A Flexible Approach to Course Provision “ Widening Participation”

Bill Glew Kingston University Faculty of Engineering 07717 541159 [email protected] A Flexible Approach to Course Provision Widening Participation”


Bill Glew Kingston University Faculty of Engineering 07717 541159 [email protected]. A Flexible Approach to Course Provision “ Widening Participation”. Work Based Learning. WBL unit within the Enterprise Exchange - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of A Flexible Approach to Course Provision “ Widening Participation”

Page 1: A Flexible Approach to Course Provision “ Widening Participation”

Bill Glew

Kingston University Faculty of Engineering

07717 541159

[email protected]

A Flexible Approach to Course Provision

“Widening Participation”

Page 2: A Flexible Approach to Course Provision “ Widening Participation”

• WBL unit within the Enterprise Exchange

• Validation of Masters by Learning Agreement degrees at Kingston U. in March 2002

• These degrees are administered outside of the University Faculty Structure

• Development of new programmes is handled jointly by the Faculty & WBL Unit

Work Based Learning

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• In October 2000, there were 6 programmes running

• By end of AY 2004/5 – 127 programmes

• Enrolled, as of November 2008 – 300 + programmes

• Target for 2010 – 500 programmes

Numbers & growth

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• Learning AgreementAn individually designed programme specifying outcome(s), activities, assessment criteria and mode of assessment for a series of “modules”

• Using the Personal Development AuditUsed to define the bulk of the work-based programme and the

candidates receive credit for developing their programme

• Initially enrol with a “shell” learning agreementJust under 60% of programme specified by the candidate

• The complete programme goes forward to the University for approval

Masters by LA framework

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A Learning Agreement




Company Courses


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• In general these are SELF-DIRECTED programmes

• Academic supervisor provides support throughout

• Via email, by phone or face-to-face.

• Use of a internet for peer support group

Learning not Teaching

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• An Engineering Council Initiative (ECuk)

• Providing Flexible Pathways to becoming a Professional Engineer (either CEng or IEng)

• Phase 1 - MSc Professional Engineering for Phase 1 - MSc Professional Engineering for CEngCEng

• Phase 2 – BEng ProfessionalPhase 2 – BEng Professional Engineering (?) Engineering (?) for IEngfor IEng

Gateways to the Professions

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MSc Professional Engineering

• The BrandThe same product with different providers

(Open to all HEIs with suitable engineering provision)

• The product defined by the GuideSeparate for CEng and IEng

• The delivery method is defined by the Operating Manual

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The Guide

• Sets the context

• An ECuk document

• Applies to all HEIs

• Defines the framework elements

• Defines the process

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The Operating Manual

• An HEI document• Defines the individual HEI processes

• The WBL mechanism• Entry requirements• QA processes• Competence mapping

• Subject to the Accreditation process

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The Guide Framework

• The Elements• Work-based approach• Conformity to QAA and UK-SPEC• Entry gateway• Exit gateway• Validation

• The Process• The map

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Work-based Approach

• The majority element of the programme must adopt work-based approach.

• Allowance for taught elements and APL.• Uses a clearly defined sequence of

learning goals documented in a learning contract.

• Supported by an academic supervisor and an industrial mentor.

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Process MapS tu d en t en r o ls w ith HE I o n M S c P r o f es s io n al E n g in eer in g

S tu d en t c o m p le tes E n tr y G atew ay ( eg P r o f es s io n a l D ev elo p m en t Au d it) in o r d er to d e ter m in e:ex is t in g ac ad em ic an d p r o f es s io n a l c o m p eten c e lev e ls

th e g ap b e tw een c u r r en t c o m p eten c es an d UK- S P E C C E n g c o m p eten c es .

L ear n in g C o n tr ac t is p r o d u c ed in o r d er to m eet:Q AA M - lev el r eq u ir em en s

UK- S P E C c o m p eten c e r eq u ir em en ts

D o es s tu d en t h av e ex em p lif y in gq u alif ic a tio n s ?

I s th e ev id en c e o f c o m p eten c e f r o m th eE n tr y G atew ay ac c ep tab le to c o n s id er

s tu d en t as C E n g c an d id a te?

I s th e L ear n in g C o n tr ac t ac c ep tab le toc o n s id er s tu d en t as C E n g c an d id a te?



S tu d en t 's L ear n in g c o n tr ac t iss u b m itted f o r an a lte r n a tiv e

M S c aw ar d



L ear n in g C o n tr ac t s u b m itted toHE I 's ap p r o v a l p r o c es s .

P E I in f o r m ed .


S tu d en t c o m p le tes L ear n in g C o n tr ac t as s ig n m en ts .

S u c c es s in E x it G atew ay( eg Viv a Vo c e E x am in atio n )

Aw ar d M S c P r o f es s io n alE n g in eer in g

P E I P r o f es s io n al R ev iew &I n ter v iew

C E ng R e gis tr at io n

S u c c es s

• Generic map for all HEIs.• Decision point after entry

gateway.• PEIs informed of student

& advised of their contract.

• MSc demonstrates underpinning knowledge.

• Learning contract portfolio provides evidence of competences.

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Conformity to QAA-M level & UK-SPEC (or PEI equivalent)

QAA M-Level Descriptors


•Systematic & Comprehensive Understanding

•Originality in application

•Conceptual & Critical Evaluation





Learning Contract

Work-Based Goals

180 Credits


•Engineering Knowledge

•Problem Solving


•Interpersonal Skills

•Professional Standards

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Learning Contract Structure

• Goal A (the entry gateway) - PDA 15 credits

• Goals B to G; student generated goals as per “bucket” slide earlier

• Goal H (the exit gateway) – Engineering Dissertation – 60 credits

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Credit Value

Learning Outcomes ActivitiesAssessment

CriteriaMode of



Level 7

On completion of Learning Goal B, the candidate will be able to:Analyse the existing maintenance management system (MMS) for its effectiveness

Identify existing explicit and implicit key performance indicators (KPIs) and use them to analyse the current and past performance of the MMS.Develop additional or more appropriate KPIs for the monitoring of performance improvementEstablish the interrelationship between MMS performance and business performanceEstablish business maintenance needs and drivers.

The candidate must:Demonstrate critical analysis within a general engineering knowledge base.

A company report which details the results of the MMS analysis and investigates causes and effects of business and MMS performance.

Learning Goal B

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A As a Chartered Engineer you must be able to:Use a combination of general and specialist engineering knowledge and understanding to optimise the application of existing and emerging technology



Briefly explain how you intend to demonstrated the competence In which goal?

Reference of evidence from other sources eg workplace

A.1 Maintain and extend a sound theoretical approach in enabling the introduction and exploitation of new and advancing technology and other relevant developments

I will undertake research into, and develop deep understanding of a number of engineering maintenance technologies new to Corus Tubes, such as plant condition monitoring, vibration analysis and Total Productive Maintenance. The knowledge will be used to help configure new improve maintenance strategies.

C During 2006 I undertook a series of technical investigations into the causes of tube end damage of tubes being produced on a stretch-reducing mill. This included a range of data collection and analysis exercises and a series of experimental trials to determine the operation conditions that generated specific types of end damage. As a result of this work the number of tubes being damaged was reduced by nearly 50%, saving approximately £140k per annum.

I will carry out a rigorous analysis of the all the cost associated with both existing management systems and systems that could be used and undertake comparisons with mill performance data to establish correlations and interactions, which will be used to guide system design and selection.

B & C

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By Geography



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Years of Experience










2 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 20 +

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Higher National Certificate

CEng & IEng Enrolment Routes (all subject to individual assessment)

Foundation Degree or Higher National Diploma

BSc Ordinary Degree

BSc (Hons) Degree

Accredited BEng (Hons) Degree

Direct onto MSc P.E.MScTech

MSc Tech

Onto MSc Tech then transfer to MSc PE after PDA & PEI approval

MSc Tech or I.Eng PG Cert

MSc Tech or I.Eng PG Cert

No enrolment

2 4 6 8 10 12Relevant years of post qualification engineering experience


Page 22: A Flexible Approach to Course Provision “ Widening Participation”

Two Types of Candidates

Higher National Certificate

Foundation Degree or Higher National Diploma

BSc Ordinary Degree

BSc (Hons) Degree

Accredited BEng (Hons) Degree

Direct onto MSc P.E.MScTech

MSc Tech

Onto MSc Tech then transfer to MSc PE after PDA & PEI approval

MSc Tech or I.Eng PG Cert

MSc Tech or I.Eng PG Cert

No enrolment

2 4 6 8 10 12Relevant years of post qualification engineering experience


Type 1

Type 2

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SLLLN Involvement

• Supported civil engineering development. • 1 pilot candidate plus 5 more being

sponsored by ECITB

• Professional supervisor role• Kingston specific development to

widen access to SMEs