A green paradise for the rest of the world,,

This is the Story of Lulu`s vacation in Costa Rica. The Summer vacation of 2016

Transcript of A green paradise for the rest of the world,,

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This is the Story of Lulu`s vacation in Costa Rica. The Summer vacation of 2016

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A Green Paradise for the rest of the World

One day, Lulu and her Family decided to take a week vacation in Costa Rica. Lulu`s Family is from Alaska, and there is lots of nature in Alaska like Bears, eagles, mountains full of snow and so on. Lulu was excited to visit Costa Rica for she had read many magazines that talk about its nature, Volcanoes, beaches and monkeys. Lulu thought that monkeys were the cutes thing on earth, and she had always wanted to have seen one.

Well Lulu`s mother is beautiful woman that had marry at a young age and Capitan Preston was her only and first love. Because they have never visited a tropical country Lulu `s father decided to visit Costa Rica. Their plane landed in San José, and Lulu did not like San Jose, but she had fun visiting the museums. Late she went to a zoo, and she was very enraged when she visited Simon Bolivar Zoo, for she saw that many of the animals there were in poor conditions.

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Lulu ‘second day was in the Vulcan Irazú. It was a long ride from San Jose to this volcano, but worth it. In this volcano Lulu did a long walk around the volcano, and took many pictures of the nature. She found a lizard and snow. Discovering snow in Costa Rica was amazing for Lulu because she thought that snow was only possible in Alaska. Their Tour guide took Lulu`s father down to the crater, but Lulu stayed with her mom. Captain Preston brought to Lulu some amazing rocks from the volcano that she used for a school project. In Lulu`s school teacher Rosa Linda was teaching the class about the nature in tropical countries.

Later in the day, as part of the tour a stop was made in Cartago, and as a family, Lulu visited Virgin Los Angeles Cathedral. A certain man approach Lulu `s mom and gave her a grasshopper made out of leaves, and Lulu at first thought that it was real, but it turn out to be fake. Their tour guide took them for lunch at a typical restaurant in which they had “olla de carne” accompanied with a papaya juice. The rest of the day Lulu and family just drove back to San José and bought some souvenirs at the local markets.

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Meanwhile, Captain Preston was making arrangements to visit Manuel Antonio National Park and probably spent three days there because there are many things to do over there.

The third day a taxi was waiting outside the hotel, and Lulu was very excited to visit Manuel Antonio. She had heard and read many interesting things about this national Park. The ride to the pacific coast was marked by some amazing stops along the way. Lulu`s Father bought some fruits for them at a market, and they ate them inside the taxi. They stop a Jacob beach and saw some young people riding the waves. Lulu said “there are no waves in Canada” and she thought about the times that she took her sleight and went down the snowy mountains” “I think this is similar “, she said. They have been riding for two and a half hours so far and Lulu was tire. Her father had thought about Lulu `s problem when she rides long distances and had made arrangements at Hotel Los Sueños. This hotel was like a castle for it is a beautiful ten story building. During the afternoon Lulu`s family just took the time to walk inside the premises and learn where things were located.

”That is a beautiful boat” said, Lulu. That was one of the best parts of the vacation because her father had made the arrangements to go fishing and Lulu loved fishing since when she was borne her father has taken her to fish. Captain Preston rented a fifty food Bertram boot with air conditioning and Lulu was going to able to sit inside and wait while her father fish.

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That next day, Lulu`s family went out to fish The ocean was come and the day was hot. The morning did not gave them any luck, but in the afternoon, her father caught 3 marlin and a Mahi Mahi. Her father brought some Mahi Mahi fish to the restaurant and had it cooked with shrimps. Lulu said that “this is the best meal I have ever had” but of course she always says that. After a long day Lulu`s family went back to sleep and rested all night.

The las day was Lulu`s visit to Manuel Antonio National Park. In here Lulu `s family had a tour guide that took them for and expedition into the forest. It was here where Lulu was granted to see the famous white face monkeys, and she saw them really close that even gave them some food. Oops! That was not legal but no one saw!!! The rest of the expedition, her father and mother stayed by the beach while Lulu swam in the beautiful beach of Manuel Antonio. Later Mrs Preston spent the afternoon on the shops where she bought many souvenirs to take home and place it on her beautiful home.

That was Lulu`s last day. In the morning her father had a taxi cap that drove them to the airport where they took the plane back to Alaska.