Rev. Glenn Butler A GOOD APPROACH TO THE ADVENT SEASON We somemes think of the Advent/Christmas season as a me of joy, laughter, me with family, and peace on the earth, goodwill to men. Who doesnt have a Hallmark image of the perfect Christmas? The reality, however, can oſtenmes be quite different. The holiday season can prove to be downright hecc and exhausng. Why, just the to-do list combined with the mad rush to complete it all can leave us harried. There is the basic reality of work and family responsibilies. Add to that the holiday pares, the decorang, and the baking. When you pile on the Christmas giſt shopping, the wrapping, sending out Christmas cards, and Christmas Eve assembling, it is almost more joythan we can bear. One woman knew all about the hecc holiday rush. She and her husband, Richard, were experiencing an especially busy season. Running out of me, she went to a staonary shop, selected a card, and asked them to print their signature on the Christmas cards, so that she and Richard would not have to take the me to sign each one. Soon they started receiving cards from friends. They were puzzled to see many of the cards signed like this—The Clever Clarks, the Jovial Johnsons, the Modest Moseleys, the Successful Smiths. She started to wonder, what is going on here? Then it hit her. She had mailed out a hundred cards neatly imprinted with the words, Happy Holidays from the Rich Armstrongs.Who among us does not wish to experience an enriching Christmas? We can choose to celebrate the Christmas season through the rush of holiday acvity. Or, during this season, we can Pause and Reset. By Pausing and Reseng, we can choose to celebrate either a calm, quiet Christmas, or a Christmas that is filled with acvity. Either way, Pausing and Reseng in the right way can add meaning to our life. Regardless, of your parcular type of Christmas observance, GSUMC is seeking to assist you. Our worship theme for Advent is This Season: Pause. Reset.By pausing and reseng our lives on the eternal veries that truly maer, we can open the door to a meaningful and holy season that encourages and liſts our spirits as we move ever closer to the Light and Hope that arrived in Bethlehem. There are many special worship opportunies to add joy and meaning during this Advent season. Sat. 12/9 9 AM Angel Breakfast Sun. 12/10 7 PM Chancel Choir Christmas Concert Sun. 12/17 11 AM Childrens Christmas Musical Tues.12/19 11 AM Candle in the Dark Sun. 12/24 9 AM & 10 AM Morning Worship Sun. 12/24 4 PM Family Christmas Eve Service & Communion Sun. 12/24 6 PM Christmas Eve Worship & Communion with Choir Please note that Sunday December 24 will be a different schedule than usual. SUNDAY MORNING on DECEMBER 24 WILL OFFER TWO WORSHIP SERVICES AT 9:00 and 11:00 A.M., with no Sunday School on that day. The CHRISTMAS EVE SCHEDULE WILL BE SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT AS WELL, WITH ONLY TWO CHRISTMAS EVE COMMUNION SERVICES, AT 4:00 P.M. AND 6:00 P.M. Sunday, December 31, will return to our regular worship schedule at 8:30, 9:30, 9:45, 11:00. Best wishes to you in this holy season as we Pause and Reset and focus on the Christ Child, the Light of the world. Glenn Butler The worshippers at GSUMC are its ministers. The staff who assist them are- Senior Minister Rev. Glenn Butler [email protected] Minister of Discipleship/Children Rev. Jody Hanna Kranz [email protected] Youth Minister Rev. Julianna Cooper [email protected] Director of Worship Arts Cody Johnson [email protected] Assoc. Director of Worship Arts Jeff Jones [email protected] Mothers Day Out Director Lana Crawford [email protected] Servant Ministries Director Amelia Fletcher [email protected] Dir. of Finance & Business Operations Beth Gordon [email protected] Administrative Assistant Jasmine Lam-Shults [email protected] Admin. Programs Coordinator Lee Stringfellow [email protected] Church Hostess - Jo Davis [email protected] Technical Director - Britt Hawkins Asst. Worship Arts - Mark Stauffer Nursery Amy & Megan Amacker Daybreak Respite Director Dolly Crewes THE TOWER MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF GULF SHORES METHODIST CHURCH | DECEMBER 2017



We sometimes think of the Advent/Christmas season as a time of joy, laughter, time with family, and peace on the earth, goodwill to men. Who doesn’t have a Hallmark image of the perfect Christmas? The reality, however, can oftentimes be quite different. The holiday season can prove to be downright hectic and exhausting. Why, just the to-do list combined with the mad rush to complete it all can leave us harried. There is the basic reality of work and family responsibilities. Add to that the holiday parties, the decorating, and the baking. When you pile on the Christmas gift shopping, the wrapping, sending out Christmas cards, and Christmas Eve assembling, it is almost more “joy” than we can bear. One woman knew all about the hectic holiday rush. She and her husband, Richard, were experiencing an especially busy season. Running out of time, she went to a stationary shop, selected a card, and asked them to print their signature on the Christmas cards, so that she and Richard would not have to take the time to sign each one. Soon they started receiving cards from friends. They were puzzled to see many of the cards signed like this—The Clever Clarks, the Jovial Johnsons, the Modest Moseleys, the Successful Smiths. She started to wonder, what is going on here? Then it hit her. She had mailed out a hundred cards neatly imprinted with the words, “Happy Holidays from the Rich Armstrongs.” Who among us does not wish to experience an enriching Christmas? We can choose to celebrate the Christmas season through the rush of holiday activity. Or, during this season, we can Pause and Reset. By Pausing and Resetting, we can choose to celebrate either a calm, quiet Christmas, or a Christmas that is filled with

activity. Either way, Pausing and Resetting in the right way can add meaning to our life. Regardless, of your particular type of Christmas observance, GSUMC is seeking to assist you. Our worship theme for Advent is “This Season: Pause. Reset.” By pausing and resetting our lives on the eternal verities that truly matter, we can open the door to a meaningful and holy season that encourages and lifts our spirits as we move ever closer to the Light and Hope that arrived in Bethlehem. There are many special worship opportunities to add joy and meaning during this Advent season. Sat. 12/9 9 AM Angel Breakfast Sun. 12/10 7 PM Chancel Choir Christmas Concert Sun. 12/17 11 AM Children’s Christmas Musical Tues.12/19 11 AM Candle in the Dark Sun. 12/24 9 AM & 10 AM Morning Worship Sun. 12/24 4 PM Family Christmas Eve Service & Communion Sun. 12/24 6 PM Christmas Eve Worship & Communion with Choir Please note that Sunday December 24 will be a different schedule than usual. SUNDAY MORNING on DECEMBER 24 WILL OFFER TWO WORSHIP SERVICES AT 9:00 and 11:00 A.M., with no Sunday School on that day. The CHRISTMAS EVE SCHEDULE WILL BE SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT AS WELL, WITH ONLY TWO CHRISTMAS EVE COMMUNION SERVICES, AT 4:00 P.M. AND 6:00 P.M. Sunday, December 31, will return to our regular worship schedule at 8:30, 9:30, 9:45, 11:00. Best wishes to you in this holy season as we Pause and Reset and focus on the Christ Child, the Light of the world.

Glenn Butler

The worshippers at GSUMC are its ministers.

The staff who assist them are-

Senior Minister Rev. Glenn Butler

[email protected]

Minister of Discipleship/Children Rev. Jody Hanna Kranz

[email protected]

Youth Minister Rev. Julianna Cooper

[email protected]

Director of Worship Arts Cody Johnson

[email protected]

Assoc. Director of Worship Arts Jeff Jones

[email protected]

Mother’s Day Out Director Lana Crawford

[email protected]

Servant Ministries Director Amelia Fletcher

[email protected]

Dir. of Finance & Business Operations Beth Gordon

[email protected]

Administrative Assistant Jasmine Lam-Shults

[email protected]

Admin. Programs Coordinator Lee Stringfellow

[email protected]

Church Hostess - Jo Davis [email protected]

Technical Director - Britt Hawkins

Asst. Worship Arts - Mark Stauffer

Nursery Amy & Megan Amacker

Daybreak Respite Director Dolly Crewes


A Christmas Wish and a Blessing to Share… On my way to the children’s Sunday School Gathering a couple weeks ago, Miss Pat stopped me with her gift of $200 check for the children to use as “seed money” to buy animals for The Heifer Project this Christmas. She had done the same last year and wanted to encourage them again. In case you don’t know, Heifer International’s mission is to work with communities to end hunger and poverty by providing livestock and agricultural training. Since 1944, Heifer has helped more than 22.6 million families in more than 125 countries. The impact of each gift is multiplied as recipients agree to “Pass on the Gift” of one or more of their animals’ offspring, or the equivalent, to another family in need in their community. It is an outreach ministry of the United Methodist Church. Back to my story…when I arrived at the Gathering I told the children about Miss Pat’s gift and showed them the Heifer Project catalog. We began to talk about how much the different animals cost and what we could do this year. In a few short minutes, a very thoughtful little 7 year old boy quietly raised his hand and asked how much money we raised last year. I looked to their Sunday School teachers and together we responded $1,000. A few moments later the same boy quietly raised his hand and said he thought this year we should raise $2000! I admit that I was taken aback at the thought of raising that much money in 6 weeks, but I never want to get in the way of the faith of a child; therefore, I asked the kids how they thought we could raise that much money. A third time the same little boy quietly raised his hand and replied he thought the kids should bring an offering to Wednesday Nite Connection classes and they should ask the BIG PEOPLE to help them – like when they raised money to dig wells in Haiti. Before I knew it, one of their Sunday School teachers said we should go BIG – and raise enough money to Fill the Ark – and that requires a donation of $5,000! A Gift Ark buys: 2 cows, 2 sheep, 2 oxen, 2 water buffalos, 2 pigs, 2 goats, 2 llamas, a community animal vet kit, 2 trios of rabbits, 2 beehives, 2 flocks of geese, 2 trios of ducks, 2 flocks of chicks, 2 trios of guinea pigs and 2 schools of fish. Needless to say, the rest is history! If any of you ”BIG PEOPLE” would like to give a donation to help the children’s Christmas wish to Fill an Ark for the Heifer Project a reality, it will certainly deepen the faith of a special little 7 year old boy and all the kids this Christmas. One of my blessings this Christmas season is hearing the thoughtful devotions given by our 5th and 6th grade students at Wednesday Nite Kids. I hope you are blessed also as you read the following devotion given by Henley Hollis on miracles: May you will find the peace and Presence of God this holy season as we watch and wait for the birth of our Savior, Jesus. Blessings, Pastor Jody

Minister of Discipleship/Children Rev. Jody Hanna Kranz

7th - 12th Grade


Sign up for Meltdown Youth Retreat January 26-28, 2018$120 Boardwalk Beach Resort, Panama City Beach, Florida Joseph Sojourner, Speaker Remedy Drive, Worship Check it out @ www.meltdownretreat.org

Christmas Party SNY Dec. 17

Tacky Christmas attire you must wear & bring

a holiday snack to share.

Dirty Santa

$5 limit!

SNY on Dec. 3—Angel Tree Shopping

SNY on Dec. 10—Christmas Caroling


Confirmation classes for 7th & 8th grade students will be held on Sunday afternoons on February 18, February 25, March 4, March 11 & a make-up class on March 18 from 4:00-5:30 at Crossroads. Classes will be led by Pastor Glenn Butler, Pastor Julianna Cooper & Josh

Williams, new Youth Director, as well as the confirmation mentors. Confirmation Sunday will be April 8 at the 11:00 service followed by a special lunch in the Auditorium for confirmands and their families. To sign

up call the church office at 968-2411 or email Lee Stringfellow at [email protected] by Feb. 1.

Sunday, December 17th, 11 am, Sanctuary

Christmas Concert

Director of Worship Arts: Cody Johnson Assoc. Director of Worship Arts: Jeff Jones Technical Director: Britt Hawkins Worship Arts Asst: Mark Stauffer

How do I become a 2018 Concert Series Sponsor? Make your check payable to GSUMC Concert Sponsors in the amount of $100 per person, $200 a couple. You will be issued a

concert pass early Jan 2018 & will have access to reserved seating at all 2018 Concert Series events. 2018 has an exciting line up!

Servant Ministries - Calling God’s People! ..meeting physical needs in a spiritual way

How The Grinch Stole Christmas is one of my favorite Christmas stories. I watch it every year and can quote the script almost word for wordJ Behind all the whimsical characters and names is a beautiful lesson. Recently, as I listened and watched the cartoon, it stuck me how the Grinches of our world have tried to steal all the joy and peace from our lives. In a year when so many headlines have grabbed and sadden our hearts, perhaps a look at Seuss’s theme of the story will help remind us of some enduring truths. In the story the Grinch and his faithful dog, Max, take all the trinkets, decorations and even the Who-Hash from Whoville, but atop of his triumph he heas a sound that isn’t sad! “What he saw was a shocking surprise! Every Who down in Whoville, the tall and the small, was singing! Without any presents at all!” Hummmm, what a lesson on carrying on with love…and as Christians, what a wonderful opportunity this season presents to us to hold hands and sing with a spiritual joy as the Grinches listen.

He HADN'T stopped Christmas from coming! IT CAME! Somehow or other, it came just the same! And the Grinch…Stood puzzling and puzzling: "How could it be so?" "It came without ribbons! It came without tags!" "It came without packages, boxes or bags!" The scene is quiet and harmonious, with tall and small holding hands. In the light of children’s eyes, in the smell of cookies, in sitting with friends, sipping hot cup of tea… our Christmas can come without packages or bags…despite the Black Friday and advertizing frinzy of our commercial world. Our community is blessed each year you as a congregtion are so generous with your gifts of time and

talents. The work of GSUMC’s many ministries could not go forth without those gifts. You tutor and teach children life-lessons and music, love our seniors in Respite, give aid and comfort to Bread Ministry guests, work at phones, recycle & sale our clothes and household items, safeguard our children, greet with smiles and sing anthems, and MORE! You have the Spirit of Christmas all year long! This year your donations have helped in response and recovery all over the US and Puerto Rico.You have helped build homes with Habitat in Baldwin County; provided necessities for local school children; supported local agencies such as Christian Service Center, Mary’s Shelter, Family Promise and Miracle Field, and supported a camp for middle school girls. Our biggest projects this year have been K-9’s for Warriors, student aid in local schools, Miracle Field, and White Christmas. In the words of the Grinch… Sing with joy! Capture the peace and spirit of the Christchild. Hold hands and Love those around…Christmas can be more that boxes and bags….and keep the flame here at GSUMC burning brightly against the Grinches! Merry Christmas and Blessings in the New Year!

Blessings & Peace,

Amelia Fletcher, Director of Servant Ministries

251.968.2549 [email protected]

Current projects: Christian Service Center Angels, local families sponsored, medical and utility aid, United Methodist Children ’s Home White Christmas offering, Christmas for San Pedro children.

Look for new projects in 2018!

November 12 was UMW Mission Sunday in our church. Four people were recognized for their service to our church and our community. They were presented the Carole Leggett Mission Service Award pin by UMW Vice-President Pam Livingston. A monetary donation to missions was made in their honor. Rev. Butler read the following bio about each one.

ALL men of our church are invited to join the United Methodist Men for our annual Christmas Banquet on Dec. 7th (6 p.m.) at the Craft Farms Clubhouse.

Not a member of UMM?? NOT A PROBLEM!! We would love to have you join us! We will have a fabulous buffet & a great time together. The cost is $25 per person and reservations can be made by contacting Ron Sumter at [email protected] or me at [email protected]. I promise you will have a great time and enjoy the evening!

Steve Means UMM President

Vickie Hudson worked for the phone company, owned a furniture refinishing business and retired from the US Postal Service. She and her husband, Larry have 2 sons and 7 grandchildren. They moved to Gulf Shores from Ruston, Louisiana 6 years ago. They had been vacationing here for more than 20 years and decided - why keep vacationing here when you can actually live here. Vickie has been a member of GSUMC for 4 years. She worked in the kitchen for over 2 years helping Martha prepare the Wednesday night dinners. She has also worked in the sound booth. She currently works at the Resale Heaven 1-2 days a week. Thank you, Vickie, for your service.

Bill Partridge is a retired fire marshal, retired from the federal government and semi-retired from real estate. He and his wife Joan moved from Millbrook, Alabama to Foley five years ago. They have 4 children and 8 grandchildren. Bill says that their biggest blessing has been GSUMC. Bill is on the Board of Trustees, works with the bread ministry, and is vice-president of the Gulf Shores United Methodist Men. He also volunteers with the Day Break Respite program and is a member of the Safety Team. Bill says that "You cannot out give God”! Thank you, Bill, for all that you do.

Kathy Cyr is the owner of Cutters Corner hair salon. She has 3 daughters and six grandchildren. She has been a member of GSUMC for 27 years. She is an usher at the 9:45 service and also helps greet and works at the information booth. Kathy has been captain of the special events ushers. Her youngest daughter, Krystal, was one of the members of the first praise band that the youth organized called Barefoot Believers. Kathy has been a faithful member of the prayer team that Pastor Jody heads up. She is a member of the Balcony Sisters and has been involved in the Wednesday night women's Bible study group since its formation. Thank you, Kathy, for your service.

Helen Jones and her late husband owned a fish camp on Fish River after moving here from Tennessee. When it was destroyed by a hurricane they decided to sell the property. Helen has served the bread ministry for over 20 years. In the beginning she worked with Scottie Rossi who taught her about dumpster diving. There was a lot of good food in there. Scottie had a long pole with a hook on it that she would use to pull things close to Helen so she could grab it and throw it out of the dumpster. One day after a bad thunderstorm, Helen retired from dumpster diving. She has spent endless hours sitting in 100 degrees heat culling food in the storage shed and never complained. To this day she is faithful to the bread ministry. She is in charge of picking up the bread each Wednesday morning at 7 am and there is no kind of weather that stops her. Everyone loves Helen. Thank you Helen for all that you do. *******************************************************************************************************

Sunday Dec. 3 All filled shoeboxes returned to church or auditorium or office

Tuesday, Dec. 5 at 12:00 noon - UMW Leadership Meeting in Fellowship Hall Saturday, Jan. 13, 2018 at 10:00 – UMW Unit meeting in Auditorium Saturday, Jan. 27, 2018 9:00-3:00 Market Place Bazaar - in Auditorium December meetings for all four circles will be Christmas celebrations and meeting times may vary so please. contact your chairman or the church office for additional information.

Jan. 27, 2018

A worship service with music, teaching-style message & small group option for women, men, young adults & youth at the end of the service. Sunday

mornings, 9:30 am in Auditorium, Bldg. B.

Come Worship with us on Sundays! 8:30 am - Traditional - Sanctuary

9:30 am - The Bridge Contemporary- Auditorium 9:45 am - Contemporary - Sanctuary

11 am - Traditional - Sanctuary

Adult Sunday School Schedule

8:30 am - Torah Class, Bldg B, Room 206 This class of early risers enjoys exploring the Old Testament in depth through study and discus-sion. Ages 40+

9:45 am Sea-Kers, Bldg A, Room 114

This class uses both Adult Bible Study curric-ulum and DVD series for discussion and growth. Ages 65+

Wesleyan Class, Bldg B, Room 201 Class members rotate leadership as they offer In-depth Bible study each week. Ages 50+

Movers, Bldg A, Fellowship Hall Class of young adults, single & married w/children, does topical studies using both media & discussion for application to daily life. Ages 20+

Fellowship Class, Bldg C, Room 103 Class members rotate leadership & use both media & topical Bible studies for their dis-cussion. Ages 60+

Son Followers, Bldg C, Room 101 This class is interested in scripture and focus on learning while sharing life experiences as they relate to the study. Winter visitors are welcome! Ages 65+

Busy Parents, Couples & Singles Class Bldg C, Room 104 Class members use multi-media to aid in their Bible study and application to daily life. Ages 30+

Children & Youth

Sunday School Schedule Nursery (infants - 3 yrs. old) 8:30 am - 12 noon, Room A 122

Nursery (infants - 3 yrs. old) The Bridge 9:30 - 10:45 am, Room B 203

9:45 am Sunday School (4 yrs. - 4th grade) All ages meet & start in Gathering Room A 130 4yrs - K, Room A 128 1st & 2nd grade, Room A 134 3rd & 4th grade, Room A 130

9:45 am (5th & 6th grade) Meet in Room A136

10:20 - 10:40 am (Youth 7th gr. & up) Meet in Thee Coffee Shop after The Bridge Service

Children’s Church Meets in A130 after Doxology at the 11 am service.

Our book group will meet on Tuesday, January 16th at 2 pm in Room B 206. We are reading “The Mag-

ic Strings of Frankie Presto” by Mitch Al-bom. We will discuss this book & compare this book to his others, “The Five People You Meet In Heaven” “First Phone Call From Heaven” and others. All women who have read this book are welcome & encouraged to join us for our monthly book club meeting! Because refreshments will be served, please call Sondra Leef to rsvp, so that we can plan accordingly! Hope to see you there! Sondra Leef (334) 462-4787


Christian Yoga Class

Every Tuesday & Friday at 10:30 am Building C, Room 101 (next to Crossroads)

Everyone welcome. All fitness levels. Bring your yoga mat.

Donations accepted.

Registered Yoga Instructor & GSUMC Member, Pat Wiley

Fall/Winter Coupon Books

are in! You can

purchase in the church office, $15 each.

Dinner groups are being formed & planned right now. There is a sign up sheet located at the

Information Booth outside of the Sanctuary, until Dec. 17th. You may also sign up buy calling Sondra Leef 334-462-4787. We will begin with a potluck in the Coffee Shop in January. During the following months various groups will meet at a time they select for a dinner together. Each group will have three or four dinners between Feb & May. There will be a different host each month and the people attending will bring side dishes to go with the hosts entrée. We have been struggling to keep the groups continuing, so please consider joining us this year, New and Returning friends will enjoy this fun activity spending time together, learning about fellow church friends. Sondra Leef @ (334) 462-4787

Grandparent Holiday Tips w/Dr. Perri Jacobs

“YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO THIS ALONE. I’M HERE WITH YOU.” PAPA Whether you are looking for faith, have lost faith along the way, or are strong in your faith but desire to trust God more deeply---- you can experience the deep spiritual truths of encountering God’s triumphant promises and healing through the tragedies and uncertainties of life. Please join us as we study through scripture, prayer, video clips. and personal experiences the Christian message of The Shack. For Five Wednesdays in January, (3-31), from 6:00-7:15, we will explore the messages of God conveyed in the # 1 best seller and movie. Week 1: Where is God when I need Him Most? Week 2: How does God see me? Week 3: Why are you doing this to me? Week 4: How can I know the heart of the Father? Week 5: So you just let him get away with this? Please read the book or watch the movie (REDBOX has it). To register or for questions, contact Chaplain Dave @ [email protected], 251-233-9457.

WORSHIP + 2 CLASSES – Spring 2018 WORSHIP + 2 CLASSES are intentionally chosen by the pastors to encourage spiritual growth in specific areas. This fall we are offering Track 2 – classes focusing on Life Application skills. You will notice they are offered on Wednesday morning, Wednesday evening, and Sunday afternoon. The new WORSHIP + 2 CLASSES require pre-registration for the resource books to be available! Beginning December 11

th, you may register online at the church website, by email to the church office or you may fill out a form at

the church office. WORSHIP + 2 Class meeting Wednesday 10 am – beginning January 3rd: Insights for the Daily Grind: Living the Proverbs Pastor Janie Mac Beth Room: B 206 WORSHIP + 2 Class meeting Wednesday 6-7:15 pm – beginning January 3rd: The Strength You Need Pastor Glenn and Denise Pippin Fellowship Hall – A 137 WORSHIP + 2 Class meeting Wednesday 6-7:15 pm – beginning January 3rd: The Circle Maker (Prayer) Pastor Julianna Room: Rev. Cooper’s office WORSHIP + 2 Class meeting Sunday 5-6:15 pm – beginning January 21st: Mastering Life Before It’s Too Late (10 week class) Pastor Jody & Con Kranz

Wednesday Night Dinners & Classes will resume January 3, 2018. ADULT EDUCATION Classes meeting Wednesday 4 pm - beginning January 3


Early Bird Bible Study @ 4 pm: Floyd Williams Room: B 201 Study: Book of Romans

ADULT EDUCATION Classes meeting Wednesday 6-7:15 pm – beginning January 3rd

:: Women’s Bible Study: Pat Wiley Room: B 206 Study: All Things New Young Adult Class: Kimberly Hollis and Lindsay Taylor Thee Coffee Shop Study: Serendipity Bible Study Study on Scripture: Dave McLean Room: A 130 Study: The Shack – 5 week study Bible Study: Nancy Atteberry Room: A 136 Study – Book of Hebrews NOTE THIS CHANGE FOR YOUR CALENDAR: There will be 15 weekly class meetings with NO class on these 2 dates: Ash Wednesday, February 14th and Holy Week/Spring Break, March 28

th. The final class meeting will be Wednesday, April 29


Friday, December 1 Mother’s Day Out, 9 am - 2:45 pm Christian Yoga Class, C 101, 10:30 am Narcotics Anonymous, C 104, 7 pm Sunday, December 3 Traditional Worship, Sanctuary, 8:30 & 11 am The Bridge, Aud, 9:30 am Contemporary Worship, Aud, 9:45 am Thee Coffee Shop Open, 9-11 am Kids Own Worship, A 130, 11:30 am Sunday Night Youth, CR, 5:30—7:30 pm Monday, December 4 Mother’s Day Out, 9 am - 2:45 pm ReSale Heaven, Open, 10am - 4 pm Respite Sr. Daycare, Coffee Shop, 10 am Contemporary Band Rehearsal, Aud, 5:30 pm Narcotics Anonymous, C 104, 7 pm Tuesday, December 5 Mother’s Day Out, 9 am - 2:45 pm ReSale Heaven, Open, 10am - 4 pm Christian Yoga Class, C 101, 10:30 am Grief Support, B 201, 1 pm After School Tutoring, C101, 3-4:30 pm Al-Anon Meeting, C 103, 5:30 pm AA, C 101, 5:30 pm & 8 pm Wednesday, December 6 Mother’s Day Out, 9 am - 2:45 pm ReSale Heaven, Open, 10am - 4 pm Respite Sr. Daycare, Coffee Shop, 10 am Early Bird Bible Study, B 201, 4 - 5 pm Children’s Music, Sanctuary, 5:30 pm Celebrating Abundance Advent Class, A130, 6 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Choir Rm, 6:30 pm AA Meeting, C 101, 8 pm Thursday, December 7 Mother’s Day Out, 9 am - 2:45 pm ESL Class, B206, 8:30 am Bread Ministry, C 101, 9 am Grandparent Holiday Tips, B201, 11 am After School Tutoring, C101, 3-4:30 pm UMM Christmas Banquet, Craft Farms, 6 pm Narcotics Anonymous, C 104, 7 pm Friday, December 8 Christian Yoga Class, C 101, 10:30 am Narcotics Anonymous, C 104, 7 p Saturday, December 9 Angel Breakfast, C101, 9 am Mark Hayes Rehearsal, 9 am—3 pm Sunday, December 10 Traditional Worship, Sanctuary, 8:30 & 11 am The Bridge, Aud, 9:30 am Contemporary Worship, Aud, 9:45 am Thee Coffee Shop Open, 9-11 am Kids Own Worship, A 130, 11:30 am Sunday Night Youth, CR, 3 - 6 p pm Christmas Concert/Mark Hayes, Sanctuary, 7 pm Monday, December 11 ReSale Heaven, Open, 10am - 4 pm Respite Sr. Daycare, Coffee Shop, 10 am Contemporary Band Rehearsal, Aud, 5:30 pm Narcotics Anonymous, C 104, 7 pm Tuesday, December 12 Mother’s Day Out, 9 am - 2:45 pm ReSale Heaven, Open, 10am - 4 pm Christian Yoga Class, C 101, 10:30 am Caring & Sharing, A 105, 10:30 am After School Tutoring, C101, 3-4:30 pm Al-Anon Meeting, C 103, 5:30 pm AA, C 101, 5:30 pm & 8 pm Wednesday, December 13 Mother’s Day Out, 9 am - 2:45 pm ReSale Heaven, Open, 10am - 4 pm Respite Sr. Daycare, Coffee Shop, 10 am

Early Bird Bible Study, B 201, 4 - 5 pm Children’s Music, Sanctuary, 5:30 pm Celebrating Abundance Advent Class, A130, 6 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Choir Rm, 6:30 pm AA Meeting, C 101, 8 pm Thursday, December 14 Mother’s Day Out, 9 am - 2:45 pm ESL Class, B206, 8:30 am Bread Ministry, C 101, 9 am After School Tutoring, C101, 3 - 4:30 pm Narcotics Anonymous, C 104, 7 pm Friday, December 15 Mother’s Day Out, 9 am - 2:45 pm Christian Yoga Class, C 101, 10:30 am Narcotics Anonymous, C 104, 7 pm Sunday, December 17 Traditional Worship, Sanctuary, 8:30 & 11 am The Bridge, Aud, 9:30 am Contemporary Worship, Aud, 9:45 am Thee Coffee Shop Open, 9-11 am Kids Own Worship, A 130, 11:30 am Sunday Night Youth, CR, 5:30 - 7:30 pm Monday, December 18 ReSale Heaven, Open, 10am - 4 pm Respite Sr. Daycare, Coffee Shop, 10 am Contemporary Band Rehearsal, Aud, 5:30 pm Narcotics Anonymous, C 104, 7 pm Tuesday, December 19 ReSale Heaven, Open, 10am - 4 pm Christian Yoga Class, FH, 10:30 am Candle in the Dark, Aud, 11 am Al-Anon Meeting, C 103, 5:30 pm AA, C 101, 5:30 pm & 8 pm Wednesday, December 20 ReSale Heaven, Open, 10am - 4 pm Bread Ministry, C 101, 9 am Early Bird Bible Study, B 201, 4 - 5 pm AA Meeting, C 101, 8 pm Thursday, December 21 ESL Class, B206, 8:30 am Bread Ministry, C 101, 9 am Narcotics Anonymous, C 104, 7 pm Friday, December 22 Christian Yoga Class, C 101, 10:30 am Narcotics Anonymous, C 104, 7 pm Sunday, December 24 Traditional Worship, Sanctuary, 8:30 & 11 am The Bridge, Aud, 9:30 am Contemporary Worship, Aud, 9:45 am Thee Coffee Shop Open, 9-11 am Kids Own Worship, A 130, 11:30 am NO Sunday Night Youth Monday, December 25 Church Office CLOSED Narcotics Anonymous, C 104, 7 pm Tuesday, December 26 Church Office CLOSED Christian Yoga Class, C 101, 10:30 am Al-Anon Meeting, C 103, 5:30 pm AA, C 101, 5:30 pm & 8 pm Wednesday, December 27 Church Office Open, 10 am - 2 pm AA Meeting, C 101, 8 pm Thursday, December 28 Church Office Open, 10 am - 2 pm ESL Class, B206, 8:30 am Bread Ministry, C 101, 9 a Narcotics Anonymous, C 104, 7 pm Friday, December 29 Church Office Open, 10am - 2 pm Narcotics Anonymous, C 104, 7 pm

Sunday, December 31 Traditional Worship, Sanctuary, 8:30 & 11 am The Bridge, Aud, 9:30 am Contemporary Worship, Aud, 9:45 am Thee Coffee Shop Open, 9-11 am Kids Own Worship, A 130, 11:30 am NO Sunday Night Youth Monday, January 1 Church Office CLOSED ReSale Heaven, Open, 10am - 4 pm Narcotics Anonymous, C 104, 7 pm Tuesday, January 2 Snowbird Coffee, Aud, 9:30 am ReSale Heaven, Open, 10am - 4 pm Christian Yoga Class, C 101, 10:30 am Grief Support, B 201, 1 pm Al-Anon Meeting, C 103, 5:30 pm AA, C 101, 5:30 pm & 8 pm Wednesday, January 3 Mother’s Day Out, 9 am - 2:45 pm ReSale Heaven, Open, 10am - 4 pm Respite Sr. Daycare, Coffee Shop, 10 am Early Bird Bible Study, B 201, 4 - 5 pm Dinner, Aud, 4:30 - 6 pm Children’s Music, Sanctuary, 5:30 pm Wednesday Night Classes, 6 - 7:15 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Choir Rm, 6:30 pm AA Meeting, C 101, 8 pm Thursday, January 4 Mother’s Day Out, 9 am - 2:45 pm ESL Class, B206, 8:30 am Bread Ministry, C 101, 9 am After School Tutoring, C101, 3-4:30 pm Narcotics Anonymous, C 104, 7 pm Friday, January 5 Christian Yoga Class, C 101, 10:30 am Narcotics Anonymous, C 104, 7 pm Sunday, January 7 Traditional Worship, Sanctuary, 8:30 & 11 am The Bridge, Aud, 9:30 am Contemporary Worship, Aud, 9:45 am Thee Coffee Shop Open, 9-11 am Kids Own Worship, A 130, 11:30 am Sunday Night Youth, CR, 5:30 - 7:30 pm

Caring & Sharing

Tuesday, Dec. 12th 10:30 am

Room A105

Grief Support Group


December 5th

1:00 pm, Bldg B 206

If you have lost a loved one, you have

experienced the grief of heartache &

loss. Come join us for healing &

comfort. Led by Pastor Jody Kranz.

Upcoming Events!

Gulf Shores United Methodist Church Prayer List:

Military Prayer List:

Chris Bookout Col. Chris Brown Dustin Brown Nick Caron Niklas Cook Tyler Cox Kurk Devereaux Zackary Devereaux Jason Garcia Richard Guyer III Jay Hasenbein Austin Hill Derek Kearns Lt. Joe M. Kidd

Johnathan Kolanowski Hale Lee Donnie MacGregor Andrew McCarthy JD Moore Jacob Seitz Ethan Simantel Capt. Caleb Spandridge Austin Stanley Kevin Stillings Chris Stone Sam Yoh Evan Walker Stone Wilters Dominic Zottoli

Our Extended Family Prayer Concerns: George Collins, father-in-law of Sandee Collins Everleigh Gibney & Devan Willis, friends of Shirley Family Jerry & Margaret Crompton Marie Good Terry Bobe, brother of John Bobe Tammy Roberts Chad Olson, friend of Gene & Debra Caffey Candice Workman, friend of Marsha Guyer Tyler Barnett, son of Stephanie Barnett Charles Bowers, friend of Pete & Dona Ford Tom Cook, brother of Tonee Thomas David Phillips, father of Jereme Phillips Bonnie King, cousin of Judy Jordan Suzoone Saese, friend of Nancy Atteberry Zachary Mesker, nephew of Rufus & Marilyn Mosely David Opry, friend of Bob & Judy Jordan Robert Blum & Adrienne Blum, son & daughter of Bud & Sondra Leef Kaeli Tannehill, granddaughter of Cathy Hanners Sue Martin & Richard Stubblefield, family of Brad & Holly Stubblefield Larry Griffin’s Family & Richard Stampil Family, friends of Mitch & Sissy Lattof Kevin, Jan Keene, & Casey Martin, family of Kurt & Sunny Keene Matthew Pickern, Taylor Dendy, Lily Kate, family of Lyle & Denise Cooper Deb Craft & Family, family of Mitch & Sissy Lattof Dr. Russell Dunn, friend of Jerry & Margaret Crompton Jerry Crompton, husband of Margaret Crompton Lisa Goetsch, daughter of Carol Brownyard Kim Planck, niece of Joyce Weddle Tim Bruce, nephew of Betty Neumeg Porter Johnson, aunt of Jessica Sanders Landen Stewart, friend of Jessica Sanders Linda Cope, sister of Kathy Marlow Jack Davidson, friend of Lisa Neuhoff Jace Flores-Burson, grandson of Bill & Joan Partridge Linda Yost, friend of Tom & Sue Frohnapfel Mary Mullings, friend of Charlotte Layne John Hawkes, brother of Maggie Stoddard Lynn Crouch, friend of Ken Matthews Susan Doring, sister of David Kaiser Tedi Haid & her father Sonny Roberts, nephew of Danielle Roberts Kenny Taylor, family of Denise Cooper Kenny Wathen, friend of Jim & Martha Alexander Annetta Jernigan, mother of Karen Bobe Ben Swanson, friend of Marsha Guyer Linda Knox, family friend of Dennis Thomas Joan & Bill Kinard, friends of Mitch Ferguson Kia Piele, friend of Michael & JC Ridley Hunter Barfield, son of Mark & Kay Barfield Gloria Mulcahey & The Liebel Family Phillip Benner, brother of Linda Hula Sandra Craig, sister-in-law of Marsha Guyer Hal McMemin, uncle of Rachel Osborn Josh McIntosh, grand nephew of Bettye Green Beverly Vincent, friend of Ken & Amelia Fletcher Diane Daniell, friend of Van & Laurie McALister Baby Easton Caraway, friend of Emily & Lee Steiner Dewayne Taylor, brother of Denise Cooper Helen Bobowski, friends of Jim & Pat Humphrey McKinley Turner, daughter of Ashley & Luke Turner Rev. Jesse Shackelford, nephew of John Shackelford Michael Flanagan, brother of Richard Flanagan Rob, friend of Richard & Maria Flanagan Paul Fitch, friend of Kent & Judy Vesper Jennifer Guthrie, friend of Karen Bobe Yuille Young, brother of June Young Don McCrory, friend of Ken & Carole Matthews Pat Calloway, friend of Donna Miller Meridith Shahpazian, friend of Judy Jordan D. Carucci, friend of Maureen Bacon Dick Conway, father of Rick Conway Larry Fowler, brother of Mike Fowler David Hutchins, husband of Teresa Lawson Eloise Mills, mother of Jan Warren

Today we celebrate the life & mourn the loss of:

Wren Johnson, wife of Don Johnson &

Emily Steiner, mother of Lee Steiner & Kemily Steiner Wilson

If this Advent and Christmas season finds you

experiencing loss and grief, please join us for…

“A CANDLE IN THE DARK” - a special worship service for the Bereaved

Tuesday, December 19th 11 A.M. in the Auditorium.

This is a quiet (no Christmas music) time of remembering together as we share &

light candles in memory of those we have lost. The service is brief & open to the community, so

please either invite those who are bereaved or come in support of them.

Susan Daniel Don Johnson Barb Patty Bob Jordan Brent Burns Rufus Mosely Myrt Bains Russell Harris Sunny Staples Nancy Atteberry Maxine & Barney Gass Pat Hogan Laura Holliman Ann Myers Sandra Crowell Holly Stubblefield Con Kranz Charlotte Hill Sandy Tyer

Alton Wallace Jim Humphrey Evelyn Plotz Tom & Marta Glunt Art Perez Paul Foster Lillian Glass Ann Wise Marsha Hinnen Judy & Kent Vesper Jo Strycker Dennis Thomas Howard Hinesley Bettye Green Betty Shackelford Shirley Krages Tonee & Doug Thomas John & Norma Hawthorne

1900 Gulf Shores Pkwy PO Box 374

Gulf Shores, AL 36547 251-968-2411

OPEN 10 am - 4 pm

Mondays, Tuesdays &

Wednesdays (251) 968-1182

www.resaleheaven.org (located next to Winn Dixie)



GSUMC is a Safe Sanctuaries &

Stephen Ministry Congregation.

gulfshoresumc.org Visit us online gulfshoresumc.org

PAVERS, PAVERS, PAVERS! CELEBRATE– Anniversaries, Births, Birthdays, Graduations, Memorials, Special Memorials for Loved Ones. GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEAS! Please take the time to notice the progress on the Plaza. Be on the lookout for brochures that will have all pricing/availability along with other information. This is a wonderful on-going fund raiser for our Church along with a lovely way to celebrate and remember for a lifetime….

There are several projects on our “Want-to” list that are currently partially funded or unfunded. If any of these projects strike your fancy, they represent a wonderful year-end giving opportunity. New Electronic Church Sign ($23,000 still needed) Landscaping in the Court yard & around the Sanctuary ($8,000 still needed) Paint the Interior of Building C on South Campus (Children’s Area) + 3 Corning Ware Boards ($7,500)
