· Web viewdinner...

5 Language and Vocabulary Root Words and Affixes 1. The teachers needed to strengthen their relationships with their students after the fire at the school. What is the meaning of the word strengthen ? A . without being strong B . to become strong C . unless being strong D . to not become strong 2. Read these sentences. Randy was an impolite dinner guest. He did not use his manners, and he asked everyone rude questions. In which word does the prefix im- mean the same as it does in the word im polite? A . im it ate B . im possi ble C . dim me r D . im agi ne 3. 1

Transcript of  · Web viewdinner...

Page 1:  · Web viewdinner guest. He did not use his manners, and he asked everyone rude questions.In which

5 Language and Vocabulary Root Words and Affixes


The teachers needed to strengthen their relationships with their students after the fire at the school.

What is the meaning of the word strengthen?

A. without being strongB. to become strongC. unless being strongD. to not become strong

2. Read these sentences.

Randy was an impolite dinner guest. He did not use his manners, and he asked everyone rude questions.

In which word does the prefix im- mean the same as it does in the word impolite?

A. imitateB. impossibleC. dimmerD. imagine


Many kids in the class were nervous about the math test. Maria was ready, though. She had studied for it the night before. She was the calmest kid in that class.

The suffix -est in the word calmest means

A. full of.B. study of.C. most.D. between.



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Jackie had hoped to repair his damaged car today, but his efforts were fruitless.

What is the meaning of fruitless?

A. too lateB. unappreciatedC. successfulD. without success

5. Directions: Select the correct text in the passage.

Which word from the passage uses a prefix that means "many"?Culture

     Culture becomes a part of you when you are growing up in a certain place. It can truly shape how you think and how you see the world. Today, you can grow up knowing about more than one culture. If your family moves from place to place, you can learn about other cultures. Kids who have multicultural knowledge are often called Third Culture Kids. These kids travel with their parents around the world. They can learn about how different people think, act, and live. They can also uncover new things they may have in common with other people.

6. Some gas stations that are afraid of theft will require customers to prepay for their gas.

What is the meaning of prepay?

A. pay moreB. pay afterC. pay lateD. pay before



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The school asked the students to sign up for at least three extracurricular activities such as golf, tennis, or volleyball.

What is the meaning of the word extracurricular?

A. during curricularB. beyond curricularC. after curricularD. before curricular

8. The human eye can see most colors. However, the eye cannot see beyond an area of the color violet.

What is the area beyond the color violet called?

A. monovioletB. ambivioletC. ultravioletD. interviolet


The magazine's readership was at an all time low, and they were losing money.

What is the meaning of the word readership?

A. during readingB. needing to be readC. the condition of being readD. the condition of not being read


The superstar Shakira will be doing an international tour soon.


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What is the meaning of international?

A. above nationsB. between nationsC. under nationsD. with nations


I meant well, but I was misunderstood. Now, everyone is mad at me because of what I said.

How does the prefix mis- change the meaning of the word understood?

A. The prefix mis- changes the meaning to "wrongly understood."B. The prefix mis- changes the meaning to "understood again."C. The prefix mis- changes the meaning to "understood many."D. The prefix mis- changes the meaning to "beyond understood."


People like to hear my grandma laugh. Even though she is an old woman, she still has a girlish giggle.

What does the word girlish mean?

A. good laughB. like a girlC. former girlD. able to laugh


The protester used nonviolent acts like protesting to get the council's attention.


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What is the meaning of the word nonviolent?

A. more violenceB. without violenceC. before violenceD. with violence


The timekeeper made sure people weren't going over their number of minutes in the game.

What is the meaning of the word timekeeper?

A. one who keeps timeB. one who loses timeC. without timeD. needing time

15. What is the root word for the word bacteriology?

A. acteriolB. bacteriaC. terioloD. riology

16. Read these sentences.

The teacher bought a new flag for the classroom. The students worked together to unfold the flag and hang it up above the chalkboard.

In which word does un- mean the same as it does in the word unfold?

A. uncoverB. underC. funnyD. uncle


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The computer technician will transfer the old files to the new computer so that no data is lost.

What does the word transfer mean?

A. to moveB. to cancelC. to deleteD. to write


Tianna waited until she was 15 before her mother allowed her to ride the subway to get to school.

What is the meaning of the word subway?

A. against the wayB. with the wayC. over the wayD. below the way


The fantasy writer Terry Brooks has a Web site about his adventurous worlds of imagination.

What does the word adventurous mean?

A. without adventureB. having adventureC. the study of adventureD. before an adventure


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20. Georgie did not feel prepared for her test this afternoon. She felt _______.

A. overpreparedB. ultrapreparedC. unpreparedD. reprepared

21. Soil is divided into different layers. There is topsoil and, below it, there is _______.

A. subsoilB. oversoilC. presoilD. resoil


In science class, the teacher measured a microgram of powder.

What is the meaning of the bolded word?

A. a small gramB. a bad gramC. not a gramD. a full gram


Eve usually took good care of her dog. However, lately, she's been neglectful in her duties.

What is the meaning of the bolded word?

A. full of neglectB. good neglectC. not neglectingD. neglect before


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Sometimes my best friend and I disagree, but we know it's fine to have different opinions.

How does the prefix dis- change the meaning of the word agree?

A. The prefix dis- changes the meaning to "not agree."B. The prefix dis- changes the meaning to "agree too much."C. The prefix dis- changes the meaning to "agree after."D. The prefix dis- changes the meaning to "both agree."


My family went on a trip from Texas to Minnesota. We were able to drive on the interstate the whole way.

What is an interstate?

A. a road in cold regionsB. a road that stays in one stateC. a road that connects statesD. a road in the country

26.      The roads on Loop 12 were shut down for months to repair the potholes that had caused so much damage to the cars that drove on the freeway. But the day it opened back up, it looked as if nothing had been fixed, and the roads looked untouched.

In the passage, the word untouched means

A. to touch again.B. not to be touched.C. to have a bad look.D. to make something fast.



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The postgame highlights showed LeBron James dunking over Ben Wallace.

What is the meaning of postgame?

A. with the gameB. during the gameC. before the gameD. after the game

28.      Jerrod was so happy he had finally received the package in the mail. He had been waiting for weeks for the package to arrive, and when he saw the postman pull up the door, he knew the package had come. He ran outside to meet the postman, and upon signing for the box, he was so excited, he had to remind himself how to spell his name.

What does the word remind mean?

A. to forgetB. to rememberC. to decideD. to help

29. If someone acts like a baby, then he or she is babyish. Similarly, if something is like a cartoon, it is _______.

A. recartoonB. cartoonishC. cartoonableD. cartoonest


Mr. Falloway said he was tired of the room's disorganization, and he wanted it clean.

What is the meaning of the word disorganization?

A. too much organizingB. not organized


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C. always organizingD. well organized


I felt the most dizzy in the fun house. I was perfectly fine when I sat outside.

What word can replace the words most dizzy?

A. undizzyB. dizzilyC. redizzyD. dizziest


The director of the play had specific ideas in mind and wouldn't listen to anyone.

What is the meaning of the word director?

A. without directionB. unable to directC. needing directionD. one who directs


The dogs in the shelter were sick from starvation.

What is the meaning of the word starvation?

A. before starvingB. the process of starvingC. after starvingD. without starving


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34.      As the ride started, Susan closes her eyes and clenched her hands onto the handles. The roller coaster rose, and the ground moved farther and farther away from her feet. When she opened her eyes, she was at the top of the ride looking down on the amusement park. She felt weightless above everyone below her staring up.

In the passage, the word weightless means

A. feeling heavy.B. with lots of strength.C. pulling away.D. having no weight.

35. A submarine travels _______.

A. above the waterB. against the waterC. under the waterD. outside of the water


The agreement between the two sections said that each could use the printer.

What is the meaning of the word agreement?

A. a result of agreeingB. to not agreeC. to agree too muchD. to agree first


Andre wasn't worried about the damage to his car; it was easily fixable.

What is the meaning of fixable?


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A. beyond fixingB. difficult to fixC. already fixedD. able to be fixed


The transfer student seemed likeable to the entire class.

What is the meaning of likeable?

A. unknown likingB. able to be likedC. without likingD. not able to be liked


The show left people in disbelief.

What is the meaning of disbelief?

A. without beliefB. to believe afterC. between beliefD. to believe again


Charles misspoke when he said he would be able to attend the party.

What is the meaning of the word misspoke?

A. to speak too muchB. to speak right


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C. to speak wrongD. to not speak


The team's biggest weakness was that they didn't trust each other to play well.

What is the meaning of the word weakness?

A. one who is weakB. state of being weakC. being weakD. state of not being weak


I got a painful injury when I was playing on the monkey bars last week. I lost my grip on a bar and fell down. I broke my arm and have to wear a cast.

How does the suffix -ful change the meaning of the word pain?

A. The suffix -ful changes the meaning to "the most pain."B. The suffix -ful changes the meaning to "without pain."C. The suffix -ful changes the meaning to "full of pain."D. The suffix -ful changes the meaning to "small pain."


Newton was the most fearless player on the football team.

What is the meaning of the word fearless?

A. during fearB. lacking fearC. hoping for fear


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D. with fear

44.      A submarine ride is an amazing experience. It gives people a rare chance to travel underwater. It lets people see creatures of the sea. Submarines for tourists have plenty of space and large windows for viewing. They're even air conditioned!

In the paragraph, the word submarine means

A. a sea animal that people can ride.B. a ride in a new and magical place.C. a vessel that can move under the sea.D. a machine that can fly over water.


Shawna went to the movie even though she thought she would dislike it.

What is the meaning of dislike?

A. like a littleB. want to likeC. not likeD. like a lot

46.      In Greek mythology, there were once two brothers named Epimetheus and Prometheus. Epimetheus' name was said to mean "after thought." He was foolish and careless, and he was incapable of thinking ahead. In contrast, Prometheus' name meant "forethought." He was clever and the gods favored him.

In the passage, what is the meaning of the word forethought?

A. extra thinkingB. more thinkingC. thinking wellD. thinking before



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My sisters can draw pictures, play the piano, and sing songs. I can't do anything; I'm talentless.

What is the meaning of the bolded word?

A. beyond talentB. without talentC. below talentD. same talent


According to the rules, both teams should interact nicely with each other.

What is the meaning of interact?

A. to act afterB. to act in betweenC. to not actD. to act before


Raul said he didn't believe in ghosts when the guide was talking about the supernatural.

What is the meaning of the word supernatural?

A. during naturalB. below naturalC. above naturalD. too much natural



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Myra speaks only in monosyllables when she is scared.

How many syllables does Myra use when she is scared?

A. fiveB. oneC. manyD. two


Shelly lost some time during the three-mile run. She wanted to gain again the time she had lost.

What word can replace the words gain again?

A. postgainB. regainC. misgainD. ungain

52. If someone believes in nonviolence, what does he or she believe?

A. no violenceB. between violenceC. lots of violenceD. more violence


In the display case, all the jewelry was uniform. The pieces all had very similar shapes and sizes.

In the word uniform, what does the prefix uni- mean?


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A. notB. nearC. oneD. bad


The movie was extraordinary.

What is the meaning of extraordinary?

A. more than ordinaryB. a little ordinaryC. less than ordinaryD. before ordinary

55.      Matthew was feeling bad and really didn't want to go on the trip. He waited until the last minute to pack his suitcase. He complained. He pouted. In the end, as much as he dug his foot into the ground he unwillingly prepared for the long drive to California.

In the passage, what does the word unwillingly mean?

A. not to want againB. to be gladC. not willingD. to be wanting


He will prewrite for at least 10 minutes.

What is the meaning of prewrite?

A. to write againB. to be against writingC. to write beforeD. to write after


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The first game of the year postdates Memorial Day.

What does post in postdates mean?

A. beforeB. sometimeC. afterD. during

58. Directions: Select the correct text in the passage.

Which word in the passage uses a prefix that means "above" or "beyond"?My Little Brother

        Every Thursday afternoon, my family goes to the grocery store to buy food for the weekend. I really don't like this weekly trip. My little brother always acts so immature. He runs around the supermarket  shouting. Every week he gets lost and starts crying. My mom always asks me to watch him, but I reject her request because I don't want to be responsible for his behavior. When he finds his way back to the rest of the family, my dad usually gives him a banana as a treat. When we leave the market, my brother tries to dispose of the peel in the trash can. Usually he misses, and I have to pick it up.


Jared calmly walked out of the building during the fire drill.

The suffix of the word calmly means

A. too much calmness.B. with calmness.C. during calmness.


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D. without calmness.


The movie theater had a preview of this summer's blockbuster for free.

What is the meaning of preview?

A. view afterB. view beforeC. view laterD. view during

61. Read these sentences.

Kids who are eleven and twelve years old are called preteens. They are not quite teenagers, but they start to have more responsibilities.

In which word does pre- mean the same as it does in the word preteen?

A. presidentB. preschoolC. pressD. spread


The story about clumsy lion cubs who meet strange animals was quite humorous.

What does the word humorous mean?

A. too many jokesB. without laughsC. having humorD. the most funny


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My teacher does not want me to do too many things at once. She's worried I will make a mistake if I multitask.

The prefix multi- in the word multitask means

A. many.B. hard.C. against.D. after.


The cloth was interwoven with bright and dark colors.

What is the meaning of the bolded word?

A. woven againstB. woven wronglyC. woven beforeD. woven between

65.      Sammy has an essay due on Friday. He finished writing the first draft of his paper and looked over it. Since two minds are better than one, he asked his friend to review his paper.

In the paragraph, the word review means

A. to not look at.B. to look at before.C. to look at again.D. to look away from.

Many English words and word parts can be traced back to Latin and Greek. By learning what parts of words mean, you can figure out the meanings of bigger words that you might not know at first glance. Look at the chart below, and then, answer the question.


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Latin & GreekWord Part Meaning Latin & Greek

Word Part Meaning

tele from a distance anthro humans; people

contra against hemi half

dict to say mis to hate

66. Read this sentence.

"Don't contradict me!" she yelled when someone did not agree with her opinion.

In the sentence above, what does the word contradict mean?

A. to say something against someoneB. to hate someone's personal opinionsC. to say something from a distanceD. to say something kind to someone

67. Read this sentence.

Mr. Smith was an angry misanthrope who never talked to anybody.

In the sentence above, the word misanthrope most likely means

A. someone who hates people.B. someone who hates speaking.C. someone who loves to travel.D. someone who loves people.

A Disaster Run

     Hurricane! The word stirs us to action. We go to sleep one night comfortable in the knowledge that Earl is a tropical storm. The next morning the radio announcer tells us Earl is a hurricane and we are in its path.     It's Wednesday morning, and Mom and I are on the way to the grocery store. We finish our business quickly and make a phone call to make sure my dad has heard the news. The grocery store is crowded with people hurrying to buy emergency supplies. We load our cart with bottled water, batteries, ice and canned foods, and wait in line at the checkout counter, wishing we had heeded yesterday's warnings to make preparations early.      We push our cart toward our car, and we're getting soaked. We have an umbrella,


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but we can't manage it while we push the cart, unlock the car, and unload the groceries.

     We hurry home and unload the car. We put on dry clothes, and I think about the plywood boards in the storage shed; they're cut to fit each window. I wish we'd put them up yesterday. We start bringing the plants in from the porches.      We watch the wind and rain from the doorway. There are strong gusts now. At 5:30 p.m. we lose our power and have to depend on our battery-powered radio for information about the hurricane. It's getting dark, and we light candles and put them in the fireplace behind the screen. We try to keep our flashlights with us, but I misplace mine sometimes and have to find it. We sit on our back porch in the dark, listening to the radio and the sound of the wind and the rain. At last we hear that the hurricane is expected to make landfall east of us. We feel we've seen the worst of the storm. We go to bed and drift off to sleep.      Thursday morning is sunny and bright. The leaves from the sweet-gum tree covering the lawn are the only traces left of Earl.     The sand at the beach is smooth and firm. Western Lake force-feeds its brackish contents into an angry Gulf of Mexico. The contents mix with the gulf's great muddy swells that explode and spew white foam into the air near the shore.      This time we escaped widespread damage and destruction. We are back at work or school, picking up where we were before Earl intruded into our routines. The hurricane forced some of us, belatedly and reluctantly, to make disaster preparations.      We can think of Earl as a practice run, and use the lessons we learned to become better prepared should another disaster threaten.      Hurricane season doesn't end until November.

68. What is the root word of escaped?

A. scapedB. apedC. capeD. escape

69. In the passage, the word unload means

A. to put something in something else.B. to hide something.C. to take something out of something.D. to take a load off your feet.

70. In the passage, what does the word comfortable mean?

A. filled with comfortB. comfort again


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C. discomfortD. no comfort

A Disaster Run

     Hurricane! The word stirs us to action. The radio announcer tells us Earl is a hurricane, and we are in its path.     It's Wednesday morning, and Mom and I are on the way to the grocery store. We finish our business quickly and make a phone call to make sure my dad has heard the news. The grocery store is crowded with people hurrying to buy emergency supplies. Checkout takes a long time.     We push our cart toward our car, and we're getting soaked. We have an umbrella, but we can't manage it while we push the cart and load the car with groceries. Luckily, we had left the car unlocked.     We hurry home so we can get the house ready for the storm. I nail plywood boards in front of each window. Mom brings the plants in from the porches. We take the breakable items, like plates, and wrap them in soft blankets.     The storm gets worse. At 5:30 p.m. we lose our power and have to depend on our battery-powered radio for information about the hurricane. It's getting dark, and we light candles and put them in the fireplace behind the screen. We try to keep our flashlights with us, but I misplace mine sometimes and have to find it. Finally, we hear that the hurricane is expected to make landfall east of us. We don't have to worry anymore, so we go to bed and drift off to sleep. It was an eventful day.

71. Read this sentence from the passage.

"It was an eventful day."

The word eventful means the same as

A. windy.B. busy.C. happy.D. boring.

72. Read this sentence from the passage.

"We take the breakable items, like plates, and wrap them in soft blankets."

What does the word breakable mean?

A. can be brokenB. broken twiceC. full of breaks


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D. breaks near

73. Read this sentence from the passage.

"We try to keep our flashlights with us, but I misplace mine sometimes and have to find it."

What does the word misplace mean?

A. to put in a safe placeB. to take a wrong stepC. to put in the wrong placeD. to find a lost item

74. Read this sentence from the passage.

"Luckily, we had left the car unlocked."

What does the word unlocked mean?

A. locked againB. locked twiceC. not lockedD. too locked

75. Read this sentence from the passage.

"We finish our business quickly and make a phone call to make sure my dad has heard the news."

How does the suffix -ly change the meaning of the word quick?

A. It changes the meaning to in a fast manner.B. It changes the meaning to without speed.C. It changes the meaning to the study of speed.D. It changes the meaning to not fast.

76. Technology Enhanced Questions are not available in Word format.

A Safe Biking Trip


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     It was going to be a good day for Jimmy. His new friend Ted was spending the day with him. The boys were going to ride their bikes on the new bike trail. Jimmy checked his clothing to make sure nothing could get caught in the bike. He was careful to follow the bike safety rules that he had read in a magazine.      "Mom," he called, "can we take a picnic lunch?"      "Why, yes," his mom replied. "You can take peanut butter sandwiches and some cans of juice." Jimmy started making the sandwiches. He put the sandwiches and juice in his backpack, and looked out the window just as Ted arrived.      "Hi, Ted." Jimmy yelled. "I made some sandwiches. We can have a picnic."      "Great," answered Ted. "My mom gave me some cookies." Then Jimmy discovered that Ted was not wearing a helmet.      "Where's your helmet?" he asked      "Uh, I forgot it." Ted answered. "I guess I was in too big a hurry."      "Well, my parents won't let me ride without one." Jimmy explained. "They say that most biking injuries happen when people don't wear helmets."      "Okay, I suppose we can go back and get it." Ted said.      Jimmy's mom waved at the boys as they left. "Have fun," she called. "And don't forget to look for rocks and other things on the path that might make you fall."      The boys walked their bikes to Ted's house and got his helmet. Then both boys put their helmets on and took off on the new bike path. They rode single file along the path, going around the walkers on the left. By the time they got to the park, the boys were thirsty and hungry. Jimmy gave a ranger his prepaid park ticket, and the boys rode to the picnic site. After they ate their sandwiches and drank their juice they took a walk along the nature trail. Soon it was time to go home.     "You know, I'm glad you reminded me about my helmet," Ted told Jimmy. "It sure wouldn't be much fun to have an accident. That would make me very unhappy.      "I can't disagree with that," said Jimmy. "I've read some other rules about biking, too. Did you know that bikers follow the same rules that motorists do? They are supposed to ride on the right side of the road, and stop at all stop signs and traffic lights. At busy intersections, bikers are supposed to get off their bikes and walk them."     "You sure know a lot about biking safety," his friend said. From now on I'll always remember to bring my helmet."      It's fun biking when you follow the safety rules and have a safe trip.

77. The word careful in the passage means

A. in a hurry.B. without care.C. full of care.D. carelessly.

78. Jimmy gave the ranger his prepaid ticket. What does prepaid mean?

A. already paid


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B. to oweC. not paidD. to be paid

79. In the passage, the word discovered means

A. to disco.B. to cover up.C. to find out.D. untangled.

80. In the passage, unhappy means

A. not happy.B. not well.C. sick.D. glad.

81. What is the root word of arrived?

A. arriveB. arrC. ivedD. rive

82. What is the root word of spending?

A. dingB. endC. spendD. spe

83. Milton Music Show   The Milton Elementary School choir will sing four songs at the spring show. The fifth grade band will provide accompaniment. Both the band and the choir will receive awards after their combined performance.

Directions: Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.


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Use your knowledge of the suffix -ment to determine the meaning of the underlined word.

An accompaniment is the  .

Answers1. B 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. -- 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. B 16. A 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. C 21. A 22. A 23. A 24. A 25. C 26. B 27. D 28. B 29. B 30. B 31. D 32. D 33. B 34. D 35. C 36. A 37. D


Page 28:  · Web viewdinner guest. He did not use his manners, and he asked everyone rude questions.In which

5 Language and Vocabulary Root Words and Affixes

38. B 39. A 40. C 41. B 42. C 43. B 44. C 45. C 46. D 47. B 48. B 49. C 50. B 51. B 52. A 53. C 54. A 55. C 56. C 57. C 58. -- 59. B 60. B 61. B 62. C 63. A 64. D 65. C 66. A 67. A 68. D 69. C 70. A 71. B 72. A 73. C 74. C 75. A 76. -- 77. C 78. A 79. C 80. A 81. A 82. C 83. --


Page 29:  · Web viewdinner guest. He did not use his manners, and he asked everyone rude questions.In which

5 Language and Vocabulary Root Words and Affixes