him-self therein.

If he recommends a friend to be made aFreemason, he must vouch him to be such as hereally believes will conform to these duties, lestby the misconduct of that friend at any time thelodge should pass under evil imputations.

Nothing can be more shocking to all faithfulFreemasons than to see any of their Brethren

profane the sacred Rules of Freemasons; andsuch as do, they wish had never been admittedinto the Fraternity.

A Char ge at PassingBeing now advanced to the second degree in

Freemasonry, we congratulate you on yourpreferment. The internal, and not the external,qualifications of a man are principally regardedby Freemasonry. As you increase in knowledge,you will consequently improve in fitness forfurther advancement in the rights and privilegesof the Craft.

It is unnecessary to recapitulate the severalduties, which, as a Freemason, you are bound todischarge; or to enlarge on the necessity of a strictperformance of them, as your own experiencemust have convinced you of their value.

It may be sufficient to observe that your pastbehavior and regular deportment have meritedthe additional honor which we have nowconferred; and, in this new character, it isexpected that you will not only conform to theprinciples of Freemasonry, but still persevere inthe practice of virtue.

The study of the liberal arts, that valuablebranch of education which tends so effectuallyto polish and adorn the mind, is earnestlyrecommended to your consideration; especiallythe noble Science of Geometry, which isestablished as the basis of our Art. Freemasonryand Geometry originally were synonymousterms, and this Science being of a divine andmoral nature, is enriched with the most usefulknowledge; for while it proves the wonderfulproperties of nature, it also demonstrates themore important truths of morality. As thesolemnity of our ceremonies requires a seriousdeportment, you are to be particularly attentiveto your behavior in our regular assemblies; topreserve the Ancient Usages and Customs of theFraternity sacred and inviolable, and induceothers, by your example, to hold them in dueveneration.

Every regular sign or summons, duly given toyou, you are to honor and obey, as they accord


with our professed principles. Such is the natureof your present engagements; and to theseduties you are now bound by the most solemn,sacred, and enduring ties.

A Char ge at RaisingYour zeal for our institution, the progress you

have made in its mysteries, and your steadyconformity to its useful Regulations, havepointed you out as a proper object for thispeculiar mark of the favor of the Brethren.

Duty, honor, and gratitude now bind you to befaithful to your trust; to support the dignity ofyour character on all occasions, and strenuouslyto enforce, by precept and example, a steadyobedience to the tenets of Freemasonry.Exemplary conduct, on your part, will convincethe world that merit is the just title to ourprivileges, and that on you our favors are notundeservedly bestowed.

In this respectable character you are authorizedto restrain the irregularities of less informedBrethren; to correct their errors; to fortify theirminds with resolution against the snares of theinsidious; and to guard them against everyallurement to vicious practices. To preserveunsullied the reputation of the Fraternity ought tobe your constant care, and, therefore, it becomesyour province to caution the inexperiencedagainst a breach of fidelity.

The Laws and Regulations of the Fraternityyou are to support and maintain, and be everready to aid in their execution. You are to lookimpartially upon the offenses of your Brethren;in the decision on every breach of theRegulations, you are to judge with candor, toadmonish with friendship, and to reprehendwith justice.

In our private assemblies you may now offeryour opinions on whatever subjects are presentedfor decision. You are free to introduce anymotion which you may suppose will be for theadvantage or honor of the Fraternity. By theexercise of these rights and privileges, you mayimprove your rational and intellectual powers,qualify yourself to become a useful member of

society, and vie with skillful Brethren in anendeavor to excel in everything that is good andgreat. You are to relieve the necessities of yourBrethren to the utmost of your power andability, without prejudice to yourself or yourprivate concerns. Do this in a cheerful spirit, forour Great Master has said that He loveth acheerful giver.

On no account are you to injure a Brother, orto see him injured, but you are to apprise himof all approaching dangers and consider hisinterest as inseparable from your own.

Universal benevolence you are zealously toinculcate; and, by your well ordered conduct,endeavor to show how false are the slanderswhich have been uttered against this venerableInstitution. The Ancient Landmarks of Free-masonry you are carefully to preserve, and notsuffer them on any pretence to be broken,impaired, weakened, altered or destroyed; orcountenance any departure from our establishedUsages and Customs.

Your virtue, honor, and character are concernedin supporting with dignity the respectability ofyour Masonic profession. Let no motive, therefore,make you swerve from your duty, violate yourvows to God, or betray your trust; but be trueand faithful, and imitate the example of thatcelebrated artist whom you have this eveningrepresented. Thus you will render yourselfdeserving of the honor which this lodge hasconferred, and worthy of the confidence that ithas reposed in you.

A Char ge at the Closing of a LodgeYou are now about to quit the sacred retreat

of friendship and virtue, to mix again with theworld. Amidst its concerns and employments,forget not the duties you have heard sofrequently inculcated and forcibly recommendedwithin this lodge. Be, therefore, diligent, prudent,temperate, discreet.

And remember, also, that around this Altaryou have solemnly and repeatedly promised tobefriend and relieve, with unhesitating cordiality,so far as shall be in your power, every Brother


who shall need your assistance; that you havepromised to remind him, in the most tendermanner, of his failings, and aid his reformation;to vindicate his character when wrongfullytraduced; and to suggest in his behalf the mostcandid, favorable, and palliating circumstances,even when his conduct is justly reprehensible.If you faithfully observe these duties, the worldwill observe how Freemasons love one another,in obedience to the will of God.

Remember always, Brethren, that these solemnrites, of which you have been partakers, andyour parts in them, are as binding on yourconsciences out of the lodge as within it. Theyare links in that chain made in life, for eternity.

And these generous principles are to extendfarther. Every human being has a claim uponyour kind offices. So that we enjoin it uponyou, Do good unto all, while we recommend itmore especially to those who are of the house-hold of the faithful.

Masonic Manners…to govern ourselves accordinglyCHAPTER I

Point Within a Circle:A word about the illustration

The point within a circle was the operativeMason’s great secret of how to try his square.

He would take his compass and draw acircle and then draw a straight line through itscenter and beyond the circumference. Hewould then place a dot somewhere on thecircumference and draw straight lines from thedot to where the line through the centerintersected the circumference.

In that way he produced a triangle with aperfect right angle of 90 degrees.

In a symbolic sense, you, the Mason, are thepoint within a circle. You should be evermindful of keeping your daily conduct anddesires within due bounds. Your earthly life asa Mason should move and have its being within a circle of divine life, law and love thatsurrounds and sustains it.

Point Within A Circle


It might well be considered bold and daringto attempt to supplement the preceding classicon Masonic manners as delivered to us 204years ago by those Brethren who traveled thissame road before us.

And, even though “Of the TEMPER andQUALITIES requisite in those who would beFREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS” is mostcomprehensive in its content, I think it importantto share a collection of thoughts on Masonicmanners that, by chance, may make all of usmore conscious and more determined to addthe important phase of Masonic manners toour way of life and the pursuit of excellence.

It should be noted that each man made adefinite commitment when he signed thepetition he presented to the lodge. Amongother commitments, he said he was “promptedsolely by a favorable opinion conceived of theinstitution, and a desire of knowledge…” Hefurther pledged, if his petition was approved,to “…conform to the Ancient Usages andCustoms of the Fraternity.”

In taking the obligations of the threedegrees, he promised to conform to and abideby all the rules and regulations of the fraternity.Those commitments included the bylaws of hisown lodge; the constitution and edicts of theGrand Lodge, and the landmarks of Freemasonryin general that have been passed down to usthrough the ages.

All of these, taken together, set the bound-aries that govern our conduct and behavior asMasons. In all of these commitments we arebound to govern and conduct ourselves firsttoward the lodge and its officers; then to ourdealings with other Masons, and, finally, ourdealings with the outside world.

The charm of good Masonic manners tendsto capture without any effort whatsoever.Masonic manners seem to apply in twodirections. On the one hand it becomes amanifestation of respect for the Masonicfraternity as a whole. On the other hand, it isa form of courtesy to individuals.

Masonic MannersCHAPTER I

What DoMasonic MannersMean to Masons?


Masonic manners possess a priceless utility,the full extent of which has often escapednotice. That utility exists in the power to enablemen of different abilities, without rehearsal, toact in concert through elaborate ceremonies orcomplex activities; a real power Masonicmanners shares with our ritual and lodge work.

It is present during the conferring of degrees;the installation of officers; the receiving of aRight Worshipful Grand Master or other GrandLodge officers; the Masonic burial service, andeven public processions.

The part each Mason plays is to a large extentprescribed in the printed forms of ceremoniesand may even be committed to memory bysome officers. But in addition to these are manyrequired observances belonging to the provinceof Masonic manners which are so necessary tothe harmonious execution of the events.

Thus, we are so often able to work in unison.Were there no other reason for Masonicmanners, just seeing and knowing that Masonsare working together in harmony and goodorder is a great satisfaction to any Grand Master.

Masonic manners are a unique creation,peculiar to this ancient and honorable fraternity.Parts of our Masonic manners are optional,being left to the good taste of the individualMason. Other parts are prescribed by usage orby law, written or unwritten.

Masonic manners stand on the level with ourlandmarks, our constitution, our ritual, and oursymbols.

Fundamentally, courtesy and decorum areexperiences of the heart and mind whichnaturally render due regard to the rights andprivileges of others. They are near kin tobrotherly love and give expression in outwardforms which we can justifiably call goodMasonic manners.

On a less than favorable note, it is not verypleasing for a Grand Master to travel manythousands of miles in making visits to hundredsof his lodges and observe occasions where

there is exhibited little or no depth of Masonicmanners.

In fact, one might question whether or notwe have developed something new in Free-masonry, an actual decline in Masonic manners.

This decline in Masonic manners could beconnected with a current decline in tolerancewhich has something to do with acts ofviolence. Yes, sudden temper and completedisregard for Masonic manners has resulted inviolent tantrums within the Craft. It seemsimpossible, but it is a fact.

Intolerance is rooted in human history. Thegrowth of boorishness, however, appears to bea phenomenon of our day and age. The declinein manners is also closely related to the depth ofprejudice that has seeped into our Masonic ranks.

Masonic dress has also become a victim oftoday’s permissive society. There is the matterof disagreeable physical appearance, somewhatcharacteristic of the radical students, thehecklers and the hippies of recent years.

Few adults seem to object to long hair andbeards as such. They have been worn withelegance in the past, but what is objectionableis the utter slovenliness with which they are worntoday, accompanied by an equal slovenliness ofdress. This neglect is deliberate, of course. It ismeant to signify a rejection of and contempt formanners.

It has often been stated that good mannersare the glue that holds a society together. GoodMasonic manners have always been a cohesivefactor in welding friendships among Masons.

Masonic manners are of great value to theMaster Mason. From the moment a man is madea Mason, the art and science of Freemasonryshould begin to have an indelible influence onhis conduct, his attitude, his understanding ofothers, his tolerance of others, his acceptance ofthis God-given life on Earth, his thoughts andhis speech.

If he applies proper Masonic manners whileinvolved in Masonic activities within the lodge


Masonic MannersCHAPTER I

as well as in his relationship with his family andin his community among friends and associates,his conduct and behavior will reflect his maturingfitness to be a true and faithful brother amongus. It is emphasized that the ultimate in Masonicmanners consists of proper Masonic conductboth within and without the Masonic lodge.

Master Masons must look to the ritual and thework of the three symbolic degrees to findadded meaning to the basic obligations theysolemnly promised to obey. In addition to thethree blue lodge obligations, a true MasterMason must turn to the charges and lectures hereceived to understand fully the lessonsdesigned to improve his life.

The subject of Masonic manners is soextensive that an entire volume of considerablesize could be devoted to it. Among the topicsthat would be covered are Masonic manners atthe Altar of Freemasonry and of the Masonicapron; of the Bible and of the ballot; of theMasonic degrees and of Masonic dress; ofMasonic funerals; of Masonic jewels, emblemsand gloves; of Masonic processions, and ofMasonic petitions.

Other topics would include publicity; exami-nation of visitors; Masonic recognition and theintroduction of visitors, and the courtesies dueMasonic speakers.

Attention would be focused on the properappearance and the house cleaning of the build-ings used for lodge meetings; the anteroomswhere Masons meet, and the lodge room wheretyled lodge meetings are held.

Emphasis would be placed on the need forclean and odorless Masonic clothing used inconferring degrees and clean and attractiveMasonic aprons worn by the brethren. Theseitems alone certainly identify whether or not ablue lodge is attuned to the ultimate in Masonicmanners.

Foremost among the priorities that promptedthis supplement was the observance of adeclining respect for the authority of the

Worshipful Master, the District Deputy GrandMaster and the Right Worshipful Grand Master.It is a sad commentary to report that thefraternity has become infested with members ofa level of mentality that permits them to openlydefy Masonic authority.

Ours is essentially an autocratic fraternity. Noregulations should be more carefully maintainedthan those that allow the Worshipful Master, theDistrict Deputy Grand Master and the RightWorshipful Grand Master to execute theirrespective areas of authority. When the lawfulprerogatives of Masonic authority are notsustained, the whole fabric of Freemasonry is indanger of failing and falling.

Our Mother Grand Lodge, the Grand Lodgeof England, learned over 268 years ago howgood and how pleasant it was for Masons towork together under the inspiration of Masonicmanners. They learned in the very beginningthat Masonic manners and soft words broughtmany difficult tasks to successful completion.

There is nothing that is less costly, yet paysgreater returns, than the habit of courtesy andkindly consideration in our daily lives. Theinclination to be courteous at all times and to allpeople is one of life’s richest blessings. Courtesyis contagious, and is its own reward.

The genuine depth of Masonic manners inany lodge is displayed no more clearly than inits treatment of visiting brethren. Instances havebeen reported where visitors have been treatedmore like intruders than guests.

Particular care should be exercised in thecourteous and kindly reception of distinguishedvisitors to the lodge, especially during officialvisits of the Right Worshipful Grand Master andother Grand Lodge officers. Reasonablearrangements should always be made for theirpersonal comfort before their arrival and duringtheir visit.

Lack of decorum, levity, loud talk or extrava-gant whispering is inexcusable and shouldnever be tolerated in the lodge room. A lodge,


erected to God and holding its meetings in ahall or temple solemnly and sacredly dedicatedto the purposes of Freemasonry, is not a placefor profanity, cheap buffoonery, coarse jokes,dirty stories or other unseemly conduct.

A blue lodge meeting should never becomea debating society nor a storytelling forum, nora free-for-all for conversation or gossip. And, ifit happens to be an evening when any or all ofthe three symbolic degrees are to be conferred,such degrees should always be conferred withthe utmost dignity and formality, and with everyeffort put forth to convey the true purpose.

The conferring of the symbolic degrees inPennsylvania was never intended, and shouldnever be intended, to take on the guise ofentertainment.

The ritual is designed to be effective in theinner life of the candidate, a genuine moral andspiritual experience by which he enters a newway of life wherein he will stand obligated toperform duties and be self-sacrificing.

When a candidate for the degrees of Free-masonry views the ritual as entertainment or aside show, we have failed completely in oureffort to make a Mason.

Freemasons of old took their Freemasonryseriously. They looked upon it as an institutionfounded on piety and virtue. Our fraternity hasnot changed, though it seems so at times whenjudged by the attitudes of some of its members.Dignity, combined with sufficient ease toprevent frigidity, was the gauge our earlyMasonic brethren used to constitute properconduct and Masonic manners.

It was not good form in olden days to mixlevity with Masonic ceremony nor to beinattentive by word or action to the transactionof business or degree work while the Craft wasat labor. The great lessons taught in the degreesnever seemed to grow commonplace with ourancient brethren. Their hearts and minds wereopen and alert for the reception of truth, whichonce received became part of their lives.

Other formalities could well be listed whichour ancient brethren scrupulously observed.With sincere initiative and research on yourpart, you will find traditional rules and practicesof Masonic manners both interesting and full ofmeaning, and as pleasant to practice as any ofthe rules of good taste in our society today.

“Ask, and it shall be given you;

Seek, and ye shall find;

Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”

Matthew 7:7



he following compilation ofdefinitions, terms, and wordshas been produced for thebenefit of the Freemasons of Pennsylvania.

Over many years of use by the brethren, in both thebusiness of the lodge andthe ritual, questions have

arisen about their proper usage andpronunciation.

In this chapter of The Exemplar ispresented as clear an explanation as ispossible. The arrangement in a strictlyalphabetical sequence is one of purpose.While it does not flow as it would innarrative form, or even more importantly asit would in use in the ritual, it is obvious tothe members of the Craft why this style ofpresentation was chosen.

It is sincerely hoped that as the Craftbegins to use this text all members willbenefit in their Journey to the Light.


The warrant granted to the Provincial Grand Lodge ofPennsylvania, July 15, 1761, by the Grand Lodge of England“Ancients” states in part:“We the Grand Lodge of the most Ancient and HonorableFraternity of Free and Accepted Masons (According to the OldConstitutions granted by his Royal Highness Prince Edwin at YorkIn the year of our Lord Nine hundred Twenty and Six…) In ampleform assembled…Do hereby Authorise and impower our Trustyand well beloved Brethren (That are now or hereafter maybecome Inhabitants) in the Province of Pensilvania To Form andhold a Grand Lodge in the City of Philadelphia…” Therefore, weare Free and Accepted Masons, and our Masonry is Ancient York.

A.Y.M.(Ancient York Masons)

A.C. - (Ante Christum) BeforeChrist (or B.C.)

A.D. - (Anno Domini) in theYear of our Lord.

A.L. - (Anno Lucis) in the Yearof Light as used by AncientCraft Masons. By adding4000 to the year, the Year ofLight will be obtained, e.g.,1985 + 4000 = 5985.

A.F.M. - Ancient FreemasonsA.Y.M. - Ancient York MasonsB.C. - Before ChristC.E. - Christian EraD.G.M. - Deputy Grand MasterD.D.G.M. - District Deputy

Grand MasterE.A. - Entered ApprenticeF.C. - FellowcraftF.M. - Freemason (old style)G. - GrandG.A.O.T.U. - Great Architect of

the UniverseG.C. - Grand ChaplainG.D. - Grand DeaconG.L. - Grand LodgeG.M. - Grand MasterG.P. - Grand PursuivantG.S. - Grand SecretaryG.S.B. - Grand Sword BearerG.T. - Grand Treasurer

G.T. - Grand TylerH.A.B. - Hiram AbifH.K.T. - Hiram, King of TyreIll∴ - Illustrious∴ - Three points or dots in atriangular form following aletter is said to have been used in 1774 by the GrandOrient of France. No authorita-tive explanation of the meaningof these points or dots hasbeen found. They may refer tothe three lights around theAltar, the triangle or thenumber three, all significantMasonic symbols. The abbrevi-ation is widely used today bythe Ancient and AcceptedScottish Rite of Freemasonry. It is used as a period followingan abbreviation of a name ortitle, but not as a mark ofpunctuation, ie., Ill∴ BrotherJohn Doe.J.D. - Junior DeaconJ.M.C. - Junior Master of

CeremoniesJ.W. - Junior WardenK.S. - King SolomonL. - LodgeL.L. - Lodges




M.M. - Master MasonP.G.M. - Past Grand Master

(in Pennsylvania Past GrandMasters carry the prefix Right Worshipful orR.W.P.G.M.)

P.M. - Past MasterP. - PursuivantR.W. - Right Worshipful

Title of all elected officers ofthe Grand Lodge of Pennsyl-vania. Past Grand Masters,Past Deputy Grand Masters,Past Grand Wardens by twoyears service and Past GrandTreasurers and Past GrandSecretaries by six yearsservice are also titled asRight Worshipful.

S. or S.S. - Saint or SaintsS.D. - Senior DeaconS.M.C. - Senior Master of

CeremoniesS.W. - Senior WardenT. - TylerV.S.L. - Volume of the Sacred

Law (Holy Bible)W. - WardenW. - WorshipfulW.M. - Worshipful Master


Part of the name Hiram Abif, one of the principal characters in theMasonic legend. The word does not appear in the Englishtranslation of the Bible. In II Chronicles, 4:16, the expression is“Huram, his father,” and in II Chronicles, 2:13, it is “Huram, myfather.” It is a term of respect, thus “Hiram, my father,” or “Hiram,his father,” meaning a Hiram greatly respected and venerated. See: Three Grand Masters


To have left quickly and secretly and hidden oneself; especially, toavoid arrest or prosecution.


Any of various chiefly tropical trees of the genus Acacia, havingcompound leaves and tight clusters of small yellow or whiteflowers. The acacia was used to mark the head of graves as asymbol of immortality.


One who aids or abets a lawbreaker, either before or after thecommission of his crime, without being present at the time thecrime was committed.




To make to conform or agree; bring into harmony.ACCORD(ac-cord´)

Movement forward, i.e., the movement from one degree to thenext.


The book of the Constitution of the Right Worshipful Grand Lodgeof the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free andAccepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic JurisdictionThereunto Belonging. The Ahiman Rezon; or, A Help to a Brother,was prepared in 1756 by Brother Laurence Dermott, GrandSecretary of the Grand Lodge of England according to the OldConstitutions, once called the “Ancients.”

AHIMAN REZON(A-hi´-man Re´-zon)

The knocks at the outer door of the lodge room which areanswered by similar knocks from within.


“The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil andthe good.”

Proverbs 15:3.“Whom the Sun, Moon, and Stars obey, and under whose careeven Comets perform their stupendous revolutions, pervades theinnermost recesses of the heart, and rewards us according to ourfaithfulness and merit.”Ref: Masonic Biography and Dictionary by Augustus Row

ALL-SEEING EYE(all-see´-ing eye)

A structure at the center of the lodge room where the great lights,the Bible with the square and compasses upon it, are displayed.Altars are invested with particular sanctity, so that covenants madeand vows taken there are deemed especially binding.


Hebrew (so be it)Anglo-Saxon equivalent, “So mote it be.”Note: When used in music the word is pronounced Ah-men so asto attain a soft, musical inflection.



Opening of a lodge or the performance of a Masonic ceremony bythe Grand Master. The Grand Lodge is opened in ample form.


The symbolic or blue lodge is opened in ancient form.ANCIENT FORM

Of early origin; existing from a far-past date or period. Seceders in1751 from the Grand Lodge of England (Moderns) were known as“Ancient York Masons.” It was from that Grand Lodge of Englandthat we received our Warrant on July 15, 1761.

ANCIENT [ANTIENT](an-cient York Mason)(ain´-shant)

Long-continued or established practices usually carried on bytradition.


Constitutions of the Freemasons published in 1723 as compiled by Brother James Anderson, D.D., Secretary of the Grand Lodge ofEngland. The Grand Lodge of England, 1717 was called the“Moderns” by the “Ancients.” The Ancients were formed in 1751.


Immortal, spiritual beings attendant upon God; God’s spiritualmessengers.


Variant spelling of ancient; has no hidden meaning.ANTIENT(an´-cient)

A name or title that describes or identifies a person, e.g., brother.APPELLATION(ap-pel-la´-tion)

A garment worn over part of the front of the body for protection.In Freemasonry, the lambskin or white leathern apron is anemblem of innocence; the badge of a Freemason. Every Masonmust wear an apron on entering a lodge. See Article 15.01 to .04,the Ahiman Rezon.

Originally, the apron was worn as a full skin with the legs of thelamb secured by a tape around the Mason’s neck. It protected the




upper part of his clothing when he clasped a heavy stone. Later ashe became more proficient in his trade he had no further use ofthe upper portion or bib, so he let it hang down over the lowerpart. The Masonic apron of today is constructed with a triangularpiece overlapping the lower portion. The significance of the apronis work. It is the initial gift of the Lodge to a candidate, and it isthe final tribute to a Brother.


The art and science of designing and erecting buildings.Considered by Masons to be the chief of the arts from which isdrawn the fraternity’s system of symbolism.


A skilled worker, craftsman. A person adept at designing andconstructing, an inventor. In Genesis 4:22 Tubal Cain is describedas “instructor of every artificer in brass and iron.”


Meetings of the Craft in the Middle Ages were called assembliesaccording to the Old Constitutions. The word was also used toindicate gatherings of larger numbers, perhaps an equivalent to the modern Grand Lodge communications.


Greek (not) plus theos (God); one who does not believe in God.ATHEIST(a´-the-ist)

The act, process, or method of voting, especially by the use ofsecret ballots. (Italian ballotta, small ball or pebble used forvoting.) As little balls were used in voting, the term wastransformed to the act and outcome of the vote.


Discloses, especially inadvertently; betrays or divulges a secret.BEWRAYETH(be-wray´-eth)

The chest, containing the Ten Commandments written on stonetablets, carried by the Hebrews during their desert wanderings. See Exodus 25:10



Entered Apprentice degree, Ruth 4:7; Fellowcraft degree, Judges12:6; and the Master Mason’s degree, I Kings 7:13.


A covering or eye blinder which prevents the wearer from see-ing; a hoodwink.


The color of symbolic Masonry representing the canopy of heaven. Blue is the appropriate color of the first three degrees ofancient craft Masonry, and has been explained as emblematic ofuniversal friendship and benevolence, instructing us that in themind of a Mason those virtues should be as extensive as the bluearch of heaven itself.


Pillar on the porch of Solomon’s Temple at the left. (See II Chronicles 3:15 for description)


One in bondage or being in the custody of another, though not for a crime. A person subject to a master.


A boundary, as between properties; limit.BOURN; also BOURNE(born, boorn)

Vertical supports made of brass or resembling brass in color.BRAZEN PILLARS(bra´-zen pil´-lars)

A compound word of Masonic coinage combining cable (a rope)and tow (a rope for pulling). Used to restrain and also to denotedistance, usually a marine league or three miles.

CABLE TOW(ca´-ble tow)

A term used in Masonic ceremony to call off the Craft torefreshment from labor.




(See CALL OFF above). To call on the Craft to labor fromrefreshments.


One that aspires to or is nominated or qualified for membership or office, i.e., a candidate for the degrees of Freemasonry or acandidate for an office in the lodge.


Covering of the Lodge. Early Lodges met in the open under thecanopy of the heavens.


Of basic importance. In Freemasonry, the cardinal virtues are those on which other virtues depend, i.e., the cardinal virtues oftemperance, fortitude, prudence and justice.


(See CARDINAL ABOVE). The station of the Worshipful Master inthe east, representing the sun, the source of light; the station ofthe junior Warden in the south, representing the sun at itsmeridian, and the station of the Senior Warden in the west,marking the setting of the sun and the closing of the day.


Pertaining to the sky (celestial globe) or to anything divine orheavenly (celestial light).


To unite or make firm, the binding element of brotherhood.CEMENT

A spurious (of illegitimate birth) body established in New YorkCity in 1807 by Joseph Cerneau, a Frenchman born in 1763, underthe name of Sovereign Grand Consistory of the U.S.A., itsterritories and dependencies. Cerneau and his adherents mademuch trouble in the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite bodies formany years. He formed lodges under this spurious authority thatpracticed a form of the first three degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry blue lodges.



An officer of the lodge appointed to offer prayers and assist inrites and ceremonies.


The provision of help or relief to the poor. The first tenet ofFreemasonry.


A journey around; refers symbolically to the passage of the sunthrough the heavens from east to west by way of the south.


To draw a circular line by the compass; symbolic of the boundaryline of Masonic conduct.


Concealed, usually for some secret or illicit purpose. InFreemasonry, illegal, not authorized.


A body uniting in a lodge without the consent of a Grand Lodge,or, although originally legally constituted, continuing to work afterits charter or warrant has been revoked is styled a “ClandestineLodge.”


Opening made by a crack or crevice; a hollow between two parts.CLEFT

Caves and crevices as produced by nature.CLEFT IN THE ROCKS

A supporting pillar consisting of a base, a cylindrical shaft, and acapital.


That which completes or brings to perfection.COMPLEMENT(com´-ple-ment)



Corn, Wine and Oil are Masonic elements of consecration. Corn isreferred to as nourishment. It is also a symbol of resurrection andat its proper time rises to light and is clothed with life and beauty.It has been associated with the Master Mason degree. In theconsecration ceremony the Deputy Grand Master in the East takesup the vessel of corn.


Plentiful or abundant water droplets condensed from the air,usually at night, onto cool surfaces, such as grass. The significanceof dew may be found as spiritual illumination, since it is the trueforerunner of dawn and the approaching day. The clear, purewater of dew is, according to some traditions, closely connectedwith the idea of light.

COPIOUS DEWS(co´-pi-ous doos)

Strife or struggle.CONTENTION(con-ten´-tion)

When a warrant is granted, the Grand Master sets a day for theconsecration of the lodge and the installation of its officers. Thelodge is then, by the authority of the Grand Lodge, considered tobe legally constituted.


Legally established after being granted a warrant by a GrandLodge.


The act, process, or ceremony of consecrating (making, declaringor setting apart as sacred). The elements of consecration inFreemasonry are corn, wine and oil.


Confused; bewildered.CONFOUNDED(con-found´-ed)

A goat’s horn overflowing with fruit, flowers, and corn, signifyingCORNUCOPIA(cor-nu-co´-pi-a)


prosperity; horn of plenty. The jewel of the Grand Stewards. (See also: entry under Symbols.)


A Masonic term which means intruder or one who accidentallyenters where he is not wanted. This is not to be confused with theword eavesdropper or one who deliberately tries to overhear andsee that which is not meant for his eyes and ears.


A term applied to the members of the lodge and Masons generally.CRAFT

A worker of great skill, one who exhibits ingenuity.Note: care must be taken not to infer eight cunning workmen.

CUNNING WORKMAN(cun´-ning work´-man)

Always the symbol of ignorance, mystery, or evil. Many forms ofinitiation, including that of Freemasonry, emphasize the differencebetween darkness and light, the latter symbolizing truth,knowledge and good. The North in the Lodge is called a place ofdarkness.


Second King of Israel. He was much occupied during his reignwith the preparation of material for the erection of the Temple.King Solomon was David’s youngest son.

DAVID, King of Israel

Appointed officers of the lodge who carry the messages of theMaster and the Wardens throughout the lodge. The place of theSenior Deacon is at the right of the Master. The place of the JuniorDeacon is to the right of the Senior Warden.Ref: The Ahiman Rezon


One who believes, solely upon the evidence of reason, in theexistence of God as the creator of the universe — who after setting it in motion abandoned it, assumed no control over life, exertedno influence on natural phenomena, and gave no supernaturalrevelation.




To send down, let fall, to resign voluntarily. In Pennsylvania, aMason does not demit from his lodge, he resigns. He may seek aconditional resignation that serves to protect his current lodgemembership while he petitions for membership in another lodge.


To be made bare or naked.DENUDED(de-núded)

Disparaging; belittling; a statement or implication of a fault.DEROGATORY(de-rog´-a-tory)

Causing damage; harmful.DETRIMENTAL(det-ri-men´-tal)

Very wicked or cruel; fiendish.DIABOLICAL(di-a-bol´-i-cal)

In Pennsylvania, only the Grand Master has the authority tointerpret Masonic law. The Digest of Decisions, therefore, is acompilation of interpretations made by the Grand Masters over the years in which they applied the law as it is generally stated inthe Ahiman Rezon to specific situations. Decisions made by Grand Masters have the authority of Masonic law and can bechanged or deleted only by a subsequent Grand Master.

DIGEST OF DECISIONS(di´-gest of de-cis´-ions)

Facilitate, to finish quickly or promptly.DISPATCH(dis-patch´)

A release or exemption from an obligation or rule.DISPENSATION(dis-pen-sa´-tion)

An officer of the Grand Lodge appointed by the R.W. Grand Masteras his personal representative in each of the Masonic Districts



within the jurisdiction. There are currently 63 Masonic Districts inPennsylvania and, accordingly, 63 District Deputy Grand Masters.


To be stripped, as of clothes.DIVESTED(di-vest´-ed)

Second childhood; senility. A state of mind, not of age.DOTAGE(do´-tage)

An examination following a course of proceedings carried out inaccordance with established rules and principles.


Opening of the Grand Lodge by the Deputy Grand Master.DUE FORM

To heed; to keep in view that which is to be guarded.DUE GUARD(doo-gard)

A reference to the ocean tides.EBBS AND FLOWS

An official proclamation or order issued by the Grand Master thathas the same authority as Masonic law. In Pennsylvania, edicts canbe changed or deleted only by a subsequent Grand Master.


The desire to equal or surpass; ambitious rivalry.EMULATION(em-u-lation)

To provide with some quality or trait; to bestow some mental,social or spiritual quality.




To urge or impose with authority; to order (someone)authoritatively to do something.


Investing with nobility; dignifying.ENNOBLING(en-no´-bling)

To be admitted or introduced. When a candidate receives the firstdegree in Freemasonry, he is said to be entered.


The use of equivocal language, e.g., words capable of twointerpretations, cryptic, evasive, ambiguous: an equivocalstatement.


That which is known to a select few and not the public.ESOTERIC(es-o-ter´-ic)

A Greek mathematician who taught Geometry at Alexandria about300 B.C. The 47th problem of the first book of Euclid, however, issupposed not to have been solved by him, but by Pythagoras.(See: Forty-seventh Problem of Euclid)


A boy or man lacking normal function of testes, as throughcastration.


A room set aside, secured from entering, for the purpose ofexamining one believed to be a Mason.

EXAMINING ROOM(ex-am´-in-ing)

To get money from someone by violence or threats.EXTORT(ex-tort´)

The title of “Free and Accepted Masons” was first used in 1738 byDr. Anderson in the second edition of the Book of Constitutions.



Early operative masons were workers in freestone and were freeto accept work wherever they could find it. Later men interestedin belonging to a Lodge of Freemasons were accepted into thecraft, thereby becoming Accepted Masons. Our official title is: “The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient andHonorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons ofPennsylvania, and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging.” Ashorter title is more commonly used: “R.W. Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania.” (See: Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging)


To turn toward that part of the heavens where the sun rises. InFreemasonry, the east is the source of material light to which isapplied the idea of intellectual light; i.e., the truth to enlighten theworld was first disseminated in the east.


Caused to fall, knocked down.FELLED(feld)

Being of the same kind, group, or society; having in commoncertain characteristics or interests. The second degree inFreemasonry.


The beginning, outset. The first step leads to additional steps andorderly progression.


The state or quality of being healthy both in body and mind.FITNESS(fit´-ness)

Opening of the Grand Lodge by either of the Grand Wardens, orother Brother.


A reference to the story of the creation of the world in Genesis1:2. “And the Earth was without form, and void.”




The theorem that the square formed on the hypotenuse is equal tothe sum of the squares formed on the other two sides of atriangle. An important secret of the builder’s trade. This theorem isbasic to geometric calculations and has been adopted as part ofthe Past Masters’ Jewel.


Not born in slavery.FREE BORN(free´-born)

One of the outstanding peculiarities of Freemasonry, and a qualityalmost unique among societies, is the rule of immemorial standing that no man may be asked, invited, or solicited to enterthe fraternity. This becomes all the more remarkable when onewitnesses the great growth of the fraternity and its expansion allover the world.

So usual is the custom of churches and secular societies toproselytize and, not only to invite, but to urge entrants or joiners,that a society of nearly 4,000,000 in the United States alone, all ofwhom have petitioned of their own free will and accord, would beregarded as a phenomenon if it had not existed so long andbecome so familiar.


The furniture of the lodge, Masonically, is the Holy Bible, squareand compasses, and the warrant. The Holy Bible is dedicated tothe service of God because it is the inestimable gift of God toman; the square to the Master, because it is the proper Masonicemblem of his office; the compasses to the Craft, because, by due attention to their use, members are taught to circumscribetheir desires, and keep their passions within due bounds; and the warrant since no Lodge can work without its warrant beingpresent.


Great Architect of the Universe. The All-wise God, the Creator ofall things. He is the Architect of all things, and as such we bow inhumble submission to His will.


A measuring stick; the 24-inch gauge.GAUGE(gaj; also gage)


An implement of authority used by the Worshipful Master toenforce order and harmony in the lodge.


A celebrated order of knighthood founded in 1429 by Philip theGood, Duke of Burgundy and the Netherlands.


Those men who possess the intrinsic qualities of moral fiber andcharacter.


The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania is usually referred to as TheGrand Lodge of F. (Free) & (and) A. (Accepted) M. (Masons) ofPennsylvania. The official title is: The Right Worshipful GrandLodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free andAccepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic JurisdictionThereunto Belonging.


The Grand Master may give to any Past Grand Master a specialcommission under his private seal to preside at anycommunication in the absence of the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master and Grand Wardens.


An excavation for the interment of a corpse; burial place.GRAVE(grav)

To cut or etch into a metal plate, wooden block, etc. in or on a surface.

GRAVE OR ENGRAVE(grav/en-grave´)

The three great lights in Freemasonry are the Holy Bible, thesquare, and the compasses. The square and the compasses areplaced on the left hand page of the open Bible.


Modes of Masonic recognition by which one Mason may makehimself known to another.




A firm grasp or hold of the hand.GRIP

Vulgar, evident, obvious worship of idols.GROSSEST IDOLATRY

A salute or greeting that catches the attention of another. A sign ofdistress or of greeting.


Dividing into two equal parts.HALVING(hav´-ing)

To cover, conceal, keep secret. It is an old Saxon word that hascaused a considerable amount of controversy among Masonicscholars.


Chopped or cut with an axe or knife; hacked, gashed.HEWN

The legend relating to the drama of Hiram Abif and the part heplayed along with King Solomon and Hiram, King of Tyre, in thebuilding of King Solomon’s Temple.


A prophet who proclaimed the receiving of the Messiah throughbaptism. His feast day falls on June 24 (June 25 if it falls on aSunday). Saint John the Baptist was a humble man, a plain manwho held, above all, his obligation to God. His day is an importantday on the Masonic calendar.


An apostle who was a follower of Christ and was chosen to preachhis gospel. His feast day falls on December 27. It is upon this day(except when it falls on a Sunday) that the Masonic year begins.The Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania is held on December 27 (on the 28th if the 27th falls on aSunday). The R.W. Grand Master and other elected or appointed



officers of the Grand Lodge assume their respective stations andplaces at noon on that day.


Ceremonial acknowledgement, honor or respect publiclyexpressed to a person or idea.


See: blindfoldHOODWINK

Literally parallel with the horizon, considered as the level.HORIZONTAL(hor-i-zon´-tal)

Shamefully, dishonorably, disgracefully.IGNOMINIOUSLY(ig-no-min´-i-ously)

To be wet, soaked, or stained, especially with blood.IMBRUED(im-brue´-d)

Incapable of being penetrated or affected.IMPERVIOUS(im-per´-vi-ous)

Improper action or behaviour, improper use of a word or phrase.IMPROPRIETY(im-pro-pri´-e-ty)

To be made very angry; filled with wrath; enraged.INCENSED(in-cense´-d)

That which cannot be undone or made void.INDEFEASIBLE(in-de-fea´-si-ble)

That which cannot be estimated or measured, that which is toogreat or valuable to be properly measured or appreciated.




Just as the mysteries of God’s truth are available to those whoearnestly knock, the mysteries of Freemasonry are opened by theproper knock at the inner door of the lodge.


A close examination of some matter in a quest for information or truth.


Kept sacred or unbroken.INVIOLATE(in-vi´-o-late)

Pillar on the porch of Solomon’s Temple at the right. See II Chronicles 3:15-17 for description


A point or line of joining or connection; a point of time.JUNCTURE(junc´-ture)

An appointed officer of the lodge who carries messages of theSenior Warden to the Junior Warden.


An elected officer of the lodge whose station is in the South. Inthe absence of the Senior Warden he will take his station. In theabsence of the Worshipful Master and the Senior Warden he willtake the station of the Worshipful Master. When the Lodge is called off, it is under his authority.


The range or sphere of authority.Note: In the United States a Grand Lodge’s jurisdiction is withinthe geographical boundaries of the state.


Time prescribed by Masonic law as reasonable (neither more orless than precisely exact).



The Past Grand Masters are regarded as the conservators of theancient usages, customs, and landmarks of Freemasonry by reasonof their experience. The Committee on Landmarks shall consist ofall Past Grand Masters, who in conjunction with the Grand Master,the Deputy Grand Master, the Senior Grand Warden and the Junior Grand Warden, shall be a standing committee to which shall be referred all questions touching the ancient usages,customs, landmarks of the fraternity, and the Constitution of theGrand Lodge of Pennsylvania. There is nothing to be put inwriting that violates the landmarks of the fraternity. The GrandLodge is governed by no law other than the landmarks ofFreemasonry. Pennsylvania does not list the landmarks. Allquestions as to whether a landmark has been violated are decidedby the Committee on Landmarks.


Information received from one known to be a Freemason or given by one known to be a Freemason.


A gesture or motion that conveys information (lawful sign), anorder to attend or perform some action (summonses). Also, a call,command, knock or other signal that summons.


All symbolic lodges working under the Grand Lodge ofPennsylvania must have a lawful warrant issued by the GrandLodge and must be duly constituted by the Grand Lodge beforethey can be considered legitimate, recognized parts thereof. Lodge anniversaries are celebrated according to their date ofconstitution, not the date a warrant was issued.


The manner or position in which something is situated (lay). To set (a piece of wood, metal, etc.) into a surface to form adesign that is usually level with the surface (inlay).

LAY OR INLAY(in-lay´)

Operative masons (fellow craftsmen) tucked up the left-handcorner of their aprons to form a pocket for tools.




The three lesser lights are represented in the sun, the moon, andthe Worshipful Master. They are symbolized by the three burningtapers that stand at the northeast, northwest and southwest corners of the altar.


Term for the son of a Mason who becomes a member of the Craftbefore he reaches the age of 21 years. In Pennsylvania andEngland, a lewis is a symbol of strength; a man’s strength asrepresented in his son.


A person unrestrained by convention or morality; a free thinker,especially in religious matters.


Something that is used to bind or unite.LIGATE(li´-gate)

Light is universally recognized as a symbol of intelligence,information, knowledge and truth, as opposed to darkness, whichsymbolizes ignorance and evil. In Masonic ceremony, thecandidate is said to be brought from darkness to light.


Not serious, carrying little weight; not important, commonplace.LIGHT AND TRIVIAL(triv´-i-al)

The lion of the Tribe of Judah and the grip of the lion’s paw havelong been symbols of strength.


The lodge has been the center of Masonic activity and interestfrom earliest times to the present. Both the lodge and the fraternity have changed over the years, but the essential relation ofthe lodge to the organization as a whole has remained constant. Itis still the basic place of assembly; where Masons are made; wherethey meet, and where they work.



There is no recognized, official lodge of sorrow although a specialmeeting of a lodge for the purpose of honoring the memory of adeceased brother is often called by that term.(See: Form for Recording Minutes, Form No. 87; also AhimanRezon, Section G — Masonic Burial Service)


Lost, misplaced, not recovered; not to be found. It is that mysticalunknown that Masons are searching for. As workers we areclothed at death with the craftsman’s apron in the belief that thatwhich was lost we will find in that land not made with hands,eternal in the heavens.


The lowest point reached by anything, e.g., the lowest pointreached by a body of water (sea, ocean, etc.) when it recedes toits limit.


A real or legendary Spartan lawgiver, who lived about the 9thcentury B.C.


An authority peculiar to the Grand Master to convene the Craft,select a candidate without compelling him to pass a lodge ballot,and in a lodge called by him, have the three degrees conferred inhis presence. The candidate, although made a Mason, mustpetition a lodge to become a member thereof.


“Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging” became a part of itsofficial title when the independent Grand Lodge of Pennsylvaniawas formed on September 26, 1786. The title was addeddeliberately to signify the Grand Lodge had under its jurisdictionlodges located outside the boundaries of the state.


The interval from one stated meeting to the stated meeting on thecorresponding day in the next ensuing month, or from an extrameeting to the same number of days after the next stated meeting(except by virtue of a Dispensation).




The Worshipful Master is the highest officer of authority in thelodge. He has charge of the warrant of constitution and to himbelongs the appointment of all officers not otherwise provided forin the by-laws. No one can be elected to the office without havingserved a full year as a Warden.(See: Ahiman Rezon)


An appointed officer of the lodge seated in front and to the rightof the Senior Warden. His business is to attend to the door of thepreparing room.


An appointed officer of the Lodge seated in front and to the left ofthe Senior Warden. His business is to attend to the door of theexamining room.


The primary emblem of authority in the lodge. When a Masoniclodge is open only the Worshipful Master is entitled to wear thehat of authority while presiding in the east. In Pennsylvania, theMaster will wear the high black hat.Ref: Digest of Decisions


Careful, thoughtful study.MATURE DELIBERATION(mature´ de-lib-e-ra´-tion)

Intellectual limitation, condition or exception.MENTAL RESERVATION(men´-tal res-er-va´-tion)

Motivated solely by a desire for monetary or material gain; greedy,venal.


Deserving reward or praise, having merit.MERITORIOUS(mer-i-tor -e-as)


Rules of conduct relating to personal behavior.MORAL CODE(mor´-al code)

Utter, complete destruction.NAUGHT MIGHTREMAIN, ETC.

Those questions that must be asked that are specifically requiredto be answered.


The descendants of Noah. A term applied to Freemasons on thetheory derived from the legend of the craft that Noah was thefather and founder of the Masonic system of theology. Hence,there are Freemasons who claim to be his descendants becausethey have preserved the pure principles of his religion, the beliefin one true God, amid the corruptions of surrounding faiths.


A beginner, someone new.NOVITIATE(NOVICIATE)(no-vish´-e-it)

In Freemasonry, the obligations are those solemn agreements,covenants and promises made by Entered Apprentices, Fellowcraftsand Master Masons in the reception of these several ranks. Mustnot be confused with oath.


A plain figure with four right angles and four sides, two parallelsides being longer than the other two parallel sides. Two equalsquares placed adjacent to each other, making the figure twice aslong as it is wide. The floor of Solomon’s Temple was 30 by 60feet. A rectangle; the shape of a Lodge.


An element of consecration in the dedication of a lodge room orthe laying of a cornerstone. Oil is a symbol of prosperity andhappiness and is called the oil of joy. The Junior Grand Warden inthe south holds the vessel containing the oil.




The chair of the Grand Master and the Worshipful Master is calledthe oriental chair because it is situated in the east and symbolizesthe throne of King Solomon.

ORIENTAL CHAIR(o-ri-en´-tal)

Fine white marble found in Paros, an island of the Cyclades in theAegean Sea. In the sun it appeared as silver. Considered the finestmarble.


The advancement from the entered apprentice degree to thefellowcraft degree.


A word intended, like the military countersign, to prove thefriendly nature of him who gives it, and is a test of his right topass or be admitted into a certain place.


A sign that denotes a penalty.PENAL SIGN(pe-nal)

To take action in accordance with the requirement and to carrythrough to completion.


Having willfully told a lie while under lawful oath or affirmation;having broken an oath.


A device, such as a plumb line, used in marking the vertical from agiven point. In mathematics, intersecting at or forming right angles.(See plumb in Chapter on Symbols.)


A person of importance or distinction notable.PERSONAGE(per´-son-age)


Permeated, spread, or diffused throughout.PERVADED(per-vad´-ed)

A rectangular support or pier projecting partially from a wall andtreated architecturally as a column, with a base, shaft, and capital.


There are five points of fellowship. They serve the double purposeof instructing in fraternal duties and forming a mode ofrecognition.


One who seeks admission into the Fraternity searching forMasonic light; not being able to understand and without adequatedirection or knowledge.


A room set aside for the purpose of preparing the candidate toreceive his degrees. It is secured to prevent others from entering.


An exclusive right or privilege held by a person or group,especially an hereditary or official right. The Grand Master hasprerogatives inherent in the office.


An animal hunted or killed for food by another; or that whichcould be devoured by an animal or bird of prey.


The period of testing or trial.PROBATIONARY(pro-ba´-tion-a-ry)

One not initiated into the Fraternity or Craft, a non-Mason.PROFANE(pro-fane´)

Before action can be taken in an endeavor, a person or objectmust be placed in the proper or correct position to facilitate thisfurther action.




Extended in time or prolonged.PROTRACTED(pro-tract´-ed)

The state or quality of being near; nearness in space, time, etc.PROXIMITY(prox-sim´-a-te)

In reference to the lodge, it is the first step taken in the opening.The lodge is freed of all non-Masons or those Masons who, for anyreason, are not entitled to attend.


An appointed officer of the lodge, seated in front of the SeniorWarden, whose business is to attend to the outer door.


Decomposed; rotten and foul smelling.PUTRID(poo´-trid)

A celebrated Greek philosopher who followed the doctrine that“all things are numbers.” He is credited with solving the forty-seventh problem of Euclid’s first book of Geometry.(See: Forty-seventh Problem of Euclid)


The advancement from the fellowcraft degree to the MasterMason’s degree; signifying the completion of the third degreeceremony.


Renounced in a formal or public manner.RECANTED(re-cant´-ed)

The legitimacy of Masonic authority. Grand Lodges in agreement,in amity, recognize the legitimate authority of each other. Members of lodges of recognized Grand Lodges are permitted tovisit lodges of other recognized Grand Lodges. No Mason may visit the lodges of a Grand Lodge not recognized by his GrandLodge.



Moral uprightness; straightness.RECTITUDE(rec´-ti-tude)

Hard to manage, stubborn, obstinate.REFRACTORY(re-frac´-to-ry)

A lodge legally warranted and duly constituted by a recognizedGrand Lodge.


Right Worshipful is part of the title of the Grand Master ofPennsylvania. All other Grand Masters use the title MostWorshipful. The Right Worshipful Grand Master is the highestelected official in Freemasonry in Pennsylvania whose decisionsand edicts have the force of Masonic law.

He is supreme in all matters concerning the fraternity and isresponsible for the peace, harmony and order of the Craft.Whoever wears the jewel of the office and occupies the station ofthe Grand Master in his absence is to be regarded and addressedduring that time as the Right Worshipful Grand Master.


A prescribed form or particular system of ceremonial proceduresuch as the York Rite and Scottish Rite. In the United States, theYork Rite is comprised of Grand Lodges, Grand Chapters, GrandCouncils and Grand Commanderies as well as all symbolic lodgesas they are subordinate to the Grand Lodges.

The Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite is divided into two supremecouncils. The Southern Jurisdiction is the “Mother Council of theWorld” with headquarters in the House of the Temple inWashington, D.C. The Northern Jurisdiction is headquartered inBoston, Massachusetts. The supreme councils have recognized theexclusive control of Craft Masonry, the first three degrees, by theGrand Lodges.


The standard representing an eagle carried at the head of eachRoman Legion.




The place in King Solomon’s Temple where the Ark of theCovenant was located, the holy of holies. It was described assituated in the western end of the temple, separated from the restof the building by a heavy curtain, and enclosed on three sides bydead walls without any aperture or window. It was secluded andset apart from all intrusion.

SANCTUM SANCTORUM(sanc´-tum sanc-tor´-um)

A specific design approved and adopted by a lodge to attest to thelegality of its documents.


An elected officer of the lodge who is charged with keeping therecord of all transactions of the lodge proper to be committed towriting.


The avoidance of duty, etc., by deceit or cleverness.SELF EVASION(e-va´-sion)

Outward form or appearance, the look or appearance ofsomething else.


An appointed officer of the lodge who carries messages of theWorshipful Master to the Senior Warden.


An elected officer of the lodge whose station is in the West. In theabsence of the Worshipful Master he is to take the station of theWorshipful Master.


Educators, as far back as the Middle Ages, divided their curriculuminto seven branches of learning, divided into two groups. The firstgroup, called the quadrivium, is composed of arithmetic,geometry, music and astronomy. The second group is comprisedof grammar, rhetoric and logic, known as the trivium.



A password used to identify a person.See: Judges 12:6 for its origin.


See: ApronSKINS

Grasps that will not hold, regardless of how they are applied.SLIP GRIPS

An earnest, serious command or accusation.SOLEMN CHARGE

So may it be, so be it. Early Masonic literature often lists an amen,followed by so mote it be, after a prayer. The giver affirming hisprayer; the listeners agreeing by either repeating the amen orsaying, so mote it be.



First an angle, but not just an angle; it is a 90° angle. In fact, it isthe perfect angle, the angle of angles, for it is the one angle whichis of utmost importance to the builder. The square is the only trueangle with which stones may be shaped to be placed one uponthe other with the assurance of greatest strength and support. Bythe square only is the building built upright, straight and strong.


To assume a standing or upright position and to maintain it.STANDEST

A command to stand erect as with military bearing, not slouching(drooping posture).


The highest order of knighthood in England.STAR AND GARTER,ORDER OF THE



A symbol of the five points of fellowship. Five point stars areembroidered on the collars of Grand Lodge elected officers.


Firm or unyielding, inflexible, domineering.STERN AND IMPERIOUS(im-per´-i-ous)

Appointed officers of the Grand Lodge who sit to the right and leftof the Grand Pursuivant. They act as Masters of Ceremonies.(See: Ahiman Rezon, Article 12.16)


The examination of evidence and applicable law by a competenttribunal to determine the issue of specified charges and claims.


The examination of evidence through proper investigation andinterrogation.

STRICT TRIAL, DUEEXAMINATION(doo ex-zam-a-na´-shan)

A lodge subject to the supreme authority of a Grand Lodge, asymbolic or blue lodge.

SUBORDINATE (LODGE)(sa-bor´-da-nit)

To feel pain or distress; sustain loss, injury, harm or punishment;to endure or bear; stand.


Order from Master or Grand Master to appear at a meeting.SUMMONS(sum´-mons)

The family last name as distinguished from a given name. A nameor description added to a person’s given name, e.g., Hiram Abif,the Craftsman, was surnamed Abif to distinguish him from hisfather, Hiram.



Something that represents something else by association,resemblance, or convention; especially, a material object used torepresent something invisible, e.g., the trowel is used to spreadcement, but is a symbol to spread brotherly love and affectionamong speculative Masons.


An ancient ceremony in which the lodge meets, with prescribedritual in the entered apprentice degree, for a communicationaround a table at which food and a non-alcoholic beverage isserved. Toasts are made and responses given according toprescribed guidelines. Because a table lodge is a lodge meeting, itmust be tyled and be conducted under the same strict rules andprocedures as other lodge meetings.


“Ask, and it shall be given you;Seek, and ye shall find;Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”Matthew 7:7


Solomon, King of Israel, the son of King David and Bathsheba,responsible for building the Temple of the Lord.Hiram, King of Tyre, to whom King Solomon was indebted forgreat help in the building of the Temple.Hiram Abif, the widow’s son, celebrated architect of KingSolomon’s Temple. He was sent to King Solomon by Hiram, Kingof Tyre.The three Grand Masters were contemporaries, living c. 1000 B.C.Ref: II Chronicles 2.






An elected officer of the lodge charged with the responsibility tokeep a correct account of all monies received by him, and to payout the same only on orders drawn upon him by the authority ofthe lodge.(See: Ahiman Rezon)


Belief and trust in God and in the doctrines expressed in theScriptures or other sacred works. By Hebrew standards, true faithwas that faith established by Abraham, father of the faithful, andthe friend of God.


The Gothic legends recite how the sciences were founded by thefour children of Lamech, the smith’s craft by Tubal Cain. He isdescribed in Genesis as an “instructor of every artificer in brassand iron.”


Archaic form of two.TWAIN(twan)

Measurements used by ancient Hebrews. A measure (dry) wasequal to approximately one and one-quarter pecks; a bath was aliquid measure equal to approximately eight and one-quartergallons.

20,000 MEASURES,— 20,000 BATHS

Properly shielded from outside influence and from eavesdroppers.A lodge is tyled when the Tyler, the appointed officer stationed atthe outer door, is officially notified that a lodge is opened.


An appointed officer of a Lodge, whose duty is to guard the outerdoor of the Lodge and to permit no one to enter who is not dulyqualified.(See: Ahiman Rezon)

TYLER (TILER)(tyl´-er)

Offense, resentment.UMBRAGE(um´-brage)


The condition of being unanimous, in complete agreement oraccord.


Not hallowed (made or set apart as holy) or consecrated such as aburial place or grave.


Common practice gained through habit. Masonically, ancient usage and custom refers to common practices gained throughcommon consent over the years, but not covered specifically byMasonic law.


Lavishness, a pouring forth, abundance.VAST PROFUSION

Behavior beyond what is required or sufficient, excessive behavior.

VICES AND SUPERFLUITIES(su-per-flu´-i-ties)

The Holy book of the dominant religion. This could be the HolyBible (regardless of translation); the Pentateuch or the first fivebooks of the Old Testament of the Hebrews; the New Testamentof the Christians; the Koran of the Muslims; the Zend Avesta of thePersians; the Tripitaka of the Buddhists; the Rig Veda and otherVedas of the Brahmins; the Tao Te King of the Taoists of China;the Bhagavad-Gita of the Hindus; and the Book of Mormon of theLatter Day Saints. In Pennsylvania it is the Holy Bible with both theOld and New Testaments, no specified translation or edition.


Wands of the Senior and Junior Deacon are symbolic of thosecarried by early messengers who, under a flag of neutrality(white), were free to travel. The blue is symbolic of honor.Masonically, blue indicates universal brotherhood and alsorepresents the blue dome of heaven.


See Junior Warden and Senior Warden, respectively.(See: Ahiman Rezon 18.4-5)




Every lodge must be lawfully warranted by the Grand Lodge andduly and solemnly constituted by the Grand Master and hisofficers. It must acknowledge the absolute authority of the GrandLodge. A warrant is not a charter.When there is no warrant displayed, there can be no lodgeopened. The Worshipful Master, when he cannot attend, shall givethe warrant to the Senior Warden, and in his absence to the JuniorWarden; and if all three are absent, no lodge can be opened,except by the Right Worshipful Grand Master, or some brotherspecially authorized by him for that purpose.


The state of a candidate who has met all the requirementsprescribed by Masonic law and is ready to advance.



Hiram Abif, “a widow’s son, of the tribe of Naphtali.”WIDOW’S SON(wid´-ow’s)

An element of consecration in the dedication of a lodge room orthe laying of a cornerstone. In the Consecration Prayer it is calledthe wine of refreshment. It is the Senior Grand Warden in the westwho takes up the vessel of wine.(See: Ahiman Rezon, Section 3, 3.01)


Important words in Pennsylvania Masonry, they appear on alllodge warrants, on certificates and in ceremonies. They arereminders of the need for knowledge and understanding; thepower to resist strain, stress and temptation, and the pride thatcomes from being an integral part of a true brotherhood of manunder the fatherhood of God.


A contradiction in terms since no woman can be made a Mason.There are accounts of women who have been initiated and



obligated, but such acts were conducted in clandestine lodges notrecognized by the Grand Lodges in this country. The manner ofmaking Masons is a landmark of the fraternity and cannot beviolated.


Masonically, the conferring of degrees and the conducting of thebusiness of the lodge.


From the Anglo-Saxon, worthship (worthy); honorable orrespectable. The term has no religious or sacred implication.


The highest elected officer of the Symbolic Lodge, whose duty isto enforce the observance of the Constitution, the Laws andRegulations of the Grand Lodge, and the By-Laws of his lodge;and see that the officers discharge their duties faithfully; that trueand correct accounts are kept, and exhibited at the stated times,according to the By-Laws and orders of the lodge and itsWorshipful Master; and that the property and funds of the lodgeare justly managed and dispensed.

It is also his duty to attend all Communications of the GrandLodge. He is empowered to call special meetings of his lodge atpleasure. He has charge of the warrant of constitution, which mustalways be displayed in the lodge when it is opened, and during itslabors. To him belongs the appointment of all officers of the lodgenot elective, and of all committees not otherwise provided for.


A base, mean or despicable person; vile.WRETCH

Formed or fashioned; shaped by hammering or beating,as when working with metal.


A city in Palestine pronounced alternately Zur-u-DA-theh or Ze-RED-a-thuh. Freemasons pronounce it Ze-RED-a-thuh.


Masonic SymbolsCHAPTER III


he symbols included in thisportion of The Exemplar arethose symbols of particularimportance and interest tothe Freemasons ofPennsylvania.

Many of the familiarsymbols found on artifactsand in volumes of Masonic

importance, such as the beehive, Jacob’sLadder, etc., are not included in this text.While those symbols may have majorimportance to other jurisdictions inFreemasonry, they are not used in thesymbolic presentation of the fraternity inPennsylvania.


Masonic SymbolsCHAPTER III

ACACIAThe Acacia tree, native of warm climates, issometimes spelled Cassia. There is somedifficulty in retracing the symbolic use of theAcacia, though certain it is that some evergreenhas been used for many years, possiblycenturies, as a symbol of immortality or ofresurrection. By that authority, the acacia marksthe head of the grave and is an emblem ofimmortality.

ALL-SEEING EYE“The eyes of Jehovah are in every place,beholding the evil and the good.” “Whom theSun, Moon, and Stars obey, and under whosecare even Comets perform their stupendousrevolutions, pervades the innermost recesses ofthe heart, and rewards us according to ourfaithfulness and merit.”

ALTARThe Altar in the center of a Masonic lodgesymbolizes an intangible but potent force andthat spark of divinity which must operate at thecenter of a Masonic life. The kneeling cushionattests to the fact that all Masons have knelt at



All-Seeing Eye


an Altar. Altars to be used in lodge roomsshould be approximately 34 inches long, 24inches wide and 24 inches high.

APOLLO (A-poll-o)The head depicted in the Grand Lodge seal isthat of Apollo in Greek mythology. He was notonly a sun god but god of pure streaming light,particularly of the light of heaven, and thisphase of his character was made moreconspicuous by the fact of his mother’s namebeing Leto, “darkness,” strictly “goddess of thedark night.” Therefore Apollo symbolizes lightfrom darkness.

APRONMasonic aprons are made of white lamb-skinand are 15 inches wide and 13 inches deep,square at the bottom, with a one and one-halfinch blue border; the flap is triangular inshape, with a one inch blue border. The nameand number of the lodge may be imprinted onthem.

APRON FLAPThe operative masons turned the edge of theiraprons up and tucked them in to provide apocket for holding their tools. Masonically, thepurpose is symbolic.


Apron Flap



Masonic SymbolsCHAPTER III

ARCHITECTUREAs geometry is the science on which Masonryis founded, architecture is the art from which itborrows the language of its symbolic instruc-tion. In the earlier ages of the order everyMason was either an operative mechanic or asuperintending architect. And something morethan a superficial knowledge of the principlesof architecture is absolutely essential to theMason who would either understand theformer history of the Institution or appreciateits present objects. Hence, the use of the fiveorders of architecture: the tuscan, the doric, theionic, the corinthian, and the composite. Herewe have simplicity and strength; plainness and

naturalness; solidity and ingenuity; artistry anddelicacy, and the composite, which seems toinclude the features of the other four inaddition to being ornamental.

ASHLARA hewn stone. The rough ashlar symbolizesman’s imperfect state by nature. The perfectashlar symbolizes the state of perfection arrivedat by virtuous education.

ASHLAR, PERFECTA stone that has been hewed, squared, andpolished, so as to be fit for use in the building.Masonically, it is a symbol of the state ofperfection attained by means of education.

ArchitectureRough Ashlar

Perfect Ashlar


ASHLAR, ROUGHA stone in its rude and natural state.Masonically, it is a symbol of man’s naturalstate of ignorance.

BLINDFOLD (See: Hoodwink)

BRAZEN PILLARSTwo brazen pillars were set up on either sideof a long aisle or porch of King Solomon’sTemple, that on the right being Jachin and thaton the left Boaz. Symbolically, Boaz and Jachinrepresent, respectively, strength and establish-

ment and are mentioned in a text of Scripture:“In strength will I establish this my house andkingdom forever.”II Chron. 3:17

CABLE TOWThe cable tow is a heavy rope by which a massmay be hauled, pulled, or towed. Originally thesymbolic length of a Mason’s cable tow was aslong as an hour’s journey, approximately threemiles. Today a Mason is bound to his lodgeand brethren by a tie as long and strong as hisconscience dictates.

Brazen Pillars Cable Tow


CHAPLAINS’ JEWEL (See: Open Bible)

CHARITYThe comforting of those made destitutethrough no fault of their own.

COLUMNSThe Warden’s columns represent Jachin andBoaz. While the lodge is at labor the columnsare perpendicular for the Senior Warden, andhorizontal for the junior Warden. While thelodge is at refreshment, the positions arereversed.

COMMON GAVELThe common gavel is used to shape roughstones for the builder’s use; a symbol toremind us, as Masons, to better prepareourselves for “…that spiritual temple, thathouse not made with hands, eternal in theheavens.” The gavel is also the tongue of thelodge and commands order.

COMPASSESIn operative Masonry, the compasses are usedfor the measurement of the architect’s plans,and to enable him to give those just proportionswhich will insure beauty as well as stability tohis work. In speculative Masonry, this important





Corn Columns

Masonic SymbolsCHAPTER III


implement is symbolic of that even tenor ofdeportment, that true standard of rectitudewhich alone can bestow happiness here andfelicity hereafter. Hence the compasses are themost prominent emblem of virtue, the true andonly measure of a Mason’s life and conduct.

CORNOne of the three elements of Masonicconsecration, and as a symbol of plenty it isintended, under the name of the “corn ofnourishment,” to remind us of those temporalblessings of life, support, and nourishmentwhich we receive from the Giver of all good.

CORNUCOPIALiterally this term means the horn of plentyand it originated with a Greek myth. It hasbecome generally a symbol of abundance, andMasonically has been adopted as the jewel ofthe Grand Stewards, because it was originallytheir duty to superintend the dinners andrefreshments of the lodge.

CROSS KEYSJewel of the Treasurers

CROSS PENS (Quills)Jewel of the Secretaries

Cross Keys

Cross PensCross Pens

CornucopiaGrand Stewards’ Jewel Grand Treasurer’s Jewel

Deputy Grand Secretary’s JewelGrand Secretary’s JewelSecretaries’ Jewel



CROSS RODSJewel of the Senior Master of CeremoniesJewel of the Junior Master of Ceremonies

CROSS SWORDSJewel of the Pursuivants

DEPUTY GRAND MASTER’S JEWELThe compasses and square united, with theblazing sun in the center.

DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERJewel of the District Deputy Grand Master isthe blazing sun in the center of a wreathcomposed of two branches of laurel, tied by aribbon.

DOVE AND THE OLIVE BRANCHJewel of the Senior DeaconJewel of the Junior Deacon

EARThe attentive ear symbolizes that we learnmore from listening than from talking.

Masonic SymbolsCHAPTER III

Deputy Grand Master’s Jewel

FaithThe Attentive Ear

Cross Rods

Cross Swords

Grand Pursuivant’s Jewel


Masters ofCeremonies’



FAITHThe acceptance and complete confidence insomething without doubt or question; faith inGod; faith in one’s friend; faith in the morallaw, etc. Every Freemason is taught to havefaith in the wise purposes of the Creator.

FAITH, HOPE AND CHARITYFaith, hope and charity admonish us to havefaith in God, hope for immortality, and charityfor all mankind. (See: 1 Corinthians 13:13)


FORTY-SEVENTHPROBLEM OF EUCLIDIs the theorem that the square formed on thehypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squaresformed on the other two sides of a triangle. Animportant secret of the builder’s trade. Thistheorem is basic to geometric calculations andhas been adopted as part of the Past Master’sJewel.

Faith (left), Hope (right), Charity (center)

District DeputyGrand Master’s Jewel Dove and the Olive Branch

Forty-SeventhProblem of Euclid

Grand Deacons’ Jewel

Deacons’ Jewel


Masonic SymbolsCHAPTER III

G (See: Letter G)

GLOBESSymbolic of the universality of Freemasonry.One celestial and one terrestrial globe appearon the pillars, Jachin and Boaz.

GLOVESGloves are intended to teach the wearer thatthe acts of a Freemason should be as pure andspotless as the gloves he wears. “Who shallascend,” say the Psalmist, “into the hill of the

Lord or who shall stand in His Holy place? Hethat hath clean hands and a pure heart.” InMasonry the apron may be said to refer to thepure heart, the gloves to the clean hands. Bothare significant to purification.

GRAND MARSHALCarries a sword and it is his duty to proclaimthe Grand Officers, form and regulate allprocessions of the Grand Lodge, make allnecessary proclamations, and enforce theorders of the Grand Master.

Grand Marshal’sJewel



Terrestrial Celestrial


GRAND MASTER’S JEWELThe compasses extended to 45° with thesegment of a circle at the points and an eyewithin a triangle, surmounting a glory, in thecenter.

GRAND STEWARDS (See: Cornucopia)

GRAND SWORD BEARERThe broadsword or sword of state carriedimmediately in front of the R.W. Grand Masterby the Grand Sword Bearer.

GREAT LIGHTS(See: Three Great Lights)

HATIn Pennsylvania, the hat has a significantmeaning and its design and use is establishedby Masonic law. The Grand Master andWorshipful Masters (or Acting WorshipfulMasters) will wear the high black hat whenappropriate.(See glossary: Master’s Hat)

HatGrand Master’s Jewel

Grand Sword Bearer’sJewel

Right Worshipful Grand Master


Masonic SymbolsCHAPTER III

HOLY BIBLEThe Great Light of Freemasonry; the symbol ofthe will of God. A Masonic Lodge cannotlawfully transact business without an openBible on its Altar.

HOODWINKA symbol of the secrecy, silence and darknessin which the mysteries of our art should bepreserved from the unhallowed gaze of theprofane. It has been supposed to have asymbolic reference to the passage in John 1:5.“And the light shineth in the darkness; and thedarkness comprehended it not.” But it is morecertain that there is in the hoodwink a

representation of the mystical darkness whichalways preceded the rites of the ancientinitiations.

HOPEHope is the desire accompanied with expecta-tion of obtaining what is desired, or a beliefthat it is obtainable.

JUNIOR DEACONS’ JEWEL (See: Doveand the Olive Branch)



Holy Bible – Great Light



LAMBSKINThe lambskin or white leathern apron, is asymbol of innocence, purity, honorable labor,and exemplary conduct in our daily lives. It isthe first item with which a Mason is invested. Inmost cases, it is also the last item bestowed byhis lodge. Pages have been written about theMasonic apron, but it can all be summed up inthe familiar phrase: “It is the badge of a Mason.”

LESSER LIGHTS (See: Three Lesser Lights)

LETTER GThe letter G has always been a prominentsymbol in Freemasonry. As geometry is thescience on which Freemasonry is founded, theletter G has often been identified with

geometry. Moreover for Free and AcceptedMasons, the letter G should always relate to theGreat Creator, the Great Artificer, the GreatGeometrician of the Universe who rules in ourlives.

LEVELJewel of the Senior WardenThe level symbolizes equality, labor andopportunity. It represents the democraticidealism which urges us to join others andenjoy the privileges of assisting and associatingwith our fellowmen while traveling upon thelevel of time toward an undiscovered country.

LIGHTS (See: Three Great Lights and ThreeLesser Lights)

Hope Lambskin


Letter G Senior Grand Warden’s Jewel Senior Warden’s Jewel


Masonic SymbolsCHAPTER III


MOSAIC FLOORINGMosaic flooring is the symbol of good and evil,and a constant reminder of the vicissitudes ofhuman life.

OPEN BIBLEJewel of the Chaplains (Symbolic Lodge)Jewel of the Chaplains (Grand Lodge)

PAST DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS’ JEWELThe compasses and square only.

PAST GRAND MASTERS’ JEWELThe jewel of the Past Grand Master is thecompasses and square united, with the radiantsun, in the center, setting behind clouds, andwith the gavel pendent between the legs of thecompasses.

PAST MASTERS’ JEWEL (See: square withforty-seventh problem of Euclid suspendedfrom it)

Past Deputy Grand Masters’ Jewel

Open Bible

Mosaic Flooring

Past Grand Masters’ JewelRight Worshipful Past Deputy Grand Master Right Worshipful Past Grand Master

Chaplains’ Jewel Grand Chaplains’ Jewel


PEDESTALUsed at the stations of the Master, SeniorWarden and Junior Warden to hold thenecessary implements pertaining to the office,e.g., Master: Holy Bible, gavel, ashlar, square,compasses, plumb, level, trowel and 24-inchgauge. A copy of the Ahiman Rezon, Digest ofDecisions and the By-laws of the Lodge. SeniorWarden: Column, gavel, ashlar. A copy of theAhiman Rezon, the By-laws of the Lodge. JuniorWarden: Column, square, and compasses. A

copy of the Ahiman Rezon, and the By-laws ofthe Lodge.

PILASTERA flat, rectangular, vertical member projectingfrom a wall of which it forms a part. It usuallyhas a base and a capital and is often fluted.

PILLARS (Pill-ars)The temple was symbolically supported bythree grand pillars denominated Wisdom,Strength and Beauty.

Pedestal Pilaster Pillars


Masonic SymbolsCHAPTER III

PLUMBJewel of the Junior WardenThe plumb symbolizes uprightness; adetermination to excel in all worthwhile efforts,and the development of mind, soul andconscience.

POINT WITHIN A CIRCLEIntroduced about 1730, the point represents anindividual Mason and the circle the boundaryline of his conduct. The point within a circlewas the operative Mason’s great secret of howto try his square.

PURSUIVANTS’ JEWEL (See: Cross Swords)

SEAL OF THE GRAND LODGEF. & A.M. OF PENNSYLVANIARepresented by the head of the sun god Apolloas the center from which emanate rays of lightor glory. The legend, Grand Lodge ofPennsylvania and Virtute, Silentio, Amore(virtue, silence, love) is contained in a circle atthe outer edge.

SECRETARIES’ JEWEL (See: Cross Pens(Quills))

SENIOR DEACONS’ JEWEL (See: Doveand the Olive Branch)

Point within a CirclePlumb

Junior Grand Warden’s Jewel

Junior Warden’s Jewel




SETTING MAULA wooden hammer used by operative Masonsto set the stones in their proper position. Inspeculative Masonry it is a symbol in the thirddegree, reminding us of the death of thebuilder of the temple, which is said to havebeen effected by this instrument.

SLIPPERTo mention one item and member, the slipperand foot, one needs but to read the fourthchapter of Ruth, 7th verse. And to go further,

the slipper, sandal or shoe has symbolicmeaning as written in the third chapter ofExodus, 5th verse; the fifth chapter of Joshua,15th verse; and also the seventh chapter ofActs, 33rd verse. A symbol of a man’swillingness to enter into an agreement in thathe took off his slipper as the means ofguaranteeing his commitment. (See: Ruth 4:7; Exodus 3:5; Joshua 5:15. andActs 7:33)


SQUAREJewel of the Worshipful Master(See also: Square and Compasses)



Setting Maul

Seal of the Grand LodgeF. & A.M. of Pennsylvania

Masters’ Jewel


Masonic SymbolsCHAPTER III

SQUARE AND COMPASSESThe square and compasses resting on the openBible form the three great lights of Free-masonry. The square is symbolic of rectitude inlife and conduct; also of morality, truthfulnessand honesty. The compasses, a symbol ofrestraint of passions, intemperance, and excesstemper, also teaches us to circumscribe ourdesires and keep them within the bounds of areputable life.


STARSSeven is considered to be the perfect numberbecause it is made up of three and four,representing the triangle and the square, thetwo perfect figures.

Freemasons see the seven-point star asrepresenting the quadrivium, the higher divisionof the seven liberal arts in the Middle Ages,composed of geometry, astronomy, arithmetic,and music, and the trivium, consisting ofgrammar, logic and rhetoric.

The Grand Masters’ collars contained seven-point stars until about 1871 when they werechanged, without explanation, to five-point stars.

STEPSSymbolize advancement in Masonic knowledge.Three steps symbolize the three stages ofhuman life: youth, manhood, and age, as wellas the first three degrees.


THREE GREAT LIGHTSThe Holy Bible, the square and the compasses.

Square and Compasses



Square with Forty-Seventh Problemof Euclid suspended from it

7 PointedStar

Grand Tyler’sJewel

Past Master’s Jewel



THREE LESSER LIGHTSThe tapers about the Altar are symbolic of thesun, the moon, and the Worshipful Master.


TRESTLE BOARDWas the board upon which the Masterinscribed the designs by which the Craft was tobe directed in its labors. Today the lodgenotice is used each month to inform themembers of the activities, degree work,instruction meetings, education meetings, etc.

TRIANGLE – Symbolic of deity.

TROWELThe trowel is used by operative masons tospread the cement in constructing a building.It serves as a symbol for Freemasons to spreadthe cement of brotherly love and affection,cementing us into a band of brothers void ofcontention.

TWENTY-FOUR INCH GAUGEThe twenty-four inch gauge is emblematic ofthe twenty-four hours of a complete day andnight. It is a symbol to teach us the value oftime well spent, and a reminder that a Masonshould learn to systematize his time in thisGod-given life on earth.

TYLERS’ JEWEL (See: Sword with the keyacross the hilt)

WANDSThe wands or rods of the Deacons are ofwood, seven feet in length, and slightlytapering towards the top. They are white incolor for one foot from the top and theremainder is blue.


Three Lesser Lights


Twenty-Four Inch Gauge




Plumb, J.W.

Level, S.W.

Square, W.M.

(Operative Masons)


What is the Grand Lodge?APPENDIX

It has been suggested that it will be profitableto the Craft to have some explanation relative tothe Grand Lodge and the powers and authorityit has over the symbolic lodges or blue lodgeswithin its jurisdiction.

To retrace the history of Freemasonry as wenow enjoy it, we must go all the way back tothe formation of the original Grand Lodge ofEngland that took place on St. John the BaptistDay, June 24, 1717, when four lodges, held inLondon and Westminster, met in London andfounded the Mother Grand Lodge.

Freemasonry had enjoyed activity andgrowth for many years prior to 1717. Somehistorians claim that Freemasonry was intro-duced into England at York in 926 A.D.

Freemasonry made its way to the Americancolonies. On June 5, 1730, the Duke of Norfolk,then the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge ofEngland, deputized Daniel Coxe of New Jerseyto be The Provincial Grand Master of theProvinces of New York, New Jersey andPennsylvania. Brother Coxe made a trip toEngland to attend the Grand Lodge of Englandand was greeted as the Provincial Grand Masterof America.

Although the 250th anniversary of Free-masonry in Pennsylvania was celebrated in Juneof 1981, there is circumstantial evidence thatMasons were meeting in the Philadelphia area

as early as 1727. The Grand Lodge ofPennsylvania possesses in its Library andMuseum a manuscript copy of the Old Charges,known as the Carmick Manuscript. Bearing thedate of 1727, it is supposed to have been theconstitution of St. John’s Lodge of Philadelphia,whose ledger is known as Liber B. Liber B is theoldest known original American Masonicrecord, and begins June 24, 1731. Thisdocument is in the possession of the HistoricalSociety of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Fromthis document we learn that William Allen, Esq.was named Grand Master in 1731 although thefirst notice of his election is recorded in thePennsylvania Gazette, No. 187, June 19 to June26, 1732, as having taken place on St. John theBaptist Day, 1732.

As further evidence that Masons weremeeting in Pennsylvania earlier than 1731, wenote that Benjamin Franklin published in ThePennsylvania Gazette, No. 108, for the five-day period, December 3rd through December8th, 1730, that: “There are several lodges ofFree-Masons erected in this Province.”

In June of 1732, Grand Master William Allenappointed as Wardens both Brother ThomasBoude and Brother Benjamin Franklin. Thisaction gave the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvaniathe honor of being the third sovereign andindependent Grand Lodge in the world, the first

ennsylvania Masons often hear the words, Grand Lodge.Pennsylvania Masons, while being Entered, Crafted and

Raised, repeat the words, Grand Lodge.Pennsylvania Masons, in attending their blue lodges hear

communications read from the Grand Lodge.Pennsylvania Masons, in reading The Pennsylvania Freemason,

learn about the activities of the Grand Lodge.Pennsylvania Masons, in reading their lodge notices, learn when

and where the Grand Lodge meets.What is the Grand Lodge?


being the Grand Lodge of England in 1717, andthe second the Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1725.

In England, however, it appears that variousBrethren and also lodges during the formativeyears of the Mother Grand Lodge preferred totamper with the ritual. Those who seemed tofavor the ritual of the original Grand Lodge ofEngland were called Moderns. Their innovationswere far afield of the “regularity conforming tothe traditions, customs, and usages” preferredby English Brethren who adhered to the letter ofthe Ancient Charges and Constitutions and whowere known as the Ancients.

Pennsylvania’s Masonic history is intimatelyconnected with that of the Grand Lodge ofEngland of 1717, the Moderns, under whoseauthority the earliest Pennsylvania lodges wereconstituted, and the “Grand Lodge According tothe Old Constitutions,” formed in 1751, andknown as the Ancients. Because of the disputesbetween the Moderns and the Ancients takingplace in England, William Allen, on March 13,1750, presented a deputation from the GrandMaster of England appointing him ProvincialGrand Master of Pennsylvania and he appointedBrother Benjamin Franklin as Deputy GrandMaster. Thus, by cementing his relations withthe Modern or Mother Grand Lodge of England,it would appear that our Grand Lodge for thattime ceased to be an independent Grand Lodge,and henceforth became a Provincial Grand Lodgeunder the Grand Lodge of England. However,there are no records known of reports of anykind being made to the Grand Lodge of England.

The second Grand Lodge of England formedin 1751, the Ancients, declared they workedstrictly under the “Old Charges” or “OldConstitutions.” They stated the original GrandLodge of England, the Moderns, did not.

On June 7, 1758, a warrant was granted toLodge No. 4, previously under authority of theGrand Lodge of Pennsylvania Moderns, by theGrand Lodge of England Ancients for a Lodge ofAncients to be held in Philadelphia or else-where in Pennsylvania. This warrant was

registered as No. 69 in England and as No. 1 inPennsylvania. It was received in Philadelphia in January, 1759 and warranted Lodge No. 1Ancients in Pennsylvania.

The lodge came, in this way, to be named aLodge of Ancient York Masons. On February 13,1760 the members of LodgeNo. 1 Ancients in Philadel-phia elected BrotherWilliam Ball as ProvincialGrand Master. Then, onFebruary 14, 1760, thelodge petitioned theGrand Lodge ofEngland Ancients for a Provincial GrandWarrant. This warrant,registered in Volume 3,Letter C, in the recordsof the Grand Lodge ofEngland, was granted onJuly 15, 1761. It is No. 89 in theEnglish register and No. 1 in Pennsylvania.

At this time, Lodge No. 1 vacated its claim toits original number and assumed that of No. 2,which the lodge bears to this day. ThisProvincial Grand Warrant is in the possession ofthe Library and Museum of the Grand Lodge ofPennsylvania. As previously stated, this warrantwas granted July 15, 1761, but failed to reachthis country until the year 1764. Brother WilliamBall, a prominent and wealthy citizen, was thenofficially named the Right Worshipful GrandMaster of Pennsylvania and served as suchthrough 1782.

Three years after the Revolutionary War, thelodges and brethren working under authorityand jurisdiction of the Provincial Grand Lodgeof Pennsylvania, expressed a desire to separatecompletely from the Grand Lodge of England.The chief Masonic event of the year 1786 wasthe closing forever, on September 25, 1786, ofthe Provincial Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.

At a grand convention of thirteen differentlodges held the next day, September 26, 1786,


What is the Grand Lodge?APPENDIX

the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the MostAncient and Honorable Fraternity of Free andAccepted Masons of Pennsylvania and MasonicJurisdiction Thereunto Belonging was dulyformed as a Grand Lodge independent of GreatBritain or any other authority whatever. The titleis one of honor and distinction that has identifiedthe Grand Lodge throughout the Masonic world.

Another interesting item of our history is thenumber of petitions made to the ProvincialGrand Lodge of Pennsylvania for warrants fornew lodges in other states and countries inwhich no Grand Lodge had been formed. Thisprocedure continued from the time that theindependence of the United Colonies wasvirtually assured until the Grand Lodge itselfdeclared its independence.

Thus we find that our Grand Lodge, betweenthe years 1780 and 1786, warranted lodges inMaryland, four; New Jersey, two; Delaware, two;South Carolina, three; Virginia, two; Georgia,one and Cape François, Santo Domingo, one.

Hence, the additional expression “and MasonicJurisdiction Thereunto Belonging.” We nolonger constitute lodges outside Pennsylvania,but continue to retain the full title as a reminderof the outreach once enjoyed. It is a greatfeeling to visit and attend a Grand Lodge whichwas created from symbolic lodges, one or moreof which were originally constituted by theGrand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons ofPennsylvania.

While dwelling on Grand Lodges, it may beof interest to learn that Grand Lodges haveincreased in number since the creation of theMother Grand Lodge of England nearly 270years ago.

Freemasonry not only reached the shores ofAmerica, but it now enjoys existence andfraternal activity throughout the Free Worldunder the jurisdiction of 160 Grand Lodges.

With the addition of the newest GrandLodge, the Grand Lodge of Alaska, there arenow 50 Grand Lodges in the United States.There is a Grand Lodge for the District ofColumbia, and lodges in Hawaii are still under

the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge ofCalifornia. Our Grand Lodge recognizes all 50of the Grand Lodges in the United States.

There are nine Grand Lodges throughout the12 Canadian Provinces. Of the 110 GrandLodges outside the United States, the GrandLodge of Pennsylvania has, by adoption ofresolutions, extended fraternal recognition to 82of the 110 Grand Lodges. Fraternal recognitionmust be requested by the younger or newestGrand Lodge of a Senior Grand Lodge, andfraternal recognition is granted only when thecredentials of the Grand Lodge seeking fraternalrecognition can substantiate that it was duly andproperly constituted and that its administrativeprocedures and policies conform to Masonicusage and custom. The 28 remaining foreignGrand Lodges are not all outsiders. Some justhaven’t asked for recognition.

The question is often asked as to the totalpopulation of Masons throughout the world andeven in certain Grand Lodges. Not too manyyears ago it was estimated that the total numberof Masons in the world was 6 million. Of thatnumber, 4 million was the total membership ofthe Grand Lodges within the United States,attesting to the fact that Freemasonry seems tothrive best in a free society. Recent years,however, have seen the 6 million drop off to 5.5million and the total number of Masons in theUnited States at present would be closer to the3.5 million mark. The Grand Lodge of Ohio isnow the largest in the number of Masons with220,336; Texas with 206,881; Pennsylvania with202,241; California with 188,535, and New Yorkwith 153,253.

WHAT IS A GRAND LODGE?A Grand Lodge is the governing body of

Freemasonry within the stipulated GrandJurisdiction or territory, be it a state or a nation.The Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Pennsylvaniapresently controls all things Masonic within theboundaries of the 44,000 square miles comprisingthe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


There are currently 558 symbolic lodges, orblue lodges, in our Grand Jurisdiction. We havelodges in all but one of our 67 counties; theexception being Sullivan County. For betteradministrative purposes of the Right WorshipfulGrand Master, we now have 63 Masonic Districts,each assigned to an appointed District DeputyGrand Master.

A Grand Lodge is supreme unto itself withinits own borders.

A Grand Lodge adopts a Constitution and By-Laws for its government which, in our case,rests upon the Ancient Charges and Constitutionsderived from our Ancient York Masonry.

Section 1 of Article 7.01 of the Ahiman Rezon,the Book of the Constitution of our GrandLodge, states: “The Grand Lodge is the only trueand legitimate source of Masonic authority. It issupreme and sovereign. It makes the Law for itsconstituents; and the members of the Fraternityunder its jurisdiction; but it is governed by noLaw other than the Landmarks of Freemasonry.It grants Warrants for subordinate lodges, andduly constitutes them. Subordinate lodges areconstituted and work by virtue of theseWarrants. The Grand Lodge has the power toenact Laws and Regulations for the governmentof the Craft, and to alter and repeal such Lawsand Regulations; but it cannot change, alter, ordestroy the Ancient Landmarks of Freemasonry.It has the inherent power to investigate anddetermine all Masonic matters relating to theCraft in general, to particular lodges, and toindividual Brethren, either directly or by itsdelegated authority, and its authority cannot becalled in question.” This spells out, ratherclearly, the power and authority of the GrandLodge F. & A.M. of Pennsylvania.

It may be of great interest for PennsylvaniaMasons to know that the inherent powers of theRight Worshipful Grand Master of Pennsylvaniaare unequaled throughout the entire MasonicWorld.

There is no appeal of the decisions or actionsof the Right Worshipful Grand Master ofPennsylvania. It has been stated many times that

his power is frightening. Yet, in over 250 yearsof Masonry in Pennsylvania, a Right WorshipfulGrand Master has never been censured. All theother Grand Lodges throughout the world havewhat is called a jurisprudence Committee that willreview and decide what a Grand Master can doand what he cannot do. The Grand Lodge F. &A.M. of Pennsylvania never has had a Committeeon Jurisprudence and it is a good possibility thatit will never have such a committee.

Another question that is often asked is: “Whoare the Members of the Grand Lodge F. & A.M.of Pennsylvania?” Citing again from the AhimanRezon, Article 3.01, Section 1, “The Grand Lodgeis composed of the Grand Officers, Past GrandMasters, Past Deputy Grand Masters, Past GrandWardens by two years service, Past GrandTreasurers and Past Grand Secretaries by sixyears service, Past Masters by one year’s service,and the Masters and Wardens of all lodges,lawfully warranted and duly constituted by it,and under its jurisdiction.”

The officers of the Grand Lodge are spelledout in the Ahiman Rezon, Article 4.01, Section 1,as follows: “The Officers of the Grand Lodgeconsist of the Grand Officers, Past GrandMasters, Past Deputy Grand Masters, Past GrandWardens by two years service, Past GrandTreasurers and Past Grand Secretaries by sixyears service, and such officers as are appointedby the Grand Master.”

Although Freemasonry in Pennsylvania has,for many years, been highly respected andlooked upon in a somewhat envious manner,not only within the United States of America butthroughout the entire Masonic world, there aresome unusual and rather peculiar characteristicsfor which we are famous.

Our Grand Lodge holds four quarterly com-munications each year and an Annual GrandCommunication for installing the elected GrandLodge officers. The quarterly communicationsare held on the first Wednesdays in March, June,September and December. The Annual GrandCommunication is held on December 27th, St.John the Evangelist’s Day, in those years when


Grand Lodge Officers are advanced in rank anda new Grand Master takes office; except whenDecember 27th falls on Sunday. The AnnualGrand Communication is then held on Monday,December 28th. We also are noted for holdingspecial communications for special events suchas cornerstone ceremonies and dedications.

Our ritual and lodge work has never beenprinted. It is taught and conferred by “word-of-mouth-to-ear” only. A printed ritual or Masoniccode, monitor or cipher, is a Masonic offense inour jurisdiction. We can and should be proud ofour ritual and lodge work as it stems directlyfrom the true Ancient York Masonry. Itbehooves each of us to protect and preserve itin its purity.

Our Grand Lodge does permit some courtesydegree work A lodge in this jurisdiction, orlodges in other jurisdictions, may delegate toanother lodge in this jurisdiction the advance-ment of any Brother.

Our Grand Lodge could be the only one thatdoes not exchange Grand Representatives withother Grand Lodges throughout the world.

Our Grand Lodge claims perpetual jurisdic-tion over all those men who petition its lodgesand are rejected.

Our Grand Lodge has no provisions for dualor plural membership. To become a member ofanother lodge requires a man’s resignation fromthe lodge that accepted him and gave him hissymbolic degrees.

In our jurisdiction you are a Mason when youhave been entered. You are elected to all threedegrees on one ballot. Many jurisdictionsrequire a ballot for each of the three degrees and,in some jurisdictions, you are not considered amember of the lodge until you have receivedthe third degree.

Making Masons at Sight is practiced in ourGrand Lodge but not in most Grand Lodges.The three degrees must be conferred while theRight Worshipful Grand Master is present. Thedegrees are conferred in full form. After theman selected by the Grand Master to be madea Mason at Sight receives all three degrees, he

is considered a Mason at large and must petitiona symbolic lodge for membership.

Our Grand Lodge is one of the few that hasfour elected line officers who progress to thetop office after first being elected and installedRight Worshipful Junior Grand Warden. TheseGrand Lodge Officers are R.W. Junior GrandWarden, R.W. Senior Grand Warden, R.W.Deputy Grand Master and R.W. Grand Master. Itis an eight-year tour through the four lineoffices of our Grand Lodge, two years in eachGrand Lodge station.

The Grand Masters of all the jurisdictions inthe United States are addressed as MostWorshipful Grand Master, with the exception ofPennsylvania where the title of the office isRight Worshipful Grand Master.

Following the custom of the Ancient Craft, allPennsylvania Masons are addressed as Brother.The use of the word Brother always precedesthe name and the title, if there is one, such as:Brother John J. Doe, Past Master.

You may hear of Brethren in other jurisdic-tions being addressed as Right Worshipful, butin Pennsylvania only the elected Grand Lodgeofficers, which include the R.W. Grand Secretary,and the R.W. Grand Treasurer, and Past GrandOfficers, are entitled to being addressed as RightWorshipful as part of the title of their offices.

Our Grand Lodge does have a proficiencyprogram whereby candidates for the threedegrees cannot be advanced until they havebeen declared proficient to the point of havinga reasonable knowledge and understanding ofthe degree or degrees received. Other GrandLodges do not force a candidate for the degreesof Freemasonry to become proficient in themanner in which we proceed in Pennsylvania.

In our jurisdiction, all business of the symboliclodge is conducted and transacted in the MasterMason’s lodge, with the exception of a Tablelodge, which is conducted in the EnteredApprentice Mason’s lodge. Hence, an EnteredApprentice Mason and a Fellow Craft Masoncannot attend a stated meeting of one of oursymbolic lodges, unless there is a need to open

What is the Grand Lodge?APPENDIX


an Entered Apprentice Mason lodge or a FellowCraft Mason lodge during the proceedings of astated meeting.

The Right Worshipful Grand Master issued adecision on September 11, 1984 that permitsreasonable applause in the lodges and in theGrand Lodge as follows: “Applause, withinreason, is permissible in the body of the openlodge and at communications of the GrandLodge when, in the opinion of the brethrenassembled, they are so inclined to applaud.”The use of military-like maneuvers while enteringor leaving the Lodge Room or while takingplaces on the floor is not permitted inPennsylvania lodges.

During the formative years of our presentGrand Lodge, it is reasonable to believe that thedistant newer lodges were not immediatelyfamiliar with many of the proper proceduresrequired to maintain control and efficiencythroughout the jurisdiction. Hence, the GrandLodge designed and produced the variousreport forms and recommended procedures soimportant to developing a spirit of “harmonyand good order within the Craft in Pennsylvania.”Grand Lodge has, for many years, maintainedfiles on all of the symbolic lodges in its archives.This is one of the real assets of a dedicated andprogressive Grand Lodge — to govern, adminis-trate and oversee the Masonic Craft under itsjurisdiction.

Recently, the Grand Lodge has invested in itsown computer equipment at a cost of nearly$500,000, and is putting it to use in many ways,not only to record the proceedings of oursymbolic lodges, but to better serve these samelodges.

This Grand Lodge has become big business,even though we have been losing some of ourblue lodges, due to mergers of recent years, andeven though we have declined from a totalmembership of our symbolic lodges in 1960 ofnearly 258,000 to our most recent total showing202,241.

The Grand Lodge, for the past 70 years, hasestablished, maintained and operated one of the

greatest and most widely known MasonicHomes in the world. The 1700-acre complex atElizabethtown, Pennsylvania is also business on

a large scale. It may be of interest to know thatwe can now accommodate more than 50 childrenin the Children’s Home, associated with theMasonic Homes. These are actual orphans orsocial orphans from broken homes.

The Grand Lodge has not only developed thenecessary forms and procedures to encourageand maintain communication with its symboliclodges, but it has developed styles andprocedures that encourage uniformity in certaintypes of returns from the lodges, i.e., therecording of the minutes of lodge meetings;standards for petitions for initiation andmembership; second petitions; third petitions;procedures for fourth petitions, and also standardforms for certain types of dispensations neededfrom time to time.

The Grand Lodge has also establishedstandard rules and regulations concerningballoting on petitioners for the degrees ofFreemasonry, which include the test ballot andthe second ballot.

Learning that many of our early lodges werelax while receiving visitors from other lodges,the Grand Lodge reviewed and required waysof proper vouching and also procedures forexamining a visitor to a lodge by a committee.


What is the Grand Lodge?APPENDIX

And the Grand Lodge also found it necessary tooversee by-laws and lodge dues and fees.

The ongoing concern for the protection andpreservation of our ritual and lodge workprompted the Grand Lodge to create Schools ofInstruction throughout the jurisdiction. Symboliclodge officers and those aspiring to hold anelected or an appointed office in the lodge,have always found the more than 50 Schools ofInstruction to be effective in learning andmastering the ritual.

Not to be overlooked in the effort to cultivateharmony and good order throughout thejurisdiction, is the Grand Lodge’s establishmentand enforcement of standard styles of lodgeregalia, including officers’ aprons and collarsand members’ aprons as well as the Masonicwardrobe to be worn by lodge officers. As aBrother travels and visits in lodges throughoutthe Masonic world, he often hears the praiseleveled at our lodges in Pennsylvania for theformal and dignified way in which they areconducted. And, as has been stated in Mackey’sMasonic Encyclopedia: “Pennsylvania’s Ritual issublime by its dignity and simplicity.”

Few Grand Lodges have gone to the extentof setting up a symbolic lodge building programwhereby a lodge may select the architecturaldrawings, plans and specifications from one offour different types of buildings. This programis administered by a special committee thatworks with the lodge and at no cost to thelodge. Legal papers and advice for establishinga hall or temple association is also provided bythe Grand Lodge for lodges that have therequired funds and sincere intention to ventureinto a building program.

In recent years, the Grand Lodge has createda popular student loan program to assist theyoung men and women of our jurisdiction incompleting their higher education. This worthyprogram is also administered by a specialcommittee. Hundreds of thousands of dollarshave been loaned to students in recent years.

At one time, all transactions of our GrandLodge were handled in what could be called

“the Committee of the Whole.” Too soon, thisproved to be unwise. Our Grand Lodge wasgrowing and expanding in too many ways tooperate in this fashion. The special committeeprocedure was adopted and has, to this day,proven to be the way to do it.

As one looks down the list of Grand Lodgeappointments to the various committeescharged with their respective responsibilities,one can sense, immediately, the size and scopeof The Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Pennsylvania.It is the objective of the Grand Master to seekand appoint brethren with the expertise neededfor each and every committee.

Our Grand Lodge has been richly blessed formany years as the beneficiary of numerous gifts,wills and bequests and every dollar committedto its care has been regarded as a sacred trust.Not a cent has been spent for purposes otherthan those specified in the bequests and deedsof gift conveying it.

Indeed, the Grand Lodge by wise investmentshas been able to become affluent. When thetotal assets of the Grand Lodge are listed,including the real estate, endowment funds,reserve funds, etc., it creates a staggering figure.The more solvent you become, the morediligent, prudent, temperate and discreet youmust be. Be assured, this Grand Lodge knowsvery well how to be diligent, prudent, temperateand discreet.

Our Grand Lodge has one more peculiaritythat has caused quite a bit of consternationthroughout the Craft for the past 64 years. I referto the edict handed down by the RightWorshipful Grand Master in 1921 making itunlawful for any Pennsylvania Mason to remaina member or become a member of the Order ofthe Eastern Star, the White Shrine of Jerusalem,the Amaranths or any organization whosemembership is comprised of both sexes andrequires Masonic affiliation as a prerequisite.

This particular edict, prompted by a presidingofficer of the Order of Eastern Star whochallenged the authority of the Grand Masterand the sovereignty of the Grand Lodge, marks


us as the only Grand Lodge that has taken suchaction. And, an interesting factor is this: In the64 years since the edict was handed down, 32Grand Masters have seen no reason to rescind it.

This presentation would not be completewithout mentioning one of the wonders of theMasonic world that attests to the vision and thededication of this Grand Lodge. I refer to theMasonic Temple, erected over a period of morethan five years, and dedicated in solemnceremonies of true Masonic custom onSeptember 26, 1873. One of the most authenticMasonic Temples in the world, it is difficult tobelieve that any Pennsylvania Mason hasn’ttaken the time to visit this creation of geniusand the headquarters of the Grand Lodgein Philadelphia.

This is but a portion of the infor-mation that can be shared aboutthe Grand Lodge. As you can see,the Grand Lodge has built itself into one of the most thoroughly

organized Masonic bodies in the world. It hasextended its constructive labors to our 558 bluelodges and these loyal units have been support-ing the Grand Lodge by labors both within andwithout the lodge rooms.

To the credit of our Grand Lodge, it can andshould be said that it has never once laid downits tools to engage in any undertaking that wasnot strictly Masonic. The Grand Lodge of Freeand Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania hasbuilded men, who are truly temples not madewith hands. It has builded them by labors whichembrace the simplest, purest and most directritualistic appeal to manhood that is to be foundin all Masonic ceremonies.

With this glorious heritage ofPennsylvania Freemasonry, let our

Masonic light so shine among menthat they will know we have knelt atits Altar and are keeping the faith.So mote it be!



Ahiman Rezon Abridged And Digested: AsA Help to all that are, or would be Free andAccepted Masons. To Which Is Added, ASermon, Preached in Christ-Church,Philadelphia, At A General Communication,Celebrated, Agreeable To The Constitutions,On Monday, December 28, 1778, As TheAnniversary of St. John The Evangelist.Published By Order Of The Grand Lodge ofPennsylvania. By William Smith, D. D.Philadelphia: Printed By Hall And Sellers, M,DCC, LXXXIII (1783).

The Ahiman Rezon Or Book Of The ConstitutionOf The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge Of TheMost Ancient And Honorable Fraternity Of FreeAnd Accepted Masons Of Pennsylvania...Philadelphia: December 2, A.D. 1981, A.L. 5981(Updated to May 1, 1984).

Bespangled Painted & Embroidered: DecoratedMasonic Aprons In America 1790-1850.Lexington, Massachusetts: Scottish Rite MasonicMuseum Of Our National Heritage, 1980.

Brown, William AdrianFacts, Fables and Fantasies of Freemasonry,New York: Vantage Press, 1968.

Coil, Henry Wilson 33°Coil’s Masonic Encyclopedia. New York: MacoyPublishing & Masonic Supply Company,Copyright, 1961.

Denslow, Ray V.An Encyclopedia of Symbolic Freemasonry.Cover Title: A Masonic Encyclopedia. n.p.,1951.

Digest Of Decisions Of The Grand Lodge AndGrand Masters… Philadelphia: (Secondprinting, March 1976).

Mackey, Albert G., M.D.Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry And Its KindredSciences…, Philadelphia: McClure PublishingCo., 1917.

Mackey, Albert G., M.D.A Lexicon Of Freemasonry: Containing ADefinition Of All Its Communicable Terms,Notices Of Its History, Traditions And Antiquities…Charleston: Walker and James, 1852.

Masonic Symbols In American Decorative Arts.Lexington, Massachusetts: Scottish Rite MasonicMuseum Of Our National Heritage, 1976.

The Three Degrees And Great Symbols OfMasonry. Washington, D.C.: The MasonicService Association Of The United States,1924.

Finished art by Smudin Studios, Inc., Phila., PAPrinted by Unity Printing Co., Inc., Latrobe, PA