A European Military Order re-emerges – In Praise of the New

A European Military Order re-emerges – In Praise of the New Knighthood 3.11 The history of Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici (Knights Templar) Introduction The Knights Templar, whose official name was: Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici (PCCTS) (English: Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon), were among the most famous of the Western Christian military orders. The organisation was founded in 1119 by knights sworn to protecting Christian pilgrims visiting the Holy Land after the Crusaders re-captured Jerusalem from the Muslims in 1099 and existed for approximately two centuries. History The Kingdom of Jerusalem was established in 1098, when the members of the First Crusade re-captured Jerusalem, on behalf of Christendom, and elected Godfrey of Boulogne, duke of Lower-Lorraine, as king of Jerusalem. The first headquarters of the Knights Templar was built on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. The Crusaders called it the Temple of Solomon, as it was built on top of the ruins of the original Temple, and it was from this location that the Knights took their name of Templar. New members had to willingly sign over all of their wealth and goods to the Order and take vows of poverty, chastity, piety, and obedience. Most brothers joined for life, although some were allowed to join for a set period. Sometimes a married man was allowed to join if he had his wife's permission, but he was not allowed to wear the white mantle. The red cross that the Templar Knights wore on their robes was a symbol of martyrdom (the symbol was referred to as “cross of the martyr”), and to die in combat was considered a great honour that assured a place in heaven. There was a cardinal rule that the warriors of the Order should never surrender unless the Templar flag had fallen, and even then they were first to try to regroup with another of the Christian orders, such as that of the Hospitallers. Only after all flags had fallen were they allowed to leave the battlefield. This uncompromising principle, along with their reputation for courage, excellent training, and heavy armament, made the Templars the most skilled and feared combat force during the Crusades. "[A Templar Knight] is truly a fearless knight, and secure on every side, for his soul is protected by the armour of faith, just as his body is protected by the armour of steel. He is thus doubly-armed, and need fear neither demons nor men." Bernard de Clairvaux, c. 1135, De Laude Novae Militae—In Praise of the New Knighthood Knights possessed military training, a war horse and military equipment which required a substantial amount of wealth and prestige to acquire.

Transcript of A European Military Order re-emerges – In Praise of the New

A European Military Order re-emerges – In Praise of the New Knighthood

3.11 The history of Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici (Knights Templar)


The Knights Templar, whose official name was: Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici (PCCTS) (English: Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon), were among the most famous of the Western Christian military orders. The organisation was founded in 1119 by knights sworn to protecting Christian pilgrims visiting the Holy Land after the Crusaders re-captured Jerusalem from the Muslims in 1099 and existed for approximately two centuries.


The Kingdom of Jerusalem was established in 1098, when the members of the First Crusade re-captured Jerusalem, on behalf of Christendom, and elected Godfrey of Boulogne, duke of Lower-Lorraine, as king of Jerusalem.

The first headquarters of the Knights Templar was built on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. The Crusaders called it the Temple of Solomon, as it was built on top of the ruins of the original Temple, and it was from this location that the Knights took their name of Templar.

New members had to willingly sign over all of their wealth and goods to the Order and take vows of poverty, chastity, piety, and obedience. Most brothers joined for life, although some were allowed to join for a set period. Sometimes a married man was allowed to join if he had his wife's permission, but he was not allowed to wear the white mantle.

The red cross that the Templar Knights wore on their robes was a symbol of martyrdom (the symbol was referred to as “cross of the martyr”), and to die in combat was considered a great honour that assured a place in heaven. There was a cardinal rule that the warriors of the Order should never surrender unless the Templar flag had fallen, and even then they were first to try to regroup with another of the Christian orders, such as that of the Hospitallers. Only after all flags had fallen were they allowed to leave the battlefield. This uncompromising principle, along with their reputation for courage, excellent training, and heavy armament, made the Templars the most skilled and feared combat force during the Crusades.

"[A Templar Knight] is truly a fearless knight, and secure on every side, for his soul is protected by the armour of faith, just as his body is protected by the armour of steel. He is thus doubly-armed, and need fear neither demons nor men."

Bernard de Clairvaux, c. 1135, De Laude Novae Militae—In Praise of the New Knighthood

Knights possessed military training, a war horse and military equipment which required a substantial amount of wealth and prestige to acquire.

Distinctive architectural elements of Templar buildings include the use of the image of "two knights on a single horse", representing the Knights' poverty, and round buildings designed to resemble the “Church of the Holy Sepulchre” in Jerusalem.

Origins of the Cross of the Martyr/St George's Cross

Saint George (ca. 275/281 – 23 April 303) was, according to tradition, a Roman soldier in the Guard of Diocletian, who is venerated as a Christian martyr. In hagiography Saint George is one of the most venerated saints in the Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental

Orthodoxy, and the Eastern Catholic Churches. He is immortalised in the tale of Saint George and the Dragon and is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. His memorial is celebrated on 23 April, and he is regarded as one of the most prominent military saints.

St George's Cross was originally the flag of Genoa and was adopted by England and the City of London in 1190 for their ships entering the Mediterranean to benefit from the protection of the powerful Genoese fleet. The maritime Republic of Genoa was rising and going to become, with its rival Venice, one of the most important powers in the world. The English Monarch paid an annual tribute to the Doge of Genoa for this privilege. It was adopted for the uniform of English soldiers during the Crusades of the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth centuries, particularly by the Knights Templar.

Non-combatant members of the Order

Non-combatant members of the Order managed a large economic infrastructure throughout Christendom, innovating financial techniques that were an early form of banking, and building many fortifications across Europe and the Holy Land.

After the fall of Jerusalem - Decline

Jerusalem eventually fell and was taken by the Muslims in 1291. The Temple of Solomon was later demolished by the Muslims and a mosque was built on the site, now known as the Al Aqsa Mosque.

The Templars' success was tied closely to the Crusades; when the Holy Land was lost, support for the Order faded. Rumours about the Templars' secret initiation ceremony created mistrust, and King Philip IV of France, deeply in debt to the Order, began pressuring Pope Clement V to take action against the Order. Getting rid of them was a convenient way of cancelling his debts. In 1307, many of the Order's members in France were arrested, tortured into giving false confessions, and then burned at the stake. Pope Clement was convinced that while the Templar’s had committed some grave sins, they were not heretics. However, in 1312, Pope Clement, under continuing pressure from King Philip, disbanded the Order.

Quick facts

- Active c. 1119–1314 - 15,000–20,000 members at peak, 10% (1500-2000) of whom were knights


Grand Master Gérard de Ridefort was beheaded by Saladin in 1189 at the Siege of Acre.

The last Grand Master was Jacques de Molay, burned at the stake in Paris in 1314 by order of King Philip IV.


Knight is the term for a social position originating in the Middle Ages. Elsewhere, the Portuguese Cavaleiro (like the following, related to "chivalry"), the Spanish Caballero, the Italian Cavaliere, the French "Chevalier", the German Ritter (like the following, related to "rider"), the Swedish Riddare are commonly used in Continental Europe.

Origins of medieval knighthood

The Franks came to dominate Western and Central Europe after the fall of Rome. They generally fielded armies composed of large masses of infantry, with infantry elite, the comitatus, which often rode to battle on horseback rather than marching on foot. Riding to battle had two key advantages: it prevented fatigue, particularly when the elite soldiers wore armour and it gave the soldiers more mobility to react to the raids of the enemy, particularly the invasions of Muslim armies which started in the 7th century. So it was that the armies of the Frankish ruler and warlord Charles Martel, which defeated the Islamic Umayyad Arab invasion at the Battle of Tours in 732, were still largely infantry armies, the elites riding to battle but dismounting to fight in order to provide a hard core for the levy of the infantry war-bands.

These types of knights were increasingly seen as the only true soldiers of Europe.

Knightly Chivalric Code

Knights of the medieval era were asked to "Protect the weak, defenceless, helpless, and fight for the general welfare of all." These few guidelines were the main duties of a medieval knight, but they were very hard to accomplish fully. Rarely could even the best of knights achieve these goals. Knights trained, inter alia, in hunting, fighting, and riding. They were also trained to practise courteous, honourable behaviour, which was extremely important. Chivalry (derived from the French word chevalier implying "skills to handle a horse") was the main principle guiding a knight’s life style. The code of chivalry dealt with three main areas: the military, social life, and religion.The military side of life was very important to knighthood. Along with the fighting elements of war, there were many customs and rules to be followed as well. A way of demonstrating military chivalry was to own expensive, heavy weaponry. Weapons were not the only crucial instruments for a knight: horses were also extremely important, and each knight often owned several horses for distinct purposes. One of the greatest signs of chivalry was the flying of coloured banners, to display power and to distinguish knights in battle and in tournaments. Warriors were not only required to own all these belongings to prove their allegiance: they were expected to act with military courtesy as well. In the years of boyhood, these future warriors were sent off to a castle as pages, later becoming squires. Commonly around the age of 20, knights would be admitted to their rank in a ceremony called "dubbing". Although these strong young men had proved their eligibility, their social status would be permanently controlled. They were expected to obey the code of chivalry at all times, and no failure was accepted.Chivalry and religion were mutually influenced. The early Crusades helped to clarify the moral code of chivalry as it related to religion. As a result, Christian armies began to devote their efforts to sacred purposes.

The Code of Chivalry continued to influence social behaviour long after the actual knighthood ceased to exist, influencing for example the 19th Century Victorian perceptions of how a "gentleman" ought to behave.

Orders of knighthood

- Knights Hospitaller, founded during the First Crusade, 1099- Order of Saint Lazarus established around 1100- Knights Templar, founded 1118, disbanded 1307- Teutonic Knights, established about 1190, and ruled the Monastic State of the Teutonic

Knights in Prussia until 1525

Other orders (Crusader movements) were established with the purpose of re-conquering the Iberian peninsula (Spain) from the Muslims. The orders were under the influence of the orders in the Holy Land. They are known as the Crusader movements of the Reconquista:

- Order of Aviz, established in Avis in 1143- Order of Alcántara, established in Alcántara in 1156- Order of Calatrava, established in Calatrava in 1158- Order of Santiago, established in Santiago in 1164.

Modern day chivalric organisations, Free Masons and similar orders.

Modern day chivalric organisations have nothing to do with knighthood, martyrdom, courage or honour through military service (for the protection of the European people or Christendom). Knighthood has gradually eroded into a corrupt tradition and is now primarily distributed to confer prestige on individuals, very often music producers, sports stars or other cultural personalities.

Free Masonry and similar Christian orders are merely novelty networks and completely non-political. Nevertheless, they should be commended for conserving ancient Christian rituals.



Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici (PCCTS), the Knights Templar

Europe and Christendom has been under constant attack by Islam for the last 1400 years. Charles Martel successfully defended Europe against an invasion launched by the Umayyad Caliphate in 732 at the Battle of Poitiers (current France). In 1683, Western Europe was at the brink of annihilation again, this time by an Ottoman Caliphate invasion. The King of Poland, John III Sobieski and the Holy League successfully defended Europe against an army of more than 150 000 Muslims at the Battle of Vienna.

2009 - Western Europe is being invaded again, this time through demographic warfare (mass Muslim immigration in combination with high Muslim birth-rates). The forces of Islam are flooding the European gates once more, the only difference – the gates are open. Aided and abetted by the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist elites of Western Europe. From 55 000 in 1955, the Muslims are now counting more than 25 million individuals in Western Europe alone. Credible demographic calculations show that the Muslims will reach critical mass (20%) in France and the Netherlands within a couple of decades and a total of 50% by 2083. Peaceful resistance through dialogue started 50 years ago, in an attempt to stop and has been a complete disaster resulting in defeat after defeat in attempts to reverse these actions. We have lost the democratical struggle to save Europe from Islam as it’s simply not possible to compete with regimes who import millions of voters and coerce its own population to accept the ideology of multiculturalism, an ideology bent on the destruction of Western Civilisation and the indirect genocide of Europeans.

The time for dialogue is over. We gave peace a chance. The time for armed resistance has come. PCCTS, Knights Templar on behalf of the free peoples of Europe, hereby declare a pre-emptive war against the cultural Marxist/ multiculturalist regimes of Western Europe. We acknowledge that Europe has been in a technical state of civil war since 1999 when European and US cultural Marxists/multiculturalists, through NATO, decided to attack Christian Serb forces and thus disallowing them their right to repel Islam from their ancestral lands.

The war against the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist regimes of Europe is a pre-emptive war, waged in order to repel, defeat or weaken an ongoing Islamic invasion/ colonisation, to gain a strategic advantage in an unavoidable war before that threat materialises. Thus, we consider this pre-emptive war as completely justifiable as it is a war of self-defence. We cannot afford to wait around and re-act when it is too late. We have anticipated, identified and will act accordingly upon the refuse, volatile, national and international conditions before they become explosive, before they lead us to catastrophe.

PCCTS, the Knights Templar

The PCCTS’s history is a journey of sacrifice, spanning almost a thousand years. Through it all, certain characteristics have remained consistent – strength and honour, courage and martyrdom. The current need for these principles has lead to the re-founding of this ancient Christian European military order.

3.16 PCCTS - Purpose and objectives of re-founding

Short list - overview

The PCCTS, Knights Templar serve as an independent pan-European Military and Criminal Tribunal in the current Western European civil war. We have come to the conclusion that the democratical struggle to save Europe has been lost. Our purpose and goal is to defeat the cultural Marxist/Multiculturalist Alliance of Europe, seize political and military control of Western European countries and implement a cultural conservative political agenda.

PCCTS activities will continue in all three phases of the European civil war until our objectives have been completed.

- Phase 1 – 1999-2030- Phase 2 – 2030-2070- Phase 3 – 2070-2083

Our primary objectives (in phase 1 and 2):

1. We will educate the European peoples about the ongoing political, social and demographical development. We will distribute the content, every single paragraph of the two first books of the compendium “2083” and other works containing the truth about the current development, with the intention of rallying more Europeans for the cause. Distributing content has proven difficult in the past as the current social and political establishment view the content as “politically incorrect” and refuse to acknowledge its relevancy and subsequently

ignore and censor it all together. Creating awareness of specifically defined topics is the essence of our phase 1 struggle. We will launch information campaigns and create awareness by using any means necessary, including distribution of our messages by using lethal shock attacks against concentrations of class A and B traitors in a pan-European context. The primary goal of the shock attacks is not the immediate physical manifestation of the attack (destroying a few buildings, killing a few hundred traitors) but rather the indirect effects. Shock attacks will have the potency to penetrate the strict censorship regime of the cultural Marxists/multiculturalists. Any substantial shock attack will therefore have the potential to do massive ideological damage on the multicultural ideology (as the multicultural dream will become ever so distant) and its propagators in various ways;

- Education of the European peoples – people will be interested to know why buildings around them are falling down and will seek information themselves and/or learn what the media presents

- Moral effect/recruitment - encouraging thousands of brothers and sisters- Creating important military and ideological reference points- Increasing and developing the level of innovation/sophistication of methods applied- Contribution to increase the acceptance level of new methods applied - Discouraging our enemies which may lead to direct/indirect “defection”, or fear/reservations

against criticising right wingers etc.- Contribution to force many Europeans out of their self-induced coma

- Many individuals (especially category A, B and C traitors who until now has just “gone with the flow”) will re-evaluate the premises for their support to multiculturalism (destruction of our European cultures) or at least the premises for allowing mass-Muslim immigration/the ongoing Islamisation and will re-consider if it is really worth the trouble

- Contribution for creating a broader acceptance for defending and support European culture without being target of EUSSR labelling techniques (bigot, fascist, Nazi, racist).

- Marketing the resistance movement- Making moderate cultural conservatives more approachable, by the establishment, by

broadening or expanding the very definition of extreme right wing axis etc. - Many individuals (politically neutral) may start to have reservations against working in

government buildings (near concentrations of category A or B traitors) which will help polarise the left and right.

We will be contributing to re-writing the very fabric of society which will have short term and long term effects.

- We may see police strikes or at least demands for higher salary (especially in countries where there is no tradition for urban revolutionary warfare). Many cultural conservative street police may quit the job as they are uncomfortable and simply unwilling to hunt down and kill militant cultural conservatives. Alternatively, they may also stay and help us in future operations directly or indirectly. Either way, they will be vary of future military operations and will stay out of our way (which will result in a minimum of sympathiser deaths for any future operation). Others may quit for similar reasons. This trend may result in the police force itself turning Muslim which will have reprecautions for as how they are viewed by the public. An increase in Muslim police officers will increase mistrust towards the police and government (just remember the riots in Utrech triggered by a Muslim cop who killed a nationalist).

- The government will have to invest billions on security related fields, which will weaken them financially and might contribute to cuts in other fields.

Practical information we intend to distribute (see topics in the three books):

- What you need to know, Our falsified history and other forms of cultural Marxist/multiculturalist propaganda

- Europe Burning (Contemporary issues)

- A Declaration of preemptive War (demands, charges, tactics and other information meant for internal use.)

2. We will pressure our National Military Commands in Western Europe to start acting in the interest of its people instead of serving the corrupt and suicidal cultural Marxist/multiculturalist governments. Our objective is to convince enough junior/senior military officers that the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist elites are so detached from the reality and its own people that they are no longer serving their interests and as such; the democratical system has been corrupted to a degree that it can no longer solve our problems. Our only remaining chance to save Europe is by labelling the current cultural Marxist/multiculturalist regimes as illegitimate and illegal, seizing political power by initiating military coup d’états, declaring Martial law and create temporary military tribunals. We must convince enough military officers (in Phase 1 and 2) that this is the only pragmatical approach. As such, our objective is to convince enough military officers that the implementation of our agenda (or something equivalent) is the only way Europe can avoid a continued cultural genocide and a future Islamic take-over.

Furthermore, we will attempt to convince individuals in the current governments, the MA100 political parties and the cultural Marxist alliance in general (as many category A, B and C traitors as possible) to acknowledge the fact that:

i. There is a deliberate Islamic demographic warfare being waged against Europe by the Global Islamic Ummah.

ii. Multiculturalism is and has always been an anti-European hate ideology aimed at undermining the indigenous peoples of Europe and destroying European civilisation and culture.

If just a fraction of the current Western European military commands, governments, the MA100 political parties and the news agencies are convinced to acknowledge these and other facts, they will be forced out of their current “apathetic state” and to start acting in the interests of the European people.

3. We will continue to work for the consolidation of the “European right” under one “un-official” banner (ranging from moderate to extreme). This includes the work for a continued consolidation among European right wing intellectuals, political activists and military orders. Emphasis must be on; cooperation to ensure our survival. We will also continue to develop legal/illegal Conservative militias and clandestine military cells.

4. We will create reference points which will contribute to escalate the European civil war faster. The intention is to ensure that we seize power before there is a Muslim majority. By employing and implementing sophisticated methods and mechanics early on we contribute to introduce, legitimise and establish new “methods/traditions” among the resistance movements which will benefit us in all phases.

Military objectives

There have already been thousands of pre-emptive strikes from brave Europeans all over Europe. However, the majority of attacks have been impotent “poop in mailbox” operations with zero to little ideological effect. In order to successfully penetrate the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist media censorship we are forced to employ significantly more brutal and breath taking operations which will result in casualties. In order for the attack to gain an influential effect, assassinations and the use of

weapons of mass destruction must be embraced. When employing such methods the Justiciar Knight becomes a force multiplier, he becomes a one-man army. The continuation of these “humiliating strikes” on the Multiculturalist system will contribute to destroy the cultural Marxist hegemony in Europe.

Any Justiciar Knight of the PCCTS is a person who fights the cultural Marxist/Multiculturalist Alliance with weapons, using unconventional methods. The PCCTS follows a political goal, and focus attacks on the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist government, the MA100 political parties or any individuals who are categorised as a category A or B traitor.

PCCTS’s will use guerrilla warfare against MA100 political parties and individuals who directly or indirectly support the ”cultural Marxist/Multiculturalist Alliance”. Our method of choice is sabotage operatons or the use of shock attacks against concentrations of category A and B traitors throughout phase 1 and 2.

Our objectives also include the aim of radicalising Muslims through strategic attacks on their communities. This will contribute to escalate the conflicts and create increased polarisation which will serve our interests.

We intend to assist in future militia building, clandestine activities, even coup attempts (phase 2 and 3 objective) with the intention to replace the sitting regimes with cultural conservative governments.

3.17 Justiciar Knights tasks and requirements

“If you are not afraid of dying, there is nothing you cannot achieve.”

Lao Tzu

The first and absolutely indispensable thing to do is throw overboard 99 percent of the literature on insurgency, guerrilla warfare, terrorism, and the like as it is of little value.

We train to kill but that doesn’t mean we love violence. We use violence only for self defence, as pre-emptive actions and as a last option. We cannot allow our politically correct elites to sell us, their people, into Muslim slavery. The Multiculturalists and suicidal humanists have flooded Europe with criminals and individuals who are unwilling and unable to assimilate. As a result of these actions, more than 15 000 Europeans have been murdered, more than 500 000 European women have been raped and more than 5 million Europeans have been robbed, ravaged and physically or mentally abused since they opened the European gates in 1955-1970. They bombed the Serbian people, our brothers and sisters, and are currently occupying Serbia. They launched a campaign of political and psychological warfare against Austria when our brethren there managed to mount a democratic alternative. They have institutionalised the genocide of European Christendom, our

cultures and identities in a campaign to forcefully create a cultural Marxists Multicultural utopia. We are fighting to end this suffering, the suffering of the Europeans under cultural Marxism. We are fighting to end the murder, rape and humiliation of the European peoples. History has shown us countless times that no matter how great the empire, how difficult the odds, a man who is not afraid to die can never be defeated. They may have the police and other state institutions on their side but we have the truth on our side. They, the Nazis of our time, will call us terrorists, just like the German Nazis called the WW2 resistance movement terrorists and just like the English called Americans terrorists when they sought independence from tyranny. The English and Scottish people were once labeled as terrorists when they fought against Roman occupation in a war equivalent to 16 Vietnam wars.

What we do today and what we will continue to do for the coming decades is all about setting our people free. We must free all Europeans from cultural Marxism and the shackles of political correctness even though we might not live to see it.

The art of asymmetrical warfare is less about inflicting immediate damage but all about the indirect long term psychological and ideological damage. Our shock attacks are theatre and theatre is always performed for an audience. Our audience and targets are every cultural Marxist, multiculturalist/globalist or suicidal humanists who are currently a part of the EUSSR power hierarchy (the so called category A, B and C traitors). We, the resistance movements, are dispersed all across Europe. The essence of our actions is to convince our enemy that there is nowhere to hide. We are coming for every single one of them, if not today then tomorrow, if not tomorrow then in 10, 30 or even 50 years. We will never forget what they have done and continue to do. It is our responsibility to put a stop to it.


There are several things that should be done by the Justiciar Knight before starting the process of planning and taking up armed struggle.

The first of which is to surround yourself (either online or in real life) with people who support your political ideology but who at the same time does not jeopardise your security in any way. You should therefore avoid any affiliations with known extremists or such groups as they are most likely flagged (individuals and groups who are monitored by your national intelligence agency on so called “watch lists”). The reason why you should surround yourself with “moderate sympathisers” is because you will need a minimum of moral support.

The second is to prepare to leave everyone else you know behind and prepare for a lonely, poor and potentially painful existence of hardship and uncertainty.

As a Justiciar Knight, you are a part of an indestructible network of cells, spread all around Europe that functions without a central command.

No dormant cell can remain inactive waiting for orders from above. Your obligation as a Justiciar Knight/a cell commander is to act on your own initiative. Any single patriot who wants to establish a cell and begin action can do so, and thus becomes a part of the organisation.

The initial advantages of our clandestine cells are:

1. We take the enemy by surprise. 2. We know the terrain of the encounter. 3. We have greater mobility and speed than the police. 4. We are in command of the situation, and demonstrate great decisiveness, which on

the other hand will result in our enemy being stunned and incapable of acting. 5. We are prepared to die in order to complete our objectives.

The technique of surprise is based upon four essential requirements:

a. We know the situation of the enemy we are going to attack, usually by means of precise information and meticulous observation, while the enemy does not know he is going to be attacked and knows nothing about us.

b. We know the strength of the enemy we are going to attack, and the enemy knows nothing about our strength.

c. We attack by surprise in single cells, independent of any hierarchical structure and are therefore saving and conserving our forces, while our enemy is unable to do the same, and is left at the mercy of events.

d. We determine the time and place of the attack, decide its duration and establish its objectives. Our enemy remains ignorant of all of this information.

Knowledge of the terrain

The urban Justiciar Knight's best ally is the terrain, and because this is so he must know it like the palm of his hand. To have the terrain as an ally means to know how to use with intelligence its unevenness, it’s high and low points, its turns, its irregularities, its fixed and secret passages, its abandoned areas, its thickets, etc., taking maximum advantage of all of this for the success of armed actions, escapes, retreats, covers, and hiding places. Impasses and narrow spots, gorges, streets under repair, stationary police posts, and closed-off streets, the entrances and exits to tunnels and sewers and those that the enemy can close off, corners controlled or watched by the police, traffic lights and signals; all this must be thoroughly known and studied in order to avoid fatal errors.

Our challenge is to get through and to know where and how to hide, leaving the enemy bewildered in areas he doesn't know. Being familiar with the avenues, streets, alleys, ins and outs, the corners of the urban centers, its paths and shortcuts, its empty lots, its underground passages, its pipes and sewer systems, the urban resistance fighter safely crosses through the irregular and difficult terrain unfamiliar to the police, where the police can be surprised in a fatal ambush or trap at any moment.

Because he knows the terrain, the Justiciar Knight can pass through it on foot, on bicycle, in a car, and never be trapped.

The Justiciar Knight must know the way in detail, and, in this manner, must go through the schedule ahead of time as a training, to avoid entering alleyways that have no exit.


It is not enough for the urban resistance fighter to have the following in his favour; surprise, speed, knowledge of the terrain, and information. He must also demonstrate his command of any situation and a capacity for decisiveness, without which all other advantages will prove to be useless. Mental strength is key.

It is impossible to carry out any action, however well-planned, if the urban resistance fighter turns out to be indecisive, uncertain and irresolute. Even an action successfully begun can end in defeat if command of the situation and the capacity for decision falter in the middle of the execution of the plan. When this command of the situation and a capacity for decision are absent, the void is filled with hesitation and fear. The enemy takes advantage of this failure and is able to neutralise us.

The secret of the success of any operation, simple or complex, easy or difficult, is to rely on highly motivated and determined men depending on the size of the cell. Strictly speaking, there are no simple operations: all must be carried out with the same care.

Decisiveness means to put into practice the plan that has been devised with determination, with audacity, and with an absolute firmness.

How to carry out the action

The Justiciar Knight must dedicate all his efforts in order to be completely prepared before carrying out actions, for in this he cannot commit the slightest error. Any carelessness in research and learning tactics and their use invites certain disaster, as experience teaches us every day. Common criminals commit errors frequently because of their lack of tactics.

The revolutionary method of carrying out actions is strongly and forcefully based on the knowledge and use of the following elements;

1. Financing your operation2. Safe research and intelligence gathering 3. Acquirement of weapons, body armour and other equipment4. Transportation (having a car/scooter available or rely on expropriation)5. Safe storage in remote caches (The elimination of evidence)6. Reconnaissance or exploration of the terrain 7. Study and timing of routes 8. Simulate the operation again and again (study and practice) 9. Success

3. Distinguished Wielder of the Furious Scimitar Commendation

3. Saudi Liberation of Kuwait With Palm

4 a. Distinguished Infantry Cross Medal4a. Navy Cross

4 b. Distinguished Navy Cross Medal4b. Coast Guard Expert Riffleman

4 c. Distinguished Air Cross Medal4c. Coast Guard Expert Pistol Shot

5. Lord of War Commendation5. Air Force Combat Action

6. Commendation of Clandestine Logistical Excellence6. Coast Guard Arctic Service

7. Commendation of the Financier7. Silver Lifesaving

8. Commendation of Intellectual Excellence8. Broadsword

9. Recruiter Training Commendation9. Recruiter Training

10. Purple Cross Medal10. Purple Heart

11. Prisoner of War11. Prisoner of War

12. Foreign Campaign Medal12. Air Force Small Arms Expert

13. Multi-National Force Medal13. South West Asia Service

14. National Defence Service Medal14. Valorous Unit Citation

15. Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal15. Bronze Star

16. Honourable Crusader Medal16. Air Force Organizational Excellence Award

17. Legacy of Charles Martel & John Sobieski Medal17. Legion of Merit Ribbon

18. Defender of Christendom Medal18. Vietnam Presidential Unit

19. Multi-Cultural Force Medal19. WW1 Victory

Ribbons, ribbon bars and accessories can be ordered from one of the three sites (or any other):
