A flooded view


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Homework assignment: Process essay.

Transcript of A flooded view

Page 1: A flooded view

Name: Luisa Fernanda Castaño OcampoAdvanced English CourseGroup 1

A flooded view

In my way back home from last vacation, I could not help feeling overwhelmed and worried about the difficult situation faced in the Valle del Cauca due to the several floods caused by the bad weather those days. It is known that in Colombia not many measures are taken to prevent these kind of emergencies. Nevertheless, what are people supposed to do when such disasters happen? Here are some helpful directions related to being alert, calm and cautious that can be followed when floods occur.

The first step is to be aware of the situation, so make sure radio, TV, or any other media are tuned for further information and instructions. Being informed about what might happen is determining in these cases, and consequences are considerably diminished if accomplished. Eventually, depending on the level of emergency, evacuation is ordered or not.

If so, the next step is to be calm and assertive in order to evacuate successfully. At this point, ensure that only essential items are taken, and appliances are disconnected, as well as gas, electricity and water are turned off. Also, walking in moving water is not recommended. Driving is not encouraged either, for vehicle's loss of control is caused in as little as six inches of water. After all, the most important thing is to be certain that the designated evacuation procedure is being followed if existing.

The last step is to take precautions after the flood. Listening to news reports is advised to make sure that water supplies are not contaminated. Try to stay clear of flood waters, standing and moving, as they probably are contaminated or deeper than expected. Besides, it is suggested to be aware of weakened roads, downed power lines and damaged buildings or homes. Finally, be very careful as everything that was touched by flood water is being cleaned and disinfected.

To conclude, taking these practical hints into account can make the difference when facing such kind of calamity. Especially when living in a country with a non-preventive general culture that sometimes lacks of what it takes to overcome adversity. Hopefully, there will be a better view next time.