A GOLDEN PRESENTATION - Amazon Web Servicesbrg-quantum.s3.amazonaws.com/ebooks/AGolden... · A...

1 | Page A GOLDEN PRESENTATION Burt Goldman Copyright 2014 Palm Desert California Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3 But stress is a part of life. How can we avoid it? .................................................................................... 3 Enter the Bagha....................................................................................................................................... 3 How do you feel about stress? ............................................................................................................... 4 Is Your Mind A Place of Stress or A Place of Peace? ............................................................................... 4 The Good Luck Plan Can Show You How. ............................................................................................... 4 Discover the Power of Meditation. ......................................................................................................... 5 Ready to get started? .............................................................................................................................. 5 “Be a master OF mind rather than mastered BY mind.” ........................................................................ 6 Thinking Creates an Image ...................................................................................................................... 6 What are your emotions saying for you?................................................................................................ 8 Taking Control with Metaphors .............................................................................................................. 9 Jumping from the Frying Pan .................................................................................................................. 9 Thinking Your Way Into Reality ............................................................................................................. 10 What makes a Negative Thinker? ......................................................................................................... 10 What Are You Preparing For? ............................................................................................................... 11 A Little Redirection................................................................................................................................ 12 Don’t Worry. Be Happy. ........................................................................................................................ 12 The Level of Your Intent ........................................................................................................................ 13 What Do You Believe?........................................................................................................................... 13 The Secret of Manifestation ................................................................................................................. 14 Cause and Effect.................................................................................................................................... 15 Learning to Think Big............................................................................................................................. 16

Transcript of A GOLDEN PRESENTATION - Amazon Web Servicesbrg-quantum.s3.amazonaws.com/ebooks/AGolden... · A...

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PRESENTATION Burt Goldman Copyright 2014 Palm Desert California

Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3 But stress is a part of life. How can we avoid it? .................................................................................... 3 Enter the Bagha ....................................................................................................................................... 3 How do you feel about stress? ............................................................................................................... 4 Is Your Mind A Place of Stress or A Place of Peace? ............................................................................... 4 The Good Luck Plan Can Show You How. ............................................................................................... 4 Discover the Power of Meditation. ......................................................................................................... 5 Ready to get started? .............................................................................................................................. 5 “Be a master OF mind rather than mastered BY mind.” ........................................................................ 6 Thinking Creates an Image ...................................................................................................................... 6 What are your emotions saying for you?................................................................................................ 8 Taking Control with Metaphors .............................................................................................................. 9 Jumping from the Frying Pan .................................................................................................................. 9 Thinking Your Way Into Reality ............................................................................................................. 10 What makes a Negative Thinker? ......................................................................................................... 10 What Are You Preparing For? ............................................................................................................... 11 A Little Redirection ................................................................................................................................ 12 Don’t Worry. Be Happy. ........................................................................................................................ 12 The Level of Your Intent ........................................................................................................................ 13 What Do You Believe? ........................................................................................................................... 13 The Secret of Manifestation ................................................................................................................. 14 Cause and Effect.................................................................................................................................... 15 Learning to Think Big ............................................................................................................................. 16

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How Big is “Big”? ................................................................................................................................... 16 Different But the Same ......................................................................................................................... 17 Show Me Your Confidence! .................................................................................................................. 17 Tapping Your Motivation ...................................................................................................................... 18 Illuminating Your Image ........................................................................................................................ 18 What If? ................................................................................................................................................. 19 Discovering Your Desires....................................................................................................................... 19 Defining Your Success ........................................................................................................................... 20 The Table of Creativity .......................................................................................................................... 21 Examining the Possibilities .................................................................................................................... 22 Your Box of Confidence ......................................................................................................................... 22 Are You Aging Gracefully ...................................................................................................................... 23 How Old Are You Really? ...................................................................................................................... 23 Where Will You Be in 2085? ................................................................................................................. 24 The World is Your Canvas ..................................................................................................................... 25 Setting Your Expectations ..................................................................................................................... 25 One Block At A Time.............................................................................................................................. 25 Heal Thyself ........................................................................................................................................... 26 Protecting Your Health .......................................................................................................................... 28 What Is Spirit Telling You? .................................................................................................................... 28 Are You Psychic? ................................................................................................................................... 28 We Are all Psychics ............................................................................................................................... 29 Clearing Out All the Clutter ................................................................................................................... 29 Altering Your State of Awareness ......................................................................................................... 30 Connecting to Your God ........................................................................................................................ 31 Moving to the Spiritual Plane ............................................................................................................... 31 How Infinite is Infinity? ......................................................................................................................... 32 Self, Meet Self ....................................................................................................................................... 33 Putting On Your Hat .............................................................................................................................. 33 Reversing the Negative ......................................................................................................................... 34 What’s the Point? ................................................................................................................................. 34 Where Are You Going? .......................................................................................................................... 35 What Comes Next? ............................................................................................................................... 35 Who Is God? .......................................................................................................................................... 36 The Purpose of Choice .......................................................................................................................... 37 Where Have You Been? ........................................................................................................................ 38 Taking It With You ................................................................................................................................. 39 Finding Your Way .................................................................................................................................. 40 The Wave of Goodness ......................................................................................................................... 40 Discovering Your Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 41

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Introduction Why do some people seem to have “all the luck”, while the rest of us continue to struggle

from day to day?

When it rains it pours, doesn’t it? Everyday, millions of people greet the day with hopes of a brighter future but find that no matter what they do, they just can’t seem to get ahead. We work harder, we work longer, but it seems many are just destined to struggle. And yet, there are those who seem to attract good luck no matter where they go. Things “just happen” to them. They’re in the right place at the right time ALL THE TIME. How do they do it? And why can’t you do it too?

You can.

Contrary to popular belief, you didn’t come into this world alone and unarmed. Inside you there is a powerful tool that can turn every dream into reality. This inner consciousness is a direct connection to the Source itself, your roadmap to personal and spiritual success. To utilize this roadmap, you need only to tap into your spiritual core -that part of you that you refer to as “I”. This is your spiritual Self, your metaphysical center that allows you to create your life as you see fit.

The easiest (and most effective) way to tap into your inner consciousness is through meditation. But before you can master meditation, you’re going to have to learn to manage your stress.

Stress is nothing more than our reaction to change. Any change in our lives, whether it be good or bad, will cause some level of stress. Psychologists have listed hundreds of stress-causing events, each with their own ranking that measures the amount of turmoil the stressor can cause. Death of a loved one and the loss of a job rank right at the top for example, while a flat tire or spilling your drink would rank much lower. But regardless of the ranking, stress accumulates and can take a serious toll on a person’s well-being.

• Stress can cause headaches, nausea, psychological problems and even heart-attacks. • • Stress lowers our white blood cell count, making us more susceptible to disease and illness.

• • Stress can cause hyperventilation and respiratory problems.

• Stress can cause a variety of digestive issues, including constipation, indigestion and ulcers.

No wonder so many people are sick.

Of course, everyone responds to stress differently, but you can be sure that extreme stress lasting for extended periods of time will eventually wreak havoc on your body.

But stress is a part of life. How can we avoid it? You can’t.

Life is all about change and change is what causes stress. The secret isn’t in finding a way to avoid the stress but rather, changing the way you respond when it occurs. In other words, control your attitude.

Remember those people who seem to have all the luck? The ones whose lives just keep getting better and better? The reason fortune seems to smile on them is that they’ve learned to tap into their inner consciousness. They’ve discovered that they can change their attitude, but to do so, they had to learn to manage their stress.

Enter the Bagha. There is a simple technique that you can use to calm your mind and restore balance to

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yourself. The beauty of this technique is that you can use it anytime, anyplace and under any circumstances. But before I reveal this method, I want to ask you a question:

How do you feel about stress? No, this isn’t a trick question. In order to effectively manage stress, you’re going to change

the way you view the stressors. For most people, stress is seen as obstacle, a roadblock in their path to success. The event causing the stress becomes a bad thing, something that will slow us down and could possess the potential to keep us from getting what we want.

Does that sound about right for you?

When we think of stress, we think of negative things. Failures, downfalls and pit-stops that delay us from reaching our chosen destination. And sometimes, that’s exactly what these events seem to do. But this kind of response is the result of Ego, that limited and usually selfish perception that puts our own interests above all other things. Ego tells us that the world is cruel. That it’s greedy, unjust and unfair. Ego assures us that we must do what we have to, regardless of the cost, if we expect to find any success in this material world. Ego expects things to go wrong, because that’s what has always happened in the past. And while I’m on the subject allow me to define EGO. Ego is simply your opinion of yourself.

The truth is, the events in our life happen because they’re supposed to happen. They may bring us new perspective on a situation or they might cause us to step back and reflect. If we view these events as negative roadblocks, we risk missing the message they bring. Change your attitude however, and you’ll discover that there might just be a better destination than the one you had originally sought.

See, those “lucky people” know that the Universe is actually a rewarding and generous place. They know that “like attracts like” and as long as they maintain a clear mind and a positive perspective, they can attract and create anything they want. They also know that stress -and the negative effects it has on our body -can cloud our mind and keep us from discovering the incredible being we really are. So, while they may not know what changes are coming, they are comfortable with the idea of change itself. They have removed the stress of worry and dread and replaced it with a calmness that can only come from their spiritual core.

Is Your Mind A Place of Stress or A Place of Peace? What if you could welcome change without fear?

What if you could calm your mind and enjoy a peaceful, serene existence?

What if you could redirect your energies into something more productive?

What if you could relieve all your stress-related symptoms?

And most importantly – what if you could turn the unknown into new opportunities for growth?

The Good Luck Plan Can Show You How. The Good Luck Plan has one purpose and one purpose alone: to help you tap into your

inner consciousness. The Good Luck Plan can teach you to manage your stress, heal your body and attract the wealth and happiness you’ve been dreaming about. The GLP addresses every aspect of your life, from energy and contentment to intuition and intention. Through guided meditations and a shift in perspective, you can begin to discover the amazing potential of your spiritual core.

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Discover the Power of Meditation. For many of us, the idea of sitting still for any length of time sounds impossible. Clear our

minds? You’ve got to be kidding. We have become so enveloped in our “rush-rush” society, that we’re multi-tasking all the time, even in our sleep.

But when we meditate, the multi-tasking stops. The mind relaxes, allowing us to find our balance and tap that all important spiritual core. We become more productive, more centered and certainly more at ease. Through meditation, we can achieve wondrous things, from ridding our bodies of illness to manifesting our innermost desires.

And the beauty of meditation is that its not as difficult as you might think. By learning to silence that ever-churning chaos inside your head, you can finally discover the true meaning of the word “peace”. Your thoughts will be clearer, your ideas more vibrant and you’ll be able to literally “see” your way into a new and exciting future. With meditation, you can:

• Increase your blood flow.

• Lower your heart rate.

• Decrease muscle tension.

• Relieve headaches.

• Reduce anxiety attacks.

• Alleviate allergy symptoms.

In fact, meditation is such a powerful tool, studies have shown that regular meditation can even strengthen your immune system and help you ward off illness and infection!

Ready to get started? Remember that magical technique I mentioned earlier? Known as the Bagha, this technique allows you to instantly restore calmness whenever you’re in a stressful situation. Don’t worry, there’s no athletic ability or yoga-like flexibility required. This move is so easy, anyone can do it. Step 1: Close your eyes and visualize an image that you find peaceful. It could be a pleasant memory or a favorite vacation from long ago. Picture it in your mind as if you were there and remember the tranquility you felt at your special place.

Step 2: Now touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Hold it there for a second while you maintain your peaceful visualization.

That wasn’t so hard, was it?

The Bagha technique can be used anytime you feel stressed or tense. Like a metaphysical switch, this ancient process sends a signal to your brain that it is time to relax regardless of what’s going on around you at the time. Touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and you are instantly transported to that relaxing state you remember from your favorite place. Use this technique when you feel anxious or angry and of course, when you want to clear your mind for meditation.

Learn to meditate properly and you’ll find that new opportunities await that you never even imagined. When you meditate, you focus your energies upon one thing -one goal, one desire, an inner desire that you hope to manifest. This focus allows you to access the unlimited resources of the Universe itself and set your desires into motion.

This is only the beginning. You are embarking on an amazing, life-changing journey so let me take this moment to say

Congratulations! It’s always exciting to share in someone else’s self-discovery and I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of that transformation. With the GLP, you can awaken an inner power

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capable of astounding things. It’s true! The power to create your life is inside you right now. You have everything you need to attract wealth, happiness, health and abundance. All you have to do is figure out how to tap that power and that’s what the GLP will do.

“Be a master OF mind rather than mastered BY mind.” This is an ancient Zen saying and one that I think is very appropriate for this lesson. The

mind is a wonderfully amazing and mysterious thing, with the abilities to memorize, calculate, reason and recall. The mind can envision a creation that doesn’t yet exist, view it in 3-D and extrapolate the materials needed to bring it to life. It can analyze and ponder, theorize and suppose. Our mind literally controls every function in our physical bodies, from breathing and walking to the behaviors and attitudes that stem from our innermost beliefs.

In fact, next to the Spirit itself, the mind is the most mysterious and fascinating aspect of the human body. Science can’t unravel it and religion doesn’t even address it, yet it is the key to everything about our world that we call “life”.

The mind is in fact, a powerful tool. One that when used correctly, can shape and bend reality to meet your every desire. Using the power of thought, you can literally create a reality that mimics your innermost dreams and aspirations. You can create happiness, abundance and even good health. Unfortunately, the mind doesn’t know if its being used correctly or not. On its own, the mind simply gives equal energy to any thought with focus, interpreting that focus as a desire or intent. It doesn’t distinguish between good or bad nor does it have any attachment to a particular result. It just is what it is. If left unchecked, the mind will continue to bend and shape reality as it was designed to but without any regard to the reality it is creating.

Several years ago, I was speaking at a weight control clinic in San Francisco. At one point in the presentation, I told the audience that realistically, the best diet advice was to simply eat less. Margaret, a rather plump woman in the audience, raised her hand and asked with a tear in her eye, “How?” How, indeed.

Now, weight control is a complex process. There are so many variables involved, it would be impossible to address every single scenario. But that question I did want to answer because the “how” isn’t limited to just one scenario, It isn’t limited to one particular person or one specific character trait. The “how” isn’t even limited to just losing weight. Quite the contrary, the same method can be applied to any habit we want to break and any emotion we want to control. In fact, using this simple process, I knew Margaret could overcome anything and everything that had been holding her back from her true and authentic Self.

And its this secret that I want to share with you. But before we get to that, let’s talk about the “why”.

If we didn’t believe we were hungry, would we still overeat?

Think about it for a second... when we eat, what’s driving us? When we’re angry, what keeps us from being happy instead? If we didn’t truly believe in a particular emotion or state of mind, would that state of mind still even exist?

Thinking Creates an Image What we think and believe is what becomes true. The true captains of their souls are those

who have control over their emotions. Or to put it simply, those who control their likes and dislikes. You know very well what happens when you don’t like something. Instead of tackling it head-on, you put it off. You dread the task no matter how menial it might be. This attitude makes the task even

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more unbearable than it was before. And the longer we dread it, the longer we put it off, the more torturous it becomes. But sometimes, we have to just dig in and get the job done no matter how badly we might want to do something else. That’s just life, isn’t it? We do what we have to do. So, in order to get around the dread, we learned to look at those tasks in a different light. Instead of moaning and groaning about doing the dishes, we found a way to push through the initial dismay and make our kitchen shine. Mow the lawn? Take out the trash? Someone’s got to do it... it might as well be me.

So, let me ask you a question: how do you push past your emotions and accomplish your task? What do you tell yourself? Why doesn’t the dread and the “I don’t want to do it” attitude win out?

I know a number of people for example, who find doing the dishes to be a very tranquil and pleasant experience. They enjoy the mindlessness of it and believe it gives them a chance to relax, unwind and clear their head. How is this possible? Is their kitchen any better than mine? Do they use a nicer soap or have some sort of magic potion that makes them believe that washing dishes is fun?

The answer is simple and as you know, the simplest explanation is often the right one. They have learned to find the positive in the thing they are doing. Rather than focusing on how tired they might be or the boredom of standing at the sink, they’ve learned that washing dishes doesn’t require any deep concentration or taxing skills. They can daydream, ponder or simply think about nothing which is a wonderful thing all by itself. And when they’ve finished with the dishes, they don’t feel disgruntled about doing the job. Instead, they are filled with a rewarding satisfaction as they look around their sparkling kitchen. When we become masters of our minds, we can find that sparkling kitchen every time.

Here’s the key, ask that same person who hates washing dishes if they like a sparkling clean kitchen and the answer will invariably be yes. And therein lies the answer; don’t wash dishes, sparkle up the kitchen.

But its just washing dishes. Big deal, right?

But imagine if... You could break bad habits without stress or struggle. • You could stop procrastinating and start seeing results.

• You could accomplish any task without fear or doubt.

• You could literally steer your life in any direction you wanted.

Mastering your emotions can open doors you never imagined. Emotions drive brain waves, so the stronger the emotion, the higher the brain wave will be. Its no surprise then, that when we experience intense emotions, we have trouble thinking clearly and logically. We seem to be overwhelmed by the brain waves that are telling us we’re frightened, angry, hurt or frustrated. So much so in fact, that we can’t concentrate on anything else. We find it impossible to get a clear perspective of the situation. We feel out of control and at the mercy of whatever emotion might be dominating our thoughts.

This inability to think clearly causes us to react to our emotional state rather than to the situation itself. We often respond by saying or doing things that we later regret. In retrospect, we can see where we should have taken a different approach but at the time, our minds were so clouded with the emotional overload that we couldn’t see past the emotions themselves.

But when you learn to control your emotions, you negate their effect. You create a retrospective outlook without having to wait until the incident has passed. You are able to look at the

event or situation without any attachment or expectation and see it for what it clearly is: an event or situation that requires an unemotional response.

Say for example, that you can’t find your favorite jacket. You’ve looked and looked and looked, but its just no where to be found. The more you focus on that jacket, the more frustrated you’re going to be and the idea of wearing anything else quickly becomes out of the question. Now,

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had you started out wanting to wear something different, the fact that you couldn’t find your jacket wouldn’t be such a big deal, would it? In fact, if you even noticed it at all it would just be to make a mental note to look for it later. No stress, no worry and no emotional conflict to keep you from going out and having a good time. But because you had an emotional attachment to the jacket, you are consumed by the need to find it rather than by your desire to go out with your friends.

Kind of silly, when you put it into perspective isn’t it? Granted, this is an insignificant event -certainly not one of those major pivotal points in our life. But the point is, regardless of the severity of the situation at hand, your emotions are what drive your response. And as we’ve seen, our emotions prevent us from making the most desirable choices.

What are your emotions saying for you? Given that our emotions are happy to “speak” on our behalf, it stands to reason that much of

our life is experienced through an emotionally-influenced state of mind. If you agree with that statement, then let me ask you this: Is it possible then, that you’ve missed opportunities or taken a different direction because you were driven by your emotions at the time? If you look back at your life, you’ll probably find that the answer is an unequivocal “yes”.

These same emotions are what cause us to overeat, smoke, drink and indulge in other habits we know aren’t healthy. They are also the cause behind depression, fear and even phobias about certain scenarios, images or encounters. Someone who is afraid of spiders for example, believes they are afraid before they even see the eight legs. Just the mere suggestion can cause them to shiver, shake and sweat and yet, there’s no spider anywhere in sight.

Now some fears are certainly justified and “reasonable” -those are the ones that you should keep. Walking by a dark alley at night should invoke some level of fear so that you remain alert and ready to run if danger comes your way. Feeling afraid when you encounter a rattlesnake is another reasonable fear, one that will cause you to move away quickly and avoid being bit. And that’s a good thing. Reasonable fears protect you and keep you safe.

Irrational fears on the other hand, are those where running or protecting yourself isn’t an issue. Fear of those spiders for example would be reasonable if they were crawling on you but fear of spiders on a fence 10 feet away or even the mere image of a spider isn’t rational. No escape is needed because there’s no danger present. And realistically, how do you run away from a mental image of a spider? These kinds of fears become phobias. We dread a particular person, event or situation to the point that it consumes our existence yet, there’s not really anything we can do to eliminate the fear. We can’t run, we can’t hide and we certainly can’t fight something that resides only in our imagination because in reality, that’s all the phobia is -an imagined fear of possibilities or the unknown.

A fear such as this isn’t manageable because you can’t conquer it and return to normal. When you walk past the dark alley for example, your adrenaline is pumping and your senses are on fire. But once you’ve passed the dark alley, the sense of danger goes away and you begin to relax. The fear has passed because the situation no longer exists. With an irrational fear however, the potential for the situation always exists and therefore, the fear can never pass.

This same process is true of any fear or perceived need. The more we believe we’re hungry for example, the more driven we are to eat. It doesn’t matter if we’ve just finished a meal and it doesn’t matter that we know we’re not really hungry. We’ll stress and struggle over the idea of a candy bar or bag of chips even though we know we’ll regret eating it later. But again, none of that matters. Once the perception has presented itself, we can’t focus on anything else.

This is no way to live.

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Taking Control with Metaphors As you have learned, these bad habits and irrational fears are nothing more than the product

of brain waves driven by an emotional state. They reside only in our imagination so to get rid of them, we’re going to go right to the source.

I said I wanted to teach the woman at the weight loss clinic the “how” of breaking a bad habit? I did and now I’m going to teach you the very same method.

The secret is as simple as a metaphor.

That’s right, a metaphor. It doesn’t matter what the habit or addiction is. Whatever emotion it is that you’re trying to control, you can do it successfully by using metaphors.

Here’s how:

Step 1: If its a habit or addiction you want to break, turn it into something else. You can use lizards, snakes, gorillas, rats (yes, even spiders) or whatever you choose. Pick something that represents your addiction and then touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth (remember the Bagha?).

Step 2: The next time you feel the urge or addiction taking control, use the Bagha again by touching the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and shout: STOP!

But what if the emotion you’re trying to control isn’t an addiction or habit? What if its anger or fear or depression?

Metaphors can be used in a variety of ways. You can imagine you are wearing Power Glasses for example to help you see clearly. By using the Bagha and saying Power Glasses On, you can mentally invoke your “super glasses” that allow you to overcome the emotion and see past the frenzy.

Regardless of your particular image, the metaphor becomes just as powerful as the addiction or emotion you’re trying to halt. Remember, when you believe that something “is”, then it is. So, just as you believe you can’t stop smoking, you can also believe those cigarettes are snakes slithering into your lungs. How’s that for a new perspective? Just as you think you can’t stop drinking, you can believe that its a gorilla (and not you) who is being deprived when you say no to alcohol, making it much easier to pass on that drink. These metaphors allow us to give a face to our emotion, separating it from our Selves. And when we do that, we render the emotion powerless. It doesn’t matter if you use power glasses, power walls or a 1200 pound gorilla -once you discover the power behind the metaphors, you’ll be on your way to discovering the power of your mind.

Jumping from the Frying Pan When you master the art of separating yourself from your emotions, you begin to see new

opportunities through manifestation. This is because you are no longer attached to the outcome and no longer live in fear of the unknown. Many people are stuck in a particular circumstance because they are afraid to choose something different. As miserable as they might be, the idea of something new and unpredictable sounds even worse. They refuse to “jump from the frying pan” because they fear the possibility of the fire below. But our evolution relies on change and when you gain control over your emotions, you start to realize that change just might be exactly what you need.

This awakening allows new possibilities to become plausible. We begin to see past the limitations we’ve imagined for ourselves to the real and limitless potential we truly possess. Every event, every person, every moment of our lives represent new opportunities for growth, enlightenment and abundance. We just have to let go of our emotional-mind so that we can see clearly what lies before us.

Here’s a story I’ve probably told a thousand times, if you’ve read any of my other books you

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read it there; but if anything bears repeating, this story does. 25 years ago, I was teaching a class on stress and how to deal with it. When we broke for lunch, three of my students and I headed to my car to go grab a bite to eat. As we approached, we all saw the dent at the same time. Someone had hit my car while it was parked in the lot and driven off without leaving a note. My instinct of course, was to rant and rave but using the Bagha, I cut off my anger and instead gathered my group into the car. “There’s a body shop just down the road,” I told them.

“You’re going to get it fixed right now?” No I said, but I am going to find out how much it cost to repair it, and whatever it costs I am going to make three times that amount in the next two months. We were told it would cost three hundred dollars to fix it and so I had a new goal, I had to make an extra nine hundred dollars in the next two months. What was the point? Re direction, or Attitude. Now every time I looked at the fender I didn’t start mentally cursing whoever did it, I thought nine hundred dollars, I have to make an extra nine hundred dollars.

This method is simply a redirection of your energies. Instead of focusing on the negative repercussions of the event, I turned my attention to the positive possibilities that could come from it. By clearing my mind and controlling my emotions, I was able to create a pleasing and profitable experience out of what many would consider to be an extremely unpleasant event.

But to do this, I had to understand the power behind our thoughts.

Thinking Your Way Into Reality If we believe that we live a prosperous and abundant life, then that is exactly the kind of life

we’ll experience. Likewise however, if we believe that nothing is ever going to go our way, that we move around with some sort of black cloud hanging above us at all times, that black cloud will most certainly always be present.

This is true no matter who you are. Regardless of where you were born, how much money you have or what kind of childhood you remember, your beliefs are what create your existence.

This is important because the Universe doesn’t distinguish between “bad” and “good”. It simply responds to the desires you send out. So, if you believe things are good, then things are truly good. If you believe things are bad, then you can be sure things will always be just that. Which brings me to my next question:

What makes a Negative Thinker? A negative thinker is someone who expects the worst. They just know things are going to turn out

badly, no matter what the potential might be for success. They see the world as a greedy, selfish and conniving place, full of people who are ready to “get the best of them” every chance they get.

They expect others to lie, cheat and steal. They assume that they won’t get the promotion and what’s worse, it will be given to the new guy that they trained. They believe that they will always live payday to payday because they just can’t seem to get ahead. And no matter how hard they might try, the Universe just seems to be out to get them.

The ironic thing is, negative thinkers are usually right. They won’t get that promotion and they’ll always have the experience of just barely making ends meet. They’ll encounter the rudest of people, pay the highest of prices and find that they suffer a variety of setbacks, illnesses and defeats. “I knew this was going to happen,” they’ll tell you and in truth, they absolutely did.

This is because for the negative thinker, their real desires -the abundance, prosperity and happiness -are overwhelmed by their belief that things are never good. Rather than give their attention and energy to the things they truly want, they instead focus on all the bad things that might be coming their way. And as we’ve already discussed, the Universe simply responds to your flow of energy -“good” or “bad” doesn’t come into the equation.

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The negative thinker clings to this mindset because it prevents them from being disappointed. After all, if they expect the worst, they won’t have to deal with the emotional letdown when the worst comes along. If however, things turn out well, that’s just a nice surprise.

This kind of thinking gives the negative thinker a sense of control. They get exactly what they expect and while it isn’t really what they want, they know how to prepare for what’s coming. But there is a benefit to negative thinking; the negative thinker is seldom disappointed.

What Are You Preparing For? The problem with this belief system is that the negative thinker can never evolve. They will

never get to experience the elation of success because they won’t waste their energy on the possibility that it could happen. Instead, they simply continue to recreate the same set of circumstances which of course, produce the same set of results. And see? They knew it was going to happen.

But after a series of these disappointments and setbacks, the negative thinker succumbs to that horrible feeling of despair.

Despair can cause us to lose our excitement for life. We no longer “see the point” because, well... there isn’t one. Everything is always going to turn out poorly, no matter how hard we might try, so why bother? Why expend our energy and get our hopes up when we know that we’re going to get the short end of the stick?

As a result, we’ll stop trying. We’ll stop looking forward to new experiences and we’ll give up on achieving our dreams. Instead, we’ll pack those dreams away in a little mental box, a bitter reminder of what we should have had and use that to fuel an endless state of desparation and


Wow! What a desolate and frustrating way to live! Hopefully, you aren’t experiencing this most unfortunate way of thinking but I’m betting that you probably know someone who is.

The friend who always seems to have the worst “luck” for example. Their car breaks down every other day and their washing machine just went out to boot. Maybe they’re having marital difficulties but you notice that they don’t really seem to be doing anything to fix the problem -they just seem content with complaining about how bad things are at home.

Maybe they’ve lost their job and can’t find a new one or they have a job, but its the worst place in the world to work. Of course, they don’t bother looking for something better or if they do, “no one wants to hire them”. Life just seems to be an endless stream of bad experiences and while you might want to help your friend pull out of their rut, they have a counter argument for every solution you might offer.

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This is because in reality, they don’t want to fix their problems. I know what you’re thinking -of course they do! Who would want to live like that?! But remember, the negative thinker uses these failings as a comfort zone. It is their safety net, so to speak. As long as things continue to be bad, they are getting exactly what they expect and again, this provides them with a sense of control.

If they were to follow some of your suggestions and venture outside of the bubble they’ve created, they are unsure of the results. And fear of the unknown is one of the most crippling kind of fears there is.

A Little Redirection When my students and I discovered the dented fender on my car that day, I knew the only

way to deal with this seemingly negative event was to turn it into a positive one. But what’s positive about a dented fender?

Instead of focusing on the money it would cost me to fix the dent, I turned my energies on finding a way to earn three times the amount of the expense. And as you saw, I was able to create a new stream of income, one that was a direct result of my dented fender.

This is called Attitude Reversal and it’s an easy technique to master.

Step 1: When you encounter a seemingly negative event, touch the roof of your mouth with

your tongue and mentally say “Attitude Reverse”, simultaneously redirecting your thoughts to the positive.

Step 2: Focus on the good that can come out of the experience. If there is a loss involved, consider the ways you could turn it into a gain.

Using Attitude Reversal, you can instantly refocus your energies on positive possibilities instead of negative experiences. What is the importance of this?

Remember, what we focus on is what will manifest itself into reality and as we’ve seen, the Universe won’t distinguish between whether something is bad or good. That means that if you’re always focused on the negative, then the negative is what you will experience. But by redirecting your energy, you can keep a continuous stream of positive thoughts flowing through you, co-creating new opportunities for abundance with the Universe.

Don’t Worry. Be Happy. Inspired by a famous quote by Indian guru Meher Baba, this uplifting little tune was

recorded by Bobby McFerrin in the 1980’s and even won Best Song of the Year in 1989. While many believed that it promoted a state of denial, the message was actually quite a bit more profound. “Do your best,” said Baba, “and then don’t worry. Be happy.”

Though simplistic in its nature, this concept captures the essence of the Law of Attraction, a law that has been true since the beginning of time. Basically, it works like this:

We attract what we think about. Whatever we give our energy to is what is drawn to us.

That’s why its so important to maintain a positive state of mind and avoid negative thoughts -if your energy is expended on negative possibilities, what do you suppose the Universe will send your way?

Worry is one of the biggest and most debilitating ways to conjure up negative energy. When we worry, we’re actually hoping that something bad doesn’t happen, whether it be an event, an encounter or a set of circumstances we want to avoid. But the very act of worrying about a thing puts that thing at the center of our attention. We dwell upon it, we dread its coming and we ponder the various ways we can counter the event if by some chance it does actually appear.

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That’s a lot of energy into something you don’t want.

Inevitably, the thing you’ve worried so much about will eventually be drawn to you. It has no choice -by giving it all of your attention and energy, you’ve told the Universe that this is what you expect. That’s why when you worry about losing something, you actually push that thing away from you. You will lose it simply because you believe that it is slipping away. Likewise, if you worry that something is coming, that thing will most certainly arrive, just as you believed that it would.

Either way, you knew it was going to happen. It was just a matter of time.

The Level of Your Intent As you begin to discover the importance of your intentions or rather, the desires you give

your energies to, you may also be noticing that the strength of those desires will determine their ability to manifest.

Recall the story of the wise guru? Wanting to teach his disciple how to achieve enlightenment, he knew he must show him the level of intent needed to manifest his desire. To do

this, the sage took the young man down to the bank of the Ganges River and had him kneel with his head over the water. Then the guru put his hand on the young man’s neck and pushed his head below the surface.

After a minute and a half, the young disciple was frantic. He pulled and heaved and flailed his arms, but the guru did not let him up. He could not get his head out of the water no matter how hard he tried. After two minutes, just when it seemed as though his lungs would burst, the guru released his grip and the disciple lifted his head, eagerly gulping the air that awaited him.

The guru smiled. “Tell me,” he said. “What was your greatest desire just now?”

“To breathe,” the young disciple said exasperated.

“Ah,” said the guru. “When you desire enlightenment to that degree, it shall be yours.”

What degree is your desire? Do you want it as bad as the young disciple wanted to breathe, or is it simply a passing fancy, a “wouldn’t that be nice” kind of want? Does your intent fill every inch of your being or does it simply cross your mind now and then?

The level of your intent is directly related to your ability to manifest, just as your beliefs are directly related to what the Universe sends your way.

When we desire something, our level of intent determines how much energy this desire will receive. Many of us desire to be healthier for example, but to what extent? Is that desire so strong that we change the way we eat? Does it cause us to exercise and take vitamins? Or do we continue with our same lifestyle, unwilling to make the changes necessary in order to achieve our results?

When the disciple desired to breathe, that desire went well beyond a novel idea. He strained for it, he struggled for it and it he devoted every ounce of his energy to achieve it. On a scale of 1 to 100, his desire ranked right up there at the top.

So, now I pose the question to you: where do your desires rank? On that same scale of 1 to 100, would your desires rank a 10? A 20? Or like the disciple, do you pour yourself into your intentions and give them the energy they deserve?

What Do You Believe? The Law of Attraction is a real and powerful tool, yet so many people never even begin to

explore its endless possibilities. Why do you suppose that is?

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When you were a child, you learned a variety of things from a variety of sources. Your parents, your teachers, the media and your own experiences -all of these resources had a profound impact on your view of life. You might have learned to believe in a particular religion or perhaps you were taught that “we don’t always get what we want”. Maybe you learned that your “permanent file” would follow you throughout your life and took great care to be sure that file remained unblemished for fear of the consequences it might incur.

These beliefs begin as a mere suggestion but the more they are reinforced through actions and events, the more you begin to believe they are true. And as this happens, you will change your behavior to accommodate those beliefs until they become a fundamental part of Who You Are.

But the problem with beliefs is that they may or may not be true and more importantly, they may not be true for you. Just because your father was a Democrat or Republican for example, doesn’t necessarily mean that you would have come to the same path without the initial influence. In fact, it is possible that your entire belief system would be substantially different had you not received any instruction along the way.

For the most part, we assume our belief system to be a good and necessary one. We learned right from wrong, good from bad, order from chaos. But many of these beliefs were reinforced to the point that we learned to reject any other possibilities that might exist. We learned to seek out information that would support our particular set of beliefs and ignore any information that contradicted what we “knew to be true”.

This selective way of thinking makes it virtually impossible to grow and evolve because you have limited to yourself to only one set of possibilities and not necessarily even the set that was meant for you.

This is why prejudice still remains so strong despite all the great steps our society has taken to see it fall. A prejudice after all, is nothing more than a belief, one that has been taught and reinforced until it is accepted as a Truth. And when that happens, the believer will follow that path no matter what.

So, if I suggest to you that you can simply create a new life with the power of your thoughts, do you really believe that to be true? Does it fit within your box of plausible possibilities or does it fall outside the realm of what you believe to be an acceptable truth?

A gymnast can do flips into the air not because of the practice she’s endured, but because she believes she can. The practice simply reinforces the beliefs, gradually teaching her a new truth -that she can flip into the air and land on her feet, without getting hurt. Once she’s learned this truth, when it has become a fundamental part of her being, she’ll do those flips without a second thought.

Not because she’s more talented or courageous than you or I. Simply because she believes she can.

We can only follow what we truly believe. So, if I tell you that you can manifest your thoughts into reality, it is only as true as you believe it to be. Yes, you’ll continue to manifest whether you actually believe in the Law or not -the Universe doesn’t pick and choose. But what you manifest may be far different from your true desires.

The Secret of Manifestation The Law of Attraction is also a belief system but one that requires no judgment or

limitations in order to remain true. It doesn’t discriminate and it isn’t selective. It just simply “is”, equally, evenly and without fail. To put the Law of Attraction to work, you only have to have the expectation that a thing will occur.

That’s right, expectations. The same expectations that can limit your experiences can also

be used to enhance them.

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Expectation is nothing more that your belief. A belief that an event will occur or that particular circumstance will present itself. Through expectation, you can draw those things to you that fit with your desires and at the same time, you can repel those things you don’t want, simply by removing any expectations from them.

The problem with using the power of expectation is again, that little thing called belief. If you say “I expect “this” to happen”, you also immediately hear that little voice that says “are you kidding?”

The trick is to show the little voice that you’re not kidding at all. You’re actually quite serious.

Remember the gymnast? Do you suppose she heard that little voice the first time her trainer told her to flip in the air? Of course she did! I know my little voice would be screaming loud and clear. But rather than dismiss the possibility, the gymnast dismissed the little voice instead and pushed past her fear to discover her true potential.

Maybe she fell the first time. Maybe she fell the first 100 times. But her strong desire allowed her to slowly create a new Truth for herself. And as she began to get the hang of things, this Truth was reinforced until it created an expectation to complete the flip.

The secret then, is learning to command that expectation as if you had already fallen those first 100 tries.

To do this, you’re going to use the Manifestation Technique:

Step 1: Meditate and create an infinite number of boxes in your mind. These boxes are a metaphor for the neurons that hold information.

Step 2: Think of each box as having a specific purpose, one for your memories, one for your mathematical skills, etc. There is a box for everything you’ve ever seen, thought and heard. Create a sports box, a food box, a friends box, a sex box and a dream box. Use your imagination. Build a complex, detailed structure that contains each part of you.

Step 3: Now, make one of these boxes your planting box. This is where you plant the

seeds that grow into the things you want to attract. Each seed represents a goal you want to achieve or an event you want to see take place. When you plant the seeds and they begin to grow, you are manifesting.

Step 4: Visualize your goal and imagine it is a seed. See yourself planting the goal in your manifestation box. Give it a little water. Tend to it. Nurture it.

Step 5: Now go plant a seed. Actually recreate your visualization in the physical world. Go plant some seeds and tend to your garden, visualizing your actual seeds are connected to the mental ones you planted in your mind. This stirs up the Universal energies that will start things in motion.

Cause and Effect As you begin to plant your seeds, you’ll notice that things start to happen. Maybe they’re little

things at first, a chance meeting with a specific person for example or a new idea that would put you closer to your goal. This is cause and effect, and it is the method by which everything manifests.

Pay attention to these little things. Don’t ignore them or brush them off as coincidence. Each time you notice a new effect, consider it one of your 100 first tries. Manifestation doesn’t happen overnight. You can’t simply wish for a million dollars and then discover that your bank account has magically grown the next morning. The Universe doesn’t work that way.

Instead, the seed that you planted to create a million dollars will grow into a million opportunities. You’ll be presented with new ideas and possibilities. Again, this is cause and effect. The Universe will present you with what you need to achieve your goal. It is up to you take advantage

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of each opportunity.

And each time that you do, you are reinforcing your new Truth. You are breaking away from the voice that says “I can’t” and replacing it with the inherent belief that “oh yes I can!”. The more you manifest, the more this belief is reinforced until, like any other belief system, it becomes a fundamental part of Who You Are. You become the gymnast who can flip in the air without a second thought. And all because you believe that you can.

Learning to Think Big As you begin to practice manifestation, I’d like you to pay attention to the things you choose

to manifest. Are you broadening your horizons and “thinking big”, or are you staying close to home, careful not to venture too far outside of your comfort zone?

We have been conditioned to think in small steps. For the average man or woman, the idea of becoming a great leader or attaining great wealth is nothing more than a far-fetched fantasy. Not that we wouldn’t enjoy it of course, but in our hearts, we don’t believe we possess the moxie to get us there.

This doubt is nothing more than a lack of self-esteem. We have been taught to “make the best of what we’ve got” and not set our expectations too high, well-meaning concepts meant to protect us from disappointment and selfishness. But the result is that we have learned to believe that we are not capable of “greatness” and this is simply not true.

The question then becomes, how do you learn confidence and self-esteem?

I am reminded of student in one of my Self Esteem seminars. Kathy was an executive for a large industrial company, seemingly successful by all measures but in truth, Kathy lacked the self-confidence to speak out during meetings, regardless of how good her ideas might really be.

She felt intimidated, she said, and felt like everyone else at the table were giants compared to her. What Kathy required was a change in her attitude, a different perspective she could use when meeting with her fellow executives.

How Big is “Big”? When you were born, you came into this life without limits. “Can’t” didn’t exist for you yet and

the world was literally yours to command. But somewhere along the way, you began to believe that there were in fact, limits to your potential after all. Somewhere, we got this crazy notion that fate had dealt us a certain hand of cards and what’s more, we were destined to simply play them out without any say as to the hand we might be holding.

Now, how did that happen?

Yet, despite all of Kathy’s success, she felt intimidated by her co-workers. They were “giants”, she said and she was afraid to speak up during board meetings, no matter how creative or inspired her ideas might be. Kathy knew this perception was holding her back but she had no idea how to change it. How, she asked, could she get rid of these feelings of inadequacy?

Actually, there is a very easy to use technique that can give you an almost instant change in perception and I’m going to share that with you now. The answer was simple, if her fellow executives were giants, she mentally saw herself as a mouse. Kathy learned to visualize her fellow executives as mice and herself as a giant. Sound silly? It worked.

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Different But the Same Feeling confident in any given situation comes from having high self-esteem. You feel

comfortable with the surroundings, you feel certain of the path you’re taking. In a sense, you feel equal to the others around you.

Now, this feeling of equality doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re just like everyone else. Quite the opposite, you’re still aware of the distinct differences that make us all unique except in this instance, you’re okay with those differences and likely believe that they are just what you need to deal with the task at hand.

And that’s exactly how you should feel. Anytime. Day or night.

Every person on this planet is equal to the others. We are all human beings, regardless of race, religion or social status. Every president, every cashier, every farmer and every housekeeper are all the same. Each may have their own unique qualities and perspectives but when we get right down to it, no One is superior to another.

So, how is it that we’ve developed this sense that someone else might be “better than us”? Is it because they have more money? More knowledge? More experience? Perhaps we think

they’re more attractive or more successful or more charismatic. Whatever the reason, that sense of inequality begins to tear at our self-esteem. Where we were once filled with wonder and excitement, now we’re filled with dread and fear. Instead of enjoying the freedom to be exactly who we want to be, we now feel an enormous pressure to simply fit in and be like everyone else.

But you can’t be confident and self-assured when you’re not even being your Self.

Show Me Your Confidence! The thing about confidence is that when you’ve got it, everyone knows it. Even though its not

a tangible “thing” that you can bottle up or put in your pocket, confidence is that extra “something” that draws people your way. You move differently, you speak differently, you even think differently. And why? Because you have a little voice that says, “I Can!”

But when you lose your confidence, well.. everyone knows that too. Your posture droops, your eyes lose their sparkle and your entire demeanor begs to just be left alone. And why? Because that little voice says, “Who are you kidding?”

Ironic isn’t it, that something as simple as a belief could have such a drastic effect on the way we approach life? That the difference between a multi-millionaire CEO and a minimum-wage clerical worker is nothing more than a perception?

Even more interesting is that this perception isn’t something you can buy or sell like a good wine or a quality suit. You can’t take your confidence out and hold it. You can’t stash it in your briefcase or carry it in your purse. Your confidence isn’t something that you can see, touch or smell, but yet, you definitely know when you have it and when you don’t.

Remember the gymnast. If she loses her confidence, her flips and jumps will go right along with it. But how can that be? She’s still the same gymnast. She still has the same amount of training and the same set of skills that she’s always had. The only thing that changed was her belief in herself. That little invisible belief that we are all equal and deserving.

Coming to this realization is the easy part though, isn’t it? I mean, its one thing to say you need to be confident but quite another to actually do it. After all, if you’ve lost your confidence, where do you look to find it?

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Tapping Your Motivation Here’s a little secret that many people may not know: your confidence is directly related to

your level of motivation.


Because a motivated individual will push through that lack of confidence in order to feed a deep, inherent desire. A painter must paint. A writer must write. To not do these things isn’t even an option. So, when the words won’t come or the paint doesn’t flow, the creator finds a way to tap into their inner muse.

It isn’t a question of wanting to, but rather a need that must be fulfilled. This motivation is that “thing” that drives us in a particular direction. It is what makes us get up in the morning and start the day. Motivation and ambition are why we juggle two jobs at once, take college courses at night and bring children into the world. We are driven by a unexplainable need to do the thing we’ve set out to do.

Each one of us is driven by something different. Some of us will be lawyers while others may choose to volunteer. Some will want to be doctors while yet another group may lean towards comedy or music or art. And just as we are all equal, our array of ambitions are also just as admirable. No one desire is better or worse than another.

The secret is figuring out what it is that motivates you.

In order to tap into your motivation, you’re going to have to do two things: let go of your fear and illuminate your image. This two-step process is the means that will help you discover (or re-discover) your confidence. After all, its difficult to be inhibited when you feel motivated and fearless.

To send your fears packing, you’re going to use a technique I call Kahuna Boldness. And it works like this:

Step 1: Think of the worst case scenario. If you do this thing you’re afraid of, what’s the worst that could happen.

Step 2: Think of the best case scenario. If you do this thing, what would be the optimum result?

Step 3: Visualize the two scenes in the palms of your hands, worst case scenario on the left for example and the best case scenario on the right.

Step 4: Now smash your hands together.

Step 5: Use the Bagha and visualize the best case scenario again. Say goodbye to your fears.

Illuminating Your Image The second part of your confidence relies on your own self image -that is, how you see

your Self. If this perception is a positive one, your confidence level will be high. On the other hand, if your self-image is full of negative beliefs and ideas, your confidence is sure to suffer.

Sadly, we often allow our perception of what others think about us to influence and even define what we think about ourselves. I say sadly for two reasons:

The first is that again, it is our perception. We might think that Joe doesn’t like us or that Jackie secretly gossips about us behind our back, but often, we don’t really know if that’s true or not. A simple look or a strange vibration is all it takes to cause us to feel insecure.

This insecurity might be based on nothing more than Joe and Jackie having a bad day. But

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by the time we figure that out, the damage is done. We’ve spent energy and time worrying about why they no longer like us and our self-esteem has suffered as a result.

The second reason you shouldn’t rely on others for your own self-esteem is that sometimes, your suspicions will be right. Maybe Joe doesn’t like you right now or Jackie is in fact, talking about you when you’re not around. What can you do about that? Can you make Joe like you again? Can you find away to stop Jackie’s gossip? Probably not. But you’ll spend quite a bit of time and energy trying, won’t you?

The truth is, not everyone will see you the way you want to be seen. This is just the nature of life. Some personalities mesh well, while others seem to clash. Yet, while you may have little control over Joe and Jackie’s behavior, you do have complete control over your own.

And by learning to illuminate your own image, you can build self-esteem that will draw genuine friends to you and pay little mind to the ones that are not.

What If? You had more friends than you could ever want?

You always felt confident and self-assured, no matter what the situation?

You were well-liked and respected among your peers? You lived a life that others wanted to emulate? The secret to illuminating your image is to act as if that image already exists. What kind of

friend do you want to be? What kind of person do you want to become? Imagine the character traits that make up this person in your mind.

Are you someone who is honest and self-assured? Do you see a person who is well-respected and a natural leader? Visualize this person. See yourself possessing all of these traits and imagine the people that are drawn to you because of them. When you have a firm image in your mind, use the Bagha to plant this idea in your mental planting box as we did in Lesson 3.

Then put this visualization into practice by acting as if you already possessed all of these qualities and traits. Behave as if you already had all the friends you could ever want. Let your actions be those of someone who is self-assured and well-respected. Be the leader you imagine you would like to be and soon, you won’t be acting anymore.

Discovering Your Desires With your fears no longer in the way, you have a clear path to discover your motivators.

What is it that occupies your dreams? If you could choose any life, right this minute, what would that life contain?

I spoke earlier about our self-imposed limitations. These limitations literally can keep you from becoming motivated because after all, it’s difficult to get excited about pushing paper for the rest of your life. If you really want to discover your motivation, you’re going to have to learn to think big.

The beauty of this statement is that in truth, you already know how to think big. You’ve just learned not to use it. When you were a child, you had dreams of doing what? Becoming President? Landing on the moon? Back then, you still saw the world as it truly is -an infinite Universe full of infinite possibilities. There was a very thin line between your imagination and reality and quite honestly, the two intersected on a regular basis.

This perception of infinite possibilities is what allowed us to believe that we could fly a spaceship, lead a country or become a cowboy and ride horses all day long. And as long as we believed in the possibility, the possibility actually existed.

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So, now that you’ve learned to let go of your fears, I’m going to ask you to rekindle that inherent ability to think big. Dig down deep and find that part of you that still dreams of soaring among the stars or putting a stop to world hunger. Tap into that place that believes in the genius that is you, that anything is possible and that limitations and boundaries don’t exist.

And then ask yourself the question again: If you could choose any life, right this minute, what would that life contain?

Defining Your Success How do you define success? Is it a certain amount of money or a corner office with a view?

Do you see yourself in a particular field of interest or does success just mean that you have the freedom to enjoy life, regardless of what you’re doing at work?

Ask ten different people how they define success and you’ll likely get ten different answers. This is because different people have different priorities. The working mom might simply want to find a way to spend more time with her kids while her best friend might want a career that offers the opportunity to travel across the world.

Both of these priorities are perfectly acceptable and equal in their importance, so you needn’t worry about whether or not your dreams are worthy of pursuing. Your only concern is to determine what those dreams are and then take actions that will bring you closer to your goals.

Easier said than done? Not really. The key is in your creativity. There is a story about Christopher Columbus and his encounter with King Ferdinand’s

advisors. The advisors felt that because no one had ever made a journey as Columbus was proposing, it was an impossible task. Columbus took an egg out of his pocket and asked the advisors to stand it on its end. The advisors said that it could not be done.

Columbus then took the egg, tapped the end of it on the table to flatten it and stood the egg on its end. The advisors scoffed, saying that they could have done that. “Yes,” said Columbus, “now that I’ve shown the way, its simple. All things are easy when you know how.”

This story illustrates the creative process necessary to achieve success. And I’m talking about any success. Whether it’s a new way to rearrange your living room or a solution that will have you making twice your current income with only half the hours, creative energy is needed to find the way.

This also reminds me of the story of the truck driver who’s truck became stuck under an overpass. The truck was too tall to pass through but the driver was unable to stop in time and his truck became wedged tightly between the bridge and the road. Everyone stood around looking at the truck, trying to figure out a way to remove the truck without causing further damage to the overpass.

There was just no way, they said. The truck was wedged too tightly. It was impossible to remove the truck without tearing the bridge apart. And then a young boy suggested letting the air out of the tires, lowering the truck enough to allow it to roll right on through.

Being creative simply means doing something in a different way. Remember those self-imposed limitations we discussed earlier? Your creative energy can’t flow freely when you place restrictions on the possibilities. But remove those restrictions and the world is once again at your command.

I mentioned previously that if you continue with the same actions, you’ll always get the same results. This is a well-known saying but one that bears repeating and remembering. Your experience can help you learn what works and what doesn’t, but in order to have that experience to refer to, you have to be willing to try something new.

Step outside of your box and see what else is out there. Don’t wait for someone else to teach you their way of doing things. Instead, see if you can find your own.

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Confidence + Creativity = Success That’s a simple equation, isn’t it? Simple, but true. And interestingly, most of life’s truth are

the simplest of concepts. Its people who complicate things. Want to lose weight? Eat less. Want to change jobs? Fill out an application. And if you want to be creative and confident, then simply be those things.

About four decades ago, one of the most respected and well-known authors in America offered to teach a class in one of the Ivy League colleges. The university notified its alumni and a course in creative writing was added to the schedule.

The response was well beyond their wildest expectations as so many students wanted the benefit of this great man’s knowledge. So much so, that the college auditorium had to be used as a classroom.

On the first day of school, the auditorium filled with students ready to absorb the great author’s wisdom. Pencil and paper in hand, they waited in hushed and excited anticipation. The author strode to the lectern, leaned upon it and paused for effect before speaking.

He took off his glasses and cleaned them leisurely, then replaced them on his nose and cleared his throat. You could literally feel the electricity in the air. “How many of you truly want to be writers?”, he asked.

Every hand in the room shot up into the air. The author looked out among the sea of faces waiting eagerly for his next sentence. He walked out to the middle of the stage and said, “Then why aren’t you at home writing?” And with that, Sinclair Lewis left the auditorium and the campus. Class was over.

When you combine positive self-esteem with uninhibited creativity, anything is possible. Add to that mixture your personal ambition and you have all the makings for the life of your dreams.

It is up to you to decide where you want to apply your creative energy. Will it be in the next meal that you cook or a new business idea you’ve been pondering? How do you want to spend your time? What goals would you like to accomplish? Determine what it is you want to do and then act as if you are the most creative person in the Universe.

Act as if you are someone who is imaginative and original. How would that person approach a new challenge? How would he or she tackle the task at hand? When you assume the role of a successful and creative individual, you become that person.

Remember, it is all about what we believe. If you believe that you are unsuccessful and unimaginative, then that’s exactly the kind of person you’ll be. But when you behave as if anything is possible, all the opportunities in the world seem to appear at your doorstep.

The Table of Creativity Envision a laboratory in your mind. All the tools you need are in this laboratory as well as a

grand table where you can brainstorm and create. We’ll call this table the Table of Creativity.

At the table are five you’s, each representing a different attitude:

1. The cautious you.

2. The reckless you.

3. The negative you.

4. The positive you.

5. The creative you.

Each of these attitudes can provide a different perspective on your current goal. The cautious you can provide reason and stability. The reckless you can remind you of your ultimate goal

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at hand -what would you do if there were no consequences to contend with? The negative you can point out all the things that could go wrong so that you can properly prepare and the positive you can visualize your greatest success and show you the path you want to take.

What about the creative you? Using the other four attitudes, you have created a goal, immediate concerns, potential problems and an ideal outcome. It is up to the creative you to put these aspects together to come up with a workable plan.

Using the creative you, you can see what knowledge and experiences might be useful in moving you toward your goal. You can address your immediate concerns and deduce a plan that removes or allows for potential obstacles. In short, you can find a way to make the egg stand on its end.

Examining the Possibilities At the beginning of this lesson, I asked you how big is “big”? When I tell you to think big,

where should you draw the line?

The answer--there is no line.

You’re probably starting to see that the Law of Attraction isn’t just about having more money or attracting more success. It actually goes much deeper than that and by choosing to live in a positive and accepting state of mind, you are actually changing the world as we know it.

Can you imagine what would happen if everyone, all six billion plus of us were to choose to live in a positive and accepting state of mind? Do you suppose we would approach our issues differently? Is it possible that we would solve all of our global problems in a matter of minutes? Of course it is!

Just imagine the creative energy that would be flowing around the planet. Global warming would no longer be a concern because we would all be living an eco-conscious life. War, poverty and hunger would become a thing of the past because these things would no longer fit with our accepted vision of the world. What we believe -that the world is a wonderful and wondrous place -would become our reality and it would be impossible for such negative concepts such as war and hate to even exist.

Now, think about that for a second.

You actually have the ability to change the world. Not just your little corner of the Universe, but the entire planet. Because as you begin to emulate the kind of life we’ve discussed here, others will want to follow in your footsteps. As you become the charismatic and confident leader, others will be drawn to you and want to mimic these characteristics.

Its in our nature to be drawn to what appeals to us. Success, happiness and inner peace are all things that radiate out like a beacon in the night. When we find a person who demonstrates the kind of life we’d like to lead, we want to learn that person’s secret. We read their books, we watch their shows and we follow their guidance in the hopes that we too, can enjoy success, happiness and inner peace.

So, when I tell you to “think big”, I’m serious: really think big. You can have any reality you want. Your life is completely at your choosing. There are no limitation to what you can accomplish when you combine your creative energy with a little confidence.

Your Box of Confidence Earlier, I told you the story of Kathy, the successful executive who felt intimidated at

board meetings. I told you that I had shown her an easy way to eliminate her feelings of inadequacy and literally pull some confidence out of a box.

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And now, I’m going to show that method to you. I call this the Polarity Switch.

Anytime someone bothers or intimidates you, get an image of that person in your head. Place this image on the left side of you and then visualize something that is completely nonthreatening, such as a mouse, a flower or a yo-yo. Place this image on the right side of you. Now move the images back and forth, so that they overlap. Use the Bagha and mentally say “SWITCH”, allowing the person to become the non-threatening image. At the same time, visualize yourself as the dominating presence by becoming a giant or some other powerful image.

The Polarity Switch is nothing more than role-reversal but by using it, you can trick your brain into removing the insecurities it has come to accept. The brain does not distinguish between real and the imagined so envisioning the person morphing into a flower is just as real to your brain as if the transformation had actually taken place.

And by removing your insecurities, your confidence can naturally return. How’s that for confidence in a box?

Are You Aging Gracefully We all know that stress can accelerate the aging process. Even medical and scientific

studies have shown the endless and debilitating physical effects that too much stress can have on both body and mind. But what can we do about it? Life is a stressful experience.

Isn’t it?

I once gave a seminar on protection from negative energies at the Queen of the Valley Hospital in a suburb of Los Angeles. During the seminar, one of the staff asked if there was anything I could suggest for the nurses that worked in the terminal children’s ward. Most of the nurses had learned to harden themselves to the plights of their patients because that was the only way they could function.

It was all just so painful and depressing; they couldn’t afford to become attached to their patients and instead, had built an emotional wall to keep the pain out. Unfortunately, this wall was around them day and night and it affected their relationships with family and friends as well. Was there an alternative that could help?

Indeed, there was and in just a bit, I’m going to show you how to prevent the stresses of life from depleting your mental energies. But first, I want to talk about how those stresses have affected your perception.

How Old Are You Really? I’m not talking about your numerical age. It doesn’t matter if you’re twenty or thirty or even

seventy. I’m talking about your metaphysical age. I’m asking you how old do you feel? At this writing I’m 87 and I’m now working on my twentieth book and already thinking about a title for the book after that. And oh yes, last weekend, I presented a seminar on Quantum Jumping and spoke for eight hours straight on Saturday and the same on Sunday, so don’t tell me that you’re too old or to poor or too anything.

Regardless of the life expectancy in any given era, there have been people living well beyond the norm for centuries. Even hundreds of years ago when most died off at fifty and sixty, there were still plenty of people living productive lives at 100 plus.

How is that possible?

How is it that people from different backgrounds, different cultures and different lifestyles can manage to live so many years past what science says to expect? What’s their secret? And more importantly, how can you tap into that fountain of youth?

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If you look closely enough, you’ll discover there is one common thread among all of them: they have a love of life.

Rather than focus on those age-related milestones, these centenarians have chosen to simply enjoy the “now” and look forward to the future. They are immune to the stressors that surround them and choose to live in a relaxed and peaceful state of mind. They expect to live productive and satisfying lives, paying no attention to what birthday they might be on.

And the result is, they live well beyond what science told them was possible.

This expectancy isn’t just a hope to live into your eighties or nineties. It’s the certainty that you’ll be around in another thirty, forty even sixty years enjoying life. So certain in fact, that you’ve made plans for that stage of your life -plans that include adventure, education and your continued quest for discovery.

Where Will You Be in 2085? I don’t mean how old will you be... I mean what will you be doing? If you’re in your forties or

fifties now, 2085 would see you at around 120 or 130. Impossible, you say? Don’t be so sure.

We have been conditioned to expect a certain life span and if we hit eighty or ninety, well then, we believe we’ve done pretty good. We can’t expect to have more, can we? Of course we can! Where is it written that life ends at a certain point? Who says we have to agree to go before we’ve reached our 150th birthday?

So, let me ask you again: where will you be in 2087?

If you’re smart (and I know you are), you’ve set some pretty specific goals for yourself for every ten year milestone along the way. Never mind how old you’ll be -age is just a number, completely meaningless unless of course, you’ve chosen to give it meaning. And we’ve already seen where that will get us.

Why should you be setting goals?

Goals give us something to work toward, an objective that helps to define our path. If you’d like to be self-employed in the next ten years for example, there are steps you should be taking now to reach that mark by 2025. But why stop there? What do you want to be doing in another ten years, say in 2025? How about 2035?

If this concept seems silly to you, think about what goal-setting represents. Only an immature mind seeks instant gratification. As children, we have little patience for waiting. We want what we want and it had better be now. But as we grow and mature, we learn the value of patience and persistence.

We discover that many of our desires require a little planning and forethought. We no longer seek to find the quick fix but rather, are content to plod and plan until we reach our ultimate goal. This is a sign of maturity and the further ahead we set our goals, the more mature we become in all aspects of our lives.

In previous pages, you’ve learned to remove stress and plant the desires you would like to attract. I’m now asking you to set those expectations even higher and broaden your mental view to include decades into the future.

This allows us to begin to see the proverbial “big picture”. We are no longer focused on today and next week, but instead we’re able to step back and create our life as a whole rather than piece by piece. This gives life to your desires. It instructs the Universe to “get busy”, there’s a lot of creating to do! All you have to do is to decide where the creation should begin.

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The World is Your Canvas I’ve been writing about thinking big and I mean, REALLY BIG. If you’ve always wanted to

travel the world, there’s no reason you can’t plan to do so, even if that plan is for forty years from now. But to travel the world, you won’t just be able to pack up and leave one day out of the blue. There are preparations that need to be made.

And you can start making those preparations right now.

Think about all the things you’ve always wanted to do. Make a list if you like, so that you’re sure not to leave anything out. Would you like to go skydiving? Play the piano? Get that college degree you’ve always talked about? Maybe you’d like to learn a foreign language, take up painting or sculpting or buy a vacation home in the Bahamas. See? I told you I was serious -think REALLY BIG.

Setting these goals allows you to turn your focus to something other than your age. You’re no longer concerned with how fast time might be flying by -instead, you’re excited about buying that first set of acrylics or signing up for your first class at a community college.

This energy is carried into every other aspect of your life as well. You begin to move and speak and think with purpose because in fact, your life has purpose. And it doesn’t matter that your goal goes well into the next five decades. What matters is that the goal is yours and you’re excited about the possibilities.

Setting Your Expectations So, what does long-term goal-setting have to do with aging gracefully?

Everything! When you’re energized by the goals you’ve set for yourself, your body is filled with positive energy and that does wonders for helping your system to combat all that stress. Setting goals also changes your perception. You no longer expect your life to dwindle away because you’re too busy looking forward to all the things that are coming next.

This resets your expectations and that’s important since we know that what we believe is what becomes our Truth.

When we learned about the Law of Attraction, we learned that what we expect is what will happen. We attract those things that we give our energy to -regardless of whether they’re good or bad -and likewise, we repel the things that receive no energy from us at all.

Using this concept, it stands to reason then that if our focus is on events that will take place forty years from now, there’s a good chance that we’ll still be living it up when those forty years roll around.

No, I’m not suggesting that you can hold off aging forever. But I am suggesting is that with the right attitude and beliefs, you can enjoy a much more energetic existence and add some years to your life while you’re at it.

One Block At A Time Whether your goal is to live longer, attract wealth or make a great scientific discovery,

everything in life is created with building blocks. All you have to do is stack them one block at a time.

My neighbor and good friend Lee was quite a character. He was a first generation American; his parents had emigrated from China in their thirties. Lee was a manufacturer of wrought iron furniture and ran his business from a huge, 20,000 square foot building in South Los Angeles.

One day, after a delicious lunch, I asked Lee how much he paid in rent for a building that

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“No rent,” he said. “I built it.”

“Really? Who was the contractor?”, I asked.

“No contractor,” he answered. “I built it myself.”

Lee walked over to a wall where a few bricks were laying and picked up two. He handed them to me. “Put one brick on top of the other,” he said. I did, not really sure where this was leading.

“That’s all this building is. One brick on top of the other. You’re looking at the whole, but I built it myself, with my own two hands. One brick on top of the other.”

How many things could you accomplish if you placed one brick on top of another? I applied this same concept when I wrote my first book. Like Lee’s bricks, I used building blocks in the form of pages. The book was nothing more than sentences that formed paragraphs. The paragraphs formed pages and the pages formed chapters. One block at a time, I wrote a book. And since then, I’ve written a whole lot more of them. You think you can’t write a book. Think about this then; can you write a sentence? Of course you can, well what do you think a book is; a bunch of sentences. If you can write a sentence you can write a book; you simply have to write a lot of sentences.

Using this concept, you can accomplish any goal you set for yourself. Do you want to live on the beach in the next thirty years? What will it take to get you there?

You’ll need to find a house and you’ll need a source of income. Is there a particular area you’d like to live in? You’ll want to research the cost of living to know what to expect. All of these steps are nothing more than building blocks that can be broken down into easy and manageable steps. Choose your blocks and then start building. You’ll be on the beach before you know it.

These same building blocks can be used in any area of your life, from your career to your hobbies to your health. Yes, that’s right. Your health.

Knowing that the mind has an incredible and untapped potential, it should come as no surprise that it has healing abilities too. And since I’m telling stories about my friend Lee, I’m going to share another with you now.

Lee called me one day and asked me if I’d like to learn how to catch a rat. Curious as always, I showed up. Lee had sprinkled flour all over the floor and in the flour were tiny footprints leading to a small hole in the corner. Lee smiled. “That’s his nest.”

I laughed at the simplicity. “Amazing,” I said. “Now if you could only tell me how to get rid of the pain in my knee, I will be forever grateful.”

“Nothing to it,” he replied.

“You’re not going to put flour on it are you?” And that’s exactly what Lee did. He took a handful of flour, lifted my pant leg and rubbed the flour into my knee while chanting something that I couldn’t quite make out. “How’s your knee now?”, he asked.

The pain was completely gone. That was my first introduction to Reiki Healing.

Heal Thyself Reiki is actually a combination of two words: Rei, meaning spiritual and Ki, meaning

energy. Reiki then, is energy healing on a spiritual level. To put Reiki to use, you are basically transferring your energy to the injury or pain in question.

Reiki can be used to heal others or to heal yourself -both work equally as well -and you can use a catalyst such as a crystal, a stone or yes, even some flour, or use nothing at all. When you

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practice Reiki, you visualize the energy leaping from your body into the catalyst or even directly onto the afflicted area. I’ve seen Reiki heal headaches, stiffness in the joints and even a van with a dead battery.

In fact, when I presented seminars with Uri Geller, we regularly asked participants to bring in any old watches that hadn’t worked in years. We’d place the watches in a big pile on the table and use Reiki to give them a jump start. At one seminar in particular, we had almost one hundred watches on that table and after using Reiki, forty of them started ticking again.

To be successful in Reiki healing, you must be able to maintain a neutral state of mind. This means that you must remain detached from the outcome and feel no pressure to “make the Reiki work”. Remember we discussed how our brain waves are heightened by emotion and heightened brain waves mean you can’t think logically. You must be able to remove all the emotion from the healing session in order to see the best results.

A productive Reiki session should take no longer than 30 seconds and to reinforce your intention to heal, I suggest doing something that represents the process of sending healing energy to the person in distress. This could be through the use of a catalyst as mentioned before or through a meditation session where you utilize a technique I call the Theater of Healing.

Step 1: Meditate and imagine you are in a theater. On the stage is the person you desire to heal. The person is lying on an operating room table.

Step 2: You are in the third row center of the theater. Project yourself onto the stage and

stand in front of the operating room table.

Step 3: Visualize stretching out your hands and arms, spraying healing energy all over the body of the person you are healing for 30 seconds.

Is it really that easy to heal?

Truth be told, I can’t tell you exactly what happens when you draw upon Reiki. I’m not sure what portals open or which mountains are moved to make the connection but I can tell you that it works. During Reiki sessions, I’ve visualized my Ki spreading out into the heavens and was rewarded with such vivid imagery that I know I must have been immersed in spiritual energy itself.

My body may have still been standing in the auditorium or sitting in the front seat of a tired van but my energy, my force was definitely somewhere else.

Using Reiki, you can begin to heal your body of its aches and pains. Create a stronger and more resilient body simply by using your own life force and your ability to mentally connect with the spiritual Universe that surrounds us.

Can you imagine what the world would be like with no illness and no disease? With such perfect health we would likely be like the wonderful one horse shay that is built in such a logical way, it ran a hundred years to a day. Every screw, every nail and every piece of wood was so perfectly put together that when one thing went, it all went. After a hundred years and a day, it simply fell apart.

In truth, we are meant to be like that wonderful carriage. In perfect health lasting not one hundred years and a day but a full one hundred and forty-seven years! Why 147? An octave has 7 notes. After the seventh, you move into another octave. Our life is the same way -we change every seven years. When a person is 3 octaves old -21 years -that person is considered to have entered the threshold of maturity in every society on this planet.

Living for 21 octaves -147 years -should be the norm, but we see it as impossible. However, by changing our expectations and using Reiki, I believe it is very possible indeed.

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Protecting Your Health I told you the story of the nurses at the Queen of the Valley Hospital. Working in the terminal

children’s ward, these nurses needed a way to protect themselves from negative energy without putting up a brick wall that affected all aspects of their lives. What I suggested to the nurses was the Reiki Longevity Shield.

And now I’m going to teach it to you.

Step 1: Relax into a meditation state and visualize a shield of energy in the form of a suit of armor, or a white light around you..

Step 2: Whenever you are in the vicinity of negative energies, use the Bagha and say “Reiki Protect” and imagine the shield or light protecting you.

The Reiki Shield is a metaphor that enables your body to send out positive energies that fill you with the same positive flow and block any incoming negative energies at the same time.

Use the Reiki Shield whenever you feel that your energies are being drained or when you feel that stress or an outside negative influence is beginning to take its toll.

What Is Spirit Telling You? I want to take this moment to congratulate you -just look how far you’ve come! By now, you’re

likely starting to experience the metaphysical shift that comes with living a spiritual and connected life. You’re probably starting to see things begin to take shape, small coincidences that you and I both know aren’t really coincidences at all but rather, a deliberate co-creation between you and the Universe.

So, practice your Reiki and work on changing your expectations. There are exciting things coming your way!

Are You Psychic? I am often asked, “Is there really such a thing as psychic ability?” Since I’ve been

teaching ESP for thirty years now, I can confidently answer “yes”.

Several years ago, I was presenting a seminar on how to connect to your psychic self. After the seminar, I went to dinner with my sponsor Wanda and several other professional (paid) psychics. Sitting in a Chinese restaurant, the conversation turned to the different methods we use to reach a psychic state of mind.

One of the psychics, Helena, used a crystal ball of all things. Wanda used visualization and meditation while Monica was a palm reader and another used Taro cards. And then my fellow psychics turned to me. “What do you use?”, they asked.

Now, had this not been a social gathering, I might have answered more seriously. But since we had been telling jokes and funny stories, I was feeling humorous and answered, “Fortune cookies.”

This set off the laughter again and when it died down I said, “Really. I use fortune cookies.” The group asked me to demonstrate.

We agreed I would do a reading on Monica and I smashed a fortune cookie on the table. Everyone watched intently as I studied the crumbs that had spread all over the table. I circle three crumbs and said, “You have three children, the oldest ran away from home and is living with her uncle. Your

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middle child is threatening to leave you and go live with your ex-husband. Your youngest child wants you to stay home more because she wants you to teach her how to cook a chicken.” Now, while I am always open to receiving psychic images, I have to tell you that I was making all of this up. I just said the first thing that popped into my head, expecting the group to burst into laughter after hearing my ridiculous reading. But instead, Monica jumped up crying and ran to the restroom. Helena looked at me seriously and said, “How could you have known that, Burt?”

So, how did I so accurately tap into a woman I had never even met? I used an Icon, a metaphor to help bring out my ESP energies. I’m going to show you this icon so tap into your own psychic energies whenever you need them but first, let’s talk a little about exactly what psychic energy really is.

We Are all Psychics Everyone has psychic abilities -yes, even you. It’s part of our design, an inherent piece of

who we are. It’s just that most people don’t know they have it or if they did, they don’t know how to bring it out on command.

When you think about someone and then they call you on the phone, that’s ESP. When you take a different route to work out of the blue and later discover you avoided a terrible accident or extensive traffic jam, that ESP too. You can call it clairvoyance, psychic abilities or ESP -its all the same. You are receiving information with your inner senses.

What you may not know is that there is a direct connection between the Law of Attraction and ESP. People who have a positive, developed sense of ESP also seem to have an inherent ability to attract things naturally. These are the people who have the “Golden Touch”. Things just seem to fall into their lap; they’re always in the right place at the right time.

On the other end of the scale, there are also people who have negative ESP. Their attraction abilities are just as strong, but they seem to draw only misfortune and chaos. These people are often accident-prone. They are the ones who experience one disaster after another. They have a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and despite how “good” this person might be, they just can’t seem to catch a break.

So, how can you develop your psychic abilities to make them stronger? And if you’re someone with negative ESP, how can you turn that around into a positive force?

Clearing Out All the Clutter People produce energy waves; in fact, these brain waves are actually measurable. That

means that to some extent, every single person on Earth is in the room with you right now. Or at least, their energy waves are. That’s billions of energy patterns. Billions of people in the palm of your hand as we speak.

Now, say that you wanted to “read” one of them. Someone random -just one out of the 6 plus billion waves floating around you at this very moment. How on Earth could you single just one person out? How can you bring out that golden touch of yours?

This is the problem with obtaining information psychically. Its not with the material itself the psychic material always comes through, no matter what. The problem is that often too much material comes through, including information about people and events other than the specific one we are seeking.

This can make the psychic process very confusing because your reading may not always apply to the person who’s being read. The result is that we think we’re wrong -obviously, we don’t have psychic abilities after all because nothing that we “saw” was right. But that’s not the case at all.

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What you saw was in fact, psychic material. It just didn’t apply to the person you were reading.

There are some psychics of course, who have an impressive accuracy rate. My friend Uri Geller is one, the only psychic I personally know that is right most of the time. But for most of us, our psychic ability is still fairly immature. We haven’t used it enough to understand it and interpret it. We still feel “silly” and self-conscious when we sit down and try to “conjure up some unexplainable knowledge”.

Add this to the multitude of information we might be receiving at any given time and its easy to see why we’re a little shy when it comes to exploring our psychic ability. But by clearing out the clutter (and using a trick I’m going to show you in just a bit), you can improve your ability to zero in on the right information and make an accurate reading.

No, its not foolproof -you still may get mixed messages some of the time -but it will definitely help you fine-tune your skills and learn to interpret the array of psychic images that might come your way.

So, how can you clear the clutter?


• Living in a state of awareness that brings abundance and wisdom.

• Saying goodbye to suffering and scarcity.

• Alleviating stress for good.

• Tapping into dormant and hidden abilities.

These things are possible when you reach a higher consciousness. And that’s what we’re

going to do here.

Altering Your State of Awareness Just about everyone knows what “consciousness” is. Even the most skeptical person

understands the meaning of the word. But to say that consciousness is simply a state of “being aware” doesn’t even begin to do it justice.

Your consciousness is that part of you that identifies the “I”. You are aware of being you, a

concept that can literally lead you down the rabbit hole if you contemplate it long enough. But even that consciousness, that elusive, mysterious awareness is just the tiniest tip of the iceberg.

Because “you” is not where the consciousness stops. Quite the opposite, the self-awareness that you currently know is nothing more than one state of consciousness. One of many to be exact, and in order to raise your consciousness and tap into the wonderful world of ESP, you have to acknowledge that those different levels exist in the first place.

A person who is controlled by their impulses and attitudes -an average human being to be more specific -is considered to be in a moderately conscious state. You are aware of your Self and that you exist as an individual with your own private thoughts and realities, but that is where the awareness basically stops. You still react to emotions, giving little thought to a higher purpose or bigger picture as it were. You allow your actions and beliefs to be influenced by feelings such as jealousy and anger, even though you know these feelings are not productive in any way.

Spiritual consciousness or higher consciousness comes about by altering your current state of awareness and realizing that you exist on other planes as well. While you may reside in your body on the physical plane, “You” also exist on the mental plane and the spiritual plane as well. Each of these planes represents a different level of awareness and within these levels are sub-levels of your conscious state.

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A primitive mind for example, will rely solely on its instincts, giving no thought to reason or purpose. Animals are a good representation of the primitive mind and while we might form an undeniable bond with our beloved pets, we still know that animals are animals and will ultimately react in accordance with their instincts. The average person also resides on the physical plane with animals, but we have taken a step up in our level of consciousness to include self-awareness and the ability to abstract or theorize. We can choose to react with our instincts or we can choose a different approach instead. It is this awareness of choice that puts us on the mental plane and gives us a higher consciousness than our dog, Fido. This is also where your climb to spiritual consciousness begins.

Once we recognize the choice between impulse and reason, the question becomes “which will we choose?”. If we choose reason, we then evolve to the next level where the choice is between reason and beliefs. Again, which will we choose? If we choose beliefs, we are demonstrating our capacity to move beyond the physical and mental planes into the spiritual plane.

But your climb isn’t over yet.

Once we reach the spiritual plane, we are again presented with a set of choices. Will we cling to our beliefs or will we begin to tap into our intuition? And for many, this is where the real struggle begins.

Connecting to Your God Forget religion for a moment. Just set it aside and approach this next statement with an

open and accepting mind:

Where do you believe that God stops and you begin?

If you see the two as separate entities, then you may experience difficulties tapping into your intuition. Why? Because by separating God into an individual “being”, our mind projects similar attitudes, desires and perceptions, just as we would with another person.

Think of it this way: If God is separate, then he must also have his own expectations and requirements. Just like anyone and everyone else in the world, God has an agenda that is his and his alone.

But when we see you and God as “One”, we begin to understand that our connection to the spiritual plane is more than just abstract guidance from a separate source but rather, a direct line to the Universe and Creation itself. When he said “I am that, I am,” he was telling us that he was everything, Infinite. This, that and all that is.

Well, you are part of “all that is”, aren’t you? So then, how can you be separate from God?

The reason that I make this distinction is that in order to tap into your creativity, your ESP and your intuition, you need to understand that they are all the same thing. And more importantly, they come from the same source.

Intuition and ESP are nothing more than your connection to the spiritual plane, the plane where God resides. God is creation in its purest sense so when you tap into your intuition, you are tapping into creation. This is what we mean when we say we were “inspired”. Inspired by what, exactly? Intuition or Creation? The answer is both because they are one and the same.

Moving to the Spiritual Plane So, now that you know where all the answers are, how do you get to this magical spiritual

plane? Easy: just use the principle of Correspondence that says: as above, so below, as below, so above.

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What this principle is telling us is that as it is on the physical plane, so it is on the mental plane. And as it is on the mental plane, so it is on the spiritual plane. We already know this principle to be true because we know that what we create on the mental plane, (thought) manifests on the physical plane. If we apply this principle to the spiritual plane, then we can see that to achieve a higher consciousness, our physical and mental planes must mirror that of the spiritual.

Hmm... now what do you suppose the spiritual plane looks like?

Well, let’s think about that for a moment. If jealousy and anger and loathing are considered to be attitudes of a moderately conscious person, what would likely be the attitudes of a person living on the spiritual plane?

Kindness, truthfulness, humility, forgiveness and patience.

These are the five steps: a ladder leading to higher consciousness and the spiritual plane.

These steps already exist in your mind so its time to take them out and dust them off. We’re going to use them in a technique I call the Consciousness Ladder. Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Meditate to quiet your mind.

Step 2: Use the Bagha (touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth) and

mentally say “Consciousness Ladder” as you visualize yourself thinking, Kindness.

Step 3: Now visualize yourself being kind to someone. Kindness is compassion, consideration and caring.

Step 4: Next comes truthfulness. Think the word, Truth. Visualize yourself being open and honest with everyone you meet.

Step 5: Next is humility and see yourself giving respect and admiration to someone you previously slighted.

Step 6: Forgiveness. Visualize yourself letting go of the idea of getting even.

Step 7: Patience. You do not complain about anything in your life, knowing that “this too

shall pass”. Visualize yourself with the ability to deal with delays and obstacles without becoming upset.

How Infinite is Infinity? As you begin to move into the spiritual plane, you’ll likely discover a “knowing” that seems to

be almost second-nature. You’ll sense what to do and where to go and find that your creative energies have returned in full glory. Remember, creation and intuition are one and the same -you can’t tap into one without accessing the other as well.

But just how far does this spiritual plane go?

The concept of infinity has been contemplated by a number of scientists over the years. To accept infinity is to put to the test the belief that our universe is billions of years old. If there was a beginning, then there should also be an ending and this is where many scientists admit to being a little confused. In an infinite universe, there is no beginning or end. It just always was, always is and always will be.

To understand infinity, think of a number, let’s say twenty. But twenty isn’t the end, is it? There’s always 21. But 21 isn’t the end either. Add one more and you’ve got 22. Even if you thought of a number with a billion zeros at the end of it, you can always still add one more. That’s infinity. It just simply never ends.

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If we apply this same concept to the Universe, then we come to the possibility of parallel dimensions. The idea of parallel dimensions came about in the 1950’s when physicists tried to explain all the paradoxes of reality. These parallel dimensions are regions of space and time just like the one we know. They contain matter, galaxies, stars, planets and yes, even people.

In fact, with an infinite number of dimensions or universes, there must also be an infinite number of you’s residing in each one. And if God is all that is, then anything is possible and everything is reality.

That means that there is a parallel you who’s an artist and another who’s a doctor. In one of those universes, you are a singer, a writer, a banker and a cook. In one of those dimensions, the Earth is just now beginning its prehistoric period while in yet another, the year is 3007.

Does this concept rattle your mind? You’re not alone. Even the physicists who study it utilize mathematical equations to keep everything straight. Quantum physics is an exciting and mind-blowing science, but a science it is. So while these ideas may sound a little far-fetched, I find it interesting that so many scientists continue to ponder these possibilities.

But let’s assume for a moment that parallel universes do in fact, exist. My next question then becomes: how can I meet one of the other me’s?

Self, Meet Self During a seminar I taught in the 90’s, I worked on the concept that there were indeed an

infinite number of realities and in each one, “you” were whatever and whoever you could possibly conceive to be. The seminar, called Parallel Dimension Quest (or PDQ for short), used meditation exercises to attempt to contact our doubles who were successful in a parallel dimension in an area we were interested in pursuing here. That of course was the incipient beginnings of what was to become Quantum Jumping.

The belief was that if we could contact our double or doppleganger as a mirror image is called, we could learn from them and possibly even draw off the energy of their talent. We’re in the spiritual plane after all and we are all from the same Source... anything is possible.

What we discovered was that it was actually possible and I used this process to ease into art. As a result, I’ve painted numerous pieces – over two hundred.

Is it possible that I had the talent all along? Perhaps, but it was this spiritual process that brought it out and that’s the point. What hidden talents do you have that you’d like to uncover? And what might your doubles be waiting to teach you? Remember, the possibilities are endless because the universe is infinite.

Putting On Your Hat I said that I wanted to show you an easy technique to help you focus your ESP ability and

hone your skills. And now that you’ve learned to clear out the clutter by raising your awareness and connecting to your higher Self, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I call this technique the ESP Hat.

Step 1: Imagine you had a hat, one that stimulated intuition and ESP. Create this hat mentally and put it on your head.

Step 2: Visualize that you can put this hat on whenever you want, simply by using the Bagha and mentally saying “ESP Hat On”.

Step 3: When you’re ready to tap into your psychic ability, put on your ESP hat and visualize activating it.

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The hat of course, is nothing more than a metaphor, but what a powerful symbol it is. Using the hat, you are training your mind to connect to the spiritual plane and tap into all the energy and wisdom it holds. Again, no technique is foolproof when dealing with ESP -there’s just too much energy out there to guarantee an accurate reading every single time. But the ESP Hat can help you focus on the answers you seek and open you up to receiving them.

Reversing the Negative But what about someone who has negative ESP?

Earlier, I explained that just as there are those who seem to have the Golden Touch, there are also those who just can’t get anything right. These are the people with negative ESP, an equally powerful ability, just seemingly tuned into the wrong things.

To reverse this negative effect, you only need to refer to what you already know.

What we believe is what becomes, remember?

If I were to ask you to write a statement that described something that bothers you, what would that statement be? I did this very thing in an ESP exercise and I believe the source of the negative ESP energy can be accurately presented in the statement you choose to write.

For example, a statement that “I am stuck in traffic” would be that of a positive ESP energy flow. It describes the thing that bothers you without attaching any emotion to the event. But can you guess how many wrote “I hate...” or “I don’t like...”? These statements are all about the emotion, relaying the energy behind the feelings they evoke rather than the event itself.

Negative ESP is directly connected to your expectations. If you expect to do poorly at something, then you will do poorly and this concept applies to your ability to tap into your intuition as well.

When you seek intuitive answers, how do you pose the questions? Are you asking to find wisdom and enlightenment (positive) or to show you how to make some money because you’re really broke (negative)?

In the movie I, Robot, Will Smith plays a detective who is investigating a crime that he believes to have been perpetrated by a robot. During his investigation, he consults a holographic image of the victim that has been left behind as a clue. This hologram can point our hero in the right direction, but only if he knows what to ask. “I’m sorry,” the hologram says. “My responses are limited. You must ask the right questions.”

Your intuition is like that holographic image. It has the ability to point you in the right direction. It even has the ability to give you the most profound answers. You just have to ask the right questions.

What’s the Point? What you believe, is what is, (for you) and that by changing your beliefs, you can create a

new reality. We’ve discovered that the mind is a powerful tool indeed, one that can attract those things we want and protect us from those things we don’t. So powerful in fact, that it can even heal. We’ve been introduced to our own inherent psychic ability, a connection with a powerful and all-knowing Source and found that when we tap into this connection, we can evolve beyond our wildest dreams.

So, the next question becomes, where are we going? What exactly is the point of all this evolution?

What’s your life’s purpose and how do you find it? Take some time to think about what you’ve learned so far and use your newfound intuition the next time you meditate to begin

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discovering the path you need to walk.

Where Are You Going? We’ve covered quite a bit of ground, haven’t we? And if you’re putting my suggestions

into practice, you’re likely seeing some exciting changes taking place in your life.

But all of this evolution and states of awareness don’t really mean anything without a purpose. I mean, what’s the point? Where is all of this taking us? Ask one hundred different people and you’ll get one hundred different answers.

But surely there must be an answer. One of the many religions has to have it right. Whether it’s a heavenly choir a host of angels, reincarnation or complete and total oblivion, one of our assumptions about the afterlife just has to be the right one.

Doesn’t it? Yes. And no. And I’m going to explain that in just a minute. But first, let’s take a look at all of

the possibilities.

What Comes Next? The spiritual plane is one of the greatest mysteries of the universe. No one has ever come

back from the spirit world with photos and documentaries to explain “what comes next”. To make up for this lack of clear-cut information, we have turned to other sources to provide us with hints, sources that range from ancient texts to sages and prophets.

But even the wisest of wise don’t agree on everything. Some say we live multiple lives while others say we live just one. Some say we must earn our place in the afterlife through the good deeds we do now, while yet others believe we are paying for bad deeds that have already been done.

Talk to these sages, read their texts and it is easy to see how one could come to believe in a particular afterlife scenario. The problem is, how can you choose the right one? Let’s take a quick look at some of the more prevalent religions in our society:

In Hinduism, the concept is Karma, meaning that what you sow is what you reap. If this is true, then everything we do and everything we think is the result of a past action. But if that’s the case, then there is no free will and given our ability to choose, I tend to believe that free will does exist.

And here’s another dilemma with Karma -if everything we experience now is the result of a past action, at what point do we get to “sow” something new in order to “reap” something better?

In Christianity, everything revolves around the Big Sin. When Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden apple, God punished them and all of their descendants throughout eternity for disobeying. Now, remember that according to this story, Adam and Eve were innocents, like children with no knowledge of shame, embarrassment or suffering. If this is true, then to place the apple in front of them would be akin to placing it in front of a three year old child.

“You can have anything on this table,” we’ll tell the child. “Except for this apple. Don’t touch the apple, I forbid it.” Hmmm... now what do you suppose the three year old child is going to want the most? That’s right, the apple. And what’s the worst that’s going to happen if they do decide to take that forbidden bite? The child doesn’t know because again, they have no concept of suffering.

In Hinduism, everything is the Will of God. I believe that is true as well. But that means that everything is the will of God. So, when one group of people act in a way that goes against the beliefs

of another group of people, that too was the will of God. But then, who is the righteous in that scenario?

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And if everything is the will of God, then writing this also falls into that category. That means, that despite your beliefs, what I am writing now is the Will of God. But aren’t your beliefs also the Will of God?

You see where I’m going with this. With hundreds of thousands of beliefs with respect to “what comes next”, its easy to find merit in each and every one. But look closer, and you’ll also see that its just as easy to poke a few holes in those theories.

Now, this is not to say that I don’t respect others’ beliefs. I most certainly do and I would never presume to tell an individual that their beliefs were “wrong”. What I am suggesting here is that before you follow a particular line of thinking, you remove your emotion and attachment and examine the idea for what it is: an opinion substantiated only by your belief.

Who Is God? Let’s think about that for a second, shall we? Who is God? Just as we all seem to agree that there is

something after we die, we also all seem to agree that God is All. That means that God is All That Is, All That Was and All That Will Ever Be. God is in everything, including you and I, as well as the planets, the animals and even the Universe itself. God has no beginning and no end.

If this is true (and we can probably agree that it is), then God cannot be male or female he must in fact, be both and yet he’d also have to be neither. God cannot depend upon food or oxygen for his survival because that would suggest a need and God “needs” nothing because God is All. So, perhaps instead of asking Who Is God, we should be asking What Is God?

Of course, only God can say for sure, but going on our original assumption -that God is All, there is one common thread in the “all” that God is. That thread is experience. This would make

sense, because everything is experience, right down to the protons and neurons that spin around in an atom. Everything, from the smallest of organisms to the largest forms of life are made up of experiences.

Experience is how we relate. It is a constant that cannot be removed from any form of life. Want to test this theory? Try doing nothing. In a sense, you can’t because you are still experiencing the “nothingness” that you are trying not to do. Granted, the more profound the experience, the more influence it has on our lives but that doesn’t mean that an experience is limited to only the most incredible events.

Quite the contrary, everything is an experience. When you breathe, you are experiencing breathing. When you walk outside, you experience a variety of stimuli, from the sunshine on your face to the grass beneath your feet. Right now, right this very minute, you are experiencing something, regardless of what it is. Try not to experience and you’ll see what I mean. It simply can’t be done.

Interesting, isn’t it?

With so many concepts and so many beliefs, there is after all, a common thread among all living things. And how perfect that it would be something as simple as experience. Then there is always the question: Does God exist? Is there scientific proof? Let’s just see.

In the scientific community there is the concept of the ‘big bang.’ Before the big bang there was nothing, a void. Now comes the argument, how can something come out of nothing? Physicists as eminent as Steven Hawking explain how, but there is still the question how can something come out of nothing?

There is a void, an endless vast, beyond comprehension, void. Nothing, no sound, no material, no photons, no light, no motion, no microbes, not an atom nor element. Nothing. The void has no perimeter, no borders, no beginning, no ending. This being so there could not have been a big bang for there would have to be an instigating factor and in a void there are none. There is only one answer. The big bang would have to have been started by some thing that thinks; a mind.

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To begin anything, whether it be the beginning of a universe, or the lighting of a fire, there must be thought. And if there is thought, there must be something to think that thought. An entity of some kind. But if there is a void, where could the entity be? Think on that for a moment. Suddenly the thought will come, or if not of a sudden, eventually, that the entity must be outside the void, as if the entity were inside the void, there would be no void. So then if the entity resides outside the void there are only two possibilities.

The void is a bubble, or the entity is in a dimension apart from the void. In my book Quantum Jumping I bring out the fact that there are stars and galaxies in our universe beyond the counting, but still in our universe, all that is resides in a vast bubble. Outside that bubble are countless other bubbles, each containing their own universes. All this, to exist at all, had to have, at one time, been created.

Take the greatest redwood tree. Vast and tall and over a thousand years old. The most majestic tree on planet Earth. Before it was a tree it was a seedling, prior to that a seed and prior to that;..? All things that are, started at sometime in the past. It may have been five minutes ago, or five billion years ago, but to be, is to have begun at some time in the past. Everything falls into that category.

I choose to believe that the entity exists outside the void, indeed, the entity created the void and placed within it whatever elements were necessary to create the big bang. Time was not of consequence as time didn’t exist in the void. The scientists say the bang took place in an instant; but if time was not in existence the instant could have been a millisecond or a million years. All that; every molecule, every photon, every element, every galaxy, star, planet, moon and plasmodium; every fish, bird and animal was created in the mind of an entity so cosmic as to be immeasurable. That entity, we call God.

Conclusion, God was; he had to have been or we would not be. God is, he has to be or all that was created in the mind of God would not be. God will be, as he is eternal and will always be. With the possibility of quadrillions of people in our universe alone how can God know of each and every being?

Then there are questions like: Does God hear us when we speak to him? Why doesn’t he answer? Is there any point to prayer? Why does evil exist? And the big question; is there anything that comes after death? Does personality still exist?

The Purpose of Choice If our life can be defined through experience, then what determines which experiences we

are to have? Aha... there’s that pesky free will again, isn’t it? The very thing that makes us self-aware -our ability to choose -is also the thing that defines life itself. Now there’s a concept worth pondering.

Is it possible then, that experience is the whole point? Could it be that instead of seeking obedience and conformity, God’s purpose is experience?

Now, there are some who might wonder if God even has a purpose. Being that he is All That Is and everything, it’s hard to imagine God having any purpose other than to just be God. After all, if God is everything, what could He possibly be seeking?

And I’ll say it again: experience.

You cannot experience happiness without sadness as a comparison. You cannot have ups if you don’t know what it feels like to have downs. Think of the most joyous moments in your life. How did you know they were joyous? Would they still be the milestones they are if every day felt just like that?

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Of course not. You wouldn’t be able to experience joy because “joy” would be considered normal. But luckily, that is not the case. Instead, we all have the ability to experience whatever we choose. Think about that for a moment: whatever we choose. I myself chose a variety of experiences,

all important to me at the time I was doing them. Business, art, marriage, music, healing, teaching, sailing, writing, yoga, golf, fishing, singing, scuba diving, cooking, traveling, investing and hypnosis just to name a few.

Why so many experiences? Because that is what life is all about! Where is it written that we can only do one thing? What prevents us from experiencing everything that we can get our hands on? The answer of course, is nothing. There’s no reason that you can’t be a doctor and a swimming instructor. You don’t have to choose between becoming a volunteer and being a popular singer on stage. Quite the contrary, you can choose them all!

And here’s the beauty of this entire plan: the more you choose, the richer your life becomes. Ever wonder why so many people fall into a rut? Because life isn’t meant to stand still. But when we create a life that simply repeats itself day after day, that’s exactly what we’ve done. We’ve caused our life to stand still. Yes, time will still pass right on by, but we’re no longer moving with it. We’ll age of course, and we’ll have some surprises and bumps along the way but for the most part, each day is the same as the one before and the same as the one to follow.

And there’s your rut. When you fall into this kind of life, your spirit gets a little antsy. It longs for new experiences. It desires to branch out and grow. Deny it this desire, and the result is depression. You’ve lost your lust for life and no longer find joy in the things you used to love.

And yet, we’re surprised that depression continues to rise in our society. We’re bewildered that so many anti-depressants are needed just to keep going. How could this be? What’s causing such an epidemic? The answer is simple: lack of experience.

If you follow the thinking of parallel dimensions, then you can also see how God is immersed in experience. An infinite number of universes with an infinite number of possibilities talk about living to the fullest! So if our own universe is designed to be an eternity of experiences, why would we think that we should just choose one thing?

Everything about life suggests change. In fact, there is nothing on this planet that isn’t changing at any given moment and yet, our primary goal seems to be to find a way to make things as stationary as possible. We look for stability and security, creating little metaphorical bubbles that can house our corner of the world. We want everything to stay just as it is, don’t make any waves and don’t upset the balance. We shy away from change if given the chance because we see it as “unsafe” and “uncertain”.

Ironic isn’t it, that the thing we fear most -change -would be the fuel needed to keep life going?

Where Have You Been? If your mind is whirling with the possibilities of this new perspective, hold on to your hat –

cause I’m not done yet. Using the same logic that brought us to multiple dimensions, its easy to make the leap to multiple lives as well. If life is in fact, about experiences, to the point that even God’s purpose is experience itself, then wouldn’t we also be likely to have more than just one lifetime to enjoy our own collection of experiences too?

This would certainly make it easier to learn and grow. No need to cram everything into just one lifetime because let’s be honest, you can’t cram everything into just one lifetime. Not that I don’t like to try -I do. I prefer to spend my days experiencing as much as I possibly can. But my lifetime of experiences doesn’t even make a dent in the range of possibilities that are out there.

So the idea that I get to come back and do it all over again has a very strong appeal. It

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means I can pick up where I left off and try out some of the things I missed the first few hundred times around.

If you think the idea of multiple lives sounds far-fetched. You should know it actually has some documentation to support it. There have been countless cases of people remembering pieces of a past life, complete with intricate details of an existence hundreds of years before they were born.

Yes, in many cases a little research would be enough to orchestrate such a “revelation” and if you’re having some doubts, you should. There’s certainly no irrefutable proof, so a little skepticism doesn’t hurt. But let’s assume for a moment that you do live multiple lives. What opportunities does this idea present for you?

To better understand the notion of reincarnation, allow me to tell you of an actual past life therapy situation that took place in Paris during one of my hypnosis training seminars. A woman, we’ll call her Adell, asked to be the subject for the demonstration. Her problem was that her right hand and arm had pained her for most of her life. Doctors could find no physical cause for the pain. Her fingers were extremely weak and she could barely hold a pen to sign her name.

To find the cause, I regressed her and asked where she was. She responded that she was in a crowd where everyone was much bigger than her and there was a lot of shouting going on. As we progressed, it turned out that she was recalling herself as a six year old child from a past life. Her mother was being hung for stealing milk from a cow and her father had a steel grip on her right hand.

When the crowd surged forward, Adell was torn from her father and picked up by a soldier and carried to safety. The soldier turned out to be her present-day husband, Eduard. When I brought Adell up from her regression, the pain in her right hand was gone.

Do that prove that reincarnation exists? No, but it solved Adell’s problem and that’s all that matters. If Adell believes that she remembered a past life and through regression, she was able to learn something about herself, then that belief has served her well.

I personally do believe in past lives and I also believe in future ones. What could you do with a future life?

Taking It With You Infinity is limitless, endless and all encompassing. In an infinite universe, whatever can be

imagined, actually is. That means that in one parallel universe, the world is just entering 900 BC while in another, the Earth is well into the 35th century. In another? The Big Bang has just occurred and in another... well, you get the idea.

Assuming this is correct, it also stands to reason that you could learn about a past life just by visiting one of the you’s currently living that past in a parallel dimension. Using this technique, I was able to tap into an alternate “self” in an alternate universe and share some of my other “self’s” artistic energy.

But I could have just as easily visited a past me to understand more about who I was. And conversely, I could also visit a future self to discover who I’m going to become. What’s the value in that?

Our lives are full of choices. Big ones, small ones and all the ones in between. Using my earlier example of Adell’s regression, we take bits and pieces of our past lives with us, whether we actually remember the events or not. Hence, Adell’s pain in her right arm.

So, the question becomes: how will the choices I make now affect my future lives? Perhaps seeing your future self will shed some light on a dilemma you’re experiencing now. Perhaps the character traits or beliefs or actions of the future you will help you choose a path in your present-day life.

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The choice of course, is always yours. You can use the information or not, in whatever way you deem best. But wouldn’t it be nice to have that information to work with?

Finding Your Way If I were to ask you to define “enlightenment”, what would you say?

To give up all your worldly comforts as many swamis have done? To surrender to God and return to Heaven? To reach the end of our multi-lifetime existence? I don’t think so. Giving up my all the things that bring me pleasure in life doesn’t sound like enlightenment. It just sounds like corruption.

As for surrendering, why would I want to do that? Surrender sounds quite a bit like defeat and I think that goes against the whole point of our existence. And waiting until the end of my lifetimes doesn’t sound right either. If that were the case, no one would ever become enlightened.

So then, just what is enlightenment? And more to the point, how do we achieve it?

Well, first of all, it’s supposed to be a good thing so let’s start there. What are some good characteristics that an enlightened person would have? Compassion? That’s a good one. Empathy? That’s a good one too. What about love and forgiveness? Yes, those definitely sound like qualities of an enlightened being.

Patience? Understanding? Kindness? Wow, this enlightenment is sounding more and more like the consciousness ladder, isn’t it?

Now, why do you suppose that is? Could it be that the more spiritual we become, the more enlightened we will be? Imagine that! These simple little attitudes can transform us into this mysterious and elusive thing called enlightenment that until now, has been reserved for only a select few.

But to achieve enlightenment, it can’t just be a part time gig. These attitudes would need to be absolute. A constant and permanent piece to the puzzle that is You. Absolute love and absolute empathy would have to become a way of life, not just something you tried to do when you thought about it.

And that I believe, is where the work begins.

Absolute love doesn’t just mean toward those closest to you. It would also include those who walk a path that you cannot even comprehend. Those that return our love with hate. Those that cause pain and suffering to others. “Humankind” doesn’t discriminate -we’re all included. And absolute love doesn’t either.

The problem of course, is to achieve that level of goodness even in spite of all the negative energy going on in our world today. And that’s a pretty tall order. One only has to turn on the news or pick up the paper and Bam! We are hit with negative energy.

How then, can we maintain an attitude of absolute love in the face of so much pain and despair?

The Wave of Goodness During a healing seminar I presented in Manhattan, I was trying to explain the energies we

all possess. The auditorium was full -about 600 people or so and I asked for everyone in the room who was in pain to stand up.

About 100 attendees rose, evenly split between the two sides of the room. I then instructed them to sit down as their pain disappeared but did not tell them what I was doing. A few seconds passed and people began to sit. First one and then another and then another. All on the right side of

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the room.

After a few minutes of this, I told the group what I had done. I used the Wave of Goodness but instead of openly applying it to the entire auditorium, I had mentally waved only over the right side of the room. I then did a Wave of Goodness over the entire auditorium and all but three people returned to their seat.

The point of the story is that the energy used in the Wave of Goodness is real and you can use it to further you down the road to enlightenment. Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Put your right hand on your left shoulder.

Step 2: Taking your hand off your shoulder, extend the hand and arm in a long, slow motion until your hand is pointed to your right.

Step 3: Move your hand and arm back to the former position. This constitutes one wave.

Usually, three waves is enough to resolve a problem and you can do the wave mentally if you prefer. The Wave of Goodness can be done for someone who is not in your presence -just visualize them clearly in your mind.

For the Wave of Goodness to work, you only need to have good intent. Feel Oneness with the person you are helping and you should find you can do things you never dreamed possible.

Discovering Your Purpose So, where does all this lead us? How can we find the purpose to our lives?

If you’ve followed me this far, then you know by now that the purpose to life is experience. Hopefully, tons of experiences that will make you a wiser and richer person for having had them. Which experiences you choose to have will follow your interests and your desires. You can choose as many as you want or as few as you want, the choice is up to you.

And that’s the important thing to remember: it’s always your choice. But as for the bigger purpose, well... that brings us full circle, doesn’t it? With all of our

self-discovery, all of our science and meditation, we still don’t have an answer to the question everyone wants to know: what happens when we die?

At the beginning of this lesson, I suggested that one of the religions did have it right. And then again, they didn’t. Let me explain that now.

In this life, what we believe is what will become. We’ve established that several times during the course of this book. So, my thinking is that this fundamental principle doesn’t change, even in the afterlife. It’s not the physical body after all, that creates our reality. Quite the opposite, its the power of the mind and spirit, our Higher Consciousness that we’ve come to know and love.

This Higher Consciousness doesn’t leave us when we die -it’s the physical body that stays behind. So if our Higher Consciousness can create our reality here, then what makes us think that it can’t do it there?

If anything, I would think that the Higher Consciousness has more freedom to create because it is no longer has to battle all the inaccurate programming we’ve received here. Instead of having to overcome long-standing beliefs of depravity and suffering, Spirit can create and recreate without the human brain trying to second guess its work.

So, assuming this is true, then I think that all of the religions have it right. And none of them are correct.

See, if you believe that you’ll be met by that choir of angels, then I think that’s exactly what you’ll see. If you believe in reincarnation, then reincarnate you will. If you believe that you’re doomed

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to an eternity of fire and brimstone, then “doomed” you will be... until you choose to create something else.

And that’s the real wonder behind our whole existence. That’s the secret to our purpose. Life, whether its here in a physical body or on the spiritual plane as pure energy, is an infinite series of experiences. And we can choose a new experience at any time.

I hope you’ve found these words to be insightful and invaluable on your own personal road to enlightenment. I wish you great success, both personal and spiritual and look forward to seeing you in our next lifetime!

And as I used to close all my youtube presentations; have a good day, a great week, a fantastic month, and a better and better year.