a great man

A Great Man His chest is broad. His arms are strong. His hands are large. His jaw is squared . His lips are soft, but his face is rough. When I need strength, I find it in h is arms with my head on his chest. Perfumes and soft linens could never make me feel like a woman the way he does when he wraps my hair around his arm and lays me down. I don't need him to tell me I'm beautiful. I hear it in the way he kiss es me, in his caress, and in the warmth of his body as he holds me. He is a leader. He doesn't need to impress anyone. He doesn't care what others t hink. He is calm in the midst of a storm, carefully weighing options and never r ushing foolishly to action. I trust his judgment. He gives me equality and I giv e him submission. He smiles at my naiveté. He smiles when I cry. He smiles when I am foolish, but ne ver tells me I'm wrong. When I'm angry, he smiles. He instinctively knows when I need distance and when I need to be smothered. He hears my thoughts though I do not speak them. He anticipates my needs and provid es. He knows my weaknesses and protects. He encourages me. He challenges me. He forces me to see the truth when I lie to myself. Though at times, the world around me feels like it could fall away at any moment , crumbling around me, he remains solid. He is my core. He holds me up. I have no desire for power. I have no need to rise above him. I do not feel weak in my submission to him. He is a man and I am a woman. I give myself to him wil lingly. Let me hold this man's head against my breast, comfort him and care for him. May I never take for granted, the love of a great man. Bowers Kimberly (2012) - Demon chronicles. Apple Moonshine, Smashwords



Transcript of a great man

A Great Man

His chest is broad. His arms are strong. His hands are large. His jaw is squared. His lips are soft, but his face is rough. When I need strength, I find it in his arms with my head on his chest. Perfumes and soft linens could never make me feel like a woman the way he does when he wraps my hair around his arm and lays me down. I don't need him to tell me I'm beautiful. I hear it in the way he kisses me, in his caress, and in the warmth of his body as he holds me.He is a leader. He doesn't need to impress anyone. He doesn't care what others think. He is calm in the midst of a storm, carefully weighing options and never rushing foolishly to action. I trust his judgment. He gives me equality and I give him submission.He smiles at my naiveté. He smiles when I cry. He smiles when I am foolish, but never tells me I'm wrong. When I'm angry, he smiles.He instinctively knows when I need distance and when I need to be smothered. He hears my thoughts though I do not speak them. He anticipates my needs and provides. He knows my weaknesses and protects. He encourages me. He challenges me. He forces me to see the truth when I lie to myself.Though at times, the world around me feels like it could fall away at any moment, crumbling around me, he remains solid. He is my core. He holds me up.I have no desire for power. I have no need to rise above him. I do not feel weak in my submission to him. He is a man and I am a woman. I give myself to him willingly. Let me hold this man's head against my breast, comfort him and care for him.May I never take for granted, the love of a great man.

Bowers Kimberly (2012) - Demon chronicles. Apple Moonshine, Smashwords