A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials



A chapter from Harding's book.

Transcript of A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

Page 1: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials
Page 2: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials


SLlr0e no rlirir oi liic h.rs -1er bocn rlircovcrcd, rll ltLrmanktrd corltirllLcs toerrl lp rs JLLsr, rshcs ,urd bone", to thc grc.rt erlvrnt,rge ot .rLch:Lcolog; l}'ort:c,{se peoflc $,rr. .o rrirre sucoessiLLl tlrrl1 xntone else rr discovcr irg thc scctcto1etenul liic, ,rncL conseqrrenrl-v tlrclc xrr i lot oi them ,r\',rilrLrlc tor stu.t-v

Ll sheleLrl u crmbustcd iomr. Estrntcs oi thcif nurrbers ,uo f.ccsrAlilt 11t

de moLe th.rn gucsscs, b t (here is rl.i .lir|t thlt $e sLrllivrng Lruri.d popu

lrtLr.n oi the Bron:c Agc rs rnuch grc:Lrcl thAn th.rr oi the Neolirhic, x .1

pnb,rblr' on .r per r itL thAt oi rhe pre RorrlrLrl hlrn Asc. lt ls i hlr{e rcs.rulcc

Trr,htLunrli,r tfc studr oi LrurLrls h:s bc!. A pnllul.rf rcriviL,! 1ot R,ot:.Agc scholjrs hLtoiclthc-ve.rrstheirprc.,!rL,f:rt,onshevech,rnged Originellrthc que(t ior srav. gr).iJ\ \i..rs nll'nrport'1nri thcsc ricre tlten crrrlog,-Lecl arrldirrdcd rnto L;pes. L;It.r, i1)1s nliornrlion nas ..!rhlncd liLh Lhar,-rn lgcrndscr,,rn.lrflrh slnrrltrcr on.)flcntrlion nn,1 grr!l] jor1n, to pfoduce conlblll.rtifrl t,Ll)les lhicir.rimcd to shor.'rhe.rssocirLri!t1s oi cech oblecr. Thrslod dirrrtlr,to dre prodLrcrion (]i chfonJlogic.rl charrs drloogh the use ()1 se

ltior i.chlriiucs I]r roiri. rnAlt! indil.nlu.rl 5rLidies (it :ut.t.Lct tlpes ere

1ils\illc,.sp..jrll,! ior unrsual oL 1.ell-repLesertrJ t\trcs. such studies h!\'calso leLl to thc stu(l-.' oi socirl stxru-r, nltrr- rnd c\na r)ti.irl fcl.rtiorlslif!,rhe olutio. oi soci.rl al1d fditlcrl s-vsterlls. .rn(l thc rclrtionshif het\reen.rLch.rer,bglc,rl artciacts .rnd liinshit strucrures

Cenef.! riudic\ oi l.Urirl hNe u.uall-v trcen .oncemcd r,i$ illc ilrlornl.rtr0r]]otcflirl oi ihe c! encc anJ spcclficall! l.irh lhar brriel .rn srv rborjtsocl.rl org,Lris,Itron 1n rhe socicty ilorn rhlch the ie.ld c.1flti Tlr sttitc oi thcd limld,:s ini oli c.1, ur:nv l.rire, s l.rlici c th.rt regrrlrriri.s lirl<ing livlng soci

aLes.rnrl rfclr proccduLes ior rhc .1i.tr.*l oi the dea,l do 1-\isi Fxrticlll:ulv,s crncerns tlc lxttcrning oi moriunr) drficrcnti.ltion, Lhe corsist.lr.t oidlii.rentjrliln accrrdirg to socrrl Positiot, arrd thr rt:v thrr con\tc\it) oinrrru.u1, (liiiofcntirti(!r 1r1cfeilse! i!itlr th. cornplerrt! oi socictic! thcnlsdrer ln Ll Shr! ! e,r.rl-r'sL: ioLrr br"it frifLiplcs rctlcct the lnl]lllnu l.\ cl

oi.onstrrxrt otlLiirlgr11 socreLles enploy rcgLrlaL procedLrrcs tLr thc tLLspLrs.rl ol Lhc t1c;rd tlc

ahiFrD li iiis rn.r nr!dtl-.,rr Lr.l l'nri i'rtl O 511.r ti1

Page 3: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials


1rlofturry poirulxtlon €*ibils dclnogr:tph1c ind lhyiiologrcil charactcrlstlcsthar r€llecr thc 1i!ing populift)n; cach l)ur]:rL reprcscnts ,r stsLemrdc rFpllcation of r series of prcscfipdve ancl froscriptil'e difcctivcs rehLing io d1c

nxlilidurlj :rnd all rbc clcments in a Lrlrrlal conte:.r wcrc orisin.rlly contcnr

|orarlcous in the Iivirlg soci€t) ir tht tlnrc oi burial.r This rchtil'el-! oprimisiic view oI ihc totcntirl oi mortLLrr)' .Lrta correspruc'ls closel-v to rhe vi$vldrptcd rn the prescnt rvork.

A diifcrcnt st.rnce is trkcn b-v Barrctt, n'ho argues fiat ]i lIoftu.rr-v allal,!

ses arc to have any powcr they nLlst 'oLrscrv€ dre 1\':1) nrortuxlv pricdces

inrervcnccl 1n an overall cvclc oi social rtfrodrction', th.1i is $c'entire s-!s-

tem in Lroth irs materinl xrld lts humrn aspccts'.'Specilicall-v, Ratrctt rdvo-cites distirlgLrlshms betwccn ir|neraI,v rrtuals xnd rncesror ritLLsls thc lonnerconcermrlg drc rites oi passagc thit .ue obscn'cd at the irlnc rt pcrson dies,

the hrer co.ccrned to bnrlg anccstors s;[rbolic:r]ly 1n.o the prcscnt. Dr.rt']ngon rhe orl< of Turner and Van G€ lep, he sccks tu esuLrlish ir1 wh.rt t'rvsth€ structrLnig oi the archacological reoord ir Ncolithic xtlcl B|onzc Age

Dorsct could rcflcct the rcdors of rhc mourners at frLncrals, and spccilically

iin .r Brcnze Agc contextl hoir thc dcvelopnentdl scquence l:]1 barow con

srrucrion rn $icsscir ceme(eries ight nldicate tlrc nature oI the ritLLal. Thc

clcm€nt oI contrlulty 1n dle usc of burirl sites, rvbcther llat or molLn.lcd,rightLy emphxsiscs the importancc of'rhe incestors', r'hose burial phccs

coulrl have playcd a nAjor role h thc soci.rl sLmc.uri.g oi behjvic,ur.lThis concern 1\,idl thc xctidls c.udcd out rt iunerals as part ot a nortrLary

'lield r:ri discourse, rathcr th.rn merely wirh rhe forn oi disposal oi the dead,

is a rccurring thenr ir1 rcccnt treatncnti of the subject r:ri rlc,rth.rnd btLrial,

:nd has considerrblc aitractlon lrs a subtlc and soplistioxtcd \\'ay oi illlerpretng thc finer det]ils oi gr.rve iolu and bod-v dispositicn. lor insrarcc,Mi:ogLLchl h.rs suggestcd that structrLrarion theorl', applicd to the miredalculLure rcmrins oi iunernry sitcs, can be rLSrd ro interprer thc'mortuer-v fieltloi discoursc', ivhich can bc trcatcd as one aspcct of soci refrodtrcrion, inother \rords thc \La-v hulll'1lrs rcproduce rhe social iorms end actions oi the

envir.i Dert in r.hrch thcy li!c.;ln fie specific lnstAnce studicd, tbat ot the

berror. cemctcry at Sluewton, $rlltshire, it \\as suggcsted thrr rhc rrsc oi space

rv.rs successivcly el,rborated by thc erection of stal<c crrcles in the crcation ol

an algmnent oi barrorvs,:urc1 th;rt net'pr.lcticcs wcre introducecl whcrcbvbodrcs r.ere crenatcd clservhere ard thc remains brought brck to rhe gravcs'Roth iearures are intcrpreted as sLtggcsting fint th{- physicrl movencrt oipcoplc rv,rs conrrollcd, so that lhe aurhodt-! oi nldivlltuals ind groups ca c






p1c ,






Cr' tiJ

' Brrert l!l8rr lhrrrtt, BrrLllrl

(;rco11!rJ R!11,, SmLth LtS.1.

rf.1(.rocr 19r1, llUtt

Page 4: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

Ccrrctct). ,l !t:ui :.! ard Srt\.e ltlttrtDn)S Ijr0tix! a L-|uc':rl f,ur jr) {rLLrLurir)g rhe lrortLrrrv field oi Jjscoufsc, A so1r1clihri conpar:r|l! ,rnrllsis is rhAt oiiered b!. C.tr$,(jod, 111 i,1ich a discussjonot thr reprodtrciidr oi ihe prir)ciples srrurruring Lrrc Ncolirhic and Fxrl,!$ol:e Ag. societ_v is cr)upled \ irh rhc An.rlvsis .i tr,rrro1, lnd ccrncier,! d.\ cl-ofment ln \licss€r, d.sconl L)crrrg slresscd rerlccrrng thc inportarce of:rrces-&rrs rirth.r thrn rrry simplisrjc ijrtc4rrelatron Lri 'ra l<rDg' b:rsed o thepossessron oi good-<. Thc colrflcxnics r:rf the funcr:rr; riru:i, ard therrrch-tionili! to livxrg so.ict\., .rrc.rlso erplorcd bv Kaliif.;

Iri4rxal oi rhe d.rLl, .r b.rsic 1d urivcrsrt rLLie of hygienc, i,,ot rs nl rvIoms rn thc Bron:c Age .rs 1n other pcrjods ,{ b:Lsic diclroronr} benr.ecn rrhun oon el(l cterrrtion rs pcrtr,rps thc most otr\.ious lorm oi \,uiiL)ili!)., rn.lone to \\hlrh t sh.rll rerLrrn L,\'virrLL. 0i its frol,und implicr!tun-q iol Lrelcislr(ems i.d s|iritu.il liie; but there rrc orhers *.hirh 1rr,v hrrc scemcd cqurll,vmfort:r t to rhos. inlolrcd, sLrch.rs burial jn ,1 simplc fir or uDd€r.r moundlbL rl .r orlc si.l. ttt rhe otlrcr oL or Lhe bacl<, rrrlth h€.r.t pomrrng rn o.cdrecnon or rnothcr, rhe knccs hent or strarght. Lhc:rshes dcposittLl in an urn0r roi dlere xfc rlun cfo s possjLrilirics. the ilrtc4rh) bcni.er| these sct"0i l'rri:r|l.s ri is nor ncccss.rrrli |Lcur:rie ro dcflre thcn-r rs ol,troriL€s, lssomc hrr. donr r1r.r]<cs the bLrriel record oi thc Bronz. Age erccptronrrllyxdr, but alsl) crccpLnrnellr con4rltcaLed. In rrnn) n.l.s thc sror) oi !|o :cAle buiil is dr. siort oi rh:rL lntcrtLy.

.{ drchorom_r' ihrr (Drrrrcs on xf rlrogcrhcr diiicrent lcrct is ihnt relitjri<ro th! reprcs.ntrrion oa bLrri.rl clnlencc in thc $oun,:l A good lll:lny arejsardlrrio(ls.t ilrc ELrropcJr tsronzc

^gc hare ie l(roNn bLrrint sitrsj .rn cxanl

pl. close (o honrr is ttr. L.Le tsfor:e.\gc oi Britxi. .rhc Frcsrcss ,Lnd chxnces

0i Llisrol.er! rfd sLrfvr!rl h.r!. an rntlucnce on sLLctr rra ers, bur thclc .rrcinL,rcrlogic!1lr irell rcsc.rrchcd areas, iiirtr gor:rrl surlivat of n,,relel iromotlcr perurrls, rich |:Lve nevcrthetess t,Liled ro froducc LrLrri.rts, ,rnd j,r sL,chcrsrs n rs h:rrlL ro.lr.oid ih€ c.nclLrsiorr rhrr thcjr r]rscrcr is.or mercl] coxrcidrnml hrLt rhe resulr oi spccitic p:rttctns oi Ltryrsltrrlr, or:rs colr.c,ise.Tlis.|rfrrr, rhcfci.rre, d.xls l.ith $e pattcnil3 oi Lrun.ll jtself, (jr l\.irlr

sl.Lrl recorl!rructlon irorr thc bunals. Ir vrll cr.rrnjrc cerrr.ieL! p:rttcrnmgalrl buri.rl modc rhforlgh tnrlc:nd -<pace. rnLt certl. specrrl ,,..r_..s,,f rre,rtirg the Llcarl rn p.rrticuLhr thc LLse oi h:lrorrs lturnulii, fyrcs, cilfins And rnoftu.ll houscs, anLl the ntciptay bcnveen inhrrnarion.xrct crerrxrion rs

Cenreterv prtremirg rnd grave pattcrl1irg

AcIOss the ljst rrc.r ot Euro|c/ rhcLe.rrc clerr trxctiuons r)t bundl h crchrei rlrd fcrrl)d. B,L,rdlv spc:krng rhev rrey. :ll bc delircd rs onc oi rhrcc

Page 5: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials


varirtions on the general therre oi body disposal: orem.rLion, lLat inhurn:rtronrnd mountled rnhurration. wrthin this brord groupnrg, rnuch detriled vari.Ltion rs prcscnt. One c:rn vlew this v:rriatnrn on fir'o levels: that oi broaddlstirctlons bcfii'ccn erees rnd tlut oi detriled distinctions r.1th1n each Arca

On fie l)roAd, mlcroscoprc level, it is Decessrry flrst to make the ilistrnctlon bctwccn diiferent stages oi the BroDze Age. E.rch stage sal.! rarher drifcrcnt pattcnr oi burral Lrode :rcfoss Europe, though gener.rlisAtion ls

dangcro s. In thc EArl-v and x{ddle Bronze Age, buri.rl was usuxlly l)v inhulnirtrci., rlhcrc:rs in rbc LAtc Br(nzc Agc it \LA\ b,v crcnation. Thc cArlicrinhrLmatiors could bc clthcr u.dcr a ]noLrnd ibarrow, tumulus, ceirn, kurg.fi1or placcrl in a fit or blrilt gr:tlc icisi, shahl \!ith no covcrnrg r11ounct. h gcn

crrl, thc prrcticc of monnclcd burlal lncrcxscd.lunng thc iul.ldlc Bronzc Agc,

ccrt$n1r'in ccntrrl x.d wcstcm ILLropc. Thc advcnt oi crcmxtion lcads to t]rcLrLLrjal rirc lcfclirig rts .xmc ro rhc pcriod. Crcnarc.l rc ai.s wcrc pl:rccd

ciaher rr pits or ir uottcry conraifcr-s Lurrlsl, anci thc urns placccl in a clciincddeposition irea, ar 'umtield. Herce ihe La.e Bronze Age rrr conrinenl:rlEurope is rlso called the Umiicld pcrrod, ri'hcn crcnatron ivas dornrnant, iinot universal idependrrg on area).

Ior the E:rlv Sronze Age, a llunbcr ,.ri studics by A. FI:nLS]cr has ser Lml

the m n viri,rbles lsee taLrle,l.ll." Two n'nD trndiiiors nre preseni: rumulusburirl, iound in the e:sr, p:rts of the Balkans, the rorth:rrrd the l\.esr, andfl.rt 1|hurnatrons, iound rhroughour cenLral Europe rnd 111 Itily.rnd Spain 1iig.3.11. Crem3tion is. r'ith nre e\ceptidrs, reslricted to the HuDgarian pl n endadjac€nt re.qions. These distinctions are in dlemselr.es inrerestrng, but the factth:rt \r'irhin thern it 1s possible to drscern sex-dependeDt orientatron, dlstinctions in rhe precis€ tr€atment oi the bodl', and diiierent prrnciples ]n the urilisation ot sprce uDder tumuli, is .rlso oi importence. At the [rost hasic ]eve],diifcrcnccs rn trcatnremt oi the dead are presuLned to reflect diiicrcnt attrtrclcsto rhc dcad anLl dcath, and potcnrlally thereiore splrrtual and cultural prcicrcnccsl pcrhaps also cthnic Ancl lnrgrnstic Aifinitrcs.

Fht n&nntutior butirl

Ilxt inhum:rtio. wxs thc st:trr:hrd rltc throLrgh much of ccntrai LLLrofc in rh!Earl) BrolEe Agc, $rd farrjcularly Lrclwccr1 tLc Rbiic ucl thc Visrula, rnCcrnlny, thc forncr Czcchoslovakia, Ausrria arcl lolancl.'! In rhis v,rsr :rren/

large murbers of mult4rlc inhLLnation ccnetcrics rre rc Lre tLrurd, usu.rlltarranged :ccorcling to specific principlcs of nrtcLrrlcnr. Thc derd ilere Lrsualltlaid in the grave with tbe lcgs soncrvhar bcnt, tholrsh sonetmes ihey could

lJiiusler 197r, l9!.1. l9!6|frdrs l9:7r llD.kd.s.h.l l97ii

be pl

ln p:


r, cl

Page 6: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

Canrrlcr'l frtta'rr7irt dlrd ljlril:c |illl.rrxrrs 't

Table 3.1. li,ir.r Br.rr:r 1u. lri!i,r, !ri,hlinrr.i !r,ifJ.r

Illr nlllu tlrrrln CrtmrLr(ll

E.rl) Brd1ze ,\geS liu.'ir

N C.rmrir\.rh€'hidsBr tlin b.th rLtrsB l Lrn\F HungI)

Middlc Brunzc AgeC. Frlrcf.N Eur.|.

a l!rc|e tielll

(: Eur()p.

C R!\iiiN. Rossl.l

Hrr . \

(1. Lur)pc Ltc\r C Eur.|t rd.nnnlntl

\1ost o{ BrlkrnsiBrnislt Is['s

l,r fhc.J tLrt on their Luck! Th. diiicrerlt pjns oi Llis LlLrirl irt.)\]nc. c.rn

hc rli\rjfguidr..l rcc(irdnrjr tr) tlr. s|ccifics oi the practic. Lttiliscd 1n rhcrn,,n frLrl!!lr rhc serLi:llv rliiicrcnti,rtcd l)rpoLir del.osjii,nr n<,r1c, thc pr.rc

t,t,,i fl.rcirg lDalcs lvng rn ofe clilcction xnd ien ,rles nr thc polrr rgposlt.. Lhe iiLrc lo.king n1 Lhe s.rn. (lircLti.nr in ..rch cjse becrLLse of tlrc *iJc


oi onLrrcntrl tufofc thorrgh tlc scxrL.rl LLriirrcntr.rtirxl Nrs fot lltr:I\r r)t

! rtll rlrls t)t-.c: ior Ln-.trnce it coulrl bc cxpLtssed n erell b) fl:Lcing ib.lodres or niiicrcnt srttes rhe he.r(ls,rl\A)splxcrLl to the samo c.)rrp,,ss dircc

tlin 1I lhis, orj.rjtxrlon tolrirds sr.Lf |osr..]rs mrt hrve teen lmf|ntrL.iCrlnfreries sL,ch rs th.s. rfe those ir ca.tcln Attstrl.l rild rn Slrv:hia, Ir

irsunrr Lhoso oJ drc \itfiL, Untetl\'iilblirrr n.d Koit'.ln-v grorrLrs. lhe conrtrrr ri a;enenl.LrrrI Sr lrirlt.n, lorrer ALLS0irl i. thc hcst kno(n oi Lhcn,,urd [.rs Lreen thr lubictt.i nrin-,' sLL]die5." All grx!cs Ncfe orienLe(l .lflrroxrn.Lrrlr,nonh soLLrh but rn one 3roLrp tle fcrLrl is to thc south, rrr ,lrorhcrroJrr lorLb. Thr.:1rl\ cx.:r\'.rtcrrs drl noL c.rrr r:rrLt brological deLermlnrrlon

i:hrrlrI ltr, strLr Lt6; R!.r11.!Lh{l i9a! i:rL:ir L'r-l r.r(rLr.! lrr9, NeLL!!|rLLrf l!_!l

Page 7: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials



0 irhdds rc rrdqi{--,dolr ,h,-.,.,s dn!red 6bd r +.d-

.; -.' .

ri9.3.1. Blriil rr.r(lrtrons r. Earl-v SroDzc Ag. Errofe LriierHriuslcr l r 17l.

ol scx, rcl\i.g rnstc.rd on the orcrLrrcfcc oi ornArrcnts jn the Iirst group rnd1\'r:1folrs i11 rlc scconrl to idenriil rbcm as icmrlc.tnd male respectivel,v The

c\c.l.rrions, ritich drrl scx thc sl<clctons, provrtle conlirm.rtronol tlris.r' At iuoLfln in th€ Yugosl,rl Birnri, ihc lll gr.t\.cs r.ere irringed l]lsimilar m:rnncr.r'At Br.xra in westcrn SlovrLl(ix thc oricnt:rt1on rnrl positionof ihc bod\ trxs strongl-r diiierentiatcrl according to s.x. r Hefe dre plnl(iprlodenintior \As fronr crst wesr Lo Nl S$l ihc nrAlcs havrng the head to lheilesL and thc iacc loollng sourh, the iernales havrng tLc lcad to thc c.rst rnriLhe i:ce.rlso lor-,klrg sorth. Silr11hr rrr:rnselrrerrs a|flic.l irr llrvari.t rn gfr.lesoi the Srraubing 4r:rup.

'lhe cencrcrv r! Sirlgcrr lKonstrn:l conulned 95 c\crL!,trcd gr.rvcs:rrf.rnsed

: H.rnr.lr rrd r.s.hlrr \i..Li in Nerseb.,!e, lt'rl

Page 8: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

af |lrl&i irril iarxlr )! rrllil .!rr1\iLr /J(ll ifrrrlllS


,; ':' 3sjr ci 'o _ '_ x

.- t

ti,1.3.2. Ilrr rr tLr. Lrrl-1 llr(]f-t r\g' ur rrnrLrlirn ir'rcttil rr

.ti,",1,'.r",,f,'.,rt .,,,1 ",n

f'. ,,,,,..,.""- ur ilr'rt.rr,orL' lriltr T'rclL

l! ,rl \Irics rrf oiirnl.l \'.st eid rrn'i lic (trl th'ir I lhr irdr

',.,,..'i..; "c.,,r,,,1 I'i"g lr rhcrr lcft srLL': 1n b!tlr ir\e' tLr'

l-;,i i,,,i. i,,,i" 'o",L il," t." c

"]rtlons io Lhis .Llc rrhrre r

'f."f.',-.".,' rlcntrnr.l rs .r. r'x lnL 1.|1r1'J 11'irh rhr rit' rL)f rht

rthr- rre rndjrrLrLi br qttrl nrrLrs

Page 9: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials


1n four ior possilty r1rorcl groups. lvith two oLLtllers thit ma) ionn d fifth,the rreis in Lre.r,ccn !!crc crcrv:rted or wtltchcd durlng developnert so lhxithc f.rct of grouping is not ]n iloubrLi The ccmctcry €xtends or.er an alca

roughly 200 : 100 m lfig. 3.31. Th€ grar.es arc mostl,v formed oi stone scttings, r.ith inhum'1tion Lrutlrls some nr cofflns laid in then. Bnlies are

laiLt north souLh or closc to it, fem:rles Nith hcarl to the south, males \a'ith

hcad to the norrh. T'!o gtavcs do nor Iir tlis pxttcrn: a male grave l1nrg Lrn

thc rlght side, head t,.r thc south rvest, and a iemalc grave ia young adL r) on

r' l.rr .rd Ir,l r'rl :\\l \'rr--'. r' nd.l ,l(!r,.confolmcd to expecrrrion rvith an arm spiral .rnd a disc hca.lc.lpin. The isso-ciatio. tablcs shor. rhat gravc goods are strongl-v ser spcciffc, thoush it is

norahlc thAt onl) 15 graves could bc attributed ni.h xD,v clcgrcc oi certainryto a givcn s€x. Oi rhese, dlggcrs occurred in sir Lrf thc cight naLe graves, theorlr'1lncl to recur in associatiol rvlth men. uiometl, by conrrast, usualll had

ore or nrorc p1ns, sonetines a ncckring or.rrnring, nlorc rarcly foot spil'lls:rtld orhcr ornArn€nts All rdentiFcd fcnales l.r-r on rheir right sidc and had

the head ro thc south; rt is rhus l rcasonahlc assumption th,1r odlcr grxvcs

with thjs disposition are rLso ienalc. Dcllncd ]1ke this, dlere lvas nlso a strongassociation bcfiveen iemale grlvcs ancl arvls, A tool probabl,v used tor lcathcr\\'orldnsr whilc rhere rs no inherrnt rcason r.tr; it should be rvomcn *'ho\\'ere ecluippcd nith these tools, .hc clidcncc tlut this \r:rs rll iact thc casc

rt Singen is vcr)'strong. Umrsuallv, pots of any kind are virturlly abscrlt i.the SingeD gravcs.

ln spite oi thjs irnprcssion oi regularirl thc|c arc a number oi discrepattfeatures, ior instancc north south-orientcd gravcs, the bod)' l]'ing or ihc lcitsrle, \rith prrs ii.c. alc grav€ iorm, Ienalc grarc goodslr a mile srave vitbd.rgger bur also jct pcnrlant, srlver t'ire rrng, striral wire and arm-spiral; lnclnro iernale sravcs with daggers. The placrng oi ficse rv:ts Ltttusual: itl thcncck end shoulder are:] rathcr than by the wrist oI al s as \\'ith male gravesl

h ncithef c:rse ere fic rcst of the grave-goods rcrrarkablc. Ho\\r rre these

di!crgcnces to be explainccliIn ccrt.rin inst.rnces, it may bc that rrxlivitluals $'crc bclng spcciAllv rnarl<ed

oLrt bccaus€ oi socid clraractcrlstlcs or other special circurl1stAnces. The pro_

llslon oi drggers to two \\onrcn one toung, rhe oihcr o1,:1 lnAy L)e r clsejn polnt, Anil the d:ggers ircrc rtorn rn a rliiierenr maurcr from thxt adopted

Lr) nrcn. In the c.rse oI dle'1n,11cs'posscssnrg piDs, ir is roteworthy $at none

rvas :Ln ropologrcall1' sexed, thc clctcrminatron depending solcly on thenorth sourh orientrtion oi the gravc. While Srave-goods are corccrltratcd inlenalc gravcs ithose $.idr heacl to $c southl, daggers are alnrost xll in th(rse

with hc:rd to the north. The division of soclet-v dulrugh fLLrcrar) rltcs r'.rs

'' Knus.I98S A snril.r r r.nsen r en r {rs .bs.n'cd !t ChsbkmLrr dr Lsiin n.r.h l L n rhrnmgix,Lh.tu brso.l pnLnrnlv on )rthr.f.logrcrlLr .bsoled tlts iull]j.h l97l

Page 10: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

I/-'. rr)

t/ 'r r ) r',' "r,/- li" \1 \ | --l,\ ---


/ oo, . I

| ,tlt,., -it1...- ,.' -, ; 'l '

,/. tt\a,'/

/r \{

lta, ,'-4./


i tr


li:. Li. I < K '.ritef ]tl,lnse lt)SS Th. dot ald cLasli Lur mdicrtcs thc llrDir ri

rrchxlr osi.aL .bs.r\,.ti(!1r thc hcr\) dr\hcd lm. the lormdrrtes.l susstsic(l gralc sroutiDg.

' t 'l/'





Page 11: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials


rhus Aliost completc, but nor rtlritc Tlid lvoncn \!ho w_crc lcft rs hcad of a

irmil, perhrps through L'enrg rvidoircd, assumc malc rolcsl Coulcl srLch

rvonrcn be regarded as ioreign to the nnn Srngcn poprLlation, pcrir,lfs originally rrcnbcrs oi r diiierelL conmruriiy and brought nr throush narriasci

ln contrrst to these sex-dependent grale rites, in the ceneteries of rheln€tice cultrrre rn Bohemia and adi.rcent rrcils travc lorn rv:s rot usuallydepentlent on sex &oush srave sood provisiol night bc. A gcncrll studyof rhe errl! inedce.qrar.e rite has highlighted the narn ieatures." Flat nrhumrtions predominite, and onl1' (1r.o ex:nples fron 377 studied had nourdedcov€fings. The d€.rd \rere usuall; phced nr rectrnguLrr or ovrl pits, the major-ity on thelr rlght side, the he.rd to the south,\ cerrain mrmber \\ere muld-ple sLever The smves could be hrd out lr irregular rorvs, r.iLh some ev enceoi Srouplng \rithin the cemeteries. Snrd; oi hdividual cenereries, horver.er,quickl-v shons that other iorms mi-v occur: lr double-gnve 19 .rt NlonvskriNov:t Ves Hruik]', for inst.rnce, the.qra\.e-pir hrd large post-holes it the lourcorncrs, r.hrch thc crcrvrtors interpreted as the rernams oi a roofed buildrngco!cring thc burirl.r

A rcccni prLbllcatlon is drat of the cernetery ar Tcietlce Vlnohmd-v in south\l .r ..\',r,.rrrl., .. ,..-l l) tsr, e \\L \'..tlsatc.l,,l7 in a ccntral grotp anil 4 som€rrhAt r€rnoved. At leAst 45 indi\.iduals wcrc rcprcscntcLl. Ir 2 gr.r\.cs ther€ r.€re 2 rndrviduals, 1n one:l im.rle,fcmalc, chilrll Orlr'10 oi thc gr,rvcs \\'crc lntact: l8 h.rd l)ccn robbcd and 3

disturbcd by cuftiv;rtion, though in f:tct thls sccns ro harc nadc littlc dlficrcncc to I'hat obiccts arc ioumd in thc gr4!cs, ancl sNcrel grrlcr '!ith nogoocls irc|c i.rxcr. \(roodcn coffins wcrc iound ln 1,1 gravcs with 3 fLrrthcrpossiblc cx,rnrplcs; w.rodcD Lrox tloofing sr! iourld n1 a lurthcr,l.

Thc clisrributior oi gravc goods Lrt rgc and scx shows $xt adrLlt malcs harcnost tots/ an avcragc r:ri 3.0 Fcr grxvc icxcludlng rrultlplc gravcsl, aclultiemales h:ve 2.08 per gravc, brLt childrcn on1-v L56 pcr sravc. Whrn it co es

ro bronzes, horvever, the prtiem is qurtc cliffcrcnt: nale gravcs have onlyLhree d.rssers ard three ornaments nr tot.rl, ienalcs only a srrgle dagger but29 onunerts;2 of these gr.rves contaur luge nunbcrs. Surprisnrgly, clildren's graves conrarn 5 daggers arcl 26 orra cnts. Il othcr ivorcls, potteryaplrt, m:rle gr:ves rvere poorl,v prLrvrdcd ior, ivhilc vloncr and chilclrer sonctrrnes receiled sigriiicant mrnbers oi goods. This na-v well be coruecterll.ith rhe prectice oi male or iarnil_v ealth berng exhibiLed irr the ornen anrlchiklren;'the l.rr.ser number oi pors in male sr:rves n.rv be:r rellection oi

ar.mlrrrfL. Lnsrnc.s o..tr..lsca'boc 1n...!rl r of. inn Cordcd Wrr. rLDcs..\'lds:Srr.l ik D.l Strr.hlrtori lt.r6,76ii\ roulli Bere! drl Polblrsb 1r!r


Page 12: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

Car)irif r'l liarlicIxiIS ilril !rir:! l/rttai r)i)! Sl

L;li | <-, :-:::l


lig. :].,1. lif.:.ist I.t oLls nl lrl.rrrrr! hou.is in hJrdr.s:I lrr.ts. r,r. tr ltl.lrt Kr h'L.rb(,r, \\.stfh,ll .rSotrr..: ljar..s.r l99a); LLr]rf|rg b1 L D. BrruLi .l I1(nrtrirr.i:on{roc0(!r rL (irilfhor T+f h ,l. Sourc.: Ii.r-{.I 19.lar.

Page 13: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

lergcL nrLnbcrs oi ttroumers lialrll-v mcrrl)crs or.ithers \!ith obligatir:rns ol

Linship or stitusl prcscnt aL thc iuneral

Tabie 3.2. a;rrr't ,!..Jj dr Irirtrr. I'rrxrlrzlril'

\unrh.r lots Drggers o rnlenrs Other ft)rrl









Logicallv, disposal oi thr de.r,l ust be rLndc|taLen nr o|e oi e vcr) lxrncdnur rcr oi rvays. The body'crn be bLrrnr, ii lltificlenr woo.l is .rv:rilable; iL ctrbe dinroscd oi in ater or crposed; 1)ut ii it i! to be bLLlic.L xs rn inhrlrnrllrj]r

therc rrc onl,!.wo l)rsic fosslbiliti!\: .t pil crrl bc dug io r.c€ive ihc botl-r'rrs

ior rnstancc t'rth nuch oi ChLrstian bLrrral:rt rhc prestrt d:r-!], or !b' l)od)

c.rn be lard on thc gfoLrnd xnd mricrial herpcd trf over jt iA chrnbc| can be

cre,rtcd Aror.rnd ii, or.r l1l.,und crn bc hcaped uf oycftr pitl The lattcr dcnrnds

rnore LLbour, and e supplv oi ernh, turles or ltone but ii has thc rLd\"rntige

th:I ir c|cAtes ,r highly vr"jblc Lnonrmc]rt, t'hich 1n .r pre litcl rte socictv t'ith'our Lhe usc ol nonunent:rl stone scrvcd as eloilllcnt lesii'ron-v Lo thc lden_

rlt-r' oi tfc deceascd. The enhalce,l vjsiblliq oi buri.rls Lrrdcr tunLLli along

!!1th Lhc trcsumlrtivcl-v sPccial soci.ll circumsrarlc.s d].lt lcd to Lh'ir cr'ctron, rnal<c them nAtuml .rbj..ts oi sturl,v rvherct'ct the,! occLtr' "

TunrLlu\ buri,rl appcrrs ln rrxn-v parts oi the lronze r\Hc world lLabl! l ll'bcLng the st,rntlard bLuirl rirc ilr nuch of the e:u1icr parL ol dlc perio(l i the

cAsr drc nofth .tnd thc norib lrcst Thcrc t'ere llso other arcas lvherc it was

-'r 'rr 'fr.,-l . l ,: l h ' '' r\l \'ccntrrl ErL|.pc .rnd.,i dle lk1dlc tsrolEc Age or.lrsidc the TlmLllus tultlncrLrc.r1rsLncarl-vLiusjtzccnerericsl lnp3rt!oftheUrntieldrtorld too, LLmuli

appc.rL sporadicalll, b(t whert thc-! rre frcscrlt Lhr) .rLe a Ic11 detined phc

rr)1|enon It cinnot b. assu]lrccl that eiLhcr thc c:rr.ls.s or the mcth()d 01 eafr'ssirnr rre thc s.r[re rr c.rch t.rsc There :]rc, holt'evcr c€(iin considerarions

whlch ire corrl )n to,rll m:nifcst.rtlrns oi turnuLus buri.rl rcHrrdless ot:Lrc:t

. To rftlsc irom rhc rmlers ot gLives rico"cred rD iu]nuli lhc) c'not ha!c Lreen Pro!!le\1 .r Drore rlran a nmorjL) oi the f'ftrlrtion'clcn in thosc rrers vh.rc lergc rulnl'ers arc pfescnt, thorlshAtklrsor argucd rf. r]rosc rrterrcLl in the bairo{s oi LDghLrd rnd

h Ls tr. rtrril,alr thit r rlnli'fulce nr Lr nr 1'91 trr: "D'er

rrt :l'r ciii'rl l) Ii:h rhe nlr'n.lrrLron if.i rts Drlr.il!b rLr".i lttr.Ll

Page 14: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials







(lrxrrta/_r- l)i/ttr/l]]]?s An(l s|.n\.! paLtatt)1113 sj



. lilrnuli hrl.c.rttr,rdcd the attcnrirn oi

i:t1lli,.xitli,.:*ff yIii*lii,," :diffi:lll.liii:l':ii'Til'i;'.'.il:i:l "" s,'c' sr,!c 1'. fon,l],.,,



illll* *f *i{i{il:i*'',,l.. *ffi.;i::;ri' in:i{ii:,rl' ;li*n;;]

i:ii]]ii;.i;lli i:iii.i,,:u:",,{il ii,i,,,ii"-.',,,c o,.n .d.,ed,o

:ifii lllll:" G ;,;;;,t ,. ";.: J;t ::i::1,",?{::il:;,..1,,ii:;,tlll:

l:*irinilii:rfirl ;ikrirt L,,rffi ii"*dirli:.",i'.' 1,, I ,,',,

i,'.: ?:,'t'i .ill ;1,:l' i:H1iii:",iiil:;'],,!ii lfi.l:*:,*;i;'

i+!f *$i jtli:.r,:Ji:::'r:::iilti'i3'i:ti..tj r:,i.l,[Jilu,,:, il.li,"il;li'li. i" ii.itil,t, i,'i,;l"iiilt:, ;1"1..;l,ti "H ll "l,,ii;ili:';

Altlrongh ro o.r, l.r1or\s n)r sLu.Brlrtrl)

'rld rlro Lrtrr Cour1.-jesl1o\! rnrnr b!no\\.s lrf |rcsent 1rrb. liits Fublishc,t b_v Ctlrrsel ior


Page 15: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials


rnd b) other rlLthors, proli,:lc somt guldanue.rr h the studerd t-vpoiog\ ol

Brirish b.uro s, lt l)Asic distirlctt(rl1 is c1r,L\\n bet\rccn those bxrrol!'s lrith r'ladvel! lxrsc nound-. urrcundcd br I drtch, and those rvith ver; snallnounds, the diich .ncircllnlj thcm :Lt s(rlne disrancc i'disc brrto\\'s'lr' Th!large moLrnds.1]! irLrther dividcd inLo ihosc 1\'iih :r Lnarked grp oL'berm'beN|ccn the m0umd,Lnd thc dltch i'bell l, rntl fiosc \'ithout L'Lro 'l l, LhoLLgh

in practicc this diif.Lente secms less sigrilicrnt dran it does on tLre priflcdprge, and clnsell w.rs iorcecl to use 1'rrir)tLs combi.xtlon descrlprors 1'bel1

.tisc'l ro cncomprss thc !iriaLrility encorLrtcredG[nsell cnurnerated 59:]5 roun.L barro\\s ilr '\\esscx, ircm Ersr somersei

io west SLL!scr, Lhe nurnl)ers hr!c rncreistLl slnce Lhen (lorrp.urLrlc llsts lorrhe roLrghl) cornparablc erer oi rest -Anglir pro.luced o'cr one rholts'rnd birrrllts rnd nc.rLl-r 3800 rnls-dilchcs lrablc 3111 Tfc rrtrnber ot birrol"srccorded jn llrittin,v;Ind norLh \!cir fr:rnlr is liuch snrxllcf ln Rclglurn rnd

Holhnd tlrelc Ls : higfcr dcnsiry thrrl rn Frrrcc proL'abl)'conparrblt withth.isc 1n t:lst Anglii ,rnd ncishbourin!, frrrs ol (lermrnl -






Dcn x

lastccl r

ible ior

Stonehior fic

()1 g

kno* .

Thc c\


Tnble 3.3. Idrrlr j rI E,rtl .lrr!1r,r

llrDg ditcires


Absolute frer}rcncv oi Lrnrl1ll\'s in diiicrcnt ircas ls rn irDo|trnt indicrtor'El.er \ lthin olre gcogr.rphic;Ll arer diiicrc]rt zones wcre diilercntl.rll-v provldcd

wrrh banon* IbLLS in Wessc\ thc ch.tll(lAlrd-r lrerc much norc dcnsel-r pop

ulated wirh Lrarrol'\ th.n hcAllcr soiis rlc.rLL)-l On rhe lsle oi $rish(, ftrl

instancc, the ndges oi chrlli;Lppc.rL Lo:1ct xs lrllglcts i(rr birro!!s, \'hich '1r'rluch lcss comnor oii the chalkr'-{t fic srtne tinrc barro\\'\ cLrrster trlt'

other rcrtsons :rs r,cl1, .rnd nr Wcsser Lhis phcno]llefon is nnrsl oh!1'us ir'[n]drhe malor ccremorial nlonurrcrlts oi Storrchcnge rnd Avehr.rr).

Alngsidc r..Lriruons Ln rlell;it-v bano .lisfosiiiorl and ropogllpht alsii

far,c Inl,-rrtant rni,rrrr;Itlon LLr )jcl.:L fleming dlstmgrLi!hcd linerr, nuclcrted

Tlr.s. lrrr( L,nJ Lrr --\tlefilnr l.):l (, t,llt l.rrL rtDl,t6 .i L.3Dr\ ro Lhr rrf ln Enlhrri

l,Lr\.n, \lrr.rr.nd L'rid!i) l9\ lAmfc ri.l le9a, 6l

'jl; .r .rLninrL! h!trfr .L ariLj f.r Lrn rD(l11'n lLIl'r o nrr hrqr

. r..rLrl J.f! frlot'$Jfnr .rDrlrrir\

Page 16: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials






(,t:tl1ctajrptltttr11it1!a,lr/glrlvcp/tttfrxlll,S Nr

,rd disfefs.d .eDr.i.Ies i1) Uiessrr r- th. trne.rf !cmet.fj.s lalro secrr rnDetnn.ulil :uc Iirlulll rhr 1r1r)st stfitjDg, suggestrrg:r ]ercl oi p1:rrmng rhrLbskd o!'cr centunc! Thrs can bc rtprecixtc(l cst,cciilh jr rholc instx.ces$Iere .r \coliLhlc 1<ng-ben.or.iorlrcrl

'trc i.iri.rt tucus iol ,r tin.x, cenrctcr_r,

as is dr. sc 1{irh rhe \\ irltflbol!.nr Srokc crossrrads gr)rrir ]. Bui rh. scfrrador oi clrnererics one rfonr !not|.r is e91u;111r sn tkhg, illLrsrreti]lg hou thehDdscrpc rrorn{l sn,nehc g1- i|as hLur.rntl, construcrett, ,\idr opcl1 spA.c orwoodl.xrd Lr(r.ccn rhe cc,rrierics, and pcrh.rps dtiiererrial lghrs of accessrccoLdrng ro krn-rhlp or othcr:ritih,Lrions. Ir is nor onl,v tlrc rrnrrrcdi.rtclr !i-<ible ionr oi the ccrrererj.! thrt ir s1riL1ng. T.hc lrLndsc.rpc tLrs ,,ru.,u,.,j nnr r,rdcr sc,rle :L\ rrell nn hsr:rfcc, cofcenrric rrngs 0i b.rrfuirs crcirclcStor.hr.se.rrd A\eLrrr. 'On t|c Sourh Dorsc.t Rrdscla,v thcrc is cijrlenccl0r rhc \rLrcLurnr!! oi brrro\1, placing, bLLi it is I tuleaf arr:rngcment rclaLrngr0 mrt(1r terfnt]t'rr 1r]t1ts


entlolcd, w.rs rrc.Lrsiorl oi p1:rchg thc qm\c r.irhir-j setrir)gs oi srones orFosr,i. Sfuerl,ilcs Lhcsc are no more rban.r rtng_binl oi stcne cotrbtes. or as ll criLn hcrped up o\.r rh. sr,r'e pir ivrthtn rtre bod,r oi rhe nrorurd; bnt0r(]tuer oc.r\lf1s rirrl lre nrlrch [rolc e]ebor. r Tfe r.arjerions are vcrrn ncr'1rns. \'losi .onnn r in thc Lol\.Co|nrfi.s :rn.t thc Bfirilh Isl.! rr€ thcvrLlcrirs oi posi anrl stehc ring drich surrou cLcd th. cenr|lt Lnrr1.rt.,,, rhcsccan bc smgle .LoLrble o, rrehlc, rd ctoset! o, rfltjcl., spiccd llis. 3 5 . Thrco,1rrt( oi cr'ruhr sr.uclur.s is pre-rtrrrrabt_v dkin to rhtrt oi ttre cl,.culaL bLLr_irlnonunrut iLseli pa oi .r ifitler r]nrat sccne, es cvrttenccrl bv hcnge rron-urnrnti. ld sio]le clrc cs I the c.rsc oi larro1\.circles, ir is 1n]forr:r1ri iL)krrw \heth.r the posr rings i.erc i (trucru.al pirt oi rhc nronun)crl or onl!romcled rfidl l\Lr.ricver rciiviLr€s trcredcd dre hcaprng rq oi tl c mrl,,ri.Ihc ['n]en.. is not Jtoger|er consjsienr Ashhcc shtes th,rt , .rosl oi rheuicrrul ci|clcs rrcrc of I tclr|or.lr! r-ratuf., fie stxhcs bcrng r.ithdrairn hciorerhr efe.tr.f ol thc barr|ri,,' rnd ii 11.:rs .cr1rnl\ iruc ihat in (.rm€ Britishcrl tles ihr lroodlr1 posrs r.erc lcplaccLL b,r srone strucrures tor ttrc finaltorn ol rh. lnlnurrrcrl h) other cxlrs, for insr.Ircc rn Hr:rlbnd, ihe lroirs.u.sub!lrrtral ,rnd do nor giv. the ilrprcssron oi b€n)g tenlporal! Tire foslingssccl| ro h,Lr c delincd rhe l.rDLI.)r .jr enclolrd ,u c,r i]l .r scmi-pc,,ranc t r,.arbcioLe thc nulr. frfn:rnent clemcrts lr.rc orecr.ll, .rs crn b€ !..n h,orr rhcNtdencc tor lersnfg rnd orher c.r!monrrl actrr;iries cven n,irhour the dcplsnrrlrt oi rL |odr on c.ftrin siics.il

'\{..i,],uLln1 rli!!]lii.1 t rtr-_.

Page 17: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials


eral pos

.rblc till

Onc r


ro\f. slToterlcusuall)

It is



./ \ .'" .r

i if ,'\, L'--

Iig.3.5. Br[.\!s with pLrsr rirlg! of !.rrious tlpes. ] 3. Toteriorlt-H.rllc i\liil |.rrows 2!..: and 5 i.rter Chsbergerl l95,l.rl ,l FoufCrosses, rhnd\'srlro, Pol',vs laiter \\,irn]01'.r ,rl l9fi6l.5 6 Brenig. I)enbighshire brrro!'s l0 and.15 ilii.r Llnch l993lI N,:rfth Nlrins. l,crthshirc irfro llarcla] 19831. S. Tallnigton,Llllcolnshle, srre l6 irircr Simpson 19761

Page 18: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials


Whxr is !l.rr is tf,Lt the hcapi|g up oi thc n oLrrd \"'x-' the flrlAl rtt oi rh'pnnrL-! n\. .i the 5it. rthe sltblc.lueni rLildlrmn ol sccorlJrrt Lrufixls in i r'botl.v li rhe nounl js:I .lnoillxr) m.rrrerl. All th€ rctims thjL 1!r\th'ed dis

turLunre oi dr. origDrLl glound sufi.rce fit diSgxlg Io!r cf€cLiof stolle sel

tngs crnfot hrr,e bcctr crrLied .iut 1!tril. thefe 1\a! A l rLrn(1 i phoe

Furrhonrr! the rro'nJ couLd not hrle bccn cr€cle(l ii th€re rcrc sLgniii

c.ut rumb,:r, nt posrs \\1th rht trrofiso rml; th.rt somc or r11 oi thc posr"

mnsr hrre b!!n Lemo\ tJ when thc anre camc to trke this stcp thcr!rr's€vcrrl tossibilnici iof Lhr ord.r oi crurts lhc Lru .rls n rhe ccntre oi thc rnclo-

sure, $ith or i'ithcuL r'riortrrir) housc' ln.r! hAlc pLeccdcd the posr rlnlsoLIicL'r'cr..r rre.be Lhuc n'rs !€r\ lirtle dilftr.rrcc in Linrc lr.tn.e€f rhrm

S01re brLLL,l\s rc]]unetl opcn as pL,st LLefined cnclosures i:n s{rne c.nrsidcf

dble rnn1] sncc l)un.rl fiir .ur lnro th. subsoil I'c nol co|tined Lo rhc ccn

tle oi lhr tr.]rfo$, .rn(l if rolne crsr\ th. {rr1c gr)(]ds sho$' dittcreni fr)tt'lrst-\'les mg!.elrilr:r l.ng f.tlod oi dercLolurent

ore nr! conlfxfc thes. tost Lngs, $hich Isbbc. lnterpr.ts Ai the ronrxins

olnorrurLrr, house., to thosc sircs 11'hich cLr.rrlv did contrn sn uct fcsrnrhcIonn oi r cluflrbr, .f h.,11!c'. surh str Lr.rufes .uc bund r1l L'xn' rs ]n nn')prns of thc drsfll.LLtLon' bLLt onl-r r.r,cli 1s their ir'.rrr un.nrLrigr(]Lrsl! Lfr'}r1r

tfig:.1 surh.r cxsc is rlrt rlrc oi Crurlhoi Tesflrhnde 1rl Loncr Siron) '

rnd ot othrr slco rn the lrnr. irea,:r rlrd rnosr rcccntlr r-'i a rcurarl<ablc

I'ooden !nrcmrf irr l)arrow l'1 .rt fltclt jBoroh.f Paderboul '- These corr

srsrid oi 1,Lrgc nrLrghlr licLalgul.rr L)uil(li.gs nljde oi larse post>, solnellttt's

cont,LnLlg uoo,ler coitins, .rnc1 buLnL dorn prlrr ro thc crccLio' oi thc brr

rori. Sonethrng !l ihc s,rrle s(n'r ls prescnt Lulder !1m. Dutch bai'rol\'s' trs nr

T0tcLi.uL Tlrlr'e r\lir1, th.ugh rhc sc,rle oi rhcsc corlstr ucrlons is nr u'h srnrlluLrsLLrlh.ritl Llher srrell fo"t\ At the ioltr.corners of.rn rssLr 'd truil(llf!rh$srL.r(l(litd the buri.r1.' I'h$ rcsenblc.uch Brirish .r.rn1pL's as bxvc Lrern

ioLrr'l, r"r rr B.:LrlieLi l.;Ifrirl\s II 3n.L l.\ 1ll tlr. Ntl\ I(jrcst, H;mpshilc anLl 'r

It i\ l1LrL Lro$rr hoa ih.se noriurrt slrucrurcs operaredr lt seens th'tt thev

rrcLc urrentroullr Iirc.1 once dre bufi:rls haLl bccn rn.rde and belLrc thc bat-

r0\! 1!rs e]..tr'd. I h. t.rnr '11ror ru,tr'" housc' sccrls Lc' Lrc somerhug oi e Llrs

n0 $, thes! \rcLe ch:LDl).Ls nor urrliLc th.'se i son" Ncr)llrhic Lrrrr'\ts buL,

ulllilc theqr, rhc-! neLc trs.rl lor i.Jiliduil fot colLecii\. bLrrl.rl Uflikc d1e

post rirgs, Lhc clr.ltr1Lrers did not llL\. ro be rem.r'ed ior fi. cfccLio| (lj thc

hrx0\ L r \1'tr.,rn nllcgrxl prrt or rr'Thr n)dorn) oi lrrror. ,LLc uncrccptLLrnrl, in tcrfis oi both corlstrucrlon

' Irt0\r:: i.r l Elr lr L:r1r)

' alrlLr !0r Ltr rr Lrlt:C \l L\r:!rii lr l -i lll Ashl-'!r lra'lr .l:

Page 19: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

Fig. 3.6. l'hD oi rhe b.rr.y. crnrcrer:rr Orkllr DrNn ltorsctDlrt ird dlsb l,nes are cont,,urs, Jashcd lxrcs .rLe arc,cnr ne1,lh,Ili,lJri.-. eii.r llalHn{E l975L

rnd contrnls Const|rLcti(nrnl icerures me. bc rnly pirs or sronc sritrmgs, \rjrhnrounds oi luri rnd.l]'rhr rhc prxn.r|v grrlcs nal contrin.r (loffcr Age resscl illcll lerLer, Cordcd Rc:Lhcrl. or.]n Errl) Rr.mze

^se 'csscl, rr norhrng at

xll. Aircrltion h.rs thcrcnrc focused on thosc grrves rvhrch.ont;Ljn rrrtrtcfirlthAt i! LurLrsrrrl ln qll.llit\ rn Llu:rntit,! or bnih rrosL notablr tfc Armonc.rrFi|rr Suies grrv€s rn Britt,rrl,!:rnll thosc r)t rlrc'fiiessex crLlirlc,n Brit n.'.Ufnrnunjtelt, th. $clrt ln:rjoritv oi tfcsc heve suitcLcd grcrLily irom jnc.nn

t-1!!cnl or unr.cor.lc.l rxcalrrron, lhrch nakes ir \.er! hard ro have .rnl corf(lcnce h thcoric\ tlr,I depend(,n fin1- (leLril m rhc fi.ds recofd. E!.fclrrchtn)ns \ith rbc ljze or nrfnr oi bxrro\r's rre nor xlwrys easv to csr:LLr

lish srnce man; oi tirc published accourrs do not mcludc that iniumrrtrrnThcrc.rrr, hotocr', lorne correl.rtions tlrrr iure mLdii). Tr is cerr.unh,nuc

tlral d


ot .lag:


a snrall

.rnd l3


To tL

lvh.rt I

Only .r I

l.l Ldi\c


, -)

Page 20: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

Cctrtetary l)dttcnli g dilal lrdvc patte 11t7.3 9r

that drsc brror,s lrc rr1al.l! iouIrd rr Wessex ald hrvc an associxtiol \rlthnalerial oi the l{''esscx crLlturc , though perhaps not as siron:I])- rs Grins.llmadeout sLnce onhis oirn figurcs onl-v 15 oi dle surviving 1,15 disc b;L|rorv\

in Wessex prodrced Wesse\ clrltufc gr.rv€ soods.r' This is ,1dl1rjrteLlly morc

impressirc dun the 16 our ri 2i0 bcll brrrotts. and iar tnore so than lhc 69

out ol sone .1600 bowl hair.ms, brlt it hardly conslitr.rres r sccur! bdsis on

whicl to crregorise rhc wholc oi thc southen tsridsh Earl) Bronzc Agc.

Piggott llsted one hundred grarcs that h€ 'rttribuled

lC] i Wessc\ cLLlrlLrc',

but sircc manv oi these conlrir1c.l nothlng more diagnosLic rhan bcacls ,rt

shale,.rnbcr or faience, d1e dcfiniriori has ltccn cntrcised. The disfiLrutiorol dager gravcs, ior rnstrnce, ertcncls iar bc|olcl rhe L)ound.rries oI Wessex,-'

and the sr.rc ]s trLre oi iaiencc bcadsrr xnd.rmber.I lronicillv, In the s'1frc

nunber oi thc s le loLrmal wlrcrc flggoii published his origrn:l papcr,

Cdmes pu|lishcd the maLerirl iron a rich sra\'e 1n Clhmorsrn .rt Bre'1ch

IrIm, Ll.nbcddiAn, comtuisng a pyljri) cllp, :t tl.tnsed are, r t:nged thisel,asnall llat rl.rggrr, rIo arro shait smootLcrs'anL1.r grorp oflinelhnL obiects:

convex scnper, lcri shAtcd pornt tluee trianguLlar rnd rhrcc dLscoidal l<niles.nd 13 iire a.r'owhcads oi the Corvg'1r Ilill i)pc. ' Thcre .ue man-v otherinstancesollich gr:rvcs: those in north Rritxi. conrxlning jet crescenric necL-

laces," or tha! fiom Mold, nordr w.1lcs. contiinlng x rr.rle nlhumadon, ispleadid gold cr1c, l{)0 :100 imber bea(ls, shtct blonzc frigrrents and gold

'strrps', rre thr ost notrhle.r: Some :Lrthors fNc rcfcrrctl to the'air oiprovinclirlisn aLrout cvcn thc nch€sL Lri lhc nof \licssc\ n1atcrl.rl, criAnlples

oi locrl intepretatjofs r)i \'\'csse\ id€rs ,r'Lrui sllclr sLLLrjcctivc jutLgc rcntsdolittle to hrther rlrc rrgurrcnt. Whir rs important rLrout wcsscx is drc ltldlre dcnsu) oi'rich' grxlcs m the rrei.

To take the exanrplc oi onc wesser ceneier,v: rhat lirm oaklc,v Do$'n,pxnsh oi lvxn|omc Si G]lcs, Dorset.+- The ccmcter y igrouF ot trnnr.llil con

tains 30 h,rrror.'s, disposcd in An Apprr€ntl] irre.qul:rr lnrnrlr. ar1 cx:rrrplc oiwhat Flclnxrg cills r nuclcatcd ccnctcr! 1tis. .1.61. The .10 c,.nsist or F bo[ I

barows I trrll b:rLLor,s, rnd s disc barrows, menn inrer Lr row Llisrxncc ]s

only a ic\\,prces. M.ricrinl usuall-v consttlered L,lpicrl of ihc \l'csscr culturc,induding 4 daggers, $,r! iound in harro\rs,l ibelll, 6. 7, 8 i(]iscs1, 9, l0lbowlil,1Jldisc,10 rntl ll iborlsl Thc fichest srives laccordrns rc rhc lur,vivlng

r Cololi l.l:: 13. ihgsos uri . iurtlrrr I lU l.fin' .1]g!.6 ]f. Lrslr'1, rr.Lrdnrr 1t t,nsel .!f!""r Hrdi B tri llff L r .r

r! B(k Nl SL.n.r. lrtl :l rls 6 L.{Cnnkslri\ s..rlr.errLlhnl.,,nrn(:hik..r ,il LtS: 1..1 ill .1r!,ltr !nf llfr(:rtrr

( cl.rle fr 'rl !9!a l0l'r CinllL lt-it illtt i!!l ;.it

Page 21: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

n:1ic,i.rll !!crc i. Lrar,ro\{ .q, \|'hcrc thc l\€stern mound conurned 100 rmberL'cads and spaccr llatcs, a bron:c at1 .rnd a fl.rt lveted kniie-dagger. ' Thereis no evidenc. hcrc tl.,'t ;r'.y of thc prlnrxry gr.t\.cs Lrelonr, m anythrng otheLdlin dre pedod oi tlre'\licisc\ ctrlturc , cvcn though not all qu.rlified 1or crtheLL:'iggorl or Cerloif to include thcm as ncnltcrs oi th.rt grorq. ln rhis fespectLhey diiier fron th! siluxtior ot ftos. cc]ncrcrlcs th.rt c.rn be seen to hal-e

begun liie rn thc Rcal<cr fcr ioL1, or c\ cn in rhc Ncolithic, such as the Shrer.toncemeLef.,r! or.r nrunbcr r-'f th. ccrirct.rlcs xrornr.t stonchcnge such es theCursus grou!, (herc nt l.ast tn'o Lr:rlrows startcd trlth Bcakcr bunAls'"

In end€rvourmg Lo nterpre. tlis ccmctcry.)fc is no!rhl) hrrlrpcrcd b! rhclack oi rnionnrtron about age and sex. It has :l!.cld]]) bccn rssum.d dl:td,rggers occur rn rnale graves .urd beads in icmalc,i' hLLt thcrc arc viriu:rllt n.)

studies on skeleL.rl material to supporr ihis Ffi'ccnrlp;rrisor1, ir is rluc drar:rt smsen alnosr all the male graves cortainccl drLggcis:Lnd:tll drc daggc|gr.nes l.heLe the ser could nor be de.emned iroln thr boncs wcrc or1 lrthu'grou|ds ic S. oLientarnrnl assumed to be llule.]r Accepting this corclatiorr t|)r

Orklc) Do\!n lc.rds ro thc conclusron tir:r males rtere nor, as a rule, prcr

!idcd wlth Llch gfivc !,oods 1tsush ts:rrroN is eroepdon:1Iin this res|ecrl. ivlorcurual nas rhc sitLr:rt1on 1n O:kley Doivn brrroN C.9, or AmesblLr) C.85,whcrc xn Alrorico Bfitish ts dagger 1\.as iouDtl itith a kriie-dagger, bone pills,:rrro!! stl':rlghtcncrs xnd antler irnp'lements.i B-v conrrasr, ienale gr:ves corLld

bc malkcd rith s,gnificant nr.unbers oi goods, as iL O.rLle) Don'n brrro\\ 3,

or n:ny othcr iamoLLs \\'csscx grxr'.s. Thls still leaves the great mrioriq otgLaves nith ier,, li:Lry, ,rr13 of Lllstircrion, other thrn the iact oi burial na tunlLlus ccmctcr,r rr1 x ccntrxl p.lrt oi wessex. rl,lLrldlrr rrul.I]r.hr, this sit-u,rrior is no! so cliiicicrt frrm thar obtainrng in c€ntf.rl luropern l]:1t ceme-teries. As in them, \r'calih '!r! norc conmonl-v drspl,rved r.rth iernales thrnr,ith n,1lcs: man\' of thc gr:rld ornenrcnts rnd trinl{ets oi wessex,rrc believedto h.rve come irom iemalc $avcs

Ftt1n.e t1rLl tlrr lor'(lorlnllr.\The trrl,! Br.inze Age ru LLli oi Rfirlrny trcscnt rllrn| ol th. sanc prol)

len s." The nurnber oi L'tLrials is similxr to thrr in thc \{rss.x aLca pcLh.rps

J80 buri.rls are.rttriburable to.hc Arnrorican Rxrrow culttrrc.--S]nc. rhc)

' uerloti lrr!, l{rt rrr rllr A.nr|l! rn.l sLmts.. 1961 -il D.s .14: li' Gr'rf .f.l lt.Ll. s.rLlh l!8.1

' (:r'l.il l97i 16 D. l:: N0{rll ltlLl .1.

ti!c L



nncL p





in N.r 50u

Page 22: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

Cctllatcr\. l1nttc 1ji1g nii SLrlve pdt!ar11it1,g 9l

nere dlvid.d 111l{j r\1.o 'sc es',- {]rc hrving xfrorvhexds and S€1).r!ll,! c.nsider.d'rl!h. rh€ odrcr onlv pottcr.!, I mnnbcr oi lulthcr ercl,arions h.[,crcrnlnrccd dre drvrsio. \ridrout xlrriHedrer loh,inr thc qLLestiorr r:rf rhe rcletlvc tutc and lrgniticrlce of thr phenolncn0n, doLlgh a po1,.crru] bod,v oiotinion holds thxt thc Seron.t S.rics is 1n frcr l.rr.r drnn Lhe Fjrst, Lremg oIMiddlc lrrn:e,\ge daic ti.e. rhc disrlncrnrn js chrolrologjcal. not .roci,rl ..Thcrlrst S.,ics ronslsis,,t onlv 3t bxrrows, drc Sccond oi 7J; rn addirn[r a iurthcr lll Nere t{ro ]]or)rlr froriJccl ro be assig[ed to .ither scrics 11ig. ,].tlBrrLow\ tforn rhc 50 or l]lorc tfar h:ve bccn discolcrcd or crcnvrred srncci95l Llo ror irll cxrcil,! into thc nro scrics; derc is, ior mstxnce, .r clals oiba irrs r{th stonc cisls 1'tunulus lt coiircs'l rhnr cxf contalr Lroth d1|t\!orkanrl lonerr.i' and a consrdcrablc nulnrcr oi seconder.y Lrunal.r rh.rt tr.r,,c fcr.or no gI,e.goods.'. The cist barroirs rlust be seen i. rel.r.jor) ro rhe nrlfifIous ter srnndnrg ciits |]lat :rrc frcsent 1n Rr i .ln\., :r situ,rrion rclrmblmg rhrlin n0rthern tsfltri. Nhere cists \!ere co.rrroner thxr nounLis. It is also clerrIhat elen r,ithir rhe Seco d Scries, thuc is consiLicr.rble \ariatn)n rn gr:rvel0nn rnd rccon|,rnrxrg grave-goods -, The crudc inLerprctarion oi th( FirstSeles gnr,es x\ an intrusi\c princcl) str:rlu1r overlvrng the lot,cl socirldasses lfeprc-c.nicd bv thc sccond SeLics and thc urclassrfiabtc gr:vesl is rhusm ol'ersxnflifi ccl ficrufe.

Iarh Bron:c Agc rumuli clserrherc if frrnc. xrc rarher r:r c, L)rougb therers a larrc \hddlc Bronzr Agc grorp in the iorcst oi Hrgtrcn:ru in Alsxce..S0me prrts oi c|]rsLnl \onrendy harc l:rge nu bers of bartor.s,i' bor Fr:nccnorth rt ilris is virruall\ der.old oi l<nol.n cx.rmples;.,r:rccasional c:iarnplcsomur elsdrhc,c \\eft drc Errlv Bronze Asc in Fr:rncc rs : rrhotc berterknor,n. ri nrighl be posslble to a-<scss rhe p(Jsilioll oi tunlulus burirl mtrfcxccumr1]l). As ir is, drc sorne1{.h:rr allomalous posltjlnr oi tsdiiarv .rndNorurmdr rrrighl suggcsr thrt th. crc:rdon of a bunal tradiLion urder berr0rr mllou,cd d1e srmc coursc as in south.rr Enghnd.

ln rhc Ncdlerl.rnds, barro s xrc iound throughout rbc centrel pal of thccounr) bL( .re espcciailr comnrm in thc nor rh in Drc.rhe, .rncl jn the southin Nortlr Bf.rlrnnt Gl:Lsbergen's icndemenr:rl srudt csrinares rhat Lefir,ccnLi00 r.d 1000 brLrows l.ere crtrni in thc Nerherlards x1 thc it,ur oi thisrennn,!,0t 11hich 5{)0 h,rd been crcar.ated b\ rhe txr. 1.rc,,1.rotc.'. Smce thr!tjnc :roi |hotogrrthv h.r-r tuurd rrorc siies, as,\ith reccnt sLudics in

' Crlhr ltrl lLirir, l l:'' es lid!.r[.. ]]rnfr ll{l|i., Bx.rrd,r.i trr:)'' t3 rr IL!c L lrLrrrlrrL,., CLr.i d! Nfri &. J Jrl Cnn tgal

' Sdrutu ltl6 tilrret r! .r l9fi.

Page 23: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials


Fig.3.7. Budrl cisrs m Bretonen Forrb rc, Cdtts du Nord;i.riter )lriard L9lr,lcl.

first Series brrro\ls l. SniDt ludc2 Srint-Adricn, Cores.du Nord









trr Ea



ol S\\,

Page 24: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

Crxratarr pdta[]ili.g nhi ,{rdvt pdttcntitl,g 95

Belgrun,"'rurl r nurrbcr oi othcrs harc been crc:rvnicd or pllbtish€d,.. so thaithe rruc dclsirt oi blrol\'s in rhe Nctherl.rnds is prrbrblv ro lol.cr th:n iorcomp,rLrhlc ;re.rs oi souttrcn Enshrrd or Dcrrln.rrk. Untit c tttrsc :ucas, horever; druble linLts rrc r.rthcr rare, cspccialll ihose .lcnrlv etlributAbtc ttr tlrctrrl,! ]lrcn:e Alcr cLagger glales, for jrstancc, are.rbscnL \\rfar rs lnore, rt iscle thrt Lrrrrort 1)u,inl, rncludnrs thar nr colllrs. c,rfrinu.d uro rtrc llxldtrBr0n:e Asr lulr :rs ir drtl rn Denna,k; rt Hooghatcn, rhis \vrs rhc dchcsrp od oi gr.n e rtc;.o"r,r,ur,

"',U .rr Totcrfo t llalvc Ntiii thc trescncc oi rrr

buriJs rrdir:rres conrxlui ,g ulercst Lre,!or].1 ihe Errt\.Brorzt r\S.. The contrnulng usr ol brn!rfs nr lrro prrir of rhe llr.orL€ Agc. ancl bc,vonct, is rrtcsredrot onlr br urn |urirl-( r) najor rroLrnds c,ccLed cattier rrr rhe f.riod. L)rt brcerrctcics oi slrrxll bjrroys coDt.rirjng cfcnr,rLions along nLrch oi the courseol thc lrNef Rhln. .

I'loun(l 0r cxlrr hildrrg l\.as cxtrernely popular in ln:tn).prrt! oi northernIuroF ll rlrlous sr.rgrs oi the Broue,\gc Espcci]ll,! 1n lL(hnd rn,l adteccntparts 0l nofth (lcrnrn! lJge mounds lirrcr dre roLrntrvside in ccrrrin xrlxs,nmv tcns ot rhoLr!.nds oi b.rrrcu,s surr,ir.e or rre r€cor,ded, sornetirncs irlcernctcdes oi r.DrrLal)lr de]ls]t), as cnn bc secn irom rhc rntrics in rhc $earcoryus oi r\ncl anJ I(crsien, rn \\.|ich over -11,000 L)irrows rrc rrL€stcJ inDcnnark crclrLLlrn.q 1)orih.e.rst lL l.rndl anLl thc ivesrcr-n faft of Schlcs\!i.gHolsten i' Admrltedl), somc oi thesc bctong io ih€ Vil(ing fcrjod, .rnd onl!rtrlativeh snall nunrbcr.rre knovr.n to fave prodrLced fin(is oi Lare Ncotithrcor E|Ilt lror:r r\ge derc, but it is Lhcty rhat rhe vrir n.riorii). jre prchisrolic. Sornr bcgrn liic irl rhe Ctoppef Agc rnd xcre uscd rglrr ln thc ErrllBrome lge, irhile othcr s l erc orlr. built jn thc lairer tcriod. lr) S\reilen sorrcareas lre conspicuolls tor thc 1,uge urmLrrrs r:ri c.rirns :nd nounds rhaL .rrcvisible 1r trLrts oi Scanii rnd on rhc ilest .orsl \rhcre thcy are iound orpronoriorrcs ,rnd 1\ cts. somciimes !isiblc hom thc se:r .rnd pefhxps xrdjcarir.q rh. corDeftirfl oi tIc de.rd Fcrson riLh tcfiitori.s ih.rt ircludc.lstrerches oi 11'rler. Ncrr ciiicbLrrg, for rnstance, rhc study oi b,rrror,s andcanns, coutlrd $rth fie rcconsuuctio[ 0i sh.rre]incs gir.en x lO rr fchtr\..ise nr s.r lcvel, his lrxbled sctlrlars !o r.ork oLrr thc hne or rhe tsronze Ag.turLr liird with r!1oLS bcering such mourds.r Estin:rL€s ior dre \!csr coalt0i SNcd.n are oi lS00 c.rif ns,rnd | 00 brrni,s.-, trcl Lrdrng e certain rurnbcr0t hrgc slrcs isr.rtcr rh.rn 20 m 1 ctiarretcrl

i !r HlxhlJ f{r lLr \.n vrr drf \re.n r.n r.rrrj!! t9r,

" 4tr. i:id lilb1I lrTr t:

Page 25: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

Rarro\rs u-ruill,! rorruncd frts, stone settrrrss or.oifins, .rnd seerrr to ba!cbe!. rcgrrd.d as ,lisrrerc contrlners nrr rhc rcsti]]g placc oi the dc.ll At

Lodu ur l ; i| Sc.uii, hot$ cr, a gr r.up oi tour b.rr or" s scrvcd as a iocal pornt

ior ccmctcly grot'th or.er a 1r:rng pcrrod, aprerenrly iron thc L.rte Neolillitrighr rhroLLgh to the Ror1l,rn lo. Agc ]n this c:rse, bLLri:r]s l\.cre placed bothrr arcl ;rourd the brrrolls, so rt ir 1s noL elen possiblc to deternLne lhichbrLrirls tr cr'. Ulrlury to rhc berroL|s. This sire ,rlso Lliscs rlLrcstlons .rt)ouL colr

rinLLitI oi burixl trndiLion .url, thrugh tt is perhaps ar crtrcrnc exan pLe. ilirLs

r tcs tlrc polrt thar rntrj.ir brLrr.i$s of h:rer.er lciod irtr:rcted rllenli|)lltrolll lxtcr glncfAtlons.

i{uch ar.cntirrn incl.iubl) iocLtscs .1r th€ specLrcul:1r firds oi textrles,oodel1 obi-crs, IcatheL, bark ard othcr oLgxnic rrrrerials iro tcrt.In Drnish

lrnd rc.r lcsscr crr.nt Cenn,rrl barrcri's, .Lnd Lhe uiorDAtion irorn them isrnrleerl Lrnrivellcd in scope atrd -ca1c PArticuhr],v dle lrrrrois xt skrvLlstrup,Esrl'ed, \'lollbjcrg, Tnndhoi Loithoi rnd BoruLr Eshoi rll in l(tlrnd, €rceptLoitlnrl, lrhich is .lrl Zerl.rnd producc.l thc tinds ttlich hclp tc, n.rke thePrchistoric Def:1rtm.nt oi the Narional Nllrs.ulr in Copel ugeD mc ol thcrchesr :nd rnosr importint rn aLl Eurr:pc. These finds havc bccn d.scrll)cdrl1ln-\'Lxlles -r Ii is irnportanr ro rcalisc thar thcfe is no re.lson rr) Lrcli.l'c thcmto lule been exccl.tional et rhe tine rhcy tcre depsired. The blrroils ri'ctcmuch like nan,r othcr-r, :rnd rhe trcc trurk coffins ttrich ch,uncicrisc n.rn,!oi them .rre repclrcd lrtntlreds oi trncs o\ cr Lscc L)el{r\rl \\ih:1i rs c\c.ptlonalis thc degree oi prcscrvatiolt.

It rs rurcert:in iron tLis hort u.rnr and rfat sorr oi people lere brLriccl irbarrol's rn Sc.rndrn:Lvir As 1th rn.u) arc:Is, thcrc .rre a signilicart nLmbct1)t 1)Lrriils \rith Ie1\' or n,, grar.e goods, 1u \!hi.h onL-v the ircr oi barrorv brn

i1l ri drstxrcdve BrLt tlrcr. xrc .Llso a signiticant nLunbcL oi peopLe bLriccl *ithsworLls.rnd oLher prcstigc olrjecrs. Eren \\'idr th. LrLse nurnbers ol balrolbrnials tnown, the t-or.rl rumbcr cannot accoLrrt iol rr(Jrc thxn r smill lnlrorit,r r:rf thosc nho lived rrr !l'rc pcrioils colered Thcrciorc acccss to barron'bLLrial \as rcstricted, ard thc rcst oi the population.rrc not,rrchaeol<iilic.lllyvisiblc.

Tl-il] cxrstence oi gr.r!c distirrctions is evrrlellt ilr:rm both the si:e oi llrr-'nu

rrcrts anct the type oi consn'tctron used: tor rrr>tx.cc sron€ or errdr ior tircbody of fic rnound llhoush this rn.rt ha\.e Lreen ratlrc,'a cgcstion oi rvrilablcmatcrials rlrn conscrous choiccl. Urlth]n both luditio.s, ccrr.In sites {erem:rked r:rcLr b.,- crtrr sizc, rolccrirrg cnh.Lnced sL:rLrs ' Thc srzc rnd elaboL.r'

don of the grcar rnound ol Br.drror xt K1!iL ln soLldr cssr ScAlrlA. rt 75 m irdi,rnetrr, i! cxccprron.rl:nd prcsunrcd to rndicaLe ertraordinAr,v -rtatus xl itsLrcclrf3]ltl!| thc decor.rLed shLrs r)t thc gmve chamber conlirnr the ilnPres'


Irr thc I,l

i:ntlficwith i,:ljniddlc I

and thc

ory rhrLtshe callr

goods, a

grave ch

Page 26: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

pointJidr ic










Cn)t!c|J. pdttenjng nrd Erdve ptLttau.|1:7S ,,sion

-'lvh,rt Thn11e has renrred ,miri


:1t1*,h', "k:,, ;i,t; ";.; ;;"";::i;:li:H:,,::ll,':,:;:ll,i,"J::,::f::;:i:i:liTllT:Ji::i,:rr:,o1

iu]l1 urr :rs,, Luschoi wrilc ;r.,, i-."," "'t.,.,

,'^.:, ..;,, .,'. ',..;


::i:j:il'j,;lil'# J;T',,;;ij:fi]:ll.,jt:' ::., g.,,*-,'..,,.,,.,,,'. p,,,i ii

men.v,s,tenderi an,l acr,,.,",r,r." i".i li,,ii,l :il'$,*:.Ti::,::::l:::.::l::l ":--.-o

proughrn3.l\.as a]so rDrt or the sr.lve rirs rel]lrs creoence rn uc cr ot rn inr..liorallv consimctca :n"1 tn";",rt"*f ort.r,,",i.,".

Cartrtl fr1)r!)tj

ft'll:ili1$'"",ifi l; :::.iltl.:\T:t1i:. :ii:11::J:,:iltl;,:i:"*:Jidcntrlird \.it| dlc Ttrurllus cultur!, tir

;ryt;:.*rx t,r*;l#ljii,,m:if .*fl :i1*fi x|:lilill:.:"",:'.:,ili::i:i::'llil +:*" !

rhe no.h or'lh c'':u ecrl,a'ds

n,.m rc,r.,{r 01 Bronz. Agc t'murus b.,,"jl:t:l: :1:l''',',: Agt .n'errapped rhc

;l*ffi :nrr;lll jli';l'fi l.**r'r*i;:: jtl: j*:in'li:f;:'iil.:lllJri.il,;ir;:"li;jil]];i:]:;iii.,:',, n.'""'.'** i'",0i" -..",,,;'i-, :;' - :tl::1, ".r:


r;:' ,'-:: , "rt" ' ,' ;.,:,;';"1.:, i; I r:1 . t: , ,t:,lrlba o$,i,rr LqLi l{ale in lrcsrcrn polandgoods.,nLr,,c iwo cc'rer,,".,",,..,".' ::;::i:il.'i:::"llk;',iil;:;fiil itil::t':;;,#-;,'i:i:.:'; :i.,1:i:i'::*ili;l li*l *1li: MoL,.r( l!-r I ir\nr tt9.ili tui.lnr! nL \rL! lltl', Cdl$, H,rtlLns l9-9, rtii (jr1r r0rs



Page 27: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

Szczepanko 'icc i\lioclartl rs iusr as inrprcsslve rs Lqki N{,rlc, though rela'tivel-v ierv oI thc gravc goods survived. " Onc hrge mourd \!as cxcavrt€d, rndanorhcL possible e:amp1c 1ey ne.rLb-v. tur uitid stone selLing 1\'as cncloscd 1n

d prirnxry mound. rrto rvbich .r r.ornan s ard ;r chlld's grive h,rd Lrccn inscrtcdThc mound es l.rtcr cnlargcd. The stonc sctting, 8 r 6 m in extcnr, wAs initl:r1ly deflned by rvoodcn clcments; Lhree t:,ost holcs and oLher.r:ccs o1l'oodl:ry rurder the perirncrcr. Thc rnound irsclf harl a substanrial turi stacl< ovcr

rhc stone setring, \llrilc thc mxln rnlruld rt'as oi carth The centul gravc had

bccrr lobbed, so liltle idcx can be obtained of thc oriSilul st:rte 0r dclrrrcss oi

fic burirl, but it 5 11l hish and f5 m across, thjs rnoulrd \t.rs:r clustructiono{ considcrable size, co11lpntrLrlc 1\.1th the Leld M:'lc b.rrrol!'s irespectivel)- l:t,.10, 30 xnd 45 m 111 di,r clcr an.:l:1.6, 11.9, 3.1 rnd 4.,1 m highl.

Thc rc:rlly remarkaLne thing:rl)out Helmsdori trl.l LcnL)ingen is the ri.lbcrstr ucrulcs, \rhich .ue not kno\ln frorn other sjtcs in ccntral Europe i*oughsomcrhi.g slnril.rr is preseDt ilr hstopolje 1ll Bosnia: scc belor']. It is ctLLjtc

evidenr rhxt, ii other turnuli hacl conparably good survival, trmLrer ch:mbersrnighr havc bccn shofn to be prcscnt. In other r.Lrrds. it j! x nAtter ol preser'

v:rtion rathcr dll1r ofismil rrrir-v.Therc js r lon!, rr.rditi.,n of CoDpct Ase hrrrort bruial throughout the east

ern hali oi Iuropc, rvhere Lhe gra!cs arc Associrted {'ith thc provislon oi Lrchre

ind sLrlneti c! $'ith cord-decoratcd pottcrt, but Lhis e'1rl) tr':rdirion stops \\irhrhe begin rg oi thc Bronze ,\ge propcr'!r'Earlr Bronze Agr lrirrrows cAn occur

in cenetedes oi r scor€ or more,t'Lrrt rclAtivelr ielt' havc Lrccn tcsterl b-',

c\crv.rtion, .rnd r'hcrc thc-v hn'e, drere arc frcclLrentl-v poorl) rLl.i\hcd sraves\\'hich crnror bc attrrbuterl to a specific c1ate. lhe sran,'Lrlcl irork on rhe

anetice cemctcrics of Poland lisis 13 lo.alitics 1\'id1 E.ull Rionzc Age frnds

antl mounds :rpalt iron LeLi ,\'l.lle.I ID S.rxon;', Billig lisred r nLmlbcr (l1 sltes

\rith l).rrro 's, thoLLgh ecLnrittedl-v only that at (lrussig, Kr. BalLrzcr, contrined

+plc.rl Earl-! Br0n:c Agc 1inds.'r In Moravir, Lol\'cr Austrix, thc RuLrgcnland

and n csten slor.al<ia Earl)' Bronz€ Age b,rllows arc L<norvn irorn a numbcr ol

plxccs " ]n Thurhsir, $'altcr hes Lsted a nurbcr oi sites nhere barror s wctc

pr,cscrt, r:rnging rn datc fronr the lull Early Bronze Age ro thet]ansirioll to

dlc i\'iiddle Bronze Asc.rt Ncugebruer has madc a casc for seehg thc prcscncc

oi srrall tunuli in thc larcr pheses oI rhe cenctcry at (;emeinleLrarn I, gi\tr]thc grcit€f distinre bc.rccn graves cornparcd to thc earlier ph:rses.r'Thcsc

S.rn!Lrlli l!69 1.!9llNudL.sL ]iliakr L16r Sl!\rL,rl, E.s.6 Lt7, Hufrlr,vl, l'rnrr.n.r and Dersi,the\ l9rl1lulE.ril, I!!af,)!r' 1975 S.rL-.ir' rl!! nr Hn!.ll.niltrmg 1t!r, SllrrnrFlr le6s nrhcN$err I'.ninJljd anrsnd.rr lr9a TrhsrlriDiiTh.r. rr. 1.1 bltu\'' .r kLi Mrl., }d uslDc.

9fl F URI AL

SrLr.{sktr 1r6t) .r lltt, l;9tllillis lri!Trl,ilLr 195i, lla., ltr- .l0r

Ncrgcbrr.r 19')1,41


munil-v 1

level of c

-, -" ,t-Nhddle I

Middlc I

Crabhrlg(iound in

or at Tre

Clrlel,l':i.1 lr6iir Bc!k.!sLj llirovrr.r! leS:

Page 28: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials



rg'rri tc





Caristlr'j |dttlrtjns /trd SliTr? J)lr ct-urr! 99

sitcs iftlirrre thxi Lr,uror\ l)trri!1 rr.rs ixr iron u cr]]mron ir rh€ E.ul).!ron:cASc n.entrxl Lurqre, but n.rlxrs rhcrn all es high stfLrs grx\.! is problenalic. .{fff {rrttr llnrtiring elsc, it le.rvrs .rpen rhc qu€srj(,r oi llhxthrtpened t. hlgh sLrtus rrrclivrdrrals i. arens Nf.re rncrc are no blrrol\.s.

Brrrrrll bxrirl r crlh c:ur1c ilro its oln dr:nng rhe ,U1d. c Bron:c AHe, whc.rnuch at colhfollrl furot-.r srlf thc |rer..rl.n!c oi this burr.rl n)rn. nhr]v

,'''thcLNes1g.j|.]n.eoithcplrenorllcnonsenuni{r lcycl, rlis h.rs lcd to rmfolrurt .rdrences rn urclerstanJir.q. At rhelevet ot crltu,cs .rnLl cultrrre gfoup: iLhe rcrninolog) of D. L. Ctart<et hon-e|er; thc \is|ificrn.r oi rhc ,lolrirrrfre oi brrron bLuirt icross torope rn theMiddle Bro,r:c Aqe rcr.nins obsctrr1- Lvcl) ii Cmrl)ut:1s,s hvportresrs rrboutthe sprcrrt .{ Indo frrcfcr]1 spc.rkrrs rrc|c ro be xcccirled, ri(rch rcrririrlsuncerllnr :rbo|tr rhc rcletiolship bcrireer E.rt! :rnd N{idd]e tsron:c

^ge burjrl

tndurcns, and rh,rt or |orh ro th. Coppcr Age b.uron horizor.r Fe11. s)sicmatic st dlcs hrle bccr cerriert .ur on th. rch[(m\|if bcr .cf bjfr(]$ si:€,anehct l'ulth .rnd thc aqc encL ser oi thc dec.Ascd noi ttasL bccause soIew sncs tlovlle thr rossiL)ilit! oi carrring out such .rn.r11se-, hfl,irg beenexcrvrr.,l frior Lo rhr r(Lrent oi eclcquatc rccording tcchr qu.s. yeL such srudies rcmrrir rrLrrirt it rr Lrndcfsfurlding oi tfe thrnulus thc o enon i! io bc

In drc Uniiel{l t)rrioa. rfcr.ltion rn tits or rnrs \!js thc rcjrm olcr v.rstrrcrs lul her. t.)o lrrLtx.s lrc iou|ci: noL lust vcrr. l.uge ones in selectcdrLcxs bLrl slnrLl onrs rs lcll if irjn! pans oi Europe. At ccnetcd.s surh !sthrsc nr ,\'hlr\.c in wesr.r.| B(ih€D)ix, several large tulnLrli belong ro thcMiildlc hrl:c A5., rnd ner." sn.rllcr ones io rhe Let. Rron:. Age.. ArlcxtcrsLle cernct.r! oi sm.rl1 lrrrorys ri SolL)crg in:lhurjrgi:r is (ri jusl thrst)-Ic'' (l rnuch ri r.hrt K.rsien anil orher-< rcrmed th. ,riedcrrhchisch.CnbhLigelluliur' cssent1.rlly consr-<trrl oi srnrila, cemrrcrjrs oi snrx| Lrrrfo$!.IoumlLn ricstor CeLm.Ln_r anri thc Low Counrries.rr Crfnpnr.rblc rllst.rlr.csm,iy be iourrt rlr rrrnr r.irlv Lnusii: cem.t.rics, ior 1.sr,rnce i| Nlor.\,jA,,ror at Tfenalxrsl.r Tetlicc ir Slo\'.rkirL.'r crout_.s oi l)x|r1j\!s Lrn orher ofctscernelerres rdn lrc se€n |) r\ cslern Hu.g:rrv 1!hcr c ln tir. crrl,! U|nll.ld pcrjrxlther rfc qult. curmo !long r.iil-r tlrt ccnrcieriesr tl, instircr, S0 100moLrrrj"< ricrc rored .rt Zi,r Alsdlr,Lior, rnd in somc .rses snrx| ch.rmhlsmlrde oui oi jDesto,)c >l:rbs co.riturxrs drc bunel urns ll.crc presenr,, r\

''.! atr.r I,, hlh.':r l!-U Zrrs0[ i!a], Iru:l. trrS, |r.it tlrtt \\j l\,,n\rrl0r lrj-

' Nfkrir, l0:r ,idr rr.r(rrr- ir .rr., Jr{\

Page 29: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

rccc.rl)c\crL!xt.drurrulLrs.riS:n.,l!Babocs:rLSomog,'oourt),ncrrthenrsic,n rfd,)i Lak. R:Ilrionl {xs 15 rr .rcfoss but h:d Lle'elor.ed iron r srrellnoL[rderl gr. c in rhe c!r.itlc, I)uri:r1s l]ri1rg .rdde.l to the enl:rged moLrnLl oveL

ullle.lr Crrmnri.nr wn! thc stxnd.rrd rltc both 1n b.rrrorrs :nd 1l1 thL gr:rles

ln orher irorrls ba,roii-*c,c:rcrurllfrrrhcrcomrnoninthrr.rretsron:e,\se,.rnd b,v nLr mcens rclt|ictcJ tu grrv.s \\lth Llch goods.

The othcr siclc of this co]n is th.rr thcr. rrc r c€rt.i11 nunber oi'speci:rl'barro1\s Best l<rorn is a snrxll nunt)cr oi vcr\' ch sites rn (;ermnn! indSclndnrr.ir ior rrlltn.cc drc Kiig \ cr.r\,. xt Scddxr, -th€ mound rt J-usehoj

on !unen,r' rnd'Knlg Biarr s nound' it Hiiga r1.ltf U],psxhi' thcsc ltclong t..rn adv:nced ph.rse oi Lhe Bro.zc Agc. Bui hlnn x much carhcr p.rt oi thtLite tsron:€

^ge rhere ar. r nunrblr or orLs ])afrowi nr xlof.ryii.rn.tl\'e-rt

,\l n.rl k r| .

nulnreL, less lell-kloirn, iror north rlcst Htrngxr\,r'vhich tlatc ro tlrr e,rr

liest paft of Lh€ Urnlield l.eri.rd nf(1 which co.rAin go.rLls ihAt lool. ro b.unmi-rtakaLrh p:rt oi:r \rrrrior'5 rcc.rutrcnrcft! " Thcrc xrc othcr, glo|nrd! hniniclLins hish L.nk ior the occupanLs oi rhese blujals: not rnly tLc prcscrcr-oi finc'pottcrv end bron:es, even bod,v .rrmou and w*Lprms, brLt also thc plcs

B.rr(r\\'buri.Ll thus eppe.rreLl rn m.rny diiiercnt pflscs of thc Lrlrc Rro.zcAgc in c.ntr.rl lurope though it ras selLlcm thc norm. whcrc it d(ic. octu,onc c.rn pl.lusrblv reg.rrd it .rs har.ng held r special "igri6carcc

in sociel tcms,\hich scc,rls not ro bc rhc c.rse rn the Nlnldle Nronze -\ge Illdecd. thc regLL

l:Lr rccurcrcc of thc rLrmulus r1t€ .rt intcrrrls rhrough Lhe cenLr:rl ELrropcanRrlnru. Ag. irrtlics th.rr ir Lr.rmrrme(l r role, rL rinlcs dorninant, at othcrssubnrcrgcd, t1lrough nrnch ot rhe penod.

I r'rd tlrr'l,rrr\

The appeararcc oi trmulus buri:r1 irr rhc B.rli.xn fenmsuh c.rn bc traced bacl<

Lo rhe Cc4-.pcr A!jc, cqLLivrlc!1t ro iti 6rsr :rttc:rr.rnce 1n e.rsr centril Errropc

isee nrol,elJ g,-,oLl cramplcs xr. th. B lgtllian sirc oi Ti[n.rl..I LVr.rc]1 if rnd rie large ounds rnr rh. Dxlmrti|lrr corst Nith e\otic finds includrng gold

ard sih,eL as !r \{:Lla cr'lLdr '' 1 d \"cllk.r (:rudx. ''r ln the Errly Bronze,\scinrls oi LLr[rtL]i arc ruc a lcrlain rlulnbcr, atI,c.rf ln rstcfrl Sefhl.r.rnd east

! P, L,lrl( lLr(.ll i l lh' LiilrnlcL-: lrir l,rlLrLr 1.ra.l, 1.rr.6 1!-l 1tt-r, 1!ll TliiL.nnl P,ulrl( 191.!

PrurLa P.iL.m .r, Trb!lr!\ri l'r-l' Pr nrJ\ l19ri l!!61, l)rllr ( .r\.r lr!6| .: rn. l'r.ria l'.ntrn l.l" i

cfn BosTit()v|)

i the I

both eI,t'hat isSav.r pL


Th.) rDe\ oll

Lrlf rtl .

thrr rrr

Page 30: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

Ctn1etary, patte l111g t1t1d :<t.ire pdtte :rillS ror

emBos r, I]ot,rbl,r dlose ft Belotia .rnd Rcla ai-k1..r, ! L)ut rtso .r grcup $oundTitovo U:icc.',ir Thclc irc |r:n,v trnnuius cemcterjcs in tlc hillr plrtcaLrx oisoutlern Ciudn i|d Bosrlia, but the s..ucir) oi find" nakes rt hanl jr manvc,(e.o r' ..,l .. rtr\|u,. ,, . r..,r ,r.l ,lil the llrl) Bronzr Ag€. ',' Br. thc Lat. Dron:c Agc thefc are sig. jcrnt nurrben of b,rrou.s being burlt on thc Chsrn:rc threAtr enst oi SAr:ri.-ro, ! Lr.r.lition that conrinued unbrokcn dccp innr dre ]ion Age. . Becallsr rhrs are.r isboth ele\,xrc.l end rctnotc, the nxteri:rl cultulc reilccrs in onlv ! hnjtcd a).whar rs lm0!!t1 m nore ir''ourcd perts oi thc p€rinsuh, ior insL.rncc nr rheSxva plain or on d1c Llvo sides of $c Adfil|tic. \{ost oi rhc gral'c goods areomatn€ri\ Lrur notl nS js knorin oi correlation s,xh rgc:rnd seri. This cul]-ous iunerar) .ultlnr linds lirtlc rcIlecrion ir setdlments. It has ior ihis lc,r-son been s ggesrrd th.t chsrnrc must hayc rctcd as a specrat burj:]l jrcr trr\rhtch pcoplc crlnc sireclllc.th for thc pLr4rose oi Lruryins ttrc dei.l.

Still mrfc ren).ukjbl. is thc sitlraii(xr oi tlrc group oi trrnuli rn rheXulreilo tolie iupland bashl rn southern R0snra, and specrlicaily rhe trmutrat PLrst.tolje l AhhoLLgh drc;e rlrou]lds \\.ere poor ]r 1int1s, \\,ooLt n:rs ivetlFeserl'ed, so thli der.rrls of thc coifn or ch.mbcr in rvt ch the dcad pcrsonl{as urd ilcre rccor.€rcd: ,rD rnusuat consrrucri0n corsistins oi a bol lil(echmber tastened r-lor.n rvith cross bam rhnr Etrcd irro wcclges ar the snles,ore oi thr cross b:rrs bci,rg.r rcused stedgc runrrcr fi,g : Jt. The bodv I:Ly rl]a w0r€l roollen r Lrg or clreL but l\.ns othenLrsc niked. rhis frnd serr,cs esa remmdcr thit most ot lhe nost strikrng elerrcnts oi burtals have pcished

Also conrempr:rrar,v uith thr Ctl.tsll:rc tLLmnli are those in r\lbania, mostlyin the ersr oI thc country. on the nrxldtc and upper rir.er va eys iiis,l Sl i!They,rrc e specr:rlll

.common in rhc r.a cy oi thc NlAi, bur rtso thc i;LLrnn)i,Devoll and oLhcrs; rherc :re a numbcr of si:e.rLlc cernctertcs rn rnlaDtt rcgronsanund n1c Lrp|.r Drin nlld irs Lribtrt.rrics. Nlost oi tlrese turmrii datc to thclnrn Agc, Lrlt a ie$. start earlier, ccrrarnly rn rhe Lare tsronze Age and posliblytn soDe cr\cs in thc Nlrddle BroMe Age. Srch trnruli cont.rtn gralc goodsthat rlllrrur whxr is lou[d in iler gravcs on and ncar |hc Dalnxrijn co.sr inceneteics likr drose:rt Nrn or trro:or ! rnd are thcreiorc conuronly rttriLrukd to tdbcs oi Illyriall aifinrtv. Thc numhcr oi ccftAir Latc f-n.. eg.g res i\ ror lafgc, .rnd the datrng oI a nunbcr of arteiact r,"pes both nctaland ccLrr c is debatablc, ir rr,Lrs notc\lortr),urlrr rn ri tcrr cases rrrrpirftcdCnek nareri.rl iound iLs ria,v nto locJ Alhanier gnv.s, rn irrrporlrnt signoi st.rrus rel.rtcd uccumLrlAiion.

t i\l LnL D (:.i]!dit tri6

"f r.rl trr,rrL

r!'B,n.ra i9!.r D!.!hslrr llr:ra t9!1.

Page 31: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials





an.l dithc C(BC], A

1c.g R(

thc po






iailcd t

thc 1.ll:


2 ;dA:"tqs:,e.





,,)_: - _t) t4:

Fjg. 3.8. Tu.Llli rn AlbaDla aDd Yugosl.lir I L B.r! tumuli| | \'r ' I n

Zo!olia 19851. ,l Or!h, tuDulu\ I lxit.r CoIed!ric.r l9t7l.



Page 32: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

l-,rrnr r hrrrrols

A cxsc has lccn ,rrade for sccing rhesc Ralkan tumuti as an clerncrt oI IndoEuopct]t r11rterirl cLrhLrre sprcadrlg rhroLrgh thc ferlxrsrlr xl(nrt \!iih Indol ntclr hnsu:tg!. rDcludrrg CreeL.r,', This rhco,1. depcrrcls on thc bcliei thattumrlu\ buri.rl is a chrractcrisiicillv Inclo turo|c.rn Lr.rit, afd l\..rs nralnl,! propoundcd LrI,U GinrLruhs. \,Yhile it rnA\ Lre lesrtifrare to i.lcnrii,! ccriajn itenrs0l crlture rs chrracieristic:rll., Indo Europe:rn, rhrt does not rnearr rh.rt thcrr trn;rtic,rll,v rndiclre thc prcseDce of sLrch pcoptes. Th. i,1cr oi t)ar.rol. bulirllf itseli se.ms iar Loo ,gcncrtrl r trair io L)c crflbte oi jfdic.rting the sour.cmd dirccuon oi mo1'emcnt oi such irrlrLenccs. The B.rlhrf tLrnluli go tr:rck il,Ihe Co|pef Agc trnJit]on \!hich r'3s i.deed nr.!oL]ced sl're mc xr oun.i .JU{l(lBC AlLer rhri, the rtlea srcns to hevc n erntajred rts o\!D n oricnturn, po|ping up here rnrl rhere m tlrc penmsula ar regtrlrr intcrvels, rntl rn sorne arcas1c.9.llosDjnl l:rsiinr rhroughool rhc Brolze ASc R) dr€ Lrtc Bronzc Age tunrLrlilr'oe I'du€d :rs a neins nt crerting nronuncnt.rl rnarkcrs th,rt rdic,rLed bodlthc losjtion xn(l dle srxttrs oi thc dccers€d, r clevelopnent $,holl). littrng jnlhe cont€rt ot rhe socirl :Lnd polirical development ril<iDg plac. .ri ihe pcriod

Coilin burials

lunrl rn a crntn r'.rs trlcd rn variolrs prrts of rh€ BloDze,{g. r,orld. rn thexbsence ol r sysrem.rtlc study of rhis phcnonenon, <ne is hrccd to rcly, o]1nther jmlycssiLDistic srrrerrcnr! Lrased orr rhe rror. ]cressiblc sorrrcci. LisLs0lcoffi. Lrud:rls h.llc been crcetcd ior Bohrmi.r, Nloraviar,] ,rnd Britain; i

elser,hcr. !l1e covclrgc is morc faph.rz:|cl:- Coifi|s are usrull,v thought ofm lrnng |*n hol1ol cd orrt trcc tr Lrn]<-q, encl Lhis rs lndeed a i crlLrentl_r toLrltlImn tsnt ii is bt no nrcrns rhc orh.tlpc oi lvood.n conujfcr ior thc derd.At lemt rs r.]ommorr ]s rr€e t|unl( coffins ir thc Nordic rrca ivere rvootienconuurcn oi r drficrcnt, unspcctfieLl anLl LLsually tr.recon-rtru!rrbt., t(jrdr .rsmallnrmber rLc tnoirn to have becr ptank Lntlr

Cailinr $,ere corrnonest nr the Norclic irea lfiS..3.r)1. Stxrisrics cxf hrrdl)kLcgrrdcd,rs L.tir|le, ]n vlc\\ oi rhc ltkclihood rhar man;.rartv cxcar.rorsIailcd fu Lecognlsc tlrc e\ist..cc of cofll[s unlcss rhey .rctuLall,v sLLr.!ived .lsprescn'crl r,'ood, bur Broholrrr sr.r€s thri morc dran onc ihird oi rhc toanl$av! f.ds oi th. Lxiv Bron:c Age ernanate iron .,!k coffins and hii dcuilcdcualoguc lisLs .lss coiiins n'ou l 100,qrnves of p|iod ll rf d coiEns in lS2 oithc 1300 grar'.s of Period ITT ; A til)Lrlrdon is fresentcci jr1 trhlc 3,1. Th.sc

HnrrnDx:9a: trh lr,,ru. -\!. rrn,uij in Lr\lJs rfo s..n 1s x r.Iif! thjs st..rJ nnrCrr( ll]ur! rr(1 1rr.1

'Cnnstll l.r:1. lirrti Ll!..,.,nnill!r. I9r,.), l!..iLr lork.rh,.!i lra9 :. 6ihohdrn,nnllhLdl!lirLtt0 r Br!h(j]l. Llrir -r Th0s. si,riLnj.: rftrerr. hc n,nnnd ]l

rhr irit,r,Li.,Lfrf r tlliirt.riur.l Arrer .x {r.\rfl i19-j 9i

Page 33: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

I] UR1A1


figuresthc dri



ertl) l-

flr tlSi10D)

near Xl

nerr Fi


fin sr,Rcbci.

Fig. 3.9. Brrrril' with coitin buri:rl. BetLd(ri, Kf Strde, Lon'.rSaro v iriter Wcscwitz l9,l9l. r-lrtr: gen.ral ].hn ot !h..xcrlatcrl laror'; ior.r': det.liL oi thc coilin ivith ti]lds.

Page 34: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

(iitrr }r:riair

figLues shar 6LsL drat rhere rs lonsidcrabte yari:rbitit) jn bxfron. nurrLrers 1r1

the diii.fcrlr fror.rnc.s oi Dcrrll]rrt ard nortfcrD Gcrlnrnl. io\er 7rr0o b.rfrom ltt'. Lnor'n in Ancr and KcrsLcn s area X, the Rir)gkobrng disLrlcr oi r\.esten jurllrd co[rparcd 1\.ir]) onl,! 829 m.ucn Xvrrr, Krcis Rcndsbtrrstr .Ir.lwuhrn *cse iiqurcs rhere ls v:rriibilii!.rn the [rcqrLencv wjth rr,lrich trcctrult coiJlrs:re nrurd, less rban 10,1" oI b.rrror.s l.itb t norlrr Lrte Neolirhi.r0l. ll ll,nr:e ,\sr fl[ds 1rr west inLt south Zctrh d iArea r| hrv. rhern xscomfr.d Ndr {I.er :10c; in souih Schlcsr.is casr 1Ar.x IVI ,{f cr.nrftr irhclcslstenrnc lno(terlr cxuvrtion revcrlcd largc numbcr" oi coilins is drat oiLijdrrul 15 ir1 erutlr crst Sca r. .ati,lJ gr,rles .t the Larc Neolirlic EArll.Br0i:c ASe on rhrr site, no lrss thrn .lj contrLined r1.r,od€| coilnr-r, .jther ircctrunl.rfhDli. allrarl,! .rt this srtc coirin L)rl jal wes rhe norm; rhls *.ns .rpfarerrt,r nrt the c.r-<c ilr othcr sires ln s.ruth.rf Sc.rnir

Iurtho' sorrh tlrere rf. mrn) Earlv Rron:c Age e\xrnl.les jr Lo\!crSlron,!, L anJ drc Urniield cenetcrl,.rt V(,ltrrrrrshxusen nc,Lr K.rss.l jtso tr!d,coLrtc 01 irrsiarccs oi burnL coifins. ; The cenllerv rt Wrhljr:, I(r RrLrgncdl l{,rsdelrufg in erst.r.n Ce|rnan,v, h:rd coilins in se\..n oi n1|c ]:rrgc gravepus rnd others rr snrll pits; ! rhcl l.erc presemr jf aI iour sr:rl.cs rr Ho;hcrrnnexr Imkllrrr, r'edgng stones ar gr:vc hc.rd rnrt ioot havc be.. jrL€fplcte(l$ prcLlrg lor coilirs .rr Singen. r t-or thc Lor. Ctorrrrlcs nherc l1o erA.t fig-urcs rrc ar..rihl)1., Leiercrcc Lo rhc ct.rssic nork ,cve.rts ,r nuDrbcr oi cx,rm-p]rs ln lioll.rn.l rl| . '..1

| Lr.. .. ,

Rcb0lo\.iftr ' recent cr:mplcs ncludc thosc iror)r Nluio!,,r! IaicticeVirohradv dg. 3.101, ' rr:ecl3r!ice r,, dnd x4orx.,st:1 Novj vr( Hnrit<l I Acuririiq ol -cffIr Uniiice rrxrcs rt Bic:no irlrih-1,.csi Brrh.nriat is tlr,rr oinuldpic brrials rl coifius, rn l.rttr elidcnce lor rhc renror,:] orcollcctrng up ri skul1s Ard oihcr Lronc!. ri tn s.ver:rl oi these ccneter-ics coiiir gr,rr,es accorntcrl for a sizeeblc proporrrun oi ih€ tor,rl i6t 5gi alRcl,elo1,icc, -lrl9o .rr NIuao\., 37.)9; .li trzeclxnice. Ir1 the ca(c oi Rcbclovi..tne er.rutor g:rv. good f.rsons hr beljc\ing thar rhe rrig]|el nrrmbci.wout(l hrlc Lrcrn stlll hi.ghcr Ar ccrreml.lum r, thcrc rcrc,l n.cc trunk

!r nriirrr ri NDfLds.lrer!xr\!f ,,\l I iu|tr.r fl C tl!,r I9l1r

lllhllt riJ SrrLhLil(itr.1 I tta.

Page 35: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

Table 3..1. Coiiirri rx v)r'dr. trrllrrr!'\


N.r Elit |th r L h.L hr.L.











7t I






lr3i .16l.t700 .l9l1111 3t3.l:22 .| ir 7.18 t.ll.l57fi 3llt9t5 3{t{t

4i.q6 15316lt .l-la)

N.tr) t37

tt 11

5l 18

il Lr.a5l) 100

55 l|l9

.19 -:l550 9i0





.\.rr r(ininrrr :lL(..rti(l s nl ri.. i LrrLr fLrrk rn,l{o.d..btrutli.n S.FrItr fisrr.s Nrl

! \.f nrf |r,rrs rnd lnds rs th.r. rr iL.q!.rtlr '..rrl .!inn:nr surli l.Jr,,,rl.iir.t SLr(i.tr.! trk.Lr hlLr fu1d rnJ IieLtrr li):l ,i

roilnrs and 10.1 dcfinirr :rnd .35 prcbrblc wr:nd coifins Ldg .1.1(lli ' rtUnrerhlutzerthal Lhere r,erc I tor-,d coillns ; d x trcc rurrL ol.. '1 Thc hirllpercent.rge oi collins r1 C€ chlrLrarn, provisiof r':Inging ir,olri iri.rlris to thccldcrl-r., sp,:.Lks.r.qarrrsL coiiins luvrrg beel provrdcd fcll ,r sfcci:Illy trfi\il.g.dcl,rss oi pcoplc. On thc other lund, Lhose iLhoLrl collirs rrc scn.rall-\ f,,ctl':thc.ldults come irorn the prxrrer l.eahh clustcL", rnd rhc rcs! nrc childrcr.

ln Bflt.lin, coif,ns surlil.e \.cr,! rirel]' usLrrll-1 iL is cml,r thc outlincs llratcen bc tr.rccLl. Erc€$ions nre those ironl $i)don Enls. Ilaltnhistl.Nor thrtrnbcLlen.l ' of roose Ho\\e, ]i)rLshire.:r On the othcr h:rn,l. ,cccrtlxcxrxtr.rns berc prcducrLl plcntv oi coifin traces irhoush lo rcLu.rl rvoodl,rvhlch sn'onglr ruggcsts th.lt rhcr cre xctu.rll] quir.- common rn BriLish btu-ror burirls R) .ontl,rst, no crarrplcs appcar to be knoi!'n irorn lrehnd.r;Adrnii!cdl), thc 1)Lrrial rltc rhcrc dcpcnds mosdv on crsts.rn{l pits. sorneLilnesrmdc, rn riithir trmuli, arrcl t|c sronc ri'.rllcd crst pLobabl,v lultilled Llre iunctior oi fic coifir. In llriir|lllr, traccs oi r.ooLl hrve becn reporLed nr sorne olthc lirst Scri!! barro$s, but rhcsc sccm morc llLe]! to har.e Lreen prrt ol'nlorlu.rr\ ho(LScs' or ri'oodcn ch,Lmbcts dtan trorablc coffins. such noortcrconsLILrriors occrLr in ccrt,rin wcll publiclsrd crerrIhs such .rs Hclnrsdoriind LeLrbngen. brLt i\'crc probrbly ilLLitc crmnrn hr a 1.{ c:ric! trxc.s .t

r \.,I!.lirL.r l9r:, rlll

'' llsee u'l Elser l'rrr)r' r\,L.l.L lrrl ll!91]

Page 36: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

Cott''n burrrrlr






f)'t",: ',;'r ?i r*n[

:'.ffii 6:, r-;i ,1,''

-r,,,.,,.8n' *tuti'

.E: @

,U t:.:


. .'O a-

+, i^ -

a r4,tuik.o "

Iig.3.10. Lrfffl: Plirn oi dre rerreterv it Tiicticc V ohred),\l ,: ' o,i r o l. r 'Lfrencol:i rr .rl l9llTlj lru'r'r Cenex elurn I lllr o1 rhe ccn.Lerr shorrng coilin gr.iles ixitef Nengeburler lrrll

Page 37: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials


wood have becn rccordcd, rs $ith Encollrhic turruli of the tsanat,'r .rnd.,r.ooden plankrng is sonlctinrcs n1cntioncd. It ls likel-v th.rt excrvation t€chnrque h,rs trequentL,v not Lrcer adcqlntc tor thc rccognirion oi poofl,v preseLved

l.ooden consLructions or coffirsT\\ro drstinct buriil rraditions uLtilising coffins sccri to 1'rc dlsccrniblc. onc,

the berter Lno1.rn, is thar oi lortL and north \!rst Erropr, $.hcrc r sisnific.rnipropotlrn perhaps ,i tmjoriry of burirls wclc dcposltcd n trcc tntnk oroth€f coffins,.l| least in certain arcas and ir! ccrt.in pcriods. Thc orhcr is thxtoi th€ lht n rurniLion cenetericb of ccrltrdl llLrc)pc, rs typlfi.d by thc sirc\oi Rcl)ciovlce or laietice-\'rnohrrdv. lron thc ,lllalysis of Tiicticc VinoLradtcoili]ls r.ere nor especirll-v .rssocinted ith rich gravcs or with tlrosc ot r farriculxr.rs. or se\. Sone coilh burirls rrl Bri.,1ur \rcr. ln'1rl(cd Lr)'prcstigcgravc goods: the clrisrhorpe burial cortarned a br-rne prn, a bron:c claggcr rvit1t

a ponrncl oi rvhale Lrone, a ivooden l<niie or spatula, a bonc ornamcrt, a barkbasl<ct, a flint arror.tread .rnd nro llrnt Uakes.'r'The Hovc barron' contaircdrhc iarrorLs ambcr cup, a bron:e drgger oi C.rmerron r-r'pe, a r'hetstone pen

dant ard :L littlc battlc axc.rit Another 'rich coifin burial rtrs thaL :rt

Wi.lcdrotrrnc Stolc (;.5.'- But equrll]', sone coiiin Lrurirls had ler.or nogr;Ic goocls, ior rnstance the unaccompanied crern:rtion at Rushnore b,rrro$,9, rJ or drc coflln bunal rn the L).rrror.at Poor's HeiLh, Risbv, Sulfoll<.r!

Lirdc xitcntion hxs bcrn p.rid to the environmental inlplic.rtions ot Lhe pro.

visior of oak coifins or to thelr s)nlbolic significance Large nullrbers oirnature oal<s, oi diamcrcr typicall1'onc mctre or more,rnd thereiore scores or

hundreds of years olcl, wcr-c tcllcd dtrring tbc Earl), tsronzc Age. Given thrt<irigrllally dre urbcr of coifins nust havc bcen rruch greater than the pres

enL roral, and that t.rs oi tholLsands oi barrorvs oi potcntrally Bronze Aredate cover the landsc]pc of rorrhcrn Eurlpc, thc potcntiel €ii€ct on the oxkpopulatnlr would h.I'e L]ccl mr <cd. Equxll], lnport.rnt \trs thc symbolic sig

nific.rncc oi burirl h .r rrr,rssivc oxk trcc trunl coifin, ar,:l thc conncctlor\L1th o.rk-buih domestic strLrcnLrcs llouLscs ot rhc Rrnrzc Agc in tc pcratcEurope $'ere ofren predonnunrly of oak. Thc fclatio.shif bcrwccn houscs.rnd tombs has oiten Lreen ccnnertcd on in a Ncolirhic corltcxt, xrld it ]s

proLraLrly no conrcrtlence Lhat a runber oi housc tlnrs havc bcc. found unc1.r

n€.rth Bronze ^ge

brrrirl mourds'rt Th.fc is a str.rng and rccurrc.t syn1Lrd

isrn 1n the motii oi the tree, not necessaril,v drc ork, ir \ordic m1-tf orrllcgcnd. Thus 'thc rrodd rsh-tree iYggdrasill is one oi the mah cosnoLogic.rl

\r.itl-i tl

Bo:rts ir

The clo

Loose F

siblc th,

bod,v ur

wrt1l Jlr.

belong t

|rrt llr\.r: lllii .11, .1f) fl S: +\iri.hcr rD.1 \ir1.hrr 1976Tritpcnild lorsrD arl nrde.ser 1'o H llFr in reJ-L 4 l!.n

Page 38: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

ll!.rt\ ,rn.1 JL,rtl










symbols 0f t|c leutonrc \-orth ieprcscnting rh. uDr\.crse, r Hun.llns.s hous!accordinsl_r'las r nrisht\ ash rising in irs mrtldte and

"pr"*A,,,,q rui'rtt u"",thc tuol. Askr lash treei r.:rs one oi rhe firsr t\\.o pcopl. rn rhc \!ortd. Tllcronrelt oi thc Tr.c oi Life is inporr,rnr i. rhc Tlrd.r.o Chfisfrn tradiliLxl, xs$,ith the srorl oi rhe G.rrden oi rdrn iccnesis ll; rhe trcc l\,as gu.rded hr.cherubnn rf{l br' .r srvorrt r'hirlnrg and ftashlng rr Crcck nrythologr., thchumal nrc sfe$. irom rier sceLts, rsh accortt;n! to rresroa. o,rt< in iromc,,trccs rre. rls! rsnrci.rtcd rrth the d\\.ellings oi gods and wirh longc\rit_v orimm0nrLi) Th. xssocjrrion oi verls r.i+ grar cy.rrds probabty cxprc$es thisnotrOn, rs mi! thc grcAt evcrgrer. tr€c xr Old Uptc,rl.r rccordcd by Adam ofIt'l'* T,.:, a|c ircqluently anthroponorphi;ed in r.ortd nr).rhotos!., thusDaphne irhc l.lulcl rre.l ludalin I rr€c trunh coi6n, as it,r,erc ursidr,a trce,thus urn'rrs r.it| ii ol)\,iirus connor,Iions oi rhe rctrLm t,:, rhc

"ourcc oI ltfe,a re.erd.sirlg i$in $e l.ornb Irr:rrn rhich atl humans spr.rng.

Boats and death

The closc similaritv bch'ccn c! irunk coin]1s enct dug out canocs crn ,,lsobe seer * norc than n coinci(lenle oi the sane m;Lterials uscd ioL srtnilnrl,vshaped obiectsr fie br:ut ot de.rtlr'is I recurrrng rhemc nr.ritiquiry. r rhellose HrUe rrd Shap burials actuallr.invotvcd canoes used ," ur

",iLt, t,u,i

als, x dues r Fnd ir.rm Disgr.vlf: f.r,\r, Ccredlgion, r.st Wrlesr j rtone isclose tu srgnitjcani stretchcs oi w.rtcr lloosc Ho\\.e tics higlr on the ccllr_ralwatcrsherl ot dre Nor rh yorL X,Ioors, Shep .n thc Culibri|l]r tellst. k is possible tlrii th.sc c.rnors lrc,c uscd becaLrse thc,v h.rci Ibidrrd rtreir userut s:ilingl,1r and $cre.rvaihl)lc ior f.use, hLrL rhc labour invotvcd rn transpo,rrngthen i! (heir restrrg pl3cc rnusr h.rrc Lreerr consr(LerAlr c.

Onc oi rhc trincit-.,rI motijs oi Urrrfield sr.mbolism r.as the l)oaL. LlsurlhI . - tr. D,. .,. 11., ,, \..,.-bodr ln l.rirr mlihokJ3) are strikrng. rhorLgh no ir:ncrrrv bo:rts are ectuallyknown tn B,onz. Ase Elrrop. iuntrkc Otd Kingdojr Ls,vprl Wh.rhef airv;rhe shi}r dcplruo|s ln Scandin,rvrAn rock rrt arc conrecrcd wrth rirunls oidearh, rs hrs been sLrgscsred t sonrc othcr norrrs, rq ,j Drool porrt. \\ihrt isnot rn douh!, hor$,er, is drc connccrio. oi boar-slrlped lrrril)gs oi >(xrcs!t, ^, rlrnd nonh Cennrn!, cspcci.rll) ln Srnitilrd .rnd on a;oihnd i1js. ,l 111

,,j ttxryrc0jlror Age xnd \lking dxre, but sonrc luvc recn snoun Lr,\,crcA\luon tolrclOlg m t re tsnrlze Age Oirhc .]00 350 r'hole or tr.rgmentAf sctirngs on

_ sti.nbrllg r!f1 \liiller \\jite 19ar! ,i (_rtjqti. jrrij, ,!e:

Page 39: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

2 -" ' ' ''"-', "u .. only of

behg buthe hurr


in EriL.ir


ir cnl)' t]1


any largc

Iig. 3.1i. Shit set ris tfonr (lernrnr-l'and Swcdc.. l. Sl:riicrild 6

V;rstr.r lirnu lxiter Strijnrbcrs l96ll I Luglrro. Hrr]l:r]1d Lrit||C.Uelle lt)!);i. .l ThL.nbr Schl.swis Holstc]]l Lrit.r Crt::,cll. lt95Aner rn.1 K.rsLcD l9:J 9-<1. t Hjortllirrg, To|rrsi.r]], Smil.rndt.itci SrilDh.rs 1 961 1.

Gotl.rnd,onlr':rorLnd,l0harcbccni,r\.!rlg.rr..l thc,:arlest belongng to the

end ol the \fiddle Bron:e Agc thc lxtcst to th. frtc Br.n:e lron ^gc


flon isome l0 oI Llc.l0 crc,Lrrtcd rxrnplcs on ciod.rnd hrd L.tc tsronze r\se

findsl. llosL rre lcss tlan 1.0 m 1rmg, bLrt thc cxamples ircln Cnisv:ird on

cotlnnd .rre 3.1 trnd 15 m ir lcrgth A wc]l lnv.stigxt.d eranple is thrt rtsl:ittflird 1\i. K.rruf, lvestenl Scrri,r]. c\c'1lrLrccl iri 1959 6{). r'rucrsurlng ll.5r 1 m, .rnd ofiented w'N\ti ESE. ii consistcd oi 3lJ blocls oi gr!nrt., th. intcnor hLlcd l.Lth stones' under then \\'!s

'1 ch:Lrco:r1 lalcr, xrd in rt r crcmx

tlon plt. Fituls, not n!rrerous, inclldrd flift errlrhcads,Lntl othcr objcctspotsLrcLtts rnd.nnrl bones, Llc lrircr i.dicnting ica!iinS n connccrion \fldrtlr. .lcfosirion frt .rls.

Page 40: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials


[i]hL1t11t1ti()' t td a.rct)1 a tiatT




W}o Nis .ljgil)l! ror burixl 1r1 a s|ip sctrug in rhe Rrolr:e Agc ir unl<nor,nr0xs, buL rh! contL rifg t,opularir! oi the riic rs ;narL,rt,r,r tu,- thc sn,rlr.rrc,rodv ol reiigion huL. also of entire beltci sl srenrs .rn(t ci lnrc rttjDirrcs. The

i. r ,..'.,nrri( I I fi , l

,' , , .)..r,,ri.,. Iit']"' '' ' \Ineorctal stlurcr.s nrkc lrclrron oi $c custolr, sornetimcs 11.iih rhe l)o:rtbeins burncll so,ir*rres nol, jn rh! c.rsc oi Reon'ufi :u"1 "_,. *i * 1.s",,,i;,rne Lruntng bot nrs senr out to sce rirh ihe corprc rn ir, . a-< r.:rs rlso rhccrsc r.]dr d1e Nlnse sod Brtd.,

Iniumition and crelrration

Althou$ cfcrnrti!n bLrrixl is incr.iiabh rssoci.rtcrt ahL[.c a]t riirb thc UrnfietLlL', '.: ' ",.'r, ', i U.. r. \ .. .r,''( \ '' \,,..r . . ,.r ,r,. \1. I d, | \--_ 'I'\ \.,-, ..,.,.

,lso OrrLnr m rlrc trrlv llron:e Agc nr nofrh cst lLuo|e h tsrjtrjn. crlmrt10r.nrs sldclt irr.rciisrd in rhe Larh.Bronze Age, rnd w.rs dol)ru.tfl 1n dr.

trrii). in \\rcsscr, yorksh]rc rnd 0rhcr.rrc.rs. .r Dur]nSrhc clulst oj ihc Mjddl. Bronze Age jt l)cc!lnc rhc corrlnrmest ritc pr.rctiscrlin ntitrrr, .s rs se.n rn ih€ nercrct Rimbor,! barr,,,""

",.,1,.1".",1 ,,,.1;;;'_;.

'oL's fifis of hgt.rf d. -'

Cencrlries us!:rlll.fractrsed +e..anr,. ,iLe ciuring I srn,glc pc[(]d, suggestlng $rn. srit)itir! oi pi:rctirc ard dlerrnrr. oi trctiei Tlrcrtl ,,r., tr,,;:;".,tlcnn oi cli:llrtles r)t sires wherc botl infLrnrerron

",r.1.r",,rr,irrr,,.r" pr;ltrssd, sorneri|rcs sinNitrnc.rusly .rs i.l] es orc c.ri tel I hLr-q trlnlc o1)r Drrvnot be s.ue in Nriish or lfish rnourrds rr.herher scp.rr,,,. t,,,rtrt" Irr ,il;;;;,t&liu..s m a silgle .nrlnrd \!rre conrcmfl)unlous,,,,in some l,i rhe ,hi'dl .' ,' I, I t.,rr,., it t , .., ,

50 rnhrlnarrons, tire creDratrir|s nrd o c rrnr.e ".i,1 fr*f. ,"f,r-",""] ,,,.fcrcnrtrnr., Ih.fe r.x> Dr, rn.lic.riion fronr tire gralc-go.rds th.rt thcrc nrsrnl hr!. diticrerce jn rilrc l)cii\-rc[ the 3r.aves, thoLrgh rn gcncrrl tfe cre-

I !lLlll!r !\,11. t!n! !

i. i;,;.,f,:rs ,tt".',,t,., Lr+r, |!tLf rrd s{r lr iri.l

Itr}..n l!-l llLfi.si trcll,, t!iiiIl:'i,,] l, ll);'. 1 ,- i

rtl llr,





Page 41: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

mrtions \L.rc lcss nc11 pror.Ldc.l tor than $e rdrumaLnrns Llor mst.rnce, rhc!do not posscss thc lolg dr.ss t)lrls so tlprcal oi th€ Tumulus culturcsl. Th.ccmctcr') xt Str'..Ix fx.t llo.tfogonr lKf:l]olskt (lhLrccl contxln.d arl Br.rr1:c

Agc grx\,cs, o1 irbich l-l 11..f. inhurr.lr1ons,.l.l cr.1natlons,.rnd 9'i)]rlbr)llcgrx\cs i c. srx!.s with grx!. goo.is t,ur no srg| of :r l)od!l " Thr lxrgcsi,Lndmosr r r|.ft:rl)t ccmctcl! of th. Ml.tdlc Ur{r|ze Ag. m c.ntrrl Eufof., ltPiti.n ln L.\r.r Allstrl.r, h3d 2ll oic,r\.itcd srrvcs of \rhich 7.1 hcrc inlru|rrtr.ns Arrd l:1.7 crcr)rrtions, th.fc \fis .r sllght rcntlcncy tor malcs to brrnhunrctl rnd fcnalcs ro bc crcrrarcd thoLrgh rhc nurrbc,'s elc too small tob. stltristicrll) !dlid tt:rblc,l Slri'Ar Gcnrcinl.bdrn l'.:L singlc crcnation r'.rinrund anrong !hc 15,9 gr,a\cs, prcsLLn]blr indicrLling nf c\c.ftron:rl nnlilni-rLal r:n circumstarcc of dclth


Thc inadoxic,illhrLlnrl:

UDaLice I

of the bcAlthousl


Irr Vi.s

abll sirr:lcrds thc

buri,rls i

Ihr sugg

Table 3.5. frr',ri rrr. /rf !r! irr l'rrr, ', _



.utrirnrs fkr rs,isnirg.fl. rhl irditi,i:r s ur trx

Widr th€ Lnre tsron:e -,\ge U|lrticlds, crelr,rtLon bccorrcs :rbsol tc].' domln.rnt, l)ut b1 rltu.rl c€rreterics :rre .llso nlnr.t ,{t hz.cz}rc ir Silcsir tlrclc11.err ll7 inhrl]DAtlons .rnd l:ll .r.rraiiorls;r': ri crrndicld i. frnfc|.rrirroughl_v cqual numtrcrs oi c.rch ' On thc oth.r h:trd, tLcr! rlc lerv nriLnll.rrge Urnfrclct ccmctcrlcs which utillicd rxclu!i!cl) cr'.ii;rtio. frn insranct\lor.rviarnr LMoh.lnicc, \'lofr\ lrl, s hich bxd l l6ll rcgisrc, cd grar cs, onll one

oi thcm tlcfinnch'1].i x cr.rn:rt].nr/' .tr \irll xrlhauic. tK,rsstll, rvidr -l5lrcco|cr.d grav.\ :rll l)) rfcnrAiiorl . This is a stardarcl;.rtrern fOr nLrch ot

c.nt]'xl lutufc in tirc Latc Rrof:r Ag.,,rs ri,cll .rs ior hrge p:rts oi t]re

NI..litcrln.*Ln ar cas, Sllndi.nvia, Fr ancc .ur(l elsenhere. Nor sLrrprisrnrll', thechrngc tr) .r'.rr1ltriol1 as srrfdn burial rirc has bccn secn rs i rellerri(xl otpntounil cbangcs i. attitudcs to dcath, r',ith presenrdon oi rhe body .riterd.lrb.o longcl bclng sccn !s inrtortani. for this rerson, sorne auLhoritresharc sougbt to place maior cthrogerctic changes ar rhe sL.rrL oi rhe Unfieldpc,ro11, nel bclieis Lepresenrrrg Lhe arriv.rl oi net peoples

' H.frrfl .r!i l95lrlrii,llefi\:hh!I.:r!r.i lrrl: T.s.hi.r Ni..ii Lti.l ,-l.s.hl.i \i..Lr lrSl i l1):i S:rflnr*.r 1,)r.S :l

' Ielrr.rnl Nrller Lr)r;

Page 42: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

I i1 |1L na ! iat1 ili t i ar ulitl lia)n rll


Th. lni.rplrt LrerNe€n lllhLtm.rtion .m.t clcnrrron .rchic\ cs ,r cufl(Jtrstf f,rr-rdfiilcrl culrrrirurnxr xr ih. irci Lhnt sfx\c Iorms |figjralh.cre.rtcd ior dreiihumxtiof rite rrrnc to Lrc prordcd rith orenAtilnr!. The rn.!r sirij.mgcrrmfl.s arr |erh:r|s tlc coftins rntl cirrs.,i Den,r)xrli, which rn rtrlod llrIreqncrtlY conr.Ined cr'.nrations i. but anoLrcr prr gra\.es orChrrnfrgnr. hrge enough ior trn rnhrrnati,-rn but .rciurlh,cont.riring I crenur.tl.''' A curnrus cornbinaurlrr oi coifin Lo D. lccn rL anU.atic! |urirl lrirh lrJircci crern.rtiorr ri lessrlrr:, Kr. Brutzcn, r'hcre liLcr,ds.rirflirJ ro r bo.tv rlrcrdr. 1,vrn3 rn e plank coifinl +rs dedLrctron I rs rr.rrlcbccau"c rhe.r-$ rll lrr rl Lhe r4pcl parr oi th. hurirl .rnd rras r.,r prescnrlo$cr Jortn 'r Ii ihc grave itscli ues rL sr.mhol oi rc sort .rn.l rtre irejurcri0l the bod_r' nioth.f, ihis siru.rriorr rcfr.senr-r i kird oi conflict of sr.n Lrols.AltloL,sh conrroni,r rcgarded as ndic,rthg.r mrior shiir rn b.lici!. ihe m.rir)trNnce ol the graic forrns oi e cllier peloLl ln:rv suggesr thri rhe syrnbolLrn oi contlrcr'r'.r: sLrongcr thln th:t oi thc rrcaLmcnt. Thrre,rre nr:rnypossibihties iol i.!c4rretm.q this trlr.norrenon in terrns of ccmpcr11rg rttcologies, rhr. d.\n! io |lice thc dccc:Lscd rflthin the tree, intcryr.ctcd rLro,,c e. rhcsorLce oi Lic or tlte lorrb, hcrc rcn,med d,nninanl.

lrr liel\. .J rl1. vcr! rbLrntl:nt crirlel1ce ror t|c Urnlieltl l,rfu throughout LrteXlol:€ ASc Etrrotc, one mig|t r onder r.hcrbcr diiierenccs bcrileen trrtjcLrlar cenetcncs :rc signific.rlrt. Thc number oi lires is s.) lelgc, and thc rilrlcor,errtirh thc rire r.rs utrhscd so ertensirc, fiat iL seclrs orh,Lo l)c cxFcciedthat olr siic will (liiier nrarlcLll,v irom thc ncxt. In i.rct, fi,Lny siLes .rrc rcnrrk-,b\ n ilJ, xnd r'rthin :i Siven irer rh. rcteLirious rirlrLre Lrt rh. cvidencetends thc pnrcnonenon .r lc.rden qualtty i,.o,r thich ell hLLr fie h.rr.li.sr halertrc.u.d Ncvrrlhel€s-r, ir'ricr sile conl1rArisons can bc irstrucrir.e Ol;rLLsson,ior nqtlnrcc, looked.lr Pilcd,rl:rnd Sr;rrrc rc:rr ysr3.l (n dre sourh Scuirncorsr rrrl iounLi Lh,rt, tIough ihe\.rtcrc brc:(ll! cont.rrtror!4.im.lirtl fcrnrrlYl rfu,: u,ere nrLl<cd diiierences bcrrccn Lhem thri coLrtd nor:rltoscdrer bcrc!|ur1r.d l{ir fl. trphrnonli. irctors, un}nltani th(,ugh rh€sc hcrc.r., UrnbLuirls Ior rnstencc, c,ulier .ri Slrrtc. onlv bccrfirhg thcrlrtnr ln ihe ht. pclirrl oi use.rt lil!(l.rl, rhefc lcrc geleratlv rnoLc bronzcobjlcr! rt S\.tur. 1lr.l!L(hr1g t1\.o graics l\,irh jn rrrrusLL.rllr.high number.rndsc!url bron:es c\|rhitirgline rrorkDlnship Ihc S\lrte rcrnct.r,, \\as hrgcr,rilccrLng n pofuhiior consrstlng oi an estirn:rtcd tr.o ertcnJcil famiLes :rs

0pposel rLr onc rt tiiedrl. Yri botlr sires secnr to har.e servcd ai Lrurirl plicc!ior conLenpor.rrr poPLrhtrons {itlrrn i short .:list,rrlre ic. l0 hml oi e:rch othu.The srgilestrorr hls been.rdvanccrl thereforc tLar the npp.rr.rr irerlth oi thc

Liir. r l9ll llit: l!l





Page 43: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials


Svrrtc cemeter) rcllccts groq)s l\io tonirollcd both coastal and hl:ndresources, nrcLLrdnrg coasixl nxde.

Thc dLiicrences betivccn contcmporer-v crenrtion ccrrlct.r'ics in the same

arca have.rlso been c:plorcd. '' tirsson sho\\ed thc ciislcncc oi tivc hier:rrchlcxl stf.rrr rn Lhe ccnctcr; oi lisLeL)y ne.rr Norkajfing in south crstcrnslr'c.:ten, \riLh rhc dcgrcc r:ri.lliicrcntirtn)n incrersug through tlnrc into dleIron,{!,e, vrrious inctlris such xs popuhdon Lncrerse. !hnngcd cconolrlc Lcla

tons and conilicrs ol intclcsr l.ere suggesred as bting r.sponslblcSkloldcl)r.Lnd ln)l<ed ar thc diffcrcnccs betr,'een Fiskebl. Klrlg:L and Rlngc|rrLll in thc s.ne are.r On ell sitcs, thc connnonest buri.tl t,vpc wns thc crc

nrati,n Fir \f irh urn and pyrc dcbrls, bLLt rvhere.rs rt fisi(eLr,! an(l Kliflja rhis

eccountcd for r.ell over hali thc burlAls, .1r Rinsebt iL r..rs a tLch snrllctfrop.ntron, other speci.rl budnl ipcs rn.rkrng up the rennindcrj sto.c clnl

siru.ti.lrs \Lcre.rlso much colrlroncr thcfc, .rnd pots tound in nany mr]re

gra!cs. Tbc crclrared bone ilso ,1ffc{rs io hxr.c been tre,rted difierertl,v. Thcsc

rliitcrcnccs erc rrken to rellecr dillcrlng soctal ci]nditnrns on Rrngeby as

olposed tr-' riskcbl ind Klingj, ir belns lLrggcsicd th:rt clites rrainuned rsirorgcr dlnni xncc .rt the hrer conpnrcd with thc former.

h \ic'! oi thc laLge nurnber Lri gravcs on Urnficld cemeteries, one rnishrexprci ihcrc to bc si3nificint evrdercc tl) sp:ltial ordcrxls oi the graves. In

sonc iDs!anccs thls h,rs Lrcen reported, but in g.ncral lLttle rrteresr has been

evDced in this alpcct. At Vollmirsl]lrLrser sili discrcrc dcposLtLon are.rs ri'ere

rLlentilied, scparatcd by unused sprce ilis. 1.12| thcsc:rrcas $.crc xltefpretedas i:n ill brLdal :oncs, cech l'ith .r sorner.luL (liiicrent hurixl hlstoLv rnd prrticrrlrr rraits oi irlLri:r1 practlce ior instrnce ihc fro!isior1 oi h.ls ro the urns,

comrnoner h sonc :rcrs than oth€rs. Civen a toral usc pcrlod ot sorne 50u

vears, i:mil,v "izcs of rblcc to scven lrLlir.LrlLr.rls crn bc rcconstluctctl tfomthese burial:oncs " At C;cm.inleL)drn I Lhree dctositinr z.ncs \rcrc ldentillcd, which it is sLrggcstccl cr:ruld rcpfcscnt the burirl phccs ot rhrcc conicrrr

forlneous iirnily srouls ifig..l l.l1.r"


(lrcm.rtlon burirl LrsLL.rlb jmplics thAt rhc L)od-v \rjs burnr on a prrc.r"'Tlcrcconstmcti(xr ol srrch elcllrcnts is Al1r1ost entife]-v conieclLrrnl: th.rc nrc nrsrr'!i!i.g f)rcs, onl-v Lhe possiblc spots wbcrc rhey once srood, nr Lhe fomr:ri blaclcncd or reddened sLretchcs of grr:rurd, usu.rll-v surri\.xls r.here thcrh,rrc bccn protected b,! Lhe heapcd Lrf cntth oi r ound. Sorr e har.e rhoughtrhrr thc 'hcaps oi Iire"cr:rcked sronrs so crltnrnon in sc.tndmrtirn irch,reolos!

' Slnlllehmd llrir Lr,ss.n l9;.i' l]rrUrrrn. l9!l I lla-.r' \.I!.hru.r 1991 1lLr"' u.KiDlcr LttT to r iull Llr;.6n.f .r ticrul!.n ftrcs Dd pvr. d.bns u(]er brflr.s

Page 44: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials







- -=

'.!. I :

Page 45: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials





t- __.

,/ ^ \r






rhich(lo. D


- aLr

I hlt

,':- -\' 83 Iir^ to






".t rtr






al,,,:\i ;t.]ra


. Male . Female o child : Post selllng //l uaexcavaLea

Iig. 3.13. GcmelnleLri]rn F H\fr)dictic:rl r.corsrnlctlon rl Lhr..crnttnlorar,v LrLuI ng c(,nDruniti.s. Cifclcs xrdicrte tossrblrienih groLrps Lirrter Ncugcbru.r 19911.

Page 46: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

4. nrcfrrl t r;cJr,rrur's II7in,fact the rcmarns oi crclnation p_vres, anrl cxperrncrtrr evr.tencc sho\vsthrs is possiblc, if rot lil<ct\' in every casc.., prre fiaccs hxye Lre€r.rled ir e-ralmbcr oi sites ArDohf |crer, sofuc or rre n)[urratron gii]v.snng uncn.s rlso possclserj ,hcarthr,, r,hich \Lrre p.ri opr 1,vr., iulr.r"

.lso occurfcd of thc sjtc toot< pl.rce. , l\ late Urntielijb,(r \\ | ll, ..d .,, l.

fl";rl;l-,.: i l", " ::,'.' i'HrL,r'r+, ,"9'. , .l. ^r, ...\t-..

'"herrl-. ', n , ,.,,....,,t , | ",...__,'; .,,., ,i;ltered finrgh a srLlstanrial burnt ar€a.r-r I1l Scandin:rvio, pyr. a.l.t" *u"::T-" 1 l'' ''" .' '' ".'' '; "';' / ,. - al r.remrns ot cronatiul inst:tllatjons, in othcr rvords t),*r, *" """,r ;, ;i ;muttn cclttetcr1 at X,hilhac in coutherf Ffrncc.r . Sojnc tvcssc. lr";" ;;;burnt rrcas underrearh \rirh the rcmains or Lrurnt L).rne 11l the.1; |hcseuaces v&1 rn siz. rnd sh.rpe. rhe c.rsc of Rutford C.49 is ,emarkable: a rcc-

i9,: ;. :.r:'1' .. I. ,',,.. ,r..,.r ,,,..4rr.r.. :rInew' ,. r, . t.\t. Ar 1 .,, . /. rr r .F I, L ,.uoe'\ \'\'.,,'\; ,., 1r.lowed out oi the nound rather thrr plc-,:hiing it r , l, Si"if O""" "i. rrr,Wiltshrc, r pyre of substanrial rnrbeis. about I ff squrrr, rlrs l)uitt on rhegass sLlLlce and fired, priLrr to the inlel,rent oi dr;:tshes,,r r,r.;,;-;;.;whicl x turi nacli rvrs er.cte.tr5', Trr.cs oi:r pyrc ivcre found at Cf.gi*t.ft,Co Down, lrcinnd, and possibtr:rt orher sjLes on th:rt rslAnd.r,l

Ceneterl enclosure5

The co.cepi oi crclorurc rn connedion \vrtlr blLri.rl iil]cls ir €rprcssior i.otner.r0rms ioo, ri is not mercl}' rhe rubstantj:l barrr:rl\.s of the Eart_v Broruc,\e ti:u rnadc usc oi such fcar',cs. h ttre Urnffcld perod, t,; ;;;., ;"cenetrirs oi (.esrern Fllropc csrcrn Clcrnr,rny, rhc fora,Ci:runnies, fr,Irccmrdc trequcnt urse oi tfe r:nr1os rirrlrale ro .l.fil,. ,,.,.1irr.1.,,,1 ;t;;;;

ri Sriei(lrnt t'ra.l talrti.

" Hral!r lllt l0 61,I tNr5.r il lril.her l9:6 tTli!r lhou! ,md rhoDrs l!r:' l4r\\i.ll n d ll9rlr, 2a

Page 47: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

rfcrs r\n.rir fl-iot.qr.rph oi,r LrLi. llron:e Ig. ccf-i.tlrrt Ln these .lrers \oult\ho r mrss o{ rrxll drtthed i.:Lruf.s, the ,lirdlts usuAll! round 1/Q/i!l{r,rb.rlln'in some crses i. thc northeLn hrLli oi the l-o\\ CoLrrrics.rnd ]n \\iesl]rhrlirkc,rhole shrped, lcss ircquenrl,r ,)1;Il ol suh-recufsLLl:tr ' The stnall rountlditchcd cnrl,su, cs wcL. rlnrsrl-.' s ,Lll l,rrf.,1's sLrcb as rc,'c comnttttt tn m.ut'

t-urts oi the Urffiel.L tlistfihuri.rf. T|. lerger ierrLucs sccnr gcmrlnel-1 r.r have

Llcfinrd 'iLrnenr y crclosures'. nhich ilr sorre c:ses in tbc Nethcrl.m(ls clflr3incd 1\'i]ollen Lr.rsr ltrLrcrufes L'r Ar Rroussv le-Cr.1n(1 iNlArncl .r rather Jightpcn:Lrrrla| rlrtch Llcfinctl .rn rrer I I l1 nr .rcross rnd c.nt'unc.l .r numb.'L oi

l.r,fc g|oups rs lrell xi trottcf-v, sronc brLnrt chrlk rnd chrrco.rl 'L This sile

recrll! r1]. penrnnlLl,1r clrllr.rtnJn e|c]16ur.s 1n tsril:rin su.h .rs Cadoss

\\ihi!cstxlcs ruoor rnd Lo.rnherd oJ D:t!iot,' l'hllc southcm EngliJrrr.nrrti.r cerreteric> !uch .ls Snnofs Gtound shoN oL.!iou\ s1lr1ll.rrities

fhe suLb lcctangul:r cncloru|('s rre le"s con:rron, I'ur rhcy rrc rcc .rt Ar:lnrr-rur tlanchcs lxhrnel, ior i stllce h.re th.! corltrin cr.nrliionsi \ orl the

sirre siic \as loun,l r loflt rcct.rnsul:r cnclosLrrc th.L i5 ific4n'ct.d rs crrl

tlc see chxfrcr 91. Ar lllgr., Kr. $irr€ndori \\i!stfhxl1.r,.r ten.tcr) cxt.ndcdoler some I h.L.rnd rr lhc i.lcstlgrted l'.rr.7l dltches ol !:rriou! drxpcs.rnd

1.11 rr.Irati,)ns rvcre recovcrcd, inclLrdlrs 9 l,,ns ditches l6 r1)(rrd ditche(,

,Lnd l5 keyholc drtches a. oi drcrn rriih !(nrrl1.\ 1r'(xxlof cofstlucilons

lEg L1,ll "Th€se ercloilr.c rLitches denrcd spccill .fra; Thc ke-rhole shairc .alrnot

h,Llc .rn-r such iurcron.rl sigrllic:tncc xs is thc crLs. rtrth nn)Linds lnd c!.nthc iutr re.r.rnsrLlxr.nclosures c,rnn.t rcahsticrllv hr\. bcen colercrl bl brtnrv moulJs Oilc c.x1 conp:Lr! i1l. shjpe \\'i!h th.rr oi pendrnts 1n lrtcUlnficll irld TlrLllstrtt dare rn crrnel EuroPe, tlolrbl) thc Erst AlPi.e:o..r)trcn sccn rs .l|thr.4trrotrlic. 1-.crh,rps coplilrg a rl<rrtcd hul1lal1 figurc. '\\ihAt ls im|orunt i\ thr re.(rgfiri.rr .)ithcir slrnboli. lmport.l]ld tbcir \:rlirLrilit) n'h1ch cortrrlts \1,lth the L,thc "rsc

unilorn tlln.l'xr-\'rjte, Nilh f.)lrr

othcr spccial tlentIncrl ol the dead

Bec.rusc I h.r\'e been cfir..|tmtiDt on icrrprrrte ELrrofr sr) 1xr, the criisl.rctoi s].rclal iorrrs oi btLrirLl in the.\'ledircr'rA l].rn hrs gone lLnrn.ntldled \\ihiltth€ rock cLrt tornL)s oi CastclluccLo Ihapsos, Prnt.rllc.r irdels.whcfc Ln Sicil!


\.rr.r 1t6n l.r-l lirr \\ilhrlnr l!rl (:rrrtru 1t-a r-+ l...L l9't, 1!)31

Lnbllr.n, Hrr lrrI

Ii,!.r.1. l.lr1h fls ll ll

Page 48: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials







()iirii lifirirrairl tri iha ilir,lil


Ii:. l.lr. lf !rr Iir \\.rrr rili,.i, \\'.(rfLr,jlir l

I l(,ri srlf r\']tLr ilr.r (l trh.urJ.r( ]l.ir!,,ih.'.!r.r t|Li:h .rltfr \\i hflLDi 1!li


Page 49: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

..,r,..,t.t,Lhe de.rd thr frovisiin (ii irl1t,orrc.l (;rccL irotterv rt llupsirs rcllccts ihc .rlrilirv oi Lrc:L elites to

'1!(trLilc cxcheugc goods t-r' vrrtue oi LheiL rlherire,l or

achieved sLarus. Still rrore rcm:r'kablc Ar. thr monurnentrl construcri,rns ol

sornc MediLerr.ne.rn isl:Lrdsr drc llnrts gfrlcs oi S.tLdtnt.r .rnd rhe r,r'rt,iroi the B:le,rrics. r.r Dafrc but iu.) iorn)s Girnts gmves Ltorrrb. rir::i.grrirl,essenritrll_v LLuH lncgrlirhic trnrbs rith clebo||lte c.rned sLone trcrdes .rnlseru-circuhr iorecoLrrr" iLrmcd by proicct,ng horntorl<s, belong mosLl-r rn

thc larlv tsroD:e Age. th.rugh s.nr. go .)l] lrrcr. ! N,rl'rld.\ .rre .rlso elong:Lelmonrulcntrl stone srnrctures uifi ,1n i.!erirlr' clarnbcr', thc J.tttn3 oi lhtcltls conccnrrrted in the second nillcnniurr RC.'r' Bot| lo rs |r€scnt rn.xrr oi

thc s.rnc pLoLrlclns.rnd inle4rr.rnti\,c NS.ihiliri.s Ai mcgrllthic i{r1nhs of dre

Nc.lirhLc smce Lher .rre collccrirc tr:mbs wbclc irdi\.idurls could not be

Lttcnrificd once detleshrng h.rd occurccl It i! c.,'txi,rll Argurble, ho11el.er thirthcr. 1t'cfc stecirl reqrrirenerls ro r]Lr:rliiy fcr blrrixl irr onc oi the-.c toLnbs

ln othcr 111rrds thet the-v repre"ent nsp.cis of foncr crcrclscLl l,rthrn thccrm.rtrniti.! ihxt crcctcd thcrr 'l

T. nra \ i]rlrrnccs the .rccornp.rnyng goods n,1,r i|.licatc thc .fAlt of o..uF:lt].)r) ot rhc occupnt, norably Lhrough mcr,rl\\'orl(ifg tools.Ln.1 oftcr cornp:Lrablc c.lLl]pmcnr. Thc C.rt:rcorDLr Crave bLLri.rl n kurg;In -l ai N.\'r)rK!:rsnllio\.r lVoltosL.rdl .rccompnnieLl b,v.r sledgc \\'irh wn)d.n tutr]lcts rrJitcnri ot .qui1rncnt suSg€sting th.rr rhe dereased spccielisccl in rrrlor plt,ducriir. ii r1o'. u uslr.rl 11i9. :l 151. ri tsut none oi rhe"e c:rscs rllvolr,c. spc

r l irc.lrnrcni oi c co4,sc, as irr .rs one c.rn tell ah Lhe oLheL hrnd, thri,,cc- oi tlc bo.Lics At scrscr\.ka liherson Crxre.l ri'ere covercd with rihatlrpcarccl t(i bc masks thc c-vcs with l):rlls of ochre cla-v anrl bhcl soil, thrrlorLdrs \ itlr \oi], and i|. rostrils 1r.ith soot and pol.dered shell " Thi" narnot h:Lvc bcc. e nasl ]n thc usuel sense oi rhe rrord, L'ut ir i5 ccrt:1inlf sr king, rs dre ercnvar.rrs toifi out, ibxt drcs. scrlsc ofgans rrere close,l up. Thr"m.r-r'lure been corncclcd wiih tLc comtnon pr.rctrce of pluggrng orilices rL

death, bLrr erlu:rllv ir mar h:rr c bccn intcntlcd svnrltolic.tllr provrLlng Lhe ,leud

irith.r speci:l persolla fr:r drc grarc Thc usc oi ochrc 1s .rnother speoirl ier.rure, going back to thc a,4rpcf Agc,r'' lr-r r.d .r -r'cl1o11.co1our nusr h.rle been

prrr oi iLs speci:rl sigriticrLncc.r\nother specirl torm of bLLri;tl arok plecc ln c.rlcs C.rtes used tor l.un:ls

arc especialLv cornmon rn fr.urcc:rnd Rclgirm r\ !'irh thc Grottc dcs Duii.rlts


' \!rL-.sror 1tt6 ?sit, LiiltilcrL.,r (itr!i,, lr-1, i9ti.\rr._r lt'.i alrsri. \lrrn.: ri,,r Lrt: 6lJlS.. \l:.Lr\t.f lr!6 !llL

' Ytr.1u.n L.|irn ltlt' NfnLtrr.n ShLlfr 1t)1,' HNrslr Lr-.1, lr'a

ln C ralCrortc r

rng had



Page 50: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

re abil-itcd or


:s andtlI rnr.qateduhichlny ot

, tlatnbs,1 the






GLave robb)ng

\tt' t


Ii! lls.\",,1.. ..\, ',1 \.,_. | .rp.|,'..1||.r..,rarrl Lofarin 19N91.

rn Clrrnre, 'i drc -frou de l,Ambre rnd othcr sjtes in upland Relglum, ,- thcGntte du Has.rrd rr Card. r' anti r:nr othcr srtcs. It is cltflicrlt, and probablynrslcrrirng, Lo scp.rrare thcse caves iron ttrosc r.hjch.rre r"g"^f"A,i.r frr;inshadi c hic srgnificarce ise€ Lretorv, pp. JlZiil.


lt.9 ,r (, , qiD.lllr'.,... I n .,._t, ,,,,...,i.drqglng is oi rehiively recenr darc; btt ir i! rlso ,cr).conmolr

",_, ilr, irrltr"

'i" ./ j .- r, l., r . .t " _, . .....,, .r1e9'\ ^/ ,.,-,r ,1.

abl,!netrll sorr.tim.s thc boncs l.crc disordcred; in extrerrc c:rscs thc !\.holeskelctou lirs rerror.ed.r"' rncvltrbt,v rherc is tcss elidence lor lh. disiurb;,rce

'. ilolL] JJ S!uir., tt'6:'r RrdJ;ri: lt:ir Rnr.,\lnri.r 19s-'! Norld,rru ir9L, ltrji




Page 51: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials

ol crernnLions. smce iht! riid nrr LLsLLxll\ corrrAr such r LlLtArrtrt-v ot lrct:rlgoods. Crrl.e roLrbrng corcrnoxtrJ rnr tnftictrlrr clxssG oi obi..t, .it)cciAllron.rrcnrs rnd esperirll-]' objects irom:1(lLrlt grr\.s 1' At fitrcn ncrlr Vic.n,lthcre 11'rs a tendencl tor degger" t0 bc robL.crl Jrom alc grjrcs, arcl carlicrfithcr thrn latef grr\.es presurnabl! by rhe |olrlrlnri.nr th]t iirs rcsprnsiL.leior the l.rter sr.r!€s, 1or unless sizcablc amorLnrs oi uLlrrLL.lc mct,rl r'c,cde!,ositeil, rhe ob ects rn question \!ere orl,! oi i.rercst tr) thosc ilr s,honr

thc-v rfc sflll currenL, Us:l'le iLernsIhis c\.1dcn.e iof ert€nsive

'lisLLrrbiDce i! .rn imponant consicleratir,rn r,her

.nrc co )cs to lool< et qucstions of soci.rl ofs.rnisitnrn, since iL meins rhrL one

c,lrnrr bc surc ro rih:rt crtcnr onc Le.rll_v h.rs r truc ficrure oi vhich buriedi.di!idtrAlr {.rc rLch rnd ritrich ll,ere not lr jlso crrries r.irh ir i sLrong

inrplicrriolr r|,rt gr.l\'es r.erc mrrl<ed on the surirre b; posLs, sLones or

fi,,u,rds. sincr thc gfl,cs oi drc Lrch rd porveriul nrght bc rr ore likelv to

bc or:r nerlccl, thcsc would bc thc oncs nlost liLrl-v ro rttmct rtrentirrn from,obbcrs, rLnJ xc.ordinsl) r i.r'cnc.s on sncl.rl org.rrllsarjon should br df.l\\,nl\.ilh e:ilrerne (]ir cLLnrsf ec!ion


BLLrirls oi tfe rr.nr:c Asc, ,rs 1,i xn) p.rind, !cr!. A sfcci:r1 pur|osc rrr th.sruLiy oi rhe p:rst b.c!Lr!c .ii ih!ir lrLriqlLii) In tl1. spccifi. corrtcxt oi th.Bron:e r\ge, $r,o rehted snL(lils irtrrxcr: thc rclatirc rr'.r!rncn! ot i.di!iduals lrthrn r srngle site or groLLp ol sitcs; nr,l dic rel;Lri.nrship bctwccn cliiierenr groups oi sites across \\,j(lcr trnittlrjcs. lr1 r)rlr.r $'oldi, thcrc is A irrn.rclrr.J on which ro liel rhe evidurcc i(li5iincriofs bcrtcer dliicrcnt rcglonsoi Eurcp€, perhaps corres|ondhg to mator crhnic dir isiorsl, rLnd ] rrrrr:r o /4,r1

ldrstl1lrrnrns betrreen ]l(iivrrlLr.r]s rir irroL,fs of hdiriLlLLrls, co,respcDdirs toil]nllics, nrolrri.s or ar rrost tribal rrniLsi.

XlrcI hcr. d.pcnd-r or1 the spccitic ]nrerpretrrnrn rdrrflcd Ior rhe relaLion.shit-. 1).t\!rcr) cono.rsrms rnorles oi tuncrir! fractice brrrorsiihr gl.lles,cr..rrriorrlrnhum.lrlon,:rbund.Dt pro!isnJn oi srr!e-soodsrslishl prcirisr|)ll.Th. |r.\xll rg r.icrl.h.rs l)een thjt s-vsrenrrir riiilerences Lrefr'een regions J|d|iirs.s Ar'. slgrrllc rr ior the r€constructnxr oi soci.rl .rnd political liie. J|Liihltr,iriln shiirs oi t)rrcricc ln thc s ne Le!,nrn rerlecL ch:nges nr beliei s,rs.

tcns, r,hich in tuu'n corlrl rcflccr chrngrng cthnlc of linguisric :rifinlt-! Onthc othcr frnd !ifcc nrx \ buri.rl tonns and accoutrrnrents are l.rrgel-v s-vrn

bolic rn natrLrc lnd on. cxnnot urdcrst.Ird 'rh,rt thc s-urbolisrr rr.ans, 1t rs

rnpo>siblc to p,edict what tIc rocirl a|d pcrson.rl corrcl.rrcs oi such ie.rnrLes

n,c. T1r. hlnfins uf (ii,r r1rotrn.L irrto r t,.rrrr11 ries i s![rl]olic .rct islnce rllrhar u.rs fcr,1r,1 if iuriciiorlrl icfir! uas cnoug| certh to prcvcnt thc dec']l'


Jlrnlc !



is llftl

irlclLldrSinc. (

Page 52: A. F. Harding - European societies in the Bronze Age - Burials





t ir.


t is


,it rl,r Lofi L.rrsrn! snflls .lr.l iDlrclr(Jnl, rrr(L !ne nrx\ if.rLrlLri. (!r Irh!ih,Ir r!iiun 1| Lhi {1!fI (l1 'LI.rlr,f crrrh 1r lxorh.f .jnril.rr |rjrfh.j sr{urfrirgrn I|r crlrcerrL,n rrit| rr Lrodrl gtlrc LunrrLnr,rnrl tr,lr rrLrnlas j: llullrr isi,r.t .i rhi! 1..r1rrf.r \ !\ l1lhi)lisirl

Thr rol:r'r(rlfg modcs oi L1,,posrtnr. trtlh ii.ir (ltiiritn! ,q1.rL,rchr. rogr t S,,i\l tL.\isrfr, hnlrIr,Lftr.(r.rri. (,] sorixl r!srrlrs.riidr tlrL rlo ||rl,rt\'fr1 ii.r]nr!!ilr,r lhf L.L,trir. strrcii) . ri.h si,r\.,s Lth.sr rIh.LL,ufrl.rnt S.(ii n,r. l..crr ]ntc4,11.rL.11 js l: .qclr rccidrnrel LhL r,.sLrLL oi |.sr\1.f0!ruonrl i,LriLrr! Lliri rl).r, rre p[|ry |i rrornrJ ,r th1|lrfS Lh.rt rhfl$Lre rll.us s|1rer: rhr tlr(1.,n1n1.rncr oi thr c.rnorerlrs ir curu.rl trfL,feNirhrlrr\| ) flor tr.\i!r1!r rlLrcs rr.r appe:u to uask.r sy.rL.rn,rr Jii}|rc]1lirilri rlut r.ul,i orl!ir)ril\ lr.!r s.fr sLJ]n. Sr,L\rs ]nJrrrLtLLrlst .rs rrrepin, llrnullii!Lir1 Srsirirrrric (Liirflrcfs benrrcn Ltiiitrcrrr ,L, c.rs .rt irkLtrrr r,1l..r ir urL r 1e.rr.riLrbilii\ oi nrrurrls.rnd crr I skilLs, rnJ tLr p,nr Lher.Sx,rLrl n,riLrtir!,! Lri nLrrrlr r pr.rcrrrr

Alr|iug| ,,if Drrhi .\|t.rr 1ro|r rrr tLfrlrsrs (ir Irfrer crLlrurlt ehnrcrr: Lh.rttLnrugh rlnf LirL)n:. Agf b ll.]l tir':(rjce rroul,l cxhihrt irfrersrns r(jnr|lf\:tr.uxl JriirLnrixriilr tlris is r1|i rr1 .qf]lenl tlr. c.rst. hr rtrose .rrras rherrhr!. n)lirm:uir,n ccm.t.rlfs ;.r\r $r\ to hfS. .rcmltioir rcnlrtcn.s Lhcjfrs llnh rrJlr,,'r(xr 1-|:ri if! s rl] {rLLrrural clrrnge occu rrt. 11.hr c jn LhclLrtlr rrrn trrsi, rrlrcr. b.rrro\\ L)trrirl r..rs ff|lrcu,l br ,L mrnt lrrrrciL r1Lcr0clLr,lf\rL.:Lr,:lrnt crrrrllr(Jn, rh..lrrrlie 1 s ri!ther ilr rlrc rc!ersr Jjrr(11i]|.nr1i0 r,Lblrrrf mri,LlrlrL xr.rl:,Lsr(l in rlrrrrtir rnJ .ttrrIr! .rld o*rr rndrr,nL)r\ lr'llh rl r\r,ifr:ior1i)i r\xrl,tlrle D.x|s (,1 ,Lsfh\ ifs |restrg.. rtre1rrtif


rrrf{ 1,r ilc-!rir o1 (jhrrlrur!. rfLaflnglul ir1r1n1.ri. irorn bufiat 5rlei. LrrAt: \lrirrr xrt.lf:rii(fr ,ri rcn.irr) rhL.r rrrrh ;rLLlcnrcnt.rntt otlrrr rriLicncchrs 1,,u pr*srl,ir:,r ;iL:rL,rc oi u,f trrl]r:d c1,!]ry tr.rs bcu ot L.rjurJ,,i LlrL,n:r,\:r lliin{ 51sir.rir{ Tt mrrst br rhr go.rl .it llrr,nze Agc lreluco|,gr Lo rrtrr,lrr\l|llL,lxt (ucLr ,nllrsts to ifclL(1,: rrrd.r ilrJ nrofc djy.rs. .rfr,rs or Elln,1,!